Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :3
1. Thom Yorke.
2. Thom Yorke.
3. Thom Yorke.
4. Thom Yorke.
5. Radiohead.
Paradoxical because, you know, the saddest fans
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insanelyadd · 2 years
Deeply amused that the parasites are initially presented as a terrible and creepy threat who have taken over literally every other monster in the Underground in a sort of radical zombie apocalypse, yet when they're trying to take over Papyrus and he makes a number of demands, their response is 'we literally cannot say no or We Will Die. You're seeking a way to separate your brother from one of our own, which may result in said parasite dying, but we still have No Choice But To Agree.' It's a tragic situation that Fly and his brother were brought to this point to begin with but it's very morbidly humorous to me.
Yeah, I mean. They're my own parasites I get to say what they can and can't do. I say that they're weak lil bitches when confronted with two chronic insomniacs. Lucky for them the people they couldn't manage to possess Also aren't. You know. Insane people who want to kill everyone who's possessed.
These parasites take over through a calculated attack. They communicate to get the exact number of people they need to possess and plan who should be infected first by observing the patterns of intended targets for a short time. They likely figured everyone but those two guys who will have to sleep eventually is fine.
Mostly I chose this powerset because it was needed for the story I wanted to tell and the outcome I wanted. Also because I wanted to differentiate them from canon Fresh who I don't think has any restrictions to who they can possess. Human, monster, asleep, awake, willing, not. Don't think it's ever been stated who they can't possess, excluding soulless people.
Someone on deviantart mentioned Flowey hiding and you know what. That's fair. Flowey probably is losing his mind. Then again I set this pre-canon by a good while (Papyrus isn't wearing his battle body which is at least two weeks old). So you could just interpret it as him not having woken up yet, or not having been made. If he just isn't awake yet. Man. He's going to be real confused about his parents huh gbdsjkgdbsjgkdsfbk
But anyways.
Papyrus is just really cool and powerful and even though we all know he would never kill them it's a better chance for everyone else if they let him fuck off into the multiverse hoping the parasite will kill him by letting it feed off of him for long enough (another thing specific to this parasite is that essentially the parasites can live the entire lifespan of that monster in the same body as long as they don't put unnecessary strain on the soul - like traveling the multiverse - the opposite is implied to be true for the OG Fresh, where the possessed person will probably die sooner or later. Spoilers though, I am making the parasite and Papyrus become friends. Not in this comic, just, that's how it goes after the fact. CQ once stated that the more Fresh possesses one person the more it can feel (not sure if that still applies) so I'm going to have the same apply here, but them communicating through Papyrus' soul will definitely make that worse/speed it up. So they're besties. Wouldn't be the first time Papyrus has befriended a soulless creature.)
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modelpluswarsaw · 1 year
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Agnieszka Gołębiewska i Marta Lityńska for ANSWEAR Lab Capsule Collection 
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clowninin · 2 years
Hello! Do you mind, if I repost your art with credits?
Oh i dont mind reposts only with credits of course, thank you for asking!
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okchijt · 3 months
I sent you a request yesterday, but I was just wondering if you have a lot of requests in your inbox at the moment, if you don't mind saying 🤍 :)
Hello! I indeed got your request! I'm very happy with it actually and can't wait to get to it eventually ❤️
I don't want go say the exact amount cause it's unforgivable how long some of these have been sitting in my inbox but I do have a lot to get through 💀
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promokodibiz · 5 months
Unlocking the Power of Answear: Navigating the World of Intelligent
In the digital age, where information is at our fingertips, the need for efficient and accurate answers has never been more crucial. Answear, a powerful tool designed to provide intelligent responses to queries, has emerged as a key player in this landscape. This article explores the significance of promo codes Answear and how it is revolutionizing the way we seek and obtain information.
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Answear represents a significant leap forward in the realm of intelligent responses. Its advanced capabilities in natural language processing, contextual understanding, and real-time updates make it a powerful tool for individuals and businesses alike. As technology continues to evolve, Answear stands as a testament to the potential of artificial intelligence in simplifying and enhancing our interactions with information. Embracing this innovative solution opens up new possibilities for more efficient, accurate, and personalized information retrieval in the digital age.
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coolladydot · 6 months
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Ninge. Privesc cu nasul lipit de geam cum zăpada este presărată tandru pe pământul rece de parcă cineva ar cerne făină printr-o sită uriașă. Iluminatul stradal parcă adaugă o notă de magie acestui peisaj feeric. Mă simt teleportată în timp, văzând cu ochii minții toate iernile trăite până acum și simțind speranța cu care am scris fiecare scrisoare către Moș Crăciun. Zăpada este primul semn că a…
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vladman123 · 1 year
How can i make grow my self estem? I don't want choose people because i feel lonely...what can i do?
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ann-ka-szuster · 1 year
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dumifashion · 1 year
Answear: Magazinul online unic pentru bărbați, femei și copii avansați în modă
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Answear este un magazin online care oferă o gamă largă de articole de modă pentru bărbați, femei și copii. Compania a fost înființată în Polonia în 2006 și de atunci s-a extins în mai multe țări din Europa, inclusiv în România, unde a câștigat o mare popularitate în rândul consumatorilor conștienți de modă.
Mai multe detalii găsiți aici - Magazinul online unic pentru bărbați, femei și copii avansați în modă
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soullessdianthus · 10 months
just read “forbidden fruit” and i’m OBSESSED. Also, it got me thinking on this, hear me out; Ghost notices the way König looks at you after that little encounter, so AND IF THIS IS TOO MUCH PLA IGNORE IT for some reason Kortac and TF141 have to share base, meaning König sleeps on the bedroom next to yours and Ghosts and hears how you absolutely get railed into next dimension bc poor baby Ghost was jealous someone else was looking at his girl the wrong way, so he makes sure to cover you in marks to let everyone know you’re very much taken and YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM THERE BUT LIKE I SAID IGNORE IT IF YOURE NOT COMFORTABLE WRITING NSFW
✧°. Boyfriend!Ghost would absoluetly make sure other people from your surrounding know you're his girl. He'd leave purple hickeys in a visible place and while normally it would be probably your neck, this time (when you're wearing a military clothes, covering your skin) Ghost would go as far as leaving his marks behind your ear or on your jawline.
✧°. Which, of course, was a subjects of your latest argument, because it was vulgar to mark your lover in such an obvious way. But silently you loved it, let's be honest.
✧°. If you happened to share some accommodations with KorTac and SOMEHOW were placed on the other side of König's room ─ Ghost would absolutely abuse that coincidence.
✧°. He'd be in a worse mood, acting more grumpy than usual, but when you two finally happened to get comfy in your shared room (or just his private quarters), Ghost would be all over you ─ almost tearing your clothes off, kissing so desperatly, his tongue inviding your pretty mouth.
✧°. Boyfriend!Ghost would fuck the daylights out of you on the creaking bed, making sure you're not holding back any noises. Where normally he wants to keep all of you to himself, during that mission he had a point to make.
✧°. While you and lieutenant were sharing an intimate moment, König would lie in a bed too small for him, listening to the awfully salacious noises coming from the other side of the wall. Mostly of you.
✧°. Austrian soldier tried to ignore your little whimpers and sweet moans, but just couldn't. He sneaked one of his palms under his cargo pants and below the boxers. König would fuck his fist, bucking his hips upwards, thinking of you bouncing on his fat cock. He knew he shouldn't be imagining this, like at all. But your sweet gaze haunted him when he closed his blue eyes. He would take such a good care of you. <3
✧°. König would imagine that you were with him that night, that it was him who made you whimper from pleasure. Colonel would thrust into his own hand until he came hard, knowing he should be more careful next time when around you. The thought alone about you made him a perv.
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aftongiulien · 2 years
Ok soooo i'm bored, i'm so bored, so tell me One of the most embaressing thing that happen in the last few months
Hiii anon well... the most embaressing thing that happen in the last few months Is.... that o trew up infront of the whole clasa cause of anxiety
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insanelyadd · 11 months
after all this time.. right under my nose…
the true hero.
Thank you. <3 I also drew the Fingers In His Ass background.
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I love telling people this because it makes me feel like a supervillain.
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rebrandingseason · 20 days
Kinda funny that country known for it’s political neutrality won but okay
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currently-evil · 1 year
Neil: You can't trust people with beards. Why? Easy, CIA use beards to hide loose ends of their prosthetic face masks. Remember, person with beard is a potential CIA spy. What else... Oh, yeah you can use hairpin as lockpicks but you need to know how to bend them, so at the beginning just get a professional lockpick and then when you get more experience you can use hairpins. Oh and the best way to murder somebody is just to shot them, like you know from the hip in the middle of big crowd. Hide the weapon, act as much in panic as everybody else, get rid of the weapon and your clothes and voila, perfect murder. Like yes there are surveillance cameras, but honestly they are not as good as people think. Reporter who just asked if Neil have any good advices for his fans:
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rerarlo · 8 months
Time to feed the DinoSquad Fandom a little.
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Have a sketch-esk re-draw of the circling scene in the last episode and little character sketches for the scrungle Veloci and tired teacher Moynihan. I gave her wrinkled because i can.
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