#back at it again with monster aus
ultimateily-icus · 2 years
What if I make the members of the chain into mythical creatures.
What if I make em go on an adventurer
What if Sky was a God
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andr0nap · 2 months
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spontaneous au created after the new monster hunter game announcement and being thoroughly bullied by my twitter followers to give into temptation
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tart-miano · 1 year
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angry that your parody has a degree and you don't, victor
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yippieitsarvensart · 15 days
Monster hunter Lilia AU
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stareyed-knight · 8 months
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Day 24: AU
All my Kirby AUS aren’t really things I can draw without burning out for several days (/hj) but i do like designing swap stuff
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howlonomy · 3 months
Does clover prefer being a monster more, or a human more?
ive been sitting on this question bc ive been trying so hard to think it out and my final answer is: i dont know!
it very much depends. there are upsides and downsides to both; human clover is just what theyre familiar with. its their skin, their body. they were sturdier and didnt have to worry about overworking themselves because of their soul or their now low hp
but monster clover is allowed to be alive. they wouldnt be, without this body. and they can do new things; summon attacks, have cool new limbs like a tail and wings, and they dont have to worry about injuries so much
i think it wavers. some days they’re grateful to their monster body for the new life it lets them live. some days they curse it for its weakness and fragile nature. they miss being human too, of course. they always will. but they live as a monster now, and theyll learn to love that too
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spookberry · 2 years
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page 6 
(master post)
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maskyartist · 4 months
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i KNOW i said i'd draw putt putt branch but i cant control the vibe and the vibe rn is feral clay
he vaguely remembers floyd. vaguely. he knows floyd was...there. at some point when his mind was whole. but he cant see where he'd be. a lot of his past memories were pushed away to make room for survival instinct, so his memories mostly consist of good ones with (Sp)Bruce and the night he left, the argument with JD mostly
floyd's kinda be pushed to the back of his mind, so its like meeting someone new. Clay smells death on him. Decay. But he stands and talks like a living creature.
Floyd confuses Clay. He calls him Pink. He'll remember his name eventually.
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queenendless · 3 months
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Still coping through/move past JJK and BNHA for a while.
That and watching the anime all over but in JP makes me miss the English dub cause of the voice cast. They're just that good to me, especially for Yami and Kaiba ... for yaoi reasons yes that's why.
Also I don't see this poly idea much on here anyway so ... yeah.
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capricioussun · 9 months
Question for void! What is your favourite outfit??
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*He sounds nostalgic. The gift must have been from someone important to him.
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dreamsb0u · 11 months
Horrordust but they met bc Dust said something mean to Horror after he beat him in an online game and they fought in a McDonald’s parking lot at 3:28am
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eolande · 1 month
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what do you think of my new thingy. his working name is ascalon after the dd1 holy aspect sword but also irl it was the sword used by st. george (like grigori haha) to kill the dragon and if this is a pawn you could also say it's a Sword or weapon of some sort utilized to kill a dragon. but now that makes me want to work on my grigori arisen AU and name HIS pawn ascalon. so it could actually be wielded by st. george. so i'll probably change his name actually.... he's kind of a turd. he's gotten some bestowal of spirit and also was made in the image of a guy who is a little off the shits anyway so he's got a Very strong personality.... he can't see well out of the eye with the scar but he can still see a bit. a fighter who takes pride in his fancy moves. sarcastic and a bit sadistic. annoying. likes luxury and power. tenanye has probably kicked him in the nuts before but this is why she's the only one who can handle him.... he probably reminds her of julien which does annoy her but she's gotten a much thicker skin and unfortunately finds herself still gravitating towards this type of person LOL. but he likes it when she gets mean and u know. she still has a lot of frustration with julien to take out so they're like symbiotic.
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crescentmoonrider · 1 year
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my brain is still too fried from assignmence to remember how comics work, so have this dumb idea instead of this month’s Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU comic update
i just think shi-woo should cause problems on purpose, for toji specifically >:3
[comic masterpost]
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spookberry · 2 years
Monster High g3 is gonna be what does me in, cuz i will undoubtedly fall in love with toralei cuz she hits all my favorite character beats already, and her design is So Much Better!!! which will lead to me drawing her all the time....
And how am i supposed to convince people im not a furry if all i draw is catgirls? i was already on thin ice!
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Hi! I have a request about the Thenamesh AU :)
After the first shock when Gil lost his powers and Ajak healed his arm Gil is very much human for a short duration.
How about a little accident when someone (it can be Thena or someone else. you choose) hurts him accidentally like grabbing his arm too hard or giving him a hard pat on his back. Normally it would be nothing but being a human it’s impact would be 5 times more painful. Thena takes care of him and they share a soft moment?
I think it would be interesting since they have to be careful around the strongest eternal!
"It was an accident."
"Hm," Thena let out in acknowledgement, although it was hardly accepting of it. She wrung out the cool cloth and raised it again.
Gilgamesh sighed as she pressed the cold linen to his arm. His skin was dotted and flushed with red, where his blood vessels had burst under the skin after an impact.
He wasn't allowed outside of Babylon Temple at all in the wake of his 'injury'. Not even just in reference to his still-healing hand, but to his still-human physiology. He hadn't woken up cured, or even improved. Ajak could not heal it out of him and Phastos could find no cause, let alone a cure. He was human until further notice.
Thena hadn't left his side unless absolutely necessary. And even when it was, she would finish the fight as quickly as possible and rush back to him, daring anyone to stand in her way.
Gilgamesh let Thena move gently, trying to reduce his swelling and redness with the cool water. He got human injuries now, which received human treatments. Thena didn't trust Ajak to know what Gil's new pain threshold was after the gruesome scene of her healing his broken hand.
Ajak had stated that she knew very well how to heal humans. Thena had argued that if that was how she healed humans, then maybe they weren't the brave protectors they thought they were.
Thena was stressed, to say the least.
"Hey," Gilgamesh whispered, hoping to pull her out of her mulling. She pulled the cloth away and ran the back of her fingers over his arm. He raised his other hand, injury be damned, and placed it over hers, "hey."
Thena finally looked at him, her eyes so muddled with thoughts they almost seemed to be a different colour than normal. She sighed, "hey."
Gil smiled, although getting Thena to follow it was hard. He knew she had been nothing short of hypervigilant since his condition arose. "I'm okay."
"Are you?" she whispered in return, her eyes flicking away from his and to his hand and now his arm, too.
"Sure," he smiled, even laughed quietly. He gave her hand a squeeze with his, "I'm with you."
Thena shook her head at him, but her smile did emerge. She stood from her kneeling to sit beside him on her bed. Not even his own quarters were safe enough for him, as far as she was concerned. "You are in pain."
"Not much," he shrugged.
One friendly slap on the arm from Kingo - forgetting his strength - had sent him flying to the ground. The bruise was sure to be an ugly, angrily coloured thing. Kingo had rushed to apologise and help his brother up, of course.
Thena had rushed over, ready to snap the sharpshot's arm clean in two in return for the injury.
It had taken Makkari rushing between them as well as Sersi and Ajak both pulling at Thena to keep her from it. And ultimately, she had only left to tend to Gilgamesh.
Thena touched her forehead to his cheek, letting their breaths become one, "any pain at all is more than you deserve."
Gil smiled, leaning his head against hers. He snuck his hand away from hers, only so he could wrap his good arm around her from behind and hold her against him properly. "How could I be in pain when I have the Warrior Eternal to take care of me?"
"Thena, really," he insisted, pulling his head up and tilting it to pull her gaze up to his. "I'm okay."
She accepted his words, although they both knew she would still be hovering around him protectively until she had decided for herself that it was unnecessary. She took in his smile, touching her fingers ever so gently to his cheek.
Gil crossed the distance, pressing her palm flat against his cheek and leaning into it. "I won't break."
"You already have," she lamented, although she let him revel in her touch all he liked.
"Not from you," his smile grew as he happily nuzzled into her palm. "You're nice and gentle with me."
Thena tilted her head at him and his cuddling, allowing it without question. She watched him the way Sersi watched the sunrise. "I have learned from you."
Thena moved, adjusting her position next to him and moving both her hands over his cheeks and to his chest. She tapped her finger against his chestplate, "you are the Gentlest Eternal. I know how to treat you softly because you are so very sweet with me."
Gilgamesh blushed, looking down at their brushing knees bashfully. "Like I could be anything else with you?"
Thena finally smiled genuinely, leaning in to kiss his cheek as firmly as they could afford. "No, nor I, you."
Gil's eyes closed, savouring the small but also immense touch of affection from her. He sighed, "maybe I should get injured more often."
"Okay, okay," he chuckled, returning to leaning against her. He sighed, "y'know, I'm getting really used to having you around so much."
"I am always around you."
"What if I don't want you to go on watch anymore?" he lifted his head and pouted at her, making her laugh. He wrapped both arms around her (despite the ache in his right one). "What if I just want you to stay here and cuddle me all the time, now?"
Thena indulged him, raising her hands to his cheeks again. Her thumbs brushed over the full apples of them, pushing up the tilt of his eyes, "you are deprived of my touch, are you?"
He sighed morosely and nodded, widening his eyes to give her the impression of a sad little stray.
Thena shook her head at him again. She leaned forward, needing no practice to leave the gentlest of kisses against his lips. He returned it, and perhaps in this way she could feel just a hint of his usual strength and fervour.
He leaned forward, wanting more.
"Gil," Thena pulled back, putting a hand on his chest as his tongue pursued hers. She held his eyes and shook her head.
He gave her a pout and those eyes again, "Thena."
"Gilgamesh," she pressed. "Not until you are well again."
He sighed genuinely, flopping backwards on her bed (her hand shot forward, keeping him from banging his head on the wall behind them). He chuckled, "now you really are depriving me."
She leaned over him, kissing him again even more softly than before. "Then concentrate your energy on healing, and you will be deprived of me no longer."
He leaned up again, kissing her as hard as he could. "You really know how to motivate a man."
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good-wine-and-cheese · 3 months
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @lethotep <3
I am also going to write more than just the first line since I too am a "very short snappy intro line" writer and want to include some more to the context. So you get the first paragraph instead. (I will bold the first lines though)
Generally speaking I try to include "commentary" in my first lines; usually from the character we will be following, but sometimes about the character we will be following. I either want to introduce a little bit of their attitude toward whatever is happening/has happened, or more broadly define what other people think of them.
However if I'm writing a story that either is an AU which requires some world explanation or involves specific historical (fiction or otherwise) events I will often try to identify those to set the scene and center the audience in the time/place.
But yeah usually my very first sentence is pretty short.
1. the indomitable human soul (Astro Boy): Tenma was not one who kept track of the days. Dates, yes; he remembered dates. Important dates like birthdays. Anniversaries. Deaths. But not the days themselves; they were all the same, a singular ebb and flow of time that occasionally involved sleeping, occasionally involved eating, but most often involved working.
2. His Many Multitudes (Astro Boy/PLUTO): So much death. So many tragedies. Every life belonged to someone that was loved, and it was those loved ones who bore the consequence of death. In Gesicht, there had fostered hatred so intense that he had taken human life. In Abullah, his hatred sought to swallow the entire world. And the one to stir that hatred…the one who had stirred it within Atom, too…
3. what world we wrought (PLUTO): ”In recent months, the President of Thracia has leveled heavy criticism toward the Kingdom of Persia for its barbaric treatment of its robotic population. President Alexander has sparked controversy for his approach to foreign policy, taking on a more aggressive approach than his predecessor during an already tumultuous time. Yet, on the issues of robot oppression, the President is said to be…”
4. Cogs and Machines (PLUTO): It was not in the nature of the meekly-mannered inventor of Zeronium to make a fuss. Many - most - knew him to be amicable, sometimes fast-talking, a little bit softspoken in the presence of more imposing faces. Yet even the meek and the quiet had limits, and those who caught sight of Dr. Hoffman hurrying down the hall to the director’s office would claim to recall three things: the stormy glare that made a monstrous thing of his face; the white-knuckle grip he had on a particular folder under his arm; and the heavy force of each stride taken that belonged to someone usually so light-footed.
5. Don't Turn Around (Monster): There weren’t words for this feeling. None that Tenma could even approach to represent it as an emotion. If anything, it was characterized by lack.. It was almost surreal; as he watched Grimmer’s life come to a close, he was the one who was losing touch with what he felt. If Grimmer had just now received a letter that was filled with all of his lost feelings, then Tenma’s had been sealed inside an envelope and lost someplace out of sight. He could do little more than stare, watching as everyone but him broke into mournful weeping and ragged wailing. He found himself questioning why his heart was the only one that felt empty. Why it continued to feel empty, why that emptiness stayed with him even after Johan’s surgery. Had those feelings of his been stolen? Had Grimmer reached out and taken them, in his final moments alive?
6. Ghost on the Shore (Monster): The waves were pretty rough sometimes. Worse when the rain came with them. But it was still beautiful in a way. Just the sound of water crashing and breaking on the rocks, wearing them down slowly, so slowly with time. From the lighthouse it was safe just to watch and listen. Not as though there was much else for a man to do. So, Wolfgang Grimmer kept his own quiet company watching the waves, humming to himself as he waited for the storm to pass. The rocks would be slippery after all that downpour. He’d have to be careful, venturing out and…
7. it takes a lot to understand (Monster): They called an ambulance. It didn't take very long for the sound of sirens to register, but by then it was time to leave. Doctor Tenma wasn't keen to take his chances to be spotted by authorities, but it was understandable given the run-in with those folks at the border that had nearly cost him his passage out of Germany.
8. hello, my old heart (Monster): “Welcome, sir. If there’s anything you need help with, please let me know.”
9. Monster's Abyss (Monster): The case of Peter Jurgens was, by all accounts but one, textbook in its nature from start to finish. Numerous interviews had allowed Gillen to delve into the mind of the killer, shaping anecdotes of memory into the human that existed as he was known today. Indeed, it was easy enough to write Jurgens off as a “monster”, sick and depraved with a hunger for power and sexual thrill. But that was simply a shallow label that held no meaning outside of distancing oneself from the natures of such a man. After all, if Jurgens was simply a “monster”, then he was no longer human. Categorizing violence as monstrous inherently removed it from humanness, and so the average man and woman could sleep comfortably without self-reflection because they, of course, were not monsters.
10. maybe it's the way that i'm supposed to grieve (Monster): I’m worried about him. After everything...do you really think he should be left alone? … I...I know. But I just...I want to be there for him, if I can.
I'll tag @strawberryclementine @duckoffury and anyone else that wants to do it!! I do not know a lot of folks that have 10+ fics I think but please feel free to take this from me if u want <3
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