#at first he was fine doing guard duty but then got insanely pissed off that he couldnt spend every minute with her in that dress
musubiki · 9 months
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the soldier that stole the witch's heart
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass and A Lotta Sass Chapter 15:  How Can the Mouth on Him, Make the Mouth on Me Not Function?!
It would appear that I was beginning to get accustomed to my new status as ‘Negan Grand Overlord and Master of All He Surveys’ new boo and mother-to-be.  Appearances can sometimes be a wee bit deceiving.  I mean sure, while locked in his arms, thinking all the sweet positive thoughts that go with it, and that mouth, shit that mouth, it seems all well and good.  
 Actually, I have a feeling being locked in Negan’s arms, letting his mouth play ‘what noises can I make Callie make today’, he’d be able to tell me the entire world has burst into flames and we’ll be dead in three minutes and I’d be fine with the news.  Seriously, the mouth on him.        
Eventually though, the real world intrudes.  Sometimes it’s in the form of ‘if we don’t take a break, we’ll suffocate’ and sometimes it’s in the form of a knock on the door signifying food.  Oh, food, sustenance, which a good incubator needs for the tiny squatter inside of her.  
Negan seemed as irritated by the interruption as I was, which I found weird.  He was actually doing all the work, but he seemed to be pissed that his dessert was being interrupted by actual food.  He groaned, removed my shaking bare legs from his shoulders, walked into our bedroom and grabbed a blanket from God knew where, covered me up so my modesty could be maintained, and then stalked to the fucking door like he’d rather kill whomever knocked then realize it was his fucking fault they were there.  
I’ve never seen a door opened so violently before in my life.  And I’ve never been so fucking turned on by a door being opened before in my fucking life.  Dear God, the fucking confidence and power radiating off him, along of course with rage.  Rage was pretty fucking clear from the way he moved.  He took in the tray that whichever poor schlub had the misfortune of turning up with, asking questions about the doctor’s instructions being followed to the letter for whatever the tray held.  
The poor minion nodded, looking like he’d rather sink through the fucking concrete floor than piss Negan off one tiny iota more.  Then, with a wave of his hand, Negan dismissed him and slammed the fucking door behind him, right in poor errand boy’s face.  Damn, I almost pitied him.  Almost, but I’d been on the fucking cusp of another earth-shattering orgasm when he knocked, and honestly I was feeling a big on edge myself.  Literally.  
“You could just sit that fucking tray down and get back over here,” I offered, rolling my eyes when he shot me a look of pure lust, accompanied by a wolfish grin. 
“I could do that,” he nodded, and I almost wept from the absolute certainty that I’d won, but then he followed it with, “or you could get your hot ass up and come to the table and put the fucking nutritious food in your fucking body so you and the baby survive dessert.”  
Ugh.  See, I thought, looking down at my still too flat to make it believable to me stomach, you’re fucking with my sex life you little alien.  Thanks a fucking lot.
We ate, and since I wasn’t about to have a great fucking time chewing through leafy greens and whatever else the good doc and Negan felt that me and junior needed, I asked more questions and Negan filled me in on the day to day at the Sanctuary.  He told me that he’d need to get back to the call of duty the next day, and I looked at him and asked just what the high holy hell I was supposed to do while he went back to ‘work’?
His blank look, as though he hadn’t even considered the idea that I’m seriously not used to sitting on my ass and looking pretty, spoke volumes.  Carl was right.  The wiveys had served a really weird purpose.  A harem that didn’t even have children to keep their asses occupied.  I watched him chew his food, the exact same meal he’d requested for me I noticed, and try to puzzle out my question.
“Callie, princess, you don’t HAVE to do anything.”  Negan’s pride at coming up with that fucking nonsense was nearly cute.  Almost.  “You can just sit and make yourself-”
“Pretty until you get back?”  I snorted, taking a final bite of my own tasteless meal.  “Um, have you met me, Negan?”  I raised my eyebrow, noting his obvious discomfort.  He didn’t, not really.  Every time he’d come to Alexandria I was with Judith, or doing laundry, and once, shocker dishes.  He honestly only linked me to DOING him.  Shit.  
He finished his own ‘salad’ and sat back, considering how little he really knew me.  See, I thought, this is why I’d asked for more time.  To study you.  To make sure that I could live with you.  And I had a nagging suspicion that the parts of me he’d studied weren’t above my neck.  
“I know that you’re not just a pretty fucking face, sweetheart.”  He muttered, rubbing a hand down his face and licking his lips.  I wondered if his fucking salad tasted better than mine because of his pre-meal snack of me?  Shaking off that wandering thought I watched him consider me for a beat.  “It’s just- now that your condition is confirmed-”
I snorted, Jesus, he was making it sound so fucking clinical.  And SO fucking unlike himself that I nearly doubled over.  Plus, it sounded much easier to handle that way.  My ‘condition’, hear that you little interloper, even Daddy can’t handle the truth in heavy doses about you.
He glared at me and I waited.  “Now that we know, Callie, I want to keep you-”
I sighed.  “Safe?  Protected?  Bubble fucking wrapped until they come screaming into this fucking world?”  I shook my head.  “That’s going to make me screaming fucking insane, Negan.”  
We were both leaning back in our chairs now.  Away from one another.  A standoff.  
“First things first, sunshine,” he grinned, “you and me have to pick your guard.”  
Right, fuck, my security.  I wondered if they’d be forced to tie me to the fucking bed if I got too exerted during their watch?  I nodded, willing to concede that I had asked for as much.  “Fine, when do we do that?”
“Tomorrow, before I go back to ‘work’ as you called it.”  He picked up our plates and replaced them on the tray and walked it to the door to sit it outside.  Great, I couldn’t even clean up lunch.  “Then, after that’s out of the way, you can give me a little time to consider what ‘job’ I’m willing to fucking let you do.”  
Let me?  Let me.  Are you fucking kidding me?  Now, normally my mouth would be unloading on him, but Negan never fights fair.  Ever.  Because after he laid out this new dictate on my new life, he picked me up and carried me to the bed, to continue enjoying his interrupted dessert. And this time, he didn’t leave me hanging.  
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Benched - by Jane and Crhis
Jane:   *The day had been quiet so far, giving me time to update patient files on my laptop.  After updating Rhamp and Lyrics’s files, I closed the laptop and sat back in my black leather chair.  A knock on the door and a familiar voice stopped me half way from reaching for my cup of hot chocolate.  My hand hanging in the air while my brain was reprimanding it for wanting to still grab the cup.
 Shaking my head, I got up and shouted*  It’s open, come on in.  *The door swung open and a very disturrbed looking trainee walked in.  As soon as he came closer, I could see the reason for the visit.  His arms and legs had friction burns on them, but from the look on his face and the vibes he let off, I had a feeling he needed much more than a clean up and some ointment*
 Good afternoon, Crhis.  Have a seat and let me look at those burns  *I didn’t give him a chance to back out when I saw his eyes flicker between me and the exit.  He wanted to bolt, but that wasn’t going to be the case today.  Walking past him, I closed the door and turned to face him.  His face was red from exhaustion and his hair was wet.  
 I took a few steps forward and went over to the basin to wash my hands.  Crhis stood still, dragging his hand through his hair.  I dried my hands and put some latex gloves on, giving him a few minutes to gather his thoughts*  Shall we?  *I said and pointed to the gurney*
 Crhis:  [Fuck. Secretly I was hoping that Jane would have been ghost. Figuratively since she /is/ a ghost. Get in, stitch up and get out to sit in the dorm room. Yep. Fuck my life. I pulled the T-shirt off my shoulder and nodded to the doc, dropping the hand from my hair. All this shit because I couldn’t keep my head on straight. I didn’t need to be here, I would heal up just fine in the privacy of my room by the next night. But orders were to be followed. Didn’t mean I had to like them.
 I glanced at the gurney and bit back a frustrated growl. I wasn’t mad at Doc Jane, not in the least. I was pissed at myself for letting my heart become soft and weak over someone else.]
 #Tohr sent me down. [It was enough of a starter, right? I liked Doc Jane, she was wicked good with a scalpel and didn't take shit from anyone no matter how bad the sitch got. But I wasn't here to be social. My head was too full of all kinds of pissed off to be discussing playdates.
 I dropped the shirt and eased myself on the gurney, letting out a slow breath once I stopped moving.]
 Jane:  *I took my time getting the materials together that I needed and placed the tray on the table next to the bed*  Let’s see how bad it is *I smiled and started looking over each abrasion*
 How did this happen?  *I asked casually while I started cleaning each wound.  He didn’t have to tell me much, but I wanted to get him talking.  The trainees were making excellent progress but a few of them had been in here too many times for my liking and it wasn’t too long ago when Crhis was in here for a head injury and then after that he was treated by Manny with life threatening injuries, which made me a tad more concerned about him*
 Crhis:  [My gaze followed the doc as she packed a silver tray with gauze and other things I had no idea what they were. Her movements were slow but very efficient and direct. Not that I had any medical knowledge, but Doc Jane's  confidence eased me somewhat.
 Her question caught me a bit off guard, though I should have known she'd want to know what was doing. I kept it to the obvious, well aware of how close she was as she started cleaning my shoulder.]
 Tripped on the treadmill at high speed, forgot the stop key. [While seeing Qhuinn's perfectly matched set of blue and green eyes staring at me. That male had a body that could stop traffic with a single flex of a finger… His finger… Scribe what that male could do with his fingers, and his mouth, not to mention his co…
 Fuck. Not again. Inhaling slowly, I pushed that image away replacing it with focusing on the military style clock on the wall behind Doc Jane. Watching the long hand jog down a bit then up, the red second hand steadily raced around the face as if chasing itself.
 The ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room besides each step back and forth Doc Jane moved, and those were as quiet as the rest of the room. Each wipe over a burn stung, but I refused to give in to the slightest twitch and tensed up every muscle.]
 Jane:   *After disinfecting the wounds, I turned to place the used swabs in the small silver bowl on top of the silver tray.  I turned and walked over to the stainless steel cabinet, opening the door and taking out the antibacterial ointment.  
 The sound of voices echoed through the tunnels outside the medical suite.  V’s familiar voice was clear and loud as he knocked on the door.  Giving Crhis a quick smile, I turned and walked over to the door.  V stood there looking more annoyed than anything else “Trainee needs stitches”.  I stepped out and closed the door behind me*  I’m busy with a trainee at the moment.  Is it something you can handle?  *V nodded confidently and turned back toward the training centre.  He had enough medical experience to be able to handle general stitches.  I would check it out after I was done with Crhis, but I trusted V’s assessments.  If it was anything needing my immediate attention, he would have said so.
 Returning to the medical suite and closing the door behind me, the ointment still in my hand as I made my way back to Crhis and started applying the ointment*  It’s a little clumsy to fall off a treadmill.  Wanna tell me what’s going on?  You having dizzy spells or anything else I should know about?
 Crhis:   [The hands of the clock moved slow, methodically, like each move Doc Jane made. She was good, wicked good with her skills and I felt my tension ease as the time ticked by, hardly noticing the burns now.
 The sound of V's voice jerked me from my lulled state. Fuck. #Tohr must have sent him down to check on me. I watched Doc Jane turn and slip out the door, her voice soft enough I barely made out she was even talking. Likely giving the brother a run down on me, so he could run back and report to #Tohr I was a good trainee and did as I was told. That irritated the fuck out of me. That he thought so little of me as to send a fucking babysitter to check on me.
 The near silent footfalls of the female doc filtered through my inner monologue and I was ready to just bail out. I'd done my duty by showing up to be tended like a young. But again, her bedside manner kept my ass cemented.
 The question irritated me. I'd already told her what happened. Neglecting the /why/ was withheld on purpose and now she wants to know that too. Like everyone else needed to know I had feelings for Qhuinn when I was barely processing that myself.]
 No dizzy spells. [Thoughts of Qhuinn made my head spin and I can't stop thinking of the male. Fuck my life.]
 Look, Doc. What I say needs to stay confidential, right?
 Jane:  *I was relieved to hear he had no dizzy spells, but still concerned at the tone of his voice when he continued.  I reached behind me and pulled the small round black stool up to sit on*
 You have my word.  Whatever we discuss will stay between us.  
 *My hot chocolate was no doubt cold by now and from the look on Crhis’s face, I was sure we’d both enjoy a cup right now, but I waited to let him get the words out first.  Smiling and nodding for him to go ahead*
 Crhis:   [The moment the female sat, I slid off the gurney and started a slow pacing, ignoring the protesting pull and sting of my burns. I wasn't sure, not a hundred percent, I should be spilling my guts to the Doc.]
 He's constantly on my mind, in my dreams.. [Huffing a growl at myself for being a fucking pansy, I raked a hand through my still sweat dampened hair and pulled a handful as I paced.] I can't get him out, he was there, in the gym… his blue.. green eyes burning into my soul..
 [Fuck me sideways, this was embarrassing. I did not talk feelings well with anyone. Even Mary had a hard time getting anything but the standard chart info out of me. I needed to distance myself from Qhuinn, but where I was made it near impossible to do. And didn't that crank my shit four ways from sundown.]
 Jane:   *When Crhis got up and started pacing, I turned myself and pushed the stool back for my back to lean against the gurney.  The trainee was distressed, and no matter what the reason was…. Oh… as he spoke, I pictured Qhuinn’s face.  Blue/green eyes.  It had to be him since Crhis stayed here in the mansion and I had seen them together several times, but I had no idea the trainee was head over heels.  I had also seen Qhuinn with Blay and another trainee in the gym. Then there was Layla and the rumors about Qhuinn and Lassiter.  
 This trainee didn’t know what he was in for and I wasn’t gonna be the one to burst his bubble.  He deserved better than that.  I got up and walked over to my desk, and picked up my cup.  The hot chocolate was cold*
 I’m gonna make us some hot chocolate.  I’ll be right back.
 *I hurried through the door to the small kitchen and made two cups before returning to the room to find Crhis still pacing.  I handed him his cup and waited for him to take a sip*
 Pulling your hair out of your skull isn’t gonna make anything better, Crhis.  Have you told this person how you feel?
 Crhis:  [The doc's abrupt comment about cocoa was.. weird, but I nodded once and blew out a breath, my feet barely slowing. Qhuinn's face taunting me, fleeting glimpses of our trysts darting across my brain. FUCK!! I was going insane.
 Stalling out at the end of the gurney, I turned to the door… and kept pacing. Jane's return was a quiet one and I eyed the mug she handed to me before reaching out to take it. The warm cup gave me something else to temporarily focus on, and I took an experimental sip.
 And nearly choked on the swallow at Doc Jane's question, bowing back trying not to spit all over the white sheet covered gurney. Coughing hard, I shook my head and set the mug down.]
 No! [I answered Doc Jane's question a little harsher than I intended, the word forced in front of the cough. Inhaling a good breath and wiping my hand across my mouth, I tried again, avoiding the look on the female's face.] No, sorry, no. He's made his mind up to keep seeing other males. One other male..
 Jane:   *Chris’s reaction to the hot chocolate had me taking a sip of my own.  It tasted fine.  More than fine, it tasted good.  I was an expert at making hot chocolate.  I shrugged.  Guess not everyone enjoyed the sweet cocoa taste.  I took another sip for good measure and walked over to sit down on the stool again*
 Do you want him to be exclusively yours? And before you answer that, I want you to think carefully.  
 *I knew Crhis was feeding from a female.  He was one of the trainees that never called on a Chosen for feeding.  The only time a Chosen was required was when he was injured.  After a short pause, I continued*
 If he is exclusively yours, then you would be exclusively his.  Are you able to be exclusively his?  Is he capable of being exclusively yours?  You said he wants to continue seeing another male…  why do I have a feeling there is more to it than that?
 *The hot chocolate soothed me, but I had a feeling I would need to order some whiskey or perhaps something stronger for Crhis*
 Crhis:   [I looked at the doc, unable to answer right away. What /did/ I want? The truth was, I didn't exactly know what I wanted. What I did know was that the thought of Qhuinn with other males made me want to kill.
 With what I knew about Qhuinn, and the conversation we had, was that the male was into changing flavors of the day. Exclusivity I don't think was in the male's vocab let alone practice. But me, what I wanted? Being bound to someone would complicate things, but fuck me… I wanted the male.
 Pacing again, this time a bit slower, I picked up the mug just to have something in my hands. My mind a scatter of thoughts.]
 Honestly, Doc? [Okay, this was me handing over my man card to admit anything in the feels department. Fuck my malehood.]
 Yeah, I do. [My chest tightened as the words left my lips. It was still hard for me to openly admit to myself that I had it bad for the male, let alone to Doc Jane. More pacing. In fact, my feet never stopped moving. I lifted the cup to my lips and took another sip, the sweetness a brief distraction. Would Qhuinn be exclusive to me? If the way the male looked at me the last time we'd been together was /any/ hint at all, I guess it was entirely possible. Plausibility was something else.
 Could I give up seeing Katerina? I was not courting her, not formally; we were good friends and I was protective of her. I did find her attractive and appealing, what male in his right mind would view her differently? Biology demanded blood of the opposite sex and one time I provided that necessity for Katerina without hesitation. Would I do it again? Hell yes. But if that was the difference between having Qhuinn to myself or not at all.. I looked at the female doc and set the mug down gently.] I can't answer for him. Qhuinn is… Qhuinn.
 Jane:  *Taking my last sip and placing my cup on the table, green eyes assessed Crhis from head to toe.  The trainee was very good looking, and he had a body to die for.  But each pot had it’s own lid.  There was no way of telling if Crhis and Qhuinn were a good fit, but one thing I did know, was that communication was key in any relationship.
 I brushed a strand of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear*  If I understand you correctly, you say you can give Qhuinn exclusivity.  *I caught the glimpse of something I thought I saw earlier, but ignored it for now and continued*.  If that is entirely accurate, then you should talk to Qhuinn.  You have two options.  1) Tell him how you feel and go with whatever he wants, or 2) Tell him how you feel and lay down an ultimatum.  If he doesn’t want exclusivity, then it’s over between you two.
 I would urge you to think carefully about your choices before you talk to him.  Make up your mind and stick to your decision.  
 *I could see this was eating the trainee alive and he didn’t know which way to turn.  My concern was that he would get himself injured, or worse, if he didn’t sort this out*  In the meantime, I’m sending a report to Butch that you are not cleared to go out in the field.  
 Crhis:  [I didn't know what I expected the Doc to say, but she was right about at least one thing: I needed to make up my mind on what I wanted.
 I nodded once as she spoke and reached out to set the mug down when the female dropped the bomb about my being pulled from rotation.] What?!
 [The mug didn't make it to the desk, it shattered in my hand as the growl that echoed through the room made my own ears ring. All things aside, I had to give the female credit, she didn't so much as flinch from the sound.] Tell me you didn't just pull me from duty. Come on Doc, don't do this. I'm fine to go out on rotation.
 [Disbelief and shock flooded me as Doc Jane shook her head, picked up her own mug and walked to her desk. Without another word, she faced me and dialed Butch, spoke to the male,  and pulled me from rotation.  Fuck fuck fuck! This was /not/ fucking happening!]
 [Another growl and I flung the double doors to the PT suite wide and hard into the wall, stalking out and heading to the dorms. It wasn't necessarily the Doc I was pissed at, she just expedited the end. No, I was pissed at myself for not keeping my head straight and in the game.
 All because I was head over ass for @Qhuinn_BDBFM.]
 #Benched #BondedBrothers #BDB  - written by Jane and Crhis.
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