#au: modern jestiel
trannydean-moved · 11 months
spn aus you say..... (please tell everything I am begging)
GIGGLING LIKE AN IDIOT!!!!! OKAY!!!!! warning this is a really long post kgjhjkgrjkd.
i've got 11 so far, but two of em (rvbnatural and spidernatural) barely have anything. rvbnatural is spn guys in the red vs. blue universe with dean, sam, and my oc jaime being a part of a special elite military project, similar to project freelancer in rvb. it's in the 2550s so it's set in same time frame as the halo games do. spidernatural is the spn guys in some sort of spiderverse, idk if it's like itsv/atsv or what, but it WAS inspired by atsv coming out. azazel is a spider demon guy wanting to take over the world with spider demon kids. he gives baby sam some spider demon blood and then little dean comes in and tries to protect him and he ends up bitten. both of them end up with spider powers and are spider-men.
but then i've got more in-depth aus! my most recent one is a modern au where jaime's family and dean's were next door neighbors for about their whole lives. jaime had to witness john abusing and neglecting his kids, and eventually he just decided he wasn't fucking having it anymore. he tricks john into coming into the woods and beats him to death with his baseball bat. garth is there and he helps bury the body.
john's sudden disappearance gets chalked up to be him going missing, sam and dean (and maybe adam, idk if he's gonna be here yet or not) go to live with bobby, and jaime thinks his problems are over. he and garth never speak of it again.
UNTIL several years later when some kids were digging around in the woods and they dug up john's body. it was obvious that john was murdered, his case is reopened. jaime becomes the main suspect. cas is going to be his defense lawyer.
there's my farmer au. sam and dean were born and raised on the winchester farm, being basically the only ones who worked there outside of their father. sam eventually goes to college, and john has to hire a farmhand. dunno who it is yet, but a few years later, that farmhand quit right before harvest time, so now it's just him and dean. he orders dean to make ads and put them up so that they can get a new farmhand.
enter jaime, who has just moved to their area of texas. he's never been living out of his guardians' house and though he thought moving across the state to be on his own was a good idea, he's sort of scrambling because he didn't have a real plan. he sees the ad and though he's never done farm work before, he has done manual labor and he figures he can pick up on this stuff fairly well.
plus, in exchange for working, he also gets to live in the farmhouse on the property, and he doesn't have to pay for food or rent (though he DOES get less pay due to this). he figures this is a pretty good deal, and ends up going to apply for the job. he gets it, despite the fact john doesn't like that he's kind of scrawny. (he reflects that dean's always been on the leaner side and he gets the job done "okay", and this is also the best he's got, so he has to go with it).
jaime and dean quickly become best friends--they're working together side-by-side almost all day, almost every day. come harvest time, dean and jaime are tasked with selling their crop at the farmer's market.
enter cas, the youngest of a wealthy family who has always been big buyers in the winchester crop. cas and dean have had fleeting encounters and both have a crush on each other tbh. jaime sees cas for the first time when cas comes to their stall on his first day at the farmer's market and definitely understands where dean was coming from.
next i've got my modern au that's got dean as a famous music artist. tbh i don't have so much for this one, but basically, dean is a music artist and he's been hitting a writer's block (or whatever you call it for songwriting) but something makes him remember his high school best friends/crushes (jaime and cas) and he ends up writing a song about them. and he doesn't use any pronouns in the song referring to them, and TECHNICALLY both "jaime" and "cas" can be considered gender neutral, so while the song is a huge hit once he releases it, there's also lots of discussion/controversy about it because "okay so are these two people girls or guys??? or one's a girl and one's a guy???" but it's funny because it's none of the above, jaime and cas are both non-binary. but anyways both jaime and cas end up hearing it on the radio and they're both like "oh my fuck he remembers me…"
and they've been living their separate lives far away from each other for many years but now they all begin reminiscing their high school "friendship" (they were all extremely gay for each other) and debate whether to try contacting each other again. i mean, dean wrote a song about them and it became a big hit and is currently being played all across the country right now. it would kinda make sense to do so. and they're all kinda missing each other, which they dismiss as nostalgia but it's really a lot more than that.
so jaime and cas find each other and then decide to attend to dean's next concert, bc he's on tour rn. they somehow get dean to notice them in the crowd (jaime's gonna do smth stupid prolly) and dean sees them and is SO HAPPY and he puts his whole pussy into that concert. and then they reunite and are all super happy to see each other again. and they can't just ignore dean's confession in the song.... they all end up getting together again, it's good.
next my merfolk au!!! MY FAVORITE HEHEHE!!! jaime and cas are two merpeople who live on the coast, next to an older fisherman's cabin owned by bobby. i'm not sure if in this au, merpeople are social beings in the way they live in pods or not, but either way, cas and jaime are rejected by basically anyone (cas is too weird, jaime is too aggressive (protective of cas!!!)) other than gabriel, who is cas' guardian, and then jaime's once he comes around (jaime's parents died, jaime ran (swam) away from the rest of his family and got lost, then found by cas).
dean has been visiting bobby's place since he was a little kid, and the first time jaime and cas saw him, they were instantly fascinated. they'd never seen a human their age before. jaime wanted to introduce themselves to dean but cas was shy and not ready so jaime was cool with that. they stuck to hanging out with bobby when sam and dean weren't there.
fast forward 15-20 some years. jaime gets captured by fishermen and sold to a freak show. cas comes up on land disguised as a human and begs dean for help (bobby's in town rn). it takes a while but with sam's help they're able to locate and rescue jaime. by this time, dean knows about cas and jaime being merpeople, and he's definitely awestruck by them when he sees them both in trueform. and they're both fascinated by him, which he finds embarrassing, because he doesn't believe beings so magnificent should find him, a measly human, fascinating.
then there's my dystopian/post-apocalypse au!!! cas lives in a glass-encased bunker that's been the "one safe place" since earth's nuclear fallout nearly 100 years before. dean and jaime are two people living outside the bunker, otherwise known as purgatory. jaime and dean have been best friends their whole lives and have gone through literally everything together--losing their parents, raising their little siblings (in jaime's case, cousin, but jackie has always been more like a sister to jaime rather than a cousin).
jaime, dean, sam, and jackie all go out searching for the bunker, wanting to see the real thing. they've heard stories about it, and the oldest people they've met remember being rejected from entering the bunker during the fallout due to the bunker being "too full". it takes years, but they do find it. cas sees them, and cas, who has been obsessed with learning all he can about purgatory for basically his whole life, is bursting with excitement about finding people on the outside.
chuck, cas' dad and the president of all the people in the bunker, is just SO MAD that his son found the outsiders before his people did. because see, ever since the higher-ups of the bunker realized there was still people surviving outside, they began to capture them, bring them secretly to secret labs, and basically experiment on them to find out how they can survive outside the bunker until they die. chuck did not stop this tradition when he became president and found out about all this.
so basically, chuck tries to find an excuse to get these four outsiders to "disappear" so that he can get them to his private labs to experiment on. there's a problem, because cas is attached to them, to two in particular really. and cas doesn't know about what chuck's doing--if he did, he wouldn't stand for it. so chuck has to try to do all he wants while keeping it hidden from cas. it doesn't end up working btw.
i've got my hunter!jaime au, which is basically what jaime's life would've been like if he'd grown up knowing about the supernatural. there is SO MUCH i have for it, i cannot put it all here, but i CAN make separate posts about it if you want me to!!!
i've got two soulmate aus--a soulmate tattoo au and a soulmate journal au. in the soulmate tat one, it's a lot like your usual au with this trope--you've got your soulmate's name tattooed to you somewhere. but sometimes, people are born with more than one name on them, or none at all, and those with more than one are mostly shunned by society, while those with none are pitied. jaime, cas, and dean all have two, ofc, and grow up with different reactions to it--jaime gets it an accepting family, though they're a little misguided in their support ("he's confused, but he's got the spirit" sort of deal). cas' is an outcast at school for it, and half his brothers despise him for it while the other half do their best to make sure he knows he's not alone. then dean gets the shittiest bit, with his godawful father hating him and definitely mistreating him for this. i'm using this au to be a thing in support of polyamorous and ace individuals, and i just hope i can do good with my representation.
then with the soulmate journal au, every baby has a journal pop up when they're born that they can use to communicate with their soulmate/s. jaime and cas talk with each other for several years and think only they are each other's soulmates, but dean is also their soulmate--john just confiscated his journal after mary died and never let him get a hold of it. however, jaime and cas fill up their initial journal and another one appears for each of them, and that ALSO makes another one appear to dean. he gets to write to his soulmates for the first time and it's a big whirlwind for him bc woah, finally, he gets to talk to them!!! but then again, the only examples of soulmates he's seen is his dad and the awful way he handled mary's death, so dean's not the fondest of the idea. he has to keep his journal hidden so no one ever finds it and takes away what becomes one of the only highlights in his life.
finally, my last one!!! this is just a regular modern au. jaime moves into a new town and tries to fit in. he gets a job at cas' bakery, and he meets dean at the mechanics shop, and they all fall in love :] it's very nice and sweet.
I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! this was a lot to type out 😭😭😭
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trannydean-moved · 8 months
Baby, I Love Your Way - Fictober Prompt #07
Prompt - #07, "Do you recognize this?"
Fandom - Supernatural
Rating - G
Warnings - Nothing but tooth-rotting fluff
Word count - 829
Summary - Cas, Dean, and Jaime are all taking a rare moment to relax when a familiar song comes on the radio.
A/N - This is just a sweet modern AU that's got Jestiel and some of their kids. I've got angst planned for other prompts so ik I needed to have a just fluff one shot written, too.
Quiet days were rare—always had been, probably always will be. Nowadays, it was usually because the kids were home, making a racket. Despite the house being large, it wasn’t hard to hear the clamoring of feet from one side to the other.
It wasn’t the kids’ fault—Jaime knew that, and so did Cas and Dean. Having four teens, plus Bobby John, under one roof was a recipe for little peace and quiet.
But today was a bit different than most days. None of the kids were home—Bobby John was at summer camp, Jack was at Sam and Jess’ for the weekend, and Claire, Emma, and Krissy were all at a friend’s place. The house was unnaturally calm, the only sounds being from the radio, softly playing classic rock in the background.
Currently, Jaime, Cas, and Dean were all relaxing on the couch. They had somehow lined up their schedules enough to where they were all out of work this afternoon, and they could spend the rest of today with each other.
Cas was the only one sitting up; he wore his reading glasses and had a book in hand, brow furrowed as he concentrated on whatever he was reading. Jaime and Dean were laying on either side of him, their heads resting on either of Cas’ thighs. Their legs hung off either arm of the couch, but they were comfortable, and they were happy.
Jaime was just figuring he could take a nap like this—head pillowed by one of his partner’s lap and just enjoying the evening with each other—when Dean suddenly sat up. This jostled the couch a little, and Jaime grunted in protest.
“What is it, Dean?” Cas inquired, and Jaime opened his eyes to Cas lowering his book a little to peer at Dean over his glasses.
“Do you recognize this?” Dean asked, and it took Jaime a moment to realize he was talking about the song on the radio.
“Uhh, Frampton, right?”
“Yes, yes, but the song itself.”
Dean got to his feet, a grin on his face. He looked at Cas and Jaime, waiting for them to say something, maybe. But both just stared at him, and his grin faltered a little.
“You guys, it’s our song,” Dean huffed. “Remember? This song was playing when we all met. At that party of Jo’s. She had soft rock going, and this was the one playing when—”
“When Jaime tripped with his punch glasses and managed to spill one on each of us,” Cas finished, amused. Jaime groaned and ran a hand through his hair.
“Oh, c’mon, you guys are just never gonna let that go, huh?” Jaime grumbled, furrowing his brow as he looked from Dean to Cas.
“Aww, you’re still embarrassed about that?” Dean cooed, sitting back down on the couch, next to Cas. He wrapped an arm around Cas’ shoulders and pulled himself closer, grinning down at Jaime.
“Well, you did choose to embarrass me consistently about it for the next—what, five years? It’s tapered off since, but you never stopped,” Jaime snorted. Cas hummed a little, but Jaime could see he was trying to hide his smile.
“Of course I did—‘cause it was funny, and you always get the cutest blush when you’re embarrassed.” If it was possible, Dean’s grin grew wider. Jaime made a halfhearted attempt to shove his arm, causing Dean to do the same back.
“All right, come on, that’s enough,” Cas chided, taking off his reading glasses. Jaime gave Dean one last shove before quickly sitting up on Cas’ other side, grinning smugly over at Dean. Cas shook his head and tsked.
“You two are just as bad as the children.”
“Of course—they had to get it from somewhere,” Dean said in a mock serious voice. Jaime nodded in agreement, then leaned back against Cas’ shoulder. Cas wrapped an arm around Jaime and pulled him close, giving him a soft kiss on the temple. He then turned and did the same for Dean.
They sat quietly for a minute, listening to the end of the song, then the start of the next. Their silence was broken when Cas murmured, “Hey, Jaime?”
“What made you trip and spill your punch on me and Dean? Did you actually trip over something, or what?”
Jaime felt his face heat up, and he sighed exaggeratedly, debating on whether he should tell the truth or not.
“Don’t laugh at me for this,” he said after a moment. “But you two were busy looking elsewhere, and I thought—well, I thought I could sneak past between you both while getting an eyeful. But I wasn’t paying attention, and I tripped. I dunno if it was over my own feet, or what, but—Dean, I told you not to laugh!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Dean apologized quickly, still laughing. “But you know what that means?”
“I’m sure you’ll tell me.”
“You fell for us. Literally.”
Cas snorted, and Jaime groaned, and Dean laughed some more.
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