#bl ask meme
heretherebedork · 2 years
Love set for Kiyoi and Hira
Love Set
Most romantic moment?
I mean, there are so many tbh. But I think a few of my thoughts are... Kiyoi running after kissing Hira and standing around the corner waiting to be chased by then going an entire year without seeing Hira instead and the love-pain of it all.
Or it's the bike ride. Every single bike ride, honestly, but it's the last one too. The very last one where they're both so joyous and so in love and they just want to be there together and it's overwriting all the older memories that turned painful in retrospect.
2. What do you think their love languages are?
Oooo, this is interesting for these two. Kiyoi is a sort of twisted words of affirmation but also definitely quality time. Hira is almost 100% quality time with a small side of physical touch/gifts but only in the form of physical memories (like the coins he collected and the photo he kept.)
3. What kind of dates do they go on?
Kiyoi drags Hira on dates and then insists that Hira tell him what he wants to do and it's kind of a game of Kiyoi forcing Hira to take charge of what they're doing and Hira hesitating until he sees Kiyoi start to be nervous and he takes over to comfort him.
... It's mostly stuff like walking around forest preserves for pictures or watching fireworks from a distance. Neither of them much likes crowds and neither of them needs other people so their dates tend to be very private.
4. Favorite kiss and/or hug.
The sucking blood off the finger scene. Holy shit.
But also the pinned-on-the-desk kiss. That one is amazing.
BL Pairing Ask Meme
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squeakygeeky · 2 years
💜 I don’t actually have a specific show for this, I’m mostly realizing I love re-watching shows. But what I really wish is that I could watch a BL for the first time by accident without knowing I was watching a BL. Something like Manner of Death or Triage where it’s not obvious it’s a romance at first. I would love to have a moment of ‘wait, you mean to tell me the thing I ship is actually canon??’
🤍 ITSAY. I keep putting it off, because I don’t know if it’ll be something I watch more that once and as my to-watch list gets shorter and shorter I like knowing there’s still something really high quality on it.
🧡 Aey from Lovely Writer is my problematic fave. He’s genuinely terrible but unlike with a lot of BL villains I felt like it made sense, he wasn’t just randomly evil to add drama. 
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mineonmain · 1 year
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Tell me i'm wrong...
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 year
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KINNPORSCHE THE SERIES (2022) + textposts — 9/?
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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everyone deserves a break once in a while
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misspoetree · 10 months
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+ Bonus:
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: a quick Ep. 12 Rewatch Edition [Ep. 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11]
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wontune · 5 months
First ☆ lockscreens ( ator )
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Why hello! I don’t see why we can’t keep the Top 5 trend alive in the new year so…
From one chronic rewatcher to another, what are your top 5 most rewatched scenes?
Sorry this took so long, @wen-kexing-apologist! I'm just now getting back to posting a bit more regularly after the holidays got me totally off track, and this question brought up a lot of Thoughts so I've been chipping away at it for weeks.
So, um, this is the best question ever. Except it’s the meanest question ever, because I'm terrible at choosing between things like this.
I am a massive rewatcher, whether you’re talking about whole series, episodes, or scenes. Scenes especially. Why watch an entire thing when you can go right for the best part/s and watch them over and over? This is also one of the reasons I have way too many gifs saved on my phone.
I thought about coming up with a list that was based more on what would make a good post, and/or what would make me look less uncool, than what I actually rewatch the most. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to be honest instead. So at the risk of seeming even more like an Utsukare obsessive and overall one-trick pony, I'm going to talk about the five scenes I think I've actually rewatched the most, even though four of them are from my perennial obsession.
The four Utsukushii Kare scenes are in the order they occur in the series, not from most rewatched to least. Then I'll talk about a fifth scene from another series that I've been pretty vocal about appreciating, and I'll mention some runners-up.
“who do you like, him or me?”
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If gif posts are any indication—gifs are the smallest increment of rewatching, after all—some of my favorite scenes to rewatch aren’t that popular with other rewatchers. This one gets gif’ed, sure, as you can see. But it's not as popular a choice for this kind of treatment as a lot of other Utsukare scenes.
There are a few reasons this one is a favorite of mine. One is that I tend to like some jealousy in my romance. I have my theories about why it’s so appealing to me specifically, but I’m not entirely sure how to explain it. I also love a good aggressive shirt-grab. (Utsukare certainly delivers these regularly.) But the main reason I keep coming back to this moment is that in just a few sentences, a bunch of character development happens. Well, I guess it would be more correct to call it character revelation. This is the first time we really see this side of Kiyoi, and in that respect, it foreshadows the big perspective shift that’s just around the corner. The viewer picks up a lot of hints that Kiyoi has feelings for Hira prior to this point (even if Hira remains stubbornly oblivious to them). We’ve even seen Kiyoi kiss Hira already (even if he did push him to the ground a split second later). But this is the first time we see such direct evidence of the strength of his feelings for Hira. Kiyoi is so unguarded for this brief moment. The mask slips and what’s underneath is total desperation.
Hira, of course, misses the real meaning of what Kiyoi is saying despite how obvious it is. Which means it's also the viewers’ first indication of how intensely Hira clings to his favored view of reality in the face of evidence to the contrary.
"sorry I like you"
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This is another scene where so much is happening in a short span, all because Kiyoi got desperate enough to talk about all of the unspoken bullshit between him and Hira. As usual, Hira doesn’t get it. But he might be starting to. 
This scene is pretty rough watching in some ways. When this episode first aired and it ended with this scene followed by each of them on their own and feeling terrible, I was a bit of a mess. It was silly of me to worry. There were plenty of favorable signs in the preview for the finale. I knew the novels had a happy ending. But it was just so sad and so real that it got to me anyway. But I also enjoyed it, because for an obsessive analyzer like myself, seeing these important relationship dynamics finally come to the surface in such concentrated form was fascinating. It was also a relief to see things out in the open.
Both leads turn in such great performances here. Yagi Yusei really steps up. It’s even more impressive given his relative lack of acting experience. His performance is so raw and affecting. If he had been less vulnerable, Kiyoi’s point about how contradictory Hira’s actions and statements are could seem like a kind of “gotcha” moment designed to win an argument--like he was pointing out that Hira was hypocritical in a bid to score points. Instead, Yagi shows viewers how deeply being caught in this double bind with Hira has hurt Kiyoi. 
Hagiwara Riku, in contrast, portrays Hira as so confused that he’s basically dissociated. Hira has a really strong tendency to see the world in whatever way suits him, regardless of the truth. Kiyoi’s words force Hira to set his usual narrative aside and see how much clinging to it is hurting the person he claims to love, and it throws him off to such an extent that he seems to be experiencing a form of psychomotor slowing. He looks like he’s moving through molasses. He can’t form sentences, or at times, even words. His normally expressive eyes seem like they’ve shrunk to half their normal size. He’s really come unmoored, and it shows. The more I think about Hagiwara’s work in this scene the more impressed I am by the insight and physical control he had to bring to bear in order for it to work. 
Of course, if I watched this scene on its own habitually, this level of blorbo distress might take a toll on my mental health. Which is why I usually follow it up with…
"I'm not going to kiss you for a while"
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I’m busting out the bullet points for this one because otherwise it might take me all day.
This scene works on so many levels!
Well, the main ones are:
Relationship progress! Character growth! 
The whole kiss fakeout thing is hot
Hira gets some payback and frankly, he deserves it
The other highlights for me are: 
Even after repeated viewings and knowing very well what happened in the story, I still feel kind of relieved to see that Kiyoi came back, especially right after rewatching the scene prior to this one. 
When Kiyoi asks Hira why he thinks he came home and he says, “to punch me?" he does it in the most weirdly cute way.
Kiyoi’s absolutely lethal snotty face/voice when he response to the possibility of punching Hira with “maybe” is so perfect that it's hard not to think that Hira might have a point about this whole King deal. 
Hira apologizes and it’s actually sincere and not just some knee-jerk bullshit. 
The way Hira closes his eyes and waits for Kiyoi to smack him is a rare case of him actually letting go and putting himself in Kiyoi’s hands instead of his usual topping-from-the-bottom thing.
More about the kiss fakeout:
Hagiwara does a great job of telegraphing Hira’s expectant response. In scenes where two characters are going to kiss but get interrupted, it's not uncommon to see a kind of hesitation or other subtle signal that the actor knows the kiss isn't going to happen. But there's none of that here. Hagiwara even does this sort of gulp/swallow thing like he thinks the kiss is going to start any moment. When the kiss doesn't materialize, he nails an absolutely pitifiul sad puppy expression.
Kiyoi’s vulnerable voice and facial expression when he explains about the kissing boundary thing is so sincere and cute. Could he be any more different from season 1 episode 1 Kiyoi?
I’ve written about how the no-kissing-until-Hira-takes-Kiyoi-seriously policy might seem like a controlling move or an inappropriate ultimatum to some viewers but it actually better resembles what Harriet Lerner calls a “bottom line,” resulting in a boundary that is not only justifiable but downright healthy…or almost healthy, at least. It's a bit on the extreme side, and the fakeout part remains a little mean. But they're understandable given what Hira has put Kiyoi through. 
Here's my s2e4 writeup that includes that discussion:
“sorry, Kiyoi”
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So, I’ve already written quite a bit about this scene. In one instance, I wrote a propaganda blurb when it was in bl brackets’s kiss bracket.
Here's the original blurb I wrote for @bl-bracket when I nominated the scene, as used in the post where people voted:
Hira and Kiyoi Final Kiss: "It’s an important plot point (because Kiyoi has said he won’t kiss Hira until he stops putting him on a pedestal and now Hira is making progress on that front, and because Hira hasn’t initiated physical stuff in the past, and initiating is itself a way of treating Kiyoi more like an equal). It’s also just a really well-acted and effectively shot kiss, and as a result it communicates so much about the characters and shows a side of their relationship not portrayed elsewhere in the show. And of course, it’s super hot. That includes the kind of weird but suggestive details that are typical of the show, like Hira passing candy/candy spit to Kiyoi through the kiss and then switching into this really distinct sexy voice that makes it sound almost as if he’s changing personalities."
And here's an additional, longer propaganda post I wrote to lobby for votes:
One of the points I tried to make in that post about why this scene is special was that it really does represent a leap forward in how both leads portrayed intimacy in this series. Prior to this scene, viewers had seen a dead fish kiss on graduation day, a more intense makeout situation in the season 1 finale that was shot so impressionistically that it was often hard to tell exactly what the actors were doing, and some interrupted kisses earlier in season 2. And then this happened. Here's a quote from what I wrote previously:
Personally, despite being a fan of both actors and thinking they did amazing work on the series, until I saw this scene I really didn't know if they had it in them, if they could actually pull off something that felt real. But they brought it. They're not holding back. As opposed to more stylized kisses you see in BLs and other romance dramas sometimes, I found it very naturalistic, like the way a couple of real kids in their early 20s would kiss.
So, yeah. I thought it showed real growth on the part of the actors as individuals and as a pairing/team.
This scene also caused me to dig deeper, with the help of some very knowledgeable mutuals, into what “persistent” and “cute” mean in a sexual context in Japan. My main post about that is below.
Noticing Hagiwara's use of Hira's "persistent voice" also helped me to notice something else when I checked out his other work, and that is that he often uses his voice in very different ways in different roles. I recently watched a drama he did before Utsukare and I was struck by this all over again. Again, it shows a really impressive degree of control.
And now, for our one non-Utsukare scene in the top 5:
"I'm trying to seduce you"
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I also wrote a nomination blurb about this scene for the kiss bracket. (If you're seeing a pattern here, well, yeah, it's a pattern.) The original voting post here but I'll go ahead and quote it in its entirety since it's pretty short.
This kiss is ridiculously hot and is a culmination of so much that’s been simmering beneath the surface for the entire show up to that point. Togawa has been pining so hard for Nozue for so long that when Nozue gives him a glimmer of hope and then tries to leave, everything he’s been bottling up comes surging out. Kimura Tatsunari exudes a level of desperate lustfulness in this scene that’s as intense as anything I’ve seen in any genre. We’re all familiar with the idea that people look at a person’s mouth when they want to kiss them, but Togawa looks at Nozue’s mouth like he dreams about it every night and sees it every time he closes his eyes. No wonder he feels a need to stick his thumb in there. Takeda Kouhei also communicates so much in this scene. Nozue is shocked and confused but he can’t help but respond to Togawa’s kisses. You can see the gears turning—and refusing to turn—as he tries to make sense of what’s happening—and keeps kissing Togawa back even though he still can’t process it. Togawa’s declaration, “I’ve been trying to seduce you, with everything I have,” is the cherry on top.
There's another bit of subtle physical communication here that I find interesting, and I think you might too, @wen-kexing-apologist. Just recently I've been thinking about the meaning, in kissing scenes, of what for lack of a better term I'll call the head-bonk. By this I mean the thing where one person puts their forehead against the other person's, often with at least a tiny bit of an impact that renders it a bonk rather than, like, just touching them together. Togawa kisses Nozue once, then a second time, and then goes in for a third that Nozue avoids by sinking toward the floor. The third kiss doesn't happen, but when Togawa starts to initiate it he does an absolutely sublime head-bonk. I'm still figuring out what I think about the head-bonk thing. All I know is that, from my vantage point, that little move on Kimura's part practically screams "I've been holding this back for five goddamn years and I can't wait one more second to kiss this person."
Runners-up and honorable mentions:
Semantic Error:
Their first kiss in the restaurant after Jae Young calls Sang Woo "hyung" - I have watched this so much that if I had been asked for my top 6 this would have been #6.
Jae Young demonstrating the features of the "free trial"
Minato’s Laundromat (season 1, of course):
Shin freaking out about Minato being alone with Hanabusa
The washing machine kabedon
The “smelling the sheets” scene
Kiseki (I just watched this for the first time a week or so ago and I have already done so much scene-rewatching it's ridiculous):
That incredibly angsty sex scene with Ai Di and a drunk Chen Yi, you know the one
Chen Yi's confession to a physically restrained Ai Di
The scene at Ai Di's bar where Chen Yi puts him in a double kabedon
Ai Di and Chen Yi's conversation after Ai Di gets out of prison, where he says he fucked Chen Yi "just for fun" and offers to let him do stuff to him as "revenge"
Ai Di trying to scare Chen Yi by stroking his chest and asking him if he wants to "play" and then getting weirded out when Chen Yi asks, "What if I say yes?"
Jheruei and Zongyi's first real kiss and subsequent A+ lap-sitting moment
And as a bonus, here's my most-rewatched non-QL moment:
There's a scene I'm obsessed with in Something in the Rain where Jun Hui comes to Jin A's home and sees her ex-boyfriend there with her and her parents, lobbying to get back together and manhandling her, and he reacts exactly the way you'd expect as someone to who's in love with Jin A. It is tattooed on my brain. If I ever learn to make gifs I am gif'ing the fuck out of that scene.
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absolutebl · 11 months
Thai QL 2023 Favorites Tag Game!
@waitmyturtles tagged me, I kinda did it quick but Wait made it QL instead of BL so I guess I’ll play again
Because I get overwhelmed easily I need to confine myself to only things in 2023. 
HERE WE GO - Thailand ONLY, 2023 ONLY 
Favorite 2023 Thai QL: 
My School President - I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR
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Favorite Pairing: 
On the basis of Moonlight Chicken as well as MSP I have to pick GeminiFourth but for high heat I really loved NetJames in Bed Friend 
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Most underrated actor: 
Lee Long Shi
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I’d say Noh Phouluang but so far he hasn’t been in anything this year. Damn it. 
Favorite Character: 
Ken in Chains of Heart
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I KNOW. I HATED the show, but man what a fucking fantastic idea for a main character. Tough as nails, rebuilt himself from the foundation up, total bass ass, persistent fucker. Plus Haii is stunning to look at. It’s not his fault they fucking squandered the gift he gave them. 
Favorite Side Character: 
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Easy one: Chot - Step By Step
Favorite scene in a QL: 
Between Us:
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Favorite line in a QL: 
Hit Bite Love
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Most Anticipated QL (& why): 
Twins the series - Not Me + HIStory 2 Crossing the line, it looks like golden trash.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: 
Destiny Seeker babies side couple:
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Most toxic relationship in a QL: 
The Promise - I don’t wanna talk about it
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Guilty pleasure series: 
This year? Certainly Destiny Seeker
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Most underrated series:
Frankly, probably Destiny Seeker, since no one has seen it and I actually quite enjoyed it. 
Maybe Make a Wish? Another solid show that no one saw. 
Of those that people saw, I think the Never Let Me Go Our Skyy installment was GREAT and pretty underrated. 
It’s only July so of course this is subject to change without notice. 
If you follow me... and I find something I love... you’ll notice. 
Thai BL I watch so Far This Year: 
La Pluie - 9
My School President - 9
Step By Step  - 9
Bed Friend - 8
Between Us - 8
Destiny Seeker - 8
Make a Wish - 8
Moonlight Chicken - 8
Never Let Me Go - 8
Our Skyy 2 - mixed 7 & 6 
Cutie Pie 2 You special - 7
Future the series - 7
609 Bedtime Story - 6
I Will Knock You - 5
Remember Me - 5
Tin Tem Jai - 5
Pastsenger - 4
The Promise - 4
Cafe In Love - 3
Chains of Heart - 3
Hit Bite Love - 3
Senior Love Me - 3
The Luminous Solution - 3
My Blessing - 2
House of Stars - dnf
Till the World Ends - dnf
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Love set for Togawa x Nozue ❤️ 💕 💙
Love Set
Most romantic moment?
Every moment they're together, the darlings? No, no. I think it has to be when Nozue cooked dinner for Togawa and Togawa tried to help and got sent away because it was so sweet and so domestic and you could already see a life of love ahead and them even if they hadn't admitted to it yet.
2. What do you think their love languages are?
I think they share the love language of quality time and food. Food is definitely a love language for them, 100%. I think Togawa also has physical touch and Nozue is words of affirmation but their main one is definitely quality time.
3. What kind of dates do they go on?
They go to the zoo and they eat parfaits and they sit together, outside, with ice cream and watch fireworks and they have quiet evenings at home where Nozue cooks and Togawa does the dishes and they just... they do everything.
But, most importantly, they get to a zoo. I am eternally sad we did not get to see them go to a zoo together.
4. Favorite kiss and/or hug.
I mean, episode 4 kiss wins awards that we invented just for it so... that one.
BL Pairing Ask Meme
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ruthlesslistener · 7 months
4, 18, and 24 for Lace and Hornet maybe?
THE GIRLSSSS ive just been going insane over them again recently so ty for this
(Also quick note: my version of Lace is pretty much entirely fanon given the fact that Silksong isn't even out yet, so take of that what you will- I see her as a sadist who puts on a sweetly cruel demeanor to vent her anger and frustration with the church of Pharloom while also concealing the fact that she sees no escape from it and genuinely pities those it takes advantage of: she's very good at playing the 'game' of politics that it forces her into. Her fascination with Hornet is based on the fact that Hornet very much does not give a damn about this and is hellbent on taking down a seemingly unstoppable force, which then blooms into affection when it looks like Hornet actually has a chance at doing so)
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
-Lace tends to initiate affection! Hornet usually doesn't, but this is more because Hornet herself isn't much of a touchy-feely type by nature. Lace, on the other hand, both has far more experience with relationships as well as a very long history of never actually being able to be herself in any of them, so she's much more comfortable with it.
(Not that Hornet is uncomfortable with affection by any means- the fact that Lace is one of the few people she allows to initiate affection is enough. Plus, it gives her a chance to reciprocate, because she never learned how or when to do so)
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
-Lace patches Hornet up while teasing her relentlessly about it (or, in the case of all the imagined in-game scenarios where they're forming an uneasy allyship, while trying to convince both Hornet and herself to just kill her instead of prolong her suffering). Hornet, on the other hand, does it while threatening to kill for her, which Lace thinks is very sweet
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
-Despite their personalities seeming to be night and day, their ideals are very similar, so they end up complimenting each other; when they clash, it's because both of them are stubborn and think their own means of doing things is the best way about it. Hornet is blunt, cold, and painfully honest, while Lace is sweetly cruel and amazing at putting up a facade, but both of them believe its better to perish than to suffer and to die with dignity than to be debased, so they get along quite well. Lace helps Hornet navigate the intricacies of Pharloom and its culture, while Hornet gives Lace hope, as well as relief from the suffocating mindgames that the nobility play via her preference to bruteforce it through combat
Ship ask game
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bengiyo · 9 months
I was tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad on some fandom asks in a tag game. I normally don't think this hard about things I don't like, but here we go.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Remember Me. It was horrible.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
Probably “Kiss you until you drop.” Sarawat is low-key a gay disaster. I still find it endearing.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
“I’ll make you my wife.” I know the Kongpob line was a big deal, but I’m still not into it.
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Most stupid decision made by a character
Probably Pat’s decision to help Wai since he got shot for it. Also Teh giving up his spot for Oh-aew.
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Worst plot line
I’m still salty about it, so the stupid fucking amnesia plot in Minato’s Laundromat 2.
The most problematic show you've watched
Honestly, it’s Handsome Stewardess because of the IPV and the way it was handled.
A show people love but you find bad
Probably Star in My Mind and Sky in Your Heart?
A show people find bad but you will defend
Right now? Wedding Plan. Historically? Make It Right.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Rainbow Prince
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Low Frequency
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
‘Cause You’re My Boy because Frank and Drake had that.
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Ocean Likes Me for Holland’s character.
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A bad show that you would still recommend
Once Again. It was kind of difficult, but it executed its themes well.
The character that ruined a show the most
Puen in Vice Versa.
Most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG from Together Wtih Me. I know @negrowhat and @lurkingshan got my back on this one.
Most awful character that you loved
Green from 2gether. Gun deserved and still deserves better.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
I don’t like Dr. Sing in Triage that much.
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A hero that should have been a villain
Is this where I dig at Tharntype?
A morally bad character you're into
Zhou Zi Shu from Word of Honor
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Vegas from KinnPorsche
The show that disappointed you the most
Bite Me
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The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
The Shipper and My Extraordinary
I don't think I'll tag anyone specific, but if we've been chatting about BL since before 2gether, I wanna know your answers.
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kakusu-shipping · 6 months
Soulmate AU, and Childhood Best Friends AU? :3c
Oh I'm about to show how little I actually understand about Shin's character... but also I love you two and MUST ramble
Ask from here (still open to Moots)
Soulmate AU
Shin feels like the type to assume the worst out of a Soulmate based world. He'd assume his soulmate must be someone awful, or maybe they're already dead, or he'll just never meet them. Maybe he's the only person in the entire world who doesn't have a soulmate. He feels the type to be real gloomy and depressing about it.
Until he meets Emmy when she's introduced as the new hire at his job and there's suddenly color to his world and everything just feels so much warmer.
It's love at first sight.
But he'd really struggle to do anything about it, he'd fall into a "if she's so great then I must be the bad one" kind of spiral and try to avoid you... But it'd probably fail because he wants to do more than just look at you across the way so badly.
This feels very Office Comedy skdjfjkd Your co-workers find out your soulmates and start melding to get you closer together, he thinks your an all perfect angel sent from the heaven to be out of his reach... I imagine he eventually finds out otherwise of course as he's forced to get closer to you, see you as more than just an unreachable ideal and more as a person... It heals him so he starts seeing those around him as more than just background characters and more people as well...
Love Heals style manga... Something like that...
Childhood Friends AU
Emmy has a lot of Girl Next Door energy. The pretty girl who has a ton of boys who like her in elementary school because she's nice and cute and that's all you care about in a girl in elementary.
Shin then would be the nerdy best friend type. You and him just happened to watch the same anime when you were little, and bonded over it in first grade, and stuck together from then on.
By 4th or 5th grade he'd start getting self deprecating and wondering why such a nice person like you would hang out with a gloomy guy like him, and you just remind him that you're his friend, you like him, of course you wanna hang out with him!
He'd probably get bullied by the other boys who like you a little bit, and then get a bit of a shitty ego about it after you worry about him over it. He'd like to taunt them. "Yeah go ahead and hit me, less competition for me. Emmy'd never go out with jerks who beat up other kids." He'd act so cocky in front of them just to piss them off.
This sounds like the kind of manga where you'd get split up for a few years in middle school, and meet back up in Highschool again but one of you's changed. Either something bad happened to you in middle school and you lost that sunshine smile Shin remembers, so he has to work to bring it back, or Shin completely shuts down without you and refuses to talk to anyone, so you have to coax him back out of his shell.
More Love Heals but in more.. Reach out kind of ways? Reach out to people you think need it style... It'd be cute, and kind of sad, and real and emotional... I'd read it.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 8 months
me and the besties were talking about post-canon vp and ...
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tessathegamefreak · 10 months
Whenever Nala/Distortia hears and/or sees Bls, Bo, and/or their clones getting injured, killed, owned, or just having a bad day:
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Hehehe, damn! Nothing like a good [sadistic] laugh, huh? 😂😅
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carbonateddelusion · 7 months
OO how about Red with ⚔ I wanna know what he bringin to a fight
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Red used to go to the range pretty often when he was younger; he's kind of a gun nut. But after he got into the accident, his new disability made him think it was impossible to keep pursuing his hobby in such an active way. Eventually, though, he taught himself how to fire his .45 using his toes! It's in no way practical, but it allows him to continue participating in the social aspect of going to the range for practice, so he's pretty happy.
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