#shohei ohtani imagine
jackhues · 1 year
so sorry for sending in this so late! could i get wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment with shohei? thank you 🫶🏼
ohmygod, i was waiting for someone to request him!!
the baseball game was background noise to you.
you had your laptop open, working to finish up a proposal you had to present in a few days.
normally, your boyfriend would be coming over to you with a cup of coffer around now, reminding you to take a break and breathe. not today.
instead, he was on your t.v. screen, pitching strike after strike in the bottom of the inning.
you sighed, pushing the laptop away as it all grew too overwhelming for you to handle. with work piling up, and shohei gone on a long road trip, you needed to remind yourself to just... take a break.
you opened your closet door, pulling out one of shohei's favourite hoodies and slipping it on.
he told you once before that he never really liked that hoodie - not until you started stealing it.
almost as if he knew you'd need it, he left it behind for you.
you took a deep breath, the hoodie still smelling like he did.
and just for a moment, it felt like he was right there next to you.
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lifeofpriya · 9 months
Longing - Shohei Ohtani imagine
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[gif credit goes to @shoshohtani]
song of the fic: Pasoori by Shae Gill and Ali Sethi
You wake up in your small apartment each morning, making coffee and breakfast before heading to work. The days blend into a monotonous routine, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and lonely. Your evenings are spent in solitude, indulging in frozen meals and binge-watching TV shows. Deep down, you yearn for something more meaningful in your life.
One fateful evening, you decide to step out of your comfort zone and attend a local baseball game. As you settle into your seat, the excitement in the air is palpable. The crowd enthusiastically roars as the star player, Shohei Ohtani, takes the field. You've heard about his incredible skills and record-breaking performances, but seeing him in action leaves you in awe.
Intrigued by Shohei's talent and charisma, you find yourself captivated by his every move. His powerful swings and precise pitches leave you spellbound, and you begin following his games religiously. One day, fate smiles upon you as you spot him at a coffee shop before a game. Summoning your courage, you approach him and strike up a conversation. To your surprise, he is warm and approachable, and you instantly feel a connection.
As the weeks pass, you continue to attend Shohei's games, but your thoughts extend beyond his athletic prowess. You imagine spending time with him outside the ballpark, sharing laughter and creating memories. Encouraged by your growing affection, you take a chance and invite him to dinner. To your delight, he accepts with a smile.
Over shared meals and outings, you discover the depth of Shohei's character. Beyond his athletic achievements, he is compassionate, driven, and shares your longing for connection. Each moment spent together deepens your affection, and it becomes clear that something special is blossoming between you.
However, as the baseball season nears its end, the looming reality of Shohei's return to Japan threatens to dampen your newfound happiness. The uncertainty of the future weighs heavily on your heart, and you dread the possibility of being separated once again. You share a romantic sunset dinner on your last evening together, cherishing every moment. In a tender moment, Shohei promises to come back to you, no matter the distance.
The following months are filled with longing and anticipation as you await Shohei's return. The days seem endless, but your love remains steadfast. Finally, the long-awaited day arrives—the start of a new season. As the game concludes, you find Shohei standing at your doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers. The joy in both your hearts is palpable, and you know that your love has endured the test of time and distance.
Together again, you compensate for the moments lost, cherishing every second spent in each other's embrace. You support Shohei wholeheartedly as he devotes himself to his baseball career, attending games and offering unwavering encouragement. You provide him solace and a safe haven in the quiet moments, easing his exhaustion and reminding him that his worth extends far beyond the field.
One evening, after a particularly challenging game, you decide to surprise Shohei with a thoughtful date to lift his spirits. You prepare his favorite meal with love and secure tickets to an art exhibit you know he'll appreciate. As you unveil the surprise, a smile lights up his face, and you embark on a night filled with art, laughter, and heartfelt connection. In each other's presence, you find comfort and strength.
As the baseball season progresses and the team advances toward the playoffs, the bond between you and Shohei deepens further. On a chilly October night, amidst the jubilation of a division-winning celebration, Shohei finds you amidst the confetti and cheers. He scoops you up in his arms at that moment, exclaiming, "We did it!" The love in his eyes assures you that no matter the challenges ahead, your hearts have found a home in each other.
Together, you face the uncertainties of life with unwavering devotion. No distance can separate you, for your love transcends borders and oceans. In the embrace of each other's arms, you find the warmth and fulfillment that once eluded you. And as you continue to cheer Shohei on from the stands, you know that the most significant victory is the love you share, a love that knows no boundaries.
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soundspeachytome · 5 months
7 minutes in heaven - shohei ohtani au
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summary: Y/N snoops around famous football player Shohei Ohtani’s locker in search for a scandal against his clean record but ends up in one herself.
tropes: friends with benefits, friends to lovers(?)
tw: *slight* smut, mentions of sex, oral (f receiving)
word count: 30,033K words (i'm SO sorry in advance holy shit)
hi! it's been a while. when i made this account, i vowed to write at least once a week but it had been so difficult this month juggling work, my chronic migraines, and seasonal depression (lol).
please note i did not proofread this so plsssss i apologize for grammar mistakes and inconsistencies!!
posting this on the last day of 2023, hoping to give everyone a good read before we welcome the new year. so thankful for this small space to try, linger and reset all over again. hope you had a very merry holidays with your loved ones.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
Locker Lockdown
At around thirty minutes past four in the afternoon, I skimmed the clubhouse for any signs of life. It was only the quiet that prevailed. Clear. 
I tiptoed my way towards the player locker room. I only had around ten minutes to locate the correct locker and take whatever I could find. Discovering the locker area to be empty and unguarded, I felt a surge of excitement. 
Six years later, I couldn’t get my big break and decided sports journalism could catapult me into somewhere big in the industry. This is my last chance to prove myself, otherwise I’d have to reconsider going back home and write Hallmark greeting card messages again. 
Shohei Ohtani’s jersey number is the number 17. Lucky bastard, after all these years and even after going through free agency, he got to keep his famous number, even at the cost of having their senior player give it up for him when he joined the football team. 
And here you might be wondering why I’m doing this aside from my sheer desperation to get an official spot in the workplace and not eat scraps of topics editors discarded for themselves. 
Some people are privileged to a fault.
And I hate seeing him on TV. Or on social media. Or his Colgate-white smile plastered all over my favorite beer and skincare brands. 
Some would say this is the TMZ tabloid level of writing. I say this is investigative journalism. Find out if the famous favorite son-in-law has any flaws of his own and wrap around a bowtie of hidden horrors of sports documentaries. 
And where else can we find this but in the athlete hotpot: their locker room.
I found Shohei’s locker right away as it was the tidiest locker among all on display, with nothing but brand-sponsored clothing hung neatly on the rack. He also donned the top shelf with some dog-eared self-help titles and vitamin bottles. While the rest of the athletes have pictures of their girlfriends, wives and their kids, Shohei has an unreleased polaroid selfie with his dog, Dekopin, just right beside his perfume bottles. Dekopin was looking away, captured in mid-yawn, with his ears raised, and Shohei, smiling into the camera with pursed lips and a snapback on.
I got so immersed into reading the ingredients of his vitamin bottles, trying to find anything remotely related to steroids, or any form of illegal bodily enhancements, that I didn’t notice footsteps from outside the hall.
“What are you doing here?” a voice loomed behind me and I dropped the diet supplement bottle in panic.
Only the sound of the bottle rattling could be heard as I locked eyes with Shohei Ohtani, tall and all muscular. His hair was sweaty and unkempt and his eyes held mild anger and confusion. After the bottle stopped rolling and settled somewhere on the floor between us, there was only silence and the cold sweat building up at my back. 
I swallowed hard. I planned everything from studying the stadium’s entrance and exit doors but I didn’t plan on bumping into him. Not like this. Not when I’m at the lowest level of the social hierarchy right now. 
I could only be ashamed. 
Brain still befuddled at the thought of getting caught, I urged my limbs and picked up the vitamin bottle and returned it back to Shohei’s locker. The plan was not to respond at all and run as fast as I could before the rest of his team arrived. That was the only way to keep whatever dignity I have left. 
“I said, what are you doing here?” He caught my arm mid-exit and pulled me back, tightening his grip. 
“Let go of me.” I struggled to keep my balance and the way my voice wavered was no help at all. 
Shohei saw the camera slung over my shoulder and looked back at me, realization hitting him.
“Y/N, are you a sports journalist now? And were you looking through my stuff?” he said, sounding almost disappointed. 
“That’s none of your business. Let go of me.” I kept my voice steady but his grip only tightened. The sides of my eyes slowly formed tears. 
“What tabloid media do you work for? I should report you. Would you like that? What a shame you’ll be banned from all the games now, right? You nasty journalists just won’t keep your noses away from my business.” he took my camera and deleted all the photos I took of the contents of his locker. I tried to leap for it but he was obviously inches taller than I was and I was no match for that.
“I don’t write tabloid news. If I was, my name would have been all over TV by now.” I grabbed the camera from him and sighed morosely at the lost media. A day’s work is all lost.
“My boss gave me a green light to do a documentary about the team. And the star player.” I wiggled my fingers in front of him, as if to emphasize the word “star” in front of him.
“I came here assuming you and the other players would be here for an interview but no one was around yet. So I hung around a bit and took interest in your nutritional supplements.” Lie after lie after lie. I gritted my teeth and faked a smile. The most convincing lie I’ve learned on almost all my failed dates and relationships was to stroke a man’s ego and have him talk about all the things he is interested in, making him divert his attention to something else. 
“You’ve got really good, um, vitamins for muscle recovery there. Maybe that’s why you got so big and strong, right?.” He looked at me dubiously, nodding responsively to be polite. If he took the bait, then he is obviously just like any other guy I’ve ever met. 
“I mean, I guess? I’ve been doing deadlifts so–”
Approaching footsteps and faint voices were heard from the hall. Shohei pushed me toward the opposite end of the hall, where the showers were located. 
“Wha–” I started but was shut up when he pushed me further into the back of the shower room, swiping the doors closed. 
“Shut up if you don’t want to be caught.” He growled and I recoiled back into the tiled corner. On top of me was the almost rusting shower head who had seen better days, and two bottle pumps for shampoo and body wash. 
Voices and conversations were starting to fill in the locker room that was empty only a few seconds ago. The voices of men echoed through the shower rooms.  You could hear the sound of water turning on from neighboring shower stalls, laughter and tired conversation in the locker area. We were surrounded.
Shohei could be heard laughing with his mates while blocking the door to the shower room I was hiding in. 
“Are you using that, Sho? I could use a hot shower right now.” one of his teammates said. 
“Uh, no, I was just about to use this room, sorry.” he said, almost hesitating. After a few seconds, he entered the shower room and started undressing. 
I widened my eyes and shot him daggers. When he unhooked his shirt from his armholes, I was rendered speechless. 
He had the body sculpted by the gods with his wide shoulders and large pecs that glinted under the light. How could someone look handsome and beautiful at the same time? 
So when Shohei reached for the waist belt of his pants down, I didn’t know why I had choked on a silent scream. I looked away, embarrassed to have reacted like an inexperienced teenager. I have seen and have been with naked men before. This should be nothing new to me and my level. Or so I thought.
I stole a glance at Shohei, who was slowly walking towards me (or to the showerhead, where I stood under, obviously)  in only his boxers on, gazing at me in wild amusement.
We were almost inches apart from each other, foreheads almost touching, breaths almost converging, if you may. If I stand on my tiptoes, I would be almost at his eye-level and I could peck him on the lips if I wanted to. 
If I wanted to.
“Sorry, but I need to shower or someone else will try to take this stall.” His voice broke my salacious thoughts. He looked at me and turned the shower on.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m supposed to. Aren’t I? I just got off practice and I stink.” He said almost sarcastically.
“So I’m supposed to just watch you bathe and hope I get out here alive?” Water slowly dripped into my shirt, soaking my chest and exposing a bit of my underwear. 
“If you didn’t sneak in here, we wouldn’t have this problem.” He concluded and pursed his lips, not looking at me. 
“Shohei? You okay? You sound like you’re talking to someone.” a familiar voice floated into the shower room.
“It was a video on my phone that I forgot to pause, Ippei-san.” Shohei’s face turned red but recovered quickly, glaring at me. 
“Oh, well then, I thought you finally had a girl in there. I was wrong.” Ippei laughed.
Shohei started lathering body wash on his body at the slowest pace possible. His hands glided through his chest, stomach, and into the dick he’s restraining inside his boxers. Simply having this view had me almost whimpering. If it had been another day, I would have obviously enjoyed this, having a sexy man bathe in front of me, because who wouldn’t? But under my circumstances, I’m only fairly annoyed at being a flustered, hot mess and I couldn’t do anything about it. 
“Oh, fuck, now you got me wet.” I blurted a little loudly as the water splashed and got into my socks. 
Shohei’s widened and panicked eyes shot at me.
In between those short seconds, Shohei was able to respond quicker than my brain could. He had faked a laugh and said loudly, “Well, that’s awkward, the video keeps on playing on its own. Let me turn my phone off instead.” gaining laughter from outside the shower area and then reaching for the small of my neck and closed whatever space was seen between us. 
Based on what I had learned in self-defense training, my initial bodily reaction should have been this: If someone is coming at you from the front, a groin kick may deliver enough force to paralyze your attacker, making your escape possible. 1. Stabilize yourself as best you can. 2. Lift your dominant leg off the ground and begin to drive your knee upward. 3. Extend your dominant leg, drive hips forward, slightly lean back, and kick forcefully, making contact between your lower shin or ball of your foot and the attacker’s groin area.
Instead, when his lips touched mine, I felt my arms throw around his neck and pulled him closer. They say we’re all beggars for something, and this indulgence I had let myself be greedy for. 
When his lips reached mine, I parted like the Red Sea almost immediately, welcoming him and everything that he could offer: the taste of his tongue on my mouth, the smell of honey orange and apricot from his body wash seeping through my nose as I peppered kisses on his chest, and his obviously hard dick grinding against my stomach. When I palmed him, he managed a low growl and caught my wrists.
“Not here.” he groaned.
I pushed my head back inquiringly, both of us breathing too hard. 
“I have no condom,” he tucked a wet strand of hair behind my ear. Under the dim bathroom light, I could see his face and chest were flushed. “Next time?”
“Well, usually when two old friends meet after a fall out in college, they just catch up and have coffee.” I said.
He laughed and said quietly, “Okay, so I owe you.”
“The coffee or the protected sex?” 
“Uh, it could go a lot of ways.” Before he could say more, I palmed him through his boxer shorts and looked up at him, trying to find his limit.
Shohei bit his own lip and tugged the roots of my hair in a bundle, pulling and tugging from the pleasure. To keep himself from making such ungodly hot sounds, he pushed his tongue down my throat and thrusted his hips back and forth against my hand.
As if to make it even, he unclasped my bra and sucked on my already soaked breasts, a satisfied groan slipped from me. We both pulled and pushed and sucked and kissed each other in the crevices the shower splatters couldn’t reach, silencing the moans before it could escape us.  
In that brief and elating moment, while we muted the noise from unsuspecting people, we smothered each other’s groans and reached our highs in the quietest, most pleasurable way possible. 
7 minutes of heaven
It’s strange how I always find myself in the most ridiculous situations. 
The next few occasions that I’d meet Shohei would be wordless and timed interactions in enclosed spaces. We’d see each other in public and pretend we didn’t know each other but slip each other notes of the next place we’d secretly meet. It all felt strangely exhilarating to keep a secret like a fifteen year old would, with all the sneaking and running. 
We’ve explored almost every nook and cranny of the stadium, discovering hidden spots of our rendezvous. We’d meet up in a different bathroom and he’d push me on my back while he fucks me repeatedly on the bathroom sink. Pre-game preps meant I gave him blowjobs in his manager’s office hours and hours before everyone even arrived. 
Of course, when we ran out of places to hide, we’d go as far as looking for the next empty parking lot and tried to fuck each other noiselessly.
“So when can I take you out for dinner?” he had asked one day, when he dragged me out to meet with him around after midnight. I wouldn’t let him inside my apartment and I refused to do the deed in his either, so he’d bring me to places that only us knew, to fuck, to kiss, sometimes to talk, but more often, to drive each other’s pleasure and only that. 
Because god forbid we both catch feelings and lose the fun, right?
So no talking, no sharing of personal details, no anything. 
We were in an empty parking lot, away from the lampposts and streetlights. Shohei had made sure that we were well hidden in the dark. 
He had his legs spread while sitting on the driver’s seat. His hands, warm and wide, rested on my hips and thighs, lightly urging me to ride him slowly.
Soft RNB music played on the stereo, it was a quiet, still night. It was both our day off so he had wanted us to chill and take the sex slowly.
Slow meant gazing at each other’s eyes–gaze, not look–with endearment or adoration, not lust or pleasure. Slow meant thinking the unthinkable thoughts. Slow meant being vulnerable while coming undone.
And I don’t want the slow and quiet moments. I wanted the fast and rough with no time to talk, gaze or even think, just one hundred percent fun and debauchery. 
“Mmm. Maybe when you show me your photos,” I avoided the question but I also knew Shohei would never show me the photos he had taken–past and present. Even when we had been buddies for an entire semester, he had, not once, shown me his portfolio. 
“So probably never, right?” he gazed up at me with his creamy brown eyes, hands caressing my stomach lightly. 
“Probably,” I muttered and with that he had gripped my thighs tightly and moved his hips upwards to meet me. I moaned when he hit me in the right spots. Any sign of softness he had shown a few moments ago was gone, and only the roughness and unsettling disconnection remained. 
This particularly fine day, I would be standing at the mercy of his mouth. He had dragged me to an empty storage room in the east wing of the stadium, hours after practice. According to him, the area stands the exact opposite from the lockers so most people hardly come by. How he had found out about this, I had no idea. 
He was kneeling in between me, my right leg hooked on his shoulder, giving him more access and my hands tugged at the strands of his hair every time he licked my sensitive clit. 
Shohei’s tongue grazing against me had left me quivering in delight. He stands up and kisses me, giving me a taste. My fingers started unbuckling his belt when he felt his phone vibrate. 
“Oops, Ippei’s looking for me.” He pockets his phone, looking forlorn, as if telling me he didn’t really want to go yet. “See you again next time?”
“Yours or mine?” I had asked, brushing up and straightening my wrinkled dress. And when I realized what I had done, Shohei’s eyes shot up and he beamed widely. 
“I just– I- I want a proper night with sex, you know.” I explained, trying to sound nonchalant. “It’s so uncomfortable having to go commando at work after you had just literally sucked the life out of my vagina, Sho.”
“Mmm-hmm.” He smiled even more.
“What? Fuck off.” By this time, my face felt hot and had probably looked red like a tomato, which probably amused Shohei even more. 
“Your place, then. I’ll call you.” he gives me one last kiss then heads out first, leaving me a dazed and pulsating mess.
A shrill sound knocked me awake. It felt like seven thousand screaming hungry babies in my ear, bouncing off around my brain like a pinball. 
I looked at the digital clock on the bedside table and saw the time glinting behind the glass: 8:41 PM. I must've fallen asleep after taking a half day off from work, feeling nauseous and slightly feverish. It seemed that whatever body malaise that I have been carrying inside me earlier had sprung into a full-blown ailment.
 I pushed my body up and walked groggily to the source of my misery. 
Someone was buzzing the doorbell and repeatedly pounding on the door. Great.
“If you’re not dead or dying behind this door, you’re about to be.” I croaked harshly, throat burning; putting all my remaining energy in pulling the door open. I was greeted by an extremely tall man with frantic brown eyes, searching my face.
“Oh, thank fucking god. I’ve been knocking for half an hour.” he wrapped me in a tight hug, I almost collapsed. Partly because of the throbbing headache and overall discomfort that I already felt, but hugely because of the warm minty scent of Shohei Ohtani. 
“Jesus, you’re burning up!”
“What are you doing here?” I said, struggling in his grip, his face resting on the curve of my neck. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“You don’t text someone ‘at least i’ll die happy today knowing that my last meal was shoyu ramen’ and then not fucking reply after.” We were still standing by the entrance, his face now angled towards me, a look of concern or anger mixed in his face, I couldn’t tell. My cerebral cortex functions seemed to have shut down after witnessing this unexpected tenderness. 
“Medicine knocked me down cold.” I shrugged weakly. 
Shohei pulled me into the bedroom and tucked me back in, apologizing for his intrusion, putting down plastic bags of what seemed to be groceries on the kitchen counter, and went back to lightly scolding me for proper texting etiquette to family and friends, to anyone really. That my dark humor doesn’t translate well in messages and that I could have really died and people would think I’m joking but really, he got so scared that he went here as fast as he could.
I don’t remember much but in between fever dreams and my ibuprofen haze, I faintly remember the savory taste of rice porridge exploding in my mouth, the constant dabbing of a cold towel on my face, neck and chest, sometimes, my back, too; the smell of rubbing alcohol and a large, gentle, almost loving touch. 
I don’t remember much but in between waking up in the darkness and stone-cold silence, I remember soft forehead kisses until I drifted back to sleep; of big strong arms enclosing me into a big embrace, as if to tell me, you can put your guard down now. you are safe here. 
I don’t remember much from coming in and out of slumber, but I remember thinking: wouldn’t it be nice if this wasn’t a dream?
In the end, I quit sports media on my own volition and got into a friend’s ceramics house. I have always had a thing for ceramics and sculpting as early as college, where I had met my then-professor and now friend–who happens to be the owner of mentioned ceramics house. She had always praised me and encouraged me to join her when she first opened the shop, but as someone who had musings for writing at the time, I politely declined and pursued, you guessed it, journalism. 
I’ve always been good at writing, no doubt, from the way professors always had a good word for me, but I always seem to get into the wrong places every time. Time moves fast if you’re a journo, if you’re slow, then the news is rehashed news, it would just be a late-night recap at a midnight slot that no one is ever awake to watch. 
Here, inside her shop, it was quiet, and time moved slowly. I can get into my laziest clothes and no one bats an eye. I can finally retire my stilettos and straight cut blazers. 
It was all so going well. The customers were always mid-twenties who got interested in our social media marketing of creating your own mugs and other ceramics and always came in in groups, duos, and solos. 
Slowly, I realized that not everyone gets to the places they want. Even when you work blood and sweat for it. Not all were built like, say, Shohei Ohtani, whose talent was recognized early and afforded him an automatic slot in the big leagues.
Some are born to be big icons and some, like the rest of us, are meant for smaller, softer spaces. I get that now. It finally felt like I was in the right place and pace. 
All this positivity and good timing felt all too good to be true and been proven accurate when the scandal blew up. 
Shohei Ohtani photographed exiting his LA apartment with a woman in his arms.
Shohei Ohtani’s rumored girlfriend receives backlash from fans: READ MORE
EXCLUSIVE: More photographs of Shohei Ohtani and rumored girlfriend driving away in his Porsche
Rumored girlfriend of Shohei Ohtani: Who is She?
When I say it was everywhere, I meant it exploded right in front of our faces like a million confetti, falling and twirling fast. It was unstoppable. It was inevitable.
I felt my limbs go numb when I read the morning news. There in bold and black letters was the headline, my name and a clear photo of me holding Shohei’s arm, smiling. A certain news outlet had gotten juice of us and our secret hideouts and had spread all over social media like wildfire. You know what’s funnier? The media outlet that released this was my previous employer. The same company that asked me to snuff out a controversy. While I had failed to give them the news they wanted, I had unintentionally brought them an exclusive that wrote my entire name–and face–off the map and potentially ruined Shohei Ohtani’s clean record. 
Shohei Ohtani, despite his happy-go-lucky and passive demeanor, was a very serious and straight-laced person. I already knew this in university but I got to see more of this side of him when we had started the fucking thing. Even though I had clearly told him that I didn’t want any strings attached, it was unavoidable to give and receive bits and pieces of each other when we’re not naked. 
I  did enjoy talking to Shohei under the sheets. His ingenious ideas and the way he talked about the things he adored spilled all over him, like afternoon sunlight streaming in between curtains, making way even through the small spaces to cast his light. I basked into this warmth as much time allowed me, because who knows when I can experience the glow of his presence again after all the chaos. 
He was exactly like the golden hour: a warm afternoon orange luminescence that usually only stays for ten to fifteen minutes a day. If you wait too long to look up, he disappears quickly as he goes, leaving only the faint orange, yellow and pink hues chasing after him before the black of the night takes over you. 
Well, now the fairytale has run its course and the sun has set to announce that golden hour is over. Night has finally fallen on me and I’m feeling scared and alone.
The first thing I did was to grab as much stuff as I could and put them all in my luggage and filed for an indefinite leave. 
As if like clockwork, my phone rang and saw Shohei’s name on the caller ID. I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. What could I possibly say to him? That I used him just for the clicks and the views? That after all this time we spent together, he would realize that I am still the same despicable, scathing piece of garbage who’d trample on anyone just for a few cents?
So I don’t answer. Even when he calls back again and again and leaves me twenty or more messages by the hour. I turned my phone off. The latest message from Ohtani coming up on the notifications bar read, “Where are you?” before the screen flashed to black. 
I have nothing but my pride left. I’d like to keep it that way.  In such a way, I was embarrassed, too. I thought I finally had something to brag about. A job that I actually liked and enjoyed, a peaceful mind, and the possibility of liking a guy who had shown me nothing but kindness. 
And because I couldn’t handle all of this, I handled it like I have always handled things: I ran away like a coward. 
I rode a bus without reading its destination card and let it drive me away as far as it could, to someplace where no one knew me or Shohei Ohtani, or had any idea about the news. 
The bus drove away and I never looked back. 
Waiting Until My Spring Comes Again: Shohei’s POV
Just like that I lost her. She wasn’t even mine to begin with. 
When the news broke out, I was so furious that I wanted to drive to the news outlet that published the article and give them a piece of my mind. I knew my blind rage would have done more damage so I didn’t.
Instead, I looked for her and wanted to let her know that whatever happens, I won’t drop her just like that. That I’m willing to acknowledge the rumors and make it official, if she wanted to. 
I’ve always been open to the idea of taking it to the next level with her but every time I broached the subject, she would change the topic, get into a foul mood, or try to pick a fight with me. Which I found endearing. She’s so adorable when she pouts. And when she pushes her luck thinking a five foot four girl like her can withstand someone as tall as me. 
I just can’t help but laugh and feel a flutter in my stomach. She’s someone who has been adorable and held a special corner in my heart. 
Y/N’s face was so expressive and whatever emotion she was in it would always be evident on her face. When she’s happy, a dimple on her cheek shows up. When she’s feeling sad or down, she’d look downcast and would prefer that you leave her alone. When she’s thinking about something deep, she would chew on her lower lip and always had a blank almost unfocused stare. Despite her many faces, I’m sure as hell that I love all of them. I wanted to be by her side when all this shit happened, I wanted to see which face she was making. Is she pissed like I was? Is she sad? I wouldn’t know. The moment her number didn’t connect after I had tried reaching her, I already knew that she was avoiding me. 
I lost count of how many messages I had sent her, of how many missed calls and voicemails I left her. She was unreachable. She gave me her spare key so when I tried visiting her apartment, it was empty. 
She was gone. 
And only the traces of her lingered in her apartment. Her unwashed mug with leftover stale coffee was on the kitchen counter, specks of lipstick staining the mouth. Dirty clothes hanging on her bathroom door, forgotten and unwashed. The peachy scent of her purifier that always latches on to her clothes whenever we go out. Her unread books on her coffee table, some dog eared and annotated. 
Everything that I love about her is here except for her and I miss her. 
For the next couple of days, I dodged the media and focused on training, playing and practicing. Those three over and over again. I tried to not think about her and lose sleep because of her. An athlete’s wellbeing is connected to quality sleep. 
But she was everywhere I went. Pieces of her were scattered all over the places I avoided, and it was my fault really, for bringing her to places we usually hid. For hoping that someday, the secrets we hid would be our stories to tell. Now I just let her memories rot inside my heart, where she should be. 
I thought it would be easier when you just let it slip by but the more days that passed without seeing her, the more I feel a gnawing pain in my heart. She had sucked all my sunlight and took it all away with her. 
I want her back. 
My Answer is You
Eleven days. It took me nine days to realize running away was a bad idea. 
When I first got off the bus, I thought the place looked familiar. Turns out, I rode the bus to my hometown, to the very south and the last bus stop until it turned around to go back to the city. 
When I appeared in front of my mom–the first time in a long time–she had immediately said, “Did something in the city?”
The moment she asked, I broke down in tears. She shushed and consoled me while I cried like a little kid. Like the way I had bawled to her when my first boyfriend broke up with me, or when my love birds died from illness, the other from loneliness. 
It feels like I would die of loneliness, Mom. I had said.
Did he really say that? Did he tell you that it’s over? She cooed.
I was embarrassed to admit to my mom that no, Shohei had never told me anything because I had shut him out even before I could give him the chance. But what if that call was already the end of it all? What if answering his call meant exactly what I had thought. That would shatter me more. 
So, no, Mom, you can call your daughter a coward but in her heart, it’s all over. 
The next forty-eight hours at home was a blur. After feeding me with what feels like a day’s worth of homemade dishes, she made me wash the dishes, clean my old room, and the living room as well. And when that wasn’t enough, she made me go with her to the night market and bought whatever seafood she could find to feed me. 
Is this what you did when Dad left? I wanted to ask her. Did you go around acting as normal while nursing a wounded heart? Did you go all through that facade just to show me that you were strong for the both of us?
She had her back to me, her hands pale and creased with age, showing signs of passage of time and her hardwork to put me to school. I know she was trying to make me busy to keep my mind off of Shohei. I’m not sure if she fully understands the scandal but she was trying her best to keep my head above the water. Probably just like how she always did. 
I wish I was strong like you, Mom. 
On the fourth and fifth day, she had let me work under the sun harvesting corn. Which I absolutely despised. I had to wear sun hats and these jumpers to cover myself from the heat. 
“It’s cheap labor for letting you stay and eat my food,” she said when I complained. “Tomorrow, you’ll help me sell these at the market.”
As the days grew idly by, I’ve grown more accustomed to rising early and eating less meat and more vegetables. I willingly went out of the sun more to do housework, like hanging clothes, watering Mom’s plants, however, I was still not willing to harvest her vegetables, which she made me do a lot. When I say a lot, it means everyday since then. 
On the eleventh morning, I woke up earlier than usual and found my mom already awake. She busied herself with a cup of coffee. 
“Good morning, mom.” I yawned, grabbing my own mug. 
“After breakfast, pack your things and go back to the city.” She said quietly.
“Huh?” I’m not sure I heard her right. Is she kicking me out?
She pushed today’s newspaper into my hands and pointed at an article. An article shows a picture of Shohei smiling at the camera, behind him was a framed candid photo of me turning my head just in time when the camera clicked, I was wearing a sleeveless shirt, a shawl draped over my shoulders, and the wind blowing my hair and covering my face slightly. Just by looking at the photo, it looked like a time when Shohei and I drove to the beach. He had brought his camera and took a lot of photos. 
The article said, “Portfolio on Love: Shohei Ohtani’s Photographs Displayed for A Cause.”
“....and when the powerhouse athlete gets a day off, he plays around his camera and takes photos of anything, everywhere. He reveals Insider Today that for the first time ever, he is displaying his portfolio to the public at the Grand City Museum starting today until the 31st of the month, with the theme of “hello, love, are you there?”
“...’I don’t know how else to define love but this. I hope when the public sees this, they will instantly know that my photographs are a reflection of my love,’ he said.
“When asked if this was a confirmation to the rumors flying around recently, he just smiled sadly and said, "I'm hoping that this answers everyone’s questions, especially hers.”
“If your face is plastered on all of the newspapers, it wouldn’t make sense to stay here longer.” Mom said after a while. She had finished her breakfast and took them away to the sink.
“It doesn’t end well if you’re too afraid, my darling.” she said, not looking at me. “To love and to be hurt is to be brave. If it doesn’t work out after facing him, then by all means. Come home. My doors are always open for you. And I will feed you rice cakes while you harvest my corn.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. She wasn’t a hugger but welcomed my hug and patted me on the shoulders. “Now go, before all the chismosas wake up and corners you.”
I packed my bags and left home, my heart pieced back together. It was not wrong to go home and seek shelter. What I did wrong was leaving Shohei all alone when he took most of the fall. 
Five hours, one taxi ride, and a ten minute walk later, I arrived at the city museum, nervous, anxious, feeling a little lightheaded and hesitant. I wiped my sweaty palms and got inside. 
It was not as packed as I had expected, probably because it was a little over after lunch, though there was still a relatively big crowd overall. 
When I stepped into the hall featuring Shohei’s displays, I felt a surge of emotion. It was a collection of all the photographs of his loved ones. In a black and white collection, he had photographed his parents holding hands while walking in the snow, a photo of his dog sleeping idly on his couch, a photo of the football stadium in a wide angle shot, showing Ippei and the rest of his teammates playing a warm up game before practice. 
When I turned to a corner, that’s when I saw it. There were multiple frames hanging intricately on one side, showing all of the photos he took of me. One during university days, where I was showing him a strangely large eggplant during our photo walks at the market. There was another with me looking at him angrily for reasons I couldn’t remember, and a more recent one, in the middle, where he was holding my hand while I walked forward, back facing the camera. 
On the metal plate below were words that read in cursive: “2009–present. Moments of love that I hold dear.”
At that moment, tears had started rolling down my cheek and I couldn’t help but sob. The onlookers nearby started moving away, probably weirded out by the sudden burst of emotion over some piece of art.
They weren’t just pieces of art. These were moments when Shohei and I were together and maybe realized that it was love.
By then, someone on my left offered a handkerchief and I gingerly took it, wiping my tears-strewn face. I muttered an apology for ruining the fabric.
“This is not the first time someone cried in front of my photographs. Some were absolutely heartbroken after seeing them.” a man’s voice said. And that reeled me back as I turned around and saw Shohei standing in front me.
“I knew this would lure you back,” he said, smiling.
His face was a little gaunt and tired. He had dark circles around his eyes that I’ve never seen before. I could only look at him and he looked back. I had so many things I wanted to say to him, so many things I wanted to explain but he spoke first and said:
“Did you get a tan?” he started, raising an eyebrow.
“I-I was harvesting corn!” I said, covering my face with both hands. I didn’t even have the time to put on makeup or a swab of lipstick and that’s the first thing he notices.
He took my hands and held them tightly against his chest. “No one looks this beautiful even after harvesting corn.”
“Shut up,” I said looking away.
He tipped my chin and held my face. “Let’s start again, shall we?” 
I raised an eyebrow in question.
“Hi, my name is Shohei Ohtani. I’m an athlete and an amateur photographer sometimes. I’ve been in love with the girl in the photographs since forever.”
I managed a smile and laced my hands around his neck. “Hi, I’m a ceramics maker and sometimes, a farmer, you should see the corn I harvest. You look so familiar. I think you look like my future boyfriend.”
His eyes perked up and laughed at our silly little game. He went in for a kiss and I obliged, feeling safe and brave in his arms.
Let them take the damn photographs and write the articles all they want, but they could never take my sunshine away ever again. 
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faeirtopia · 5 months
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ʚɞ ; the first night with shohei!
pairing! boyfriend!shohei x gn!reader.
warnings! heavy mentions of sex.
it’s going to be a very special night for the both of you. he’ll make sure of that because he loves you.
it was a few months into the relationship, almost a year and he knew the both of you were ready to move onto the next step.
why it took that long? he wanted to respect you and show you just how much he loved you first.
you meant the world to him and he was definitely going to show you that!
romantic but not overly the top romantic which can be overwhelming at times.
you both had just finished dinner and he wanted to watch a few episodes of his favorite anime with you.
those few episodes turned into only one because he just couldn’t keep his hands off your body.
he’d have you in his lap while his large hands roamed and his lips found your own.
this isn’t where he wanted to have you though, so he quickly stopped and told you to wait there.
he rush upstairs to light a few candles that gave off a vanilla or wood scent because that’s his favorite.
maybe even spray himself a few times so he knew he smelled good for you.
once he finally had you in the room and in his arms, he’d shut and lock the door.
he was soft with you although he wanted badly to be a bit rough especially once seeing your nude form. he just couldn’t help himself at that point.
roughly pulling you against his large frame and kissing you in a much rougher manner than before.
most definitely would tell you that he loves you every chance he got which was a lot.
“look at you, you’re so perfect baby. I’m so lucky.”
the eye contact would be bewitching. he’d never want to break it with you because he finds the shine in your eyes so beautiful.
“does that feel good, hm baby? speak up.”
it’s the first night, he’d want to do a few rounds and in different positions with you.
his favorite? when you ride him. he didn’t realize he’d love it so much until you asked to ride him.
so now be prepared for him to always ask you.
“that’s it baby, yes, god you ride me so well.”
would make sure that you come first and you’re feeling your best before him.
asks for permission if he can slap, pull, or manhandle you in any way to make sure it’s okay.
the aftercare would be absolutely amazing.
he’d do everything he could and can to make sure you’re okay after all the rounds.
after the care? holds you so close to his chest and tells you how much he loves and adores you.
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mandyarin · 4 months
Spring has come to me
Shohei Ohtani x Reader (female pronouns)
Synopsis: A story of love between the team physician and the superstar of the team.
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Author's note: Hey y'all this is my first ever fic! I have been reading fics since forever and have been contemplating on making my own for the longest time and well my first piece is dedicated to Shohei Ohtani, since not much people write for this talented gorgeous man, I figured why not. Feedbacks are highly appreciated, altho pls don't be mean :< i didn't check for grammar or punctuation mistakes so I'm sorry for dat :>> there might also be some mistakes abt team technicalities and dynamics sooo :3
Working as part of the Dodgers' medical team was not really the dream but the opportunity was dropped into your lap and you'd be a fool not to take it. Spring training has started but not everyone on the team has been on the field as consistently as the star player of the team, Shohei Ohtani. Without fail he has been on the stadium even before beginning spring training. As part of the medical team you have been corresponding closely with the rehabilitation personnel that works closely with the players, most notably Shohei. It was slightly different from working in a hospital but certainly a lot less work and stress. Although the higher ups breathing down your neck making sure the star was going to be alright might be causing you a headache. You weren't much for baseball or sports in general, what with being an over achiever who seeks validation through academics, never having much extra curricular unless it involves the academe, despite that though, you have certainly heard of the name Shohei Ohtani and the ripples of his achievements.
You were at your office, contemplating the best course of care to be administered to common baseball injuries and rehabilitation, personalized treatment, the best apparatus to use. Your mind running through every possible scenario and making contingency plan for each. Not only is your skill and credibility as a professional on the line but also a player's professional career. Everything has to be perfect. Nothing more, nothing less.
A knock came through the door, "Come in" you called.
"Hey would you like to meet the players? They're out on the field right now, I figured we introduce you", Called out a staff member as he entered through the door.
"Yeah, sure. Let me just save this and I'll be right out."
There wasn't much distance to walk out on the field, you see the long stretch of players talking amongst themselves, stretching, checking out their equipments.
"Alright, everyone listen up. This is the new team physician joining us this season. She will be corresponding with the medical staff and personnel in ensuring the best care and treatment for every single one of you. She is one of the best in orthopedics. I expect that you guys will heed her advices regarding to your health." The team manager gathered everyone near him and had me introduce myself to everyone present.
Everyone had the opportunity to introduce themselves, accompanied by a handshake. Soon it was the superstar's turn. A hand that shook yours in greeting, dwarfing it in his roughed up hand. He gave you a smile that reached his eyes, you like his eyes, you decide. Like crescent moons as he gives a slight chuckle.
It wasn't all that hard to get occupied with Shohei's matters, you had to correspond with his surgeon about his recent surgery, you had to be in constant communication with the physical therapist in charge of him and you had to plan and administer the best care for his current state. One might say that you are too focused on him despite being the team physician but that is just the effect of having a $700 million player in your care. Not a thing spared if it's for his well-being. Besides he's the only player in the current roster with the most recent surgery done and you'll be damned if he's not good to go when the season starts.
Being in close proximity with him made you realize things about him. The talent he has and the grit he puts in everything he does on the field makes him the amazing player that he is, you have not seen someone as dedicated as he was in their craft. He's meticulous in his actions, moves with intention. Careful and purposeful. When he is off the zone, his laughter rings, albeit like a hyena. Wide smiles and the carefree way he carries himself. So carefree but so sure. You have never seen him look like he was out of place in his new team. He always looked like he belonged where he is, wherever might that be. An energy so magnetic but the type of magnetism that pulls you in slowly, carefully, like a smooth caress and then when you least expect it you were pulled into his orbit and you were none the wiser.
It started when he would be in your space. Rushing towards you as he finishes his set, like he has a special radar that is exclusively for you. Whether you're observing him or the other players or talking to other staff members. Nothing will stop him from going to you. Smiling down at you with a boyish smile, engaging you in conversations like "What have you been up to?", "Are you here to supervise?", "Are you here to see me?", "I'm gonna practice my batting today, can you check my form?". It flustered you at first but it has been such a common occurence that it has failed to phase you anymore.
Then, he would message you outside working hours. Sending pictures and videos of his adventures with Dekopin, fully taking advantage at the fact that you are weak for cute animals. You guys would talk about the everyday mundane things like the weather, food, hobbies and many other things. Then came more personal questions that dug deeper to reveal more of each other. A peek inside this amazing athlete, the person inside. Grasping the melancholy he feels, the little joys in his days, the trepidation that tomorrow brings, the pressure of the pedestal that he was put on. He seemed a little more human, a little more relatable. A little more like a boy who dreamed big and is now living it but still grasping at what was lost.
Then came the invites. Inviting you outside working hours for food, hanging out at his home, tagging along at Dekopin's vet appointments and anywhere else you could think of. Of course, there is definetely skepticisms and wariness with all these invites. He was a man who has his whole country watching him through the media's lenses, whether it be from reputable sources or the tabloids. For him to be seen with a woman was a sentence. Sentenced to be lump into rumors and gossips. The man of the hour and his partner. It was a headline just waiting to happen. But you reasoned with yourself. Surely they are aware that you are one of the team physicians, right? Surely they'll think it's just an appointment outside working hours, a bit unconventional but people wouldn't think you guys are together, right? Right. No one will think so. You were just a team doctor hanging out with one of your team's player, nothing more. You said in your head like a mantra, as you accept his offers to go out. Truly hoping for it to be the case.
The realization came to you on a quiet night. You didn't mind the closeness of Shohei, you didn't mind that he would come running to you whenever he sees you, in fact you enjoyed seeing him jog to you and grace you with that ever so handsome smile of his. He fills your head with mindless ramblings and chats, you think you would hate it since you have learned to value silence as your companion but you found out you didn't. His voice and presence now accompanies you too. You found that you didn't mind being linked to him. You didn't mind if your face or name will be plastered on a headline on Japanese newspapers or tabloids by tomorrow. You didn't mind people writing about you and your relationship. It really doesn't matter. What matters is if he is happy, it matters if he is comfortable with you accompanying him to whatever and wherever and well, he is happy, he is comfortable. What matters is that you love him. You have learned that Shohei has wormed his way to your heart slowly but surely and he is there to stay, taking hold of a chunk of your heart. Ready to hold his hand tightly and face the world. Courageously love and be loved.
Shohei was intrigued by you, you were young, the youngest physician he has seen on the team and yet you managed to be one of the best orthopedic in the country and landing a job at Dodgers, well he might have also been struck by your outwardly appearance and honestly he isn't shy to admit that. You are beautiful.
You are a constant presence in his training, checking up on him and the others, taking special care of him and his recent surgery. He noticed how you're a little stoic, maintaining that air of professionalism like an armor, your brilliance showing through the improved physical care of the players and everyone surely took notice of it. But you were also coy, giving him small smiles or chuckles when he finds courage to talk to you or when you're assisting him on his rehab exercises, putting slight pressure on his forearms and chest, eyes shyly meeting his. It never fails to makes his heart flutter like a teenager.
You had a strong wall built around you, from past hurt, perhaps? He doesn't know but he vowed to himself that he will do anything to break it down or climb his way up over to you. Meticulously planning everything to give his heart and to have yours.
Shohei figures that you love cute and loveable things and he thinks Dekopin could be the best wingman for the job. He was cute and loveable, the perfect tool, the perfect excuse to message you. He knows you couldn't resist and from then on he would talk and talk until you'd answer, he didn't mind waiting he knows you're busy and he knows you might not be used to it. It's okay he'll glady start the conversation if it means getting to talk to you. He's patient and he will wait until you come around. The conversations turn personal at one point and he saw a little more of you. The anxious, perfectionist that is a tad bit hard on herself. A tortured genius, if you will. He can sympathize with you in that regard, with both being young people on such peaks of successes, people from your respective fields waiting on your next moves, ready to pounce when the chance arises. It's exhausting but he figured he wouldn't mind being exhausted together.
Shohei knows he's always being watched, he knows paparazzi are lurking at corners near the stadium, near his home, and wherever places he frequents to. He admits it is a little selfish of him to invite you to his home, or wherever outside work. He knows there is a big possibility of getting caught and photographed but he couldn't give a damn. He doesn't care if people speculates about his romantic life if it is with you. He doesn't mind giving out a statement that you and him are at a stage of getting to know each other. He doesn't mind declaring to the world that he only has eyes for you. He knows he's selfish, the press might hound you and pick you apart so he's careful when inviting you out. Always at odd hours, using an unusual and discreet car, making sure to cover your face when arriving and leaving his home. Yes, he is selfish but he is not to put you in any kind of pressure and danger. He cares about you too much to be too selfish.
On a perfect breezy midnight of spring he received a call from you, asking him if he was awake. His heart quickens, mouth dries a little, he answered you "Yes", with a light waver in his voice.
"Alright, wait for me, I'm coming over."
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. Be safe."
His heart stutters in his chest, you have never called him first, never initiated on coming to his house, he was a little scared but your voice seems resolute like there is something that has to be done and he hopes deep deep in his heart that it is what he think it is.
You came knocking on his door after a few minutes and Shohei almost falls over trying to get to the door to get you. And there you were in your full glory, a little disheveled in your most comfortable sweater and sweats. The breeze caressing your hair, your skin. Shohei can't believe that he starts to get a little jealous of the way the breeze kisses you and be so upclose to you. You also take him in, in his loungewear shorts and thin sweatshirt, tousled hair and a slight pink tint to his full cheeks.
"May I come in?"
He's stunned for a little bit then clears his throat and replies, "Of course, come on in. Don't mind the mess Dekopin just destroyed another one of his toys".
As you guys shuffled inside his home, the air stills and there's an undeniable tension between the two of you. Shyly meeting each other's gaze for a minute and like magnets you draw towards each other. Timidly, you put your hands against Shohei's chest, both your hearts jumping out of your ribcages at the action.
"Is this okay?", you asked looking up at him through your eyelashes. Eyes flitting between his eyes and his lips. Shohei noticed the action and wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing you impossibly closer to him, he needs to feel you, he needs to feel your skin on his, your breath on his skin, your lips on his.
"Yes", he replied as he carefully places one of his hand on the back of your head. Slowly inching towards your lips.
"Is this also okay?", he asked lips almost touching yours as he spoke. You didn't waste your time and finally have your lips meet in a sweet embrace that slowly deepened into a dance of lips flitting at each other. The kiss was sweet and sensual, just like him, you think. The kiss was everything the both of you have hoped for. A kiss that says everything and a kiss that seals everything. You finally break away from each other to catch your breath, but lips still touching each other, exhanging breathes, panting on each other's lips.
"Thank you for being patient with me. I love you." You said to him, lips touching his as you speak. He gives you a long peck.
"I'll be here always waiting for you, I love you too. I love you." He utters to you sweetly, saying the last part in his native tongue. Conveying all the love he has in those words. He hopes that you can feel his sincerity, if not then he'll just have to show it to you every time until you can feel it.
Truly, spring has come and bloomed love both to you and Shohei.
A/N: I've been inspired by what the phrase "Spring has come" mean to both Korean and Japanese language ik its not yet spring but yeah I just rlly wanted to write about this. Hope you guys enjoyed it <3
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leclucklerc · 4 months
Against the World SO17 - Prologue
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Pairings: Shohei Ohtani x Reader
Summary: Y/n and Shohei's journey started in high school. A place where the both of them found themselves thrusted into the spotlight without warning.
Word count: 2.8k
Masterlist Next
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Her friends told her that their relationship work was because how busy they are.
It’s because the both of them are really successful in their own respectful field. That the both of them are both really dedicated to their own craft and realized that time and effort is essential to keep improving themselves. That both love their works so much, making them both really busy and in the end-
Their relationship works because of that.
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They met in high school.
Y/n likes to think that it’s fate, their meeting that is.
L/n Y/n was born from a Japanese mother and an American father. She doesn’t know much of her dad, considering he left her mom when he realized she was pregnant with his child. Y/n doesn’t really care. It’s not hard to forget a man that had never been in your life to begin with.
The same thing couldn’t be said to her mother.
After all, the woman had been heartbroken. She had given her heart, her young adult years, her dedication, for a man that decided that she’s not worth it. She had given him everything, only to be left with a child that he doesn’t want.
Maybe that’s the start of her resentment towards the man that had never been there. To see the woman that had raised and loved her staring longingly at the only picture that she has of the man. To see the woman closed her heart tightly. Never letting anyone to enter anymore.
To see the woman who had been so strong to raised her as a single mother in the midst of the Japanese society that had never looked her situation favorably.
Born and raised in Iwate, Japan, Y/n thought that she will grew up in this small city forever. She never really has an ambitious or big dreams to chase. From the start, she’s content with her life. A loving mother, a comfortable house, and friends to play with.
That is, until she was scouted as an idol during her first year of middle school.
If she must be honest, she had never really had an interest to become an idol. Nor had she put much thought when she said yes to the guy that scout her. It was a spur of a moment thing, where Y/n doesn’t really have much going on about her life.
The idol industry in Japan started young after all. Much younger than any other idol industries all around the world. She figured there’s no harm in trying and if in the end she doesn’t really like it, she can just quit considering that she still have her whole life before her.
She really didn’t expect the world of glitz and glamour. The kind of world that she’s not familiar with where she’s nothing more than an object to be idolized by someone. Where she has to put up a smile 24/7 on her face as she dance and sing in front of a crowd of people that really should be doing something better than obsessing a 13 year old girl.
Though alas, Y/n fell in love with the stage.
The bright light, the light that shone upon her, and the screams of adoring fans. The way her voice resonated across the air as she captured every pair of eyes, all of them focusing on her. All of them, putting all their attention to her.
For a girl that always craved love and validation all her life – an absentee father and a mother that is too busy - It really doesn’t take her long before she starts to love all of those. To start loving that aspect of being an idol and her life.
The stage is her first love. It’s something that will never fail to bring out a smile across her face. Something, that she could see doing years onwards.
But of course, life is not that perfect. What with her debuting under a small company amidst the already packed idol scene in Japan, it doesn’t take long for the company to put her into a hiatus. A hiatus is the fancy term, considering the company is basically trying to find an investor that’s crazy enough to invest their money on the not famous idol Y/n . 
And well, no one wants to.
Her latest album sales are less than 1000. The same thing could be said to her most recent fan meeting where almost no one showed up. Her company too realized the failing potential of her idol career, that’s why they’re putting her in the so-called hiatus. 
Her dorm room was taken too, considering how tight money is. Not wanting her to live on the company practice room or even the streets, Y/n was sent home back to Iwate.
Compared to Tokyo, Iwate is a quiet town. It’s the town where she was born and spent her childhood in and yet, it feels almost unfamiliar. She’s not used to the dark streets without the colorful billboards and various advertisements. She’s not used to the mountain scenery without any tall building disrupting her sight.
She’s not used to this. 
This uncertain future of hers. These signs that keep on showing. Showing her that it's time for her to give up on her hopeless dream. That there's no way she can succeed as a celebrity and capture the heart of many.
"I don't want to go to school," she had said to her mother, finger playing with the food in front of her. "So many people knows that I left Iwate for Tokyo to become an idol... if I went back now people will laugh at me."
"And what?" asked her mother, voice a bit firm. "Leave your education?"
Y/n went quiet at that.
She knows that her already doomed future will become more doomed if she choose to leave her higher education without a good reason. A university graduate could hardly get a decent job after all. What can a high school drop out do?
"You finish your school," said her mother again. "Finish high school at least. We can talk about university later."
The start of her high school life is bleaker than ever.
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Her earliest memory is of her and her mother watching a baseball game late at night.
She remembered being excited, considering for the first time ever her mother had let her to stay up way passed her bedtime. Her mother had told her earlier, with a pretty and yet secretive smile, that she has something to show her.
Y/n is excited. Practically bouncing at her feet as she stared at the bright television screen in front of her. There’s a baseball game in front of her. Of the cheering crowds and the colors of the teams splattered across the screen.
“Y/n-chan,” breathed out her mother, also entranced as her arm wrapped around the younger’s smaller girl. “Baby, look,” she said as she pointed towards one of the man who was walking to the field, bat in hand. “That’s your dad.”
Dad, is a foreign concept for the young girl.
She had never met her dad before, and yet, her mother had told her countless of stories about the man. Y/n practically knows almost nothing about the man and yet at the same time, she knows everything to know about regarding the man.
The man on the screen has a small frown on his face as he went into his batting position. His mother let out an entranced gasp as the crowd started to grow wild when the pitcher too, went on about his pitching motion. And without further ado, the crowd went absolutely wild when the man hit off a homerun almost immediatelt.
“Oh my god!” yelled the older woman, practically hugging Y/n. “Oh my god!”
Y/n blinked. “What’s going on?” asked the girl, turning her head towards the older woman. “Is it a good thing?”
“It is baby!” exclaimed the woman as she smothered plenty of kisses on y/n’s face. “Your father had just won the world series!”
That was the first time she ever heard about the world series and her early introduction to baseball. At first, she was excited. After all, who won’t be after discovering that your father is a world famous baseball player? That your father is just someone so cool?
And then she realized why she never see her father.
Y/n was nine when she watched an interview that her father did. An interview that he did with his family. His family that’s not y/n and her mom.
She watched as the little girl around her age sat on her father’s lap, smiling widely with a pretty dress that y/n wished she could own. She watched as the woman besides her father laughed, hand looped around the man arm as the woman who’s definitely not her mom gave her father a small peck on his cheek.
She watched this picture perfect little family laughed and joke inside her screen.
It made her felt a bit empty. She had asked her mother countless of time why they never sees her father. Something that the older woman had never answered directly. It was always a “we’ll see him soon,” or “he’s a really busy man.”
Well, now she knows why she never sees her dad.
Her relationship with baseball grows a bit complicated at that.
To be precise, she really doesn’t have any personal vendetta towards the sport. Though, being reminded about your absent father every time she see the sport is an unpleasant feeling. To know that your father doesn’t care about you or your mom every time she sees someone playing baseball is something that she hates.
Growing up trying to avoid baseball in a country like Japan is a hard thing. Baseball is a national sport here so encountering the sport on a daily basis is not something uncommon.
Y/n hates it. She hates the fact that her father made her hates baseball. She hates the fact that her father cheats on his own wife. She hates the fact that her father doesn’t care about her or her mom. She hates the fact that baseball reminds her of her useless existence. That y/n is an unwanted child born out of wedlock.
She hates it so so much.
Though, as she stared at her new high school, she started to question many things.
“Why did I choose this school…” she muttered as she saw the large banner being displayed in front of the school building. A banner that’s congratulating the school baseball team on entering Koshien.
Turns out, her new high school, the Hanamaki Higashi High School, is a school famous for their baseball team.
Y/n really does have a rotten luck.
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"Didn't you go to Tokyo to become famous?" asked the girl in front of her.
Y/n let out an awkward laugh. "I'm on a hiatus," she said. "I want to pursue my education first before continuing my career," continue the girl, lying boldly.
The girl laughed at that. "Well it's great to have you back!" she said. "Can't believe we have a celebrity on our midst!"
Said girl let out an awkward laugh at that. The opening ceremony had just began and there's countless of eyes on her. She should've been used to this, all the prodding and curious stare that's being directed towards her way.
And yet, she can't help but hate the feeling.
She could almost feel all the judging look and the raised eyebrow. She doesn't know how many of them would belief her lie of deciding to pursue her education over her career but she hates it nonetheless.
Y/n wants to hide.
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She first met him as they were assigned to sit together.
Before then, she had known who Shohei Ohtani is, considering his hulking height. The teen had stood out like a sore thumb during the new student orientation, towering every single student. Ema, who is considered tall in a Japanese standard, had to crane her head up to see his face.
Besides that, Y/n too, had heard the whispers about him.
Apparently, Ohtani-san is a really good baseball player. Like, really good. During his middle school days, it seems that he had set some kind of record that made many famous baseballs school wants to recruit him. The reason why Ohtani-san chose their school? Who knows. All they know is that the baseball club head coach had jumped in joy when he realized the potential that Ohtani-san has. While of course their school too boast an amazing baseball program, it can’t be compared to those from a big city like Tokyo or Hokkaido. 
All in all, Y/n impression on his is that Ohtani-san is a really quiet guy.
While Ema is all about cheerful greetings and wide smile, Ohtani-san is all about prolonged silence and deep gaze. If the both of them are colors, Y/n would be a bright yellow while Ohtani-san will be a drab grey. Not too bright, and yet, he’s not that closed off from those around him.
Admittedly, they didn’t talk much. Y/n had tried to talk to him, several times in fact, but the answer had always been short and clipped. During class too, he had only ever passively followed along the lesson. Never tried to answer an open question or be the one to come in front to answer a problem.
The only time she had ever see him alive is when he’s playing baseball.
When the bell rings, Ohtani-san would be brightened considerably as he almost immediately shot past the door with his bag. Once, she had asked one of the baseball club members about it.
“He’s always been the first one on the field,” answer one of them. “And the last one to leave.”
Y/n hummed at that answer.
She had thought their relationship will always be like that. The amicable seatmates that don’t really talk much with each other but didn’t bother each other as well. That is, until the next seat rotation at the end of the semester. 
“Oh,” said Y/n, arriving at her designated seat. “Ohtani-san, we’re together again,” she said with a smile.
Ohtani-san looked up from his phone screen before he’s scrambling to hide it from her point of view. He looked a bit embarrassed at that. “L/n-san,” he answered after managing to gather his bearings for a bit. “Yes, um…”
He trailed off at that, seemingly unsure on what to response. Y/n doesn’t really mind as she took her seat. The girl gave the male a polite smile before she reached out for her bag, taking a fashion magazine that she had brought today.
There’s a casting for this clothing brand model… Maybe Y/n could try that?
Or maybe should she audition as a voice actor? But she thinks it will be hard to transition back to a singer if she does that.
She really doesn’t want to give up her dream to become a celebrity though. Should she try online auditions? Like in South Korea or-
“L/n-san,” called out Ohtani-san, catching her attention. They had been sitting silently for almost 10 minutes at this point, waiting for the morning bell to ring. Y/n never thought that the baseball player will strike up a conversation with her.
“Hm?” she answered with a smile on her face, a bit distracted, looking away from the magazine in front of her. “What’s up?”
He looks hesitant at first, opening and closing his mouth afterwards before he thrusted his phone towards her. It’s a recording of a baseball game.
“I… I was watching a game last night,” he started before pressing the video to play. In it, someone is doing the first pitch. “I was wondering if this was… really you?”
She stared at the phone screen in front of her. Dark eyes staring at the girl who’s doing the ceremonial first pitch with her long dark hair half hidden with the team’s cap.
It’s her. Y/n knows it’s her.
After all, that instance had been one of the highest peaks of her career. One of the baseball teams, the tigers, had asked her to throw the first pitch on one of their home games. Truthfully, considering her popularity, the only reason that she had gotten that gig was because the general manager of the team is her company’s ceo cousin. Back then, when it was her that’s going to throw the first pitch, no one knows who Suzuki Y/n was.
The cheers were minimal, but Y/n doesn’t really care. After all, it’s an honor for her to do that. 
No matter how her feeling is towards baseball – or, like, MLB – baseball is, the number one sport in Japan. For a failed celebrity like Y/n, to be able to throw the first pitch in one of the first-class team league in Japan is a sign of success.
Considering how much of a baseball geek Ohtani-san is, she really should’ve expected him to realize her job.
Answering him, she let out a large grin. “Yeah, it’s me,” she answered, leaning forward towards the desk. “Really cool right?”
Ohtani-san flushed before he nodded his head. “… Yeah,” he let out. “I didn’t know you’re… famous.”
“Not many knows that” she let out a chuckle. “I’m a bit of a failed idol, you know.”
The other teen furrowed his brows. “That can’t be it,” he said, tilting his head. “You did the first pitch for the Tigers.”
“Eh, it’s all about nepotism, Ohtani-san.”
He still doesn’t look unconvinced. 
“… I searched for your videos,” said the baseball player after a while. “Last night, to make sure that it’s really you.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow at that. “You did?”
Ohtani-san nodded his head. “Yeah,” he let out before showing his phone screen towards her. It was one of her music video. The most recent one actually. “And, um… you were amazing. I really thought that you’re a famous star when I watched you perform.”
That- that warms here. Unexpectedly.
"You do?" she asked.
"Yes," replied the male without missing a beat. "I thought that it's amazing that you can perform like that despite so many eyes staring at you! I- um, I'm a nervous person naturally... so I really won't know what I should do if I were on your position."
She had heard people praises her performance many times. That if only she didn’t debut under such a small company, she would’ve been a star in the industry. Usually, she would’ve responded those praises with her automatic smile. Thanking them for the praise before humbling herself down.
Usually, such praise won’t make her heart skipped a beat.
Maybe it’s the sincere look on his eyes, or how he sounds as If he’s utterly convinced at that statement. She doesn’t really know. All she knows that simple praise opens up the gate of friendship between the two of them.
“Thank you,” she said, letting out a huge smile. “That really means a lot.”
Ohtani-san let out a smile at that too.
"Though, don't you have many people watching your baseball games?" asked the girl.
The male's cheeks warmed a bit at that. "Uh- um... if it's during games I would be too focused at the game itself so I won't notice anything besides it."
"I see," said the female. “So, who’s your favorite player at the tigers cause I got a lot of autographs from them-“
After that, Ohtani-san became Ohtani-kun. And Ohtani-kun, became simply Shohei.
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btrflypov · 8 months
[♡] “he’s your best friend, you know that right?”
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shohei ohtani x fem!reader
when lars invited you to his housewarming party, you were praying to every god not to see him there. but unfortunately, the angels were in town playing the cardinals that weekend. you didn’t hate shohei, the fact that he knew every inch of your body made hating him impossible. one second, you were greeting everyone in the kitchen, and the next, you were in an unknown bedroom with his hands around your waist.
"lars is going to kill us when he finds out" you whisper once he locks the door to the bedroom. the kisses he leaves on your neck are extremely tempting, and you whine as he slowly pushes you towards the bed until you fall into it carefully with him on top of you. "i just want to make you feel good, please." he tells you while caressing your thighs, all of his touches had yet to distract you from the reasonable side of what was going on. however, you're in a very vulnerable position, with your dress pushed up over your cleavage as a result of his sneaky fingers. you knew what he was up to the second he started guiding you towards a more private corner of the house, and you were undoubtedly done for. you hated doing this to lars, but then again, you couldn't deny the things you were currently feeling.
"i promise no one will find out; we'll be there in a second." his long fingers gently holding your waist. with a smirk on your face, you started tracing his spine, but you're still hesitant. you wanted to be a good friend, and having sex in someone else's bed and home wasn't going to help. especially if that someone was getting hurt in the midst of this all.
“he likes me and he’s your best friend, you know that right? we can’t keep doing this to him.” you slap his fingers that are trying to unzip your dress. you're still uncertain, but you smile as you see him annoyed with the zipper on your dress. this is so shohei; the way his japanese slightly slips out his voice as he groans to you, his lips pouting, and how he wasn't going to let you leave from under him no matter what, his hands were now busy holding your hips in place. "he trusts you. nothing's going to happen. i promise. we'll be out in 10 minutes." his fingers are already at the hem of your underwear, gently going through it.
"fine. but this cannot keep on happening." you roll your eyes and your hands instantly pull the neck of his shirt towards you, his face finally being close enough for you to bring your lips together in a heated kiss.
"try to stay quiet" you groan when you feel his lips against your jaw moving towards your neck, as his hands desperately take off your underwear. and it brings shivers to your skin once his fingers touch your skin.
lars and the party long forgotten.
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swiftsmlb · 11 months
dating shohei ohtani includes…
authors note: my first post on here!!! i hope you like this!
shohei ohtani x fem!reader
warnings: none!
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being mike trout’s younger sister and meeting him at one of your brother's games
the two of you hitting it off immediately and shohei asking you out
surprisingly mike accepts the relationship
supporting him through everything
cuddles (LOTS OF THEM)
shohei being the big spoon (but we all know sometimes he likes to be the little spoon)
shohei loves when you run your fingers through his hair.
he doesn’t like pda much- but he loves cheek kisses
shohei loves to spoil you
shohei supporting you and loving everything you do
him having a story highlight on instagram just for you
shohei loves to post photos of you
talking about you in interviews
finally asking you to marry him, in such a cute way
being the cutest couple. (THE MLB COUPLE)
shohei loves when you wear his clothes, especially his hoodies
shohei calling you “baby”, “princess”,
plant parents
having a necklace of his initials
you being his world
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shoheiii-showtime · 1 year
Showtime 🪼
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Nsfw: if your a minor run for your life please and thank you
I have written in the past but I have never done Shohei so bear with be and sorry for any spelling mistakes I never have much time to write sorry in advance 🫡
Summary: you wanted to go out and support Shohei at has games and cheer for him but it wouldn’t be exciting if you didn’t tease him a bit.
Song: Stay ready- Jhené Aiko
Summer games were always exciting getting to get out of the house and watch the game and now that you and Shohei were married things were different. He always dictate a pitch to you and you were his lucky charm according to him. Just before the game started you were in the dugout with him he was going over his game plan they were playing the brewers and let’s just say last game got a little messy so this time he was determined to win.
“Shohei am 99% sure you got this is bag” you smiled at him. “I know but there is always the one percent” he said. “Well how about if win you get a special prize” you winked at him. He grabbed your waist and pulled you close while he sat down on the bench “And what would that prize be Mrs. Ohtani?”. You knew Shohei always wanted kids but since he was always out and about you never found time to try for kids and why not now. You leaned down and whisper in his ear “Well if you win all let you in me and do whatever want, and am not on the pill so maybe all let you try for a mini Shohei”. The look on his face was priceless Shohei was relatively inocente so he was bright red from ear to ear. “What happened Mr. Ohtani cat got your tongue” you said with your devilish little laugh. He stood up towering over you leaned down and whispered “ Well you better be prepared because am not going to stop in till am sure this another Ohtani inside of in you” now this time he was having the fun messing with you. Mike yelled “Come on Ohtani we got a game to play!!” Shohei gave you a kiss and he headed to the field and you headed to the stands but before you could Mike stoped you “Come on y/n you know there is so making out in the dugout” he said teasing you. “Oh shut it Trout” you threw his hat him “You better not lose this time Trout get your head in the game” you said walking out of the dugout “whatever” he said chuckling.
The game felt like hours you just kept replaying what Shohei told you. You kept seeing Shohei looking over at you winking and he had this stupid smirk on his face. But at last the game came to a end and he kept his word and they took the win you meet Shohei back at home and he got there a little before you did. Once you got there and put down your bag you felt him come up behind you and push you against the wall. “Now it’s time for me to have some fun” he whisper. He swiftly picked up and took you to yours guys shared room Shohei was usually soft lover but this time we was more rougher with you. He pinned you down to bed and kissed your roughly while he did that you snaked your hand down and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He was so focused on you he didn’t realize what you were doing until you began to touched his member. He tensed up and reached for your hand “Nun uh you started this so am gonna finish it” he said in a soothing voice. He unbuttoned the Angels jersey you were wearing and unbuttoned your jeans leaving you just in you bra and panties. He unbuttoned his shirt and boy it was a sight to see he was built even through this wasn’t the first time his muscular body it never failed to make you drool over him. He swiftly took off the remainder of him clothes and let his member free you can tell he has been worked up for a while there was already pre cum leaking out. He took your bra and panties off effortlessly. We was gonna tease you but he was way to worked up this time.
Without warning he went straight into you “Fuck Shohei” you were clawing at his back. He started moving at a fast pace you barely had anytime to process what was going on before the overstimulated kicked in. You have never seen Shohei so wreak less it was like a whole other person. Before you knew it flipped you over and put you on all fours and started at the same pace but we was hitting it from the back. “Shohei please..” you said. “Please what sweetheart?” Shohei said in low voice he was trying to suppress his own moans the stimulation was even a tad bit much for him. “Please make me cum” you said in a innocent voice and that pushed him to the edge. He started to slam into he was a little slow but he went in deep. He thrusted into a couple more times and came deep into to you. You both fell over breathing heavily. “Fuck you are something different Shohei” you said he just chuckled in response. “Well you are going to carry my child and I would do anything for you” he said he kissed your forehead and you both fell asleep.
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serhum · 4 months
[Part 3] Birthday Game - Reader x Shohei Ohtani x Yuki Ishikawa AU - NSFW
Disclaimer: This is a 18+ writing so if you’re not comfortable reading this, please skip it! There will be a lot of smut & mentions of sex in this work so beware. ;)
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What I thought to be a short 5-minute nap went into a deep slumber. The clock shows it’s 5am already and I heard both of the men on my sides snore. “They looked really cute.” I mumble to myself. It’s really kind of them for not waking me up, although I promised Shohei another ‘session’ in the bathroom. I slowly get up from the bed as I’m still naked underneath the blanket. I tried to wiggle my way out carefully so that they don’t wake up. I collected my undergarments and slide into them. Then, I tip toed towards the bathroom after grabbing my phone and closed the door slowly, not bothered to lock it. 
I take a look into the mirror and saw several kiss marks on my body especially on my neck and chest areas. The thought of me making love with Yuki and Shohei still makes me feel giddy. Then, I open my phone to see several messages I receive from my friends who wishes me happy birthday.
“Are you awake already?” I was taken aback when I heard Shohei’s voice. He’s standing by the door shirtless, leaving him with his brief. His hair is messy but he looks too good to be true. “Ohh, I didn’t realize I was sleeping through the night. How about you? You should take a rest.” I reply and he shut the door. Shohei walks towards me and I turned my body to him. He closed the gap between ours and placed his hands on my hips and lifted me to the countertop. My breath suddenly got hard. 
“I think I haven’t tell you some of the things I really admired about you.” I suddenly said while having a staring contest with him. His face was a few inches away from me and when he heard me, he pulled away. “Really? What about it?” he grins. “Before that, I want you to pull the stool chair. This is gonna be a long talk.” I said to him while tracing his chest and abs. “Sure.” After he sits on the chair in front of me, I started to tell him the reason why I like him - not in a romantic way, more to as a fangirl. 
“I first heard your name during your time in Angels. You caught my eyes instantly,” I paused and took his hand so that our fingers interlock each other. “Since then, I found a lot of interesting facts about you online. I watched you play too even with Yuki. I like how determined you are to be a two-way player, how you tryna keep a lowkey personality in the midst of your popularity, and how you keep your body healthy.” I felt his thumb caressing my hands as well and he was so into my story. “You are such an inspiration to many, Sho. And I want you to keep being that way.” I smile to him.
“That’s very nice to hear. Thank you.” He simply replied with his husky voice and showing his eye smile. Very typical of him who doesn’t talk a lot but more into actions. “Not to forget that you’re able to challenge yourself in a completely different country and look at your fanbase. So big, just like these muscles, haha” I joked while grabbing his broad shoulders and biceps. I heard him chuckles as well. 
“If I had known you before Yuki, I’ll definitely date you, y/n.” My heart beats so fast when he muttered that sentence. That sounds like a confession to me. I look at him in the eyes and automatically my fingers reached to his eyebrows, eyelashes, and finally his lips. “You don’t realize how handsome you are, Sho. If you already have a girlfriend back in the States, she’d be really lucky to have you.” his dimples appeared.  
“You make me blush. Don’t you think Yuki will get jealous if he heard you complimented me?” he asks. I shake my head, “He already know that you’re my idol. Actually he left me dumbfounded when he said that you agreed to have threesome with me as a gift for my birthday. I was so embarrassed!” I jokingly punch his chest and he stopped me by holding my hands. “Don’t be. It’s my pleasure to make you feel special on your birthday, I should thank Yuki for this moment. I get to know you better,” he paused and I feel his face getting closer to mine. Our noses touched and there’s this electric sensation I get from him.
“I like how you hold me in your arms earlier. I like how our bodies move in sync. I like it when you play your tongue with me. I like everything about you but it’s impossible for us to be together. So I am grateful for this moment with you.” I might be carried away with the situation where we share our intimacy without Yuki eyeing us. I felt that I need to confess that to Shohei so that he knows what I feels. I feel his arms linger my body, giving me a bear hug. His manly cologne is still there although he was sweating all night. I’m actually afraid that it’s me who crossed the line? I sound like a cheating girlfriend right now but I will regret it my whole life if I don’t say those things to Shohei. Because he deserves to know how he made me feel.
He then kissed me slow but passionate, “Should we keep this as a secret from Yuki?” he asked in a lower voice. Thinking about what I said earlier, I realize that Yuki might be jealous even mad of our conversation. So I nod to him. “I’ll definitely miss you when I return home. We should spend time together again.” he said calmly while staring at me. His hands are now resting on my shoulders. “While you’re in Italy, we still have some time.” I said mumbling in his chest. Oh god, I like this man. It’s Yuki’s fault that he put me in this odd position with his best friend! 
“Shall we have a cold shower? You said you like being taken care of after sex, c’mon” Shohei said but I stopped him from walking to the shower. “Wait. I like that we have this kind of intimacy. Are you okay if I take a photo of us?” I nervously asked while grabbing my phone on my side. “I’m totally fine. It’s not that you’ll share it publicly.” I smiled at his statement. 
I activated the back camera and take candid photos of him. “Don’t be shy. Show me your sexy pose haha” I told him to pose and he acted really cool which is why the photos came out so good. “Can we also have photos together? Here, stand in front of me.” He gladly put me down from the countertop and we are now facing the mirror. “Can you wrap your arms around my neck? That’d be a good pic.” he does what I tell him. “You look so petite, so cute.” Shohei said at our reflections and I laugh. “Compared to you and Yuki, I’m just like a teenage girl.” I went along with him. 
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After several photos later, Shohei spun my body to face him. “Are you done, sweetie?” asked him. I put my phone down, “Is someone being impatient for the next round? Hm?” I continue by grabbing the strap of his briefs. Teasing him a bit. “I can’t wait to touch you and feel you squirm under my touch.” He sounded so sexy right now. “I need a little bit more of you, Shohei.” I whispered and with that he lifted me and walked to the shower.
My lips reach him and my tongue is trying to find its way to his mouth. He let me explore him and reply my kiss right away. My back is glued to the wall while he’s steadying me with his huge figure. “Mmh— you- taste so good- Hhh” he murmurs in between our kisses. 
With our bodies pressing against each other, I can feel his manhood on my lower body. I grab and rub it with my hands in the same tempo with our kisses. “You have no idea how sexy you are, Sho” I stopped the kiss and state what I feel. He smirked and suddenly the cold water flows on our bodies. “Oh my god!” We both chirped at the same time and laugh. “Oops, I didn’t mean to turn it on.” He said. Shohei’s figure is big enough to nudge the shower mixer without him knowing. “It’s alright. I’m the one who’s turned on by you.” I continue kissing him after those words came out of my mouth. I feel him smirking in the middle of our kisses. “Mmh—“ he let out a sexy whimper.
I feel butterflies in my stomach when he traces my body with his lips. He leaves his saliva here and there which triggers me to stroke his damp wet hair slowly. “I love that you’re the opposite of Yuki.” I said. He stopped right between my legs now, both hands still holding my thighs so I don’t fall. He looked up to see me and said, “Tell me.” “You’re more patient when we make love.” My response successfully made him grins.
Without wasting his time, he licks my clothed pussy that’s wet already. “Uhh—“ my natural responses were closing my eyes and playing with my harden nipples. My back arched more on the walls when he slid his tongue skillfully inside my vagina, making sure my thin underwear was moved out his way. His quick movements resulted in high pitched moan from me.
“Keep going.. Shohei,” I encourage him while squirming. The vibrations he gave me down there is out of this world. I feel it coming and he licked the wetness just for him to kiss me afterwards, letting me taste myself through him. “I like you, very much” I was surprised when listening to his sudden confession. 
“Can I go inside you now?” he added. “Yes. I need you inside me.” With that, he inserts his manhood deep inside me. This time I no longer feel hurt, instead I feel pleasure all over my body. “Sweet Jesus!” I mumble in the crook of his neck and reach for his muscular arms. He doesn’t go fast this time, meanwhile he increases his pace slowly. “Do you know how fucking tight you are?” he whispered. “U-huh.. and you’re so big.” I replied. We are now staring at each other intensely. When he accurately hits my g-spot with his slow tempo, I let out a whine. 
“Yeah you’re so fucking good. Come to me- come inside me—“ I chanted to him in a teasing way. I can feel him close to his climax when his body got more intense and he closed his eyes, with mouth opens. “Aahh- fuck” he sounded so manly in my ears. “But I’m not done yet.” I told him and I swiftly change our position where I pushed him to sit on the shower seat. 
I happily took control and now I positioned myself on his lap with my back facing him. “Do you like that?” is what comes out of my mouth when I took his whole length inside my vagina and sliding it up and down. His hands are now cupping my boobs from behind. “I like it when you take control, sweetheart” he responded. I turn my head to kiss his lips. “And I can’t stop riding you, Sho.” I keep circling my hips around him and feel so much pleasure. 
Minutes go by quickly that this shower has witnessed our numerous positions from the standing doggy to leg-up. We were enjoying our intimacy too much that I started to realize that Yuki is still in the bedroom next to us! Both Shohei and I have finally stopped our session and moved on to washing each other’s body in the shower. We took shower together where he rubs the liquid soap all over my body and on the other hand, I tried to wash his thick black hair. I tip toed to reach his height but he was kind enough to lower himself. It’s so fun with him around. He’s so playful but sexy at the same time. Shit, I can’t keep him out of my mind now.
“Are you done, princess?” Shohei asked me while drying his hair with a towel. I nodded. “I’m done, just a moment.” I tried to wear my undergarments and the last thing I found was Yuki’s oversized shirt so I decided to wear that. “Thank you for everything. I really enjoy our time together.” I confessed to him and gave him a peck on his lips. Before he responds anything, I walked out of the bathroom, leaving Shohei behind. 
To be continued
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elephantimprobable · 3 months
Chapter 8: 12 hours later
Kisses from Shohei are just melty. He’s such a squishy person inside and out and when he’s making out with you…ugh it can get messy in a good way.
You’re surprised at yourself of how much you’ve been thinking about it when it’s literally only been barely two days since you both crossed the friend zone territory with each other.
When Shohei turned around with your arms still wrapped around his waist and kissed you, you hungrily returned the kiss. Never mind the food. Him being so concentrated trying to prep food turned you on, and you wanted him again.
Your hands slowly slide from his waist and into the band of his boxers but he stops you. “Marnie, as much as I’m loving this, I’m hungry and I know you are too,” he says giving you a peck on the cheek and turns around to finish prepping. 
You sigh but still keep hugging him with your cheek to his back. Shohei is chopping away and smiles, “I didn’t know you were such a sticky person. You were definitely holding back before.”
Blushing, you scrunch your nose and reply with a giggle, “I didn’t know I had it in me either.” Maybe skinship was your love language. He shakes his head while smiling, you can feel it.
Previous relationships you’ve had, you were so worried about what the guy thought of you so you sort of molded into a person you thought he wanted you to be. With Shohei, you felt extremely comfortable. Maybe because you guys had been friends before but you didn’t feel embarrassed acting on what you felt like doing and have any worry he would judge you/think of you differently. 
Shohei finishes plating all the food and the two of you sit next to each other on the island. The dogs are patiently anticipating food dropping at your feet. Though, not sure how good it will be since Shohei served unseasoned food in the name of health. You eat it but ask if he has any kimchi cause it is quite bland. Shohei laughs…he doesn’t have kimchi but does have some pickled burdock from the Japanese mart. You’re okay with this compromise.
“What should we tell Lo and Tyler tomorrow when we go over for lunch?” You ask while chewing on the fish with a generous helping of the pickles.
You contemplated texting Lo but felt like you wanted to be on the same page as Shohei before telling anyone about what happened. You hadn’t even texted your best friend in London of what transpired in the past 2 days. But she knew that you did have a crush on this man you were trying to suppress. She did tell you that it’s only a matter of time…
“Just tell them we’re exploring,” Shohei replies. “We’re exploring, huh?” you question back to him and smile looking down at your food.
He gives your hand a squeeze. Your heart melts again. How can so much change happen in less than 48 hours? You feel this is too good to be true in a way…and have a trailing thought on not wanting this bliss bubble to pop.
Conversation continues as usual. You both have playful banter as always and before you know it, the food is all gone and both you and Shohei are leaning back on his couch again, with your feet on his thighs. He’s stroking your bare leg. To be fair… you know your skin is soft. Your friends have always told you this (weird fact haha). You are definitely full and your urge to have Shohei has passed. You’re happy with this moment though. Just you two, talking, sharing, and just being.
“I probably can’t wear your t-shirt to Lo and Tyler’s tomorrow,” you tell Shohei as you lift your legs off of him to sit normally again, “I think I should go home with Bibi and see you and Deco tomorrow.”
Shohei leans in close to your face and pouts. Where is this coming from lol? He does this thing where he scrunches his nose and his eyebrows and it’s damn cute. Somehow the wrinkles on his face add to the cuteness. “I won’t stop you but maybe one more kiss?” You give him a peck on the cheek and get up.
You know he’s disappointed but you want him to look forward to something. You gave a lot of yourself away today.
He gets up with you and slugs his arm around your shoulders as the dogs follow you to the door. He’s really leaning and you find it funny but love he’s putting his weight on you. You give him another kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say blushing. 
You’re both facing each other now and he takes your cheeks into his hands. “Not fair!” you mumble out because now he’s squeezing them together and laughing. You probably look like a fish. He loosens his grip and kisses you on the mouth. It’s definitely sensual. He slips his tongue inside your mouth and you return his kiss. You don’t want this to end. You can feel him becoming more intense, now with more hunger. You groan internally. How will you ever make it home? You melt into his arms again and he pins you against the door and tries to hoist you up.
“Okay I have to go home now. It’s late,” you say as you break away. He looks flustered but doesn’t protest. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Marnie.” You’re walking out the door looking for your keys when…
“Wait, I forgot I didn’t drive here.” 
Shohei laughs. “Let me drive you home.”
Almost 12 hours after you met in the morning, you, Bibi, Shohei, and Deco are once again in Shohei’s car. Maybe the universe is working it’s mysterious ways to let you guys spend more time together.
His hand is on your thigh and you’re playing with his fingers.
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shoheilovebot · 1 year
Meeting Your Parents - Picnic Date (Final)
⚠️warning⚠️ HEAVY smut, 18+
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“Fuck” he moaned.
You could feel his hard on through his shorts as it was basically against your thigh.
He was still propping himself up in order not to lay on you and crush you. With that you were able to run your hands along his chest as he kissed you all over. You put your hand onto his inner thigh and you heard his breathing hitch. Your hand made its way to his crotch as you palmed him through his shorts.
“baby please” he whimpered.
hearing him whimper made the heat you felt all over your body become more intense. you needed him. you’ve craved him for so long and him being busy a lot during the season and traveling made you long for his body. he was always tired after games so intimacy consisted of you tasting him and him tasting you. there was occasional love making but nothing intense and long lasting. you needed him badly and him being on top of you right now is driving you crazy but you want to take things slow and make it last.
you pulled down his shorts and kept massaging him through his boxers. you didnt do it for too long as precum starting leaking from the tip and had soaked his boxers a bit. you giggled at this.
“does it feel good baby?” You asked in a teasing tone.
“Yes. I need more please” he whimpered.
you kissed him passionately and gave him a little push to get off of you.
he got off of you and you switched positions so he was laying down and you were on top.
you helped him take off his shorts and boxers completely as he took off his shoes. you got onto your knees in front of him and spread his legs out for you to get in between. you look up at him and lean in for a kiss. you start stroking him as you are kissing which forces him to let out a moan. with that you put your tongue in his mouth and you both massage each others tongues. the way his tongue feels in your mouth makes you want him even more. you break the kiss and position yourself to start tasting him. you swirl your tongue on the tip and lick up his precum.
“baby boy look at the mess you’ve made. I haven’t even made you cum for me yet” you say.
he whimpers and stares at you intensely watching what you’ll do to him next.
you tease the tip again and start taking in the rest of him. bobbing your head as you try to pleasure him with your mouth.
he lets out loud moans and begs for you to go faster.
with what your mouth can’t take in you use your hands to stroke it. playing with and squeezing his balls causing him to moan louder. you know he’s close with the way his legs are trembling and his hips are buckling.
he puts a hand on your head and forced you to take all of him in making you gag and you pull away to catch a breath. still stroking him but this time slowly just edging him as payback for making you gag.
“sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I needed to feel what it’s like to have all of me inside your mouth” he says.
you looked at him and smirked. “naughty boy. I’m not gonna let you cum until I say so because of that little stunt you pulled”
he looks and you and gulps. nodding his head to acknowledge what you said.
you stroke him slowly and use your finger to lightly rub the tip of his dick which causes him to shiver. you use your tongue to lick every inch of his dick. you plant soft kisses on it and watch as it twitches for you. you stroke him softly for a few minutes and use your tongue to tease the tip some more. you know this drives him crazy as his tip sensitive. you flick your tongue on the urethral opening and he lets out a small load.
“who said you could cum?” you asked
“I’m sorry baby. you doing that makes me lose control. I can’t stop my body. it sends a chill all over my body and I feel numb. it feels so good” he replies.
you smirk at him. he really shouldn’t have given you that information. you start sucking him again while stroking him so he can regain his composure and hold in his load. after a few minutes of doing that you go back to teasing the tip with your tongue. you flick your tongue slowly on the urethral opening and watch as he trembled and you pick up pace. he falls back and he lets out deep guttural moans. you move to your tongue fast and you can see he’s struggling to hold back his load.
“cum for me baby” you say.
he lets go and you take his dick into your mouth and swallow his load. he moans and trembles and you watched as his eyes basically rolled to the back of his head because of the immense pleasure your mouth made him feel. you love the taste of his cum and just feeling his hot seed flow down your throat. your desire for him is carnal it’s almost out of this world. maybe even animalistic but the feeling of him being in your mouth is something you will never get tired of. he tastes and feels so good that if you could do this everyday for the rest of your life you could never get tired. his hot seed satiates the need you have to taste him. you enjoy the huge loads of cum he releases. that’s what you love about his cock is that he always dumps a huge load. whether it’s jerking him off or giving him a blowjob. he always cums so much and makes a mess. even more so if you haven’t touched him in awhile. he’s just so delicious that you can’t get enough.
you swallow his load and go up to kiss him passionately.
he’s breathing heavily and regaining his composure.
“I love you mi amor” he says.
“I love you too” you say.
as you both are kissing you start leaving hickeys on his neck and you make him take off his shirt. you leave hickeys all over his chest and abdomen. marking your territory. he’s yours. all yours and nobody else’s.
his dick has gotten hard again from all the kissing and you giggled at him.
“perfect” you say
he looks at you and raises an eyebrow.
You take off your outfit and leave yourself in your underwear. you grabbed his arms and made his hand feel how soaked your underwear was.
he slips his hand into your underwear and starts using his fingers to pleasure you while leaving marks all over your neck and chest.
you start moving your hips to feel his fingers deeper inside you. you let out gasps and moans and that just makes him moan.
he loves the sight of you fucking yourself with the help of his fingers. just two fingers is enough to make you go wild. it makes his already hard dick even harder. he’s leaking with precum already just my watching you. he strokes his cock and let’s out moans. he takes out his fingers from you and aggressively switches positions. he rips off your underwear and aligns himself to enter you.
“I need you inside me daddy” You moan.
he lets out a moan and inserts his tip into you. you both moan and he stays in that position for a bit to let himself regain his composure. he then inserts more of it in you until he’s fully inside you. he doesn’t move so he can let you adjust to him. it’s been awhile since he’s been inside of you so it hurts a bit. he’s so big and you just know your legs are gonna hurt after this.
“you can move baby” you say
he starts thrusting into you slowly while he kisses you passionately. you both let out soft moans while kissing each other. it’s like this for a awhile until he speeds him the pace.
you gasp and he chuckles at you
“I’m going to ruin you my love” he says in a deep intimidating voice.
that voice tells you he is serious and it made you get butterflies in your stomach.
“faster” you moan.
hearing him be dominant makes you want him more and you wanna feel him pounding into you just ruining you. forget sweet love you want him to fuck you.
he’s thrusting into you with speed and force but yet with so much love and desire. you feel yourself reaching your climax it feels like you’re melting. he can tell you’re close. you don’t know what gives it away but he knows
“I’m close baby. Hold on for me so we can do it together” he says.
at this point your brain is mush just like your insides but you just nod and continue to feel him inside you. you feel as if you’re on cloud nine. your boyfriends big muscly arms wrapped around you. his hot breath on your neck and his natural scent filling your nostrils. you can’t get enough of him. you want to become one with him.
he’s moaning and his speed is slowing down. he’s losing his rhythm and this tells you he’s very close to finishing.
“release it inside my daddy” you moan.
“Fuck. I love you” he moans
you both reach your climax and moan in each others ears while letting out some “I love you’s”
he switches positions so you’re on top of him. laying on him as you both catch your breath and find your composure.
you leave soft kisses on his chest and go up to his face and kiss him softly.
he smiles and kisses back. he covers you both with a blanket and you both rest admiring the beautiful day in silence and listening to the sounds of birds singing while in each others arms.
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soundspeachytome · 5 months
baby fever - shohei ohtani au
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summary: (i don't think this needs a summary, the title says it all lol)
word count: 10,584K
tags: fluff, mentions of sex, impregnation
other notes: midnight word vomit things~ i honestly didn't think i would be able to write something so soon after the one i posted on NYE but i'm blaming that video of shohei playing with some kids on my timeline. my thoughts have secured me a seat in hell.
enjoy and cry in delusion with me.
Shohei couldn’t help himself but beam all the way home. He had spent his entire day surrounded by a group of kids no older than twelve years old, the youngest around five, to help facilitate the annual children sports camp at the elementary school he worked at. Being the only teacher who had played baseball during his primary and secondary years in school, he was elected by default to coach a few hours’ session of baseball basics to which he did not object. Aside from that, he also helped facilitate another few hours in assisting the lead teachers during the games like scavenger hunt, capture the flag, and water balloon dodgeball. The last one being his favorite, he was just supposed to be watching and making sure none of the kids get hurt, or if ever they do, he’d play medic when the need arises. Thankfully, his first aid skills were put to the backseat and he was joined in on the fun when one of the twelve-year old campers aimed a water gun at him. He had no choice but to retaliate. With his wide hands and arm support, he grabbed a bunch of water balloons and aimed at anyone within proximity, creating an entirely new chaos between the kids and the other teachers, too.
He had ended the day soaked and sore from all the laughing and running around trying to avoid the kids aiming at him. Thankfully, you had made sure to pack him extra clothes to change into. “Just in case you get a little too fun and get soaked in sweat,” you had said, ignoring Shohei’s initial comments on not needing extra clothes since he was not technically sleeping over for the night. But proven to be always right, he made a mental note to get you something special as a way to thank you for being, well, the best.  
After he had changed into his comfy cotton pants and white shirt, he bid goodbye to everyone at camp, especially the kids he had made friends with. They hugged him and some even gave him DIY goodbye presents (one gave him a bracelet made out of plucked flowers and laced it around his wrist), a tall kid with glasses who must be around seven years old gave him his precious Snickers bar, almost melted, and the youngest girl of the bunch clung onto his leg and tried to stop him from leaving. These short but meaningful interactions touched Shohei that he almost felt bad for leaving. 
“Will you teach us again next summer camp, Teacher?” one kid had asked.
“Hmm. Maybe, we’ll see,” Shohei beamed, eyeing the other teachers in response. If not for the lead teachers and school principal, he would not have been able to cross the schoolgate and reach his car. He waved one last goodbye to the kids who stood behind the gates and then drove away. 
He couldn’t wait to go home to you and tell you about his day. 
You were in the kitchen when you heard Shohei’s Corolla park in the garage. You continued tending to the Tsuyu broth and soba noodles that you were saving up for a warm day like this. 
While Shohei was out for camp duties the entire day, you were able to finish the flower embroidery design you had been challenged with for over a week now. Being new to the craft, you had a slightly difficult time understanding the patterns in the first place, but once you got the hang of it, you were on a roll and without realizing it, you were already done. You regretted buying only one design thinking it would take you longer to complete it, and also considering that you were the type to abandon something when you feel overwhelmed or had just simply lost the fixation, just like the few hundred other abandoned projects you started this year. This time, however, you were so accomplished that you couldn’t wait for Shohei to come home and brag. 
Upon his arrival, Shohei sees you busy in the kitchen, humming to Adele. He put his bag on the countertop and went straight to you, your back facing him. He embraced you from behind, leaning his chin on your shoulder and slightly shifted his weight against your body. 
“Hi.” You angled your face upwards to meet him and he planted a kiss straight to your lips. When you went back to what you were doing, he left kisses on the small spots on your neck and shoulder. 
“Hmm, I love soba. I was craving for this.” He murmured against your skin. He still had his arms wrapped around, waiting for you to finish and give him your full attention.
“Really? Didn’t I tell you that I’m a mind-reader?” you joked and turned the stove off and faced Shohei. 
“Yes and you are the best.” He did not waste another second and kissed you tastefully on the mouth. As soon as he got your attention, he made sure your tongue was preoccupied with his. 
You stayed like that for a few seconds. A slow summer day deserves an equally slow and hot makeout session like this. Shohei put both his hands behind your back and you had no choice but to push your body closer to him while you coiled your hands behind the nape of his neck, tugging a few strands of his thick hair.
“What’s gotten you so worked up today, love?” you asked when you separated. 
He pulled back, catching his breath and looked seriously at you. 
“Let’s start doing it, love.”
“Do what?”
“Kids. Babies. I want to put a baby on you right now.” He massaged your lower back and showered your neck with more kisses.
“So sudden?” You looked at Shohei with bewilderment. You weren’t angry or anything, just a little surprised that he had suddenly brought it up. You had always known to use oral and physical contraception ever since you started dating and like an unspoken promise, you made sure that your relationship would not bear anything both of you didn’t feel like committing to yet. But this was definitely something new. 
“I was just thinking… At camp, the kids loved playing with me… some even clung to me–like this–” he hugged you tightly in demonstration. “--and I almost choked up when I was driving away.”
“I played with kids the whole day, I realized that I really, really want to have kids.” He pouted.
In a way, Shohei had always been great with kids. You saw how he used to fawn over your neighbors’ kids and their tiny steps, how he’d wave to babies in strollers whenever you’d pass by them, smiling extra wide. 
“Like, I really, really, really do. We’ve been married for three years now. Don’t you think it’s time for us to get pregnant?”
You were silent the whole time, looking straight into Shohei’s face, and trying to see any hint of him joshing around but he was nothing but serious with his dead set eyes and determination.
“What are you thinking, love?” He asked, getting fidgety after seeing you were quiet for a while. 
“Are we even ready for kids? There are a lot of newer parents that get divorced after babies are born…” you trailed off. Shohei noticed your worry and decided to change the topic.
“I’m sorry, I won’t force it if you’re not comfortable.” he kissed your nose and pulled you into a tight hug. “The noodles look amazing! So much about my day, they can wait… What did you do all day without me?”
Dinner ensued and the pregnancy topic was never brought up again, much to your relief. Shohei was quite understanding and never the pushy type. He always made sure that when you both decide on anything, you were both in it, just like when he moved in with you after a year of dating, when you decided to get married a few months after, and then buying a house.
You felt no pressure whatsoever about creating a family with Shohei because he never pressured you or his family. You don’t know if you wanted kids at all. When you were single, you thought there was not a single good man left on earth but meeting Shohei had changed your mind. Maybe, with the right kind of man, it’d be possible to love and still be loved properly while having kids. So yes, maybe. Maybe one day, you’d want Shohei’s children but were waiting for the right time. You hoped maybe someday, bearing kids will not just be a reluctant maybe, but a definite, sure and unwavering yes. 
Not until Shohei’s sister came to town to visit a few days later and brought their two year old daughter in tow. Shohei was ecstatic. He had fallen in love with his niece the moment he met her. He’d carry her as much as he could when they visited, buying her presents for every occasion, sometimes even when there’s really nothing to celebrate at all.
This time, when Shohei had picked up his niece, Nora, from her trolley and into his arms, kissing her lightly on the cheek, cooing and swinging her back and forth along with their boisterous laughter ringing around the house, you felt something shifted. 
You felt the anxiety on your shoulders lift and leave your body, leaving you with an immense sensation of love and happiness. You sat at the dinner table watching Shohei play peekaboo with Nora while she sits on his lap, and couldn’t help but imagine Shohei carrying a baby–your offspring–while feeding her, or humming it to sleep. It sounds like a beautiful dream, doesn’t it? 
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
After they had left and the house was silent again, you cornered Shohei in the kitchen, who was loading the dishes in the dishwasher. He was humming a Cocomelon nursery rhyme which you assumed was the same song he had played on his ipad with Nora. 
“Shohei.” You tugged his arm and looked at him straight in the eyes.
“Yes, love?” 
“Let’s do it.” 
“Do what now?” He said mindlessly, pulling his sleeves down and shrugged off the kitchen apron.
“Fuck a baby into me, I said.” You raised your voice, unsure where to look.
It took him a few seconds to understand but when it finally dawned on him, he wasted no time and carried you into his arms bridal style. 
When he pushed you onto the bed, kissing you hungrily, both of you still half-undressed, he suddenly pulled back and asked, “Wait, is this your new kink now? Seeing me with kids?”
“What, no.” Your hands busied on the buckle of Shohei’s belt and when that ordeal was done, had pulled his boxers down to touch him. Like a knee jerk reaction, his hips jerked forward to your hand. 
“Hmm, this is going to be a long night,” he whispered, biting at the garter of your underwear and pulling it down with his teeth. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“I’ve never been so sure.” 
You pushed yourself up on your elbows and met Shohei’s lips, while he slowly entered you, both of you adjusting to the size and feeling. He started thrusting in and out of you hungrily, as if on a mission, determined to fill you to the brim. And you, on the brink of pleasure and chasing your high, you couldn’t help but moan Shohei’s name and said, yes, yes, yes, over and over. Like an assurance statement, like a promise.
This is my yes, unquestionably, a hundred times over.
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faeirtopia · 5 months
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ʚɞ ; “look at what you’ve done to me.”
pairing! boyfriend!shohei x fem!reader (+18)
warnings! mentions of sex, cursing, shohei is a bit angry and rough, lots of teasing, pet names, praising, speak of multiple rounds, mentions of thigh riding, his mood changes suddenly.
synopsis! you thought it would be a great idea to participate in ‘no nut november’ with shohei.
a sigh left your pink glossed over lips the moment you stepped inside your home, waiting to be greeted by your boyfriend shohei but instead it was a very happy and playful decoy. taking off your shoes and quickly crouching to the smaller dog’s height to show him the obvious love and attention he had been craving. with one final kiss to the dogs head you stood and walked over to the kitchen placing down the bag you carried with you everyday to work or school, grabbing a water from the fridge and taking a few gulps before heading upstairs to find the large man you missed the most; shohei. upon reaching the bedroom door you opened it and looked around, eyebrows furrowing noticing that he wasn’t anywhere to be found until you seen the bathroom door closed. “shohei? you never close the–”
the shock in your voice was quite noticeable, of course it was and it had only embarrassed you more. even after being with shohei for almost two years now the sight of his almost nude form never stopped you from becoming a flustered and embarrassed mess. the smirk on his lips each time indicating that he just loved your reaction and the grip he had on you. the towel loosely hanging around his waist leaving too much room for your own imagination. “I’m so happy you’re home baby, I missed you so much.” shohei’s tone was laced with rasp with sleep and with those words his large body engulfed your much shorter one. the side of your face colliding with his large and semi wet chest from the shower and you swore you’d just burst at any moment now. “I missed you too sho.” speaking quietly.
shohei’s large hand reached up to cradle your face and he leaned down to your height to press a few soft kisses to your lips. “why don’t we get ready for bed, hm? I thought about you all day baby. I need you.” hearing just how shaky his voice was, you knew how desperate he was for you. the both of you had been busy all day with him at practice and you doing your own thing for work or school. although you had a much different idea and that idea involved seeing just how long the both of you could go without touching one another. your own hands reaching up to pull his away from your face, you shook your head and watched his expression quickly change. “I have a different idea, sho.. is that okay? I thought maybe we could see how long we could go without sex or touching each other.”
“what’s all this about?” he questioned, not fully understanding such a weird request since he’s never heard of such a thing before. studying his expression as your breathes quickened upon seeing his frown. “it’s a challenge shohei and I know how much you like desire those.” the word ‘challenge’ had caught his attention and he quickly agreed which only shocked you a bit more, his hands were then removed from your body and he turned on his heel to walk back into the bathroom. the sudden agreement and movement caught you off guard but you decided to not say a word and let this continue the way that it was going so far.
weeks of pure agony had passed for both you and shohei, your constant teasing was only making it harder for him. you had to admit that you were pretty proud of yourself for being much stronger than him during this time. you stood in the kitchen and turned your head to look over at your boyfriend who had been laid back against the couch for the longest time now, hands in his pants while he stared at you. “dinner is almost ready baby, are you hungry?” you asked, completely ignoring the staring he had been doing while his hands continued doing whatever it was in his pants. that only annoyed him more and what was the most annoying was the small pajama shorts you just had to wear while making dinner. his eyes roamed taking in the perfect shape and curve of your body and ass he so badly wanted to touch like he usually did.
every time you bent over to grab a new pan for another side dish, or the way you swayed your hips while walking to each side of the kitchen for something you needed was killing him. his hardened member only bothered him more and that’s when he decided to take matters into his own hands and pleasure himself right in front of you, if you could tease him he’d tease you right back. happily stirring the noodles occasionally and plating the rice you both enjoyed, the familiar sound of shohei’s soft but deep groan stopped you from continuing. your head quickly snapping to look over at him and that’s when you seen the sight you missed oh so badly. his head was thrown back against the soft cushion of the couch, sideburns stuck to the side of his face from the light coating of sweat, lips parted for those pretty moans and groans of his to escape, legs spread while his chest heaved up and down from his heavy breathing from the pleasure.
the sound of the water boiling snapped you out of the daze you had been in and you quickly turned to grab the pot from the burner, “dammit.” you cursed, the meal had been ruined. shohei laughed at the event that just took place and you now avoided all eye contact with the larger male who sat there watching you. “poor angel, do you need help? maybe if you come over here and sit on my thigh like a good girl I’ll come help you.” and with those words you simply shook your head, knowing that would only make things worse for you. the game needed to continue and you weren’t going to give in so easily like this. there were only a few days left of the month! there’s no giving up now. continuing to redo dinner and tease him at the same time only angered him, yes now shohei was a bit angry. usually after days of practice with no break he needed you the most and not being able to have that this entire month was slowly driving him to insanity.
shohei also wanted to win this game even though he was growing extremely frustrated and desperate. his large hand continued moving up and down his member as his eyes kept on you and your body. his moans, groans, whimpers, and gasping was only getting louder and it was the perfect distraction for you which is why he was doing it. only looking a few extra times and trying your absolute hardest to keep the focus on dinner and quickly finishing so he would stop made you sigh out in almost defeat. knowing he wouldn’t stop until you finally had enough and crawled over to him. “I’m gonna cum.” he moaned, his voice was raspy like it had been the day you got home and he had just finished with his shower. it was the same desperate tone that you loved hearing so much from him. you slammed the bowl that had been in your hands down on the counter and walked over towards him, staring down at his pathetic form. “please baby, kiss me so I can c-” he stopped upon seeing you shake your head which had only shocked him more. shohei quickly stood from his current sitting position on the couch and looked down at you, his intense stare causing a pool of wetness to form in your panties.
“I’ve had enough of this shit game! I’m tired of you teasing me the way you have been. I need you. I want you. we’ve gone this whole month without sex and it’s almost over let’s just quit the game and give in. please? I need you so fucking bad it’s so unfair right now.” his large hands found your waist and pulled you into his chest, now able to feel the very prominent bulge in his sweatpants. “feel that, hm? look at what you’ve done to me. I need you so badly. please sweetheart..” the desperation in his voice only made your knees weak, his eyes dark from lust. smaller hands pressing against his chest and pushing him back against the couch, you crawled on his lap straddling his thick thigh. “what baby? gonna ride my thigh like you love doing so much.” you almost moaned at his words and that’s when you realized he had did it. he pulled you into his trap so perfect because you had such trouble saying no to him. “we only had a few days left sho..” he rolled his eyes at the sound of your voice, trying to sound sweet and upset by the fact that the little game was now going to be over without any winners. the sudden grip upon your waist made you gasp out and he sat only centimeters away from your face, “the game ends now and I’m going to fuck you for the rest of the night like you deserve, understand? I’ve waited long enough. let’s just say the game ends fairly now. I miss you and your warmth.” you’d never seen shohei so desperate before and that itself indicates that you had won the game already. wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, you finally gave in and nodded your head. “that’s my good girl.” shohei praised before wrapping your legs around his waist and standing from the couch taking the both of you to your shared bedroom, quickly needing to prepare for the very long night ahead of you.
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chicagocubsreactions · 7 months
"We’ve previously discussed the idea that multiple opposing executives believe the Cubs are a “sleeper pick” to land Shohei Ohtani, and at least one NL exec believes they’re the Dodgers’ biggest competition. But those reports are coming from national guys, one of whom isn’t exactly heralded for his accuracy. Now, however, we’ve got a report from Patrick Mooney of The Athletic saying the Cubs indeed “plan to be involved in Ohtani’s process.”
Mooney is quick to temper that with the obvious note that it could mean absolutely nothing in the end. The price alone will be prohibitive for most teams and Ohtani is believed to have a preference for the West Coast, which puts the Cubs at more than a slight disadvantage. But that was also the case back in 2017, when the Cubs were one of only two finalists (the Rangers were the other) for his services not in the Pacific time zone. More than just geography, not having the DH may have been the real tipping point."
(Read more at the link.)
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leclucklerc · 4 months
Against the World Masterlist
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Summary: A romance between a world class pop star and a world class baseball player that spans ever since their high school days.
Pairings: Shohei Ohtani x Reader
Table of contents
00. Prologue
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