#artemis answers
rhodeybugg · 13 days
Wait you said V2 right
I think V2 knows about meme culture because it probably had access to the internet so that it could make jokes with the populace and be a less cold security guard but that's just my headcanon
Omg I love this headcanon
Imagine getting beaten by V2 and they tell you to take the L.
...in serious context though that's absolutely amazing. V2 wanting to be friendly and fit in and learning about world events and different languages and internet lingo
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saintartemis · 3 months
saw your response and wanted to apologise for being hasty.
I've been seeing a lot of people who i've followed for years reveal themselves to be zionists recently and I jumped to conclusions when your liked posts kept showing up in my feed.
doesn't excuse my actions but hopefully explains them.
You made me go private with my stuff due to your hasty actions. Actions have consequences, even online.
I've never felt more violated for how I choose to bookmark posts and you've made me feel like I can't trust the people who follow me now. To not silently judge me and make unfair and unjustified assumptions.
I've turned my likes private at this time.
Thanks for the unneeded anxiety anon. I hope this entire interaction has made you realize that words, actions, everything has consequences.
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oceanstide · 2 years
Jaydick but they are married and only Alfred knows
bruce finds out after they have an apartment and 3 dogs. alfred sometimes come to visit them and this time bruce tags along. bruce gets a heart attack later.
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akahellcat-moved · 1 year
So for real though, is there an ETA on DIV or CP?
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This made me laugh. Jim Carrey is the way to my soul. 😂 I am inhaling as much of (sapphic) fiction as I physically can which helped the muse last time so I am ACTIVELY working on it.
ETA? All other ones I posted so far have been broken so I am reluctant to give one. But, if you have mini drabble ideas (can be spicy as well) of Bishova please send them my way and I can a) practice their voices and b) give something to tide you all over.
I have 2-3 drabbles my friends prompted me with queued up as well so it's a process.
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caxxandra · 11 months
10 & 11 (excluding your bf lmao)
10 - toys on my wishlist
(see previous answers for this ;))
11 - favourite toy i already own
definitely has to be my vampire gloves. they’re a pair of really nicely fitting leather gloves with spikes in them. they’re really comfy to wear and incredibly fun to hit someone with. the only downside is that they can’t be 100% sterilised between use so they’re single-sub toys, so eventually i’ll have to get another pair if i want to use them on someone else
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demigods-posts · 5 months
thoughts on people shipping Hunters of Artemis despite the fact rick himself pretty much confirmed the fact they were all on the aro/ace spectrum and the fact it's against Artemis' rules to not date?
Disclaimer: I'm not aro/ace, so if anything I say is wrong or offensive, please correct me.
It's my understanding that since asexuality and aromanticism exist on a spectrum, it's possible for someone who identifies as aromantic or asexual to be in varying kinds of relationships. Therefore, I don't think it's wrong to include them when shipping characters. However, if you are referring to aro/ace erasure, then I am against that because people who identify with aromanticism or asexuality are valid and deserve to be accurately represented.
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artemis-pendragon · 3 months
Hope it's not a bother; but I have a promo code for nomad esims and will share it on my blog but if you can help spread it:
It gives a 15% discount on 10GB plans and above, and is valid until March 31.
10GB Middle East eSIMs are 34$ so with this it gets to 28.9$.
This is wonderful, thank you so much for contacting me with this important info!! Sharing for anyone looking for a Nomad ESIM discount code! 🥰💞❤️
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Don't you also tired about how people says that Apollo is a bad and cruel brother to Artemis for what "he did" with Orion? Even when that love story with Artemis and Orion happenned in the Astronomica by Higinus (a roman poet) and in the earlier versions of the myth Orion was killed by:
Gaea who sent the scorpion to kill him because he said that he could kill all the animals in Earth
Both (Artemis and Apollo) because the same thing with the animals but Gaea sent the twins to kill him and they sent the scorpion
Artemis because Orion tried to assault Oupis
Artemis because Orion tried to assault herself
Artemis because Orion was bothering her nymphs
Oh definitely! I was never on board with Orion being 'the only man Artemis ever loved' bullshit (that's Apollo ty).
I don't tend to discount the Roman myths, but since Hyginus's is VASTLY outnumbered by, as you said, these other five versions...I think we can ignore it.
like. okay, history time:
Diana, pre-being-mixed-with-Artemis-times, WAS married to Janus. So I may be able to excuse this IF Hyginus was referring to THIS Diana.
HOWMEVER. Hyginus is writing about post-conflation Diana/Artemis. Who was NOT married to ANYONE because Virgil describes her as pretty similar to Artemis - including being a virgin goddess.
This is clearly NOT the older Diana. So no, he's not making some sort of connection or something here.
And as for the 'omg Apollo is a TERRIBLE brother!' thing - YOU ARE SO RIGHT IT'S SO ANNOYING.
Coronis for cheating on him, and Chione for claiming to be prettier than her! Like. HELLO. so even if we DO go with the 'Apollo killed Orion so Diana won't marry him' thing, SHE STILL KILLED TWO OF HIS LOVERS TOO!
Calling him a terrible brother for that means she's DOUBLELY a bad sister.
Of course, I don't subscribe to either side of this😇 They are RIDE OR DIE for each other (as you pointed out in version 2 where Artemis asks Apollo to kill Orion). They buddy-copped Orion there, as they deserve too <3
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captain-hen · 1 month
🔥+jealousy bc i need to fuel my anti-jealous eddie tag
godd, i hate fandom's obsession with jealous!eddie. mostly because it's not even true to his character, because 90% of the time, he actually doesn't give a fuck about buck's relationships (beyond being protective when he thinks buck is gonna get hurt). and i've seen people say that him being jealous of buck/tommy is the only narrative device that can be employed to get him to realize his feelings, but i just...don't agree? for one thing, i'm firmly of the opinion that eddie on some level recognizes what he feels for buck, he just genuinely does not believe that he has a chance, regardless of whether buck is straight or not. for another thing, even if eddie weren't aware, i don't think jealousy is the correct device to use here because then the question arises (for me, at least), why wasn't he this threatened by buck's other (more serious) relationships? because we're tipping dangerously close back into the rhetoric that buck's relationship with tommy is So Much More Special and Amazing because tommy is a man, which, i think i've made my feelings very clear on how biphobic and misogynistic i think that sentiment is. and i don't think eddie is gonna automatically start wondering why buck isn't considering him as an option just because he likes men. i think eddie's issues with self-worth run way too deep for him to reach that level of...conceited? i guess is the word. anyway, all this is to say i just don't think it's true to his character lmao.
send me a 🔥 + a topic for an unpopular opinion!
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To add to your point-Percy did NOT hold the sky for Annabeth. It bugs me to an irrational level when people gush over how he held the sky for Annabeth when what ACTUALLY happened is he was getting his ass kicked and knew he couldn’t defeat Atlas whereas Artemis could. So he took the sacrifice and held the sky so Artemis could fight. And Annabeth never held the sky for Percy. She held it for Luke. And I’m by no means a Luke/Annabeth shipper. That canonically what happens in the book. Thank you and goodnight.
Annabeth fans Do Not Interact. Please keep scrolling - this post is not for you.
I hate how some ppl twist everything Percy does to make it romantic for Annabeth. Exactly like your example; he held the sky for Artemis. Tho side note: that scene was actually so badass - he was struggling under the weight of the sky and still managed to figure out Artemis's plan and work with her to trap Atlas. Smart even under fatal pressure; that's our Percy lol.
Meanwhile Annabeth saved the guy who was trying to destroy the world, forcing a goddess to be trapped - the goddess who was instrumental in trying to get the Olympians to prep for that war. Big yikes Annabeth.
Also yeah. Annabeth stans love to dimmish how much Annabeth loved Luke; it's nuts. I don't ship them, but their bond/the affection between them (romantically one sided on Annabeth's side and platonic sibling on Luke's side) was so strong. They hadn't been on good terms for years and Annabeth was Luke's mortal anchor. Annabeth spewed Luke apologetics even as Luke tried to kill Thalia, Percy and everyone at camp half blood - to the extent that ppl started thinking that she was the spy. How about all Annabeth stans go deal with that and leave Percy with us 😭😭
Thanks for the ask!
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rhodeybugg · 7 months
She is so ○w○
She mande-me come back, and is also proudly my fav :3
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World-ending gremlin my beloved 💛
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saintartemis · 4 months
how did you get into the history field ? :)
Hi Anon!
So one of my earliest memories is from when I think I was 7 and I was watching a documentary on the Pyramids of Giza (back when the History channel had real history) and I think that’s what set me up in part for a career in history.
I originally started off as an archaeologist, but it ended up not working out, so I switched to working in museums and now I get to teach people about topics in history and hopefully inspire them to want to learn more about the past!
Thank you for the question!
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oceanstide · 2 years
I've become obsessed with the idea that Dick can be terribly scary when he's really angry, to the point of making grown men cry and an entire army flee in fear, but at the same time he's incredibly sweet and kind and spoils Jason in every way possible, and about Jason it would be the same thing
oh, the sheer horror on the villains' faces at the sight of those two vigilantes who terrorize their sleep, being sweet to each other, Nightwing kissing Redhood's hand, the same hand that gave a head trauma to a henchman 5 minutes ago
never anger a person who bottles literally every single thing he feels, when you do it's literally hell.
yeah and what makes them so.. interesting to me is the fact that Jason's heart literally bleeds and he covers it up with his scathing remarks alas people try and navigate him like a bomb when actually no. it's not Jason you need to be wary of (goes without saying that Jason is still someone to highly be wary of) that man wears his heart on his sleeves. Who you should be wary of is Dick, do remember his greatest skill is his acting skills.
and YES! YES!!! dangerous vigilante boyfriends that you should NEVER EVER cross unless you want any of your limbs broken
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akahellcat-moved · 1 year
😢 I miss Days in Violet. The fic was so beautiful and I miss it so much! 😭
Hi Anon! Thank you for the wonderful message 😭 I miss it too! Just yesterday I've been going over the notes for the next chapter and adding bits and pieces here and there. I need to figure out the timeline for the remainder of the fic and we'll be on our way.
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caxxandra · 11 months
6 & 7 :)
6 - most elaborate fantasy
establishing and running a “veterinary clinic”, primarily for petplayers (but everyone would be welcome, of course).
having an entire complex where i could offer services such as microchipping pets, kennel/cattery services, inspections, as well as the option to spay/neuter pets.
id be able to have a “shelter” for strays; run events around the concept of finding owners, and provide spaces for puppy playdates
and of course, a sick and twisted medical “research” (torture) dungeon in the basement >:)
7 - fantasies i’d like to play out in real life
“kidnapping” and torturing a sub (or multiple) for days or weeks on end, having taken them while they’re unconscious
one i’ll (hopefully) be playing out soon is using an electrocautery pen to mark and “decorate” my pup
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demigods-posts · 1 month
Should we get a Hunters of Artemis book?
Absolutely! I feel like Rick introduced and established the Hunters of Artemis really well in The Titan's Curse, but didn't expand on it. I'd love to learn more about them as main characters!
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