#bat luke skywalker
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Some Bat Luke Skywalker from Blood Blindfolds and Butterflies, a fic by @veradragonjedi where Luke is a vampire!!!
I’ve drawn him before, but I had to do his bat form! I wanted to draw cute animals today lol. This is what he looks like to me. I added the little hair puff simply because of vibes (or maybe I’ve been watching too many Disney movies lately. Who knows). 
Either way here he is! I love him so much. Enjoy the boy <3
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milaghoul · 5 months
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throwing my dinluke debut out there with these wip scribbles
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shirozora-draws · 1 year
... so I will choose to believe that this art post is the sequel to that time Din needed to make a pit stop on Ossus to repair his midlife crisis space bugatti, because apparently I draw sequels to my art posts now.
No, I don't know what came over me or why I let my impulses trample all over my sanity, and yes, this is under a cut for a reason.
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I may also be a weeeeee bit obsessed with dappled sunlight. And colors. It's been doom and gloom here for almost 6 months, I need some color and light.
(the massive leaps and changes in style and color between these pieces one year apart is also maybe driving me crazy)
(but not as crazy as my obsession with the dappled sunlight and the red flush of luke's skin against the green of the bamboo forest and how he wraps himself around din and all the ways to hide Din's face while letting his gestures speak for him and-)
(please no for the love of fuck someone squash the gremlin in the back of my head suggesting putting together some words to this. absolutely not, we don't even go here)
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Everyone talks about Garazeb "i accidentally stranded myself on an ice moon and all i got was this stupid boyfriend" Orrelios, and for good reason, but let's also talk about Chopper "i accidentally stranded myself on a refueling station and all i got was this stupid boyfriend" Syndulla
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lukesguywalker · 1 year
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my lukeypoo…. my sweet…… my darling….
he’s my own personal barbie
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foggysirens · 2 years
dinluke headcannon that din absolutely cannot tell his and lukes sabers apart when they’re not on so one day he just grabs one and leaves and when he turns it on it’s just this flash of bright green and whoever he was fighting is like “the mando killed a jedi!” and din is just like ‘uhhhhh no but my husband is gonna kill me’
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I saw Rey on theaters all those years ago and I KNEW he was trans/nb so here I am indulging myself
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
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jayaorgana · 10 months
Obsessed with the idea of Leia surpassing Luke with a lightsaber quickly and he's like ???how are you getting this so easily??? And Leia is like ???? I have training with sword???
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solsthiems · 1 year
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once again pushing my trans luke agenda
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littlest-dark-age · 11 months
i’ve never considered obsessed!luke but now thanks to you it wont leave my head!!!
Tehe good <3
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hiddencitywaters · 7 months
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Luke had felt something off since he'd gotten stuck in this maze. But the cold was reminiscent of Hoth and that brought a tornado of emotions as much as goosebumps on his skin. Rey was new to him. But he could feel a gifted force user anywhere. And this seemed like a good person to be stuck with in this scenario. Optimism was his friend. At least, it wasn't vader. His mouth lifted slightly as he turned her way. "As a desert boy, you'd think the cold would be less of a friend of mine. But this doesn't bode well for us."
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miercoooles · 1 year
Only for You
Summary: You have never seen him remove his mask, not even when Luke took Grogu away.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Former Jedi GN!Reader, Luke Skywalker x Platonic!Reader (kinda?)
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Season 2 spoilers, Angst (it took a turn, ig), talks about past trauma, no use of y/n, cursing, fluff maybe?, and ofc awfully written
A/N: I don’t know if anyone has written something like this, it’s more of a self-indulgent fic just because. I made this to be fluff, idk how that turned out ;-; Also please be nice, this is my first ever Mando fic.
Comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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Din Djarin or better known as “the Mandalorian” for others, was a man of few words. When he first stumbled upon you on a mission, he didn’t even bother to bat an eye. It was because of the little green foundling, Grogu, who took interest and became immediately fond of you, that forced the bounty hunter to take you aboard the Razor Crest.
During the first six months you have spent with him, your relationship with Mando remained stagnant and purely professional. He only saw you as a colleague, someone who can help him accomplish tasks quicker, and take Grogu off his hands when he has something important to do or so that was what you thought. Although, you can’t say the same for yourself because you were attracted to the masked man, whom you have never even seen the face of. 
Today was no different when he asked you to accompany him in collecting supplies and resources as it was running low. As you were about to leave the ship and follow him, Grogu swaddled to you and embraced your leg, not letting you go. “Me and Mando will just go out and gather supplies, little one.” You explained to him, crouching down and carrying him back to his makeshift cradle. Grogu whined, shaking his head in protest and reaching his arms back for you to carry him back. 
“I can’t, little one. Don’t worry, we’ll be quick.” You assured him, caressing his head. Once he made a satisfied grumble, you let go of him and gave him one more wave before rushing outside the ship. 
“You clearly took your time.” Din stated, and you didn’t have to see his face to know that he was annoyed.
You rolled your eyes at him walking past him, your shoulders brushing against his beskar. “Well you can’t really blame me, can you? Little Grogu didn’t want to let go of me.”, you retorted, shrugging and looking over your shoulder prior to sticking your tongue out like a child.
You heard him grumble something about him being the one who saved Grogu but is more attached to you, which made you laugh.
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A few months later, you can safely say that your relationship with the head of the ship improved. He started engaging in conversations with you more often, joined in your daily activities a.k.a. playing with Grogu, and even taught you his native language, Mando’a, and trained you self-defence in case he wasn’t on the Crest.
Be that as it may, you’re unsafe to say that the relationship you have developed with the Mandalorian caused your little crush on him to bloom into something more treacherous. There were often times where you found yourself thinking and daydreaming about him as well as imagining how he looks without his helmet on to the point where you get too distracted doing your routines. 
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A year has passed since Grogu went with Luke to train and ever since then, things between you and the bounty hunter have changed. He grew distant and cold towards you as if the friendship you have established has turned into nothing but dust, and it left you confused as you returned to the first step. But you missed the little goblin whomst you had created a bond with, and you missed the relationship you’ve previously had with the Mandalorian.
You sat on the co-captain’s chair in the cockpit, staring in the distance as your mind aimlessly wandered in your thoughts while you waited for the bounty hunter to return from his current mission. You spun your chair as you replayed that night the Jedi ransacked the ship.
Just as Djarin rescued Grogu, another alarm rang through the cruiser when a X-wing fighter flew past it. You were so engrossed by the ship landing on the dock that you did not notice Grogu appear on your lap and watched along with you. Silence loomed across the room, as a hooded figure dismounted the ship. The moment you saw the green lightsaber flash from the mystery man’s hand, you felt as if a bucket of ice water fell on you.
Grogu seemed to have noticed your change in demeanour that he made concerned, little gurgling noises that pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked at him and caressed his head, giving him a small smile to assure him you’re alright. 
As Gideon saw the commotion bother the crowd, he took his chance, pulling out his blaster and shooting Kryze, pummeling her to the floor. He then turned around to aim at you and Grogu, but Mando was quick to act and jumped in front of you as you shielded Grogu. 
Opening your eyes, you saw Gideon knocked out on the ground and Grogu reaching his hands up to the monitor wherein the not so mysterious man (to you anyway) just finished the dark troopers. You heard Djarin command someone to open the doors, but you were too fixated on the man walking towards it that you did not hear who. 
Once the door is open, the man removes his hood revealing his face. No one said a word as his eyes travelled and studied each person in the room, definitely searching for someone. When you met his gaze, he looked at you with familiarity, making you look away. 
“I am Luke Skywalker”, he introduced himself. You discreetly rolled your eyes at the mention of his name. 
“Are you a Jedi?” Din asked, to which Skywalker answered and confirmed. You turned your chair so your back is facing him, Grogu, on the other hand, peeked at the side of the chair, interested in the man. 
You heard Luke call onto Grogu, you looked down at the foundling who hasn’t moved an inch. “He doesn’t want to go with you.” The masked man said, stepping forward. Luke went on explaining that Grogu was asking for Mando’s permission to allow him and that the Jedi will do his best to protect the Child with his life and train him which made you scoff. 
You did not have to look to know that the bounty hunter was reluctant in letting Grogu go, but you both knew that was what he was meant to do. So when you heard his footsteps coming towards you, you faced him and handed him the Child. 
“Go on, little one. That’s who you belong with, he’s one of your kind. I’ll see you again, I promise.” Mando assured the little one, but you knew that he was also assuring himself that they will be reunited again.
You watched them intently as the Child held up his hand to touch the beskar helmet of Djarin. You heard about Djarin and his affiliations with The Children of the Watch. You also know that group teaches its foundlings that they should never reveal their identity to the presence of another living being. So when you saw him clutch the material that covered his identity, you turned your chair away from him, respecting the belief of the group he is in.
You felt trinkets of water on your cheeks as you heard Mando usher the Child to go with Luke.  Once you heard your partner put his helmet back on, you assumed that the Jedi master already left, and you huffed out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, thinking you were finally safe. Or that’s what you thought…
“I see you’ve joined the other side,” the blonde spoke up, proving your assumptions wrong and making you inhale sharply as he was clearly talking about you.
You felt everyone’s eyes fall on you, but you were particular about only one. You felt Djarin’s eyes drill holes at you with curiosity through his helmet, and he did not have to remove it for you to figure out that he was baffled about what was unfolding in front of him.
You spun your chair once more to face him, glaring at him and crossing your arms. “So? What is it to you?”, you retorted sassily.
“Ah, still the same old you. It’s nothing really,  I just never expected it, especially with you.” He taunted.
“Oh really? I would beg to differ.” You protested, quirking your eyebrow and leaning forward. “Or have you already forgotten what you did to me?”
Luke stayed quiet for a moment, speechless that you remembered what happened years ago. “You know I never meant for that to happen.” 
What he said infuriated you, but you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, fisting your hand. “I never left you on purpose. I was needed elsewhere. I had a duty. And if I had let you know, would you have let me go? I don’t think so because you wouldn’t have understood anything since what do you know about duty and responsibilities, huh?” He continued, raising his voice as he defended his previous actions.
That stunned you, but he was right. You had no sense of duty as you were a young, reckless, and carefree person. You had no care for your responsibilities. You wanted your life to be filled with fun and joy, not with stress and worry. You had potential with the Force even Kenobi foresaw that, and had you taken your training seriously, your skills would be equalling Luke on a par or duel, maybe even bested him. But you had let your childishness win. Yet he had no right whatsoever to talk to you like that, like he knew what happened to you. 
You stood up from where you were seated and started striding towards him, forgetting the existence of the others. “How dare you speak to me that way, Luke Skywalker. Do you have any idea of what I went through the moment you left? NO! You have no idea what hell I have experienced and encountered when you abandoned me. You have no idea about the pains and sacrifices I made in order to get back up again. You have no clue how long it took me to fix and find myself once more. I waited for years Luke, years thinking you would return for me but no, you never did. I felt like I had no purpose anymore, but thanks to them…”, You argued, looking at Din Djarin before continuing. “I found it again. Without them, I would probably still be wandering the outskirts of wherever. I was saved by them, by Grogu and Djarin.” 
Once you were face to face with him, you pointed your finger at him, stopping the urge to slap him, “You have not one shittiest hint of what I have been through, so you have no right to talk to me like that. You were the only one I had, you were my best friend, yet it seemed so easy for you to leave me. I only wished you told me, then maybe it would have been easier for me.” You whisper-shouted, your lips quivering as you held back your tears and softly punched his shoulders, avoiding to hurt the Child.
You felt yourself become light-headed from all the emotions that you let out. The last thing you felt was strong, cold arms catching you before your vision turned dark and passed out. 
When you woke up, you looked over to the side hoping to see the man you were completely infatuated with, instead you were disappointed when you were met by Bo Katan.  When she saw you open your eyes, she immediately told you that Grogu went with Luke to become his apprentice. You scrambled on your feet, Kryze behind you as you searched the whole ship looking for any signs of Grogu, but there was none. And that broke you even more as you never got to say goodbye.
An hour or so has passed by and you were still deep in thought not hearing the bounty hunter return from his assignment. He removed his armour, leaving his helmet on as he went to look for you in the ship. When he found you, he saw you lost in thought, your chin placed on your palm. He let out a sigh, leaning against the doorframe and watched your reflection on the window.
Before he left, he told you that he was going out to complete a mission he accepted, the truth was he went to see Ahsoka. The confrontation that happened between you and the Jedi bothered and confused him. He thought that the connection you both had meant you trusted him enough to tell him those kinds of things, apparently he was wrong and expected too much that he ended up getting hurt in the process. 
The feelings he had towards you puzzled him, and he wondered if there was a chance that you felt the same towards him. But seeing how you and Luke fought, he gave that thought up and started distancing himself to lessen the pain. He knew what he was doing affected you both badly, but he thought it was for the best.
And although he believes that what happened that night doesn’t hurt him anymore, he knows deep inside that he’s only lying to himself, especially because it was the night where he had to let go of his ‘kid’. But what wounded him more than it should was that it was Baby Grogu that bridged him to you. During your first encounter, he only saw you as a burden. But the immediate close proximity you have made with the Child, allowed him to give you the benefit of the doubt and accepted you anyway. 
He stayed distant, watching you and Grogu interact and play while he worked or rested. In those moments, he felt his cold heart warm up to you, thinking that maybe it would not be so bad to make a bond with you. Afterall, you’ve known each other for how many months already. 
So in a few months, he joined you whenever he had nothing to do, helping you in taking care of Grogu or just spending time with you and getting to know you better. As you got together frequently, his feelings evolved. Being with you made him at ease, made him feel he was safe. You welcomed him with open arms and open heart, not once making him feel uncomfortable or judged. He trusted you and became most vulnerable only to you, the first he has done in a while. But the thing about you that he cannot fathom was that there was something about being around your presence that he could not keep away from even just for a second. 
And after everything, after seeing and learning about the things you kept secret from him, all he gravely wanted to do was pull you closer to his embrace and comfort you. He wishes to be there for you as you let the walls you built for years break. He craves to be the person who you will look for and run to when you need someone like how he is to you. He longs to be the person whom you would be comfortable to show the real you without any filters. He aches to be the one to put and protect that beautiful smile and laugh of yours. And he yearns to hold you, to have you in his arms, to shower you with kisses, to tell you what he truly feels about you, to wake up beside you, and to be able to call you his best friend and lover. 
That was the main reason why he visited Ahsoka because he had no clue about what he felt and how to express it. When the former Jedi master confronted him and told him bluntly that what he felt was love, he instantly denied that idea until she asked him a series of questions about you. And when he realised it, he promptly stood up and thanked her before sprinting as fast as his legs could back to the ship.
Which brings him to now, still watching you. He observed you quietly, wondering what it was that put you deep in thought. He loves it whenever you use that wonderful brain of yours because you have an adorable habit of scrunching your eyebrows together and pouting your lips. 
The moment he saw a teardrop fall from your cheek, he felt his heart shatter. Maybe he doesn’t know the reason but he wasn’t completely heartless. His legs quietly carried him to you, sitting down beside you and wiping your tear stained cheeks, startling you.
You withdrew yourself from his touch, frantically looking elsewhere as you felt his eyes scan, possibly trying to figure out what you were thinking. “Hey Mando! Since when did you get back?” You asked nervously, your fingers fidgeting and legs bouncing.
He hummed before sitting on his respective chair and facing you. “Just a while back. Can I ask you something?” He queried, his voice heavy due to the modulation of his helmet. “You don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.”, he continued, checking your body language to see if you were okay with it. You squirmed in your seat, feeling seen by him before nodding, eyes still averted from him, “Ask away, amigo.”
“Why have you never told me?” You looked at him, your eyebrows knitting together, “Never told you what exactly?” Although you can’t see him do it, he rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrow at you. “I mean, why have you never told me that you were a Jedi warrior? I thought that maybe by that time before that Luke guy appeared, we already earned each other’s trust.”
The question took you by surprise, not that you weren’t expecting him to ask, you just didn’t think he would ask you now since it has been a year already. For the first time, you understood why he pushed you away, he felt like you had not trusted him enough to not give him this information that it hurt him. 
You finally found the courage to look at him, and you have no idea what he’s thinking or what his expression is behind his mask, making you more jittery. 
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, sighing it out before opening them once more to look at him. “I presumed that I did not have to remember that chapter of my life once I joined your journey. I never expected Luke to appear out of nowhere and bring that part of my life up. As for never telling you, I did not want to share to you the burden of guilt I carry. You have so much on your shoulders already, that it felt right to just never let you know as I have left it. Maybe also because I was scared that your perception of me would differ when you find out. ”
Your sight dropped to your lap, your thumbs playing with one another, and your whole body trembled as you finished. You couldn’t look at him now, you felt vulnerable as you held back your tears. There was nothing but deafening silence and it scared you because the thoughts in your head are saying that he sees you differently and more disgusting now than ever. But those thoughts evaporated the moment he placed his right hand on yours, caressing it while his left hand softly cupped your chin and moved it up so he could see your face. 
His left hand continued moving, stroking your cheeks with his knuckles. You released a relieved sigh as you leaned into his touch. “Darling, I would never look at you differently just because our races hated each other. And I’m sorry if I ever hurt you by distancing myself away. It just felt…” 
You pulled your right hand away and placed it on his helmet, gesturing for him to stop. “You don’t have to explain, okay? I should have told you because we made a promise that there should be no secrets between us.” 
It was now your turn to place your hand on the cheeks of his cold headgear, running the pad of your thumb against the cold surface. He broke away from your touch, withdrawing his hands from you and moving it towards the end of his helmet. That was when it hit you he was going to take it off for you, but before he could you stopped him. 
“Wait, what are you trying to do?”
“Well before you stopped me, I was going to remove my helmet.” He quipped, making you giggle. 
“No I knew that, you idiot. I meant why are you doing it? Don’t you have some sort of belief that you shouldn’t show your face to others?” You asked innocently, tilting your head out of curiosity. Din chuckled at the thought of you being dense. 
“We did say there should be no secrets between us, right?.”
“Right, but doesn’t mean you have to do that especially if you feel like you’re being forced to. And you already went against that vow when you removed it for Grogu, I don’t want you to do the same just for me.” He laughed at your explanation, the modulation of his voice vibrating to your spine, making you shudder. 
“For a genius, you can be the densest person. I already broke the oath for Grogu, so it doesn’t really matter anymore. But even before that, if you had asked me to show myself to you, I would have taken the chance and done it anyway.” 
What he professed dumbfounded you. “I? You? Wha? Why?”, was the only thing you managed to articulate, smart right?
“Because…”, he trailed off. “Because you are worth breaking the commitment I made to The Tribe. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and my last thought before I go to bed, you smile at me in my dreams. And only for you, I would risk everything even if it meant getting outcasted by my race since you mean everything to me and I love you beyond the galaxies and more.”
With that he removed the last piece of beskar armour he had on, placing it on his lap and officially revealing his identity to you. Your mind still not comprehending what he said, added with the fact he showed his face to you, had you feeling hundreds and thousands of swirling emotions.
Concerned at your stillness, he asked, “Am I that ugly?” pulling you out of your thoughts. 
Blinking your eyes, it hit you that he was there without the headpiece. “Oh my Gooooood!” You exclaimed, astonished by how good he looks.
“Is that a good thing?”, he asked once more, scratching the back of his nape. You nodded your head vigorously. You stared at his features, remembering every detail, in case you’ll never see it again. 
He has tousled brown hair from removing his helmet. His eyes were a twinkling chocolate brown doe orbs that seemed to hypnotise you as you stared into it. He had soft and pale red lips. Topping off his features was a peppered stubble that scattered on his jaw and a moustache that made him look more serious and mature. 
You timidly move your hand to his cheek, afraid that in a blink of an eye, you will wake up and everything you saw  was a dream and t’was too good to be true. He softly gripped your wrist, eagerly placing your palm on his cheeks, making you wheeze at his impatience. 
Once your skins’ touch, you stroked his cheeks, feeling the roughness of his stubble underneath your palm. When you made eye contact, you gave him a soft smile. And it didn’t go unnoticed that his eyes flickered to your lips for a moment.
“Would you mind if I kissed you?” He asked with no shame, taking you off guard and making you choke on your own saliva. You smacked him in the chest, and he just raised his eyebrow.
“So can I?” You pretended to think for a moment before nodding. “I need verbal consent, darling.” He drawled, leaning forward and boring his eyes into yours. You cannot deny that letting his gentleness lead him gave you butterflies, once more falling head over heels in love with the tin man.
“Yes Din, kiss me please.” You begged, and in one swift motion, he leaned towards you and pressed his lips against yours. 
You had thoughts that the kiss you two would share would be heavenly, but you had not expected it to be this good. His lips were soft and light like feathers against yours. His hand held the side of your neck, the pad of his thumb grazing your jaw, while the other found itself on your thighs as he gave it a comforting and reassuring squeeze, resulting in a satisfactory sigh coming from you. 
You felt him smile through the kiss before pulling away to catch his breath, making you whine at the loss of contact.
He placed his forehead on yours, piercing into your orbs before mumbling, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, my mesh'la cyar’ika**” against your lips.
“I love you too, Din.”, placing one more kiss on his lips.
Note: Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, my mesh'la cyar’ika** - I love you, my beautiful darling.
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deanselectracomplex · 24 days
i really don’t agree with the fact that sam is queer coded and I don’t see why that’s an objectionable statement. first of all I wouldn’t go to bat on the fact that dean is queer coded either lol but i do see more of an argument for that. but like sam girls can claim that they are reading him through a queer lens and that’s fine that’s their interpretation but so many of them insist in the same breath that dean is het etc. if you’re going to claim that sam is in opposition to the cisheteronormative family structure you can also argue that dean and john, in their rejection of societal norms and institutions could also be read as a queer narrative. sam is in a lot ways at the beginning of the story the element that is reinforcing traditional structures through his trust in the value of things such as academia, law enforcement, and social hierarchies. things which dean and john challenge the authority of. i guess I just question how that aspect fits into academic queer theory and why fans feel the need to insist upon this. I see more people argue that sam does fulfill a queer narrative which like whatever floats your boat but no one has to agree with you. I personally think charitably they are tying to see themselves in their favorite characters and uncharitably that they are shoehorning sam, who does generally fall into the typically male luke skywalker hero’s journey archetype, into the narrative role of victim at all times with a questionable definition of queer theory at best. all of this to say i think most of the usual suspects here are essentially reactionary
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pomplalamoose · 3 months
If you are ever down I would love your take on a Luke with a ND partner, maybe one who isn't expressive or picks up on social cues. says what ever comes to mind. Takes things a little too literally, is blunt in conversations. Like someone who struggles with their tone so people think they're bored or mean when they really have constantly racing thoughts and new ideas and are always open to new relationships.
I'm pretty sure it has never taken me this long to answer an ask before, but I wanted to make sure I'd put the same time and effort into yours as I did with every other one so far. Sadly I never seemed to get the free time to do so until now, so I REALLY want to thank you for your patience, anon, and hope you're happy with the result🩵
Please note though that for requests like these I'm only able to draw from my own experiences which possibly differ from those of others.
Accordingly nothing I said about "you" is meant to impose any kind of insinuations about behavioral patterns on those reading this, nor is it my intention to criticize or sound harsh in any way.
It goes without saying that Luke, as a friend as well as a partner, couldn't be any more wonderful to be around and I believe that especially for someone on the neurodivergent spectrum it's basically a dream come true to date him.
(Apart from that he's definitely that one friend who listens to you when you think nobody else does and waits for you when you need to stop to tie your shoe laces.)
He's empathetic and sensitive to the emotions of those surrounding him and thus would never make you feel like you don't belong, are weird for acting a certain way, or like you'd be better off pretending to be something you're not to "fit in".
And while Luke's connection to the Force certainly adds a lot to the fact that he has no trouble reading you, he would manage to just as well without it.
Still there's no denying how useful his abilities could prove themselves to be in a relationship, especially should his partner struggle with expressing themselves.
I won't go into much more detail though, because many of the things I already talked about in my other posts regarding his understanding and supportive character can be applied here as well.
(e.g. Master Luke Skywalker headcanons, Luke with a partner on their period, Luke x a reader with mental health issues, breaking down in front of Luke)
However I think it'd be really interesting to take a look at his initial reaction to getting to know a neurodivergent person with the behavioral features you described since I believe they differ depending on which Luke era we're talking about.
• ANH Luke wouldn't even bat an eye
• on Tatooine everyone has to put up a rough exterior in order to protect oneself
• it's not a place of friendly conversations and common niceties; people know they're better off minding their business and staying on their own
• you're very blunt and speak your mind?
• you seem unfazed, even bored during most encounters?
• good for you, it's not easy to navigate this corner of the galaxy and much safer to hold others at a distance
• growing up Luke came across a wild array of all kinds of beings too, one more interesting (and really scary) than the other
• he's not put off, instead even used to supposed unfriendliness
• also he doesn't know anything about where you're from and your people, maybe that's just the way they are and how you were raised?
• he probably thinks you're very cool too
• because surely you have seen a lot? Been on great adventures across the galaxy?
• he really wants to do the same
• if you come across as mean without meaning to it's not a big deal, it only makes him want to spend even more time with you
• ("if mean, then why friend-shaped??")
• most importantly ANH Luke judges a person more by their actions than their words, so there is absolutely no need to worry about how he may perceive you
• it's safe to say you're not getting rid of him as it's nearly impossible to shake him off once he decides he wants to be someone's friend
• he's more than delighted once you get to know each other better and it turns out his intuition was right!
• ESB Luke, on the other hand, may be a bit slower to come around
• not necessarily because he dislikes you but because he doesn't have the time nor the patience to put effort into really getting to know you
• people talk and so he probably heard a thing or two that has him eyeing you curiously
• most likely he won't pay you much mind as he's gone most of the time anyways
• generally speaking though, I think you'd get along pretty well, Luke is a friendly and open minded person after all and would surely grow fond of your quirks before even knowing about their source
• still there's a possibility of the two of you butting heads should it come to an actual meeting
• nothing really severe, of course, but still I can see Luke growing easily frustrated at, for example, your lack of expression, or at your questions when you don't quite get something and want to make sure you understood everything correctly
• and while he's not going to show it or tell you outright that he thinks you're a bit annoying, he's not that good at surpressing dramatic sighs or a roll of his eyes
• HOWEVER if you catch him off guard with blunt words said in a tone that could come across as mean it could definitely get a rise out of him
• after all we get to see that he has developed a certain attitude; he's snippy, quick to talk and slightly judgemental
• (mainly towards Han and Yoda but I can see him acting this way quite often because of all that he's being put through)
• I'm sure that under different circumstances Luke wouldn't react as strongly but with how things are during ESB he might hurt your feelings without meaning to
• once the dust settles and he has a quiet moment to himself he'll feel awful though and most likely seek you out to make amends
• naturally RotJ Luke is a different story altogether
• (the character development this man went trough is absolutely crazy, and I'm amazed every time I do comparisons like these)
• before even taking to you for the first time he'd regard you with a warmth and patience you seldom get to experience
• he quietly smiles to himself when he overhears you having a conversation in that special way of yours or when he senses something sparking an idea
• he appreciates your bluntness
• maybe at first you'd think he's laughing at you but don't worry, he just thinks you're cute
• he feels you in the Force, senses your excitement, your curiosity
• it draws him in
• he is able to see you as a whole, not just what you present on the outside, and so isn't deterred by what others would view as a potential attack or criticism
• (take notes ESB Luke)
• once you've grown closer he's always there to point out social clues you might have missed and/or walks you through certain situations to explain how your behavior might have looked to others when it's something you're worried about
• often he knows what you're going to say before you do and, if that's what you want, gives you a sign you agreed upon, letting you know if maybe it'd bet better for you to be silent instead
• (he absolutely explains dumb sexual jokes to you when you don't get them and I don't care how self indulgent this is, I could really use someone to do that for me, thank you very much)
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Steve takes one last look in the mirror and frowns at his store-bought cowboy costume. He looks positively lame, more like a spoilt child rather than a Wild West outlaw. But Robin insists he wears an actual costume because, "putting on sunglasses and saying you are a Tom Cruise character isn't a costume, Steve".
Eddie says as much when he heads over to the new trailer to pick him up. But he has no clue Eddie practically stumbles down the front steps because he's too busy staring at the cow-print chaps that frame his butt in the best way possible.
Steve chooses to ignore Eddie's outfit: a homemade vampire bat costume he had been threatening to wear for weeks. They already argued about its tastelessness when Steve walked into the trailer last week to find Eddie sewing clumps of black furry material to the shoulders of a sweater and sculpting felt ears. But hey, if this is how Eddie wants to deal with them almost dying from the undead Upside Down equivalent... Steve just has no intention of defending him against a gaggle of teenagers when they are all supposed to be enjoying a Halloween party in the safety of Steve's house. 
Robin and Nancy have finished the party planning, dressed in a failed couples costume (Robin's neon green jumpsuit and inflatable alien head far from complementing Nancy's impeccable Ellen Ripley). And Nancy is genuinely pissed about it because Argyle and Jonathan are dressed as a zombie bride and groom and look fantastic.
Steve stubbornly spends far too much of the night manning his parent's liquor cabinet for fear the kids will sneak a drink. And Eddie's smart enough to not tell him he saw Dustin (dressed as Gandalf the Grey) and Max (similarly controversial as Freddy Kruger) take a drink from a rogue beer can, gag and set it down on the Harrington's expensive coffee table without a coaster.
Eddie eventually drags Steve away to the downstairs bathroom, intertwining their pinkies, with a "come on cowboy" he'd waited all night to say. He managed to convince him that Will (aka Luke Skywalker) would take over as resident party-pooper at the liquor cabinet - even though Eddie did have to relinquish one Hellfire campaign to the kid so he could finally show off his Dungeon Master skills. Plus, it gave the kid a distraction from pining over Mike (who somehow managed to make Dracula look pathetic).
"You wanna kiss me, bat boy?" Steve asks with a little liquid courage and a blush as he closes the bathroom door and crowds Eddie against the vanity. 
"Yes," Eddie says, suddenly completely panicked.
He didn't think they'd get this far considering they had almost kissed countless times before now, but were always interrupted. By Eddie's recollection, the last time was about 78 hours ago outside his trailer when Steve looked like he was about to kiss him goodbye until Max came running over with candy to share.
He leans in but Steve holds up a hand in protest. 
"Um, Eds? Your fangs."
Eddie remembers his plastic vampire teeth and claps a hand to his mouth, utterly mortified. He spits them clean out into his palm and dumps them in the sink. 
"Dude, ew," Steve says, screwing up his nose.
Eddie wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and rubs his spit-covered palm on his jeans. He then removes Steve's cowboy hat and combs his non-spitted-on fingers through his flattened hair. They look at each other for a moment before Steve leans in and places a soft kiss on his lips. They separate and sigh with utter relief.
They proceed to furiously make out and forget the party outside until someone comes banging on the bathroom door, at which point they exit, entirely flustered and awkwardly duck their heads out of view of whoever it was at the door and head for Steve's bedroom with lightening speed. Days later they find out it was a traumatised Lucas (he dressed as Maverick from Top Gun) who of course, blabbed to everyone before the party was over.
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