#batwoman: s1
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that moment when ur sister interrupts ur court-mandated group therapy
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saraa-lancee · 11 months
I'm going to say my gut reaction is I would rather they have just Canceled Batwoman?
Genuinely, the character of Kate had an entire season of development and it ended on some of these incredible notes that I was so freaking excited to see play out that now we just won't get. Wherever they take it from here, this *will* remain just... hollow in a way that I see taking away from my ability to enjoy whatever comes next.
Either way, the Batwoman we knew from season 1 *was* canceled and it just feels so weird to me they just decided to take it this way
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marvelsgirl616 · 2 months
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Kara Danvers • Supergirl Icons
Batwoman S1. Ep. 9 || CW Crisis on Infinite Earths Hour Two.
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traceofexistence · 4 months
listen, I'm gonna be real here for a moment
I dont care if you hate CW shows
I dont care if you thought batwoman was "bad" (it wasn't s3 was the best arrowverse season of all shows ever, I said what I said)
I dont care if for some bizarre reason you hate RR (I never understood why they are hated so much)
I dont care if you dont like the show
fact is, it was unapologetically lesbian, women kissing women from the first seconds of the first episode. and it ended with 2 canon lesbian couples, and no dead lesbians.
it also had some absolutely phenomenal kisses
we don't talk about bruno season 2 (the new Kate actress cant kiss women for shit, also sophie was paired with a whitewashed julia and that's disgusting)
so jump to s3
we got a unique couple in Renee Montoya/poison IVY and they played the hell out of it
but Renee also had an one night stand with Sophie and in my honest opinion the BEST KISS in the show, and it is also very funny that THAT kissing scene was the first scene the actresses had together, like "okay Victoria this is Meagan, Meagan this is Victoria, now that you two are old palls, kiss like there is no tomorrow"
as I tend to say, they kissed with their whole entire body, and it is what they and me personally deserved
and last but certainly not least, a lengthy love scene for the main couple Sophie and Ryan, who are together and married (according to some CW cross over show or whatever)
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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Batwoman in posters
Season 1
S1 Character Poster
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Season 2
S2 Character Poster
Season 3
The Flash: Armageddon
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alegacyofmonsters · 10 months
Legacies 1x04 Rewatch:
Just seeing all the comic book decor in MG's room makes me so sad that we never got to see him and Landon geek out together
The amount of (lame) TVD cameos in S1 was wild considering they did not keep that energy up
If I had a nickel for every time the Salvatore School made a fake exchange program with Mystic Falls High over a murder, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
"Who are you and what did you do with Hope Mikaelson?" Just you wait ...
The blatant use of TVD scenes for the exterior shots of MFHS and they couldn't even match the green filter of Legacies
Lizdon best friendism!!!
"Try not to deliberately alienate the entire student body." "I tried to be her friend when I was five and when I was nine and when I was thirteen." "I'm sorry we couldn't see why you were hurting back then." SCREAMING.
"Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?" "Batwoman doesn't have a Robin." "Metaphor." FOR LESBIANISM.
"I'm working on offensive spells." Maybe we should've known she was blood thirsty from the start
Rosie and Finsie both have a breakfast scene BUT NOT JANDON OR POSIE. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?
No because how did Josie have Raf so wrapped around her finger and still manage to come up with a fake sob story about Lizzie winning him
Baby Handon, my beloveds
Hope 🤝 Lizzie 🤝 Accusing MG of failing at compulsion
Lizzie being so grossed out by MG's unrelenting advances and him STILL not getting the message. Oh I hate what this rewatch is doing to my best boy.
"Dana is dead." Oh no ... what are we gonna do ...
"I expect you to be with Hope when I do" hits so much harder knowing about 4x06
"You are a horrible liar." "I suck at lying." Okay Lizzie I see you
We were robbed of Cheerleader!Hope, even in an AU
I still need someone to edit "They're a gift from Cheryl" into a Hope Mikaelson x Cheryl Blossom edit
"Relax, Eeyore." Hope, your Lizzie is popping out.
"I don't even like any of you" but we all know who she's best friends with in the Human AU
Jed truly was terrible in the beginning. Like who is that? I don't know him. Bully!Jed isn't real unless you believe in him.
"I'm a feminist." You're a liar is what you are actually.
I really do miss S3 actual feminist MG. Bring him back to me already.
The casual Dana E.D. jokes were ... certainly a choice for a 2019 show ...
The Kaleb x Landon dynamic deserved more
"Years of practice with Lizzie" and we never once get to see it. Like??
"You're dead if you don't submit." I'm sorry but like has a werewolf student ever actually been murdered for not joining the pack? I feel like we would've heard about that.
"It's Sasha." Was Sasha even at the flag football game? How do they know her?
"My money's on your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." She just wanted to hear you say it, sweetie.
"Whatever spun this is gonna come back and eat us." We couldn't be that lucky. Imagine how much better the series would have been.
I still ship Connor x Josie. I don't care.
Landon rushing in to save Josie. Oh Jandon serves whether you want to admit it or not.
The S1 Core 6 did not get enough scenes together
"I'm a twin. I don't do anything solo." You just spent the entire episode without Lizzie because being a hero is too much pressure??? You spent the whole last episode apart from her too???? It's only the fourth episode?????
It's almost laughable how much Josie lies. Like every other word out of her mouth is straight up false and she knows it.
Still think Jed x Rafael should have had a thing.
I miss this Handon angst. THIS. THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF. Not the circular conflict they got stuck in later.
"Being a hero is not more important than being safe." This is your suicidal daughter, my dude. She does not care about being safe.
"She thinks she's too good to give you the time of day." Actually it's
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"Don't disrespect her like that. We got enough monsters out here as it is. We cannot become one of them." MG YOU DIDN'T DIE THE HERO. YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME THE VILLAIN. GOD DAMN IT.
Wait a minute. Josie was stuck in a spider web, almost dying, and Landon saved the day instead of Penelope Park making an appearance? Penelope would have never.
"If you threaten my kids, Sheriff, I'll be the one coming for you." No, maybe I get it. Maybe I do still get the attraction.
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redhatmeg · 10 months
Ironic like literally she is risking lives, Clark is right . Like wtf letting you kill yourself to prove a point is beyond worse
I can remember at least one instance where Lois Lane threw herself into danger to get Superman's attention. This is nothing new, but it's still kinda iffy, when you think about it deeper.
But this whole situation reminds me of Sophie Moore in Batwoman learning that Kate Kane was the titular charcter and being mad that Julia Pennyworth knew about it and didn't tell her (as if it was Julia's secret to tell). The same lack of understanding that not revealing a secret is not always the same as lying. Also Sophie too, at some point, worked against Batwoman and Kate just revealing her identity to her could pose some risks.
Now let's compare and contrast how Iris West in S1 of The Flash reacted to the knowledge that Barry and her father, Joe, were keeping the identity of The Flash from her. Iris is actually quite reasonable with her anger, especially because Joe's main argument to keep her in the dark was that they were "protecting her" and Iris points out that if she knew who Flash was and what's going on, she would "have helped (...) put the bad guys away, instead of being in the way". For the most of The Flash S1, Iris was supportive of the Flash, even defending him from detractors (only after Flash vs. Arrow she turned against him and it didn't last for long), and Barry himself didn't tell her anything only because of Joe's insistance.
To this day I think that Iris West's reaction is one of the best scenes in Arrowverse as a whole, because it challanges the "lying to protect her" notion as something that doesn't work in the long run.
At the same time for a long time I was of opinion that Kara Denvers should tell Lena Luthor that she's Supergirl, if only because they were friends; but then the writers threw a granade into the relations between Kara and Lena and just telling Lena the truth seemed like it should be done when these relations would be mended. And then Lena learned about Kara's secret in the worst possible way - from Lex - and for the next season she was vengeful as fuck.
There are also external issues, like how the superhero is perceived by the populace (see: Arrow and Daredevil).
Anyway, you're totally right that Clark is right (sic!), but I think that there are two main problems that arise in this kind of situations:
The hero still lies to their friends and family to cover their secret (like that time with Clark saying he cut himself) and that can be disrespectful and kinda iffy in the long run.
Whenever they reveal their secret identity or not, it always comes down to trust. If someone learns about their loved one's secret identity, one of the first things they will think about is whenever their loved one trusted them to reveal the secret on their own or if that someone had to be told by the third party or figure it on their own.
What I'm trying to say is this: Lois feels disrespected and hurt by Clark keeping such a secret from her (something that many people can relate to on some level), but at the same time Clark points out that many of her actions didn't prove to him that she can be trusted with such a secret. And Clark himself who is figuring his identity on his own may not be ready to tell about it to anyone but his parents.
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 days
3, 4, 8, 12 for Morgan?
3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
The first time she leaves is post-s1/during s2, when she goes to SCU for college. It's quite a distance away from Central (much further than the CW would have you believe given the number of Flash/Arrow crossovers 😅 CC is in Missouri, and SC is in Washington), and it's also more crime-infested (pretty sure it was the Arrowverse's Gotham until Batwoman started airing), so it's...an adjustment. Barry and Tina are CONSTANTLY worried about her (so is the rest of the Team but ESPECIALLY Barry and Tina).
Morgan meanwhile misses home a lot 🥺 but she keeps telling herself she'll adjust and settle in. And she does, but...she keeps finding herself drawn to Central, because that's where her family is (and this is something she eventually admits at the end of s2)
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
Ooh well her career ambition was to be a doctor. It still is, currently, but...we’ll see how things turn out (if she intends to keep being Sentry, then medicine might not be a great career choice)
As for generally…she mostly just wished for stability. She has that in Tina, but...she’s also acutely aware that Tina is beholden to Eowells’s wishes. And even post-s1, she knows shes Tina’s goddaughter, not her “real” daughter (as Eowells liked to remind her from time to time), so stability is still uncertain. So post-s1 (and esp post-s2, as Tina and Henry start dating), she’s wondering what's gonna happen when she turns 18 and Tina isn’t legally responsible for her anymore...and that scares her 🥺
8. Were there expectations placed on your OC when they were growing up? Have they lived up to those expectations?
Oh absolutely. Being raised by Eowells meant that there was an understanding that she was expected to excel academically. He didn't expect her to be a genius, so in that regard, she exceeded his expectations (thus warranting his effusive attention), and she’s rarely struggled in academics (until Organic Chem, but she’ll have Barry’s help with that)
As for decorum...she’s more outspoken and self-sacrificial than he’s like, especially as she spends more time with Barry, and of course, Eowells also disapproves of them being more than just teammates (i.e. friends/siblings. Eowells feels threatened by that closeness).
So...I guess yes and no? Though Morgan often feels like she falls short no matter what she does.
12. Answered here!
oc ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 months
📅- Favorite time or place they have been to?
as a country music fan i just Love everytime they go to cowboy times. the costumes are incredible, the atmosphere is great, its fun to see ur faves On A Horse. i think every legend should have been in a cowboy episode at least once. just for funsies
📺- Other favorite superhero tv show?
within the arrowverse... i hate to say it but its probably arrow?? it's that meme thats like its awful... compels me though... because it just Does. i don't mind the flash or supergirl but i never finished them. i do genuinely like batwoman i just need to find some time to finish it lol
outside the arrowverse, agents of shield s1 changed me as a person. i never watched beyond s1
legends of tomorrow asks
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moriavis · 3 months
C, S and U
C. A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t.
Oh, man. I don't even know. The one that comes to mind for me is Kate Kane/Maggie Sawyer. (cue comics rant.) During 52, Greg Rucka spent so much time building the relationship of Kate and Renee. It was deep and complex, it was soulmates-who-met-at-the-wrong-time, it was I-love-you-even-when-you're-bad-for-me. They became vigilantes parallel to each other. I loved their love so much I would claw at my face in delight each week.
Then Greg Rucka left, and the New 52 happened. Renee's Question persona was retconned. She was barely mentioned for ages. And JHWIII and Blackman wrote the Batwoman series, and. IDK. Looked around for other lesbian characters and landed on Maggie because she was the only one? Yeah, no. Apparently, I still have strong feelings about this one! ^^;
S. What’s a headcanon you have?
I don't really know if I have any specific headcanons? I guess my biggest one is that if Len survived the explosion at the Oculus, he's a meta. You survive an explosion from a device that controlled time while outside of time? You're a meta now. I don't make the rules.
My other big one is that Cisco and Lisa are endgame. Don't care what the show decided.
U. What are your favorite male/female ships?
Ooh, interesting. Well, my ride or die is Cheri Majors/Citizen Pain from the comic series Violent Messiahs. Messed up traumatized hero-and-villain? Love at first sight? YES.
My other favorite from the top of my head is Jonothan Starsmore (Chamber) and Paige Guthrie (Husk) from Generation X. I will be forever bitter that they ended up not really being a thing.
Those two are some old school comics references. LOL
I do also really, really like Cisco/Lisa and Iris/Eddie. They were both really adorable, and I'm sad we didn't get more content. (Eddie should've lived past S1, imo.)
That was a lot of fun! Thanks for asking! It was a nice break from the kiss prompts I'm writing. <3
Fandom-related questions
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frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
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i walk up to them with a paper and pen asking them to write down their timeline with dates and specific details because it's not adding up besties. they stick the pen into my eye, killing me instantly
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saraa-lancee · 11 months
Sorry but Part of It (tm) is how frankly and openly Batwoman depicts institutional homophobia and shit like in a way I've never really seen anyone else do.
"I herby deny homosexual conduct". A future erased by a kiss. Don't ask don't tell. We don't want you faggots in the army. Being denied the ability to be something youve always wanted to be because of someone you are. 🤷🤷
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wildm00re · 2 years
so sorry for the late ass follow up but i would LOVE all the sapphic tv show recs!!!!
ok wait ik you said tv shows but i’m including some movies as well, also this is probably going to be long (sorry).
TV shows/movies with leading sapphic characters that get a happy ending:
Batwoman s2-s3 (2021-2022)
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simultaneously the best and worst thing that happened to me bc the show was canceled but not before they got their happy ending lol. but yeah you can watch from s1 before ryan takes over as the lead if you want to know more about sophie’s (right) coming out storyline but starting at s2 is fine as well
She Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018-2020)
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multiple sapphic relationships and characters, honestly this was such a fun show to watch
The Prom (2020)
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(hope you like musicals lol)
Crush (2022)
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it was fun
How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020)
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a much more intense show seeing as it deals with murder and covering up (multiple) murders but annalise coming to terms with being bisexual (and ultimately learning how to love herself) is still one of my favorite things — eve (first gif) isn’t introduced until s2 and tegan (second gif) is introduced in s4, they’re both lesbians + there’s a main gay relationship as well
Ensemble Shows:
ok gonna just list them without gifs now:
Betty (HBO show)
multiple sapphic characters and it was fun :(
Maze is pansexual and ends up in a sapphic relationship around the last 2 seasons
ICarly Reboot
Carly’s roommate Harper is pan i believe and dates a woman for a bit
All American
Coop x Patience, both lesbians
Black Lightning
Oldest daughter of Black Lightning, Anissa Pierce is a lesbian who falls in love and marries Grace Choi who is bi
One Day at a Time
feel good coming out plot in a sitcom
Jane the Virgin
the lead guy’s sister is a lesbian and a few seasons into the show a main character realizes she is bi
The Sex Lives of College Girls
Gossip Girl Reboot
no relationship but Monet is a lesbian
Charmed Reboot
one of the sisters is a lesbian and is in multiple relationships throughout the show
Get Even
canceled(?) but it was cute while it lasted :(
again, canceled but cute while it lasted 😭
Dare Me
canceled AGAIN but if you love to suffer, definitely should watch 😭
The Originals
haven’t watched yet (currently & slowly watching tvd) but i do remember seeing clips of a sapphic couple getting married ?
anyways i’m sure there’s more i missed but can’t think of rn
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gachapulls · 1 year
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and because im crazy explanations below
kasumi: i think shes big on young justice in general so tim is her choice
tae: she a big bunny person as we know and i think she likes damian for his animal love
rimi: big fan of classic comics batgirl babs! but still wishes dc would move on from giving her batgirl in current comics
saaya: do you guys remember s1 of the anime . yeah . i think shed relate to dick just a wee bit
arisa: she does not care at all no kasumi shes not going to kindate timsteph with you
ran: she doesnt care/really know about batfam specifically . she likes the lanterns!
moca: she sees the loser in jason . and she loves the loser in jason <3
himari: she loves stephs 1st spoiler and batgirl eras! doesnt collect comics but has every issue from her batgirl run i know this
tomoe: ako made her watch btas with her so they could cosplay together LOL but then developed an actual liking to dicks character! she doesnt say it out loud but she loves discowing so much
tsugumi: shes not interested herself but she loves listening to her friends ramble about the characters :) <3
kokoro: grew up on the 60s show thats the only version of batman she know . also this is the michelle situation again she does NOT know bruce wayne is batman
kaoru: will go into long shakespearien analysis about his character and how troubled he is . idk man Someone had to like bruce as their favorite ok .
hagumi: one of those younger siblings that watched her older brother play videogames . but i think what really made her like dick was ttg . im sorry but cmon its hagumi
kanon: super surface level doesnt reeeeally care but she reads the webtoon for its lightheartedness and enjoys damian in it :) dont ask her about actual comics shell cry she only found out there was more than one robin like 3 days ago
misaki: her younger siblings made her watch batwheels LMAO but also i do think shes read some of her batgirl run and was like "woah comics arent as dumb as i thought"
aya: sometimes girls just like other cool looking girls who are also cute is that so wrong? would maybe lowkey kin her too
hina: well canon to her character shes always looking for boppin things and i think duke is very boppin to her! his unique abilities and him being still relatively new makes for so much potential and shes really into that! she also really loved we are robin
chisato: oracle babs stan she is SO secret about it tho she finds it unprofessional in her position to like these things
maya: also oracle stan :) she likes all the techy aspects of her character and well green character like cmon . i think maya and chisato talk about her when theyre taking breaks during practice
eve: these damn kids with swords . yeah i think she loves the difficulty he has being from the two families hes from and how he deals with the weight . cried when his robin run was canceled (me too eve)
yukina: you know her and cats . but i do think she really liked catwoman in batman 2022
sayo: had no interest until hina showed her some birds of prey comics . she just thinks helena is really cool and that jason fans are annoying LOL
lisa: big fan of the classic teen titans! i think dick is her second fav overall after donna
ako: ah we know this by now . biggest btas tim kinnie of all time no doubles doubles blocked on sight
rinko: okay this was so hard between cass and duke they are her two favs!!! but i can see her relating to cass a little more and for those reasons shed be rinkos fav :)
mashiro: just isnt her type of thing but she watches intently when a batman movie comes on during their movie nights
touko: why ofc! she thinks batwoman is the coolest ever!
nanami: idk . you ask her why she likes jason and she just hits you with a :3 like its anyones guess at this point
tsukushi: again just doesnt care and she cant keep track of anything they tell her . "wait huh batmans parents are dead when did that happen" type question halfway into one of toukos rambles 😭
rui: i just know these things okay look at her... i dont think shes big on comics/cartoons so the pennyworth tv show is probably her reason for him being her fav
rei: shed watch the dcau movies with tae and really enjoyed dicks character :)
rokka: waaay more into superfam but she enjoys damian after reading supersons :)
masuki: ITS NOT WHAT YOURE THINK . okay she likes jason as robin the most she thought he was cutesies and fun :) she also liked druglord villain type jason but thinks hes a total loser in recent years
pareo: hard to explain but i do think she sees parts of herself in dukes character and she really enjoys him for that :)
chu2: maybe im just tired from writing but if you kkow the two then you KNOW . shed read comics where damian is completely in the wrong like "why are they booing him hes right" 14 year olds will be kinnies ok
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hello i’ve been trying to watch batwoman for months to get to see ryan & sophie but the show was too violent/cruel for me to get into (and also really abelist??) so i only got through 2/3 of s1 but i found a compliation!!! of wildmoore scenes on youtube and have been watching it and i love them so be prepared
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redhatmeg · 2 years
So, Sam Lane talknig about “other Earths”...
Considering all the changes to characters that already appearad in Supergirl (Morgan Edge, the Parasite...) and lack of other superheroes, Superman and Lois already felt more like alterantive universe than part of Arrowverse. And I probably would be okay with it for the most part...
...if not for this scene in S1, when John Diggle turns up in Smallville (which was a part of his grand tour around Arrowverse shows). One may say that it was this universe Diggle and I probably would have to rewatch this scene again to see if there is any mention of his problem with Green Lantern ring... but still, we were to assume that time that he’s supposed to be the same Diggle as in Batwoman, Flash etc.
Certainly Superman and Lois taking place in different universe makes more sense, but I do wonder how much of this decision was caused by the apparent end of Arrowverse and the CW getting sold out.
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