#au: hunter!jaime
trannydean-moved · 11 months
spn aus you say..... (please tell everything I am begging)
GIGGLING LIKE AN IDIOT!!!!! OKAY!!!!! warning this is a really long post kgjhjkgrjkd.
i've got 11 so far, but two of em (rvbnatural and spidernatural) barely have anything. rvbnatural is spn guys in the red vs. blue universe with dean, sam, and my oc jaime being a part of a special elite military project, similar to project freelancer in rvb. it's in the 2550s so it's set in same time frame as the halo games do. spidernatural is the spn guys in some sort of spiderverse, idk if it's like itsv/atsv or what, but it WAS inspired by atsv coming out. azazel is a spider demon guy wanting to take over the world with spider demon kids. he gives baby sam some spider demon blood and then little dean comes in and tries to protect him and he ends up bitten. both of them end up with spider powers and are spider-men.
but then i've got more in-depth aus! my most recent one is a modern au where jaime's family and dean's were next door neighbors for about their whole lives. jaime had to witness john abusing and neglecting his kids, and eventually he just decided he wasn't fucking having it anymore. he tricks john into coming into the woods and beats him to death with his baseball bat. garth is there and he helps bury the body.
john's sudden disappearance gets chalked up to be him going missing, sam and dean (and maybe adam, idk if he's gonna be here yet or not) go to live with bobby, and jaime thinks his problems are over. he and garth never speak of it again.
UNTIL several years later when some kids were digging around in the woods and they dug up john's body. it was obvious that john was murdered, his case is reopened. jaime becomes the main suspect. cas is going to be his defense lawyer.
there's my farmer au. sam and dean were born and raised on the winchester farm, being basically the only ones who worked there outside of their father. sam eventually goes to college, and john has to hire a farmhand. dunno who it is yet, but a few years later, that farmhand quit right before harvest time, so now it's just him and dean. he orders dean to make ads and put them up so that they can get a new farmhand.
enter jaime, who has just moved to their area of texas. he's never been living out of his guardians' house and though he thought moving across the state to be on his own was a good idea, he's sort of scrambling because he didn't have a real plan. he sees the ad and though he's never done farm work before, he has done manual labor and he figures he can pick up on this stuff fairly well.
plus, in exchange for working, he also gets to live in the farmhouse on the property, and he doesn't have to pay for food or rent (though he DOES get less pay due to this). he figures this is a pretty good deal, and ends up going to apply for the job. he gets it, despite the fact john doesn't like that he's kind of scrawny. (he reflects that dean's always been on the leaner side and he gets the job done "okay", and this is also the best he's got, so he has to go with it).
jaime and dean quickly become best friends--they're working together side-by-side almost all day, almost every day. come harvest time, dean and jaime are tasked with selling their crop at the farmer's market.
enter cas, the youngest of a wealthy family who has always been big buyers in the winchester crop. cas and dean have had fleeting encounters and both have a crush on each other tbh. jaime sees cas for the first time when cas comes to their stall on his first day at the farmer's market and definitely understands where dean was coming from.
next i've got my modern au that's got dean as a famous music artist. tbh i don't have so much for this one, but basically, dean is a music artist and he's been hitting a writer's block (or whatever you call it for songwriting) but something makes him remember his high school best friends/crushes (jaime and cas) and he ends up writing a song about them. and he doesn't use any pronouns in the song referring to them, and TECHNICALLY both "jaime" and "cas" can be considered gender neutral, so while the song is a huge hit once he releases it, there's also lots of discussion/controversy about it because "okay so are these two people girls or guys??? or one's a girl and one's a guy???" but it's funny because it's none of the above, jaime and cas are both non-binary. but anyways both jaime and cas end up hearing it on the radio and they're both like "oh my fuck he remembers me…"
and they've been living their separate lives far away from each other for many years but now they all begin reminiscing their high school "friendship" (they were all extremely gay for each other) and debate whether to try contacting each other again. i mean, dean wrote a song about them and it became a big hit and is currently being played all across the country right now. it would kinda make sense to do so. and they're all kinda missing each other, which they dismiss as nostalgia but it's really a lot more than that.
so jaime and cas find each other and then decide to attend to dean's next concert, bc he's on tour rn. they somehow get dean to notice them in the crowd (jaime's gonna do smth stupid prolly) and dean sees them and is SO HAPPY and he puts his whole pussy into that concert. and then they reunite and are all super happy to see each other again. and they can't just ignore dean's confession in the song.... they all end up getting together again, it's good.
next my merfolk au!!! MY FAVORITE HEHEHE!!! jaime and cas are two merpeople who live on the coast, next to an older fisherman's cabin owned by bobby. i'm not sure if in this au, merpeople are social beings in the way they live in pods or not, but either way, cas and jaime are rejected by basically anyone (cas is too weird, jaime is too aggressive (protective of cas!!!)) other than gabriel, who is cas' guardian, and then jaime's once he comes around (jaime's parents died, jaime ran (swam) away from the rest of his family and got lost, then found by cas).
dean has been visiting bobby's place since he was a little kid, and the first time jaime and cas saw him, they were instantly fascinated. they'd never seen a human their age before. jaime wanted to introduce themselves to dean but cas was shy and not ready so jaime was cool with that. they stuck to hanging out with bobby when sam and dean weren't there.
fast forward 15-20 some years. jaime gets captured by fishermen and sold to a freak show. cas comes up on land disguised as a human and begs dean for help (bobby's in town rn). it takes a while but with sam's help they're able to locate and rescue jaime. by this time, dean knows about cas and jaime being merpeople, and he's definitely awestruck by them when he sees them both in trueform. and they're both fascinated by him, which he finds embarrassing, because he doesn't believe beings so magnificent should find him, a measly human, fascinating.
then there's my dystopian/post-apocalypse au!!! cas lives in a glass-encased bunker that's been the "one safe place" since earth's nuclear fallout nearly 100 years before. dean and jaime are two people living outside the bunker, otherwise known as purgatory. jaime and dean have been best friends their whole lives and have gone through literally everything together--losing their parents, raising their little siblings (in jaime's case, cousin, but jackie has always been more like a sister to jaime rather than a cousin).
jaime, dean, sam, and jackie all go out searching for the bunker, wanting to see the real thing. they've heard stories about it, and the oldest people they've met remember being rejected from entering the bunker during the fallout due to the bunker being "too full". it takes years, but they do find it. cas sees them, and cas, who has been obsessed with learning all he can about purgatory for basically his whole life, is bursting with excitement about finding people on the outside.
chuck, cas' dad and the president of all the people in the bunker, is just SO MAD that his son found the outsiders before his people did. because see, ever since the higher-ups of the bunker realized there was still people surviving outside, they began to capture them, bring them secretly to secret labs, and basically experiment on them to find out how they can survive outside the bunker until they die. chuck did not stop this tradition when he became president and found out about all this.
so basically, chuck tries to find an excuse to get these four outsiders to "disappear" so that he can get them to his private labs to experiment on. there's a problem, because cas is attached to them, to two in particular really. and cas doesn't know about what chuck's doing--if he did, he wouldn't stand for it. so chuck has to try to do all he wants while keeping it hidden from cas. it doesn't end up working btw.
i've got my hunter!jaime au, which is basically what jaime's life would've been like if he'd grown up knowing about the supernatural. there is SO MUCH i have for it, i cannot put it all here, but i CAN make separate posts about it if you want me to!!!
i've got two soulmate aus--a soulmate tattoo au and a soulmate journal au. in the soulmate tat one, it's a lot like your usual au with this trope--you've got your soulmate's name tattooed to you somewhere. but sometimes, people are born with more than one name on them, or none at all, and those with more than one are mostly shunned by society, while those with none are pitied. jaime, cas, and dean all have two, ofc, and grow up with different reactions to it--jaime gets it an accepting family, though they're a little misguided in their support ("he's confused, but he's got the spirit" sort of deal). cas' is an outcast at school for it, and half his brothers despise him for it while the other half do their best to make sure he knows he's not alone. then dean gets the shittiest bit, with his godawful father hating him and definitely mistreating him for this. i'm using this au to be a thing in support of polyamorous and ace individuals, and i just hope i can do good with my representation.
then with the soulmate journal au, every baby has a journal pop up when they're born that they can use to communicate with their soulmate/s. jaime and cas talk with each other for several years and think only they are each other's soulmates, but dean is also their soulmate--john just confiscated his journal after mary died and never let him get a hold of it. however, jaime and cas fill up their initial journal and another one appears for each of them, and that ALSO makes another one appear to dean. he gets to write to his soulmates for the first time and it's a big whirlwind for him bc woah, finally, he gets to talk to them!!! but then again, the only examples of soulmates he's seen is his dad and the awful way he handled mary's death, so dean's not the fondest of the idea. he has to keep his journal hidden so no one ever finds it and takes away what becomes one of the only highlights in his life.
finally, my last one!!! this is just a regular modern au. jaime moves into a new town and tries to fit in. he gets a job at cas' bakery, and he meets dean at the mechanics shop, and they all fall in love :] it's very nice and sweet.
I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! this was a lot to type out 😭😭😭
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sunny12th · 11 months
dany being a ruins hunter, like ging. she wants to go to old valyria, a place no one else is willing to visit bc of how inhospitable its become. unless her family was killed in this au, in which she's gotta go on a vengeance arc kurapika style (would she put restrictions on herself too?). vengeance arc ends when she finds jaime and he's lost his right hand and has had his nen locked up so he can't even fight back. dany drags him with her and they go hunt for old valyrian ruins, finding tyrion along the way who also wants to hunt for old valyria.
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intonightcity · 1 year
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total: 61 | female: 32 | male: 27 | tbd: 2 | private: 4 ( list under the cut )
Stephanie Acker. 24. homosexual not yet out. mikey madison fc. Make Up Specialist. Cosmetology assistant. Affiliate of Boutique Fresh Products. best friend of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Veronica Allen. 33. bisexual. teyonah parris fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. ex of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Veer Alvi. 31. bisexual. dev patel fc. Nightly News Network CEO. Media Millionaire.
Theo Anton. 50. heterosexual. andrew lincoln fc. Grace's Auction Authority President. Authenticator. uncle of Landon Wynter
Daniel Baker. 32. homosexual. david anders fc. Adult Star For Starduxxxe Studios: face of horror themed adult fare
Dawn Black. 29. homosexual. kristen stewart fc. Former Model. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: where stylized adult entertainment brings more bang for the buck. Ex of Esmeralda Domingo.
Kurt Burrows. 33. bisexual. andrew west fc. Historian & Genealogist for NCHS (Night City Historical Society). half brother of Landon Wynter unknown at this time
Claudia Chen. 32. heterosexual. gemma chan fc. Actress. NYU Film friend of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Lavinia Cortez. 27. bisexual. sofia carson fc. Horror Host. Producer for Toxic Talk on the Frightful Follies Network.
Duncan 'The Scots Terror' Cloud. 45. tom hardy fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Lucian Craven. 34. heterosexual. abel tesfaye fc. Owner of Diamond Casino. Severin Founder.
Lee Alonto Danger. 32. bisexual. manny jacinto fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: the male face of the company
Esmeralda Domingo. 33. bisexual. shay mitchell fc. Executive & Acolyte. Diamond Casino. Severin. girlfriend of Landon Wynter (only in a default verse where he or she has no ship present).
Emeline Entwistle. 31. heterosexual. blake lively fc. Actress. canon ex of Landon Wynter
Tobias Fairchild. 38. bisexual. ed speleers fc. Producer. Head of Majestic Studios. Rival of Landon Wynter & Cosmic Vault Productions.
Holland Frost. 46. bisexual w/female pref. sarah paulson fc. Doctor of Technical Sciences & Gene Theory. Frost Synthetics. Outer District.
Jaime Garza. 35. bisexual. peter gadiot. Bar Owner. Neptune's Folly. Formerly Associated with Alejandro Silva's organization. selective muse
Munro Gordon. 38. bisexual. matt smith fc. Defense Attorney. Night City DA candidate. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Natalie Hill. 31. bisexual. zoe kravitz fc. Tabloid Queen. Media brand Lipstick Gossip: where sex sells, lies are truth & celebrities get trashed. Former best friend of Jade Winthrope.
Susan Horowitz. 31. heterosexual. carlson young fc. Golden Girl of wealth. Owner of Ruby Casino. Rival to Lucian Craven. Obsessed w/ Landon Wynter since high school.
Jackson Hunter. 37. heterosexual. andrew garfield fc. Night City PD. Dabbler in Cat's Eye deals. PD partner of Dal Kang.
Charlene Jones. 44. bisexual. zoe saldana fc. Former Adult Star. Current Executive Producer at Starduxxxe Studios.
Dal Kang. 40. bicurious. gong yoo fc. Night City PD. Head of Corruption Crackdown Unit. PD partner of Jackson Hunter.
Alara Kaya. 28. bisexual. hande ercel fc. Dancer. The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Ophelia Keal. 26. heterosexual. tilly keeper fc. Aspiring Actress. Socialite. friend of Frankie Hughes ( @stvrlyte )
Mark Lansing. 31. heterosexual. chace crawford fc. News Anchor for Nightly News Network. Film Agent (Hollwood verse only).
Camilla Luna. 28. lindsey morgan fc. Oceanographer. Ocean Ways Institute. fiancee of Lance Wynter in twin au. request muse ( all interactions take place prior to her accidental drowning )
Crystal Maddox. 25. bicurious. grace van patten fc. Venus Escort. Cousin of Jade Winthrope.
Gloria Mancini. 30. heterosexual. dakota johnson fc. Media Guru. Assistant Executive for Lipstick Gossip.
Cristobal Mardones. 48. heterosexual. pedro pascal fc. Gold & Gloss Loan CEO. selective muse
Natalya 'Talya' Mardones. 52. bisexual. salma hayek fc. Fashion Consultant & Design. Wife of Cristobal Mardones
Trent Miller. 43. heterosexual. anthony mackie fc. Glam Shell Modelling Agency CEO.
Talia Morgan. 40. bisexual. michelle rodriquez fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Nadine Moore. 42. bisexual. freema agyeman fc. Doctor of Pathology. Dawn's Light Hospital.
Tabitha Nunes. 27. daniela nieves fc. Gold & Gloss Loan. Former Friend & Rival of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Bijou Otieno. 36. lupita nyong'o fc. bisexual. Cat's Eye Black Market Madame. Voodoo Matron.
Karla Patterson. 52. bisexual. hallee berry fc. Madame of Venus. Sophisticated Escort Services. on again/off again with Ethan Wynter.
Selene Patterson. 27. heterosexual. tati gabrielle fc. NCHS (Night City Historical Society) Historian. best friend of Camilla Luna.
Miguel Perez. 26. bisexual. aron piper fc. Muertos Gang Leader. Enemy of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Cassandra Porter. 36. bisexual. zazie beetz fc. Boutique Fresh Cosmetics. Youtube Beauty Guru. Infleuncer.
Angelo 'Bonecrusher' Reyes. 50. dave bautista fc. Warrior Octagon. Undefeated Underground Fighter.
Miranda Royce. 29. bisexual. nicola peltz fc. Fashion Designer. Glam Shell. Daughter of Holland Frost.
Elyse Saetan. 32. bisexual. prang kannarun fc. Owner of Fusion Implosion & Chef.
Yuri Sage. 25. bicurious. jennie kim fc. Escort for Venus.
Marigold Sinclaire. 34. bicurious. amanda seyfried fc. Failed Starlet. Telemarketer.
Alejandro Silva. 40. bicurious. diego luna fc. Owner of The Coast Car Dealership. Car Meet Street Racing Promoter. family friend of the Mendoza's ( @ixonmaiden @deathlycombinations )
Giselle Steele. 30. bisexual. ana de armas fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. wife of Alejandro Silva (verse&plot dependant)
Calvin Sterling. 42. heterosexual. ben mckenzie fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Bijou Otieno's Hired Gun.
Feng Tao. 59. homosexual. tony leung fc. Owner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Head of the Viper Syndicate.
Yue Tao. 34. bisexual. meng'er zhang fc. Manager of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Daughter of Feng Tao.
Derek Thorton. 33. heterosexual. dylan o'brien fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Illicit Trades In Protection & Killer services. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Maya Tran. 40. bisexual. maggie q fc. Cosmic Vault Productions Affiliate. Celebrity assistant & publicist. Assistant to Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Archibald Tumblety. 54. bisexual. daniel craig fc. Producer. Starduxxxe Studios Owner.
Vivienne Wilcox Violet. 26. heterosexual. zaria simone fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: female face of the company.
Jade Winthrope. 30. heterosexual. shailene woodley fc. Night City PD Forensic Analyst.
Marius Wright. 48. heterosexual. omari hardwick fc. Former Underground Fighter. Owner of Warrior Octagon.
Aiden Wynter. 22. heterosexual. felix mallard fc. Photography Major. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Benjamin Wynter. 21. homosexual. christopher briny fc. Street Artist. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Ethan Wynter. 54. heterosexual. keanu reeves fc. Hitman. Business Partner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Adopted brother of Julian Wynter. Uncle of Landon Wynter.
Florence Anton Wynter. 56. bisexual. michelle gomez fc. Author. Freelance Web Writer. Mother of Landon Wynter.
Julian Wynter. 58. heterosexual. greg kinnear fc. Executive Producer. Majestic Studios. Father of Landon Wynter.
exclusive muses ::: created solely for extended family or connections in specific ship verses private muses ::: reserved for plots, connections, ships with a specific mun only selective muses ::: highly selective in who they will interact against face claims ::: I do not adhere to banned lists for starter calls posted on this blog. So pls specify to avoid using a muse with a face that is on your banned as I will not use alts. DNI ::: Young child muses. Personal blogs. Non mutuals.
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ao3feed-petyrxsansa · 2 years
Birds With Broken Wings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/a3necdl
by MockingBird68
House Stark is one of the oldest to hunt vampires and also the most respected. For centuries they, along with the other Houses Lannister and Targaryen have protected the world from the creatures of darkness. Sansa Stark, a naive but good-natured young girl who sees the good in everyone, meets a man one night who introduces himself as Petyr Baelish...
Words: 921, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Petyr Baelish, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Robb Stark, Brandon Stark, Ned Stark, Rickon Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Cersei Lannister, Lysa Tully Arryn, Jaime Lannister
Relationships: Petyr Baelish/Sansa Stark, Petyr Baelish & Sansa Stark, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Romance, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, First Kiss, First Time, First Love, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Loyalty, Jealousy, Betrayal, Blood, Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Modern AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Vampires, Vampire Bites, Human/Vampire Relationship, Vampire Hunters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/a3necdl
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spynorth · 1 year
whilst words aren't the best in my brain rn i do want to say just how inspiring i find you as both a writer and a person. your strength and resilience when it comes to life is absolutely amazing and often leaves me in awe. you are someone who fights to keep going. who writes their muses with so much dedication. i am endlessly impressed and proud of the person and writer you are and i am so glad we followed each other when we did. you are a truly wonderful person lucas. ily!
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@strlessone h ELP. I'm late to this too but I have been trying to think of the right combination of words to tell you how important you are to me. I can't believe we've known one another now since like .. 2019 or 2020 or something like that. Wild. Time truly flies. You were writing one of my favorite characters and doing it so spectacularly that I legitimately lost my mind over it. Hunter has never even played that game and I was just going off about this fucking amazing blog I had found and he was just staring at me and nodding like "ooooookay"... and you've done it time and time again over the years we've been friends and mutuals. Bond, everyone on your multi, aleksander... literally everyone, Sasha. Your Jaime is one of my favorite takes on him (truly the only one I follow/ever will follow) and I cannot imagine anyone else writing him. Thank you for always being you and being there to listen to me ranting and raving and to talk about the heavier things and to always make me laugh. There's not many friends I have who I know would stay on the crazy ride that is me pitching them a mi6/time travel/cowboys and aliens james bond and killian jones au and ... in addition ... actually take it seriously lmaooo. I'm so proud I know you sasha and I'm so proud of the person I've watched you become and the way you handle things life throws your way. You're an inspiration (both in writing and in life in general). I love you to death. I've manacled myself to your wrist. You're stuck.
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where is the arrow pointing if there is no target?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7ep2oLf
by cherryweetdevine
nobody can get in the way of a hunter and marksmans prey.
Words: 2468, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Brienne of Tarth/You, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Smut, Angst, Wild West AU, mentions of loss from a loved one, Internalized Homophobia, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7ep2oLf
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feedesmarais · 3 years
Jaime x Brienne fic rec : Jaime and Brienne meet ghosts.
- Time to rest by angel_deux : Brienne is the governess for the Stark children. She lives in an haunted manor with their stepfather, Jaime Lannister. Will she save them all from Catelyn's ghost? Perfect fiction to read at night in october. You'll grip your phone until your knuckles are white. Turn of screw/ Bly Manor / Mama / Crimson Peak AU
- Nevermore by feedesmarais : (my fic) Book canon continuation. After the confrontation with Lady Stoneheart, Jaime and Brienne are resting in the Isle of faces. They must face ghosts and fever dreams.
- Westeros Most Haunted by Aviss : Jaime and Brienne are ghost hunters. They're making a video to investigate the Twins, an old castle rumored to be haunted since a great massacre. Great tension and nice ending : this fic has it all.
- As Black as Thunder by Cytara : the perfect gothic romance with beautiful imagery. Part Rebecca / part Crimson Peak AU. A wonderful chapter where Jaime and Brienne take part in a Seance with a medium and are warned by spirits.
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kaorym · 5 years
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Can you Imagine Jaime and Brienne in this situation? Because I can
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Original Works
Terrors When They Grow Up by MuffinLance
The pup was stealing rope, and Lada was watching him do it, and he was staring her in the eyes as he did. This was the first sign that something was wrong.
"Why," she asked. Not a question so much as a… why. Just why.
"For the prisoner," the pup answered, his chin raised. "It's a dangerous prisoner."
Or: As the adults scour the woods for the hunter's missing mage, the puppies take a prisoner. A baby-Jaime-kidnapped-by-other-babies AU. Teenage Lada is DONE.
All series parts are independent AUs, and can be read in any order. Mine is the Everyone Is BABIES edition.
The Witcher
hope it's nice where you are by K9_DFTBA
“It’s been such a long time, Julian. When will you be over him?”
Jaskier’s laugh, muffled and humorless, followed the question. “I’ll let you know when I figure it out.”
“I don’t enjoy seeing you hurting.”
“I’m fine. Most of the time.”
“Most of the time,”  Valdo echoed, and then, “oh, fuck.”
The progress bar stopped. Error loading. Tap to retry? Geralt tapped. This video is unavailable.
(After Jaskier goes viral for being a pining mess during a livestream, Geralt’s family tries to figure out exactly why the couple broke up, given that Jaskier is clearly still in love with Geralt. Meanwhile, Geralt is in denial, Jaskier is absolutely fine, thanks, and the internet is having a bit of a breakdown.)
Always on My Mind by didoandis
The bard doesn’t seem to notice Geralt lurking behind him until Geralt clears his throat, a low rumble, which makes him turn.
“Goodness,” he says. “Hello. You’re very… loomy.”
Now she’s closer, Ciri can see his face properly. His hair hangs lank around his face; stubble covers his chin, a little too long to be stylish; his eyes above are a bright shining blue. And yet there’s something faded about him, his clothes just slightly worse for wear, his cheeks hollow.
“Jaskier,” Geralt says, almost desperately.
After the mountain, a reunion. It doesn’t go that well, to begin with.
DC (Batman)
Distress Signal by sElkieNight60
Pages and pages of distress calls, each one recorded, dated, and filed away. With a few efficient taps Jason narrows the search. The screen goes from lists of white, answered signals, to a flood of red.
Petals for Armor by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
There’s a small half-moon of blood under the white of Tim’s nail where he bent it. He studies the red of it, feeling foggy and dreamlike. “Can I ask you a question?”
His brother’s eyes flick to him and away again, surprised and wary. “What?”
His nail doesn’t hurt much, just the dullest of aches when he presses down against it. “When you were homeless, you slept with people for money, didn’t you?”
Jason jerks like he’s been slapped. His knuckles are so pale where they grip the steering wheel they suddenly look more bone than flesh. “Did I -”
“Was it worth it?” Tim asks, drifting like a cloud over whatever furious reaction Jason was about to give him. “The money, I mean.”
His sternum slams into the seatbelt with bruising force. Unbraced for it, his head whips forward and back against his seat as they swerve off the road again and skid to a halt with a screech of rubber.
hit me like a shooting star (so i can make a wish) by Ms_Trickster
“He broke my camera!” Tim wails, incensed. “Not a crack, not a dent; it’s nothing but a pile of glass because he broke it!”
“And his ankle,” Robin adds.
“And my ankle!”
“...I accidentally hit him with my car,” Batman reluctantly offers when Dr. Thompkins raises her eyebrow at him, causing her to choke on her next breath.
(Or: One evening while birdwatching, a ten year old Tim Drake gets run over by the Batmobile.)
Clone Wars
The Prime Override by YukiPri
When Jango Fett overrides Order 66, he single-handedly ruins Sidious's Empire before it can rise. Now, the reinstated Mand'alor is at the top of the Sith Lord's shit list--but conveniently enough, Jango happens to have several million perfectly identical body doubles, who will all do whatever it takes to keep Sidious's plans from coming to fruition.
Which, is how Cody finds himself with the dubious honor of sitting on Mandalore's throne--a position made all the more difficult because he has to maintain his act in front of none other than his former General.
lift your head, child (the story has only just begun) by hoebiwan
“You’re sad,” Anakin says.
Obi-Wan winces.
“It’s okay, Master,” Anakin says seriously. He reaches up with his other hand and pats Obi-Wan’s heart. “Mom says when everything hurts right here, we hafta hold it close ‘til we find the space to cry.”
Unsure of how to respond, Obi-Wan squeezes Anakin’s hand.
(Anakin doesn’t know he’s not a slave. Obi-Wan doesn’t know Anakin doesn’t know. The Jedi Order has work to be done, inside and outside its walls.)
Platonic Saber Touch-Test by inimitability
Having already explained to his troopers that his saber's feelings do not necessarily reflect his own, Obi-Wan doesn't see the harm in letting them take turns holding it. After all, it's much better to figure out how it will react to them now, in a controlled environment, than in the middle of a battle. That's what this is about: preparing for all eventualities, and a dash of scientific curiosity. Definitely nothing to do with soulmates and who may or may not be their General's.
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muffinlance · 2 years
Terrors When They Grow Up (Mage in a Wolf Pack Series)
Did I just spend a week writing a quick prompt one-shot novella? Yes.
The pup was stealing rope, and Lada was watching him do it, and he was staring her in the eyes as he did. This was the first sign that something was wrong.
"Why," she asked. Not a question so much as a… why. Just why.
"For the prisoner," the pup answered, his chin raised. "It's a dangerous prisoner."
Or: As the adults scour the woods for the hunter's missing mage, the puppies take a prisoner. A baby-Jaime-kidnapped-by-other-babies AU. Teenage Lada is DONE.
All series parts are independent AUs staring the same OCs, and can be read in any order. Mine is the Everyone Is BABIES edition.
Read on AO3
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trannydean-moved · 11 months
okay so i have already talked about when, in the hunter!jaime au, jaime (who was like almost 14 atp) sneaked himself along on a hunt with john, sam, and dean. i didn't have a monster picked out for them to hunt, so i've now decided it was a vamp hunt, and it scared jaime pretty badly. traumatized him prolly. so he just really does NOT like vampires after that. he does hunt em but he's not like gordon, super angry at them, he's just scared of them. fast forward to idfk, pre-s8, prolly somewhere in s7. jaime gets turned into a vampire and fucking hates it so so badly. he's so scared of himself. he prolly tells sam and dean to kill him so many times but they're both like "NO we'll cure you goddammit". well they don't catch the vampire who turned him in time, and jaime ends up getting killed. (haha imagine how awful it was for dean to watch jaime get decapitated) jaime goes to purgatory. i want him to meet up with benny and at first be scared af of him. "bro what is your problem" "i'm scare of vampires!!!" "...you're a vampire?" "shut up :(" but they end up teaming up and being pals. maybe more than pals. bc dean and jaime have the same taste in men. bc it'd be funny for dean to be jealous and then join the polycule. and then cas come and be MEGA jealous lmao. anyways so one day jaime and benny hear a baby crying. and jaime's like "am i going crazy or do you hear crying" and benny confirms he hears it too, and then jaime catches the scent and is like "OH... I KNOW THAT SMELL" "you do?" "dean..." "that's dean? the dean you've been talking about the entire time since we met" "noo no that's not him. that's his scent tho... OH I KNOW WHO THAT IS" and they go to find a 3 day old emma. and benny's like "dean had a monster child?" and jaime's like "it's a long story. ig emma is my baby now" so boom jaime's got a baby to take care of.
and when dean gets put in purgatory i'm pretty sure the other monsters could sense humans being in there? so everyone can sense dean in there? and jaime's like "omg we have to find him it's dean!!!" and benny's like "yeah i was gonna say we should look for the human anyways" and benny tells him about the way humans can get out of purgatory (idk the details yet so i'm sorry if any of this ends up inaccurate) and jaime's like "OH RAD" and so they go to find him. and they save dean from that other vampire. dean is sooo surprised to see jaime with a baby in a makeshift baby carrier.
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firesign23 · 2 years
JB Smut Swap 2022 Rec List
Every time I participate in an exchange, I swear this is the time I will finish and post a rec list and yet I never do. But we’ve got about half a day until the author reveals for the @jb-smut-swap and I am procrastinating heavily, so here are 9 fics from the exchange that I can heartily recommend. (Did I roll a D20 to settle on a number? POSSIBLY)
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The gif has nothing to do with anything, I just felt like hurting myself with their faces. 😭And now on to the recs!
First off, my gift fic The glaciers made you and now you're mine is a lovely modern AU take of post-battle caretaking, featuring Jaime and Brienne as surfers. They’re stubborn and soft and full of banter, and the hints of scar kink are fucking delightful.
Gorgeous prose hinting at a whole world, and a deeply complicated JB relationship made tonight you're thinking of cities under crowns of snow a recommendation impossible to ignore. The moody noir vibe is impeccable and a personal weakness.
what happens in volantis and What Happens in Dorne share not only a similar title, but a similar premise: a vacationing established relationship JB have a threesome with a man from the past. And yet, despite these similarities, they manage to both be distinctive, smoking hot romps I will be rereading.
Rope-drunk Jaime, giddy and eager to share the pleasure, made One and Only some deeply affectionate shibari fic. *chef’s kiss*
A sci-fi AU of canon events introduced some sex pollen, quite literally, in show me love (wilder than your wildest dreams, weirder than your fantasies) at a moment where Jaime and Brienne are almost ready to embrace what is between them.
A western-inspired vampire hunter AU, Drink Deep has fantastic world building, monster-fucking, and Brienne facing a moral dilemma. Monster fics can be a bit hit-or-miss for me, but the emotional stakes involved really drew me in, and if there was ever a sequel I’d be first in line to read it.
I might propose marriage to the author of Tempered, because I have wanted a blacksmith Brienne AU for… years, at this point. And this is more than I could have hoped--the competence, the tension, the undeniable attention but also the fondness… Fantastic
Set on an Industrial Revolution era version of Tarth, where Brienne is one of the last septas on an otherwise empty island, Shoreline is one of those AUs you absolutely didn’t know you needed until you have it, but fuck did I need it. The sense of place, the complex, dutiful inner life we see of Brienne from Jaime’s POV… It’s just an absolutely wonderful story that leaves you tasting the sea.
I suspect I could have filled a rec list with a dozen more fics quite happily, but this is why I never get rec lists done 😂 So I’ll close out this list with a link to the entire collection, and a massive thank you to @bussdowntarthiana and @wildlingoftarth for organising!
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laiqualaurelote · 2 years
While 2021 was something of a trash fire IRL, online I’ve had an extraordinary year in fandom. I wrote 10 fics and more than 161,000 words, which is nearly half the words I’ve posted in my whole time on AO3. I found not one but two wonderful new fandoms to be part of. I wrote a fic longer than 50k words. I finished a fic I’d left hanging for two years and had all but given up on. I don’t know how this happened, or if it will happen again, but I’m grateful that I had it, because it’s got me through a lot. Chronicle of my magical year of fandom:
World Enough And Time (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries + Doctor Who | Phrack | T | 51,542 words)
The Doctor Who AU where Phryne is a Time Lady, Dot is from the past, Mac is from the future and Jack is completely out of his depth but still along for the ride (in fact a time travel AU containing several other AUs, including but not restricted to a Shakespeare AU, a Regency AU, a post-apocalyptic Western AU and a fake marriage AU but with aliens). The longest fic I’ve ever written, and the one I’m proudest of this year.
Night Shift (MFMM | Phrack | E | 1,203 words)
The one with the handcuffs and Jack’s desk. My first - and probably only ever - E-rated fic.
we don't print retractions (Hamilton | Angelica Schuyler/John Carter Church | T | 8,304 words)
Angelica Schuyler is going to win a Pulitzer. Right now, though, she has to deal with breaking news hell, her chaotic boss and the untimely return of her unfaithful brother-in-law to the newsroom. The AU where they’re all journalists.
these are trying times (The Mandalorian + Kim's Convenience | G | 2,806 words)
In which a mid-level public servant just wants to enjoy his leave, but is forced to help one of the galaxy's most dangerous bounty hunters find the Jedi who walked off with his child. Carson Teva POV, basically Kim’s Convenience in space.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (MFMM | Phrack | M | 19,349 words)
The modern AU in which Phryne is a secret agent and Jack is her long-suffering handler (she thinks she’s in a James Bond movie, he thinks he’s in a John Le Carré novel, how to balance your career and a weird dating thing).
House Proud (Game Of Thrones | Jon/Daenerys, Jaime/Brienne | T | 29,134 words)
The modern AU in which Jon and Tyrion share a flat in a crumbling London townhouse and a posh cat lady moves in upstairs. I’m especially proud of finishing this because it was on a two-year hiatus and was only salvaged because I watched some K-drama.
if you liked it then you should've put ten rings on it (Shang-Chi + Black Panther | T | 6,673 words)
While sorting out his father's incarceration in Wakanda, Xu Shangqi unexpectedly reconnects with his old college roommate, the villain formerly known as Killmonger.
there's something wild about you, child (MFMM | Phrack | G | 4,685 words) 
The fae!AU where it’s Cocaine Blues, but Phryne is a changeling and Jack has the Sight. 
The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret (Ted Lasso | Ted/Trent | T | 20,270 words)
In 48 hours, Trent Crimm lands a scoop, implodes his career and makes some drastic life decisions. And then there's the aftermath. And Ted, of course.
they will see us waving from such great heists (Ted Lasso | Ted/Trent | T | 17,659 words | WIP that will finish very soon!)
In which Trent Crimm, Interpol, in Richmond to solve the theft of a Hockney, meets FBI Agent Ted Lasso from America. Heist!AU
I wish you all a better 2022! May your WIPs be finished, your ships prolific and your fandoms full of joy.
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Dome and Parliamentary Square (by   tap5a)
        “We only do this for Fergus!” is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and my contribution to the Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser  wants to formally adopt his foster son Fergus, but his application will  probably not be approved… unless he is married and/or in a committed  relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) to this  story) @outlanderpromptexchange​
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Chapter 14: The secret life of the red deer (3)
            Friday, and with it the announced visit of Matthieu von Klarenberg, came sooner than Claire would have liked. While she had regarded the visit of Dave and Geillis as a meeting with people she knew well and who would not resent any mistakes she might make, the evening with von Klarenberg would be the first meeting with a friend of Jamie's whom she did not know. And as Fraser's official fiancée, she acted as mistress of the house alongside him as hostess. She had felt the responsibility that came with it since the moment Jamie had announced the visit. Claire had planned the preparations and details of the evening all the more thoroughly and was grateful that Mrs. Curtius had been at her side with advice and encouragement. Nevertheless, she found it difficult to suppress her inner excitement when, half an hour before the guest's arrival, she entered the living room on the first floor, where she met Jamie.
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“Gewaff” by Dat doris, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
           Fraser was standing in front of the fireplace and turned as Claire entered. She had chosen a simple green dress for the evening with a few unobtrusive embroideries on the top that showed fine thistles. Her hair was braided into a half-crown at the back of her head and pinned up.
           Jamie smiled when he saw her.
           "Is it all right for you?" asked Claire. They had previously agreed on their attire for the occasion.
           "Yes, quite wonderful. All that's missing is the jewelry," he said, picking up a jewelry box that had been lying on the mantelpiece, waiting for this moment. He opened the red velvet box and held it out to Claire. It revealed a delicate necklace of radiant freshwater pearls and a pair of earrings, each with an oval pearl, the plugs hidden behind silver French lilies. Two bangles of an ivory-like material, whose silver clasps proved to be exquisite silversmithing on closer inspection, were also part of this jewelry ensemble.  
           "Will you hold this, please?"
           Claire reached for the jewelry box and Fraser took out the necklace to put it on her.
           "What kind of material are these bangles made of? Is it ivory?" she asked as she felt the pearl necklace wrapped around her neck.
           "No, they are the polished arms of two boars."
           "The canines of male boars?"
           "Exactly. They have been a highly sought-after trophy by hunters for centuries. As you can see from the silver clasps, they have been in our family for many generations."
           Claire took one of the bangles and looked at it more closely. Where the silver held the tusks together, it had been fashioned into small oak leaves with the Fraser family motto "Je suis prest!" in the center.
           She put the bracelet back and Jamie handed her the earrings so she could put them on. When this was done, she accepted the bangles. Claire looked at them again in amazement, but then quickly put them on as Mrs. Curtius called out from the kitchen:
           "Mr von Klarenberg's car has just arrived!"
           Jamie stowed the jewelry box in a cup board of the living room and threw on his jacket. He extended his right hand to Claire and looked at her expectantly.
           "Come on, let's go," he then said and, when she hesitated, added with a smile, "Matthieu doesn't bite!"
           Shortly afterwards the house bell rang. Alice Bodenser opened for the guest, invited him into the hall where Jaime and Clair were already waiting, and took his coat.
           Jamie approached Matthieu with outstretched arms and greeted him:
           "Count von Klarenberg, what a pleasure to welcome you to my humble home!"
           The addressed laughed out loud, then took Jamie in a boisterous embrace, patted him audibly on the back several times and said:
           "Lord Broch Tuarach, I don't think anyone has patted your lordship's clothes out for a long time, right?"
           Both men laughed and gave each other another friendly hug. Then Jamie turned to Clair:
           "Claire, I want you to meet my best friend, Matthieu von Klarenberg. Matthieu, this is Claire."
           Claire had been meaning to google the von Klarenberg name throughout the week to find out more about him and maybe find a picture of him and his wife. But when she returned to her apartment in the evenings, tired of her work, she had always postponed this intention until the next day and then forgotten about it altogether.             From Fraser's stories about his friend, a certain image of Matthieu von Klarenberg had formed in Claire's mind. But now that she was personally confronted with him, she realized how limited this image was. And she was all the more impressed by the person who now stood in front of her.
            Matthieu von Klarenberg was no different from Fraser in his height of 1.90 meters, nor in his muscular build. Both men had remarkable charisma and their presence in a room did not need to be made known for them to be noticed. Each of them defined the presence of a room as soon as they entered it. But while Jamie was more reserved and liked to disappear into the crowd to avoid being noticed, Klarenbergs' charisma was almost palpable. This man knew who he was. This man knew his impact. And it was obvious that he was in no way thinking of hiding his person or his abilities.
           "Mrs. Beauchamp," the guest said, extending his right hand to her, "it is a pleasure to finally meet you."
           Claire grasped his hand and inwardly wondered if she had to curtsy to von Klarenberg as she knew people would do in movies. Why hadn't she asked Jamie about this! Now it was too late! Spontaneously she decided against it:
           "Good evening, Count von Klarenberg. I am very pleased that you are our guest today."
           "Oh please, Mrs. Beauchamp," Matthieu replied, "let's leave the titles. I allow Jamie to use it, because he always teases me about it, but please do call me Matthieu."
           "Thank you very much, but then please call me Claire too."
           "Good evening, Claire."
           The guest, whose black dinner suit was obviously tailor-made and whose matching leather shoes were guaranteed to have cost more than one of Claire's monthly salaries, bent down and reached for a narrow brown wicker basket containing a plant wrapped in cling film. Von Klarenberg took the plant from the wicker basket and handed it to Claire. Dark green leaves and stems protruded from a white and gold flower pot towards her.
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“Coelogyne multiflora“ by Nicolas Picand Herba.fr - This file has been extracted from another file: Coelogyne multiflora 3.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76729413
           "This is a Coelogyne multiflora. Unfortunately, this fragrant orchid only blossoms in winter, but then it produces countless flowers. There, between the pot and the foil, is an envelope. My wife has put a short instruction inside on how to treat it. We hope you enjoy it. Jamie told me that you like potted plants better than cut flowers."
           "Oh yes, that's right. And here I have a present to look forward to. Thank you very much, Matthieu. I am very happy about that. Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to your dear wife as well."
           "I'll be happy to pass that on to Teresa."
           "Matthieu," Jamie now intervened, "there is someone else here who would also like to greet you."
           Von Klarenberg turned to Jamie and caught sight of Fergus, who had come down the stairs with Alice Bodenser unnoticed and was now standing beside his father.
           The guest squatted down and held out his arms:
           "Good evening my pirate friend, how nice to see you again at last!"
           Fergus broke away from Fraser and ran into von Klarenberg's arms:
           "Uncle Matthieu! Good evening!"
           "Hello Fergus!"
           Von Klarenberg reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small present from it:
           "Here's a little present for you, Fergus. I'm to give you the warmest of greetings from Maurice and Teresa."
           "Can I open it now?" the boy asked excitedly.
           "Yes, sure."
           It took only seconds and Fergus had turned the beautiful wrapping, complete with bow, into paper and recyclable waste. What emerged was a photo keychain with a picture of Maurice and Fergus on the front. The boys were sitting next to each other on a sofa and laughing happily into the camera. On the back, it showed a photo of Teresa and Matthieu von Klarenberg with their two children.
           "Oh, that's lovely," said Claire, who had also leaned down to Fergus.
           "Yes," Fergus exclaimed, "now I can have you with me all the time!"
           The boy was thrilled.
           From Jamie came a very different announcement to Fergus:
           "So, what do you say when you get a present?"
           The boy leaned over to Matthieu and gave him a kiss on the cheek:
           "Merci beaucoup, Uncle Matthieu!"
           "Avec plaisir, mon petit ami."
           "And now it's time for the Land of Smiles, son," came the next announcement from Jamie.
           "Yeheeesss, Papaaa!"
           Fergus rolled his eyes, then shook hands with Matthieu and Claire.
           "Good night, Uncle Matthieu! Good night, Claire!"
           Both adults got another kiss on the cheek. Then it was Fraser's turn.
           "Good night, Papa."
           Fraser picked the boy up and gave him a kiss as well.
           "Goodnight Fergus, sleep tight!"
           Alice Bodenser took the boy by the hand and led him up the stairs. The latter obliged and waved vigorously as he departed. When he was gone, Jamie gestured to the door of the sitting room:
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“Aperitif” by efes 
           "Come, Mrs. Curtius has prepared an aperitif for us in the living room and then let's see what kind of menu the ladies of the house have prepared for us."
            A few moments later, Jamie and Matthieu were standing by the fireplace. Fraser handed his friend a filled glass and toasted him. Claire, who had been in the kitchen removing the cling film from the scented orchid she had been given, walked past them to take the plant into the conservatory. Just as she had set the plant down and turned back to the men, she heard Matthieu laughing loudly. Jamie joined in the friend's laughter as well.
           "Well, did I miss a good joke?" asked Claire as she joined the men. Instead of getting an answer, the friends started laughing out loud again. When they finally calmed down, Jamie handed Claire a glass as well. Matthieu looked at her with a high red head and said:
           "Sorry, Claire. We were just laughing our heads off at the title of a documentary."
           Fraser's friend pointed to a television magazine lying on the couch table. Emblazoned on its cover, which showed a huge young Highland stack, she saw the headline, "The Secret Life of Red Deer."
           Jamie spoke up:
           "We were just imagining a herd of red deer plotting to become stars on German television."
           "Exactly," Matthieu agreed, "the red deer will spread rumors that they have a big secret and poof, an army of German documentarians are on their trail."
           Claire shook her head slightly. But before she could say anything, the bell rang from the dining room, indicating that dinner was ready.
             Claire and Mrs. Curtius had deliberated for a long time about what to serve for dinner. It was helpful that Mrs. Curtius knew Matthieu von Klarenberg and could therefore assess his tastes. They agreed that beef fillet tartare with parmesan brûlée would be served as a starter and venison with black salsify and pear as the main course. As dessert they planned an orange mascarpone cream with raspberry sauce.
           After they had sat down at the table and the starter had been served, the moment occurred that Jamie had already "warned" Claire about. When they had put Fergus to bed the night before, he had asked her to stay a moment. He had skirted the issue a little, but then opened up to her that "the von Klarenbergs are people who tppk their faith very seriously".
           "You could also say," Jamie said, "that they are very religious."
           "But?" Claire had asked.
           "Well, Matthieu would say - and Teresa would agree with him - that they have nothing to do with 'religion'. Religion, Matthieu always says, is man's attempt to be reconciled to God again by doing good works, and that is contrary to the Gospel. For the Gospel teaches that it is by grace that man is reconciled to God. And the means by which this grace becomes effective is faith in God. His creed, if you want to sum it up, is: we don't have religion, we have faith in a living God."
           "So, why does that concern you?"
           "Well, you ... You have to expect that ... he prays before ... having … a … meal."
           "If that's all there is to it. What's the problem? Or is there something more I have to expect?"
           "No, I ... I just didn't want this to catch you off guard."
           "Good, now I'm 'warned'," Claire had said, taking her leave for the evening.
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“Betende Hände” von Albrecht Dürer by Google Arts & Culture, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21792217
           And now it had indeed happened. After the beef fillet tartare with parmesan brûlée had been served, von Klarenberg had lowered his head, closed his eyes and prayed silently for a moment. He had then wished Claire and Jamie bon appétit and himself enjoyed the food and wine.             To Claire's surprise, a lively conversation ensued between the individual courses of the meal. Matthieu did not miss the opportunity to praise the choice of dishes and wines. He praised Claire's selected taste, Mrs. Curtius' exquisite cooking and his friend's excellently stocked wine cellar. Every now and then, loud laughter rang out, for example when Jamie and Claire told of some funny experience with Fergus or when Matthieu told of the pranks Maurice had pulled last summer. Silence, even a moment of awkward silence, only fell when Claire spontaneously asked:
           "Why did you and Teresa take so many years between Maurice and Friederike, Matthieu?"  
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A very quick list of JB Smut Swap Recs
There are literally just minutes before the author reveal for the 2022 JB Smut Swap, but I've uhhhh been very busy finishing writing my fic (which is new and different for me and doesn't happen like clockwork EVERY SINGLE EXCHANGE, ahem) but... these are a few fics that I came back to this week:
she's magnetic
suction? There? That sounds… intriguing
Ooooh my gift fic!!! I am still so tickled that my lovely gift author went with this prompt and it's brilliantly done, exceedingly hot and will also make you want to go hunt down lifesize duck models so you can buy clothes for them..
Milking It
Brienne has just returned to work from maternity leave. Jaime needs to stop thinking about her inappropriately
I think this takes the prize for most delightfully overtly kinky fic in the exchange but there's a reason it's currently got the third most kudos in the whole exchange - unexpectedly sweet and funny as well as leaning into the kink in a way that people seem to appreciate
What happens in volantis
Jaime and Brienne decide to fulfill a long-cherished fantasy while on vacation—and Volantis has a surprise in store for them
Who doesn't love a super hot and smutty J/B threesome with Oberyn??? This is gorgeously done and exceedingly hot, absolutely love it
One and Only
switchy rope play
This is a lovely, soft, very quiet shibari fic, and I love the way it uses the switch element between them!
Drink Deep
Murderer. Monster. Man without honour.
She loves him, all of him, even so.
Absolutely ADORE this vampire/hunter AU - the world building is complex, their dynamics are gorgeously complicated and it's just hot and all round wonderful stuff - definitely deserves more attention!!
Crossroad Blues
“You summoned me,” he shrugs. “And you still haven’t told me why a vampire would need to make a deal.”
Another vampire AU - this time Brienne is a vamp and Jaime is a crossroads demon who wants to make a deal. Very sweet and an intriguing set-up and worldbuilding that plays out brilliantly.
the star to every wand'ring bark
A triptych of scenes from a marriage
Simply lovely, soft and very gentle exploration of kinks over three scenes, with absolutely gorgeous writing
“I’m a Septon,” he lies. His voice raspy, his throat parched. “Seeking safety on holy ground.”
This fic never quite does what you expect - it's wonderfully done, very soft and entirely rewarding, and the smut is very much entirely a part of the characters. Really lovely stuff!
What Happens in Dorne
It being, of course, Jaime and Brienne's explosive sexual encounter with Addam Marbrand in college - and the possibilities when they reunite with him at Cleos' destination wedding.
I love me some JAB smut, and this is a brilliantly done take on them reuniting with Addam at a wedding, and making the most of everyone else being distracted. Super hot and lovely character stuff!
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Hi! I'm new to your stories, and I've seen you talk about the AU with your characters and @scribbles-to-feed-the-void's characters, and I've been having fun following along, but I'd love to learn more! If you'd like to, I'd love to learn more about the setting of this vampire AU and your characters that are involved in it! I think it's so cool how you work on the AU!
Oh hey! I don't know a whole lot about the setting honestly, @scribbles-to-feed-the-void has done most if not all of the world buidling. But I think it's pretty much modern day + supernatural creatures. And some random city we've never named that has anything we need it to in it (most popular actual location would be a Dennys thats only ever gone to at ridiculous times in the night).
As for characters... the ones mentioned so far of mine. Would be the entirety of the Elysium (the name of their ship in canon/other aus and just what I refer to them as in general) crew. Jace (token human turned vamp), Stephan (witch), Jaime (mermaid), Cyrus (ghost), Tessa (fairy), Skye (dryad), and Evelyne (vampire). Then there's Dragon (witch), Aislin and Adelin (both hunters technically). All with varying degrees of importance (mostly its just been jace, dragon, evelyne, aislin, and adelin).
Then you have the crew of the Archangel, which are Scribbles. And our favourite coven of vampires in this au. Nyar, Caelum, Avanda, Carina, Jalev, Thane, and Jadè. And the werewolves; Adair, Ewan, Carrick, and Peadar (their brother Castor is one of mine). Jimmy (selkie). Dennys Jerry (hunter). And Dennys mom (either a witch or undecided i think). Marin and Sevoc (hunters). Ferret (undecided??).
For my characters at least it starts out kinda like a college au. Jace, Steph, Jaime, Cy, Tess, and Evelyne all becoming a tight knit group of friends on campus. Jace unaware of any of eir friends not being human. And it staying that way until ey get close with Nyar and his coven. (Evelyne's kinda salty about that; okay a lot of salty about that).
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