#artist: jordaan mason and the horse museum
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bird's nest • organs for oceans • avalanches • racehorse: get married! • the wrong parts (vivian sisters singing) • prayer • o jarhead! o wife! • hymn/her • _____ is water • (s)mother • wild dogs: divorce! • after the glandolinian war • carpenter/rebuild the body out of birds • 1990 was a long year and we are all out of hot water now
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ Youtube
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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30-th-century-man · 5 months
🏠📚🧑‍🎨 for the music ask game :]
song i could live in: ptolemaea by ethel cain, its haunting and beautiful and i love her vocals ooooggggg its just so good
song/album i coukd write a paper on: okaaaay fiiiiiiine its divorce lawyers i shaved my head by jordaan mason & the horse museum ITS SO FUCKING GOOOOOOD THE REFERENCES TO THE REALMS OF THE UNREAL AND THE THEMES KF GENDER AND SEX AND DROWNJNG GUHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT MAKES ME SMIL E SO WIDE I COULD DISSECT IT FOREVER
artist id drop everything to listen to their new release for: DOM FERA!! but honestly every artist i love that isnt doing music anymore or a group that split up. if galliano come back and release a new ep ill eat my hat
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the-fearful-one · 10 months
🎶✨ when u get this u have (the option) to put 5 songs u actually listen to. then send this ask or tag 10 of your friends/followers/just some guys you feel like if you feel like✨🎶
got tagged by @whilomm so i will gladly take this oppurtunity to rave about some of my favorite songs. they are all folk.
all of the links are spotify links
Call of the Void - Rail Yard Ghosts
Yes this song is over 14 minutes long. Even though it's one of my favorite songs of all time I wouldn't recommend listening to it right away since it's the second to last song on the album Hiraeth, which is a concept album about a group of train hoppers that find a mysterious magic book that kickstarts a bunch of weird things around them. The band (supposedly I've never been able to confirm this) actually recorded this album in a train yard! One of my favorite albums of all time
Wild Dogs: Divorce! - Jordaan Mason & The Horse Museum
Another song that's at the end of a concept album BUT you don't need to listen to the whole album to understand it, it stands on it's own pretty well. Honestly, I Could Not tell you what this album is fully about but it is very queer and about a t4t relationship with lots of Xian themes. Another one of my all-time favorite albums, I really like live-recording version they released in 2019
Transvestites Can Be Cannibals Too - Harley Poe
I'm seeing him in concert next month YIPPEE! Anyways another queer song, this time folk punk! Harley Poe has just been pumping out albums recently and I definitely enjoy them but Satan, Sex, and No Regrets is my favorite <3. I listened to this the most when I was attending my local community college and was being harassed daily by a bunch of YAFF kids :).
Big Bird - AJJ
AJJ was one of the first folk punk bands that I got into so they hold a special place in my heart. I was debating putting either this one or Small Red Boy since they both make me feel absolutely Insane but I like Knife Man as a whole more. I'm now realizing that almost all of the songs that I like have nature themes to them. oh well
Apple- The Narcissist Cookbook
Most underrated artist fr fr. I'm often on the fence about spoken word songs but Narcissist Cookbook just does it in a way that I absolutely love. Me and my gf saw them on tour this summer and I specifically made a patch about this song to show to them but I chickened out </3. PLEASE listen to their new albums they're so good and emotional
honorable mentions that i can't not talk about in some capacity: ramshackle glory, days n daze, apes of the state, and modern baseball.
i'm not going to tag anyone outright but this is completely open to all who see it! i would love to see y'alls songs and music opinions teehee.
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cranberry-jam · 1 year
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it’s me!
*choosing favourites is hard! these are albums i was listening to a lot around the time i was drawing this
[ID: a meet the artist! I’m stood on the left side of a green background, with one arm in my hoodie pocket and one doing a peace sign. I’m a white person with short brown hair, wearing a black hoodie and green trousers. I have a speech bubble reading “Hi, i’m Andy! (heart sign) (or cran/cranberry)”. Text around me reads “movie! howl earrings”, “jumper stolen from sister (heart)”, “green trousers are always hell to find but idk who i am without them”, and “favourite colours” which has a golden yellow heart, a dark blue heart, and a dark green heart below it. Below the speech bubble is text reading “20 - they/thorn”, then three favourite films, three favourite albums, and three favourite books. The films are Hot Fuzz, Ratatouille, and Mannequin Two: On the Move. The albums are Hozier by Hozier, Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head by Jordaan Mason and the Horse Museum, and People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People in the World by AJJ. The books are Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett, Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, and The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. Below the favourites is a collection of drawings headed “shit in my pockets”. This includes a small toy hippo, a cool rock, corded headphones, a blister pack of ibuprofen, a mechanical pencil, and a small sketchbook with two stickers from Sofftpunk on it. End ID]
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residentbunburyist · 5 years
“____ Is Water”-- Jodaan Mason & The Horse Museum
made myself a map of folds to fuck and feel and feign as meat and all my bronze is breathing, blind painting, my body's a disease your closet's full of dead birds, the stables in your mouth are awake all my weight is wet, the wallpaper is coming off my face
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femaletrouble74 · 2 years
5 13 & 34?
5. name an album you feel is perfect
divorce lawyers i shaved my head by jordaan mason & the horse museum
13. if you could talk to any musician, who would it be? what would you want to say?
jamie stewart of xiu xiu. he's my favorite musician and i find him very fascinating. i would just want to get to know him better, see what he's like
34. pick one of your favorite bands/artists and choose a song by them that you associate with each season
belle & sebastian
winter: the fox in the snow
spring: the boy with the arab strap
summer: lazy line painter jane (this one was hard cuz I associate so many of their songs with summer)
fall: piazza new york catcher
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transheadcrab · 4 years
who are some of your fave artists/bands ?
oh good question !!! as always it changes a lot but here are some of the ones that have preserved w me the most!!
The Taxpayers - jazz punk/folk punk band. and honestly? the album God Forgive These Bastards: Songs from the Forgotten Life of Henry Turner is an absolute MASTERCLASS in musical storytelling. all their albums r pretty good (and i think its a good introduction to jazz punk!) but GFTB just blew me off my feet
Schmekel - trans jewish punk rock band- the whole The Whale That Ate Jonah album slaps big time and every time i listen to them i feel like im a gay punk in the big city at night w/ all my friends and we just got out of a basement show but we’re still riding the high of that n having lots of fun !!! feels different when youve been in quarantine for 7 months kjdsfhg
Jordaan Mason/Jordaan Mason and the Horse Museum - atmospheric transgender folk music? if thats a genre? anyway, jordaan mason has such a soft and special place in my heart. the album Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head is probably one of my most favorite albums of all time and has such an experimental, poignant, understanding story attached to it. v good shit
those are kind of the bands i always end up going back to !! bands that im listening to a lot right now specifically would be: 
A Tribe Called Red (Nation II Nation is my favorite album of theirs right now)
Will Wood/and the Tapeworms
Nero’s Day at Disneyland 
Penelope Scott
Angel Olsen (highly recommend the Strange Cacti EP)
while im here im also gonna plug my band, Ulysses Himbo Immaculate !! i just have my remix album up but if youre looking for really bad vaporwave adjacent soundscapes, look no further !! eventually im gna try 2 release an acoustic album at some point but we’ll see when that happens 
thanks so much for asking !! i hope u have a good day and r able to find some tunes you like !!! :-)
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mudpuddling-moved · 5 years
im being depressed & the ‘new’ artists spotify is suggesting me 2 listen 2 are like: the world is a beautiful place & i am no longer afraid to die, jordaan mason & the horse museum, sonic youth, slowdive, giles corey, carissa’s weird, have a nice life, red house painters, phoebe bridgers, julien baker, the mountain goats, godspeed you! black emperor, leonard cohen, grouper, etc. like this is NOT more of what i need.
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garakshowhole · 5 years
answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
i was tagged by @thorodlnsons ! tysm 💕
nicknames: i don’t rly have any but a surprising amount of ppl have indepently called me jemothy
zodiac sign: OK i’m gay so just sun sign doesn’t cut it. leo sun/gemini moon/libra rising
height: liiiike 5 foot 4
hogwarts house: slytherin altho ive never understood that bc if u kno me u kno i’m the least ambitious bitch on this planet
last thing i googled: dry kidneys.....
fave musicians: FAV is jordaan mason but i listen to so much different music. honourable mentions r perfume genius, ajj, hop along, days n daze, mitski, against me! + xiu xiu
song stuck in your head: lily the pink
following: 215
followers: 25 on this blog sgdhfhsf im baby! abt 1k on my main tho
do you get asks: only when i commit the cardinal sin of calling spock a top
amount of sleep: i’m a lazy little bitch... usually abt 10 hours tbh
lucky number: 8! also 825
what are you wearing: flowery trousers from h&m and a gary numan tour shirt from my dads wardrobe circa. 1997
dream job: idk.... i’ve been thinking abt training as a florist or park ranger a lot i kinda want an artistic career tho. we’ll see!
dream trip: i’d rly like to go to norway + iceland
instruments: i play a bit of everything! my main instrument is the flute which i’ve played since i was 10 but i also play the drums mandolin + keyboard pretty well and a bit of banjo + guitar
languages: english obviously + i speak french pretty competently but only when i’m in france
favorite songs: this kills me... organs for oceans by jordaan mason and the horse museum, hounds of love by kate bush, kiss off by violent femmes, i luv the valley OH! by xiu xiu, hood by perfume genius + no eyes by baths
random fact: i’m like fully trained as a falconer i was essentially an apprentice for 3 years and i rly want to get my own bird someday
aesthetic: like personally as in clothes and stuff i just look unapologetically messy like things clash get over it, i rly appreciate r bright primary colours and like bizarre garish shit. online i LOVE old web + lovecore aesthetics
i had a lot of fun doing this but i very much do
not have 21 ppl to tag so i’m gonna tag: @wolfhalls @truerowdyvoid @scifixation @gayspockk + @branwyn-says and call it a day! no pressure to do it if u don’t want to tho ☺️
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axlcrash · 5 years
2, 7 and 28 from the music asks thingy!
Sorry I couldn’t get back to you soon. I was at work, and I’d rather work on this on my computer than my phone.
2: A song you like with a number in the title
15 step - Radiohead
Not Radiohead’s best songs, but still a good one.
7: A song to drive to
Dramamine - Modest Mouse
Most of Modest Mouse’s early stuff is good driving music since most of the songs are about being on the road and being sad.
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Racehorse: Get Married! - Jordaan Mason and The Horse Museum
Jordan’s voice is either hit or miss for personal tastes, and my personal taste is “They’re fantastic”. If you are brave enough to listen to this album, give it a shot. It’s a scored a 10 for me, and I do not give perfect scores lightly.
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youwillcallher · 6 years
for the top 10/top 5 thing! spill the tea about who ur top 10 favorite vocalists are and what ur top 5 movies are hoe!
okay so i have a kinda, like, eclectic band taste and some of them aren’t cliche like good vocalists so i hope u don’t mind but i’m just gonna list my fave musicians right now bc i love never shutting up about music!
car seat headrest (worth saying that they’re macdennis icons. completely and totally. twin fantasy the album was written about macdennis as is almost every one of their songs!)
the mountain goats (also macdennis icons! also i live in tallahassee which is my fave album by them LMAO so. yea! john darnielle i’d die for u)
mitski (also also macdennis icons! as are the front bottoms but i’m not As into them as i used to be a few years back)
WHY? (it’s the glenn howerton in me but i liked WHY? before i knew glenn did so finding out he did was wildt)
hop along (so fucking good. acquired taste but so. fucking. good. one of my all time faves for sure)
jordaan mason/jordaan mason and the horse museum (jordaan’s new album earth to ursa major is one of my top albums of this year tbh! such a raw n emotional n meaningful depiction of what living w depression is like esp living w depression and also loving someone who’s also living w depression and trying to deal w it…also they’re an awesome genderqueer artist [they/them pronouns] who’s criminally underrated for how good they are so ! support them! their music isn’t for everyone like it’s totally an acquired taste but i’m so happy i stumbled upon them this year, complete life changer. also, their album ‘divorce lawyers i shaved my head’ from their earlier project jordaan mason and the horse museum is a masterpiece of an album and should be regarded as such within the musical community honestly!)
nana grizol (kinda ab finding hope in a hopeless world to me?? run by the awesome theo hilton who is a queer icon [at the nana grizol concert i went to he was wearing a pink shirt that said “dangerous homosexual with an agenda” like what an icon!] super warm n meaningful music i love it)
ajj (just fucking awesome i love them i cld talk for hours ab each of these so i’m gonna try to shut up lol)
cayetana (girl group! girl group! they’re super good n catchy but also meaningful)
big thief (real fuckin good to cry to. adrienne lenker, the lead singer, has a gorgeous voice and makes me sob. idk her sexuality or anything but some of her songs are so fucking beautiful and gay i love it)
also! courtney barnett! the microphones! radiator hospital! saintseneca! jeff rosenstock! cyberbully mom club! neutral milk hotel! parquet courts! 
also also if you like experimental/art rap i highly rec milo, busdriver, open mike eagle, injury reserve, run the jewels, and clipping !!!
this got WAY too long bc i’m physically incapable of shutting up about music so uh if u like any of these hit me the fuck up i’d die for u! also i’m gonna skip the movies part bc then this would be a crazy ass long ask i hope that’s okay !!
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lag-blogs · 6 years
Tagged by @meme-pr1ncess (I saw yours and adored your answers so I wanted to do one as well)
Nickname: Ang. (Not AtLA ahaa) shortened of my name, with a soft g. I’m not partial to giving or getting nicknames but that one is just there
Zodiac: Capricorn / Aquarius
Height: 5’3”
Time: 12:07 p.m.
Fave Band / Artist: Lorn, Baths, Vulfpeck, Nosaj Thing, Watsky, Jordaan Mason & The Horse Museum, Jacob Collier, Hiatus Kaiyote
Song Stuck in My Head: Racehorse: Get Married ! - Jordaan Mason & the Horse Museum
Last Movie I Saw: Sorry to Bother You
Last Thing I Googled: Mr. Meaty Lore
[Extension: Things I’ve recently searched; “corn dog oven temperature” “spray paint can marbles” “Shivering Isles clothing”]
Other blogs: none but I do I have a drawing account on Instagram ! @/lag_draws
Do I get asks: Hardly ever. A compliment about once a year
Why did I choose this username: I have an Instagram where the acronym of the handle is “L A G” which is perfect because I love video games. Now everything on every platform I’m on is “lag_(something)”
Lucky Number: uhhh don’t have one
Following: 4,877
Average amount of sleep: 7 hours at most, most nights are between 5-7 hours
What I’m wearing: Ross basketball shorts I’ve been wearing for three days and a t-shirt of an unknown logo that I found at Goodwill in my size
Dream job: Environment / background artist for video game or Foley / sound effect artist
Dream trip: Lunch with Brendan Fraser
Favorite food: Chicken Alfredo Pasta
Play any instruments: Trumpet (6 years, absolutely love it) and piano (a long time yet not enough to show for it. Wish I had more chord based knowledge and jazz training instead of being brought up classical) Dream instrument? Bassoon
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion bugs and trivia wikia, Fable II OST (specifically Oakfield), functional bog witch, goblin who dresses in layers of atrocious patterns that is the eternal goal of looking like a mage, The colors of the game Hyper Light Drifter (West), 1998 Wizard Furby
Languages: English
Most iconic songs: George Benson - Turn Your Love Around, Studio Killers - Who’s in Your Heart Now?, Phil Collins and Philip Bailey - Easy Lover, Baths - Human Bog, Billy Ocean - Caribbean Queen (No More Love on the Run)
Random Fact: I have Grapheme-Color Synesthesia and Chromesthesia ! I have a strong relation between numbers and letters to color and what I hear aurally to color. It’s involuntary and consistent in what I have in association. Names and phrases are color coded. When I see chord names or the notes colored on the staff that are different than my association, it physically makes me repulse
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tagged by: @dragonlanced thangks
rules: answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs
nicknames: dave. thats it
gender: boy adjacent
sign: sag
height: 5'3" and ¼
time: 6:23 pm
birthday: december 3
fave bands: defiance ohio, front bottoms
fave solo artists: sufjan stevens
song stuck in my head: racehorse: get married! by jordaan mason & the horse museum
last movie i saw: star wars rogue one
last show i watched: idk probably walking dead
when did i create my blog: haha like summer 2015 probably
what do i post: ham steak, dnd, taz, Miscellaneous Memes
last thing i googled: dnd map symbols
do i have any other blogs: yeah a lot
do i get asks: rarely
why did i choose my url: dave ham steak..
following: 200-something
followed by: 600-some
avg hours of sleep: either 1 or 10 no in between
instruments: basic guitar and piano, very good singing
what i’m wearing: black shirt black pants. work uniform
dream job: id love to be a musician tbh
dream trip: venice italy
fave food: coffee
fave song: san cristobal by mal blum
last book i read: the entire sword coast adventurers guide
top 3 fictional universes i’d join: dragon age, dragonlance or forgotten realms. i just wanna be an elf and fuck a dragon
i tag: uuuhhhhhhhh @eg-bert @tzerezi @candyredterezii @martyrtrauma @jewishes @moonvevo @spaceydreem @pulzeandhaze @angelthesiren @cleancrew @lihtium @fakefictve @blushkind @fragoia @artificiaidiot @babyseraphim @officialrichie @fadespirit @potarafusions @verdantgnostic @seagulltestified i think thats 20???
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Have you heard of Jordaan Mason & The Horse Museum? You should totally check them out if you haven’t, they’re so so good
Thanks for the recommendation!I haven’t heard of the band/artist but with that name I couldn’t resist searching them upProbably one of the more interesting things I’ve heard, gonna try and dive in a bit more deeper
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moonyismello · 7 years
i was tagged by @catholicvamp who is like great thanks man
nickname(s): people call me lun or moons idk sometimes damyan // sunshine also, as added by remy star sign: libra lmao but my moon’s jn leo and scorpio rising height: 5'5 ????? time right now: 10:49pm last thing you googled: some song by sleeping at last??? favorite music artist(s): the smiths definitely, also bright eyes and acid ghost, jordaan mason and the horse museum, ostava i also like kpop which is icky but i cant help it :DDDD so exo and nct i guess song stuck in my head: who are you really by mikky ekko last tv show i watched: teen wolf lmao what i’m wearing right now: gray sweats and a dark blue tshirt when i created this blog: idk three and a half years ago do i get asks regularly: nah why did i choose my url: ehm i was a weab and also harry potter and people called me moony so moony (as in remus lupin) is mello (from death note) hint:they both like chocolate gender: boy hogwarts house: SLYTHERIIIN pokémon team: INSTIIINCT favorite color(s): dark green, that tree kind of green and also red favorite characters: noah czerny from trc i guess idk dream job: well i kinda want to be a university teacher or whatever that has something to do with history and languages and literature im not sure, but yea number of blankets: one but i throw that off while sleeping number of followers: secret 🙃
i taaaaag @queenminyard @imaginepain @bcywcnders @immortalink ?? thats it yea
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