#blue hellsites
As I said in my intro post, I've always been here (feeling like Darling from Control saying this lmao), and still it feels so strange to be doing anything other than reblogging shitposts on this dash.
It's worrying to have to find new shores are years of getting pretty comfortable on one platform. It's nothing I've not done before, but it's exhausting every time; moreso because this time there's also supplementary income attached.
I'm feeling instinctively more at home here than on Mastodon, though -- obviously, kinda, but also because just this morning I saw three separate posts re: "use CWs if you discuss politics; respect the culture" pop up on my feed over there, and it's like... eurgh.
To be clear for anyone who's not checked out Mastodon yet: content warnings blur the entire content of a post. Unless users have set their preferences to posts marked as sensitive always being shown, they will have to click on the post to see it. Pretty much like blocked tags with xkit.
Perhaps this is my 12 years of tumblr talking, but we are all responsible for curating our own experience. If your dash sucks, that's on you; if your timeline sucks, that's on you. Yes, Mastodon has additional local and federated feeds -- and plenty of filter options.
Writers and scholars I follow are having their profiles shadowbanned on Mastodon because they're continuing their work on race, queerness, and systemic inequity there. I appreciate that instance admins are within their rights to set up guidelines and enforce them -- however it smacks of something when the tenor seems to be, 'ugh, the activists are ruining the culture.' Especially because those bans are going to disproportionately affect users of colour; especially on large federated instances like c.im, mastodon.social or mastodon.online.
You might answer, well, those writers and scholars are welcome to set up their own server. They are. And then, if larger instances refuse to federate with them because they're "too political?"
I support using tags, content warnings, and sensitive content features; I do the same on here and on the bird app so people are able to filter out what they don't want to see. But there's a difference between giving users tools for content curation and filtering versus demanding summary self-censoring of marginalised people for literally anything that isn't sunshine and roses; crucially so when a "no politics" rule lacks precise definition. We've been through this, here and other places.
I read those posts, and immediately I ask myself: If Mastodon's supposed to democratise social media... what culture's that, then?
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lets-steal-an-archive · 3 months
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I genuinely think @staff should give us an official Bot Kill Count where it ticks up every time a bot you reported is officially taken off by the tumblr team and when you hit a certain number you get gruesome little trophies. Gamification can be of the devil but in this particular case I need a little treat for doing my daily chore of taking out the trash
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months
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This feels like someone knocking on my door and saying "Welcome to the neighbourhood!" even though I've lived here for over 15 years
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This article trying to explain this site in the wake of the hilarious trolling of the checkmark thing might be the funniest thing I’ve read in a while:
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Because, heh, this tracks:
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cosette-s · 1 year
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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of tumblr showing that supernatural is among the trending topics of the day, followed by another picture with the "Dead dove: do not eat" meme from Arrested Development but on the bag there is written "welcome back to tumblr". The text on the bag changes to "supernatural" when Michael is pictured opening the bag. The meme ends with Michael looking at the camera with the subtitles reading "I don't know what I expected" END ID]
ah yes, same old hellsite
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aquilaofarkham · 5 months
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genrenommer · 2 months
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redsixwing · 5 months
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Who's up for crab day on the 24th?
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aislinceivun · 2 months
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*dusts off account* *coughs*
My tumblr is pretty much defunct but I'm crossposting this one per request~
Art for part #6 of my absolute favorite StaticRadio fic series, 666: Live On Air! written by the amazing @prince-liest
Every new installment keeps destroying AND energizing me, but the hurt/comfort of this latest update fed me ESPECIALLY well😩💞
If you aren't doing it yet and you love the ship, GO READ 666!! It's droolworthy! It's emotional! It's kinky! It'll make you laugh one sec, rip your heart out the next! No excuses, you must give it a try at least!!
PS: If you're interested in more StaticRadio (or StaticDust) (or StaticRadioDust, perchance? >:3) art & threads from me, find me on twitter here!♥ (adults only) PPS: This one is not a 666 fanart but I might as well plug it: I actually had the same galaxy brain idea as Prince and drew Vox manually keeping Al's heart beating post-Adam😈 (The way I gasped when this happened in 666 too!😩👏) Mild gore cw, but if you're curious, it's here.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hi new friends. Please don’t censor words, especially triggering ones. Seeing trigger words written l!ke th!s doesn’t stop them from being triggering.
It just stops Tumblr’s built in filter (see under settings) from working which many of us have in place to protect ourselves.
This has happened to me multiple times this week, and as someone currently struggling with suicidal ideation, has not been great.
You are not on TikTok or Insta, please use the full words so people can protect themselves. Thank you 💖
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jiskblr · 1 year
Tumblr Rules for Redditors
Hello, fellow redditors! Many people are trying to tell you rules about how to Tumblr properly. Many of them are wrong, or assholes, or both. I am also an asshole but I’m going to not be one for a minute to give you some advice:
“Reblog this or you’re a bad person” and any variation on that is a violation of intergalactic law. Don’t do it. Also, refuse to comply if someone else does it.
Generally, people can see what you reblog, but cannot see what you ‘like’. A like may seem like an upvote, but it is much less significant than one, since it doesn’t affect visibility in the slightest. A like will be visible both to the OP of the thread, and to the person whose reblog you put the like on. Like promiscuously! It feels good to get likes and there’s no downside. (Unless you are a space alien AKA influencer.)
Tumblr nominally has the ability to browse global tags (e.g. seeing the entire site’s posts and reblogs tagged #superwholock or #reddit exodus) and to search the site for things. No one uses them and they don’t really work.
You are probably less surprised by this than denizens of literally any other website on the internet, but there’s no algorithm here. Chronological order only. (If you’re using the search or global tags, they might have an algorithm, but if they do, it doesn’t work. We don’t know because we don’t use them.)
Anyone can have absolutely any conversation in the notes of your post that they like. This is how the website works. You are allowed to complain about it, but don’t expect anyone to humor you.
Many people have ‘DNI’ lists in their blog descriptions. This means ‘do not interact’ and indicates that they don’t want you to message them, reblog from them, reblog any posts they are OP of, or even, sometimes, ‘like’ their posts. It is good manners to respect these, if you know they exist, but in normal use you probably won’t look at blog descriptions very often so it is entirely okay to violate them by accident. (When the lists get very long, it becomes impractical to check whether you violate them. Generally, just skip it. You probably don’t want to interact with those people anyway.)
Notes on posts you start will go to you no matter how many intervening hops there are on the reblog chain. If you get a post with an enormous amount of notes, this can get overwhelming. Whatever the current incarnation of Xkit (basically RES for Tumblr except we’ve switched names and maintainers seven times) is, will have a setting to deal with this. If that’s insufficient, the suggested course of action is to reblog your OP to your own blog so that you have a copy for posterity’s sake, and then delete the OP. This silences the notes.
If you and another user both follow each other, you are ‘mutuals’. This makes it much easier to have conversations with each other, which is ordinarily sort of hard since everything is purely chronological. Frequently your mutuals are your friends; if not yet true, they may become your friends.
When you reblog things, you can write words both in the word part and in the tags, Modern tumblr norms are to write long rambling tags in full sentences rather than put words in the main body. Do not that only the first four tags in the list can be searched on. Unlike some other norms, violating this one and putting your response in the body of the reblog is not particularly rude. The worst it does is make a reblog chain long. Probably don’t reblog things and just say “This.”, though.
If you want to search your blog, consider Siikr. Don’t overuse it, it’s one guy’s project.
Be verbose! This ain’t Twitter, no character limit. (Not even the really large character limit of a reddit comment.) Write a 3000-word story in a single reblog if you want, that sounds awesome. Use ‘read more’ if you do, though. Posts can be very long, one of our oldest memes is about this.
Infinite scroll is the default, but you can turn it off. Actually, check all the settings, many of them will improve your experience.
Everybody be excellent to each other!
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therealcloningblues · 2 years
I don’t like socializing on tumblr or twitter.
Socializing on these sites is like trying to socialize in a mosh pit. 
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bitternest · 2 years
Buy a checkmark.
Make the blue checkmark more profitable for Tumblr than Twitter.
Do it, I fucking dare you.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Hey people coming here from Twitter or tiktok?
Tagging your posts with unrelated trending tags doesn't "manipulate the algorithm" or whatever the fuck you do it for
It just clogs the tag with posts people don't care about and pisses them the fuck off
Tagging trending tags onto unrelated posts isn't something we do here and is actually against Tumblr etiquette
So for the love of Christ knock it the fuck off
We have a barely functioning search function. Don't fuck it up more
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
Legitimately fascinating how stupid Elon Musk is.
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