#black radfem
draculafem · 1 year
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Begging people to realise sex is not a need and you are not entitled to it. The “men have needs!” saying is commonly used by males to manipulate women into having sex. In other words… it’s rape culture rhetoric.
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radfemsouthy · 1 year
“Young boys are being radicalized by incels online.”
Males are already misogynistic prior to engaging with incel content…
The content only confirms & reinforces their misogynistic beliefs.
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papirouge · 5 months
sorry but I will NEVER forget when White radfems said that misogyny was worse than slavery 💀
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rad-habits · 1 year
I’ll say sex based oppression is real and biological sex has an effect on how we are treated in society and a gendie will jump in with a link about a white woman I’ve never heard of in a country I don’t live in and say “is this what you’re supporting” I literally don’t know her, all I’m saying is females live in a society that oppresses them what’s not clicking
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hadesoftheladies · 11 months
my head nearly bursts in flames when i think about how intersectional feminism was created by black women to re-center their voices in the fight for women's liberation, and now it's been shat on by white men claiming to be women and that somehow them being feminine men is the same kind of thing as being a "manly" black woman, drowning out black feminist voices and the voices of woc even more
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 years
Radfem playlist. What song are you DEFINITELY adding?
(Themes could be love, rage, fighting, confidence, etc.. Whatever.)
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butterflyy-goddess · 2 years
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imagine saying this to a black woman and then blocking her from commenting back LOL. I would love to heal but centuries of racialized male misogyny prevents it from happening babe 😌 tell me i don’t have to explain that a country built on slavery is oppressive
i hate to break it to you but being privileged in some ways doesn’t negate your oppression in other areas. Classic example: Serena Williams is world-famous and financially wealthy but that didn’t stop medical professionals from ignoring her pain and nearly killing her. And Breonna Taylor was a law-abiding citizen sleeping in her house but that didn’t stop the police from murdering her, demonizing her and avoiding consequences for far too long.
absolute bullshit.
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nansheonearth · 1 year
are there any nigerian radfems esp ones from the northern region?
There are Nigerian radfems!
I don't know if they use tumblr anymore but I'll allow folks to reblog this and tag themselves.
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thechampagnemami · 1 year
Where did the idea that all radfems are white come from? Like genuinely. I have seen black women and other women of color on here being accused of being racist and/or white supremacists…literally by white people. I’m just trying to connect dots here. There are some self-proclaimed radfems that are racist. There are also trans people that are racist. So why are radfems the ones left with the brand? I would venture a guess and say to discredit the movement and make women hesitant to join because women of color would be afraid of potential racism they could face meanwhile white women would not want to be branded racist if openly in the movement. This is just a guess, if you’ve had a similar experience let me know.
I also think there’s something to be said about the confusion that so many seem to have regarding black radfems, particularly the questioning of why a black woman would adhere to an ideology like this. When black women agree with them it’s “yasss queen” but when they don’t it’s “you’ve been brainwashed by European colonization” because obviously we can’t think for ourselves and are very easily charmed by the wiles of these scary white radfems LIKE GIVE ME A BREAK. All we’re saying is sex based oppression is real. I promise Europe wasn’t the only place to do that. I promise pre-colonization, men were still treating us like garbage. I promise it didn’t take colonization for us to figure out the difference between female and male genitalia and if you think it did baby look in the mirror because the racist is right there.
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inlovesike · 1 month
Keep the same energy when you start getting called slurs atp 🤣🤣🤣
Okay and? It's typical for y'alls weirdo gender cult to be hateful and violent toward anyone who disagrees with you, this is nothing new. Y'all will vandalize and threaten women in homeless/DV shelters who are traumatized by the presence of males. Y'all perpetuate the white supremacist notion that black women are masculine and will never be seen as men so of course we should pander to the TRA movement like we're expected to pander for everyone and everything else. If you throw some racial slur at me it will be very expected of you because that's the type of people you are. Come up with something else, it's boring!
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draculafem · 1 year
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Using a traumatic event as a ‘gotcha moment’ is definitely a choice
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radfemsouthy · 1 year
hope u realize that the sex binary is a white supremacist ideology
What’s white supremacist is implying my black ancestors didn’t know the difference between female and male before white people colonized us. We were so stupid & primitive that we needed DA WHITE MAN to teach us basic biology! 🤣
This also implies that patriarchy was created by white people & that African women weren’t oppressed by black men prior to having contact with white people.
All of these notions are FALSE and I wish white people would shut up and stop trying to co-opt African cultures to spread this regressive gender ideology.
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rad-habits · 1 year
I love when TRAs are like “don’t argue with me I’m a biology major” like I, with my several degrees in this field and papers with my name on them, am supposed to be intimidated by the intellectual prowess of a 19 year old who hasn’t even taken organic chem yet LMAO.
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hadesoftheladies · 3 months
and if i wanted to talk about how supporting white women from imperialist countries on feminist issues feels like living with a boyfriend that makes you do all the work and completely forgets you once they don't need your help and in fact will start telling other people about how self-made they are and barely remember your existence what then
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 years
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Ruth and Medusa by Annalisa Jensen
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butterflyy-goddess · 2 years
You have more in common with black transwomen then with these terfs. shouldn’t you stick together with other black women ???
I live in the US whose entire creation is built upon a system of white supremacy that reaches into every crevice and fabric of our daily life. I fully believe that — in this country — race is the principle factor in most unjust systems. I mention this because it’s pretty clear to me that you actually don’t care about black suffering here. Your point isn’t to discuss the ways in which the intersection of race makes every existing oppression that much worse.
No, your point is to validate men by insisting we share some common bond. Not because of our skin color but because we’re all “black women”. Emphasis primarily on women. You don’t care about racism against black people — you care about maintaining your delusion that men are women by any means necessary. You fail to understand, or perhaps you are simply ignorant, of the way black women in the US have suffered. I encourage you to read just a section of Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and the Origins of American Gynecology by Deirdre Cooper Owens to just understand a glimpse of the ways black women have suffered. For their race AND their sex. And that’s a horrible historic trauma that men don’t have to carry — even the black ones. Oppression based on sex is why I’m a radfem and believe you me, I identify as a black radfem especially
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