kicreate · 10 months
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We are 1 month away until GUTS Era begins so I made fanmade song covers to represent OR2. Hope you all like it 😁😁
Fanmade cover: @kicreate
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maddieladner1999 · 3 months
Bad idea right? Chapter 12
Ricky decided to meet Gina at her house. It’s been a while since they talked and well he may not need closure he still feels obligated to let Gina know it’s not her fault.
He walks up to Gina who’s smiling, and says “Hey G, long time huh?”
Gina just replies back “yeah well you’ve been busy with your boyfriend, so you wanted to talk?”
Ricky has his whole speech prepared, “yeah I did. Look I know we talked on the phone and you said you understood and were good but I still feel like I didn’t fully fill you in. I’m pretty sure I’ve liked EJ since I almost hit him in the face with a basketball. I didn’t know it yet but I figured it out eventually. Idk I guess I just didn’t want you to think it was your fault or that you did anything wrong. I liked you truly, I did but not like I liked EJ. Does that make sense?”
Gina surprised by Ricky’s speech responds, “yeah it does. And don’t worry I understand. I kinda suspected you weren’t all that in love with me anyway”
Ricky looks confused, “what do you mean?”
Gina finally tells Ricky, “I didn’t know it was EJ, I honestly thought maybe you still weren’t over Nini. But I knew it wasn’t love for you with me. You were great of course but I always felt like something was missing. I didn’t know what but I do now.”
Ricky happy to hear she’s happy responds, “so what was missing if you don’t mind me asking?”
Gina responds quickly, “I don’t really know how to explain it. You checked all the boxes but they still weren’t full. You weren’t in love with me. I guess it was love”
Ricky understanding, “yeah I get that with EJ. You found anybody else yet?”
Gina happily answers, “yes I have. And I’m happy you two are happy. I was surprised at first but you are so cute together.”
Ricky gushing from the compliment, “thanks. I’m happy you’re happy too. I’ll see ya around? I’m going to visit my mom in Chicago soon.”
Gina grabbing her stuff to leave says, “yeah I’ll be around. Bye”
Once Gina leaves Ricky decides to head home. He texts EJ to let him know that he’s home and filled him in on the conversation with Gina. He knows EJ worries Gina was mad at them but now he’s got more reassurance. EJ texts Ricky he’ll be there soon. It’s movie night.
EJ arrives shortly after and immediately takes his shoes and jacket off. It’s a bit hostile so Ricky looks all worried and says, “you ok there babe?”
EJ realizing his anger moment tells him, “yeah I’m fine just been a long day. What are we watching tonight?”
Ricky still concerned but not showing it responds, “I was thinking we could watch the new rom-com, red white and royal blue. It’s a gay movie so it’ll be fun!”
EJ smiling now from Ricky’s excitement says, “sounds great, do you mind if I shower first? I need to wash the day away”
Ricky noticing a few stains says, “yeah that’s fine.” And then as EJ walks by, “ok you literally smell like a pizza. And idk if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”
EJ realizing his own odor too says, “doesn’t matter I’m washing it off. I’ll be back in 10 minutes”
Ricky responds a quick ok and gets movie night set up. He found the candy and popcorn which he’s waiting till he hears the shower turn off before popping so it’s still hot. As EJ comes down the stairs, the room wafting with popcorn he’s grinning out of his head with happiness.
EJ takes a moment to appreciate his very hot boyfriend before speaking, “candy, popcorn, and a gay rom-com? You know exactly how to swoop a guy off his feet don’t you?”
Ricky gushing and bringing over the popcorn replies, “only the best for my sexy boyfriend. Let’s press play yeah?”
EJ putting his arm around Ricky and grabbing a handful of popcorn says, “yeah let’s do it”
The boys go to bed after the movie ends and Mike tells them no sex again. They laugh as they go up the stairs before falling asleep while spooning. Good night.
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ayo-edebiri · 3 months
happy birthday youre iconic and make the best gifsets and ily
thank you for being kind!! Have an amazing day, ily <3
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canadianguestposting · 10 months
Calling all Canadian businesses! Enhance your local SEO with our specialized Guest Posting Service. Connect with local audiences, improve your search rankings, and grow your brand's authority. 🚀
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ghost-in-a-cup · 3 months
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Happy month after valentines !!! I had an unbelievably hard time drawing a ghost
omg happy month after valentines to you too!!!!
i adore this printing this out and keeping in my special box
thank you so much <333333333
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oliviarsource · 10 months
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August 11, 2023 - Livieshq via Instagram. "the biggest lie we ever said was that we aren’t going to listen to #badidearight on repeat for the rest of our lives 💋💜"
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perrieedwards · 10 months
dearreader > perrieedwards
MY DREAM URL !!!! im so so happy with this and this is the little secret ive been keeping <33
i will be changing my tracking tag to userperrie but i'll continue tracking userdear for a little bit during the change over! i will also me changing my editing tag to *myedits but you can still access them in my bio link until i do that!
feel free to boost, ive tagged some mutuals under the cut :)
@champaqneproblems @dearreader @raypakorns @cardigan @reysorigins @folklouire @outofthewoods-1989 @ohwarnette @ybwm @yourelosingmes @lorelaiileigh @tisthedamnseasns @caribaheine @nicholas-nelsons @badidearight @transcendentalyouth @baarishgf @deathbyathousandcuts @emails-i-cant-send @battledemo @speaknowworldtour @waitinqroom @alwaysleadstoyou @wearthesamejewels
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snixx · 3 months
rank all of your url yuo've had over the time (yes, i just read your last post and this was my first thought)
snixx (i fought tooth and nail for this url its so special to me you dont even know)
loosutanam (me fr)
elena-alvarez (someone took it now but that was such a good time. she is me i am her)
kirk-off (SO ICONIC)
badidearight (theme song of my life)
kaadhalkannadi <3
annamaeharkness (mother)
eels-science-docx (hahahahahahahaha)
parijati <3
souperache (only reason its this low is im not the biggest fan of soup. like i like it and i love my mutual soup but i dont love soup itself yk. also this was a stolen idea. superache though >>>>>>>>>>)
lebanese-lilies (if you get this one im in love with you. if you were there during this era literally let's get married)
favouritecrime (only reason it's this low is because its not the spelling of the og song and that bothers me a little)
rinaslayawamma (get it. amma cause she's mother)
ian-kabra (would be higher but i got nataliekabra without the hyphen so its less special now. ftr im an ian over natalie stan tho. just not a hyphen fan)
mazhaipilipiri (weirdass nonsensical url but it's so me)
grassberry639 (its only this high for nostalgia value. still my username in so many places)
saphrodesiace (this was a pride month url. get it cause aphrodisiac but sapphic aro desi and ace. cringefail af ik BUT IT WAS PRIDE MONTH)
notfanumeha (this would have been a lot higher before but it's related to my irl ex best friend and she sucks so it goes last now)
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planether · 1 month
new url for here (thank you @badidearight) <3
@cowboycarters is now my main 😁
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bidamonalbarn · 9 months
tagged by @louiswilltomlinson !! ty <33
first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe !
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tagging (no pressure!!!): @1look-at-how-my-tears-ricochet1 @losing-my-mind-in-the-mirror @cailitwhatyouwant @badidearight @tayss13 @bettysparksfly
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furiosopetalo · 9 months
thank youuu @outofthewooodstv for the tag<3 alright, shuffle on my repeat playlist and post the first 10 songs
1. bonita - mon laferte
2. oh caroline - the 1975
3. wiggy - young miko
4. chocolate - the 1975
5. dos días en la vida - fito paez
6. sparks fly -taylor swift
7. sheraton - el jordan 23
8. chulo pt. 2 - bad gyal, tokischa, young miko
9. im in love with you - the 1975
10. un vestido y un amor - fito paez
taggin @brooklynbaabysblog @knived-man @badidearight if you guys want to<3 💌🐄
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maddieladner1999 · 9 months
Bad Idea Right?
A Ricky and EJ fanfic set during season 4 when Ricky visits EJ at college. I really liked a lot of the dialogue from there scene, so I kept most of it and tweaked it to my story.
All rights go to Disney and Tim Federly for characters. I do not own them. 
When Ricky and Gina kept having problems between the movie, seeing each other, and Mack always being around, Ricky didn’t know what to do. He’s scared. He hasn’t been this scared in a while, so he does the stupidest thing he could possibly do, goes to visit EJ at college. While looking for his dorm  building he finally sees EJ standing on the stairs on the second floor. 
EJ: Richard Bowen
Ricky: Elton John
Ej: Welcome to college. 
Ricky is taken by EJ into EJ’s room and given a brief tour. He’s staying by himself as an RA so that means he won’t have to worry about any conversation interrupters. EJ tells him that he is no longer speaking to his dad, working 4 jobs, has a full class schedule, weekly practice for the ping pong team, and sectionals is coming up for his acapella group the Blindorphins. No suprise that he stays busy he always has. And of course he’s doing acapella, he always like Blaine the best on glee. 
Ricky couldn’t help but notice the guitars. He remembers hearing EJ play for the first time at camp this summer. He never knew EJ even knew how to play guitar, but alas the older boy is full of surprises. Camp also reminds him of trying to hang out with EJ and EJ was too busy. He wonders back on that night to what could’ve happened if he did instead of Gina. He never wouldn’t realized his feelings for Gina probably. He most likely would’ve realized the truth of why he always steals EJs girlfriends. He really just wants EJ. He asks EJ to play him a song
EJ: it might be terrible
Ricky: “all songs might be terrible, Elton.” He loved using his given name. It made him feel things. 
EJ: yeah sounds about right. Capo. 
Ricky: oh capo? Fancy. 
EJ starts singing and Ricky can’t help himself. He’s absolutely in love with the man standing before him. He decides to join in with his struggles in the song too. 
Ricky is strolling through Instagram to find Quinn’s latest post featuring Mack and Gina kissing. He’s not even jealous anymore. He just wishes Gina would tell him how she feels. Guess he’ll just have to tell EJ first and see what happens. 
EJ comes back and can visibly see something’s wrong
EJ: ok so you wanna grab food? You ok?
Ricky: I am great. Super. Good
EJ grand his phone and sees the pictures. “Hey I know what it feels like. I’m here for you though, unless you wanna be alone.”
Ricky: I thought everything was perfect. It was, for like a second. Just like it was with my parents. Just like it was with nini. Just like it was with my dad and miss freakin jenn. It’s like everyone’s allowed to be ok for like 10 seconds. And then everything falls apart. And then Gina gets this great movie opportunity, and this guy, her childhood crush, is hanging around all the time and it’s like ok I don’t wanna get in her way, but I don’t know what else to do but hide. 
EJ: well do you know what she wants?
Ricky: IDK. I’m too afraid to ask. Are you ever like um afraid of the truth? 
EJ: I mean not so much anymore. 
Ricky: I don’t wanna respond to my moms texts because I don’t wanna know if she’s back with Todd. I’m tanking my senior year instead of applying to colleges or focusing on my grades. I’m just distracted at the fear of losing more people. I’m tired. I’m tired of losing people. I don’t wanna lose Gina but the truth is I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you for quite some time now. I love her I do. But not like that. 
EJ: wow that wasn’t what I was expecting. 
Ricky: and what were you expecting? 
EJ: I thought you’d come here for advice on getting Gina to be 100% yours. I never expected you to secretly harbor feelings for me. 
Ricky: well I do. And I have no idea what to do now. Especially since you probably don’t even feel the same way. 
EJ: oh. I do though. I have for a while now too. I’m not sure how long but I do. I hated calling you my brother that day at the screening. Especially since I was just so hurt I thought you liked her. I never thought you could ever like me. Clearly, I was wrong. 
Ricky: so now what?
EJ: why don’t we get some food and then figure it out. I’m starving 
Ricky: ok 
EJ orders some food for delivery to campus and the two boys eat on the floor since EJ doesn’t really have a table. 
EJ: I am stuffed
Ricky: yeah me too
*thunder rumbles outside*
EJ: no
Ricky: I should probably hit the road before an actual monsoon arrives. Hey I’m sorry for showing up and dropping everything on you earlier. You didn’t ask for that. 
EJ throws a balled up paper wrapper at Ricky “actually, I think you’re done talking for a minute.”
EJ: there are a lot of things that I would do different. I wish I would’ve stood up to my dad sooner. I wish I had spent last summer having more fun… there are just so many things that I didn’t get right. 
Ricky: I had no idea
EJ: look the point is, sometimes things don’t work out and our job is to just shake it off and hold on to some hope for what’s next. Look… my time at east high is over. And I am  so proud of who I am and who I’ve become. And I do love what has come next. But dude there is nothing in this world like high school. Nothing. And I promise you, you will never find another family like the wildcats. Take em in. Love em. Because honestly one of the biggest reasons I stay so busy is because I miss it every single day. And you will too Ricky, I promise you. It happens to every single one of us. And look dude, I think there are plenty of people who do more than worry about you, but you have to actually let them. I mean you have to actually pick up the phone, reach out and stop feeling sorry for yourself. 
Ricky: that’s not…
EJ: and look Gina is the best. And I am at peace with how things worked out, but you have to tell her the truth. I know you think you’re the guy who runs away and that’s just some personality trait that you have to be stuck with forever. You know something bad happens and you hide like opening night with HSM. And the crazy thing is you think you’re actually helping the other person, but you know what?
Ricky: I’m actually hurting them?
EJ: no you’re actually hurting yourself. Look you can be the guy who runs. You can be. Plenty of people do. But is anybody gonna show up for that guy? You still have plenty of time to change that. 
Ricky: (sobs) how?
EJ: if you wanna be happy in the future, you better start speaking your mind to the people you care about. Like right now. 
Ricky: okay. Okay. I’m not gonna run away again. I’m not gonna run away this time. I like you EJ. I do. And I need to tell Gina that. And I will. 
EJ:  ok but it’s storming and I can’t let you drive home in that weather. You can stay here tonight and drive back in the morning. 
Ricky: ok but I didn’t plan on staying the night so I don’t have any clothes and you have a twin size bed. 
EJ: I’ll make a pallet on the floor and you can borrow some of my stuff. 
Ricky: so now what?
EJ kisses Ricky and Ricky finally understands the whole thing about fireworks. Seeing EJ tonight was definitely a bad idea but it’s time he goes after what he wants. It’s the best kiss he’s ever had. But he can’t continue with Gina still being his girlfriend. 
Ricky: I’m sorry but I can’t do that to Gina. 
EJ: right I shouldn’t have I’m sorry. I’ll get you some clothes. 
EJ starts rifling through his stuff and Ricky decides to step in the hall. He texts miss jenn that he can’t make it to rehearsal and calls Gina. She answers. He doesn’t wanna do this over the phone but he can’t keep it to himself any longer. He wants EJ. And he can’t sleep on EJ’s floor next to him tonight and resist him. 
Gina: hey Ricky I was just sitting down for dinner is everything ok? I know you went to see EJ
Ricky: yeah I’m still here. It’s raining pretty bad and he refuses to let me drive in the bad weather. 
Gina: that’s good. So what’s up?
Ricky: look I love you, I do. But this year has been rough. With Mack, your childhood crush, and the movie. I don’t think I can do this anymore. 
Gina: what are you talking about?
Ricky: I just had a really long important conversation with EJ and he laid some truths out. I run away from my problems and I know that. And I can’t keep doing it anymore. Running away won’t make it better. This time without you thought has made he realize something. I thought it could work with nini I thought it was supposed to because I’ve known her forever and we’re so good together but as just friends. And then I realized maybe it was you but as always everything bad that could happen happened. I really thought I could be with you and that you were the one and who knows maybe you are. But I think we need to be apart. You can go be with Mack if you want. And I’m sorry for doing this over the phone but I just couldn’t continue on without telling you how I feel. I’ll be back tomorrow 
Gina: you’re right. This isn’t working. I tried the best I could but you still slipped away. I couldn’t stop you. I understand. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then? 
Ricky: one more thing. 
Gina: what?
Ricky: I like EJ. I didn’t wanna tell you over the phone but I needed you to know. He kissed me. That’s it though. I couldn’t do that to you. But now that we’re over I need to see what happens next here with EJ. 
Gina: I always suspected but l wasn’t sure. 
Ricky: what?
Gina: you stole his girlfriend twice. You always seemed to care about what EJ was doing. It makes sense now. 
Ricky: well I’m sorry again. 
Gina: it’s ok. At least it was before we got too serious. Didn’t break my heart Bowen. 
Ricky: good. I’ll see you at school?
Gina: yeah. Bye. 
Ricky comes back into EJ’s room to find EJ had taken a shower and got him some clothes
EJ: everything ok?
Ricky: yeah. I just broke up with Gina. 
EJ: oh. How’d she take it?
Ricky: good. She even apparently kinda suspected I liked you
EJ: oh yeah? 
Ricky: yeah. I guess I was a little obvious with my obsession of EJ caswell. 
EJ: so everything’s good. No broken hearts? Cause I would never forgive you if you hurt her. 
Ricky: yeah everything’s good. We weren’t that serious yet so she’s not hurt. 
EJ: ok well I guess you could shower if you want now. I left some clothes on your pallet. 
Ricky: ok. I’m gonna do that
While Ricky showered he thought about EJ some more. He’s in his shower using his soap and shampoo. He liked the idea of smelling like EJ. He couldn’t wait to get out and see him again. That scruffy looking dork could be his now. If EJ wasn’t too busy to have him of course. 
When Ricky comes out the bathroom he understands the term “coming out the closet” even more. So that’s what he’s gonna do tomorrow. He’s gonna figure out his sexuality and tell everyone in the drama club. They’ll accept him. He knows they will. Carlos, Ashlyn, and Maddox are all part of the community already. And his best friend big red is Bi. And gina already knows. Everything is going to be fine. 
EJ: you good?
Ricky: yeah. I’m just not a fan of sleeping on the floor. 
EJ: wanna trade?
Ricky: no. I wanna spoon you actually. 
EJ: oh? Well then get in. 
Ricky gets in the bed and goes to wrap his arm around EJ when EJ turns toward him
EJ: so if you and Gina are over and she knows does that mean we can kiss now?
Ricky: oh I wanna do so much more than kiss you. 
EJ’s pov:
EJ kisses Ricky with such force it almost knocks Ricky off the bed. He saves him in great timing though. EJ rolls Ricky on top of him so he won’t have to worry about Ricky falling off the bed and immediately takes off Ricky’s shirt. He’s used to the smell of his soap but he notices it on Ricky. He likes it. As he goes down to pull off Ricky’s pants he takes a moment to let Ricky take off his shirt. Momentarily distracted by Ricky kissing his entire torso up and down he almost forgets what he’s doing. Finally he gets the pants off along with the boxers. Ricky is bigger than he thought he’d be and already fully erected. He realizes he doesn’t completely know that he’s doing so decides on giving a blow job. He flips Ricky over so he can get to the right spot. He knows what he likes so he does it to Ricky. Ricky doesn’t take very long to cum and soon his mouth is full. After that, Ricky is obviously dazed. He doesn’t know what to do know so he cleans Ricky up and kisses him up his torso. Ricky finally has words 
Ricky: I thought coming here would be a bad idea actually 
EJ: yeah? Was it?
Ricky: no I think it was the best idea I’ve ever had. 
EJ: good. So you wanna take a turn now? 
Ricky: 1 night and you’re already asking the right questions. Of course I do. 
Ricky’s pov:
EJ just gave Ricky the best blowjob of his life and he could feel that EJ was hard. So when he asked if I wanted to return the favor I knew I had to. 
I flipped EJ back to his back after slipping off his pajama bottoms and boxers. I thought I was big but man did EJ have an inch or 2 on me. I moved down to get in position and got started on his cock. I did everything the same as he did but faster. EJ was moaning so hard. Once he came, I cleaned him up and kissed him up his torso till I met his lips. This was the best night of my life. But I was tired so I promptly laid down on top of EJ and fell asleep. 
The next morning I was still naked and on top of EJ who was of course also naked. I couldn’t help but smile. He looked so cute when he slept. He soon woke up and said good morning. I responded the same and kissed him. I knew I had to get back home but I didn’t wanna leave. After a few minutes of kissing EJ stopped and had some things to say
EJ: well last night was fun. 
Ricky: yeah it was. I guess I have to go back now. 
EJ: yeah I guess so. I almost forgot you were still in high school. 
Ricky: me too. I didn’t even wanna leave. 
EJ: well then when you get home go apply to go to school here and work really hard to get in. 
Ricky: I will. 
EJ: long distance can be hard. Is that something you wanna do or do you wanna wait till senior year is over?
Ricky: I think I’ve waited long enough for the right person I’m not running away from that again 
EJ: you really taking my words to heart?
Ricky: yeah. So I guess you can text me your busy schedule and I’ll find time to FaceTime you. And maybe even visit. And you have to come see the show. 
EJ: of course I will. So we doing this. 
Ricky: yep! I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. 
EJ: you should get going soon 
Ricky gets up off of EJ and gets dressed in his clothes from yesterday. 
Ricky: I guess the pajamas weren’t that necessary after all
EJ: nope. (EJ gets up and puts on his boxers so he’s not naked) but it was still nice to see you in my clothes if only for a minute. 
Ricky: well thanks for last night again. It’s time I go after what I want. And who I want. 
EJ: hey I’m always here when you need me. 
Ricky: well I should get going. (Ricky texts his dad he’s on his way home)
EJ: wait before you go
Ricky: one last kiss for the road?
EJ: no. Well yeah but I wanted to give you something. (EJ hands Ricky his electric guitar)
Ricky: no
EJ: you’ll probably get more use out of this than I will
Ricky: EJ
EJ: please. (EJ kisses Ricky very passionately before taking him into a hug)
Ricky: I love you
EJ: I love you too now get out of here
Ricky: see you at opening night?
EJ: of course and we’ll definitely FaceTime before then
The end. 
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unholybinchicken · 3 months
9 people I want to get to know better tag!!
@unholy-fabray/@biodyne (aka fellow max) did this on their blog
Last Song: weak by swv
Favorite Color: purple
Currently Watching: abbott elementary
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: salty
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsession: any australian media i consumed as a teenager that's been secretly gay af this whole time (and frantically waiting for s2 of heartbreak high ofc)
Nine People to Tag: @yourstreetserenade @tuiyla @badidearight @cheery-space-lizz @songbirdlopez @genghisthebrain @ioveagron @zyleswarrior @toiletpotato
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butter-murukku · 1 month
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ghost-in-a-cup · 3 months
cym as school subjects
ok im going to do it based on how those subjects made me feel ie how the teachers of that subject made me feel+ my aptitude
@badidearight - cs for the obvious connotations but because the teacher i loved there was sassy and fun and like so smart and idk you vibes
@wholesalesoftie as english my beloved i was gay and depressed and so i was obviously the best in english across the sections might i add so much so teachers out of my grade knew about it
@startingfires as social studies i loved the discussions and the in betweens and the teacher was so smart and passionate
@souplover13 as chemistry i learn so much new stuff from them and because we used to do a lot of debates in that class
@verity-clover as maths becuase obvious reasons but also till 10th i loved the teachers i was great at it it was a great experience
@evilittlecrow as physics i adored the vibes in there i adore their vibes even when the topics became niche and i didnt understand them recently i still hold love in my heart
i will not be doing my commerce classes because it was trauma and my mutuals are much better than that <3
if i forgot you i didn't i forgot what i studied in school <3
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nofuckingbody · 8 months
just bc its coming and I'm mourning
badidearight -> styie
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