kirisclangen · 6 months
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He/him, 147 moons, cis tom
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plushieclan · 2 months
This clan will get an *extra* comic or writing during the Moon 13 interlude!
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undead-nothosaur · 5 months
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SalmonBelly (F) blunt and rude but willing to back her sass up with actions, always in competition with her sister Lillysight
LillySight (F) Believes herself to be the most beautiful cat in the clan despite being painfully single, loves trying to outdo SalmonBelly
EelStripe (M) very intelligent warrior, dosen't agree with how cruel his clan often is towards others but when he offers advice he is listened to. Loves BlackHeart very much.
GoldNose (M) flirtatious and charming but his facade often crumbles quickly into blatant narcissism, he does seem to care about his sister WaxStorm and his niece by extension but otherwise he comes first in his priorities
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CLANGEN TIME!!! meet Bayclan:
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I adore all these cats so much and we havent even started yet lol.
For once a leader i actually really like:) cherryeyes/ cherrystar i trust u with my life
Oh no, a brown tabby tom, claw-suffix, confident and smart deputy, lets hope he doesnt cause any problems...
Smallshine is just the cutest name ever. I hc her as Creekclaws sister.
The kits are extremely cute, cant wait to see them grow up!!!
I also have an apprentice, Swallowpaw, but i forgot to take a picture of him lol
Storywise it goes like this: Cherrystar, Creekclaw and Smallshine were loners who shared the forest BayClan now lives in peacefully. Recently, Eagle and her nephew Swallow have arrived in the area after traveling across the lands for many moons. They have met other Clans before and shared their stories with the local three.
Ever since then, Smallshine has been having strange dreams telling her to ask the travelers to stay and live together with them in the ways of the Clans they met. So they decided to take on Clan names and held a competition over the title of Leader. Eagletalon declined to partake, and Cherryeyes narrowly beat Creekclaw, for which he was made deputy and awarded with the honor of training young Swallowpaw by Eagletalon.
The newest addition to the Clan is Apricotsmoke. He used to be a kittypet, but his twolegs abandoned him when he wasn't a cute kitten anymore. He managed to survive out on his own and made his way to the lands of BayClan. Near the border, he found two kits, one not even a moon old, all alone, and took pity on them. Smallshine found the three of them while out gathering berries like the cat in her dream told her, and took them back to camp.
Lets see where this takes us yeeeeee
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I can't wait to talk about BayClan and the several different stories that go on in it
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tales-of-bayclan · 3 months
Book 1: Chapter 1 (Moon 1)
A moon had passed since the Great Tragedy that befell BayClan, and Stonepaw and Sunkit had made significant progress in rebuilding their home. They had cleared a large area of the beach, gathering any debris that had been washed ashore by the tide. They had even managed to salvage a few pieces of wood from the wreckage of their former camp, using them to create a makeshift shelter for themselves.
However, Sunkit's dreams have become much more graphic. Yes, he had had many dreams of StarClan before and the dead were not strangers to him but this was different. He's been dreaming of a dark forest, filled with shadows and whispers. A forest so dark that it made his fur stand on end. In the dream, he's always walking, searching for something he can't quite put his paw on.
Stonepaw watched as his companion shook in his sleep, mewling forlornly. He knew all too well what Sunkit was going through; the dreams had started for him as well, ever since the tragedy. He reached out a comforting paw, gently rubbing the kit's back. "It's just a dream, Sunkit," he murmured softly. "They're not real. You're safe here with me."
Sunkit's eyes fluttered open, the gold and silver colors mingling in the dim light of the shelter. "I-I know," he stammered, trying to catch his breath. "It's just... they feel so real." He shivered, curling into a tight ball.
Stonepaw pressed closer, nuzzling his nose against the kit's damp fur. "They're just dreams," he reassured him. "Hey, this is all new territory to you, right? Why don't I show you it? Being outside of camp might help with the nightmares."
Sunkit hesitated for a moment, unsure if he really wanted to leave the relative safety of their shelter. But an early morning walk did seem nice. Plus, he could learn more about Stonepaw. So, with a deep breath, he forced himself to stand up on shaky legs. "Okay," he mewed, taking a step away from the shelter. "Let's go."
The two of them padded out of the makeshift camp, their paws sinking into the soft sand. The sun slowly crawled out of the sea, greeting the pair with its comforting light.
Stonepaw led the way, taking Sunkit to a secluded spot where they could watch the sunrise without being spotted by any rogues or trespassers. As they settled down on the sand, Stonepaw curled up beside Sunkit, wrapping his tail around him for warmth.
"Stonepaw... what was your life like before all this?" Sunkit asked, gazing at the rising sun. His mind was still foggy from the nightmares, but he wanted to know more about his new clanmate.
Stonepaw sighed, remembering the days before the Great Tragedy. "I had just become an apprentice, still learning the basics. My mom-"
"You had a mother?" Sunkit interrupted, a hint of surprise in his voice.
"Yes," Stonepaw replied, amused. "Most warriors have a mother. I wanted to be just like her."
The sky began to lighten, the first rays of the rising sun painting the horizon in hues of orange and pink. Sunkit felt the warmth of the new day seep into his bones, banishing the lingering chill from his dreams. He looked up at Stonepaw, his eyes bright with curiosity. "What was she like?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Stonepaw smiled fondly, remembering his mother. "She was strong, brave, and caring," he said. "She always made sure I had everything I needed, even when she was busy with her duties as a warrior. She taught me the importance of loyalty, honesty, and hard work. She was my hero, and I was determined to make her proud."
Sunkit purred, touched by the statement. Suddenly, his eyes glazed and he tilted his head, attention seemingly drawn elsewhere. It seemed to Stonepaw that he was seeing something that wasn’t there. Or rather, seeing something the Stonepaw could not. The kit’s focus was seemingly broken and he smiled softly. "You did make her proud. Every single day. She told me so."
Stonepaw was surprised by the kit's words, but he didn't want to dwell on them for too long for fear of breaking down. "Thanks, Sunkit. If she's still there... can you tell her... I love her?"
Sunkit nuzzled closer to him. "She knows."
Stonepaw purred in appreciation, feeling a small spark of comfort spread through his body. He glanced down at the tiny kit beside him, admiring his resilience and determination. Despite the hardships they had both faced, Sunkit had managed to retain an innocence and hope that Stonepaw sometimes envied. "You know, Sunkit," he said with a smile, "I think you're going to be a great warrior one day."
Sunkit looked up at him with a mixture of shock and pride before touching his nose to Stonepaw, whispering, “I hope so.”
This ended up longer than I was expecting.
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frightnightindustries · 8 months
I loved to play all of Moss-Shadow's stuff!! It has such a cool storyline!!! I also LOVED Adventures In BayClan!!!!
Do you know of the Cats of all Lands/Clans, that make where you make your own clan down to the apparence of the cats?
I loved joining CCs and I think it should be brought to tumblr as well!!!
I remember BayClan and Cats of all Lands! It was great.
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Does anyone remember the scratch game Adventures in Bayclan? It was a warrior cats game and I'll be honest I have so many fond memories of it. Seasplash my beloved
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orcatnip · 1 year
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you wouldnt believe it, a new clan! arghhh clangen has me in a chokehold
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awww bearkit wants to be a medicine cat!!
with so many herbs on BayClan territory, it seems to be easy work!
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kirisclangen · 6 months
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He/she, 6 moons, cis tom
(plain pelt under the cut)
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plushieclan · 2 months
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Moon seven’s got everything; teenage angst, young love, and ghosts! It’s October, and the comic this moon will be very, very important!
Also, if you don’t remember, Firestorm is the father of the pink sisters and died on moon zero (prologue part 3). Blazestar is the old clan’s leader (prologue part 2). Swanjaw is her son, who also died in Swampclan’s assault on old Bayclan. This is their first time being shown in a drawing. I wonder how they know each other?
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undead-nothosaur · 5 months
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BlackHeart (F) previously a kittypet she thrived surprisingly well in clan life and is now one of the most ruthless warriors here, mated to EelStripe and mother to Stingpaw
CopperBite (F) a nasty little lady who loves any chance to make trouble for others
HeronDream (M) medicine cat, mopey and disinterested in clan drama, haunted by starclan visions of the new apprentices especially his two own medicine cat apprentices whos odd behaviors deeply unsettle him
CrabSnap (F) as brash as her name suggests, was previously jealous that her sister became leader first but was quick to forgive now that she's deputy and is a loyal one at that
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exocynraku · 2 years
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after a whole day and a few hours of drawing here is SPRINGCLAN!!!!!!! randomly generated clan i made yesterday!  first group is the leader, deputy, med cat and springclans one elder, second group is the warriors, 3rd group is the apprentices, queen and her kits!!!  oh also the clans named changed from bayclan to springclan because . bayclan is the name of one of my fanclans IDK HOW I DIDNT REALIZE THAT LOOL
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sarosthewizarddude · 3 months
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tales-of-bayclan · 3 months
Book 1: Chapter 4 (Moon 4)
"So, now that I'm a medicine cat apprentice, I guess we should fix up the medicine cat den," Sunpaw mused, sitting down beside Stonepaw. "We never got around to fixing it."
Stonepaw nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's been in pretty bad shape ever since the Great Tragedy."
The medicine cat den was a crag in a cliff near the shore so it wasn't too badly damaged. However, there were still some parts that needed repair. The inside was in disarray, with debris scattered everywhere. Stray grains of sand coated the holes and ledges used as storage. Sunpaw took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Alright, so where should we start?" he asked Stonepaw.
Stonepaw glanced around the den, assessing the damage. "Well, we could start by clearing out all the debris," he suggested. "Then we can sweep out the sand and patch up any holes or cracks we find."
Sunpaw nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Let's gather up some of the supplies we'll need. I have some ideas for what we could use for the holes."
The two apprentices set to work, collecting the necessary supplies. As they worked, they chatted about their training so far. Sunpaw had been learning from StarClan about herbs and their uses, as well as how to treat different injuries. He was making good progress, though he still had a lot to learn. Stonepaw, for his part, had now perfected his tracking and hunting skills, skills that would be essential in the long run.
Once they had gathered all the supplies they needed, they began clearing out the den. They swept away the sand and pebbles, revealing a layer of dusty moss beneath. They patched up the holes in the walls with clay and twigs, using their claws to smooth it out. The den began to take shape, slowly but surely.
"And now for the finishing touch." Stonepaw announced, bringing in a twig overflowing with raspberries. "I found these in the forest nearby. Maybe you could use them for something."
Sunpaw looked at the berries in surprise. "Oh, that's a great idea! We could make a medicine to help cats with upset stomachs. Just like in the old stories." He took the twig from Stonepaw and began sorting through the berries, picking out the ripest ones. "Thank you!"
The two cats admired their handiwork as they sat in the newly refurbished den. The once dilapidated space now held an air of serenity and purpose. Sunpaw placed the berries carefully into a neat corner, making sure to save some for later. "Is this what it's like? Being part of a clan I mean."
Stonepaw smiled wistfully. “No. But it’s as close as we’ll get.”
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lichenclan · 7 months
i Am so down to hear the clans lore dump that lore on me 👀
Thank you so much for enabling me I really appreciate it <3
Lichenclan are actually the stragglers of a former clan called Creekclan. There were a few clans living in the general area (Lichenclan's neighbors are Bayclan, Dancingclan, Waspclan, Thrushclan, and Dryclan) (I might delete one of those because that's so much), but none of them really bothered to interfere with each other as much. So when Creekclan's leader, Firstar, started receiving false visions from a Dark Forest cat, no one outside of her own clan noticed.
Firstar was convinced that it was Starclan speaking to her, and so she hung on every word she was told. She exiled the clan's sole healer, Olivetuft, after learning that she was expecting kits. She was convinced that Starclan wanted her to disband the clan, or else terrible things would happen. In the middle of the night, she called a clan meeting and declared that Creekclan would be no more. Firstar's mate and deputy, Eveningstorm, left with her. The remnants of Creekclan had no leadership.
Former clanmates went their separate ways, losing their sense of comradery when prey became hard to find and herbs became a limited resource. Many cats left the territories altogether to become rogues or kittypets, while some sought asylum in their neighboring clans.
Pinefoot was one of the warriors who refused to let go of the clan. He had an immature insistence that they could band together and sort out leadership on their own, but his former clanmates didn't share the same ideals, and he was chased out of any small group he found. He ended up just outside the twolegplace, where he met with his former clanmate Lichenheart, who had settled into life as a kittypet and was expecting kits of her own. His pathetic nature convinced Lichenheart to help him out.
While living with Lichenheart's twolegs, Pinefoot began to have visions of starry-furred cats in the yard outside, leading him in the direction of the woods. After a moon of this, Pinefoot told Lichenheart that he believed Starclan was trying to tell him something. With her litter just around the corner, Lichenheart was reluctant to leave, but she trusted Pinefoot.
The starry-furred cats led Pinefoot and Lichenheart to a pine forest, specifically to a sunken clearing surrounded by a natural protection of brambles and stones. Pinefoot believed that Starclan had showed the two of them a new camp where Creekclan could be reborn. The new camp was put to the test when, a few nights later, Lichenheart had a single kit. She named him Rushkit, her formal commitment to starting this new clan with Pinefoot.
Pinefoot believed that, although Starclan had showed him the camp, Lichenheart should be leader. She was more responsible than him, and had trained an apprentice in Creekclan. Lichenheart planned to travel to the Moongrove and receive her nine lives when she'd recovered from giving birth, but her condition continued to worsen, turning into greencough.
Pinefoot searched the territory for any cat that had healing skills. He stumbled upon the den of Olivetuft and her newborn daughter, Berry. He pleaded with her to come treat Lichenheart, but by the time they made it back to camp, Olivetuft knew there was nothing more she could do except make Lichenheart's last few days painless. She was the first cat buried in Lichenclan's graveyard.
Olivetuft and Pinefoot traveled to the Moongrove together to speak with Starclan. They gave Pinefoot nine lives and his new name, Pinestar, and entrusted him with the infancy of this new clan. He was officially a leader of something new - Pinestar, Olivetuft, Rushkit, and Berrykit. He named the clan Lichenclan, in honor of his friend.
Eventually, the rest of the founders wandered into Pinestar's life and stayed in the clan. I could get into all of their histories, but then this post would be even longer than it is, haha. But after all that....well, the rest is history!
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