#anyway 👍
ambrosiagourmet · 2 months
Kabrin is like what if we survived the trauma together but I needed you more than you needed me and I’m angry and bitter and trying to keep it together but I’m FAILING and everyone can see I’m failing and that I’m a failure and what if you only keep me around out of pity, what if you only ever befriended me out of pity… except also I see you and your calm focus and your suave demeanor and I understand that you are just as messy inside as I am, and I wonder how many parts of yourself you have cut off just to keep everything small enough to fit inside of you.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Nico waking up and he doesn't know who he is. He asks Hazel where he is - where's his kid, where's his wife. Hazel sits with him and assures him he's fine while everyone watches confused. He was sick for a bit, she tells him, and now he's just recovering. He'll get to go home soon.
She is comforting and warm and he relaxes a bit. Minutes pass by, turn into hours, and his memories come back. The knowledge that he is him. He is not the dead man who left behind a wife and child after being robbed at knifepoint. He is not the little girl choking to death with asthmatic weak lungs that won't inhale and a mother who doesn't care. He is not the old woman wondering where her husband is.
He is Nico. Son of Hades and Maria di Angelo. He is not dead, not yet. He is not survived by anyone, not yet.
Hazel holds his hand the whole time and he comes back to her weary smile and sighs shallowly as the edges of her face bloom back into his memory. Hazel, his sister. There are other people on the periphery but he focuses on her. Her brown skin. Her brown eyes. Her thick curly black hair. Her warm hands. The bracelet on her wrist.
Her voice beckoning him back.
"His wife looked like you," Nico says. "A little taller though. Older."
He was twenty-six. She'd been in his life since they were five, playing in the sandbox. She'd screamed at another kid for taking her shovel and he'd fallen in love immediately. Nico's heart holds onto that love, twenty-one years, even as the man's world fades. Slowly the love seeps away too, and he's just left with a strange longing for a life that wasn't his.
A life that doesn't exist anymore.
"Is he okay?" Hazel asks.
He closes his eyes and exhales shaky. There's a vicious pain in his abdomen. Another lingering ache in his throat. Screams still echo even as the world fades into wispy colours and a strange man telling him it's time to go.
"He's okay," Nico says, because there isn't any other answer he can give.
The man is dead. The man who lived twenty-six years and had a wife he loved from childhood and a daughter whose young hands never left his own as he laid bleeding on hot tarmac. The man who heard crying and pleads to stay just a little longer, to just hang in there, and couldn't. Try as he might, as hard he wanted to, he couldn't stay.
It was time to go.
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a-nywherebut-here · 5 months
I'm inventing new ways to hurt and find satisfaction in it. Didn't it seem like we bled more as children. I think I'm the pervert twisting everyday interactions as a masochist. I can't get out of the house so I make people bump into me and let the cats play a little too hard. My motto is I want bad things to happen to me.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 2 months
I hate clothes so much
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hildegardladyofbones · 5 months
I don't think about this show at all anymore (they fucked up the beginning of s4 and I dropped it immediately) but god damn the showrunners knew what they were doing by establishing that John has a low pain tolerance and then amputating his leg few seasons over. The girlies were screaming, they were going wild and opening on ao3 in the next tab
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h1rxx · 1 year
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dromaeo-sauridae · 1 year
man i need to actually go hiking… i feel like a dog in a yard. never going anywhere
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rust3d-anchor · 1 year
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I have yet to finish this 💀
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Anyway I got bored for the past couple of days and drew these while rewatching season 7(?) of Ninjago
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But in the end, I got massive brain rot over making a character based on a fish. Again—
Safe to say I’m nearly at 9 pages of it and have yet to give this character a personality…
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zaggyzoo · 1 year
tried to put on the leg warmers but uhm apparently i have calves.......
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solardistress · 1 year
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i. i . yeah. i . hm. i hope that post reaches tittysuckersworld too dude
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Something in recovery I had to learn one day was that my suffering isn't devine. It will never move mountains; it will only bring me to my knees, grieving and retching and so, so fatigued. My suffering will never redeem me, it will never save me. My suffering never made me more valuable. And tying my worth to how I have suffered only makes my worth a ball and chain I have locked on my ankle.
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i love having ideas the brain is flowing
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catboyhdb · 1 year
what is it with harry and the colour blue
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feelo-fick · 3 months
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why are you still here, then????
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nihiltism · 6 months
really funny quandary I'm going through right now where I wanted to make fun of this series of texts I sent my friend because I am legitimately incapable of crying for help without putting a skin over it to make it look funny and relatable and hyperbolic but if I did I'd have to actually tell other people I need help in order for the joke to land and i guess i just did that but like it's fine
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fated-normal-767 · 7 months
one day someone will look at my project and go boy why did you put all of your mental illnesses in here and I will run away and hide forever.
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