#annika s2
gingesbecray · 8 months
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Annika series 2 has started and it's awesome and it's Nicola Walker and she's brilliant and I hope you're all watching!
My recap of Annika S2:E01:
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in-kyblogs · 15 days
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“Not his time, Annika”
Théâtre des Vampires - pt. 2 // pt. 1 // pt. 3
Do you know what it means to be loved by Death? - GIF sets, pt. 4 // pt. 1 // pt. 2 // pt. 3
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blueiight · 1 month
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This season also spends a considerable amount of time on several characters’ indoctrination into the Parisian Theatre des Vampires. It’s an effective framework for this particular chapter of Louis and Armand’s story. These sequences are so staggeringly beautiful and a stunning distillation of what Interview with the Vampire represents. It’s such a unique breed of horror that could only be found in this series and harkens back to classical genre storytelling like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari or the works of F.W. Murnau or Fritz Lang.
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ofpd · 1 year
video description: clips from succession of roman roy and his relationship with gerri kellman, set to the song "i'm just a girl in love" from crazy ex girlfriend. end description.
he has absolutely zero underlying issues to address!!
happy birthday @milfsexualromanroy!! here's to more of them in season 4
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nessberry · 12 days
Tbh Annikas actress completely stole that scene from Santiago and the other vampires for me. Her performance left me feeling more disturbed and horrified than anything that has happened in the show so far. I could hardly concentrate on the rest of the episode after her death and I felt completely cold towards and disgusted by all the other vampires for the rest of the ep, including claudia and louis, which hasn't happened for me before then despite all that's happened. She was incredible!! She made my blood curdle and my heart race in terror for her.
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thisisaheist · 9 months
Wild Annika theory... (Spoilers for the S2 finale)
Okay, so, I do need to rewatch the whole season... but I kind-of have this theory that Annika's father did burn down the barge, BUT he did it to hide the evidence of him having been on the barge at the time of her death?
Like... this may just be because I'm a massive fan of Rebecca Root and would love it if she showed up again in the S3 premiere, but there has to be some connection with the fact that the murder victim apparently came over to Alex's place for drinks... and the fact that she was discovered to be poisoned, right?
Unless Alex was lying about how close they were, I'm not sure what the motive would be for her to have killed her neighbour. So, I sort of have this other wild theory... which, a quick google of 'how long does it take for someone to die after ingesting antifreeze?' surprisingly does support... if she often went to Alex's place to drink, then it's completely possible that she could have drank something unknowingly laced with antifreeze, died anywhere from 24 to 72 hours later, potentially even dropping dead WHILE meeting with Magnus... and not have been anyone's intended target at all.
I mean, we don't know a whole lot about Alex Carrigan - other than the fact that she's in a band and tends to be quite private about her past. So it's definitely possible that there could have been someone out there with enough of a grudge against Alex to, idk, gift her with a poisoned bottle of wine after a gig or something?
The fact that they probably drank together, and Alex is fine, doesn't entirely back this up... but the bottle of whatever Jaqueline was drinking could have spilt or broken or maybe Alex was drinking something else that night, because she's not that into red wine or gin or whatever it was, but it's free so someone should have it... etc.
Of course, I have absolutely no idea what the writers have planned, and maybe Magnus is the killer, after all. And... I've concocted a whole wild theory purely out of a desire to see Rebecca Root get more screen-time with Nicola Walker 😂 Anyway, I'm really hoping the show gets renewed for a 3rd season and we get to find out!
(There is also the much simpler theory, that Alex murdered her neighbour with a somewhat slow-acting poison, knowing she would likely have an alibi at the time of actual death... possibly in retaliation for something that occurred a long time ago, some sort of police incident or whathaveyou... but I don't really want Rebecca's character to be the killer. I just want her to turn up again, and still be involved in the case.)
Again... sorry if this is, like, totally weird of me, putting this much speculation into a fictional murder case on show with a very tiny fandom.
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S2 of Annika be like 'saike! your found family is actually your biological family!'
(i mean i'm only 2 episodes in and i'm sure at least 3 people will be awkward and grumpy and fuck it up and feel too guilty angry with themself to fix it, but that's just life and there's always the next season)
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doctorwhoisadhd · 9 months
oh NO
im on annika s2 ep2 and this CANNOT be how she tells him. He signed her up for standup????? im literally so scared cause she WOULD ofc shes that dysfunctional
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rahullkohli · 10 months
psa: this is a nick nelson protection account.
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funtheysaid · 16 days
IWTV 2x02 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- ooh the title card changed! I’ve been wanting to see the Eiffel Tower as a “fang” since season two was announced. WE IN PARIS BABY!
- ayooo three-way (interview) incoming
- Daniel’s “Paris sucks” aka “Paris is where my ex-bf is from and he sucks (dick), but not mine anymore, and no, I’m not bitter abt that, his city just fucking stinks (literally)”
- not two minutes in and Devil’s Minion is already flirting bickering
- ALICE MENTION alice!armand truthers are gon love that shit i just know
- “I’ll tell you what a woman is” That’s my sapphic-coded queen!!! 🕯️ pls S2 give me claudeleine 🕯️
- “Gauche” well, yes.
- Loumand: 🥰🥰 Daniel: 🙄 he‘s so second-hand embarrassed for them I can’t
- Louis would be that faux-intellectual hipster who has his own darkroom full of overexposed and blurry, unfocused photos that are his “art” bc he took them on film (affectionate)
- Not claudia calling him out on it in the next scene “let me think I’m deeper than I am” okay honey you do you
- “She’s miserable but she doesn’t want to fuck with your too delusional left bank dilettante vibes” ahh the narrative foils are foiling, I see
- The show: Alice was pregnant, My dumb ass: OMEGAVERSE DEVILS MINION !?!?
- “joyfully joyless” MOOD.
- Claudia looking at Madeleine like “I don’t know if I want to be her or be with her” Dw babe it’s a rite of passage for all of us you’ll figure it out
- “Your French is ugly” 🥹👉👈 weally?
- “the dress for my body” LOOK I know what she meant, but I can’t help it that my mind is perverted
- okay why Loumand playing with my heart “I will never harm you. And I never have” wtf wtf wtf
-Oh no the ole business card trick! we all know that’s Louis’ kryptonite he loves a man with credentials
- i like girls, but why is santiago kinda…
- Woah the Annika scene was really hard to watch which I think was the point but goddamn idk if I’ll be able to rewatch that part
- Estelle is my self-insert. I’m claiming her.
- “You both fucked Lestat!?!” HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WANTED HIM TO SAY THAT!?
- “He tasted of vermouth and annihilation” We both know you have no earthly idea what that man tastes like, Armand. Be so fucking fr right now.
- Did Armand just casually drop that he had a threesome with a father and son? I’m sorry, sir????
- “Now I know what two blood fat cocks slapping hands feel like” When I tell you my spirit left my body
- oh shit here we go. I’m a caged animal and it’s time for my weekly enrichment. give me my loustat.
- there’s a letter !?!? Wait wait I wasn’t ready for something like this wait stop stop please
- “all my love belongs to you. you are its keeper” just take me out back and shoot me at this point
- “it is a thin veil” fucking fuck why was that so romantic??
- the blood tears welling up in Lestat’s eyes I’m-
- “Rebound of my life” and in that moment, he spoke for the people
- WHAT IS HAPPENING???? Jesus Christ, they were talking about Alice and then it cuts to FUCKING ARMAND!?! This is not a drill. Everyone to your stations, this is not a drill.
- “You sold your Dad’s playboy magazines at recess” Hmmm? You’re telling me a “straight” teenage boy sold porno mags instead of keeping them for himself??? Yeah, I call gay on that one
- “she wanted to say yes” you motherfuckers.
- Oh shit Louis is pissy tonight rawr kitty got claws
- Devils minion girlies are thriving, skin glowing, hair silky, breath minty, pillow cold, stomach full, dreams sweet, and by Jove, we fucking deserve it !!!!
- daniel’s shaky “um- gulp” …….guys this is gonna sound crazy but i think there might actually be a god
- ooh the camera/photography being like a divide or barrier between Louis and his present situation. Like he wants to capture the moments, but only as if an onlooker and not a participant… interesting!
- “Who?” will never not be funny
- “Mon ami” in the same episode as “Mon Cher” FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW
- “Armand for you” nah nah nah i changed my mind, you can do like Leatherface and shove that chainsaw in rough and hard
- Close up on Louis’ conflicted face, fire blazing behind him…. That’s not foreboding in any way. I’m sure they’ll all live happily ever after from now on :D
What a ride! Until next week! 🧛‍♂️🩸
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isagrimorie · 2 months
Repeating on a theme on Seven's Borg implants (read here for previous posts)
Because I'm still obsessed with Seven's Borg tech and how much of her is organic. Supposedly EMH took out 82% of Seven's Borg tech and took out many over the years Seven still has a lot of working Borg tech and nanoprobes more than other xB around.
One thing I just noticed from Equinox, part 2 is how we see Seven's ocular implant without the casing:
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This is where it makes it so obvious that Seven's head is mostly metal because that is a skin cut out showing what's underneath that skin. Also that there are various lights under there we didn't know about.
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Look at how shiny Seven's metallic skull is without skin.
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The configuration of Seven's head is mostly just metal.
In this Picard s2 prop - this Borg skull only has a fraction of what Seven has underneath her skin:
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Seven's entire cranium is made of metal.
That is why when Narissa bashed Seven's head on the console Seven didn’t lose consciousness and only made Seven a little dizzy, and pissed her off more tbh.
An organic person would've had a concussion and maybe even died.
I wonder if Seven looks like a Terminator beneath the skin.
(This is brought to you by having just rewatched Terminator 1 & 2).
Because as we saw in Imperfections scratch the skin underneath and she seems to have metal exoskeleton as implants.
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Speaking of further body horror-- Even when the Borg deadened Seven’s nerve endings, Seven still felt the pain of having her occipital ocular installed:
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During or after her procedure, even with all the precautions that the body wouldn't feel a thing, Seven remembered feeling the pain. (It makes me wonder if Unimatrix!Annika felt the pain or it was something she could block out).
A fan theory I subscribe to posited that Seven is a Borg Queen candidate.
This would go a long way explaining why Seven has some form of individual identity and why the Borg Queen has a special interest re: Seven.
Aside from being assimilated at a young age, this would also account for the number of implants in her system.
Even among her own unimatrix, she was the one calling the shots and enforcing the Borg rules.
All the Borg Queens we've seen only have their heads and upper torso.
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Seven might have been on her way to a similar fate. Her spine's already reinforced.
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I'm pretty sure one or both of Seven's legs from the knee down are prosthetic legs ala Edward Elric.
(Also there was a VOY writer who seemed keen on blowing up Seven's legs -- the first version of The Raven has Seven becoming a terminator and to stop her the crew apparently needed to blow up her legs, and she had to crawl her way to Janeway—thankfully someone in the writer’s room said “WTF??”, Because WTF???I'm so glad someone went: No, dude).
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As possible evidence that one or both of Seven’s legs are prosthetics: when she was unconscious during The Gift we can see there are wires on Seven's left kneecap.
And I don't know if that shin armor is exoplating or if prostheses have replaced her legs.
There's so much about Seven we don't really know about and I really want to know more about her functional Borg components and to settle, once and for all, if by Picard's time, she still needs to regenerate.
I'm on the camp that Seven still needs to regenerate.
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murfpersonalblog · 9 days
IWTV S2 Ep3 Musings - Loumand
Last post, I promise; I needed another nap; this ep's a freaking rollercoaster. And these two queens nearly gave me a stress ulcer!
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DEBATABLE, Louis. I can think of FAR worse vamps than you, love.
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Why're y'all having this whole conversation where anyone can hear?
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They got Sartre's wall-eyes down; good makeup this season, team! 👌
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DreamStat's a Loumand bed-death truther, jfc. 😭
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I wanna know EXACTLY what Armand sees--or "feels"--whenever DreamStat pops up in Lou's head. Cuz he clearly knows precisely where Les is; he looks right in his direction. But does he HEAR Les too? (God I hope not, this song would've had me SEETHING--Back to Hell with you! 😅)
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"Oh dear" indeed; I was HOLLERING.
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Armand looked PISSED, I was scared for Louis' life! And he DOES know, actually, yes Lou. I can almost GUARANTEE that he knows PRECISELY where Lestat is AT THIS VERY MOMENT, yes Lou.
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If only you knew.... 😬
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Claudia's suffered more than Christ. And nice cut to Daniel sneaking around with Raglan James as Armand talks about Furies punishing "human wrongdoing." It's really interesting that Armand told the lawyer that LOUIS is the owner of the paintings. Is he the owner of the penthouse too? HOW MANY DEEDS DOES HE HAVE, ROLIN?
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I wonder what AMC might be saying about Loumand's art collection, not just wrt what we know about art heist!Armand (which we'll likely see a nod to in Ep4 at the Louvre); but also wrt what we know about Dubai's godawful neocapitalist hellscape economy, and Loumand's "moralizing" about Parisian black markets in S01E02.
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I wonder if that's the excuse Armand'll give the coven when Louis shows up for dinner in Ep4--very much NOT dead; and rips out Santiago's tongue.
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WILD voice-over, cuz you KNOW that's what Santiago was thinking, too, LOL. (You wish, Francis.) But yes: Louis' finna end your whole career. XD
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Another TERRIFYING jumpscare from the coven, like in Ep2 with Annika. Louis, I am shocked & appalled--can you not HEAR all these vamps planning your bloody murder around you? CLAUDIA! WTF!?
But this is how you know Armand's true personality--he hates getting his hands dirty. He kills all the time, but he makes his victims' deaths pretty. He'd rather sit back & let Lestat/Louis come in and wreck his whole coven, even though he has the power to just light those mofos up all on his own! I wish AMC emphasized a bit more that Armand not only writes/directs the plays--he's an ACTOR, too. And istg he's an expert at PRETENDING to be helpless, meanwhile he's the strongest vamp that's NOT one of the Children of the Millennia (thanks to how well Marius made him).
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Armand, that is LOW; waiting until Claudia's stuck under the oaths b4 you tell her she's guilty of breaking Great Laws she doesn't even know about yet. WTF?
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How TF you gon' hold Louis accountable for following the Laws when he wasn't even allowed to be in the effing room when they were read!? He's not even a member! WTF! (I get it--any rogue vampires are subject to death, yadayada; we know it's a stupid policy.)
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I love how he plans to leave by himself here--it had nothing to do with picking "another one" over Claudia. He just didn't want to hold her back anymore. And his presence was causing problems. 😭 It's so cute that Louis' stipulation about London was that if it's "too large" he'd leave and go to Ireland (?!?)--he's become agoraphobic or something? He just wants to be alone in his hermit hole--MOOD. 😭
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Good to get confirmation that the Fire Gift here is Armand and blessedly NOT Santiago--so why's he zooming around in the sewers?
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Look, sometimes folks make terrible first impressions--Lestat was being hella racist, Louis' always playing defense, Armand was finna kill Louis in a gay public park. It happens.
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Foreshadowing like crazy, as usual.
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WILD thing to say. I'm gonna cry, please stop.
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(What kinda hypocrisy is that, when you were made young your dang self!?) She's already 30+ years old--maybe she'll last a little longer if y'all (read: sexist, racist, ageist, ableist, etc society) don't eff around tryna make her life even harder! But AMC's deliberately cutting Claudia's life in half, compared to the books, cuz misogynoir's real and Claudia gets NOTHING out of vampirism, not even a fair chance. And y'all let her into the coven KNOWING how much she loves y'all, and KNOWING y'all were gonna kill her. EFF THIS WHOLE COVEN, ARMAND INCLUDED. (Lemme calm down--this kind of betrayal is exactly how Lestat must've felt in S01E07; I get it; they're getting a taste of their own medicine. But LESTAT EFFING HAD IT COMING. The coven should've just told them: y'all got til sunrise to GTFO our territory, you're not welcome here. This whole bit's unnecessary.)
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SKILL ISSUE. Cuz Louis' got the least power, and he's finna clear that whole bish out in just a couple episodes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Louis, love, ARMAND DON'T GIVE A EFF ABOUT RAISING SOME OTHER MAN'S OFFSPRING. This is the call of the wild, as Alphas KILL the children their stolen Omega brides had for other Alphas/Betas, so he can restart the gene pool with HIS DNA instead. I know y'all had National Geographic back then already--READ A BOOK, Louis, it's what you're best at.
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Incredible. After all of that Louis said Lestat never broke him. BENT BUT NEVER BROKEN, that's right! 💪😤
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Boy, we're not talking about some little (unrequited) CRUSH over a man you only knew for a few months (which you've CLEARLY not gotten over yet). Louis was MARRIED to the man for 30 YEARS. This is his MAKER. Lestat knew his whole family; went to the Black cookouts and everything! They literally built a home AND business together! They raised a child together! WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?
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And that's LESTAT'S DAUGHTER TOO--how much can you possibly love EITHER of them while planning to knock her off!? I can't listen to too much more of this. *hands Louis the torch and scythe*
Beautiful end of this STACKED episode. Incredible work, AMC! Jacob acted his PANTS off; he excels at the trembling voice, agonized facial expressions, and utter mental breakdowns. He's pulling DEEP within him, holy god; it's so raw, it's almost hard to watch. EMMY WHEN?!
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pers-books · 11 months
The Radio Times Twitter account tweeted this pic of Nicola Walker and Paul McGann from S2 of Annika and I took one look and went: Doctor Who AU - or Liv Chenka’s gone undercover for some reason and she’s meeting up with the Eighth Doctor for a catch-up on the situation!
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[ID Paul McGann (left) as Jake Strathearn and Nicola Walker (right) as Annika Strandhed in Alibi’s Annika drama series.]
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frecklenog · 7 months
things i now have rattling around in my head as i write my hugh on ds9 au(/picard rewrite)
annika hansen was born in 2348
nog was born in 2353, and jake in 2355, making them sixteen and fourteen respectively in emissary
the hansens were assimilated in 2356
the battle of wolf-359 took place in 2367, while hugh was still part of the collective
i'm placing hugh's age at 15 in 2368 at the time of his reclamation in i, borg, making him roughly the same age as nog
the bajoran wormhole was discovered and the federation took over ds9 in 2369 (two years post-w359 and the death of jennifer sisko)
worf moved from the enterprise-d to ds9 in 2372
nog returned to ds9 as a cadet in 2373, age 20 (along with hugh, with jake age 18)
(this means jake and hugh meet six years post-w359)
seven of nine established a temporary mini-collective in 2368, but wasn't disconnected from the borg until 2374. this isn't all that important since uss voyager didn't return until 2378 but oh well
first contact was set in 2373 (and at the actual point of first contact in 2063, but i’m not talking about that part)
the siege of ar-558 happened in 2375
icheb, mezoti, and the other borg kids were found by voyager in 2376
reiterating: voyager got back to the alpha quadrant in 2378
i, excretus happened in 2381
picard s1 takes place in 2399, s2 in 2401. we’re ignoring s3 almost entirely
sto largely takes place in 2409 (albeit in an alternate universe, but i’m borrowing the uss chimera, the magnificent ferengi sequel, and captain taggert/one zero one for my Soup)
and, most alarmingly to my brain,
hugh was reclaimed in the same year that julian bashir graduated from starfleet medical academy (2368)
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allthemurders · 1 year
crime shows i’ve watched
— every crime show i’ve watched, in alphabetical order! main fandoms are marked with a star
at some point i will finish all the ones i got partway through and then forgot about. maybe
agatha christie’s poirot
⭐️ agatha raisin
⭐️ annika
beyond paradise
broadchurch (s1 only)
brooklyn nine-nine (haven’t watched past s6 ep16 yet)
⭐️ death in paradise
⭐️ father brown
hidden // craith
magpie murders
⭐️ midsomer murders (including s23 & 24; all posts about these will be tagged with #midsomer murders s23 / s24 and #midsomer murders spoilers)
miss marple (bbc)
⭐️ murder in provence
⭐️ only murders in the building
professor t (haven’t finished s2 yet)
⭐️ shakespeare & hathaway
sherlock (bbc) (haven’t watched s4 ep3 yet)
⭐️ silent witness
⭐️ sister boniface mysteries (including s3; all posts about this will be tagged with #sister boniface s3 and #sister boniface spoilers)
the bay (haven’t finished s4 yet)
the long call
⭐️ the mallorca files — posts on @the-mallorca-files
trigger point (haven’t watched s2 yet)
unforgotten (haven’t finished s5 yet)
vera (haven’t finished; not sure how much left)
wallander (haven’t finished; not sure how much left)
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