#ask c!scott
smajorqna · 1 year
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Welcome to the blog i made because i thought of it in class and i need some sort of way to feed my hyperfixation.
Here is a carrd with more info about this mess. (coming soon)
All art belongs to me!! I made it!! Please dont steal or use for ai (sense thats been getting popular recently..). And please ask before reposting and if your too nervous please at least credit me :)
(Press "Read More" below for tldr for the carrd and an ID for each image)
(Last updated: 12/10/22 11:19am CDT)
And now if you look just below youll see all the tags i use and what they mean :) (more will be added in the future)
#smajorqna - all posts posted on this blog
#4th wall breakthrough - ooc posts
#smajor of rivendell - all answers from c!scott
#hearts the creator tm - all answers/cameos from my persona, hearts
#hello deer anon - all questions from fellow anons! Hello anons :)
#(tw/cw here) - obviously wont say that exactly but if a post talks about anything triggering or anything that needs warning i will put it there and i will put it at the beginning of the post :)
#posts about beloved husband - posts mentioning or even including the one and only codfather (will be also used as flower husbands tag so if you don't wanna see that block it!!!)
#cameos - other character cameos featured
#id below read more - will be put for every post with images in it (besides dividers)
#the 17th letter of the alphabet - this post was queued
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Heres the tldr of the carrd: (aka a list of things i need to add to it)
This is C!/CHARACTER!!! In no way am i impersonating scott the content creator. I am simply answering questions the way i think his esmp1 character would answer.
Admittedly, i have never watched scotts esmp1 series- i mostly know about his character through clips, fanfics, fanarts, and other fans. I know im such a fake fan /sarc so if i get any lore or canon wrong please tell me and ill do my best to fix it. If i cannot, then oh well to bad so sad.
This will include my personal headcanons so if you haven't heard of whatever even or something from canon, its most likely a headcanon
This will also include flower husbands (c!scott x c!jimmy) so uh yeah dont imply any other ships other than them only because i dont personally ship it (its fine if you do, i have nothing wrong with that :) just keep it out of this blog)
Everything you see on this blog was done on my phone using my finger. So obviously there will be mistakes. So yk use common sense and dont point them out :) its rude.
And lastly, this is literally my first time doing this ever so please be nice, im sensitive
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ID for each image/panel:
[Panel 1 (one): (start id) outlined and colorless drawing of empires season 1 (one) character scott looking confused or worried, there's a question mark symbol next to him showing he's confused. He's looking at another character to the right with the same drawing style. Scott's outline/lineart is a dark cyan. To the right of scott there's a character with shortish hair, pointy ears like scotts, with a plain t-shirt. They look feminine-ish and their expression looks happy. Near them is text saying "Me, the creator tm" pointing to them. The character's outline/lineart is a dark magenta-ish, or a really red pink. On the bottom of the screen is a grey box with a smaller box on the top left corner saying "Scott" in a dark cyan. Below is text in the same color saying "So.. Remind me of what to do here..?". (End id)]
[Panel 2 (two): (start id) Same character's and poses as panel 1 (one) with different expressions. Scott's expression is still similar, except this time his mouth is closed. The character's (who's name is Hearts) expression changed to them talking with their eyes closed. They look happy. Below them is the same dialogue box except with a different name and obviously different text. The name now reads "Hearts" and the dialogue says "You're going to answer some questions from people because I'm bored and I need something better to do with my life. :)" in the same color used for Hearts' outline. (End id)]
[Panel 3 (three): (start id) Scott is now center with Hearts gone, leaving a "Bye!" where they were last. Scott then looks to the left with an exhausted look. In the dialogue box it says in the dark cyan outline scott has with scotts name above, "This will be easier said than done..." (End id)]
Also yes ik the original third panel i misspelled "easier" but its too late now im tired
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cocksley-and-catapult · 2 months
I read their voices as Scott the Woz and/or Charlie from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
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life-winners-liveblog · 2 months
Oohhh! This will be fun to see!!!
Lazy C
Grian: You make your way trough the foliage until you finally arrive at the entrance of the town.
Scar: That was easy.
Pearl: Way too easy, I don't trust it.
Grian: The guards stop you and ask for payment to let you in.
Pearl: Called it.
Scar: We don't have enough money, do we?
Grian: You don't.
Scar: ...great.
Grian: Various religious figures welcome the two of you as you move across the church, immediately you are approached by one of them.
Scott: "Greetings"
Grian: "Greetings to you, who might you be? You are a new face here you see"
Scott: "Oh of course, my apologies, I'm the elf that was sent here from the capital by the high cardinal himself, my companion here has been sent with me to help me in this journey."
Grian: A look flashes in the mens face, a look of recognition. "i had heard rumors but I could not be sure, you know how such things can be. Well, if you require anything for the journey ahead you I'll be here to help you find it".
Scott: "Why of course, thank you for your very kind offer* I bow.
Grian: The man bows as well and leaves but not before handing you one of the candles.
Martyn: Well time for the meeting.
Grian: You make your way trough the busy market, weaving trough people of all ages and races, a man offers you leather, another offers you fruit, another tries to sell you a cabbage.
Cleo: I weave trough them.
Grian: You continue walking until you are stopped, it seems the guards are blocking the road.
Cleo: They are huh?... I scream "fire" at the tops of my lungs.
Grian: ... Roll for performance?
Cleo: 19.
Grian: You scream fire at the top of your lungs, soon other people join in too and the masses begin to panic, you can see the guards trying to stop the unrest as they leave their posts behind and you can see a way to the other side.
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RL!Scott: Hey Joe-...
ǂ﹅!୨୧ꕤ⋆﹅: …
RL!Scott: Are you okay?
ǂ﹅!୨୧ꕤ⋆﹅: ꉂꕤǂ𓍼⋈ഒꔛ ᯅ⋈⋆ H⋆𓂅⌗⋆ଘ𓍼
RL!Scott: Can you take that thing off your face?
ǂ﹅!୨୧ꕤ⋆﹅: ꉂꕤǂ𓍼⋈ഒꔛ ᯅ⋈E ⋈⋆𓂅⌗⋆ଘ𓍼
RL!Scott: I can't understand you
ǂ﹅!୨୧ꕤ⋆﹅: ꕤଘL๑ ﹆⋆𓂅ଘᯅ ᯅꕤ ꉂ𓂅ᯅ✧⋈
RL!Scott: Can you even understand me?
ǂ﹅!୨୧ꕤ⋆﹅: ꉂꕤǂ𓍼⋈ഒP ᯅ⋈⋆ ⋈⋆𓂅⌗⋆ଘ𓍼
RL!Scott: Void to Joel-
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You asked for art requests soooo
Maybe some Found family but it's a mess AU Tommy & Flower husbands?
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they are eepy
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
**You woke up in the middle of the night, and saw purple smoke bright and colorful infesting your room. Mobile was sat on a chair, next to your bed, looking at you.** ".. Evening, Pine."
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"You're really just solidifying a very cat-like vibe for yourself, to me, right now."
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It's actually extremely unnerving, to wake up and see him there, though she tries not to show it; bleary eyes take him in briefly before flitting to the purple smoke that was all around them, narrowing a little against the luminosity it brought. Her hands feels around blindly on her bed for a moment before making contact with her phone, which she flips open to check the time.
"... Also, not evening. But who's ever cared about something as unimportant as that, right?"
There's no real bite to the statement, just a tired, gravely tone to her voice as she sits up fully, rubbing at her eyes. Her unexpected wake up call seems to have dampened the ire he might otherwise receive, pulling something like this.
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"What's up, Mobile? Just... popping in, again?"
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omegamoo · 1 year
chbomb with the bigender flag.?? <:3
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hi scott i love you! i know nothing about your guy so i hope i drew him okay!
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shepard-ram · 1 year
Hi! This is abit of a weird question but will you write more of ieskai!reader in origin smp?? I loved it so much and would love to see more it! You truly wrote a masterpiece!
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Anyways prolonged ansence aside- not a weird question at all! While I'm not planning on properly writing any full fics at the moment, you sent this at the very same moment I was having a nostalgia trip looking at my old posts and discord convos. So I'm happy to at least drop some small thoughts right here for the time being.
You talk about earth a whole lot. And honestly, they are happy to tell you how wacky your home is since you constantly frame it as being "non-magic and much more grounded than it is here"
Niki loves listening to you rant about how cool (and terrifying) earth's aquatic life is
Like really, you lived in a world with eels that can produce electricity, whales that can be over 100 feet long, snails that have enough venom in them to take down up to 700 people, octopus with human-comparable intelligence, and you have the audacity to call guardians freaky? It's just kind of funny
Most of them have some interest in your knowledge of space and the history of human space exploration. Scott especially for obvious reasons. Although they find all the talk around aliens strange because 1: Scott is right there, and 2: they are pretty damn comfortable with the idea of other dimensions
The thought of people straping themselves in gaint metal tubes and launching them into the sky is entertaining though
I imagine you try to make equipment and tools to combat all their hybrid weaknesses.
You sew up some cloaks and umbrellas for those weak to the sun or rain, or put a gaint fish tank on wheels and cart Niki around like a kid with a toy wagon
I don't know, I just got some cuter slice-of-life shenanigans in my head for these guys.
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dcconfessions · 22 days
I need both Barda and Scott Free so bad it’s not even funny
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 6 months
For Christmas, Scott got Beauty one of those personalized stamps for books that say “From the Library of Beauty Lincoln”
Omygosh Scott - I've always wanted one of these! And the first book I'm gonna stamp is YOURS.
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Then my favorites. All my Tolkien books and 'Gone With the Wind', and any book that has to do with the Arthur legend. I've even got some Stephen King books because he's an amazing storyteller; the not too scary ones, though. The grand tales that show good overcoming evil (like in 'The Stand' and the Dark Tower novels).
And for you, something I love to give to the people who mean the most to me. A platter of homemade cookies and fudge!
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*the card attached reads:
Sweets for one of the sweetest souls I know. Merry Christmas, Scott! Love, Beauty xx*
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feral-citrus · 1 month
in the fanfic i'm writing rn,, empires s1 post third life, in the cod empire being neurodivergent is standard whereas rivendell is neurotypical society as we know it. which one do you think is the most healthy one for everyday people :3 (hint it's not rivendell)
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rotisseries · 9 months
gabe shows theo and liam the bodies that the anuk-ite has hallowed out trying to find their other half. theyre locked in a freezer. its literallt a freezer at school. theo's like "does the teacher know about this?" and gabe points to one of the bodies n is like "thats the teacher😗" anyway liams like "unless theres a gun in there too this isnt helping us find the shooter." like bro doesnt even care 😭 theo asks gabe why he hid the bodies. ans gabe says "we didnt wanna get caught." and theo's like 😐 sour. "caught doing what." "testing them. to see if they were werewolves. and they were." and liam, ever the NOT ON TOPIC SAYS "just like you tested corey?" like yes obviously . anyway gabe is like "but we didnt kill them, look at their faces, something else did that." and theo says "the anukite" kinda quietly and gabe says "😥the what?" and they just ignore him collectively liam turns to theo and asks "why would it want to kill anyone? it feeds off fear. dead people arent afraid." and theo's like maybe the killing just a by product. and liams like of what. "of it looking for its other half. which means its looking for a supernatural creature. someone like us." "so these three could have been werewolves just not the ones that the anukites were looking for." NOW THEY TURN TO GABE AND THEO GOES "which means youve been helping it" AND THIAM GIVES HIM DEADDDDDLLLY LOOK IN UNISON. "Idiot." + slamming the freezer shut to really punctuate it .  theo kills me . and gabes like "idek what you guys are talking about. i was just helping aaron it was his idea to test everyone." "who's aaron?" "he's on the lacrosse team. he's just a freshman." and this is how they figure out that aaron is one part of the anukite. theo and liam the power couple, the dynamic duo, they can do it all!!! they really do work well together. liam rather kill someone than admit that tho. two things tho. gabe just. was finding bodies and hiding them . crazy . two, HE WAS TESTING TEACHERS????
can I be real I got the impression theo and liam were side characters because they were names I had literally never fucking heard of in relation to teen wolf before you talked about them, + that tracks cause you're always a rarepair shipper and side character supporter, but it sounds like theo and liam are kinda carrying the plot here
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cocksley-and-catapult · 2 months
do you have like. voice claims for the both of the bois
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life-winners-liveblog · 2 months
Fellas the reason why is because 10 pm is my unhinged time and it's about 12:20 am and it wears off at 1 am so I need to get it out! *Blasts Spear of Justice on speakers*
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Lazy C
Grian: ...ok then.
*Scott covers his ears to cover the sound*
Pearl: ... ... mate. *She's judging you*
*Martyn just mutes you and listens to the memory music box*
Scar: Ah! You didn't get me this time!
*Cleo only smiles wider*
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yb-cringe · 2 years
thoughts on empires 2?
I LOve it so far. surprised that there’s already lore tbh! i was expecting them to go slower but hey we already got some backstory, some personal lore, and an arc of ‘mystery player’ that we Know can’t be Xornoth! Interesting interesting!!
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Oh you the King of Rivendell? Name 5 of you citizens!
jack manifold
all of my anons
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