#baseball imagines
swiftsmlb · 11 months
dating shohei ohtani includes…
authors note: my first post on here!!! i hope you like this!
shohei ohtani x fem!reader
warnings: none!
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being mike trout’s younger sister and meeting him at one of your brother's games
the two of you hitting it off immediately and shohei asking you out
surprisingly mike accepts the relationship
supporting him through everything
cuddles (LOTS OF THEM)
shohei being the big spoon (but we all know sometimes he likes to be the little spoon)
shohei loves when you run your fingers through his hair.
he doesn’t like pda much- but he loves cheek kisses
shohei loves to spoil you
shohei supporting you and loving everything you do
him having a story highlight on instagram just for you
shohei loves to post photos of you
talking about you in interviews
finally asking you to marry him, in such a cute way
being the cutest couple. (THE MLB COUPLE)
shohei loves when you wear his clothes, especially his hoodies
shohei calling you “baby”, “princess”,
plant parents
having a necklace of his initials
you being his world
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leafsbabe · 7 months
breeding kink headcanon - Tyler Glasnow
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- breeding kink Tyler who doesn’t see himself as a dad yet
- breeding kink Tyler who always thought of kids as a someday but not today kind of thing
- breeding kink Tyler who slowly loses his mind watching you hold a friend’s baby, seeing you smile down at this tiny human in your arms
- breeding kink Tyler who wants to see you like that with your own child sooner than he ever thought he’d want 
- breeding kink Tyler who dodges questions about when you’ll have your own and just takes the time to come to terms with his desires
- breeding kink Tyler who gets this look in his eyes that you can’t explain whenever he’s fucking you 
- breeding kink Tyler who used to keep a hand on you ribs or your sternum while you sleep only for it to rest on your tummy now
- breeding kink Tyler who brings up the idea of having kids instead of asking you if he can please please pump you full until the entire world knows you’re his
- breeding kink Tyler who manages to hold it together the first time he fucks you with the intent of getting you pregnant 
- breeding kink Tyler who isn’t as strong the second time, telling you that he’s going to fill you up over and over until it takes
- breeding kink Tyler who keeps you on his dick after he comes deep inside of you
- breeding kink Tyler who just wants to make sure everything stays inside of you long enough to get you pregnant 
- breeding kink Tyler who keeps you there until he is ready to give you another load
- breeding kink Tyler who doesn’t really care to be called daddy but goes wild at the thought of making you a mom
- breeding kink Tyler who can’t wait to see your body change knowing that he’s the cause of it
- breeding kink Tyler who cries when you tell him you’re pregnant and then fucks you silly right after, traces of tears still on his cheeks as he fills you up again
- breeding kink Tyler who makes sure to show you exactly how thankful he is for you
- breeding kink Tyler whose big hands find your stomach at all times of the day making it incredibly difficult to hide your pregnancy the first few months
- breeding kink Tyler who can’t believe it’s really happening
- breeding kink Tyler who is the first to notice your bump when it starts to show because he’s been paying so much attention to your body
- breeding kink Tyler who gets up in the middle of the night when you have weird cravings
- breeding kink Tyler who reads in a baby book that the baby can hear outside sounds at like 6 months so he makes sure to play them the good stuff, quietly of course, so that he has a little rap buddy once they’re born
- breeding kink Tyler who talks to the baby at night when he thinks you’re asleep
- breeding kink Tyler who is sure he wants to go for two under two if you’ll let him
- breeding kink Tyler who makes you feel so loved because you’re giving him the greatest gift on the planet
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lifeofpriya · 9 months
Longing - Shohei Ohtani imagine
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[gif credit goes to @shoshohtani]
song of the fic: Pasoori by Shae Gill and Ali Sethi
You wake up in your small apartment each morning, making coffee and breakfast before heading to work. The days blend into a monotonous routine, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and lonely. Your evenings are spent in solitude, indulging in frozen meals and binge-watching TV shows. Deep down, you yearn for something more meaningful in your life.
One fateful evening, you decide to step out of your comfort zone and attend a local baseball game. As you settle into your seat, the excitement in the air is palpable. The crowd enthusiastically roars as the star player, Shohei Ohtani, takes the field. You've heard about his incredible skills and record-breaking performances, but seeing him in action leaves you in awe.
Intrigued by Shohei's talent and charisma, you find yourself captivated by his every move. His powerful swings and precise pitches leave you spellbound, and you begin following his games religiously. One day, fate smiles upon you as you spot him at a coffee shop before a game. Summoning your courage, you approach him and strike up a conversation. To your surprise, he is warm and approachable, and you instantly feel a connection.
As the weeks pass, you continue to attend Shohei's games, but your thoughts extend beyond his athletic prowess. You imagine spending time with him outside the ballpark, sharing laughter and creating memories. Encouraged by your growing affection, you take a chance and invite him to dinner. To your delight, he accepts with a smile.
Over shared meals and outings, you discover the depth of Shohei's character. Beyond his athletic achievements, he is compassionate, driven, and shares your longing for connection. Each moment spent together deepens your affection, and it becomes clear that something special is blossoming between you.
However, as the baseball season nears its end, the looming reality of Shohei's return to Japan threatens to dampen your newfound happiness. The uncertainty of the future weighs heavily on your heart, and you dread the possibility of being separated once again. You share a romantic sunset dinner on your last evening together, cherishing every moment. In a tender moment, Shohei promises to come back to you, no matter the distance.
The following months are filled with longing and anticipation as you await Shohei's return. The days seem endless, but your love remains steadfast. Finally, the long-awaited day arrives—the start of a new season. As the game concludes, you find Shohei standing at your doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers. The joy in both your hearts is palpable, and you know that your love has endured the test of time and distance.
Together again, you compensate for the moments lost, cherishing every second spent in each other's embrace. You support Shohei wholeheartedly as he devotes himself to his baseball career, attending games and offering unwavering encouragement. You provide him solace and a safe haven in the quiet moments, easing his exhaustion and reminding him that his worth extends far beyond the field.
One evening, after a particularly challenging game, you decide to surprise Shohei with a thoughtful date to lift his spirits. You prepare his favorite meal with love and secure tickets to an art exhibit you know he'll appreciate. As you unveil the surprise, a smile lights up his face, and you embark on a night filled with art, laughter, and heartfelt connection. In each other's presence, you find comfort and strength.
As the baseball season progresses and the team advances toward the playoffs, the bond between you and Shohei deepens further. On a chilly October night, amidst the jubilation of a division-winning celebration, Shohei finds you amidst the confetti and cheers. He scoops you up in his arms at that moment, exclaiming, "We did it!" The love in his eyes assures you that no matter the challenges ahead, your hearts have found a home in each other.
Together, you face the uncertainties of life with unwavering devotion. No distance can separate you, for your love transcends borders and oceans. In the embrace of each other's arms, you find the warmth and fulfillment that once eluded you. And as you continue to cheer Shohei on from the stands, you know that the most significant victory is the love you share, a love that knows no boundaries.
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sportswriters · 14 days
swing for the fence - m. chapman
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pairing: matt chapman x female!reader | f, a, s | co-workers to lovers | wc: 1,734 | note: 18+ so minors do not interact!! speaking of matt, i'm sad there's no content for him, so i'm here to start something :D hope you like it!
i'ma throw it at you, boy better swing for the fence, oh boy my curves can be unusual to hit better swing for the fence, boy no coaching or no preparation, can get you ready the pressure's overwhelming, can you be real steady? (baseball, by leikeli47)
“help the giants clinch the playoffs, then we'll talk.”
that was your best answer so far to matt's flirting. since he moved to the team, you've been seeing each other a lot for business matters, that's how you got kind of close. you caught right away that he was a genuine guy — despite being talented and hot as hell —, so you couldn't help but giggle when his attempts started getting creative at the end of every meeting. 
“don't think we're gonna make it?” matt arched a brow.
“i think you need to make a lot of good runs. don't you think you're too busy to worry about me?”
“i'm sure when you get to know me better you'll know that i'm able to manage time and energy for everything that matters to me.”
silence. absolute silence. the staring contest was unbearable.
until someone called for you, taking both of your heads out of the gutter. the matter was not finished — a whole world of possibilities building up from there.
a few weeks later, the san francisco giants were one of the last teams to clinch the playoff spot. the crowd went wild, the staff hugged each other like they just won the world series. it was special, this feeling, it was unique.
the first date was at your favorite restaurant, located on the terrace of a building near your apartment. a small dance floor invited mostly couples to show off their teamwork. the smiles you were used to giving because of him turned into laughter, which made you want the evening to double in length. the second date was at a craft fair; matt was looking for new interests to make the most of his free time, so you helped him choose different materials to test which would be chosen — or prioritized. you accused him of luring you into a trap when you found yourself signing the list of participants for a pottery class. matt explained that, according to his research, it was an activity that would help you both get away from your work obligations for a while.
when you had the day off after another series, you went out for ice cream with the intention of returning home and chill for a bit. matt kissed you as soon as you crossed the threshold. you giggled and made an effort to break away from him, taking him by the hand to your bedroom. with all the lights off, you turned on only the yellow lamp next to the bed. the discreet light managed to highlight matt's hungry eyes on you. 
he could hardly focus on anything other than your body, especially your lips, which had already got him hooked since the second date. the way he kissed slowly and intensely, the way your tongues touched, the way his teeth gripped your lower lip made you light up. matt let out little sighs, showing himself to be just as affected as you.
“there's a matter i need to get rid of before we go on to what you've imagined," you said, trailing kisses down his jaw. your bodies were pressed together, his hand firmly on your hip allowing you to feel his cock slowly hardening. “i want to cum riding on your thigh. you have no idea how much i want that.”
matt turned his face away to look at you, his pupils dilated. he didn't even seem to be on this dimension. while you patiently fiddled with the buttons of his dress shirt, he took care of his own belt and pants, failing to hide his eagerness. 
“it's not that I'm nervous, it's just that i can't wait to feel you like this.”
you smiled, using one hand to pull down the straps of your dress while the other caressed his chest.
“it's okay to be nervous. it's a delight to know that you want this as much as i do.”
matt moaned softly, throwing his head back when you touched him over his underwear while running the tip of your tongue over his chest. he bit his lip, caressing your sides before removing your bra and panties. even though you held eye contact, you were still surprised when matt pushed you up — you only had to cross your legs around his hips. you squeezed his flexed biceps and pulled him in for another kiss.
matt sat back against the headboard, positioning you comfortably on his right thigh. the mere contact of your wetness with the man's warm skin drew a long moan from both of you. slowly, you began to move back and forth, your moans muffled by his lips. matt rested his open palms on your hips, not pressing down, just signaling that he would be there when you needed support.
your right hand moved down from his chest to press the bulge inside his pants. when matt threw his head back in a sigh, you took the opportunity to kiss his neck, tracing his pulse with your tongue. the excitement spreading between your bodies, the heightened sensitivity to the gentle, firm touch, the sounds of the bed, the deliciously uncontrolled shivers. some time later, when matt felt your movements slowing down due to apparent tiredness, his hands went up to your waist, holding on tightly, helping you to move more quickly on his flexed thigh.
“so good," you whined, seeking out his lips without interrupting the movement of your hand over him. “so close.”
matt grabbed the back of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair, causing you to stare at him wide-eyed, completely lost in your own mind. “look at me. let me listen to you while you get there.”
you did your best to keep your eyes open, which proved more difficult than you imagined with that growing feeling in the pit of your belly. matt lowered his head to nibble one of your breasts, causing your movements to falter a little. you felt like a train without brakes, even though you knew the man beneath you would be right there to catch you. his firm fingers in your hair were showing you exactly that.
you moaned his name as you came. then, when you closed your eyes to enjoy the euphoria, he took the opportunity to press small kisses on your shoulder, waiting for you to come back. you couldn't decide if the delay in giving in to him had increased the intensity of that pleasure, or perhaps matt could have provided it many months before.
you both had the next morning free of work, so you spent a long time savoring each other. after recovering from a delicious orgasm on matt's thigh, you moved away just so he could lie almost flat on the bed, then got on all fours to suck him off while he struggled to keep himself sane inside your mouth as he caressed your ass that was upright. he pounded in you slowly, just like the way he kissed you when you first arrived. you could feel the climax building slowly, feeling like you had all the time in the world.
after showering, he ordered a nice takeaway, since you were both too tired to cook. then, you had sex on the kitchen table — him from behind, you leaning over the table, clutching the edge of the furniture as if it was the only thing keeping you from hallucinating. this time, matt ate you out like a starved man, then thrust into you, displaying an athlete's stamina that surprised you beyond belief.
at the end of that week, you started with the excuse that he had to concentrate on training. you couldn't risk your own job if someone thought he wasn't a hundred percent focused on the game because of you — even more so with the giants advancing so well in the playoffs. two weeks passed and that was enough for matt. he could feel your distance, he couldn't bear the feeling of going back to stage zero. he didn't understand what had changed, you gave him no reason.
but matt wasn't stupid. he wouldn't be the kind of person to walk into your office without considering the surroundings. so he decided to text you: "can i come and see you? give me any excuse to arrange a private meeting. please." so you did, after some thought, of course. you were aware that you couldn't run away forever, not when matt's job was to be damn fast. and passionate, passionate as hell.
“can i go straight to the point?” he said, the distress in his low voice. “i miss you, i don't know what happened to make you push me away like that. i thought i'd proved that you could trust me with this matter.”
“you're right, i'm sorry," you said. “the talk around the office is about the expiration date of your contract. i realized that i can't keep nurturing something that will disappear as soon as the season is over.”
matt looked stunned, to say the least.
“you're right, matt. i'm sorry i didn't warn you before.”
“y/n, people will talk about business, you know that. but real negotiations are private, and besides, my stats have been great for most of the season.”
you were trying so hard to show little or no emotion. why on earth were you talking to the man you like as if you were in a business meeting?
“i've seen it happen before. contract extensions aren't something directors usually do. it's temporary, we have to be realistic.”
matt got up from his chair and walked over to you. he took your hands so that you could stand up and come closer. the contact with the warmth of his skin after so long made you shiver. you tried to look away, but he placed his palm on your cheek and gently brought you back.
“i know you're trying not to be optimistic, so i'll do it for both of us. we don't know what's going to happen with the contract, but we do know that there's something real between us.”
“matt…” “i want you, i want what we have. i believe that's enough to make it work, no matter what happens in the future. i want you now, y/n. can you tell me that you're in this with me? can you tell me that you want me as much as i want you?”
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stephstars08 · 7 months
Still Proud
Adley Rutschman x Reader
Warnings: Minor Cussing, Angst, Fluff, Cheesy Ending, Adley looking at negative comments on social media, and Possible grammar errors.
Summary: After the Baltimore Orioles season ends in heartbreak against the Texas Rangers, Y/N knows how upset Adley is, so she does all she can to let her boyfriend know that no matter what happens she will always be proud of him.
Word Count: 1,678
Author’s Note: Hello Everyone!! So happy I am releasing my first Adley imagine on here!! Thank you to the ones who have requested me to write him because I’m not going to lie I am completely head over heels for him! I hope you all enjoy my first imagine of Adley and I hope I get to write more for him in the near future!
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Y/N is a photographer for the Baltimore Orioles. She takes the pictures and videos of the players and posts them on the official Orioles Instagram account. She’s also the girlfriend of the team’s star catcher Adley Rutschman. They first met in May of 2022 when Adley got called up from the minor leagues. When Y/N heard that Adley was moving up to majors she was beyond excited since she had developed a crush on the star catcher. The only time they came across each other was spring training, but they never stopped to talk to one another. When they met, they officially immediately hit it off and started to date. They just celebrated their one-year anniversary in June.
It was playoff season for the MLB, so the Orioles were so excited since it’s been years since the Orioles made the postseason, but sadly it didn’t go the way they thought it would’ve. Y/N and the team are in Texas playing the Texas Rangers. After losing the first the first two games in Baltimore they had to go to Arlington, Texas to play the third game of the five-game series. The Orioles had to win to keep their season alive, but they sadly came up short.
When the Rangers ran onto the field to celebrate their victory Y/N went down into the clubhouse since it broke her heart to see the Orioles histrionic season come to an end like this. Her heart ached for this team because she knows they worked their asses off all season to get where they are and to just get swept like this was so disappointing. Y/N felt more bad for Adley since she knows how excited he was and now she knew that all that excitement he had was now drained out of his body with disappointment. Y/N wanted to go into the dugout and comfort him, but she knew that he needed to be with his team, so she waited outside the locker room for him.
As minuets passed players and coaches started to make their way into the locker room, but no sign of Adley. Y/N hadn’t seen Gunnar yet either, so she knows Adley is probably with him, but when she saw Gunnar coming her way by himself that theory disappeared. “Gunnar!” Y/N said walking up to him. She met him halfway. “Where’s Adley?” She asked him. “He’s still sitting in the dugout.” Gunnar answered with a heavy sigh. “You should go talk to him.” He told her. “Okay.” Y/N said in a soft tone and walked past Gunnar to the dugout.
Y/N walked up the steps into the dugout to see Adley sitting by himself watching the Rangers celebrate. It crushed her to see the disappointment in Adley’s eyes, but she also saw frustration and sadness in his eyes as well. It was breaking her heart to see the guy she loves going through this. Y/N walked over to him and stood next to him. “This fucking sucks.” Adley hissed before Y/N could say anything. “I know.” Y/N said taking one of his hands and gave it a comfort squeeze. “Come on, you should be with your team.” Y/N told him. She was worried that he was going to fight with her, but he didn’t. Y/N led him to the locker room where his teammates were most likely waiting for him, so their manager can talk with them.
While Adley was with his team Y/N got all of her stuff and all of his equipment that was in the dugout. She made her way out of the stadium and to the rental car she rented from the airport. After unlocking the vehicle, she put her stuff in the backseat and then put all of Adley’s stuff into the trunk since there was more room in the trunk and his stuff takes up more room. Once she settled herself into the driver's seat, she took out her phone to send Adley a text message saying she’s sitting in the rental car with his equipment and wondered if he wanted to go back to the hotel with her instead of riding the bus back with the team. Not too long after she sent the text, he sent her back saying he’s okay riding the bus back with his team. She smiled at that since she’s happy he wants to be with the guys. She knew Gunnar is probably helping him out since they are the closest with each other. She sent him a quick text back letting him know that she’s going to grab the both of them something to eat and then she’ll be back at the hotel. She knows that they only have a couple hours till they have to get back on a plane to Baltimore, so she went quickly.
After getting the food she was worried that she wasn’t going to find a parking spot, but lucky for her there was a car backing out of a spot right in front of the hotels entrance. She parked the rental car and turned it off. She grabbed the bag of food from the passenger seat and got out of the car. She made sure the car was locked and made her way into the lobby where she ran in Gunnar.
“Hey, how was Adley on the bus?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone. “He didn’t even say a word to anyone.” Gunnar answered with a heavy sigh. “Damn, he’s really crushed.” Y/N said with sadness written all over her face. Everyone always knows when there's something going on with Adley. When he’s upset, he’s the quietest person in the room. Y/N has seen Adley get upset over a lost, but she’s never seen him this sad. But she does know that this lost is bigger than all the others.
“He really thought we were going to make it to the championship.” Gunnar told her. Y/N saw the same sadness and disappointment in Gunnar’s eyes that she saw in Adley’s. “You all did.” Y/N told him as she rubbed his shoulder in comfort. “Their’s always next year. This is just the start.” Y/N told him in a reassuring tone with a reassuring smile on her face. “Thanks Y/N. You always know how to cheer us up.” Gunnar told her with a small smile forming on his lips. Y/N isn’t just the photographer for the team, she’s also the pep talker as well. “It’s what I love to do.” Y/N told him taking her hand off his shoulder. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.” Gunnar told her with a small laugh. “See you later, Gunnar.” Y/N said with a giggle and walked over to the elevator.
She pressed the up-arrow button and patiently waited for the doors to open. She was happy that she was able to make Gunnar smile and laugh a little, but she knew it was going to be a mission to cheer Adley up. When the elevator doors opened, she waited for the people that were already inside the elevator to walk out. She walked into the elevator and pressed the button that had the number five on it. As she waited for the elevator to take her up to the fifth floor, she thought about what she’s going to say to Adley.
When the doors opened to the fifth floor she walked out and made her way down the hallway to the hotel room she’s staying in with him. She grabbed the room key out of her back pocket and unlocked the door. When she walked into the hotel room, she saw her boyfriend sitting on the end of the bed scrolling on his phone. Y/N knew whatever he was looking at on his phone wasn’t good because of the look he had in his eyes. “Hey.” Y/N said closing the door and walking over to the small table to put the bag of food down and the hotel key next to the bag. Adley just stayed silent as he continued to look down at his phone. Y/N let out a heavy sigh as she sat down next to him onto the bed.
“I’m still proud of you.” Y/N told him which earned a scoff from him. “For what?” Adley said in a harsh tone as he continued to look down at his phone. “Adley, you don’t need a World Series trophy for me to be proud of you!” Y/N told him in a stern tone. “Really?” Adley said finally looking over at her. Y/N took his phone out of his hand and put it down behind them. “I know you really thought you guys were going to make it, but you guys played one hell of a season.” Y/N told him taking one of his hands like she did when they were in the dugout. “This is the best Orioles team people have seen in a long time and this is just the beginning.” She told him as she used her other hand to move some of his hair away from his forehead. “Don’t worry about what those assholes on social media. They are just trying to put you guys down. In my eyes, you will always be the best. You will always be my number one.” Y/N told him which made his lips curve into a small smile. His smile always makes her heart flutter.
“You always know what to say to cheer me up.” Adley said to her. “Just part of my job as being the best girlfriend in the world.” Y/N told him which earned her a laugh from him as she had a smile on her face as well. “And that’s why I’m the luckiest guy.” Adley said and leaned in to connect his lips with hers. Y/N smiled into the kiss as she returned it. When they released from the kiss, they rested their foreheads against each others.”I love you.” Adley said which made her heart flutter again. “I love you more.” Y/N told him. “Not possible.” Adley said and reconnected their lips for another passionate kiss.
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willowsnook · 8 months
Requests Open!
Finally starting a blog to write #imagines. I can write for pretty much anything as long as I'm somewhat familiar but these are worlds I'm well versed in:
Sarah J Maas Series
Harry Potter
Teen Wolf
College Football Players
Marvel (preferably Bucky Barnes)
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clevelcnds · 1 year
navigation 🤍
- i use she/her pronouns! and my stories are suitable for everyone!
who i write for
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sf1122 · 1 year
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shop now.....
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frost-faerie · 6 months
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welcometogrouchland · 27 days
It's mostly the fault of poor editorial practices that B&R is so heavily misaligned continuity-wise w/ the main batman book. But walk with me for a minute:
You are Damian Wayne. You are 14 years old and have had one of the worst years of your life last year. Which is saying a lot.
Your brother, one of the people you were closest to, got shot in the head and forgot who you were. Your best friend went to space for a week and came back 3/4 years older than you, taking away your previously established dynamic and leaving you to have to bond all over again w/ a new one. You may or may not have gone wayyy too far with your new superhero team, who now all hate you, because you fucked up big time*
And worst of all, when you do try to do the right thing, you end up forced to watch Alfred, a father figure to you, the only one at your birthday that year, the person who has been so patient, loving and trusting with you, even when you probably didnt deserve it...die. you watch him die, and feel it's all your fault.
And your dad never corrects you on that last point. So you run away.
First to your mom who can tell something's up with you, she knows you don't give up that easy, you decide not to stay with her because you remembered how actually, neither of your parents are good at communicating with you despite their best efforts, so now you're 14 and flying solo.
And you do fly solo. For a while. Make new friends, new enemies. You think you're better off for it. You've got your best friend and your brother back. They're not around as much. It's fine.
And eventually your dad tells you that it's not your fault that Alfred died. Bit late but it's appreciated. Really. There's a bit of a hiccup where you get possessed by a demon and wage war against your father but after that, all in all, you two are...together again.
You start to think maybe you want to give him another chance, for the two of you to be father and son.
And in a change of pace, it works out! It's going good, mostly. He insists you go to highschool, you resist, feel like he wants you to be something that you're not (wants you to be normal), but eventually you acquiesce for your own reasons. He cheers you on at soccer and nosies around at your fundraising events with the other parents and gives you a stern talking to about your choice of girlfriend. Because he cares.
Except all the while this is going on, your dad is currently having his brain slowly taken over by an evil version of himself that he created and every time you look away he's slowly tearing your family apart (your brothers are just barely keeping it together. The ones who didn't get lobotmized that is Jesus Christ). You keep taking his side in these conflicts, for whatever reason. Maybe because he promised it would be different this time, and it isn't** and you're going to stick with him until he keeps his word for once.
But at the end of the day?
It's like your brother says. You're not the one who saves him. Broadly speaking, you've made things worse and needed others to come save you. And what else is Robin really for? You thought it was about redemption and teamwork but guess you're wrong. It's about saving your self destructive, apparently two-faced and erratic father. And you can't even do that right.
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* TT (2016) by Adam Glass is a racist ooc mess, but unfortunately it's still canon so I'm referencing here, though like a lot of works authors clearly wish weren't canon but are, it's been subsequently glossed over. Win? Maybe? Or not?
** again Zdarky's characterization of Damian is so outdated as to be ooc, and considering the way he constantly and explicitly uses it to illustrate Tim's strengths as robin, I'd argue there's. Also implications there. But the batshit insanity of the main batbook compared to B&R rn is crucial for this post, so I'm attempting to justify it. This time..
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swiftsmlb · 11 months
who i write for!
(requests are open as of 7/19/23)
shohei ohtani
ronald acuna jr
fernando tatis jr
adley rutschman
julio rodriguez
and more!
joe burrow
ja’marr chase
tee higgins
jalen hurts
patrick mahomes
travis kelce
(coming soon)
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leafsbabe · 6 months
Tyler Glasnow - teasing Tyler (SMUT)
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2.2k words of you trying to get Tyler to fuck you and him not giving in...at first
It was almost cute that Tyler thought he could resist you. Granted, a charity dinner maybe wasn’t the best event to seduce your boyfriend but you were sure the marine animals would forgive you, if only they could see Tyler all dressed up.
The plan had been simple. Barely appropriate short dress + no underwear = getting fucked in the bathroom until you could see stars.
But what you hadn’t counted on was your boyfriend’s stubbornness. While he had stared at you all night, he was yet to touch you in not so innocent ways. What fun was holding your boyfriend’s hand when you’d rather have it between your thighs, playing with you under the table?
The dinner itself was relatively tame, completely pescetarian, for some reason. If the point was to fundraise for marine animal conservation, why serve them to the guests?
The table decorations weren’t too bad though. A giant coral piece in the middle of the table obscured you from the view of those seated on the other side and the long table cloth provided cover for what you had planned.
Both the slightly unlawful acquisition of the cutest manatee-shaped salt and pepper shaker you had ever seen —and that were just coincidentally sized small enough to fit into the tiny excuse of a purse you paired with your tiny excuse of a dress, right beside a tube of lipgloss, your phone, and a strip of condoms that had yet to see any action— and the shameless groping of your boyfriend. You were feeling nice though so you waited until after the dinner to do both.
Tyler had removed his tie after dinner and the open collar of his white shirt showed off his strong neck, sadly devoid of any love bites. For now.
Had anybody been paying attention to Tyler they probably would have noticed the way he jumped in his seat —just a little bit, not noticeable unless you watched closely— when your hand came to rest on his thigh. Part of you wanted to skip the buildup and go right in and cup his dick over his suit pants but you were a classy girl at a classy dinner so you would work your way up his thigh slowly, making sure Tyler knew how much you needed him.
Things moved slow and you were impatient but rushing things just didn’t seem smart. You wanted to drive him wild until he couldn’t hold back and simply had to take you.But that meant you had to pace yourself.
For all intents and purposes Tyler was great at acting unbothered. He carried a certain nonchalance that came from experience. This wouldn’t be the first time you did this and it wouldn’t be the last.
You had traced your pointer finger along the inseam of his pants for what felt like hours, up and down without moving your hand, before Tyler finally acknowledged it.
“What are you doing?” He asked, voice low and just a hint of strained.
Huh, you’d thought he’d be more desperate by now.
Turning to look at Tyler when you answered him was only polite, using your upper arm to push your boobs together and make them look bigger on the other hand wasn’t polite at all, but it got him to look.
“You know exactly what I’m doing.”
Below the tablecloth your hand inched higher. Not dangerously so but just enough to make Tyler react.
“We’re getting out of here as soon as we can.” He hissed.
Great idea. As a reward you slid your hand higher, to the top of his thigh.
Tyler leaned back in his chair, sliding down just slightly so that more of his lower half was obscured from view, long legs disappearing under the tablecloth.
You spent the next hour or so just palming his thigh as the night's entertainment proceeded. After a small presentation about the planned conservation efforts a small band took the stage, providing a background sound to the mingling.
Some of his teammates came over from their tables —how the Rays’ owner invited the entire team but split them up over several tables, you didn’t know— and asked Tyler if he would join them at the bar. He wouldn’t drink tonight, taking his driver duties seriously, but there was no reason he couldn’t socialize with the boys a little bit before taking you home.
You went to find their partners in the meantime, talking about holiday plans and cooing over pictures of children and puppies in little costumes. 
After maybe half an hour the men started to make their way back, joining their better halves and hanging out glasses of bubbly. 
“Tyler’s outside.” You get told when you fail to spot him. “Said he wanted to get some fresh air.”
So he was probably trying to hide his big frame in a corner and discreetly vape. By the time he joined you again there was a faint fruity smell lingering around him, confirming your suspicions. 
“Ready to go?” He asked you, casually, as if he wasn’t holding his jacket in a way that was almost certainly meant to conceal a bulge in his pants.
Beside you one of the guys frowned. “Already?”
“We have an early day tomorrow.” Tyler answered for the two of you.
You rushed through the goodbyes and out of the hotel ballroom the event was held at. Tyler left to get the car but you had the foresight to idle in the lobby until he pulled up, just to escape the sinking temperatures outside.
He held the passenger door open for you and you climbed in, watching as he did a small half jog around the car to reach the driver side.
You trusted Tyler but you also knew that distracted driving could only lead to accidents so you waited until he pulled into the street to your neighborhood before you let one of your hands wander beneath your dress, teasing your folds while you waited for him to notice. It didn’t take long, but instead of saying anything he just reached over, wordlessly replacing your hands with his.
“Finally.” You breathed out, spreading your legs wider to give him better access.
Tyler didn’t comment on your lack of underwear, focusing on the road and burying his long fingers deep inside you without preamble. 
A moan left your lips before you could stop yourself but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of another.
He knew how to touch, the way he needed to move his fingers to drive you wild.
You were so lost in the feeling of having something in you that you didn’t even notice that the car had stopped. That was until Tyler withdrew his fingers from you, pushed his seat as far back as the car would let him, and then hauled you over the middle console and onto his lap in a move that shouldn’t have been as smooth as it was.
By the time you caught onto what happened he was already working on getting his belt open and you tried your hardest not to think about the fact that those thick long fingers had been inside you just moments before.
“Fuck.” He hissed as he struggled with the clasp.
You pushed his hands away, getting to work opening it. “Here, let me…”
The second his belt was open you moved on to his zipper, pulling it down carefully but fast before sliding your hands into the fabric on either side of his hip and pulling both his suit pants and underwear down as much as you could in your position.
Tyler lifted his hips to help you free his dick and you thanked him by sinking down on him in one smooth motion.
No matter how many times you would do this, there was a part of you convinced it would be impossible to ever get used to the feeling of him inside you. Tyler filled you in ways no other man could ever hope to and your heart ached at the thought of moving, but you planned on getting fucked tonight so you inevitably had to.
The car didn’t leave much room for you to move but you wouldn’t let that stop you from getting what you so desperately needed.
Tyler’s hands came up to grip your hips, moving your body with ease as you switched from deep grinds to riding him. There was no build up, no gently waiting to adjust, you just took. And Tyler gave.
He managed to hold back, head thrown back and moans held back by him biting his lip, as you moved on top of him. It felt easy to lean forward and attach your lips to his neck. Twin moans left your mouths at the change of angle and you finally felt him come alive below you.
The next time you rose up he kept you there, hovering above him just enough that he could fuck up into you.
Tyler didn’t hold back anymore, putting his strength to good use. 
It didn’t take long for you to get close —not after spending the entire night waiting. Your boyfriend didn’t seem to be too far away from release either, by the way his thighs were beginning to shake against the seat below you.
“Don’t come—” He bit your shoulder, making you tighten around him while a moan forced its way past your lips. “Don’t come until I say you can.”
It was an order, plain and simple. Tyler had made you wait for so long that it only seemed fair to make him wait in return. 
His hips bucked at the request, throwing off the perfect rhythm he had before. The whine you let out in response didn't help so you started moving again, meeting his thrusts as you tried to chase your high. 
You were close, so so close, but no matter what you did, release seemed to stay just barely out of reach. You whined again, moving faster, changing the angle, anything to push you over the edge.
It was Tyler that finally brought you release.
His fingers, his wonderfully long and skilled fingers, found your clot and you fell apart above him not even a single breath later.
Thigh shaking, you fell forward, letting Tyler bear your weight as he continued to thrust up into you, fucking you through your high while he chased his own.
He was beautiful. He was a mess.
Tyler had his head hung long, forehead buried in the crook of your neck as he mindlessly rutted up into you. His long hair brushed against your skin and when you combed it back with your fingers he groaned against your pulse.
Part of you wanted him to beg for forgiveness —just a little bit, because he made you wait all night before taking you— but the feeling of him deep inside of you was starting to turn from pleasurable overstimulation into too much.
“Ty.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. 
“Tyler.” You repeated when he didn’t react.
He still continued to move his hips, too lost in the feeling to react. It wasn’t until you used your grip in his hair and pulled his head back that he snapped out of it.
“You can come.”
He did so silently, pulling you against him as close as possible and burying his face in the crook of your neck again.
It took a while for Tyler to come down, dace still hidden against your body while he slowly softened inside you, heart racing. 
You pulled off carefully before sitting back down on his lap. It was only then that you noticed that you completely forgot about a condom, Tyler’s release slowly dripping out of you and onto his suit pants. 
The two of you watched silently for a moment before you spoke. “Do you think these are ruined or could we bring them to a dry cleaner?” Tyler didn’t wear these pants often but he looked amazing when he did. It would be a shame if you’d have to get rid of them.
“I don’t think we can save these.” Was Tyer’s response.
He tried to put his ruined pants back on but you were a little in the way. It was only when you tried to lift yourself up to give him some room that you noticed how weak your legs felt. Tyler must have noticed it too because after he tucked himself back into his pants he wrapped one arm around your middle and pulled you close again before opening the car door and stepping out with you in his arms.
Once outside you noticed that he had parked the car in your driveway and you realized that you had fucked there too. What if any of your neighbors saw?
Tyler just hiked you higher in his arms and carried on walking towards your front door, unlocking it one handed. Once inside you found yourself with your back pressed against the door, Tyler looking down at you with a glint in his eyes that told you the night was far from over. Without meaning to your hips jerked, the drag of your core against his hard middle sending a shock through your body.
“Don’t worry,” he said, as if he could sense your thoughts, “I won’t make you wait a second time.”
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lifeofpriya · 1 year
Surprise...? - Adley Rutschman imagine
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[gif credit goes to @eyeblackriley]
summary: someone special to adley surprises him for his birthday...
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"Adley's going to love this surprise," Josie couldn't help but giggle to herself as she ushered you into the house. "He stepped out for the moment, but trust me, I think he's going to burst into tears when he sees you...He misses you that much, Y/N."
Originally, you were going to miss your boyfriend's birthday party on the account that you are a student at a college almost halfway across the country and he was back in Oregon, where he was spending the offseason with his family...or so you thought until Josie, Adley's sister, messaged you one night and talked about how much he was missing you and how sulky he was to the point she couldn't bear seeing him so immediately after the conversation, you booked a flight to Eugene and planned to spend a few days with him and his family before you had to return.
"Y/N, honey, you made it!" A giant grin lit up Mama Rutschman's face as soon as she saw you; bringing you into a warm embrace. "It's so good to see you again."
You couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle and hug her back, "it's great to see you too, Mama Rutschman," you quietly whispered while pulling away from the hug.
"I think Adley and his father are coming back in a few minutes," Mama Rutschman soon spoke after glancing at the wall clock across the room. "We need to act quickly before the cat's out of the bag!"
You knew what she was getting at, so you nodded your head and smiled at the ladies standing in front of you. "I'll go unpack my stuff and get freshened up for the party; Josie, send me the signal when it's time for the grand reveal."
"Aye, aye, captain," Josie jokingly winked at you and gave you a playful salute.
"Why do I feel like something's going to happen?" Adley couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at his family as they gathered around in the dining room. He glanced at his sister for a moment, who offered him no help but a simple shrug.
Then he glanced at his parents, who also feigned innocence and pretended to ignore the question.
There was definitely something going on. And Adley wanted to get to the bottom of it.
While Adley appeared to be lost in his thoughts for what appeared to be a few moments, Josie jumped at the opportunity to send you the all-clear signal.
"Thank god, my knees were starting to cry," you mumbled under your breath while standing up from your crouched position behind the kitchen counter island. You then held onto the small round birthday cake in your hands with a firm grip, "well, here goes nothing."
Quietly humming to yourself, you sauntered into the dining room, where an unsuspecting Adley awaited your presence. Well, needless to say, your surprise plan was almost perfect...until you stumbled on your feet and the cake flew from your hands and onto his face.
Josie and her parents couldn't stifle their giggles as they watched Adley try to wipe the buttercream frosting from his face.
As soon as he got the frosting out of his eyes, he couldn't help but stare at you with a sly smirk.
"Surprise...?" It was all you could muster out while staring at him with a sheepish grin.
tag list: @ethancale
88 notes · View notes
acidkoipond · 1 month
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I’m obsessed with him wearing his visor like headphones
He looks like a fuckin DJ
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stephstars08 · 7 months
Adley Rutschman
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One Shots
Still Proud
Best Friends Sister
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sunshinesteviee · 9 months
mvp - s.h.
summary: you think steve deserves a prize after his baseball game for being the MVP; baseball player!steve wc: 3.9k warnings: a bit of baseball, but it's honestly not too heavy on it lol. this is mostly smut!! 18+ only, mdni!!!! car sex, but they're in the middle of nowhere, fingering, handjob, unprotected piv (pls be smart); fem!reader a/n: alright this has been in the works for fuckin forever, but it's finally done!! i hope it lives up to the hype lol. huge shoutout to @harringtonswriting for the original idea forever ago, and to @stevebabey for listening to me cry abt this for the past month and a half lol. enjoy!!!
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huge thank you to @inkluvs for this^ cutie and to @t-lostinworlds for this gorgeous moodboard!!
It’s a surprisingly nice evening for summer in Indiana. There’s a warm breeze that kisses your cheeks and keeps you cool under the late afternoon sun. Perfect for one of Steve’s baseball games. The last few you went to were unbearably hot, so even though it’s still warm, and you’re still sweating a bit, this is much better. Not that you’re paying much attention to the weather with how close this game is. 
His team is up by two points in the top of the ninth, and there’s someone on base, but if they hold them off from scoring, they’ll win. Steve’s pitching, and you know he’s feeling a lot of pressure, especially since this is a pretty important game near the end of the season. But you also know that he’s totally got this. He’s been pitching so many strikeouts this game, and he can definitely do one more. 
He stands at the pitcher’s mound, bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he squints at his catcher. He looks fucking beautiful, quite honestly. Tan skin glowing in the golden hour sun, the sleeves of his jersey tight around his biceps. Pretty hair tucked under his hat, the eyeblack he’d carefully applied before the game smeared across his cheeks. You might just have to jump his bones when the game is over. 
Steve gets into position, presses the ball into his glove, and takes a deep breath. You stand from your seat on the rusty bleachers, metal creaking underneath you, to get a better view of the field. Someone behind you — probably Jessica, another player’s girlfriend — huffs in annoyance, but you ignore her, too caught up in Steve, and sending him all of the good luck you can. He moves into his windup position, takes another deep breath, and sends the ball over the plate in a perfect strike that the batter watches go by. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and whistle loudly, earning you even more dirty looks from the people sitting around you. Half of them are supporters of the other team, so you can’t blame them, but you’re not going to quiet your support for your boyfriend. You know he can hear you — his eyes flick to yours for just a moment when he hears your whistle, and his mouth pulls up at one corner almost imperceptibly. He winks at you, subtle enough to go unnoticed by everyone else, but the cockiness makes you flustered and causes you to roll your eyes at the same time. 
The rest of the inning flies by with a pop-up to right field that’s easily caught by Steve’s teammate, and another strikeout pitched by Steve — one that the batter watches go by. You’d cheered again, even louder than before, and blew him a kiss as he ran off the field. 
Now you’re waiting for him, not so patiently, on the bleachers. You usually have to wait a bit while the team debriefs, and while you don’t mind most of the time, you’re feeling antsy today. You want him in more ways than one, and you don’t know how much longer you can wait. Thankfully, due to a good game and short debrief, it’s not too long until the players start filtering off of the field. Steve is always one of the last ones out, but you stand up in search of him anyway. 
“Harrington!” you shout Steve’s name as he exits the dugout, waving a hand in the air as you bounce on the balls of your feet excitedly. 
Hearing the sound of your voice, Steve’s head whips in your direction, and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen is on his face. He gives you a wave before turning back to the teammate he’d walked out with, saying something you can’t make out as he slaps his back and then makes a beeline for you. After the game, his uniform is awry; jersey half tucked in, hat on backwards, and he’s so sweaty, but somehow, you don’t mind. His bat bag is slung over his shoulder, but it’s quickly dumped on the ground as he approaches you in favor of scooping you up into his arms, “Baby!”
You let out a shriek and throw your arms around his neck as he lifts you off of the ground. Your toes are barely an inch from the grass, but it’s enough to have you clutching onto him. He’s still sweaty, having just come off the field, but you don’t mind. “Steve! You did so good, baby!”
Steve sets you back on your feet, pressing a wet kiss to your forehead with another blinding grin, “Thanks, honey. All for you.” His hands are still looped around your waist, resting gently against the small of your back. “Heard you cheering the entire game.”
“Yeah?” you ask, returning his grin as your fingers trace along the neckline of his jersey. “Good. Matt’s girlfriend kept giving me dirty looks for cheering so loud, but I think she’s just jealous her boyfriend isn’t as hot or talented as mine. I’ve got an all-star. The MVP.”
Dark pink colors Steve’s face from his neck all the way up to the tips of his ears, even though he’s still smiling at you, “Stop it. I’m not—“
“Don’t even start!” you quickly cut him off, placing a finger against his lips, “If I remember correctly, it was you who pitched a bunch of strikeouts, and held them off in the last inning. I’m so proud of you.” 
He wants to argue, but you’re staring at him full of pride, so he gives in. His cheeks are still flushed pink as he smiles at you, pursing his lips to kiss the finger still pressed to his lips, “Thanks, baby. Love you so much. Couldn’t do it without you.”
You know that’s not true — you show up to all of his games, and sometimes you pack him extra snacks and water, but that’s about it. He’s the one who puts in all of the hard work during practice, at games, and during all of the other time he uses to improve. You are really proud of him, in every single way, and you want to let him know. Threading your fingers into the damp hair at the nape of Steve’s neck, you lean up on your toes to whisper in his ear, “I think the MVP deserves a prize. What do you think, handsome?”
Steve’s eyes grow wide, hands spreading over your hips to keep your body flush to his. He stumbles over his words when he finally speaks, “Shit, baby, I-I… yeah, okay.”
Leaning up on your toes, you give Steve a grin before pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, “Should we go?”
“Oh, definitely,” Steve nods quickly, leaning into you for a kiss. He kisses you with just enough force that you bend at the waist slightly, giggling against his lips as you grasp at his shoulders. 
“Okay, okay. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” you push at him gently, though you’re grinning when he pulls back. 
He lets out a soft huff, eyes narrowing playfully at you as he grabs his bat bag and hoists it up over his shoulder again. He’s quick to start the trek back to his car, turning to face you as he walks backward with a cheeky grin on his face. His arms are held out to his sides as he calls, “You comin’ with me or what, babe?”
Not wanting him to get too far ahead, you jog to catch up to him, slipping your hand into his as your shoulders bump, “You don’t even know what the prize is, Stevie.”
Scoffing, Steve turns to you with a smug and knowing smile on his lips, “Oh, I know what it is.” Still, he’s gentle with you, giving your hand a soft squeeze and throwing a ridiculously exaggerated wink your way to make you smile. He dumps his gear into the trunk of his car, letting it close with a loud thud as he turns to you, arms caging your body against the side of his car. His breath is hot on your neck as he dips down so his lips ghost over the skin just below your ear, “The prize… it’s not actually a physical prize, right?”
You can’t help it — you let out a laugh, head tilting back as you wrap your arms around Steve’s neck to draw him in closer, “Depends on what you mean by physical…” 
“Baby,” Steve groans with a laugh, taking advantage of your exposed skin by pressing wet kisses up the side of your neck and along your jaw. You want to reply with another sarcastic remark, but your breath hitches as his teeth graze your skin. So, instead, you cup his jaw in your hands and pull his mouth to yours for a kiss. 
The sun is starting to smolder low in the sky, nearly sinking beneath the horizon to cast the sky in pretty oranges and pinks as Steve finally pulls out of the parking lot and heads for your shared apartment. His hand reaches over the center console to rest on your thigh, a warm, heavy weight on your bare skin. He’s already been causing trouble, with the way he’d kissed you against the car, and you have a feeling you’re not going to make it home in a timely manner. 
Music is playing on the radio, something top 40 that Steve is humming under his breath as he drives. You’re having a hard time figuring out what the song is with the way his fingertips press into the softness of your inner thigh and brush up ever so slightly. Sucking in a breath, you glance in his direction, only to find that aside from the corner of his mouth quirking up slightly, he’s keeping any indication of what he’s thinking off of his face. 
He looks so pretty in the golden light streaming in through the windows that it’s almost hard to believe he’s real. Reaching out across the gap between you, you tuck a few strands of his messy hair behind his ear and then drag the pad of your thumb across his jaw. You trace over a few of the cute moles scattered over his face and wish you could kiss each and every single one of them, but he’s a bit too far away. Letting out a dramatic sigh, you let a lock of his hair slip from your fingers back into its place. 
At the forlorn sound, Steve’s eyes flick from the road over to you as he laughs under his breath. He twists just a little bit further to press a kiss to the delicate skin on the inside of your wrist, and though he’s pretty sure he knows the answer, he asks, “What, sweetheart?”
“I think I might combust if I can’t kiss you or touch you within the next minute.” 
Steve lets out a laugh, breath hitching as your own hand drops from his hair to his thigh, “We’re like ten minutes from home, honey.” He’s trying his best to stay casual, but he’s feeling about the same as you, especially with your hand on him now. 
“Can’t wait ten minutes, baby. Want you now. Don’t you want your prize?”
“Jesus christ,” he huffs out quickly, hazarding a glance to the hand on his thigh that’s creeping upwards before scanning the road, “Alright, okay, baby, just— just let me pull over. Fuck.”
There aren’t many perks to living in the middle of nowhere Indiana, but if you have to pick one, being able to pull over pretty much anywhere you want to fuck your boyfriend in the front seat of his car is definitely up there. It takes a moment before Steve spots a secluded area and pulls off of the road, dirt and gravel crunching under the tires as he rolls to a stop. The second his car is in park, you unbuckle your seatbelt and nearly launch yourself over the center console into Steve’s lap. 
He laughs in surprise, but it’s cut off by your mouth on his, kissing him like it might be your last chance. There’s not much room in the front seat, and you huff as your knees press into the console and the door on either side of his lap, the skirt of the dress you’re wearing riding up your thighs. It’s not exactly comfortable, but you quickly become too distracted by Steve — his lips pressed to your neck in a bruising kiss, his hardening cock underneath you — to care. And the way he’s gripping your hips to pull you closer isn’t helping. 
Your hips roll forward as you press closer to him, drawing stuttering breaths from both of you. It feels like his hands are everywhere, sliding up your exposed thighs to your waist, warm even through the fabric of your dress, before traveling further up your body to cup your breasts. You’d had to forgo a bra in this dress, and Steve isn't oblivious to this fact; he’d noticed right away, and was going to take advantage of that. 
Wet kisses press to your collarbone as he dips lower, fingers sliding under the thin straps of your dress to tug them off your shoulders, “Looked so pretty in the stands today, baby. Y’always do, but this pretty little dress…” He all but groans, pulling the top of your dress down your chest. More kisses trail along your exposed flesh, the dull scrape of his teeth followed by another hickey pulls a gasp from you. 
With his mouth on you, he’s making it real hard to form a coherent sentence, “Christ, Steve— we can’t— don’t have time for—“ 
A sharp tug to the hair at the nape of his neck finally gets his attention, and he pops back up with a huff, narrowing his eyes playfully at you, “Sorry. Sorry. Not my fault you’ve got perfect tits, honey.” He squeezes your breasts as if to make a point, not quite roughly, but not gently either, thumbs brushing over your nipples. 
“Steve,” you admonish playfully with a roll of your eyes, slapping at his chest. You giggle, though, leaning forward to kiss him again. Your fingers work at the buttons on his jersey as you kiss. It’s not really a necessity, but you want to feel his warm, golden skin and the hair on his chest, kiss the moles that are littered on his torso. Your fingers trail down his chest, and you can feel it heave at your light touches, a stuttering breath as you inch closer to his pants. 
After unbuttoning his pants and pulling down the zipper, the two of you shuffle around in the front seat to get his pants and underwear down enough to free his cock. Your hand wraps around the base, a gentle touch as you stroke up his length. Precum leaks from the tip, messy on your hand as your thumb rubs over his slit. Steve hisses at the touch, hips trying to push up into your hand, “Shit, honey—“
“Feel good?” you ask, a bit smug as you twist your wrist mid-stroke. 
“So good. Need— ah— wanna touch you, too, babe. Lemme…” Steve trails off and one hand presses into the small of your back, reaching down behind you with the other one to pull the lever on the seat. The seat slides all the way back to give you more room, but it moves quickly, leaving you scrambling to hold onto Steve and his jersey. He laughs at your surprised expression, hands moving to settle on your thighs, “That’s better. More room.”
His palms slide up the lengths of your thighs, thumbs brushing against the innermost part until they slip under your flowy dress and bump into the fabric of your underwear. One finger slips just underneath the lacy trim at the edge, running back and forth lightly, “Can I?”
“Yes,” you breathe out, nodding quickly as Steve’s fingers press into the wet spot forming on your panties. “Please, baby.” 
He rubs your clit softly through your underwear once, twice, and just before you’re about to complain, his fingers hook into the fabric and tug it to the side, tracing up your slit, “Already so wet for me, huh?” 
“You– fuck– you look so hot in your uniform, baby, ‘s not my fault,” you huff, shifting your hips to try to get him right where you want him. 
Steve’s fingers dip back down, circling your entrance in a teasing touch before two ease into your cunt. He’s slow with it, almost infuriatingly so, as he spreads you open. You gasp into the crook of his neck, only just remembering that this is supposed to be about him, and resume the slow stroke of your hand on his cock. The air is filled with soft breaths as you touch each other, Steve’s breath warm against your skin, and it’s all you can hear, even though the radio is still playing quietly. 
When his fingers curl inside of you, pressing into the perfect spot, you whine, “Want you inside of me, Stevie. Need you.”
“Yeah?” he asks with a grin, bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean. He hums around his fingers, pulling them from his lips with a small pop sound, “Taste so good, honey.” 
Pleasure twists low in your tummy at the sight of his fingers in his mouth, at his dirty words, and you whimper. You can’t wait much longer, so you don’t, shifting up onto your knees the best you can in the tight space without bumping into the roof of Steve’s car. One of your hands slides over Steve’s shoulder, keeping yourself steady as you slip the other hand between your bodies to line Steve up with your entrance. 
Warm hands rest at your hips, fingers splaying out wide to hold you as you sink down onto Steve’s cock slowly. You both moan softly, your thighs shaking as you lower yourself until he’s fully inside of you. There’s always an aching stretch, and it takes a moment for you to adjust, gasping into the crook of Steve’s neck, “Shit, Stevie, you– you’re so big, fuck.” 
Steve laughs, a breathless sound, hands flexing against your skin as he fights the urge to thrust his hips up, “Y’sure know how to sweet talk.” 
“Shut up,” you huff playfully, curling your fingers into the fabric of his jersey as you rock your hips forward once. Steve lets out his own strangled, gasping noise at the sudden movement and you grin, feeling smug. 
You lift yourself back up slightly, a sweet, slow drag of his cock through your tight cunt, and then rock back down, grinding into him. Steve swears under his breath, hands moving from your hips to your ass to help you fuck yourself on his cock. It takes a moment, but you settle into a rhythm with Steve’s help, circling your hips against his, back and forth, up and down. Your thighs start to burn from the effort, but it’s worth it for the dazed look Steve has on his face. 
“Christ, babe,” he mutters, squeezing your ass as he presses wet kisses across your chest, “ridin’ me like a champ. So good for me.”
You clench around him at his praise, moaning in a way that should be embarrassing, but you’re too far gone to care. Your fingers travel up from the collar of his jersey to his hair, curling into the strands at the nape of his neck under his cap, and you surge forward to kiss him. It’s messy, your lips sliding against his in an open-mouthed kiss. 
It’s so hot in the car that between the warm summer air and the warmth radiating from your bodies, the windows of the car start to fog up. If anyone were to see the car, they’d know exactly what was happening, but thankfully, there’s likely no one around for miles. Sweat beads at Steve’s hairline as he begins to thrust his hips up to meet yours, fingers pressing into the soft flesh of your ass hard enough that it might leave bruises. You falter as his hips smack yours with a filthy sound, pushing your face into Steve’s warm shoulder as you moan, “Steve, fuck— ’m close— oh god, I need—”
“I got you, baby,” he mumbles into your skin, his breath fanning across your shoulder, making you shiver. One strong arm hooks around your waist while his other hand finds its way between your bodies, rubbing your clit in time with the thrust of his hips. He’s babbling, praises for you spilling from his pretty, pink lips, “Look so pretty on my cock, baby, takin’ me so well, yeah? Fuck, I love you so much, you’re perfect. So fuckin’ tight for me, y’close, huh? Gonna cum for me?” 
You can feel the way he twitches as you clench around his cock, your thighs tight against his hips, entire body tensing as pleasure washes over you. Your chest pushes into his as you tip over the edge, slick skin against slick skin, “Oh god, fuckfuckfuck.” 
The thrust of Steve’s hips up into yours grows sloppy, but he doesn’t let up, thumb swiping over your clit as you ride out your high. He’s not far behind you, groaning your name into the crook of your neck as he cums hard. You have enough of a mind to continue to rock your hips against his until he’s spent, breathing hard. 
His hand on your back pushes under your sundress, stroking up the curve of your spine gently, a soft and intimate touch. It’s silent as you both try to catch your breath, trading soft kisses on damp skin and parted lips. 
You speak first, a small laugh as you push your sticky chest off of Steve’s, “Holy shit, it’s hot in here.”
“Yeah it is,” he says with a cheeky grin, giving your ass a rough squeeze as his gaze dips down to your breasts. He leans forward, pressing another soft kiss to the swell of your breast, just above the nipple, making you shiver. He all but giggles at your reaction and leans back into his seat, with a heaving breath, “Fuck, it is hot, though. Lemme open the windows.” 
Reaching over with one hand, Steve opens the driver-side window, letting in the cool evening air. It feels nice on your warm skin, and you close your eyes, turning your face into the breeze. You can feel his eyes on you, and when you look back at him, he’s still staring at you, eyes a soft honey color in the last of the sunlight. 
“I love you,” you say, quietly, almost shy. 
“I love you, more, honey,” he replies easily, a grin breaking out on his face.
You kiss him one last time before pushing up off of his lap, wincing as he slips out of you. Shuffling backwards, you pull your underwear back into place, and tug the top of your dress back up your chest, adjusting the straps. Steve helps you back over the console into the passenger seat before fixing his own clothes. You’re still flushed, so you quickly roll your own window down and stick your arm out. Your fingers flutter in the breeze as Steve pulls back into the main road, turning the volume of the radio up. 
Steve’s hand reaches out towards you, settling on your thigh once again, though maybe a bit more innocently this time. You rest your hand over his, your fingers curling between his as you tease, “Hope you enjoyed your prize, MVP.”
He laughs, head tipping back against his seat, hand squeezing your thigh gently, “Shit, babe, after that, I think you deserve the MVP title.” 
a few other tags hehe
@underoossss @sattlersquarry
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