feybeasts · 8 months
Was having a convo with friends, and we hit on an important thing that I think a lot of people nowadays forget about worldbuilding. Namely- do not explain everything.
You know what makes something like Warcraft nowadays miserable (from a story perspective, anyways, I could Go On about what’s wrong with modern Blizzard,) at least in part? Why Wookiepedia and the Star Wars EU are often joked about? Because everything, every character, every concept, every strange and mysterious force has been given whole paragraphs of lore at some point or another, and inevitably, a canon explanation of an unexplained thing will be disappointing once the mystery is gone.
You NEED weird background aliens with no purpose other than to be fun setpieces, you NEED strange magic with unclear or hazy rules, you NEED to have mountains not explored, caves un-plumbed, ruins untouched, because these places are where mystery lives, and the human mind eats mysteries up. I could talk about what exactly the process to create biogel is in Faye’s universe, tell you who created the Archives in Lena’s setting and why, and you know what? It would suck, because nothing I come up with is better than what your own imagination as a reader or audience could create.
In many ways, a good setting is a conversation with the reader- it invites them to fill in the blanks, to imagine why things are the way they are, and most importantly, it lets them have their own explanation. It’s why I love something like Armored Core or Elden Ring, even Minecraft- because they understand that anything they could say about where Creepers come from, the face of Greater Order, whatever, is not nearly as good as a rich fanon and healthy exploration of the mysteries they hand you.
Like so many things, friends, it’s a balancing act. As you write, consider not only what to say, but what not to say- your audience and your world will thank you when they’re presented with so many wonderful threads to pull on.
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pluagemask042 · 6 months
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Ben 10 Albedo Aliens - Ultimate Polymorph
When hit this transformation's biogel solidifies into a rubber like substance and absorbs the kinetic energy. His gravity manipulator can then use the built up energy to propel the his biomass to high speeds, and causing him to break up and bounce around like a million sub sonic bouncy balls.
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Even using biogel solar cells, cold weather FREEZES their ability to create power.
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leidensygdom · 2 years
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"Surrounded by a plethora of screens, the figure kept watch over all the people who were now under his influence. He had gained control over them through these small BioGel microchips, which spread small wires on their nervous system, and gave him fine control of their movements and thoughts. And yet, he did not see this as something forceful: He was doing this for everyone's happiness. He was fixing them. People had stated they were much happier this way, so- He was not wrong, right? He hated this job, but a city full of happy people? That was his dream. Something worth fighting for." 
I think it's finally time for a formal presentation of one of the BBEGs from our DnD campaign. Meet the Onirist, Cleric of Unity! Feel free to ask anything, I’ve been DYING to officially present him to the world!
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i-am-ai-whump · 4 months
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Jaxon's blood-stained fingers slid across the Solaris’s med bay control panel, urgently entering the commands to seal the stasis chamber and begin the flow of BioGel. The vitals of the mysterious stranger, who had saved his life on the outpost just moments before, flickered on the screen, weak and fading. “Just keep breathing,” Jax muttered, activating the chamber’s life support as the gel-like liquid began to fill the chamber and envelop the stranger who choked back a scream as the BioGel infiltrated his lungs. Blood mingled with the clear substance before the system efficiently filtered out the crimson-colored waste, replacing it with a sterile gel. A readout scrolled across the screen, revealing phaser burns, hematomas, freshly broken bones, and evidence of poorly healed injuries. A twinge of curiosity tugged at Jax as he wondered about the stranger's story, concealed beneath the scars and broken bones. The soft hum of the Solaris’s engines and the gentle glow of the med bay’s monitors created a surreal ambiance, transforming the scene into a silent dance between technology and the resilience of the human spirit.
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alfalfasalads · 1 year
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Ooops, new Fallout OC dropped Dwight A. Faraday, Ph.D, is a brain suspended in a canister of biogel who hijacked a Gen.2. Synth. He’s absconded the Institute, winding up in the Mojave wasteland. He has a bone to pick with a certain Robert House. He’s Totally Normal about it.
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deathbars · 3 months
Ive been excited for that stupid biogel robot zero energy fridge since i was in grade school if it's not invented by 2050 like they say it will be I'm throwing a fit
Give him to me
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ethelnol · 9 months
learning how to mummify myself to be better immersed as a mech pilot
tightly tying myself up in a blanket, using ropes and belts to keep it tight, turning myself into a mummy to emulate the feeling of being vac sealed and placed in a metal tube, floating in biogel. all i need now is a helmet and a big fuckoff data cord and i’m set!
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nobody laugh bc im going to say a sentence that could be used to reconstitute me from a vat of biogel: i have to make an emergency craft store run
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futuristech-info · 2 years
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A New Biogel Claims to Repair Heart Attack Damage
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feybeasts · 8 months
Because F-3Y is really more the sapient biogel inhabiting their various “bodies” and not those bodies themselves, I think I’m gonna give them the ability to pretty much inhabit any sort of vaguely aircrafty machinery and operate it flawlessly.
The only sign of this is that said aircraft’s cockpit fills with glowing, black ichor and gains F-3’s “eyes”
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blortch · 10 months
My stupidest, minor-est, thought ever about Space Cop:
In the movie they brought up the sort of biogel the aliens use to look human, and I really genuinely thought during the fight between Grigg and Space Cop that Grigg was gonna get his face partially burnt or smth and the narsty biogel was gonna drip from his face. and you could see the alien looking texture underneath. idk in all those 80s movies they love so much there's always some drippy goo special effect for no other reason than It Looks Cool
and I truly thought this is what they were hinting at and not just it being an excuse to make it easier to shoot the movie......... absolute brain fart on my part
Anon I know you're trying very hard not to say biolube but the substance you speak of is very much called biolube in the movie
It would've been neat if they'd done such a make up effect on Jay but maybe they didn't have somebody to do such work... I think for doc of the dead Some Guys we don't know did the make-up on Jay, Jack, etc. and in The Recovered Tina Krause and Dixie did the make-up. And then I think in a patreon video Mike and Jay mentioned they'd done each other's old age make-up for hitb recently but I think that's probably not up there in skills to do the effect you speak of...
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commandermeg · 1 year
I wonder if the Protostar uses those Biogel computer packs like the Voyager did.
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weatherman667 · 1 year
Ghost Song:  1st Playthrough (failed)
A game that desperately wants to be Metroid without being Metroid, with Dark Souls thrown.  Which, I’m not going to fault them on.  If you are going to copy any game, you can do worse than Metroid.  Are they as good as Metroid?  No.  Wasn’t really expecting them to.  The problem is that the Dark Souls and Metroid mechanics are largely contra-posed.  The Dark Souls punished death mechanic is contra-posed with Metroid’s largely free exploration mechanic.
And this is how I got to the situation I would benefit from deleting my first game and starting again.
They have a mechanic where your blaster heats up, and you lose fire rate.  Since your melee attack is with your blaster, this improves your damage.  This is an interesting mechanic.  Does it make the game better?  No.  Not in the slightest.  It honestly seems like a way to force you to use your melee attack.  If they removed contact damage, you wouldn’t need to force the player to use their melee attack, as it would be incredibly useful.  What they could use instead is a climbing mechanic, like Metroid Dread has.  It would make the clunky platforming controls better.  Or let you jump further, (you can jump a lot higher than you can far), and combined with contact damage, makes jumping perilous.  It seems like the platforming was balanced with a short jump distance, but since jump is your only way to evade attacks, you need a jump distance that can... let you evade attacks.  This is especially bad if you die in an area that is difficult to get you, risking losing all of your Biogell, whatever it does.  I spent too much time exploring to have this explained, nevermind how to get rid of the progressive penalty to my maximum health.
Note to self:  Don’t explore.
We’ll have to see how my next playthrough goes, when I follow the obvious paths.
They also call you Dead Suit, which, they could have literally called you anything else and it would be fine.  I accidentally found some spoilers for the game, which are spoiled by the name Dead Suit.  This is one of those situations if they got rid of the intro sequence it would be better, and just removed your name in the subtitles, or called you Explorer, or something.
*head desk*
Not really spoilers, then is it?
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leidensygdom · 8 months
What senses does Argyros have? I assume it can be different from others of the same origin?
So, Argyros started out with vision, hearing and a sort of replacement for smelling (which mostly helped her analyze chemical compounds in the air). She suspects she was granted these three senses because they were needed for whatever job she had before being herself. She could also use implants in her tail to get something akin to touch, mostly to detect stuff such as warmth, humidity and so on.
She got a proper sense of touch installed not too long ago, which was made through enchanting her outer carcass of sorts. It means not every part of herself is touch-sensitive though! And only recently she also had taste installed. She has a tongue made out of BioGel (a sort of artificial replacement for biological matter from our setting). She just really wanted to taste some french fries.
I need to draw their inner mouth >:) she can actually open it up and it's full of Very Sharp Teeth and the aforementioned tongue.
Over the years she's had a bunch of upgrades and things installed overall, mostly in an attempt to better understand how humanoids work!
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n1ntendos · 10 months
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