#bela rambles
grape-eating-vampire · 3 months
hey maybe you're right about 'not all men' because Jet Siquliak would NEVER
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highlifeboat · 8 months
How I think RE8 Characters would do on a Haunted Walk:
Ethan: Nervous to go, extremely jumpy the entire time but laughs it off, has a good time in the end.
Salvatore: Easily frightened. The one that cries but keeps going because he doesn't wanna ruin it.
Donna and Angie: Didn't want to be there. Got mistaken as a Scare Actor several times. Wore earplugs. Literally only went because Miranda made them.
Karl: Gets scared, accidentally punched a Scare Actor. Got thrown out. Ruins it for everybody. (He didn't want to go anyway)
Miranda: Deadpan the whole time. Hates it.
Alcina: Only went because Mia begged her to come. Not really scared but does jump at least once.
Mia: Hyped but also nervous. The screaming was a lot. Definitely jumped a lot but was more startled than anything. Had a great time but got grumpy after.
Bela: Got over stimulated before even going into the walk because of the lights and noise. Still went through, but was unhappy about it. (Had a half decent time)
Cassandra: Tries to scare the scare actors, like a jerk. Fails.
Daniela: Terrified. She hates it. Too many things jumping out and too much noise. Cries and has to get Alcina to carry her through it after half way.
Elena: Literally not even scared but holds Bela's hand the entire time.
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twilidragonrin-art · 23 days
I honestly want to admit that I adore how no one draws the Dimitrescu sisters the same and I think that's amazing
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tiredthingbehindyou · 5 months
Bela's Route
I am a professional Scholar who definitely isn't on this route so she can kiss women.
Here we go butches and bitches!
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sadmages · 2 months
being deeply invested in the moustache hawke relationships dynamics is ruining me like yes i got the hawke / bela romance scene to initiate BUT im nowhere near flagging the anders questioning beliefs quest yet which means actually hawke and isabela fuck too early. i must reload
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vamprefaggot · 1 year
bela lugosi is a fucking kickass actor tbh
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mushroomjar · 5 months
People complaining about practical effects that look unrealistic in shows and movies are on such a different wavelength to me we might as well be different species. It's neither a show or a movie, but I was watching Vita Carnis the other week, and there were so many comments on the "mimic defense instructional tape" about how they shouldn't have shown the mimic costume for too long because it looked wonky and flawed so it wasn't very scary, and I genuinely felt like I watched a different video from everyone else. Did it look wonky and unrealistic? Yes, but I fail to see how that took away from the video. If anything it made me like it even more
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furoruisa · 1 year
Eric’s dads in protective mood was so cute, i love them
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redoqs · 2 years
If you’re okay with taking requests, can you do Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela with breeding kinks?
Yeah, I’m more than okay with this. Sorry for taking a few days to finish this
NSFW under the cut so minors please do not interact
Warning: g!p reader during Dani’s section
The sweat was beading on your forehead from the humidity of the room as Bela buried her face deeper into your neck, her hot, labored breath tickling you as her lips latched onto your skin. You gasped loudly, nails digging deeper into your girlfriend’s back as you felt her begin suckling your neck, her teeth nipping at your sensitive, overheated skin before her tongue moved forward to sooth the slight pain she caused. Not that you minded it, no, no, quite the opposite, in fact. You welcomed it, you loved when Bela got like this. Bela was always self assured, confident about herself and her abilities almost to a fault—though as her girlfriend you were able to see a side of her that not many often did, a side that was tinged with a hint of insecurity and false bravado—and as a result she was a dominating forcing to be reckoned with, both outside and between the sheet and tonight was no different…tonight was incredible, it always was when you were underneath her like this. You loved this feeling, the sensation that Bela was pursuing you like a predator hunting it’s prey and you were more than thrilled to be the subject of her chase.
“F-fuck Bela…” You moaned, tilting your head back further into the pillows as another gasp escaped your lips when Bela continued her precise, eager thrusts. “You feel so good…”
The bed creaked softly as Bela continued her movements, soft moans escaping her lips as her length slid in and out of you easily, so easily given how wet you were. You felt your toes curl into the sheets as you spread your legs even wider, silently urging Bela to move faster and the woman immediately obliged, more than happy to provide for you and…oh fuck yes, yes she felt so good, so fucking amazing, the way she stretched you out and fucked you in that way she knew drove you absolutely wild…god, you could always feel your orgasm approaching.
Bela continued working on your neck, biting down harder and no doubt leaving marks in your skin, marks that you were more than eager to wear around as a testament to your bond with the woman. The moans the blonde was emitting vibrated against your skin, the sensation sending shivers along your body and causing you to bring your arms up to wrap around Bela’s back, your nails digging into her skin and leaving small indentations in the flesh.
“Please…please, please…” You whimpered almost pathetically into the air, you eyes squeezing shut tightly. “Please, Bela…”
“I-I’m so close…” The blonde began as you felt her begin to pull away from you, something she always did when she was about to cum.
“No, don’t…” You immediately protested, you legs wrapping around Bela’s waist instinctively, holding her down and preventing her from pulling away. In reality, had Bela wanted to move away she would’ve, she was more than capable of doing so but something about this position…the tightness of your thighs around her waist, your heels digging into her lower back, the look in your eyes bordering on lustful delirium, it was an expression the blonde had never seen before and she couldn’t help but to stare down at you.
“I’m-“ Bela tried, her eyes beginning to shut as she tried her hardest to keep from spilling. “I’m going to-“
“Cum inside me.” You whined, your own voice rising in pitch as your orgasm continued to bloom in the horizon. “Please, please baby…”
Bela’s eyes widened at the request, her irises glowing brightly as her arousal only grew. “Are you-are you sure-“
“Yes! Yes please! Fuck, I want it…”
Bela looked conflicted but the look only lasted for a moment before she nodded and continued her movements, her hips slamming against you once…then twice…after a final time you heard the blonde take in a sharp breath as she came inside of you, her cum filling you beautifully and you couldn’t help but to follow her over the edge. You came with a loud moan, your core clenching around the length inside of you as Bela did her absolute best to keep moving, drawing out your orgasms as long as possible before she gently fell on top of you in exhaustion.
“Holy shit…” You sighed, overly exhausted as you unwrapped your legs around Bela’s waist and allowed them to fall to the bed. “Holy fucking shit…”
“Yes.” Bela replied tiredly, adjusting herself so her face wasn’t planted directly against your shoulder. “That was amazing.”
A minute of silence passed. Then another. Bela’s eyebrows furrowed at the lack of a response and she gently pulled away from you and sat up, barely able to hold back a chuckle at the fact that you had fallen asleep and so quickly at that. She debated on whether or not to wake you but she decided against it, knowing that you would wake up soon. For now, she was more than content with laying her head against your chest and listening to your soothing heartbeat.
“C-Cass…Cass, f-fuck…please…”
Cassandra only chuckled darkly as she sped up, continuing to fuck you deeply, harshly, her hips slapping against your ass as she began pounding into you at a pace that you would consider inhumane if you were able to think properly, if you were able to hear past the smacking of skin and your own debauched moans. You gripped onto the kitchen counter desperately, fingertips pressing hard into the granite as you tried to find a proper hold seeing as you could feel your legs beginning to give out from sheer exhaustion.
“What’s wrong, slut?” You heard Cassandra question, her voice full of feigned pity. “Is it too much for you? Can’t cum for me anymore?”
You gasped as you felt the woman’s cock hit that special spot deep inside of you and you couldn’t help but to press your forehead into the counter. It’s been over an hour now and you had came for the brunette countless times in various ways: on her fingers against the oven, in her mouth while you were laying on your back against the refrigerator…Cassandra seemed determined to make you cum as many times as she could and you weren’t about to stop her, not that you could truly bring yourself to even if you tried.
The relationship you shared with Cassandra was a complicated one and even that was putting it mildly. In the beginning she had been much more demanding, much more forceful with what she wanted—luckily for her you wanted to exact same things—but now there was a slight shift, one that was so slight that if you didn’t ponder it when you had you would’ve completely disregarded it and even still, you might’ve been reading too deeply into things simply because you wanted to be more than just a simple stress reliever for the older woman, more than just a toy to her. Cassandra seemed…well, to you she seemed more considerate of her actions. More gentle in the roughest of ways, though you knew better than to admit that out loud. She was still rough, oh very much so but you loved it, oh god yes, yes you loved it, almost as much as you loved-
A hand in your hair pulled you from your thoughts as you were pulled upwards, your face no longer confined to the hard surface of the counter. You bit your bottom lip at the pleasurable pain as you glanced over towards the door with glazed eyes, praying desperately that no one would come into the kitchen to see you bent over the counter, your legs spread almost impossibly wide as Cassandra stood firmly behind you, her dress bunched around her waist as her cock slid in and out of you quickly, easily. So easily, fuck, there was hardly any friction you were so fucking wet, barely any resistance as you took your girlfri…took Cassandra’s length over and over again.
“P-please, Cass, please please…” You couldn’t help but to gasp, only just realizing that she had asked you a question.
“Please, please Cassandra, oh fuck please.” The brunette mocked in amusement, the hand in your hair leaving to trail down the back of your neck and that’s when you felt nails dig into the flesh of your back, Cassandra slowly dragging her hand down your body and nearly breaking the skin in the process. All you could do was whimper and whine and resist the urge to bring your hand down to your throbbing clit. You weren’t allowed to touch, not without permission. “You’re such a filthy fucking slut. You’re always begging for more even when you’re taking everything I have. You already came for me three times, whore, what more could you possibly want?”
You bit back a curse, almost wanting to retort and refute the implication that you were the insatiable one when in reality it was the both of you. She was the one who insisted on taking you in every way imaginable, though you’d be a liar had you tried to imply that you didn’t want this too. You did, fuck of course you did, why wouldn’t you? You couldn’t get enough of what this woman could do to you, it was to the point that you fantasized about it from sunrise to sunset and during the night you were unable to resist snaking a hand between your thighs and relieving yourself when Cassandra was off…no doubt using another maid to satisfy her hunger. The thought made you frown, filled you with a jealousy so hot you could almost feel your heart burning through your chest. You hated, you loathed the fact that you weren’t the only toy that Cassandra took immense pleasure in breaking, despised the fact that she even bothered with anyone else when you were more than willing to be the woman she needed.
She doesn’t want you, you know that.
Maybe you would’ve believed that…maybe but then Cassandra’s nails slid further down your back and you couldn’t help but to think about her again…think about the way she stretched you out with her strap or her fingers to make you take more than you thought you could handle, the way her fangs bit into the supple skin of your neck as she drank from you until you were lightheaded…fuck she was right, you were an insatiable whore, you practically begged for this woman to take you, to dominate you, to fuck you until you were a bloody, boneless, cum soaked mess and it didn’t matter how much you hated her, you loved her all the same.
The nails trailed back up your body until you felt fingers in your hair again, the grip much tighter as your were pulled back further, your back arching wonderfully as Cassandra leaned closer, the position somehow pushing her deeper into you. “Answer my fucking question.”
“I-I…” You swallowed, your throat dry and pussy dripping as those thrust became harsher, your orgasm building up quickly as it always did with her “I…”
“Speak up, whore!”
“P-please! Please cum inside me!”
You felt Cassandra’s hot breath hit your ear. “Really? That’s what you want? You want me to fill you up? You want to feel my cum slide down your leg and onto the floor?”
Fuck, that description, those words…so vile and so precise. “Yes! Yes, Cass please, I-I need it…”
“I’m sure that you do.” The brunette chuckled again. “You always need it. You can’t go a day without being a needy fucking slut, can you?”
“N-no…” You admitted quietly before you felt Cassandra tug your hair again, clearly wanting you to be more expressive in your answer. “Ah! No! I can’t, fuck I can’t! I’m your needy slut, please cum in me, please!”
You were certain that you were on the edge of screaming but you didn’t care anymore. All you wanted, all you needed was for Cassandra to fill you up to the brim and you were no longer concerned with who heard. Cassandra let go of your hair and brought her hands back to your hips, driving into hard and fast, as if making you cum was her top priority. It wasn’t, you knew that it wasn’t. She didn’t make you cum for your pleasure, it was for her own and as fucked as it sounded…you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you threw yourself back harder against the brunette like the good little whore you knew that you were. It wasn’t long until you felt a warm sensation spread throughout your core. Fuck yes it felt so good, so fucking good…Cassandra felt it too, you could hear it in the way she was panting, the way her hips slapped against your ass, from how sloppy her movements became…you moaned loudly next, the sound mixing with Cassandra’s long groan as you felt yourself fall over the edge, your cunt squeezing deliciously around Cassandra as you held onto the counter for dear life, the woman milking every moment for as long as she could. You leaned forward again, biting your bottom lip hard as the feeling of Cassandra’s cum trickling down your inner thighs as you basked in the feeling of her for as long as you could before she…
You felt Cassandra pull out, a moan of disapproval escaping you before you had a chance to stop it as the feeling of emptiness overtook you. However, it didn’t remain that way for long before you felt something else enter you soon after.
“What are…” You panted, biting your lower lip as you turned your head to glance at Cassandra out of the corner of your eye. “What are you doing?”
The brunette only smirked as she finished inserting a toy inside of you and stepped back to allow her dress to fall back down to the floor. “I want you to walk around with my cum still inside of you. Every time you move, every time you dare take a step, I want you to be reminded of what happened here and how badly you wanted it. Put your clothes back on, slut. You’re already late to your chores as it is and I’m certain you don’t want mother finding out that you had neglected your duties again.”
You didn’t get a chance to protest—not that you really could in the state you were in—before Cassandra dissolved into her flies and left the room. You exhaled deeply, gripping the counter for a moment before pushing yourself up, willing your legs to hold your weigh as to not fall over. Immediately you felt the toy shift beautifully, teasingly inside of your cunt and as good as it felt, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get anything substantial done today, at least, not without getting a few weird looks.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to get upset, not when this was exactly what you wanted even if you knew deep down that you wouldn’t never receive what you truly desired.
The sounds of the bed filled the room as the springs creaked loudly, almost dangerously beneath you, the wooden legs of the bed frame sounding as though it were ready to snap at any given moment. You probably should’ve been more concerned about that, in fact you probably should invest in a new bed frame entirely as this one had been worn down from years of…torture, for a lack of a better word, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care or even fully acknowledge the sound. The noise was hardly enough to deter you from thrusting upwards rhythmically, deeply, your cock sliding in and out of the gorgeous woman on top of you.
“Fuck, Dani you look so pretty like this…” You whispered, voice strangled as you trailed off, your nails digging deeper into the woman’s hips as you held onto her. Daniela moaned in response to your praise, her hold on your thighs tightening as she began to ride you harder, slamming herself back down to meet your thrusts, the change in pace only adding to your shared pleasure. Part of you wanted to tilt your head back and close your eyes in order to bask in just how amazing Daniela felt around you, how her walls clenched deliciously around your length as she coated it with her slick…but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the view in front of you; your wife’s gorgeous back, muscles shifting underneath her skin as she tensed from the feeling of pure bliss, the way her ass looked as she bounced up and down eagerly as if she couldn’t get enough of you…the way she took your cock so easily, so greedily like the pretty little slut you both knew that she was…you were correct, more than correct in fact, Daniela looked so incredible like this—she didn’t have to face you for you to know how beautiful she was—and all you could do was allow your own whimpers and moans to escape your lips as you readjusted your hold on Daniela’s hips and drove your hips upwards even faster into the wanting woman.
“Oh fuck!” The redhead gasped as she released her hold on your thighs and leaned backwards, putting her hands behind her and onto the bed to hold herself up, bracketing your body as she threw her head back. “Yes, yes fuck! Like that…just like that…”
You bit your bottom lip hard at the woman’s whimpers, a familiar sensation growing hotly in the pit of your stomach already at the words alone, those sweet, needy, lustful words. Fuck, she sounded pretty like this, so fucking pretty and you would do anything to hear more of her. The bed creaked louder as you bent your knees and planted your feet into the mattress, using the position to fuck your wife harder, drive into her even deeper. You knew you had done something right as Daniela let out another loud groan and she was unable to hold herself up anymore, the pleasure much too great. Her arms gave out and she collapsed against you, her back melding with your chest, heated skin pressing beautifully against heated skin. You felt your cock slide out of Daniela at the sudden change of position and the redhead left out a whine in protest.
“Don’t stop.” She panted, her chest panting as her hips moved seemingly on their own accord. “Please don’t stop, please…”
You had no intentions of doing so and you quickly reached down to grab your cock, blindly pushing it back inside of the dripping woman on top of you, the two of you sighing in synch at the return of that wonderful pleasure. Once you were inside, you brought your arms up to wrap around Daniela’s torso as you readjusted your hold before resuming your thrusts, fucking into her slowly at first before quickly returning to your harsh, eager speed from before, taking her harder than before. Those beautiful moans returned and the sound only make you that much more aroused as your hand slid down the redhead’s body until your fingers reached her clit where you immediately began rubbing it in small, almost sloppy circles.
“Ah!” Daniela gasped, her back arching slightly as the feeling of your digits on her, the woman unable to keep herself from squirming. “[Y/N], please, I’m…please…”
“You’re so pretty, baby.” You whisper, words chopped between strokes. You found that you were unable to keep the words at bay, the pleasure was just so good, too good and you needed to let your wife know. “Fuck, you sound so pretty. You feel so good around me, ah…I wanna feel you cum around me.”
Daniela whimpered at the words, the back of her head pressing into your shoulder, hair tickling you. You knew how much she enjoyed dirty talk, how much she enjoyed listening to how badly you wanted her and you equally enjoyed telling her. “I love how wet you get for me, it’s all for me, isn’t it?”
“Yes! It’s all yours, only yours!”
“I know, baby, I know. God you feel amazing, f-fuck…you’re take me so well, so easily, aren’t you?
Daniela nodded quickly. “Yes, y-yes I am…”
Your free hand slid up your wife’s torso until you reached her breast, your fingers pinching and tugging at a hardened nipple. “You are, and why is that, baby?”
“Because I’m your slut, darling! I’m—oh fuck, I’m your filthy fucking slut!”
You gasped at the confession, the fingers on Daniela’s clit circling faster and faster, the admittance only making you fuck her that much harder. Fuck, you were so close…you loved when Daniela degraded herself for you, something about her doing so made you throb, made you that much more aroused, made you want to…
“I’m gonna cum, baby.” You whispered, your hold on your wife tightening as the pressure rose quickly. “I wanna cum inside you so bad…”
“Please! Yes, please! Cum inside me…I want you to put a baby in me…”
Your body reacted before you had a chance to properly register the words. The moan ripped past your throat instantly as you held onto Daniela tighter, your hips moving even faster than you though was possible. You hadn’t…you hadn’t been expecting Daniela to say that but fuck, you couldn’t deny how hot it sounded, couldn’t help but to picture filling your wife with your cum and watching it leak out of her, only for you to spread her legs further and clean up the mess you made…oh fuck, that was so fucking hot and you wanted to do it, you needed to do it, you needed her…
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Was the only word you seemed to be able to say at the moment as you neared your peak. Your wife seemed to enjoy your inability to properly articulate yourself, the moan she let out at your word was incredible, it was downright sinful as she nodded frantically, her fingers and toes curling into the sheets as if she were trying to hold on for the ride. You heard her pleading through ragged breath, soft “please, please, please cum inside me, darling” tickling your ear and replaying in your head like an unwanted melody. Except this was a song that you knew you could never grow tired of, a beat and rhythm that you would love to hear over and over and over again until it was on the forefront of your mind. You finally let go, your thrusts becoming haphazard as you came deep inside your wife, filling her with everything you had, your fingers not stopping their movements until you heard Daniela groan loudly above you, her core squeezing hard around you as she came soon after. You didn’t stop, you couldn’t, Daniela’s words still ringing in your mind as you kept cumming, feeling a bit of your cum slide down your shaft as you filled your beautiful wife until both of you were rendered immobile, two sets of limbs falling to the bed in complete and utter exhaustion. The room was silent for a while, nothing but the shared labored breathing between the two of you as you allowed your heart rate to return to normal.
“Am I pregnant now?” You heard Daniela ask.
You chuckled at the absurdity of the question and you shrugged, unable to find the energy to even roll your eyes. “Babe please…put a baby in you? Where did that come from?”
“I dunno. It just felt right. Plus you seemed to really like it.”
The blush bloomed quickly across your cheeks. “I wasn’t expecting that but I did really like it. You’re hot, you know that?”
“You’re the hot one, actually.”
“No, I’m pretty sure that you.”
“Mm mm, you darling.”
“Okay, I really don’t have the energy to argue with you about this.”
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ai-higurashi · 1 month
You ever are just sitting there and suddenly are hit by an au you haven't thought about in months?
Anyways FOWL au my beloved, I'm so sorry I abandoned you. One day I shall write the ideas down, I promise.
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grape-eating-vampire · 2 months
I love podcasts bc you have so much freedom with how weird you can get with headcanons and portraying the characters in visual fanart. who says everyone working at the Magnus Institute isn't rocking lightning mcqueen sketchers all day everyday? who says people of the Second Citadel don't all have glow-in-the-dark face tattoos? who says the USS Hephaestus crew don't all have neon-coloured hair? who says the Order of the Fallen Star doesn't carry around loafes of bread all the time? who are you to tell me otherwise?
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highlifeboat · 2 months
Things I consider for the human AU
Max working at a liquor store, and Melony working at a discount store
Alcina adopted the daughters
Dani is 21, Cassandra is 24, Bela is 26
Bela basically being steered into the wine business by Alcina, but doesn't really want to work in it.
All of Max's family is alive, but he doesn't live with them
Melony still lives with her mother, not necessarily by choice
Max knows Nikolina (as a frequent customer), but only meets Melony after he starts to date Daniela.
Cassandra and Daniela are both unemployed
Honestly all the daughters are just kind of spoiled upper class people, since Alcina comes from Old Money
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bottomvalerius · 1 year
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Self indulgent Saturdays am I right
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kirnet · 11 months
Imma be real. I don’t understand shipping the da companions together I just don’t see the appeal (this post does NOT apply to merrill and isabela who are in LOVE)
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lifeatpaddys · 2 years
i’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror, it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
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valleynix · 2 years
I know we haven’t seen every relationship bloom just yet, but I was wondering when each Dimitrescu realized (or will realize?) they had feelings for the reader? Like was there any specific moment or was it just a slow “holy crap why does them smiling make my heart flutter?” kind of thing? <33
i can say with certainty which Dimitrescu fell for them in what order (Daniela first, then Bela, then Alcina, and Cassandra was always last)
i can also pinpoint each moment our favorite murderous family realized they were in deep shit when it came to how they felt about the Reader <3
Daniela had a crush on them from the get-go (which is why she's first), but she first realized she had a genuine thing for them when they stopped flinching at her touches and actually seemed interested in her, which was something she's never really had from a partner before:
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(this whole scene just had her like, "oh my god. oh my god. oh my fucking god.")
Bela realized she cared more about them than she thought when they willingly fell asleep on her and seemed to actually care about what she was saying:
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(this makes me want to write a scene where Bela is having a gay panic and has to sit very still while they sleep on her)
Alcina realized she actually really had a thing for them during this scene, when they stood up for themself without being afraid of her and without being afraid to say what was on their mind, something she clearly admires when it comes to them:
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Cassandra, the gay dork she is, takes a while to realize that she actually has genuine feelings for the Reader. it hasn't happened yet, but here's a little excerpt from the next chapter where she realizes she cares more than she should:
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(i love her so much oh my god)
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