#anon. you can do better. c'mon.
hilacopter · 3 months
...that's it?
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fonkeloog · 2 years
bisexuality isn't real.
Bisexuality is valid.
You're opinion isn't
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gender-euphowrya · 2 years
literally no terf who sends online hate to trans people ever has the guts to go off anon lmao y’all have the spine of a slug
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erwinsvow · 1 day
can we have rafe try to grovel ?? :((((( shy reader deserves better !!! <3 https://www.tumblr.com/erwinsvow/751213087399510016/what-if-rafe-ever-hit-shy-reader-from-built-up?source=share
he will grovel!! side note i dont know how i feel about this its just for the sweet anon who wanted part two
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the moment rafe shuts the door and traps you in the room, between his body and the wall, you know some part of you has just broken that you'll never fully be able to fix.
everything in your body tells you to look up at rafe and do something. slap him back, push him away, turn around and storm out of the room and try to at least show him you're just as mad as he is—but none of that actually happens.
hot tears keep spilling down your cheeks, and you stay frozen like that for what feels like forever, staring at the floor of rafe's bedroom. the sound of rafe's heavy breaths fills the space, though you can barely detect it over the way your heart is pounding in your ears.
you want to leave. but you don't know where you even would go. before the events of the last hour, there was no where you wanted to be more than wherever rafe was. and now, staring at the floor instead of up at the boy who you had gladly given your heart to only for him to snap it in half with his bare hands and deliver it back, you stay frozen, waiting for rafe. you are always waiting for rafe.
"kid, i-" you finally look up, through wet lashes and almost painful eyes fluttering slowly, and rafe stops talking the moment you do. you don't know why, but it doesn't take you long to figure it out. there's a mark on your cheek the size of his hand, probably an imprint from his ring too.
it's such a shame—you always loved that ring.
you snap out of your thoughts when rafe keeps talking, though there's still blooding rushing in your ears. he sounds muffled, his mouth moving and expression looking, you can only imagine, somewhat close to yours—sad and angry all blended together. you keep blinking slowly, listening but not really listening, waiting for him to finish so you can leave.
how stupid you must seem to him, and to yourself, you think pathetically. he just hit you, and you're waiting for him to finish, so you don't impolitely interrupt. you should drive straight from tannyhill to a therapist's office—though you think not even a licensed professional could help you figure out what exactly is wrong with you.
the thought makes you laugh, corners of your mouth turning up and a rush of air leaving your throat. half a laugh, half a sob. the gutting realization has just hit you—whatever was wrong with you, rafe was the only one in the world who seemed to understand you.
"baby?" rafe asks, and you actually snap out of it this time—looking up at your boyfriend, wondering if he knows you haven't heard a single thing he's said so far.
"i think i should go home," you reply, wondering where your keys are and where your wallet is. you don't keep track of these things anymore, usually since rafe drives you everywhere and pays for everything.
"okay. i'll bring you, just let me go get-"
"no, i-" you stop yourself—about to apologize again. everything running through your mind makes you choose your words carefully. "i'm gonna go home."
"you didn't drive here, kid. i picked you up, remember?" rafe looks back at you and you feel a fresh wave of tears take over. you hadn't remembered.
"listen, kid, i'm so-"
"i'm going home," you repeat firmly, mostly to yourself. "i'll just-i'll walk."
"y'not walking. it's dark and-"
"rafe, stop." the way you say it, he actually listens. you don't sound like yourself, you can tell from the way he looks at you, rafe's face doused with concern and apprehension. you look away, turning to face the door. "i'll be fine. i need to go."
"c'mon, kid, don't go," he says, and every bone and muscle inside you wants to listen, to do what he says like you always do. you feel more hot tears coming up, stopping them seems impossible yet you know crying is useless. it already happened and the damage is already done.
you turn around from your position, knowing it's a mistake. rafe gets closer, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks. he holds your face like he always does, except there's one big difference—you flinch the moment he starts moving.
"baby," rafe says quietly, and everything in you stops for a moment. brain lagging, breath catching, even the tears stop for a second while you look up at your boyfriend. "i'm so sorry. i am so sorry. i fucked up, okay? i know i did, but please don't go."
"rafe, i can't stay," it comes out just as quietly, a notch above a whisper. "you hurt me." it comes out wrangled in a sob. rafe wipes away some of your fresh tears with his hands.
"i-i know. and i'm gonna regret it forever, but-" rafe stops, and you stop too. you chew on your lip nervously, realizing it's going to bleed from how much you're biting down. "can-can i at least bring you home? please?"
"okay," you give in-but you shouldn't have.
you don't even know how you're gonna explain the mark on your face to your parents, or why you're home so early when you said you were sleeping over. every movement feels exhausting—grabbing some of your things and walking down the stairs to getting into rafe's truck. the drive to your place isn't very long, only ten minutes, and you stare out the window the whole time. it feels like hours with the way rafe looks at you at each red light.
rafe pulls into your driveway and you look up at him expectantly, though you're not sure why.
"can you-can you turn the headlights off? i don't want them waking up," you say, after what feels like ages of silence.
rafe turns the lights off but doesn't say anything. it's not until you reach for the doorhandle that he does—it's almost muscle memory for him. he leans over you to pull the handle and open the door for you, but you flinch so hard when he moves that he can't even get the door. instead he looks back at you while you stare up at him. without any words, you both know what the other is thinking.
"goodnight, rafe," you say, your own hand on the door now.
"wait, kid," he says, and you stop your movement immediately. even in this situation, you can't help but listen. "can i see you tomorrow? please?"
"i don't think that's a good idea."
"c'mon. we-we have to talk about this. i can't just.. not see you. i'm gonna go crazy."
"i need to go rafe." the second you say it, you start feeling bad about it. it's so engrained in you—trying to avoid hurting rafe in any and every way possible, that the very idea of not giving him what he wants makes your chest ache painfully. "i.. i have to think about it."
he leans over, slowly this time so you don't get scared again, opening the door for you like he always does. you climb out, getting your bag and trying to pretend everything's fine until you get inside your room.
"good night, kid. i'll talk to you tomorrow."
without replying, you walk inside. rafe's truck stays in your driveway until you lock the door, and he doesn't drive away until minutes after.
surprisingly, you make it to your room before you start crying. and you don't stop crying until the sun comes up.
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ink-n-shadowfiction · 10 months
Hi, do you write smut? If so, please listen to me 🫣
Just Ghost away from reader for more than a week, and he misses her very much, so he calls her. In the middle of the conversation, she can hear moans and sighs coming from him and the rest you already know👀
using translator again :^
Btw can i be anon - 🫀? (Idk how to ask💀)
I Know What You're Doing | Simon "Ghost" Riley
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another anon added to my list <3 thank you for the request ;-;
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
word count: 866
warning: smut (minors—DNI), phone sex, simon doesn't tell fem!reader what he's doing at first, mutual masturbation, mentions of unprotected sex (pls wrap it up guys), sweet!simon
note: this is so unedited and i'm half-asleep so pls don't judge
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eight days, thirteen hours, and forty-seven minutes. that's how long it had been since simon had left for deployment. not like you were counting.
it was only a day and six hours longer than the last time he called you. not that you were mad—you knew better than to expect simon to risk his life to simply call while in the middle of a warzone. which is why you waited, although impatiently.
so as soon as you were curled up on the couch midday, lounging with a book in your hand and glasses perched on your nose, and you saw simon's contact flicker across your vibrating phone on the coffee table, you practically pounced on it. your fingers fumbled with the call button as you brought the smart phone to your ear. "hello?"
a soft hum filled the other line, a comforting hum that sent tendrils of warmth and familiarity spreading through your gut. "hey, sweet thing." from over the phone, you could hear the crickets and cicadas surrounding simon, a cacophony of noise that was only drowned out by his gravelly rumble.
"did you make it alright?" you asked softly as you rested back against the arm of the couch, pushing your bookmark into the spine of your book and snapping it shut.
simon let out another long puff of air, taking a small moment to answer. "aye—we're fine, lovie. no need to worry that pretty little head, 'lright? now tell me what you did so far today—just wanna hear you talk for a bit."
beneath the blanketing noise of cicadas and crickets, you could hear a soft, rhythmic schlick, schlick noise—one that you knew all to well.
simon was definitely fucking his cock up into his fist.
“i know what you’re doin’.” you whispered over the phone softly, sinking deeper into the leather of your couch and pulling the knitted blanket you had draped over your lap higher. “i can hear it.”
your words forced a low groan from simon’s mouth, almost sounding like a growl with how close he was to the cellphone microphone. the rhythm of his hand slicking up and down his heated skin ramped up in tempo. “oh yeah? and what d'ya hear, sweet girl?”
everything. you could hear the way simon’s spit-soaked fingers squelched a bit around the girth of his cock. you could hear the way he twisted his wrist ever so slightly near the tip, just enough to have his hips canting up at the sensation. you could hear every pant, moan, growl that threatened to spill from his lips, to escape the cage of his mouth like a starved tiger.
"y'know you could've just told me, right?" you breathed softly into the phone, eyes fluttering closed as your brain scrambled to create an image of what simon might've looked like in that moment. " i would've started sayin' filthy things a long time ago."
"c'mon, lovie—y'know i don't last long with that dirty little fuckin' mouth of yours." simon scoffed out a pinched laugh, letting it bleed out into a soft groan as he squeezed the base of his cock to keep himself from busting then and there. "miss you. miss havin' you here with me."
it was your turn to let out a soft laugh and teasing words. "you're just saying that because your cock's throbbing right now."
simon growled at your words, the pace of his hand slicking up and down his arousal growing ever quicker, faster, needier. your filthy words were working."not true. i miss you even when m'not trying to fuckin' cum, lovie."
"i can tell you're close, si." you purred over the phone, your free hand trailing down the front of your body and hooking around the waistband of the sweatpants you were wearing. pulling them down to your mid thighs, your fingers slid into the fabric of your panties with a soft hiss. "your breathing gets all heavy. you get all growly, all loving and soft. you wanna cum, huh?"
"god." simon all but whimpers, hips stuttering slightly in their rhythm as he forced his cock up into his open palm. "y'know me so well, lovie. so. fuckin'. well—fuck, need to cum. wanna cum for you, sweetheart."
the pads of your fingers slipped and slid around your wet heat, bumbling slightly against your clit as you tried to focus solely on pushing simon over the edge. your lips curled into a devious smirk. "yeah? wish you could be here while you cum—maybe i'd let you fill me up this time. oh—yeah, you like that, huh? just wanna fuck me till i'm leaking and dripping with you, huh?"
simon couldn't even give you a warning that he was about to cum, instead just letting out a chest-ripping growl as he finally plunged over the edge. his breathing was ragged, filled with uneven potholes that caused his breath to catch in his chest.
the squelching and schlicking noise had subsided, replaced by simon regaining his composure and your soft, panted breath. you were certain you were being quiet as you stroked your wet heat with the tips of your fingers—that was until simon spoke up huskily.
“i know what you’re doin’. lovie.”
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: May I request the demon brothers with a reader who likes being with them because they feel safe around them?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hi! Absolutely! Headcanond seemed a bit too boring so... I did oneshot. I guess reader could be seen as shy in some? So sorry if this isn't what you wanted but hopefully, it won't interrupt much and hope you like it anyway!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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You were just walking next to Lucifer with coffee in your right hand and his hand in your left. It was late night and you were walking back home after a date, you honestly didn't even care about the fact you were just about to pass some clearly drunk rebels, unlike Lucifer.
You were walking on his right side two you were basically out of reach for them. You just continued your little chat while your boyfriend was the one being caucious about this whole situation.
When you finally walked out of their reach, you could hear him sigh and turn his attention back to you. Just from the posture, you could tell... it's not gonna be the happiest conversation.
"Y/N... you know I appreciate you having conversation with me but I think it'd be better if you could keep it down when we walk by more problematic demons."
"Why tho? I don't think we should have worse time because of them."
"Yes... but haven't you considered the fact they might not be the nicest? Not speaking about the fact they were intoxicated and may've hurted you."
"I don't think so. I really just feel safe around you and that's why."
You certainly made all of his arguments escape his head. You could see small sparkle of pride in his eyes as his expression turned from scolding to gentle smug.
Seriously tho, what made you think it was good idea to boost his ego even more?
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Mammon got you out of the house, mainly by claiming he's not gonna make you pay again this week because he won in casino last night so he's treating you today! Sure, money isn't everything but those little demon owns you thousands of Grimm by now... it's nice to see him pay sometimes too to know there are feelings on your relationship after all.
You were walking through city with one restaurant in mind when he suddenly stopped and pointed at the jewellery shop.
"Hey, wait for me here, alright? I'll just go grab something from that shop!"
"Can't I just come with you?"
"Well uh- you could but... it's gonna be quick, yeah? It's not like someone will steal ya!"
"And what if they would?"
You said it kind of jokingly but also with slight worry... you felt the safest around him, it was only natural you wanted to go with him rather than wait here.
He also changed his expression and he actually thought of it. It didn't even took him long before he grabbed your hand and walked with you on his side into jewelery shop.
"Alright human, THE Mammon has you covered! Just don't peek when I tell ya not to!"
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You tugged on Levi's shirt, trying to get him off his console for 3 hours now... you respected his dedication and fact he wanted to beat up the impossible boss but he's loosing his sanity and you're getting hungry. And since all brothers except you two are away, you wanted to go eat in the city.
"C'mon Levi!! Let's just go order a pizza, have a little walk and we can come back home!"
"You realize you coule just go without me? I'm not gonna run away from this room anytime soon..."
"Well yeah but I don't want to go alone! It's safer with you!"
"You could always ask Lucifer to go with you? Or Diavolo? Or-"
"No, none of them make me feel safe like you do."
You looked up at him, seeing flushed face, open mouth and widened eyes. It was clear you caught him off guard and you couldn't help but grin knowing it's gonna be so much easier to convince him now.
"So? Can we go now?"
"S-Sure... let me pause..."
He wanted to tell you to wait for him to calm down but he simply couldn't bring himself to it, so he just paused his game and followed you to the city.
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You were actually walking alongisde Satan from your little cat cafe date quite comfortably. That's untill you noticed some shady demons on your way. Your boyfriend seemed to simply not care so you just got on the side closer to wall and catched his hand.
You simply felt safer behind him and even tho he wasn't looking your way, it didn't go unnoticed to him. You maybe not realized it at first but after he sent you small smug right as you passed the other demons, you knew he had you all figured out...
"Feeling this paranoid?"
"What's wrong with going behind person I trust?"
"Nothing. I just thought it's cute act. Are all humans this cowardly?"
"It was more of a survival instinct than cowardness..."
"Call it however you prefer."
You could just look at him upset as he chuckled at your reaction. Seems like he knows what he'll rub into others faces for the next few days... but it's still the fact that's the most important to him. People are usually scared of him and you feel safe around him, avatar of wrath? You're definitely something...
@miya-akane - come get your cat lover!
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You were casually walking through streets and carrying Asmo's bags as Asmo was thinking of shop you haven't visited yet today. And we know, you HAVE TO visit all the shops around here!
But when you were walking past shadier alley, you felt slight shivers down your spine... not only it was looking like out of a horror movie, you also heard from news, just today that there were kidnappings and murders happening recently.
Pink haired devil seemed to notice your concern and immidietly grabbed your hand in attempt to reassure you a bit and calm you down.
"Hey now. No need to get so scared when you're around me! Let's just have fun!"
Maybe he knew about your opinion on him, maybe he said that just to tease you? Who knows? What's important is that his actions worker flawlessly!
"Right... thanks a lot."
But your answer left him with small gasp as if not believing you admitted it just like that. So he was just teasing after all!
"Oh my, really?! Awh~ Alright then, sweetheart, I'll fulfill my job as tour prince~"
That definitely made his day and it'd definitely be hard to restrain him from posting anything related to this situation on Devilgram. He even hummer an upbeat song for the rest of the day and took you with him absolutely everywhere even after coming back home.
@vodka-glrl - come get your pretty princess~
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Beel actually knew that his body shape and sin itself could scare others easily and that most of his brothers felt safe around him. Also, he'd always offer to tag along when you were a bit too scared to to somewhere. Even then he didn't expect to ever hear it directly from someone else than Belphie...
"Thanks again, Beel... I shouldn't have watched that horror movie at 1am I guess..."
"It's fine. You already thanked me with food. And as much as I don't mind... you really should go to sleep earlier. Don't human need like 8 hours of sleep?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know... But still. I'm happy it's you who went with me because I had no worries for the entire way! Out of all brothers, you're the one that makes me feel safest."
Beel stopped munching there for a second and looked down at you with slight surprise, but later on it turned into a grateful smile.
"No problem. I'm happy to put my reputation to protect ones I care about!"
What a cutie, he was smiling for the rest of the day too. All brothers thought it was just some delicious food but you, Beel and Belphie knew very well it wasn't the only thing that was causing it. It was honestly sweet to see him follow you with his legs or eyes like a little loyal puppy.
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Walking through city with Belphie looked like either him being carried on your or someone's back, or him looking like he's gonna drop and sleep on road any second. Even then, you took out no one else than avatar of sloth alone to accompany you.
Despite his lack it energy, you knew he could be dangerous. Heck, you alone probably know it better than anyone! So despite him being lazy as always, you actually felt safer than around anyone else! Well... maybe you could use Beel's company to feel even more safe but your boyfriend was still definitely enough. It was just trying to convince him to keep going that was hard...
"I'm so tired... you already have enough, let's just go home..."
"Just a while more Belphie. I still have one or two more shops to visit!"
"You said the same thing for last 6 stores... Couldn't you take Asmo with you instead?"
"Uhm... well technically but I prefered you. You're the one I feel safe around."
He suddenly stopped complaining and you could swear you just saw him getting slightly bit more energetic and motivated after hearing your voice. Also his pout changed into gentle smile as he finally wasn't walking like he'll collapse anymore.
"Oh... alright one more store. But I'm warning you, if we go through 2, I'll tell asleep on you..."
@miya-akane - come get your sleepyhead~
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sturnioloskyline · 3 months
Can’t stop thinking about Matt pulling a prank on reader that makes her cry so she runs downstairs to tell his mom 😂
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pairing: matt x fem!reader
warnings: language, anxiety, injury(fake), crying, cheesy fluffy ending, not proofread
summary: matt hurts your feelings, so you tell on him.
thank you for the request, anon!! 😋
nick adjusted the camera he had set up on matt's desk, angling it so it recorded matt's bed. chris watched him, standing on the other side of the room and making surre the camera looked decently hidden. matt sat on the bed, scrolling on his phone while waiting for his brothers.
"camera's set up," nick stood up and turned to look at his brothers, grabbing both of their attentions. "you guys ready?"
matt and chris nodded, walking towards the camera so that they could record an explanation for their plan. nick reached over and clicked the record button, stepping back and clapping his hands together.
"hi guys. okay so," nick began explaining, a small smile tugging at his lips. chris grinned at the camera, rubbing his hands together mischievously. "today we're going to be doing a couple's prank!"
matt groaned and rolled his eyes at the term, shoving nick in his side. nick only laughed at his reaction.
"so basically, we're gonna call y/n and act like matt got in an accident or something, and we're gonna call her over and matt's gonna pretend he got hurt." nick turned to matt, who shook his head.
"i can't believe i'm agreeing to this," matt murmured, crossing his arms. chris and nick looked at each other, giggling.
"this is gonna be so good!" chris yelled jokingly, bouncing on his toes.
downstairs, the triplet's parents were spending time together while waiting for them to finish their video. matt explained to them that y/n was coming and they were going to be loud, but chose to leave out the main premise of the video, knowing that marylou wouldn't approve of their plan.
"okay, chris, call her,"nick instructed. chris complied, pulled his phone out of his pocket and searching for your contact. he held out his phone so his brothers could better see the screen.
"i don't know what to say," chris looked to his brothers for advice.
"just call and start, like, yelling," nick shrugged. matt's eyes widened.
"no, c'mon, don't scare her that bad," matt said nervously.
"that's the whole point matt!" nick scoffed. matt looked to chris for backup, but he shook his head.
"yeah, i agree with nick, sorry matt," chris said, opening your contact and hovering his thumb over the call button, hesitating. "nick, can you do it? i can't."
nick rolled his eyes but took the phone from chris, hitting the call button and putting the phone on speaker. matt buried his face in his hands. dreading the conversation that was about to happen. the phone rung out a few times before clicking, causing the triplets to shuffle tighter around the phone.
"chris? hello?" your confused voice sounded through chris's phone speakers. causing a smile to spread on matt's face.
"Y/N? ARE YOU THERE? IT'S NICK," nick screamed into the phone. chris immediately turned away to keep himself from laughing out loud.
"yeah, i'm here nick, what's wrong? what's going on?" your voice was laced with worry, causing matt's eyebrows to furrow in guilt.
"WHAT?" you screamed back in shock. your heart immediately droppeed at the mention of matt's name. "WHERE IS HE?"
"NICK, WAIT, DON'T HANG—" nick hit the red end call button on chris's screen, handing his phone back to him.
"nick, what the fuck?" matt turned to his brother. "that was insane! she's gonna think i'm fucking dying."
"no she won't, it'll be fine, relax," nick shrugged, only causing matt to become more stressed.
"oh my god, guys!" chris jaw dropped at his phone screen, causing his brothers to snap their heads towards him. "she's calling again,"
"oh my god," matt groaned, putting his face in his hands.
"don't pick up! just let her come over," nick giggled. matt sighed and walked over to his bed, laying down and throwing an arm over his eyes.
"so... what do we do now?" chris asked, moving to sit at the end of matt's bed.
"we wait," matt pulled out his phone to check your location, and sure enough, you were already on your way to the triplets house. matt's eyes widened as you moved rapidly towards his location. "holy shit, she's whipping it."
nick walked over to matt and chris, and matt flips his phone around so his brothers can see the speed at which you're driving over. "if she's going that fast she'll be here in like, five minutes."
the triplets rushed to prepare for y/n's arrival. nick set up another camera to get an angle facing matt's door, chris looked out the window to watch out for y/n's car, and matt just curled up into a ball on his bed.
"okay, she's pulling in, she's pulling in!" chris frantically closed the window blinds, going to matt's side at the bed. nick stumbled as well, rubbing his palms on his pants.
"okay, okay, let's just start yelling," nick quickly suggested. chris didn't need to be told twice, immediately screaming.
"MATT!! MATT, ARE YOU OKAY MATT?" chris wailed, neding down at matt's side. matt rolled his eyes and his brother, resulting in a smack on the leg from nick.
"matt! scream!" nick whisper-yelled. matt sighed, but complied anyways.
"AAAAAAAAAA!" matt screams louder than he's ever been before. just a second later, the triplets could hear the front door being unlocked and opened from downstairs.
“matt?” your voice echoed throughout the house. you quickly bounded up the stairs, not bothering to take off your shoes.
matt lets out another scream of pain, making your heart drop to your stomach. you sprint to his room, bursting the door open, almost breaking it off of its hinges. nick and chris snapped their heads towards you, surprised by your sudden entrance. you ignored the way the looked at you, pushing past them to rush to matt's side.
matt laid with his face buried in the pillow, his knees tucked up to his chest. just the sight of him in pain made a lump form in your throat.
"matt!" you sink down beside the bed, placing your hand on matt's back. "baby what's wrong? what's happened?"
"hurts so bad.." matt's whined dramatically. your heart broke at the sound of his weak voice, tears pricking in your eyes. you looked at chris and nick, who just looked at you sadly.
"can you turn over for me?" matt shook his head into the pillow. matt had never acted like this when he was in pain, so you were starting to really think something was seriously wrong. a tear rolled down your cheek at the thought.
"oh, matt," you couldn't keep your voice from cracking with emotion. matt immediately noticed, snapping his head up from the pillow to look at you. when he saw the tears that were beginning to stream down your face, he immediately sat up and reached out to wipe them away.
"hey, don't cry," matt was riddled with guilt. you furrowed your eyebrows, confused as matt held your face in his hands.
"aw, c'mon matt!" chris groaned. you glanced over at him and looked back at matt.
"what the actual hell is going on?" you asked him.
"i'm not hurt, we were just pranking you for the vlog," matt explained, watching your face closely for a reaction. your facial expression remained blank, causing matt to worry. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you cry. it was nick and chris's idea."
nick and chris immediately began yelling to defend themselves, but you ignored them. you looked at matt, who looked to you with remorse in his eyes. you shook your head, standing up and walking towards the door.
"y/n, wait!" matt called out behind you, but you just exited the room. you weren't seriously angry at him, just a little frustrated. plus, now your head was aching from crying, so you wanted a glass of water.
you heard footsteps behind you so you turned around. you expected to see matt, but were surprised when you saw his mom instead. “marylou?”
"y/n!" she smiled, holding out her arms to greet you, but her smile faltered when she saw your watery eyes. "what's wrong honey?"
just then, matt opened his bedroom door, freezing when he saw you facing his mother. your eyes flicked to his before you turned back to marylou.
"your son—" you pointed to matt. "tricked me! he pulled the meanest ‘prank’ ever."
marylou gasped, turning to look at her son, who replied with a guilty look. "matthew!"
"he acted like he was dying! that’s not funny!" you ranted. marylou shook her head and pulled you into a hug.
you looked at matt over her shoulder, not being able to hold back your smile from him. his expression softened when he realized you weren't mad at him. shortly after, chris and nick appeared behind matt.
marylou pulled away from the hug, turning around to look at her sons. “is that what all that screaming was about? you were pulling a prank on sweet y/n?”
you giggled at marylou’s scolding. the triplets began talking over each other in defense, causing you and marylou to glance at each other, bursting into giggles.
as an apology, matt had brought you flowers and taco bell, and the two of you were watching one of your favorite movies. you were grateful; after all the emotional turmoil you went through earlier, all you wanted was some quiet quality time with matt.
you scooted over on the bed so that you could curl into his side once you finished your food. matt smiled down at you, throwing his tattooed arm over your shoulder. you leaned up to place a quick peck to his lips. when you pulled away, he placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you up to kiss him again. you smiled into the kiss, humming with content. the two of you broke away from each other, cuddling closer to each other and refocusing on the movie. you occasionally glanced at matt, memories from earlier flooding your brain.
“i hate seeing you hurt,” you spoke barely above a whisper. matt pulled you onto his chest, resting his head on top of yours.
“i know. i’m sorry,” he mumbled, kissing your head. you closed your eyes. “i hate seeing you cry.”
“i know,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around him and laying on top of him. matt snaked his own arms around your waist, holding you tight.
the two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night, the movie fading into background noise as exhaustion took over your body, and before you knew it you were fast asleep on top of matt. matt stroked your hair, occasionally leaning down to kiss your head or bringing your hand to his lips, just wanting to make you feel safe. shortly after, matt gave into sleep himself, and the two of you slept soundly in each other’s arms.
author’s note: sometimes when i work on a big batch of fics i feel like that one hamilton lyric “hamilton wrote the other 51!!!” …. keep sending requests!! 🦄
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
more raider joel PLEAAAASE 🙏
Failed Escape
4k, raider!Joel x f!reader / raider master / joel
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Mood board by @milla-frenchy
SUMMARY: when Joel brings you to a familiar area for a raid, you run away but get stopped by FEDRA officers with bad intentions, worse than Joel. Joel saves you.
WARNINGS: NSFW I8+ dark, violence, assault, manhandling, captivity, restraints, exhibitionism, humiliation, unsafe dubcon vPIV, fingering, oral, filth, orgasm denial, cockwarming, police violence, allusions to very dark fedra activity.
A/N: This is 4th in the Raider series but can be read alone. credits / shoutouts - @romanarose escape ask, touch-erase anon, rope kink anon, many others with thots & thirst.
“I'm sorry," you sob, and you really are.  It's the second raid you’ve been on this week. You thought you recognized the forest behind the house, making it your best chance to escape.  You don’t have anything or anyone to go home to, but you’re hungry.  You’re tired.  You don't sleep. Sometimes you wake up with Joel’s arms too tight around you. If you move, they tighten more and you can hardly breathe.
Those things on their own might be tolerable, but the rest of Joel's men are the real problem. That first day, Joel told you he’d make sure nothing happened to you.  He made it very clear to you and everyone else that you were his and no one else could touch you. At this point you don’t always mind his touch, but you worry about what could happen to you if something happened to Joel.  The guys are disgusting, and not just the ones Joel originally saved you from, as you learned at the stash house.
There are a lot, and they’re brutal with their prey.  They’re not just rough, they’re mean, degrading.  They know they aren’t supposed to look at you, but they still steal a hungry glance when Joel’s not watching.  From what you’ve overheard them doing to their victims, your greatest fear is that Joel will die or get overthrown and you’ll be at their mercy. The day Joel first claimed you, he warned you about those men and how much worse they'd be. At this point, you've seen and heard enough to know it's true.
But even that prospect doesn't sound bad right now compared to what you just went through.  You never should have run.
- - - - -
You stumbled through the woods and when you were almost to the other side, you spotted three armed men in uniform - FEDRA.  You called, “Help!” You were relieved.  They could get you somewhere safe. But when they turned around, it was only a couple of seconds before they aimed their rifles at you.  You fell to your knees begging for help.  
They laughed and talked to each other like you weren’t there.  
“I dunno, she looks infected to me,” the tallest one said.  
“Sure are seein’ a lot of infected this week,” another said and elbowed the tall guy in the ribs.  
The apparent leader of the pack ordered the men to take your clothes off.  They stripped you of everything, even your underwear, and felt you up while they were at it.  One of them stuck a finger in you.   Then, the leader put a single bullet in a revolver, spun the cylinder,  handed it to the tall one, and said “your turn.”  
 "Already? C'mon, I don't wanna fuck another dead girl."  
“At least they can’t scratch you up kickin’ and screamin’,” the leader said.
“Yeah, so what’s the point?” the third one said.  “That’s half the fun.”  
"Better say a prayer then," the leader said. "Go on," he urged. 
The man put the muzzle to your temple and your life flashed before your eyes.  He pulled the trigger and the click made you wince.  You kept your eyes pinched shut and when you slowly opened them, you could hardly believe you were alive. 
Leaves crunched behind you in the woods.  "ANIMALS, all of you," Joel boomed, and you turned around to see him with his rifle aimed at the men.  
"Get down and cover your ears, baby." Joel didn’t even look at you. 
Without so much as blinking, he shot the leader right in the forehead, then kept walking toward them.  Shot another one like it was the easiest thing he had ever done. Not even a flinch. 
Meanwhile, the tall one, the one with the revolver, charged straight at him but Joel still didn’t flinch.  He calmly used the butt of his rifle to strike him square in the face. When the man fell to the ground, Joel straddled him and pummeled his face.  
Still straddling the man, Joel asked you what they did to you.  You told him about the revolver first. Joel took it from the man, spun the cylinder, then held it out for you, but you didn't take it. You were cowering naked on the ground.  “Go ahead,” Joel said.  The man pleaded for his life.  You hesitated, and Joel said “Now,” firmly.  You crawled closer, took the revolver, aimed, and pulled the trigger.  The man screamed and winced, but the gun only clicked.  Joel took it back, spun it again, and handed it back to you.  “Again.”  That time, you shot the man in the chest and the recoil sent you back on your ass.  It wasn’t a kill shot.  The man tried to speak but could only gurgle.  Blood spilled out of his mouth. Your face went cold and you were shaking. 
Joel made sure the man was disarmed, then came over and started putting your shirt back on you. 
"Is that what you want? Shared and slaughtered by those pigs?” He motioned to the three men on the ground.  You started crying, still sprawled on the dirt
- - - - -
Joel puts his rifle around his back, squats down, grabs you by both elbows, and violently forces you to your feet.
"Breakin' my goddamn heart, sweet pea."  He seethes with disappointment.
"I'm sorry," you repeat through your tears, still begging his eyes to meet yours.  Finally, he puts his rifle around his back and looks at you. You must look so pathetic.  Crying, knees covered in dirt, still naked from the waist down.  The dying man stops gurgling.  You whimper yet again, "I'm sorry."
He looks you up and down and seems to soften a little as he responds, "I know, baby.”  But notably, he doesn't say it's okay. He doesn't say he forgives you. You collapse into his chest and sob. He pulls you closer and you're startled when his arousal swells into you.
"How'd they touch you?" Joel asks, then clenches his jaw as though bracing himself for impact.  At least he knows they didn't fuck you since they were all still dressed, to his great relief. 
Joel has your pants in his hands waiting for your answer. You tell him.  
He sighs and squats down.  He wedges his hand between your thighs and you're wet with arousal from feeling his wood.  "Was it like this?" He asks, sliding his fingers against your folds.  You don't know what to say.  It wasn’t like this because it didn’t feel good. He plunges two fingers into you and asks, "like this?" He digs the heel of his palm into his arousal.
“Kind of”
His face tenses into a snarl as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. What does 'kind of' mean?” 
“It hurt.”
“Too many fingers?” 
“No, just one, but too rough.  And too dry.” Your cheeks burn.  
His eyes light up in grim satisfaction.  “Ok, baby.”  He takes his fingers out and wraps his arms around you again.  You start crying again. 
“I’m sorry,” you say for the millionth time.
“I know you are, sweet pea."  He brushes the tears off your cheeks.   “Wanna be sorry here or in the house?” You can only assume what he means.  You just hope it won’t be too brutal, given your betrayal. 
His breath deepens, and he’s slowly stroking a larger bulge in his skin-tight pants now.  You have to think about it for a moment.  You’re anxious to get away from the dead FEDRA bodies, but the other raiders and victims are still in the house. 
Joel adds, “Or in the van?”    
“In the van."
He brushes the dirt off you and helps you step into your pants.
When you get back to the house they’ve been raiding, Joel doesn’t take you straight to the van.  There are a few bodies strewn about.  The hostages are all in one room.  Joel takes you to a bathroom away from them.  
He locks the door, hangs his rifle on the towel hook, then turns on the shower.  He strips you and gets behind you, both of you facing the mirror.  He asks, “They do anything else to you? Touch you anywhere else?” You tell him they touched your breasts.   He inhales deeply and clenches his jaw, then cups both your breasts from behind, slowly massaging them.  "Like this?" His hardness presses into you.  
"Kind of, but it didn’t feel good." 
Half his mouth smiles, and in the mirror you notice him scanning your body head to toe. Then he turns you around to face him.
His hands engulf your ass cheeks, pulling you into his pants.  The feeling of his arousal against your front makes you weak.
A massive hand drifts to the center of your ass, and his middle finger lightly glides up and down your crack.   “They touch you in here?”
"Good. They're all gone now, okay baby?” 
The water is ice cold as usual and your nipples are painfully hard as Joel lathers them.  He washes your whole body, looking at you like a juicy leg of lamb. When he goes between your legs, you sense his intentions and warn him, “Um, you can’t put soap in there.”
He pauses, bemused.  “Why’s that , sweet pea?”
“It’s bad for you, you can get an infection.”
He looks at the soap contemplatively and says “okay, baby.”  
He rinses you off and tells you to sit on the toilet seat.  Then he sits on the ground, his legs to each side of the toilet, knees up.  He gets you to spread your legs, come to the edge of the seat, and lean back.  The way he’s breathing as he eyes your pussy gives you butterflies.  
He puts your knees over his shoulders.  He drags two knuckles down your slippery folds, then extends and inserts his fingers and curls them, dragging his thick digits against your walls, trying to scrape off any trace of FEDRA. The smallest skin particle would be too much.  It's extreme, but you don’t mind how it feels – physically, at least.  It’s also not a bad view.  His neck veins  bulge, his eyes are dark.
He looks like he has a job to do, and he goes about it quite industriously.  His beard scratches your inner thighs and outer lips. He licks a thick stripe from your taint to your clit, then drags his tongue through every crevice of your folds on each side, making you squirm with tension.  He swirls his tongue around your clit and sucks your hood. Then he plunges his tongue onto you and your whole body feels hollow and light.  His tongue is so thick it's like being fucked.  You shudder and he glances up darkly.  His lips move diligently with the effort and he sucks like he’s trying to cave your walls in on his tongue.  Your thighs quiver and he glances up at you again.  When you're right about to come, he pulls away.  
"Good as new," he says as he wipes his beard.
You were so close to coming and you can hardly bear the tension. 
As though reading your mind, he says, "This ain’t for fun, baby. Not today.  Not after what you did."
He braces his hands on your thighs and stands up with a groan, sporting major wood.  "Stay here," he says coldly.  You squeeze your thighs together.  He takes his rifle off the back of the door and puts it on.  He leaves for a few minutes and takes all your clothes with him including your underwear.  
As soon as he walks out of the bathroom, one hand goes between your legs and the other to your breast, working toward the quickest release possible, biting your lip.  The vision of him between your legs is blinding your mind’s eye from thinking about anything else. You come just in time, covering your own mouth with your inner arm. You feel a wave of shame after you come  - how depraved to get off in this situation. But the tension was too much to take. 
Joel comes back with a duffle bag and a dress. He seems to notice your post-orgasm flush.   He puts the dress on you and it's not a minidress but it's shorter than you're comfortable with, especially if you don't get to wear underwear.  It’s thin, too.  He strokes your inner thighs and gives you an accusatory look. 
"You come when I say." 
Your face burns and you nod. 
"Told you I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you. . . then I did."  He looks guilty, almost anguished. "You're gonna learn to do what I say, understand?"
You nod. 
"For your own good, sweet pea."
"Yeah," you whisper. 
You try to tug the dress down and hesitantly ask, "Can I have, um-" 
"No," Joel says and slings the duffle bag over his shoulder. "Got you some but you're not gonna need it for a while."  
You swallow thickly and remember you chose the van.  
Joel manhandles you into the passenger seat, takes some paracord out of the duffle bag, and ties your wrists in a special knot.  Then he ties them behind your head to the headrest.  
He strings rope around the headrest and across your chest in each direction forming an X across your chest with your breasts on either side.  He ties that to the wrist restraints. The rope digs into your neck uncomfortably. 
“Try to get out and it’ll only get tighter.  And I’m gonna know about it.”  
“I won’t.” You’re earnest. 
“Hope not,” he says.  “‘Cause I’ve got a lot more of this.”  He holds up a bunch of paracord, puts it back in the bag, then looks you up and down and wets his lips.  “Looks good on ya, too.”  He shoves the duffle bag behind your seat.  “Real good.”  
He slides his hand between your legs and shoves his middle finger right inside you. His head falls back and his eyelids are heavy.   You’re still wet enough that it doesn’t hurt.  He thumbs your clit while pushing two, then three fingers in and out of you.  Then he stills his fingers inside you.  He strokes the bulge in his pants with the heel of his palm.  His mouth falls open and he studies your face.  Then he flattens his fingers and rubs your whole pussy.  It feels so good, so unbearably good.  Your spine arches.  He takes his time and brings you to the brink again, then cruelly removes his hand.  
“Stay here.” He points at the rope.  “Remember – try to get out, it’ll only get tighter.”
You nod, clenching your thighs together, barely paying attention.
“It’s for your own good.” The tension feels like torture.
A few minutes later, Joel comes back out to the van, and thank god.  Your hands are getting numb and the rope is chafing your neck and cleavage.    He opens the door and examines the paracord around your wrists.  “Good girl,” he says.  He looks you up and down as though deciding what to do with you.  He exhales with a puff of his cheeks and rubs the protrusion in his tight pants.  At this point, nothing would surprise you, and you wonder if you should have made a move in the bathroom to suck him off. 
He swiftly unties the paracord then unbuckles his belt, gazing at you in a dark trance. 
He aggressively shoves his strong arm under you, then you make space and he wedges himself between you and the seat. You’re in his lap again.  
Initially, he pulls you back into him and your breath hitches when you feel his hard package beneath you.   His hips lift and his arousal swells harder. He breathes heavily and his chest inflates against your back.  Then he extends his legs to make a downward slope and scoots you forward on his thighs.  You hear his zipper come down.  When you chose the van, you didn’t know it would be this.  You’re humiliated, but your body purrs in anticipation.   
You’re startled by the van’s back doors opening.  
“Come on,” Joel whispers flatly, nudging you to hover over him.  When you rise a few inches,  he lifts your dress and guides your naked ass backwards, hovering in his lap. He presses the curve of your spine and you tilt your hips.  He guides you until you feel his firm tip at your dripping entrance.  "You want this?" You nod almost imperceptibly, then he says, "Go ahead." You sink onto him with a soft gasp.  “That's right, take it," he says. He puts his hand over your mouth and pulls you down, breathing, "yes." Then he sighs "Ahh," as his girth parts your insides.  He has to use both arms and a thrust to bury himself entirely, then your body’s flush with his. His noises are quiet but visceral, softer than usual, but just as masculine.
You’re pitiful, like a rag doll in your thin dress, no panties, no bra, sitting on his cock.  Bending to his will like he’s your puppeteer.  And you might as well have an arm shoved all the way up you.  He’s inhabiting every bit of space in your guts. 
Men are loading things into the back of the van.  Joel leans you forward to spread your dress over his lap.  Then he pulls you back and lifts his hips, making his cock move deep inside you.   The main door to the van slides open and men start piling in.  Your seat is always in Joel’s lap, that’s nothing new, so hopefully no one notices you’re impaled on his massive cock.  
But that’s going to be difficult considering he’s not sitting still. He rocks his hips, pushing his length up into you at a slow pace. This has the effect of lifting your whole body each time.  Someone sitting behind you could surely see your head bobbing slowly, smoothly, but rhythmically.  His hands cup your breasts through your dress.  Tension is coiling in your core.  With his next upward thrust, Joel softly grunts into your hair.  Quieter than usual.  He isn’t worried about being seen or heard –   That’s not his style at all – It’s just that, in the van, it doesn’t take much to put on a show.  In a way, if he can subject everyone to it in near-silence, that’s even more dominant. 
Joel’s hips continue to lift into you and he slides his hand into the low-cut neckline to grope your naked breast.  The driver glances over and does a double-take, then swallows sheepishly and quickly averts his gaze, but reaches for the bandana on the dashboard and hands it to Joel.  They’re going to the stash house so Joel pauses to tie it over your eyes.  
Joel grunts softly into your hair as his cock is hugged tight by your warmth. None of the men talk to him.  They chatter at low volume amongst themselves, and he doesn’t have the best hearing.  You hear his name in a whisper from the back of the van and get self conscious that they’re watching. But of course they are. If Joel hears them, he doesn’t seem to mind.  With each tilt of his hips, his thick cock moves a short but impactful distance, nudging your g-spot.  You’re already so full, but it fills you more each time. The tension tightens, radiating to your whole body.  Begging for release.  The motion is smooth and fluid beneath you.  It’s like you’re riding an ocean wave.  Your breathing gets heavier.  
You squeeze your thighs together, tightening around his cock.  Joel grunts into your neck, then whispers “I don’t think so, sweet pea” and stops moving.  He’s really punishing you. For almost the rest of the ride, he holds you completely still on his cock.  Your heart races and your face is hot.  He’s leaning back against the seat and has you leaning back against him.  You ride in silence, listening to the noise of the road under the tires, pitch black under the blindfold. Joel’s as thick and hard as ever and the swell of his shaft twitches.  Every bump in the road provides welcome friction between his warm rod and your desperate walls.  
You know you're getting close to the stash house when you reach the gravel road, at which point you’re continuously bounced on his cock.  You can feel your arousal leaking out of you and onto him.  Your combined musk fills the van and the driver cracks his window as the terrain effectively makes you ride Joel's cock despite his best efforts to deprive you. He holds you tight, trying to keep you completely still against him. You aren’t sure if you’ll be able to stop yourself from coming.  
“You were bad today,” he whispers lowly into your neck, and you feel a wave of shame. “In the worst way," he adds coldly.  
You turn your cheek as though trying to meet his eyes through the blindfold, but his hand strongly grips your jaw and forces your face straight ahead again.  
“I’m sorry,” you whisper as you bounce there, filled to the brim with his girth. 
“Gonna be a good girl from now on?”
“Come when I do, then,” his low voice murmurs into your ear, sending a rush through your body.  He better come really soon. 
He inhales deeply through his nose and puts his arm flat on your back with his strong forearm resting along your spine and his hand firmly gripping the nape of your neck.  He forces you down, and you fold forward with your head near your knees.  Then he covers your mouth tight with his other hand.  His arm presses down on your back as his hips lift up into you.  He grunts as he erupts inside you.  His thick cock powerfully pulses and sends you clenching and fluttering around him, softly moaning into his hand as you find your own waves of release. It feels like it lasts forever.  
“Maniac,” someone says under their breath as Joel lets you sit back up.  
"You did good," he whispers flatly into your hair. To your shame, your heart can't help but swell at his approval, even though the coldness in his tone stings. He's obviously preoccupied by what you did.
You can't discern most of the hushed murmurs until another voice ominously whispers from the back of the van, “He can’t watch her 24/7 forever.” Joel must not hear it or else you imagine the man wouldn’t be breathing for long.  
The van parks at the stash house and Joel takes off your blindfold.  He helps lift you off his lap and his length slides out, bringing with it a dripping mess of both of you.  Your insides slowly pull themselves back together as your combined juices trickle down your thigh. You step down out of the van while he zips up his pants and you dab yourself as best you can with the dress, face burning along with your neck, shoulders, and hands.  With Joel facing away from the men, you can feel them staring at you, but as soon as he steps out of the van, they look away and go about unloading. 
Joel retrieves the duffle bag from behind the seat, but he doesn't bring it into the stash house with you.  He takes out a blanket and wraps it around you, making you decent. You shouldn't feel like it's sweet, but there's a passing moment before you remind yourself the gesture is for him, not you. He doesn't want anyone else to see you. He said as much the first time you were there. Joel takes out some rope from the bag, and before he brings you into the house, he makes sure his switchblade is in his pocket. Then he firmly grabs you by the elbow and takes you inside.
"You're gonna have to be brave for me in a minute, baby."
we'll pick up from here next time & a couple more asks will become relevant.
Thank you so much for reading and interacting! We've been simping for this sicko for a month now and i really enjoy our banter and dialogue about him and the other toxic joels.
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @ele-meno-p @internetobssessed1234-blog LMK if I left you off
RJ: @str84pedro
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thir10th · 27 days
I literally love the way you write emily! could you please do something like Morgan or anyone on the team points out how clingy you are around her so you get insecure, but Emily makes it better? thank you💕
hi anon 👋 ofc i can!! i love this concept ❤️
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summary: Morgan says something that upsets you, thankfully Emily knows exactly what to do (basically the ask lol) tw: smut, shower sex, oral sex, idk i'm tired i think that's all a/n: i'm trying to do your requests, like you guys already know i can't promise i will make them all, but you're still very welcome to try! Like & reblog as always <3
You had spent a whole week on LA on this last case, more than 3 women had been murdered before you caught the unsub, which means you desperately needed a long night sleep, preferably wrapped in your girlfriend's arms.
You're sitting on the window seat, keeping the one next to it free for her, she smiles when her eyes meet yours, and sits next to you, you surround her with your arm, kissing her cheek, she moves to peck your lips as well
"hey baby" you whisper, your mouth close to hers
"hey" she answers with the sweetest voice, you can sense she also wants to get home as soon as possible.
Your other hand wraps around her leg, squeezing it
"I'm gonna go for a tea, ok? you want one?" she asks getting up, wrapping herself off of you "yeah that'd be nice" you answer, the silliest smile on your face.
"ugh, you two get a room" Morgan's voice makes you lift your head, the smile instantly erased form your face.
"What do you mean?" you ask, he has never pointed you two out before, so it surprises you
"c'mon, can't you spend 2 seconds without touching her? we were just at the airport and you were all over each other, i could not handle someone being so clingy" you're too baffled to say anything. Clingy? you had never thought about it, you loved your girlfriend so much it came natural to you hugging her and touching her, the possibility that she didn't like it had never crossed your mind.
Morgan couldn't be bothered about it, he put his headphones back on as soon as he dropped the unfriendly comment.
"there you go baby" Emily said, handing you your cup, you take it, a small smile to thank her, and you lay back to the window.
As much as you're trying you can't seem to get Morgan's comment out of your head, you never wanted to suffocate Emily, you just wanted her to feel loved, maybe she was just ashamed to tell you how uncomfortable it made her.
You sip your tea, looking out the window, "hey" Emily grabs your cup when you're finished and opens her arm offering you to lay on it
"I think I'm gonna try to sleep now, ok?" you tell her, and turn around to lay your head on the window.
You can tell se knows there's something going on, she frowns, you can feel her stare, but finally let's it go, and gets back to her book.
When you finally get back to your apartment, Emily throws her bag away, and you do the same, moving to sit on the couch to take your shoes off more comfortably.
"Well, I desperately need a shower, you coming?" she asks as she takes her shirt off
"Yeah, you go" you don't even look at her to answer, trying to focus on untying your shoes, you keep your head down.
Emily stands on the middle of the hallway, she looks at you, raising an eyebrow, now she knows there's definitely something going on.
"You're not gonna shower, love?" she asks, a concerned tone on her voice "Yeah, sure, you can go first tho"
Your girlfriend was too stunned to speak. It wasn't like you to turn down the offer of showering together, you couldn't remember a time when you had said no to a shower with Emily, specially after a case.
She would always lather your back soothingly, you didn't even always have sex (although it was quite common), sometimes you would simply enjoy the warm water stream, you would take care of each other, wrap yourselves into a warm embrace that could last minutes, and she would always lend you her clothes afterwards, there was no other feeling better than going to sleep clean and fresh into your girlfriend's clothes, wrapped around each other. What do you mean you don't want to shower with her?
"So, you will wait for me to shower, and you will go after me? first on the plane, now this? Baby, is something wrong? Did i do something to upset you?" you lift your head to look at her after getting rid of your shoes, her big brown eyes reflect the worry on her voice, she looks to you carefully to see what is going on.
"no, it's nothing, i just... i just don't want to be too clingy, you know?" you finally reveal. Her mouth tenses up, and she bites her lip. You know your girlfriend way too well to know that's one of her classic faces, it's the one that says -ok now i see-. She walks up to you, sitting right next to you on the couch, places her hand on your thigh soothingly.
"Baby, who told you that?" you don't wanna say, you don't want her to get upset too, but the way she runs her palm over your leg to soothe your worries makes you want to tell her everything she asked for.
"Well, Morgan, he suggested i could be suffocating you" when you say it aloud it sounds ridiculous, since when do you care about what Morgan says? About what any man has to say about your relationship? His words had just sunk into you way more than you could've expected.
"what did he say?" she licks her lips out of impotence "Because after a whole career on the fbi i'm considering murder just now" you laugh it off, blinking to avert the tears pickering your eyes.
"he said if i was his girlfriend, he would feel suffocated by how clingy i am, and how i can't keep my hands off of you" her eyes scan your face, runs her hand up and down your thigh "ok, i'm sure gonna kill Morgan tomorrow" you both chuckle "well he is kind of right, i mean we can barely spend an hour off of each other" you say trying to make sense out of the situation
"ok, so you are clingy, so what?" her voice raises a bit towards the end, a couple of notes higher, you can't help but to smile, you think it's too cute.
"I love touching you" the hand that was resting on your thigh now gets higher to rest on your waist, her other hands moves up to your neck, her thumb caressing your face "I love it when you touch me" her face gets closer, the tip of her nose brushing against your cheek, you close your eyes relaying on the touch
"I love feeling you close" she moves to sit closer to you on the couch (if that is even possible at this point) her hand keeps moving up and down your back, she kisses your cheek, "and i don't care about what anyone has to say about that, i don't want you to care about it ether" her words sink into you, everything is basically forgotten.
"I want you to touch me, to feel me" she moves your hand, previously resting on your side, she places it on her waist, and you take it upon yourself to grab her face with your other hand.
Closing the small space between you, your lips collapse in a deep kiss, Emily holds you. The kiss is quite sensual. Emily takes her time and eases your mouth open, slowly pushing in her skilled tongue into your mouth, but to your displeasure, the kiss breaks.
"C'mon, baby, come shower with me" she says standing up, holding your hand, you get up too, grabbing on to her for support "lead the way" you say, a grin on her face.
Emily opens the water stream, letting the warm fog fill the bathroom, you try to catch Emily's lips to kiss her again, she offers a very fast for your liking peck that you try to prolong, but she's faster to grab the neck of your shirt, unbuttoning the buttons one by one, and taking it off.
Her eyes never leaving yours, she kisses your collarbone as she unclasps your bra, you reciprocate the action, doing the same with hers, Emily sighing in relief as her own restricting bra was undone.
The soft trail of small kisses on your collarbone soon moving southern to your sternum, she reacher your left boob, her soft lips feel warm on your smooth skin, never getting exactly anywhere, she removes your pants along with your underwear, and you do the same with hers.
You just want to jump in the shower with your girlfriend as fast as possible and forget the day.
She slowly pulled you into the shower behind the hot water, instantly calming your tingling body. Emily instantly pulled you into a hug as the warm water engulfs you two, running her hands through your back.
She lets you lean on her shoulder while she takes whatever sweet scented body wash she could reach faster and scrubs your back, washing the day off of you.
You do the same, grabbing the bottle and squeezing some on your hands to lather your girlfriend's slightly muscular arms, up and dow, then you move to get her shoulder, her back, you cover her in bubbles.
"I love your hands" She says. Her words take you by surprise, too focused on your task of getting your girlfriend clean that you hadn't even realized she was following your every move, her expression full of love. You chuckle first, but she interrupts before you open your mouth "I'm serious, baby. Please, please don't stop touching me" she kisses you again, depositing all her love and care on the kiss.
When you break the kiss you keep your ministrations, this time you lower your hands, her breath hitches when you cup her breasts, the same massage you were delivering to her arms, now you give them a gentle squeeze.
"mh- please, honey, touch me" you love hearing your girlfriend beg, asking for it, it's not the most common thing for her to do, but whenever a plead falls form Emily's lips, your completely at her mercy, ready to comply anything she asks you to.
She let out a breathy gasp as you played with her breasts, giving your girlfriend's mighty breasts another hearty squeeze before ultimately releasing her boobs. She grabs your hips pulling you close to her, she then leaned in, giving you a quick kiss, as you swiped her tongue against her bottom lip, she grabs your ass ginig it a gentle squeeze.
Grabbing her by the hips, you push her body gently against the shower wall, you move the kisses to her neck, sucking and biting her sensitive spots as Emily throws her head back to give you better access. You slowly kissed down her valley, dropping to your knees and stopping at her belly button.
"I will touch you as much as you want baby, whatever you need" You say as you look up at her. Emily only moans in response to your reassuring words. The sound sending her into a frenzy as you slowly lick up Emily's pussy with your broad tongue, stoping at her clit as you slowly suck it, swirling your tongue with intent. 
"oh god- yes sweetheart just like that" you moan at the nickname, the sound sending vibrations over the swollen bud. You alternated between gentle licks and firm sucks, using your fingers to tease and explore every inch of her sensitive flesh.
Emily could already feel herself beginning to fall apart, with her knees threatening to buckle out at any moment while pressure swelled within her loins, she places a hand on the back of your head for support, slowly pushing it to encourage you to keep going, and breathed out, "y/n… More! F-fuck, this feels great baby…" said as you dive back into her pussy with your tongue.
Your own arousal surged at the taste and sound of Emily's ecstasy, with each flick of your tongue, each gentle caress of your fingers, you bring Emily closer and closer to the peak of pleasure.
Really, you could keep your head in your girlfriend's pussy all day just eating her out, especially from hearing Emily's sweet moans.
Honestly, she could have stood to keep you buried between her legs forever. It won't take too long for her to be able to keep holding out against the growing pressure between her thighs, which makes her legs feel weaker and weaker with every lap of your tongue.
"I'm so close, baby, please" she moans, you pick up the speed, flicking your tongue against her clit as you curl your fingers against her g spot over and over again. Emily screams as her orgasm takes over. Crying out your name, she allows her body to do as it pleases as she comes hard onto your face.
As she comes down from the height, Emily holds you tight as you slid back to you feet, standing up, the warm water still running, warming your muscles, as your bodies grind against each other, she holds you close in an embrace, surrounding your waist with her arms, you both stay there letting the water rinse your bodies.
Emily is the first to break the silence "you have no idea how lucky i feel when you touch me" she says, caressing your lower back in soft circular motions.
"I'm the lucky one, Em" you say looking at her, she grabs your face, all wet from the shower "but i'm starting to get cold, we should get out now" she chuckles, pressing your lips together in a much sweeter, gentler kiss.
Next day you arrive to work together, Emily has her arm fully wrapped around yours, you don't pull apart until you get to your deks.
Emily sees Morgan on the kitchen, he's making himself a coffee, excusing herself to go talk to him
"Hey Prentiss, how you doin'?" he asks, in his face the usual cocky grin, Emily doesn't even respond
"If you ever tell my girlfriend anything about the way she is with me again, you will suffer the consequences, all right?" she says, a big, ironic smile on her face, she pats him on the shoulder, warning him.
She never leaves your side for the whole day.
Ok yes this one is longer than i thought it would be, but this was such a cute concept, I love overprotective Emily (should i write something with that? idk) Also no hate to Morgan at all!!!! I love him and he was just being playful, ok? I won't tolerate any Morgan hate on this blog!!!!
Hope you enjoy!! <3
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roosterr · 7 months
i'm in denial about the new CoD campaign... but... but... i wanted to ask if you could possibly do anything - headcanon, drabble, anything you want - about Nik? Pretty please *puppy dog eyes* i need some sweetness!! he's sooo <3 ah...
me too anon :,) but i'm always happy to write for my beautiful wife nikolai
nikolai x gn!reader
wc: 550
nik doesn't get jealous if someone hits on you. he's your husband; everybody else can look, but he's the only one who can touch.
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staying at a base with other units – even temporarily – somehow always proved to be a monumental headache for you. whether it was queuing for the cafeteria and the showers, or just having to deal with the other soldiers, you count the days until you'll be home again.
you drift back down from your thoughts to the sight of a sergeant whose name you don't remember approaching you from the training field. they were done for the day, you supposed, seeing as they were all heading inside by now.
you stay put as he marches closer, where you lean against the wall and watch him with a glint of amusement in your gaze.
he comes to stand next to you, not-so-subtly puffing his chest out as he speaks. "any plans for tonight, lt.?"
"hm?" you hum and raise a brow at him, fighting to keep down the laugh that bubbles up in your chest. you can see where this is going. "nothing special. just spending the night at home."
a grin lights up his face. "how about we go for drinks, then? just you and me, i'll treat you." 
"i'm married, sergeant."
"c'mon, he doesn't have to know," his grin turns into more of a smirk, "i can treat you better than him, just let me show you."
"is that so?" you scoff to hide the laugh that almost escapes, "i don't think my husband would agree."
"he's probably a loser anyway, if you were mine i'd show you off any chance i got." the sergeant comes to stand in front of you, and it takes a great deal of restraint to keep your eyes on him and not the large figure approaching over his shoulder. "i bet he doesn't even know how to please you, does he?"
"wow." you mutter, finally letting the smile pull at your lips as a shadow falls over both of you. "you gonna let him talk about you like that?" 
the sergeant frowns in confusion, "wh–"
"let the boy have dreams, милая." nikolai interrupts, a wide grin on his face as he takes his place at your side. he doesn't spare the sergeant so much as a glance, his deep gaze locked onto yours as he slips an arm around your waist. "he will never have the real thing."
as if the world around you has disappeared, and there is nothing but the two of you, nik cups the back of your head and brings you into an adoring kiss. your fingers find the chain that hangs from his neck, curling around it and tugging him ever closer while the other rests against the planes of his abdomen.
you almost forget that you're not alone, lost in the strong hold of your husband, until the third party pipes up again and breaks the spell.
"c–commander," the sergeant sputters, standing rigid as his wide eyes drop to his boots, "i– uh, i apologise, i didn't–"
you go to pull away, but nikolai keeps you close to him with the hand on your head, smiling mischievously into your lips. he moves back slightly, just enough to speak, his lips still brushing yours as he addresses the sergeant.
"leave us, boy," he rumbles, his gaze never leaving yours even as he waves the sergeant away, "the lieutenant is busy."
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starry-eyedblog · 5 months
just found your account and it’s been lovely diving thru your work, your amazing ✨
If your still taking requests can I suggest celebrating with John as he goes from Lieutenant John Price to Captain John Price
hello, thank you so much anon <3 i'm glad yer enjoying my work, stay as long as you'd like!!
this is such a juicy idea, i'm actually ravenous thinking about it
warnings/tags: john price x gn reader, oral (blowjob), drunk sex, tiny mention of power imbalance
when john officially found out that he was moving up rank to captain, he kept his cool around the superior officers, saying his thanks and showing gratitude before hunting you down to share the good news. of course, you were the first to find out and hugs and kisses were in order.
after around ten minutes of praising him in-between breathless kisses, you rewarded him with a very much deserved blow job. really taking your time with him and doing all his favourite tricks to give him the most pleasure you could with your mouth. he came pretty quick, your eyes staring up at him while you swirled your tongue around his leaking tip.
after you cleaned up, he was off to round up his troop of soldiers he commanded and oversaw to tell them the news with you wrapped around his arm. they cheered and clapped for their now captain, saying there had to be a party tonight to celebrate.
it didn't take long for his soldiers to set up a party last minute that night, making sure there was plenty drink and snacks to enjoy the night. a few of them hung up banners that were kept in the cupboards waiting to be used for all kinds of celebrations, a generic saying written sparkly on them.
you sat on the couch for the majority of the night, watching from afar how a stream of people all different rankings came up to congratulate your boyfriend or make small talk. it made your heart warm, seeing him climbing up the ranks and getting the respect and recognition he deserved.
throughout the night, people would sit next to you and make conversation with you, mostly about john but you didn't mind, getting to speak about your partner and his achievements just reminded you of how proud you were of him but also just how much you loved him.
at some point through the party though you were dragged down a dark corridor by john and into a room you'd never step foot into. as he flickered the lights on, your eyes adjusted and was able to make out that it was an office, and a pretty big one at that. it then clicked, this was john's own office.
"pretty nice, eh doll?" he said smugly as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist from behind, head resting on your shoulder and you could smell the beer and bourbon from his breath. it's not like you were any better though, throwing drink after drink back in happiness.
"they are letting you have this?" you slurred quietly, resting your hands on top of his with a giggle and price chuckled against your neck which had sent a shiver down your spine. "all fuckin' mine sweetheart. c'mon we gotta christen it, dontcha' think?" he mumbled into your neck before he started to suck and bite at the skin, his hands tightening around you.
you squirmed in his grip, moaning and whining before you begged for him to take you over his new desk. it was beautiful, dark mahogany with no scratches or marks and took up a good amount of space in the office.
john had wasted no time in pulling you over to the desk and pinning you down on your back so he could see your face. it wasn't long before he was fumbling with buttons and zippers, desperate to get inside of you but after a bit he finally had managed to get his cock out enough to slip into you and fuck you into his desk.
he felt so powerful here, taking you on his new desk in his new office that was all his. he was a captain now, an even higher rank than you and it just made him harder due to the power imbalance. though he was pretty boozy, his thrusts were relatively on time and he was hitting all the right spots for you.
"fu-fuck captain, so so good." you slurred out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as john pounded into you. when it clicked in his drunk mind what you had called him, his thrusts came to a stop and a rough hand wrapped itself around your throat.
"what did you jus call me?" he grumbled, looking into your dazed eyes. "ca-captain," and after those words had left your mouth, john moaned lowly. "yeah that's right baby, c'mon call me it again." he panted, his thrusts picking up again as you continued to cry and moan for your captain to make you cum.
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ellabsprincess · 11 months
Vi love your boobas! She will kiss them, lick them, suck them, sleep on them, everything!
When she’s come home from a long day, she just wants your boobs in her mouth! And you’ll be laying on the couch just talking to her about your day while she sucks<3
anon yes omfg get out of my brain!! <3 vi definitely has an oral fixation and loves to keep herself occupied with your tits in her mouth.
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+, mdni, cute little smutty drabble, tit sucking, nipple play, sexual themes, vi being needy
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @dropsofs4turn @hehatesmati @zethd @im-jinxs-trinket
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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the tune of your favorite song blasts through your ears, your headphones blocking out the sound of any other unimportant disturbances. you move your head to the beat subconsciously, not even aware that you were moving and dancing while seated on your couch. you were scrolling through some app on your phone, nothing better to do than to burn time while you waited for your girlfriend to get home from work.
little did you know, she had just entered your shared apartment, and was standing back in the doorway, just admiring you so perfectly lost in your own little world. vi lived for little domestic moments like this, and she loved to come home to you blissful and upbeat.
not wanting to scare you, she slowly walks in front of the couch to be in your field of vision in your field of vision. the second you see her, your eyes light up in excitement and you fling yourself from the couch, not caring that your phone falls to the floor with a distinct clunk.
"vi! you're home! i didn't even hear you come in!" you squeal excitedly, running into her open arms.
"yeah cupcake, i'm home. missed you baby," it was a rough day for her at work, but she didn't want to think about that. not when she had her favorite person in her arms.
"c'mon, lets relax on the couch cupcake, didn't mean to interrupt you,"
your headphones and phone sat abandoned on the coffee table, your top and bra tossed aimlessly and recklessly to the floor.
your bottoms were left on, but nothing adorned your chest besides your necklaces and a series of wet hickeys across your neck and breasts.
your chest rose and fell with each breath and word expelled from your mouth, blabbering on about your day. you were detailed, wanting this moment to last as long as possible. as you described your eventful grocery spree or that morning, slurping and sucking sounds echo in the room, sourced from vi's lips enclosed around your tit, her hand pinching and teasing your other nipple. her spit and drool was all over your chest, but you couldn't care less. not when she looked so perfectly angelic and ethereal, her puppy dog eyes looking up at you ever so often to assure you she was listening while she lazily sucked and worshiped your tits.
the activity wasn't even foreplay for the both of you anymore, it became more of a peaceful daily ritual. sure, it was sexual, but it was more calming. it grounded vi after a tough day, and gave you time to rant to her and expel all your pent-up negative emotions from the day. it was beautiful and domestic more than anything.
vi lets out an occasional mhm, or quiet moan around your nipples as you recount the adventures of just that day, showing her agreement to your arguments with others, and getting lost in a hazy fog as she relaxes more than she's even been able to before.
eventually your fingers find their way to her hair, playing with the spiky ends and massaging her scalp. your nails scratch into her head, causing goosebumps to run down her body like insects crawling across her skin. she shivers a bit, but relishes in the pleasure of your hands.
she may come across as intimidating, overly dominant and even stubborn, but really, she just needs to be babied. she loves when she can be vulnerable with you, worship your body and play out all her desires while you pat her head and praise her for how good she makes you feel.
after at least an hour of vi curing her oral fixation with your beautiful chest in her mouth, you eat a quick dinner, haphazardly get ready for bed, and climb under the covers together, her head making it back to your chest once more. as you breathe softly, drifting off into the depths of your own mind, vi can only smile, as she herself falls asleep, close to your heart, the place she wishes to live forever.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
Hey there Been binging your writing for the past 12 hours or so, have to say I am very immersed in it and adore it, thank you!
The way I've been viewing obey me dating is basically trying all of them out to see what I like best I keep thinking on nsfw moments where mc reaches climax, what would happen if accidently she calls out the wrong name? How would the brothers reacts? Dia?
Hello, anon!
Oh wow, thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying my writing!
Well I have to say that I think most of the demons would be offended in some way at that.
It's funny because I've always thought about how aware the demons are that MC is essentially dating all of them. Like it's clearly something you can do and I always play the game that way, but they kinda just pretend it isn't a thing. Or they sometimes mention it, but there don't seem to be any repercussions?
So on the one hand, they might not care at all if they're all aware that MC is doing that and they're already cool with it. Well, I dunno. I think they'd probably still be a little miffed, but they might be able to let it go a little easier.
But in general, I think it might depend on which name MC calls out, you know?
For instance, you can be sure that Satan would lose his shit if MC called him Lucifer. He would be mildly annoyed about any other name, but if you call him Lucifer? Yikes.
Similarly, I think Diavolo would actually laugh if you called him Lucifer. He'd probably be like wow what a compliment! Anybody else and he'd probably be like hmmm I'm not super fond of that, but I forgive you because you're MC.
I think Lucifer would be mad no matter whose name you said. How dare you, MC. Can't you see that he is the one making you feel this good right now? You're gonna hafta make it up to him.
Mammon would pout. I think he might even develop some kind of complex about it. You would need to reassure him a lot to get him to feel better about it.
Due to being the Avatar of Envy, I really think Levi would also lose his shit about it, no matter whose name you said. Levi is normally very subby and anxious, but I think when his jealousy gets the better of him, he can get intense. Miiiiight go a little crazy with trying to make you orgasm again and again until you get his name right.
Asmo would laugh at first, but then he'd be offended. C'mon, MC! He's the Avatar of Lust!! How could you possibly even have room in your head for anyone else when you're with him, huh?? Forever after that, he'll only have sex with you in front of a mirror so you can't forget which demon you're with.
Beel would be confused and probably a little hurt, but he wouldn't get mad about it. However, if you called him Belphie, he wouldn't be upset. He'd be like oh did you want him to join?
Belphie on the other hand would be angry but in a quieter pissy sort of way. Like he'd start acting petulant with you. But similarly to Beel, if you called him Beel, he'd suggest having him join too lol.
Everybody but Diavolo would require some kind of apology and in the case of some of the more intense reactions, well... good luck lol!
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hi hi covey!! 💋
can i request a blurb of my sweet boy jason with his stressed & overworked, academicvalidation! gf? i just know he would be so caring and precious and jskjsksh i could just melt
✮⋆˙ take a break, catch a nap, have a snack!; jason grace x reader blurb
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content: jason grace x reader blurb warning: none! author's note: howdy guys!!! it feels like i've been gone but i know i really haven't, ya know??? i had a BLAST on my trip and am so so grateful i was able to go on it. but also, it was a nice break that has me missing writing, so hopefully more stuff is gonna be coming out soon...which will HOPEFULLY lead to me opening my request again. (not that some of yall deserve that frfr im looking at you, illegal anon's) ALSO KJ MY BELOVED YOURE LEGIT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND YOU COULD PROBS DO THIS PROMPT SO MUCH MORE JUSTICE THAN ME BUT I APPRICIATE IT NONETHELESS POOKIE!!! anyways with all da love, from covey at the boston airport!!
jason, of all people, understood seeking validation. someone confirming that you were doing good and that you could be good. but, even he felt this was a bit extreme. you'd blocked him! something about even his profile picture being distracting.
he was determined to have you take a break. get some food, get something that wasn't coffee to drink, and perhaps jason could somehow cuddle you to sleep. he was plotting alright as he marched to the library, almost certain that's where you could be. when take came up fruitless, jason huffed his way out of the library and waved the librarian's offers of help off. you thought you could outsmart him, but jason knew you better than himself on most days.
"how the hades- you know what? don't answer that," you hissed as jason stood in front of you with his arms crossed. you pouted as your secret study spot had been discovered - well, it really wasn't all that secret. it was the rooftop of your apartment but still! it was supposed to be a space undisturbed by the son of jupiter that was eager to steal you away from your studies.
"c'mon," jason replied, nodding his head towards the door of your bedroom. you simply gave him a pointed look before returning to your laptop. your fingers reached for the keys but then it was slammed shut by a suspiciously strong breeze. you frowned up at the boy who hadn't moved an inch but his foot was starting to tap like an angry mother.
"jase," you whined, dragging out the last vowel in hopes the longer you held the note, the more likely he was to give in. you were wrong as jason simply raised a brow at you.
"just thrity minutes," jason offered but you squinted at him in suspicion. jason then held his hand out to you, gentle and welcoming. you sighed but took his hand into yours, allowing him to pull you up and out of the homework mountain you've created. he helped you pack, muttering about the weather getting too cold soon and how you should study inside your apartment. you let him, knowing your backpack wouldn't be unzipped until the next day but continuing to play the part of 'opositional girlfriend.'
you let him lead you into the apartment and fix you up some snack as you curled up on the couch, your favorite movie play suspiciously at just the right time. you didn't need to ask questions as you knew this wasn't some accident or twist of fate based off the little twitch of jason's scar, a sure sign of scheming.
the sweet boy served you without even needing to be told what you wanted, somehow he always had a knack for just knowing. then he sat down next to you on the couch and you rolled your eyes as he could read him like a book. but, you let the roman boy have his fun. over the next ten minutes, he slowly inched closer to you. then, he threw his arm over the back of the couch, still yet to look in your direction. and to finish off the theatrics, a chill drifted through the apartment, which did, admittedly, have you leaning into the boy's warm side.
next thing you knew, a blanket was pulled up to your chin and your eyelids were drooping.
"homework cockblock," you muttered into jason's chest but cuddled closer nonetheless.
"you'll thank me later," jason mused back in reponse before running his hands through your hair and gently scratching at your scalp, the final nail in the coffin as you fluttered your eyes shut to sleep against your roman boy. and you didn't dream of late assignments or failing classes, but rather of the stunning blonde boy you was always looking out for you, college drop out or not.
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 2 months
im back with more chaotic modern reader x hazbin crew... 👀👀
just imagine a reader who cannot take things seriously. like, oh you're sad? their response is either "not a slay" or "that didn't eat". oh Angel and Husk are having yet another argument and the rest of the hotel is tense (-Alastor)? reader just obnoxiously sips tea. oh Adam is going on his "I'm better than you all" rant during the fight? reader just obnoxiously chews popcorn.
A/N: I rewrote this a few times because I had too many ideas on what to do but didn't want it to be too long. Anyways, hope you enjoy Anon!
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• You just don't get why people make such a fuss about stupid things, they're already in hell, what are they whining about? This place isn't even that bad, it is way different from what you were teached at least, you actually enjoy being here.
• You're not the most reliable person to go to when it comes to having a serious conversation, you just don't give two shits about anything, why should you? Does it really matter in this place, even if some demon gets angry at you, it's not like you can die again.
• You saw Charlie crying or just really stressed out about the hotel, you either tell her to suck it up or don't even bother engaging and go call Vaggie to deal with it, not your girlfriend, not your problem. Sir Pentious says his sinceres sorries to you? You tell him to go fuck himself and still gives him death stares for a week, he destroyed the wall Alastor made you clean up earlier that day and you hold grudges very easily.
• Husker and Angel are having a discussion? You're filming it and whispering “Fight fight fight” in the back, you'll take any drama that happens at the hotel. And when they come back all friendly and even being gross with each other you put your head on the bar's counter and let out a disappointed sigh; “You two are flirting now? For fuck sake, I can't have jackshit in this hotel can I?”
• Lucifer is coming to the Hotel? You cared at first, but then realized he was not as hot as you imagined the king of Hell would be and decided that you won't mind, you only really pay attention to when he and Alastor are fighting. Your eyes did tear up a little bit when Lucifer and Charlie solved things with each other but you won't ever say that out loud.
• When Vaggie finally revealed that she was a angel to everyone, you took it as the biggest gossip of the year instead of and actual emotional moment and did not understand why Charlie was so shocked at this information, like, c'mon, that shit was the best.
• When the final battle is close, the one that you can actually kill you for good, you don't get all emotional, your side has a army of cannibals, Alastor and the princess of Hell, why should you worry? Still, you find yourself drinking with your hotel mates the night before the fight, you find yourself talking happily to Charlie and Vaggie, telling Sir Pentious to just kiss Cherri Bomb already, you congratulate Angel and his future relationship with Husker which makes him laugh.
• This is Hell, you're here because you deserve it, but tomorrow is another day that no one can tell what happens so might as well enjoy it while it lasts, but you totally don't care about the hotel, yeah… Totally don't care.
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keeksandgigz · 6 months
thinking of eddie helping you braid your hair when you’re getting ready to spend the night
made this about eddie and witchy because i cannot stop thinking about them- this is also for the anon who said they can't stop reading it (thank u hehehe)
fluffy fluff below the cut, witchy being jealous and thinking of hexing his exes <3
He had to drag you into his apartment.
In a hilarious turn of events, due to some kind of San Francisco strike, all metro routes were suspended and there was no way you were going to walk in heeled boots all the way to Twin Peaks.
"Why call an Uber, baby? You can literally come upstairs at mine" Eddie says, watching you huff as you read over the e-mail about the strike.
"No Eddie you don't understand. I need to be home. I have a whole ritual! And silk pillowcases! Why can't you just drive me?" you whine, hoping he'll fold to your requests like he always does.
He grabs you by the shoulders, giving you a tender look.
"Because, my lovely witchy, metro routes being down means there will be absolute pandemonium in the streets. And I'm not trying to stay fifteen minutes stuck in downhill traffic" he laughs as you follow him around the store.
He's still working, you got off an hour before and after walking around the vintage stores for an hour there wasn't much else to do. It's just him in the record shop, working the closing shift. You follow him around trying to convince him to drive you back as he puts back the vinyls in the milk crates, folds band t- shirts, and rearranges patches in the display case.
"C'mon, witchy, just go up. I have Chinese takeout from last night or spaghetti if you wanna cook, I'll stop by the hair place across the block to get you a silk pillowcase. Promise" he says, leaning over the counter to kiss your forehead he opens up the cash till.
"But Ed-" you whine, you've never slept outside of your apartment before.
"No buts, I'm sorry witchy. Now get your cute butt out of here, I've got money out" he says, puckering his lips, ready for a kiss.
You lean over the counter and give him a quick kiss before he hands you the keys to his apartment.
"Don't forget to call Lorraine to get her to feed Circe!" he exclaims before you're out the door. You roll your eyes, of course you'll call Lorraine, your neighbor, if Lorraine existed.
But he doesn't have to know you can feed Circe with a snap of your finger whenever you forget to leave food out in the morning.
So you groan and you go through the backdoor of the store to reach the small, dingy courtyard of his apartment. Second floor, apartment 5C.
This building is so old it doesn't even have an elevator. You reach the door and open it, the rattle of keys falling over the counter is the only sound that can be heard, along with the clack of the short heels of your boots.
You take your shoes off and go through his fridge. Day- old Chinese takeout, a carton of eggs and milk. Three cans of Sierra Nevada, a half- drunk bottle of Coke Zero. You open his freezer.
Honey walnut shrimp and fried rice from Trader Joe's, a bottle of vodka, and a tub of ice cream from the last time you were craving it.
You roll your eyes and pick up the phone.
"Hey Ed, you have jack shit in your fridge. Can you stop by the Greek place down the block? I’ll have a gyro with chicken and falafel on the side” you request, hearing his groan at another chore he has to do post closing.
“Baby the Chinese food in the fridge is pretty good, it’s from the place we always go to” he’s not very convincing, but he’s tired and now lost count of the cash he was counting.
“‘kay i’ll put an online order for it so you just have to go pick it up, sound good?” you ignore him.
“Ugh fine but I better get, like, the biggest kiss in return.“ he groans, but it’s true. He is a weak, weak man when it comes to you. “Get me the pita wrap with lamb and fries, and lemme also get seasoned fries on the side. Thank you witchy, love you gotta go” he says, hanging up the phone.
So you order the food and then sneak in Eddie's bedroom to change into something comfortable. Getting rid of that fine line when clothes felt too much like clothes, the stitching pressing into your skin, the cuffs of your sweater feeling a bit too tight against your wrists, your jeans too tight on your legs.
So you venture in his closet and steal a pair of sweats and a ratty black t- shirt. One of his many. You go to the bathroom and notice there's no mirror. This dude.
So you tie your hair away from your face and use the nice face wash you got him- which you're sure he rarely uses- and wipe the makeup off your face. You go look for a clean towel, 'cause God knows you will not be wiping your face with the hand towel sitting on the rod on the wall.
After your face is clean you plop yourself on the couch and watch TV to pass the time.
Thirty- odd minutes later a rattling of keys startles you. Eddie walks through the door with his arms full of plastic bags. He places them on the counter.
"Hey witchy, I see you've made yourself at home?" he says, as you walk towards him and bury yourself in his arms. At least he smelled nice.
"Hmmm missed you, Ed" you mutter against the fabric of his t- shirt.
"You missed me?" you give a little nod, followed by a hum. His heart beats a bit faster, it's nice knowing you think of him when he's away.
"Aw, witchy. I missed you too, are you hungry?" he says, giving you a sweet kiss on the head as he detaches from your grip and reaches for the bag with the food, taking out the boxes.
"Also stopped by the hair place, got you that silk pillowcase and some shampoo and conditioner to keep here. Doubt you'll wanna use my three in one shit" he snickers, and you blush timidly. He's not sweet in the way that he'll kiss you in the middle of the street, but he is for sure sweet in the way he thinks about you an embarrassing amount of times a day.
"Thanks Ed, you didn't have to do that" you say, and he blushes, the boy tinges himself pink because you appreciate him.
"Y'know, anything for you" he says, giving you a kiss on the forehead as he brings the takeout boxes to the coffee table.
You follow him and plop down on the couch "I was watching 'Sex and the City' while you were gone" you explain, biting into your gyro.
"Was Samantha being her usual crazy self?" he doesn't even know who Samantha is, but he thinks it's funny to ask you every time. You giggle as he puts on a random show for you to watch.
After an episode Eddie stands up and stretches.
"I'm beat, I think it's time for bed" he says "c'mon, witchy"
You rise from the couch and follow him into the master bathroom.
“I have a toothbrush here for you, I kinda uh-“ from his tone you can tell he’s embarrassed “I got one for here the first time you came over, in case you ever, y’know, wanted to sleep over” he says sheepishly, while you wrap your arms around him.
He offers it to you, it’s pink. Your favorite color.
“Aw, Ed. You’re so sweet, thank you” you say and you swear you can see him blush as you place a delicate kiss on his warming cheek.
This slice of domesticity taken away from the mystic vibe of your apartment really makes you wonder. It makes you think about a normal life, with him.
The way he washes his face like a madman (without face wash), letting the water wet his bangs instead of pulling his hair back, the way he ties his hair up before brushing his teeth.
You take the toothbrush out of your mouth "Ah shtill don' undestand why you don' have a mirrah" you sputter, mouth full as you spit the toothpaste in the sink.
"Why I don't have a mirror? Previous tenant broke it and my asshole landlord still won't fix it" he says, taking off his shirt. Your eyes linger on the lines of his back a little too long, bordering the line between looking and staring.
So you turn around and you try to braid your hair without a mirror, but to no avail, every strand seems to be three different sizes.
You groan in frustration as Eddie approaches you.
"Lemme help, witchy" he says, standing behind you and tending an arm out for a hair tie.
He divides the hair into three strands. Your hair is so soft between his fingers.
He wishes he could stall so that he could caress it for longer, but an impatient yawn escapes your mouth as his hands deftly get to work. Over, under, over, under-
"Where did you learn to braid hair?" you ask, feeling the way he softly holds each strand, making sure he's not pulling at your scalp. You don't see him, but a smile forms around his tongue, peeking out of his lips in concentration. Over, under.
"I had girlfriends before you, witchy. They taught me to braid my own hair" he chuckles, as you try to tune out the word girlfriends. Under, over, under.
He can see a pout form on your lips, he smiles.
"Why'd you need to braid your hair?" you huff, thinking of going on a spiraling rampage and hexing every one of his exes. Over.
"Well" he begins "one time, an ex braided my hair and it came out super curly, so I wanted to try it myself. Turns out it needs to stay in the braid for a while for that to happen" he shrugs.
Under, over, tie.
"All done," he announces, placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
"Thanks, Ed" you examine the braid, flinging it over your shoulder "looks really nice" you say, and give him a small kiss at the corner of his mouth.
He gets himself into bed. His bed is oddly comfortable and his sheets smell of laundry detergent.
"I might have been washing my sheets every other day in case you wanted to sleep over" he confesses, blushing, as he lifts his arm, opening the warmth of his chest to you.
"You" you give him a kiss "are literally" another kiss "the sweetest guy" another kiss "in the history of always" last kiss.
He gets flustered when you call him sweet, because under the hardening exterior of black chains and shirts with exploding heads and hooded skeletal figures, there's just a sweet guy who loves you and wants you to like him for being himself.
"Just want you to, you know, have a good experience with me" he says, caressing your head.
"You get an 11/10 Yelp rating, can't recommend to anyone, though. You seem to be preoccupied with a really cool girl, and it seems it's going to go on forever" you giggle, as he smiles and gives you a kiss.
"Go to sleep, cool girl. Goodnight, love you" he says, before turning off his lights.
"Goodnight, Ed" you say, turning over so he can spoon you.
"You have to say it back" he whispers in the quiet of the dark room.
"Right, sorry. I love you too, Ed" you correct yourself and close your eyes, falling into one of the best sleeps you've ever had in your life.
The morning after, Eddie wakes up to his landlord bringing in a new mirror, his hair extra curled and all his exes blocked on his social media. But he doesn't have to know about that last one.
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