#be your own anchor
lucabyte · 2 months
Hmmm just gonna spit this headcanon out in text post form since A. I don't think I could exposit it well enough in image form and B. It's not actually textually/thematically substantiated and I don't like actually staking my stuff on just vibes alone*
But anyway. I'd say it's pretty evident that all the islanders forgot their names, right? King obviously. Because why the hell else would he do that, but also Siffrin No Middle Names No Last Name.
They're 'pretty sure' they've 'always' been 'Just Siffrin' 'as long as they can remember'. It's a pretty cruel twist of the knife to say that they don't even get to keep their birth name as a memento, which is why I'm saying as such.
My utterly unsubstantiated claim is I think it'd be cute to say that Sisyphus *is* the name Siffrin initially picked, assuming the myth of King Sisyphus is recontextualised as idk, just a play or something in the setting. But I like the idea of Siffrin going 'oh shit 🫵 he's just like me fr' at a tortured fictional character long before the irony kicks in.
As for how Sisyphus -> Siffrin. I think that chronic mumbler and emotional doormat Sif just did not correct people who misheard the name during their time travelling, and went through enough places with incompatible phonologies (pronounceable sounds in the language) without ever really writing it down that it just got kinda. Changed until it was unrecognisable, and Siffrin just went with it until the earlier pronunciations slipped out of their swiss-cheese brain. And they just kinda don't remember any of that.
Also, something something the horrid realisation that Siffrin also named themselves after a King. Just not as blatantly.
*(though I think there's something here about Siffrin, a guy from a belief system that seems to thoroughly disincentivise autonomy and self-motivated choice continuously having their hand forced to make changes/choices they don't want but have no choice but to... It's not solid enough to really back this up tbh, but it informs it.)
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holographic-mars · 1 month
Soundwave face + ravage calming Soundwave down and grounding him during his time in the mines
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heatherfield · 6 months
I'd hoped to love Ace and damn it, he does not disappoint.
I love him so much.
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jabberwockprince · 8 months
the amount of hate on cairngorm/welegato's fandom wiki page is so fucking wild to me ?????????????????????? like im looking for info and references but holy shit????????
like I get it, we were all mad that phos was losing the small support group they had during the moon arc - but phos was not a perfect hero (let alone a hero in a traditional sense, moreso a sacrificial lamb and necessary catalyst) and their support group was not perfect. no one batted an eye when the other gems on the moon stopped caring about phos during their disappearance, but everyone just. ganged up so harshly to hate on cairn??? and it feels so unwarranted
where was THIS energy when dia became a pop idol and revealed that they wanted attention and to shine as bright as they could because they could NEVER do that when they were constantly compared to bort?????
like, you dont HAVE to like them but some of these comments are just bordering on 'i hate women' just bc cairn becomes extremely feminine and confident and happy with their new life as a wife and princess, and detached from phos???
the whole point is that THIS is the real cairn, devoid of any leftover influences from ghost quartz and given a chance to be themself. and you don't have to like them, and you can still argue that achmea was using them as well and in this case, being "used" by him would still be the first REAL choice cairn ever made for themself. but to entirely ignore the interesting themes they bring on the table during the moon arch JUST because you don't like their attitude towards phos feels like such a disservice to the whole manga as a whole thats constantly shown the very complex relationships and motivations people can have that are just. not compatible in the slightest
cairngorm's analysis as a direct foil to phos is such an interesting theme like, this is someone who slowly starts gaining their own identity vs someone who slowly starts losing it. but its all overshadowed bc "i fucking hate this bitch i hate their clothes and their trophy wife attitude i hope cairn and achmea die or apologize to phos"
the cairngorm everyone in these comments keep saying they want to see again is not even cairngorm. its GHOST QUARTZ
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So this thought has been in my head for quite some time but... I can't help but think about an angst filled, heartwarming tale between Morganthe and Malorn if Morganthe was still a teenager and a student struggling in Ravenwood
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olliecoded · 2 months
anyway scars by the crane wives is so insane it's like. there's something really wrong with me and it's ruining you, it's ruining both of us, and i know what it is but i don't know where it came from and i don't know how to fix it. there's nothing that made me this way, i just am. i think i've always been like this and i just didn't see it at first. i don't think there was ever any chance that i could've been anything better than this. this was always what i was going to become. this was always who i was going to be. and then they just PLAYED that at their concert with no warning and said hope u guys like our new song! ❤️
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dylanconrique · 2 months
oh you’re in for a treat if you’re excited about seeing mama McCall
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polyboros · 3 months
been rolling around the idea for a few months of a fusion mechanic for interstitial that isnt amalgam-based (pure self-indulgence for when me and my friends do a campaign) which is not... too entirely far off from what about pacrim would be interesting to me as interstitial-based mechanics (read: the drift)
#kbitycus talks#similar principles to me but i want to poke at how links play into it#also i think. like a set of playbooks based off different roles at the shatterdome (pilot‚ mechanic‚ gay scientist‚ marshal) would be fun#inspired by writing workshop convos.. its been rotating in my brain for the past few hours nyeow#im terrible at writing playbook moves but between redoing the anchored for 2e & just practicing i think itd be fun#i dont care abt the crunch or mech maintenance or whatever that kind of mechanic doesnt hold appeal to me#''the jaeger has its own harm clock'' is probably the extent of what you will get from me on that front#you get a lot of the basic interstitial moves & then maybe a pool of Specialised moves based on how your jaeger is built?#so you pick like. two or three of Those from a list of like ten#'my jaeger has a chain sword' 'my jaeger runs on nuclear instead of digital and can blow itself up' et#basically building your jaeger a character sheet#i think the stats would be the combined stats of you & your co-pilot(s). your links are their links are the jaeger's links etc etc!!!#these tags got out of hand. whoops#i dont necessarily think you need the playbooks to be in a jaeger i like the idea of playing a pacrim expansion except youre still on#that kh bullshit. theres just also a jaeger or two there#but obviously you get the option. fight some kaijus.#if your links are locked with your co-pilots do you get to keep one of their individual playbook moves after the drift ends#so long as that link is locked? theyre in your head!!#these tags continue to get out of hand SEND POST
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bijesperfahey · 2 years
Thinking about how Lark and Normal had such different reactions to what they saw on the throne and how ‘Larks’ entire monologue was about how it was all his fault, about how Lark blames himself for everything that has happened, and earlier in the series Sparrow refers to ‘what they did’ but Lark says it’s what he did
Thinking about how when Henry touches Lark on the throne he feels Love, Confusion, Betrayal, Sadness and Anger.
How Anthony says that he looks at Lark and sees sadness and self hatred in his eyes
How in Anthony’s monologue the Doodler specifically feels Lark’s self hatred and resentment. How it’s that that grows into the resentment for everything in the world.
It’s your fault and everything is bad- and it’s obviously not just the Doodler that feels that way
About how the Doodler looks at humanity as it’s dad, but also it resents humanity as much as it loves it and wants it’s validation
These flashhbacks are only a few years post season 1- sure he’s older but he is still a literal child being confronted by the weight of these emotions from an eldritch being that directly parallel so much of what he’s gone through and actively stem from the choices he made
Does he say they have to kill it because he knows what it’s like to feel this way? Because he knows what that rage and resentment feel like to him, a human being, and knows what it grew into for him, and can you imagine how much worse it is coming from the Doodler? They can’t risk not stopping it and the surest way to do that is to kill it?
Does he say it because killing the Doodler is the only way he’ll be able to forgive himself for releasing it? To make sure this can never happen again, by getting rid of it completely?
Or does he say it because he can’t imagine a way to help it? It’s just something he can’t comprehend, there’s no other way to end it, there is no happy ending.
And Normal now is the age that Lark was then, and he’s going through it too but in a completely different way! Normal is also dealing with a lot of incredibly complicated feelings, especially regarding his parental figures. He’s darker than he was at the start of the series, but all he wants is to be loved respected for who he is.
And maybe it makes a difference, but he has a support system that’s not just one person (Sparrow for Lark)! He has friends, and people to talk to and he still has so much hope for himself and compassion for the world, so of course that’s going to extend to the Doodler. This entire time the teens have been saying they need to find another way, that they can’t doom a whole planesworth of people just to save their home
So like. Why wouldn’t that extend to the doodler, now that they know it’s an option??
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
doctor who s5 first episode raises. many questions. as to how gravity works in and surrounding the tardis.
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weepylucifer · 1 year
Basically yes absolutely being a cop is actively making Harry feel/be worse and he should quit his job and be a gym teacher again/commit to building communism but also what interests me specifically about communist Harry endgame is the question of will he try to drag Kim along into it which... i wish it so so dearly. It'd be so good for his soul
I mean whenever he's asked about politics, Kim is like "I'm a cop, I need no political stance apart from that" and man. Man. No you do actually, 😭. And he's not saying that because he's some kind of smug disaffected liberal, he thinks that way because he's spent his whole life in "I just want to get by and be left alone" mode, because in a world so very stacked against him from the start, that's the best he reckoned he was gonna get. Kim lives in a world where he can’t afford to act out politically, so not only does he not do it, he refuses to even entertain the thought. The RCM gives Kim just enough self-fulfilment options (which for him means control, authority, legitimacy, the feeling that he's doing something useful, not to mention a steady income) that he can and must brush off any larger societal questions and also all the signs that the RCM might basically be just another gang. It would be SO interesting if the Return actually became a serious issue for him and his relationship with Harry. If Harry started really getting serious about communism, would Kim be all "Don't involve me in this"? Or would he still wind up one step behind Harry?
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bhaalswn-arch · 9 months
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the brains ── * people are not so much your forte. you are more at home with thoughts, ideas, hobbies, skills. as such, you probably have to learn how to work well with others--but once you do, hey, it has its moments. while you are treasured for your ability to solve problems, people also have this unique love of novelty. when you break from your schedule, when you say something no one is expecting--that's novel. you are as curious and lovable as the subjects you study. you are family. this place is not the same without your witty comments and wry observations. you definitely feel more comfortable when someone needs a straightforward answer than a shoulder to cry on, but it's not impossible to give both. know that your family loves you for more than that, though, and will (usually) remember to respect your boundaries.
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softersinned-arc · 11 months
@koschyei said: ❛ You know, this is an interesting and efficient method of murder. I need to write this down. ❜
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The smile on her lips doesn't meet her eyes, and she tries to ignore the churning in her gut; she knows better by now than to trust anyone, let alone another politician, but she wants to, and badly. She can feel it in him, some sort of power that is at once old and incomprehensible to her, and there is a part of her that wants to sit at his feet and learn, and another part of her, a greater, a louder part of her, that wishes there were some way to sink her fingers into his chest and rip it out of him to keep for herself.
She has been powerless before and has learned to survive, even to thrive, in spite of it, but it did nothing to dull her hunger. She imagines power sometimes like an organ and she imagines what it would feel like to tear the power from another person and swallow it hole, blood staining her teeth, magic burning her tongue. She is a creature of want above all else. She always has been.
"I'm afraid I'm little help to you when it comes to the Anchor's power." Not technically a lie, but certainly not the truth. Astoria's left hand pulses a gentle, glowing green, and she thinks, not for the first time, that her blood sounds different now that it's been infected by the Fade.
But it was not the Anchor's power, this time; it was her own, and a power she understands plenty well. One need not tamper with the blood as a whole when one can tamper with the things that make it, and there is plenty of water in blood. To manipulate. To move. To boil. Not technically blood magic, but she knows enough by now of the chantry to trust that not technically blood magic is hardly a solid defense. She takes in a deep breath and immediately regrets it as the euphoria of battle fades and she feels the sudden and sharp pain in her chest that means her ribs have broken again.
The dead men at her feet steams like cooked meat, their skin reddened and bursting from the heat that had poured out of her and into them. Around them, the snow has melted enough to reveal the hard, barren ground beneath it. Had she known Koschei was near, she would have been more cautious, but the Venatori had caught her by surprise. Astoria tucks her hands into her sleeves and shrugs apologetically.
"If I knew better how it worked, I would use it better. Unfortunately, much of Solas' research into rifts is beyond me. I never received a formal training in magic and I'm afraid the theory seems rather muddy compared to what I learned at the augur's knee." She raises her eyebrows, retracts her left hand and holds it out to him, palm up, as if in invitation. (In challenge.) "Though if there's knowledge in Buyan that has yet to cross the Wilds, that could guide me, surely you would know it...?"
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mister13eyond · 1 year
i love writing bc my brain is like "what, finish your multiple wips based around a ship you love and care for that you have clearly thought out continuations for? no. you're going to write about your oc being a surrogate parent to giorno giovanna"
#yes this is about#vesuvio#vesuvio bruciato#tbh i think its fun coming up with ocs to have other dynamics than ship dynamics with canon characters#not to disparage shipping or ocxcanon ships because i love love and i'm a big gooey sappy person who likes writing romance and relationship#but because like#idk one of the things that makes a character feel real is that they exist outside of a romantic partnership#they have other relationships that anchor them to the world around them#family and friends and acquaintances and coworkers#and i LOVE digging into those niches#especially for a character like giorno for whom this is a Central part of his backstory#his whole backstory hinges on the fact that he was neglected and abused and then one (1) person showed him kindness#and he dedicated his life to living in that person's image#and i'm really interested in that through the lens of like#what do you do when you meet your heroes and they're painfully human#what happens when the person giorno has looked up to his whole life#is just as messy and human and has his own struggles#but also the two of them Still to some degree have that drive to look after each other#because you never forget someone who changed your life#so now they have to see each other as people#i think the experience of learning the adults around you dont actually have it all figured out either#is an underrated part of a coming of age narrative#like seeing that 'oh we just get older but there's no sudden Moment when you cross a threshold and just Get It all at once'#i dont know why i needed to write this all in the tags#anyways if anyone wants to send me asks about vesuvio and/or giorno i would love that#help me flesh out their relationship & interactions
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the amount of times ive come to tangle my thoughts of utena with a hora da estrela is very much worrying but also hey im having fun making these little analysis comparisons
you know its just something about a vessel who is so bare of its own self that is presented to be, innocently so with the childlike wonder that is to be given such a person seemingly lacking in personal life and any other upfront defining traits, such a raw culmination of an outsider experience where you can so easily miss the underlying bursts of vivid living and yearning for both the insignificantly small pieces of oneself crumbled in frigid hands putrid with the will of mere existence, and the extravagant bursting of any and all cloth that drapes their unknowingly burdened shoulders to the point of forceful and rigid transparency
#also also#to live in a world who despises yet also holds your existence highly in a systematic manner only making it so culture is found in solitude#and even then it can be more than often warped by your own past who has been tragically landed you onto the position of empty existence#living at the bare minimum as so to not die yourself and be made needlessly present in front of others#wasting away as little from your life essence to remain catatonically immortal upon personal lens tampered by the outside world#who you unknowingly still hold as your own to protect and take part in. even if through the pain of rejection#to desperately want to live for the others in your life while not noticing that altogether your presence is both#a catalyst of an imploding want to live by your own free will#while still strongly tying yourself to an anchor who might as well drown you before offering the comfort of a steady grown to step upon#you believe in what you cant truly see about humanity because others have said so many times it is worthy of housing such faith#and there is no doubt to be had#because you are also made to care so deeply and effervescently for what is only slowly leading to your demise#your will an courage twisted into so many façades by others (even your objects of affection) is the only leading factor to your being alive#and even if in macabéa's sense it comes to be much more abstract#there is still that emptiness in living for what you cannot even grasp at#to live for a concept from which never existed fully in the past while in direct contact with you#an never will once its held so highly above the reach of one who only holds the lonesome pleasure in living solely for the end result#empty of what defines their true being outside of the existing within their ultimate objectives#if their personal and intimate will crafted by outside forces is taken#what actually remains to be seen besides a carcass writhing in pain upon the raw touch of being without others to tread your path for you ?
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spamton-addison · 2 years
i am going to make the dashboard so fucking difficult to navigate (omen)
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