#aph scandia
marraiwa · 2 years
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"thank you mother.
but it would be better if you were right"
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HC for HWS Germania and Scandia
The gods gifted them with 1 braincell
Heinrich likes carrying Astrid only bc she acts like a disgruntled cat when he does so
They literally can’t remember a time growing up when they weren’t together
they’re soulmates.
but in a “soulmates come in more then 1 flavor” way
they went Platonic > Romantic > Platonic > Platonic w/benefits > It’s complicated
Astrid can’t climb trees at all; Heinrich likes hiding from her in trees.
Heinrich gets stupidly seasick; Astrid is a seafarer at heart.
would go to Things in increasingly ridiculous disguises bc A) they thought it was funny B) they didn’t want to be recognized
speaking of: No ancient hated the “We must liken them to gods!” More then Astrid and Heinrich.
Heinrich is blind in one eye, it happened during the Cimbrian war.—
—Astrid specifically changed what side of him she walked on so he could always clearly see her when they were together.
They had 3 kids together (Denmark, Sweden, Norway; in that age order)
They subsequently share 12 grandkids as well.
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askhetaliancients · 7 years
2p! Hetalia Ancients!
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Sorry this too super long guys!! An anon once asked us to draw this, but we procrastinated it so much that we forgot to draw it with the computer software (we already got character designs on paper beforehand :P) They’re only sketches and character outlines, so it’s not the best cuz we did it in a rush after 2p! Britannia’s design :P Hope you guys like it tho!! 
(P.S: you can ask questions to them if you’d like :D) 
(P.P.S: hypothetical question, but if we decide to open up commission, would you guys pay us to draw characters you want to be drawn? It’s just a thought though...) 
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nyonorwaydrabbles · 6 years
“Lovise, come ooooon!” a small child urged, while pulling on the dress of his sister. “NO!” the young girl screamed back, thick tears runing down her cheeks, clutching onto what seemed like nothing, but was an old Trolls hand that didnt look like it minded much what was happening. “I don’t like either of you and I don’t want to go on stupid adventures I just want to stay with the trolls!” Hearing this only made the small Dane even more determined to get her to join him and the Swede, who was waiting patiently until the other two where finished with their...discussion so they could go and run around, exploring everything and having adventures on their own. Finally getting Lovise to let go of the Troll, the Dane took her arm and run into the forest with her, the Swede following them.
A few feet away, Scandia was sitting on a large rock, looking after her children and let out a sigh. “Do you really think it was the best idea that I took her in? she doesnt even really wants to get along with us.” The Troll only chuckled. “She spend too much time around us, she needs to learn how to act around other humans. She only needs time to get used to you.” Scandia only shook her head, hoping those three wouldnt get in to much trouble.
//based on a headcanon I have that Lovise spend her first few years around the Trolls and was later took in by Scandia, and that at first she couldn’t stand Denmark or Sweden at all. xD and on a talk I had with @shirokage218 yesterday :D
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aph-ancients-blog · 8 years
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Germania: Violence isn't the answer.
Scandia: You're right.
Germania: *sighs in relief*
Scandia: Violence is the question.
Germania: What?
Scandia, bolting away: and the answer is yes.
Germania, running after her: NO-
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askhetaliancients · 8 years
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Theme of the costume: Dress up as their kids/grandkids/sibling when they were younger!!
From top to bottom, left to right: 
Carthage -> Child Tunisia, Gaul -> Child France, Britannia -> Child England, Iberia -> Child Spain, Scandia -> Child Denmark
China -> Child Japan, Germania -> Child Germany, Rome -> Child Italy, Ancient Greece -> Child Greece
Aestii -> Child Prussia, Ancient Egypt -> Child Egypt
*please do not repost this art and use it without permission ^J^
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ask-scandinavia · 8 years
Can you do more baby Norway and Mama Scandinavia?? Please!!! Baby Norway is such a little cutie pie!!!
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Here anon, have a bunch of sketches of an actual child and aph norway.
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mrjerboa · 9 years
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Ok but I had this thought like two days ago and thought it was funny; Norways human name being Sigurd, but his dad (Germania) calling him Siegfried solely bc it makes Scandia mad and he thinks it’s funny.
Result is Sigurd will respond to Siegfried. Gilbert jokingly calls him Freddy cause of it.
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askhetaliancients · 8 years
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(referring to an old ask: this and this (so sorry for answering this late :( )) 
Ancient Greece: don’t start crying all of a sudden... um... hello there... 
Rome: let’s name her! Let’s name her! Ummm...
Ancient Greece: ... Diana... 
Rome: a-a-a Roman name??
Ancient Greece: *sighs* why not... since you wanted this anyways...
Britannia: Whoah! She’s hugging us! She’s hugging us! 
Germania: h-hello... there...
Britannia: She’s so beautiful yet adorable!! Germania, what should we call her?? She’ll be the new daughter in our family! I’m so excited!!
Germania: ... how about... Allovera... 
Britannia: ... that’s such a pretty name!!!
Aestii and Scandia: ... A SON!! 
Aestii: we have a son~~!!!! 
Scandia: oh my Odin! oh my Odin! THIS IS AMAZING!!! What should we call him??
Aestii: u-u-um.... I don’t know... ummmm.... my heart can’t stop shaking...!
Scandia: Same here!!! Ummm... Oh! Eli! 
Aestii: awwwww, our little Eli~~
Maya: a-a-a-a-a.... s-s-s-son??????
Aztec: wait Maya don’t faint yet!! We need to give him a name!
Maya: t-t-that’s not the important part! We’re countries, we can’t give birth! H-h-how did he get here????
Aztec: ... Xipil? Nah. Yaotl? Nah. 
Maya: A-A-AZTEC!!
Aztec: oh! Tochtli! That’s perfect! You can faint now~
Maya: ... *faints*
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annholland · 9 years
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APH Scandia APH Denmark APH Norway
art by me
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caffinatedstory · 10 years
Over the sea, over the wild
So I made ducere watch this music video and she agreed it fitted her OC Scandia well (srsly it’s a beautiful song and a really good video w/ bearded viking man). naturally I had to write a ficlet. TW: for death, drowning and body horror? sorta? ______________________ Scandia isn’t unaccustomed to drowning. He’d suffered through it before. However; he can’t afford to die here and now. There are too many important things at stake this time. ______________________
Water surrounds him faster than he expects.
It’s cold and it drags him downwards till there’s only darkness. He’s too stubborn to let go of his sword, even if he knows it’s weighing him down. All around him there’s darkness – amongst the salt-water he can make out nothing but darkness. Blurred darkness. Something is stuck in his abdomen and he tries to feel what it is. And arrow he concludes. There’s no time to remove it, instead he tries to ignore the searing pain and swim for the surface. A precious air bubble escapes him – but it points him in the right direction. He’s facing down. He has to turn around. Scandia isn’t unaccustomed to drowning. He’d suffered through it before. However; he can’t afford to die here and now. There are too many important things at stake this time. He kicks his legs and starts upwards, aware of the weight dragging him a little bit down for each time he tries to reach the surface. Lungs are burning by the time he reaches the surface, and to his dismay the boat is long gone. Either it’s drifted off or it’s been swallowed by the sea. Scandia curses loudly, he knows the ocean doesn’t care. She never really did give him as much love back as he gave her. However; he can’t waste time. The arrow is still stinging, and with a grimace Scandia rips it out.
The World Serpent probably stirs it’s ugly head beneath him as his blood pours out the wound, but it doesn’t matter – Scandia can’t stop here. Land is far away and with grey skies above him he can’t navigate properly. Still, he presses on. By nightfall the clouds part and Scandia pauses to stare up at the stars, his left eye is gone; he sees nothing but darkness from it. He can’t worry about that. His right eye still works fine. He’s a little off course, but not by much he gathers after finding the north star. It could be worse. He’s at least swimming towards the right direction. Every muscle aches, every joint screams and the pull of the sea is beginning to become more and more tempting to succumb to with each passing minute. He wonders if he should let her take him. Swallow him whole and carry him home in due course like she’s done before. That will take time he thinks to himself and presses on through the dark water. He’s not got time. He’s was too far from land when the ship was attacked. He’s still too far away. Breathing is becoming harder, and Scandia says a prayer to the gods to let him live this once. Just once. Next battle he’ll gladly die a hundred times over if they just grant him strength to live this one time. Perhaps the gods pity him, or maybe they mock him – he doesn’t know, but he takes the gulls that eventually fly over him as a good sign. Land is still so far away, but even if his body cries in pain he finds the strength to swim further. In the distance something solid can be spotted. Still distant. Still far away. Scandia wants to yell, he wants to scream for help. But there is no energy left in his lungs except to breathe the salty air in and out. By the time his feet touch upon smooth rocks, Scandia can barely stand. Like a beggar he crawls upon land, feels the hard surface beneath his hands and knees and for the first time in his life he kisses the soil he calls home. “Thank you,” he mumbles out loud, to the sea and to the gods. If he makes it in time he’ll offer them all a sacrifice. If. He stumbles as he stands, the wound still hasn’t healed and Scandia isn’t sure it ever will. Walking is almost impossible. He’s dizzy and disorientated, and his missing eye isn’t helping either. The forest is just a jumble of trees and darkness. His knees take the brunt of the fall as he fall to the ground, and for a moment he can’t move. Every bone must be broken he thinks, and healing is slow. Shakily he gets back to his feet, steadying himself against a tree and braces himself for the journey still ahead of him. He’s too far away to stop now. The ground begins as an slight incline as he progresses, yet for each step it grows steeper and steeper. Scandia is too far up the mountain to go back, it would only waste time. So with aching bones and bleeding hands he grips the coarse rock and climbs. This is the quickest way home. As the raven flies at least. He could go around. It would be less painful. But it would take a week. One day of bleeding hand over rock or a week of scrambling through the forest. For Scandia it’s an easy decision. But it’s not one he enjoys. If he had more energy he’d curse the gods who created the lands. Each time he reaches for another ledge his fingers scream at him to let go. His mind tells him to pause, his heart pounds faster and faster and soon that too begs him to stop. Scandia doesn’t.
It’s a great relief to his mind and body when he reaches the top of the mountain, although it does take him a minute to stand up and survey his souring. Behind him lies vast forests and the sea. In front of him a great drop down to the fjord and his current home town. Scandia can barely stand, and his stomach seems to twist in every direction at once. The fjord used to house his current home town. It is no more. A charred mess of wood is all that’s left. “No,” he whispers to himself and staggers forward, gripping the edges of the plateau and staring in disbelief at the ruins of his home some three hundred metres below. The road up was slow and difficult. The route down to the fjord has two options. He jumps or he walks. Scandia regards the deep waters beneath him. The impact will break his bones further. He knows this. He’s taken a tumble off the tall mountains before. Water is never soft when falling from afar. Walking will be too slow. He’s already late. Walking down will make him far to late. “Frigga, I hope you’re watching,” he grumbles before he takes the leap. Air rushes around his ears it makes his head spin from the noise, but it’s the sound of his legs hitting the water that’s the worst of it all. He hears them break just as well as he feels it. The cold water in the fjord may be an iridescent green at times, but today it’s nothing but deep and dark – somewhere below him he’s sure the ocean is laughing at him. She whispers something as he swims to the surface, but he’s too scared to stop and listen now. Scared. Scandia doesn’t want to admit it. Fear is for the weak. Fear is not for the likes of him.
He repeats the words again and again. His legs as good as useless as he drags his body through the water. It’s all just dead weight. It’s all he is. It’s cold, but he’s been colder before. Like stone. Although the stones he clings to by the shore feel warmer than the water. He steadies himself against them, ignores the bleeding soldiers beneath his feet as he tries to stand tall. A broken spear will serve as a walking stick, although his dignity feels as broken as he and the spear is when he walks with it. The little town was his pride and joy. He’s wached several generations live and die in it. Now there’s nothing left but burnt remains. No house is left standing, and Scandia can’t even spot a living insect amongst the burnt bodies. Ravens and crows are flying above, but none dare enter the town yet. Even his own house, the one he built himself, is gone. He leans against the spear as he stands where his house once was. The ground is blackened and still warm, little fires are still burning around the town. Scandia can’t stand any more. He’s exhausted. His bones are struggling to heal and he’s lost everything. His house. His home. His weapons. His possessions. His sons. The ones he swore to protect. The ones who were to inherit his lands. Gone. For the first time in his life, Scandia weeps. Tears refuse to stop falling from his eyes, and for once Scandia doesn’t care. There’s ash on his clothes and ash in his hair. Even if the grey clouds above are starting to part, Scandia can’t see any colour. It’s all a dull grey and a charred black. He must have swallowed half the ocean, because the tears do not stop. “Father,” a soft voice sounds in the distance and Scandia thinks the gods are cruel to tease him so. “Sorry,” he mumbles to the ground, hands digging into the burnt floor of his home. “I’m sorry.” He’s failed them all. Failed to keep them safe and protect them. Scandia isn’t sure if his heart is still beating or if it died in the fire. It certainly feels like it’s no longer there. And yet his mind decide to continue playing games. “Dad, don’t cry, we can rebuild the house.” The voice must be a dream he thinks, although the little hand on his cheek feels far too real. Maybe he’s dead. Vallhalla isn’t for him now – he fought no battle today. Not one the gods would approve of anyway. Scandia doesn’t dare open his eyes, but the feeling of a little body hugging him tightly is too real to be a dream. “You’re alive?” Scandia whispers breathlessly as he hugs his youngest son tightly. “Yeah, we hid away,” Norway replies softly, reaching up to wipe ash and tears from his fathers face. “Your brothers are okay too?” Scandia doesn’t quite believe it still. Surely the reality is that they’re all dead. He wonders for a brief moment if he should check his surroundings, just in case the gods have granted him permission to join the feast of warriors. “Yes,” Norway nods and smiles carefully. He’s never seen his father cry, yet he makes no remark. Scandia is thankful for that. “Denmark spotted the boats first and Sweden made sure we were hidden until they left… sorry about the house,” Norway adds and looks worriedly up at his father. “Never mind the house, where’s your brothers?” “Forest,” Norway replies and points across the burnt town. “Good,” There’s relief in Scandia’s voice, although he can’t bring himself to let his son go. “Can you walk?” Norway asks softly, his voice just barely above a whisper. He’s been playing with the fea-folk again, Scandia knows it. Norway’s voice is always so much softer and quieter when he’s visited the spirits of the forest. “Of course,” Scandia grits his teeth and drags himself back up, leaning heavily on the broken spear. Norway doesn’t look convinced, his blue eyes regarding him with concern. “Should I go get them instead?” Norway asks carefully, placing a small hand on Scandia’s leg. “No. There’s nothing left here anyway. We’re better off in the forest.” “Ah,” Norway nods and takes a step, waiting patiently for Scandia to follow. It’s agony, and Scandia is certain his vision is failing. At least in his left eye. It’s near impossible to see anything from it, and it’s not getting better. A walk that should take him a minute or two takes him a full hour if not more, yet Norway remains by his side – silently. It comforts Scandia somewhat, the youngest never speaks much – only when it’s needed. And right now it’s not needed. “Dad!” Denmark yells the second he spots him, running to his aid as fast as his legs will allow him. “Dad…” he repeats, this time with less noise. “Your eye…” “Yes, I know,” Scandia replied coolly. “Oh….” Denmark bows his head. “You gave it away?” Sweden asks as Scandia sinks down against a tree. “Yes…” Scandia says after a while. “I did.” “Like Odin?” Denmark asks and Scandia nods. “What did you get in return?” Norway asks carefully. Scandia looks at them cautiously in turn, scratches his chin thoughtfully before he musters a tired smile. “You,” he replies. “I got you.”
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pompymimusi-blog · 10 years
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This is Scandinavian House Mafia. Don't dare to piss us off
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