abravesoul03 · 5 months
I imagine tatter (g!p or not) loves receiving head, and will turn into a whiny mess. (You can't change my mind, she gives off bottom energy, like full-on pillow princess)
OMG FR tho Anon we think alike 😃
Anytime she gets hard, she'll silently sit beside you. Scooting closer as every minute with a pout. Until to the point your sitting on the edge nearly falling of the bed.
You decided to ask what's wrong, she would be all red eyes hooded as she pointed at her bulge.
You could see how hard she was through her shorts.
"I need your lips please jagi?"
-Would whimper as your lips touched her tip, slowly kissing her cock from the tip to her base and gradually sucking on her balls.
-In the beginning she would let you have your way with her, but as time goes she gets more demanding.
-"Ahn y/n-ah go deeper baby, fuck just like that suck it good."
-"my angel sucking on my dick trying to get me off~ you look so cute with my cock in your mouth."
-Eventually would start thrusting slowly into your mouth making you choke on her a little.
-All in all she's a Pillow Princess to you and only you. She also has her dominant times too.
(But Dom Tatter is a story for another day aye 😉)
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asksiddy · 2 months
So.. these big bugs of yours- the robots. Did you make them yourself or is there a ‘robot bug store’ I don’t know about?
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Commissioned actually, i may be a genius when it comes to chemistry but engineering is not a strongsuit of mine.
I will say however that these pretty things were quite expensive, nothing I couldn't afford but I'm just putting out there in case you have a budget~ ✨
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*slaps Mayuri*
(Sorry Anon, the makeup on his face was venomous to the touch, say goodbye to your hand. -Akon)
❝ Humans can be such stupid creatures… ❞
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moons-br · 2 months
You're cool, I'm very glad we're mutuals, have a good day, bye
Even when I'm gay and rb a bunch of art of a man??? /silly
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rakurairagnarok · 1 year
What's your favorite way to trigger a tf?
I'm torn betweeh clothing or musk, but I think musk is more fun and sexual so that way more fun to write. Also alot of the clothing tfs I see are just glorified bodyswaps which I find totally boring.
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
Hi! I’d love to try a BG3 pairing!
I’m an INFP. I love nature, animals, witchcraft/spirituality, forests, folk and rock music, working out and painting. I’m 5”5, female, with tattoos, piercings and choppy shaggy hair.
Im vegan, so I really hate any mistreatment of animals. I love travelling and hate staying in one place - I hate being stuck in one place! In an ideal world, I’d probably be nomadic!
Hmm a song to represent me is tricky - maybe Human Behaviour by Björk? 🌿
I hope this is enough!
period hands down.
easiest decision I've made in my life. (i kid)
I feel like aesthetically you are exact opposites and that makes me sooososososo happy.
he would definitely understand your plight, though it would take a while for him to fully adapt. as anyone would, the process can be slow.
you give me very cozy vibes, i dunno how to explain it. patchouli and sandalwood, and a large slice of carrot cake with black tea. (that sounds great right about now :,D)
i think he would encourage you in your witchery, especially if it makes your connections to nature stronger.
a date for you two feels like an autumnal picnic to me. the last dregs of the summer sun shining through canopies of leaves turning warm colors. drinks laced heavy with spices, and warm at the palm. the air scented with the forest's decay, wind just cool enough for a light jacket.
a nap is had, a nap is good for the soul.
hope you enjoyed!!!!!
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How were you born? Hatched from an egg? Summoned into existence? Or perhaps simply spawned as you are?
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"Any more questions would have to go tours the people that are no longer there."
"I was bassicly born without a job or purpose." 😔
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your art is so good. You're amazing at expressions!
Aaaah thank you!!!!!!! Idk how to respond so here’s some sketches I’ve done recently!!! (Only most of them are magireco)
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Also bonus sketch of my Promised Blood magitober art
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faecelessfiend · 7 months
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Trick or treat!!!!
Wow! Such a fun costume!
Ya know, trick or treating has been dlow, so you get two candies!
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wasirauhlpsds · 9 months
hi! i don't know if this is fine and i'm sorry if i bother (feel free to ignore me), but i'm in love with psd356 and i was wondering if it can be shared again, please.
Hi!! I'll try to update all of my links this weekend! /Jú
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seeveekat · 1 year
Common fandom opinion that is actually wrong (bleach)(poorly paraphrased ask game ask)
I've seen this crop up a few times, and it annoys me every time, but it seems that people in the fandom think that Mayuri purposely killed the first Nemuri to modify his zanpakto.
I don't know where this started but i think it came from people miss reading the explanation of the Nemuri Project but the thing is that the first few Nemuris naturally didn't make it far in development and as such he reused the cells for other things.
Iirc, the first two didn't make it past the fetus stage, and the 6th one was the first one to live to like a toddler before just dropping dead out of nowhere.
They died, yes, but he didn't kill them. That would fuck up the experiment yall
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Do you have a self insert/muse character??!! I have sometimes (very) stupid to doodle XDD
Not really- the closest is my Aria who just has some personality traits I do- lmao
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besaeufniserregend · 2 years
Wie geht es dir so in der letzten Zeit?
Sehr gut!
Die einzige Konstante in meinem Leben ist die Veränderung und so Habe ich schon wieder mein ganzes Leben umgekrempelt. Neue Firma & bewerbe mich schon für die nächste Ausbildung.
Und dir so?
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
Hello dear! I saw your post about bg3 matchups and it sounded like fun, if you have the time! My name is Lucy; I’m 23 and an INFP (yay rhymes!). I love history and old things, as well as horror stories. My biggest pet peeve is people being pretentious or arrogant, and sports bore me to tears. My favorite physical feature about myself if probably my hair, which has nice waves and is several different shades of blonde. I’m about 5’6” and on the heavier side, with very pale skin and green-blue eyes. On a non-physical level, I really like my ingenuity and problem-solving skills. I’m a straight woman, and my favorite color is definitely green. My favorite food is without a doubt southern fried catfish. A song is more difficult, but I think I’ll go with Bitter Water by The Oh Hellos! My hobbies include historical costuming, baking, and coming up with things to terrify my friends with in the campaign I DM. Thank you so much for this, I’m excited to read what you write! All the best to you friend :)
Hello! Apologies on the pause on getting this out I wanted to stave off burnout!
Your was a difficult decision to make but I think I finally got it. That awnser was very simple when I finally saw it!
Wyll! Pride of the gate :))
For scents, jasmine flower and a crisp oolong tea.
Sure he's not handy with a needle but he enjoys you talking about your work, peering in now and again to offer praise or perhaps a snack of apples and cheese.
He definitely enjoys hearing your storytelling, it's something to see most. Your passion and creativity! They are admirable qualities to have
Taste wise I would say a bottom seared dumpling. So the bottom is a bit crunchy but the inside is soft and gooey.
Date wise I'd say a thread date, wyll takes intrigue in his partners activities, so he'd insist that you teach him how to sew a bit!
Hed find silly embroidery patterns, and sooner or later you'd be finding small designs on the hems of your clothes.
Hope that was ok!!
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the-enchanted-mistakes · 11 months
What is your favourite snack to eat? Just when you might be too lazy to eat a proper meal- Maybe fishsticks or a bag of potato chips? Cookies are a nice thing you could enjoy, right?
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I dont want to eat your art, i want to take a big bite out of its shoulders. 11/10
Ajdhdgdjsahhsdudrfdf thank you!!!!
Still don’t know how to respond to these things so here’s a sketch of an older touka from an aged-up hospital trio thing I’ve been thinking about!
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