#anti park sheridan
eurekaspringshq · 5 months
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welcome to eureka springs, MAGNUS KONNAR, JAE CHOI, VICTORIA YOUNG, DAEHWAN PARK, & CHOI MOONBIN. tye sheriden, eric sohn, milena tscharntke, min yoongi, & park jimin are now taken !! please send us a message within 24 hours to receive the link to the discord.
( tye sheridan / 26 / cismale he&him. ) i heard that MAGNUS "MAGGY" KONNAR is a/an OWNER OF ODDS & ENDS (ODDITIES SHOP). they have lived in town for FOURTEEN YERAS. i also heard that they are OUTGOING & FRIENDLY but also RECLUSIVE & AWKWARD. there’s a rumor they are living in their business because they cannot afford housing and have no where to go , but you didn’t hear it from me. ( katie. she/her. 23. cst. )
( Eric Sohn / 22 / male, he/him. ) i heard that JAE CHOI is a STUDENT/BARTENDER AT NIGHTINGALE they have lived in town for TEN YEARS. i also heard that they are GREGARIOUS and HARDWORKING but also FICKLE and GULLIBLE. there’s a rumor they HAVE AN ONLYFANS ACCOUNT, but you didn’t hear it from me. ( lori. she/they. 25+. ast. )
( milena tscharntke / 23 / cisfemale she/her. ) i heard that VICTORIA YOUNG is a PRE-LAW COLLEGE STUDENT. they have lived in town for ALL HER LIFE. i also heard that they are SMART, DETERMINE but also STOIC, APPETENT. there’s a rumor they ARE BUYING ANTI-DEPRESSANTS ONLINE TO TRY AND PERK HERSELF HAPPY, but you didn’t hear it from me.
( min yoongi / 28 / transmasc, he/they. ) i heard that DAEHWAN PARK is a DETECTIVE. they have lived in town for ALL HIS LIFE. i also heard that they are CLEVER & DEDICATED but also CRITICAL & HARD-HEADED. there’s a rumor they SECRETLY MARRIED THEIR HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEART, but you didn’t hear it from me. ( sim. he/they. 27. est. )
( park jimin / 25 / cisgender male. he/him ) i heard that CHOI MOONBIN is a/an LAW STUDENT they have lived in town for HIS WHOLE LIFE. i also heard that they are CREATIVE and GENUINE but also CLINGY and IMPULSIVE there’s a rumor they HAVE BEEN ENGAGED TWICE TO THE SAME PERSON but you didn’t hear it from me.
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brekkfast · 4 years
The fact that Rainbow Rowell accepted that movie deal even after all the well-deserved controversy of E&P just shows she's not actually concerned about representation and only thinks about her coin and that's just so disappointing. Like right in front of my salad?? Why am I so surprised at a white woman once again being glorified for diversity in her books and actually profiting off of it when there are so many other POC and black authors to put in the spotlight?? Like??? This is so Unnecessary. I'm dreading the day this movie comes out and people actually think Korean people are Like That. I hate the fact that it doesn't have a Korean director, (Asian people aren't interchangeable, who knew? But it could also be that any self respecting Korean wouldn't even Touch this story) and I hate the fact that even though Eleanor doesn't say the n-word because she's "better" than her peers (like hooray for you doing the bare minimum) but her racism against Asians is "historically accurate," because Asian racism is so normalised. How about Eleanor, who is THE LOVE INTEREST OF AN ASIAN, not be racist to ASIANS AND BLACK PEOPLE? God I hate this book.
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trans-advice · 3 years
Excerpt from “Transgender History” (2017) by Susan Stryker (“Chapter 3: Trans Liberation”)
Meanwhile, across the continent [from San Francisco, California, USA], another important center of transgender activism was taking shape in New York City [New York, USA], where, not coincidentally, Harry Benjamin maintained his primary medical practice. In 1968, Mario Martino, a female-to-male transsexual, founded Labyrinth, the first organization in the United States devoted specifically to the needs of transgender men. Martino and his wife, who both worked in the health care field, helped other transsexual men navigate their way through the often-confusing maze of transgender-oriented medical services just then beginning to emerge, which (despite being funded primarily by Reed Erickson) were geared more toward the needs of transgenderwomen than transgender men. Labyrinth was not a political organization but rather one that aimed to help individuals make the often-difficult transition from one social gender to another.
Far overshadowing the quiet work of Martino’s Labyrinth Foundation, however, were the dramatic events of June 1969 at the Stonewall Inn, a bar in New York’s Greenwich Village. The “Stonewall Riots” have been mythologized as the origin of the gay liberation movement, and there is a great deal of truth in that characterization, but—as we have seen—gay, transgender, and gender-nonconforming people had been engaging in militant protest and collective actions against social oppression for at least a decade by that time. Stonewall stands out as the biggest and most consequential example of a kind of event that was becoming increasingly common, rather than as a unique occurrence. By 1969, as a result of many years of social upheaval and political agitation, large numbers of people who were socially marginalized because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, especially younger people who were part of the Baby Boomer generation, were drawn to the idea of “gay revolution” and were primed for any event that would set such a movement off. The Stonewall Riots provided that very spark, and they inspired the formation of Gay Liberation Front groups in big cities, progressive towns, and college campuses all across the United States. Ever since the summer of 1969, various groups of people who identify with the people who participated in the rioting have argued about what actually happened, what the riot’s underlying causes were, who participated in it, and what the movements that point back to Stonewall as an important part of their own history have in common with one another.
Although Greenwich Village was not as economically down-and-out as San Francisco’s Tenderloin, it was nevertheless a part of the city that appealed to the same sorts of people who resisted at Cooper Do-Nut, Dewey’s, and Compton’s Cafeteria: drag queens, hustlers, gender nonconformists of many varieties, gay men, lesbians, and countercultural types who simply “dug the scene.” The Stonewall Inn was a small, shabby, Mafia-run bar (as were many of the gay-oriented bars in New York back in the days when being gay or cross-dressing were crimes). It drew a racially mixed crowd and was popular mainly for its location on Christopher Street near Sheridan Square, where many gay men “cruised” for casual sex, and because it featured go-go boys, cheap beer, a good jukebox, and a crowded dance floor. Then as now, there was a lively street scene in the bar’s vicinity, one that drew young and racially mixed queer folk from through the region most weekend nights. Police raids were relatively frequent (usually when the bar was slow to make its payoffs to corrupt cops) and relatively routine and uneventful. Once the bribes were sorted out, the bar would reopen, often on the same night. But in the muggy, early morning hours of Saturday, June 28, 1969, events departed from the familiar script when the squad cars pulled up outside the Stonewall Inn.
[Source text Inserts “Sidebar: Radical Transsexual” here]
A large crowd of people gathered on the street as police began arresting workers and patrons and escorting them out of the bar and into the waiting police wagons. Some people in the crowd started throwing coins at the police officers, taunting them for taking “payola.” Eyewitness accounts of what happened next differ in their particulars, but some witnesses claim a transmasculine person resisted police attempts to put them in the police wagon, while others noted that African American and Puerto Rican members of the crowd—many of them street queens, feminine gay men, transgender women, or gender-nonconforming youth—grew increasingly angry as they watched their “sisters” being arrested and escalated the level of opposition to the police. Both stories might well be true. Sylvia Rivera, a transgender woman who came to play an important role in subsequent transgender political history, long maintained that, after she was jabbed by a police baton, she threw the beer bottle that tipped the crowd’s mood from mockery to collective resistance. In any case, the targeting of gender-nonconforming people, people of color, and poor people during a police action fits the usual patterns of police behavior in such situations.
Bottles, rocks, and other heavy objects were soon being hurled at the police, who, in retaliation, began grabbing people from the crowd and beating them.Weekend partiers and residents in the heavily gay neighborhood quickly swelledthe ranks of the crowd to more than two thousand people, and the outnumberedpolice barricaded themselves inside the Stonewall Inn and called for reinforcements. Outside, rioters used an uprooted parking meter as a batteringram to try to break down the bar’s door, while other members of the crowdattempted to throw a Molotov cocktail inside to drive the police back into the streets. Tactical Patrol Force officers arrived on the scene in an attempt to contain the growing disturbance, which nevertheless continued for hours until dissipating before dawn. That night, thousands of people regrouped at the Stonewall Inn to protest. When the police arrived to break up the assembled crowd, street fighting even more violent than that of the night before ensued. One particularly memorable sight amid the melee was a line of drag queens, arms linked, dancing a can-can and singing campy, improvised songs that mocked the police and their inability to regain control of the situation: “We are the Stonewall girls / We wear our hair in curls / We always dress with flair / We wear clean underwear / We wear our dungarees / Above our nellie knees.” Minor skirmishes and protest rallies continued throughout the next few days before finally dying down. By that time, however, untold thousands of people had been galvanized into political action.
Sidebar: Radical Transsexual
Suzy Cooke was a young hippie from upstate New York who lived in a commune in Berkeley, California, when she started transitioning from male to female in 1969. She came out as a bisexual transsexual in the context of the radical counterculture.
I was facing being called back up for the draft. I had already been called up once and had just gone in and played crazy with them the year before. But that was just an excuse. I had also been doing a lot of acid and really working things out. And then December 31, 1968, I took something—I don’t really know what it was—but everything just collapsed. I said, “This simply cannot go on.” To the people that I lived with, I said, “I don’t care if you hate me, but I’m just going to have to do something. I’m going to have to work it out over the next couple of months, and that it doesn’t matter if you reject me, I just have to do it.”
As it was, the people in my commune took it very well. I introduced the cross-dressing a few days later as a way of avoiding the draft. And they were just taken aback at how much just putting on the clothes made me into a girl. I mean, hardly any makeup. A little blush, a little shadow, some gloss, the right clothes, padding. I passed. I passed really easily in public. This is like a few months before Stonewall. And by this point I was dressing up often enough that people were used to seeing it.
I was wallowing in the happiness of having a lot of friends. Here I was being accepted, this kinda cool/sorta goofy hippie kid. I was being accepted by all these heavy radicals. I had been rejected by my parental family, and I had never found a family at college, and now here I was with this family of like eight people all surrounding me. And as it turned out, even some of the girls that I had slept with were thinking that this was really cool. All the girls would donate clothes to me. I really had not been expecting this. I had been expecting rejection, I really had been. And I was really very pleased and surprised. Because I thought that if I did this then I was going to have to go off and live with the queens. And I didn’t.
Stonewall’s Transgender Legacy:
Within a month of the Stonewall Riots, gay activists inspired by the events in Greenwich Village formed the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), which modeled itself on radical Third World liberation and anti-imperialist movements. The GLF spread quickly through activist networks in the student and antiwar movements, primarily among white young people of middle-class origin. Almost as quickly as it formed, however, divisions appeared within the GLF, primarily taking aim at the movement’s domination by white men and its perceived marginalization of women, working-class people, people of color, and trans people. People with more liberal, less radical politics soon organized as the Gay Activists Alliance (GAA), which aimed to reform laws rather than foment revolution. Many lesbians redirected their energy toward radical feminism and the women’s movement. And trans people, after early involvement in the GLF (and being explicitly excluded from the GAA’s agenda), quickly came to feel that they did not have a welcome place in the movement they had done much to inspire. As a consequence, they soon formed their own organizations.
In 1970, Sylvia Rivera and another Stonewall regular, Marsha P. Johnson, established STAR—Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries. Their primary goal was to help street kids stay out of jail, or get out of jail, and to find food, clothing, and a place to live. They opened STAR House, an overtly politicized version of the “house” culture that already characterized black and Latino queer kinship networks, where dozens of trans youth could count on a free and safe place to sleep. Rivera and Johnson, as “house mothers,” would hustle to pay the rent, while their “children” would scrounge for food. Their goal was to educate and protect the younger people who were coming into the kind of life they themselves led—they even dreamed of establishing a school for kids who’d never learned to read and write because their formal education was interrupted by discrimination and bullying. Some STAR members, particularly Rivera, were also active in the Young Lords, a revolutionary Puerto Rican youth organization. One of the first times the STAR banner was flown in public was at a mass demonstration against police repression organized by the Young Lords in East Harlem in 1970, in which STAR participated as a group. STAR House lasted for only two or three years and inspired a few short-lived imitators in other cities, but its legacy lives on even now.
A few other transgender groups formed in New York in the early 1970s. A trans woman named Judy Bowen organized two extremely short-lived groups: Transvestites and Transsexuals (TAT) in 1970 and Transsexuals Anonymous in 1971. More significant was the Queens’ Liberation Front (QLF), founded by drag queen Lee Brewster and heterosexual transvestite Bunny Eisenhower. The QLF formed in part to resist the erasure of drag and trans visibility in the first Christopher Street Liberation Day march, which commemorated the Stonewall Riots and is now an annual event held in New York on the last Sunday in June. In many other cities, this weekend has become the traditional date to celebrate LGBTQ Pride. The formation of the QLF demonstrates how quickly the gay liberation movement started to push aside some of the very people who had the greatest stake in militant resistance at Stonewall. QLF members participated in that first Christopher Street Liberation Day march and were involved in several other political campaigns through the next few years—including wearing drag while lobbying state legislators in Albany. QLF’s most lasting contribution, however, was the publication of Drag Queen magazine (later simply Drag), which had the best coverage of transgender news and politics in the United States, and which offered fascinating glimpses of trans life and activism outside the major coastal cities. In New York, QLF founder Lee Brewster’s private business, Lee’s Mardi Gras Boutique, was a gathering place for segments of the city’s transgender community well into the 1990s.
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handeaux · 3 years
17 Curious Facts About The Cincinnati Reds
The Original Cincinnati Baseball Team Now Plays In Atlanta
Everyone knows baseball’s first professional team was organized in Cincinnati in 1869. What’s forgotten is that team’s disappointing 1870 season, after which the franchise dissolved. Manager Harry Wright moved to Boston, where he organized, with some former Cincinnati teammates, the Boston Red Stockings in 1871. Renamed the Boston Braves in 1912, that team moved to Milwaukee in 1953, and to Atlanta in 1966.
Red Stockings Were Dangerous
The 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings created a sensation by wearing knickerbocker trousers to show off their manly calves, clothed in lurid scarlet, to entice more women to the ball park. Other clubs adopted Cincinnati’s style, but players reported cases of blood poisoning when they were spiked, because the toxic dyes coloring their stockings seeped into the wounds. By the early 1900s, players started wearing white “sanitary socks” under brightly (and dangerously) dyed “stirrup socks” to avoid infection.
Today’s Reds Are Cincinnati’s Fifth Professional Baseball Team
1. The Cincinnati Red Stockings of 1869 dissolved after the 1870 season. 2. A revived Reds, formed in 1875, joined the new National League in 1876, but was expelled from the league and dissolved in 1880 because they refused to stop serving beer. 3. The current Cincinnati Reds team was organized in 1881 to join the rival American Association, then quit the AA in 1889 to rejoin the National League. 4. The American Association returned to town in 1891 with team known as Kelly's Killers, who played in the East End. 5. A short-lived professional league, the Union Association, recruited a Cincinnati franchise, the “Outlaw Reds,” who competed during that league’s only season in 1884.
Too Much Sunshine.
Baseball games have been called on account of rain, snow, earthquakes, darkness and all sorts of factors, but the Cincinnati Reds once had a game called on account of sunshine. The Reds and the Boston Braves squared off on 6 May 1892 in League Park. This ancestor of Crosley Field was built facing west and, after 14 innings of scoreless play, the catchers and hitters complained they couldn’t see the ball as the sun slowly settled behind Price Hill. Umpire Jack Sheridan agreed and called the tie game on account of sunshine. The next day’s Enquirer called the decision “just and sensible.”
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Cicadas Are Good Luck
Local maven Joe Hoffecker notes the Reds have played eight seasons during which Cincinnati endured an infestation of 17-year cicadas. During those eight seasons, the Reds won a World Series, two National League pennants and two second-place finishes. The combined won-lost record for those eight years is 633-553, for a cumulative .534 percentage. This bodes well for the 2021 season.
Build It And They Will Come
Before settling in at the corner of Western Avenue and Findlay Street, the Reds played ball at Union Grounds, located approximately where the Union Terminal Fountain is today (1867 to 1870), at  a park variously known as Cincinnati Baseball Park, Avenue Grounds, and Brighton Park, located in Camp Washington on Spring Grove Avenue north of the stockyards (1876 to 1880), and at the Bank Street Grounds in Brighton, near where Bank Street ends at I-75 today (1882 to 1883). The team settled at a former brickyard at the corner of Western Avenue and Findlay Street, named League Park (1884 to 1901), rebuilt as the Palace of the Fans in 1902, and as Redland Field in 1912. This venue was renamed Crosley field in 1934.
Ovine Groundskeepers
On the morning of 4 July 1894, somebody opened the gates at League Park and all the lawnmowers escaped. Groundskeeper John Schwab arrived at the ball grounds early to get the lines painted and stands swept for a double header only to discover that a flock of sheep he employed to trim the grass had wandered off. By nightfall, he hadn’t located his errant grounds crew.
Palms Of Seasoned Leather
Second baseman John Alexander “Bid” McPhee was the first major leaguer to play his entire professional career (1882-99) for the Cincinnati Reds. Many years later, Johnny Bench and Barry Larkin also achieved this feat. But there is another curious feat associated with Bid McPhee. He was certainly the last second baseman, and some sources claim he was the last player, to take the field without a glove. After 14 years of outstanding fielding without a mitt, McPhee donned a glove in 1896 and had a Hall of fame year.
Let’s Go Out To The Lobby
In 1913, the hottest concept in movie theaters was the airdome, an outdoor set-up under the stars with a piano player pounding away as silent films unspooled. The Reds organization hopped on that bandwagon by opening Cincinnati’s only roof-covered airdome at Redland Field. The nightly theater sat 3,000 viewers who got to see a feature and four shorts for a nickel. The Reds also leased their ballpark for dances, boxing, wrestling and track events.
Spring Training In A Cemetery
Although the 1919 Reds went on to claim the World Series crown, the year got off to an inauspicious start. Manager Pat Moran hauled the team to Waxahachie, Texas for spring training but found the weather anything but vernal. Constant rain and plunging temperatures prevented play on the field at Jungle Park, so the team practiced on the adjacent railroad tracks or crossed the road and found higher – and dryer – ground in the Waxahachie City Cemetery. It was the “dead ball” era, after all!
Ejected For Napping
Hall-of-Fame center-fielder Edd Roush has the distinction of being the only major leaguer ever ejected from a game for taking a nap on the field. The Reds opened an East Coast road trip on 8 June 1920, facing the New York Giants at the Polo Grounds. The defending world champions played miserably but vociferously challenged an eighth-inning call by umpire Barry McCormick. The ump allowed the debate to go on for a good 15 minutes, so Roush made a pillow of his cap and glove and reclined in the outfield. At length, McCormick ejected a couple of players and ordered play to resume, but Roush couldn’t be roused and was sent to the showers. New York won, 5 to 4.
Three Is Better Than Two
In all of major league history, there have been only three occasions in which two ball clubs played three games on a single day. The last of those rare triple headers involved the Cincinnati Reds. Fighting against Pittsburgh for third place in the National League, the Reds faced the Pirates at Forbes Field on 2 October 1920 for a marathon outing beginning at noon. The Reds took the first two games, clinching their third-place finish. The Pirates were ahead 6-0 when the third game was called on account of darkness.
Postponed On Account Of Lindbergh
In May 1927, Colonel Charles Lindbergh flew alone across the Atlantic Ocean. After returning stateside, Lindbergh embarked on a nationwide tour, arriving in Cincinnati on 6 August 1927. The Reds hastily erected a temporary platform at Redland Field and the gates opened for a standing-room-only crowd to hear their hero speak. So many aviation enthusiasts filled the stands that the Reds couldn’t clear them out to let the paying baseball crowd in. That day’s game was postponed and the Reds and Phillies turned the next day’s game into a double-header.
Up, Up And Away!
On 8 June 1934, the Cincinnati Reds became the first major league baseball team to travel to a game by airplane when they journeyed to Chicago. Manager Bob O’Farrell and 19 players flew to Chicago, some said, in a bid to distract attention from their last-place standing. The Reds beat the Cubs that day, 4 to 3.
No Commies Here!
Throughout the late 1940s and early 1950s, Americans suspected anyone with liberal leanings of supporting Communism. Nationally televised hearings led by Senator Joseph McCarthy raised anti-Communist feelings to a fever pitch, and no one wanted to be labelled a “Red.” Bowing to popular pressure, the Cincinnati Reds became the Cincinnati Redlegs from 1954 to 1959 to allay any concerns about their patriotism.
Fewer Trains Meant Parking For The Reds
In 1957, both the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants departed for sunny California, and New York City was left holding the bag. That bag contained an unfulfilled offer to build what would become Shea Stadium as part of a futile effort to hold either of the National League teams in Gotham. Snubbed by both, New York determined to build that stadium anyway and attempted to lure the Reds to the Big Apple. Reds owner Powel Crosley Jr. hinted that he might consider such an offer, because he needed parking. Cincinnati rushed a plan to demolish Union Terminal’s maintenance facilities to create more parking spaces around Crosley Field.
Rosie Reds Kept The Team In Cincinnati
Despite winning the National League pennant in 1961, the Reds saw dwindling attendance over the following years. When owner Bill DeWitt let it be known in 1964 that he was entertaining an offer to sell the team to a San Diego syndicate, the Queen City panicked. Among the proposals to boost attendance was the successful formation of the Rosie Reds to encourage women to attend games. The Rosie Reds are still going strong after more than 50 years. “Rosie,” by the way, is an acronym. It stands for Rooters Organized to Stimulate Interest & Enthusiasm.
[A tip of the hat to Cincinnati Reds Historian Greg Rhodes whose research was invaluable in compiling this list.]
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Run From You (Crowley x Aziraphale)
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Requested by: @sheridans-dynamos
Prompt: “Stop running from me.”
Warnings: Angst
Shoutout to @eiressofinspiration for help with this one. Thanks best friend!
 6,000 years. It ‘s been 6,000 YEARS that Crowley and Aziraphale have known each other. For more than half of them, Crowley had been, at least to him, obviously flirting with the angel.
He’s literally saved his angel’s life on more than one occasion, is there a better way to profess one’s love?
That damn angel affected Crowley more than he’d ever care to admit. He was kind, even to him, something he didn’t often find in others. He loved the way Aziraphale dressed, he loved his curly blonde hair, and the way he ate a dessert was almost erotic.
The only bad thing? Either the angel was completely oblivious, or he really was just ignoring the demon’s advances.
The bit that hurt the most was when the angel had told him he was going too fast all those years ago, Crowley had stopped the pursuit for a while after that. Aziraphale had give him holy water then though, did he really care about the demon?
Then after that there were lines like “We’re not friends”, and the ever so lovely, “I don’t even like you.”
Aziraphale really was a terrible liar though, he didn’t mean it, Crowley could see that, but it still stung. Those were the words that spun through his head for at least a day after, until the angel finally forgave him.
Crowley had become fed up, he was growing more and more frustrated every day, they’d stopped the bloody apocalypse together! What more did they need to do?! They’ve practically had hundreds of dates already. Going to the park, eating at the Ritz, hell, even that time they got drunk together after Crowley delivered the anti-Christ.
But still, after all this time, Aziraphale had done nothing to indicate that he knew what Crowley was trying to get at.
The demon finally cracked though, just a few days after the apocalypse, they were sitting in Aziraphale’s bookshop, the angel sipping a cup of tea while Crowley downed a glass of whiskey.
It was now or never, and now, knowing they definitely had more time together, Crowley knew he had to speak up.
“Angel,” he began, setting down his glass, “you’ll tell me the truth if I ask you something, won’t you?”
Aziraphale’s brow furrowed as he set down his tea cup on the saucer, “Of course my dear boy, what do you need?” he asked, giving the demon his full attention.
“We’ve known each other for quite some time now,” Crowley spoke, clearing his throat as he sat up straighter in his chair.
“Six-thousand years,” the angel chimed in.
Crowley smiled softly, nodding, “Yes, quite a long time, now, well…to be frank, are you really that oblivious, or are you completely ignoring the advances I’ve made towards you?”
Aziraphale seemed shocked to say the least, his mouth hung open slightly and he frowned, “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, Crowley,” he answered.
Crowley groaned, rolling his eyes as he did, taking off his sunglasses and setting them on the table, “Aziraphale, I’m been making advances towards you for the better half of six thousand years, and you know it, I know you do.”
Aziraphale shook his head, smiling a bit, he was trying to laugh this off, “Crowley, there is absolutely no way in hell you have such feelings for me,” he told the demon sitting across from him.
“Why? Why is the fact that I could possibly be in love with you such a hard concept for you to understand?!” Crowley asked, his voice getting louder and louder as he spoke.
“In love with me?” the angel scoffed, “Now I highly doubt that, my dear.”
“Why?! Tell me why!” Crowley asked again, standing up and slamming his hands down on the table.
“Well for starters I’m an angel, you’re a demon, it would be highly illogical,” Aziraphale said, seeming to be a bit flustered, his face was getting red.
“Oh, fuck logic, angel, it doesn’t even matter what we are anymore, that’s been made very clear,” Crowley argued.
“What if I don’t feel the same then?” Aziraphale countered, standing from the table as well.
Crowley sighed, hanging his head, that wasn’t the case, he knew it, the angel knew it, the fucking books in this shop knew it for heaven’s sake.
“Stop running from me angel, please,” Crowley spoke, his voice soft as he raised his head again. He took a deep breath as he made his way towards the angel, Aziraphale backed up though, but that didn’t stop Crowley.
The two did this dance until Aziraphale was pressed up against a bookcase and Crowley was nearly pressed against Aziraphale himself.
“Please, just let me…let me try something, if you don’t like it, I’ll never do it again, I promise,” Crowley told Aziraphale, a pleading look in his eyes.
Aziraphale swallowed hard, but nodded, so Crowley went for it.
He placed one hand on the angel’s waist and the other on his cheek before leaning down and pressing his lips softly against Aziraphale’s.
Aziraphale was frozen for a moment before he melted into Crowley’s touch, gently placing his own hands on the demon’s waist as the kiss deepened.
After a moment Crowley pulled away, both of their faces were flushed, and they seemed breathless, not really knowing what to say.
“That was…,” Crowley spoke, seeming to try and find the right words.
“Lovely,” Aziraphale finished, smiling. “Can we do it again?”
Crowley chuckled, leaning down and pecking the angel’s lips softly, “As often and as long as you want,” he said when he pulled away.
That day, even God herself let out a sigh of relief, finally those two idiots realized they were made for each other. Why else would they have been put together since the literal beginning of time?
 A/N: Okay I loved writing this one so thank you so much for the idea! Thank you for reading and I hope you loved it! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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trylonandperisphere · 5 years
"The biggest threat to this weekend’s humongous celebration of World Pride in New York City, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, isn’t from anti-LGBTQ activists or religious forces. It’s actually from members of the LGBTQ community who are so angry about corporate participation in this Sunday’s Pride March, they’ve organized a counter-march in protest.
The Queer Liberation March, organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, will be devoid of corporate floats. On Sunday morning, they’ll step off from the traditional site of Sheridan Square in Greenwich Village and head to Central Park. There’s no word on how many will take part, in contrast to the millions anticipated to view the 400+ groups and 100 or more floats in the official NYC Pride March. That march is set to start at noon on Fifth Avenue at Madison Square Park, a far different route winding downtown, into the Village and back to Chelsea.
Among the floats and groups in the official march will be a variety of well-known corporate sponsors. Every Pride month, consumers see their favorite brands add rainbow stripes to their logos, fly flags from their headquarters buildings and add attractive gay and lesbian couples to their ads.
Are consumers so gullible as to actually choose to spend their money on a brand with a rainbow?
As the website Popular Information noted, a survey by Harris Interactive found “approximately two-thirds of LGBT adults, or roughly 66 percent, would be very or somewhat likely to remain loyal to a company or brand they believed to be supportive of the LGBT community, even when less-supportive competitors offered lower prices or greater convenience.”
Of course, come next week, the calendar will flip to July, and it’s buhbye to all the cute gays, sparkly rainbows and boldly-colored banners flown by big businesses.
They might be taken down a few days sooner once word gets out about the new report Popular Information worked on with Progressive Shopper. Nine of the biggest, most LGBTQ-supportive corporations in America gave about $1 million or more each to anti-gay politicians in the last election cycle.
The companies include familiar names like AT&T, UPS, Comcast, Home Depot and General Electric. All told, their donations totaled almost $15 million."
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Civil War Era Figures and Social Media
Since doing the Lincoln post, I thought it would be fun to get into what the social media of other figures from the era might look like (you know, if the internet and social media had been things in the 1860s). I don’t know exactly which social media they would all be on. Since I’m most familiar with Tumblr (and this is a Tumblr post), I’ll mostly be using Tumblr language.
Lincoln: as I said before, he mostly posts cat pictures (as well as the occasional cat video). He also posts motivational cat posters to advance his political goals (examples: ”vote for me, this cat says you should” and “support the 13th amendment, this cat is giving you the cute pleading eyes”). Fairly active, tries to post at least once a week.
Grant: basically a horse girl except he’s a middle aged man, he posts about horses and sometimes speaks against animal cruelty. One time replied to a post calling Sherman crazy by saying basically “Sherman’s a good man and is not crazy”. He’s not super active and only follows those he’s close to irl.
Sherman: posts almost exclusively about Shakespeare. He reviews plays (sometimes extremely saltily). He posts Shakespeare quotes to vent when he gets mad, but none of his followers seem to realize he’s venting (the people who know him irl try to avoid those posts, and him when he posts them). A lot of his followers were a little surprised when he started posting videos like “how to make Sherman’s neckties” (here’s what 1 looked like in color, they were railway rails wrapped around trees) with things like #takethattraitors. One stupid person got the idea that messaging him “Grant sucks” would be funny. Sherman responded to that with a giant “Grant is awesome how dare you” meta that makes every meta writer on Tumblr look like tame amateurs. He goes through stages of posting 15 times a day and than a week to a few months of not posting anything. He follows his friends as well as every theater’s social media page that he learns about.
Thomas: doesn’t have social media, might lurk on his friends blogs/spaces/whatever
Rawlins: posts a lot anti-drug stuff (99.999% anti alcohol). You can always tell there’s someone with him in the pictures he posts but you can’t tell who it is. It’s Grant, who’s shy and doesn’t want his face plastered all over social media. Rawlins always has to crop his face out of pictures before posting. If the social media site doesn’t like curse words, than Rawlins would constantly be dealing with either his posts becoming invisible or even being deleted. Fairly active. Literally the only person (aside from Sherman) who remotely approved of Sherman’s long ass meta. Only really follows Grant, but lurks on other’s social medias.
Sheridan: his main thing is videos of things being set of fire. Also a user of the #takethattraitos tag/hashtag. Sometimes posts in favor of parks and nature conservation. Everyone has learned, after a particularly nasty episode, that you do not tag Meade and Sheridan on the same post. Fairly active, follows Grant (and other people he likes)
Meade: almost exclusively uses social media for venting. Blocks nearly everyone who shows even the slightest disagreement with or criticizes him. Ironically the most chill (on social media) during Gettysburg. The only thing he posted during that was “tfw as soon as you show up, a fucking battle starts”.  Pretty active, only follows a few people (maybe)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 4.1
33 – According to one historian's account, Jesus Christ's Last Supper is held. 527 – Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. 1545 – Potosí, Bolivia, is founded after the discovery of huge silver deposits in the area. 1572 – In the Eighty Years' War, the Watergeuzen capture Brielle from the Seventeen Provinces, gaining the first foothold on land for what would become the Dutch Republic. 1625 – A combined Spanish and Portuguese fleet of 52 ships commences the recapture of Bahia from the Dutch during the Dutch–Portuguese War. 1789 – In New York City, the United States House of Representatives achieves its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first Speaker. 1833 – The Convention of 1833, a political gathering of settlers in Mexican Texas to help draft a series of petitions to the Mexican government, begins in San Felipe de Austin. 1865 – American Civil War: Union troops led by Philip Sheridan decisively defeat Confederate troops led by George Pickett, cutting the Army of Northern Virginia's last supply line. 1867 – Singapore becomes a British crown colony. 1873 – The White Star steamer RMS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia, killing 547 in one of the worst marine disasters of the 19th century. 1908 – The Territorial Force (renamed Territorial Army in 1920) is formed as a volunteer reserve component of the British Army. 1918 – The Royal Air Force is created by the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. 1924 – Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years imprisonment for his participation in the "Beer Hall Putsch" but spends only nine months in jail. 1924 – The Royal Canadian Air Force is formed. 1933 – The recently elected Nazis under Julius Streicher organize a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany, ushering in a series of anti-Semitic acts. 1935 – India's central banking institution, The Reserve Bank of India, is formed. 1937 – Aden becomes a British crown colony. 1937 – The Royal New Zealand Air Force is formed as an independent service. 1939 – Spanish Civil War: Generalísimo Francisco Franco of the Spanish State announces the end of the Spanish Civil War, when the last of the Republican forces surrender. 1941 – Fântâna Albă massacre: Between 200 and 2,000 Romanian civilians are killed by Soviet Border Troops. 1941 – A military coup in Iraq overthrows the regime of 'Abd al-Ilah and installs Rashid Ali al-Gaylani as Prime Minister. 1944 – Navigation errors lead to an accidental American bombing of the Swiss city of Schaffhausen. 1945 – World War II: The Tenth United States Army attacks the Thirty-Second Japanese Army on Okinawa. 1946 – The 8.6 Mw  Aleutian Islands earthquake shakes the Aleutian Islands with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VI (Strong). A destructive tsunami reaches the Hawaiian Islands resulting in dozens of deaths, mostly in Hilo, Hawaii. 1947 – The only mutiny in the history of the Royal New Zealand Navy begins. 1948 – Cold War: Communist forces respond to the introduction of the Deutsche Mark by attempting to force the western powers to withdraw from Berlin. 1948 – Faroe Islands gain autonomy from Denmark. 1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Chinese Communist Party holds unsuccessful peace talks with the Nationalist Party in Beijing, after three years of fighting. 1949 – The Government of Canada repeals Japanese-Canadian internment after seven years. 1954 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorizes the creation of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado. 1955 – The EOKA rebellion against the British Empire begins in Cyprus, with the goal of unifying with Greece. 1960 – The TIROS-1 satellite transmits the first television picture from space. 1964 – The British Admiralty, War Office and Air Ministry are replaced by a unified Defence Council of the United Kingdom. 1969 – The Hawker Siddeley Harrier, the first operational fighter aircraft with Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing capabilities, enters service with the Royal Air Force. 1970 – President Richard Nixon signs the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act into law. 1971 – Bangladesh Liberation War: The Pakistan Army massacre over 1,000 people in Keraniganj Upazila, Bangladesh. 1973 – Project Tiger, a tiger conservation project, is launched in the Jim Corbett National Park, India. 1974 – The Local Government Act 1972 of England and Wales comes into effect. 1979 – Iran becomes an Islamic republic by a 99% vote, officially overthrowing the Shah. 1986 – Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal) cadres attack a number of police stations in Kathmandu, seeking to incite a popular rebellion. 1989 – Margaret Thatcher's new local government tax, the Community Charge (commonly known as the "poll tax"), is introduced in Scotland. 1997 – Comet Hale–Bopp is seen passing at perihelion. 1999 – Nunavut is established as a Canadian territory carved out of the eastern part of the Northwest Territories. 2001 – An EP-3E United States Navy surveillance aircraft collides with a Chinese People's Liberation Army Shenyang J-8 fighter jet. The Navy crew makes an emergency landing in Hainan, China and is detained. 2001 – Former President of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević surrenders to police special forces, to be tried on war crimes charges. 2001 – Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the Netherlands, the first contemporary country to allow it. 2006 – Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) of the Government of the United Kingdom is enforced, but later merged into National Crime Agency on 7 October 2013. 2011 – After protests against the burning of the Quran turn violent, a mob attacks a United Nations compound in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of thirteen people, including eight foreign workers. 2016 – Nagorno-Karabakh clashes: The Four Day War or April War begins along the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact on April 1.
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brekkfast · 4 years
Spoilery rant why one shouldn’t read Eleanor and Park
Source: I am a Korean. 
Jesus this book is so racist????? The way I could write an entire thesis on just one (1) piece of evidence alone (for example, Cho Chang had a comeback in the form of a male Asian-American with green, yes, green eyes) but you know, that’d be ignoring The Rest Of The Book which just gets worse and worse. 
Aforementioned two-last-names!! (Seriously, what is Park Sheridan?) I am tired. If you’re going to create an East Asian main character, is it that hard to research? We have first names too??? Did Rowell even speak to a Korean when writing this book? This is La Croix level tasteless diversity. Park has green eyes? What? I mean I suck at punnett squares, but boo me, we can’t forget he’s half-white too!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Okay, but his physical appearance should be the least of our worries right? Wrong. 
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I??? I’m??? If you see me sobbing it’s because I need the tears to stop me reading this book. The blatant racism that comes from Eleanor is just so demeaning, ignorant, and not funny at all? I don’t understand how this is meant to be relatable and only seems like a shoddy attempt at being ~quirky, look at me im so funny haha causal racism!!~ and instead misses the mark by about an out-of-control huge continent. The fact that Rowell knows that these are racist questions and racist comments, yet continues as if its supposed to be a joke without Park ever being able to defend himself from Eleanor’s ignorance, is really a sign of bad characterisation and wanting ~diversity points~ by barely scraping the surface of discussing how harmful these stereotypes can be. Casual racism/Passive racism is seriously abusive because all people can do is say “Oh it was just a joke, you’re being too sensitive!!” and brush the victims off, gaslighting them into thinking their pain isn’t even worth acknowledging and making them think that this is just American Culture, therefore should be complacent in their dehumanisation in order to assimilate. I feel like with “progressively”-characterised Eleanor, she shouldn’t have half the racist commentary she does (or at all) because, hey not all Americans are racist,,,,,,haha,,,,, The fact that these comments are coming from Park’s love interest is seriously disappointing. 
“His mom looked exactly like a doll. In The Wizard of Oz – the book, not the movie –Dorothy goes to this place called the Dainty China Country, and all the people are tiny and perfect. When Eleanor was little and her mom read her the story, Eleanor had thought the Dainty China people were Chinese. But they were actually ceramic, or they’d turn ceramic, if you tried to sneak one back to Kansas.” (Chapter 21) 
Hooray Eleanor, comparing a Korean woman to a Chinese character... hooray....also can we stop comparing Asian features to dolls? Objectification and exotification much? (Oh and don’t even get me started on how Park dismissed exotification of Asian women in that “I’m Asian and therefore unattractive” scene. Ugh.)
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??What is with Eleanor and her inability to use other adjectives?? Why is him being Asian so significant to her? It just seems so demeaning and dehumanising. Use his last name. I know Eleanor is being sarcastic but I her jokes don’t hit the way she thinks it does. :// Big pass, and big miss. No hits here.
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I am bothered. I hate this, the insecurity, the white saviour touch to this, the I-need-validation-from-love-interest, the Rowell-needs-inner-conflict-and-she-chose-the-worst-way-to-represent-it. If you really wanted to make this significant, impactful, and progressive (in the good ol’ year of 1986 [cue the eye rolling]), then you would have made Park realise his attractiveness shouldn’t be contingent on his love interest or anyone else but him. Give the boy some autonomy, please. I feel like I can’t breathe, but maybe Park’s green-ass eyes can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen for me. For a fellow Korean, please, Park, you can save my life with your so very Korean eyes.
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tags: racism. Listen, even with my -2948147 eye sight I can see and feel the racism. Cal tried to make one racist joke (yellow fever), and instead made two. Racist mitosis anyone? 
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And here it is. Listen, I know gender stereotypes and gender roles are somehow the bread and butter of Asian households in both fiction and non-fiction, and I’m not going to deny that it exists. But. Why this one? Why this character. Why write her to behave this way? I hate the way that this only perpetuates stereotypes, and never breaks them down. I hate how this demonises Asian parenting, and the Asian immigrant experience. This to me, only seems like a token conflict point, rather than a well-thought out, nuanced commentary on Asian culture and their perspective on gender roles. The self-racism, the lack of critical thinking skills, the lack of commentary in an obviously commentary-needing scene. The complete ignorance. The glorification of white American culture (kindly represented by Eleanor). There could have been so much you could have done (Park standing up to his mum, scenes of his mum getting that very much needed development arc, the balance between Korean culture/traditions and healthy parenting––because healthy parenting isn’t just Eurocentric you know, it can coexist with Asian tradition [gasp]), but again, shallow and demeaning. Am I surprised at this point? Well, we’re pretty much at rock bottom and I’ve got a pickaxe. 
The broken English. 
I can’t. “Why she want to look like man? It’s so sad.” I am going to throw something. If you’re going to include the immigrant experience in your book, do it properly, otherwise it’s just racist. You’re making Park’s mum seem stupid, unable to change, a representation of a person who just doesn’t understand American culture and thus deserves no respect. After we’re (the readers) see that Park’s mum understands little about American culture, of its language, and thus will misunderstand and conflict with Eleanor’s very existence, we’re awfully inclined to see her as the somewhat antagonist of the story (especially as she offsets the main couple...in a romance novel, so yeah, antagonist), thus her opinion is invalid and wrong. Ah yes, because parents can’t learn and grow and become better people. This characterisation is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.
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(Okay this is more of a minor point, but I uh, am very bothered by the doll-like appearance contrasted with the “simply-just beautiful Sabrina.” The only thing shallow here is Eleanor’s love for Park where half of her internal commentary is just pure racism, but haha racism is ~funny~) (C’mon Mindae, you couldn’t have prevented your son having two last names and no first name?)
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Eleanor’s racism strikes again!!! Yes girl!! Shame Mindae for only buying brand-names!! Shame her assimilation attempts!! (Only because who knows what would’ve happened if there were Korean side dishes and meals in the fridge. Racism probably. Eleanor @ Kimchi: 👁👄👁) Next time Mindae goes grocery shopping, she should bring Eleanor for her white, American approval!! (Again, with the dumb-ification of Mindae, I hate it here. What was that Sofia Vergara quote from Modern Family?
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Yeah, Eleanor, do you even know how smart Mindae is in Korean? :////)  
God, Rowell, I’m begging, I’m on my knees, please don’t ever think about creating another character like Park ever again. I hated this journey and how it made me feel. Please, if you’re going to write a Korean-American character, have a Korean-American beta-reader. Rowell is trying to create a third-culture-kid and Asian immigrant experience, which aren’t stories for her to tell. This is exactly what happens when you don’t do the research for your own story (you can tell she barely put any effort into it). Instead, she perpetuates harmful stereotypes and further isolates Asian immigrants from interacting and being comfortable with American culture. Why should we, when we’re simply shamed for it? For just one extra editor, you can save another Asian character from having no first name. Just dial 888-google-it-god-888, today. 
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racheljoyscott · 7 years
Unanswered Questions
Small sampling of either the deviations from the official report that arise in witness testimony concerning Columbine High or very odd but barely mentioned facts within mainstream reports include: 
Eyewitness reports of up to a dozen shooters, some of them adult men
NATO vehicles on the scene less than fifteen minutes after the commencement of the shooting; and SWAT teams reported shooting at students and at each other
Eric Harris was undergoing extensive psychiatric treatment and was taking the quasi-hallucinogenic "anti-depressant" substance known as Luvox, yet his psychiatrist was never questioned
Harris' father, Wayne Harris, had extensive Air Force intelligence links from his time at Plattsburgh air force base (even after its closing) 
Several of the bombs found in the school were said by (quickly reassigned) law enforcement authorities to have been too complex for such inexperienced teens to have built by themselves.
The number of witnesses pressured by police to change their stories - Bryan Frye, Courtney Haulman, Jennifer Tindall, etc.
If you read the search warrant for Eric's house after the massacre (pg 25676), it states "Detective Nick Rogers of Denver Police Department responded to REDACTED South Reed Street, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, with the Denver and Sheridan Police Departments SWAT Team at about 2:00 p.m. Upon arrival, they discovered Eric Harris' parents and sister inside the house." There's more, of course. But who was the female inside the house? 
The bank teller (Erik Buckner's mom, pg 1331 of the 11K) who told police that Chris Morris, E&D came into her bank and cashed their checks on April 9th, and that Chris Morris withdrew all the money in his account. What did he use it for?
Why did police concentrate on setting up a perimeter at the same time dispatch(via phone) is hearing the sound of gunshots within the school?
Why did it take police so long to enter the school, and why did it take almost three hours for them to reach the library, the area where the shooters were last seen? Who gave the orders not to go in?
Why did over 100 eye- and ear- witnesses dispute the official theory of only two shooters? Why did over 40 of those witnesses identify other participants BY NAME?
If the two shooters committed suicide shortly after noon, as police claim, how come at least 35 witnesses saw or heard suspects/gunshots/explosions after that time?
Why are there conflicting eyewitness accounts on the place and manner in which at least four of the dead victims were killed? Were victims being moved around? Was the crime scene being rearranged?
If left-handed Klebold shot himself in the left temple, why was his suicide weapon found clutched in his right hand?
How did students manage to keep seriously wounded teacher Dave Sanders alive for more than three hours while awaiting rescue, yet he was dead within 20 minutes of the police taking control of him? His corpse was later found with his shirt off. Is that first-aid? Or a sure-fire way of sending someone into shock?
What was the motive? Why would two teens who were not bullied, did not hate everyone, and were not psychopathic suddenly decide to destroy the lives of a dozen fellow students and themselves just six weeks before graduation?
Why would Harris and Klebold plan for a suicide mission and at the same time make normal plans for a post 4-20 future? Like seeking help on an English class essay from a teacher a few days before the attack, like making a date to see a movie the day after, like putting in a work schedule for the next week, like going to an out-of-town college with your dad to pick out a dorm room, like making plans to visit your old friends in New York.
Where is the gun shot residue(GSR) test evidence for Harris and Klebold and the other suspects?
Why was fingerprint evidence for Harris and Klebold not found on all but two of the hundreds of obects gathered at the scene? Whose fingerprints, if any, were found on the weapons seized?
Why does the official story claim, without a shred of evidence, that it was Harris and Klebold that set the South Wadsworth diversionary bomb (an incendiary device that exploded a couple of miles away from the school minutes before the shooting started)?
Why did authorities claim the two shotguns seized had no serial numbers when later documents clearly show they did have serial numbers? Why did they not try to find out who sold Harris and Klebold the Hi-Point 9mm rifle and the pump-action shotgun that were used in the shooting?
Were the school administrators warned, as rumored? Who was Principle Frank DeAngelis looking for, as reported by one student who saw him running up and down the interior cafeteria stairs right before the shooting broke out?
Why did a science teacher tell his students that they had been expecting a fire drill? Was a bomb found in a trash can on 4-19, as one source indicated? Were bomb threats phoned into the school on the morning of 4-20, as two others claimed?
Why didn’t the Final Report conclude that shooters entered Science rooms 1 and 8, when numerous shell casings were taken from these areas?
Why didn’t the Final Report mention the brief exit of a shooter on the east side, according to many eyewitnesses?
If the person seen on the roof of the school was a repairman, as police claim, why do witnesses say he was holding a weapon? Were shell casings found there, as some said?
Who scheduled ‘crisis training’ drills at Columbine High Schol(CHS) in the weeks before and what was the exact nature of this training?
What was a Denver police officer and a Jefferson County sheriff doing at Columbine High Shcool that morning before the shooting started?
What does reputed video evidence from the library and admin office areas show? Why does local media refuse to release on-scene video footage from the first half-hour of the incident?
What happened to all the evidence taken from the computers of the trenchcoat mafia gang?
Where are dozens of missing interviews of students, especially those in the science hall? Why are there still thousands of pages of investgatory materials that have never been made public, including hundreds of reports of non-Columbine witnesses and tipsters?
Why has the school district’s own report on the shooting, which included the extensive disciplinary records of the trenchcoat mafia associates, not been made public?
Did investigators even try to interview Harris’ psychologist, the man perhaps best positioned to know his mental state at the time?
Why did investigators show a remarkable lack of curiousity about connections with numerous similar school violence-related incidents occuring around the same time in the metro-Denver area and around the country?
Why did LAPD and Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office personnel travel to the scene afterwards? What was the subject of a 10-minute phone call made by the NYPD to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office on 4-20?
Who invited the FBI and the ATF to the scene?
Why was the US Attorney’s Office (federal) consulted on ‘prosecutive decisions’ for this local crime?
Why was all but one of the seven ‘investigatory’ teams headed or co-headed by an FBI man? (the one exception was a team headed by a CBI(Colorado Bureau of Investigation) man, who was himself ‘ex’-FBI) Was the entire crime scene ‘federalized’ soon after the shooting started, under powers granted by the ‘Anti-terrorism Act’ (“for the protection of the people and the state”) signed by President Clinton exactly three years before- on April 20, 1996?
Why did FBI special agent Dwayne Fusilier not recuse himself from the investigation, as his son helped make a Columbine school video two years before that eerily mimicked the shooting?
What were two high-ranking military figures (a colonel and a general) in cami uniforms doing at the scene? Why was a memorial service at a public park afterwards ringed by military trucks? Who authorized a flyover by military jets and why?
Feel free to add on.
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handeaux · 3 years
13 Curious Cincinnati Streets And How They Got Their Names
Over the years, Cincinnati has accumulated a collection of curious street names. Here are just a few of them, and the backstories to some of the more bizarrely christened thoroughfares in town.
Antique Street
In the upper reaches of Over-the-Rhine, a mere two blocks long, Antique Street was originally known as Eden Street. When Cincinnati celebrated its Centennial, in 1888, Eden Street was selected as the cobblestone-paved exemplar of the streets our pioneer forefathers walked, a sort of living museum. It was renamed that year as Antique Street to recognize its role as an official Centennial exhibit.
Cinnamon Street
In 1916, residents of O’Bryonville lobbied City Council to change the name of Cinnamon Street. Cinnamon was too risqué for their proper sensibilities and residents complained about wiseacres cracking jokes at their expense. The street’s name has nothing to do with spices. It commemorates pork packer and commission merchant John Cinnamon, who owned property in the area. Cinnamon was among the founders of Children’s Hospital.
Coral Sea Drive
Mount Washington was among the Cincinnati neighborhoods that blossomed during the  population boom following World War II. The new subdivisions sprouting like mushrooms not only housed veterans, but were often built by veterans. So it was with U.S. Navy veteran Joseph Graue, who developed a subdivision off Beechmont Avenue in which all the streets were named for aircraft carriers: Coral Sea, Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill and Shangri La.
Dartmouth Drive
While there’s nothing obviously unusual about this Westwood street, a glance at the map suggests it’s misplaced. Radiating northward from Daytona Avenue between Glenmore Avenue and Cheviot Avenue are Sheridan Street, McLelland Avenue and Dartmouth Drive. Two Civil War generals and a college. One of these things is not like the other. Dartmouth was originally named for General Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker. By the 1940s, battlefield glory was forgotten and unsavory connotations led residents to petition for the change.
Deronda/Adnored Courts
Two tiny streets in Mount Auburn share a link that you can discern if you read their names backwards. It is believed that Deronda Court is named after George Eliot’s novel, “Daniel Deronda,” with Adnored being its mirror image. When the streets were named in 1908, an irate city councilman suggested that developers consult the Ohio Historical Society to find appropriate historic names for streets instead of the nonsensical names they regularly proposed.
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Dixmyth Avenue
There are volumes of Cincinnati’s journalism history encoded in the weirdly spelled Dixmyth Avenue. Obviously, the name refers to Dick Smith, but who is that? Irish-born Richard Smith, known as “Deacon” to his colleagues, was the editor of the “fiery and untamed” Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, from which pulpit he vented his anti-Catholic diatribes and gained fame for insightful financial coverage. The street was unnamed when Cincinnati annexed Camp Washington in 1870, so City Council baptized the street as a nod to the irascible editor, who lived nearby on Whitfield in Clifton.
Effluent Pipe Street
Although since renamed, Effluent Pipe Street still exists. We now call it Elsinore Avenue, which runs along the Mount Adams hillside to Elsinore Tower, a decorative valve house of the Cincinnati Water Works. Before the Shakespeare-inspired tower was constructed to disguise them, the terminus of Effluent Pipe Street featured an unsightly but functional tangle of valves and pipes. The street got its highly unflattering name from the water main. Since many of the people who lived on the street belonged to the notorious Nutter Gang, the city had no interest in renaming the street until it gentrified around 1900.
Error Place
Can you guess why this street (actually a decrepit alley) in Fairmount got its name? An error, evidently, but what kind? When the J.A. James Subdivision was platted between Harrison Pike and Lick Run Pike (later Queen City Avenue) in 1876, the surveyor neglected to provide an outlet from some lots to the nearest public street as required by law. To resolve the error, the developer set aside a six-foot-wide strip along the back of the property and called it Error Alley. A neighboring subdivision added another six feet to widen the alley and it became the 12-foot-wide Error Place.
Hidden Street
As the name implies, it is rather difficult to find Hidden Street in Madisonville. No street signs mark this stretch of asphalt connecting Vendome Place and Chippewa Street behind an apartment complex. But obscurity is not the origin of its name. The street honors Otis B. Hidden, partner in Hidden & Lounsberry & Co., dealers in upholstery materials, cabinet makers' supplies and carriage trimmings. He was a Madisonville resident and landowner and died in 1904.
Monteith Avenue
Why name a street for a silver bowl? A monteith is just that – a silver bowl with a crenelated rim, used to rinse glassware. The bowl was named, apparently, for a Scots laird who wore a crenelated cape. But none of that has to do with the street in Hyde Park. The street began as the driveway to the mansion of George Barger, a wealthy Cincinnati developer. It appears Barger named his estate Monteith because he claimed it was an American Indian word meaning “more to eat.” Barger sold the place to Col. William “Policy Bill” Smith, an even wealthier gambling tycoon. Smith’s parties at Monteith were renowned, and diners certainly got “more to eat.”
Pica Street
Cincinnati was, for many years, almost as famous for printing as it was for pork packing, so it’s surprising more printing terms haven’t appeared in our street names. Patrick Tracey was not among the larger printers in town, but he did alright. He and his wife Kate invested in Price Hill property and platted a subdivision in 1889 just north of Mount Echo Park. The subdivision had only two streets, Pica and Nonpareil, both printer’s measurements. A pica equals one-sixth of an inch and a nonpareil is half a pica. Nonpareil Street has vanished and Pica Street survives only on paper.
Pickbury Drive
There’s a certain English elegance to the name of Pickbury Drive in Westwood, but England had nothing to do with it. Lang Brothers, who developed Pickbury and neighboring streets in the 1940s, were tired of researching new street names for their many subdivisions. They made up a bunch of novel – and therefore unused – names by randomly combining words from a long list of four-letter candidates. Voila! Pickbury.
Zan Court
Cincinnati has a lot of streets that clearly involve spelling somebody’s name backwards, including Semloh, Leumas and Relleum. Less obvious is Zan Court in Mount Lookout. Although John A. Naz developed the one-street subdivision in 1941, he objected to naming the cul-de-sac after himself, so his surveyors just reversed the spelling of his name.
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indianaprelawland · 4 years
The Right To Protest
By Alex Lindsey, Butler University Class of 2021
June 12, 2020
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Protests are an essential part of America’s history, and they continue to shape the future of life in the United States. Right of expression is essential in a democracy, and protests provide the American people with ways to speak out on political issues and injustices (Janowiecki). In America, anyone has the right to attempt to convince others to agree with his/her viewpoint and use that support to change the law.Recently, that right has been threatened.
Protests can be seen in almost every political and social movement of the past century ranging from the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s to anti-war protests of the 2000s. More recently, movements such as Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party, and opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline made a statement to the world through protests (Janowiecki). When people come together peacefully to collectively express an idea, it sends a powerful message to others who might not be fully aware of theextent of the issue. This freedom to speak out and challenge popular viewpoints has shaped the politics of the society we live in today.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution provides protections for acts of protest, but it has been manipulated in some instances to block unpopular protests (Protest). Although people have the right to conduct a peaceful assembly in public spaces such as parks and sidewalks, some cities require local permits to protest with limits on size, volume, and location of protestors. Throughout history, local governments have denied permit requests in order to block specific gatherings. During the civil rights movement, many peaceful protests were blocked by white town governments through denial of permits and in some cases where permits were not required, the police would still arrest peaceful protesters for any number of reasons(Janowiecki).In one instance in 1961, 167 black students were arrested due to “disturbing the peace” while protesting in front of the South Carolina courthouse(Protest). The Supreme Court cited the importance of free speech and overturned the discriminatory convictions. Justice William Douglass powerfully stated “Speech is often provocative and challenging. It may strike at prejudices and preconceptions and have profound unsettling effects as it presses for acceptance of an idea. That is why freedom of speech is protected against censorship or punishment...” (Janoweicki).
The combination of civil disobedience and legal protesting has helped activistsin the past achieve positive changes in opposition to segregation laws, voter discrimination, and violence against black individuals. Many people are still using these methods today. In response to the May 25 police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, cities across the country have hosted protests against the racial injustices in America. Indianapolis, which was strongly affected by the May 6 officer-involved shooting death of Dreasion Reed, has become one of these host cities (Staff)
Although a violent snapshot of these protests is being portrayed in media and news coverage, the majority of the people attending have positive and peaceful intentions. The African American Coalition of Indianapolis commented that a “multiracial and multigenerational protest against the realities of being Black in America and in Indianapolis has convened in our city” and that “a small group of agitators with motives and intentions to loot, riot, and be violent are jeopardizing such efforts. We strongly condemn such actions” (Staff). Before the violence, hundreds of people gathered to lift up their cause and have their thoughts safely heard, but a small group of people diminished that activism through inexcusable violence (Sheridan). When people undermine these peaceful protests by inciting such violence, it is a violation of the rights of those who are fighting to be heard.
Democracy cannot exist unless everyone has the freedom to challenge the law peacefully and change it if the necessary support is gathered. America has been built on the strength of protests as a method of inciting change. The First Amendment was created to confirm this right and to guarantee the right of citizens to assemble peacefully and to petition their government (Protest). Not only does unwanted violence violate these rights, it also gives the police cause to violently break up the gathering when the majority of the people in attendance are peaceful.Interactions between officers and demonstrators at a peaceful protest on Monument Circle included tear gas (staff). The entire situation was chaotic, and police often used extreme measures to respond to the entire group when only a few individuals were the ones acting illegally and aggressively.
The Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police released a statement following the protests that they “believe strongly in the constitutional rights of citizens to assemble and peacefully protest their government”, but “once unlawful actions take place, we are required to intervene and prevent additional acts of violence that threaten life and property” (staff). It is important to respond when there is violence, but those who are starting the violence should be held more accountable for their individual actions that do not support the protest as a whole.
Janowiecki, Michelle L. “Speaking and Protesting in America.” American Archive, americanarchive.org/exhibits/first-amendment.
Meagan Flynn, Katie Shepherd. “Live Updates: Another Night of Fire and Fury as Protests Rage across America.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 1 June 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/01/george-floyd-protests-live-updates/.
“Protest in America.” IDCA, 1 Oct. 2019, iowaculture.gov/history/education/educator-resources/primary-source-sets/protest-america.
“Protesters' Rights.” Know Your Rights | American Civil Liberties Union, www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights/.
Sheridan, Jill. “Two People Dead Following Second Consecutive Night Of Violence In Downtown Indianapolis.” WFYI Public Media, 30 May 2020, www.wfyi.org/news/articles/a-second-night-of-protests-planned-and-a-call-for-peace.
Staff, IndyStar. “Live Updates Sunday: Downtown Streets Closed, Police Tell People 'Go Home or Go to Jail'.” The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis Star, 1 June 2020, www.indystar.com/story/news/2020/05/31/indianapolis-police-protests-live-updates-sunday-george-floyd-dreasjon-reed/5302139002/.
Photo Credit: Ted Eytan
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News Rallies against stay-at-home orders grow as Trump sides with protesters - The Washington Post
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“LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” Trump tweeted. “LIBERATE MINNESOTA,” he persisted. “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and build your extensive 2nd Amendment. It is beneath siege!”
Trump’s tweets reach because the honest-waft media has amplified the protests and conservative groups comprise fashioned plans to collectively press for a reopening of the economy. The groups encompass so a lot of veterans of the tea find together generation, activism that modified into once powered by a network of honest-waft and corporate financiers drawn to reducing taxes and rules on replace.
Protesters railed in opposition to policies that choice for nonessential companies and colleges to be closed, restaurants little to carryout provider and folks to construct largely of their properties apart from for emergencies. They argue that the nation has sacrificed the economy, with unemployment at file levels, and folks comprise upended their lives for something many form no longer interrogate as an existential probability to society.
“I reflect there’s a boiling level that has been reached and exceeded,” talked about Stephen Moore, a conservative economist. Moore is a member of both the White Condo council to reopen the nation and a coalition of conservative leaders and activists in quest of to push govt officers to relax build-at-dwelling orders.
“I name these folks the common-day Rosa Parks — they are protesting in opposition to injustice and an absence of liberties,” Moore talked about of the protesters.
Moore talked about the protests comprise been spontaneous and arranged at the local degree, but he talked about his neighborhood has been offering them advice and apt toughen might well comprise to easy protesters be arrested and prosecuted.
The protests reach as governors in Texas, Minnesota and Vermont on Friday launched dates to ease lunge restrictions.
In Michigan, a total bunch of folks clogged online page traffic in vehicles or marched in the snow to affirm in opposition to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who glorious week added additional restrictions to the pronounce’s build-at-dwelling record. Protesters waved American flags, Trump flags and an occasional Confederate flag. Many screamed “Lock her up!” and “We isn't any longer going to comply!”
Bellow leaders talked about the demonstrations developed organically real into a collective demand rolling lend a hand emergency measures that they reflect infringe on private freedoms and additional decimate the economy.
“I the truth is feel shocking regarding the lives lost, but at some level we now comprise got to reveal ‘Mission executed’ and reach up with the following allotment of this that doesn’t comprise us continuously locked inner our properties,” talked about Matthew Seely of the Michigan Conservative Coalition, which organized the protests.
Michigan has been one in all the states hit hardest by the virus, with bigger than 30,000 confirmed cases and over 2,200 deaths.
Sigh incorporation records cloak the nonprofit coalition additionally goes by one more name: Michigan Trump Republicans. The neighborhood’s president, Rosanne Ponkowski, identified herself as a homemaker glorious 365 days in federal campaign finance records. But the neighborhood’s varied administrators are longtime GOP insiders, basically based on pronounce records. They encompass Marian Sheridan, the pronounce Republican Event’s vice chair of “grass roots” efforts.
Sheridan has “labored in Michigan grass roots for the glorious 10 years” and started her political profession as a tea find together leader and organizer, basically based on the pronounce GOP’s web feature.
Sheridan, Ponkowski and the Michigan Republican Event did now not acknowledge to messages.
Social media accounts cloak that allotment of the neighborhood’s arrangement modified into once to hurt Whitmer. A day after the affirm, the Michigan Trump Republicans posted a conservative realizing creator’s column on its Facebook online page. The column, which looked in The Washington Put up, asserted that the affirm had all but killed Whitmer’s chances to be vice president.
“Mission executed?” the neighborhood wrote above the hyperlink to the column.
Nicole Hemmer, a student at Columbia University and creator of “Messengers of the Fair,” regarding the honest-waft media, talked about the anti-govt signage and argument that build-at-dwelling orders infringe on private liberty hark lend a hand to a prior conservative circulation.
“In my thoughts it looks so a lot just like the tea find together,” she talked about. “It practically sounds like an excuse for getting out and rallying in opposition to politicians they oppose.”
Some politicians reflect Trump’s egging on of the protesters is terrible.
“The president is fomenting home insurrection and spreading lies even whereas his personal administration says the virus is exact and is lethal and that we now comprise got a long formulation to pass before restrictions will most likely be lifted,” talked about Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D). A affirm in opposition to his build-at-dwelling record, which lifts May perhaps presumably additionally 5, is scheduled in Olympia this weekend.
Tyler Miller, who organized the Washington pronounce affirm, talked about he's urging attendees to construct on private defending instruments, teach physical distancing and no longer help in the occasion that they are in a high-probability class or feeling ill.
Despite the increasing replacement of protests, polling presentations the spacious majority of Individuals toughen build-at-dwelling orders. Eighty-one p.c of respondents in an April 8 Quinnipiac University polltalked about they would toughen a national build-at-dwelling record. Sixty-eight p.c of Republicans queried talked about they would toughen a nationwide record to construct of their properties, alongside with 95 p.c of Democrats and 80 p.c of Independents. In a Pew Research Heart see, 66 p.c of respondents talked about they are more concerned that restrictions would be lifted too rapid, rather than no longer rapid ample. Republicans in the see had been the truth is wreck up on the demand.
Public neatly being experts comprise talked about any untimely easing of build-at-dwelling orders might also lead to a 2nd wave of pandemic, erasing the social distancing growth, returning the inhabitants to quarantine, deepening the industrial turmoil and main to more lives lost.
Some talked about they are protesting totally on yarn of the extreme economic impact attributable to the virus. Bigger than 22 million folks comprise filed for unemployment since Trump declared a national emergency glorious month.
In Ohio, the assign 100 protesters did now not teach social distancing as they pushed up in opposition to the glass doorways of the statehouse this week, Gov. Mike DeWine (R) launched he modified into once assembling plans to safely reopen the economy before the expiration of his build-at-dwelling record May perhaps presumably additionally 1. DeWine and Amy Acton, director of the Ohio Department of Health, comprise talked about reopening will reach in phases.
Sigh Sen. Andrew Brenner (R) talked about DeWine modified into once honest to shut colleges and companies early, choices that Brenner talked about are bringing the pronounce nearer to reopening.
Brenner’s district shut to Columbus is one in all the quickest-increasing areas of the pronounce. He talked about the pandemic has wiped out its economic beneficial properties.
“Of us are calling me crying because they've lost their jobs, and the govtstimulus tests are no longer going to withhold folks going long,” Brenner talked about, adding more folks will need govt help. “The following component that’s going to happen is that earnings wished to withhold very valuable services, equivalent to education and Medicaid, will plummet.”
Enterprise owners in Oklahoma and Ohio comprise filed lawsuits, bemoaning the industrial charges of sheltering in design. In Michigan, Michael Lackomar known as a attorney after a scramble-in with pronounce troopers.
Lackomar talked about he and his companion comprise left their dwelling in the Detroit suburbs for his or her solitary 2nd dwelling on the shores of Lake Huron. But when Lackomar visited this week, two pronounce troopers pounded on the door.
“You know you’re no longer supposed to be here,” Lackomar recalled the trooper announcing as he defined Whitmer’s original record, which bans folks from traveling between a valuable design and a walk dwelling. The troopers instructed the couple to construct build or probability a $1,000 gentle or misdemeanor value.
The interaction led Lackomar to rant on Facebook and then contact a attorney.
“Generally it's doubtless you'll perhaps presumably even be feeling equivalent to you have not got any direct in opposition to the mountainous monolithic govt,” talked about Lackomar, who's one in all so a lot of Michigan residents suing Whitmer. “They are trying to possess the an infection, but there is a line. I’m sorry, my rights as a person don’t the least bit times steal a lend a hand seat to somebody else’s fears.”
Lackomar’s attorney, David Helm, is arguing in federal court docket that the govtowes his purchasers compensation because rules comprise rendered their properties and companies ineffective. The statewide restrictions, he talked about, violate property and due job rights because most of Michigan’s coronavirus cases are little to 2 tough-hit counties in metro Detroit.
“Your total pronounce of Michigan is on house arrest. That’s a deliver,” talked about Helm, who has heard from varied firms taking into consideration class-action suits in Tennessee and Oregon. “We know there is an outbreak and govt action needs to steal design, but it's doubtless you'll perhaps well comprise to tailor those actions to sever lend a hand constitutional infringements. If left unchecked, it might per chance perhaps well comprise to lead to more dramatic rules down the avenue. We don’t desire the governor to come up with the selection to comprise precedent here. We desire the court docket to design precedent.”
Whitmer’s design of enterprise did now not return a requirement for touch upon the lawsuits.
In a news conference this week, Whitmer talked about she understands why folks are upset regarding the build-at-dwelling record.
“It’s OK to be annoyed. It’s OK to be angry,” Whitmer talked about, adding it would be gentle if folks directed their emotions at her. “I’ve got thick skin and I’m the least bit times going to shield your honest to free speech.”
In states including North Carolina, activists are organizing thru closed Facebook groups that comprise grown rapid.
Ashley Smith, the founder of ReOpenNC, believes build-at-dwelling orders are no longer the honest formulation to fight the virus.
“We’ve dropped an atomic bomb on a knife fight,” she talked about. “Yes, there are risks, however the Structure does no longer bid us a probability-free existence.”
Michael Morgan of Westfield, N.C., who has been combating cancer for 3 years, sent the neighborhood a non-public message to are trying and heed its level of gape. He talked about he modified into once blocked and started his personal neighborhood: Dwell House N.C. It now additionally has thousands of participants. He does no longer reflect economic considerations might well comprise to easy dictate when build-at-dwelling orders are lifted.
“This has change into a war between money and existence. And folks the truth is value their money,” Morgan talked about. “I fully heed no longer having the flexibility to pay your bills and the pain of shedding a replace, but wouldn’t you somewhat be alive? Judge me, we are able to work thru this.”
David Weigel and Robert Costa in Washington and Gregory Scruggs in Seattle contributed to this file.
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withersonwheels · 7 years
Day 259 Sheridan to Quake Lake 123K
At the bar last night I met a 91 year old man who still runs his own ranch and rides his horse everyday. He regaled me with stories or wolves and bears, which to be honest didn’t settle my bear nerves any! So today, I decided to buy a anti bear spray. I pulled in to a gun shop and asked for a bear spray, like it was the most normal thing in the world. The lady put this thing on the counter, I said I want to deter a bear, not fight a forest fire! That went over her head. This thing was a foot long, weighed a ton and looked like a fire extinguisher. I explained I was a bike and needed a lightweight model. Apparently no such thing for bears, I decided pass on the extinguisher and rely on my sprinting skills should I come across one.
Every day is a climbing day, today a bit sharper than previous days. The last climb was a toughie, but the ride down was brilliant. I hit a top speed of 72 KPH, that’s 20 MPH Mum. The ride along the valleys is just amazing, the snow capped mountains are breathtaking and I find myself mesmerized with the views. Roads are good so far, drivers also pretty considerate in the main. I had a period today where there was no hard shoulder, which is always twitchy, but last 50 K or so has had a nice shoulder so I can relax a tad more.
I stopped at Ennis for lunch and got talking to a lovely family at the restaurant, they were interested in my trip and asked lots of questions . The Mum said I must be brave to do this trip. This is not the first time someone has used that word. Brave is fighting a life threatening illness, not sitting on a bike for hours a day eating a lot of cake and sweets. They said there goodbyes and I finished lunch. I asked for the bill and was told the family had paid it! How lovely, I went to find them to thank them but they were gone. Another example of human kindness.
I am camped just outside of Yellowstone park. I really wanted to stay at Old Faithful tomorrow, but looks like the inn is booked out. I will stop by and see if I can camp. Camping and accommodation are highly regulated in the park, so might need to do some pre planning which is not one of my strengths.
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Automotive Electronics Market 2021-2026: Global Industry Demand, COVID-19 Impact, Size, Growth, Share, Key Players and Forecast
According to the latest report by IMARC Group, titled “Automotive Electronics Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021-2026”, the global automotive electronics market size reached a value of US$ 205 Billion in 2020. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the global automotive electronics market to exhibit moderate growth during 2021-2026. Automotive electronics refer to specially-designed electronics that are intended for use in both on-road and off-road automobiles such as trucks, tractors, forklifts, excavators, and electric and hybrid cars. These electronics enhance the engine control and aid in providing higher safety, security and comfort to the driver as well as the passengers in a vehicle. For instance, the anti-lock braking system (ABS) prevents vehicles from skidding on slopes, whereas electronic car security locks offer enhanced security by using remote-controlled locks and a central locking system. Airbags, infotainment, advanced driver assistance and electronic fuel injection are some of the other areas wherein automotive electronics systems are utilized.
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis takes over the world, we are continuously tracking the changes in the markets, as well as the purchase behaviors of the consumers globally–our estimates about the latest market trends and forecast values after considering the impact of this pandemic. These observations will be integrated into the report.
Request for a free sample copy of this report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/automotive-electronics-market/requestsample
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Global Automotive Electronics Market Trends:
One of the vital factors that are propelling the growth of the automotive electronics industry is technological advancements. The arrival of autonomous or driverless cars, in confluence with the launch of cost-efficient electric vehicles with enhanced features, is impelling the market growth. Moreover, a shift towards luxury vehicles which are equipped with in-vehicle entertainment devices, offering a relatively more sophisticated and interactive user experience is stimulating the demand for automotive electronics across the globe. Apart from this, advanced computing technologies including parking assistance, electrical suspensions, braking and steering systems are being applied in cars to decrease accidents and fatalities. Moreover, manufacturers are introducing product innovations like active-window display, remote vehicle shutdown, exhaust emission control and reconfigurable body panels to expand their consumer base.
Buy full report with table of contents: https://bit.ly/3bn4n3D
Key Market Segmentation:
Some of the major players operating in the industry include:
Robert Bosch GmbH
Infineon Technologies AG
HGM Automotive Electronics
Hitachi, Ltd.
Delta Electronics, Inc.
Atotech Deutschland GmbH
TRW Automotive
Continental AG
Bosch Group
Altera Corporation
Lear Corporation
Texas Instruments
Atmel Corporation
Altera Corporation
Denso Corporation.
Market Breakup by Component:
Electronic Control Unit
Current Carrying Devices
Market Breakup by Vehicle Type:
Light Commercial Vehicles
Passenger Vehicles
Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Market Breakup by Distribution Channel:
Market Breakup by Application:
Body Electronics
Safety Systems
Market Breakup by Region:
Asia Pacific
North America
Middle East and Africa
Latin America
Key Highlights of the Report:
Market Performance (2015-2020)
Market Outlook (2021- 2026)
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Market Drivers and Success Factors
SWOT Analysis
Value Chain
Comprehensive Mapping of the Competitive Landscape
If you need specific information that is not currently within the scope of the report, we can provide it to you as a part of the customization.
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IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
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