#anti sjm: stans being stans
ofbreathandflame · 22 days
Elain stans have such a weird relationship with Nuala and Cerridwen and I genuinely can't tell if they just choose not to look at the optics of that dynamic or what...
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theweeklydiscourse · 1 year
Just saw someone claiming that Nesta is a female version of Tamlin. I have truly TRULY seen everything from Nesta antis and yet, somehow this statement lets me get a glimpse of the wacked out ways their minds work.
Imagine having such poor reading comprehension skills that you cannot understand or articulate the basic facts of a character. I notice that most Nesta antis are for the most part, uncritical of SJM and seem to think that her writing is actually good and consistent which is why they have such abysmal takes. This devotion to SJM’s crap writing leads them to spout the dumbest and most incoherent statements imaginable and it’s honestly kind of hilarious to watch.
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flat-neines · 2 months
I have a serious question, if rhysand was written as more of a highly accomplished general in the NC with the inner circle being his merry band of sworn siblings he met in the armies rather than the highest authority of his court, how much of his behavior (SA not included) would be moderately more ...reasonable?
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bythenineshards · 1 year
So wait... people are mad at an artist for painting Tamlin and putting a blurb that says they imagined Feyre painting the portrait as part of her healing? Like... idk about you, but I could see that being effective as therapy to show Feyre that he's just a man. By taking him off that pedestal and making him something so mundane, it takes that power he had away. Then putting the piece with those that are best left forgotten or unfinished, only there to vent feelings onto a canvas, is indicative that she's moved on. She's healing. Tamlin can't hurt her anymore. He's just a man.
God, these Stans are so ridiculous. Another reason why these books should've never been advertised as YA.
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I feel like everyone needs to fcking understand that Acotar is a mediocre FICTIONAL story!!
Just because people stan a specific FICTIONAL character (Tamlin or Rhysand or Eris or Nesta or Feyre) DOES NOT DEFINE THEM AS PEOPLE????
And critiquing FICTIONAL characters is NOT a direct attack on the Stans of that character!!
I personally have nothing against Rhysand Stans (contrary to the beliefs of anons in my inbox) I am perfectly aware that I do not stand on any moral high ground. Tamlin's character was ruined but he also abused Feyre, and he tried to make amends and that's about it I can accept that fact and still stan him AS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. No one is excusing his behaviour. Why can't Rhysand Stans do the same?
Nothing makes abuse justified. Not the fact that Tamlin and Rhys wanted to protect Feyre or that Rhysie's abuse isn't acknowledged and recognised so Tamlin's won't either.
Also people need to understand: you cannot bully someone into submission and change their opinion on your favourite character.
U wanna hate Tamlin? Go right ahead! U wanna stan Rhys? No problem! U wanna stan Feyre the Queen of all Queens? As you should!
Stop trying to force ur opinions on others and calling them delusional for liking a FICTIONAL character!!
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astrababyy · 1 year
I don’t usually criticize stans directly because I don’t particularly like stirring up that kind of potential drama, but there is just one thing I don’t understand about their perspective.
Istg the Inner Circle doing pretty much anything for Nesta is their bar for what she deserves. If SJM’s version of a healing arc for Nesta had been dropping her in the Illyrian Steppes and making her train like another Illyrian solider, some stans would still think this is the appropriate treatment of Nesta as a person. Hell, many seem to be convinced that even bothering to help Nesta in the first place, in any way, was overly generous of them, no matter how screwed up their actions were in hindsight.
It is not hypocritical to believe that both doing nothing and what happened in canon would be terrible things to do on the Inner Circle’s part, in relation to Nesta. I don’t personally believe that, but there are Nesta stans out there who believe (reasonably so, tbh) that due to Nesta’s sacrifices during the war, the IC owes it to her to at least try to help her.
Let’s settle this right here: what the Inner Circle did to Nesta was wrong. They had good intentions in mind, but it was still wrong. Nothing changes that their treatment of her was terrible here. Even if you don’t consider them trapping her in the House of Wind wrong, everything that happened while she was there made that first action a million times worse.
There’s this weird disconnect between what stans think of anti opinions and vice versa. It baffles me so much sometimes what I see an anti post.
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
Can we talk about Madja for a sec?
Reading the war between Nesta antis and Nesta stan in the comment section of a tiktok, seeing similar arguments; "Rhys didn't tell Feyre because he didn't want to stress her out. Madja told him not to stress her out." or "Rhys is a morally grey character and this is a morally grey decision."
The first thing that came to my mind, though, was that Madja told Rhys about the risk, and not Feyre. Is that Ethical? Can a midwife/ healer/ doctor/ medical person, tell somebody other than the patient about risks to their health, and just never tell the patient? Even if they know she's dying.
Last I checked, she told Rhysand first, as if Feyre isn't her patient. As if Feyre isn't the one who Madja should've told first. Did SJM think that doctors just casually chose who to give out medical information to? Especially conditions severe enough to risk someone's life, with anybody other than the patient. Even if it is the patient's spouse, which still isn't okay when the patient themselves is conscious and without any indication of being incapable of making informed decisions regarding treatment.
It would be one thing if she told them together, at the same time, but she just told Rhys. Did she tell Rhys to tell Feyre or just let him decide if she should know? On top of that, Madja really carried out Feyre's remaining appointment without mentioning it to her.
We can argue all day, every day, about if Rhys was right to keep the pregnancy risk from Feyre or if Nesta should've told her or not (the tags should be a good indication of my stance on this but it's a longer discussion for another day), however, the one person I believe should've been honest with Feyre, not out of love for her, or as a champion for her right to chose (though she should've been) was Madja. As her patient, Feyre should've been Madja's priority, not Rhys.
If we go with the theory that Madja was scared to tell Feyre before Rhys, and then threatened/warned/scared to tell her later, when she realised that Feyre wouldn't be told, then Rhys is a straight up villain. There's no way you can argue Rhys is a good person if the doctors of his court are scared of him.
If she wasn't scared of him, then it's even more messed up that she didn't tell Feyre before Rhys, or at least at the same time, as soon as Madja herself found out. Why is Nesta more guilty than the woman who's job it was to tell Feyre but didn't. I'm no medical professional, but isn't the fact a trusted healer/medical professional feels fine to keep such information from a patient really concerning, right?
Call me crazy, but it seems to me that no matter what Nesta said or didn't say, Madja feels like the bigger concern in this situation, right? I, for one, would be pretty scared if my doctor kept a life threatening condition from me after telling my spouse without my permission, because what else would she keep from me? How could I trust her with my health again? What has she kept from others?
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reblogandlikes · 1 month
Dipped a toe and snooped in the pro IC and Co. tag just for shits and giggles and it's crazy how so many can't seem to comprehend general criticism of the acotar books and will call people or stans of other characters abusive and idiots and whatever else for simply being a stan of (name character) but do not see the total hypocrisy in their own faves. The abusive nature of their faves. The favoritism towards their faves. The manipulation both from and of their faves.
Many resfuse to see how all over the place SJM writing generally is and I find it hilarious how when it's stated that SJM retcon blatantly to fit the 1st person narrative of the book it's bullshit people and antis are hating for no reason, but as soon as it comes to ACOSF it's lies pandering to pro Nesta despite the story being written in 3rd person from both Nesta and Cassian's POV. I'm sorry, your fave Rhysand has always been a dick. They'd take everything in first books as gospel, but the moment it's Nesta's or even Bryce’s, it's not true? It's biased. It doesn't count.
I don't like ACOSF. The story wasn't about healing, but beating a character down into submission and as a Nesta stan, I still critique it because...I can and I will. Cassian can go fall down those stairs and give the usefulness of his wings to Emerie.
If they want to read the books blindly, go ahead, but don't get mad when others actually internalise and think about the messages being spoken. Everyone digest media differently, and that's OK. I personally like reading about ambiguous and indepth characters. Not a fan of being told how to feel and what to think. The ability to ready between the lines and pick up things that aren't in big neon writing is preferable. SJM has the capability, generally, which from what I've seen, is why TOG is far better recieved, even with the criticism.
They say if we hate Rhysand or Feyre so much, why keep reading? Well, at this fucking point, we're all too deep in this shit show to stop. Call it morbid curiosity. These books have made me a masochist.
If you're an anti blog, keep doing your thing. If you're a pro blog, same thing. Who cares? We find our communities and have fun talking shit. But the unnecessary harsh name calling over something supposedly "not that deep" is wild.
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ofbreathandflame · 2 days
Oh my god, now they're saying Ember is the reason the world was almost destroyed bc of how she raised Bryce...y'all I wish I was making this up....
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I'm going to try to make this the last post where I address this but I'm starting to get frustrated with the narrative that Elucien's should just accept Az and hold in him high regard because "we're on the same side".
Yes, Elucien's and Gwynriel's both share a common goal of being Anti E/riels and we often create posts both sides like because of it. I think it's very clear to both groups that Az with Elain is a ship that exhibits major red flags.
But that's not the reason I ship Elucien, just because Az is bad for Elain so Lucien wins by default.
I actually like Elain and Lucien as individual characters. I think they'll be fantastic together but standing alone I still love them.
Just because I see that Az is setup to be healthier with Gwyn, that does not make up the sum total of his character. His interactions with Gwyn or Nesta are minimal compared to how he is with everyone else.
I think it's safe to say that a good number of Gwynriels support Elucien but don't necessarily like Elain. I joined a FB group that was Pro Gwynriel / Pro Elucien and ended up leaving for the vitriol that was spit Elain's way. It did not feel like a safe place to ship Elucien when I was constantly seeing others drag her.
And I think some in the fandom forget that Elucien's have witnessed this behavior for YEARS, even outside of E/riels. Some Gwynriels have thought nothing of the Elain slander or dislike they participated in and Elucien's have had to sit and just accept it.
Though this is a character SJM herself created and said shares her real life energy. Though this is a character SJM spoke of having a book long before Az was ever discussed as possibly getting his own, we were still forced to listen to her character be torn apart.
And now the Az getting a book chatter has increased tenfold and some Elucien's have started to speak out against Az's behavior.
SJM wrote it so that neither Elain or Lucien has ever said anything negative about Gwyn or Az.
But she did write Az as being problematic towards both Elain and Lucien.
If Elain and Lucien are someone's favorite ship and they genuinely have love for their characters, do Az stans TRULY believe we're supposed to show Az the same respect we do for Lucien?
When Az said Lucien wasn't good enough for Elain?
When Az said Elain couldn't handle the darkness of the Trove?
When Az didn't care whether Lucien murdered Graysen or when Az was fine being arrogant over defeating Lucien in the Blood Duel?
Please take the time to consider why Az's behavior towards Nesta or even Gwyn doesn't erase away Az's past behavior towards everyone else for some of us? Towards his own High Lady? The way he acts towards Helion? Please understand why not all Eluciens would care to see Az getting his own HEA with a female he JUST met and has shown no romantic inclination towards yet as he's fixated on Mor and Elain while Lucien continues to suffer with his unfulfilled bond and Az believes Lucien isn't good enough for her anyway.
I understand why Az stans are pumped for his book but please do not act like we should all be on the same side just because we are both Anti E/riels. Don't act like we're suddenly trouble makers because we're calling Az out for the wrongs we'd like to see righted and for what would be justice for Lucien's character, if Az did have to see him happy with his own mate before Az was granted the gift of his own.
Az could get his own book next and Elucien's will have to deal with it but stop acting like Elucien's who have been waiting for their story to be told since 2016 and whose favorites are constantly being belittled within the fandom (Lucien from E/riels and Elain from some Gwynriels) aren't well within their rights to be a little irritated by Az at this point.
This isn't even an Anti Azriel post because I realize that he will be redeemed and get his HEA. But let's not pretend there's not valid things he needs to atone for.
For us, it's not just about proving E/riels wrong but for Lucien's suffering to finally come to an end. For the Elain haters to finally reconsider.
After nearly a decade, you'd think there'd be a little more understanding for Elucien's and why they're not mooning over the possibility of an Az book being the next book.
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venusin-aries · 8 months
Anti’s coming into the Gwyneth Berdara tag and accusing Gwynriel’s of the mischaracterization of Gwyn or only liking Gwyn because of Gwynriel is fucking LAUGHABLE. 
All I've seen are posts singing praises about Gwyn (just Gwyn!) and I have NOT ONCE seen a Gwynriel shipper characterize Gwyn wrongly.
What are we mischaracterizing her for? 
Being brave as fuck for choosing to train to be a Valkyrie? Nesta’s admiration and fondness of her? For saying she’s resilient for being able to enjoy herself and laugh with her friends after experiencing some fucked up shit? THAT SHE'S LIKABLE?? Being strategic and patient FOR DAYS and spying on the Illaryian males before sending the beasts after them ruthlessly? Being smart and witty? Her interests in sex and smut and stating she doesn’t want to be coddled? Her willingness to sacrifice herself on the bridge? Her determination to finish the blood rite even though she was injured as fuck? Her unwavering loyalty toward Nesta and Emerie? That Nesta thinks her beauty is comparable to Mor and Merrill?
The fact that she’s not judgemental and she immediately accepted Nesta when they were sharing their stories? Her own struggle with guilt and self hate? Her immediately witnessing what Azriel is capable of when they first met? Azriel’s shadows reacting POSITIVELY towards her and yeah, the thought of her joy glowing in his chest? That she teases him and challenges him? That she hasn't seen him torture someone yet but she's seen worse shit soooo why would she be fazed??
She's canonly more suitable for Azriel than anybody else in the series and THAT'S why people dislike her as a character even though on her own she's a great character.
Those are only SOME of her positives we got in ONE book. Notice, some of those positives include Azriel, but most don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️. 
Allllllll of those points have textual evidence to support them. And these are allllllll the points Gwynriel shippers love to make about her. 
The only charactization of her anti’s will accept is if she goes back to the library, stays there and is never seen or heard of in canon again. Or if she’s evil which she’s likely not going to be. Stop being so petty. If anything SJM has her set up for a HEALING journey. 
However some people obviously like to see a female character STAY broken and let her trauma define her.
Getting mad when she's so obviously such a fun character? She has fun and laughs and teases her friends and Cassian and Azriel and enjoys herself but there's something wrong with that and you think its annoying????
Fanon Gwyn and Canon Gwyn are basically the same. If you don’t like fanon Gwyn, you probably don’t like canon Gwyn and that’s fine, whatever, I think you have totally shit taste but whatever just STAY OUT OF THE GWYNETH BERDARA TAG.
I see the shit ya'll tag and then delete.
I’m a Gwyn stan first and foremost but I have not seen one single other Gwynriel shipper mischaracterize her. 
Fanon is fun until it melts your brain and you start believing ONLY fanon and wrongly remembering canon and then attacking others for using canon to support their points. 
It’s crazy to me that anti’s can dislike a fictional character so much that the idea of potentially seeing more of said character in the canon universe and getting more fandom love honestly upsets them.
Like holy shit, I don’t like E/riel, but I have enough tact not to take that out on either Elain OR Azriel. And I don’t go looking to start shit with shippers because I'm not pathetic. Too bad some people can’t extend that same class to Gwyn. 
Also, I feel like some people forget about this fucking scene. 
Gwyn studied Ramiel's craggy, unforgiving slope. Not much snow graced its sides. Like the wind had whipped it all away. Or the storms had avoided its peak entirely. “Is it living, though? To take the safe road?”
“You’re the one who's been living in a library for two years,” Emerie said.
Gwyn didn't flinch. “I have. And I am tired of it.” She surveyed the blood-soaked leather along her thigh. “I don't want to take the safe road.” She pointed to the mountain, to the slender path upward. “I want to take that road.” Her voice thickened. “I want to take the road that no one dares travel, and I want to travel it with you two. No matter what may befall us. Not as Illyrians, not for their titles, but as something new. To prove to them, to everyone, that something new and different might triumph over their rules and restrictions.”
A cold wind blew off Ramiel's sides. 
Whispering, murmuring.
“They call this climb the Breaking for a reason,”Emerie countered gravely.
Nesta added, “Wehaven't eaten in days. We're down to the last of our water. To climb that mountain-“
“I have been broken once before,” Gwyn said, her voice clear. “I survived it. And I will not be broken again- not even by this mountain.”
Look at me and tell me this is a character we’ll never hear from again. Go right a fucking head. 
You can't come into the Gwyneth Berdara tag claiming we mischaracterize her. We take her as is. No need to pick her apart or give her little unnecessary traits to fit her better with any one.
It's not possible to make her out to be something she's not when every little thing we love about her is canon.
You can be salty over us comparing Bryce/Hunt and Azriel/Gwyn but oh wait! SJM uses similar language to describe them ON PURPOSE in canon as fucking well!!!
On purpose.
In fucking canon.
But we’re reaching.
Do not come into the Gwyneth Berdara tag and say Gwynriel’s make it hard to like her but oh, you do like her you do! And then go on to say she’s nothing more special than a Valkyrie or Nesta’s friend. Yeah, I fucking saw that shit.
People are weirdly jealous over a ship/inspiring character a lot of people relate to.
Gwyn is not stealing Azriel from any one because there’s NO ONE to steal him from.
These character's are fake but the hate and vitriol ya'll are spewing at people who like her are very real.
Just stay out of the Gwyneth Berdara tag if you don't like her.
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bythenineshards · 1 year
I can't wait for the news about the Acotar adaptation to start trickling out and the Fandom to act the way it does. If they even get a first season, a broader audience will be reached and come to these spaces. Then stuff like that one Stan we all know will be seen and the toxicity of the Fandom will come out. Video essays will discuss things that happen in the next books and Disney will plug the plug.
You don't think they will? They canceled a show that was doing well because it was doing well in a demographic they didn't intend. They said it wasn't the brand they wanted. We have Stans bitching at an artist for painting Tamlin. They bullied Danielle Rose Russell and body shamed her. You think they'll want this tied to them?
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wingsdippedingold · 7 days
My statement on ACOTAR characters
(unedited; really just a brain dump)
I know I use a lot of pro and anti tags when it comes to ACOTAR, and while I do have characters I like more than others, I really just dislike them as a whole. I think the series is poorly written and SJM is the one I actually hate.
I honestly can't really criticize or defend any character properly, because the characters themselves are just deficiently made. They all come from the same dumbass author. The main thing keeping me in the fandom are the actual people in it, because they have actual thoughts that make sense, and I find discussing the topics presened entertaining. So I don't wanna hear any "Well if you hate the books so much stop talking about them" bs
I don't hate Rhysand, in fact I think he has a lot of cool moments. I like the idea of him not bowing to anyone but his own people, so he got a knee tat of Velaris (even if I think its dorky). I enjoy his outlook on what's right, and I did genuinely like him early on. But I think the way SJM writes his actions (especially political ones) and their justifications incredibly disjointed poorly thought out. I think he's wrongfully used and justified and digs people into a bad way of thinking ethically because SJM has made no move to do anything but portray him as a white knight. Had the narrative acknowledge some of the things he's done as actually bad, in fact that most of them have bad outcomes for some even if they benefit others, I'd have no issue with him. SHe just writes him doing heinous things for reason and then is like "Oh but he's traumatized so its okay!"
I don't dislike Feyre, but I think she's often shoved into a backseat role in her own series. I know this is a multi-pov story, but seriously? How the fuck did SJM make Feyre's pregnancy climax to nothing more than more Nesta hate??? Why was her experience and thoughts just completely missing in the plot that literally revolved around her?? I find her flaws charming, and yet they're often forgotten or used to justify things that shouldn't be justified. I don't have any issue with her beyond the SC disaster. But, I think the fact that there's Feyre antis in general speaks to how bad of a writer SJM is. You can't even make people agree on liking your main fucking character? In fact most Feyre antis are Pro Nestas... which is ridiculous. How poorly do you have to write for people to pit sisters against each other WHEN YOUR MAIN TROPE IS FOUND FAMILY. The way SJM uses Feyre pisses me off endlessly
I think Feysand has its moments, and I don't hate anything about them specifically - but rather how they're presented and treated by the narrative. I think they make sense together, and I prefer them to Feylin, but I hate how SJM and fans bend over backward to justify everything.
I'm not a Nesta stan, I just think the narrative (and especially SF) is an injustice to real world issues and the logic used against her makes no sense in reference to the other characters. SJM says she loves her so much, but shows her none. I find the way the fandom treats her lacking empathy, and SJM has done nothing to actually better her character. I think its ridiculous no one acknowledge that she grew up in the same fucking cottage as Feyre with the same parents. SJM constantly dredges up new shit to pit her and Feyre against each other instead of just letting them be happy. She treats Nesta like she's irredeemable, and when she does "redeem" herself its literally in service to the people who are forcing her to fix herself??? She's used as a point for juvenile drama and placed in a cycle of being antagonized with no outlet to place blame. See my full thoughts on her here
I don't actually despise the ic, I think they all are just wasted and thrown into whatever whirlwind situation gives SJM a boner. I think Morrigan had so much potential, but SJM decided it would be better to use her for petty drama and forwarding a ship. I don't hate her because she doesn't do anything for the woman in the CoN, because quite frankly I don't think SJM has thought that far. I don't think Cassian's the worst man alive, but I think SJM has a poor grasp on him and what a healthy relationship (even in the bounds of a fantasy novel) is. And I just find Azriel particularly useless, he's not a thoughtful sensitive soul, he's just yet to be focused on. And I do not look forwards to the day he is, based on his first and only current pov.
I'm not a Tamlin stan, in fact I really don't care for his character, but I think he suffers from lazy writing and some severe character assassination. I think the switch up on his character after the first book is absolutely ridiculous.
I dislike how SJM throws Elain around and treats her like a little precious baby and making her out to be an airhead whos absolved from the same crimes Nesta's hated for.
I'm not an SJM fan, I'm an avid SJM hater. I actually despise her, and while I won't write out my entire long list of grievances with her here, just know that literally all of my issues with the series would be gone if she was just a better person and writer. Seriously, I think she lacks so much mechanical and analytical skill (which is crazy, she's been publishing books for 12+ years and written like 15) and I see no change in the future. She constantly retcons, switches characters up for whatever her narrative calls for, and sacrifices good character writing for a fast track to mediocre faerie smut.
I hate the way she sexualized Feyre's experience under the mountain. I hate the way she immediately objectified Feyre when she got pregnant (the blurb describing Feyre walking around while pregnant is insanely kinky and I hate it). I hate the way she throws around trauma and mental illness like cute little stickers so that she can pick and choose the aspects she thinks are cool. I hate that she's fucked up people's perception of abuse and mental illness. I hate the way she uses poc and steals credit for representation she didn't care to make. This isn't even all of it, its just what I can remember within the 9 minutes I spent writing this brain dump. SJM does not deserve more of my time 😭
If I was a character in the series I genuinely think I'd avoid all of them, because I don't care, and if I somehow did have to be cornered with any of them, I'd hate all of them. But If I ever faced up with the mother (aka Sarah), it'd be on sight. My hatred for her knows no bounds. Hate is a strong word, and one I used so many times in this post (something SJM does a lot too though, so I'm not worried, seriously get a thesaurus and stop using the same phrases every 6 pages) because it's true.
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starsreminisce · 7 months
I always find it interesting that E/riels overlook how violent Azriel was towards Elain’s mate. I get that many people don’t think the bond is real (tho I don’t know why you’d think so), we know from canon that the bond is a real thing and it’s sacred and special to the fae. So why on Earth are people so into the blood duel? If Azriel actually killed Lucien, they would hurt Elain too. Even if she didn’t want the bond, it is there and it makes her whole (it’s described this way by other SJM characters anyway). So Azriel having no indication that killing Lucien would hurt Elain is a major red flag for me. It’s arrogant and inconsiderate, not to mention that even if Elain decides to reject Lucien, she might still not want to have him murdered… to me that whole blood duel suggestion seems nuts.
Feyre showed us what it's like when her bond is severed, and it was so devastating that she pleaded with Tamlin - yes, Tamlin - to help bring Rhys back to life. It made her rethink her plans of having kids earlier than she had intended. The thought of losing Cassian prompted Nesta to take action.
Elain seems to feel things more deeply than her sisters. That's why they're concerned about her going to Hewn City and why she ended up vomiting from sheer terror during the cauldron's blast.
This all ties back to some folks being more anti-Lucien than actual fans of Elain. Because no genuine fan of Elain would be thrilled about Azriel wanting to duel Lucien, especially if they understood the impact it could have on her based on past experiences. It's even more amusing because many E/riels are eagerly anticipating Elain's book, and I wonder if they'll maintain that energy when they find out that Lucien is the second person involved.
For my part, I think Lucien is more of a defender than a fighter. He might not actively fight for her, but he'll certainly stand up for her and himself. He might even consider Az not worth the trouble. However, the fact that he's stood his ground against his father, Tamlin, Rhys, the King of Hybern, and Amarantha when provoked suggests that if Az fucks around with Lucien, he'll find out.
I've heard some Lucien stans interpret Rhys's eyes flickering when he agreed with Az as a sign that he's lying and trying not to encourage Az to challenge Lucien. Rhys knows Lucien's true parentage and how Lucien's powers perfectly counter Az's. TOG shows us what happens when fire clashes with shadows. Who knows, maybe just one word from Lucien would be enough.
Plus, even Nesta is concerned about what might happen to Elain if something were to happen to Lucien because of how it would affect her. While the mating bond is considered sacred and unbreakable, it seems that not everyone sees it the same way for Elucien.
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whitedemon-ladydeath · 7 months
New Blog Bio:
I do not tolerate pro-israel, zionist shit anywhere near me. I don't tolerate anti semitism anywhere near me. I will not tolerate anyone who is upholding or supporting the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinians. if you do, BLOCK ME
if ur gonna follow or interact with my blog pls realize I am very critical towards most acotar content, especially if it involves Rhysand. I am more-or-less a Rhys Anti until further notice and I am hard-core side eye towards Cassian until Rhysand is held accountable for being a shitty person for more than like *checks notes* two pages
I'm not a Tamlin Stan, nor do I particularly care for him, but I have been engaging in thoughtful criticisms of his actions often which involves character analysis so you v likely will see that pop up every now and then
likely you will find:
anti Rhysand
anti/critical IC
anti/critical/pro feyre
anti/critical Cassian posts, maybe MAYBE pro cassian
critical/pro Azriel- I'm pretty neutral towards him
anti/critical/pro elain content [often. w/o being tied to a ship]
pro Lucien
pro Nesta
pro Eris
most pro tog characters
anti/critical chaol (he just annoys me with his high horse)
Pro Ships:
Tamsand (lmao)
Feylin [book one]
Nesta/Lucien [idk the ship name]
most tog ships
Anti Ships:
My Specific ACoTaR Meta:
SJM + Eugenics + Ableism in her Writing
CoN + the Eternal Perpetuation of Abuse and Toxicity
SJM and the vilification of Ireland in acotar and tog
SJM could have had the HLs give their power to resurrect her wo Rhys forcing them if she played by Faerie Rules
Rhys physically assaulted Nesta
Class Warfare + Class Traitors in ACoTaR
Rhysand + Morally Grey Behavior
My Meta / Aus / etc Posts
tag -> #justice for poor cassian and poor archeron Sisters
tag -> #glasses!elain propaganda
tag -> #slavic archeron Sisters au
tag -> #fix cassians characterization challenge
tag -> #scottish!tamlin
tag -> #welsh!rhys
tag -> #disabled!Cassian
tag -> #my acotar world building
tag -> #appropriated faerie lore in acotar
tag -> #hybern Ireland
tag -> #white feminism in acotar
tag -> #eugenics in acotar
tag -> #eugenics in tog
tag -> #classism in acotar
Other Acotar Meta:
Mor SA'd Cassian
tag -> #acotar tiktok meta
tag -> #acotar meta
tag -> #racism in acotar
tag -> #Nesta is not an alcoholic send tweet
A Synopsis of The Ballad of Tam Lin
If You're interested:
Mission to have my own Bookstore:
tag -> #mission: cheshire books
leave season 1 Caroline ALONE. she deserved better 🥺
Damon and Rose's Friendship that is ALL
Esther is Mikaels victim too stop this irritating 'Esther is the real villain'
tag -> #can we stop the overt vilification of Esther Mikaelson and the UwUization of Mikael Mikaelson
tag -> #tvd tiktok edits
tag -> #Damon Salvatore
tag -> #Caroline Forbes
tag -> #Vincent Griffith
tag -> #Shelia Bennett
Shadow and Bone / Six of Crows:
The Darkling Meta
tag -> #David kostyk
Once Upon a Time
tag -> #cora mills
The Hunger Games / A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes:
Coriolanus Snow Meta
tag -> #thg tiktok meta
tag -> #coriolanus snow
tag -> #reaper ash
tag -> #wovey
Percy Jackson
tag -> #nico di Angelo
completely irrelevant:
tag -> #rural iowa
more to be added!
69 notes · View notes
spaceshipkat · 2 years
*trigger warning for rape*
Hey do you remember (or perhaps more accurately) ever see the scandal that hit in the SJM fandom like five years ago? One of the really well known fanfic writers wrote a horrific nazi au fic where tamlin was a nazi and Lucien a young (I wanna say teenage, maybe he was adult I don’t remember) Jewish concentration camp prisoner who tamlin made his secretary. And would then rape Lucien in the fic and obviously it was full of nazi stereotypes /hate speech or idk what to even call that. And there was this whole outcry about it, but two other giant blogs, fandom pillars of the community, jumped to defend her and said everyone was overreacting and in fanfic you can write what you want, no matter how horrific. And anyways her reputation totally recovered and everyone somehow forgot about it after a couple months I couldn’t believe it. But yeah I still haven’t forgotten that, it was around that time that I saw the error of my ways and left the fandom. Soap gate being brought up reminded me of this
i uh. somehow managed to not hear about that (maybe bc i have so many stans blocked?) despite being around since 2017. um. yikes. why tf are stans like this
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