#as told by ginger rp
manilafm · 1 year
Notices : Macie Lightfoot from As Told By Ginger, Lily Luna Potter from Harry Potter, and Vicky from The Fairly OddParents are now reserved for the next twenty-four hours !!
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As Told by Ginger
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Hello roleplayers are you looking for indie rps from the As Told by Ginger, well if you click here! you can find them and if you want to be added to the list all you had to do is reblog this post and tag your muse!
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cuffmeinblack · 7 months
Garreth Weasley NSFW alphabet
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Explicit content
These are just my personal headcanons for my favourite boy!
A = Aftercare
Amazing aftercare. Makes sure his partner is okay after a particularly rough session, lots of cuddles and kisses. He'll happily wrap them up in his arms and bathe in the afterglow for hours, telling them how great they were. Plies his partner with hot chocolate and runs them a hot, bubbly bath.
B = Body part
Garreth has long been thought of as an arse man in my mind, but he loves all of his partner's body. Whatever they have, he's into it. He loves to praise their appearance, showering them with compliments especially if they're a little self conscious. That said, he can't resist grabbing a handful of bum whenever he walks past and is easily distracted by them bending over.
C = Cum
He's a Weasley. He's verile and produces a lot of cum with a lot of very aggressive swimmers. Definitely into cumplay. Loves to fill his partner up during sex until they're dripping, then fuck it back in with his fingers. (or cock).
D = Dirty Secret
Loves to be pegged. He's hesitant to admit it in public but it turns him into a begging mess.
E = Experience
He's had a few conquests during school though they're mostly boy/girlfriends rather than one night stands. He's pretty experienced by the time he's an adult and eager to try out new experiences, whether he's suggested them or his partner has.
F = Favourite Position
Doggy and reverse cowgirl are favourites so he can massage and smack his partners behind, leaving bruises and red marks. Loves to watch his cock impaling them.
G = Goofy
Can be a little goofy, so expect a good time when having sex with Garreth, including bouts of tickling and giggling over positions gone wrong. He doesn't take mishaps too seriously or let it get awkward; he's all about a good time.
H = Hair
Of course the carpet matches the drapes. He has a fair amount of thick ginger hair over his chest. Keeps it trimmed down below after a partner told him his hair tickled their nose during oral. He doesn't mind when it comes to a partner what they have; whatever they're comfortable with.
I = Intimacy
He's a huge cuddler and a bit (very) soppy. Loves to shower his partner with kisses in public and private. When in a relationship he falls pretty hard and fast, wanting to spend a lot of his time with them, engaging in all kinds of intimacy.
J = Jealousy
He gets a little jealous but is pretty self assured so doesn't let it get to him too much. He expects his partner to respect him enough not to make him jealous on purpose.
K = Kinks
He loves to experiment and there's not a lot he doesn't enjoy. For the most part he's pretty dominant but tried pegging once and has been hooked ever since. He has a little bit of a breeding kink as an adult and enjoys cum play. I can also imagine he has a praise kink as he works hard to please his partner and loves being told how well he's doing.
L = Location
Everywhere and anywhere. He's horny a lot and isn't scared to have sex in semi-public places. The thrill adds to the fun.
M = Masturbation
Prefers his partner to take care of him but if they're not around he'll do it himself. Pretty perfunctory with his hand, though he's tried pillows and other items to get off*. Enjoys mutual masturbation.
*The sandcastle in RP isn't my headcanon though soz @finalgirllx
N = NO
Isn't too keen on anything too extreme; blood and other bodily secretions. Cuckolding would push his boundaries and flare up his jealousy. Doesn't like humiliation.
O = Oral
Equally loves receiving and giving, including rimming. When he gives, he goes all for it and is very vocal in his enjoyment. If his partner is female, he loves them to sit on his face and nestle himself between their thighs.
P = Pace
Once he gets going he can lose control pretty quickly. He often goes hard and fast until he's breathless and sweaty.
Q = Quickie
King of the quickie, he'll take it anywhere if time is short. He knows how to please his partner in as little time as possible. Prefers a longer session with multiple rounds, but he'll not pass up the opportunity.
R = Risk
Loves to experiment, as long as it's done safely; he doesn't want to unintentionally hurt his partner. He likes the risk of getting caught, though (as long as it's not by his aunt).
S = Stamina
Goes multiple rounds. Will cum inside his partner and stay buried inside them until he gets hard again.
T = Toys
Doesn't have any for himself but happy to use them on his partner. I imagine he prefers using his body, though, and maybe a few spells or experimental potions to enhance the experience.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can tease, but would likely lose a game of wills. He wants it too badly.
V = Volume
Very vocal and loud, he makes it clear how much he enjoys sex. Silencing charms are a must with Garreth.
W = Wild Card
Garreth is a thorough lover and makes sure his partner is satisfied, even if it's just a quickie. If he needs to take them aside later and give them a round of mind-blowing oral, he will. His pride would be wounded if he can't make his partner come at least once a session.
X = X-Ray
What's under his clothes? Garreth is pretty well built with broad shoulders, muscular thighs and strong arms (he's a farm boy who helps around his family home and is constantly on the go when at school and dabbles in Quidditch as a beater). Has a little tummy from his love of food, though. His cock is 7 inches, uncut, pretty girthy. Thicker just below the head and curves upwards.
Y = Yearning
Very high sex drive, pretty much always up for it. He also yearns for his partner when they're not around, preferring to keep them close. Would be rubbish at long distance relationships.
He can get pretty energetic after sex and go several rounds. Once he's spent, he'll enjoy cuddling up and falling asleep with his partner in his arms. Maybe after a snack.
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Warriors: Bloody Claws
Closed rp with @thunderclan-rp
Mottleddawn was a ginger and black calico tabby she-cat with both back legs mostly covered in a large black tabby patch that ends in her white as snow paws, and her back and the left side of her face a mottled amalgamation of the black tabby blotches and smaller ginger tabby patches and flecks mixed throughout the black, while the rest of her was white as snow. She was a new queen, but wasn't quite far enough along to be practically imprisoned in the queens den. So, before her last days serving as a warrior we're over for six whole moons, she decided she'd take a nice long walk around the ThunderClan territory. She told her mate Falconflame that shed be back and she'd be fine. She told him not to worry, and that she could take care of herself. He knew she could, of course, but it was a tom's nature to want to protect his mate. Of course, she thought his noble spirit was due in part to his lineage as kin of the legendary Firestar, but he'd deny that any of the noble leader's qualities made it to him, and that he was no more important or special than any other ThunderClan warrior. She loved him for that. He never held his head too high and always knew how to comfort her when she needed it.
She leapt down from a rock as she neared the edge of ThunderClan territory. She was nearing twolegplace and the strong scents of twolegs and their garbage raged through her nostrils as she passed by a particular boxy nest. But one nest barely smelled like twolegs at all. In fact, it was almost overpoweringly heather and catmint with a few ferns and other scents too. It was as of the forest had begun to take back it's claim on the land this twoleg nest occupied. Was it abandoned? She decided to investigate and crept closer to it. But she started to smell something strange.. what was that? She knew the scent, but she couldn't place it with all of the strong smelling herbs assaulting her nostrils. She ended up recognizing it.. but it was already too late.
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luminalightsverse · 1 year
12 Days Of Christmas Day 12
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.... Tumblr gave to me:
@zia-zia-bo-bia @there-is-another-skywalker @104th-plo-koon / @kaijusplotch @captain-tyrannosaurus @ginger-jedi-twink @passcode-8-1-0-8 @104commanderwolffe @its-cody-not-kote @kaos-and-order @ct3113official @ct3107 @badbatchsmolbean @lady-sith-of-darkness @jiabeewrites
Okay, wow idk where to beginn with. This one will be a little different then my other posts. I want to use this not to just tell you how awesome you guys are and how much I love every single one of you. But I also want to use this to just thank you. Because I wanted to do this the whole time now but didn't really knew how to do it right.
Sorry if I write anything wrong. English isn't my native language and I'm just gonna write as i think it's right.
So let's start.....
You guys have no idea how thankful I am that I found you here on tumblr. I really love wirting with you guys and I really love all our rps. It's always so much fun to write with you etc. Every single one of you is so awesome and even if we don't know us for that long I already took all of you into my heart.
I was struggeling for a long time if I really should do an rp account because I didn't had anyone to write with and I was to scared and to shy to ask anyone. I thought no one would like Oona anyway. I mean why should anyone like her? There's not much to like, love about her or even be interessted in her. Then to see you guys just accepted me and Oona into your group just like that without me having to really ask makes me so happy. Also when Teddy asked if she could use Oona for her story.... I was just like wow.... wait what really? My heart really skiped a beat.
And most of all how you people always treat Oona. You have no idea how much this means to me and how often I went AAAAAWWW or got teary eyes because of you.
I already told Teddy a bit about what's behind Oona. What her reason is that I have her as an Oc. Long story short I had a really fucked up life and childhood where I never really felt welcomed anywhere and stuff and I always used and still use some of my Oc's and stories as coping mechanism etc. for everything that happened and is still happening. And Oona was one of those Oc's. I already have her since I was around idk 7-9 or something like that.
So more precisely Oona is supposed to be my childhood self and my inner child she's supposed to somehow represent me. That's why Oona's still so young. She represents my former me, my present me and most of all my inner child and the child I once was. Oona represents everything I went through and or still going through and also everything that keeps me busy in my life.
That's why I get really emotional so often to see how you people are treating and just accepting her. That's why I'm so thankful for everything you guys are giving her. So thankful of how you always protect her and are there for her. Because this is what I always wished to have when I was younger. To be accepted, to be protected, to be just loved.
And I'm so kriffing thankful to every single one of you for that. That you give her everything that I never really could have back then when I was a child.
Fuck I'm getting really emotional now 😅
I'm just so happy to see Oona getting all this love from you and to know that everything that happened back then wasn't my fault. I was just among stupid people, among the wrong kind of people who didn't saw my worth. Because fuck it I deserve it! Because Oona is me and I'm Oona. And when Oona is able to get this love from others then so am I.
PS: @jiabeewrites I really printed out your little poem you once send Oona and hung it up. At that moment I really felt like trash and broken, just worthless. So to read your poem really made me cry like a little baby because it remembered me that this was right. Just because I'm broken dosen't mean I'm worthless.
Someone's trash is someone else's treasure. So remembere even if you guys are trash to someone, for me you all are a treasure!
So from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!
Thank you so dame much for everything. I love you all so much.
And with this emotional letter I wish you all a very beautiful christmas time and everything good in this world.
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blues-hub-blog · 1 year
New Warrior Cats OC!
Name: Sparkpaw (-stripe)
Gender: Trans female
Fur color: Bright ginger, similar to Firestar’s, but with a white tail tip and diamond-shaped dash on chest.
Positive traits: Clever, brave, ambitious, energetic, bold.
Negative traits: Impulsive, prideful, obnoxious, arrogant.
Backstory: Sparkkit was born a male in ThunderClan’s nursery, to Redfeather (father) and Snowfoot (mother). She was a rambunctious, wild, and daring kit, often irritating her father. Sparkkit always felt like she wasn’t meant to be a tom, and some days, she’d be moody and withdrawn from the other kits because of her inner turmoil. Nonetheless, she earned her apprentice name, Sparkpaw.
Eventually, she told her mother that she was going to begin identifying as a she-cat, and Snowfoot was very accepting. Redfeather was not quite so open to the idea that his son was going to, in his words, “pretend to be” a she-cat, and Sparkpaw’s relationship with her father suffered greatly.
Soon, an earthquake shook the land. Sparkpaw was given a prophecy in her dreams that night; she was supposed to journey with three other cats, one from each clan, to the Moon-Mountain, an ancient mountain range far away from the clan territories, to restore StarClan’s power after the Moonstone was shattered in the earthquake.
So, with Basspaw, Dashpaw, and Marshpaw, she began the long journey to save StarClan from fading away forever.
I’m looking for someone to RP through messages with me playing Sparkpaw! If you’re interested in playing one of the other apprentices, please DM me or send an ask! Thank you!
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A New Era (Warriors RP Server) Advertisement! Applications OPEN!
"Moons ago, five clans were formed from a group that came down from the mountains. These cats settled at the lake territories. Tensions were high, and many fights broke out. Finally, tired of the bloodshed, the deceased spirits came down. They told the cats to form five clans. The cats split up into the clans of today: ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan. There was a relative peace for a long time. Eventually, however, the clans had to move territories. They settled in a forest, far from the lake they once called home. Over time, tensions rose higher. SkyClan was kicked out of the forest, and nearly disappeared forever. A ginger tabby, Firestar, brought them back together. They did not wish to rejoin the other Clans, however.
During this time, twolegs were encroaching on the forest. They were tearing down trees and destroying the water. The Clans had to move. Guided by four warriors and two apprentices, they returned to the Lake territory that their ancestors once called home. SkyClan eventually sought out and rejoined the other Clans. The five clans faced many trials and tribulations, and faced many enemies. They always came out stronger than before, and even amended their warrior code.
Now, many generations later, the five Clans are still standing, still hunting, still fighting for the territory they have grown accustomed to. Times have been peaceful. However… peace can't last forever. In the past two moons, some deceased spirits have been unable to pass on to either StarClan or the Dark Forest, and have been roaming the lake territories, lost. There's no explanation yet for why this is happening, but the Dark Forest's lost spirits have been proving to be quite bothersome. It appears as if there's something blocking spirits from passing on to either afterlife. The spirits that should have passed on to the Dark Forest are trying to make life hard for the clan cats, and many have ended up dead. StarClan's lost spirits are doing their best to stop them, but they need help from the Clan cats to figure out how to unblock the afterlives. Medicine Cats can't communicate with StarClan due to this blockage either. A rogue group called "The Disciples" have formed as well, corrupted by the dark forest spirits into harming the clans, and are growing rapidly. If these spirits can't pass on, the rogue group may grow big enough to overpower at least one Clan, and then the others will fall."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warriors: A New Era is a discord-based rp that takes place in the lake territories, and the timeline is many generations after The Broken Code. We are in need of high ranks, warriors, and apprentices. We also need people to submit characters for The Disciples rogue group, and we need at least 2 wandering Dark Forest spirits. We have in-server currency, a server store for extra things for your OC, and self-assignable roles! We also need more mods and admins, and there will be a set of questions i will ask to anyone interested in being staff. This server is 13+, so NO NSFW ROLEPLAYS. we have a channel for members that are 18 and older, but if you have the role and are found to be underage, you WILL be banned. We have a channel to list your triggers so we know what to avoid in conversation, but the plot of the rp and future storylines may have darker events. Majorly graphic things WILL be spoilered, but be warned that things may get heavy. If you're interested in joining, here's the link!
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gingerstcries · 1 year
I need a way to get ginger off the ground tbh cause she’s such an older muse
granted I do not interact with the as told by ginger community at all and tbh my character is basically unaffiliated with the rp side of it and stuff.
So yeah I’m gonna be making major changes and stuff regarding ginger going forward so yeah.
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I'm gonna post a writing thing that came up in my mind randomly as i was playing Stardew Valley Expanded. Context: I internally RP as any give OC per file of Stardew Valley. This one is Mort's file--Incident Farm. I've gone further in it than in any before, in a combination of Expanded adding a certain character as marriageable (Lance), and the Ginger Island expansion to the main game existing. Keeps things interesting.
So, Mort's been in the valley a long time. 6 years in game I think! Idk. Over 200 hours. I was just playing, talking to Mort's husband Lance, as one does, when--well, the beginning of the following appeared. You see, Mort only 'speaks' in emojis, due to his strong magical ability allowing him to do so. Well he actually spoke in my brain--well, here's what I wrote down at the moment:
Lance: “I don’t know anyone who works as hard as you do. <3”
Mort: (actually speaking) “If I don’t then the horrors—”
Mort: stops talking and dialup noises while in the background you hear Lance saying
“Horrors? What horrors? Mort? My love? What horrors?”
Finally, Mort snaps out of it with a “?”
“You said something about Horrors, my love. That if you don’t work hard then they’ll…do something.”
Mort, in emoji language again, knowing that if anyone would believe him, it would be Lance:
(I actually don’t know what the horrors are or why. This scene just appeared with that quote.)
So, further expanded, here's this. I may never do anything more with it because Stardew Internal RP is just me playing with dolls, not meant to be expanded to story, and I don't intend to.
(Lore, I guess)
Mort walked up to Lance, like ever morning, to speak with him before they started their days. Well, Lance spoke, Mort had his own ‘language’ he used with everyone.
Lance smiled. “Spring time is nice after a long winter.”
Mort responded to the affirmative, a smiling emoji coming from his mouth.
Lance sighed. “This is the first spring I’ve been with you on this farm. And I have to say, I have never met anyone who works as hard as you do, I wish that you’d take a break sometimes.”
Mort smiled, but for the first time since he’d been in the valley, words came from his mouth, and unwanted—a thought he intended to think, and though he cut it off midway through, he said, “If I don’t, then the horrors—”
Mort went silent immediately, putting on a fake smile, about to turn away, but Lance asked, of course:
“Horrors? What horrors?” Mort shook his head. “Mort, my love. What horrors?”
The look of worry on Lance’s face was overwhelming, and honestly, Mort knew that if anyone in this world would believe him, would understand, it would be Lance…
But instead, he emitted a question mark, to pretend not to know.
Lance didn’t back down. “You said something about Horrors, my love. That if you don’t work hard—then you cut off.”
Mort looked down. He couldn’t speak it even if he wanted to. Even knowing that if anyone would ever believe him, it would be Lance—
“Mort, you were honest when you told me about Krobus, and I was so baffled. Anything you say has meaning, and to actually speak it—I’d never heard your voice, my love. Did these ‘Horrors’ take it from you?”
He took a deep breath, trying to form the best way to communicate it. He managed complicated things before, but usually when prompted. This was a prompt…maybe he could manage.
Though it wasn’t in speech, he told Lance the truth.
“The Horrors…are why I came to Stardew Valley. To escape them. If I don’t keep working, keep myself busy…then they will…find me.”
“Find you?”
Mort was anxious talking about this. He knew that surely, between himself in Lance, he could defend himself and the children, but—
He was worried they would sense this.
“You know that I had a lot of raw magical ability before coming to the valley, and that Magnus took note of it and aided me in communicating with the Junimos. I took it upon myself to salvage the Community Center in hopes of getting Joja out of here, and succeeded. Gave me something to do—busy work. After that, Ginger Island opened up, but even without, this massive farm on the beach, I had plenty to do—as much as I could ever imagine wanting to.”
“Slow down, you’re getting disjointed, my love.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He took a deep breath. It took magic even to communicate this way. “Before I came to the valley, this magic was all I used. But it was the loophole I found—if I did not speak, then the Horrors couldn’t find me—at least not physically.” He took another deep breath.
“I’ll go grab a mana potion my love.” Lance hurried off for a moment.
The Horrors. What other way could he describe them with his ability to communicate? They were…well. They did horrible things. Shorthand in his brain was ‘the Horrors’. Speaking their name was dangerous.
Lance handed him a potion. “Please, go on. I hate to strain you like this, but this is important. I didn’t know you were in danger—I would have had the First Shield on it immediately!”
“I call them the Horrors because I fear speaking of them. They were…” He took a deep breath. Paused. Focused. “They are a group of people—they captured me when I showed the tiniest inkling of magic, back in the city. They turn people into monsters…horrible things. The Horrors is all I truly knew them as, but in my escape, I did learn their name, but if they find me, they’ll—”
“My love, this is important information. I promise I will stay by your side—to the very inch if I must—to keep you safe.” Lance paused. “Write it down! They can’t hear that!”
“!” Mort nodded and rushed to the kitchen table to write down the name.
“The Order of Glass”
Lance stared at the name on the paper for a long moment. “I’ve heard of them…they’re under watch…” Lance grabbed Mort’s hand. “I know exactly what they do, and—I’m so, so sorry that you—”
Mort squeezed Lance’s hand in return. “My love, you’re the only thing that keeps me from breaking, please don’t break for me.”
Lance nodded. “Right.”
Mort took a deep breath. “I don’t know if they’ll come. I never know. But I know that if they do, I have my Return Scepter to get away now. That will buy me enough time to get to my Nexus, and from there, to the Adventurer’s Guild. I have a plan…”
“You worked so hard to save up money for that Scepter, huh?” Lance paused. “My love. I will protect you, and everything that you have here. It will not be snatched from you. I swear on it.”
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second--chances · 1 year
Acheros -
Hair colour: Red/Ginger (dyed), Black (natural)
Eye colour: Green (natural, no contacts)
Height: 5’1 (it’s a family thing lmao)
Weight: 116.7 lb (I HAD TO GOOGLE THIS LMFAO)
• Freckles? Yes but only a few of them across it’s whole body.
• Glasses? Nope, never needed them ever.
• Birthmark(s)? None but has a small little mark that is often mistook for a birthmark.
• Scars or Permanent markings? Yes, a long and dark red marking going from centre of palm up to forearm (it just like randomly showed up one day and acheros has had to put up with it since.) and several mini scars on their hands.
Sephtis -
Hair colour: Ginger (natural)
Eye colour: Blue (unnatural, contacts used to get this colour)
Height: 5’9 (i told you, its a family thing.)
• Freckles? None, none whatsoever.
• Glasses? Nope, like Acheros, he’s never needed them.
• Birthmarks? Yes, a pale-ish pink mark and a rough patch of skin right on his thigh. (despite never being seen it’s still there lmfao.)
• Scars or Permanent markings? Yes, an infected scar right on his chest (From being stabbed, it’s still never seen but deserves some recognition anyways.)
Chance -
Hair colour: Baby Blue (dyed), Blonde (natural)
Eye colour: Chestnut brown (natural, contacts used but not to gain the eye colour)
Height: 5’6 (its nothing to do with family.)
Weight: 149.6 lb (GOOGLE ONCE AGAIN 🤲🤲🤲)
• Freckles? Small amount on his face and hands but no more.
• Glasses? Yes but never wears them, instead he uses contacts.
• Birthmarks? None and has no markings that has been mistook for one.
• Scars or Permanent markings? Yes, a bunch of minor scars upon legs from various sport injuries and a small one right above his lip from being bitten by a dog.
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manilafm · 1 year
[ she&her / Cis-Female / bisexual ] {Courtney Gripling}, who is a {canon character} from {As Told By Ginger} has just been spotted in Manila, Philippines. Her current age is {twenty-three}-years-old, and she is working as a {barista} at the {Pawrista’s Coffee}. She is {ambitious}, and {kind}, but she is also {selfish}, and {impulsive}. Her memories are set to {partially forgotten}, and I keep mistaking her for {Virginia Gardner}. Unfortunately, she will not be able to leave this city, so I hope that she will adjust to living here. She is {trying to return to her hometown}. [Alex/18+/she&her/P.S.T.]
Accepted !! Thank you so very much for bringing us Courtney Gripling from As Told By Ginger, Alex !! I can’t believe that Courtney Gripling is not Virginia Gardner !! Virginia Gardner is now taken x4 !! Welcome to Manila, Philippines, Courtney Gripling !! You have arrived to Manila, Philippines with all of your memories partially forgotten, and you are reportedly trying to return to your hometown !! Alex, will now have twenty-four hours to send in your blog for Courtney Gripling, or we will have to re-open this character. Please also take a look at our Checklist, and please review our new Rules here for this RPG !! Thank you so very much for applying to our RPG, Alex !!
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tooniversityhq · 2 years
Most wanted characters from Nickelodeon cartoons please? I haven’t seen an rp like this in the past two years.
Thank you! I also haven't admined an rp like this in two years! I'd love to see all of the Jimmy Neutron kids, more Spongebob characters, XJ-9 (Jenny) from My Life as a Teenage Robot, Rudy and Penny from Chalk Zone, Danny, Tucker, Sam, and Paulina from Danny Phantom, Eliza Thornberry, Dodie and Macy from As Told by Ginger, and it would be so interesting to see someone's take on the main characters from CatDog. That would be so weird and fun.
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undeadorion-archive · 2 years
Another time for random RP story time because I remembered tidbits that were too small in my bigger story of people being terrible. This one’s mildly NSFW cause I did a not of smutty stuff when people asked.
But first, one tiny story that was just so absurd I still joke about it to this day. 
I’d joined a game that I hadn’t known was the laughing stock of the community. It was where all the worst-of-the-worst RPers ended up. Some of them actually terrible people, others who weren’t bad just really...out of touch. And some who were both. I was in the game for less than 48 hours. 
I got my intros done and dropped Crawford in the middle of everything, eager to get started. Then one person messaged me and to my horror it was someone I’d known from a previous game and desperately wanted to avoid. They weren’t bad, exactly. But very out of touch. Super religious, too. But for some reason told a character named Balthazar that his name was evil....when it’s a biblical name.
They were using Ed Sheeran for their icons, all poorly cropped and stretched all to hell, too. They were so excited to see me in the game, cause they remembered me. And they really, really wanted our characters to meet. And be best friends! because......................................................they both had red hair.
That’s it. That’s the only reason. Completely ignoring that their personalities would go together like oil and water. They were gingers so they must be besties.
After that and looking closer at who was in the game, I promptly left.
One of the really big problems that started to crop up on DW RP some years ago was a resistance to people actually wanting to do the RP part. Pillow queens and limp noodles but for writing. The always expected their partner to do all of the work and they barely even showed up at all. I stopped tracking tags cause about 80% of the time I’d put in tons of effort to set up a scene and they wouldn’t even reply. When it was a scenario they came up with.
One person who played a castmate of my character would always ask for “touch starved” kink. I’d ask for further details on how we could make that work cause I knew about the concept but it was pretty vague for a prompt. They wouldn’t respond. I’d ask if was something they wanted to build up or pick a starting point so they were already well into the touch starved state. No response. And yet they continued asking for it. And continued providing zero further details. 
Another person (I’ll call her Jess cause I don’t remember her actual name) took this nonsense to a whole new level. Jess had a type that she played. The most absolute blank slate, barely-in-canon female character who was at least moderately sweet and nice. Typically with long brown hair. And onto these characters she would project the same, bland personality that made saltine crackers look excited. And she always wanted to RP smut. 
I was playing a villain from the same canon. A villain who had murdered her and her husband and assumed her husband’s identity all to basically stalk someone through their entire life. 
She wanted smut between these two. A situation that sounded super questionable in which villain man kept wifey character trapped in the basement to keep up the ruse of the life he stole when her presence was needed. And sex happened somewhere. Aside from the sex, that’s exactly the sort of thing he would do, and I could tweak it to include the sex. I was surprised cause this player usually went for the fluffy stuff, and this was a pretty dark scenario. 
...then just as we were about to play it out, she decided she wanted them to actually be in love. After leaving me to plot all this stuff out. She of couse had no actual reason for those emotions, the dude was an evil murdering bastard. 
She eventually gave up on the character in favor of playing another character from canon. And kept doing the same thing. Projecting a bland personality. Offering up nothing but demanding RP time. Giving nothing to play off of. Repeat. 
That is, until, it all backfired on her. First, the character suddenly went from “appeared once and was gone” to “major supporting character in every episode” but of course she ignored canon and trudged on with her blander version. 
Then she wanted me to help her with something in a game she was in. The way she told it, her castmates were snubbing her and making it impossible to do anything. And it was the sort of game that was locked down so I only had her word to go off of. So I get int the game. I make my intro. I get all riled up to defend my friend....only to discover she’d left out very important details. It was a problem of her own making. 
It’s been so long I can’t recall the exact details. But her version of the story was that she was being ignored and snubbed. But in truth, they’d told her things outright. They’d asked for things. And ultimately her behavior put them off so they decided to do things without her. 
I promptly left the game and never spoke to her again. 
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nightmare-speaks · 3 years
//rp with @asa-and-ezra-thecollectors //
Danny thought about his plan more than he should. He even cleared half of his whiteboard in his office to write down everything he could've missed. As well as the questions he's going to be asking. It's supposed to be an interview after all.
The ginger checked five times over to make sure he had everything. Glasses, obnoxious but still not memorable clothing, notepad, pen, his actual professional camera and then his Ghostface one that was much smaller and better to transport. Oh, and of course his voice recorder for the interview. Since he was doing all this bullshit it better not be wasted. He already told the newspapers that he's going to come there with an amazing story and because he was still somewhat known it was easy to get the contact.
As he was brushing his hair in the mirror Freddy noticed him. "You look like shit. What is that jacket?" The demon asked and Danny rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, it's amazing. I'm going to be a reporter again, I need to look obnoxious." He said grinning.
Freddy just chuckled and shook his head but stayed silent after that. Danny then finally decided to leave the house but not before making sure he had his knife above his ankle secured. There was no way he was going inside of murderer's house without any weapon.
The way to Emory's house was faster than he would expect. His bike was parked by the street. Taking off his helmet he decided to leave his expensive camera back in the small trunk of the bike. If a fight is going to break he cannot have that thing break. He's gonna use it only when necessary for the picture for the article.
Walking up to the house. Danny adjusted his fake glasses as he had his bag over shoulder. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door while trying to hide his grin. He was so excited but he cannot just ruin it. He needs to act professional.
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ineedtherapist · 2 years
after like a week of inactivity i am going to bombard your ask with random things that are totally out of context i love gingers and i have an oc who is a ginger, and there's this boy at my school who looks just like him and everytime i see him i'm like that wojak meme who has his mouth opened and is pointing at something in the distance, and that boy doesn't know i am referring to him as my oc's name when i'm talking with my friends and he will never know.
once upon a time i woke up with a terrible stomach pain, like it was so painful i almost shed a tear, and i rarely cry. so i ran up to the bathroom and i passed out. when i gained conciousness i looked at myself in the mirror and i was pale as a ghost's butt cheeks. i left the bathroom and my mom is like "what happened" and i told her "eh, nothing much, just passed out" my dog was looking at me and i tried not to laugh, bcuz he has a dumb little face. so anyway, that day i stayed at home
when i was in preschool i had a crush on a boy who punched me in the guts, and my headcanon is that jotaro did the same when he liked someone when he was young
i was once writing a kny rp in which i totally lost my mind; so i live in poland, right? and me and my friends transformed bucci gang into a pathological polish family (i know it's about kny, but wait) and abbacchio was a king of the district and just a hobo in general. so i took him and just rammed him into demon slayer's universe and he was like... an alcoholic demon sage who helped the entire gang defeat astro-people, who were mostly based on teachers at my school and a few problematic people. you know, just for giggles. abbacchio's (we were calling him "boadicea" back then) power was to create an alcohol barrier and everything was just like... what the frick's happening
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u really can't take abba seriously can you 💀
but ngl it fits him a lot.
WDYM 'eh nothing much I just passed out' like bro?? why?? how?? spill the tea homie. 😋
I'm counter attacking urs out of context with mine now cuz LMAO THIS IS SO FUN TO READ
Back when I was 15 I used to make a whole verse of psychological horror AU based on my teachers n bestie.
my teachers are like.. in their 40's/50's💀
So I was like well- why don't we make a spinoff of that. So we got like the whole verse set up. character development, angst, fluff, horror you name it. We even make headcannons and ship. mind you, I haven't discover tumblr yet and doesn't even realize what I'm doing lol.
It's basically just me making ocs and lores to indulge my bestie in her endless crushing for dilf till now
One of me and my bestie pretty close friend are one of the main cast but she never know and we never tell her to this day 👍
spoiler : she die in s1
Ever since I was 13, I'm actually subconsciously fixated on blondie 💀
fictional-wise that is.
it's either cuz they're too hot for no reason or they just fit into my preferences a lil bit too much.
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There are a few more blond I use to like but those are the dark times, we don't talk about it. 💀
Back when I was 9 I almost lose my thumb and index finger cuz my dumb ass of a kid think I'm old enough to cut sugar canes with my gramps machete without being supervised by adults. cry a lot.
When I was 10, me and my cousin pretend we're forming a band. We're sitting at my gramp self-build resting hut (??) with self-made slide 😎
So as I was guitaring the broom on top of a fcking ladder in the hut with my cousin whose sitting on the floor, I cutely fell off the ladder and twist my wrist. doesn't cry but it hurt af bro 🌚
I used to have 3 cats, one die. been 6 years since that day. pick up a new one 2/3 years ago. they fight a lot lol cuz the other two are sibs and the new bb kinda invading their territory. doesn't fight as much nowadays tho. still remember my bb girl from 6 years ago a lot cuz she's the sweetest out of all 4 and she isn't here anymore :)
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pizzaplex-mechanic · 2 years
Favorite Color: The whole spectrum of Blue
Currently Reading: "The Fourth Closet” technically I’m listening to it at work as there is very little time to read during the weekday
Last Song: "Love you too much” from the Book of Life
Last Series: As told by Ginger and Reboot (The 90s series) for TV series. The Pollywog Court for a web series! 
Last Movie: Enchanto (Luisa my beloved hhh) 
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Spicy spicy spicy! I want to regret eating it. 
Currently Working On: Threads, drawing, beating videogames that were out years ago that I never had time to finish, attempting to learn a second language 
Tagged By: @totallytoonymuses (this was a blast! tyty!)
Tagging: @littlexstarlightx  @sunlight-rp @thehouseofivo @perryparrotfish @leah-the-lioness
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