#anti en dwi gast
bitchliteraria1906 · 1 month
Alright, question.
You guys remember The Grandmaster, right? From Thor Ragnarok?
Well, if you are a Loki fan who really likes this movie, chances are you remember Frostmaster. The ship between him and Loki.
I used to be big on them when I first watched the movie, mostly because Loki was a character I really liked (still do lmao) and the interpretation/characterization of The Grandmaster I rolled with at the time was just "Quirky guy who doesn't understand boundaries very well but is sweet despite that and would spoil his love interest a lot", and the idea of Loki being with someone like that felt nice at the time.
Anyways, whenever I searched for fics of them I was always bombarded on the face with a LOT of rape/non-con/dubious consent. Specifically, The Grandmaster being an abusive piece of shit to Loki. And yes, I know there's dark fics for pretty much every ship, but in this case, it was an almost overwhelming majority. And most of them were actually well written and seemed to be trying to be a representation of trauma instead of just dead dove porn.
My reasoning at the time (as a 12 year old, I think?) was "Okay, these people are weird as hell and have a really different interpretation of the character than I do. Whatever, there's some soft fics too, I'm just gonna stick to them." But now that I'm older, having rewatched the movie some times...
Yeah, I can see where these people were coming from with the "Loki did what was necessary to survive on Sakaar and that bitch took advantage of him for it" headcanon/theory. Their scenes are uncomfy, and you can’t expect a guy who owns slaves and melts people to have a great moral compass, can you?
I have nothing against characterizing him differently, I just... grew out of it, I think?
So, here's what I want to know:
Btw, when I say "ship", I'm mostly talking about enjoying the pairing, not wanting it to become canon.
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pianopadawan · 3 years
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Proudly autistic En Dwi Gast pardoning ableism from existence.
Autism $peaks and prejudiced films like Mu$ic make me, as a neurodivergent person, upset. Very upset. You know what I like about being upset? The blame. And right now, ableism is what I'm blaming and fan art is the kind of mindset I'm in.
(And yes, Snake!Loki also hates Autism $peaks. I'm sure. I'm positive.)
(Chewelry necklace idea goes back to a thread by @electric-marrow where we discussed how the Elders could be autistic, so thank you to them for that lovely idea!)
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pianopadawan · 4 years
I just had this beautiful image of the Grandmaster melting the Autism Speaks logo because ableism should be officially pardoned from existence. I can’t draw but I would draw this if I could.
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