#anyway i know what the duffers have in store will likely break me
hellshee · 11 months
idc idc i hope no one dies in st season 5
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okashiras · 2 years
Why do you think duffer brothers decided to revisit stancy and do you think they're gonna keep exploring them in season 5?
why indeed? i've been asking myself the same question. the only reason i can come up with is it's probably more interesting from a writing standpoint??
they have made steve romantic to the core (i mean, the reason he was thrusted into this world in the first place is because he loved nancy so much that he went back to fight the demogorgon for her) but still had no clear resolution in sight. they were almost building up a potential romance for him in s3 but ultimately didn't (and were better for it, frankly). and (fortunately for them, i guess) the steve/nancy breakup was written clumsily enough that steve's longing gaze in the end of s2 can be interpreted as an ellipsis to their story instead of actual closure.
nancy pairing up with jonathan never did push either of their characters forward. it was like events were written solely for the sake of getting them together and so when they finally did, the writers didn't know what to do with them anymore. (eg, putting nancy in the will exorcism group in s2 where she did nothing but stand and sweat while jonathan held onto her sometimes, etc) and their friction in s3 only proved their (totally valid) differences were more fundamental than anything that it's probably become difficult to justify writing how they're a good match for each other.
it’s a season of retcon and course correction lmfao!! from brenner being alive somehow to changing eleven’s memory of how the gate opened, etc etc, they were probably more willing to cut their losses and that includes jonathan/nancy?? ...and jonathan’s character too which is a shame but i dunno, maybe they can still salvage that by defining him outside of being a brother/son/boyfriend. is it clumsy writing? yeah, but i mean, the writing has always been kinda clumsy lmfao!! i’m just gonna stay in my corner and eat my meal, thanks.
exploring steve/nancy would be consistent to the overarching theme of this season, which is confronting one's past pain/trauma. for nancy, that's always been barb's demise. and the writers probably realized how steve has a significant role there too, and how that's what led to the dissolution of their relationship, and how they have both changed as a result, and how nancy can ultimately absolve herself (and their relationship) of that guilt. their feelings resurfacing again after they have both matured and grown would mean they broke up not for lack of affection for each other but because they didn't know how to deal with grief and trauma at the time, and that they're better-equipped and are in a better position to overcome it as they are now. and that seems pretty realistic (and more interesting) to me if i were writing?? over "shared trauma" as a reason to push forward a romance without even unpacking what that means anyway lol
they are both well-defined characters on their own and are tied to their own specific genre reference that their storylines converging felt like magic, frankly. why not add a little romance there too as a treat?
the narrative symmetry of it is sexy???
the impression i got from this video is the duffers just throw steve these random storylines and he sticks the landing magnificently every time because he’s so great. and i’m buying into this s4 stancy renaissance 2022 obviously i’m sorry they just hit different if you get it then you get it
i dunno what’s in store for s5 other than apparently there’s gonna be a timeskip? i think what’s important in closing s4 is they finally meet eye-to-eye as they are now, so that whatever happens in the time before s5 (whether they break up or take the next step in the relationship or whatever else), they’re doing it as themselves?? that is, not hindered by trauma, guilt, etc.
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callmechee · 5 years
Hi yes i have a great idea for the Duffer bros so if you aren’t them, keep scrolling
So we know Will is gay and that Mike, just like the actor who plays him, is a clueless baby who needs someone to spell it out for him.
And boys, do i have to scene for you.
Will and El don’t live in Hawkins anymore and it isn’t Christmas break quite yet, so they aren’t there yet.
The remaining Party are going to the video store where Robin and Steve work to try and con Steve out of some rated R movies for their movie night. They have their usual banter, and while Dustin and Lucas are talking Steve into letting them take home Pulp Fiction, Robin is chatting with Max and Mike over the counter.
They converse about Will and El and how both Max and Mike can’t wait to see them when they come home in a few days. Somehow the conversation gets geared toward Will and how him and Mike have been distant and Mike recalls the conversation they had where he said ‘it’s not my fault you don’t like girls’
Now obvioulsy Max and Robin have actual brain cells and immediately are like ‘dude that’s such a dick thing to say’ and Mikes like 100% confused and is like ‘???’
So Robin is like ‘have you ever thought that your comment hurt his feelings because he actually might not like girls at all?’ And Mike is like ‘I’m not following’
So Max, an angel really, is like ‘hey asshat, some people are gay’ and Mike looks at Robin bc yeah, he knows she’s gay and he loves Robin and- ohhhh fuck
And they’re all looking at him like he’s stupid and Robins like ‘you’re shit at picking up on context clues dude’ and then proceeds to mention that it might’ve hurt Will worse coming from Mike bc well, he might like him. And Mike is so confused bc he’s like ‘i think i can tell when someone likes someone else, and Will doesn’t like me. We’re best friends’
And Robin and Max just roll their eyes bc Mike is a dumbass, but they love him anyways.
And this, this is the good part.
As they’re leaving Max is like ‘Id thought you would’ve gotten the hint when I told you to read Stephen King’s new book’ and Mike is like ‘What do you mean it’s a horror book’
And i want Sadie to look Finn dead in the face and say, ‘so you didn’t notice anything about Richie and Eddie?’
And as their walking out Mike’s eyes widen and he rushes after her like ‘fuck’
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clericbyers · 5 years
First I want to apologize because English is not my first language and this is going to be a mess but I hope that you understand everything~ Imagine the beginning of season 4, The Byers and El return to Hawkins and everything is super weird between Mike and El. Like they had that last awkward kiss before she lefts and they kind of grown apart from each other since then and now Mike don't really know where they are in their “relationship” so he decides to make things right and talk to her 1/9
 (2 through 9) So Mike and El go to the basement alone and Mike is super nervous because he really loves her, just not romantically, and he doesn't want to mess things up and hurt her, so he start telling her just that, that he loves her, BUT… He wants to say that he does loves her but he isn't in love with her, but before he can say that, El speaks first: “but it doesn't make you go crazy, right?” and in that exact moment Mike starts panicking because all he can think of is Crazy Together and DID WILL TELL HER ABOUT THAT? but then he remembers that 4 of July in the store and that awkward conversation about love making you crazy and he feel soo mortified that he doesn’t know how to answer because he is super embarrassed with himself and his eyes start wandering for the room until they land in a picture, the one from Halloween where while Will, Lucas and Dustin are looking at the camera Mike is looking at Will with a big smile on his face, so he just answer to El with a “yeah, crazy” and they both smile. Mike feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders and everything is fine once again between them. They left the basement smiling and Will sees them and thinks that they are back together and not matter how much he had tried to move on and not be jealous of El again he can’t help it, it still stings. But It’s Christmas and he is not going to ruining it, so he just has to do what he does best, swallow his feelings. And them the season goes on and N O T H I N G makes sense to Will because Mike and El are supposed to be together but Mike has spent every single moment since he came back to Hawkins glued to Will side. And not just that, he is also behaving kind of weird, like telling him he looks nice, brushing his bangs, holding his hand for more time that necessary (and going pink after???) giving him THAT smile and wait! Is Mike looking at his lips? Nope he is NOT but but BUT WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEANS?!! Will is confused(TM). And poor Mike is doing his best at “flirting” with Will and trying to send him signals but they are both hopeless. And it's not until the end of the season when Mike gets badly injured and Will thinks the worst, that they have this really soft moment where Will cups Mike’s face and with tears in his eyes says him: “Don’t you dare to scare me like that ever again. I though you were...” and he can’t finish the sentence because even thinking about Mike dying hurts too much. And Mike whispers “I won't”. And yeah, Mike it's definitely looking at his lips right now. They lean forward, their foreheads touch, their lips are almost brushing and then…everything goes black and WE DIE!!!!!!!!!!! The season ends with Mike kissing Will’s temple while they are lying in the basement's couch and it's snowing outside. FIN (also I want to apologize again for this long ass ask but I thought you where the perfect person to send it
Your English is fine; thank you for sharing this with me, I’m glad you thought I was the person to send it to
I love this idea so much!! I think it’s a very reasonable plan for ST4 and if the Duffers don’t make it happen I will fight them! Anyway, I love that note about Mike looking at the picture where he’s caught smiling at Will instead of the camera. I like the way El and Mike ended their relationship but still stay friends. I really want them to be friends still if/when they break up for good. Their friendship and connection is important and valuable, but they both have interests elsewhere and it’s only fair to split. Oh, going backwards but I went to reread and I like answering asks like “real time” instead of super edited so anyway!! I love the note about how Mike gets worried El knows about “crazy together,” like that’s supposed to be something between him and Will how does she know--oh, right the supermarket. And given Mike didn’t remember telling El he loves her three months later, I could absolutely believe that he wouldn’t remember the supermarket “blank makes you crazy” talk and think that she knows how he feels for Will.
Will being clueless to Mike’s flirting!! Canon as hell, I approve of this message. I also think it’s cute how Mike is trying to flirt with Will and woo him that way, being so sweet and adorable but Will just thinks he’s being weird. Hopeless boys in love aaaaa
The part where Mike gets injured and Will is worried Mike could have died and ;__; reading that made my heart hurt I don’t like to think about any of kids injured and Mike....he hasn’t been hurt but mostly emotionally and any physical trauma....i will cry! So, then they lean in and get closer and it’s almost a kiss, almost sealing their love for each other out from under the threat of possible death/loss...
AND YOU DIDN’T “SHOW” IT (which would be appropriate for a mainstream tv show probably since you know same sex kisses aren’t applicable for general media!!! whatever. point is, even that felt realistic to if this plot were to happen lolll but god, if the season ends with them being as cute as you described I’ll be a happy camper;;; FIN indeed~
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ughthatimagineblog · 7 years
i’m their healer (part two)
  part one / part three / part four    word count: 1546    warnings: cuss words, slow burn steve (anything mentioned in this fic is    property of the duffer brothers. I do not own stranger things or anything related)   a/n: will be posting all the parts to this at once! sorry if I messed up the stranger things timeline. I tried my hardest not to.
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That night you called your ‘mom’ to tell her you were sleeping at Stacy’s that night. Then you called Stacy’s house to tell her to tell your ‘mom’ that you were there. And if she asked to talk to you to tell her she was talking to Stacy’s mom or in the shower. Depending on how many times your ‘mom’ would call.   Instead, you spent the night on Dustin’s living room couch after spending the whole night planning your next plan of attack. Steve stayed over as well seeing as he had transportation and it was better to start first thing that morning, considering the plans ahead were both dangerous and could take all day.
That morning, Steve and you had run to the grocery store to pick up enough meat that was required for the plan. Just as you were unloading everything out of Steve’s car, Dustin’s radio crackled. “Dustin! Dustin! Dustin! This is Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin?” You recognized Lucas’ voice before he even stated his name. “Well, well, well, look who it is.” Dustin said, voice sounding almost cocky. You payed attention to their conversation while helping Steve unload. “Sorry man. My stupid sister turned it off. . .”
  “You know you don’t have to help.” Steve whispered. “You can go home and get away from, all of this.” He gestured around him. You looked at Steve and back at Dustin.
“Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again. . .”
“No. I want to. Besides, I know that they don’t put me down on the list for their party because they don’t know that I’m apart of it yet, but I still am. I’m their healer.” You whispered the last part and winked. “I’m serious, Y/N.” Steve said, his face laced with concern. He would do anything to make sure you would make it out of this okay. He didn’t want to see you hurt. Or dead.
“I am too.”
“. . . I’m pretty sure he’s a baby Demogorgon.” You tuned back into their conversation, turning away from Steve. As much as he was concerned about not wanting you to fight this fight, you didn’t want him to either. “Wait, what?” Lucas asked.   “I’ll explain later, just meet me, Steve and Y/N at the old junkyard.”  “Steve?”   “And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket.” ”Steve Harrington? And Y/N? Y/N L/N?” Lucas questioned.
He knew the both of you and by God was it a pair of names that you wouldn’t expect to be on the same team. More bazaar than Dustin and Steve. “All right,” Steve said and you slammed the trunk shut.
  “Let’s go.” You both said in unison before you picked up a bucket of meat and your hammer and began on your way. “Just be there, stat. Over and out.”
On the tracks, Steve and Dustin were scattering the meat and talking while you simply hung around and helped, giving small commentary along the way.
“All right, let me get this straight,” Steve was saying. “You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who. . . Who you just met?” He asked, sounding incredulous. “All right, that’s grossly oversimplifying things.” Dustin complained. “I mean why would a girl like a nasty slug anyway?”
“An interdimensional slug?” Dustin asked with a smirk, and at this point you too had a laidback expression.“Because it’s awesome.” You and Dustin said at the same time, earning a laugh from the both of you.
Steve looked back at you and gave you a sort of look. In anger? No. He looks. . . Confused? No. Impressed. . .? By me. . .? Definitely not. “Well, even if she thought it was cool,” He looked back at you pointedly with a smirk. So he wasn’t mad. “Which she didn’t, I, I just. . . I don’t know I feel like you’re trying way too hard.” Steve shrugged and this is where you paid the most attention. “Well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, alright?” Dustin commented and you giggled. Steve turned back to look at you with an almost-glare. “What?” You pressed your lips together, suppressing the giggle and shrugged. “You do have perfect hair.” You fessed.
“See!” Dustin exclaimed. “Hey, it’s not about the hair, man.” Steve said, walking in line with Dustin now. You followed close to listen into their convo. “The key with girls is just. . . Just acting like you don’t care.” You looked up at him. “Even if you do?” Dustin asked. “Yes, exactly. It drives them nuts.” Steve said.
You muttered under your breath. “Not all the time.” You swore Steve turned his head a little because he heard you, but if he really did, he didn’t show it. “Then what?” Dustin asked. “You just wait until, uh,” Steve left his words in the air. “Until you feel it.” He said. “Feel what?” You laughed a little at Dustin’s confusion. “It’s like before it’s going to storm you know? You can’t see it but you can feel it, like this, uh. . . Electricity, you know?” At his words, your mind was pulled back to that night, a year ago.
Will Byers House, 1983
“Shit!” You heard Steve exclaim from behind you. He was on his back on the floor in front of the hallway, his bat a few feet away from your feet. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” You heard him say as he scrambled for his weapon.
Seeing the Demogorgon start to charge, you grabbed Steve’s bat and without hesitation, stepped in front of him, slashing it in the monster’s face. The Demogorgon was wounded as it knocked into the wall, stumbling down. It wouldn’t stay there for long.
You turned around, helped Steve up and told him to run for the door. He hesitated, but did so and he stopped at the door. “Y/N! I can’t leave you.” You looked at him, but when you looked at him you felt it. It wasn’t anxiety. It was a sense of calm. A calm before a storm, you thought. It was like everything was in slow motion before but when he looked at you, it set your body and mind on fire. Like an electrical spark that jumped everything to life. He felt it toon and held out his hand.
You looked at the bat in your right hand, your hammer in your left. You looked back at him and nodded, tossing him his bat from across the room, the moment it landed back in his hands, he started running towards you. You spun around, slamming the sharp end of the hammer into the back of the Demogorgon neck and immediately following, a blow to the side of the head from Steve.
From there, you weren’t slow to get the hell out. And instead you finished your 360 spin and ran out, Steve quick to catch up. You worked well as a team, you remember thinking as you clambered into his car in escape.
Jumping back to the present you looked at him. Was all the ignoring, the not talking, intentional? “The key with girls is just. . . Just acting like you don’t care.”
“No, no, like a sexual electricity,” Steve was saying and you grinned again. “Oh.” Dustin replied, eyes wide. “You feel that and then you make your move.” Steve said, confidently. “So that’s when you kiss her?” Your eyebrows shot up. “No, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Romeo.” Steve held his hand up and you giggled.
“Sorry.” Dustin was quiet. “Sure, okay, some girls, yeah they want you to be aggressive, you know, strong, hot and heavy, like a. . . I don’t know a lion. But others, you gotta be slow, you gotta be stealthy, like a. . .” He trailed off and glanced back at you. If you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t have caught it. But you were. And you did. “Like a ninja.”
“What type is Nancy?” Dustin asked and your heart sank. “Nancy’s different,” Steve said sourly. “She’s different than the other girls.” Steve said, sounding a world away. “Yeah, she seems pretty special, I guess.” Dustin said, looking back at you giving you a sad look. Somehow he knew. You never said it out loud, but he knew about every emotion you felt. Especially with Steve.
“Yeah, yeah she is.” Steve agreed and your heart sank a bit more. “But, this girl’s special too, you know. It’s just, like, something about her.” You listened carefully to Dustin. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.” Steve stopped in front of the two of you and you looked up at him with a somber expression.
“What?” Dustin asked. “You’re not falling in love with this girl, are you?” Steve asked. Dustin looked at you and back at him. “Uh, no. No.” Dustin shook his head. “Okay, good. Don’t.” The older boy warned. “I won’t.” Dustin reassured and you gave a sad smile. “She’s only going to break your heart and you’re way too young for that shit.” Steve said, angrily throwing a piece of meat on the ground.
You looked up at him. Nancy was your friend, but you knew that if you were ever with Steve, you wouldn’t let him go. Not like her. But your secret. You told yourself and you sighed. Yes, that was a whole other issue.
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