#are going to be in theaters for it
dandeyrain · 6 months
i've been rotating the "this doesn't make any sense!" response to boy and the heron in my head and i wonder how much of it comes down to like...the kind of audience that engages with ghibli movies vs the kind of audience that mostly only engages with weird art movies vs the kind of audience that only really engages with blockbusters and marvel movies, and the overlap of those groups in the theater.
because, like, the boy and the heron is far and away more straightforward, from a plot perspective, than a lot of other Weird Extremely Personal Art Movies i've seen and love, but it IS a Weird Extremely Personal Art Movie even so. usually the only people seeing Weird Extremely Personal Art Movies, especially in theaters, are people who like that and expect that and have seen those types of films before and are therefore capable of engaging with them even when things aren't as clear as they'd be in an average blockbuster flick. like, nobody who only cares about Cinema to the extent of marvel movies and MAYBE john wick is going to see beau is afraid, and if they did they wouldn't have the tools to engage with such a dream-logicy movie. it would just be a weird thing that doesnt make sense to them, at least until they worked their media engagement muscles with other weird films. there's a lot of self-selection to the kind of person who usually sees these kind of movies.
while boy and the heron is weirder and more complex than a lot of other ghibli movies, as far as weird art films go it is incredibly, INCREDIBLY straightfoward. every weird plot point is explained very clearly to the audience, very little is up for interpretation from a strictly "what was the plot" point of view. boy loses mother. father remarries and moves the family. boy struggles to contend with grief. boy is pulled into a magical world by an old man who wants to use him. time is weird and fucked up in the magical world, but the movie is going to go out of it's way to highlight who's who and make it clear how the time travel works and the characters' relations to one another. the boy refuses to take over the magical world because he wants to live in the real world with the real people he loves. boy leaves the magical world having learned an important lesson about moving on. but the boy and the heron trusts its audience, doesn't handhold, and expects the audience to engage seriously and with focus to its plot and characters and stories.
a lot of people never watch movies like that! a lot of people are used to uncomplicated superhero movies and romcoms and that's it. the difference is that those people were never going to see beau is afraid, so the discussion about that movie instead comes from people who have the tools to engage with it. but because of the aesthetic-ification of ghibli, a lot of people who don't Do art films but are really into the aesthetics of cute little guys and girls in pretty dresses went to this art film and were confused that it was weird and dream-like and dark and strange and requires more of its audience than just passively watching.
anyway there's nothing wrong with not having the muscles to engage with weird art films, though i do think everyone should challenge themselves with the kind of stuff they watch. there's nothing wrong with preferring simple straightforward uncomplicated plotlines. but it is really interesting seeing people talk about the movie like it's insanely weird and doesnt make any sense meanwhile me and the friends i've chatted with about who DO have experience with this kind of film all feel insane because the movie is SO clear and SO straightforward by the standards we're used to. its just a neat crossover re: the kinds of movie fans that exist
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draconym · 7 months
Live theater in the His Dark Materials universe must be wild. Surely an actor's daemon also has lines to recite, so their daemon's form probably also factors into casting decisions. Maybe some plays have vague character descriptions for daemons, but I bet other plays have really specific or central daemon characters. And sure, big-budget theaters can afford to hire a separate actor with a particular daemon to stand backstage while their daemon plays its part onstage, but community theaters don't have those kinds of resources.
Like if you're casting for Julius Caesar, surely the real historical Caesar had a pretty iconic daemon, right? Are you going to cast an actor with a pigeon daemon as Caesar and just have everyone suspend their disbelief that it's Caesar's lioness, ἁμαρτία?
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maddyformen · 11 months
Happy Barbenheimer Week To All Who Celebrate It.
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Family Resemblance
I had another 11pm brain worm.
Daniel Wayne, the younger toddler brother of Bruce Wayne and the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne had been kidnapped the night their parents were murdered.
Daniel had been snagged the moment their killer heard people headed to the alley and Bruce in his state of shock didn't realize it until it was far to late and could only scream in horror (from everything) as his baby brother is crying his name. (If you wanna make it even more heart wrenching, make it Danny's first time being able to say Bruce's name right and/or Bruce had said some mean things to Danny earlier after he accidentally broke something of Bruce's, something like 'I wish youd go away' or 'I never wanted a brother, you're such a bother!')
Bruce is being held by Alfred as some police officers are chasing down the Wayne's parents killer while some stay behind to see if they could do something.
Minutes turn to hours and as they wait, praying the police at least found Danny, Bruce is ridden with guilt. From his parents death to allowing his brother to be kidnapped.
Eventually the police return to give Alfred and Bruce the news. And it's not good.
The killer escaped and Danny was nowhere to be found.
And it would take many years before he would be found.
Bruce gets a call from Damian during school hours one day. When he answers he is greeted with Damian demanding him to get to the school and explain himself.
Confused Bruce asks what does he mean and Damian responds with
"The two new students in class today are the spitting images of you and I father! Either they are poorly created clones or you have more hidden blood children!"
Meanwhile the very students being discussed are calling up someone too
"Ellie? Dan? What's wrong? You better not have made too much chaos already, I just paid for the uniforms for that place."
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bixels · 19 days
Watched Rear Window last week. Went a little overboard on what was supposed to be a simple expression/design study.
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Maybe one of the most bone-chilling scenes in film.
Individual shots:
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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into the hobie-verse! (inspired by all the hobie concept art)
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sumi-zzumi · 1 year
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i dont believe in consistency
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tagidearte · 22 days
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Moon on Moon
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lucyvsky · 11 months
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ok well i saw barbie last night and i thought i hallucinated this because i was so caught off guard by the pavement joke but there is a fall out boy record in this movie. hello.
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thiagodasilva · 1 year
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start engraving that Olivier award right now
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brophers-to-gophers · 2 months
Look I’m not trying to be shady but you can’t convince me that Steven wasn’t the biggest driving force behind this lol. The podcasts make him sound like such a finance bro + he grew up wealthy. I remember his response to someone struggling financially was to “get another job and save money”. Even his Instagram post about this is wildly out of touch. “For those who won’t be joining us in the next chapter”. My guy I’m sure plenty of people would love to but you’ve made it inaccessible now.
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metalandmagi · 10 months
It kind of just occurred to me how much the queer community is winning this summer. We had Nimona. We had Barbie (ace Barbie, Allan, just queer vibes all around). We had Good Omens season 2. We had Heartstopper season 2. We're getting High School Musical: The Musical: The Series season 4 and Red White and Royal Blue two days apart from each other. We even have The Witcher finally delivering with Jaskier (or at least it did in the first part, haven't watched part 2 yet).
I don't know where I was going with this. I'm just happy about it.
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fruitsbasketcase · 1 year
There were a lot of amazing moments in the new Puss in Boots movie, but somehow this blink and you miss it moment was the one to make me tear up. The friendship is just so real and pure!
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yaolmao · 1 year
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Unironic out of context event that has recently occurred:
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girlwiththegreenhat · 4 months
borderlands movie better be watchable or i'm turning into this guy
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miabrown007 · 1 year
Félix: kidnapping is a love language Kagami: you have no social skills, idiot
*two weeks later*
Félix: okay, so when Marinette's at her most vulnerable, I'll gaslight her into thinking I'm her boyfriend, so she'll follow me into an abandoned building where we can put her in an altered mental state and present to her my family's life story in the imaginable most cryptic play of theater she has ever seen, which will reveal to her our horrible secret and the fact that her abusive father-in-law is also her arch-nemesis Kagami: you're so big brained, bae 🥰
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