#bobby nash and michael grant
redvelvetcupcakes21 · 18 days
If Michael found out about BuckTommy:
Bobby after sending Michael a pic of the Harry, May, and the 118+family during the award ceremony: wish you and David could of been there. We had a great time, Harry loved seeing everyone again.
Michael: ....Bobby?
Bobby: Yeah?
Michael: Who's the guy with his arm around Bucks shoulder and who Buck has his arm around the guy's waist?
Bobby: Oh, that's Tommy. He used to work at the 118 couple of years ago. He's Buck boyfriend, pilot at the 217. He actually save-
Michael: Back up, back up, back up. Buck has a boyfriend?
Bobby: *already knows where this is going and is trying to not smile/laugh* Yes.
Michael: Since when?!
Bobby: I think for a few months now?
Michael: A few months!?
Bobby: Yes.
Michael: So wait, is he gay? Bi? Pan? Demi? What?
Bobby: *biting his tongue to keep from laughing* I believe he's bi. Why do you ask?
Michael: You didn't tell me my step-son was bi?! Bobby, you withheld this from your best friend?
Bobby: Step-son?
Michael: Athena brought two kids into your marriage and you brought one, don't you deny it! Now tell me, did Buck change his number. I need the whole meet cute story from him! I want details because my step-kid got a pilot!?
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danburys · 2 months
funniest fucking storyline in 911 by FAR is michael getting bored, so he starts spying on his neighbors. athena gets worried and sends bobby over who IMMEDIATELY supports michael's insane claim that his one neighbor is up to something hinky. michael's partner comes home and suggests they rummage through the trash for evidence. despite his obviously joking bobby and michael think this is a GREAT idea. bobby gives david a lecture about how this is a legal grey area. michael sneaks into the guy's apartment and gets hit in the head. athena comes by and is outraged, even though she probably should have known that sending her dumbass husband to her dumbass ex-husband would result in smth exactly like this.
and then they're RIGHT. just completely validated. it's great. i could watch this episode forever.
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kitkatpancakestack · 1 month
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xofemeraldstars · 1 month
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usereddie · 16 days
wait maybe the grant-nash house fire is how we get bobby michael bestieism back walk with me michael finds out that the house went up in flames and that athena and bobby are essentially homeless and emerges from the shadows in a hardhat with a blueprint in hand. “this is a job for an architect. i know you’re bob, but i’m the builder.” are y’all walking.
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eddiediaaz · 4 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator challenge: free choice favorite 9-1-1 moments ↳ 29/? ✦ michael and bobby in 3.13 - pinned
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nelsonsmynickname · 10 days
Actual conversation we didn’t get to see between Athena and Bobby:
Bobby, calling Athena: good news!
Athena: you got Michael to stop using that telescope to spy on his neighbors?
Bobby: no! We found some binoculars and now we can both watch!
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weewoomemes · 2 months
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this episode was the funniest shit ever
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911verse · 9 months
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dad moves only
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dawntainbobbynash · 10 months
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I need the blueprints for this building. I gotta find a way inside.
No, Bobby, I-I-I don't have access to that kind of thing. You have to put in a request to the office of building and permits.
We don't have time for that, Michael.
🚒 911 rewatch 🚒
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fangirlforlife97 · 2 months
I finally got caught up on s7 of 9-1-1 and can I just say . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'M SO GLAD FOX CANCELLED IT SO THAT ABC COULD SAVE IT!!!! Don't get me wrong I still enjoyed the show, I still loved the characters and wanted Buddie before but I feel like in a way FOX stopped trying or caring and the show started to feel different. Even after so many minutes in the first episode of s7, it felt different in the best possible way. Two episodes in and the show is the best it's been in a while and I'm so happy it was picked up by a network that saw its potential and cared. The show was starting to feel kind of stifled in a way and it wasn't the actors fault, now it feels like new life and energy was breathed into it. It reminds me of a time when 9-1-1 was at its best, s7 is already so freaking good and I can't wait for what the rest of the season and series has in store on ABC!!!!??!!!!
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stormwarnings · 4 months
hot take: the platonic polyamorous relationship of athena/bobby/michael/david
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lavoixhumaine · 2 days
i think it’s hilarious how they all somehow forgot Michael Grant existed and he might still have mementos from the kids’ childhoods and even photographs that include Bobby and Athena since he was pretty into having that super expensive camera that needed batteries at some point.
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also, this would have been the perfect moment for him to point out what a bad idea it was not to include him and his super expensive camera at their super secret wedding after all. mans was salty as shiitake about that for a hot minute.
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faramirsonofgondor · 13 days
Watching Bobby go camping with Harry and Michael in 3x13 after knowing about Bobby’s father is actually so soul crushing. Like his facial expressions when Michael and Harry were telling the story of what Michael’s dad said to him about the forest regrowing??? Bobby trying to bond with Harry and asking questions about his grandpa??? Bobby telling Michael that Harry can see what’s going with him and that it scares him??? That they’re all trying to support Michael because they’re scared and he’s pushing them away?? Like OH MY GOD???
The way Bobby looks devastated when Michael says “so you can learn to be a family when I’m gone” because he cares about Michael and he doesn’t want May and Harry to lose their father??? Also Athena saying “I didn’t think I’d have to prepare Harry for the possibility that he might have to lose his father at 10 years old” compared to Bobby having to handle taking care of his father and not being prepared for the reality of it but still trying his best because his mom and brother left???? Athena and May being a parallel to Bobby’s mom and brother by being upset with the way he’s behaving and trying to get him to realize how serious this is, trying to get him to get surgery, like how Bobby’s mom and brother were fed up with his father and tried to get him to get help and eventually gave up on him. Also the way when Michael tells Bobby how his dad died and Bobby looks so vulnerable and hesitates before saying “must’ve been a hard time” like????
And Bobby’s face when Michael says “All I could think about is how my son would never meet my father. Never meet the man who made me who I am.” but he means it in a positive way because Michael’s father was good. But Bobby’s father shaped Bobby in a negative way with the alcoholism and stuff. Like the way Michael is trying so hard to keep his father alive for Harry and then asking Bobby to do keep him alive for Harry if he passes away, and the way Bobby immediately and earnestly agrees. Bobby trying hard to help and preserve the memory of a father as he has to watch him fade away slowly.
I NEEEEEEEEED like a thousand more fics that touch on Bobby’s daddy issues and his friendship with Michael immediately!!!!
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calsvoid · 9 days
i wish michael were here to pray for his husband in law
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thegayestdiaz · 16 days
they can’t burn the grant-nash house down michael’s not here to build them a new one
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