#hearts the creator tm
smajorqna · 1 year
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Welcome to the blog i made because i thought of it in class and i need some sort of way to feed my hyperfixation.
Here is a carrd with more info about this mess. (coming soon)
All art belongs to me!! I made it!! Please dont steal or use for ai (sense thats been getting popular recently..). And please ask before reposting and if your too nervous please at least credit me :)
(Press "Read More" below for tldr for the carrd and an ID for each image)
(Last updated: 12/10/22 11:19am CDT)
And now if you look just below youll see all the tags i use and what they mean :) (more will be added in the future)
#smajorqna - all posts posted on this blog
#4th wall breakthrough - ooc posts
#smajor of rivendell - all answers from c!scott
#hearts the creator tm - all answers/cameos from my persona, hearts
#hello deer anon - all questions from fellow anons! Hello anons :)
#(tw/cw here) - obviously wont say that exactly but if a post talks about anything triggering or anything that needs warning i will put it there and i will put it at the beginning of the post :)
#posts about beloved husband - posts mentioning or even including the one and only codfather (will be also used as flower husbands tag so if you don't wanna see that block it!!!)
#cameos - other character cameos featured
#id below read more - will be put for every post with images in it (besides dividers)
#the 17th letter of the alphabet - this post was queued
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Heres the tldr of the carrd: (aka a list of things i need to add to it)
This is C!/CHARACTER!!! In no way am i impersonating scott the content creator. I am simply answering questions the way i think his esmp1 character would answer.
Admittedly, i have never watched scotts esmp1 series- i mostly know about his character through clips, fanfics, fanarts, and other fans. I know im such a fake fan /sarc so if i get any lore or canon wrong please tell me and ill do my best to fix it. If i cannot, then oh well to bad so sad.
This will include my personal headcanons so if you haven't heard of whatever even or something from canon, its most likely a headcanon
This will also include flower husbands (c!scott x c!jimmy) so uh yeah dont imply any other ships other than them only because i dont personally ship it (its fine if you do, i have nothing wrong with that :) just keep it out of this blog)
Everything you see on this blog was done on my phone using my finger. So obviously there will be mistakes. So yk use common sense and dont point them out :) its rude.
And lastly, this is literally my first time doing this ever so please be nice, im sensitive
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ID for each image/panel:
[Panel 1 (one): (start id) outlined and colorless drawing of empires season 1 (one) character scott looking confused or worried, there's a question mark symbol next to him showing he's confused. He's looking at another character to the right with the same drawing style. Scott's outline/lineart is a dark cyan. To the right of scott there's a character with shortish hair, pointy ears like scotts, with a plain t-shirt. They look feminine-ish and their expression looks happy. Near them is text saying "Me, the creator tm" pointing to them. The character's outline/lineart is a dark magenta-ish, or a really red pink. On the bottom of the screen is a grey box with a smaller box on the top left corner saying "Scott" in a dark cyan. Below is text in the same color saying "So.. Remind me of what to do here..?". (End id)]
[Panel 2 (two): (start id) Same character's and poses as panel 1 (one) with different expressions. Scott's expression is still similar, except this time his mouth is closed. The character's (who's name is Hearts) expression changed to them talking with their eyes closed. They look happy. Below them is the same dialogue box except with a different name and obviously different text. The name now reads "Hearts" and the dialogue says "You're going to answer some questions from people because I'm bored and I need something better to do with my life. :)" in the same color used for Hearts' outline. (End id)]
[Panel 3 (three): (start id) Scott is now center with Hearts gone, leaving a "Bye!" where they were last. Scott then looks to the left with an exhausted look. In the dialogue box it says in the dark cyan outline scott has with scotts name above, "This will be easier said than done..." (End id)]
Also yes ik the original third panel i misspelled "easier" but its too late now im tired
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tropicalcryptid · 7 months
Ok so She-Ra pulled such a great hat trick with Hordak's characterization, and I LOVE it
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One of my favorite things about 2018 She-Ra is Hordak's story and development (and Entrapdak cough but that's not the point of this particular post), and the cleverest thing is that so much of it is actually being set up and told to us in seasons 1 and 2 before we even realize that that's what's happening.
When we first see Hordak in the show, he's giving "generic evil overlord" vibes. Garden-variety baddie. Maybe a little more reasonable than some and clearly capable of long-term thinking, but that just serves to make him intimidating. Everything about him--the way he runs his empire, his armor, his color scheme, his minion, his Villainous Eye Makeup(TM), even his name--are all projecting to the audience "yup, Acme Bad Guy here. Move right along."
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But then, backstory. And everything snaps into focus. Not only is it one of the first big oh SHIT moments of the show, where we suddenly zoom out and realize that there is SO much more going on than we realized--it's also the start of the audience seeing Hordak as a character rather than an archetype. Suddenly we realize that he's not conquering Etheria because he wants power, or hates happiness and sparkles, or whatever--he's doing it out of a desperate attempt to prove his worth to his brother/creator/god. This moment where Hordak lets Entrapta in is also the moment the show lets us in on what makes our favorite spacebat tick.
On top of that, we've also seen him bonding with Entrapta and opening up to this person that he respects and trusts...probably the only person he's ever respected or trusted apart from Prime. And she's Etherian--someone of a lower species, someone he's supposed to subjugate, someone who he has been raised and trained and programmed and mind-controlled into believing is below him in every way.
But instead she's brilliant and creative and mesmerizing. She's not afraid of him, and she's fascinated with his work. For the first time since being abandoned by Prime, Hordak finally has someone that he can talk to, who is on his level and both understands and cares about the science! (because he is a giant nerd). She's kind to him, a mere defect. And it just sends his whole worldview into a spin, and that's all before--
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Bam, mans is a goner. Entrapta's "Imperfections are beautiful" comment punches right through all the toxic bs that Hordak has been steeped in his entire life. You can see on his face here--I think it's the moment Hordak fell in love with Entrapta, but this is also the face of a spacebat reevaluating his entire worldview. If Entrapta, who is amazing, believes something different from Prime...what does that mean? If Entrapta, who is brilliant, believes that he is worth something, and that she herself is a failure...
Well. We know what happens after that, and how Hordak begins to doubt, and eventually fights back against Prime (and remembers his love for Entrapta after TWO mind wipes help my heart ack). But we also get to see what life in the Galactic Horde looks like: the only life Hordak ever knew before coming to Etheria.
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It's not nice.
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It's really not nice.
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Prime operates in a very specific way, and we learn a lot about it in season 5. Prime expects complete obedience, devotion and worship from his clones. He allows no individuality from his subjects, not even a name. Failure or deviations are punished, mind-wiped, or destroyed. We even learn from Wrong Hordak that facial expressions are considered a privilege reserved for Prime (apart from, presumably, expressions of rapture caused by being around Prime).
And once we learn all of this, suddenly thinking about season 1 Hordak becomes very interesting indeed. The time we spend with the Galactic Horde and Prime throws absolutely everything that we know about Hordak into a whole new context. Now all those traits that made him a generic villain are actually hugely effective characterization! And what that characterization is telling us is that Hordak had already moved much farther away from Prime than we (or, probably, he) had realized, even long before he met Entrapta.
Horde Prime does not allow his underlings to have names, personalities, or any differences of appearance. Not only does Hordak allow this among his own troops, he chose a name for himself as well! Season 5 tells us that his very name is an act of blasphemy against his god. And yet Hordak took one for himself, and that name is part of the core identity he is able to hold on to when rebelling against Prime.
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Horde Prime cast Hordak out when he showed signs of physical imperfections. Hordak not only keeps Imp (who is by all appearances a failed clone or similar experiment) around, he treats Imp more gently than we see him treat anybody or anything before Entrapta. Imp is not simply "generic evil guy's minion," he is proof of Hordak's capacity for compassion, and evidence that Hordak cannot bring himself to cast aside "defects" as easily as Prime. Considering where Hordak came from, Imp's existence is a huge, flashing neon sign telling the audience this guy here is better than the hell that molded him, and we don't even realize it until 4 seasons after it's been shown to us!
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Very cool, ND.
There's more, though. Hordak's red and black color scheme? His dark eye makeup and lipstick? Very Evil Overlord chic. But nope! Actually these are actually expressions of individuality on a level that Hordak knows would be abhorrent to Prime!
Reading between the lines, I see this as Hordak desperately trying to reconcile two diametrically opposed beliefs in his head: (1) devotion to Prime, whose approval he desperately craves, and (2) maintaining some degree of unique personhood, of Hordak, from which to draw strength. Because a failed, defective clone cannot survive on a hostile world, cut off from the hivemind and from Prime's light. A failed clone cannot create an empire to offer Prime as tribute, nor build a spacetime portal from scraps and memory to call Prime back. A failed clone cannot create cybernetic armor to keep his hurting, weakened body alive; to force himself to keep going no matter what, to fight through the pain and the doubt by sheer force of will.
But maybe Hordak can.
And so there it is. Hordak had plenty of time to gain and explore his individuality while separated from Prime, but I think the reason he did it so effectively (while still deluding himself that Prime would forgive him for these little sins, if only Hordak could prove his value) is because he had to.
Wrong Hordak gained his individuality surrounded by kind, quirky people who took care of him; Hordak was ripped from the hivemind by Prime himself and had to fight for his survival against all odds. And that produced a dangerous and damaging foe for Etheria. But it also produced the one clone with the strength of will to defy Prime himself.
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This is long and rambling, but ultimately my point is that 1) I love Hordak, and 2) I love love love love that the show was so clever about his characterization. We learn so much about him and how much progress he's already made in breaking from his psycho abusive cult upbringing, and we don't even recognize it until the show wants us to. Hordak had come so far, all on his own, before he met Entrapta. She just helped push him over the edge and finally realize (at least consciously) that Prime's worldview might not be the correct one.
Idk, I just don't know if I've ever seen all the trappings of Basic 80's Villain(TM) so successfully subverted, where looking back 4 seasons later is actually a smack in the face with the "effective character building" stick. Amazing.
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blumineck · 1 year
yayyyy im glad youre posting your tiktoks here, tiktok is the harbinger of THE BEAST
No worries, I'm glad you're enjoying them! Personally as a creator I think all the platforms have their good points and their issues!
TikTok gets a bad rep (partly for real reasons and because it's a thing that younger people like, and that always seems to rub everyone else the wrong way) but ime it's much better than, for example, instagram. And I have a lot of love for tiktok as a site that actually showed my videos to strangers while I still had no idea what I was doing. Like, you wouldn't see this stuff if that site didn't exist, because I'd still be filming half-hearted pole tricks with bad camera angles that nobody watches.
Youtube apparently pays better if you can make it work for you (I can't), but it feels more toxic and industrial, like you have to play the game a lot more to get any traction.
And this place has some of the most supportive communities I've found anywhere, but huge swathes of it are highly inaccessible if you weren't There(tm). Plus, its relative isolation from other sites is a bit of a drawback in an industry that thrives on connections. If I hadn't been on here since 2009 or whatever, I probably wouldn't be here now.
Like, I'm glad that I'm here, because I love this community! I'm just saying don't knock Tiktok too hard. Because for all its problems, it genuinely IS letting some people live their dreams (or at least something that looks similar if you squint).
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cyphyree · 1 year
I think Cybersix is one of those shows that’s prime for a reboot.
This isn’t about “milking the franchise” —it’s Cybersix, there’s literally 12 people who remembers this show—but about getting rid of the bleh stuff like the racist caricatures, while boosting the fantastic ideas the show does have.
Cybersix is a show about a woman who hunts monsters to feed by night, and a man named Adrian who teaches high school English by day—they are one and the same person. She struggles with being an android, wondering if she is human after all. His nemesis is Dr. Von Reichter who creates monsters in order to take over the world—and Cybersix tries to reconcile the fact that she is “one of those monsters” who had escaped her creator as a child. And his fellow colleague Lucas bisexually flusters over both Adrian and Cybersix, oblivious that they are one person.
It’s a series that can be super relevant today. Update some characters and their designs, rework the story to focus more on its touching themes, and we’ve got a story about a genderqueer person who is fighting her fascist creator. All the while she loves, and subconsciously wants to be loved, but feels deeply unworthy of it because she is “one of those monsters.” It could be a story of identity, of self-love, of nature vs nurture, about how “monsters” are not exclusively evil, and how humanity isn’t exclusively good.
“Five fingers, a heart, but I'm not like them. I don't need a friend… Do I?”
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As far as I know, you can watch Cybersix on Retrocrush or TMS Entertainment’s YouTube channel. If I recall correctly, Ep 4, Yashimoto Private Eye, is the one with racist caricatures….blehg. I do like Yashimoto and Ikiko’s characters, but they are in dire need of updating.
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indieyuugure · 20 days
Leo... Are you okay there?
Hey! Creator!
*sitting in AFK*
Well okay. I'll send the letter. Fortunately I have the script of your letter.
Disclaimer, Indie. My name is Leonarda Sureva, Leo's (I mean ***'s) original character.
Ahem, ahem.
"Dear Indie!
Thank you a lot for the new episode of The Mutation Situation, a.k.a. TMS. I have a lot to share with you!
First of all, this episode is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEALY BLOODY! Although, what am I talking about, I can swear the whole chapter is the most bloody of this story! And it's super freak out of me and..." Uuummm "... Make me laugh from all of this." !?
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Dear God...
Okay... Let's uhh... Continue?
"Secondly, Poor Raphy. He became the responsible one, who must to save someone's life. And not just someone's but his own brother's life with who he had argued over 30 minutes ago. And noone else can help him: Casey is driving and Mikey not only feel gross but he had no idea how to help Leo too. And panic covers him with a prickly blanket."
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Seriously, what the heck are you, Creator?! Sadist?!
"And the last but not least... This moment, when Raph still holding Leo's hand, hoping that's it's not too late and he will squeeze his hand weakly to get up and hug Raph saying that he will be okay, everything will be okay, make my heart shaking and melting."
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Oh! Not bad. Even cute 🥰.
"That's all for now. I can't wait to see the operation..." ? "... and Master Splinter's reaction on this whole stuff.
With love and hugs,
... Creator, you are monster.
lol, sorry, but it I promise it will all be worth it and it was for a reason :]
(sorry about the gore btw, I put the trigger warnings on, but should I have put another filter??)
Also, no sorry you won’t see basically any of Leo actually getting fixed up. The next episode basically only contains Donnie picking up a suturing needle and fixing a light with Master Splinter supervising(and on standby if Don couldn’t do it).
And yes. You will see Master Splinter’s reaction to all of this because, just as a reminder, Splinter knows nothing of this “formula” thing.
The next part will be much less intense I promise you that.
Good questions! :]
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isackwhy · 24 days
I was thinking about Larry with a chubby person? Like how you did for Isaac :)
yesssss ofc
larrycroft x chubby! reader hc’s
(small mention of ed)
maybe i’m losing it but i truly believe this man does not care about that stuff
if ur cute to him, ur cute. he doesn’t question it
makes sure YOUUU don’t question it either
whenever u feel the slightest bit down or insecure he’s right there telling u how much he lives every part of you
if he notices ur not eating or falling into bad habits he calls u out.
gently ofc
but he knows it needs to be addressed
doesn’t get frustrated if u get defensive, he just gets more gentle
very understanding man like helps u thru everything
even if ur a content creator i don’t think he would post much about u and that’s fine
private but not secret is fun
you guys occasionally mention each other on like stream or recordings
if there’s any backlash regarding ur weight he shuts the shit down real fast with a polite but stern instagram story dw
no one touches his pookie
he notices at first u don’t eat in front of him
he brings it up. u explain why and his heart drops
slowly but surely after that u can eat full meals in front of him and not feel like shit
i have my last final tm and took a break from studying to write. i apologize in advance 🫡
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definesanity · 10 months
So I've been having Thoughts(TM) about Diluc and Ranni!Reader (because torturing Genshin men is apparently my new favorite hobby)
To preface, I always imagine R!R in an Imposter AU, specifically with a fake Creator already on the throne. A fake that’s cozied up to all the influential people of Teyvat, Diluc included. Before the fake Creator was revealed as, well, fake, they and Diluc shared a close relationship. To the point that the imposter verbally toyed with the idea of finding a blacksmith of sufficient skill to recreate the Darkmoon Greatsword for ‘someone special.’ 
Naturally, all of this comes crashing down when R!R is executed and revealed as the true Creator. When the imposter realizes that there’s no salvaging the situation, they drop the act and reveal that no, none of it was ever real to them. Diluc was a convenient means to an end, a way to foster subconscious goodwill and approval in the people of Mondstadt. 
When it comes out that R!R is still alive, just in a doll body, Diluc is initially overjoyed. There’s still hope! He can get to know and befriend the true Creator, not a heartless mimic! It didn't occur to Diluc that everything the imposter did was to make themselves more palatable to their worshipers. The fact of the matter is, the face the imposter presented to Diluc is nothing like R!R’s actual personality.
Diluc meets R!R, dressed in their plain white and blue robes - aside from the easily-stained fabric, the outfit is simple and practical. No accessories, save for the simple clip holding their hair back. A far cry from the elegant wardrobe of the imposter. R!R watches him with cold eyes, bored eyes.
Where the imposter presented themselves as soft and reserved, R!R is cold and direct. The imposter pretended to be harmless, someone who couldn’t hurt a fly; everything about R!R screams danger, and they won’t hesitate to make it even more obvious. 
The imposter led Diluc to believe that they also hated the Fatui and Abyss Order. When Diluc apologizes for forcing R!R to resort to these factions as allies, they laugh.
“Had Teyvat welcomed me with open arms, I wouldst still findeth my way to them. We shareth the same goals - and mine own sins are quite similar to theirs.”
R!R chuckles at his shocked expression. They continue to chuckle as Diluc questions them further. So determined to find proof of his own preconceptions, only for reality to crush all of them. Yes, R!R knows the crimes committed by the Fatui and Abyss Order, and yes, they still willingly choose them as allies. 
The Tsarista is a woman after mine own heart, they say, and the Abyss harboreth the same loathing as I for the tyranny of gods.
R!R leaves the conversation, but not before issuing a warning - Diluc is not to harm either the Abyss Order or the Fatui, not while R!R is in Mondstadt. The Eclipse tribe are off-limits as well. Whether it’s Darknight business or otherwise, if R!R even suspects that Diluc has harmed their people, then it will not be solely Diluc who sufferers the consequences.
R!R leaves. And it truly hits Diluc, then: the person he loved never existed.
Ouch, poor Diluc ;-;
Still, the Imposter R!R is incredibly interesting... still, as they say, truth is sometimes worse and more confusingly odd than fiction.
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drunkkenobi · 2 years
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Oh boy oh boy, here we go.
I waited until this week to do a Ghost Files spreadsheet update because I wanted to do it the same week that I record the older videos. (I have two spreadsheets, one that I only record once a month and one that I do every week) I wanted to see overall what a difference GF has made to Watcher’s shows and views. But first!
All of these videos blow the previous “fastest to one million” Watcher records out of the water. Every Ghost Files episode has hit it in 29 hours or less.
Trending continues to baffle me. As you can see, St. Ignatius did not trend, but had the best opening weekend of them all. I will not and do not understand trending.
The Debriefs are doing about on par that the PostMortems did, with these actually doing better than the most recent PMs did in 2021. They are also quite meatier episode lengths.
You can’t really compare GF to anything else on Watcher’s slate because it’s so doing so far and above everything else. So I’ve been comparing it to the final few seasons of BFU. It’s right on track with those videos, which is pretty amazing considering GF is under a completely different name and channel. I know those of us Watcher fans who have been here since the beginning find the fact that so many people didn’t know it existed baffling, but the algorithm is bizarre and cruel, so I think it’s a huge accomplishment for Ryan and the crew to be right on track with its predecessor.
Also, it is very sweet to me that right now, the top 3 Watcher videos are all from a different Watcher founder. Waverly Hills at #1, Simu’s Dish Granted at #2, and Puppet History’s Dancing Plague at #3. Aw.
One of things I’ve been most excited about with tracking these numbers is how other Watcher series are doing now that Ghost Files is out and so big. This will probably get long, so under a cut.
A lot of Watcher series are up right now, but only the Ryan and Shane shows. Unfortunately, none of Steven or other creators’ shows have gotten a boost from GF. The two exceptions to this are two recent DG episodes. The Uncle Roger episode continues to perform very well (at 908k and counting, twice as much as any other episode from this season) and bless his heart, Zach Kornfeld’s episode got a mini-boost after all the Try Guys drama broke. None of the other Watcher videos featuring Keith or Zach had notable boosts, though. (thank god they never had Ned on, am I right?)
The newest season of TMS has gained an average of 69k (nice) views since GF premiered. Compared to a 4 week run in August, they gained a total of 26k views. The other seasons also got some mild boosts, except the most recent holiday one for whatever reason.
Newest season of AYS averaged new ~14k views over a 4 week period before GF. Now it has averaged ~49k views. Older seasons also got a bit of a boost, although interestingly again, not the second most recent one as much. Maybe people started the playlists at the beginning after watching most recent seasons and didn’t get to the second most recent ones yet?
Most recent season of Puppet History is up to 50k new views per episode since GF, compared to ~28k in the same time period. Older Puppet Histories are also doing very well across the board. Will be interested to see how much this continues with the new season on deck next.
And finally, our dearly beloved Weird and/or Wonderful World. It is not up across the board, but a few episodes have gotten boosts in the past month. Solvang is up 24k, Roller Derby was up 21k, Pop Pals 52k, and Pie Shop 29k. Not sure why only these got boosted, but I will take it. Watcher, please, give this show another chance.
Oh also Tourist Trapped is up 50k.
As of today, October 17, 2022, Watcher has 209,373,478 views across 221 videos. This averages out to 947,391 views per video. This is up from 887k per video that I recorded a month ago. Jesus fucking Christ.
I also subtracted every video that’s premiered since 9/19 to see how the average changes without Ghost Files numbers (or that one off AYS). The average for the 213 videos that premiered before GF is 913k, which is still up quite a bit.
Watcher has gained ~200k new subscribers (at 2.26m) to the channel during this time as well. Their patreon has also gone completely bananas in terms of members. They’re at 6300(!!!!) right now, which again, completely bananas. I know a lot of these folks will probably dip after GF ends for the season, but all of this support only means good things for Watcher. They’ve got more wiggle room now to travel again and try new things and give new creators more shots. After everything we’ve watched this channel go through over the past two and a half years, I could not be prouder. 
As always, thanks y’all for reading! I very much appreciate all the love and nice comments and tags I see on these posts. Glad we are all numbers nerds that are overinvested in Watcher. 
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keruukat · 7 months
My CJVerse Masterpost
Hey! With the recent breaching of containment of the CJVerse upon Tumblr I figured I’d finally get a blog and subject my brainrot over my silly little guys upon the world. Anyway! This’ll be my masterpost for brief descriptions of all of my characters as of 11/8/23. Including Bad End and guys who have yet to hit the chatroom!
First off, my first and favorite: my “canon” guys! In quotes as, as all writers know, removing a character from isolation causes character growth. These guys have already formed Whole and split once, and are currently attempting to break the loop and live Whole-free, as per his request.
To kick it off, Whole himself! His chatroom nickname is Tempo, as these four have music themed nicknames. He’s generally kind, if self-sacrificing. Believes his Thirds deserve to live more than he does. Not necessarily suicidal per se, but would rather be split. Still, he rides the high of being Alive when he’s here. Enjoys the time he’s here but isn’t afraid of splitting. Has been looping for around 7 years, so he’s used to it. Has been looking for ways to make it easier on his Thirds but nothing he does changes anything of the loop. Art by @disruptivevoib !!!!
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Here’s his Soul. His nickname is Amp but he considers such his actual name, as it was relayed back to him through Tempo when he split. Mistakenly convincing him it was a gift from him for the longest time. He used to knit, hence the knitting project in his profile picture, but after an incident with a certain cognitohazardous twizzler he can’t stand the sight of yarn, particularly red. Has extreme self-sacrificing tendencies, and will shamelessly attempt to carry other’s burdens for them despite being crushed by his own. He’s healing, and is doing better, but still struggles. Is also struggling g with apathy and finding a new hobby, but uses a notebook gifted to him to try to pick up songwriting again. Art by @starryhologram !
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Heart Tiem! His name is Tune and he is FIRMLY in japathy, and has been since the start of this loop. He locked himself away at his Mind’s antagonizing and attempts to incapacitate him, alongside his verbal beratement. Hasn’t done much beyond run away from their Psyche recently, but that’s another long story. Art by @squeak-4657 :D
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Last but not least, Static! He’s the Mind, and he is Wonderful. A lot of character development went a long way w him. He used to be extremely antagonistic towards Tune to the point of an attempted poisoning, however, since Tune shut himself in his room for a depression coma and Amp secluded himself away due to Mental Illness^tm he’s since seen the error of his ways. He leans hard into the morality aspect of Mind, and believes Hearts are important to the function of the Psyche. Two of his closest friends are Hearts, in fact. He uses a regulator/modulator for his voice which cracks horribly. This has led into him building prosthetics and mobility aids for some other people in chat including his best friend, Storm, who is a Mind played by Q-ott. Can’t not mention him, as these two are in a HELL of an unhealthy codependent friendship. Trainwreck level. It’s awful. Anyway. Static also bakes as a hobby, and distributes his baked goods to chat on a regular. He’s great, I love him. Art by @pathos-p ! And bonus, my pfp, which is Static drawn by @agent-8449 (not shown in this post tho)
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Now, that’s the only “AU” played solely by me, but I’m in several shared AUs. I’ll list the canonical guys here, and later Bad End and FFA!
Kicking off with the Mind of the Aside AU, The Sound of Deep Waters, the Maestro in Blue, or as some may call him, Wawer. Eldritch god who lives in Europa where he’s built a laboratory to study and observe whatever life-forms sprung up on Earth this go-around of the universe. Hears the Dreamers, who are Us. The creators of the AUs. That’s to say he (and his counterparts) can hear all of the non-canon discussion and chatter (though there are limits.) I’ve taken a bit of a step back from him partially due to mental health but I still love the concept!
Pfp by and Heart played by @agent-8449
AU created and Soul played by @nitroish
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Next, not to go from an over the top eldritch god to The Most Boring Man In Existence but actually doing exactly that- meet Robert. It’s Robert. Ignore what William tells you, it is Robert, and nothing else. Much less anything unprofessional like Billybob or Bert. Eughk. Robert’s the Mind of The Stanley Parable AU! Haven’t done much with him, but there’s a running joke he’s a bootlicker because he’s So prim and proper and would do anything for a raise, or even better, a promotion.
Heart of the AU played by Q-ott
Soul of the AU played by @shadywoods
Whole played by and Robert’s pfp done by @disruptivevoib
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Heehoo. He’s awaiting canon, so I can’t say much of anything about this mf. Only thing I can say is that his name’s Tenor, he’s a Heart, and the pfp was done by the talented @squeak-4657! >:)c
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Azzurro’s an interesting one. Mind, displaced. Taking the role of a Soul this loop. He also hasn’t hit chat yet, so there’s not much to say. He’s shared custody between me and Q-ott, Q’s got em this loop. Pfp done by Q, too!
Heart/Mind played by @jesterberries
Soul/Heart played by the mastermind of this AU, @shadywoods !
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YIPPEE!!! That’s all for canon! Now onto the OOC chats.
Starting with someone I can’t say much about, but he’s still my scrungly beloved birdboy supreme, Trill! Trill’s a [REDACTED] for the [REDACTED] AU, and he makes bird noises near 24/7 and will go feral over a bowl of sunflower seeds (despite not liking them too much). He’s a silly little guy, if you ignore The Horrors like he does! @squeak-4657 and I share custody for him, sowing havoc and confusion in FFA when we both rped him at the same time haha. :> hroooo!
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Next up is Bass, similarly a [REDACTED] for an AU I can’t share. He hasn’t hit chat yet, but he’s an all around chill guy. Me and @starryhologram will be sharing custody of him! Unfortunately I’ve run out of image attachments I can add, but it works out because he’s still p secret. Shhh.
Lastly! Tachycardia. Oh, Tachycardia… He certainly puts the “bad” into the “bad end” timelines. He was once called Static, but he’ll insist you call him Cardia. He’s the once-Mind, now-Heart-but-not-quite of the SELF AU. Twisted beyond recognition due to forces from an unknown Psyche he’s landed himself as well as his best friends, Sisyphus and Midas (similarly twisted versions of Willow and Storm, who belong to Q-ott) in due to a grevious mistake, he’s left stricken in horror as Sisyphus grows chains and shackles, Midas begins freezing everything he touches solid, and Cardia himself? He watched as his blood turns from blue to red. He has to eat and drink to survive when he didn’t before. He goes blind, like a Heart. Eyes changing color between blue and purple. His regulator melds into his neck, becoming half assimilated by frozen, scarred flesh. His voice splits in two, a Mind’s with a Heart’s underlaying it. Hell of a body horror moment. And he’s stuck like this. Falling into Heartlike tendencies despite being a Mind (at least in part. Not fully, anymore.). Falling into apathy. Also, becoming even more unhealthily attached to Midas/Storm and to Willow/Sisyphus.
Heart and Mind of this AU played by Q-ott!
Pfp by @tnovanadir
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So yeah! That’s my currently comprehensive full list of Guys across all chats! May y’all enjoy, feel free to ask questions bc I’m always happy to infodump further. :D
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saveraedae · 22 days
Late Indie Animation Day Post (A thread)
Pouring my heart out edition
Nothing new to show for myself this go around, but hi! I'm Saver! I'm making The Mark Side— a comedy about queer teens in Texas with an underlying personal story about life, mental health, & navigating friendship with a best friend who wants nothing to do with you!
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My thread here is less about the series' content, but about my journey as a creator through the years, and my gameplan for it moving forward. If you wanna learn about the series itself check out this post or go to the official TMS website.
But if you've never heard of me— hi!
I'm Saver! An artist, storyteller, and animator!
A bunch of personal and sappy stuff below the cut!
I am not new to the indie animation scene by any means. Just a very small creator with a tiny reach. My journey in beginning to develop TMS as a show kicked off in 2016 when I was only 13.
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During this time I made lots of little productions with TMS, most of which had pretty sub-par quality. (I was a kid with no experience after all.)
They're all still out there if you go looking for them!
But hey, I set out to make stuff and guess what? That's what I did!
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In 2020, I released an animatic titled "Friend Fiction," which serves as both the pilot as well as episode 1 to the show. I was in high school during its creation and had no idea what I was doing, and it shows! But guess what? I set out to make something, and did exactly that.
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Episode 2, "An In-Tents Trip" is currently in production. It will feature a huge increase in production quality, full animation, and will serve as the proof of concept for the show as a whole! (A bit messy with the proof of concept to pilot pipeline, but it's got the spirit!)
Throughout the years I've been through so many personal struggles, both related to TMS and not. There's been countless times where I felt like I was at my breaking point, or like I wasn't good enough. But I kept pushing through, because I wanted to see the show come to life.
I've spent my whole life up until recently living with undiagnosed neurodivergence and untreated mental health issues, and only a short time ago did I realize that despite all of that, I always held onto my one goal: To make a cartoon and tell a story.
Ever since I was a young child, even before TMS existed, I always knew I wanted to make cartoons. Not just any cartoons, my own cartoons. I remember being just 4 years old and daydreaming about spearheading my own production, telling my own stories and entertaining others.
A handful of indie cartoons nowadays, much like industry produced cartoons, feature full teams managing each department, as well as several to many other animators. Which is cool as hell! Who would have thought that one day animation would come to this point?
GLITCH and Spindlehorse are truly blowing my mind by what they have and continue to accomplish. It's really remarkable and satisfying to see as someone who grew up thinking the only way to get things in front of others was to give up control and sacrifice the quality.
Another handful of shows though, which The Mark Side falls under, has everything lead, animated, produced, and even more by just one person: the creator. There's people with enough passion to do what teams of hundreds do, just by themselves. Because they want to.
I one day aspire to expand its production to the likes of the aforementioned studios, but only time will tell if that goal will get met. Regardless, I'm going to keep going. My goal is to get a show made, and my eagerness to see it all in full one day is what drives me.
Does any of that sound messy? Unprofessional even?
It does!
And that's ok!
Indie is not the industry.
Indie is independence, and breaking free from the norm. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Let your passion and love for your craft drive you
I believe the best creators write and tell stories from the heart.
Not everything will look perfect, but our love for what we do is evident in everything we create, and our eagerness for the future accomplishes more than we think. That's what indie means to me.
I've been through a lot as a creator. And I'm far from meeting my goal. But the world will be ready for what I have to offer some day, and same for whoever this thread resonates with.
Until then, let's support our colleagues and let our creations guide us.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I'm glad I found this blog because it has became increasingly impossible to find a progressive-leaning Westerner who doesn't condone a literal GENOCIDE that is happening as we speak.
I used to follow so many American leftists on TikTok, learned a lot from them about the Western imperialism and American White Supremacy, but almost ALL of those people suddenly somehow forgot their own principles and convictions when the war broke out in Ukraine. There is this one creator I used to respect a lot who one day decided to say it is a drama when a Ukrainian woman speaks out against other creator perpetuating Russian propaganda. Said Ukrainian woman got hurt and respectfully expressed this hurt but was met with hostility and vile accusations. Then there was some dude on Twitter who compared the war crimes in Ukraine to gentrification in the US and that tweet got many likes.
For the sake of my mental health and sanity, I decided to forever stay away from American discourse and interact with as few Americans as possible because it is insane how these people can be such cold-hearted, entitled hypocrites.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I will say, however, that I'm not the only one -- all the sensible, left-leaning, Democratic-voting, Cringe Normie Liberals (TM) that I know, both online and in real life, support Ukraine too. I strongly suspect that this is because their brains aren't poisoned with Online Leftism, they are able to look at and assess the situation rationally, and don't feel the need/constant peer pressure to perform Anti-American-Imperialism (and Pro-All-Other-Kinds-of-Imperialism) brainworms like the rest of the Terminally Online. So yeah, plenty of us do exist, but you're probably not going to find them in so-called leftist online space, for many reasons previously discussed. Which is disappointing on all kinds of levels.
Basically, the Online Left was on very thin ice with me anyway prior to all this, but they've really exposed the abject failure of their meme ideology with their whole response to the war in Ukraine, and how it's entirely focused on feeling morally superior to the American establishment/Democratic party, regardless of which atrocities they are required to defend as a result. Shit like this is why I don't call myself a leftist, even though my views/policies would definitely fall on that spectrum, because just like "socialist," I feel like it's become an essentially meaningless term that doesn't convey what I want to mean by it, and is mostly poisoned by a vocal and aggressive minority whose rhetoric is nonetheless increasingly adopted by young progressive-identified people, and that worries me a lot.
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vmures · 11 months
Saw the Barbie movie and loved it. Sadly I can already imagine the studio execs hashing out why it's doing so well and inevitably coming to entirely the wrong conclusions. Because they always try to break popular media down into little boxes that they can try to replicate. They will look at it and go "Oh, people really love Barbie, pink, and Girl Power(tm)" and completely miss the actual points of connection that people had with the film. Yes, it had some fun Barbie easter eggs that were hilarious and awesome if you'd ever played with Barbies. But more importantly, it had a story that made so many people feel seen.
Hollywood execs forget that it's the stories we connect with, not the IP trappings. Those are just the story vessels. They're fun, and I love fandom and various franchises, but because of the stories they allow me to tell and the stories that I connect with that are told within them. Sometimes those stories are brain candy, and sometimes they are a full-on meal. And because I love transformative works, sometimes those brain candy pieces get transmuted into feasts for the mind, heart, and soul, and sometimes the feasts get transmuted into a light fully cotton-candy snack or a nice cup of soothing hot chocolate.
But the thing that brings me back to certain pieces of media (pro work or fan work) more than anything is that the stories are genuine. You can often feel the creator's passion for the topic. The Lord of the Rings movies were so amazing to me because they were a love letter to a beloved franchise. I started falling out of love with the MCU the moment it became clear that the creators didn't love comics and superhero tropes as much as I did and often seemed to actively dislike the characters they were portraying.
So Hollywood execs and marketing gurus are going to analyze the Barbie phenomenon and will almost certainly miss that the reason it's resonating isn't that it's Barbie, but that it's a complex love letter to humanity neatly disguised as a love letter to Barbie. The part that should be replicated is not the framework of the story itself, but encouraging and supporting media that tells heartfelt and genuine stories. They don't have to be happy, they just have to be sincere.
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ao3feed-twiyor · 2 months
A Stella for Mama
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etAQrb2 by miss__nothing His heart caught in his throat. Suspended in the joyful sight and sound, he found himself mourning a life never lived. An alternate reality that didn't exist, where Westalis buildings still stood proud and tall, and he and Yor met in similarly serendipitous circumstances: the same, but different. The same Yor, the same whoever-he-was, but without the baggage of wartime trauma and the weight of the world on his shoulders...   Yor and Loid reach an important milestone in their 'practice' mission. Words: 5994, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Once Daily Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Franky Franklin, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger, Sylvia Sherwood | Handler Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Drunk Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Good Uncle Franky Franklin, Good Wingman Franky Franklin, Fluff, Flirting, Light Angst, rated for smoking and drinking, they don't get busy yet sorryyyy, soon tm, First Kiss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etAQrb2
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Oc introduction
Name: Koiyan Xing
Age: 15 (20th reincarnation)
Height: 5'0 foot
Pronouns: She/They
Powers: Money production (Can create drachmas out of their blood), Necromancy, Geokinesis, Umbrakineisis/Sciakinesis, Shadow travel, and Death prediction.
Blessed by: Hera (manipulating feathers in and out of headspace form) Apollo (im a chorus and piano kid what do you expect?) Ares (rage)
Weapons: Celestial bronze bident, Bladed fan engraved with constellations and roses as the stars (Gift from Astraios, the god of stars and wind), Giant ass battle-axe three heads taller than themself (Found at an abandoned battlefield), Celestial bronze claws, Roserade Dawnbreaker (a talking sword that attached itself to me for some reason-). Skull crossbow, and skull knives and daggers
Born from the ground(literally), Koiyan is made of spinel crystals and their life is connected to a flame in Tartarus. After many reincarnations, her mind split into shards. The shards turned into alters (DID) and now she has people in their head.
Yeah so we figured out when people front or co-front some of their physical characteristics transfer onto the body. When fully fronting their eyes change to the color of who is fronting as well as the characteristics.
The alters list for the Oc and the creator is on the blog @wildwoodshotelsystem-tm which is also my ooc blog
My alters that participate in PJO rp!:
@zagreus-god-of-blood-rebirths-yk my brother 😐
@thanatos-greek-grim-reaper brother in law😐
@asaki-daughter-of-emo-gods my niece🖤🖤🖤🖤
@jinkas-heart-filled-meadows my soon to be wifey 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@estrellita-the-north-star baby girllllllll✨✨✨✨✨✨
@anderes-ares-biker-himbo-son best boy 🫶🫶🫶/p
the pintrest for their rooms
"Time eats all his children in the end." -Jane Doe, Ride The Cyclone
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OOC introdution
Name: Koiyan/Government name that I will not disclose
Pronouns: She/They
Likes: PJO, Ride The Cyclone, Drawing, Writing, Theatre and Musical theatre.
Yes we do have DID, Dissociative identity disorder, it is also on the other blog.
#attention the did bitch is speaking ‼️‼️‼️ -is for regular posts in character
#flames of the past -is past character lore
#incorrect quotes-obviously for the incorrect quotes i do
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After a lot of tough fights (and some, uh, not very tough ones...) Round 1 has come to an end! The people have spoken, and so, the swaggiest Iterators for this round are...
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Wow! Great job everyone! While you can celebrate, don't feel like you can relax just yet! The fight for the Swag(tm) is far from over!
As for the "losers"... We loved having you, and we're really sad to see you go! Don't let this get your vibes down, dudes, okay? Even if you're not the swaggiest on paper, you definitely are in your fans' hearts! You haven't really lost!
So we're giving a shoutout and a big thank you to everyone who participated, but didn't make it to the next round! Please check out all the characters and their creators listed if they caught your interest, I can guarantee you they definitely deserve it!!!
Fortune Amidst Misfortune from @medi-bee!
Eight Strikes from @eightstrikes!
Tangled Threads from @ask-tangled-threads!
Wormy from @twofibersintertwined!
Stars In Iridescence from @starsiniridescence!
No Fathom Too Deep from @nofathomtoodeep!
Leaping With Faith from @leaping-with-faith!
Wait For An End from @wait-for-an-end!
Rocky Clouds In The Nights from @rocky-clouds-in-the-nights!
Spontaneous Combustion from @manyiterators-constantsuffering!
Endless Nights Overseas from @endlessnightsoverseas!
Panic Rising In The Horizon from @themapper!
Peals Of Rippling Stone from @stonecoastweather!
Hiss From Sun-Golden Scales from @hiss-from-sun-golden-scales!
Nascent Sparks from @emergentharmonies-localgroup!
...15? Huh. Wayback, are you sure this is the correct list?
Absolutely! I looked over it so many times, dude, you won't even believe it!
That's... strange... but okay, since you're the host, I'll trust you. So everyone! Make sure to give all those cool artists and characters a chance!
We hope you had fun participating!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 4 months
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
I think the fandom has had a turnaround on her in recent years, so the Chi-chi abuse has abated quite a bit from what I've seen, but for the longest time your standard Goku/Vegeta fic included SOME manner of sidelining her HARD, if not outright villainizing her or killing her off for convenience. Fuck, I'm guilty of it, even. I've seen meta and fics that go on and on about how she's abusive or ignorant or a bad wife or an overnearing mother or useles, and seen episodes where she's put aside as a gag, the nagging wife of Goku. Poor Chi-chi...she is so great and pure-hearted and stong-willed and yeah she's a bit of a tiger-mom and her name is a pun for tiddies but she loves her family and kicks-ass and she was done so dirty by the franchise and the fans for so long I wanna marry her.
Being a victim of yaoi is just one of the many ways Chi-Chi gets fucked over by the fandom. She also gets degraded for being a nag (wanting her family to be safe and not fight) and stopping her son from reaching his full potential (not wanting her son, who is anywhere from 5 to 11 depending, to be killed in a big alien fight). In this case, though, she gets killed off, divorced, or otherwise fucked over so her husband Goku can bang local genocidal maniac and fandom babygirl Vegeta. Bulma (who is canonically Vegeta's love interest) gets some of this too, but Chi-Chi's treatment tends to be worse since the fandom hates her already.
She's the wife of the main character Goku who is poorly written and consistently presented as a domineering nag as part of that classic sidesplitting routine. The very creator of the manga himself has admitted he hates drawing her and only kept her around as a punishment to himself. Because she's a loud woman people will shove her aside and completely ignore her to ship Goku with his rival Vegeta (which does also involve neglecting Vegeta's wife Bulma but more people at least like Bulma as a character.) She is consistently demonized by the fandom and I have even seen some go so low as to as to ignore her so they can ship Frieza, one of the biggest and most obviously evil antagonists of the franchise, with Goku.
She's the First of the Furies, which means she's in charge of punishing tormented souls in Hades. She is canonically the ex-girlfriend of the playable protagonist, Zagreus, and one of his three love interests he can romance in the game. Despite the fact that Megaera and Zagreus canonically had a very messy (but passionate) relationship prior to the events of the game, in fanworks she's often shoehorned into the role of wingwoman and/or Mean Lesbian (tm) in favor of the pairing up Zagreus with another of his love interests (the grumpy but affectionate Death Incarnate, Thanatos). The Thanatos/Zagreus pairing is massively more popular than any pairing featuring Megaera...despite the fact that in the game, Thanatos/Megaera/Zagreus is not only totally plausible, but entirely possible to achieve within canon. Literally, a throuple situation is achievable in game, and she still gets sidelined. Fanworks also have a tendency to paint the Megaera/Zagreus relationship as purely sexual and therefore not as "deep" or "romantic" as Thanatos/Zagreus, despite, again, plenty of in-game dialogue and events that indicate both Megaera and Thanatos have fallen in love with Zagreus on their own terms. Justice for Megaera.
she's one of two romanceable characters by the bi male protagonist and the other one is a man. people will write literal essays about the protag's relationship with his male love interest but she is reduced to "haha she pegs him. step on me" despite being an extremely interesting and multifaceted character in her own right. also people try to claim her ship is incest because in original greek myth she was the daughter of nyx who raised the protagonist and he believed she was his mother for a long time but their relationship was changed to be a boss/employee one in hades. and the protag's male love interest actually IS the biological child of the protag's foster mother but nobody wants to talk about that lmao....love you meg
There's so little fan content of her or the canon ot3 she's in because everyone just focuses on the 2 dudes 😔
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