#asked and answered 123
away-ward · 9 months
Opinio that was never really discussed before: nerds/geeks attract nerds/geeks, and this is why willemmy attract each other. Interesting how they both have met so many men and women, and they still wanna be with each other because on,y with them two, they can explore whatever things they want, together, without their ideas and wants being dismissed or being judged, or being looked as "uncool" because they don't fit the social beauty standard, especially for will was more know as a "jock". If emmy was not a smart, hardworking, since and honest, nerd, doesnt matter if she was physically hot (which she was) like alex, will would still not want to be with her, because he would want to always do "more, better, higher" with someone. The same goes with emmy with will, because she couldve just ended up fucking around with aydin, damon or even have a crush on kai, but these three were always very controlling and very rigid of their structure, and usually structure would put a halt to doing "more" just for the sake of doing more.
Idk, WillEmmy is always gonna be nerd bf x nerd gf to me. Because imagine if emmy was having a conversation of her interest with kai, kai will defo say something like "ok but why would you do/think that?", and the rest of the men would probably not gaf as much, so i cannot see any possibilities of emmy finding much deep conversations and shared interest with them. The one that i can see her get along with on a deeper level if outside of the circumstances of their meetings, would probably be aydin and micah. Aydin because he was a nerd too, and micah loves to talk, emmy loves to listen, so they can have ongoing conversations without feeling awkward like how em would be around michael or kai.
What do you think?
nerds/geeks attract nerds/geeks, and this is why willemmy attract each other.
You’re right. To be fair, I’d still classify Will and Emmy as opposites attracted, and I’d put Nerd/Jock under that label, because to me Will is a jock with nerd tendencies. He has an addictive personality and the ability to hyper focus on things.
This post might interest you. An anon asked me about mbti, and I sort of went off-topic talking about how much of a nerd Will actually is, and why they work so well.
Because imagine if emmy was having a conversation of her interest with kai, kai will defo say something like "ok but why would you do/think that?", and the rest of the men would probably not gaf as much, so i cannot see any possibilities of emmy finding much deep conversations and shared interest with them.
I feel the same for the most part. I don’t think Kai and Emmy share a lot of common interests, but I think they’d find comfort in the silence between them. Like you know those people you can just share a space with, and it never gets uncomfortable? That might be them. There’s no pressure between them, neither expects anything. Neither feels the overwhelming need to talk. I also HC she’s argue with Michael a lot, and that it’s when they agree on something, the others should be scared.
But nobody gets her like Will, especially the thing she enjoys, and that’s what matters.
I don’t think a lot about Aydin, Micah, and Rory to have strong HCs, so I can’t offer anything there, but I don’t see why you’d be wrong. I think Emory is probably very fond of all of them.
Personally, I always felt the point of the "family" was that each member was of equal value. Each member was needed to balance them out. There's something that Michael is missing that he finds in Emory. Same for Kai, and Damon. And in reverse as well. As much as PD pushes the physical bond between them, to me the emotional one meant more, so it's what I like to focus on. These characters need each other for some reason, and that's why the group works. That's what I like to explore.
It's why lines like Banks only needing to call Michael once in ten years from the bonus scene irritate me. Because if Banks doesn't need or even like Michael is some way, why did any of that matter?
Anyway, I'm getting off-topic again. But my point is that I think over the years, Emory finds a way to work and bond with each of them, no matter how difficult or odd it is. They're her family.
Thanks for your message, and sorry for going sideways there at the end. I get very passionate about friendships.
Take care until next time,
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elsannej · 5 months
Big fan of exploring robot characters' takes on gender (and associated things e.g. gendered pronouns 'cause my language doesn't have those) so asked about it:
Omega, while masculine coded, wouldn't care what others refer to him as because gender is not a relevant part of his identity: Being the "Ultimate (E-series) Robot" is what's important. Probably thrives off of being considered dangerous & identifies himself as a threat. (I do love different takes on this such as @generic-sonic-fan 's hc where Omega, in contrast, identifies with masculinity *very* strongly.) Anyways here's related art.
"Metal Sonic wants to be the one true Sonic. The real Sonic is already a 'he', so Metal has to be 'he'."
"Has to be," is an interesting statement. I'd like elaboration on (Metal's) reasoning for this: Is copying Sonic's traits "innate"/"natural" for Metal in a way where it's genuinely how he wishes to id, or is it a case of: All Metal knows is to copy Sonic, so he lacks an original identity? (Or that there is actual individuality under all that code and blue paint job, but Metal doesn't know how to/can't express it, or maybe doesn't want to acknowledge it at all?) Just thinking out loud here.
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generic-sonic-fan · 3 months
The Sonic Crew, 40 Years Later-
Just one of many possibilities, of course, but I challenged myself to imagine what Sonic's crew and Team Dark might look like when they're older. Long post beneath the cut:
The one who changed the least
Still an absolute daredevil with a heart of gold
All that running and frequent injuries did a number on his knees and he started using knee braces and a cane/crutches in his late 20s
(it took him a while to be okay with this, but he's over that now)
(He can still run if needed, but he'll be hurting for a few days after.)
Gets his need for speed by racing cars, motorcycles, the Tornado, and by skydiving
Still LOVES helping people and spends a lot of time volunteering
Yes, he's still signing autographs
He's got a permanent home now, mostly to store the Tornado and his other vehicles. He took over Tails' workshop when the fox left for greener pastures and likes keeping the place fixed up.
He's been reading a lot more. Now that he's got a permanent place, his library collection is massive
He's just taking it one day at a time, man. Always has, always will
The one who changed the most
He owns a garage in the city now, with a sign on the door that says "Prower's inventions and tinker shop"
He always knew that he wanted to sell the things he made, but he had absolutely zero interest in the business side of things outside of running social media accounts
So he's gone indie! He's almost more of an artist and influencer than a world-class inventor, but don't let that fool you
He's still selling his patents to top companies and making a crapton of money
(he's the second most well-off of the friend group aside from Rouge.)
So how's he changed?
He's lost a lot of his childlike innocence, become increasingly more focused on people's perception of him and making online content
and ultimately, he chose technology over the outdoors
Sonic kinda knew that sort of thing was inevitable, but it still hurt when Tails decided to move to the big city and stop exercising as much
But he's very happy where he is and how he's living, and he and Sonic still catch up with each other frequently
Still guarding the Master Emerald!
But he's really learned how to do more with his life despite staying on one island for most of his time
Tails finally convinced him to install enough technology to keep him connected to the world below
Since then, Knuckles has become the number one expert on Echidna anthropology/archaeology in the world
He's written several books using speech-to-text technology
(it's been difficult work- he's not the best reader or writer, but he put the effort in and now he's a published author!)
When he's not writing or giving talks on Echidna culture over video call, he's still taking care of Angel Island, growing his own food, and making more discoveries about ancient Echidna culture. That much hasn't changed
Ever since the defeat of Eggman, he's more willing to take vacations off of Angel Island, but it's still a rare occurence
He usually notifies the friend group via group chat whenever he plans on coming down for a visit, often resulting in reunions
Amy absolutely "settled down" and opened the bakery she's always wanted to open
Unlike Tails, she LOVES the business side of things along with the actual baking
Her bakery is one of the most famous in the city she lives in now
She loves the thrill of commanding the kitchen staff and managing all the tasks that go into producing good pastries!
She also developed a love for children, and spoils any child in her vicinity rotten
And she has kids of her own, duh
She helps organize and moderate the group chat for the old friend group
And she loves coordinating visits/reunions
Her house is always open to anybody and everybody. She loves entertaining guests, especially if they're old friends
Her house is SO cute and homey it's almost overbearing
When her kids have kids she is going to be the sweetest grandma ever
Already detailed in this post here!
He's matured a lot, finally having enough wisdom to act as "the wise immortal"
He's become a nomad, sort of like how Sonic used to be, except he takes things at a much slower pace
(he retired from GUN and absolutely had a midlife crisis. this is the result)
He keeps diligent journals of every place he visits, food he tries, people he meets, and so on
He's picked up on Sonic's hobby of learning languages due to his travels
He's gotten much better at socializing with strangers but still prefers solitude
. . . but he still carries a phone on him and participates (albeit rarely) in the old friend group chat
(Rouge and Omega have him on speed dial, of course. He'll drop everything at their beck and call, even if it's a simple "I miss you")
He's gotten more interested in some more esoteric stuff that would've made his younger self cringe, like poetry and spirituality
The world knows him as a bit of cryptid, lol
Unlike Shadow, he's not retired!
He left GUN and became a freelance operator. Kind of a mercenary, except he has just a touch more discretion than that
(His version of a midlife crisis happened when he finally killed Eggman circa 30 or so years ago. Those were some messy, messy times, but since then he's made peace with his continued existence)
He is still Angry, of course, but he's a lot more chill than he used to be. Sometimes this throws Shadow for a loop.
His ego, though ever-present, has been tempered by age
Mostly because he kinda thinks his younger self was a bit cringe??
Mention the word "Meatbag" and he'll get stoically embarrassed about it
Anyways, he's also a nomad, traveling the world to do jobs and stopping by Tails' garage for repairs
He stops by Rouge's house often, and meets up with Shadow at least once a month
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84reedsy · 13 days
Because i love him dearly can i ask for a smut hc using Sean Waltman with these two prompts? 32 “you wanna have sex with me” and 83 "you have no idea how much i want you
(Full disclosure, I didn't stop writing where these leaves off... if ya'll want the rest, you know what to do 😎)
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His question still rang in your ears, the lingering silence afterwards only thickening the tension in the room. You wanted to answer him, but your tongue felt too heavy and your voice seemed to be paralyzed.
It didn't help that he'd just come from the showers and stood in front of you with only that white towel secured loosely around his hips.
His deep, dark eyes stared curiously at you as if he'd never once considered that your friendly attention had been in fact far more. You could almost see him mentally re-evaluating every word you'd ever said, every look you ever gave, every time he caught you looking at him.
“W-what?” You asked, knowing full well you heard every word that left his mouth and slapped you in the face.
“You wanna have sex with me?” He asked again and the deep resonance of his voice only made the words that much more impactful as you pressed your thighs together unconsciously.
“I mean…” you still stumbled, but at least you found your voice, “the thought had crossed my mind before,” you admitted with a sheepish laugh.
“Really?” He raked a hand through his damp, black waves, his surprise making him that much more endearing. When he took a step toward you, your breath caught in your throat.
This can't really be happening. This can't really be happening. You repeated the mantra, but he still approached you.
“And…ever since, what was it, this first time you laid your eyes on my sexy ass, was it?” He pretended to think as if the words hadn't cemented themselves in his memory.
“I'm going to kill her…” you mumbled referencing your tag partner who's loose lips had struck again.
“Don't be mad,” Sean smirked a little, his eyes now taking more of you in. You're own wrestling gear felt extremely revealing now, there wasn't a curve in you hidden from view and you could easily see the appreciation in his eyes, “I'm glad she told me, makes me feel a little bit less of a deviant,” his tone turned suggestive.
You shyly grinned back, but stepped backward as he approached until the wall blocked your escape.
“Why would you feel like a deviant?” You asked, anxiously awaiting whatever first move he may make.
“Well…a fee reasons actually. One, every time I watch you in the ring, I think about how sweet you must taste,”
Your knees buckled slightly.
“Two, every time you lick your lips, I think about how they'd feel wrapped around me,” he looked downward at himself, the bulge against the towel lengthening and pulsing. His hand Held the knot of the towel, working it slowly looser.
Your core began to tremble.
“Three, every time you get pinned, I imagine it's me laying on top of you, holding you down, making you beg for relief,”
You whimpered quietly.
But now that he was standing nearly against you, he heard the effect his words had.
“As for what you do to me,” his smirk fell as his lips neared yours and you instinctively leaned forward, hoping to meet him. You were locked on his eyes even as you heard the towel hit the floor abs his hands slide along your waist, “You have no idea how much I want you…”
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Does Shadow gets some level of independence eventually? He can see chaos energy right ?
Does he ever gets to be able to fight again or is he completely retired ? What does he do after Black Doom is defeated ? If he is not a GUN agent anymore I mean
he gets as close as he can to independent
i want the epilogue to be a fairly faithful portrayal of ptsd and disability, and emphasize that healing isn't linear, and sometimes you just have to live with mental illness. theres no easy cure for it
he still gets flashbacks and nightmares and delusions, its hard to get him out of the apartment sometimes. hes easily agitated, wants to be given space despite clearly needing help doing certain tasks
but after a few months, maybe a year, shadow shows signs of actually WANTING to get out and do things. starts (begrudgingly) accepting help when he needs it
its still hard for him to sleep, sometimes he'll be up for days on end. but rouge always sits with him when its so late its early, and sonic picks clear paths for their races, and omega says that if shadow still wants to fight and prove his superiority, he wont just let him win
its not the normalcy hes used to, shadows never really had normalcy at all. from birth hes been picked apart and used and broken. but hes the ultimate lifeform.
i just want to epilogue to be bittersweet hope. everything isnt okay, shadow isnt fine. what happened will affect everyone in different ways. but it doesnt mean their lives are over, and eventually shadow goes from wishing doom had killed him, to being grateful his friends, and his brother, thought he was worth saving.
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000marie198 · 3 months
Since Omega finds beauty in explosion, he'd be best friends with Bean the Dynamite
I think he'd get tunnel vision and forget everything to challenge Bean on who can make the biggest coolest most dramatic explosions.
He must affirm his place as the No.1 Ultimate Explosion Artist (Shadow has rubbed off on him)
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weirdowithaquill · 2 months
Hello Weirdo! I hope all is well on your end✨
Coming off of reading “The Ffestiniog engines,” I was actually a bit surprised at how some aspects of Duke’s treatment/relationships with his classmates (Those are NOT his siblings dammit) matched with some stray headcanons I came up with for if CR no. 123 (The ‘Caledonian Single’) was a character in the RWS/ERS-verse.
This unique engine was initially built as an exhibition piece to represent the Caledonian Railway and its Chief Engineer at the International Expo of industry, science and art. So that means looking fancy and maybe pulling some coaches for show. And that got me thinking……if the engine is sentient, how would that affect it?
Like I was thinking, would this guy get lonely? He doesn’t have any siblings, and his intended purpose might’ve resulted in him getting isolated from the rest of his relatives and most other engines. And given that he wasn’t built to work, would said relatives think poorly of him? Kinda like the same mindset the rest of the George Englands have towards Duke being built to win a competition. Like “While we’re out here actually doing the work, he was built to just sit there and look pretty for the humans.” Might also result in him having poor mental health. And since he was constructed during the Victorian era, when attitudes towards that sorta thing were not very charitable…..I don’t think any mental health issues he may or may not have would be taken seriously, especially if like in your book about Duke’s origins, owners believe in the notion that “Engines should be seen and not be heard.” I can also kinda see him not having the greatest social skills around other engines?
But hey, no. 123 did eventually gain fame during the Race to the North in 1888, and even after grouping, proved to be a fast and reliable engine when put into regular service, and was the last Single-type express engine running in the UK. So I guess he got the last laugh.
Or maybe this is just me being unnecessarily angsty about an engine 😅
"I hope all is well on your end" - well... I got sick literally the same day I got this ask and spent the last 3 or so days in bed. Whoops...
Anywho! Caledonian 123 is such an interesting locomotive, and I feel like you've really given a lot of thought to how the poor engine being the only member of their class would affect them - though if I may, I'd like to throw out a slightly alternative idea.
Stick with me!
Ok - so CR. 123 was built in 1886 for a major international exhibition being held in Edinburgh. And back then, these international exhibitions were big deals for railway companies. The LBSCR sent multiple engines abroad (such as LBSCR Edward Blount) to win medals at these international exhibitions. And while the Edinburgh exhibition wasn't quite as big or grand as the Paris exhibition, it was a matter of railway (and national) pride for the Caledonian to send a locomotive.
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This all wouldn't mean quite so much if CR. 123 hadn't won a gold medal at said exhibition, which would have - to the Victorian engines - been paramount to winning the train Olympics. CR. 123 instantly becomes the biggest star on the line (much to the enragement of the 66 Class 4-4-0s that felt like this 'modern relic' shouldn't have represented the railway).
This stardom is only improved when CR. 123 becomes practically the only Caledonian engine upholding the railway's honour during the Race to the North of 1888. Due to their fast speed and surprising strength (they could climb to Beattock Summit, which is the highest point on the entire WCML), they would only improve their image. After all, both the exhibition and the Race occur within two years of each other, and would probably have defined Caledonian Railway spirit for a generation of engines.
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Then, they go on to become the favoured pilot engine for the Royal Train, which often travelled via the Caledonian Railway to get to Balmoral Castle - which would have been the highest of honours during the Victorian era.
And so CR. 123 becomes something of a Caledonian Railway star.
Note I said Caledonian Railway.
Once the Grouping happens, Caledonian engines were some of the first on the chopping block on the LNWR and MR dominated LMS. And while the Midland engines (which would've included the Johnson Spinners at this time) would have been more amenable to CR. 123 than the LNWR, by the time 1930 rolls around and CR. 123 is put into service as a regular engine again - they're all gone too. It's only the newer, bigger, English engines.
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And I think it's in this time period: 1930 to 1935, when CR. 123 is painted in LMS black and running regular services as an outcast on the network, that they suffer from mental health issues. Especially cause this is the Great Depression era, when the elegance and showmanship of the Victorian railways is long gone and replaced by efficiency and hardline competition.
CR. 123 would likely gain a lot more popularity in 1935 when their image is revamped by the LMS (which is about to preserve the old engine) to become a symbol of the West Coast - East Coast rivalry.
But that's just my thoughts! CR. 123 is such a beautiful and fascinating engine, and this ask made me do some research into them (and by extension World Expositions - did you know that the LBSCR B1 Edward Blount and the Eiffel Tower both won gold medals at the same Exposition Universelle of 1889?)
Thank you for sharing your headcanon, and for putting up with mine!
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max-nico · 8 months
I really liked your drabble of team dark and tails and was wondering what kind of headcannons you have for team dark? Especially omega
I love team dark and I love your ask aaahhhhh 😆😆😆 I might make a huge list at some point like I've done for other characters but for now....
Rouge is an instigator, Shadow is an enabler, and Omega is the doer. They switch sometimes but that's how it normally is
Rouge makes Shadow watch trash tv with her. He doesn't understand the appeal at all. He's so confused the entire times he's watching it, to him everyone is making nonsensical and unrealistic choices
Shadow doesn't understand that the appeal is not the TV, but his reaction to it
Rouge and Shadow are psychology nuts for two very different reasons
Rouge has learned all about psych. It's way easier to get whatever she wants when she knows how people tick.
Shadow is more into it so he can't figure himself out and understand why he acts the way he does using logic instead of emotion
Omega only has connection to the Internet at certain times of the day. He's a tablet kid except instead of watching like cocomelon or skibidi toilet, he's watching those car crushing videos and videos titled something like: How It Would Feel To Be Exploded By A Petrol Bomb
Tails takes off his restrictions whenever they're together, but puts them back when he leaves. Shadow and Rouge have a feeling this is happening but no evidence of it
Rouge and Wave hangout. Probably not regularly, but whenever they get the chance to
Omega laughed once and it sounded like an old toy's audio skipping
Shadow and Rouge both have incredibly sharp teeth
Shadow likes to pretend he's not as much of a trouble maker as Omega so he lets the robot take the fall for most of their co-op crimes. Omega is completely okay with this.
Rouge their "handler" in a bit of an odd way. Instead of trying to stop them from making bad decisions she'll stand behind them and take pictures, then when they get hurt/in trouble/consequences later, she'll show them the pictures of how dumb they looked even while doing it. They both return the favor don't worry.
This is pretty effective but it doesn't work all the time
Especially not on Omega who refuses to abide by social cues period. He does what he wants when he wants, and right now he wants to blow up any brand that's ever had an Eggman sponsor. Is that so wrong of him?
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wanderingaldecaldo · 4 months
Some time ago, @marine-123 asked for cuddling in bed after a tiring day from the Soft OTP prompts, and who am I to deny them some cuddling in bed?
V finds Rosalind in one of the overstuffed armchairs in the residential study, head down with the latest FIA report, but she glances up with a smile at V’s approach. When V takes position behind the chair, her hands seeking the usual knots, Rosalind sighs and leans into the touch, and the tablet slips from her fingers and drops to her lap.
“Gotta be done by now. Can’t much happened since this afternoon.”
Snorting, Rosalind pulls one of V’s hands to her mouth, pressing a kiss to her palm. “Darling, things can change before I finish reading a report. But you’re right, these are low priority items.”
“If they’re low priority, means they can wait, right? Think you could use a break.”
Rosalind scoffs as V resumes her work. “Keep that up and I’ll have no choice.”
“Might as well give up now,” V says with a grin. “’Sides, can do a better job in bed.”
Rosalind’s rich laugh fills the study, and she shakes her head as she smirks up at V. “Should have known you had an ulterior motive.”
V stills her hands and screws up her face in wounded affectation. “So I can continue in a comfier spot, plus we can watch your housewives shit.”
“And drink a bottle of wine?”
V leans down to kiss her cheek. “Of course. Red or white?”
Rosalind stretches in her chair then stands. “Do we still have that chardonnay in the fridge?”
They stop by the small kitchen to grab the bottle of wine. When she picks out the proper glasses on the first try, Rosalind’s lips curl in approval and her cheeks flush. When she manages to open the bottle without looking like a gonk, she can hardly breathe from the pride radiating from Rosalind’s face, eyes sparkling and smile wide.
The screen lights up the bedroom room in a blue glow as it powers on and V leans back against the plush fabric of the headboard as she finds the channel. After changing into a tee and shorts made of real cotton, Rosalind climbs into bed and settles in her lap. She grabs her glass and relaxes into V’s embrace.
V tucks her head into Rosalind’s neck, eyes squeezing shut, chest tightening as unnamed emotions bubble up. She doesn’t want to face them so she turns, opens her eyes and focuses on the screen. While they still don’t have any labels for what this is between them, Ros cares about her and that’s enough. More than enough.
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The President's Merc AU
Soft OTP Prompts
Still have a few prompts in the inbox but always happy for more!
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bl00doodle · 2 years
Your one art got me thinking about Team Dark as Team Rocket. And how instead of a meowth that disguises as a person. The disguise Omega as a Meowth. And by disguise i mean a cheap pair of cat ears
UR SO FUCKIGN RIGHT (pls dont mind omegas hands i kinda gave up OTL)
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Who are your fav Sonic characters?
Oh my god an ask hi
My favorite characters have to be Rouge, Belle and Omega.
I have a soft spot for the robot characters in media and the snarky pink characters.
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roachmattea · 4 months
ok im bored so i’m just going to list all the names i call you: amelie, lia, beloved, bestie, gorgeous, mattea, you over there, jeopardy champion, that one alvvays fan, etc etc
things i call talia: talia, lia, wife, love, james, that one gracie blog, gracie abrams, that gay girl with no bitches, 123 crunch mutual, etc etc
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my-wildflwr · 11 months
i have a severe one-sided beef with this very very very big popular taylor blog on here
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mageofcolors · 1 year
hey! whats your thoughts on e123 omega?
hmm i admit idk THAT much about omega but i think it's very cool how like. he has such confidence in himself. he knows he was built for greater things (such as murder) and he won't let anyone stop him!!!!!!
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84reedsy · 23 days
Oh are we sharing waltman photos now because I am down af!
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It doesn't matter how many times I see it.
It just never gets old - Papa Syxx can literally wreck me any day. I will clear my freaking schedule.
We should build shrines to his wife because she is the luckiest person I know of.
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Hi! :D I was trying to promote this thing I'm trying to start by asking people to create art to get the word out there, but now I'm just going to ask people if they want to straight up participate in it instead of just promoting it. You create TMNT art, have you ever thought about creating your own iteration or AU? Do you think that would be fun? Well feel free to use my writers guides. I have a Masterpost on my blog, it's the first thing you'll see! :D What do you say? :D It'll be fun! ;) it'll be like a fun hobby or side project you work on in your spare time. So will you do it? :D
OH MI GOSH I HAVE MY OWN TMNT ITERATION!!! I tend to call it an AU though I do also tend it to see as my own TMNT iteration. I've red a little bit the things you said on your blog and on your pinned(?) post. I really love this idea and I REALLY wanna expand my TMNT and make it something people will love!
I would love to participate and yes! I DO draw TMNT!
I do hope to btw show off my iteration and what and how the characters look and act like. The story is constantly in development because I want it to be good and unique. I'll check out some of the writers guides. I didn't earlier respond because I was in school but now I'm here and I say yes!
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