#bg3 ask
its-jaytothemee · 12 days
Could you please write something about a wood elf Druid tav getting a bad fever/sickness after collapsing just as she steps in the door of the elfsong tavern rooms from the horrible miasma of the bhaal temple and a romanced Halsin tends to her and watches over her
Finally had a chance to get this finished! Sorry for the wait, life just got a little hectic but I didn't forget about you :) Thanks for the prompt, this was fun to write!!
Have a fluffy hurt/comfort piece for this fine Monday.
Also posted on AO3 if you prefer
Pairing: Halsin/Tav (f!reader)
Tags: Fluff, hurt/comfort, not NSFW but alludes to sex toward the end.
Word count: 2,641
Baldur’s Gate goes against everything you stand for. Nature, harmony, peace, community. But not even the city itself with its walls of stone and locked doors to prevent helpless refugees from entering could compare to the horror of the Bhaal temple lying in wait beneath it.
At least on the surface you could still breathe the fresh air, listen to the singing birds flying high above the stone walls, hear the breaking of the waves in the harbor. Nature is out of balance in the city yes, but down here? Here in this wretched temple the scale has broken completely. Only death and suffering and a necrotic miasma that seeped its way into every fiber of your being can be found in the God of Murder’s domain.
The battle with Orin the Red had been vicious. You and your companions fought with brutal ferocity to end her reign of blood and carnage in Bhaal’s name. Though as the fight persisted, you noticed a corruption to your magic. The beautiful verdant vines that you would usually call forth to ensnare your enemies had taken on a sickly brown color. When you try to call on the magic granted to you by Silvanus to heal your allies’ wounds, the bright magic flickers at your fingertips before puffing out of existence. A horrible burning sensation seizes your throat for a moment before a dull ache takes its place.
No matter, we’re leaving this accursed temple. I just need some fresh air. The stench of death is simply clouding my mind.
“You okay, soldier?” Karlach kneels on the bloodied floor, clutching the large gash on her arm.
“I…I think so. This rotten temple must be affecting my connection to the Weave.” You respond as the light pricking pain behind your eyes builds to a loud pounding. Given your magic seems to be touchy here in the temple, you opt to give your friend a potion from your bag.
“This should make it manageable until we can get out of this place.” You go to take a step towards the exit, but your head swims and your vision darkens. Luckily, a deep breath steadies your legs and pushes the fatigue from your mind so you can continue your way to the surface.
You never thought you would be so happy to see the streets of Baldur’s Gate. A new appreciation swells within you after your time in the temple. Sure, there’s hardly any trees and the only animals you see running about are the stray cats and dogs or an occasional rat, but at least now you know there’s far worse things.
“Hells…” You press your hand to your temple as the sun pierces your eyes, agitating the already pounding ache you feel behind them.
“Tav?” Wyll looks at you with deep concern. “You don’t look so good, friend.”
His hand extends to touch your forehead, which you now realize is coated in a thin layer of sweat.
“I…I’m fine. I just need to get back and rest is all.” You try to inhale the surface air, desperate to clear the deathly fog still lurking from the Bhaal temple.
Your companions keep a wary eye on you as you all continue your trek through the Lower City. Normally, you’d stop at some of your preferred vendors to sell some of the bits and baubles you’ve picked up on your latest quest. Today though, everyone insists on getting you back to the Elfsong so Halsin can tend to whatever sickness obviously plagues you.
At least the thought of him makes you smile and helps push the pain away for a moment. Your sweet, considerate, strong, bear of an elf. All of a sudden, you feel dizzy again, but not from the incessant ringing in your ears or pounding against your skull.
The familiar sounds and smells of the Elfsong Tavern pull you away from your daydreams. Normally, the smells of wine and stew and bread would make your mouth water, but right now they cause an uneasy churning in your stomach. You gag to keep what little food you’ve eaten today in your body. With some significant help from Karlach, you make your way up the stairs.
Surely they’ve added at least twenty more since we last left?
By the time you’re standing outside the door to your large, rented room, the light layer of sweat coating your skin has drenched your underclothes. You gasp for breath, the taste of death still prevalent on your tongue from your time beneath the city.
The doors open, and you can hear your friends speaking to you, but everything is warbled in your ear. You see Halsin come running up to you, a look of panic spreading across his face.
What’s wrong, my love?
You try to form the words as you feel his arms wrap around your waist, but everything fades to black.
“Tav!” Halsin calls out to you, but your unconscious body remains limp in his arms. “What happened?” He looks to the rest of your companions who had accompanied you to the temple of Bhaal.
“I don’t know!” Karlach starts to pace as he picks you up to lay you down on your shared bed. “She almost seemed sick, like they couldn’t breathe properly with the air in the temple.”
“She tried to cast a healing spell on Karlach but couldn’t form the magic. Come to think of it, she seemed to have trouble casting any of her normal spells.” The alarm in Wyll’s voice is evident as your labored breaths slow with each rise and fall of your chest.
He kneels next to the bed to examine you. The ragged breaths that rise from your throat fill him with dread. A quick healing spell closes the small cuts you received but does little else.
“Talk to us, Halsin. What’s wrong with her?” Karlach continues her pacing around the room.
“I’m not sure yet. I need some fresh water and the small drawstring pouch from my bag.” Halsin swallows the anxiety threatening to block his throat. Despite his feelings for you, his years of healing experience take over.
Your breathing slows further, and he notices the pallid color of your lips. The veins in your arms start to take on a necrotic black look The others come to his side with the requested items. He dips a clean cloth into the water before running it over your sweat-slicked forehead.
“The air in the temple must have corrupted something within her. I’ve seen this only one other time.”
After the shadows were unleashed at Moonrise, he dragged one of his peers from the curse only to find they had already started weaving their way into his body. Not enough to fully corrupt them, but it had been enough to nearly kill them.
“I need someone to hold her legs and arms, keep her as still as possible.” Karlach and Shadowheart came running to your side, pinning your limbs down as Halsin started another incantation.
He places his hand over your mouth and concentrates on the deathly fog that had settled in your lungs. Moving his other hand across your chest and up your throat, he works to draw the corruption out of your body. Your legs and arms convulse, you try and thrash and writhe at the pain, but your companions hold you still.
It takes a couple of passes and intense concentration from him, but eventually he’s able to rip the disgusting miasma from your body. The horrid green vapor sits heavy in the air as he pulls it from your throat. Gale puffs it away with a quick spell.
As soon as the corruption leaves your body, you take a few deep, gasping breaths. Once again, you’re able to breathe the air around you. The color returns to your lips and cheeks, and the black color following the veins in your arms begins to slowly retreat. Despite the sickness being purged, you remain unconscious.
“Shouldn’t she be waking up?!” Karlach’s panicked voice bounces off the walls.
“She will soon, her body needs rest.” Halsin assures her as he sits next to you on the bed. He brushes the stray hair from your face as your breathing returns to normal.
The small drawstring pouch beside him was filled with various suspensions and salts for his healing remedies. A few of them get wrapped in the cool, damp cloth he had used earlier before he places it over your eyes.
He continues to assure everyone else that you will recover, allowing them the freedom to run errands in the city. The others start gathering their things so they can continue with the day. But Halsin of course stays at the Elfsong with you.
“I’m right here, my heart. I’ll be here by your side until you wake.” Halsin presses another kiss to your forehead as you rest. He moves down to the floor beside you, holding the hand closest to him until your eyes open again.
You startle awake, bolting upright to find yourself in one of the Elfsong beds.
“It’s alright, Tav.” Halsin’s soothing voice slows your heart rate. You look over to see him kneeling at your bedside.
“What…what happened?” Every muscle in your body is sore. A dull pain still burns in your lungs, as if the nasty haze from the temple had to be ripped out of them. Your hands clutch your chest as you try to catch your breath.
“I’m not entirely sure.” Halsin takes one of your hands and gives it a light kiss. “Can you tell me what you remember from your time in the Bhaal temple? The others said you seemed to have trouble with even basic spells.”
You recount the fight in as much detail as you can recall, but your memory is as hazy as the air you remembered breathing. But you can recall the vivid memory of your tainted magic.
Halsin looks lost in thought for a moment, his brow furrows as he considers your words. Absentminded strokes from his fingers along your hand soothe away some of the anxiety clouding your mind.
“I see. Bhaal is considered a harshly opposing source to Silvanus. Perhaps being in that temple disrupted your connection. Dare I say almost corrupted it.”
“If I never feel that suffocating fog again, it will still be too soon.” You throw yourself back onto the mattress.
Halsin smiles before breaking into a soft laugh. “At least it didn’t corrupt your sense of humor, my heart.”
“Would you come sit with me?” You desperately need to feel his arms around you.
“Of course.” He picks you up off the bed so he can sit on the soft mattress and nestle you in his lap. You lean into him, resting your head on his chest.
His large arms wrap around your shoulders easily as he pulls you close. The faint scent of herbs and fresh tilled dirt cling to the leather shirt he wears. Years of his time spent in nature weave into every fiber of his being. Warmth and affection seep from every one of his pores as he cradles you in his lap.
“Where are the others? Are they alright?” You ask as one hand moves up to stroke the hair tumbling down your back.
“They’re fine, Tav. They’ve gone out to do some trading so you can rest.”
“Thank you for staying with me.” You turn your face further into his chest as he presses a kiss onto your head.
“As if I would let anyone else watch over your recovery.”
You sit there together in comfortable silence as you have so many times before. As he holds you tight against him, he mutters a few more healing spells, taking away the soreness plaguing your body and the pain in your lungs. Each gentle kiss along your forehead and cheeks drives away the fear that had been gripping you since the temple. Despite the relief you feel, a troubling thought crosses your mind.
“You said the temple could have corrupted my magic. Do you…” You trail off for a moment. Halsin gives you an encouraging squeeze. “Do you think it’s permanent?”
The thought brings tears to your eyes and causes a shiver to run down your body.
“Only one way to find out.” He loosens his grip on your shoulders so you can use your arms freely.
With a deep breath, you draw on your power to conjure a small patch of vines on the floor. In the temple, they had appeared as brown, decaying branches, void of life and color. But now they had returned to their supple, green tendrils. Tiny white flowers adorn the vines as they curl into a content pile.
“No harm done. They’re lovely as ever.” Halsin whispers against your temple. You let out a sigh of relief.
Whatever disruption Bhaal’s unnatural sanctuary had caused was now nothing but a memory. You say a silent prayer of thanks to Silvanus for restoring your connection, for keeping you close to his vitalizing influence. Now that the issue of your magic is handled, another thought crosses your mind. One that brings a playful smile to your lips and a blush to your cheeks.
“You know, if the others are going to be out for a while, we could take advantage of the empty room.”
“Oh? And do you think you’re feeling well enough for such an activity already?” The mischievous gleam in his eye causes your heart to skip a beat. You turn so you can straddle yourself over his legs and look at him head on.
“I guess that decision would be up to my wise healer.” You lean forward to plant a tender, lingering kiss on his lips. His arms snake around your waist to pull you closer.
“I don’t see the harm, so long as he’s gentle with you.” He breathes the words into your ear, the feeling is hot on your already flushed skin.
“I make no promises for myself, though.” You try to kiss him again, but he grabs you by the hips and flips you over so he can hover over you on the bed. The movement startles a yelp out of you, but quickly turns into an eager giggle.
“Oh, but I must insist you relax.” His tone shifts to an excited growl as his approving eyes take in every detail of your face.
“Healer’s orders.”
You laugh and do as you’re told. After all, how could you resist those eyes? You find yourself relaxing into his loving, familiar embrace, and soft kisses, stealing these last few moments to yourselves before your companions return. Before returning to the responsibility of saving Baldur’s Gate, and all of Faerûn along with it.
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j-l-kepler · 7 days
Do you have any plans for Durge’s romance on your comic?
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an interesting question! one i've been considering throughout my playthrough...
tl;dr, while i find his romantic situation interesting, i don't think durge has any serious romances nor am i entirely sure if he will before journey's end. i'm sussing that out as i play!
LONG ANSWER. durge's relationship with briar has gone through a lot of changes as they've travelled. durge didn't want to recruit any help from the companions, so he didn't. but by the time he realized briar was STILL following him around from the ship, it was too awkward to ask her to leave. their partnership was mostly one of convenience with pleasantries, but it bloomed into mutual trust within a few days. after the events of Be Like You, he realized his own potential for harm and that he didn't want to hurt briar. hells, did he really want to hurt anybody? he hoped she'd leave for her own safety but also feared her doing so. they'd become friends by then, but in Real Monsters their bond was solidified.
durge's devotion to briar as a friend began budding into an infatuation around the time they attacked Grymforge, but he's only just BARELY begun to realize these feelings. as of the time of writing this, they've saved thaniel and begun the trek to moonrise. but one little visit has made it very difficult to ignore his affections: a visit and a threat from his hellish little butler.
huh. durge seems to have this recurring theme of realizing how much he values the relationships he's built when they're threatened by his urges. just noticed that.
that's not to say his feelings are explicitly romantic; i think while his trust in briar as an ally and friend is legitimate and he finds her very physically attractive, romance is entirely foreign to him. the only inklings of romance he'd had in the past were, well.... unhealthy and underdeveloped, to put it mildly. what "love" means to him is a vague notion at best.
is durge gonna end up single? is he gonna join the briar-halsin polycule? is he gonna get attached to minthara if we find her? i don't know!
i'm excited to see how he matures and develops as he discovers who he was and how who is now differs!
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
Hi! I’d love to try a BG3 pairing!
I’m an INFP. I love nature, animals, witchcraft/spirituality, forests, folk and rock music, working out and painting. I’m 5”5, female, with tattoos, piercings and choppy shaggy hair.
Im vegan, so I really hate any mistreatment of animals. I love travelling and hate staying in one place - I hate being stuck in one place! In an ideal world, I’d probably be nomadic!
Hmm a song to represent me is tricky - maybe Human Behaviour by Björk? 🌿
I hope this is enough!
period hands down.
easiest decision I've made in my life. (i kid)
I feel like aesthetically you are exact opposites and that makes me sooososososo happy.
he would definitely understand your plight, though it would take a while for him to fully adapt. as anyone would, the process can be slow.
you give me very cozy vibes, i dunno how to explain it. patchouli and sandalwood, and a large slice of carrot cake with black tea. (that sounds great right about now :,D)
i think he would encourage you in your witchery, especially if it makes your connections to nature stronger.
a date for you two feels like an autumnal picnic to me. the last dregs of the summer sun shining through canopies of leaves turning warm colors. drinks laced heavy with spices, and warm at the palm. the air scented with the forest's decay, wind just cool enough for a light jacket.
a nap is had, a nap is good for the soul.
hope you enjoyed!!!!!
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vspin · 5 months
23 and 26 for the Tav asks 🤭
thank you for the asks!
tav ask here
23. did your tav's dream visitor manifest as anyone in particular, or someone random that they've never seen before?
The dream visitor was a female drow. Since Tav'Lyn comes from a matriarchal society this would have been what she would subconsciously look for in a "guardian". I like to think that The Emperor was mixing personalities/traits from the Matron Mothers and Eilistraeen Priestesses to form the most convincing/persuading figure for Tav'Lyn.
26. is your tav prioritising certain personal quests over others - for example, are they on the hunt for magical items for gale, infernal iron and other materials for karlach, etc?
Gale definitely took priority since his condition seemed volatile and Tav'Lyn wasn't sure what would happen if he didn't get an item. She is pretty distrustful of wizards but knows they have a tendency to blow themselves up. She tried to lessen that risk.
Of course, Astarion's quest (scars and Cazador) was top of mind once the elf opened up a bit more and she found herself caring more and more for the vampire.
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snowfolly · 9 months
Hi!! Looking forward to seeing you back 💖 Bg3 Act 1 asks for Tali:
4.) Do you remember in which order you recruited your companions? Which companion introduction would have felt the most familiar / like home to your Tav / Character?
31.) Does your Character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story?
41.) Is your Character accustomed to being on the road from before the events of the adventure?
✨Thank you so much for the ask @yurissweettooth !✨
I answered two of the other questions in other asks but I got you on 4! Also adding a stupid little Keebler-elf-ass looking Tali doodle from the discord chat hehe
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Do you remember in which order you recruited your companions? Which companion introduction would have felt the most familiar / like home to your Tav / Character?
I got Shadowheart first, then Astarion, I think Lae’Zel was my third and Gale fourth, then Wyll and lastly Karlach. Honestly I’m not sure about which introduction would have felt most familiar, Astarion trying to kill them definitely wouldn’t have been out of the norm (they think it’s funny when any of them have tried to kill them so there’s that)
Buuuut they honestly didn’t care for any of the companions when they first met them. Shadowheart was grateful for their help along with being snarky about it- characteristics that Tali would appreciate lol, so possibly her?
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zprites · 10 months
Hi! Do you remember how you triggered the boat scene with Gale in act 3? I have read some anecdotes that some people haven’t managed to trigger it despite them romancing Gale, so I just wanna make sure that I’m not going to accidentally miss it!
Yeah of course! I'll be putting spoilers under the cut~
So I didn't get the boat scene until after I got Gale the tome from Sorcerous Sundries. As we were leaving the place, Elminster was outside, telling Gale that Mystra herself wanted to speak with him and to head to the Stormshore Tabernacle.
Now before I did that, I long rested I think a couple times (I always long rest multiple times so I don't miss anything from my companions), and I think the first long rest was the boat scene with him. It starts with him talking about how he doesn't deserve your character and he wants to show you something.
Then it wasn't until after the scene and resting once or twice more (just in case) that I headed over to the Tabernacle for him to speak to Mystra.
And that's how I did it!! I hope that helps 😊
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angyvalentine · 7 months
Hi! For the Tav asks 9, 18 and 26?
First of all, thanks for asking! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
About Farelya, I’ve to do a preliminary remark: she’s my main character in the MMORPG Neverwinter as well since 2013, that’s why some details refers to it too – just to give an example, she’s a Moon elf, instead of a Sun one.
But let’s begin!
9: Is your Tav from Baldur's Gate? Why are they travelling there?
Nope, she’s not. Rey comes from the Moonwood, near Silverymoon. But she often travels to Neverwinter, Longsaddle and on the coast as well – and being an adventurer, she likes to take Lords’ quests – that’s why she was on her way to Baldur’s Gate. Not for the money itself (she’s fine with the bare necessities), but for the joy of the journey – and the chance, maybe, to learn something new. Luck wasn’t on her side this time.
18: What would your Tav be doing if they weren't kidnapped on the Nautiloid?
Probably travelling, or spending some time studying in Silverymoon. She loves the libraries of the Lady’s College, and those in the School of Thaumaturgy as well.
26: What animal best represents your Tav?
Probably a panda? Always hungry, a bit sleepy, and with the bad habit of falling into trouble--- *headshot*
Jokes aside, I’d say a raven. She may not have the same colors, but the personality is quite on point (even being SO PICKY in finding a partner, apparently)
Thank you so much again! 🌻🌻
Tav Ask Meme
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potatowitch · 9 months
Hi, I would love to hear about Alexis :) From the BG3 Act 1 asks:
31.) Does your Character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story?
35) Has your Character done anything that they regret in Act 1?
44.) Asker wants Blogger to choose a question from the list.
31) Does your Character have new or old phobias or superstitions that affect their story?
She doesn't have anything I'd class as a phobia or superstition, really, but Alexis hates guards. Like, on a personal level, she just hates the concept of the guard bc they're always trying to stop her 1. having fun, 2. getting fed, 3. getting cool shiny shit, and 4. killing fuckers who deserve to be killed. She doesn't trust them - so helping the Flaming Fist, for instance, is a lot of warring emotions for her: a little bit "in this instance, it's the right thing to do, ugh", a little bit "who gives a shit about these cops", a little bit "what if I help them and they start looking too close at me and realise they'd rather arrest me instead of thanking me", a little bit "but if they do thank me it would be advantageous to me".
35) Has your Character done anything that they regret in Act 1?
Hmmmm. This one is tough, because during the events of the game, Alexis is the most GoodTM she's ever been, and makes the most GoodTM decisions of her life! She goes through genuine Character Development lmao. She's spent 43 years being firmly Chaotic Neutral, because she's never really encountered big moral decisions before in the way the events of the game force her to confront, y'know? So she doesn't have a lot of things to regret - categorically, she's made the best choices she's ever done.
She regrets not shanking Kaugha in the back when she had the chance. She doesn't really want a full on tiefling vs druids war or anything, but if she could've snuck up to Kaugha in her sleep and shanked her without anyone being the wiser, she'd be a lot more satisfied. Alexis ends up really loving Arabella, so the fact that Kaugha could have gotten her killed? Infuriating.
There's also a teeny bit of regret that comes up later on when she realises that Astarion choosing to sleep with her wasn't, at the time, him being genuine - sometimes she does wonder what would have happened if she'd realised that at the time, what she would have done about it, if that would have even gone down well, or changed anything - but it was something that got the two of them to where they end up, which isn't something she'd ever want to change, so it's a complicated one.
Blogger's choice - 29) Did you adopt an owlbear? Do you have a name for your child?
She absolutely did adopt the owlbear, and his name is Chicken. Because of the chicken chase game, which she did NOT partake in, but she still thought the fact that the goblins called a whole ass owlbear cub a chicken was funny as fuck. (I also personally like the combo of Chicken + Scratch. Like when bad handwriting is called "chicken scratch"? Yeah.)
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ruushes · 5 months
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had some very specific things i wanted to work on this weekend and got possessed by the specter of undercut lae'zel instead 🤦
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ineed-to-sleep · 5 months
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Collection of memes with mostly my tav/astarion to keep myself sane
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rookdaw · 5 months
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duskbats · 5 days
OH MY GOD YOUR TAV IS SO PRETTY <33 could you tell me where can i find their hair?
hiii tysm!! i believe it's this hair.
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may12324 · 4 months
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Halsin- Archdruid of the Emerald Grove
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
This is my first asking to be paired up form a character so I hope it's okay to ask who I'm paired up with in BG3 just out of curiosity. Okay here gose.
I'm 24 years old woman. Some people say I have a bubbly personality but I'm not really a fan of talking to people. I like to read, I'd say my favourite book is pillow thoughts by courtney peppernell and a monster calls by patrick ness.
I also love animals so I graduated college for animal handling and behaviour. I'm 5'2 and I'm also chubby which I'm not a fan about myself with median strawberry blonde hair. My favourite colour is pink and food well you can't beat a Sunday dinner 😋.
Like I said I'm not really a fan of talking to people, which is ironic because my job place is a concert so it dose get lively. I'm aslo not a fan of loud noise so I bring my ear plugs with me when I start work.
My hobbies and interests well I like to read, draw sometimes and I like playing video games. My interests well I did say I love animals but I also love dinosaur so I'm very interested in fossil and learn more about them.
I hope it's not too much. 😅
hello!! thank you for your asks! I'm on a little break rn so I'm just crankin em out!
yay I'm glad this is your first time! i hope i make it worthwhile lol.
for you i would say Halsin, the vibes i derive from you are rosewater mist spray, oranges (specifically when you put the peel in your mouth and smile!).
you both share an interest in animals, which is a great place to start lol. i think its possible to be bubbly, and still be introverted, I'm sure that's something y'all could bond over. as his nature is calming and good hearted. i see y'all as the friend-group parents, always making sure the party has snacks and full canteens of water. even if its for a short nature walk.
i think the best representation would be, subak hwache (a cool watermelon punch is the best way i can describe it) sweet, refreshing, little bit of cronch, and slightly fizzy. something i would faceplant into if given the chance.
he's a very caring individual so i believe he would drop anything to take you anywhere, a true service partner. making time for you is his ultimate priority.
also you should be your biggest fan!!!!! you sound very cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm certain he would be a strong admirer of your softness, as nature had made you as you are- there's nothing wrong with how you look. if it means repeating to you day in and day out he will do so. your joy, your encouragement, and your confidence is a big thing in his heart
id believe he'd want you to be the most confident and the most sexiest you, you could possibly be
thank you for the ask <3
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vspin · 6 months
For the Tav ask game: 23, 40, and 46 ^^
Thanks for the ask! Sorry this is a week late lol 
Link to Tav Ask
23. What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
Watching the sunrise one morning in Baldur’s Gate with Astarion after killing Cazador. It’s a quiet, intimate moment and a brief respite from the chaos. They both know that one way or another, these moments in the sun, pain-free, will eventually come to an end. At least they are free and have each other. 
40.  What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
Interesting question.
I’m not sure Tav’Lyn has a “big mistake”. Drow who make those types of mistakes tend to end up dead or worse. Rather, I see her as someone whose life has been an accumulation of small mistakes made over the centuries that have shaped her into who she is today. Acts of disobedience, fits of rage, impulsive decisions, etc. These inevitably led to punishment and conditioning.
If I had to choose one, I would say that she constantly questions if she’s been foolish in trusting the Eilistraeeen priestesses and choosing to live on the surface. Was it the right decision to forsake Lolth’s “love”? There is a twinge of doubt that occasionally creeps into her thoughts. Life would be easier in the Underdark and Menzobarranzen. Familiar. 
46. What role would your Tav play in a highschool AU? (nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc)
Oh man, if we use adolescent Tav’Lyn then she would be part of the group of rich kids who bully people. She wouldn’t be the ringleader/instigator. I could see her being the “nice one” of the group who could occasionally get along with other people/groups but she’s still a bitch. 
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snowfolly · 9 months
for the BG3 Act1 asks! 5, 41 and 44? 👀
✨Thank you so much @azurechicken for the ask!✨
I’m going to try and add a visual to all my asks- so here’s a little doodle I made of Taliesin in EA and changed a bit to reflect their hair and eye color- I didn’t get their hair quite right in full release but it’s supposed to look more like this! (And their armor has completely changed!)
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Do you remember the first humanoid enemy your Character killed? Was it the first person they've ever killed, in your opinion? Would they have been bothered by it? (5)
I honestly can’t remember her first humanoid kill in-game 😅 but Tali’s been paid to poison a few nobles in their time and has killed their fair share of bandits and bastards on their travels with the troupe. They doesn’t feel any guilt killing those who threaten them in any way, though they find no pleasure in killing humanoids. They actually enjoy killing goblinoid creatures though- so they do have a bit of a sadistic streak in that regard.
Is your Character accustomed to being on the road from before the events of the adventure? (41)
Yes! Tali has had to escape Baldur’s gate for years at a time to avoid their family forcibly snatching them back up (they lost quite the dowry when Tali ran away just over a hundred years prior to the nautiloid crash, they have since stopped trying)
During their flights from the city Tali traveled with upscale troupes traversing the land to make music, merriment and money. The troupes they traveled with were no strangers to bandits and monsters alike, so the archery and swordsmanship they learned as a youth came in quite handy many times during their travels.
Asker wants Blogger to choose a question from the list. (44) ((What does your Character think of Withers?))
Tali is absolutely fascinated by Withers. They’re quite the fan of curiosities and the animated corpse fits the bill nicely. They wish they could know more about his past and what he’s seen in his countless years of life (and death), but unfortunately the corpse’s lips on are sealed on those matters…
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