strag-rp-sin · 5 years
4. Exhibitionism/Public
Of course there was an announcer. These parties Aurelio kept dragging him to always had an announcer.
“Aurelio Laertes and his plus-one, Nocture di Voce.”
Nocturne cringed but Aurelio was fully in his element. He squeezed his arm a little tighter, keeping Nocturne’s snugly locked around it, as he started to walk in. It’ll just be something low-key, he’d assured him. The Iolanta family always have such understated get-togethers. Which part of this, exactly, was supposed to be understated? The ballroom they’d entered was enormous and gaudy, the rounded walls travelling through the full spectrum of colours until they joined together in the middle. Psapphyrban flowers were crawling up all of the columns and the dining tables rounding the dance floor each sat on carved crystal legs, each translucent spiral giving off a rainbow hue.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Aurelio whispered into his ear. “Not too over-the-top at all.”
Nocturne narrowed his eyes and went to speak, finding himself drowned out by a group of men in besparkled suits that were waving the two of them over.
“Aurelio!” one of them called. “C’mere!” The Laertes strolled over, tugging his boyfriend along with him even as he tried to drag his feet. “I haven’t seen you at any of Lord Durven’s parties in so long.”
“Oh, I know,” the blonde replied, a chuckle following his words. “I’ve been far too busy I’m afraid.”
Nocturne half-grimaced and turned his head away. He hated this fake persona that always got brought out whenever they were in public. It left a sickly taste in his mouth. Unbeknownst to him, his expression had been noticed.
“And accompanied by a di Voce?” When Nocturne looked up, one of the men looked back, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Were they all as twisted as Aurelio was? “Not one I’ve heard much about, though. You’re Cadenza’s brother, aren’t you? Didn’t fancy taking the limelight like she does?”
Now all of their eyes were on him. Aurelio’s too, looking down with their devious shade of blue. The blonde’s free hand was in his pocket, slowly turning the dial on the remote he had hidden in there, the self-satisfied smirk on his face merely growing with time.
The effect was immediate. All of the tiny vibes his boyfriend had pushed inside him before they’d left buzzed into life and Nocturne jolted, his pale skin reddening as he blushed from ear to ear. He wasn’t sure how many Aurelio had stuffed into him but he knew, right as the plug holding them all in place started to vibrate as well, that it was far too many. Even with all the music and laughter going on in the background, the buzzing sound coming from between his legs was still audible. It sounded deafening to him.
“That’s my fault, I’m afraid,” Aurelio said at last, his eyes still glued on the smaller man’s suffering. “I wanted to keep him all to myself.”
Nocturne’s flushing shade spread to the top of his ears. His legs had turned to jelly and he was having to hold onto the arm beside him just to remain standing. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. Surely Aurelio wasn’t going to make him cum right here, was he? That wasn’t like him - he’d learnt the hard way how much the Laertes loved to drag things out.
Aurelio licked his lips. “Now if you’ll excuse us, gentlemen, my date looks a little parched. It was nice seeing you.”
Finally Nocturne was granted a reprieve. The vibrators were turned all the way down, left to linger on the gentlest of hums. It’d be impossible to forget that they were there now but that was what Aurelio wanted - it was always what Aurelio wanted.
“I hate you,” Nocturne grumbled.
That made Aurelio laugh, the noise suddenly a lot sharper now they were alone. “You wish you did,” he said, pulling his arm away from the other’s elbow and wrapping it around his waist instead, tugging his shaking form closer. “But you don’t. You don’t hate any of this.” His free hand left his pocket and reached for Nocturne’s chin, grabbing it firmly as he forced him to face him. “You wouldn’t keep agreeing to me putting all those toys inside you when we go out if you did.”
Nocturne’s expression softened. It was a good thing his face was already as red as Aurelio’s horrific suit else he’d have blushed far more than he’d ever have liked to.
“Now, c’mon. You do want that drink, don’t you?”
The smaller man nodded and let his boyfriend lead him up the bar. He thought it might be a relief to sit down but when he got up on the stool and felt the vibrating plug in his ass press deeper inside him, he realised it’d be anything but. Aurelio ordered them two cocktails, each of them arriving in vibrant shades of crimson, before pulling out his phone.
“Now I need to take a selfie for my timeline,” he said whilst he fingered through the glowing device. “Come here a second.”
Nocturne sighed but he still obediently shuffled closer, letting Aurelio put his arm around him as they looked up at the camera. Aurelio’s sweet manufactured smile was back, reflected clear as day on the screen, but Nocturne’s expression wasn’t nearly as up to par. The Laertes knew just how to fix that. One spin of his remote’s dial and suddenly his boyfriend’s eyes went wide behind his glasses and he moaned, his sweet little face of pleasure there for all to see as soon as Aurelio snapped his shot.
“Nocturne’s having lots of fun at this party,” he murmured to himself as he typed. “Heart emoji, kissy face, wink, smirk, sweat drops.”
Only when the photo was posted did he turn down Nocturne’s vibrators again, leaving him panting where he was sat. He must’ve been close that time. Aurelio didn’t even have to look close to see that his cock was straining in his trousers.
“Did that one edge you?” he asked as he picked up his cocktail and started to suck it up through the gaudy straw it had come with. It’d be a shame to smudge his glittery lipstick, after all.
Nocturne didn’t look at him, merely picking up his own drink and taking a sip. Eventually he gave a small nod.
“Good,” Aurelio replied. “You know that I like you desperate when I fuck that pretty little throat.”
His boyfriend didn’t need telling twice. When he looked over at the Laertes he was turned to the side, leaning against the bar as he played with his straw, a smirk splitting his face in two. His cock was hanging out of his trousers, clear as day. Nocturne span around on his stool too, facing him properly as he took it in his hand. As soon as he placed his lips to the tip, Aurelio started turning the vibrators up again.
“Do a good job and I’ll let you cum later,” he said. “When I fuck you in the middle of the dance floor for everyone to see.”
From the way Nocturne suddenly pushed further down his shaft, the idea had clearly excited him.
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strag-rp-blog · 5 years
👔 Roughly pull my muse down by the collar | nocturne @ aurelio
Nocturne was doing it on purpose. He had to be. There was something about the way he leant up against the bar, bending slightly as he ordered, pulling his trousers taut against the curve of his ass. He was teasing him. Every little fidget, every shift of his weight from one foot to the other, every arching of his back... Aurelio couldn’t imagine a universe where it wasn’t all meant for him.
He downed his glass decisively before standing too, abandoning their table in favour of stalking after the smaller blonde. His hand came down with a heavy smack, pressing into Nocturne’s vulnerable buttock and squeezing hard, groping him fiercely as he came in alongside him. He’d barely reached the bar proper when fingers wrapped tight about his red and golden collar. He was yanked down with a ferocity that almost surprised him but ultimately left him smirking; Nocturne’s eyes held a fiery glare but his cheeks were a vivid pink. It only made Aurelio want to touch him more... and touch him more, he did. His hand held fast, joined by the other as he groped him from either side, dragging him in and relinquishing all the control his boyfriend had tried to gain.
“Really, my dear?” he teased. “You want to play right here? In front of everyone? You are eager.”
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thedeviltohisangel · 4 years
The Clock Strikes//2//
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It was then as if the Force was showing him what they could be capable of together. A throne. Two crowns. A galaxy. All theirs. He just had to say yes.
masterlist is my url/writing
let me know what you would like to see next from these two
Kylo was beginning to regret how joyful he had once been over his strengthening relationship with his wife. It had emboldened her. There had been rumors around the ship that the Princess the Supreme Leader had chosen for his disciple was a force to be reckoned with. That many noble men had tried to take her hand in marriage on her home planet and all of them had failed. He had pushed them all out of his mind. There was no need for him to fret because he wasn’t going to bother to try and get to know her that deeply. There union was for political and powerful reasons only. But after she started to make his chest bloom and after she used his lightsaber to save his life on Auturn, he started thinking about those rumors again.
“Kylo?” It was dark in their quarters save for the faint starlight that trickled in. Looking at them helped lull her to sleep. He always stayed up after she did so he could shut the blinds before drifting off on his own.
“I’m still up,” he whispered back. Her head was tucked under his chin, his fingers playing with the edges of her hair. During the day he wasn’t allowed to touch it. Tessala always had it in these intricate styles with adornments weaved throughout. But at night he had free reign to explore her. At night he got to hold her. At night she kissed his chest in her sleep. At night they talked. Kylo thought the power of the dark side was liberation. That was nothing compared to this.
“I’d like to start travelling with you more.”
“No.” It was a short, simple and obvious answer. Clearly she was a target for his enemies. That meant she must be kept where she was safe and sound on board the Finalizer.
“Not even as your diplomatic companion?” She knew before she even met him that Kylo Ren was not known for his verbal negotiation style. He was all brash actions and rough emotions and embers left in his wake. As a Princess, she had been raised in the way of political banter. She quite enjoyed using her tongue as a weapon during her sessions with counsel and at the occasional meeting her parents would let her sit in on. The men who had tried to use her as leverage against her husband had said her womb was all that truly mattered to him. Tessala wanted to prove she could be useful for more than just procreation.
“The First Order does not deal in diplomacy. We deal in military might and victory.”
“Diplomacy is what brought me to you.” She wasn’t above using her feminine wiles. Another negotiation technique that had been used to enriched her arsenal in lessons as a child. But she always truly meant her words. Originally she had spit in the face of every person who had sold her to the men who wore masks and invaded villages across the galaxy. But once she was able to see under her husband’s mask, she learned he was just like any other boy or man she had ever met. Confused. Lost. Guided by those much more powerful and thus completely under their hands. Kylo Ren was not his own man.
“It is. A serendipitous fluke.” A teasing smile spread across his face and she couldn’t help but match it. They had used to be such rare sights but now she was delighted by their increased frequency. “I won’t have you in harms way again. Not when I can control it.” 
“You don’t think that was just a fluke?” He shook his head.
“The First Order’s enemies are fearless in their attempts to thwart us. I am hoping what happened to those men serves as warning enough but in case it doesn’t…” Being caged hurt her more now than it had when they were first married. Then, she knew nothing different and had become nearly compliant to her life on the ship. She had a list of things she would accomplish between her rests and it was enough to make the time go by numbly. But now that she had had the thrill of a true life besides Kylo, she wanted it more than anything.
“We never properly talked about what happened that day.” 
“Because it’s best we both forget it ever happened.” Her wielding of his lightsaber meant too much to ever be explored. It was dangerous for her to actualize whatever natural ability was inside of her. It made Kylo realize it was no coincidence she was the prize chosen for him by the Supreme Leader. There was a grand plan and he had an inkling it didn’t end happily for either of them.
“I can’t forget. It is like it awakened something inside of me. Something I was born with but never realized until that moment. Something powerful. Something that tethers me to the fate of the entire galaxy.” Tessala was beginning to work herself up. As if speaking of the power inside of her was also making it grow. Kylo could feel it, palpable in the air. Humming around him like a ship did before it entered hyperspace.
“Then don’t push it away. Feel it. Center yourself within it. Control it.” Rejecting the Force could harm her. Rejecting Snoke could harm both of them. She closed her eyes and tried to pinpoint the source of what she was feeling. “It’s all around you, Tessala. You shouldn’t have to reach far.” The more she focused, the more it felt like Kylo wasn’t speaking out loud. Like he was whispering in her mind. Whispering into the air around her and letting it be carried to her ears.
“I can feel you,” she whispered, “not the physical you. But your essence. Your power.”
“Good,” he whispered back as he pushed more of himself towards her.
“I feel...I feel...conflict. Darkness and light. A war, larger than the one outside, within you. I feel-”
“That’s enough for tonight.” He pulled back from her abruptly, catching her as she fell forward. “We can work on it more tomorrow.” She nodded.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to invade your privacy. I just went where it wanted me to go.” The Force wanted her to learn about the war waging inside of Kylo Ren. About the violent tugging and pulling of his soul to give himself completely to one side and the ultimate conclusion that he was unable to.
“Getting too close will only end one way. It’s better we go back to the distance we had before.”
“I am unable to do that. Don’t be so dramatic.” She fell back down onto her pillow. “I think the best thing is for  you to teach me. Teach me how to control and how to use it.”
“That is exactly what he wants,” he fumed as he threw the blanket off his legs and paced to the back of their room.
“Who is he? Snoke?” She watched with concern as the anger around him grew.
“He doesn’t do anything without a purpose. He knew you had the Force inside of you which is why he brought you here. Brought us together.” Tessala took that as confirmation for her guess.
“And if he’s involved, it’s inherently not beneficial to us,” she whispered. Snoke was an iron grip. There was no freedom under him. With Kylo, she had found her opening. She couldn’t live under the monster that controlled her husband. “All the more reason for you to train me. It’s what he wants but what I do with it, what we do with the outcome, doesn’t have to be what he wants.” Closing the gap between them, she cradled his face in her palms.
“He will know. Somehow he will.” Kylo sounded broken. She hated it.
“Not if we believe we are playing into his hand. Doing this for him. We are stronger together. Can’t you feel it?” He could. The sparks of power were all around them.
“So seize it. And help me to be able to do so as well.” It was then as if the Force was showing him what they could be capable of together. A throne. Two crowns. A galaxy. All theirs. He just had to say yes.
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Big update today! We’ve got three new aspect symbols and the aspect side of our catalog is updating accordingly. These are Mood (patroned by Crater), Locks (a renamed Keys patroned by Scutum), and Eyes (a new aspect whose patron is Ophiuchus). For more details on what these aspects, entail, we’ve just put up a post on our [ main blog ] talking all about them!
In addition to these changes, Eyesbound signs we’ve already posted have undergone a slight change: while previously those signs had the suffix pair of *uchus/*ochus, they now use the suffix pair of *uchus/*ochos. Mostly because I feel it differentiates the two suffixes more cleanly than before and makes it less likely to confuse the two.
Our backlog is already updated with these new aspects, as well as the Omnisearch.
Full List of Updated Signs:
Mood Signs:
[ Androzer ]
[ Aquazer ]
[ Capriter ]
[ Coroter ]
[ Corter ] (Remade from its previous version to shrink it down a bit and fit it onto the image better.)
[ Gemzer ]
[ Lezer ]
[ Pazer ] (Caption added.)
[ Sagiter ]
[ Volzer ]
Locks Signs:
[ Auturn ]
[ Capriturn ]
[ Delturn ] (Caption added.)
[ Dortum ]
[ Letum ]
[ Ophiturn ]
[ Scortum ]
[ True Scutum ]
[ Taurtum ]
[ Tuturn ]
Eyes Signs:
[ Andruchus ]
[ Aquochos ] (Renamed from Aquochus.)
[ Arochos ] (Renamed from Arochus.)
[ Camelopochos ] (Renamed from Camelopochus.)
[ Caprochos ] (Renamed from Caprochus.)
[ Coluchus ]
[ Heruchus ]
[ Lacuchus ] (Caption added.)
[ Lepuchus ]
[ Volochos ] (Renamed from Volochus.)
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skwonkk · 3 years
Latour della ve fuvailler axel es auturns arille d’on choquoille.
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dabbingtee · 3 years
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Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover Tshirt
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teesurprise · 3 years
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Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover Tshirt
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Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt
We love the versatility Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt . of vector images But we also know that professionals of the digital industry also look for other things than vector illustration. Another type of graphics even more popular are photographs.This is a good, comprehensive collection of 57 stock photographs to use as promotional material, for invitations, sale offers, or many other types of announcements. Whether you are a freelancer, independent designer or work in a company, the spring season will necessarily have you go about using a nature theme. Some of the images will also use elements for the Easter holiday.But no matter the occasion, the visuals for this time of year need to harmoniously combine bright light, vivid colors, outdoor textures and quality composition.With this in mind, we selected a strong collection of free spring mockups that you can use for your communication material, in perfect sync with the season. The high quality photographs show flat lay setups or closeups on beautiful fluorescence. You can add personalized text information to inform, announce, surprise or make wishes to you customers, colleagues or general audience. All material come from our long time go-to site for all things free, Freepik.com. They never fail to put out some of the best free graphics in the industry. Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex All of the following content can be used in commercial projects with attribution to the site, of course Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt . From all the t-shirt brand owners that I have been writing about in the past years, Johnny Cupcakes has come out as one of the most consistent in delivering quality content, creative promotion methods and building a strong community around a fun concept.Referencing pop culture in a t-shirt design isn’t as easy as it seems. Many do it and the majority delivers a mash-up of iconic characters. But most of the time the overall design doesn’t make sense. People buy them because they love some tv show or video game., not because the references are that cleverly combined.That’s not the case for Johnny Cupcakes t-shirts. The unique design style, as well as the concept of garments presented as baked goods, never jump the shark. The prints could easily sell, even if you didn’t care or know much about pop culture. You wear them because they look cool and are carefully designed on quality textiles.The newest official collaboration is dedicated to the 90’s kids that grew up with the awesome Power Rangers. The pick is not random, because there is a 2017 reboot of the show. When I looked at the designs I truly felt old and nostalgic. See? That’s why I love this brand – the designs will always tap into a genuine experience. The collection was launched on February 25th. If you had been among the lucky first 50 in-store customers at 279 Newbury Street Boston, MA, you would have received free gift bags. Apart from t-shirts there are also posters, pins and stickers available. You Can See More Product: https://kingtee.us/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt
There are two major events Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt . that have the complete attention of pop culture. At the moment. Specifically, the Winter Olympic Games and the premiere of the Black Panther movie. Both of them are reflected in the newest t-shirt additions, in the Johnny Cupcakes shop. Treading carefully enough for the lawyers, as always, but close enough for the fans to notice, the designs blend culinary elements with the aforementioned famous themes.The little fat guy in a panther suit is adorable, in typical Johnny Cupcakes style. The second design is reminiscent of the rockabilly movement. The next two are not very memorable, but I guess Winter Games fans will know how to appreciate them.No matter what you geek out on, it’s always fun to stop by his shop to see his take on the latest trending topics. Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex Just when I thought Marvel couldn’t do better, they give us Black Panther Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt . I swear, Marvel movies are the only ones I find worthy of going to a theater now. The latest one is such a glorious tribute to black, African culture, I must feature some fave Black Panther t-shirts! I loved every moment of black history. I honestly found myself a bit annoyed at the sight of the first white character.Still, beyond the great hero and the amazing soundtrack, I left the theater appreciating the character of Chadwick Boseman but loving the villain, Erik Killmonger. I think he’s Marvel’s best one, who makes some good points about Wakanda’s leaders. But we know that the end doesn’t justify the means. Although Erik’s explanations make sense, his methodology is totally amiss.While exiting the cinema, I fixated on this character, beyond all the other spectacular ones. This means that this time the pop culture t-shirt post is dedicated to the villain and not the hero. I hope they find a way to resurrect him for an encore! Because Infinity War doesn’t enough heroes already. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshop.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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mytshirt-trend-blog · 5 years
Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt
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You Can See More Product: https://tshirt-trend.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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kingteeshops · 5 years
Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt
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Soft and comfy you can't Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt .go wrong with this multicolor Detroit Red Wings tee shirt featuring long sleeve. Designed with cotton-polyester, this tee shirt is sure to meet your fashion needs.Bring American flair to your sweet girl's wardrobe with. This short-sleeve tee features a heart with stars and stripes in sequin embellishments on the front for a patriotic look, while the dolman sleeves with a red accent panel adds a stylish touch. Whether worn for 4th of July celebrations or to school, this flip sequin heart T-shirt is perfect for showing off some American pride.Whether you're headed off to work or just having a fun outing with friends on the weekend, makes it easy for you to create a wide range of looks. Made from ultra-soft and lightweight rayon with a touch of spandex for an easy fit, this short-sleeve shirt has a fitted, rib-knit design that hugs the figure to create a flattering silhouette. The horizontal rust and cream stripes add a touch of classic flair, while the square neck finishes it off with clean lines. With loose fitting short sleeves and a long fit that's perfect for tucking into bottoms, this rib-knit T-shirt can easily be dressed up or down for a variety of looks. Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex Whether you're a Sega fan or you just like old-school style Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt . This pink graphic tee features a light-blue, white and red illustration of Sonic running, his torso decorated with gold rings, with Japanese text that reads "Sonic" directly underneath. Video game fans will love the authentic lettering and playful Sonic imagery. Casual wearers will go for the simple crewneck design and retro-inspired vibe that provides any outfit with old-school flair. Pair this men's graphic tee with jeans and sneakers, or layer it under a button-down with chinos for drinks for a slightly dressier look. Either way, the 100% cotton construction will maintain breathable comfort through day and night. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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strag-rp-sin · 5 years
21. Sensory Deprivation
The first sense Nocturne lost was his sight. A large blindfold was pulled over his eyes and then tied into place, the knot snug between his head and the pillow. The gag came next - it was shaped like a dildo and so long that it filled his mouth completely when it was pushed inside. The tip pressed at the back of his throat and almost made him gag. He was going to be forced to swallow around it the whole time.
“Are you ok?”
Nocturne nodded in response.
“And you remember what to do if you want out?”
Another nod.
“Good. Then do it for me.”
Aurelio watched as Nocturne moved his hand the way he’d showed him from where it was cuffed up against the headboard. Only then did he slip the headphones over his head.
All at once, Nocturne’s world went dead. He couldn’t hear or see anything no matter how hard he tried. He’d known, of course, that this was the purpose of what Aurelio was doing to him but the pitch black silence he’d been left in was more than he’d ever expected. He thought he’d be able to peek, that the noises would merely be muffled, that he’d know exactly where the tall blonde was... But when the bed sheets beside him shifted and he felt the weight of Aurelio’s body leave, a sudden fear of the unknown hit him.
The taller Sesharrimian paced around him, watching as he squirmed and writhed without even a touch. Only when he started to still did he trail his fingertips along his side, down past his hips and onto his inner thigh. The reaction was more than he could’ve hoped for. Muffled squeals came from past Nocturne’s gag as he jolted, half from surprise and half from the heightened sensitivity that wracked through his every nerve. Aurelio’s smile only grew. Playing with him now would be even more fun than it usually would.
Every time, Nocturne had no clue what was coming. Was Aurelio even still in the room? Did he have something in his hands? Where was he going to touch him? Was he going to touch him at all? What if he left and didn’t come back? What if it wasn’t Aurelio’s fingers he was feeling on him at all? His brain was working at a million miles a minute, tormenting him with questions and what ifs that only amplified every time he felt a light touch to his body. Aurelio loved to torture him like this. He just knew that every time he thrashed and whimpered, the man standing over him would be grinning and laughing. It brought a flush to his cheeks. Nothing could be more embarrassing than admitting to the self-righteous sociopath that he yearned for his cruel treatment, but around Aurelio he didn’t need to. His face told him all he needed to know.
The Laertes’ long slender fingers gently pushed up between his legs and brushed against his hole. That touch alone made him scream. Aurelio didn’t stop, circling it over and over, watching him squirm and fight against even the lightest of sensations. When he actually started to press inside him, he thought Nocturne might desperately tap out. Instead his desperation came in the form of a needy moan, tearing through his entire body as his thighs shook and his ass clenched. Further and further in he went, just one finger sliding slowly inside, until he could finally give his prostate the tiniest of strokes. Of all the things he’d expected to bring Nocturne to the edge, that wasn’t it. He tore his hand away as quickly as he could, denying him his unexpected orgasm. Nocturne was far too sensitive to be played with like this... Aurelio would have to try something else; something he usually didn’t do unless one of his subs had been on denial for a very long time and he wished to keep them that way, excruciatingly desperate and still unable to cum. To think that a whole month’s worth of careful edging could be emulated with a gag and a pair of headphones. It was more than Aurelio could ever have hoped for.
After reaching his first fateful edge, Nocturne didn’t feel anything for a while. He was left to pant and whimper, feeling his frantic pleasure ebb away, his hole and cock throbbing as they yearned to be touched once more. When they finally were, he began to wish that he’d never yearned for it at all. It wasn’t Aurelio’s finger this time that tickled at the underside of his dripping cock. It was a feather - that much was clear. Only the briefest and lightest of stimulation were granted to him and yet, somehow, that was almost enough. Whenever Aurelio used it on him for too long, he felt another edge starting to approach, his needy cries being rewarded by the removal of the feather entirely. He had no idea how long Aurelio had been torturing him this way and he had no idea how long it would continue. All he could do was lie there and take it, enduring every flick of the soft plume in the full knowledge that he’d never be allowed to tip over from it.
Drool was seeping from the corners of Nocturne’s gag and tears from the bottom of his blindfold. And yet, even as another pained sob tried to pass his lips, he never asked to be let out. It made Aurelio’s eyes glitter with glee. He’d never wanted to fuck him so desperately. How many times, he wondered, would Nocturne cum if he took him right now? And how crazy would it make him, the sadistic thoughts in his mind asked instead, if he didn’t let him cum at all? It was that cruel streak he always embraced that sent him searching for the cock ring, eager to clamp it onto his little torture victim and see just exactly what would happen. Nocturne would perhaps come to regret allowing Aurelio to have his way with him. But Aurelio suspected that the opposite was true - that Nocturne would, inevitably, beg to be treated this way again.
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tshirtfashiontrend · 5 years
Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt
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Soft and comfy you can't Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt .go wrong with this multicolor Detroit Red Wings tee shirt featuring long sleeve. Designed with cotton-polyester, this tee shirt is sure to meet your fashion needs.Bring American flair to your sweet girl's wardrobe with. This short-sleeve tee features a heart with stars and stripes in sequin embellishments on the front for a patriotic look, while the dolman sleeves with a red accent panel adds a stylish touch. Whether worn for 4th of July celebrations or to school, this flip sequin heart T-shirt is perfect for showing off some American pride.Whether you're headed off to work or just having a fun outing with friends on the weekend, makes it easy for you to create a wide range of looks. Made from ultra-soft and lightweight rayon with a touch of spandex for an easy fit, this short-sleeve shirt has a fitted, rib-knit design that hugs the figure to create a flattering silhouette. The horizontal rust and cream stripes add a touch of classic flair, while the square neck finishes it off with clean lines. With loose fitting short sleeves and a long fit that's perfect for tucking into bottoms, this rib-knit T-shirt can easily be dressed up or down for a variety of looks. Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex Whether you're a Sega fan or you just like old-school style Wine Auturn Vibe Funny Wine Lover TShirt . This pink graphic tee features a light-blue, white and red illustration of Sonic running, his torso decorated with gold rings, with Japanese text that reads "Sonic" directly underneath. Video game fans will love the authentic lettering and playful Sonic imagery. Casual wearers will go for the simple crewneck design and retro-inspired vibe that provides any outfit with old-school flair. Pair this men's graphic tee with jeans and sneakers, or layer it under a button-down with chinos for drinks for a slightly dressier look. Either way, the 100% cotton construction will maintain breathable comfort through day and night. You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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thedeviltohisangel · 5 years
The Clock Strikes//1//It Doesn’t Matter If You Love Him
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Kylo and his new wife Tessala run into trouble when exploring a new planet.
mentions of attempted kidnapping
masterlist in bio!
send any requests for these two my way!
It wasn’t unusual for him to wake up without Tessala beside him. In fact, it was normal. Normally, she never even went to bed beside him. But last night she had. Last night had been different. Dare he say it. Say that it felt good.
Kylo had not felt good in a long time.
But his moment of good was fleeting as he began to wonder why she was no longer in bed with him. It had been months since she had been wed to him at the request of the Supreme Leader. Kylo had accepted that she would tolerate him at best. That seemed to be what everyone did. If that. He had promised himself he would return her feelings in kind. There was no way either of them could survive this union if actual emotions and feelings got involved. She was a princess from a wealthy planet with a large army and he was a powerful servant for an even more powerful lord. They had each been left little choice in the matter.
Last night she had been sad. She had been angry. There had been a fire inside of her and he was ashamed to admit that he had been drawn to it. The edge of self-destruction that lived within him was enamored by the sweet death her soul offered him.
He had told her that the stories of love and soulmates and happiness her caretakers had told her as a young girl were silly. That they were setting her up for disappointment. That he wished, for her sake, they hadn’t. That they told her the truth of the world. That monsters didn’t just lurk in the dark but in the light too. Monsters like him.
And for some reason it was his admittance that he viewed himself as a monster that made her stop. Her chest stopped heaving and her face went from anger to confusion to the softest thing he had seen since he last saw his mother. 
“You are scarred. It is not a sign of damage or monstrosity. It’s a sign of resilience.” Of course Tessala hated him even though the marriage and living arrangements were against his will as well. The Supreme Leader had been the only one to blatantly tell Kylo his worth. The young man had needed that so badly. So he went where he was able to find it. 
Kylo lifelessly pulled on his black robes, attached his saber to his belt and tucked his helmet under his arm. This was how his mornings always went. No sign of his wife. He had gotten used to it. Found comfort in it. And now that he knew there could be a different way, it felt unbalanced. Unfulfilling. Empty. It was a dangerous place for him to be.
“Good morning.” It was almost a whisper but not quite. It was a peep. Tessala was unsure of the words coming out of her mouth even though they were so incredibly simple. 
“Good morning.” He stopped in his tracks to look at her. She was in a light pink robe placing food onto the table.
“I was hoping you could sit and eat with me today but if you have things to do…” She now realized how silly her hope had been. How stupid she must sound to her husband. She should have just let things be. Let last night lie as the fluke that it was.
“I can stay for a little while.” Her smile almost made him crack his own, almost, before he placed his helmet down and walked to sit at the head of the table.
“I am taking a trip to Auturn today.” She paused her eating to look at him but he kept his head down towards his plate. It was rare that he share his plans with her. It wasn’t too long ago that she had she spent almost a month alone in their quarters thinking he was dead and she meant too little to have the news shared with her.
“I hear they have a wonderfully beautiful marketplace this time of year,” she mumbled as she pushed her food around her plate. Tessala had been to the famous marketplace of Auturn once before with her mother. It had been a magical day filled with sights and smells and fabrics and trinkets that she had never experienced. There was a pain in her chest she could never explain at the notion that she would most likely never experience it again.
“Maybe...maybe a trooper could accompany you there while I attend to business. The ship is headed in that direction anyways.”
“I would be very thankful.” She willed back the tears  of joy and happiness that wished to escape from her eyes. Perhaps it would be easier to survive than she had originally thought.
Kylo kept ten paces between the two of them as they marched through the center of town with their security detail in tow. He had instructed her to ditch the cream-colored-ruffled gown she had chosen for the day, though he was positive she would have been absolutely breathtaking in it, for all black and a hood that could cover her face. He didn’t need her turning into a liability during this outing.
“You stay within this vicinity. I will be back shortly.” Tessala wasn’t used to the distorted voice that replaced his as he spoke through the mask. She nodded her understanding and watched as a quarter of the troopers marched off with him. It was certainly true that his skills with a lightsaber and the Force meant he required less protection but she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. No longer did she wish to be in the role of the meek damsel in distress or the wife who sat at home just longingly waiting for her husband to return and task her with something to do. Maybe, with their newfound rapport, this was a topic she could broach with him. Ask him for more responsibility. Ask him for more knowledge on the role she was kidnapped to play in all this. And maybe she would then one day have to courage to talk to him about children.
The troopers made for poor company as she smelled every plant and powder and liquid that was on display with the vendors. Every time she smiled, she thought of the First Order and what their plans might be for this planet. Something so beautiful shouldn’t be snuffed out by the stiff men in suits that walked about her new home.
“Someone as fair as you certainly is not from Auturn.” Tessala looked up from the piece of jewelry she had been admiring to see a peculiar man looking at her. Not looking. Assessing. As if he was wondering what price she would fetch at this very market. Even if his eyes weren’t glowing red, she’d be scared.
“Excuse me.” She took one step passed him when his hand snapped out to grab her arm, the troopers raising their guns immediately but were taken down by the men who emerged from behind their stalls with their own weapons.
“There is a rumor going around that Ren purchased a new toy. Could that be you, my fair lady?”
“I am no one’s toy,” she said with a spit to his face. That earned her a tight grip around her jaw and his sneer turning sinister.
“Let’s test out his commitment to his purchase.” Tessala expected to be dragged somewhere. Maybe to wherever Kylo was so her captors could taunt him. Maybe to their base of operations should they could plot what to do next. When she had considered the hazards of the marriage proposal she was entering into, being kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip had not been one her mind had come up with. What a mistake that had been.
“I promise you that I mean nothing to him.” She thinks it was true. Even though it hurt. It was never a good feeling to believe you were worthless to someone. Particularly when that someone was your husband.
“Your womb is what really means something to him. Maybe that is what we should take first.” He produced a knife and angled it so it pointed just below her belly button. She squared her shoulders and searched for inner peace. There was no way she would let these men think they had succeeded in scaring her. Too much had been taken from her recently. It was her turn to claim something. She claimed herself.
“I wouldn’t recommend that.” It was hard to tell if there was any emotion behind his voice as it came out through the mask. Perhaps that would work in their favor for this situation. He wouldn’t give away to the men, or to her, if she actually did mean something to him.
“So glad you could join us, Ren. Now tell your men to lay down their weapons and you dispose of that saber and the Princess will not be hurt.” Tessala couldn’t tell but Kylo was looking at her behind his mask. He was trying to read her face. To see if she was in any real pain or discomfort. That would drastically change how he planned to carve up these men. He answered the man’s statement by igniting his saber and throwing it towards the armed combattants. The troopers behind him began to fire their blasters, Tessala pushing forward as her captors grip loosened in a moment of distraction.
“Get down!” She dropped as Kylo’s lightsaber flew above her head, back into his hands, and he began to deflect shots from the men in front of him. “Get behind me.” Keeping low to the ground, she quickly made her way behind her husband who was now slowly marching forward as each deflected shot found a new target.
“The bounty on her head is too much for me to give up without a fight!” The man who originally grabbed her, who presumably was the leader of the group, jumped towards Kylo from the side as he had turned to give orders to the troopers. Rarely caught off guard, he was in this moment and Kylo fell to the ground in a flurry of robes. Tessala watched in horror as his helmet and lightsaber skidded away. “I’ll keep you alive, Ren, long enough to watch me-” The smell of burning flesh reached Kylo before his eyes registered the sight before him.
His own lightsaber had been pierced through the man’s chest. He rolled to the side as the body fell forward and his wife stood there cast in a red glow.
“I don’t know how I…I just grabbed it and it…” Kylo approached her like he would a startled creature in the woods.
“Tessala, let me see it.” He took the leather glove off his hand in the hopes his bare skin would look less threatening to her. She looked down at the metal grip in her hand, the powerful weapon still burning brightly in her hands. Slowly, she closed the gap between their hands and placed the lightsaber into his palm. He clicked it off before gathering her into his arms and holding her against his chest.
“It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“What do we do now?” He didn’t know.
@and-shes-not-even-pretty @ticklish-leafy-plant
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AUTURN Sign of the Besieger
AU(R)* = Auriga Sign • *TURN = Derse + Locks
#489: The sign of the battle-driven who can take a million blows and not fall down, and knock down their opponents in only one. Their struggles begin when all other struggles have ceased. Sign 5 of 22 in a set of signs based around Final Fantasy III's job system, this time for the Viking job. Main points are that this sign is supposed to look like a horned helmet and also like a hammer (one of their signature weapons) being swung down. Edited 4-5-2022 during implementation of the Locks aspect.
Auriga Signs • Locksbound Signs • Derse Signs
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3coffeemonkeys-blog · 7 years
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Auturn in Wicklow mountains, #wicklow #ireland🍀 #stones #auturn #mountains #traveling #travelers #travel #journey #tourist #wild #nature #hiking #photographer #image #nature #landscape (at Wicklow Mountains)
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