#archivist duo
genevawren38 · 2 months
For easy reference, a few months ago I made playlists using Philza's Unofficial VODS channel of the duo interactions I enjoy including our favourite Crowfather. If anyone else wants them, I will list them below;
Veterans Duo [Philza & FitMC]
Undying Duo [Philza & Foolish]
Hardcore Duo [Philza & Tubbo]
More included below the line!
Archivist's [Philza & Cellbit]
Codebreakers [Philza & Etoiles]
Downfeathers [Philza & Baghera Jones]
Blackbird [Philza & Jaiden]
Philza & Niki Nihachu
Death Duo [Philza & Missa]
PassatuDuo [Philza & PacTW] (This one is a WIP)
Let me know if there are any others you want to see! I might make a Hideduo playlist next using Fit's unofficial vods channel.
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becauseplot · 8 months
i feel i should preface this with saying that this relationship analysis "takes place" before qcellbit's emotional exhaustion and motivation crash---
---but i have been having SUCH crazy thoughts abt the archivists (qcellbit n qphilza). guy who needs evidence of Everything 🤝 guy who takes pictures of and hoards Everything. two-cars-passing-each-other meme whenever cellbit (practically nocturnal at this point) makes a late-night run to the Ordo to grab some notes he left there and bumps into phil (trouble sleeping ever since the birdhouse incident) who's sitting in one of the evidence rooms organizing a new backpack of photos to hand over to cellbit.
"oh. hey phil." "hi mate."
their conversations and interactions center mostly around cellbit's investigations---the ones cellbit lets the public know about, anyway---and whatever new info phil managed to scoop up since the last time they saw each other. theories are exchanged, and photos are passed between them as easily as pleasantries. "how're you doing?" "oh, doin' alright, doin' alright. you?" "eh. busy, you know?"
they don't talk about much else.
see, they both understand secrets. intimately. things you did you would much rather leave behind you, if you can, or thoughts, worries, doubts you would much rather keep to yourself for fear of speaking them into existence. sealed lips; a tight lid. they look at each other and know they're only seeing what the other wants them to see, but that's okay. they get it. sometimes, it's just easier to focus on what is directly in front of you. what you can see, what you can touch; what you know is true, what you know is real.
what you can do.
so cellbit generates and bounces his theories off of phil, and phil is more than happy to be a sounding board. phil fills up a backpack with photographs, and cellbit is more than happy to take it off his hands. they focus on The Work, on the spiderweb of red string and loose ends and grainy pictures and scrawled notes pinned to the wall, madness-incarnate sprawled out before them. they trust each other's judgement, and they trust each other's skills, and they trust each other, and neither asks too many questions. they both appreciate it.
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antique-ann · 2 months
The Crow and The Cat
Sat on the red dock, under the sparkling night sky, a crow and a cat reminisce on the past and catch up on the now.
As Phil speaks about the train ride to the new island, Cellbit finally looks at Phil properly. He notices the hint of wrinkles and the dark circles that surround Phil's eyes. It's faint but there.
"How have you been, Phil?" Cellbit blurts out the moment Phil finishes up his story. Phil looks at Cellbit with hesitant eyes, to find genuine and fierce care reflected in Cellbit's own. No one has really ever asked him that question, not since..
"Not gonna lie, mate. I've been better." Phil sighs, his smile sad. Cellbit doesn't pry and poke for more but just nods. He scoots closer to Phil to lean their arms against each other, his tail curled around Phil's back. Phil leaned his weight against Cellbit and wrapped a broken wing around him in return.
An anchor for their sanity, to remind them that they are not alone; that they are okay. Purgatory was fucked, but Phil was glad that of all the things that came out of that hellscape was the bond Bolas created with each other.
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qtubpol · 2 years
I think eret and Michael should be really good friends actually and they have a shared archive and they regularly pass artifacts to look over-
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eggflippo · 8 months
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i don't like posting traditional doodles but this one's silly enough i think
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midnightmarev · 1 month
I had a vision.
Young Cellbit finds his way to the arctic where Phil and Techno live and as soon as he sees Techno and Techno sees him out in the forest, the boy just fucking chomps down on Techno's right arm. Despite his sharp teeth, he doesn't do any damage cuz piglin and piglin hybrid skin is so tough and hard to break. Techno just looks at this little kid who latched himself onto his arm with his teeth.
Techno's like, "uh, pls don't do that? Let go?" shaking his arm slightly and Cell just chomps down harder on Techno's arm. Techno shrugs, hiding his arm back into his cape, and thus also Cellbit, and goes back home where he calls for Phil.
Phil's like, "hi m8, what's up?" and Techno goes, completely deadfaced, "I need your help," which makes Phil tilt his head in confusion like the birb he is.
Techno then reveals his arm, stretching it out so Cell's eye level with Phil. "The feral orphan child won't let go," he says, still completely deadfaced, to which Cellbit just chomps down harder again.
Phil, of course, finds this super hilarious and starts cackling, wiping away some tears of mirth from his eyes. This naturally earns him a glare from his friend.
"Get it off me, Phil," Techno says, shaking his arm, a hint of confused desperation leaking into his monotone voice.
Phil's laugh teeters off but is still very present in his voice. "Okay, okay m8, I got it." He then takes a steadying breath before speaking to Cellbit. "Hi m8, could you please let go of Techno's arm?" Another chomp. "You're just gonna end up hurting yourself before you break his skin." A glare.
Phil taps at his chin in thought before he looks slightly above Cellbit's head and his eyes land on a discarded and broken shield in the snow.
"You know… we get a lot of nasty uninvited hybrid hunters knocking on our door all the time. How about instead of you trying to eat Techno's arm, you get to snack on them instead?" Phil's smile is a mischievous one and Techno just raises an eyebrow, arm still outstretched and unmoving.
Cellbit thinks this over, chomps down one last time on Techno's arm, just to see if not this time he would break skin, and then pouts when he still can't. Then he lets go and falls down into the snow where he just sits like the child he is and looks up at Phil expectantly.
Techno lets out a sigh of relief with a quick "oh thank god" under his breath as his arm drops from no longer having a child attached to it by the teeth. He also very deliberately steps out of Cellbit's reach, making Phil chuckle again.
Cellbit's thoughts are just "that's a dad, must do what he says because he's getting me lotta food," and Phil's allowed to pick the kid up without him trying to bite him, much to Techno's dismay and disbelief.
They now have a slightly feral guard dog child running around eating hybrid hunters.
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thesnakesstuff · 7 months
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swords-of-a-soilder · 4 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 4
Dreedful revilation
"A coffin?!" Philza confirmed; he was seated at Cellbit's dining table reviving information of the night before. After Phil's midnight episode Cellbit would drag him, well mostly the coffin, to his home so he could properly rest.
"That you built yourself yes," Cellbit explained, "Phil I must say with the recent events this seems more like possession."
The thought the cursed king had taken his antonym was absolutely terrifying. There was no chance of fighting back, the entity was on a higher level than he was, than anyone was, he didn't want to fight a losing battle with his own body.
"Phil," Cellbit threw him out his thoughts, "the vision you had." Phil groan in annoyance as he tilt his gaze. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but this is clearly important.
"I don't even know where to start." Phil began with a sigh, "I know this is connected to my dreams, it's so much of a longer story than you think."
"I have time." Cellbit reasured, he watch Phil sit in silence a little longer starching at the table in an clear attempt to smooth his nerves. He reached out and brought Phil's hand to a stand still, successfully gaining his attention.
"Phil, Bolas to Bolas let me help you." Cellbit requested.
Philza exhaled deeply then gently pulled his hand from Cellbit's grip, "Ok." He began, "I think it started with the dreams, for as long I could remember I've been having dreams of another world.
"what kind of world?"
"That's the thing it's hard to explain.. I guess a domain would be the right term? It's like this space in-between homes of like..Gods."
"Right.." Cellbit respond in mock confidence, admitly unnerved at the mention of Gods.
"these a few of them, but the antagonist is The Ender King, he steal biomes and part of others domain, it became a problem and so they flood his domain."
"I'm assuming that killed him, being an Ender and all?" Cellbit inquired
"yeah, actually it's weird.. I'm wasn't there when this is happened I'm discovered The story after by finding things buried in the ground, scrolls but.."
"it's like I can still feel them there..all of them.."
Cellbit bit his tongue at that information, all would imply the Ender King as well, but a being that has the ability to steal bomies surly must be powerful, would drowning him even work again?
"Phil if you don't mind, I'd like to observe you sleep, it might help us figure out how to stop this," Cellbit made a quotation gesture with his fingers, "Ender King."
"Wait you mean like sleep here?"
"Yes, I'll make you a proper room with a comfortable bed."Cellbit explained, "you deserve it, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE!"
"Oh stop complaining you big wussy." AbueloRoeier excalimed as he entered the room.
"Why are you even here?" Cellbit pushed, "didn't I dropped you in the old folks home?"
"Ha! Nice try bitch you can't get rid of me!" He responded Before slowly walking to the other room.
"Anyways..it would do good to observe your sleep pattern from start to finish." Cellbit explained further
"I see, you're not gonna let me sleep in a coffin again right?" Phil teased
"Well, I will have back up.." Phil tilled his head in confusion at Cellbit's respond.
Phil lied in his temporary king size bed as he stared up at the celling; the room was mostly dark aside from a dull red light for a nightlight that supprisly was making him more tired.
He glanced over at the camera in the corner of the room, there he knew Cellbit was watching him from. He consider asking him to play some form of music or rain sounds, anything to help him forget that despite the comfortable nature of the bed he was sleeping in a reinforcered box.
Instead however Philza turned on his side, determine to fall asleep despite the knowledge of being watched. On the other side Forever placed a cup of coffee next to Cellbit then sat nearby with his own as they watched the camera.
"how's he doing?" Forever asked
"He still hasn't fallen asleep yet." Cell informed as he pulled his cup closer.
"bond to happen when your being watch I supposed, the six sense that tells you when you're being watched."
"Hm, we have all night either way." He took a sip of his coffee.
As the night dragged on Cellbit consumption of coffee increased. He rub the exhaustion from his eyes as he watch Phil stir in his sleep, the most activity he'd seen in the past two hours .
He then looked over at Forever whom was passed out in his chair, leant back with his feet on the desk and his head pointed to the calling. His chair was also standing on the two back leg, he look like he would fall at any moment.
He quickly turn his attention back to phil, noting the sudden knocking on the wall below the camera. He raised his eyebrows as Phil stared up at him, like he was look directly into his soul.
Cellbit dragged his clipboard close by then transferred the information down however his process would be interrupted by yelling, he looked up at the screen again.
Philza was now pacing the room and yelling his voice at lest five Octanes deeper. Cellbit focussed his attention on his subject admittedly concerned for his behavior, soon Phil turned to pulling at the reinforced door.
Cellbit stood up halfway in preparation to run downstairs, there was no way he'd break though the door! While Cell was hopefully unfortunately it wasn't quite enough to hope as Phil or whoever was possessing him broke apart the door then made his exit.
Cellbit lifted Forever's legs out the way, waking Forever in the process, he Yelp in surprise as the chair tilted over then sat back up garling at Cellbit, "what was that about?!"
"He's escaped!" Cellbit announced before exiting the room, Forever quickly followed him. They would chase Philza on foot, bealry keeping up with his speed
Suddenly Philza took of, supprisly the wings he calmed to be broken carried him into the air; they stopped in awe, painful awear they wouldn't be able to catch him.
Thankfully for them his wings suddenly gave out thus he came crashing to the ground. The duo ran quickly to Phil's unmoving body, Forever then gently attempt to pick him up. "help me out please?" He requested
Cellbit apologizes then help Forever throw Phil over his shoulders, much to his dismay and he suddenly found the engery to Punch Forever's back repeatedly.
Regardless they carry on, practically dragging Phil kicking and screaming, back to the castle and into the original room, Cellbit observed the surrounding area for the door but found nothing more than ramble.
"He broke the door, it'll take a while for me to make a new one!" He explained
Forever glanced around the room, than turned his attention back to Cellbit, "just block it in." He suggested.
Cellbit rumish through his inventory for blocks, "are you sure you'll be able to handle him?" He asked recalling the extreme strength he had before.
Forever agreed before gently drooping Phil on the bed, then made his way to the further cover; He sat on the floor, staring Phil down.
He observed as Phil push himself up partly, the purple glow in his eyes, the way his head hung in desperation. But what shoke him soul was the incredible deep voice that left his mouth, the mer presence of which filled him with dreed.
"How dare you beast?" Phil spoke.
Forever inhaled deeply as rubbed his hands together, still keeping his eyes on Philza, "So you wanna talk huh?" He began, "Ok let's talk; what are you, what do you want?"
"I Just.. want to..Rest!" He spoke with a booming voice, "Do you have any idea what it feels like to be aware for four thousand years?" The room slowy filled with water; Forever push himself up with one hand to the wall, a hand that glow a deep navy while he whispered to himself in Portuguese.
"Do you have any idea what it feels like, to burn for you nature?!" Forever swore he could hear Phil's regular voice in the word burn, he'd make a mental note of it. "Was it such a sin, for me to take what's mine until the end of time?"
Despite the room being completely filled with water, forever found he could breath just fine. He therefore approached Phil slowly his left hand still glowing dully in the shade of the water.
"I just want to rest.." Phil wouldn't move yet his now purple eyes stared at forever though damp locks, his pupils incredibility dilated.
"But, this is rather counter productive isn't it?" Forever commented once he got closer, he climbed on the bed, then grasp Phil's face with no hastation, Phil's eyes immediately darted up to met his own. "If you're tired then sleep."
Almost immediately after Forever statement Philza's eyes fell shut as he drifted into sleep then onto Forever's lap. The water began to drain into seemingly no where leading forever to the conclusion the spirit had finally leftt.
Forever turned to the camera in the upper corner of the room, curious how much of that Cellbit saw. Denounced to him Cellbit was still staring at the video feed in absolutely appalled at the events that played out.
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itslouisan · 8 hours
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Q!Philza headcannons:
I woke up and well, I'm feeling silly wanting to talk about Q! Philza since in my opinion he is one of the most complex characters in the QSMP, but also after the confirmation he is the same Philza as in hardcore, EarthSMP and DSMP, with the only exception being origins SMP (despite me having a headcannon about it and a whole timeline where all of it ties together) I thought, why not just show some of my headcannons since I kin this bitch way too much to point of Insanity and he is my comfort character and streamer, shall we?
Under the cut for a LOT of Q!Philza hc:
• First of all Phil has multiple scars from battles, it's confirmed he used to go to wars and with all the lore of the DSMP, QSMP and so on, I imagine he has a lot of them especially in his back and arms with occasionally 1 or 2 near his eye
• Due to said scars he never takes his kimono/samue off, the only exception being intense training where he needs more body flow and lightweight and in serious fights for the same reasons, he probably feels too exposed, vulnerable and even "dirty" showing them off, traits crows also have (avoiding vulnerability that is)
• I'm just gonna brush it slightly on a CHARACTER (NOT streamer Philza) interpretation in his sexuality and gender, if you guys want I can go deeper into it but meh: he is bi and ace, more in the gray sexuality spectrum than anything and enjoying jokes about sex without actually needing to do it, he is a transmasc (FTM) and crowgender using he/him and crow/crow self pronuns. The fact I view him as bi and not as a straight ally (which I did before the QSMP) is due to the fact Q!Missa and Q!Fit were a thing, again I could talk more in depth about this but only if you want
• In my vision character Philza (once more ONLY character Philza) shows traits of having anxiety disorder, either social or just general and some traits visible in people with both ADHD and Autism, which makes me hc him as Autism level of support 1 (tiptoing around 1 and 2) and ADHD PROBABLY combined type (both inattentive and hyperactive)
• His safe food is avocado toast and any potato related food due to Techno.
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• Has sleep issues due to constantly having nightmares of the events of the DSMP
• Has back issues due to spending MONTHS sleeping in a chair to watch over the eggs
• He doesn't necessarily views Q!Cellbit as a son, but I think he definitely likes Cellbit company and gives him a ton of advice seeing how Cellbit has massive need of a father figure to guide him through
• Paints his nails with Chayanne, Tallulah, Cellbit, Pac, Mike, Roier, Fit and Jaiden and uses this time to "fofocar" as much as he can with all of them.
• Doesn't like tea but uses it to calm down and heal injuries anyway
• Definitely Cellbit top costumer in his coffee shop and actually talks with Cellbit about brewing techniques (reference to their original duo name being "coffee duo" and irl Phil loving coffee and Cellbit too)
• Has a hardcore heart and Wither rose tattoos in each of the inside of his wrists.
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aledanshi · 8 months
Fuck, I forgot to share my first fanfic here AHSGAHSHDHAJSJS I decided to feed the Philza x Cellbit shippers because those two absolutely rot my brain
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genevawren38 · 4 months
Thinking about how protective Archivist Duo is over one another's family and their little exchanges;
Cellbit always exchanging flowers with Tallulah and Chayanne, often initiating the gifting these days.
Richas trusting Phil to potentially come with him to help save his family.
The Vidcon sleepover when Cellbit offered to take care of both of Phil's kids last minute, throwing this lovely dinner party and spending time destroying a village with the crow's kids.
Philza always being there for whatever Cellbit or Richas needs at the time their schedules crossover.
The numerous shows of trust early in the Order's establishment where Phil became co-head within like three days of helping Cellbit with solving the Happy Pills issue, all from being himself using his observation skills and hoarding bits of lore he believed would be helpful to Cellbit. Like man went from casual outside to one of Cellbit's most trusted friends and members, and it was nearly instant.
The many times in Purgatory they came to each other's aid and worked perfectly together, barely having to question each other's next move because they already knew.
It's similar to Phil & Foolish's dynamic minus the history the CC's and characters have [in my headcanons mainly] but still unique and different. They have a very similar wave length of thoughts and its slipped into being natural between all of them so quickly, the whole of BOLAS in fact but that's a whole other post and a half.
Archivists is such a goated duo and I am glad we get the chance to watch them on their neighbours arc and I hope their schedules cross over more often.
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bookdragonquotes · 7 months
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ahsterism · 3 months
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@huntindog asked: ❛ trembling, aren't you? still, i'm impressed you made it this far. ❜ hi jonny // spirited away sentence starters
"YES, WELL, it's not as if there was any other choice—" Jonathan retorts back with a clipped glare, though the projected offense does hardly anything to hide the fact that yes, he is trembling. Shaking quite noticeably, in fact, expression flat yet a steady tremor persistent in his scarred hands. He has grown all too familiar with the feeling: helplessness. It wasn't as if he ever had astounding physical capabilities but this... well, it's been worse, for lack of a better word, and he despises the way that weakness makes him feel ( when was the last time he read a statement, again...? ).
"If you would forgive me for being a little on edge, the string of kidnappings and monsters itching for the chance to kill me may have a little something to do with it." He doesn't quite trust Daisy yet, either ( how could he when her presence makes him so entirely aware of the scar on his neck? ), but they share a common goal now, so he begrudgingly resigns himself to cooperation. "You... haven't picked up on anything yet, have you?" She has a unique skill for tracking, doesn't she? Hunting...
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v-esperale · 2 years
🌔 valentina, italian, 31, she/her, queer/ace with a (future) wife 🤍
🌔 ‘romantic’ atheist. to me that means i don't believe in much except in wanting to be mindful and present and connect to the beauty of the universe, maybe romanticize my place in it to find my own meaning, to experience it more, to feel it more, to reflect on my experience being a -uhm- living conscious being using whatever tools/rituals/sparks I can. but also wohoo science 📣 wohoo respecting others' beliefs as long as they're not harmful 📣 and wohoo being kind 📣
🌔 i'm still cobbling together what my personal concoction of witchcraft is, respectfully taking inspiration where i can 🤍 hence this tumblr to peek out of my little corner of the world and see what others share.
🌔 here's a quick overview of my interests so far: tarots, runes, greek-roman stuff, space, pretty rocks, names and languages, sigils, cemeteries, italian folklore. - here's to elaborate a little further: 🔮 👈
🌔 on the name: (formerly vetchofthehill) Vespĕrālis, vesperalis, vesperale: of the dusk/evening, from vesper (dusk, evening, evening star). Valentina means healthy and strong (from valens) and Vale, the usual nickname for my name around here, is a goodbye/farewell, which I find pretty neat.
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ian0key · 5 months
TMAGP ep 1-2 Spoilers!! (And TMA Spoilers!)
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Do you realize how similar Alice and Sam are to Tim and Sasha?
Many of you talked about Alice being fun, carefree and the comic relief, like Tim in the first season.
But what happens if we look deeper? I start with Alice and Tim because I think they are the most obvious
-Alice does not have "professional respect" for either Gwen or Lena.
Just like what happened between Tim and Jon. But none of them go so far as to "completely disrespect them."(at least S1 Tim).
-Alice has a younger brother who she apparently cares a lot about, just like Tim was with Danny. Besides, (this is my theory), but the way they introduced Alice's brother, I get the feeling that his fate won't be very different from poor Danny's.
-They know more than they say, Alice clearly knows more than she tells Sam,Alice has been working for the government for at least 4 years, and the only time she acted seriously was to tell Sam that he shouldn't get too involved in the cases, because she saw people go crazy because of it.
Something similar happened with Tim in the first seasons, he knew that the Fears were real, he knew things about the stranger, he was looking for revenge..
And now on to the similarities between Sam and Sasha.
-They were both overqualified for their position, Lena told Sam that the job he applied for was too low for his level, but he didn't care,on the other hand ,Sasha must have been The Archivist, Gerdtrud knew this, that's why her warning notes were made for her, but Elias found out after Killing Gerdtrud and left Sasha as assistant and put Jon as The Archivist..
-Sam is calm, he follows Alice's games but is professional towards his colleagues, Just like the little we saw of Sasha, She treated Jon quite well even though at the time Jon was a bit... very Shitty.
That's why Jon trusted her so much.
-Curiosity , Sam asked a lot of questions throughout the first 2 chapters, and when he didn't get answers he started investigating on his own. When Sasha met Michael, she wanted answer,without caring about the danger.
Also, That could have been a foreshadowing that Sam will be connected to the Eye of this reality???.
- Both of their names start with "SA" but that's not very important /j
And finally, we analyze Alice and Sam as a duo and the parallels they have with Tim and Sasha.The two of them complement each other perfectly, they play each other's games and we feel their connection.
Besides Alice and Sam are exes (although I think it's more of a reference to Georgie and Jon) Sasha and Tim always had an "almost something?????".like we heard in the fifth season..
I don't know, at some point I felt like I was listening to the reincarnations of the chaotic Archives duo , you know what I mean?
(English is not my first language, please let me know if I have any spelling mistakes🙏)
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bitcell · 8 months
living for people calling philza and cellbits duo archivists …. this name goes so fucking hard
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