#anyone else reminded of a specific argument
getvalentined · 20 hours
We may have discussed this before but my brain is a sieve - re: Vincent being assigned to Nibelheim because Gast wanted to honor Grimoire's memory via Vincent - does this mean that Veld may have known that Vincent could/would end up contributing to Gast's work? Or do you headcanon that Gast just asked specifically for Vincent, and Veld went along with it for reasons of his own?
My headcanon for this is recently updated based on the newly clarified timeline of events related to Veld's backstory—since we know Kalm burned in 1997 and Felicia is therefore around Zack's age rather than Sephiroth's, I've shuffled this quite a bit! The end result is still the same as it was, but the means of getting there are slightly different.
Veld had no idea that Vincent had been selected for use in the Jenova Project. He knew the basics of what was going on in the project itself, given that Project G was on the verge of being shelved at that point and the Turks would be required for a fair amount of cleanup when that occurred, but he wasn't aware that the Turks had been selected for use in the project as breeding stock. Veld himself had already been unwittingly used in Project G in a similar fashion several months prior, although his contribution didn't necessitate he be on-site and was instead acquired via an invasive but company-standard physical exam at Shinra headquarters.
Gast's request for Vincent to oversee security on the project came down the pipe to Veld with an admission that it was strictly sentimental, since Project S would be carried out in the same facility where Grimoire had done his last research project. He'd been dead for around a year at that point, but Gast asserted that he just thought it would be nice to have a Valentine on the premises while everyone fully adjusted to Grimoire's eternal absence. Veld thought this was a bit silly, but that seemed to be the norm for most academics in Veld's experience, so he didn't see a reason to reject it.
He and Vincent's relationship had been a bit rocky since Grimoire died, so Veld hoped the assignment might give Vincent some perspective, if not some much-needed closure. Regardless of whatever led Vincent to distance himself from his father, he hadn't handled the loss well, taking a month off to make arrangements back home—trust funds and scholarships and memorials, ongoing management of the estate and long-term agreements with the university, long talks with old people in high places. Upon his return, Vincent threw himself into work in a way that would be most politely described as "burning the candle at both ends," but more accurately described as "driven like a man possessed."
At least, that would be the case for literally anyone else, but Vincent Valentine hadn't been given the title Turk of Turks for nothing. In his case, the most obvious results of his insane workload were that he was usually exhausted enough to sleep through the night, he drank more coffee than usual throughout the day, and he didn't go nearly as easy on rookies as he used to.
The fact that Vincent could intentionally put himself through twenty hour shifts multiple times a week for months on end rekindled old frustrations and insecurities on Veld's part, mostly regarding Vincent being in the department in the first place—everyone knew he was too good for the Turks, and those several months of stellar, almost machine-like performance proved it. This lingering sentiment had been lurking in the back of Veld's mind for years, since Vincent first tested into the department; with the reminder of where Vincent came from fresh in his mind after Grimoire's death, Veld found himself ruminating on it constantly.
Vincent, for his part, rejected the assignment outright. As vice director at the time, this was technically within his right, but the refusal to even contemplate the prospect set Veld off like nothing else, leading to a huge argument. Veld said a lot of things he would live to regret, Vincent almost certainly decked him, and Veld told him that he would either take the assignment or he'd be kicked from the department and sent back where he belonged.
"...I thought I belonged with you."
"We both know you're way too smart to be that fucking clueless about where people like you belong."
Veld had no idea that Vincent had been requested as part of the experiment just starting up in Nibelheim. He sent him because it was where he was meant to be from the beginning: in a big old mansion, far away from the Turks, surrounded by people just as smart as he was who knew where he came from and what he should have been doing with his life.
Maybe Veld would figure out how to apologize by the time Vincent finally got back.
(He didn't.)
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glitterjay · 26 days
Enhypen reaction when you take off your engagement ring after an argument 💔💍 (heavy angst to happy ending pls)
⭒ angst (but its happy at the end????), arguments
⭒ c's note: yall are making me cry and for WHAT. i also did this up to jungwon only because i just can't see ni-ki being engaged just yet. reblogs are appreciated!
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @enhabooks
heseung had a really bad day at work. he was exhausted, and to be completely honest, he did not want to see anyone at all. so when he got home and ignored you, you confronted him about it. he had given you attitude when he first walked into the house, and you were not about to deal with that. the argument escalated quickly, with you taking your engagement ring and giving it to him. this made him realize quickly what he had done, realizing he shouldn't have taken his frustration out on you. he'd approach you gently, apologizing first about his actions and asking how he could repay it. he knew you wouldn't talk to him normally right away, and he was okay with it. he admitted he was the one in the wrong, but he'd beg you to put the ring back on
you and jay had been clashing a lot when it came to opinions, which often led to arguments between the both of you. tired of this behavior, you took the engagement ring he had given you a month prior and placed it in the bowl where you kept your car keys. jay noticed this and sighed, taking the ring in his hands and approaching you calmly. what had caused all of this were the fights you had often, so causing another one would be the worst thing he could do. he'd ask you to sit and talk it out with him, brainstorming ideas and ways you could avoid all these problems without ruining your relationship. he'd then give you the ring and tell you to wear it when you feel ready.
jake had snapped at you after you tried to explain why you hadn't told him you were going out beforehand. there was no need for him to yell at you like that, but he did anyway. with tears in your eyes, you took off the engagement ring you had on and dropped it on the floor. it was only then that jake realized he was being far too harsh and immediately apologized for his actions. he wouldn't care about the ring, actually. his priority then was to resolve what his actions had caused and to let you know how much he truly loves you.
you had taken your engagement ring out after a heated argument with sunghoon simply because every time you saw it, it reminded of you of the way he had snapped before your eyes. he knew he was wrong for exploding that way, and he was aware that both of you needed some time to relax and cool off before talking again. it made him sad when he saw said ring in the night table next to the bed. specifically the one on his side, but if he was being honest, he fucked up. it took him by surprise when you approached him first to talk things out, giving him your own ring so he could put it back in your finger.
it was rare when you and sunoo faught, but this time it had gone over the edge, making you take off the engagement ring he had given you, and tossing it out in some bowl that was laying around the house. it hurt his feeling, and it hurt you too knowing you broke the promise of never taking it off again, but there was nothing else you could've thought of in that moment. sunoo was quick to apologize first, not being able to take it anymore, and ask you to at least put the ring back on.
arguments were jungwon's least favorite part of a relationship, and it sure became his enemy when you took your engagement ring off and gave it to him after fighting over something quite stupid. he was incredibly upset about it, but took matters into his own hands to make a surprise for you as a way to apologize, and propose to you in the hopes you'll say yes and put on the ring again. (you did)
© glitterjay | tumblr
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starsworldd · 1 year
➴ astro observations pt 4 ➶
reminder to go listen to domino 1 by iamsagsssssss out on all platforms now <3 (i know the artist very well i promise it’s good ⭐️
remember to please take the following with a grain of salt ⭐️
⥺ mars conjunct mc people are very hard workers but are often met with conflicts with people at work also. could be business entrepreneurs
⥺ people who have moon sextile venus are very kind and endearing <3
⥺ scorpio mercuries often hide weird stuff (doesn’t have to be innapropiate but it’s just weird and odd) on their phones and more than other people don’t show people their photos, social media, texts, etc…
⥺ mercury conjunct uranus people are some smart people let me tell you. i find that they’re often pretty witty and good with defending themselves in arguments too!
⥺ sun in 6th house people get burnt out really easily but moon in 6th house people seem to be working 24/7 and seem unbothered by it?? maybe they just hide it better. moon in 6th house people are also really smart. i want to look more into that though, because moon and sun are both luminaries so you’d think they’d both get pretty burnt out being in the 6th house of daily work and service…
⥺ the 8th-9th-10th houses i think explain how one finds their purpose in life and their calling. of course all the houses are involved in this because a chart works as a whole story, but i want to focus specifically on these 3 houses: we start at the 8th house of trauma and transformation. 8th house transits usually signify a new beginning (though it usually doesn’t come without trouble and hardship) and it is in the 9th house that we find what we can do to help ourselves out of hardship. what do we believe in? what do i learn out of this difficult time? what experiences can i engage with that help me be a better me? pluto (ruling the 8th house) is the ruler of the underworld and from there we literally go to the king of the heavens (jupiter, ruler of 9th house) to one’s calling in life, signified by the 10th house. it is through one’s hardships and main battles (8th house) that can show us how we can put our best selves out into the world (10th house). sorry to rant, i just think this is so cool to point out! if you guys want i can make a post for the rising signs on this topic ⭐️
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⥺ pisces venus people are obsessive over their crushes
⥺ venus conjunct saturn natives may not be that interested or rushed into getting into serious partnerships, in fact they seem to not prefer it, usually due to a past experience unfortunately :(
⥺ does anyone else get their period when the moon crosses their ascendant? just me? okay☺️
⥺ aries sun people are so attractive
⥺ people usually say that musicians with the same moon sign as you resonate with you more, but, this is kind of an iffy observation BUT, artists with their moon in your fourth house may also seem to make music you really like as well or you may just like them in general
⥺ cancer risings having an aries midheaven meaning that their life’s ambition is about defining themselves and being themselves unapologetically <3
⥺ people with venus in a detriment sign are often really attractive (aries, scorpio)
⥺ cancer and leo risings have a natural almost child-like glow to them. also really attractive placement in my opinion
⥺ scorpio risings and mars are often perceived as mean and intimidating. same for moons (unless if there’s aspects to venus i’ve noticed)
⥺ mars in gemini 🤝 over-competitive in games (especially games to do with the hands like spit, word hunt, certain sports, etc..)
⥺ moon conjunct jupiter people are so wholesome. they have very good morals and care deeply for the well-being of others. such a lovely placement <3
⥺ bucket-shaped chart is giving “you have all this pizazz and potential but…(insert planet here) is giving you some obstacles”
⥺ moon square neptune could be an indicator of a parent who struggles with alcoholic or drug addiction
⥺ chart ruler square neptune can give poor perception as to how you’re perceived by others or anxieties about it
thank you for reading! hope you’re well ! ⭐️
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k-dokja · 3 months
Weewoo weewoo, another Zuko small piece following the previous one.
Book 3 - E13, The Firebending Masters.
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Aang sees Katara glaring daggers at Zuko before anyone else. Maybe it’s a blessing because it makes her stop before you or Zuko notice.
“What’s wrong, Katara?” Aang asks, his concern is half towards her and half towards the new addition to their team.
“I don’t like it,” she sighs, turning away from the two of you. “He was antagonistic against us for so long, even if he never targeted specifically her.”
Aang blinks, taking a moment before he realizes what Katara is worried about. “I don’t think he’d hurt her,” Aang says, before hastily adding, “at least, I hope.”
Katara crosses her arms, a little unconvinced, but she knows having an argument over it wouldn’t solve anything. “Well, he knows what awaits him if he did her wrong,” she mutters dourly, glaring down at the cracked ground below them.
Katara fixes a smile on her face. “Nothing,” she says, “come on, I need help with starting dinner.”
Aang brightens at her request, bouncing after her as Katara walks away. “What are we having for dinner?”
It isn’t until the two of them walk away that you notice their presence. You blink slowly at their retreating forms, wondering why they haven’t said anything to you if they have been standing around. Before you can get too distracted by that, however, Zuko’s words capture your attention once more.
”It’s not really dancing,” he tries to reason, “their movements are strong and powerful, it’s fighting, not dancing.”
You smile wryly, “Strong and powerful are synonyms,” you point out and relish in the way his cheeks redden further. “Besides, what’s wrong with dancing? I always thought firebending should be more fluid, it’s far more flexible than earthbending, after all.”
“That’s because you’re a…” Zuko fumbles, trying to find the correct word.
Seeing his fluster makes you unable to decide if you should feel amused or slightly offended. You cross your arms, challenging him to continue. “A…?” If he’s thinking what you assume he’s thinking, you might send him to Sokka for a good old training in respect.
“Away from how we trained our bending,” Zuko clarifies, “you didn’t see how we learned it in our armies, it would be near impossible to think there’s another method.”
Your shoulder relaxes from his explanation. At least, if nothing else, Zuko doesn’t have that as his cardinal sin. Which makes sense from what you’ve seen of his sister. “Fire can be a good and nurturing force,” you shrug, “it is what we use to cook meals and warm ourselves on cold days, it is also the forces that nurture all lives… I think?”
The corner of his lips inch up momentarily, “That’s a sweet way to think about it,” he says, “I wish I had the same view as you.”
“Well, you’re growing to have it, right?” You put your hands on your hips, leaning closer to peer at him. “That’s what this whole thing is about.”
“I… suppose,” Zuko accepts hesitantly, “I just wish I had thought about it sooner, maybe it would’ve saved me a lot of grief.”
Knowing half of what he has experienced up to this point, you nod with thoughts clouding your mind. “Well, you did say the experience taught you a lot,” you remind him with a gentle smile, “without it, you wouldn't be where you are.”
“Without it, we wouldn't meet either,” Zuko says before his eyes widen, he turns away, adding, “I wouldn't say I would change it for anything, but... I do wish I had harmed less people back then.”
Hearing his conflicts, you purse your lips, “Well, it would be impossible to say you won’t have to use fire to harm anymore since we’re at the brink of a war but…”
You pause, trying to collect your words before meeting his eyes. When you do, whatever he sees in yours must’ve stunned him into silence. “Yours has turned into a fire to protect, it is a precious thing to have,” you raise a finger towards him, “and if someone in your position can learn it, then so can everyone else, eventually, with time.”
Zuko breathes out a sigh that takes away all of the weight on his shoulders. “Is that a future you want to have?”
“It would be ideal, yes,” you smile a little brighter, hopeful of what is to come once the war is over, “a world where all four elements work for the benefit of each other, wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Then,” Zuko presses his lips together before continuing, “I’ll strive to bring that vision into reality.”
You blink, a little confused. “Wasn’t that your original plan?”
“Yes, well, I mean—“ Zuko struggles again. “Since you said, you know, I just—“
He coughs, clearing his throat, “Yes,” he says finally, “but I have another incentive to do that now that I know it would make you happy.” Zuko should've stopped at that, but then seemingly realizing something, he frowns, “Because you're a good friend, and I want to see you happy, of course. That's what I meant.”
“I know what you mean,” you give him a reassuring smile, before having the heart to change the topic for his sake, “so... this dance of yours...”
Eager to have an escape, Zuko latches on the first opportunity you provide him. “It's not a dance!” He protests, but there is a slight smile on his lips. The sight of it warms your heart in a quiet way you can't put your finger on, easier to assume it's because of how he has changed than ruminate about the further reason behind it.
Zuko has smiled far more often now that he's with you and your friends, but you never quite notice that his smile comes up more frequently when he's around you.
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janewayintersection · 10 months
the amount of people who are like "omg i ditched kaidan for garrus after he was mean to me on horizon!!" baffle me. shit on bioware's writing for making shep work with cerberus all you want, but kaidan calling shep out on this and not joining them is NOT the issue. in fact, him reacting like this is why i love him??
he specifically states he trusts shep, just not cerberus. which is the only rational response in that whole entire goddamn game!! like?? you spend all of me1 stopping cerberus operations. they kill several alliance soldiers and admiral kahoku, try to make a rachni army -- they are WELL known for cloning and ais... miranda even outright states she wanted to plant shep with a control chip. there is literally zero reason for kaidan to believe the shep in front of him isn't some cerberus sleeper agent. or an ai. or indoctrinated. or being manipulated (THIS ONE IS CANON BTW). even if he trusts shepard, he doesn't trust cerberus not to pull any of this. quite frankly, i'm baffled more companions don't have this exact, entirely justified concern.
loyalty is important, but blind loyalty is dangerous.
honestly, the crew in me2 is lucky that the illusive man was so weirdly and uncharacteristically insistent on shepard remaining untouched. things could have gotten very bad otherwise.
being best friends with someone, or more notably, being in love with someone, isn't the end all be all magic potion in this world. being in love with someone doesn't mean you should blindly trust their actions. if my significant other joined a terrorist group, you can bet my ass i wouldn't join them! sorry! if anything, it's healthy that kaidan has his own sense of morals and priorities he follows over shepard. he's his OWN person, love shouldn't be something that makes you suddenly give up who you are and what you believe in.
not to mention kaidan is entirely out of the loop for the whole game. his intel states that cerberus is behind the abductions (the horizon incident is partially a result of cerberus' fiddling btw), and that shep has been alive and never even reached out to anyone. he doesn't have the information we the players have. he doesn't know that the illusive man insisted on no control chip. he doesn't know about the lazarus project or its specifics.
and as for the "cheating" discourse if you romance someone new in me2, i do personally believe shep getting with one of the me2 love interests is cheating on their me1 love interest. to shep, they skipped those two years. they wake up as they did during the me2 prologue. no time has passed. and then they immediately get with someone else after one (1) argument with their love interest over them, may i remind you, joining a terrorist group. even if you don't think it's "technically" cheating, it's at the very least pretty trashy and flakey.
if anything, i'm gonna say it! kaidan is more forgiving than i'd be! the fact that he even sends an email saying he still cares and that they can see what happens after this is all resolved is WAY more than i would have done. the fact that kaidan will find out shep got with someone else, and STILL be willing to give shep a chance is like. man. it's saying a lot. i am just saying.
imagine losing someone. you see them literally die as your ship explodes and they burn up in the nearby planet's atmosphere. you grieve. you put yourself into your work. then suddenly, two years, later. they pop back up again. ALIVE. and with a terrorist group. and basically tell you the equivalent of "just trust me bro" despite the fact that while you trust them, you don't trust the terrorist group. so you're like hey, what the fuck. why are you with a terrorist group. and they're like i'm not with them, we just have common goals. and you're like. i'm gonna say it again. i trust you, not the terrorist group. okay?? i can't join you for this reason. please be careful out there, seriously.
and then they immediately jump into the pants of that one guy you knew back on a mission from two years ago.
what would you do?? would you not feel hurt? betrayed? upset? confused?? i'm sorry, i'm completely on kaidan's side. i'd go as far to say that he's far more understanding than he should be in me2.
me3 is all about regaining that complete and undying trust back, and that cerberus didn't fuck around w shep. or that being with cerberus didn't change them. his "loyalty" quest is just visiting him in the hospital and showing him shepard still cares. that they're still the same. that cerberus truly didn't alter them. that there was more going on. that shepard was forced to work with cerberus out of complete necessity and only did what they thought was right. and i think that's neat!!!!
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izuhan · 1 year
what would he call you? ︱stray kids
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pairing: boyfried!skz x gn!reader ︱ genre: fluff ︱warning: may contain grammar mistakes, not proofread, seungmin give me a chance
a/n: a small one ive kept for a long time heheh (an excuse to write my brainrot minho saying darling n being called seungmin's the love of his life) tysm again for all the kind words!! i wont shut up about it ily yall so much and seungmin, please give me a chance. I'm suffering I love them so much I can't my heart hurts help
⸝⸝bang chan♡ᵎ
— he would call you many things to tease you, upon your behavior, the way you make him crazy, the way you look which made him fall in love all over again.
— however, my/love, baby, darling, sometimes dearest, would have that lovely taste left in his mouth, tongue rolling smoothly on those endearments that has you both flushing with embarrassment.
— the first time he called you “baby” was after you two started dating, he had to capture you before you could run away from him and suffer alone, let your heart swell with happiness. “please don't run away, don't you like it, baby?” 
⸝⸝lee know♡ᵎ
— everybody knows he’s a tease, much more than anyone could be, so, endearment for his lover isn’t out of the question, especially if he’s enamored of you. 
— though as much as he wants to keep such things to himself, he would blurt out–“Darling,” and question you after about it. His eyebrows would raise, debated between repeating himself and giving up.
— “is it the end of the world if i call you something? Chan calls you his tiny helper.”
— darling, babe, and cutie would stick to him the most because that's where he gets to see most of your reaction, whether making love or on a daily basis.
— love, would come around sometimes during heavy arguments or when he feels like his “love” needs to be addressed and cared for reaching for your folded arms when doubt comes in between, “the most i care for is you, love, i love you.”
— he might have gone through plenty of nicknames to find the one he likes the most—baby, cutie-pie, honey, and angel would tickle his heart the most.
— angel and honey would be at the very top, simply because he thinks they're sweet and suits you.
— he's pretty confident with it too, whether you complain about it or not, they just remind him of you 
— would absolutely love to annoy you during moments he knew you need him most, specifically moments where he feels proud of you most, the ones he knew took most of your energy and knows a simple “my cutie angel, you did so well today~” accompanied with the warmest hug ever.
— most likely he'd find and test endearments he'd found in the book that he read.
— “could it be that the blossom that fell in the palm of my hand, is this one that i love most?” he would say after he’s done flipping pages, loving eyes now laid upon and staring at yours while his hand cups your cheeks, 
— love, blossom, angel, and baby would be a good list because he has a lot, whenever he feels like it.
— though, I feel like love and angel would be at the top of his list too. main reasons are; he feels so loved and all giddy whenever you respond to him, call him the sweetest things back as he calls you “love” and he feels like he's holding a divine creature— an angel in disguise.
— of course, “baby” would come out of his mouth a lot, however, experimenting with calling you different ones would ensue.
— he might feel frustrated trying so hard to find one that feels natural the same way “baby” does. It didn't matter whether you tell him it was alright to not call you anything else but what he can. Though he would likely sulk at that, since he’s been teased by others that baby is now outdated, he needs to call you differently. 
— and once he did find some, he might come to the point of too much embarrassment he would just bury his face in the crook of your neck, stuttering “l-love.” and “m-my y/n”. He’s holding for dear life he could cry and you’d respond to him by calling him that too, holding him gently since he’s too adorable for his own good.
— the one who's both self-conscious and too natural with it. he'd call you cute nicknames every single time you meet and save the special ones at home only.
— “My sunshine! You look so cute!” would be his go-to ‘let the others know I call you that all the time.’ nickname so whenever someone asks you, it would be “Hey, you're Felix's ‘sunshine’ or was it ‘darling’.. right?”
— at home, it would battle between baby, love, or baby love, and darling. you would react to it differently, which is what he expected so he'll be taking that as a win.
— exhibit a. He would come out of the shower, dripping wet from his hair, and walk towards your shared room where you would be seen drowning in one of his clothes. Felix would lean by the doorframe, whisking water in your direction, and say, “i have arrived darling, won't you come about and help me dry my hair?” and he would soon be defeated by the warmth of the blow dryer, “baby love, im sorry about… that, i have no idea what came into me.”
— he teases a lot too, calling you playful names to piss you off, or have you be a flustered tomato face and run away from him or remain still, processing what he had just called you.
— “what? would it kill you if I call you ‘the love of my life’?” surprised would be an understatement.
— he asks for you to others by that on purpose too— “hey, have you seen ‘my beloved’ y/n?” —just to see how much you hate or love it until it's something he would have to cut off to my/love, beloved, baby, and sweet thing.
— he would want to just play it off with a sprinkle of sincerity and curiosity before it turns into an undying habit, though, it does eventually. He would still deny it has now become that, rolling his eyes with a laugh, “does that guarantee my love for you or is it something mandatory for me to do in hopes of saving your hopeless heart?” 
— it would come off as a test—“Hey sweet thing, whatchu watchin'?”
— once he realizes that or reflects on it, he would sink in wherever he was, including your lap.
— “love is too much, I want to call you mine.”
— and again, he would melt, but tries again, “baby, turn it down.” all of them, failure or success could be the death of you, specifically when you notice he's trying to hide his blushing cheeks and smile by turning his back on you or with his hands.
— it wasn’t obvious in his past attempts, he would look away while you try to breathe. But one time “comfort me baby” came out of his mouth, both of you remained still, your cheeks beet red and Jeongin, his huge hands on his face as he let gravity do its thing when he fell on your body, letting out a very loud screech, “Innie, it’s o—” “no it’s not! I practiced!” and he will never leave your arms until he succeeds on satisfying himself with how it comes out of his mouth.
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ellaphnt · 1 month
Shuro’s status of nobility has been brought up a few times when discussing his fight with Laios. I’m sure there’s credibility to the argument but the way it’s been used makes me go, “huh??”
I’ve seen his upbringing used in a negative context, usually to flatten his reasons for fighting with Laios. “oh he’s used to people listening to him so he’s never met anyone who doesn’t do exactly what he says” or “he’s never been exposed to anyone new or any new perspectives and that’s why he hated Laios”. I don’t think these opinions are salient in fan spaces but I saw it enough times I wanted to talk about it.
I feel like we just, forgot that Toshiro is a foreigner? The only poc in the party? And never interacted with gnomes, dwarves, and halffoots since they don’t live in the east? (well, the last point depends on how much you’ve seen from the Adventurer’s Bible)
Compared to everyone else, he probably had the MOST exposure to new people and experiences. And yet he was able to, best he can, quickly assimilate and harmonize with everyone in his new party. Regardless of what he thought about them, it seemed everyone else thought he was amicable. As a poc (and East Asian specifically), that’s mission accomplished.
With all that effort into making himself culturally digestible, it’s no wonder he resented/envied Laios. He put in all this effort to learn their status quo, to not offend the new people he’s meeting, only for Laios to not give him the same consideration. Both of them were socially inept in some way, but only one of them felt the need to do something about it. It’s important to note that their fight was a turning point for Laios too - he realize he had to be more aware and present for his team.
So Toshiro didn’t want to say no outright because it might set back the bonds he’s trying to form. Confrontation is hard, confrontation in a new country is harder. He settles for “close enough” because hey, it’s not that big of a deal. Their opinion of me is way more important than obtaining respect for myself. I’m the foreigner. This has the consequence of making him a pushover, but I digress. He seems to identify himself more as a foreigner than nobility.
And that had to do with separating his identity! The identify he has at his house was kept VERY separate from the one he has with Laios and co. He doesn’t want Laios’ party to know that he is nobility. He doesn’t even care that they call him by “first name”, albeit butchered. He never mentioned the retainers to them (since Chilchuck had to ask who they were).
The retainers are people he’d rather keep at a distance due to their connection with his dad. This might be why he joined Laios’ party solo given the opportunity. But as we see in the image below, they followed him into the dungeon ANYWAYS. You can’t convince me he wanted them to do that. They watch from a distance, disregarding Toshiro’s independence. They don’t always listen to him, they do what they think is best for him, which means they actually follow MAIZURU. To her, his status as their young master is very important, and therefore he needs to be waited on hand and foot. It’s not that he’s used to people doing stuff for him, it’s moreso Maizuru does it regardless.
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What drives both identities is an inability to assert himself. He don’t think highly of himself (living under his father’s shadow) and it shows in how people treat him. With Laios and others, he had the opportunity to shape a new identity, but because Laios was the one that introduced him, he and everyone else just accepted the misconceptions. I’m sure Toshiro noted his surprisingly strong influence on his team, something he hasn’t achieved.
With his retainers and Maizuru specifically, she doesn’t put faith in his decisions. She tsked at the fact they went to save Falin, but obeyed anyways because he’s never asserted himself before. (Reminder that assertion is him on his knees requesting their help - the hierarchy of his upbringing does not feel ingrained in him. Giving me overly respectful and considerate vibes, the silly guy)
So he CAN do it! He CAN shape how people see him if he is able to open up a bit more. Rather than his nobility, it’s moreso that he’s never trusted anyone to open up to in the first place. He doesn’t fit in back home. He’s distant from Maizuru, he’s distant from Hien. He’s distant from his brothers and parents. He basically never had friends until Laios. This is his first friend too!!!
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He finally opened up to him, and that’s going to pave the way for his character development in the future. He now has someone he can trust, someone to put his faith in, and someone to teach him how to communicate better. By airing his resentment, now all that’s left is that envy/admiration. He’s going to learn from that.
Edit: just because I like keeping things together, here’s more discussion about this post :P
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aromanticbuck · 2 months
The way so many people within the fandom are reacting to Buck being canonically queer (bisexual, specifically, according to Oliver) is making me so uncomfortable
I made a post about it last night, but Buck being attracted to men isn't about anyone else. This is about Buck and only Buck. And making it about another character - namely, I'm seeing people make it about Eddie and Hen - is such a disservice to Buck as a character and Oliver's clear excitement to portray this storyline.
Buck being attracted to a man other than Eddie is canon. Buck being attracted to men is canon. We have a storyline involving a man in his 30s having a self discovery arc. Whether you believe his attraction to Tommy is genuine or not, the way I've seen people talking about it is so... Not believing someone can be attracted to someone because they must actually be attracted to this other person instead is biphobic rhetoric.
Being excited for this storyline and not acknowledging all of the other representation in this show in the same breath is not "forgetting Hen" or "erasing her" or "ignoring her marriage to Karen." Yes, Hen and Karen have been there the entire time. No one is saying there wasn't any queer representation in this show before. We're simply excited to see a grown man having a bisexual awakening in real time after headcanoning it for years. Don't tell people they're ignoring or erasing another character because they're talking about an arc that doesn't have anything to do with that character. Pulling attention away from a bisexual storyline in favor of other representation is biphobic.
A lot of people are also talking about Buck coming out as if it's going to happen in the next episode. Stop it. If Buck does not feel comfortable coming out to anyone (he looks clearly uncomfortable in the promo for next week when Eddie shows up during his first date with Tommy) then he does not have to. There is nothing that says Buck has to come out within a certain timeline. In fact, considering how short this season is, it wouldn't even be surprising or unreasonable for him to not come out until the end of the season or even in season 8. Talking about that like he's "lying to Eddie" by not coming out is queerphobic. He's allowed to not be ready for that, no matter who he's surrounded himself with.
Yeah, Buck is a fictional character, Oliver doesn't have a Tumblr and won't see any of what you're saying. But, to use a cliché, all of your bisexual friends and followers (especially those who don't watch the show and therefore have almost no context) will see it.
And yes, even if you yourself are bisexual, this is still biphobic rhetoric. These are arguments that people used against bisexuals all the time.
Insisting that he's not actually attracted to Tommy because he's secretly in love with Eddie is pick a side rhetoric.
"Reminding" people of Hen and Karen when they're celebrating furthers the idea that bisexuals aren't "queer enough" to deserve celebration.
Saying a character "gets to" be out is shaming people who are still closeted.
Buck's storyline is about Buck. It's not about Tommy. It's not about Eddie. It's not about Hen. It's. About. Buck.
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zarvasace · 1 month
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Agony and Lost, dark Hyrule and dark Wild :) my long descriptions and a bit more art beneath the cut.
Hyrule is a survivor and a healer. He's ruthless when he has to be but above all, he perseveres and he fixes things when he can. Agony is a Hyrule who gave up, gave in, and now hurts others out of selfishness. He's one of those fey that gleefully leads people to their doom just because he can. Nothing he eats will ever satiate him, and he doesn't often care to try. When he does, it's something meaty and raw and bloody, like the flesh of monsters or unfortunate travelers, and that can calm him down for a while.
Agony is probably the cruelest of these Darks, though he doesn't care for complicated schemes to cause emotional or mental anguish. (And he's not very smart, so he doesn't bother trying to be.) He's more likely to go for a knife than cutting words. He doesn't mind following orders, especially if it's Depth giving them, though he'll wander off and do something else if he doesn't find the orders interesting enough. He doesn't really plan ahead.
Agony fights like a cornered animal, with an old sword or broken glass or his nails and sharp teeth if he needs to. He has spells like Hyrule, though Agony's are generally weaker. He likes using Thunder. He's technically the group's healer, with Life, but unlike Hyrule's, Agony's healing causes even more pain. He gets some use out of Shield and Jump, but can't quite flame up his sword the way Hyrule can. He can't turn into a fairy—he's more undead than he is fey. He has a unique spell he calls Corruption: it lets him spread some of his inherent darkness out by touch. For a being of light, it is painful and dangerous. For a being of darkness, it is refreshing and rejuvenating. 
As for his design: Agony has Hyrule's shape (if emaciated), but is colored much much darker, to evoke the plain black silhouette of the Dark Link enemy in The Adventure of Link. In contrast to Hyrule's warm browns and greens and golds, Agony is cool-toned and so dark you can't see his features clearly. His eyes are toxic green, as if he's absorbed some of the sickness of his world. His hands and feet are bony and lighter, both for some design contrast and to emphasize the bony structure. His hands are not healer's hands, with the long fingers and claws. Even his ears are sharp, and where many of the Darks have fangs, Agony has a full mouth of sharpened teeth.
Agony is what Hyrule would be if Hyrule stopped trying so hard to be good and ran in the other direction. Agony is one of those who will torment and murder his Light without a second thought, if he could. 
Lost is dark Wild. 
What has he lost, you ask? Well, unfortunately, the answer is “everything.” He’s smart, but he lost any hope. He lost his memories. He lost any friends or attachments or love he might have had. He never knows where he is, and sometimes forgets what he’s doing while he does it. He has no warmth left. (Of course, he never actually had a lot of those things in the first place. But he is born from Wild's hopelessness and despair, so he knows that part of him once had light and love. A deeper part of Lost might know exactly what he's doing.) 
Lost is completely and totally an agent of the Calamity and Ganon. He's in more intimate contact with the forces of monsters and corruption than anyone else, and occasionally goes over Depth’s head to do things the darkness specifically asks him to do (if he can remember.) He takes orders without argument. The others find him very annoying to talk to, because while he's fairly quiet, he cycles through the same few topics over and over. He has to constantly be reminded where to go and what to do. Mirage is, surprisingly, the least annoyed by Lost and thus most likely to get Lost babysitting duty. 
Due to his corruption, Lost has an unusual ability: he can, to an extent, control Malice. That means he can plant orders in monsters’ heads and monitor their progress, usually via those black-and-orange Malice eyes stuck on one of them. For that reason, the group can't leave him behind, much as they'd like to sometimes. He's integral to every plan they make because of the monster thing. Nobody ever asks him what he wants to do or what he cares about, because he'll forget about it anyway. If necessary, they just lie and tell him that he agreed earlier. He trusts the others a little too much, judging by how badly they treat him. 
As for his design: Lost is dull and bleached of color. He has lost his zest for life and his blue eyes, replaced by those of Malice. His scars pulse with silvery Malice, and it's unclear whether it actively hurts him or not, but chances are good. He wears a necklace of teeth, but has forgotten whether they're shark teeth (implying a Zora) or just monster teeth. His tunic and cloak are the same as Wild’s, but he's forgotten what they mean. That in itself is Wild’s worst nightmare—wearing the Champion’s Tunic not because he's proud of it or because he wants to remember the others, but because it's simply a convenient piece of cloth. 
Lost is a dulled, downtrodden, resentful Wild. He doesn't care about Wild at all. His purpose is survival, and he will fight for it, as best he can. 
This isn't the best art but I had fun with them :)
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Admire the double standard !
Under the Charlastor / Radiobelle posts, you will often find someone who will tell you that "Charlie is in a relationship. How dare you ship her with someone else ?" But when I look at Radioapple (Alastor & Lucifer) I never see comments like "Lucifer is still in love with Lilith because he still wears his wedding ring after all these years. How dare you ship him with someone 'other ?"
People leave the Charlastor / Radiobelle shippers alone.
Plus it's such a bullshit excuse for Charlie to be in a relationship to keep him from shipping her off with someone else. Already because Charlastor / Radiobelle comes under the fanon, but you also know that certain fictional characters start in a relationship with someone but break up and end up with someone else, sometimes or not shipper with the character concerned by the fans ? Like, a character being in a relationship doesn't at all prevent shipping, and a change in relationship in the future depending on what the author wants. This argument "the character is already in a relationship so can't be a shipper with someone else" is really ridiculous.
Same for constantly mentioning that Alastor is aorace to prevent him from being in a relationship with Charlie. Once again I don't see this escuse under the Radioapple posts.
But in addition know that it is a complex spectrum and that aorace people can actually be in couple /romantic relationships.
Besides, I never see hate comments for the ship between Charlie & Emily, which I also love. I wonder why...
Let's be realistic, I think that the hatred of the Charlastor / Radiobelle ship specifically in the fandom is due to the fact that it is a ship between a man and a woman. Which is completely ridiculous. Especially since once again Charlie is bisexual and the fact that Alastor is aorace doesn't technically prevent him from getting into a relationship either. Their canonical sexualities are not restricted by this imaginary relationship.
Once someone even "reminded" me that Alastor was "repulsed" by touch, to justify the fact of not being able to imagine him in a relationship with anyone, especially Charlie. Except that it is forgetting that Alastor if he wishes is capable of invading the personal space of others and or of being tactile. We see it with Mimzy, Nifty and especially Rosie, who can actually allow herself to manipulate Alastor's body like a borderline doll, which is rather funny. Indicating that Alastor with people he likes allows a certain contact. And beyond that, one of the rare people with whom he is tactile is precisely Charlie.
Charlastor is fanon I know. But in reality, nothing prevents us from imagining scenarios where they end up as a couple.
Let people enjoy their fanon scenarios quietly (Charlastor / Radiobelle, Radioapple, Royalhalo, etc). Why feel threatened to this extent by Charlastor / Radiobelle ? It's not like us fans expected this ship to become canon, so relax. Let people like what they like instead of invading some shippers with your comments which doesn't tell us anything we don't already know and will never change the tastes of shippers.
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mysadcorner · 11 months
May I please request headcanons for Bruce, Damian, and Dick reacting to their female S/O who’s a bartender getting into an argument with her raging boss which turns physical as he starts to strangle her?
Batfam x Bartender!Reader Arguing With Boss Headcanons
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-Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Bruce actually wouldn't mind you being a bartender, and he likes the independence that your job gives you rather than just hanging around the manor all day doing nothing. He does worry about the risks, but he can't complain too much as it's similar within all customer service jobs.
When Bruce first hears about how your boss treats you he is very much enraged, although he will try to keep his anger at bay as he knows that some bosses are like that to all employees. He'll try to convince you to get a different job as soon as you can to have a nicer working environment but he also knows that it can't always be that easy.
Bruce would be shocked if he saw you have an argument with your boss, since it was most likely in front of customers you were serving, and he'd try his best to de-escalate the situation if he can. His hopes would be that he could minimise the argument and save your job from being on the line before the possibility of anyone getting hurt emotionally and physically from his own doing.
If things get physical between you and your boss (such as him hurting you) then he would immediately intervenes he isn't going to tolerate any sort of violence, especially when it's directed towards you. Bruce might let his public persona slip momentarily but he knows that he shouldn't let this affect his reputation so he'll leave the justice he wants to give towards your boss for later.
After the incident Bruce would consistently check up on you and try to prevent you from going back to work for a while, or at least to that workplace. He'd immediately help you look for another job if you'd like to keep working, and he's well aware that his connections could absolutely ruin the business life of your boss which is exactly what he does (as it is well deserved).
Damian wouldn't have a problem with you being a bartender generally, but he would constantly remind you of the dangers that came with being one. He's constantly reaffirming the risks so that he knows you're well aware of them and will go out of his way to feel reassured that you can defend yourself if anyone drunk tries to do something towards you.
He would be quite angry and outspoken about your boss if you ever complain about him to Damian, and would probably be ready to deal with your boss in that very moment if you weren't there to stop him. He believes that people as rude as your boss should be put in their place and most definitely shouldn't have power over employees.
When you have an argument with your boss and Damian is there to see it he will step in to finish the argument itself, and tries to do this before it escalates too far. He's threatening and knows what to do to make your boss back off, which is the exact outcome he wants as he doesn't want to make you feel bad about Damian resorting to actual violence due to your bosses rudeness.
If your boss does resort to physical violence then there will be absolutely nothing to hold Damian back, not even you. He won't tolerate this kind of behaviour from anyone towards you, especially not someone who is supposed to be your superior in the workplace. So expect Damian to cause some serious consequences for your boss and prevent him from lifting his hands towards anyone else again.
In the long term your boss would probably have some mental and physical trauma one Damian was finished with them, and the business would also close down due to the reputation the bar gained from the bosses behaviour towards staff. He'd also help you look for another job if you wanted one, keeping in mind all the benefits and best pay he would look for just so you could have the best conditions, and he would check in on your boss every so often just to make sure they were "behaving".
Dick would prefer you to have a job that didn't surround bars or alcohol, but he really has no basis for this preference as he's a vigilante and he's a cop during the day. This doesn't stop him from worrying about you though, as he often does too much. But with plenty of reassurance he'll be fine with your job and will often check in during busy hours just to make sure the place wasn't getting too rowdy or there wasn't any crime in the area while you're on your way home.
If you complain to Dick about your bosses behaviour before the argument then he'd suggest a way for you to make an official complaint about it, or at least get the situation solved in some way. He'd even go out of his way to go in wearing his uniform just to give your boss a warning about his behaviour if you felt comfortable with him doing that for you.
When he sees the two of you having an argument he immediately spring into action and tries to make sure the boss is stopped from taking the argument any further before getting to the bottom of what caused the argument. He'd reprimand your boss in some way and would make sure word spread about your bosses behaviour as to ruin his reputation and to stop future business successes.
If your boss did become physical with you then Dick wouldn't wait around to try and calmly negotiate the two of you out of an argument, he'd go straight into restraining your boss and getting him away from you. If it's during the night he's make sure your boss was absolutely terrified as a repercussion for his actions or if this was during his work hours then he'd have your boss arrested and would make sure he didn't have the best conditions to sit through while in custody, such as placing him with the "bad cops".
After this has all happened Dick would spend a lot of time in areas your boss frequented just to remind him about his presence and that he's always watching your bosses behaviour. Your boss would probably be charged with battery if he was physical and would be left scared of ever hurting you again, which came with quite a big apology to you and even some sort of work bonus.
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trentsixtysix · 1 year
Stockholm Syndrome
Summary: After a relationship going on for years, you find yourself unable to leave when everything suddenly changes and Trent isn’t the same man you fell in love with.
WARNINGS: This (short) series will contain Angst and (light) Smut. Unhealthy relationship (please don’t read if this will affect you), Mentions of loss, Toxic Trent, D-head Trent, cliche.
Author’s Note: This specific chapter will be more upsetting than anything I’ve written before and will mention loss. If you know you’re not going to be comfortable reading please don’t <3
Word Count: 6.8k
Chapter 4 (final)
Chapter 3 here
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'I can't do it.' You plainly said, breaking the silence as you tossed the bearer of bad news on the floor, looking up to your fiancé to see his reaction.
He didn’t say anything, just widening his eyes as he couldn’t make sense of what was happening, as soon as he heard your theory he was filled with excitement, imagining a new future for the two of you; but now that it was proved true, he was heartbroken to see how against it you were.
You needed him to speak, the suspense was killing you and you longed for him to talk to you, you needed him to support you right now and needed to know what was going on inside his head.
‘Why?’ He asked, calmly but the disappointment was evident on his face.
‘I just can’t do it T.’ You told him, voice cracking.
'But why? We're adults… we're engaged for fuck's sake.' He reminded you, picking the stick back up to observe the 2 positive lines on it, comparing it to the digital one which told you guys you were over 2 weeks along.
'What are you not understanding? I don't want a child right now.' You explained, overwhelmed as you needed him to understand.
'Y/n, you're not alone in this.' He tried convincing you, taking your hands and placing kisses all over them, but him doing so just made you feel worse, causing you to sob harder.
'But I am, I can't do this by myself, not with work either.'
'Work? You're far too involved in that job.' 'And you're not doing it yourself, I'm right here.' He said.
'Who are you lying to? You're always away Trent.' You sighed, aware he wouldn't agree, crying harder in frustration.
'We can do this, this is exactly what we need.' He begged, positioning your head up to look him in the eyes.
'No, no I can't. I don't want this Trent.' You sobbed.
'Don't say that, please don't talk like that.' He said, a sob escaping him too.
You just didn't understand how this was possible, sure your periods were irregular but you took your pill all the time and on time, you just couldn't believe that out of all people this was happening to you.
Thoughts of ending the pregnancy came to you many times; neither of you were ready to raise a child, but every time you thought about it you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. There was no way you could go through with it and even though you knew you had every right to, you wouldn't be able to get over it.
Months had passed, and you were seemingly getting over it - you had accepted the fact this was happening and out of your control now so you faced it. Everyday Trent would push you to tell your families, to spread the good news with everyone but you refused to, you figured you'd let them know when you would start showing properly.
Consequently this caused a lot of arguments, with Trent accusing you of not wanting the baby. Of course you didn't. You didn't want it from the start but kept it for his sake - every night you'd ask yourself why? Who was he? You were going to be the one carrying it, taking care of it and seeing it all day, not him. So why were you so keen on doing what he wanted? It drove you mad how often you'd have to defend yourself, 'Of course I want this Trent.' 'That's not what I'm saying Trent.' 'Don't put words in my mouth Trent.'
Everything changed for you guys the day you went for this scan, it was the third and the one for you to get the all clear before you could even think about telling anyone else. Trent put on his biggest smile and proudly showed you off as you both made your way, granting a lot of unwanted looks and attention towards you.
You flinched slightly as the midwife coated your bump with the icy gel, having Trent seated right next to you holding your hand, eagerly looking at the screen to see if he could decipher the gender, even though you all knew it was too early, and he wouldn't be able to.
She went back and forth to try create an image of your womb, content when you could see the shape of the baby appear in front of you. You'd seen it before but you'd never get sick of it, and although it did frighten you for what was to come, you were amazed at how you could carry a life like that.
'Any ideas?' Trent asked, smirk on his face as he tried getting the midwife's opinion on the gender.
'Oh it's too early yet.' She laughed, her expression fading and silence following as she examined the image a bit longer, stepping away for a moment before leaving the room.
'Where are you going?' You asked her, confused as to why she wasn't saying much.
'I'm just going to fetch the doctor, I'll be back.' She explained.
'Everything okay?' Trent questioned.
'Just getting a second opinion that's all.' She nervously smiled, before walking away and leaving you two alone.
'My guess is boy.' Trent told you, kissing your hand.
'Boy? You were so sure it was a girl last night.' You mocked.
'Nah, it's definitely a little boy.' He claimed, making you giggle, interrupted as the doctor was brought in.
'Just gonna have a quick look guys.' She smiled, sitting down to also check, allowing the midwife to leave the room.
'You're 2 months?' She asked, for confirmation.
'8 weeks tomorrow.' You told her, as she nodded.
'Have you been experiencing any cramping?' She continued, and you feared the worst, unsure what she was getting at as you looked to Trent beside you.
'I guess a little?' You answered.
'Well there's no easy away to say this guys..' She began, and as soon as you heard that you knew what it was, zoning out as you didn't want to listen.
You dropped Trent's hand; all you heard was her talking about there being no heartbeat, and after that it was a bunch of nonsense about how they can do more tests, how to deal with it and her being excessively nice.
It wasn’t her fault, she didn’t do anything wrong yet the hatred you felt towards her was unmatched, wanting nothing more to get out of there but she just carried on, telling you what you’d need to expect these next few days as you let Trent sort it out with her.
‘That’s enough.’ You firmly said, startling her as she agreed, leaving the two of you alone.
‘It’ll be okay.’ Trent said, but you didn’t let him finish as you got off the seat, grabbing your coat and bags to go.
‘Can we go now?’ You asked, annoyance evident in your voice whilst he seemed way more hurt than you, just nodding as you got going.
The car journey was filled with complete silence, you didn’t want to talk and neither did he. Not a single tear fell from your face, and there was no reason other than the fact you were still shocked. It didn’t feel as though something as upsetting as this could happen to you, and all you could do was stare at your surroundings and wonder what was real and what wasn't.
Trent on the other hand was a mess. You applauded how he tried holding it together for you though, but this had hurt you more than you’d expected, and you weren’t sure how you went from dreading this pregnancy to being heartbroken over it in such a small amount of time.
He remained normal for you the next few days, but there was still a dreadful eerie vibe around - a vibe that had permanently put you into a bad mood and left you from socialising with the people around you.
Trent had been out late this specific night, and you didn’t even mind as you knew he had a lot on his plate and would only go out once in a while. Not only was he overwhelmed with the loss but with personal criticism he received, and it was late night when you were wrapped up in bed that you felt him slide in next to you after a night out.
You weren’t sure if you could hear him properly; the man next to you sobbing as quiet as he could unaware you were still awake and could hear the whole thing.
‘Trent?’ You hazily called, bringing an instant stop to his weeping.
‘You home now?’ You rhetorically asked, turning over to face him and see him awake.
‘Go back to sleep Y/n.’ He simply advised, shutting his eyes after heavily sighing.
‘What’s up?’ You asked him, and as soon as you said those words he broke down again, prompting you to hold him in your arms a little closer.
‘It doesn’t feel real.’ He admitted, both of you aware what he was talking about.
‘I know..we still have each other.’ You reminded him, planting a kiss on his forehead as he wiped his eyes.
‘But I want my kid too Y/n, I want us and our kid.’ He told you, breaking your heart a little as you found your eyes beginning to tear up.
‘You have me Trent.’ You explained, teary eyed as your voice cracked.
‘Fuck that Y/n. I wanted to be a dad what don’t you understand?’ He groaned, prompting the tears to freely fall from your eyes now.
‘Me too Trent, life is cruel.’ You said, agreeing.
‘There's no point talking to you, you just don't get it.’ He dismissed, enraging you.
‘Of course I do, how can you even say that?’
‘Because you didn’t even want it in the first place. You got exactly what you wanted so don’t cry.’ He slammed, getting up and storming out of the room, leaving you to just lie there and take in what he had said, completely shocked.
You were devastated at his harsh words, feeling your heart break into a million pieces over and over again every time you remembered what he said, unsure how someone you love can accuse you of something so despicable. Sure you didn’t want to be a mother, but you weren’t a monster, you would've loved the child all the same.
It was fair to say the relationship hadn’t been the same ever since. It didn’t matter how well things could’ve been going for you both, in the back of your mind that comment would always stick, always reminding you of what he really thought about you.
How could he replace you like that so quickly? How could he not only betray you in the worst way but make a child with the woman he betrayed you with? After everything you went through?! The worst part was that he encouraged her to keep it, he wanted to be a dad at all costs.
The drive home was excruciatingly painful, and it was fair to say you made many stops and turns just to prolong the journey home, you just couldn’t bear to face him after what she had told you, you’d most definitely do and say something you’d regret; you couldn't let him know that you knew yet, you were gonna keep up this act a little longer until you decided what to do.
You returned home to an empty house, Trent wasn't home yet and you decided you needed to be out for the night. This house was suffocating you - everywhere you turned there was a reminder of either Trent, or your relationship and your stomach churned at how badly he'd hurt you, there was no redemption for him after this and you were done being walked all over.
You: Fancy going out tonight?
Lucy: Of course I do :)
If going out and drowning your sorrows in alcohol was what you needed then you were most certainly going to do that. You couldn't even remember the last time you relaxed and did something with your friends. If Trent was allowed to stay out late and come home drunk every week then why weren't you?
You picked out the tightest dress you could find, and you were sure Trent would have a heart attack if he knew you were going out dressed like that, especially somewhere other men would be. There wasn't anyone you knew to be more possessive and jealous than Trent, you couldn't lie and say you didn't like it because you did. You loved the fact he'd get angry over another male looking at you, it showed you that he cared and how much he wanted you. Looking back now a majority of it was probably just his own insecurities, but regardless, it made you feel good about yourself.
You headed down to the kitchen to refresh yourself before Lucy came over in the taxi to pick you up, stopping in your tracks when you bumped into Trent.
You didn't even realise he was home, gently moving past him before he grabbed your arm playfully.
'No hi or anything?' He chuckled, pulling you in for a kiss as he noticed your dress - you couldn't even show an ounce of the disgust that you had for him, kissing him back as if everything was normal, as if he hadn't gotten another woman pregnant.
'When did you get home?' You asked, trying to sound interested as you heard the taxi pull up outside.
'Just now. Where you going dressed like this?' He observed, his voice light to avoid sounding too confrontational, even though you knew he wasn't happy about your outfit choice at all.
'Out with Lucy. She's outside now so I have to go.' You told him, hurriedly jerking past him to avoid further conversation.
'Are you sure you don't wanna go and change into something else?' He asked, which sounded more like a demand as he looked you up and down.
'I have to go Trent.'
Lucy had a bit too much energy, and the two of you weren't even drunk yet; she was just excited as she hadn't seen her bestfriend in so long, and it had been ages since you had fun like this.
She dragged you to one of the nicest clubs in the city, no doubt managing to get in through one of Tyler's connections, but you were just there to have fun, waltzing over to the bar as soon as you stepped inside.
You made the mistake of not eating something before hand, there was no doubt the amount of alcohol you were about to consume on your empty stomach would be bad for you, but you were thinking of how to have fun in the moment, not caring much for what after had in store for you.
'Is that guy over there looking at you?' Lucy asked, nowhere near as drunk as you even though it had been a few hours into the night now.
'He's cute.' You observed, noticing how he couldn't take his eyes off you, more importantly your body in that dress.
'He's coming over.' Lucy laughed, watching as the tall stud made his way over.
'Your number?' He teasingly said, making you and Lucy both blush.
'Who's asking?' You smirked, noticing he was even better up close.
'Me, is that okay?' He smiled, making you smile back.
'I kinda just want to skip the small talk. Is that okay?' You mocked, staring him down equally as much, catching Lucy off guard next to you.
'I see, is the beautiful lady coming home with me?' He asked you, taking your hand in his as he placed a kiss on it, the rapid effects of the drinks making you laugh like a little school girl.
'She might.' You laughed.
'Ok Y/n, lets go.' Lucy recommended, trying to pull you away.
'No. I wanna stay here.' You affirmed, turning back to the walking art piece in front of you.
'My taxi will be here soon if you make a decision.' The guy added, taking a step back as he left you and Lucy to talk.
'I'll see you soon Luce, I'm gonna head off.' You told her, about to get back to him before she stopped you.
'What are you doing? You're seriously going back with that guy?' She asked, understandably confused.
'Do you know how long it's been since I've had fun?' You giggled, realising she didn't find any of it funny.
'Are you serious? What about Trent?'
'Who cares about Trent? He doesn't care about me.' You slammed, the last thing you needed was to talk about him.
'He's waiting for you at home Y/n, this isn't right.' She tried explaining, cut off by your groans as you didn't care to hear it at all.
'I can't just let you leave with him, come home with me.' She begged.
'Go home Luce, I'll make my own way.' You interrupted, turning to continue your conversation with the mystery man before, interlocking your arms as you exited the club with him.
It seemed so right in the moment, all thoughts of Trent vanished as he hurried to unlock his house door, the pair of you rushing inside as he had you pinned against the wall, making out without a care in the world as you didn't wait to take both of your clothes off.
You needed this and you needed it now, the only thing on your mind being your release as he whisked you away to his bedroom, placing you on the bed as he repeatedly kissed all over your body.
'T.' You moaned out, the two of you so drunk you didn't even realise, nor did he really care, just craving the same thing as you right now.
He kissed you lower and lower until he eventually made you finish multiple times; was it the best you'd ever had? No. Did it satisfy you and do the job? Absolutely. Trent was the only person you’d ever slept with up until now, and sex with him was on a whole other level compared to the shit show taking place right now.
At this rate you were just yearning for him to get it over with and fuck you so he could receive the same satisfaction. The actress skills you didn't even know you had coming out as you excessively moaned his praises, something you never had to do before with Trent.
What were you even doing? How could you stoop as low as him? You looked around and couldn't believe how far you had taken this, pushing the guy off of you at once as you sat at the side of the bed, head in your hands as you tried to catch your breath.
'Everything okay?' He asked, stopping to sit beside you as he covered you up with the blanket.
'No. No its not.' You answered.
'Was it me? Did I do something wrong?' He checked.
'You're fine. You didn't do anything it's me.' You told him, not even realising you were tearing up as he awkwardly watched you, certain this was something he'd never encountered before.
'I'll get you some water.' He offered, whilst you sat there in disbelief, repeatedly looking around the room wondering if that really happened, that you didn't just wickedly imagine the entire thing.
You hazily unlocked your phone to get yourself a taxi, not realising how late it actually was which was an obvious concern for Trent, who had already called you multiple times.
You had to sit there for another 20 minutes, just listening to the guy next to you talk about himself whilst you prayed the taxi would arrive soon, and once it did you jumped to get away from there.
'You not staying the night?' He asked, and you didn't even bother to answer him as you lazily put your dress back on and left.
You wondered the entire journey what would happen when you got home; surely he'd know right? He most definitely would've called Lucy, and know you didn't go back with her, he probably knew you were getting fucked by someone else. You were just as bad as him now, not even Lucy would be able to look at you the same.
You broke down as you approached the door, head hurting badly as a result of the drinking and the bright lights, and as soon as you unlocked it and entered there he was, sat on the chair in the hallway as he anticipated your arrival.
You locked eyes, frightened as you didn't know what to say or do, you fucked up and even though he had fucked up worse, your conscience couldn't help but pin all of the blame on you. It ate you alive how you felt so shitty when you knew he didn't pay any heed to the fact he got someone else pregnant, even encouraging them to keep it for him.
'Where have you been?' He softly asked, as you tried to walk past him, not needing this conversation right now.
He would've been an idiot to not have known - the makeup on your face was ruined, your lipstick smeared and there was a small rip in your dress, but then again it was dark and with how tired you both were it could be easily missable.
'Y/n, where you been?' He asked again, harsher this time as he stood in front of you to stop you from avoiding him.
'Out, clearly.' You said. You couldn't even bear to look at him, not only because what he did disgusted you but because you were equally as disgusted with yourself.
'You're an absolute state. How much have you had to drink?' He asked, a scoff escaping him as he looked you up and down, and you started to wonder if he knew or not.
He just looked at you saddened, and you glared at him for a few moments before he finally let you past, where you made your way to the shower before getting into bed, not even saying another word to him - you just couldn't believe what happened.
He came in soon after and joined you in bed, pulling you close to him to cuddle but you refused. You had to push him away from you, you were in another man's bed not even two hours ago and you felt dirty to be in his arms right now, no matter how much he deserved it.
'Why are you pulling away from me?' He croakily asked, slightly upset as he'd been waiting for you all night.
'I just feel sick, that's all.' You half-lied, turning over to go to sleep. The only thing that made you sick was the way you fucked someone else so easily, that was something only Trent could drop his morals and do, not you.
You hadn't realised how late you slept in until you checked the clock and it was late into the afternoon, a combination of your hangover and how late you went to bed. You were in no condition to do anything productive today.
'Get up.' Said a voice, making you shut your eyes in frustration again as the room became brighter, and after a minute you reassessed to realise it was Lucy, opening the blinds to encourage you to wake up.
'What are you doing here?' You groaned, sitting upright as she sat on the bed next to you.
'You weren't answering any of my messages.'
'Where's Trent?' You asked, ignoring her.
'He let me in, just left for the gym or something.' She explained.
'But I've been worried sick Y/n, what the hell was that last night?' She asked, angrily.
'I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry for leaving like that.' You admitted.
'What happened with the guy? I thought things were going good with Trent.' She wondered, leaving you to explain it all to her.
'I slept with him Luce...I felt like shit after, got a taxi home straight away.' You said, watching her eyes widening.
'Y/n. You know I'd never judge you.'
'But why?' She asked, and in that moment you realised how much you really envied her, envied her relationship and how easy it was for her. You knew she'd never understand, and why would she? Tyler treated her like a queen and would never hurt her like Trent hurt you.
'That girl from all those months ago?' You reminded her.
'He got her pregnant Luce.' You sighed, laughing to disguise your hurt, laughing to also disguise your embarrassment, because it was honestly just embarrassing that you were still here, in his bed, in his house.
She spent the next hour comforting you, in disbelief especially upon finding out he asked her to keep it.
'What are you gonna do now?' She asked.
'Well I have my own apartment, I've had it for months.'
'Then things started getting better again so I've not been there since. This is just too much though, I can't stay any longer.' You cried.
'He was heartbroken when I miscarried, he wanted to be a dad so bad, I know that's the reason.' You theorised, and you knew she was a loss for words, who wouldn't be? You were more surprised she wasn't telling you to get the hell out of there, but it was probably because she didn't know what to say, simply holding you until she had to go.
You wished she would've stayed, you couldn't handle being alone when you already felt like the only person on earth, but you couldn't let yourself sit there and dump on her any longer, allowing her to leave you alone for the remainder of the day, at least until Trent came home.
'Y/n?' He called, beckoning you downstairs to join him, in a seemingly good mood.
'You feeling better?' He asked, greeting you with some purple orchids and a kiss, to which you hesitantly reciprocated.
'Much better thanks.' You lied, gracefully accepting his gifts with you knew were out of guilt of what he'd done, and you wouldn't be surprised if he'd just returned from seeing Daisy.
'Why aren't you ready? We've got that thing at my parents remember.' He told you, taking note of how your face dropped.
'Yeah, I'll get to it now.' You smiled, even though you were planning to get away now, just needing an opportunity for him to leave the house, you refused any more confrontation.
So you did what any normal girlfriend would do; you trudged upstairs happily to get ready. Putting on the most appropriate clothing and enough makeup to hide any evidence of the tears which had made you look permanently miserable.
'You smell good.' Observed Trent, startling you as he came up from behind and kissed your neck.
'What perfume is this?' He added, taking in your scent once again.
'You bought it for me, remember?' You said, showing him the bottle.
‘You look beautiful.’ He smirked, kissing your neck.
‘Thank you.’ You shyly said, getting up to leave with him now.
‘We have a few minutes we can spare right?’ He whispered, making you blush.
‘Trent we have to go.’ You said, the affection he was showing you almost fooled you, but was unbearable once you remembered what he did.
‘They won’t mind if we’re a little late.’ He claimed, kissing your neck repeatedly as you tried to gently get him off.
‘I’m not in the mood right now.’ You said, truthfully as you just needed this night over with already.
‘Come on, I don’t remember the last time we properly had sex.’
‘Later, I promise.’
‘You’ve been saying that for ages please.’ He pleaded, his fingers trailing down the strap of your bralette.
‘Get off Trent.’ You said, pushing him off at once, annoyed with him now as you looked at the ground in disgust.
‘What’s your fucking problem? I’ve been trying so hard Y/n. So hard.’
‘My problem?’
‘Yeah. It’s only me that’s trying to make this work.’
‘You got another girl pregnant Trent. How is that trying to make this work?’ You slammed, he never would’ve imagined you knew.
‘You know?’ He asked, quietly.
‘Y-you’re not even gonna deny it?’
‘This entire time I was clinging onto hope that maybe it’s not true. Maybe she’s making it up.’
‘Y/n just listen to me.’
‘We have a dinner to get to.’ You chuckled, walking straight past him.
‘Y/n we have to talk about this.’
‘No. I don’t wanna hear another word, not right now.’
‘How do you expect me to sit there with my mum and dad in front of me without sorting this out first?’
‘That’s exactly what we’re going to do. Just not right now Trent I swear.’ You explained, using all of your power to hold back the tears, not having the strength to go and get ready again.
He tried bringing it up a few more times in the car, but every time he did you turned the radio louder, not needing this now as you already made up your mind, you just had to get this dinner done with.
The atmosphere was too much for you; it was only the four of you; Tyler and Lucy being busy and Trent’s younger brother doing God knows what. You dreaded this as it meant all the attention was on you two now, and it didn’t take long for the conversation to turn to your upcoming wedding.
‘It’s been too long guys, you need to plan it and get it over with.’ Advised his mum, taking into account the two of you had been engaged over a year and still hadn’t seriously planned anything.
A wedding was the last thing on your mind at the moment, and it was looking more and more unlikely as time went along. You let Trent take the lead, it was his parents after all - and you had to contain your laughter upon hearing the lies and fake love he showed you in front of them, especially when he'd repeatedly kiss your cheek, encourage you to put more food in your plate or hold your hand. It repulsed you but you couldn't do a thing.
‘And kids? Tyler and Lucy are aching for one. I told him to marry her first!’ His dad laughed, prompting laughter from you both too, you a little extra as you couldn’t believe the irony.
‘I’m not thinking about kids at the moment.’ You truthfully said.
‘That’s understandable, we want you guys to relax before they come along.’ His mum encouraged.
‘Trent on the other hand is dying for one.’ You told them, shocking them.
‘Really? Trent you’re too immature to be a dad right now.’ His dad joked.
‘Nah he doesn’t think so, I think he’s ready now.’ You added, slowing your words down when you felt a sharp pinch from under the table, realising Trent had gripped your skin tightly to prevent you from saying any more.
You swatted his hands away at once, rubbing over the spot which had now turned red, slightly bloody.
���I never would’ve guessed you wanted kids right now son.’ Dianne revealed, shocked as she took a sip of her wine.
‘In fact, Trent you have some news for them don’t you?’ You started, interrupted by Trent who cleared his throat.
‘That’s enough Y/n.’
‘What? What is it?’ His mum asked, excitement visible on both of their faces.
‘Oh they’ll find out soon enough Trent, let’s just tell them!’ You smiled, watching him get up as he readied his car keys.
‘Let’s go.’ He ordered, gesturing to the door with anger behind his eyes as he was about to leave.
‘Let her finish Trent, what were you saying darling?’ His dad interjected.
‘You guys are going to be grandparents very soon.’ You finally said, breaking the news to him as Trent groaned heavily.
‘Y/n get up now.’ Trent said, unlocking the car with his keys.
‘Is this true? Y/n you’re pregnant?’ Dianne asked, hope plastered on her face as she held your hand from across the table, and looking over at Trent he knew this was out of his control now, and he knew you’d say whatever it was that you were planning to say.
‘No Dianne, not me.’ You explained, leaving them in confusion, standing up to join Trent as you were about to leave.
‘Get in the car now Y/n.’ He snapped, throwing his keys at the table with full force, startling the three of you.
‘What’s going on son? Why are you talking to her like that?’ His dad asked.
‘I don’t understand? Are you pregnant or not?’ They questioned, standing up too as they saw how Trent tried getting you out of there.
‘He got someone else pregnant, not me. Tell them Trent.’ You muttered, voice breaking as you really realised the extent of what he had done, eyes tearing up as you had to process it all over again.
You left all of them silent, his mother most obviously affected as she approached you to hold you close. You couldn’t bear to see how upset she looked either, and his dad just looked at him with disgust.
‘Is this true?’ His mum stuttered, tearing up herself as she surely didn’t believe her son could do something like that.
‘It’s none of your business mum.’ He said, hands in a fist as he avoided eye contact with all of you, and you decided it was all too much, running out to the car to go and sit, needing to get away from this as Trent rushed behind you.
You could hear his parents telling him to stop, telling him to leave you alone as he followed you to the car, getting into the driver’s seat and starting the car.
He didn’t scream at you, he didn’t even talk to you. Just silence as he drove you both home. Surely he’d tell you to leave for good now? This was surely past what both of you could handle. You weren’t even thinking of how you could attempt to work this out; there was no way. You wouldn’t even attempt it and put yourself through hell again.
Even entering your once love filled home felt like a punishment for you now. This place was like a prison where you were trapped with unhappy memories instead of the millions of happy ones you shared. The miserable moments outweighed the happy times altogether, you needed to go.
You weren’t sure where he was, nor did you really care - taking your time to grab a duffel bag and sloppily fill it with your necessary belongings as you prepared to leave. You didn’t bother to take the other things, just filling it up with things you’d need that night because surely you weren’t staying here any longer.
‘How did you find out?’ He asked, just watching as you paced around the room gathering your things, not even bothering to stop you, he knew there was nothing to keep you from going now, and if he wanted to have this conversation then you were going to have this conversation.
‘I saw the messages.’ You calmly said, before going on to explain your meet-up in the coffee shop just yesterday morning.
‘I'm sorry.’ He announced, surprising you as you'd think he'd be more angry at you.
‘You asked her to keep it? Why?’ You questioned, ignoring his attempt at an apology.
‘It doesn’t matter, what’s happened has happened.’
‘For once Trent, just answer my fucking question properly!’ You begged, tears pouring down your face at this point whilst he guiltily watched.
‘No matter how much time has passed I just can’t get over it. I can’t get over our kid.’ He revealed, confirming your suspicions, making you fall to the floor in exhaustion, so broken at what he had said as he tried to calm you down.
‘So you felt the need to replace me? Because I couldn't give you a kid?’ You wondered.
‘I could never replace you Y/n. It was a mistake. It will always be you.’
‘How many mistakes are you going to make? I’m leaving. I’ll make sure of it this time.’ You promised, continuing to pack your bags.
‘I’ll leave her Y/n, I’ll never see her again. Just please don’t leave.’ He begged, getting on his knees to hug your waist.
‘You need to be with your child Trent, you signed up for this the second you fucked her.’
‘And I will, I’m not asking you to play mum or anything, just don’t leave.’ He whispered, ironically kissing your belly repeatedly, before you finally had enough and got him off of you.
‘There’s no way I can stay with you after this.’
‘Don’t make me choose between you and my kid.’ He said, which is when you really took into account he was to be a father soon, what were you still doing even talking to him?
‘I’m not. I’ve already made my mind up, I won’t stand in your way.’
‘Don’t. We can work this out I swear.’ He told you, grabbing you to prevent you from leaving.
‘We’ve been trying to work this out for over a year. I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired baby.’ You cried, allowing him to take you into his arms as you didn’t have the energy to continue to fight.
‘It’s always been me and you, we’ll get through this.’ He encouraged.
‘No. And you’ll never forgive me either.’ You muttered, leaving him bewildered.
‘What do you mean?’
You sighed before opening your mouth to tell him, wondering if it was even worth it at this point but it was so messed up you had nothing more to lose.
‘I slept with someone else Trent.’ You disclosed, not expecting him to take his hands off of you, taking a step back as he looked you up and down.
‘I went home with him and I let him fuck me.’
You couldn’t believe his reaction. All the shit he put you through and he had the nerve to react in this way? To look at you like you were the most disgusting person alive?
‘When was this?’
‘Last night.. when I came home late.’ You revealed, examining his face and not understanding why he was especially so hurt at this when he’d done all of it and more to you.
‘This isn’t you.’ He said, shaking his head.
‘This is me Trent.’
‘No. Since when were you a whore?’ He retorted.
‘So when I do it I’m a whore?’
‘I’m the only guy that’s ever fucked you.’ He observed.
‘Not anymore.’
‘It’s like we’re completely different people.’ He scoffed, still in shock at your confession.
‘Because we’re not 18 anymore.’ You reminded him.
‘Let’s be honest with ourselves, I never would’ve been able to leave on my own.’ You claimed.
‘I can’t even look at you.’ He replied, as you tried not to laugh, not sure how someone could be so hypocritical.
‘Just look how disgusted you are, at least this way you’ll let me leave.’ You said, revealing your reasoning for why you did what you did.
'Now you know how it feels, now you know how bad it hurt.’
‘My taxi’s gonna be here soon.’ You added, breaking the silence as he nodded, still frozen and struggling to understand what was happening.
‘Where are you gonna go?’ He wondered.
‘I have a place.’ You calmly told him.
‘What about the rest of your stuff?’ He solemnly asked, a tear falling to the floor as he had accepted you were gonna leave regardless now.
‘I’ll be back soon to get it. It’ll be like I was never here.’
‘But I don’t want that. I don’t want to forget you.’
‘It’s best if you do T. You’re gonna be a dad now, you need to be the best dad you can be.’ You encouraged.
‘I Will. I promise I Will Y/n, I’ll be the best dad I can be.’
‘..For our little one too.’ He promised, making you choke back a sob as he kissed you.
‘Do you love me?’ He asked, whilst you cried into his neck.
‘What type of question is that?’ You asked, as he waited for you to answer it.
'Yes, yes of course I do.'
‘Because you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved. Probably the one woman I’ll ever love.’ He admit.
‘If you love me then you need to let me be happy, you know we’re miserable together.’ You stated, noticing your taxi pull up outside.
‘I’m sorry Y/n.’
‘I know you are.’
‘Don’t forget how much I love you.’
‘I couldn’t if I tried.’ You smiled, breaking the hug as you realised you had to go, for good this time as you both stared at each other a little longer, pulling away and turning to leave as you knew you couldn't be coerced into forgiving him once again.
And just like that you left, you made your way to your new home just outside of the city.
The first thing you did when you got in there was block his number. And upon scrolling through your contact list you realised you had to free himself properly, even if that meant cutting off all contact with his parents, his brothers, and even Lucy.
At the end of the day you knew how strong the hold he had over you was, and as difficult as it was you knew you needed to get away, not allowing yourself to be tempted by anyone who may direct you towards him again.
He was poison for you but he was also your ailment. Months has passed and there still hadn’t been any contact. You refrained from searching him up and he was blocked on all platforms.
You imagined he had his child by now, that he had taken the baby to its first game at Anfield. You imagined how proud he’d look showing him off to all of his teammates whilst he did a lap around the pitch with him the next time they won anything grand.
This was his new life without you now, and you knew he’d be coping just fine. You knew from the beginning he could replace you with a click of his fingers. You on the other hand couldn’t get him out of your head no matter how hard you tried. How could you? The guy was the only thing you knew, the only man who had ever shown you you were worth something, and you truly believed you'd be brought back to him again one day, until then swearing off of anyone else until the time was right for the two of you to meet when you weren't flawed anymore..
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neteyamsoare · 10 months
I Need You.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Lo’ak Sully x Fem! Omatikaya! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Suggestion From [🌎 anon]. Hey Sia, hope you’re having a good week so far! I think for Are You Ashamed of me, Lo’ak and reader should get back together. As we’ve seen in ATWOW, Lo’ak seeks validation a bit since he’s often forgotten by his family and gets into trouble a lot as a result. I feel reader would be an extremely empathic person, being able to understand him better than anyone else. I don’t think he’d be able to go a super long time without them 😭 Maybe Lo’ak gets into another argument with Jake and the only other person he can really go to for comfort is reader, bursting into her marui suddenly in the midst of all his stress? Sorry if it’s a bit boring, I think it fits his personality a lot though!
༉‧₊˚. Summary. A month has passed since the breakup and you still haven’t spoken to each other til an argument pushes him into your arms.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Angst — fluff and a bit suggestive.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Lo’ak, crying, hurt w comfort, an argument between Jake and Lo’ak [Jake’s just a worried dad], and Lo’ak has doubts about himself.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 2,3k.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Sa’nok — [mother], Ma — [you use it before a name, any kind of name, when you are talking to someone specifically], ‘ite — [daughter], Eywa — [also known as the All-Mother or Great Mother, is the biological sentient guiding force of life and the only known deity of the Na'vi], Ikran — [banshee], Oel ngati kameie — [I see you (greeting)], Oeyä — [my], and Syulang — [flower].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. 🌎 anon you really helped me with this, thank you so much. Part two wouldn’t have come out without you. I hope I did justice on this and I’m so happy that it reached 2,3k words, that’s exciting been a long while since I hit past 1k. I’m so happy to put out another Lo’ak story, I love him so much!! I hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what y’all think!! 🥰
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist + Part One
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You made your way to your family marui instead of your own since it was too soon to be there now after what happened between you and Lo'ak.
When you get there, you stand at the entrance as you watch your sa’nok put ingredients in a pot and stir it, you don’t make a noise to announce your arrival but she knows you were there before looking.
“Ma’ite, you made it in time for dinner, why don’t you go wash up?” she questioned as a smile formed on her face but it immediately disappeared once she looked over to where you stood, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked as she walked toward you, wiping away the tears staining your cheeks. “I messed up big time,” you cried as you inhaled deep breaths.
“Come and tell me everything,” she voiced as she motioned you to sit down at the makeshift table and once you do, you tell her everything, the first time you met Lo’ak, the time when you started to have feelings for him, the time he asked you to be his girlfriend and how he made you feel so happy, and by the time you told her what happened, you broke into more tears wishing that you could turn back time, you didn’t want to imagine a life without him.
“Why did you ever think your father and I would hate him?” she questioned and you let out a sniffle. “You guys are a big part of my life and I was just so scared you might not see him the way I do, I just…” You take a deep breath.
“I just did not want to lose either of you.” You fidget with your hands a bit and she takes your hand in hers as you make eye contact with her.
“‘Ite, we would never step in the way of your happiness, all we care about is if you’re happy,” she rubbed the back of your palm and formed a small smile on her face, you reminded her a lot of her when she was younger. “I screwed up and now he won’t ever want to talk to me again.” 
“Give him some time, he’ll hear you out soon, from what you described I don’t think neither of you is ready to give the other up,” she said with a soothing voice and you flash a small smile to her hoping that what she said is true.
“Now go wash up, I made your favorite,” she exclaimed as she got up to check the pot as you go to clean yourself up, you couldn’t help but pray to Eywa that things between you and Lo’ak will be restored, you could only hope she’d answer your prayer. 
One Month Later…
You hold on tight to the basket of fruits as you make your way home, you planned on making dinner but you needed a few ingredients first. Lo’ak was still avoiding you, disappearing every time you came in sight of him, you could never get used to the look of hurt on his face but you tried to stay calm, things will work out well you could only hope. 
“[Name]!” a female voice calls out and you stop in your tracks and turn around to see who it is and once you do you notice Kiri and Spider sitting outside of her family hut putting blue paint on Spider.
You take a deep breath and smile. “Hi Kiri, Spider, it’s been a while,” you try to hold onto the smile as best as you can, not wanting to break down in front of them. “Yes it has been, how are you doing?” Kiri asked as she put down the blue paint and gives you her full attention. 
“I’ve been better but I’m doing fine…” you pause for a bit, wanting to ask the question but you couldn’t find your voice. “He’s a wreck without you,” Kiri says noticing what you wanted to ask before even saying it.
“He misses you,” Spider chimes in and you open your mouth to say something but Tuk's voice cuts in from behind you and you turn to see her running with a huge smile.
“They’re coming, Kiri! Spider! [Name]! The war party is coming back! Come on, come on,” you smile at her excitement but it disappears when you can’t seem to move your foot to go in the direction they’re going, ‘would he even want to see me there?’ you thought to yourself and you notice that they’re all looking at you. 
“Sister, are you coming?” Kiri questions as you shift your weight from one leg to the other holding on tightly to the basket. “No, you all go on ahead without me, I’ll be fine,” you flash a weak smile at them and begin to make your way to your home. The only thought on your mind was that you hoped he made it back safe. 
Lo’ak dismounts his ikran, petting his neck to calm him down, he’s dreading being back since he messed up during the raid and Jake was furious with him.
“Fall in!” Jake yelled as he looked back at his two sons. “Sir, it wasn’t his-” Neteyam tried to defend him but got cut off by Jake.
“No Neteyam, you got to stop taking up for this knucklehead,” Jake responds in disappointment. “You’re supposed to be a spotter, you spot bogeys, and you call ‘em in. From a distance!” Jake yelled as Lo’ak held in a growl from escaping.
“I’m a warrior like you, I’m supposed to fight, you allow Neteyam on the field, why not me?” Lo’ak spoke out. 
“You’re still making the same mistakes from when you were younger, why would I let you go on the field? You almost got your brother killed!” Jake shouted and Neytiri puts a hand on Jake's arm. “Ma’Jake, I think that’s enough,” she states with a stern look on her face. “I’m taking you out of the next couple of war parties until you learn how to be responsible, do you copy?” Jake voiced as he waited for a response. “Yes sir.” 
“Go on, you’re dismissed,” As soon as Lo’ak heard that, he walked away, he didn’t want to be around none of them after what happened.
He was mad at his father, at the world, but mostly mad at himself that he couldn’t follow simple orders and once again reminded his father of his old irresponsible ways.
He didn’t know where to go, in times like this, he’d always go to you. You were the only one who understood him, who was able to make him feel better after an argument with his dad. 
Where was he supposed to go now that you and him were over? Without him noticing, his feet took him to your hut, and stands at a distance looking at your hut debating on turning around and being alone.
‘Maybe she is not even home,’ he thought but the smell of his favorite food hits his nose, he lets out a sigh, and before he knows it, he closes the distance between him and your hut and stands in the entrance watching your beautiful frame sway your hips as you chop up things for the dish you were cooking as you hummed to your favorite song and a smile forms on his face. 
When you finally notice his presence, the expression on your face becomes a shocked one as you didn’t think he would even want to be in your eyesight, the amount of times he had disappeared every time you were near him, a part of you even thinks it can’t be him, maybe you missed him so much that your mind created an illusion of him which you thought was a cruel joke. 
Lo’ak doesn’t say a word, he just walks over to you and pulls you into his embrace, making you take the pot off the fire so it won’t burn. You return his hug as you take in his woodsy scent you missed so much, tears filled your eyes but you blinked them away. You didn’t even have to ask him what was wrong, a hug only meant that he had an argument with his father. 
“You wanna talk about it?” You softly asked, if he didn’t want to, you wouldn’t force him, you would just rather hold him in your arms in silence until he felt better.
“… Yes I want to,” he intertwined his hand into yours and leads you to your mat, laying down first and you follow suit laying on top of him as you look up at him as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.
Being this close to you made him notice just how much he missed you, just how much he yearned to have you in his arms again, and doesn’t know how he would manage to be without you after this. 
He tells you everything that happened in the raid down to the argument with his father.
“Your dad just wants to make sure you’re safe, he’s just worried for you,” you spoke softly as you look up at him.
“Yeah, I know… I just don’t know how to stop messing up,” he lets out a breath. “I just want him to see that I changed from when I was younger, I just don’t know how to be like Neteyam,” your eyes widen at his words and you sit up and look down at him and he avoids your eye contact. 
“Lo’ak, look at me,” you demand with a soft tone and it takes a minute before he connects eye contact with you.
“Don’t ever compare yourself to your brother, you’re your own person, and I love you for that,” You stated as you pick up his hand, wrapping your hand around his pinky.
“I don’t ever want you to change yourself to please anybody, we all make mistakes in our life at one point, what matters is we learn from them and improve.” You didn’t notice when the tears escaped your eyes but as Lo’ak sees them roll down your face, he sits up and immediately wipes them away as a sob escapes your mouth. 
He pulls you into his chest and you cried into it as he rubs your back trying to soothe you.
“I…I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” you wept as you bury your face more in his chest, your ears pinned back against your head and your tail drooped low.
“I just didn’t want to lose you but ended up losing you anyway.” You pull away and look everywhere else but at him, he brings his index and pointer finger to your chin, gently moving your jaw up so you can look directly into his eyes.
“[Name], you could never lose me, I don’t think I could be able to manage without you by my side,” 
“This past month was horrible without you, I spent my days wishing you were with me, wishing I can hear that laugh I fell in love with,” you smile at his words.
“I missed you so much that I even think my own family would have kicked me out if I didn’t get back to you soon.” you let out a small laugh and his eyes lit up from hearing it, a small smile forming on his face.
“Can we start over?” you queried as you lift a hand to his that laid on your cheek, rubbing it softly as you look into his eyes.
“I know I have a lot of making up to do but I promise from now on, no more lies, just the truth.” 
“I wanna work this out with you just as long as we stay truthful to each other, that’s the only way we can work,” he stated with a serious tone and expression on his face.
“And I believe in second chances, plus I need you,” he says as a smirk appears on his face.
“In more ways than one.” he earns a laugh out of you and you playfully shove him, as you quiet down, you both stare into each other’s eyes as you slowly lean close to each other, he captures your lips in his and the kiss is so gentle, you both take your time with as you open your mouth slightly and he takes this as a chance to slip his tongue through, tongues dancing around each other as he pulls you closer to him.
You missed the feeling of his kiss on yours that if you didn’t need to breathe, your lips would stay on his forever. 
You both pull away at the same time as you tried to catch your breath. “I don’t know how I ever went without your lips for so long,” he panted as you giggle, placing your head on his chin a bit. “Oel Ngati Kameie,” you spoke looking up into his eyes, he smiles as he repeats the words as he lays a kiss on top of your forehead before pulling you into his embrace.
You lean into his touch getting comfortable before remembering about dinner with your parents and you hadn’t even finished cooking yet which makes you jump up out of his hold to return to the pot so you can finish cooking since they would be here any minute. “I completely forgot, my parents are coming over for dinner soon, you want to meet them?” 
His ears are pinned up when he hears you ask him that. “You want me to meet them?” he questioned as he got up from his spot.
“Of course I do, they get to meet the guy who is always putting a smile on my face and is the love of my life,” you smile as you look over at him and a flustered smile forms on his face as he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist burying his face into your neck as he takes in your lovely scent as his tail wags behind him.
“I love you, oeyä syulang.” you smile heavily at his words. “I love you too.”
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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fairuzfan · 7 months
Can you help me break down my family's arguments? It's just that they're on Israel's side
And they say that Palestine deserves what is happening
Their arguments are:
"But Hamas started, taking people hostage, raping women and killing children. Israel is just fighting back. If someone did the same to you I would kill their family."
"But the hospitals on Palestine are Hamas' bases"
"But cutting off energy and telecommunications in Palestine is just to prevent Hamas from communicating"
"But Gaza is a place promised by God to the Israelites, Israel is taking what is rightfully theirs"
"But Hamas was trying to make an exchange between the lives of the hostages and Gaza with Israel and Israel did not accept it because Gaza is theirs, and Hamas should have released the hostages instead of exchanging their lives"
Hello, thanks for asking. I'm going to generalize these arguments a little more just to make it more widely applicable.
"Well Israel is just taking revenge/defending itself"
Well a couple things. Taking revenge is not an actual reason for people to attack other people. Just naturally, it's not a good ideology we should ever live by.
About claims that it's defending itself: Israel is a military powerhouse dropping TONS of bombs, I mean literal TONS. To say that anyone is defending someone with that level of ammunition and pure destruction, is just cruel. No one should experience that even in an equal footing type of war. Shouldn't we strive to protect people? Isn't it right to help others?
Now for your specific case, if they're arguing that they would "kill their family" as revenge, I'm not gonna lie, I think you're going to have to delve into that with them and dismantle that idea by emphasizing revenge is never justified.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
"The hospitals are Hamas bases"
There is absolutely no evidence provided of this other than Israeli propaganda. I'd show them this video, which is a testimony from a European doctor.
There's also this pamphlet they released saying that they "know that Hamas is safe" and still willingly bombs the people of gaza anyways.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
"Gaza is promised by God to the Israelites"
Why is it necessary to enforce one's religious beliefs on someone else? Why must the Palestinians experience violence in order for Israel to exist? Besides, if it was "promised" to them, does that mean God is allowing them to kill people indiscriminately? Does God, the most loving Being in the Universe, ever condone such acts of horrific violence on people? I speak as a Muslim that grew up being taught that Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam are quite similar religions, so I doubt that any of these religions would condone such large scale violence.
I'm not an expert of actual religious scripture of different faiths, so I can't provide quotes or anything like that, but I'd argue that God's main purpose in our lives is to remind us to love each other.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
I'm not sure what the argument in your specific case is, but I think any argument having to do with hostages does not make any logical sense. Wouldn't Israel want to protect the hostages? Isn't bombing indiscriminately dangerous for everyone, but especially the Hostages?
But even hostages aside, Palestinians shouldn't have to suffer en masse! They've been sectioned off into the largest open-air prison for 20 years! It's just plain cruel to blame them for the genocide they face when they've been victims for 75+ years!
I'd recommend introducing them to this resource that explains the history of Palestinians from around 1948 to now:
There is also this that has scholarly research for and by Palestinians:
Let me know if any of this is useful. Good luck, and thank you for sending this in.
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
Avoiding Trauma Reenactment in Pagan & Polytheist Communities
***Mentions of emotional abuse***
Something I've noticed is that there's a lot of trauma within the pagan and polytheist communities. Many trauma survivors - religious or otherwise - seem to come to these religions, maybe seeking comfort or maybe not.
Unfortunately, when there is a lot of trauma within a community, there tend to be cycles of it as well. People traumatize other people because, to put it simply, hurt people hurt people. I've experienced this first-hand and done it, obviously unintentionally, myself. So here's my advice on how to avoid traumatizing the shit out of one another.
Go to therapy or counseling if you're able. If you're not able, I suggest at least looking up ways to cope with trauma (CPTSD or PTSD may be specifically helpful for some people) and identifying your personal triggers. For example, some people might be triggered by not getting an immediate response to their messages, especially if emotionally charged, and may react based on the burst of emotion that triggered trauma can cause.
Recognize whether or not you're reenacting your own trauma in unrelated situations. This happens A LOT with abuse survivors specifically. There is a tendency to reenact one's traumatic experiences which can even come in assuming the worst of a situation or staying around people who remind you of (or treat you like) past abusers. Do you find yourself reenacting past trauma with others? Do you find yourself engaging with self-fulfilling prophecies?
When you feel yourself reacting with extreme emotion to a situation, try to pause yourself for a moment and ask yourself why you're feeling such a strong reaction. This is a skill that's easier said than done, and it takes some practice, but overtime, it becomes easier and easier. I've found it to be very helpful in identifying when my trauma is causing me to react a certain way to something vs. my genuine reaction.
Remind yourself that constructive criticism is not a personal attack on you. It's healthy to receive constructive criticism from others, especially friends who may be addressing issues within your friendships. Remember that when you receive criticism, it doesn't automatically mean that someone is trying to tear you down.
You are not responsible for how others react to you. This is a very helpful reminder for survivors of emotional abuse especially, since there's a tendency to self-blame. This is a reminder that takes a lot of practice, but when someone sends you cruel and hateful words, remember that 1. you don't have to listen to them, and 2. you are not responsible for the way someone else feels about or reacts to you. Simply put, we cannot control the emotions of others, as scary as that can be, and it's best to keep reminding that to ourselves.
If someone makes you uncomfortable, you are allowed to block them. You don't need permission from anyone to block this person. It's best to keep away from people who remind you of past abusers specifically to avoid potential reenactment.
Try to assume the best of people. Most people are not out to get you; most people are trying to passively enjoy internet time just the same as you. Of course, this doesn't mean harmful and hateful people don't exist, but it's best to not make yourself riddled with anxiety over that potentiality.
Practice healthy conflict resolution skills. This is something I recommend doing with a therapist or only after extensive research. The best type of conflict resolution, in my experience, is relating your emotions calmly and maturely. Try not to go flying off the handle or reacting with repeated apologies. Take a moment to ground yourself before addressing the conflict because even though it feels extremely pressing and urgent, it can likely wait for you to ground yourself first.
Don't go looking for a fight. Don't start arguments where it's not necessary, and don't go after people's personal character just to prove your point. These situations can end horribly for all parties involved. Should go without saying, but this includes not harassing people for their "wrong" opinions. It's an opinion, not a fact; please ground yourself if it truly upsets you that much.
Try not to say things with the intention of hurting someone. This is unwise for several reasons. It can lead to long-term regret later on, you can end up traumatizing someone with your words, and you may find that you were projecting your own feelings onto someone else. All sorts of consequences can come from this, so I encourage you to think before you speak. If you're extremely upset, wait to respond, and take time to cool off first.
This is all the advice I can think of off the top of my head. I hope it helps someone! Take care, everyone. 🧡
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ganondoodle · 9 months
i talked about why i find the argument people love to use as an excuse as to why shiekah tech is all gone in totk that "they destroyed it bc they were afraid of it" dumb before many times so i wont go over my past points in detail again
- i was just reminded of that and thought of new points to rant about going from that, no evil intentions in mind just when sth is mentioned again after some time i think about it again and can come up with more stuff-
(past points being- how?? shiekah tech seemed pretty indestructable, especialyl the big structures; it seemed like it was a literal holy thing for alot of people in the game; that it would be pretty damn stupid to spend so much energy and probably endanger people to dismanlte it since that time and energy would be better used rebuilding important infrastrucutre instead; if it stopped working why wouldnt you just kinda .. leave it there; why in hells name would you get rid of the shrine of life .. and i guess monk miz kyoshia with it???; shouldnt they be MORE afraid of sonau tech then??)
new thoughts
wouldnt it be logical to research and develope shiekah tech MORE so you can make sure it cant get corrupted again, like a security measure idk anti virus if you will lol
on the specific idea of zelda using it ... shouldnt she be the BEST person to use it bc she could, if it somehow got corrupted again, cleanse it/instantly deactivate it more easily than anyone else??
on the point of people not beign afraid of sonau tech ... that is still like the biggest problem for me with that argument bc .. i get beign afraid of shiekah stuff going haywire again, but then if suddendly alien tech from a literally fully unknown group of people started to appear out of nowhere at the sAME TIME AS MALICE COMES BACK BUT WORSE in the form of miasma shoudlnt that ring your alarm bells and make you flee for your life?? i wouldnt trust that shit after knowing what happened to the tech that we DID know shit about
i know theres like researchers for it but also they really all meddle and play with it immediately like its for them just as much a toy as it is for us the players (also a point that made me feel weird about it ngl), they build businesses around it, made minigames out of it with civilians, use it for transportation with no thought or concern about it, its really weird when this is supposedly takign palce after BOTW where FAMOUSLY ancient barely reasaearched tech got corrupted by evil goo and nearly destroyed the entire land of hyrule (man are they LUCKY gan suddendly has zero interest in ANY tech)
(and i know theres the possibilty that sonau tech is somehow not able to be corrupted but it just seems so dumb anyway bc the people cant KNOW that for sure right of the bat??? and it DOES get possessed with the broken construct too, like .. wouldnt the possibility alone .. esepcialyl with waht had happened in botw make you NOT want to use that alien tech like a toy?? especially with WORSE malice being around suddendly too?? that just smells like a recipy for disaster)
(... man totk realyl is just botw but worse ... the more i think about it the more it feels like that)
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