#because Alex Gallner
thegaycousin-upgrade · 2 months
What was the point if listening to Safehouse II for the 40th time still makes me cry? WHAT WAS THE POINT?!?
Man, the voice actors really did NOT pull their punches for this episode, huh? (Pun not intended)
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thebrightsessions · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Alex Gallner
Alex Gallner was born and raised in South Florida and grew up a total 90s kid. In high school he fell in love with performance and began touring with bands and acting on stage.  After high school, he studied Marketing and East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Florida, started his first business, and moved out to California.  He quickly jumped back into the music scene and went on another tour before returning to LA to pursue acting. Today, Alex works at a startup (helloabound.com) where he helps thousands of small and local businesses connect to take retail back from giants like Amazon and Walmart.
What’s a situation that you’d love for Adam to explore?
I’d love for Adam to get into playing music and writing lyrics a bit more.  Maybe that’s just me wanting him to be more like me, but he loves music, loves poetry, has a ton of baggage - all the makings of an emo rock star.  I know he’s an introvert so you wouldn’t necessarily think he’d jump to perform, but some of my favorite musicians that I’ve played with were the ones who locked themselves away practicing and creating all this great music. You’d never think they’d be the ones to show it off on stage but then out of nowhere they are up there blowing your mind.  It’s also an amazing outlet and well… this kid has some stuff he’s gotta let out for sure. I think it would be awesome to see him explode out of his shell like that.
If you could create a college course, what would it be?
Digital Marketing Ethics
What’s the funniest photo that you have on your phone?
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Here’s Desi… AKA The Great Googly Moogly riding a John Deere tractor.  We lost this poor guy suddenly at the beginning of May, but this pic (and every pic I have of him) makes me laugh.  
What do you think would happen if Caleb and Adam switched personalities for an episode?
Adam would be bright and outgoing and everyone would love it.  I think he’s got all these great hidden qualities that would suddenly be put on display. Caleb would be okay (assuming he still has his power) and I think he would freaking love being around Adam in this state.  Adam would probably be all insecure that, after experiencing positive, happy-go-lucky Adam, Caleb wouldn’t want him to go back to the way he was before. Then Caleb would worry that Adam wouldn’t need him so much anymore. Then, Adam would get mad as if Caleb selfishly wanted him to be depressed and then they’d have a huge fight, then kiss and make up realizing that either way they complete each other.
How, if at all, did the podcast recording experience change during the pandemic?
Because of the pandemic, we all had to record in isolation.  Everybody had to be personally responsible for their own production so it was definitely a bit more challenging and more work.  That being said, it was a shared burden and we worked together to come up with creative solutions to every problem.  Hats off to Lauren, Evan, Lillian, and Briggon for making it as easy and organized as it possibly could be.  It was nice to escape from reality a bit and jump into this alternate universe with everyone.  That being said, I missed being able to hug my fellow cast members and grab lunch or whatever after.  I hope we can get out of this mess soon so I can meet the noobs, too!
Can you share your favorite piece of The Bright Sessions fan art?
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This piece by Dark Summers.  I love it because I love that Adam is secretly good at arcade hoops and it reminds me of going to the mall with Briggon to make bonus content… super fun day!
Thanks for taking the time, Alex! Catch The College Tapes, only on Luminary starting September 30th.
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My current thoughts:
It’s been almost 2 weeks since the finale of The College Tapes! Still so many emotions! I miss Caleb and Adam. I was recommended The Bright Sessions back in the spring of 2018 (right as the final season was ending and the start of the bonus episodes). I was going through a really hard time mentally and it really made me feel like I wasn’t alone with how I was and still currently feel. Caleb and Adam quickly became favourites for me. Adam specifically because I really felt how he was feeling. Anytime the iconic “keep me green” line came, I really felt it. It’s really stuck with me (big reason why it’s my username). I know we didn’t really get much info on Caleb and Adam during The AM Archives, but knowing Caleb missed Adam while they were both in university made me happy. Then The Infinite Noise came out and I was over the moon! I listened to the audio book while following along with the actual book and it was such a great decision. I’ve read that book a fair few times! It was a life saver during the early mornings while taking my long commute to college. It kept me calm. When The College Tapes was first announced back in 2019, I cried. Then when it finally came out, it really saved me because I was going through something really rough and I was going through so many emotions. So when I saw when episodes were released and seeing all the Instagram posts and stories, it gave me something to look forward to. I’m thankful for Caleb and Adam. I’m thankful for Lauren Shippen for creating them. Briggon Snow for voicing Caleb. And Alex Gallner (podcast) and James Fouhey (audio book) for voicing Adam. I’m so grateful!💚
I think I need to binge everything again!😊
@thelaurenshippen @thebrightsessions @thebrightsessionsbooks
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lila-sarows · 4 years
tct ep 15: what CAN’T alex gallner do
Hello!! I cried my way through this episode and now I am processing my thoughts by word-vomiting them below. Full disclosure a lot of these are just my favorite lines because there were so! many! good lines!! thank you Briggon!!
Of COURSE it’s a black parade remix adam you fucking emo nerd i love you so much
Adam’s entire monologue. Wow. @ Briggon i did not need to be exposed on live radio like this
“When you feel like a supporting character in your own dumb story” and “If you do find a way out, please tell me” and “Those feelings are mine and they matter.” GOD. It’s so hard to listen to Adam, who I know is funny and smart and interesting and brave, be so self-deprecating. But yes Adam your feelings do matter!! 
(He sings to himself that’s adorable)
I really spent like 2 minutes trying to figure out if the convenience store guy was a recurring character who was going to kidnap Adam
“God, let me come back as a fern in my next life so I can rest” ME. @god i just want to be a succulent
Love that Mr. Wannabe-Goth thinks he likes crows but is actually terrified of crows
The number of times that Adam has talked about holding Caleb’s hand in the past few episodes is very good. so much Yearning in this boy
“I should call him - nope! Nope nope nope nope. .... but maybe? No” dork <3
Sitting under a tree on campus at night feeling emo... the true introverted college student experience
I really like that Adam is aware that his insecurities aren’t rational but that doesn’t make them feel any less convincing. That’s very realistic to me
“I think he was the love of my life” + “Why didn’t he want to be with me?” + “So much of me getting through high school was having Caleb there helping me to navigate this stuff” every time Adam’s voice breaks I feel Vulnerable. 
Tbh I think Sadie’s being too hard on Adam. Does she really need to berate him right now? (And thank you Adam for pointing that out!). For one, even though Caleb was also hurt by the break-up, he did absolutely dump Adam (and ghost him afterward) and they are technically exes. He gave Adam no reason to think that breaking up wasn’t what he really wanted, so it feels weird for Sadie to tell Adam that he shouldn’t have assumed Caleb wanted out. And for another thing, his apartment just got invaded by four very intense people! Let the man sit under a tree if he needs to!
I like knowing that Caleb still talks about Adam all the time, that’s sweet
“Why don’t you think you fit in?” “because I’m me” ... ouch
“It’s why I- “  what does that mean Sadie? Why you what???
Again it kind of rubs me the wrong way for Sadie to tell Adam that he should be less focused on himself and more considerate of Caleb’s feelings. I know Caleb is struggling, but he put Adam through a lot, then and now! 
I can’t listen to the stakeout and not cry, it’s just a fact of life. Also the parallel between them at the start of their relationship, hopeful and goofy and sweet, and Adam now, lonely and doubting his own worth, is excellent and I hate it.
“You felt... tired with it. Does that make sense?” “Yeah. That makes sense.” the delivery of this line haunts me. alex how dare you.
Some marginally more collected thoughts:
There’s something really beautiful about hearing Adam say that he wishes someone would really listen to and understand him on live radio, where in the real world so many listeners are hanging onto his every word. I love getting to feel like we’re there for him even if he doesn’t know it
It sounds like Adam always saw the Atypical gang from TBS as more Caleb’s friends than his (even though Caleb and the rest told him that wasn’t true), and he was really hoping Yale would be where he’d find his people, his community. And when that didn’t pan out, and he lost his boyfriend, he blamed himself. I just wanna shake him until he realizes how much the people around him love and value him! I mean, look at Sadie - while I think she was too harsh, she did give him a pep talk in the middle of the night. That’s not nothing!
Alex did SUCH an amazing job with these monologues, I was practically holding my breath through them. Thoughtful and wry and bitter and nostalgic and dorky and insecure all in one incredible (and very painful) performance. 
I didn’t connect the dots between Caitlin being so strange and Caleb at the time but yikes!! will discuss in ep 17
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stardustviolet · 6 years
I was tagged by @cuddlybitch thank you so much for tagging me :)
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - Water 2. phone call - A coworker 3. text message - My mom 4. song you listened to - Some of Ludovico Einaudi - Experience 5. time you cried - Like last night
6. dated someone twice? - No 7. kissed someone and regretted it - No 8. been cheated on - No 9. lost someone special - Yes 10. been depressed - Most likely 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - Yes
fave colours
12. Blue 13. Purple 14. Pink
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - No but would've been nice 16. fallen out of love - No 17. laughed until you cried - Yes 18. found out someone was talking about you - No but I mean people talk about other people and no one’s perfect 19. met someone who changed you - No  20. found out who your friends are - Yes who my friends have always been 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - No
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I think all of them except one who I’ve known for like 12 years and am planning on meeting irl one day 23. do you have any pets - No as I found out eventually after having a dog (thinking I was just allergic to dogs), a lizard, and three rats I’m allergic to animals with fur but would love to have rats again 24. do you want to change your name - Sometimes 25. what did you do for your last birthday - I went to work 26. what time did you wake up today - 12:30pm 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Just finished watching 12 Monekys and then went on here 28. what is something you can’t wait for - A lot of movies and tv shows coming out in the next year 30. what are you listening to right now - Love Songs Drug Sons - X Ambassadors 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - Yes if by Tom you mean Thomas then yes and he’s cool 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Misogyny racism sexism homophobia transphobia the lack of world peace etc 33. most visited website - Tumblr 34. hair colour - Dark brown 35. long or short hair - Shortish 36. do you have a crush on someone - Ha no 37. what do you like about yourself - That I’m representation for short people? 38. want any piercings? - Sure 39. blood type - A+ I think 40. nicknames - The Ring (like the movie because in high school I had long hair and looked like the girl from The Ring), there might’ve been a few others that I can’t remember 41. relationship status - Single 42. zodiac - Leo 43. pronouns - She/Her 44. fave tv shows - There’s so many Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Expanse, 12 Monkeys, Criminal Minds, Killjoys, Elementary, Deception (it got cancelled :(), The Tunnel, Superstore, Gilmore Girls, The OC, The Flash, That 70s Show, Continuum, The Shannara Chronicles, The Code, The Newsroom, The Magicians, Runaways 45. tattoos - None but I’d like to get one/some 46. right or left handed - Right 47. ever had surgery - Yes 48. piercings - Four in my ears two which were done at home 49. sport - No 50. vacation - Would like one that I actually remember all of because the last was when I was really young and vaguely remember it 51. trainers - Shoes? Am I a person who trains other people? No
more general
52. eating - Nothing but I had a salad for dinner 53. drinking - Nothing 54. i’m about to watch - So many shows I need to watch 55. waiting for - I don’t know 56. want - My friends to be friends with one another, my friends to be able to be called out on shit without them lashing out, communication, love, honesty, variety of conversations, learning 57. get married - Maybe 58. career - Kind of a receptionist
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - Hugs 60. lips or eyes - Eyes 61. shorter or taller - Both 62. older or younger - Older or same age 63. nice arms or stomach - Both 64. hookup or relationship - Relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant but also fun
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - No 67. drank hard liquor - Yes 68. lost glasses - No 69. turned someone down - Yes 70. sex on first date - No 71. broken someones heart - Yes 72. had your heart broken - Yes 73. been arrested - No 74. cried when someone died - Yes 75. fallen for a friend - No
do you believe in
76. yourself - Sometimes 77. miracles - Sometimes 78. love at first sight - No 79. santa claus - No 80. kiss on a first date - Yes 81. angels - Yes also others
82. best friend’s name - More than one best friend, Sidney, Justin, Fiona, Sonja, Ashley, Terrwyn, other people 83. eye colour - Dark brown 84. fave movie -   500 Days of Summer 85. fave celebs - Elijah Wood, Zooey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Matthew Gray Gubler, Zoey Deutch, Juno Temple, Troian Bellisario, Lucy Hale, Katherine McNamara, Nico Tortorella, Robert Sheehan, Awkwafina, Clemence Poesy, Priyanka Chopra, Olivia Cooke, Anya Taylor Joy, Emily Browning, Alycia Debnam Carey, Amber Tamblyn, Emily Kinney, Ellen Page, Ezra Miller, John Kim, Lyrica Okano, Zazie Beetz, Zoe Kravitz, Ludi Lin, Ray Fisher, Rinko Kikuchi, John Boyega, Rose Bryne, Rosa Salazar, Dane Dehaan, Anton Yelchin (:(), Bill Skarsgard, Bel Powley, Billie Lourd, Seth Gabel, Mae Whitman, Holland Roden, Aldis Hodge, Beth Riesgraf, Shannyn Sossamon, Patrick Fugit, Matt Czuchry, Andrew Garfield, Britt Robertson, Alex Wolff, Tyler Posey, Avan Jogia, Grant Gustin, Daniel Radcliffe, Idris Elba, Bob Morley, Thomas Dekker, Colin Morgan, Luke Pasqualino, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Sam Claflin, Max Thieriot, Ben Whishaw, Imogen Poots, Lupita Nyong’o, Melanie Laurent, Lindsey Morgan, Francois Arnaud, Laverne Cox, Karla Souza, Aja Naomi King, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Letitia Wright, Alfie Enoch, Nathan Stewart Jarrett, Jenna Louise Coleman, Crystal Reed, Phoebe Tonkin, Leighton Meester, Mindy Kaling, Tatiana Maslany, Caitlin Stasey, Lashana Lynch, Wade Briggs, Hanna John Kamen, Gal Gadot, Kristen Bell, Kyle Gallner
I tag: @rainbowskeletons @coffee-and-cogs @ifancythedoctor @jmniesmolpaws @kimseokjinsthighs @tiberiusmulder @thechocolatebrigade @alienanthems @sixsmithyouass  @gummybearssurrender @nataliromanova @zhernobyl @allyhaleinski @fallingforthefiction @mydearlily  @casting-lines @jedijenkins @brave-princessss @starmora @narnianwitch @seancamerons
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thebrightsessions · 7 years
what do all the characters look like?
I don’t know! What do they look like to you? …and I honestly mean that.
I know what they all look like to me…and from the incredible and diverse fanart we receive on the regular (never stop my amazing friends), I know what they all look like to a lot of you…and that’s one of my favorite parts of this medium; everyone has a different and equally valid headcanon for these characters…because…we said so…and we’re inviting you to play in the sandbox! Come play!
Take Caleb for instance…We know he’s probably a big guy just from the fact that he’s a football player…but aside from that…Caleb, a character that is voiced by a white male (me), is seen by a lot of our listeners as Latino, African American or Asian American….and I’ll tell you that every headcanon of Caleb is 100% correct because you guys “get” who he truly is…underneath the surface of ethnicity, hair color, body type…all that. You all get WHO. HE. IS. and that’s a testament to Lauren’s brilliant writing. 
My pal Alex Gallner is a white male and the voice of Adam…and I see an incredibly diverse and beautiful range of how people see that character. …Now remember, Adam was a character that was created and cast way before Wadsworth was even remotely put together, cast and added to the show…and she’s now voiced by powerhouse actress and all-around awesome human being, Alex Marshall-Brown…who is African American. So…Does that make her character automatically a Person of Color? And by extension, make Adam a Person of Color as well? …Does that rule apply to Caleb? And so, Caleb has to be Caucasian because I myself am Caucasian? 
Dr. Bright is portrayed by Julia Morizawa (the secret sauce of the whole show), and she is an Asian American actress. But…Andrew Nowak, who plays her brother, Mark, is a white male…and I see a wide variety of headcanons for him; all monumentally and irrefutably accurate and valid….because…you as the listener live with that character…you know who he is…and whatever color you attribute to him…whatever you decide his or any other TBS character’s outsides look like, you still “get” and capture in your imaginations and art, the important inside parts that make them who they are.
I guess what I’m saying is…I know we all like to know what is OFFICIAL and CANON (it’s easier right? Just tell us!!)…but what we’re here to do is to tell a human story that we think resonates with a lot of people, and invite them…and challenge them even…to participate and decide who these people are to them. 
Long answer long…because I know these characters…and I know these actors…To me, The Bright Sessions has become this sort of Brandy/Whitney Houston ‘Cinderella’ where we’ve got a lot of different colors mixed in there in a lot of different ways….and that’s awesome…and makes total sense…and Paolo Montalbán is still the finest. 
I love that you asked this question!
- Briggon
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