#banishing powder
samwisethewitch · 9 months
Two Banishing Powders from a Southern Folk Witch
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In Southern folk magic, the formula used for a banishing spell varies a little bit based on whether you want to banish an actual person (basically getting them to leave you alone) or a spirit/energy/abstract concept.
Banishing formulas for getting rid of living people tend to focus on causing irritation and discomfort to get someone to leave, which may be less effective if they don't have a physical body. Banishing formulas for spirits/energy are more about deep cleansing and making the space inhospitable for undesirable spirits. The herbs and minerals a practitioner might reach for are different in these two situations.
Below are two all-purpose banishing formulas from my practice: one for living people, and one for spirits.
GTFO Powder
For getting rid of unwanted (living) people.
You will need:
The spiciest red pepper flakes/powder you can find (If you like spicy food, use something so hot you can't eat it in large amounts. I like spice and I use Szechuan pepper flakes, but cayenne will work, especially if you know the person you want to banish doesn't like any spice at all in their food. Discomfort is the goal here.)
Black pepper (Used here to cause mild inconvenience/discomfort/bad luck)
Salt (Good, old fashioned banishing)
(Optional) dried, crumbled wasps nest*
(Optional) dirt from the side of a busy road or highway**
*This is actually much easier to find than you'd think, but be careful not to get stung! This is a traditional ingredient in Southern folk magic because wasps are known for how viciously they protect their homes. Fair warning: this is a mean ingredient (since its purpose is to cause pain/discomfort), so I'll leave it up to you whether to include it or not. If you're dealing with a stalking or abuse situation, wasps nest can give you the extra oomph you need to help keep the abuser from returning.
**Only include this if you're trying to make someone physically leave your space or relocate to a different geographical area. And PLEASE be careful collecting this dirt! My advice is to try to collect it during a less busy time of day and to stay several feet away from the actual road.
How to Use It:
When you mix up this powder, speak over it and state your intention. You can enchant this powder for all-purpose banishing, or you could mix up a batch to banish a specific person. Either way, it is important that you tell the powder what it is meant to do. I like to speak directly to the spirits in the powder and ask them for their help.
Traditionally, you would use this powder by sprinkling some in your target's shoes, but that isn't always possible. You can use it in poppet spells by adding it to the feet of the poppet for the same effect. You can also use it to dress candles, add it to jar spells, or incorporate it into other types of banishing spells. Warning: do not burn this powder, as it can cause irritation or injuries to the lungs.
If you need to get rid of a specific person, you'll want to customize the powder to only work on them. The easiest way to do this is with a taglock (an item that has a physical connection to the target). Some of their hair would be ideal, but you can also use a photo of them or even a piece of paper with their name and address written on it, like you were addressing a letter. You'll want to burn the taglock to ash, then mix this ash into the powder. Make sure you burn it outside, because the smoke will be unpleasant.
You can use this powder to keep someone away from your home or another building by sprinkling a line of it across all entrances to the building. If you do this, make sure you've customized the powder for that person with the method above -- otherwise you may accidentally banish ALL visitors.
Ghost-Be-Gone Powder
For getting rid of unwanted spirits or psychic energy. Can also be used to banish non-physical things, like an illness or a bad habit.
You will need:
Salt (Again, used here for good, old fashioned banishing)
Garlic (You know how garlic is supposed to repel vampires? That's basically what it's doing here.)
Rosemary (Used for cleansing and banishing)
(Optional) dirt from a church, temple, or other place of worship**
*Honestly, I've used asafoetida by itself for banishing and gotten really good results. This is definitely the Big Daddy of cleansing herbs in Southern folk magic. You can usually find this in international grocery stores or get it online for fairly cheap, and it's one of the few herbs I think are worth going out of your way to get. Warning: a lot of people complain about the smell of asafoetida, but it honestly just smells like a stronger, more pungent garlic to me so your mileage may vary.
**While dirt from a church is traditional, use something tied to a religion YOU believe in. If you aren't Christian, don't use church dirt. For myself, I might use dirt from the Wiccan temple near my home or from another pagan holy site. The point here is to call on your personal spiritual allies for help. If you are an atheist or agnostic, just leave the dirt out entirely.
How to Use It:
When you mix up this powder, speak over it and state your intention. You can enchant this powder for all-purpose banishing, or you could mix up a batch to banish a specific spirit. Either way, it is important that you tell the powder what it is meant to do. I like to speak directly to the spirits in the powder and ask them for their help.
To use this powder to remove a spirit from your home, use it to clean your floors. You can sprinkle it on the floor, let it sit for a few minutes, and then sweep or vacuum it up.
I don't recommend burning this powder as incense, but you can use it in spells. You can place a ring of it around the base of a black candle or add some to a jar spell, for example. You can also use this to cast a circle around your spellwork if you want to protect it from interference in the spiritual realm.
A Note on Cultural Appropriation
Every time I post some of the more folksy parts of my practice online, I get asked whether it's okay for others to use these spells. Specifically, people want to know if these spells come from a closed tradition or if they have to live in the South to use them.
The folk magic tradition I practice is not tied to any closed cultural practice. I will never post anything from a closed practice online. So yes, you can use these powders no matter who you are or where you are from. You don't have to live in the South or be from the South to practice Southern folk magic, but you will get more out of your practice if you have a connection to the region.
On a related note: some of y'all may have noticed that these powders are similar to formulas used in Hoodoo. The GTFO Powder specifically is very similar to Hotfoot Powder, which is used for a similar purpose in Hoodoo. Hoodoo is a semi-closed African-American tradition that is typically passed down in families or communities. When I post about my practice, I do occasionally get comments accusing me of appropriating from Hoodoo.
Here's the thing: my practice does have some overlap with Hoodoo, because I am in the same geographical region and part of the same regional culture that Hoodoo comes from. Over hundreds of years, ideas get exchanged across racial and cultural lines. Just like some elements of Hoodoo come from European traditions, some elements of white folk magic in the South come from African roots. It's not appropriation -- it's a natural result of living in multicultural communities.
All of this is just to say, what I do is not Hoodoo, but I think of my tradition and Hoodoo as cousins. There's some shared DNA, but also a lot of differences. How I do things might look similar to how a Hoodoo practitioner does them, but the theory or exact ritual process may be different.
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snezus-christ-risen · 2 months
I couldn’t not invite Rosa to the fic reunion party. More B99, another spruced up old fic of yore that I missed and wanted to share here. There is almost male sneezing, and absolutely positively no female sneezing whatsoever unless you want to get gut punched by a former ballerina. 🩰
For their ten year friendaversary, Rosa took Jake to lunch in her car. Lunch was candy and convenience store coffee, so the ride was the real treat. Rosa never let anyone in her car - it was her first car, bought with her own money, so she cherished it even more than her bike. She would probably give Hitchcock a ride down the block before she let Jake in there for one second with his sticky toddler fingers. But today was special, she supposed, so she stocked up on baby wipes and made sure the passenger side seatbelt was still in working order.
"Nothing messy," she instructed him when they got to their favorite corner store. "Or blue."
"You do realize how much that limits my options," Jake said.
"You do realize I've been tolerating you for an entire decade and it can all stop today."
He looked at her like she'd taken his hand and placed it directly on a hot stove top. "Wow, Rosa... that was harsh."
"No blue," she repeated, unwavering.
Of course she wasn't surprised to find some frozen green and purple concoction in her cup holder ten minutes later. Leave it to Mr. Rules-Were-Made-To-Be-Broken to find a loophole. "Looks like someone put Barney in a blender," she deadpanned, eager to get back on the road. Jake had spent an unnecessary amount of time of perusing the candy bars and he didn't even get any.
"It's some crazy grape flavor," he said, after taking a sip and making a face. "Blue is my preference, but... you know."
"If a single drop of that touches any part of this car-"
"Hey, I'll be careful," he said, cutting her off before she could get to the scariest part of the threat. "It's my friendaversary gift to you."
"Wow, not having shit spilled all over my car," she said. "Just what I've always wanted."
She waited for an old couple to shuffle out of harm's way before throwing the car in reverse and pulling out of her parking spot. Jake was struggling to carefully open a pack of powdered donuts and almost dropped them as she turned a corner. Rosa nearly slammed the breaks when she saw them. "I thought I said nothing messy."
"I couldn't remember any rules beyond no blue because I was so devastated!” he exclaimed. "Besides, what's a friendaversary without donuts?"
He offered her one but she batted it away. "Stop saying that word. It's not even a word."
"What, friendaversary?"
Rosa closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Fortunately they were at a red light. She briefly considered kicking Jake out onto the sidewalk while they were stopped; instead she took a sip of coffee and privately threatened whatever deity or cruel weaver of fate thought it would be hilarious to put her and Jake together in the same realm of existence.
And yet, as irritating as he could be sometimes, she loved the guy. It was like having a dumb brother who teased and irritated the shit out of you but always backed you up; he felt more like a sibling to her than her actual sisters. He probably had no idea, because he still only knew the tip of iceberg when it came to her story after all these years, but theirs was the longest friendship she ever had, by far. Rosa never cared for her peers back in school, never felt like she fit in with her family, but she liked the people she had in her life now. As much as she cherished her lone wolf status, it was nice to know that she had people who had her back. And nobody had her back like Jake.
The thought brought a little smile to her face, one that quickly faded when she heard Jake start to cough and wheeze beside her. When she glanced at him questioningly he had tears in his eyes. There was powdered sugar on his hands and a half a mini donut partially crumbled on his lap.
"Inhaled a piece," he said with a strained cough, sounding slightly panicked. "It's in my lung."
She rolled her eyes. "Drink your ice thing and be careful, drama queen."
He took a long sip, then gave another choking cough into the crook of his arm. A thorough throat clearing seemed to force out the last of the irritation. "All clear," he said. "Order restored."
"Don't dust that off until you get out of the car." She stopped to look at him critically, then bit back a smile. "Your mouth is green."
"Why do you think I buy these things?"
"To ingest enough sugar to sustain a constant state of hyperactivity?"
"Okay, that's one of the reasons," he said, taking another sip. The straw looked like a small, plastic roller coaster; it looped about five times before plunging down into the colorful cup. She could see the blended Barney mixture slosh up and down the inside.
He cleared his throat again and Rosa heard him sniffle. It was just one of those noises to which she was particularly attuned, having heard it so often before. When she glanced at him he was turned towards the car door, his eyes focused out the window. He never told her but she knew he could sometimes help a sneeze along by looking at a light. The sun was particularly bright today, reflecting off the snow along the sidewalks to create a strong glare.
"Oh, another car rule," she said. "No sneezing. Especially not while holding colorful drinks."
Jake regained his focus long enough to look at her in disbelief. He opened his mouth to reply but then he turned away again, closing his eyes tight and pressing his knuckles against his nose. Rosa shook her head, grabbing the cup from his weakening grip and placing it carefully in the cup holder behind her coffee. “Okay, go ahead,” she said, picking up her own cup as she stared ahead. “I’m granting you special permission.”
She sipped her coffee and steered lazily, waiting patiently for Jake to take care of business. When she heard a plastic wrapper crinkling next to her she whipped her head around to glare at him, but he was just sitting there, fiddling with the sun visor. When he saw her looking he flashed her a grin. Rosa was confused, but pleased to see he had tucked the donuts away in his pocket for later. "I thought you had to sneeze," she said.
"It went away.”
Rosa took another pensive sip of coffee as they came up to another traffic light. There must have still been powdered sugar in the air, because out of nowhere her nose began to prickle. She barely had time to register the sensation before it drove out a sneeze so forceful she nearly bumped her forehead against the steering wheel. Something warm pooled near her crotch and for one terrifying moment she thought she may have actually pissed herself, but she was relieved to find it was just some coffee that had spilled from her cup. Relief turned to anger when she realized that Jake was laughing at her.
"Wait, so are you lifting the ban on sneezing?" he asked. "Because I can totally get that other guy back here. And what about the 'no mess' rule? It looks like you spilled a little somethi-"
She dumped her coffee out the window and chucked the empty cup at his head.
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brynnmclean · 2 months
I would like more people to be into Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden because I have a notes document and screenshots folder where I have been trying to piece together timeline, character, and Banisher teachings info like I'm researching for a fic that I am (inevitably) going to try writing. Feels like I'm waiting for a fandom to appear. I don't want to keep talking to people on Reddit, y'all! 😂
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temple-of-mars · 2 years
https://merc.li/RqAy9y8Gb Available at Mercari.com
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Temple of Mars Pennsylvania Dutch Hexafoo Powder, 2 oz. This RARE wicked potent concoction was crafted with a secret blend of ingredients and cast over in PA Dutch dialect. It is used to repel unwanted people, especially those who negatively affect the harmony of a home or work environment. A Hexafoo (depicted), or Witch's Foot, is a powerful symbol that's been painted over PA barns and houses to ward off witches, and often rival practitioners. Some hexenmeisters dusted Hexafoo Powder on their shoes if they knew they had to go somewhere an unpleasant person would be, it would repel such people. It would be sprinkled on the ground for enemies to step in, driving them away. It was said that both the symbol and the powder would cause the witch to trip. Use to dust banishing or hexing candles. Hexafoo is meant to protect you and drive enemies away. DO NOT INGEST! *Sold as curio only.
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truthinlifetarot · 8 days
I feel like most people need this in some capacity.
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zan-77 · 3 months
Dmed a very good session today, started with a big fight inside a magic academy where they exploded 3 kegs of gunpowder and essentially killed both top dogs of the fight, but then spent a long time killing the other 13 henchman around, one of the players would constantly go down and be healed, after that they set up a whole thing to speak with the dead disguised so the Henchman wouldn't refuse to answer, after trying to steal the remaining gunpowder, they returned to the party room n dealt with all the rest until they met the director, a guy that transformed himself into wind and looks like he snorted 7 different drugs, and at the end they got sent to another city by agreeing to enroll into the academy before they die(magically binding)
Overall pretty fun
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superbfiresheep · 2 years
Zen matcha mix - Vegan & gluten-free | Forest superfood – Forest Super Food
Bundle of Antioxidant, Mood Enhancer & Alternative to coffee.
Optimize your focus, mental clarity and productivity with Zen Matcha. Ceremonial Grade Matcha with dual-extracted Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Organic Ashwagandha & Ginger to help boost monk-like alertness, memory and concentration. Ceremonial Grade Matcha Powder, Organic Ashwagandha Powder, Organic Brahmi Powder, Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract, Coconut Milk, Organic Spirulina Powder, Organic Poppy Seeds, Almond Gum, Almond, Organic Chia Seeds, Organic Ginger Powder, Organic Mucuna Powder, Vanilla Bean Powder, Macaroot Powder. 
Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea.
Perfect as a Latte - just add hot water and nut milk
High in antioxidants with natural caffeine
14 brain-boosting superfoods 
Banishes Brain Fog
Formulated by holistic nutritionists
Taste: warming matcha
Servings: 30
Serving size: 5g
Total Weight : 150g
READ MORE....Buy Plant based Proteins & Nutrition Online, Superfood, Natural Beauty – Forest Super Food
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wanderingsorcerer · 11 months
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Here is a comprehensive collection of all of the posts I've done on the occult and the spells I've done and spell resources. This will be added to over the life of the blog as well this way everyone won't have to dig for everything. And you get to learn a bit more about my practice.
Occult & Folklore Lessons
History Of Solomonic Practices
Ars Goetia 72 demons Kings
Ars Goetia 72 Demons Dukes Pt. 1
Petitioning Deities From Around The Globe
Ancient Art of Osteomancy
Curses: A History On The Dark Arts and How to Practice Them
The Enochian Language
Scrying, A History, and Guide
Realm of Celtic Faeries
Protection From Malignant Spirits
Appalachian Folk Practices 101
Incantation Bowls
Spells and Rituals
Exorcism Charms
Exorcism Powder
Boundary Powder
Everlight Candles
Solarian Oil
Vincula Luna
Igni Bowls
Basic Banishment
Binding A Spirit To An Object
Malignant Spirit Binding Totem
Pseudo Moon Water
Medicinal Herbs & Remedies
Tincture For Sleep
Salve For Minor Injuries
Grimoire Reading List
this is added to periodically it's free pdfs you can download
Informational Joke Posts/Answered Asks
Greek Sacrifice Traditions
Is Mana Real?
Sonneillon The Demon Of Hate
Demonolatry for Lesser Known Demons
Do you have to be born with magic, or can anyone learn it?
Navigating the Divide Between Legitimate Academic Study and Occult Fiction
Can magic heal physical injuries or illnesses, or is that just stuff they show in movies?
Services Offered By WanderingSorcerer
Get Early Access To All Of My Work On Magick and The Occult
Spellwork and Tarot Reading Prices Listed Here
One On One Occult Lessons With WanderingSorcerer
☕If You Love My Blog Consider Buying Me A Ko-Fi☕ 😊
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Magical Powder Recipes
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A collection of some of my original magical powder recipes.
All-Purpose Cursing Powder
Bree's Banishing Powder
Clean House Powder
Come Hither Powder
Dead Man's Dust
Dream Dust
“Eye of Sauron” Revelation Powder
Get Thee Hence Powder
Ghost-Be-Gone Powder
Heal Thy Heart Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Inspiration Salt
Lucky Day Powder
“Outta My Way” Powder
Peacekeeper Powder
Persuasion Powder
STFU Powder
Traveler’s Luck Powder
Truthfinder Powder
For those of you who may not be able to find herbs locally, here are some online suppliers who consistently have affordable and high-quality products.
Penn Herb Co. - Bulk herbs, spices, and botanicals - including over 400 wildcrafted herbs, gathered from the United States and worldwide. Single ounce packages are available. Excellent source for powders.
Starwest Botanicals - Bulk herbs, spices, oils, and teas. Good amount of organic and Fair Trade products, as well as supplies for holistic medicine and tea-making.
Mountain Rose Herbs - Bulk herbs, spices, and sundries. Also carries organic products and essential oils, and has link to schools that offer courses in herbalism and herbology.
Bulk Apothecary - Bulk herbs, spices, and oils, in addition to materials for the home production of soap, candles, wine, and beer.
For more recipes to fill out your potion kit, you can check out Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils. (Available on Amazon and in my shop!)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
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mokulule · 5 months
A Pinch of Salt - part 3
First | Masterpost
John couldn’t believe he was doing this, listening to the bloody kid. The cigarette hung forgotten from his lips. Every instinct told him to hunt down the kid and get him out of there; he’d seen enough dead kids to last him several life times.
Yet here he stood, counting down the minutes with a watch in hand. A spectral storm was dangerous, it could hurt a lot of people, attract even worse things. The plan was sound.
The end justified the means.
He felt sick.
There hadn’t been any screams from the kid (yet) - just the feeling of the malevolent energy moving further away. As long as it was moving away the kid had to be moving too.
Time was up and John was running. Kid was not getting a second longer than he’d asked for. It took him a minute to reach the plaza.
He spun around taking in the space. The central installment, which would have been some kind of fountain had it been finished judging by the exposed piping, was kinda in the way.
John huffed in annoyance.
This was clearly not gonna be the prettiest binding he’d ever done, just circle and a sigil for each cardinal direction, but it’d have to do. He pulled out a compass and promptly grimaced at the way the needle shook from electromagnetic disturbance.
Yeah, so north was probably over by the escalators.
The malevolent energy had turned around and was now coming back. Kid better be alright or John would have to murder him himself.
Time was hastily running out. It was a bloody good thing John worked well under pressure. He’d barely drawn the last squiggle when he heard fast running footsteps. He looked up just in time to see the kid take a running leap off the first floor banister.
Fuck. John’s heart jumped into his throat. He was only halfway through a levitation spell when he realized he would be too late. He wasn’t fast enough. At best the kid would break a leg at worst he’d break his neck!
He braced himself and then- John didn’t believe his eyes- the kid ducked into a rolling landing jumping right back to his feet like some kind of bloody knock-off Robin.
“Ya nearly gave me a fucking heart attack,” John said clutching his chest.
“We don’t have time for that. Here they come!” Kid yelled as he ran over to him. And right he was, the storm burst into the room in a tornado of trash, tools and now gray dust - just great, it had gotten into a bag of cement powder.
It was John’s turn. Just as the storm entered the circle, John slammed his hands onto the circle and activated it. His hairs rose on end as the magic activated. The wind and dust slammed against the binding, but it held despite the less than ideal circumstances.
Time to do the banishment. John couldn’t wait to be done with this.
The hairs on Danny’s arms stood on end; so this was magic.
Danny knew magic existed. He’d been mind controlled by a magical scepter. He’d seen magic used and reality itself changed at the snap of a finger - heck Danny had wielded the Reality Gauntlet himself. But that was just it, wasn’t it? those were magical items. Objects of power that bestowed a certain set of abilities to the wielder.
It was real, but it was less real somehow, or rather more mundane. Not quite so different from the crazy things his parents invented and that was just science.
It was something quite different to see, to feel, the power in the air, the way pressure increased and his ears popped when he swallowed all because Trenchcoat held out his hands and said a series of strange words.
Danny could feel reality warping at this guy’s will, a point above the ghost where this world was growing thinner. He was making a portal right here, with nothing but words and will and whatever magic was supposed to be - something that had been his parents’ magnum opus, taken years of study and then not even worked until Danny stumbled inside, an unwitting sacrifice.
Would it have even turned on without him inside? Or had that been a little bit of magic too?
Danny laughed with an edge of hysteria. And here Trenchcoat made it look easy.
So much time spent - missed dinners and awkward school events waiting for parents that never came and they should have just found this dude instead.
Something caught his attention. At first he couldn’t tell what it was, but invariably he was drawn to the forming rip in reality.
Something was wrong.
Heat and sulfur stuck in his nose. A sense of dread pooled in his gut. There was something malicious about it. That wasn’t a portal to the ghost zone.
“Where are you sending them?” Danny yelled over the whipping winds.
“To Hell,” Trenchcoat yelled back, not taking his eyes off his task.
“Hell!” Danny squeaked in horror.
Trenchcoat spared him a bewildered glance. “It’s a banishing, kid. It’s what it does.”
Danny’s gaze shot from the portal to the ghost back to Trenchcoat. No, it was all wrong. The ghost was in pain and yes they were out of control but they didn’t deserve to be sent to Hell for it. Danny had to do something.
“Stop! You have to stop!” Danny stepped in front of the man hands raised almost in mirror, except Danny didn’t have anything as potent as magic at his disposal, not unless he wanted to reveal himself. He felt some of his resolve crumble at that thought. Danny still didn’t want to find out what the man had intended to do to him, had he not passed his salt test.
“Hell’s bells, kid! What are you doing?”
“You have to stop they don’t deserve this!”
“Kid, it’s out of control! This is how it’s done.”
Absolute certainty.
Danny wobbled. Clearly, he knew what he was doing, he was the real deal. Who was Danny to question that?
The ghost screamed in despair, cutting straight to Danny’s core. His lips pressed into a thin line. He met light blue eyes, held them, and then he took a step backwards - into the circle.
Am I being mean? A little bit XD Sorry I couldn't help it. I hadn't planned for Danny to do it quite like this in my original plan but he sure did it.
Thanks for the lovely comments on the previous part :D
You can subscribe the masterpost for the series here
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gildedoak · 7 days
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One of my absolute favorite dishes, Shrimp and Grits! My family mostly used bacon and sausage, and shrimp was for "Mom is Feeling Like a Fancy Chef" night.
However, I've met some people who really take issue with its texture, because it's made with cornmeal. If you're not a fan of oatmeal, you'll likely not enjoy grits. The best kind is any slow-cooked version with butter and/or cheese. I season mine like it's garlic bread - lots of butter, salt, onion powder/caramelized onions, and garlic powder/sautéed garlic.
BTW shout out to @theblaseharbinger for the "Shrimps is bugs" comment on the Crab/Crawfish Boil comic, inspiring Niffty's little cameo! If she heard someone say that, she would DIVE for that pan, armed to the teeth. Alastor might have to banish her from the kitchen.
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets (part 2) Fried Catfish Cornbread Pecan Pie Biscuits and Gravy
Description under the cut!
PANEL 1: Charlie looks down into a bowl of Shrimp and Grits she's holding, looking curious but not disgusted. C: It's incredibly flavorful, but I think it'll take me a little while to get used to the texture of the grits... So odd! But it's tasty!
PANEL 2: L: (grins at her) If you don't want yours, I'll eat it! C: (starts going into demon form, swiping her bowl away) EAT YOUR OWN - THIS ONE'S MINE! (Lucifer's bowl is empty, and in the background, Alastor looks cheerfully pleased with himself.)
PANEL 3: L: LOL - that's how I got her to eat her veggies as a kid. So cute...
PANEL 4: (Niffty grins triumphantly, wielding her giant sewing needle like a rapier with three giant shrimp skewered on it.) SHRIMP IS BUGS
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foodandfolklore · 1 month
Kitchen Witch Cheat Sheet
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It can be so confusing remembering all the different properties of food. Flat out over whelming to be honest. So instead of having a long sheet with every food you cook with and 10 properties it could have, start with this. It'll be a rule of thumb to help remember some basics.
If a food is spicy or has a lot of energy/Passion, it likely has the element Fire. Black Tea, Chocolate, and Jalapenos are examples.
If a food is very light or fragrant, it likely had the element Air. Onions, Herbs, and whipped cream are examples.
If a food is juicy, runny, or comes from the ocean/lake, it likely has the element Water. Apples, Milk, and Fish are examples.
If a food doesn't fit into any of the previous categories, chances are it has the Element Earth since all food comes from the earth.
Any food that has been a backbone staple will have Prosperity properties. Rice, Wheat, Oats, Cabbage, Quinoa; anything that has allowed a people to prosper.
Foods that have spent a lot of time directly in the ground will have strong Grounding properties. Beets, Potatoes, Carrots, and other root vegetables. Additionally, foods that have been through a grounding process also tend to have good Grounding properties. Coffee and Ground Meat for example.
Spicy spices are good for banishing and protection. Black pepper, Cayenne, Chili Flakes, Gochujang ect. If you hate spicy food, stick with Salt and maybe Garlic/Onion powder.
There will be some exceptions and overlap. This is just to help if you're starting.
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Baneful Magic Masterpost
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***I understand that cursing is a controversial topic for some people. I don't believe in the threefold's law or whatnot, so such things aren't a concern for me. I do, however, advise you to only curse someone who truly deserves it. Curses are meant to be permanent and difficult to break, while hexes aren't nearly as potent. Do with that knowledge what you will. Intense spells will be marked with "***".***
Curses (long-term, usually permanent)
"Supernatural Soul Eater" curse***
"Gentle Curse" curse
"Hekatean Witchcraft Curse" curse
"From This Pain, I Will Rise" curse
"Blood Rain" tied with protection↓***
"Curse For Protection" tied with blood rain↑***
"Drown In Your Horrors" curse
"To Sink A Sailor" curse
"Curses For Empathy" curse
"My Pain To Yours" curse
"Beauty & The Beast" curse
"Your Joy Will Turn To Ashes" curse***
"Your True Nature Revealed" curse
"Releasing The Hounds" curse***
"The Curse Of Arrows" curse
"Lollipop Curse" curse
"Anon Hate" curse
"Sickness Killer" curse (DOES NOT REPLACE MEDICAL HELP)
"A Bellyful Of Stones" curse
"Bind & Break" curse***
"Forget Me Not" curse
"Did You Miss Me?" curse***
"Dragon Fire" curse
"Red Heart" curse
"Headless Horseman" curse
"Only A Memory" curse
"Hurricane Curse" curse***
"Let Loose Your Crimson Arrow" curse
"Hypnotic Flame" curse
"Drown In Your Guilt" curse***
"Stomp Out The Bastard" curse
"Duress" curse
"Essence Extraction" curse
"Red In Your Ledger" curse
"Sin Collector" curse
"The Ferryman's Curse" curse
"An Ancient Greek Curse" curse
"Knitting Curse" curse
Hexes (short-term, usually temporary)
"The Seven Stings" hex
"The Lemon Hex" hex
"Coffin Hex" hex***
"Curse Alternative" hex
"Hex Bramble" hex
"Black-Out" hex
"Burse Your Bubble" hex
"Year Long" hex***
"Ants Nest" hex
"By All Means, Panty Away" hex
"Hazy Smog" hex
"Hexing In A Pinch" hex
"Hexball" hex
"Revenge On Cheaters" hex
"Frostburn" hex
"Mess With A Witch" hex***
"Bring About Consequences" hex
"Riddle Of Lightning" hex
Jars, Charms, & Pouches
"Jar Of Consequences" jar hex
"Feel The Pain You've Caused Me" sigil
"To Banish & Bind: For Abusers" jar curse
"Wither & Rot" jar curse***
"Your Hatred Is Your Own" jar curse
"Revenge Curse Cage" jar curse***
"Box Of Terror" box curse***
"Catcall Hex Stone" hex charm
"Begone Neighbors" jar hex
"All Purpose Curse Powder" curse powder
Removals, Reversals, & Protection
"Curse Removal & Reversal" removal, reversal
"The Healing Pool: Cursebreaker" removal
"Mild & Spicy Cursebreaker Powders" removal
"To Stop Someone From Casting On You" prevention
"Return To Sender Spells" reversal
"Curse Removing Wash" removal
"To Reverse A Spell" reversal
"Curse Removal/Protection" removal, prevention
"Decoy For Protection Purposes" prevention
"Protection From Curses" prevention
"Curse Decoy" prevention
"Substitute Spell" prevention
"Witch Bottle" prevention
"Blackthorn Reversing Spell" reversal
"Break A Curse Candle Spell" removal
"Curse-breaking, Purifying, Protective Witch Jar" prevention, removal
"To Destroy A Curse" removal
"Hex & Curse-breaking" removal
"Hex-breaker Candle" removal
"Curses vs. Hexes: What's The Difference?" info
"So You Think You've Been Cursed" info
"Object Cursing" info
"Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses" info & spells
"Lessons Learnt From A Hex" info
"Curse Correspondences" info
"Cursing101" info
"So You Just Did A Big Curse...Now What?" info
"Foxen's List Of Baneful Ingredients" info
"Nasty Shit To Put In Curse Jars" info
"Something To Consider Before You Curse" info
"Taglocks" info
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esoteric-chaos · 5 months
What is Banishing? The How-Tos and Methods
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Banishing is a direct form of expelling energy or spirit from your space. Used to get rid of a specific energy, spirit, or person. Can even be used to banish a bad habit if you really wanted to. It is a strong form of defensive magic versus cleansing which is more of a brush out the door. Banishing is you picking whatever up by the scruff like a wet cat and throwing it out the window.
You can incorporate cleansing and banishing methods together. Make it spicy, get the job done in one go.
Here are some banishing methods that are within my grimoire.
Smoke - Burning Dragons Blood, Frankincense, Hyssop, Rue, Cedar, Juniper, Blackberry Leaves and Pine are great herbs to burn for banishing and purification. You can also make a herbal spray as well.
Candles - Banish from your space using corresponding banishing candle colours like Black.
Herbs - Can be made into satchels, jars, sprays, spellwork and other items for banishing.
Sigils - Create a banishing sigil for your space, self or working.
Powders - Powders like GTFO powder are great examples for banishing's
Witches bells - Witches bells hang on your doorknob or on your door (inside the home) for protection and banishing. When someone comes into the home it rings, banishing negative energy.
Spells - Return to sender, uncrossings and freezer spells are good examples of banishings. Write the target's name on a black candle with intention, dress with corresponding oils, and write a petition to place under the candle to effectively banish them from your space/life.
Energy - Visualize a powerful bubble of protective light of any colour. Visualize it pushing out of your chest and visualize it burning up the energy and pushing it out of your space. Can be energy-taxing so please drink some water and eat a snack.
Black salt - Salt (I use sea) mixed with charcoal, eggshell powder and protective & purifying herbs. Used in warding, banishing and protection. Please be careful around pets with salt as they can get sick if eaten.
Baths/showers - Submerging yourself in water with banishing herbs and oils. You can also shower with banishing herbal soaps and hang a mesh satchel with purifying herbs over your shower head.
Physical - Literally taking pots and pans, screaming to get out of your house. Both annoying to the neighbors and effective for spirits.
Vocal - Prayer to deity/ancestors/guides/etc for assistance. Prayer from a holy book. Incantations are normally followed by another action like ringing bells.
Feel free to place your banishing methods below!
Looking for all of my posts in one place? Check out the Masterpost
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darkfluffydragon · 6 days
Cookie Run AU Ideas #8: Timeless Kingdom
what if Pure Vanilla Cookie, instead of being amnesiac outside with Black Raisin, was instead trapped in the Vanilla Castle time loop? But because of the Light of Truth, he's aware of it? he's been stuck there for...hundreds of years, watching his people die over and over again nothing ever changes no matter what he does and then finally, Gingerbrave shows up. I mean, PV may be nice but there are only so many times he can hear the same monologue before he gets reaaaally sick of it gonna join GC on the hate train and he physically isn't able to do anything "out of script". Every time he tries, he sort of 'loses control of his body', since it's a memory time loop you can't just change a memory and since he's a part of it, it'll force him to go along with it. To play his role. Gingerbrave and his friends probably wouldn't even realise he's not a memory at first, that the Pure Vanilla is the real one.
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And an extra I wrote for the AU >:3
Pure Vanilla Cookie awoke with a start, his eyes snapping open to the familiar sight of his bed’s golden canopy. His head throbbed, and his mind felt muddled, a fog of pain and confusion clouding his thoughts. He struggled to sit up, the effort sending sharp jolts of agony through his body. As he gathered his bearings, fragments of memories began to resurface—the battle against Dark Enchantress Cookie, the ruins of his castle, and the faces of his friends, Golden Cheese Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, and White Lily Cookie.
They had arrived to aid him, late, their expressions grim and determined. By then, he had already spent hours running through the chaos, trying desperately to heal his people. But no matter how hard he tried, the cake monsters kept coming, relentless and unyielding. He remembered the wounds they all bore. The exhaustion that clung to their bones as they fought to protect their home, their kingdom. With his magic reserves depleted, there had been a point where he had started reaching into the depths of his being, drawing upon his very essence—his life powder and soul to fuel his spells.
He remembered the final confrontation against her, he had used Dark Moon Magic, a power he had sworn never to touch. ~~The magic most natural to him.~~ The last time he had seen it wielded, it had led to the academy's destruction. But there had been no other choice. He had cast the banishment spell, lifting himself into the air as Dark Enchantress Cookie tore their Souljams, their very souls, from them. The explosion had ripped through the kingdom, the pain blinding and all-consuming. And then, nothing.
Now, here he was, awake once more. Why? How? As these questions swirled in his mind, he felt a strange sensation, as if invisible strings were tugging at his limbs. Panic surged through him as he realised he was moving against his will, his body tracing the exact path of his memories. He tried to speak, to cry out, but no sound escaped his lips.
“No! Run! Dark Enchantress is coming! Evacuate the cookies!” he screamed, his voice hoarse with desperation. But the words seemed to dissipate into the air, unheard and unheeded. The cookies outside moved about their routines, oblivious to the impending doom. Children played in the streets, vendors hawking their wares, and guards patrolled, all blissfully unaware of the threat looming over them.
The nightmare would unfold before him with horrifying clarity. His friends—the heroes—were nowhere to be seen. Instead, dark silhouettes had taken their place, shadowy figures that seemed to mock his efforts. Was it because of the Souljams? Could this memory not replicate them because of the artefacts which housed their power? 
The endless battle raged around him, the air thick with the stench of smoke and the cries of the wounded. Cake monsters swarmed the castle, their grotesque forms looming over the terrified cookies. Pure Vanilla’s attempts to heal his people felt like trying to stop a flood with a sieve. Every spell he cast seemed to evaporate into nothingness, swallowed by the overwhelming darkness.
The invisible strings tightened around him. It constricted his movements, squeezing his mind. His autonomy slipped further away with each passing moment. The fog in his mind grew denser, suffocating his thoughts.
He felt every wound, every drop of jam that spilled, every life that was lost. He could see the faces of his people contorted in terror and agony, and hear their screams echoing in his mind. His friends fought, their forms blurred by exhaustion and jam. Yet no matter how hard they fought, the cake monsters kept coming, an endless tide of destruction.
The sky would fill with magic circles, blue eyes of the runes staring down at the target as he used magic that he swore to never use, for the second time. He would see her malevolent grin, and feel the agony of the explosion that followed. 
And then, he was back in his bed, the cycle beginning anew. The loops continued, over and over, each one more harrowing than the last. As time stretched into eternity, Pure Vanilla Cookie felt his thoughts growing quieter. Centuries seemed to pass, each loop eroding a bit more of his will. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, and soon, he feared, he would no longer be able to think. In the moments of silence, his mind would turn to White Lily Cookie, the one he had loved so deeply. She had become Dark Enchantress Cookie, the architect of his suffering and the destroyer of his kingdom. Yet, despite everything, he still loved her.
The pain of that love was like rose thorns digging into his heart, a constant, aching reminder of what once was. He had loved her so dearly, had kept her transformation a secret from their friends, hoping against hope that she could be redeemed. But now, as he watched his beloved kingdom and its innocent people crumble time and time again, the anguish was almost too much to bear.
To love White Lily Cookie was to love a rose. To love her was to let the rose crawl up him, letting its hurtful thorns dig into his fragile dough. His jam would paint the delicate petals red, and once gone, wounds and scars would be left to taunt him of his foolish desire.
She had been gifted a bouquet of hearts, yet the only one his moon had taken was his own. She dangled the prize in front of him like a carrot on a stick, and he ran the race despite being the only competitor. She blindfolded him of the fact, and let Pure Vanilla run himself ragged until he could give no more. Then, she left. Left with everything that was Pure Vanilla, left him empty and hurting. Trapped. Left in all her gentle and loving glory, as her beautiful soul was tainted and twisted into the monster that had taken her place.
He did not care for the traitorous thoughts wondering if he was feeling the wrong feelings and thinking the wrong thoughts. He could not care, for he loved her nonetheless. Loved her poisonous, uncompleted promises. Loved her for the nights of waiting by the academy garden, gazing up at the sky, at clouds that would never part to allow him a glimpse of her smile. Loved her for the incomplete dances she swore she would return for, leaving him alone and abandoned in an empty ballroom. He loved her unconditionally. And for this, White Lily Cookie had become his greatest torment.
Each encounter felt like a knife twisting deeper into his heart. The sight of Dark Enchantress Cookie, her once gentle eyes now filled with malice, was a reminder of everything he had lost. She had been his moon, his guiding light, and he had loved her with a purity that he had thought unbreakable. But the darkness that had taken her was relentless, and it had shattered her, and him, beyond repair.
The White Lily Cookie he loved was gone, replaced by the Dark Enchantress Cookie who revelled in his suffering. She was the creator of his endless torment, the reason his kingdom lay in ruins, and his people were lost
What a fool he was.
Pure Vanilla Cookie, awoke in a bed not his own. His limbs were not strung by strings that cut into his dough, and his thoughts were…loud. Clarity such as this was so incredibly rare.
He took in the room, noting how the other cookies, the ones who had…saved him, were still asleep. Quietly, he slipped out of the room, his steps soft and deliberate, as if any sound might shatter this fragile moment of peace. The hallway was dimly lit, shadows playing along the walls. He moved with purpose, though his heart was heavy with the familiar ache of his memories.
Reaching the garden, he paused for a moment at the entrance, breathing in the cool night air. The scent of flowers and earth was a reminder of simpler times. He walked towards the patch of lily flowers, their white petals glowing softly under the moonlight. 
Sitting down among the lilies, he stared up at the moon, its pale light casting a gentle glow over the garden. The tranquillity of the night wrapped around him, and for a brief moment, he felt the weight of his sorrow lift.
His thoughts turned, as they always did, to White Lily Cookie. The moon reminded him of her—bright, beautiful, yet distant and untouchable. He remembered their nights in the academy garden, the way she would laugh and talk about the future with such hope. Those memories were bittersweet now, coloured by the centuries of pain.
The garden was silent except for the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze. Pure Vanilla Cookie closed his eyes, letting the memories wash over him. He could almost hear her voice, see her smile. But then the image would shift, and he would see her as she was now—cold, dark, and filled with a malice that seemed impossible for someone who had once been so kind. He hated that he loved White Lily, a love that had once been pure and untainted. But he loathed Dark Enchantress to the point it hurt.
As the night wore on, Pure Vanilla sat alone. Though he could pretend that he was not, that there was another by his side. Perhaps…even four, all five of them together, underneath the starlit sky with the scent of campfire smoke in the air.  He did not know how long this clarity would last, how long before he would be pulled back into the muddy thoughts and fog. But for now, he rested in the peace of the garden, and the bittersweet memories of the one he loved.
Under the moonlight, surrounded by the lilies, he allowed himself to simply be. To remember, to grieve, and to love, even if it was only for a brief, stolen moment.
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enbeeanon · 9 months
Masterlist of herbs and plants!
This is a list that I have in my Book of Shadows, typed up so that you can use it, too!
Do not consume those with an asterisk (*) next to them. Some are edible in certain forms, but consult a qualified herbalist before you use them
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Healing, maintained good health, fighting off disease
Good luck, fertility, spiritual growth, prosperity
Prosperity, money, success, love, psychic powers
African Violet*
Protection, healing, spiritual growth
Happiness, love, friendship, comfort, reassurance
Protection, removing negative energy and bad vibes, helping to remove hexes
Aletris root*
Feminine magick, protection, prosperity
Prosperity, wisdom, success
Spiritual growth, luck, success, protection, love, barrier against unwelcome things
Angelica root
Protection, exorcism, removes negative energy, boosts feminine energy
Spiritual growth, dreams, sleep, protection
Love, luck, longevity
Arrow root
Purification, cleansing, healing
Divination, luck, prosperity, protection
House and item protection, healing, psychic growth
Youth, beauty, love, lust, healing
Happiness, uplifting, full of life
Wish magick, luck, protection
Fertility, passion, success
Home and business protection and blessings, warding off negative energy, purification, cleansing, divination, exorcism, prosperity, love
Bay leaves
Warning: if burned, ensure the area has ventilation!
Protection, psychic power, divination, success, money, wish magick
Wish magick, happiness, divination, spiritual growth
Astral projection, psychic powers, boosts spell's power, healing, helps to forget past loves, protection
Success, psychic powers, fertility, mental clarity, sleep, protection, prosperity
Protection, purification, cleansing, removing negative energy and hexes
Protection, healing, prosperity
Black pepper
Banish negativity, warding off bad energy, protection
House protection, home blessing, legal matters, luck, prosperity, protection
Brazil nut
Protection, prosperity, love
Brimstone powder*
Used to remove hexes
Burdock root
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing, self acceptance
Buckthorn bark*
Exorcism, wards off negative energy, removing hexes, aids legal matters
Fertility, luck, prosperity
Calendula (Marigold)
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, protection
Love, protection, healing, prosperity
Sleep, calms nerves, prosperity, luck, purification
Caraway seeds
Helps children stay safe from illness and general harm, protection, clarity of mind, passion, healing
Courage, love, passion
Protection, inner strength, healing, creativity
Lust, fertility
Courage, beauty, love, used in magick surrounding cats
Aids separation (such as divorce), emotional heartache, a traditional offering in Wicca (I'm not wiccan but that may be helpful for any of you who are)
Protection, purification, removes negative energy and hexes, prosperity
Mental clarity, psychic powers, aids sleep, lust, passion
Psychic powers, protection
Cherry bark*
Love, romance, passion, divination, clarity of which path to take
Helps to contact spirits, used to help people find deities
Love and peace
Healing and protection
Protection, used in dieting spells
Promotes dreaming, business success, healing, psychic powers, love, purification, protection, spiritual growth, adds power to any spell
Adds power to spells, speed up spells effects and manifestation
Mental clarity, protection, love
Prosperity, peace, calms nerves, love, psychic powers, dreams
Love, healing, passion
Fertility and healing
Cumin seeds
House protection, home blessings, general protection, exorcism, wards off negative energy
Luck, love, fertility
Innocence, spells for children
Contacting spirits, dreams, healing, purification, clairvoyance
Deadly Nightshade*
Astral projection, psychic powers, adds a boost of power to spells, healing, protection, helps to forget past loves
Protection against hexes and curses, mental clarity, luck, love, wisdom, enhances magickal knowledge
Dock leaf*
Prosperity, success in business, fertility, healing
Dragon's blood*
Increases power and boosts spells, banishments, exorcism, strong protection, love, energy, purification
Inner strength, physical strength, healing, prosperity
Exorcism, protection, house protection/blessings, healing, love
Healing, purification, cleansing, protection
Evening primrose
Healing, purification, creativity, protection
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, mental clarity
Protection, purification, healing, passion, courage, strength
Protection against accidents, clumsiness and illness, helps with colds and fevers
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecrating tools
Galangal root*
Protection, prosperity, psychic powers, lust, passion, legal matters
Protection, healing, exorcism, inner strength, family bonding, home and business blessings
Healing, protection, love, meditation
Protection, prosperity, healing, luck, love
Aids healing from heartache, love, friendship
Dreams, divination, love, lust
Protection, love dreams, good marriage
Prosperity, luck, peace, inspiration
Purification, protection, exorcism
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecration, positive blessings
Love, dreams, spiritual growth
Juniper berries
Protection, exorcism, healing, calming nerves, love
Ladies Mantle*
Aids sleep, love, purification, beauty, inner calm, fertility, luck, protection, happiness
Purification, healing, cleansing, home blessings, protection, calming, sleep, love
Uplifting, mental clarity, healing, psychic powers, friendship, contacting spirits
Lemon balm
Healing, psychic powers, spiritual growth, divination, love, success
Mental clarity, psychic powers, love, lust
Lemon Mint
Healing, love
Lemon Verbena
Purification, protection, cleansing, love, passion, adds a boost to other herb mixtures
Divination, sleep, protection
Past life regression, protection, love, luck, exorcism
Removing love spells/enchantments, protection
Lily of the Valley*
Healing, uplifting, happiness, inner calm
Protection, healing, love
Liquorice root
Love, romance, fidelity
Liquorice stick
Good marriage, love, passion
Protection, exorcism, home and business blessings, divination, luck, prosperity
Luck, prosperity, love
Inner balance, psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, love, prosperity, protection
Marshmallow root
Love, protection, removing negative energy
Happiness, love, divination, inner calm, peace
Prosperity, psychic powers, spiritual growth, travelling, exorcisms, healing, protection
Youth, beauty, love, healing, prosperity, protection, fertility
Warning: can cause drowsiness and vivid dreams. Do not consume if pregnant.
Dreams, astral projection, psychic powers, healing, inner strength, visions, protection
Protection, purification, cleansing, exorcism, spiritual growth, helping relieve sorrow after tragedy, healing
Inner calm, sleep, peace, meditation, inner confidence
Protection, healing, removing negative energy, exorcism
Prosperity, divination, love, luck, mental clarity, protection, uplifting, healing
Protection, purification, healing
Peace, calm, love, luck, lust
Calming, dissolving anger, beauty, love, peace
Happiness, protection, prosperity, healing, love
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, luck, uplifting, healing
Home blessings, friendships, sleep, inner peace, emotional balance, love, family bonds
Natural lucky charm, healing, prosperity, protection, exorcism, removes hexes
Used to break a spell, exorcisms, removes hexes, mental clarity, passion, prosperity, contacting spirits, divination
Purification, protection, home blessings, inner calm, aids calm in arguements, helps prevent travel sickness
Psychic powers, calming, healing, aids rest, mental clarity, dreams, love, purification
Good marriage, mental clarity, purification, protection, love
Protection, purification, cleansing, prosperity, inner strength, grounding, healing, fertility, success, home and business blessings
Prosperity, luck
Pink rosebuds/petals
Friendships, love, romance, self acceptance
Healing, love, peace, inner calm
Divination, wish magick, protection, prosperity
Poppy/Poppy seeds
Happiness, love, lust, luck, sleep, prosperity, fertility
Healing, luck, prosperity
Love, luck
Pumpkin/ pumpkin seeds
Healing, divination, honours the moon
Raspberry leaf
Protection, sleep, dreams, healing
Red rosebuds/ petals
Passion, love, romance, psychic powers, healing, protection, divination
Red sandalwood*
Trance work, divination, meditation, consecration, purification
Love, luck, healing, invoking positive spirits
Purification, healing, sleep, mental clarity, psychic powers, spiritual growth
Rowan/ Rowan berries*
Protection, home and business blessings, success, psychic powers, healing
Exorcism, protection, luck, removes hexes, love, mental clarity, healing, home and business blessings
Psychic powers, healing, love, lust
Purification, cleansing, mental clarity, psychic power, spiritual growth, home/general protection, wisdom, knowledge
Cleansing, purification, protection, removes negative energy, protects against psychic attacks
Sea salt
Purification, cleansing, casting circles
Slippery elm*
Protection, stops gossip and rumours
Protection, protection during sleep, clarity of mind, healing, love
St. John's wort*
Protection, healing, love, happiness, divination
Tea tree*
Healing, peace, harmony, mental clarity
Psychic power, spiritual growth, love, stopping nightmares, divination, courage, purification, restful sleep, healing, inner calm, balance
Valerian root
Sleep, purification, cleansing, protection, dreams, love
Inner calm, harmony, peace, protection, purification, divination, consecration, prosperity, love, creativity
Healing, mental clarity, wish magick, fertility
Divination, protection, love, healing, relieve sorrow
White willow bark*
Protection, love, healing, divination, luck, inspiration, psychic power
Witch hazel*
Protection, healing, charm
Exorcism, protection, love, removing hexes, dispels fear, promotes calm, inner strength, psychic powers, courage
Removes negative energy/hexes, protection
Ylang Ylang*
Inner calm, brings peace to situations, love, happiness, tranquility
This took me two hours to write up, but hey! Hope this helps!
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