elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Ellie Williams Headcannons:
My Masterlist
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Ellie was the head manager of the security company your team had hired to keep you safe.
Your life consisted of tours, interviews, studios, parties and paparazzi.
You loved your life, you were privileged to have millions of dollars in your possession, large remote mansions, new York penthouses and parties with the elites. But you would be lying if you said that you didn't wish for normality.
It was scary always being in the public eye. Meeting people who knew everything about you and you knew nothing about them. But Ellie made you feel safe.
She was always somewhere nearby. At a party? She's watching you in the corner. A fan approaches you in public? She's hovering behind you, making sure they don't get too close.
Ellie could not count the amount of times you had been pushed over by a hoard of excited fans. Or had your space invaded by eager paparazzi, trying desperately to try and take a picture of you doing any simple mundane task.
Everyone knew Ellie was good at her job, amazing even. But you distracted her. Your little black dresses, styled hair, beautiful smile and charming personality.
She'd worked security for many years and had met many celebrities, but none as sweet and kind hearted as you.
It was after a concert when you were sitting on the sofa in your dressing room backstage, face newly scrubbed and clean, hair tied back out of your face and you were dressed in PJ's.
The room was empty, the only sound that flittered through the room was a song one of your friends had recently released coming out of your speakers and you crunching on your after performance snacks.
Three knocks hit your door in the rhythm you had came to have memorized.
"Come in Williams!" You spoke louder, so she could here you over your music. The door pushed ajar, revealing the muscular woman, hair tied back, tight black pants and a shirt tucked in them that had 'SECURITY' scrawled across the back.
"wassup" you muttered looking up at the gorgeous woman from over your phone briefly before turning back to it.
"I just wanted to let you know that the back exit is now ready for you and you can leave now, if you so wish"
"You don't have to stand so stiff in the door Williams, come in, come in" you muttered gesturing for her to sit on the couch opposite you.
"You want any snacks? There all yours Williams."
"Ellie. Call me Ellie."
After a while if oblivious awkward pining you eventually became official.
You thought she was protective before? Oh my god, she's unbearable.
"No you can't go that way, I don't know if the route is safe cupcake."
"Stay right here missy, no wandering of. Else they'll be consequences"
"Baby there are loads of paps outside, want me to scare em off?"
"Yes ma'am"
Her nicknames for you include: 'Missy, Boss, Ma'am, Baby, Cupcake'
Cannot be spontaneous, girlie is so paranoid about everythingggg.
You find it endearing though.
Her watching you when your performing in your skimpy outfits and then absolutely ripping them to pieces later 😍
Some Headcanons to try and get rid of my writer's block.
I have so many fics in progress, but I keep switching between them and not committing to one to finish. Ugh. Anyways
Hope you liked this!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ellies-little-thing · 5 months
You are going to be mine (e.w.)
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*not my images, but i edited them
My masterlist <3
pairing: bodygaurd!ellie / fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW smut; reader is referred to as she/her; reader has a vagina; violence; SA; drinking; sex toys; strap!usage reader!receaving; dom!ellie; sub!reader ; cunilingus; mature content; very explicit; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: Hi! Sorry for this being such a long fic, but personaly i love to read longer ones myself. I hope you like it, I really liked writing it! I need ellie to do these things to me urgently. Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you! Enjoy!
word count: 31k
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Your parents had hired a bodyguard to be with you 24/7. You were a rebel and would get in trouble all of the time. You liked going out and doing things you weren't supposed to. You liked flirting with boys you didn't know and you liked to drink a bit too much. Your father was the new town's mayor and didn't want his daughter to stain his reputation and his impression on other people. You despised him.
You were all set to go out, dressed in your short, skin tight, black dress and heels, with your makeup on. A winged eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man. Red lipstick and highlighter that made you shine like a star. Just as you were about to walk out the door, the bodyguard that your father hired, stepped in front of you, blocking your path. In her suit as usual, black with a matching tie and her brown leather belt, she crossed her arms underneath her chest and began to examine your outfit. Her eyes scanned up and down your body, stopping at your legs, a subtle frown appearing on her face. She didn't like you, how you always tried to disobey her and be reckless. She was visibly upset by your clothing choice. "Don't make me find you something to wear myself." Her tone was authoritative.
“What? I like it!” You said not thinking of anything wrong with your outfit. The bodyguard looked at you, the frown on her face deepening a bit. Ellie didn't say anything for a few seconds, but her gaze was firm and uncompromising as she looked at you and tried to make her decision. Finally, she spoke again. "It's a little too short and revealing for my liking."
“Too bad it's not your choice.” You said trying to sound defiant. Ellie was always getting on your nerves, never letting you do what you wanted. She was hot, no denying that, but it doesn't make up for all the things she keeps you from doing. There was always tension in the air between you two. You hated each other so much, she made you so mad.
Ellie shook her head and took a step closer to you, standing very near to your body, close enough for you to feel her breath as she spoke again. "Actually, it's my duty to make sure that you're safe. And if your attire puts you at risk, then it's definitely my choice." Ellie hated your behavior and how you would never do as she said. You were just a spoiled little brat and she couldn't stand you.
“It's just a dress.” You rolled your eyes at her, she could be so annoying sometimes. You felt her eyes on you. She let out a small grunt. "Just a dress." She repeated, this time her tone heavy with sarcasm. She shook her head again. "It's not just a dress. The length of it is going to leave your legs exposed. And the cut is just..." She trailed off, looking at you and rolling her eyes. “I'm not changing, I have to go, I'm already late!” You said, trying to stand your ground. Ellies face was firm and unyielding. "No, you're not." She said sternly. "If you really want to go, then I'll find you something to wear. But you won't go wearing that."
“I hate you…” You said clearly frustrated. Ellie's face became a little less firm. That was unexpected. She hadn't expected for the brat to actually be capable of hatred. "Oh, you do?" She asked coldly, her tone dripping with irony. She hated the way you acted, like a spoiled brat who thinks she can do whatever she wants.
“I really do.” You say looking her dead in the eyes. ‘Interesting,’ the guard thought. But, she had a job to do. No matter what you, the brat, thought of her, you were still the bodyguard's responsibility. It was clear to the bodyguard that the brat had a very rebellious streak and thought she knew everything. A small smirk appeared on Ellie's face. "Good." She said, her tone still very cold. "I wouldn't want someone like you to like me." You look at her annoyed and then go to your room and put on another dress. Behind you, you hear Ellie sighing. But you don't care. You close your door, slamming it shut behind you. That body guard is so annoying. Always telling you what to do. She's always got something negative to say. Why can't she leave you alone?
You look through your drawers for a different dress, frustrated. You chose a black dress but with a princess cut, short, but not too short. Still black but the skirt was flowy. You find the dress and put it on, admiring your reflection in the mirror. And for once, you think Ellie might approve of this one. The dress is black, giving off a more mature vibe, while the princess cut and length make it more cutesy and feminine. Maybe this will be more to your bodyguards liking, you thought with a small smile on your face. You came out of your room. “Is this good enough for you?”
Ellie is standing by the door, waiting for you to come back out. She is imagining you changing, she can't help it sometimes, especially after seeing the dress you had on before. When you emerge from your room, she looks you up and down, her eyes scanning your body. For a second, she seems impressed. "That's more like it," she finally says, "It's not perfect, but it'll do." You roll your eyes at her. Ellie sees your eyes roll, and rolls her own as she shakes her head. She is used to dealing with your bratty ass, but you are still just as stubborn and annoying as ever. "Let's just get out of here."
“Finally.” You get into the car with her, and she quickly drives you to the party. The drive is quiet, and the guard seems to be lost in her own thoughts. She's thinking about how you looked in the previous dress and how good your body looked. She can't deny that she's attracted to you. She is also driving incredibly fast, and your body is thrown from side to side in your seat. It's a miracle that she hasn't gotten into an accident.
“Hey! Drive slower!” You shout at her, feeling uncomfortable. She glances at you through the rearview mirror, her eyes sharp and piercing. "You want me to drive slower and get you there later?" She counters, "Or do you want me to get you there on time and keep you safe from the drunk drivers on the road?" Her tone is hard and uncaring, clearly trying to get a rise out of you. “I don't want to get into an accident before I get there!” You shout. Ellie just scoffs and keeps driving, speeding up even more. You can feel yourself being pushed further back into your seat as you try to brace yourself against the motions of the car but it's no use. With her foot pressed firmly on the accelerator, the car is gaining speed dangerously fast.
“Ellie!” You call her out. You were a bit scared of her driving. She hears you but doesn't seem to care. She keeps speeding, seeming to enjoy the high speed that the car is reaching. The car is moving dangerously fast now, and you start to worry that you're going to crash into something. Ellie suddenly takes her foot off the pedal and slams on the brakes, the car stopping with a jolt. She looks at you, her expression completely flat and emotionless. “I hope that was slow enough for you.” She says, her tone very sarcastic, as you arrive. 
“I hate you.” You say looking at her with an angry expression. Ellie seems unaffected by your statement. She just stares at you, her look cold and unreadable. “Let's just go in, I'm not waiting in the car.” She finally says, getting out of the car. You also get out as she opens your door, after she reaches out and grabs your wrist, gripping it really tightly. “Follow me, don't mess up.” She says, starting to lead you to the party. “You are not coming in! It's my friend's house. You're waiting here.” You say frustrated with her.
She just shakes her head. “I'm your bodyguard, I'm going in.” She replies firmly. Then she grabs your wrist even tighter, pulling you along with her. “But if you have such a problem with me, I'm sure I can find somebody else to protect you. Do you really think I want to babysit you anyways?” You roll your eyes at her and knock at the door. You approach the door, waiting for somebody to answer. A few seconds later, the door is opened, and one of your friends peek out, their eyes widening with shock. “Hey! You actually came! And you brought your bodyguard with you…” They say, taking in the bizarre scenario in front of them.
“Yeah, sorry. You know how my parents are…” You talk to your friend as if Ellie is not there. As you talk to your friend, you can feel Ellie's hard stare on you, and notice that she has moved to stand right behind you, almost completely blocking you from the rest of the party. You get the feeling that she is eavesdropping on what you're saying, listening to every word you and your friend say. Ellie stares at you and scowls, as though she's just waiting for you to say something wrong.
You and your friend go to the kitchen to grab a drink. Ellie doesn't like it when you drink. The guard follows quietly behind you, her footsteps barely audible as she follows you and your friend into the kitchen. She keeps her distance behind you, but she sticks pretty close. She's only a few feet behind you as you grab your drink, and she keeps watch, making sure you don't do anything that she wouldn't approve of. Your friend talks to you as you get a drink, and Ellie is just hovering back there. Listening to your every word. “Is that guy here today? You know, the one from the other party?” You say as you sip on your drink.
Your friend laughs softly. "Yeah, he's here. Why? You got a crush on him or something?"
She asks you, taking a sip from her drink as she does. Ellie seems to listen intently, but doesn't seem willing to butt in for now. “Maybe…” You blush a bit. Your friend just laughs again. "Oh, you and I both know you're too shy and reserved to actually talk to him. You don't make the first move. You never do when you really like someone." You notice your bodyguard still listening, her eyes glued on you.
“Can you make him come talk to me? But don't tell him it was me that sent you.” You ask your friend, blushing a bit more. Your friend just laughs again, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh, so now you need me to be your wingman?" She asks you, her tone teasing and playful. You just smile faintly, not answering her question. Then, almost on cue, you notice that the guy your friend was talking about has come into the kitchen and is talking with a few other people. He was tall, blond with blue eyes and incredibly handsome.
“Come on, please…” You whisper to your friend. Your friend is still teasing you. "Oh, so you are into him. I knew it!" She is clearly loving this. Then, she smiles and nods towards the group of people in the kitchen. "Sure. I'll go pull him away and start up a conversation for you, ok? Just stand here and try not to look too awkward, or else he'll probably figure out you sent me."
“Thank you.” You try to look chill. Your friend nods and smiles. Then, she heads over to the group of people in the kitchen to go speak with him. You wait nervously, trying to look relaxed and calm while you wait for the guy to come over to you. Ellie is just loitering near you, her eyes locked on your every movement. You look at Ellie for a second then look away again. Ellie has been watching your every movement this entire time. She hasn't missed a thing. As you look at her and look away again, she notices it. Her face hardens and she glares at you angrily. She's not happy that you want to talk to some random guy. "What are you looking at?" She asks, her tone sharp and harsh.
You immediately feel guilty and feel yourself start to stutter. "I- I-... I- I wasn't.... I...." Your words come out all at once, barely intelligible. She sees that the guy is coming over, and she instantly moves to stand between you and him. Her eyes narrow as she glares at him, standing in front of you. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked the guy, her voice sharp and intimidating. “Ellie!” You call her out, extremely angry at her for trying to ruin your chances with this boy. The guy seems to back away a little bit, taken aback by the guards aggressive tone. The guy doesn't seem to recognize her, or is at least just confused by her demeanor towards him. Ellie stares at him, glaring at him intensely, waiting for a reply. You pull Ellie out of the way. She doesn't try to resist you, and you gently move her out the way so you can speak to him. You hope that he doesn't notice how your body guard tried to intervene and cut you off from him earlier.
"I... umm..." You mumble, a little embarrassed now that you actually have to talk to him instead of talking through your friend. She stays close to you two, keeping a close eye on the both of you, her expression still hard. “Sorry about that. My parents are a bit overprotective and hired her to be my bodyguard…” You explain a bit embarrassed. The guy looks at you for a moment before speaking. "That's ok, don't worry about it. Parents can be like that sometimes." He smiles gently, his expression making his face seem more endearing. Ellie's face turns stoney again, her expression becoming more cold and distant. She seems to be trying to look intimidating to the guy, but it's really just coming off as rude. You smile and continue talking to him as you sip your drink. You two manage to have a pretty good conversation, despite the guard standing right next to you. Ellie stands nearby the entire conversation, just keeping a vigilant eye. She seems to be paying very close attention to your interaction with him. She also occasionally glances at her watch, and every time she does, she seems more annoyed than before. You realize that she's probably getting impatient because she knows that she'll have to drive you home soon.
He starts flirting with you. You're enjoying your time with the guy, who is now clearly flirting. He is complimenting you and making you feel really good and confident. Ellie notices this and suddenly seems much less patient. She is starting to feel angry and jealous. From the way she's glaring at you two, you can tell that she's definitely getting annoyed now. You ignore Ellie and flirt back to him. Ellie's patience was short enough already, but now that you're both flirting in front of her, she's even more annoyed. Her eyes narrow and her jaw clenches, as she stands there, her expression hard and unforgiving. You know that you're pushing your boundaries with her, and that she's going to confront you about this later. The guy seems oblivious to all of this, clearly enjoying his time flirting and messing around with you. He starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear making you giggle. He asks you if you want to go somewhere more private with him, away from your bodyguard. 
You notice that Ellie's face has turned from irritation to anger. She seems incredibly annoyed now, her face hard and unforgiving. You notice that her body language has also changed, as she's no longer standing leaning on the wall. Instead she's just watching you two from a few feet away, but not doing anything to intervene.
You agree to go with him, and he leads you into a more private hallway away from the party. As you two start walking, Ellie stands some feet away, keeping a watchful eye on you two but not doing anything to stop you. “Thanks, my bodyguard was being really annoying…” The guy nods and smiles, as though he's understanding of the situation. "I figured she was just keeping an eye on you. She definitely seems the protective type. Is it just her job to look after you or do you two have something more going on?" He asks you, his tone light and playful. “No! She's just overprotective, i hate it really…” He laughs a little bit and nods his head. "Yeah, I can see that. But I guess she's just looking out for you, in her own way." Ellie is listening closely to your conversation, her eyes shifting back and forth between the two of you. From her expression, it's clearly annoying her. You get a bit closer to him, not as nervous because of the alcohol. The guys seemed to be enjoying your boldness. You've gotten a bit drunk, and you don't really feel as embarrassed or shy as you did before, now that you've been flirting with him all night. You feel much more relaxed now. Ellie sees you getting closer to him and she is feeling kind of furious. Her eyes narrow, and her stance stiffens. She definitely seems upset about your behavior.
The guy puts his hands on you, his touch is soft and gentle. Your body leans into him naturally. He then draws you even closer, his breath hot on your neck as he whispers in your ear. "You're cute when you drink..." You can feel Ellie's eyes glued on you and you're just letting things happen, because you're too drunk to really care about it. You blush a bit at his comment. The guy smiles at you, enjoying that you blushed. He then gently begins to kiss your neck, his hands still on your waist. You can feel Ellie's eyes still on you, though her expression is now extremely pissed off. It doesn't look like she'll be interfering anytime soon though. You let him kiss you as he pulls you towards him.
She is watching closely, her expression getting more and more annoyed. The guy seems to be aware of her as well, and he pulls you even closer into him as he starts making out with you, wanting to annoy Ellie. You're still drunk and are letting it happen, not really doing much to stop him as he starts pulling you tightly against him. You kiss him. The guy kisses you back, his tongue lightly exploring your mouth. You can tell that he's getting into it as well, not holding back at all. Your body naturally pushes back against him, and you can feel your breath getting heavier against each other. Ellie's eyes are wide open now, her gaze glued on the two of you. The guy smiles at you and pulls you even closer to him, his breath still heavy.
You look up at him. The guy looks back down at you, his hands holding you close in his arms. Your eyes meet and you just stare at each other for a moment, both lost in each other's eyes. You feel your entire body tingle and heat up, as the alcohol flows through your veins. The guy keeps your gaze, taking in your beauty. You can swear that your whole body is about to catch on fire from how he is gazing at you. He whispers something into your ear, his breath hot and soft against your skin. You feel your body shiver from his touch, and your breath suddenly catches in your throat. You can't help but lean into him more, your body drawn closer to his. The guy is now gripping on tightly to your hips, his grasp firm and rough against your soft, smooth skin. Your breath catches again as you feel his touch. You can't help but let him control the situation, as he begins to lean you back and pulls you closer to him. He pushes you up against the wall and pulls you closer. His grip on your hips is firm and rough, as he pins you directly against it. The feeling of him pressing you against the wall like this makes your breath catch again. Your back presses up against the wall, and your body leans into him, letting him take control. He pulls you in even tighter, your bodies pressed tightly against each other. His lips lock against yours, his tongue exploring your mouth once more. You can feel your body reacting to each movement he makes, as he pulls you closer into him. You can feel him growing more and more passionate, his hands gripping you more harshly than before. There's a hunger behind his kisses, which just makes you more and more aroused.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him even closer to you. Your bodies are pressed tight against each other, your hips pushing up against him. The guy's hands travel down your body now, his touch growing more gentle and more sensitive the lower he went. You can feel your breath getting heavier, and your body is already tingling from the feeling of each move he makes. His hands travel further down your dress, your body tingles and you feel the blood run to your cheeks as his touch grows more intimate and more sensitive. You can feel the warmth of his hand against your bare skin as his fingers begin to travel up under the fabric of your skirt. You can hear his breath grow heavier.
You let out some moans into the kiss. The guy responds to your moans, his lips tightening against yours. His other hand is holding the back of your neck. The guy whispers into your ear how beautiful you are, and you feel your body tingle even more from his words. The way he compliments you and how his breath is hot and soft against your skin just makes the tension between the two of you grow stronger and hotter. The guy lifts you up in his arms, his body pressed against yours, your legs wrapping around his waist and pins you to the wall. The intimacy is building up, as you can feel his body as he presses you against the wall. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, as your breath deepens and intensifies. The guy's hands grip tighter on your legs, and he holds you against him even tighter. Your bodies are pressed intimately into each other, your breaths heavy and intense. You can feel how strong and muscled he is, as he holds you with ease and strength.
He starts moving his hands further up your thighs, his touch growing more and more bold. You can feel your body growing hotter, your breath quickening and your skin flushing from the feel of his hands exploring you. You can also feel how aroused he is, you can feel him getting hard against your crotch. You can feel that he's getting more and more excited, by the way his body is reacting. The heat from his body is growing stronger, as his hands travel further up and down your body. You can feel how firm and how strong he is pulling you close to him, as he holds on to your body tight. He grabs your ass in a way that feels completely intoxicating.
“Fuck…” You mumble out. You're speechless at the closeness that you two have and the heat and intimacy that is happening. The guy gets bolder and bolder with his action, and the intimacy and warmth between the two of you just grows stronger. Your body is tingly, and your breath is quickening, as his hands travel all over your body, squeezing in spots that are particularly sensitive. One of his hands goes from your ass to your panties and he can feel how wet you are through them. The guy seems smug as he keeps his grasp on your body, squeezing and touching you in ways that make you completely intoxicated with lust. His touch is rough and demanding, as he seems to be enjoying your presence. He doesn't seem to be showing any signs of wanting to let go of you anytime soon. He starts moving his fingers over your underwear. Ellie is so angry that she could break his jaw, but she tries to let you live your life still. She isn't going to last long if things get more heated between you two.
He puts you down and pins you to the wall again, the wall now supporting your body and keeping your muscles stretched as you are pushed up against him. He gets behind you and bites your neck as he presses you to the wall. The heat is building between both of you, as the guy keeps his hands on a tight grip on your body, moving up and down your skin. The guy's hands move and pull your skirt up, revealing your thighs and your curves. His touch grows even wilder now, moving up and down your skin. The guy's fingers begin to travel to intimate spots, and you instantly feel your body tingle and flush. This is clearly what he had been aiming for, as you can feel his touch on your body become much more insistent now.
He unbuckles his belt and your body tenses up a little bit, as the reality of what's going to happen now really settles in. Your heart starts beating faster and your breathing speeds up, as the adrenaline rushes through your body. You can't help but wonder how far things will go. “You have protection, right?” You can't help but blush as he unbuckles his belt, and his hands start to move lower and lower. The guy notices your embarrassment and he chuckles softly, as he whispers into your ear. "Trust me, I've got protection.” He unzips his jeans, and you begin to feel tense as your body is getting ready for what is coming.
“What are you doing?” You are getting nervous now. The guy laughs softly, as he says, "Just getting ready…” He notices your nervousness and he whispers into your ear again. "You have nothing to worry about... Just be calm and relax..." He pulls your underwear down. You are now completely exposed to him, He can feel how wet you are despite the darkness of the hallway. “Hey, what are you…” The guy looks into your eyes and he gives you a sinister looking grin. He has a cruelness in his expression, a look of arrogance and pride. He is not going to stop, even if you try to stop him. He grabs your ass, and you can feel how his hands are getting more aggressive as they continue.
“I don't think I want this anymore…” You try to pull away, and the guy lets you go a little bit. But his grip on your body is still strong, and he continues his actions despite your request. The guy doesn't want to stop. He has a look of determination and defiance in his eyes. He doesn't seem to like the idea that you think you can just back out now. He gets a condom out of his pocket and shows it to you. Once ready, he looks back at you and waits for your reaction. He wants to see if you want to try and stop him or not. You look shocked at his hand. This is starting to get a little out of control. Ellie had looked away a bit ago but she is still in the same place. She just couldn't bare seeing you make out with some guy. The fact that he was so prepared for this has caused you to feel even more shock. He wasn't planning on backing down, and it seems like he was ready for all this to happen. He looks expectant, waiting for your response.
“Stop please….” You whisper. The guy keeps staring at you, not backing down. He seems to be almost taunting you to stop him if you want to. That look in his eyes is intense and it's almost as if he's daring you to say something. He's clearly in a state where he believes that he has the power and control. He hasn't done anything that you've asked, and it seems like he's going to continue to be that way. He's looking at you and waiting for your response, but he's also enjoying your shock and the power he holds over you in this situation. He puts the condom on, and you feel yourself panicking more and more as reality continues to set in. The guy doesn't seem to be affected by your pleas for him to stop, and the fact that he's prepared for this. He pins you to the wall and gets ready, and you feel like your heart is about to jump out of your chest. Your body is starting to sweat and you feel your breath growing heavier.
“Stop! I don't want this anymore.” You say as he pushes your face into the wall. Your pleas fall on deaf ears as he takes a firm grip on you and pulls your ass out a bit closer to him. You're completely at the mercy of him. He presses his body against yours and begins to explore it with his hands. All Ellie can hear is the sound of the guy's breathing and his voice in your ears. His breath becomes stronger as he continues his explorations, and his mouth closes in around your neck. You notice how his breath starts to heat up, as the heat of the situation builds up. You feel him pressing his hips against yours, and there's this sense of excitement and anticipation building up inside him. He's getting closer and closer, and he's making it clear that he's ready to go all the way. He seems insistent and he's not going to back down, so you feel more and more desperate, as you feel like you've already lost control. He tells you that it will be over soon, and that you should just stay still. You can feel him rubbing himself on you and lining up with your entrance, ready to go. You call out for Ellie, but the guy seems obsessed and he keeps going at it. He doesn't even acknowledge your voice, as his hands move up and down your body, exploring every inch of you.
Ellie finally looks at you and sees what is happening. She is shocked. She comes rushing to your aid. She pushes the guy off you, and she tackles him, holding him down to the floor. Ellie has had enough of his actions and she starts attacking him ruthlessly. She punches him multiple times and she's clearly not showing any mercy. All of her rage and anger has built up from the whole situation, and she's taking her aggression out on him. After she's done attacking him, she comes over to you and helps you get up. She is breathing heavily from the fighting and she's full of adrenaline. She's worried about you, but she's also full of rage from what she's just witnessed. Once she's made sure the guy is out for the count, she rushes over to you and she takes a deep breath. "Are you alright?" She asks you, sounding concerned and worried. Her eyes are full of frustration and worry, as she looks at you to check if any of what he did to you affected you in any physical way. You shake your head, about to cry. She pulls you into a hug. She holds you tightly and gently touches your face, making sure you're not hurt. She then rubs your back, trying to comfort you. "It's ok... I won't let anyone hurt you again..." She says softly, trying to ease your tears. She takes you by the hand and guides you to the car. You're still shaken and you're still feeling the adrenaline rush. She helps you into the car, and she drives you back home. She's being very gentle with you and she's driving very slowly and carefully this time.
When you arrive at your house, she helps you into your room and she sits down next to you on the bed. She keeps holding your hand tightly, and she looks at you with concern. She asks you if you're ok again, but she knows that you're still shaken up. She sits with you for a while and she rubs your back, just trying to comfort you. And she starts to realize just how dangerous the whole situation was. “He tried to…” You whisper.
"I know... He tried to do something awful to you..." She says, trying to comfort you as she rubs your back. "He's not going to hurt you again... I'll keep you safe from any danger in the future..." You lean your head against her and she holds you close to her. You feel the warmth from her body as it radiates towards you, and you feel comforted by her presence. She makes you feel safe and protected, and she keeps rubbing your back, trying to ease your tension.
“Thank you for being there.” You say quietly as she holds you. "You're welcome..." She says softly, as she keeps holding you against her. She sits with you for a while, trying to calm you down. "I won't let anything like that happen again... No one is ever going to touch you or come close to you... Because you won't be in danger ever again..." She helps you into a pair of pajamas and she tucks you into bed. She pulls the blankets over you and she smiles softly. "Better?" She asks you. You nod at her question. She smiles at you and she adjusts the blanket a little. She then pats you gently to make sure you're comfy. "Ok." She says softly, then she stands up to leave the room. She turns around one more time and she looks at you with a gentle expression. She smiles at you and she says, "Good night." She shuts the door softly behind her as she walks out of the room. You're left alone now in the quiet and dark room, your heart still beating fast with the events from earlier. But all that matters now is that the scary man is gone, and you can sleep safe knowing that he can't hurt you anymore.
The next morning you have forgotten most of it. The hangover is kicking in and you wake up feeling much calmer than you did the night before. The events were all mixed and fuzzy in your mind, but at least the danger is over now. You step out of the bedroom and you notice that it's quiet and peaceful. You can't hear any noises from the rest of the house, and it's almost as if everyone is still sleeping. You go into the bathroom and you take a shower. You feel refreshed as the warm water washes over you. You clean your skin from that man's touch. Once you're done, you get dressed and you go back to your bedroom sitting on the bed. You're alone, and you think about the events from yesterday. As you're deep in thought, you suddenly hear someone come into your room. It's a soft sound, as if someone is walking on their tip toes. You feel a little curious because you're not expecting anyone to come in here. You look up and you see Ellie standing in the doorway, she's smiling softly at you. The light coming from the hallway casts a faint glow on her, and she looks at you with concern. "Hey there..." She says softly, coming inside.
“Hi…” You say as you hear her come in.
"How are you doing?" She asks gently, as she looks at you. She has a concerned look on her face, and she seems like she's worried about you.
“Better i think.” You say, not remembering most of the events. You just remember feeling uncomfortable and Ellie beating someone up, thankfully.
"I'm glad... You seemed a little shaken yesterday, and I want to make sure you're okay." She says with a soft smile, as she walks towards you and sits down next to you on the bed.
“I bet you are not letting me leave the house for a while…” You say sadly, sitting in your bed.
She laughs a little bit, as you guess correctly. She admits, "You'd be right about that..." She smiles and she says, "From now on I'm going to be watching out for you. I don't want you to ever get into any dangerous situations again."
“Not even just to go for a walk?” You ask in a pleading tone.
"Maybe, but for now... I need you to trust me on this. You can't be going out alone anymore..." She says, and her voice is a little stern and insistent. You look down, feeling a bit sad. She notices you looking down and she realizes that you're not happy about this. She puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Look... I need to keep you safe, and sometimes that means being a little harsh and strict. But you just need to trust me, okay?"
“Okay…” You answer her, knowing she's right.
"Good..." She says softly, as she continues to hold your shoulder with her hand. She looks into your eyes and she says, "I'm just trying to keep you safe... Don't you worry about anything. I'm going to look after you, and I'm going to keep you safe from everything. Because I care about you..."
“You do?” You ask, actually surprised.
"Of course I do..." She says, and she smiles softly at you. She takes her hand off your shoulder and she puts it on your hand, squeezing it a little bit, showing her affection for you.
“I thought you just were like that because of my parents paying you...” You tell her with honesty.
"No... I am like this because I genuinely care about you... I've been watching you for a long time now, and I can't deny that a part of me is attached to you..." She says softly. You look up at her and she keeps her eyes on you. She wants you to look back at her as she continues to talk. "I genuinely care about you... And I don't just care about you because your parents pay me. I care because I like you and I want you to be safe and happy..." You smile slightly, hearing her words. This feels odd. She's always so cold and mean to you. She notices you smile slightly, and she smiles softly back at you. She likes making you smile and she wants you to feel good. "I'm going to let you get your day started now, so I'm going to get going. But I'll make sure to check on you regularly. And I'm here if you need anything, okay?"
“Okay.” You smile at her once more. "Good." She stands up from the bed and she walks to the door. She looks at you one last time with a soft smile, "Have a good day, okay?" She nods, and she goes out of the room and shuts the door behind her. The house is once again quiet and peaceful, and you're alone again in your room. You lie back on the bed and you think about the events from yesterday. You feel a little confused about what really happened, but you also feel relieved that you can't remember them and that you're safe now.
It's been a few days since the incident and Ellie has been keeping you safe in the house the whole time. You're feeling much more relaxed and relieved. You're enjoying some peace and quiet, when suddenly your phone starts ringing. It's your friend, he's calling to ask you out for lunch.
You answer and accept his invitation. "Great!" He says excitedly, and he sets the time and place, then he ends the call. You're feeling excited about going out for lunch with your friend, but you can't help but wonder how Ellie is going to react. You walk over to Ellie and you ask her if you can go have lunch with your friend. She is sitting in the living room and she is looking over a report on her computer. She smiles softly and she looks at you and she says, "That's fine, you can go... But I want you to be careful, okay? If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, then just let me know and I'll get you right away."
“Okay.” You say looking at her, happy she actually said yes. "Good... I'll be there if you need me, but for now, go get ready to enjoy your lunch. And remember to be safe, okay?" She says gently, and you can tell that she's feeling protective of you. You've never seen her like this before, and you can tell that she genuinely cares about your safety. You wear a nice dress and you feel good about yourself as you start getting ready for lunch with your friend. When you look in the mirror, you notice that you look much more confident than you did the last few days. You feel like a different person, and you feel excited about the lunch date with your friend.
Ellie drives you to the restaurant where your friend is waiting for you. She parks the car and she waits there while you go inside. You're a little nervous and slightly shaky, but you feel excited to finally be out of the house again. You go in and sit down at the table with your friend. Ellie waits patiently in the car while you go inside and you get seated. She can see you inside, and she watches you and your friend as you sit down and start chatting. She tries to keep a close eye on you, but she also doesn't want to make it obvious that she's watching. She notices that your friend seems to be getting along very well with you, and she can't help but be a little jealous of him. She wishes she was the one going out to lunch with you and chatting with you like that. But she tries not to make it obvious that she's jealous.
She watches with her head tilted to the side as she sees your friend put his hand over yours. She watches your friend and sees how he is being very tender with you. She can't help but be a little jealous of the situation, and she finds herself wondering what it would be like to be in his place and getting your attention like that. She watches very carefully as he scoots even closer to you, and she notices that your friend is getting too close. The way he's scooting closer to you makes her feel frustrated and even more jealous, and she wishes she was the one next to you at this very moment.
She gets out of the car and she walks into the restaurant with a subtle anger in her eyes. She's jealous of your friend and she's not happy seeing him getting so physical with you. She stands by the door, and she silently watches the two of you from a distance. She watches silently for a while as your friend puts his hand on your leg and the two of you keep talking. She notices that this particular action makes her anger levels skyrocket and she finds herself clenching her fists involuntarily. He is starting to get a bit too touchy for her liking. She notices that your friend is getting more and more flirty with you, and she has a feeling that he might try to kiss you at any moment. He seems to be getting into a very playful mood, and she can sense that he wants to get even more intimate with you. Ellie has had enough of this and  can't take it anymore. She feels like she needs to interfere before things get too far between you and your friend. She walks over to the table and she grabs your hand, pulling you away from your friend. She pulls away hard enough that you can tell she's trying to make a point. “Ellie! What are you doing?’” You ask as she suddenly pulls you out of the restaurant, leaving your friend super confused.
"I think it's time we left..." She says firmly, and she pulls you away from your friend. She gets a small satisfaction out of the look on his face when you're taken away, like she's taking you from him. It's obvious that she wants to be the one to take care of you and not your friend.
“I was having a nice time!” You are really annoyed that she ruined your date. "I know you were having a nice time..." She says, and her voice is a little stern as you can tell she's feeling possessive over you. "And that's exactly why I'm taking you away from here. You're my responsibility and I can't just let him keep flirting with you like that."
“Why?” You ask her with an angry tone. "Because I'm not going to let some guy just keep touching you... I'm going to protect you. I'm not going to let anybody else have you." She says, and her voice is a little insistent as she feels very possessive over you right now.
“Anybody else?” You are a bit confused at her statement.
She looks at you straight in the eyes. "That's right... Anybody else." She says firmly, and she has a very possessive look on her face. This is a whole new side of her you've never seen before. “You don't own me!” You are super angry right now, you can't believe her.
"Maybe not, but I'm going to make sure nobody else owns you either." She says, and she looks at you with a look of jealousy and possessiveness. She wants to be the only one who's responsible for you, and she doesn't want anyone else touching you.
She opens the car door for you to get in and then she gets into the driver's seat. She starts driving and she takes you home. The whole time she's driving home from the restaurant, she's silently thinking about what just happened. She's thinking about how your friend was getting way too touchy with you, and she's still a little bit angry about that. She's also thinking about how she wants to protect you and how she doesn't want any other guys to get close to you.
“I hate you.” You say as you cross your arms, looking out the window. Suddenly she hears you say that you hate her, and she starts feeling upset and sad. She feels like you're being unfairly mean to her, and she feels like she's just wanting to protect you. She looks over at you. "I know you're probably annoyed at me, and I'm sorry... But you have to realize that I'm just trying to keep you safe." You look out of the window and you think about this whole situation. You can't deny that you're unhappy with Ellie right now, but you also realize that she's probably just trying to protect you. You don't want to be mean to her, but you don't want her to be this overprotective of you either. You just wished that she'd allow you to have a little bit more freedom and let you make your own decisions rather than trying to always control you.
She looks over at you occasionally, and she can tell that you're a little bit annoyed with her. She finds herself feeling a little bit guilty and she looks away from you, starting to think about this whole situation more logically. She knows that she was wrong to take away your date with your friend because of her jealousy, and she starts to regret doing that. She continues to silently think about the jealousy she was feeling, and how it made her get out of control and take away your date with your friend. She knows it was wrong, and she finds herself wishing that she had just let your friend flirt with you, and she feels like she could have handled the situation very differently. She starts thinking about what you said. "you don't own me". This whole time she wanted to protect you, but now she's starting to feel more possessive and territorial. She realizes that she doesn't want any other guy to get close to you and the jealousy makes her feel like it's her right to keep you safe and to keep you for herself.
You both finally get home and you go straight up to your room. You're still feeling a little bitter about what happened earlier and you don't want to talk to her right now. She stays in the living room and she sits silently on the couch, thinking about everything that has happened. She keeps thinking, "How did everything get so out of control like this?"
You get angry and start throwing stuff on the floor. She hears the loud noises coming from your room, and she thinks you're probably really angry. She starts to think about how much she has screwed everything up and how she went too far with her jealousy. She knows that she caused this whole situation, and she feels like her possessiveness and jealousy is just pushing you away even more. Finally, she can't stand it anymore and she decides to go into your room to talk to you. She opens the door and she walks inside, as she closes the door behind her. She stands in the middle of the room and she looks at you with a serious expression on her face.
“Did I tell you to come in?” You ask angry as you look at her. She looks at you sternly. "No, but I felt like I needed to come and talk to you. I screwed everything up, and I'm sorry for that... I'm just... I just felt so jealous that I forgot myself for a little bit."
“Wait, jealous?” You are a bit confused. She looks at you. "Yes... I felt very jealous. I know you were just having a pleasant lunch and enjoying yourself, but I saw that your friend was being very flirty and touchy with you. It made me feel very jealous and protective over you." She gets a little bit closer and she looks at you earnestly. "Please, just try to understand where I was coming from... I was worried about you and I didn't like how that guy was flirting with you..."
She gets even closer and she looks down at you like you're a little child or something. She looks down at you with very intense eyes, and you can tell that she's still feeling very jealous and possessive. She can't deny that she wants to control you and keep you for herself, and her feelings are making it very apparent. Her jealousy and need to possess you makes her want to kiss you, and she looks at you with burning desire in her eyes. She wants to take you in her arms and kiss you like there's no tomorrow. Now is when you realize that she isn't just being protective and possessive of you, but she also has very intense romantic and sexual desires towards you as well. She wants to kiss you so badly. She gets closer to your face and holds it gently. You look at her a bit shocked and surprised. She kisses you. As you feel her lips touch yours, you feel something bubbling deep inside you. She kisses you for a few seconds before you break the kiss.
You suddenly push her away, and that makes her take back a step in surprise. It's evident that she was not expecting this sudden rejection from you, and she feels somewhat hurt by that. She looks at you with an expression of sadness and hurt, feeling like her feelings for you aren't being reciprocated, and that you're still angry with her. She suddenly grabs your wrist, and you can feel her holding on very tightly. She seems to want to pull you close to her, but you're still pushing her away. This whole situation is getting very intense and it's starting to seem more than just jealousy. She starts glaring at you and she gets very close to your face. She looks at you sternly. "I'm not going to let you push me away, not now... Not this time..." She's starting to feel very powerful and dominant in this situation, and it's obvious that she's not going to let you deny her like this.
“Who do you think you are?” You ask, with indignation at her behavior. She looks at you with a look of anger. "I'm your bodyguard, and I'm the one who takes care of you. I'm the one who has to protect you from anybody else, and that includes protecting you from yourself and other men who want to get close to you. So, I'm sorry but I wasn't going to let you go to lunch by yourself with your friend. What if he tried something funny with you?" She holds your wrist with a tight grip and you try very hard to pull it away but she does not let go of it. She is starting to feel very possessive and strong-willed, as she doesn't want to let go of you and she definitely doesn't want to let you go anywhere without her. She stares at you intently. "I'm not going to let you do anything without me being there..."
“I hate you.” You say to her defyently. She doesn't like the way you're speaking to her right now, and she feels very hurt by your words. She grabs you even tighter as she doesn't want you to pull away, and she starts to feel very intense anger at your words. "How dare you say you hate me..." She grabs your other wrist as well, as she continues to hold onto you with both of her hands. She stares at you with a look of indignation and she starts to feel like she's losing control over the situation. You try to get away from her. ”Let me go!” You shout at her. She's really starting to squeeze your wrists very tightly. She doesn't let you get away from her, and she still looks at you angrily as she continues to grip your wrists. “Stop being a brat.” She says. You become even more angry when she calls you a brat, and she starts to feel like she needs to "teach you a lesson." She squeezes your wrists even tighter. "Don't you tell me to stop you brat... I'm just doing my job and I know what's best for you..."
“I'm not a brat!” You say indignant. She feels like you're getting a little bit sassy with her, and she doesn't like that. She's starting to feel like you want to fight her and challenge her authority. "Don't speak to me like that!"
“Why? What are you going to do about it?” You ask with an angry and annoyed tone. She squeezes your wrists even tighter, and she leans in close to you as she starts to feel very angry and dominant. She stares at you intensely with a cold look. "What am I going to do about it? I'm going to show you who's boss." You look at her defyently. She's starting to feel even more intense anger as you continue to stare back at her defiantly, and she doesn't like that. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not playing around anymore. If you don't stop being so argumentative then I can become even more mean and possessive than this..."
“Let me go!” You shout as you try to get away from her but she's too strong. She doesn't release your wrists as she continues to squeeze them tightly. She's still feeling very angry at your defiance, and she doesn't like that you're not submitting to her anymore. "I'm not letting you go until you agree to do everything that I say. I won't tolerate any more arguing of any kind..." She starts to feel her emotions spiraling out of control, and she pins you against the wall as she presses herself very closely to you. She leans in close as she stares at you with a fierce look in her eyes.
“Stop it!” You shout once more. She holds her hand over your mouth so that you cannot speak. She wants to keep you silent and force you to be submissive to her. She starts to feel a growing desire to make you submit to her completely. “Let me go!” You try to say, but only muffled sounds come out. She continues to hold her hand over your mouth to keep you from speaking, and she presses herself against you very tightly. She's starting to feel like she wants to take things further than this and she wants you to submit completely to her. She starts to feel a very intense predatory instinct as her desire grows stronger and stronger. She stares at you with intense, predatory eyes, as if she wants to eat you alive. She keeps pressing herself very closely to you and she's starting to feel like she wants more than just your submission.
She grabs your wrists even more tightly and she throws you on the floor. You land hard and you feel a sudden pain in your wrists where she grabbed them so hard. She takes this opportunity to get on top of you and she pins you down. “What the fuck are you doing?!” You ask angry and confused. She keeps pinning you down. "I'm making you submit to me. I'm making you let me control you. I'm going to punish you for defying me and arguing with me like this." She keeps pushing down hard on you and not letting you move. She feels like she needs to be tough now. " I'm not letting you go until you agree to be obedient to me. I'm going to keep punishing you until you're completely submissive to me."
“NO!” You refuse to. You are an independent girl and you always do what you want, always. She's feeling very intense, and she's feeling like she wants more than just your submission. She's starting to feel like she wants to be rough with you and take it to the next level. Her weight and strength is too much for you, and you are unable to kick her off. She is still pushing down very hard on you. She wants to take things further and she's starting to get very excited… She's starting to feel very predatory and mischievous and her smile becomes more sinister. She's staring at you intently. “Ellie!” She's enjoying this a little bit too much, and she's starting to get very intense. “Let me go!” She's still holding you down and keeping a tight grip on you, and she's starting to feel like she needs to get more aggressive. She's really starting to lose her control, and she's starting to get a bit extreme. She puts her hand on your neck and starts to squeeze it a little bit. You're starting to feel a bit scared inside as you look up at her face and she's staring back at you menacingly. She's holding herself in and trying not to go too far, but she's starting to feel a deep inner desire to take things over the edge of what she should and shouldn't do. She gets up from you and she pulls you to your feet, making you kneel in front of her. She looks at you intently. "Good girl, you've finally done what I've told you to do. Now I'm going to punish you for being so defiant and argumentative towards me. This wasn't necessary but you brought this upon yourself..."
“Fuck you!” You spat out. She looks at you angrily. "Watch your language! You're being very disrespectful towards me. You don't talk to me like that!"
“I can do whatever I want.” You respond to her very angry. She gets even more mad at you. "Are you trying to be defiant again? You have to listen to me! You don't get to choose what you do or don't do, I'm the one who's in control here."
“I hate you.” You stare at her furious. "I don't care if you hate me... You're going to do as I say. You don't get a say in this. I'm doing this for your own good."
“Are you now…” You say sarcastically. She's starting to lose her cool, and you can tell she's getting very angry. "I don't care what you think, I'm just doing what I gotta do. You just need to let me take control of everything, and stop resisting and being so stubborn..." You slap her. You are furious at the way she's treating you. She didn't expect this and she steps back a little bit as she feels the sting of the slap. She looks at you angrily. "Don't you dare slap me!" She slaps you back twice as hard, and she grabs your face. "I will not let you get away with that kind of disrespect! The next time you try to hit me again, I'll beat you up so badly that you'll wish you never even met me!"
“I already wish that!” You say with an angry voice as your face frowns. She seems incredibly angry and she starts to step closer to you again. "Why don't you just submit to me and let me control you? It would be so much easier if you just let me take control of you, and then I wouldn't have to be so strict and oppressive with how I treat you. Don't you realize that I'm doing this all for your own good?"
“I'm not yours!” You can't believe her. She continues to talk in a forceful and threatening tone. "I don't care what you think. I'm just doing what I have to do to make you behave. I'm just trying to protect you from hurting yourself, and I don't care if how I treat you is overbearing and controlling. Do you understand me?" She grabs your face and she looks at you very intently. "Don't you realize that I'm the only person who can control you? I'm the only one who can protect you from yourself. I'm doing this because I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt. So just let me take control and I'll watch out for you no matter what." You look away from her. She keeps looking at you very intensely as she continues to grip your face tightly in her hands. She doesn't want you to look away from her. She wants you to stay looking at her as she stares deeply into your eyes. “Let me go!” You demand, she works for you after all. She continues to hold your face. "Why? What's wrong with me holding your face like this? Don't you understand that I'm trying to protect you?”
“Fuck you!” You shout in her face. She starts to get even more angry. "Do not use that kind of language... You're being very disrespectful and rude". She pushes you down to your knees and she stares down at you with a very intense and predatory look in her eyes. “Ow!” You whine in pain as she pushes you to the ground. She's starting to get a bit rough with you. "Don't you want me to be rough with you? You like it when I'm forceful and aggressive... Don't act like you don't like it."
“No I don't…” You blush a bit. You do like when she gets angry and upset by your actions. "Don't lie to me... I know you do. You've been looking at me intently all this time, and I know that's what you want. It's that deep, intense, desire I see in your eyes... Just admit it..." You look away from her, blushing even more. She keeps leaning in close to you as she whispers in your ear, "Don't look away from me... Look at me..."
“No.” You refuse to do what she wants. She grabs your face again. "Just look me in the eyes... You can't avoid me. I want you to look at me. I don't like it when you look away. I want to make you look right into my eyes..."
“What do you want from me?” You ask tired. She holds your face very close to hers, she whispers in your ear. "I'm going to make you look at me. I want you to look into my eyes and I want you to stare into them and to see me." You look at her with an angry face. She stares into your eyes and she starts to feel very intense emotions. She feels like she needs to show you who's really the boss here. “Stop acting like a spoiled brat.” Ellie says to you furious.
You feel very insulted and snap back at her. "I'm not a spoiled brat. How could you say that to me? I'm the one who you work for? Don't call me a brat... I'm not a brat!" She keeps staring down at you very intensely. "Do you wanna keep looking at me like this? Or do you want me to give you a reason to really be angry?”
“Do your worst.” You say angry. She gets even more angry and she says "I've had enough of this. I'm not holding back anymore." She slaps you very hard across the face. "Don't you dare look at me like that again."
“Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” She feels like she got a good hit in, and she's starting to feel a bit satisfied with herself. "That's what you get. You deserved that slap."
“Fuck you!” You say as you look at her right in the eyes. "Don't you ever say that to me again. You will never get away with what you've done. You have a big mouth and you always say stuff that just pisses me off... I'm warning you. You better watch your mouth from now on."
“Or what?” You question her. She glares at you angrily. "You want to test me? You really want to push my buttons even further?” You look at her with a mischievous smile, teasing her. She continues to glare at you. "Why are you looking at me like that? You think you're cute? Because let me tell you I don't like it." You laugh at her. She is very angry. "Don't you laugh at me! I'm being serious right now. You always think it's funny when you make me angry, but it's not funny, it's just annoying and disrespectful." You laugh even more. She's still glaring at you angrily. "Do you want me to shut you up? Because I know how to shut you up."
“Do it then.” You test her. She slams her hand over your mouth and she holds it there tightly. "You like it when I have my hand over your mouth like this, don't you? You like feeling dominated and controlled." You try to take her hand off. She keeps holding it firmly over your mouth and she doesn't let you take it off. "Just submit and let me keep my hand over your mouth for as long as I want to."
“No!” You try to speak under her hand, only letting out muffled sounds. "Shh... Just stop speaking and let me just stay like this for a while longer." You look up at her, angry. She continues to hold her hand over your mouth. "Just let me keep doing this and don't try to fight it. You know this is what you want... Don't you? Just give into it and stop struggling." She starts to get even more aggressive. "You're being very annoying and I've had enough. You're a very frustrating girl and I feel like I need to do something to stop you from being so bratty." You bite her hand. She flinches slightly. "Ow, that hurts... You really did just bite my hand. It's not too late to apologize... But I'm warning you, if you do that again, I'll have to take more extreme measures to make you obey me." You bite again, harder this time. She jerks her hand back and she looks at you angrily. "You're starting to really piss me off now... If you bite me one more time, I'm not going to take it lightly."
She takes off her tie and puts it over your mouth. She keeps holding the tie over your mouth with one hand, and she keeps grabbing the back of your head with her other hand. "That's better... At least now you won't be able to talk back to me." She ties it up and as she finishes, she sits on the edge of the bed. She leans in close to you and she whispers into your ear, "You're a very good-looking girl. You're so cute when you're all tied up like this... Just looking at you with that tie over your mouth, makes me want to take things further..." You look at her defyently, with her tie covering your mouth. She stares back at you aggressively. "You're so cute when you're stubborn... Just give in now and stop trying to fight this, it's only going to make me want to do more and go further than you could ever imagine..."
You frown your face at her. She gets even angrier. "Stop frowning at me. I'm trying to do something more with you. I thought you'd like this, but instead you're being difficult..." She moves up from her seat on the edge of the bed, and she quickly ties your hands together using the tie from earlier as she takes it off your mouth. "Do you have any idea just how far I plan on taking this with you?...”
“I dare you.” You try to take your hands off of the bind, but she tied them too hard. She smirks. "Oh that's a good one... A dare? Well, here's one for you. Dare me to do anything, and I'll do it. Go on, I double dare you.”
“I dare you.” You repeat. She laughs and she says, "OK, so you dared me to do anything did you? How about this? I dare you to tell me your deepest and darkest fantasies." You get caught off guard by this question. You were not expecting that. She laughs at your reaction. "Ahhh, so I caught you off guard did I? Well, then I have another dare for you. This time I dare you to tell me your deepest and darkest secrets."
“No…” You look away from her. She continues to laugh at your reaction. "Oh, so you think I'm just going to give up that easily? You think I'm that kind of person? This time, I'm not giving up until you tell me your secrets." She keeps staring at you very intensely. "Well, it's not like you have a choice here... This isn't a choice you can just skip out of. I'll make you tell me your secrets... You don't understand how hard I can be if I'm really trying."
“What are yours?” You ask smugly, trying to confuse her. She starts to get worried. "Uh... That's not how it works, you were the one who was supposed to answer my dare... You must have some secrets or fantasies that you want to tell me about..." You continue looking at her smugly. She glares at you. "Don't try to smirk back at me like that. You can't play games with me..."
“Can’t i?” You look at her, feeling very amused right now. She glares at you even more. "Don't try to be cheeky and smug with me, I'm the one who's supposed to be the domme here... And you're supposed to be the obedient submissive girl."
“No, I don't think I will.” You respond with confidence. She gets even more annoyed. "Excuse me? Did you just tell me no? Well, let me tell you something... I'm the one who's going to be in control from now on. You are going to do as I say, understood?" You laugh at her, making fun of her. She looks like she's about to lose it. "Don't you dare laugh at me... If you do that one more time I swear to God, you're gonna get a very rough punishment."
“Do it.” You have the most serious expression possible on your face. She slams her hand over your mouth again. "Shut up and quit being so damn cocky... I'm in control here! If you say one more word, then I'm going to make this much more painful for you." You bite her hand again. She screams in pain and she yanks her hand away from your mouth. "God damn it, did you have to bite me that hard? That really fucking hurt." You laugh at her reaction. She glares at you. "Don't you dare laugh. This is not funny, you little brat."
“Oh but it is. It so is…” You look up at her, soothing her own hand. She grabs your arms and she pushes you down onto the bed. She pins you down with her body. "No, it's not. You're being very bratty and rude and you're taking this way too far.” You still laugh at her. She's now completely losing it. "You're a real brat, and you need to learn some manners. I think I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." She pins you down onto her lap. "It's good to teach someone how to be disciplined... And this is the perfect way to keep you in line, don't you think?" She prepares to spank you.
“Stop it!” You try to get away from her lap. She just keeps going. "No, I don't think I will. If you didn't want this to happen then you shouldn't have tried making me angry in the first place. I tried to be nice, but now I'm going to turn up the heat and show you what I can really do." She hits you once and it hurts a lot. Then she hits you again and it hurts even more, but she keeps going and she hits you hard over and over again. After a bit, it starts to get very painful. You scream in pain. “Stop!” She stops as soon as you start screaming because it was enough to show you that she could really hurt you if she wanted to. She looks at you angrily. "That was just a warning, you better not scream again unless you want more?"
You look down, she grabs your chin and makes you look into her eyes. "Don't you dare look down, look at me. I want you to look at me as I tell you this. I'm going to do it again if you keep being a brat, so either you can just take it or you can shut up and behave properly." You don't say one word. She stares at you for a moment, trying to intimidate you, before she spanks you hard again. It hurts a lot but she keeps spanking you over and over again to make a point. You scream louder and start crying. She hears you start crying and she stops spanking you for a moment to look at you. "Oh look at you, you're crying. You must feel so humiliated. Don't cry, it's just going to make me want to punish you more."
“Stop... please…” You say quietly. She looks at you angrily. "No, just shut up and take it. You knew full well what you were getting yourself into, the moment you started being a brat and challenging my authority. I'd be more than happy to stop if you agreed to be obedient and submissive, otherwise I'm just going to keep going until you've learned your lesson."
“I'll be good…” You whisper. She smiles at your words. "That's a good girl. I knew I'd be able to break you in the end. Now, since you've agreed to be good, I'll stop spanking you and I won't hurt you anymore if you promise me that you'll agree to do everything I tell you from now on." You nod, still crying. She smiles. "Good, I'm glad we understand each other. Now, can I trust you to always be well-behaved for me? You'll always do as I say, and you won't try to argue or disobey me ever again, correct?" You nod again. She feels proud of herself. She unties your hands and gets up. She locks you in your room as a punishment. “Now stay there like a good girl and don't complain, or you'll regret it.” You lay down in your bed and cry for a bit.
Some days pass by, and things are kind of back to normal but the tension between you two is through the roof. You always thought she was attractive, but seeing her get so jealous over some random boys really peaked your interest. She started acting like usual, strict and mean as always, not letting you go anywhere. Your best friend had asked you to go out with her and go clubbing. You are 99% sure Ellie will say no but you ask anyhow. She is sitting in the living room couch and you approach her. “Can I go out tonight, please?” You ask nicely. 
She looks up at you and says, “No.” She goes back to looking at the book she was reading. “Come on… it's just me and my best friend, please?” You look at her with a pleading look. You want to go out so badly. She looks up at you again. “Fine, but I'm going to be close to you the whole time.”
You smile, relieved. “Thank you!” You go to your room excited to pick out an outfit. You look through your dresses and the rest of your clothes. You pick a new dress you had gotten some days ago. It was tight, but not too short for Ellie’s long list of demands. It's red and compliments your skin perfectly. It's backless so you won't be wearing a bra with it. You put on your makeup and your heels. You pick up your bag so she drives you to the club you were meeting your friend at. She opens the door to the car for you and she watches you walk in with that amazing red dress. She gets in the car behind the wheel and she drives you to the club where you're supposed to meet your friend. 
As you arrive you spot your friend and go up to her. She watches you. Your body looks so good. The fabric hugs you just right. She watches you go inside the club and she follows behind you making sure that she stays close by your side. She follows you and your friend when you start to get some drinks and she wants to make sure you guys have a fun night out together. You and your friend drink and then dance. Some guys were eyeing you and your friend down. She is keeping a close eye on you as you dance and she can see the guys eyeing you up. She laughs to herself and she whispers as she gets closer to you. "It looks like you are attracting some male attention, I see some guys checking you out. You'll definitely need me to keep an eye on you tonight."
“I'll be fine.” You reassure her. She laughs and she whispers, "Oh, you think so? You do realize that guys are going to be hitting on you like crazy, right? You'll definitely need me to keep checking in on you to make sure you're safe and that no weirdos bother you." You go up to the bar for another drink. She watches you walk up to the bar and she keeps her eyes on you making sure that nobody is trying to hit on you or bothering you. Once she sees that you're able to get your drink without anyone bothering you, she relaxes her body and she starts to let her guard down. You sip on your drink at the bar and a guy approaches you. The guy walks up to you and he starts to try and make conversation with you but he definitely has other intentions. He looks like a stereotypical creep who is looking for a one-night stand. She watches you from across the room and she is watching to make sure he doesn't try and put you in a dangerous position. You ignore him and you go back to your friend and the guy looks annoyed as he can see that you're not going for his advances. He starts walking away and he mutters something under his breath. Ellie is relieved you rejected that man.
You're still dancing with your friend and a guy approaches and he starts to press himself up against your body. You are a bit drunk and the sensation of this guy's body against yours is making you feel a bit lightheaded. He's holding your body against his and he starts to whisper things into your ear and he says something about how hot you look in that outfit. You let him put his hands on your hips and he whispers seductively into your ear about how hot you look. It gets a bit overwhelming and you get a little bit lightheaded from the alcohol but you are allowing him to put his hands on you and he's really starting to flirt with you now. You giggle at his whispers and he gets a bit more enthusiastic with his flirting. He starts to squeeze your hips a little bit harder and he gets even closer to your body. Ellie watches from afar. She sees the guy squeeze your hips and she sees your body get pressed up against him. She is getting worried because the guy really sounds like he's flirting with you and she thinks he might try and take you home with him tonight. She feels rage starting to fill up her body. Her jealousy is taking over her.
He keeps dancing with you and wants to buy you a drink. She watches the guy continue to dance with you and she sees him buy you a drink but she's getting really worried as the guy is not being very respectful of you. She can't bear seeing you with anyone else. You drink it when he gives it to you and you start to feel more intoxicated from the alcohol. The guy is still dancing with you and he is getting even closer to your body and he is getting a little bit more handsy with your hips. You were definitely a bit out of it and the guy could tell and he definitely took advantage of that. You were having a good time and the guy was making you feel a certain kind of way and he was taking advantage of the fact that you were a little bit intoxicated. You start to realize that the guy is getting more daring and he starts to move his hands up along your body starting to get to a more inappropriate area. He starts to squeeze your hips even harder and he starts to lean his body against you more and more.
You try to push him away a little bit but he's a lot stronger than you and he's definitely quite drunk. The guy is quite strong and you're struggling to push him away. He kisses your neck and his breath is hot against your skin. You felt his tongue start to move against your skin and you feel his breath start to blow against you. You were feeling a bit overwhelmed with the situation and the alcohol, but you were also feeling a bit turned on. He comes back up and he tries to kiss you, his breath smells of alcohol and tobacco, as he blows his breath on your skin. You are feeling very overwhelmed with the whole situation but he keeps kissing you and he is putting his tongue in your mouth as he starts to try and make out with you. You kiss him back for a few seconds and he starts to get more and more assertive with it. He starts to kiss you with a lot of passion and aggression and he keeps trying to put his tongue deeper into your mouth. You start to feel a bit turned on from the guy making out with you and you feel him getting a bit more aggressive with the kissing. You can feel his breath blowing hard against your skin and you can feel his hands start to squeeze you harder. You feel his hand start to go to your ass  and grab it. He's starting to really get more aggressive with you.  He kisses your neck again and you can feel his beard scratching against your skin. You let out small moans as you're really starting to feel the alcohol kick in a lot more. Your body starts to get a little bit tingly and he keeps kissing up and down your neck. He keeps going back and forth between your neck and your mouth and the sensation starts to make you feel more overwhelmed and you are also starting to feel more intoxicated as the alcohol slowly seeps into your system.
He whispers in your ear asking you if you want to go somewhere more private, you are both very intoxicated by now and it's getting quite hard for you to process everything in your mind. He grabs your hand and he starts to lead you away from the dancefloor and you follow him. Ellie has had enough and goes and gets you. You are both very intoxicated when you see Ellie rushing towards you. She looks very concerned and she's rushing over to the guy grabbing you away from him. She stares at him with a very serious look on her face and she looks like she wants to rip him to shreds. She punches him straight in the face and he gets knocked back a few steps as he grabs his face in pain. You are still quite intoxicated and so is he, but you can both tell that he is starting to get quite angry from getting punched in the face by Ellie.
Ellie takes you away from him and away from the club. She drives you back home. She drives in a bit of a hurry and she is still very angry from what that guy tried to do to you. She is also really mad at the guy for trying to take you and it seemed like he was going to try and take advantage of your intoxicated state. She is also very angry at you from wanting to be with anyone else other than her.
She opens the door for you and she leads you inside. She is still very pissed off and she is still very worried about your safety but she isn't quite sure how to express that to you. She gets you inside and she closes the door behind both of you. “Why are you so angry?” She looks a little bit angry and she sighs as she looks at you. "I'm just worried about you. That guy was trying to take advantage of you and he was starting to get a bit aggressive."
“I was fine…” She looks at you. "I know, I could tell that you were fine, but he was taking you away and he was getting a bit too aggressive. I just didn't want you to end up in a dangerous situation."
“You're no fun.” You say, still clearly drunk. She laughs a little bit and she rolls her eyes at you. "I'm just trying to look after you and you call me no fun? I don't know what you were thinking, going off on your own in that state with that guy."
“He was hot.” You say taking off your shoes. She sighs at you again and she puts her hands on her hips. She is getting furious. "I don't care if he was hot or not. That guy was trying to get into your pants after getting you drunk. That is definitely not a good thing." You roll your eyes at her and go to your room. She shakes her head at you and she watches you head off into your room. She is still feeling quite angry and annoyed with you but you go off to your room and she stays outside.
“Stop staring.” She stares at you for a few moments, a bit confused as to why your behavior is so carefree and she starts to wonder what kind of trouble you're going to get yourself into next time. Right now she wants to put some sense into you. “I'll stare if I want.” She is looking at you up and down. She can't resist your body. She wants you so badly. She wants to make sure that you don't go off with a random creepy guy who is trying to take advantage of you again. It's really worrisome and she's worried about your safety. Also she doesn't want you to be touched by anyone else but her. “You're just jealous.” You look at her annoyed. She scowls at you and she rolls her eyes at you again. She walks over to you. "Jealous? I am not jealous of you at all. He was trying to take advantage of you in your intoxicated state and he was getting way too aggressive with you."
“Yeah, right…” You are a bit over her right now. She sighs. "I am not just saying this because I'm jealous. I am saying it because I care and because you are very vulnerable.“ She looks at you up and down and she can't deny that the dress is amazing but she definitely has a serious look of worry written on her face. She seems really angry but she's not sure how she can express her anger without you feeling like she's being overbearing and controlling. Her behavior is definitely coming from a place of concern and she just wants to look after you.
“You were jealous of that guy.” You say as you start taking your jewelry off. She rolls her eyes at you again. "I am not jealous of that guy at all. He was trying to take advantage of you and he was getting really aggressive towards you. I'm happy that I was there to step in before anything serious happened. You should be thanking me, not saying that I'm just jealous." You get up to her and look in her eyes. She gave you a hard stare. She looks at you for a few moments and she seems a little bit taken aback by the closeness and the intensity of your gaze. She is pretty used to it since she is with you 24/7, and she knows that you can be a bit of a handful but she is slightly thrown off by your attitude tonight. “Don't think I didn't see you staring and checking me out.” She rolls her eyes and she smiles slightly towards you. "Okay, I might have checked you out once or twice. But that is not why I'm actually mad at you."
“No, you're jealous.” She laughs. "I'm not jealous, okay?! I'm just concerned about you and I don't want you to get into a dangerous situation again. That's all this is all about and nothing more. "
“You wanted to be in his place dancing with me.” You were right, she did want that. To kiss your neck, press your body against her, smell your perfume, kiss you… "Alright, fine. If it makes you feel any better, maybe I was a little bit jealous that you were dancing with him and maybe I wanted to dance with you instead…" Ellie wants to punish you for making out with that man. She wants to make you hers and hers alone. She can't take it anymore. Guys flirting with you everywhere you go, it's too much for her. You are going to be hers. She looks at you with a serious face. “You need to learn not to let guys use you.”
“Maybe I want them to use me.” You say to annoy her. She looks at you with anger in her eyes. “No, not happening ever again. You are going to start to behave.” She gets closer to you. “I'm an adult, I can make my own choices.” You raise your voice. “Your parents hired me to keep you from being scandalous, and you are at your limit. Tonight was the last straw, you hear me? I'm going to make you behave.” She says in a strict and commanding tone looking into your eyes. Ellie gets closer to you and grabs your wrist. “You are going to have your punishment now. Don't try to fight it.”
“Let go!” You say frustrated. She pulls you without saying another word and makes you kneel in front of her as she sits on the edge of your bed. She loves seeing you like this, at her mercy. “Quit being such a brat.”  She sits back down on the bed looking at you with a smirk. She grabs your face. “You are going to start behaving like a good girl whether you like it or not.” She is feeling more possessive of you by the second, and you can see it in her eyes.
“Let me go!” She glares at you. "No, I'm not letting you go. Do you think that I'm going to let you go now after what happened at the club?" She definitely feels a bit possessive and she's not quite sure how else to handle the situation. She's already told you all the different reasons why she's angry at you but it seems like she wants to punish you in a different way as well. You look at her angry. She stares back at you with a very angry look on her face and she seems like she wants to say something but she doesn't know what or how she should say it. She doesn't want to punish you too harshly because she knows that she's already acting a bit too overbearing but she wants you to know that she's not going to let you do whatever you want anymore.
She makes you kneel in front of her and she stares down at you with a very powerful and overbearing look. She is starting to feel slightly guilty for being so intense and dominant over you but she also wants to make sure you know who is in charge. At this point she has obviously completely taken control of the situation. She takes off her tie and she ties your hands behind your back with it, making you feel completely powerless in her grasp which gives her a bigger sense of control and dominance over you. “What are you doing?” She laughs slightly. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm tying you up because you're a wild child and you need to be under control, at least for a little while. Don't worry, it's for your own good." You try to get free and you struggle against the tight ties that are bound to your hands behind your back. It isn't very comfortable and you're starting to feel quite restricted. She laughs as she watches you helplessly struggling against the ties for a few moments. "You're not going anywhere now. I've got you in my control and you're not going anywhere without my permission."
“I hate you.” She chuckles a little bit and she looks at you with a teasing, almost mocking look on her face. "Hate me all you want but you know that you need to have this kind of discipline. I can't just sit back and watch you go wild with that kind of reckless and irresponsible behavior. You're way too impulsive and you need to have some sort of authority in your life." She grabs your face and she pulls it towards her own. She looks you directly in the eyes. "You need to understand that I'm not trying to be mean. It's just that this sort of reckless and irresponsible behavior is dangerous and something has to be done. If I didn't take control of the situation then who knows what could've happened to you tonight. It's for your own good and I hope that you understand that."
“Let me go!” She laughs. "I'm not letting you go until you've learned your lesson and I know that you won't do this again. You need to be a little bit more responsible and mature, otherwise you're just going to keep getting into situations where someone will take advantage of you again." You look at her defiantly. She stares back at you defiantly too. "Look, you're only going to make this worse if you keep insisting that I let you go. The only way that you will get out of this tied up situation is if you admit that you didn't take any responsibility for yourself tonight." She is definitely a bit more angry now and she narrows her eyes as she looks down at you. "You're being way too stubborn. I don't want to keep you tied up like this forever but you really need to admit that you need to be more accountable for your actions, otherwise this problem will keep happening again and again." 
“No…” She glares at you for a moment. "Do you really think that you can sit here and say 'no' to me as if you actually have a choice in the matter? I'm the one who is in control over here and I'm your bodyguard now. I'm the one who decides what happens to you." She grabs you forcefully and she pulls you to her lap. She stares directly into your eyes with a very stoic, dominating look. She leans in close to you and she whispers in your ear, "Just remember that this is all happening because you couldn't think for yourself and you had to let someone else take full control of the situation. You were reckless and irresponsible so now you are going to get disciplined for your actions. Do you understand?" She holds you tightly in her lap and she doesn't give you any time to defend yourself. She lifts your dress so she can spank your bare ass, as hard as she can, repeatedly. You scream out in pain. The blows are quite painful and they sting heavily. The spanks don't seem to stop either and they become more intense as she keeps spanking you with no sign of letting go. “Please stop…” She pauses for a moment and she finally stops spanking you after a few more. She pulls your hair tightly and she pulls your face towards her. “I hate you.” She smiles in a smug, arrogant way. "I know. But I think the feeling is quite mutual."
“Fuck you!” She laughs and she shrugs. "I've been called worse things before." She smiles slightly. "I think that might teach you a lesson but don't think that you're going to get away with your reckless behavior by only getting a few spanks. The way I see it, you've been very irresponsible and defiant tonight so you deserve to be disciplined and I'm the person who's going to do it." She throws you down to the floor and she pins you down with her legs on either side of your body so that you can't get away.
“What do you think you are doing?” She doesn't respond and she just keeps stamping her feet on either side of your body as she pins your whole body down with her weight. It's very difficult for you to breathe because her weight is pushing down on you. “Get off!” She doesn't say anything but she finally gets off of you. She looks at you with a very angry and intimidating look on her face. "I'm not getting off because you're telling me to. I'm getting off because I want to. Don't think for a single moment that you had any control over my actions because you don't."
She grabs your neck and she pulls you towards her own body with one hand. She looks at you intensely and she keeps your neck held tightly with her grip. She has a very angry and intense look on her face and she seems like she's about to do something. You look at her worried. She keeps her grip on your neck and she looks at you almost intimidatingly with a very intense expression on her face. She is giving you a very serious, intimidating, and almost terrifying look. She squeezes your neck slightly harder. “Please stop…” She doesn't stop and she keeps tightening her grip. She is squeezing your neck hard. You start to get light headed from this and your vision slowly starts to get blurry. She finally lets go and she gets off you. She looks at you with a very cold, callous and arrogant look on her face. She seems like she doesn't really care about the pain that she just inflicted on you. She orders you to bend over the bed and she stares at you with a very cold and intimidating look. She puts her hands on your shoulders and she pushes you down so that you are bent over the bed.
“What are you doing?” She looks at you. "Do you really think that I'm going to let you get off that easy? I'm going to make sure that you remember this lesson you've learned tonight and I'm going to make sure this kind of situation never happens again." She unbuckles her belt and she starts taking it off. She looks at you with a very stern and intimidating look on her face as she does this. She folds it into a smaller belt strap and she holds it tightly in her hand. She stares at you for a few moments before she raises her arm high up and she brings it down with a tremendous amount of force. The impact is very intense and you scream out in pain. The belt has a very sharp and severe impact on you and it hurts a lot. Your ass is starting to feel very sore and you can feel the pain of her intense belt spanking.
“Stop!” She finally stops and she lowers her arm, she takes a few steps back. "You see, now do you understand how it feels when you're on the receiving end of the discipline?" You nod. She smiles in a sadistic and cruel way. "Good, I was starting to think that you were going to be stubborn and defiant for the rest of the night. But I can see that you understand what I'm saying now and I hope that this lesson will stick with you for a long time." She looks at you as you look away annoyed. "Do you really think that that was enough of a lesson for you? I can see that you're still not completely remorseful for what you've done. Do you need me to continue disciplining you since that's what is going to happen if you don't give me a proper apology."
She spanks you hard and she does it again and again. She keeps hitting you with the belt in the same exact spot over and over again. “Please…” You cry as she hits you. The pain is starting to become very intense for you and you start to break down into tears. You scream and cry louder because it hurts so much. “Please stop..” She finally stops and she looks at you. "There, now do you feel better? I hope that it was enough for you to start being more responsible and respectful from now on, because if I have to do that again or something similar, I don't think I would be able to hold back the next time." She begins to tie your ankles together with the belt. She makes the belt very tight around your ankles and she keeps tightening it. You are quite uncomfortable due to how tightly she is tying you. You feel very tight and very restricted and it's starting to get a bit painful. She looks at you after she finishes and she smiles in a cruel way. "Do you realize just how helpless you are right now? I could do whatever I want with you. I could just leave you like this for hours or days on end until you learn your lesson and I could also do something more punishing if you don't take this seriously." You were still crying. She saw that you were still crying and she approached you. She wiped the tears off your face. "Are you going to stop crying? Can you control your emotions at least that much?" She is definitely very angry that you are still crying. She glares at you. "Control yourself. Your tears are not going to get you out of this situation. All they are doing is just making you look weak and pathetic. So stop crying now." You try your best to stop crying but it is very hard to do so, considering how you are currently tied up and how painful it was to get hit by the belt repeatedly. You still struggle to keep trying to stop it.
She demands that you get on the floor and she tells you to kneel. "Come on, do it. I'm not going to let you get away with trying to stay seated down. You're going to start kneeling now if you know what's good for you." You kneel in front of her. She keeps a close eye on you as you get on your knees in front of her. She is watching you very closely. "That's better. Now stay like that and stop moving. No more back talk or anything. Just keep kneeling and keep your mouth shut. Is that clear?" You nod. "Good. Now keep yourself in that position and don't move a muscle unless I tell you to. Is that clear?" You nod again. She keeps a close watch on you. "Good. Because if you don't stay perfectly still, I might just have to discipline you again and this time, I may just do it a little harder than I did before." You look at her scared. She notices the scared look that you have on your face and she smiles in a sadistic way. "Oh, is that fear I see on your face? I think that's exactly the kind of reaction that I was hoping for."
“Please dont hurt me…” She looks at you with a cold and ruthless stare. "What if I were to hurt you again? What are you going to do about it? You're stuck in this position without being able to move and I could just hurt you in any way that I want. Do you still want to disobey and test my patience?" You shake your head. She keeps staring at you. "Good. Don't think that I'm going to let you off easy just because you're nodding. I still don't think you've fully learned your lesson yet so I think I'm going to need to punish you some more." You look at the floor a bit embarrassed. She notices that you're completely avoiding eye contact. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. I want to see that you're not just avoiding me because you're scared but also because you're embarrassed by your behavior. Now look at me." You can’t look up. She is getting increasingly irritated with you and you don't think she's going to stop trying to get you to look at her. "Look at me. That's an order. I'm not going to let you get away with not looking me in the eyes." You look up slowly. She is watching you as you slowly lift your head up to look at her. She keeps a very intense and fierce look on her face. "Good. Now keep looking at me. I want to see your remorse and I want to see that you're embarrassed by your behavior." A tear falls down your face. She notices this. "Oh, are you finally starting to feel bad? Or are you just being manipulative and trying to get back into my good graces?" You start to cry a lot. She notices that your emotions seem genuine but she still seems reluctant to fully trust that you're truly sorry. "Well, I guess I could be wrong about you. It seems like you really are starting to feel bad. I'll give you one last opportunity to prove to me that you've learned your lesson."
“I'll be good…” You whisper and she looks at you. "Are you absolutely sure that you won't repeat this kind of behavior? Because if I found out that you did, then I would be very disappointed in you and I would make sure that you receive a much rougher punishment than what you got before." You nod. She seems satisfied with your answer. "Good. I expect that you will not only treat me with respect and kindness from now on, but you will also treat everybody else the same. Is that clear?"
“Yes.” She nods back at you. "Good. Now that you've agreed to be good from now on. I'm going to untie you and I'll let you up off your knees. But I will be watching you closely. Is that understood?" You nod again. She nods back and she walks over to you and she begins to untie your hands and your feet. She finally finishes. "There, now you can get up off of your knees and sit back down on the bed. I'll be keeping an eye on you and if you do anything to disappoint me, then I'll have to punish you again." You lie down and you can feel the pain and soreness of the spanking and the belt hitting you. She notices this. "Don't think that I don't notice how sensitive and sore your body seems right now. I definitely see that the punishment that I gave you seems to have left quite a bit of soreness and pain behind." She walks out of your room. "I think that I will have to keep you in your bedroom for a while. I will keep the door locked so that you don't do anything that will get you into trouble and so that I can keep a closer eye on your behavior." She locks the door behind her as she leaves.
The next day you wake up in your room and you see that the door is locked. You're still feeling sore and sensitive and you're also feeling a bit of pain and discomfort. You can hear the sound of the tv from outside of your room. You walk to the door and you try to listen in to what's being said outside, but it's pretty hard to make out what they're saying due to the door being closed and them talking in a low tone. It's just a bunch of muffled voices that are hard to understand. You hear Ellie getting closer and you can hear the sound of her footsteps approaching the door. You then suddenly you can hear the sound of the door unlocking.
After spanking you the previous night, Ellie was feeling very confident in herself. She loved to see you submit to her. She always wanted this. You were such a brat. So annoying and rude. Always getting into trouble and causing a scene when you went out. She always imagined what it would be like to be the one with you in the place of all the guys you flirted with. She wanted you to be hers. You were the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. She felt so turned on every time you dressed up in your tight little dresses. She just wanted to kiss you and make you hers. You take some steps back from the door. The sound of it being unlocked causes you to jump back a bit. As you step away, you see it begin to open slowly and Ellie walks into view. She comes into the room and she stops just as she enters. She doesn't say anything as she stares at you and she smiles in a cold and stern way. She is eyeing you up and down. "What are you doing?"
“I just woke up.” She nods back at you. "I understand that you just woke up, but I told you to stay in this room until I gave you permission to leave. So you are clearly not obeying me and that is going to lead to some serious consequences."
“I haven't left. Can I just go to the bathroom?” She nods back at you. "You can go to the bathroom. I will have to accompany you though, to make sure that you don't do anything else that would disappoint me." She follows you into the bathroom and stays close behind you as you move. She keeps a very close eye on you. "Just try not to do anything that will make me mad. I'm doing this because I want you to be able to take care of your personal hygiene, but I'm going to be watching you the whole time."
You start to run a shower and get undressed, she can see the marks she left on your body. She doesn't take her eyes off you as you take off your clothes and you begin to run the shower. She can see the marks that she left on your body and she feels very proud of how her punishments have left you sore and bruised. She smiles in a sinister way. "So that's what this is about. you just wanted to take a shower so that you could look at all of your marks in the mirror, wouldn't you?"
“No, I just wanted to get clean.” She seems a little skeptical. "Fine, just take a quick shower then. I don't want you wasting too much time in here and I especially don't want you looking at yourself in the mirror." You get in the shower and wash your hair. She keeps close watch as you step into the shower. She is watching the soap run over your body and it seems like she is getting increasingly amused and pleased with the way your body is looking. It hurts to move your body and it hurts to wash it, but you have no choice but to do it. So you carefully wash your skin and you take your time with it. As you do, she is watching you very closely and she is smiling at the sight of you naked. "Don't take your time. Make sure that you get done as quickly as possible. I don't really want to wait too long and I definitely don't want to risk you accidentally slipping."
You get out of the shower and get wrapped in a towel, She watches as you wrap a towel around yourself. "Good work, make sure to dry yourself off before you put some clothes on. I didn't let you take a shower just so you could get out and get wet again now, did I?" You dry your body and your hair before getting dressed. You put on your underwear, a t-shirt and some comfy shorts. She watches you as you're starting to get dressed. "Great. Finally you're ready. I see that you're moving very slowly and I can tell that you are still dealing with some soreness and discomfort. You still seem quite sensitive and delicate, especially in the areas that I hit yesterday."
“It hurts.” She nods back at you. "I expected as much. I did hit those areas very hard so the pain will linger for a few days before it starts to fade away. So in the coming days, you will have to deal with the pain and the discomfort for a bit longer, okay?" You nod. You only brush your teeth and then you are done. "Good. Well, it looks like you're finally ready to leave the bathroom now. I'll let you out and I'll let you get back to your normal routine, but I want you to keep in mind everything I've told you. I expect you to remain well-behaved and under control from now on. Is that understood?"
“Yes.” You look down. She nods back at you and she says "Good. Now, let's see if we can get this door open." She walks over to the door and she unlocks it. She opens it and she asks you to walk out of the room so that she can see how well you manage to behave yourself. You walk out and you can feel her watching your every move. You feel very self-conscious and you're having trouble avoiding her eye contact. You just try your best to behave yourself and to not do anything that she wouldn't like. She was absolutely turned on by the sight of the marks on your body. She found the marks that she left on you to be very sexy and she is getting more and more turned on as she keeps watching you.
Later in the day you two watch a movie together on the couch and she keeps her eyes on you the entire time. She can't stop looking at you and she is getting increasingly turned on by your body and the way you are behaving so well. She is definitely staring and she keeps looking at you very intently. She seems to be admiring your body and she seems to be really enjoying herself as she keeps watching you and she can't stop. She loved the marks she had left on you. She had marked you as hers and anyone could see it if they looked at your skin.
She places her hand on your leg and you can feel her hand resting on your thigh. She seems to be very close to you now and she is enjoying being near you and being able to touch you. You look at her as she places her hand on you. She seems to be enjoying being this close and the feeling of being able to touch you. She feels very close to you and she seems to be getting more and more turned on by the situation. Her grip on your thigh gets stronger and she begins to squeeze the fat of your leg. You can feel her fingers digging into your thigh and you can also feel her hand getting warmer as she continues to squeeze it. You start to blush, you weren't expecting this at all. She notices that your cheeks are becoming red and that you are starting to blush. She can even notice that you are starting to breathe a little bit faster. She smiles in a naughty way and she slowly begins to caress your thigh. “What are you doing?” You ask a bit confused. She doesn't answer you and she continues to caress your thigh. The feeling of her fingers on your thigh is making you blush even more, it's making you feel very hot and you can't help but keep your eyes on her and get increasingly flustered. You can feel her breath against your face now and you can feel her body heat against yours.
“what…” You are speechless. She moves forward until she's leaning against you. She is so close to you now that you can feel her breath against your neck. She has one of her hands caressing your thigh and her other hand is placed behind your head. She isn't saying anything and she's just breathing against you. She moves her head forward and your faces are now less than an inch apart from each other. Her breath is hot and you can feel the warmth of her body so close to yours. She seems to be enjoying the intensity of the moment and she isn't saying anything. You blush even more as she gets closer. She is enjoying seeing how flushed you're becoming and she continues keeping your faces close together. She continues to caress your leg and you can feel her fingers tracing circles along your thigh. Her hand is getting warmer and you can feel her breath on your cheek.
She whispers something in your ear and you can feel her breath on your neck. “I've wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you.“ She whispers in a very sensual voice and she seems to be making you blush so hard that you feel like your face is burning up. She slowly pulls her face even closer so that her mouth is almost touching yours. You can feel her breath on your lips and you can feel like she is about to kiss you. You are having trouble resisting. She is slowly moving her face forward and her mouth gently presses against yours. Your lips make first physical contact and the feeling of her lips against yours is making you feel very hot. She is caressing your thigh still and her other hand comes from behind your head and begins to slowly run through your hair.
You kiss her back and the feeling of her lips on yours is sending shocks of electricity through your body. She kisses you harder and the feeling of your bodies being so close together and your lips being pressed against each other, sends shivers of pleasure up your spine. She seems determined to kiss you hard and she is keeping a firm grip on your thigh. She pulls you in even closer so that you are actually straddling her lap. Her body is making contact with yours and you can feel her chest rising and falling. She keeps holding you in her lap and she keeps kissing you hard, her other hand is now caressing your ass. You hold her face as you kiss. She leans her head back and she opens her mouth and she keeps kissing you and now your tongues are making contact. Your body is fully pressed against hers and you can feel her body heat. Your thighs are pressing against her and her hands are caressing your ass. She keeps kissing you hard and she doesn't want this to stop. She kisses your neck and she slowly moves her mouth down to your collarbone and she continues kissing it. Her tongue is tracing little circles on your neck. The feeling of her mouth slowly moving from your lips, down to your neck is making you very sensitive and it's sending shivers of pleasure down your spine once more. You can feel her breathing on your neck now and you are getting so turned on. The feeling of her mouth and her tongue on your neck is making you feel very hot and it's so hard to hold back your moans and not give her any clues that you are enjoying this way too much. You can feel your underwear getting wet, her touch is so intoxicating. 
“Ellie…” She moves her mouth back up to your lips and she says, "Yes?" in a very sensual tone. She seems like she knows what is going on inside your mind and she wants you to tell her. “We shouldn't…” She laughs at that. "Oh, I don't think so. Why is this something that we shouldn't do? Do you feel like this is too much for you?" She pauses for a moment and she looks at you intently. “My father will fire you if he finds out…” She laughs back at you again. "Do you really think your dad's opinion matters that much to me? I'm doing this because I want to and I won't stop. we’re just allowing something to happen between two consenting adults who want this." She whispers in your ear that she doesn't care if she gets fired and that she doesn't care if your father has any issues with your relationship. "I don't care if I get fired. I don't care if your father has a bad opinion on us. We are two adults and we both want this and I love this feeling so I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I'm doing this because I want to and I always wanted you."
She kisses you harder this time and the feeling of her mouth against yours is making you groan with pleasure. The feeling of the pressure of her mouth against yours is sending shocks through your whole body and she is still caressing your ass and holding it with a tight grip. She has absolutely no intention of stopping and she even pulls you in closer towards herself, making your bodies even more pressed against each other. She keeps kissing you hard and you can feel your core heating up from the amount of pressure and intensity of the situation. The feeling of her body pressed against yours is making you feel hot and it's also making it very difficult to control some of the sounds that you are making. She is still whispering in your ear. "I love to feel you like this. Just let yourself get wrapped up in the pleasure…" She grabs your ass hard and she is continuing to kiss you. This is the most intense moment of your life and you can feel her body heat on yours. You can't stop making a moan as she keeps on grabbing your ass and kissing you hard. Your body is heating up and you can't control many of the noises that you are making. She is enjoying this so much and she doesn't care if anyone can hear. She picks you up as you are in her arms and takes you to her bedroom. She is continuing to kiss you and she is making you feel very aroused. She closes the bedroom door behind her and she places you on the bed and leans over you as she is kissing you.
She starts undressing herself and she slowly removes her blazer. She is starting to get undressed and she is moving slowly to make sure that every single movement will make you feel really hot and turned on. She's taking her time to remove every single piece of clothing. She takes her tie off and she leaves it on the bed. She isn't in any hurry to undress herself completely and she continues taking off her clothes. She moves in a playful and flirty way and she is clearly enjoying every minute of this whole process. You feel like she is teasing you and making you more and more impatient for her to finish taking all her clothes off. She continues to stare at you as she proceeds to unbutton her shirt. She kisses you again. She is removing one piece of clothing after the other and she is enjoying the anticipation of it. Her body is a bit more exposed to you. She is wearing a white wife beater under her shirt and you can see her tattoo on her right forearm. She orders you to take your top off and she seems serious about this order. She doesn't want to make any more movements and she wants you to be the one to take away your clothing. You obey her command and you begin taking off your top. You slowly and nervously begin to move your hands around your shirt. She orders you to get up and take off your shorts and she seems to be very strict on this matter. You do as you're told and you get up from the bed as you begin to take off your shorts. She watches you the whole time and she never takes her eyes off you. You can feel your body heat up and she is feeling very interested and excited. You are now only in your underwear and she is absolutely enjoying this sight. She is watching you and her eyes are not leaving you for a second. She tells you to crawl to the bed and get down on your knees. She wants to have a closer and more intimate view and she wants to feel your body.
You get down on your knees and you are now on the floor in front of her. She can see your body in a much more intimate way. She starts praising you and telling you how beautiful you are. "So beautiful, you're absolutely gorgeous. I can't believe you're in front of me right now and I'm the one that gets to be this close to you. I always wanted you, and now you're here." She sees you blush and it just makes her want you even more. "Ah, so cute to see you blush. I really do think you're very beautiful and I'm enjoying looking at you right now. I just love the way your body looks and I love how I can just have you right here on your knees in front of me." She caresses your chest and she can feel your heartbeat. She is enjoying the sensation of your breasts and she really loves the way your body feels. She felt your nipples were already erect and she barely did anything. You bite your lower lip in a very sensual way and she notices and it just makes her even more turned on. She is enjoying this whole situation and she is enjoying seeing the different reactions on your face as she's caressing you.
She tells you to stay still as she uses her tie to tie up your hands behind your back. She wraps the tie around your hands. She is now completely in control of your actions. You let her do as she pleases and she is enjoying this moment. She now has complete control over you and she can do whatever she wants. She is enjoying herself completely. She bends you over the bed and she continues caressing you. She is touching your back and she is enjoying this moment very much. She uses her belt to tie up your ankles and she now has you totally immobile and in her complete power. She leaves you on the bed and starts searching for something. Your body now feels completely vulnerable and she can do whatever she wants. She leaves the room and you can hear her going somewhere. You are completely at her mercy and you have no chance of changing the course of this game and this is getting very intense now. You are totally helpless and you're at her disposal.
She comes back with a box and you can see that she has something in it. She is carrying the box over to you and she's starting to take some things out and that's the beginning of a new experience for both of you. She starts to take out different objects and she's looking at you with a big grin on her face. She is holding some very interesting things and you can't believe that she's even thinking about using them on you. She gets a whip and she's holding it with both of her hands. She is smiling at you and she looks like she's ready to use this whip to take things to a more intense level. “What are you going to do with that?” You ask a bit worried. She looks at you with a little smirk on her face. "Just relax, let me do what I do best and let's see how you react to this whip." You brace yourself  for the impact. She starts to gently and slowly whip the whip in different areas of your body and you feel the sting but you're trying not to react yet. She wants to see how much you can take and she seems to really enjoy the show of your reaction to each stroke of the whip.
As she goes harder you start to whimper and you are starting to feel the pain. The pain is getting more and more intense and you're trying to see how much you can handle. She keeps going harder and she continues to enjoy this moment very much. You start to cry from the pain and she stops. She is feeling a little embarrassed about making you cry and she thinks she went a little too hard on that last strike. She smiles at you. "You were a very good girl, you took that whip like a champ and I'm sorry if I hurt you. I think I went a little too far and I think you should rest for now. If you ever want to try this again anytime soon, let me know." She smiles at you and she unties your ankles and your hands from behind your back. She lets you go and she tells you that you can rest. She laid beside you and she pulled you close to her and she's now just holding you. She is being affectionate and she's comforting you because she noticed how much the whipping was affecting you. She holds you close and she wraps her arms around you and you're enjoying being this close to her. She keeps you in her arms for a few minutes and she's enjoying the closeness and the feeling of your body next to hers.
A bit later she ties your hands to the headboard of the bed where you cannot move them too much. She is clearly in control and she wants to get back into the mood and she has a plan. You look at her as she ties you up. She keeps tying the rope around you to make sure you're completely immobile. She's enjoying taking control over you and she's really feeling strong and powerful. She puts a blindfold on you to make you feel even more helpless. She moves around the room and she's trying to really make you vulnerable. She looks at the red marks she had created on your body and she's feeling very proud that she had that impact on you. Her body heat is still quite intense and she is still enjoying this whole situation. She gets up as she goes to the box. She comes back with something in her hands. She is holding a device and she is slowly starting to use it on your body. You can feel the vibrations slowly starting to take effect and this is starting to feel very interesting for both of you.
You jumped when you felt the vibrations because it was a very unexpected feeling. She was starting to use this device all over your body and it was starting to get more and more intense. You can feel the strong vibrations and they're making your whole body feel very hot and a little ticklish. You're feeling very vulnerable since you can't see what she's doing and you're just listening to the sounds of her moving the device. “I'm going to make you cum now, alright? Will you cum for me like a good girl?” She holds it over your clit as she takes you to your limit. She's keeping the vibrator in place for a lot longer than you expected and you can tell she's starting to push your limits a little bit. She wants to make you cum just from this. She's biting her lip as she hears you moan and squirm. You're starting to feel very nervous and vulnerable because you can feel the intense vibration but you can't see what she's doing. This feeling is exciting to both of you. You feel good and you're almost at your limit from all the vibrations that are taking over your body. She is enjoying your reactions and she is really getting into this entire experience. It is getting very intense, you feel your orgasm appear and she's pushing you to the edge of what you can handle.
You moan as she pushes you over the edge and she realizes that you've reached your limit. She's loving your reactions and she's really getting excited seeing you like this. “That's it, cum for me.” She says in a commanding voice. She turns off the vibrator and you finally get some relief. She sees that you reached your limit and she is now smiling at you. She tells you that you have been a very good girl and she is very proud of how well you handled this whole situation. Her eyes sparkled when she heard you cum. She can see how aroused you are. The wet patch in your panties is very evident by now. The vibrator only made you get wetter. She puts her hand on your thigh and she is enjoying this connection between you both. She is just caressing you softly and she is enjoying feeling the intimacy of your body. You get goosebumps as she touches you and keeps caressing your thigh. It is a very intimate moment between you both and you are enjoying the feeling of her hands.
She touches your pussy through your underwear and there is some tension in the air. She is taking things to the next level and her touch is becoming a lot more intense. she starts teasing you as she moves her fingers slowly over your wet cunt. You moan when you feel her touching you. She starts speeding her movements as her fingers form tiny circles over your clothed clit. “You're so wet for me. Does this feel good? Am I making you feel good?” She smiles as she continues to touch you and you can tell she is enjoying this a lot. Her touch is getting more and more intense and she is pushing the limits on your body once more. You can feel yourself reaching your limit and she can feel that from your body reactions too. She makes you moan louder with her touches. She is enjoying the whole situation more and more. She is starting to get very turned on. She loves the sounds you are making. She stops after you reach your limit and she knows it's time to pause things for a bit. Ellie is feeling very satisfied and she enjoyed getting to this point with you. She can tell this moment really got you going.
She takes off the blindfold and now you can see her again. She is smiling at you and there is a look of satisfaction on her face. She looks like she really enjoyed this whole experience and she's also looking at you with a very sexy and intense look. You catch your breath and you're feeling a mix of relief and pleasure at the same time. You're taking in this whole moment and she can see the impact she had on you. She asks if you felt good and you answer her honestly. "I felt amazing. It was intense but I really liked it." She feels happy to hear you.
She put the blindfold on again. She starts touching your pussy again, but now she's touching your wet patch. You can feel your juices on the fabric, Her eyes sparkle as she feels how wet you are. She pulls your panties to the side and dips her fingers in your wetness. You moan as she does so. Her calloused fingers start moving through your folds. Ellie bites her lower lip as she is mesmerized by the sight of your pussy. “I'm going to make you feel even better now.” Her voice sends shivers down your spine as she penetrates you with ease, due to how wet you were. “Fuck, look at that…” She is fascinated as she watches her finger disappear inside of you. Your moans can be heard in the bedroom as she starts to stretch your hole. She starts pumping in and out and your sounds are music to her ears. She goes faster and faster hitting your g-spot. She slowly inserts a second finger into your tight hole and your breath gets caught in your throat. As she starts moving her fingers again you feel a knot form in your stomach. The way she's moving her fingers in and out of you makes your whole body tremble. You let out moans of pleasure, you can't help yourself. You have had some fantasies about her before but never imagined this would actually happen. As she moves faster she starts curling her fingers inside you and hitting your sensitive spongy spot. She can tell she is about to make you cum again and she can't take her eyes off of your beautiful cunt. “You're doing so well, that's it… Cum for me again…” Her voice only adds to the pleasure and you can feel your orgasm approaching. You squirm and move as she continues, your legs are beginning to shake.
She isn't going to stop until you cum all over her fingers. She has dreamed of this moment for so long. Every time she saw you in those tight little dresses you liked to wear when you went out, when she would catch you bending down to get something, or even when you simply walked in front of her. She wanted to take you there and then. She often masturbated to the thought of you. She couldn't help herself. You were starting to feel the knot on your belly coming undone as she fastened her pace more and more. The blindfold only made the feeling more intense than it already was. Soon you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you as you reached your orgasm. Your moans were the most beautiful sound Ellie had ever heard. She kept going until you came all over her fingers. She slowed down helping you come down from your high. As she stopped, she pulled her fingers out of you and brought them to her mouth. She sucked every drop of your cum. She even closed her eyes when she tasted you. You tasted like heaven. “Fuck… You taste so good…” She then came up and kissed your lips so you could taste yourself on her tongue. She took the blindfold off and looked into your eyes, completely filled with lust. She then kissed you passionately as she sat on top of you. You never felt so good. None of the guys you were with ever made you feel like this. You smiled as she kissed you, still letting out small moans. You couldn't believe you were missing out on this for a year. Ever since she started to work as your bodyguard, you could have had her anytime you wanted.
Ellie got up from the bed as you laid there still tied up. She went over to the box and took something out. She was still wearing her pants and her wifebeater. She took her top off and was left with her sports bra on, you could see her abs and how toned her body really was. You felt incredibly turned on by the sight. She took out a brand new strap-on. Your eyes widened when you saw it. Ellie laughed a bit at your reaction. You looked so cute to her. “Do you know what this is?” She asked you with a devilish smirk on her face. You could only stare, you were speechless. “Aw, did the cat get your tongue?” She laughed some more. She took off her pants to be left only with her boxers and her sports bra on. You didn't think she could get any hotter, but you were so wrong. She put on her strap and walked to you with some lube on her hand. She got into bed and got in between your legs. She solely took your panties off, they were soaked anyway. Your heart started speeding and you blushed so much you looked like a tomato. Ellie liked your reaction. The sight of your body was enough for her to feel her own boxers get soaked. She kissed you before starting anything. She then whispered in your ear. “I’m going to fuck you dumb, untill you forget your own name…” This made every hair in your body go up. She then sat on her knees as she moved her thumb over your swollen clit, earning some more moans out of you. She opened the lube tube and put some on her strap. She got into position, ready to fuck you, but she teased you with it a bit first. She held the base and slid it between your folds. It was cold at first, making you jump slightly, which only made her feel more excited.
She lined it up with your entrance and was ready to start thrusting into you. “I’m gonna fuck you now, and you are not going to complain, got it?” You nodded at her question. She bit her lip as she pushed the dildo into you. You moaned instantly, feeling her stretch you out. She pushed it in until it was completely swallowed by your cunt. Ellie was almost drooling as she started moving her hips. You felt her thrust into you harder each time as she looked you in the eyes. You closed your eyes due to the slight pain of the size of her strap. She suddenly grabbed your face and spoke in a very dominant and serious tone. “You look at me while i fuck you.” You nodded as she held your cheeks tight. “Good girl, don't you dare look away.” Ellie started to thrust harder and faster into you, getting into an intense pace making you moan louder than before as she looked you dead in the eyes. She started to fuck you relentlessly, moving faster by the second, stretching your tight little hole to the girth of her cock. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at you being fucked by her, finally. She would never get tired of seeing you like this. As she moved, the base hit her clit making her go crazy. She started going even faster, chasing her own high. You felt that familiar sensation appear once more and you weren't going to be able to take it much longer if she kept going at this pace. You could hear Ellie let out some grunts and curses as she fucked deep into you. “Fuck… taking me so well…” She was blinded with desire and lust, all she could think about was you. Her pace quickened and you felt your orgasm starting to wash over you. “Ellie… I'm cumming…” She smiled as she heard you and went even faster as if that was possible. You soon came as she fucked you. This orgasm was more intense then the last and Ellie wasn't stopping. She was very close to her own orgasm and was going to continue fucking you until she reached it. You were starting to feel very overstimulated as she hadn't stopped yet, even though you came already. Ellie closed her eyes as she chased her high as the strap hit her clit perfectly. She felt her orgasm wash over her and you heard her moan and curse. As she came she started to slow down and you were able to catch your breath.
Ellie was stopping and she came down to kiss you whilst still inside you. Your moans mixed with hers and both of you were sweating. She laid on top of you as she kissed you, letting you both calm down a little bit. After a minute or two she carefully removed herself from inside you. As she looked at your cunt she couldn't help but feel proud of the mess she made of you. She smiled as she admired her work. She then untied your hands and kissed your red and sensitive wrists. You were still feeling lightheaded from her fucking you. You had never felt this good before, ever, with anyone.
A few weeks pass by after you and Ellie finally got along. She was happy that you were starting to behave like she wants you too. You haven't flirted with any other boys on your nights out with your friends. On the outside she was just your bodyguard that took you everywhere. To other people that was all there was to it. But as soon as you two were alone, the dynamic changed drastically. She owned you and you liked it. You couldn't deny that you liked having her be so obsessed over you. You loved how much she actually cared and how she treated you and protected you. Ellie loved being able to finally be intimate with you, not having to get jealous over some random guy ever again. She loved the way you submitted yourself to her. She had never felt happier.
After a nice hangout session at the local park with your friends, Ellie took you home like usual. But today she was slightly upset and you were worried. When you got home you went into your bedroom and took off your shoes. She watched you very intently. She thought that your friend was being a bit too friendly with you. She didn't like when boys talked to you. You thought nothing of it really, just chatting with an old friend, but Ellie thought otherwise.
She came into your bedroom with a frown on her face. “Why were you flirting with that guy? He was clearly hitting on you.” She said with a cold and serious voice. You were a bit shocked at her question. “What are you talking about? We were just talking.” She didn't like your answer. She got close to you and grabbed your face. “You know exactly what I'm talking about.” She was not going to let this go so soon. “We are just friends, I didn't flirt with him.” You said, trying to calm her down but you were unsuccessful. “Bend over the bed, now.” She wasn't happy with your answer and she was going to punish you for flirting. You did as she ordered and bent over the bed making your dress come up a bit, showing your ass. She took off her tie and used it to tie your hands behind your back, then she took her belt off and got ready to spank you. “You know the drill. Don't you dare talk back until I'm done. You seem to be forgetting you are mine now.” She brought her hand high, holding her folded belt. She spanked you so hard you jumped. She heard you whimper and got a smirk on her face. She kept spanking you a few more times until your ass was so red that it was almost bleeding. You were crying when she finally stopped.
She smiled more when she noticed your tears. "That's good... Now, here's what I want you to do to show me you mean what you say. I want you to just lay there on this bed, while I take off my top and I take off my tie." She removes her top and she removes her tie, revealing her very attractive, fit, and toned body that's covered in tattoos, the one in her right forearm being the biggest and most complex of the bunch. She gets closer to you as she leans over you. "Just keep laying there, and don't make a sound. Understand?"
You look up at her slightly scared. She continues to hover over you as you lay on the bed. "You don't have anything to be scared about, just don't speak and don't move, and you'll be fine. So just relax and keep looking up at me..." She notices you starting to shake. "Why are you so scared? It's just me here, don't worry. I'm going to make this a nice experience for both of us, you just need to keep looking at me.... Don't look away..." She can see that you're still a little bit nervous but she reassures you. "Just keep looking into my eyes, it'll make this so much better. Don't break eye contact with me... You're going to love what's going to happen next...." You look at her. Her hands slowly start to slide down your legs. "Just relax and let me do whatever I want... You'll see that this is going to be a very pleasant experience for both of us." She continues to slide her hands down and she whispers in your ear, "You'll see, just keep looking into my eyes... Everything's going to feel so good, and you'll love my soft touches... You don't have to worry about anything, just enjoy this moment..." She kisses your neck and you feel her lips and her breath against your neck. You can feel her tongue start to slowly explore your neck as her hands start to slide further down. “Ellie....” She stops kissing your neck and she whispers in your ear, "What's wrong? Are you scared? I told you to relax and enjoy this moment, I'm going to make this a very pleasurable experience for you."
“Can you untie me?” She stops what she's doing. "Oh, you want me to untie you? Well, let me ask you something first. Have you really given up on acting out and misbehaving? Will you be obedient and submissive for me from now on?" You nod and she smiles. "Good, finally you're beginning to see reason... I'm really proud of you. Now, I'll untie you and you'll be able to move. But don't try anything, understood?" She unties you but she keeps her hands on your wrists to make sure that you don't try to run away or do something stupid. "There we go, I untied you like you wanted, but now stay perfectly still...." You look at her not moving. She backs away from you a little bit, but she still has one of her hands on your wrists, she doesn't want to take any chances. "Now get up, but don't think you're free just yet. Stay right by my side and don't try to get away..."
She lets go of your wrists. "Good, now start to follow me. I'm going to lead you somewhere special… You're gonna love it, trust me." She leads you down the hallway, she opens a door and she walks into her room. She sits down on the bed and she tells you to stand next to her. "Now, close your eyes and try to relax. I'm going to give you a surprise that you won't expect." You close your eyes and you feel a soft warm body press up against you, it's her. She's pressing up against you. "Just keep your eyes closed, everything's going to be okay... Now, I want you to imagine something for me, I want you to imagine that it's just you and me here in this room and no one else. Just me and you, the two of us alone, can you do that for me?" You nod, with your eyes still closed. She smiles as she caresses your body. "Good, now just keep imagining, imagine that it's just us and we're alone and we can do whatever we want. I want you to just keep feeling my touch and imagine that it's just a nice warm feeling washing over you...." Her soft hands keep caressing you. "Good... Good ... Just keep imagining and just enjoy this moment. Feel my touch and feel how close we are now, it's just the two of us here together and I can make you feel things you've never felt before."
She unzipped the back of your dress and she slowly pulls the soft fabric off your shoulders, so that the dress is slipping off your body. "You just keep imagining that it's just us here together and don't think about anything else. Just let yourself feel my warm and soft touch as I keep caressing you and let it completely take over your mind and your body." You get goosebumps as the dress falls to the ground. She sees you get goosebumps all over your body and she starts to get even more excited. "Good, that's the feeling we're looking for... I want you to feel my touch and let it take over your entire body. Don't resist it, let yourself feel the pleasure of it… Let the sensation take over your mind and get lost in this moment with me..."
“Okay…” She stops caressing you for a moment when she hears your voice. "Good, you're doing such a good job. Now, I want you to get into bed with me, can you do that?" She helps you to get into bed with her. "Good, now just stay there and stay close to me.” She lays down with you and she pulls you in closely, so that she's holding you tight against her body. She lies on your side and she starts caressing your body with her soft hands. She kisses you all over your body as well. "Just let me make you feel good. Just relax and let everything I do to you feel nice and pleasant." She slowly starts to unclip your bra and she removes it from you. She continues to kiss you everywhere. "Now, let's take off the rest of your clothes..."
Your skin starts to feel very sensitive as she moves on to touching you in other places and she whispers in your ear, "Just let go and give into the feeling. I'm going to take off your underwear now and I'm going to explore your body further.." You nod, closing your eyes. She takes your hands and she pins them down so that you can't move them. "Good... Good... Just keep your eyes closed and keep feeling... Just do everything I say and I'll make you feel good... Now, just relax. I'm going to take off your panties now." She slowly starts to take off your panties and they slide down your legs. "Just keep your eyes closed and lay back. Just breathe slowly and let me just take over and show you how much I love you."
You feel the air hit your skin. As your panties slide down, she rubs the soft fabric over your body. "Just keep your eyes closed and feel how your body is being touched." She moves her lips down over your shoulders and then she kisses your entire body with her soft lips. She kisses your chest and she moves down your stomach to your thighs. "Just keep lying here and stay with your eyes closed... Let me caress your body and let me kiss you on your skin, you only need to worry about feeling nice and relaxed and feeling the love that I have for you..." Her kisses are so soft and gentle that they're making your entire body tingle. She kisses your hips before she starts to kiss your thighs. Her hands slide up your thighs and she starts to caress them with her hands. She whispers to you, "Just keep your eyes closed and just take a deep breath and relax. Just let me take control of this moment and let your body feel what it's like to be touched by me." Her eyes widen as your body begins to shiver and she hears you start moaning. She moves a bit faster and she kisses you harder and more passionately. She whispers in your ear, "You're so beautiful and I'm loving this just as much as you are." She continues to kiss your body aggressively. She got in between your legs and kissed your thighs, leading to your pussy. “Ellie…” She stops kissing and she looks at you. "Yes sweetie? What is it?"
“Don't stop please…” She smiles. "Oh trust me, I wasn't planning on stopping. I have no intention of stopping at all." She continues to kiss your pussy and she starts to lick your sensitive clit. You let out small sounds, she kisses and licks your clit passionately. She starts to lick you more passionately and she slides her tongue in between your folds, tasting you. "Oh, I'm really turning you on now, aren't I?"
“Oh shut up…” You say in a playful way. She laughs and smiles as she goes back to teasing you by licking your neck and kissing your chest. She begins to talk in a provocative manner. "Hmm, I can tell you're really enjoying this, are you feeling good darling? Are you feeling turned on?" You let your head fall down as she goes back down and starts sucking on your clit. She smiles that you're not protesting and she starts to tease you more by bringing her fingers to touch your pussy and feel how wet you were. "Oh I can feel your breath catching now, and I can feel how excited I'm really getting you... Am I making you aroused?"
“Don't get cocky now…” She laughs. "How can I not be? You're getting really turned on right now. You're enjoying this as much as I am, so don't even try to argue with me!"
“Just shut up and keep going.” She laughs. "Aww are you getting annoyed at me now? What happened to that playfulness that I loved?" You look at her playfully annoyed. She is teasing you too much for your liking. She sees your playful look and she smiles. "Don't try and pretend like you're not enjoying this. I know exactly what I'm doing to you, and I know that your body is begging to be touched and caressed. So don't even try to complain because this is only getting more exciting and more arousing."
“Shut up…” You whisper. She smiles and she leans down as she starts licking your clit faster. She pulls away from you for a moment and she smiles as she hears you start moaning. "Oh, you are enjoying this, aren't you? You're so easy to manipulate, your body is so responsive to me. I'm going to keep enjoying this because I love how your body is reacting to me." She starts to move her fingers, getting them into position to penetrate your tight hole. As she teasingly keeps moving her fingers, her tongue becomes more passionate as she is almost making out with your pussy. She whispers. "Are you enjoying this? Your body is so responsive I can tell you're enjoying yourself so much... I am enjoying myself too." You moan quietly. Her other hand keeps traveling up your inner thigh but she stops for a second. "Can I ask you something? Just be completely honest with me..."
“Yes?” You say out of breath. "Does me doing this make you feel nice? Does it make you feel good? Do you like when I caress you?" You nod, closing your eyes. She smiles. "Good... Because I enjoy it too. I love touching you and I love the way your body responds to me." She keeps moving her fingers and she starts getting more and more into it. She inserts one inside you and starts pumping it in and out with ease. You were so wet that she inserted a second one without trouble. She could hear your moans as she fingered you and stimulated your swollen clit. She keeps pumping her fingers furiously inside you and she starts making you reach your limit. The moment gets incredibly intense and almost overwhelming. “Ellie... I'm almost there…” She keeps going as she hears your moans. You feel your orgasm wash over you, leaving you light headed. She keeps going a bit longer to tease you before she pulls away. "Just let it all out... I'm loving this." You smile with your eyes still closed as you cum and feel your body shaking from the pleasure. She keeps fingerfucking you as you smile with your eyes closed. When she sees you are at your limit she slows down smiling as she sees you cum on her fingers. She comes up and kisses you. 
Her hands begin to travel all over your body as she is getting more aggressive with her touches. She flips you around and she keeps you pinned down. “What are you doing?” You ask and she laughs. "I'm just taking advantage of you.. Just doing what I want to do." She kisses your neck before she starts to kiss your face. She starts to caress you all over your body as she is getting more and more aggressive. Her hands start to feel more intense as she starts touching your ass and spanks it a few times.
She gets up to get something. She comes back with a box. "Do you want to know what's inside this box?" You look at it. You don't recognize it. “No, what is it?” She smiles as she sits on the edge of the bed. "Okay... I was hoping that you were going to say that. I've been saving this for a special occasion and I think it might be time that I finally reveal it... It's something special and it's meant specifically for you." She smiles as she asks you, " Get down on your knees for me, then close your eyes and hold your hands out." You do as she says. She smiles as you keep your hands out with your eyes closed. She places something into your hands. "Okay, now open your eyes." In your hands you see a necklace with a charm on it. It is a small heart-shaped charm that glitters in the light.
You look at it. “Is this for me?” Your eyes sparkle in excitement. "Yes it is. The charm itself actually represents something but I think you can use your imagination and figure that one out. It's just something that I've always thought you would look nice in and I wanted to give it to you, so please, keep it and wear it with pride." She puts it on you and it fits perfectly around your neck as she locks it. She smiles and she touches your neck to see how it looks on you. It is like she claimed you as her own and that's what makes the gift that much more special and meaningful. The necklace is a symbol of ownership, and it shows that you belong to her now.
You look at her as she locks it and saves the key. "Now you belong to me and that's just the way I like it... And I have the only key to remove the charm so that way I'm the only one able to take it off. The necklace represents your loyalty and dedication to me. It's a symbol of our bond and it shows that I have full authority over you and your body." You blush a bit as you feel it around your neck. She laughs lightly. "Oh, I see that you're blushing now. You're so weak when I act possessive or claim territory over you. Am I making you feel shy?" You look down as you blush more from her comment. "Aw, are you getting too embarrassed? I'm just saying what we are both thinking. I've claimed ownership over you... Are you embarrassed by that? Do you not like that? I think it's cute... Is that blush actually for me?"
“Oh shut up…” You say playfully. She smiles as she is being playfully told to shut up. "Oh come on, you don't have to be embarrassed... You look adorable when you're like that and I can't take my eyes off of you... So don't tell me to shut up because this is only getting more entertaining for me watching you being all shy and embarrassed.” You touch the necklace around your neck once again. She sees your hands touching her necklace and she smiles. "I can tell that you like it. You're enjoying the fact that you are my property... And you're enjoying knowing that I can do whatever I want to you and your body."
She tells you to bend over the bed and she asks you to make yourself more vulnerable to her. You hesitate for a second. She looks at your hesitant expression. "Are you really feeling timid? I thought that you loved when I was assertive and dominant over you? I thought that you loved it when I was in control of you and you were vulnerable?" You gulp and bend over the bed. She smiles as you bend over. "There, you should enjoy being in this position... It'll make it easier for me to do whatever I want to you now..."
She goes to get something else and she tells you not to move as she leaves the room. You try to stay as still as possible but you start to feel increasingly more nervous and anxious as you wait for her to return. She comes back with a towel along with a jar of coconut oil. She walks over to you and she places the towel on the bed next to you. She then proceeds to squeeze a generous amount of oil onto your back and she begins to massage you vigorously with the oil.
“That was not what i was expecting.” Her hands are warm and soothing, and the combination of the oil and the massaging that she is doing is making you feel incredibly relaxed. You cannot deny how much her hands feel so good and how much your body is reacting to the touch of her fingers. Her hands continue to massage your body with the oil and as it warms up to your body temperature it becomes more relaxing. You start to feel completely at ease and relaxed. She is definitely putting you into the mood for something more intimate. It feels like her hands are everywhere and is the only thing you can feel. She continues to massage you with the oil and she starts to whisper in your ear, "Let yourself go and relax... I want you to forget the outside world and for me to be the only one that exists." You sigh out your last remaining bit of nerves. She whispers, "Shh... Let me take away your stress... Just relax and let me have my way with your body... I want to make you feel everything and want you to let me go as far as I want to with you.. Just let me take control..."
She unbuttons her shirt and she lays down on top of you with her chest touching your back. Her breath is warm and shallow as she starts to whisper in your ear, "Let me feel your body more… Let me explore your whole body with my hands... I'm going to touch you everywhere and there is nothing that you can do about it.. So just let me enjoy your body and let the oil and my hands do their work."
She ties both of your hands together and she pulls you over to take more control over your body. She then continues to massage you with more confidence and control over your body. She whispers, "Be a good girl and let me do whatever I want with you..." You get goosebumps as you hear her near your ear. Her warm breath on your neck and behind your ear makes you shiver and your body begins to get filled with goosebumps. It's an incredibly intimate and sensual experience. Her hands continue to touch your body with every stroke and every caress making you shiver. You feel the warmth of her breath on your neck and her fingers begin to explore your body more intently.
Her hands reach her belt and she unbuckles it. She slowly and carefully unbuckles it and it sounds like she is taking her time so she can enjoy taking away your freedom. She pulls your ankles and she wraps her belt around them tightly so that she can tie them together. She is taking full advantage of her dominance over your body and showing you that she has complete control over you from head to toe. You start to feel nervous from being unable to move. She can sense that you are feeling anxious and she whispers into your ear, "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you... Just keep taking deep breaths and let me take control over your body. Let me touch you in ways you have never experienced before... Just sit back and enjoy the ride." You close your eyes and try to relax but your body is shaking slightly as you let her take control over you and as she continues to explore your entire body with her hands. Your body cannot relax because of how intense and intimate her touch is. She suddenly gets up and she says, "I'll be right back... Just stay there and relax and don't move."
She comes back with a black box. "Okay, I have something for you that I think you will like... I want to try something that will make this experience even more enjoyable. Do you trust me?" You nod. "Okay... Now, I'm going to blindfold you. I know that this may seem like I'm being overly aggressive but I promise that it's only going to add to this experience... Do you still trust me?"
“I trust you.” She nods and she pulls a blindfold out of the black box. She wraps the blindfold around your eyes. "Now, I want you to keep your eyes closed and trust that I know what I'm doing." She smiles as she admires your body. "Just keep your body relaxed and let me make the decisions. I'm going to be putting the black box over here and if you need to get my attention for anything, I'll be right here." She gets up from off of you and she walks away from the bed. She turns off the light as she leaves, and you are now lying there with a blindfold on your hands tied behind your back with coconut oil still all over your body.
You're waiting for her and you feel more and more unsure about what she is going to do to you but at the same time there is something about the tension and the suspense that is filling you with excitement. You begin to feel more and more nervous and your heart is racing faster and faster with every passing second. You can hear her moving around and you're hearing the sounds of objects being moved but you cannot tell what she is doing. You can feel the tension and the suspense building up as each second passes by. You hear her steps coming back towards the bed and when she walks in she is no longer wearing her shirt, only her bra. She is also wearing her strap, but there's one difference. This one is a lot bigger than the one she normally uses on you. You still have the blindfold on your eyes and you can only see darkness but you can hear her approaching the bed and getting closer and closer.
You can hear her whispering something but you cannot make out what she is saying. It sounds like she is saying something about you and maybe how much she likes having this control over you. Your sense of touch becomes more heightened as she continues to touch you and you feel her fingers start to explore your body. Her hands start to touch your ass and she is taking her time with it. She caresses and grabs it, digging into the fat. Her touch feels hot and intense as she rubs your skin and she can feel the warmth coming from your body. She starts to massage the red marks on your skin from the spanking earlier and she can sense that they are still tender and sensitive. She laughs softly and you can hear her as she is teasing your pain. She rubs along the spanking marks more aggressively with her fingers and she is getting a reaction out of you. You try not to make any sound. She continues to push your buttons and she is getting into a rhythm of rubbing the spanking marks on your ass. She is enjoying making you feel this much pain and she is wanting to hear you hiss or make any sounds. She likes hearing the small sounds of pain and she finds it so cute that you are making them. She pushes your limits more and more, rubbing harder and more aggressively along the spanking marks. She's enjoying watching you squirm and she leans in close to your ear and she whispers, "I like seeing that you can't get away from this pain. I love to mark you…”
“It's sore, please stop…” She giggles as she hears you say it is sore and she whispers, "No, I like it better like this. I'll keep going until you beg me to stop. So do you want me to stop?"
“Please…”  She laughs. "I cannot believe you actually said the magic word... So if you really want me to stop then all you need to do is beg. Beg me to stop and I'll stop."
“Please stop… I'm begging you.” She smiles and finally stops rubbing your ass. She lifts her hands off your body entirely and she whispers, "Good girl, I'm glad you decided to play by the rules. You are such a submissive little thing and I love how obedient you are towards me."
“What are you going to do?” She smiles at you as she lets you feel her strap as she rubs it on your ass and she whispers, "Just lay there and don't move and let me make all the decisions. I have something new that I think you'll really enjoy... Just keep your eyes closed and stay relaxed." She pulls a pillow and she places it under your belly so that your ass is raised slightly. She whispers in your ear. "I have something really special for you but you need to wait patiently before you can experience it."
She straightens herself back up and continues to watch you as she chuckles to herself. She is in no rush to give you what she is wanting to give you and she is enjoying seeing you waiting in suspense. “Why are you teasing me?...” She smiles at your question. "I'm only teasing you because I know that you want it, don't you? You want to know what I'm going to do to you but you have to wait a little longer... I like seeing you get all worked up and frustrated." You let out a sigh of frustration, not being able to move or see. She whispers, "That's right... Just keep letting that frustration out... You are not going to get what you want until I'm ready for you to get it... Just keep waiting patiently and enjoy the suspense."
“Come on....” You plead. She smiles at your lack of patience.  "You are so impatient. Why don't you just lay back and relax... Let me take my time with this. I know how much this suspense is getting to you, but I want to make this last as long as possible... Just enjoy this moment of frustration." The more she sees that you're getting more and more frustrated, the more her smile grows and her tone of voice gets more sadistic and dominant. “Come on... just do it already.” She leans back and she continues to watch you with a devilish smile. "You're so impatient... And I love that about you. It turns me on so much to see how much you hate waiting for this... Maybe I'll wait even longer... Maybe I'm going to make you beg harder." You try to free your hands but they still can't wriggle free of the ties and you still cannot move much with your body tied down as it is. You feel yourself getting even more worked up and frustrated as she continues to watch you with a sadistic grin on her face. “Please…” She laughs and smiles, then whispers in your ear, "I love seeing you like this. You're so cute when you're begging... I'll wait just a little bit longer and then I'll give it to you, okay?"
Your sigh of frustration continues to turn her on and she watches you waiting with a sadistic grin on her face. She gets behind you as she lubes her strap and she whispers gently, "How badly do you want this? What am I making you wait for? Can you guess?" She can't help but laugh when she sees you struggling to make out what she's saying because she still has you blindfolded. She's enjoying this a lot more than she thought she would. "Keep struggling to guess so that we can play this game a little bit longer..."
“Give me a hint at least…” She whispers, "Okay, I'll give you a hint. It's something that I'm wearing." You blush as soon as you realize what she is talking about. She laughs a bit at your reaction. “Do you know what it is now? Or do you need to feel it to figure it out?” You blush even harder and your body tenses up from her voice. She places her hands on your ass and she spreads your cheeks open. She smirks as she sees how wet you were already from all the teasing. Without saying one word she holds one of your ass cheeks as the other holds the base of the strap. She pushes it inside you, all in one go, making you whimper at the sudden intrusion.
“Fuck… That hurt!” You say as she stays still with her strap fully inside of your cunt.  “Just shut up, take what I give you and be grateful.” She says in a stern and strict voice. “Be a good girl and let me fuck you, yeah?” She asked, but it sounded more like an order. She starts holding your hips so she can fuck into you better. You start moaning at the size of it and how she is stretching you. After a few seconds it didn't hurt as much anymore and she really started to go at it, fucking you relentlessly. You can feel her fingers grip the fat of your hips as she thrusts into you, making a knot form in your stomach. She now holds your tied wrists behind your back for some stability with one of her hands while the other stays where it was. 
“Fuck… Your pussy is so tight…” Ellie swears she can feel your walls clench around her cock. “You’re taking my cock so well… Like a good girl…” She fastens her pace as the base of the strap bumps into her clit. She fucks you as she chaces her own high, not caring if you are cumming or not. She just wants to cum herself. You can feel your orgasm approaching as she pushes your face into the mattress with each thrust. “Ellie, I'm cumming…” She slaps your ass and keeps going. She goes faster and harder, as she feels that she is almost there herself. “Shut up slut!” She slaps your ass one more time and uses that hand to cover your mouth as she fucks you without mercy. Ellie feels herself cumming as she fucks into you making you very overestimulated. You can hear her moans as she changes her pace to meet her needs and bump into her swollen clit just right. After cumming she stops and lays on top of you for a few seconds catching her breath. As she gets up she removes herself from inside you and then unties you. She lays you on the bed now free and kisses you deeply. “You were such a good girl… I'm so proud of you.” She lays beside you and holds you in her arms cuddling you after that intense experience. She loves you, she loves that you are hers now. She's not going to let you go ever. You are the most important thing in the world to her.
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Author's notes: Hi! Sorry for this being such a long fic, but personaly i love to read longer ones myself. I hope you liked it, I really liked writing it! I need ellie to do these things to me urgently. Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged!
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Abby Anderson
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(X) = Smut
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it’s all a game to me anyway @@xo-cori (X) Summary: it's a hot summer day and Ellie makes a quick stop at the loneliest of gas stations. When you think you'll melt under the heat, Ellie proves herself as a different alternative. Warnings: None Special Tag: Hocky
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New Gods @sweetercalypso (X) Summary: The first time Abby meets seraphite!reader, she shows her mercy. The second time they meet, reader repays her kindness Warnings: None Special Tag: Public Sex
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46-58 @ourautumn86 (X) Summary: Abby loses her match, and when her frustration takes the best of her, she takes it out on you. Warnings: Rough Sex Specials Tags: Sports AU
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Red Eye @pawnshopbleus (X) Summary: After a horrible encounter with a passenger, Abby helps you feel better. Warnings: Homophobia Specials Tags: Personal Trainer Au
The perfect fit @atomicami (X) Summary: It’s the start of your new job working for Armani as a fashion designer, and your first assignment is to design and create a suit for an upcoming runway event. despite the fact that you can’t stand your chosen model, you also can’t help but find her very attractive too. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Fashion Au
Burning Desire @prettyinsophie (X) Summary: With Abby away at some party and your body aching and asking for release, you can’t help but touch yourself while pretending it’s your roommate. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Roommate Au
Drunken Night @absdoll (X) Summary: Abby bouncing around a party, drunk off god knows how many vodka seltzers. She can’t help but notice how good you look dancing by yourself to the loud music. Warnings: None Specials Tags: College Au
comfort crowd @atomicami (X) Summary: you’ve been dating your boyfriend for 2 years now, until all of a sudden he starts to act differently around you. one night, you come over to his place to see him, only to discover that he’s out cheating on you with another girl. as a result, you receive comfort from the person you’d least expect—his mother. Warnings: Cheating Specials Tags: Milf Abby
Post workout pump @rottenblur (X) Summary: Your gym rat Tinder date isn’t one to not kiss on the first date, a coffee date is much more interesting with her. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Public Sex
Midnight Girls @vintagebbysworld (X) Summary: You meet Abby on the dance floor where you both completely devour each other, knowing you could never leave one another again. Warnings: Sexual Tension Specials Tags: None
vengeance @atomicami (X) Summary: You’re tired of dealing with your boyfriend’s awful habits. when he ends up crossing the line with you one day, you decide to get back at him, and your not-so-innocent roommate has the perfect way to do it. Warnings: Cheating Special Tag: Video Sex
Little lamb @mizukiramman (X) Summary: You need to let go of your sins and repent, but only reverend mother Abigail can help you with that. Warnings: Religion Special Tag: Cult Au, Dark, Dirty
Tripping Over @nyctophiliq (X) Summary:  “a glass full of tension, tips over in time” Warnings: None Special Tag: Dom Reader
Meant to be yours @nyctophiliq (X) Summary:  “YOU CARVED OPEN MY HEART, CAN’T JUST LEAVE ME TO BLEED.” Warnings: Toxic Relationship Special Tag: Jock Au, Dark
Watcher @consciousblogworld (X) Summary: You wanted to wait for her to get off patrol. Warnings: None Special Tag: Voyeurism
Hers @dungeonpuppykai (X) Summary: After trying to fight it for as long as you could remember, it was in the moment her life dangled between your fingers did you realize that Abby, your captor and perpetrator was also your savior. In her own ugly and twisted way. Warnings: Dub Con, Stockholm Syndrome Special Tag: Dark
So Pretty @hybridirl (X) Summary: your dad’s co-worker is sooo cute! you hadn’t seen her in so long! tonight, a dinner is happening with his team! you just have to hurry up and get dressed, because she just caught you nakeyyyy. Warnings: Cheating Special Tag: Age Gap
Baby I'm Yours @sweetcyberangel (X) Summary: When your friends leave you stranded at a club you find yourself in the helpful hands of the club's bouncer, who - by the way - is super hot and definitely your type Warnings: Drinking Special Tag: Muitly Part
Voyer @k3n-dyll (X) Summary: You catch Abby masturbation and decide to watch. Warnings: None Special Tag: Voyerism, Dom Reader
YOUR WOMAN @r3starttt (X) Summary: Abby is beyond exhausted and your needy. Warnings: None Special Tag: None
Baby, I'm yours @sweetcyberangel Summary: When your friends leave you stranded at a club you find yourself in the helpful hands of the club's bouncer, who - by the way - is super hot and definitely your type Warnings: None Special Tag: Mulity Chapter
Outback @catfernn (X) Summary: the night shift at a remote petrol station sounded like easy double pay. but nights get lonely. you've gotta find something to keep yourself entertained. Warnings: None Special Tag: Trucker Au
The Wolf and the Prophet @burnednotburied Summary: Abby goes looking for Owen and ends up on the wrong end of your knife. Warnings: Cult-like Ideas, Blood, Injury Special Tag: Slow Burn, Muilty Chapter
I hope your daddy doesn’t own a gun @tookthe-405 (X) Summary: Your dads friend enjoy spending time with you. Warnings: None Special Tag: Milf Abby Abby Anderson
Million Dollar Baby @stars-for-circe Summary: Abby takes you shopping. Warnings: None Special Tag: Sugar Mommy Abby Anderson
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musellie · 2 years
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hi everyone on tumblr welcome to my account let me introduce you to my ocs. First one is ellie, she’s a silly little demon fox who is currently working as the bodyguard to the god of light, Psylla. ellie is not very bright, but she’s super sweet and very kind and very hyper !! she loves everyone and would sacrifice anything for a friend :)
Second one is Psylla! Psylla is the god of light, and also a sentient cockatoo! she grants light to the planet and also helps give ellie her special powers! Psylla is quite a Tsundere type, incredibly intelligent and wise, a heavy drinker but still a sweet person, and she’d do anything to make her friend (and pseudo roommate ellie) happy.
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ellie was a fox born in hell. she grew up as a succubi, and later was caught vandelizing psylla’s property on a wild night out with friends. psylla caught her asleep in her bed and took pity on the young fox. Psylla gave her the job of Bodygaurd, granting ellie her little cheek flap wings, and welll as giving her special light powers and powers relating to flight, as well has her trademark yellow color
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Psylla loves ellie dearly, and has started to allow ellie to do things like sleep in her bed with her and snuggle up to her on cold nights, but ellie is oblivious to psylla and her advances.
Psylla is Asexual
Ellie is Pansexual
and das about all the lore you’ll need! feel free to ask any questions about em and i’ll answer to the best of my ability
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TVW - November 2018
CECIL KING - OPEN Age: 44 Portrayal: Robert Downey Jr.  Alliance/Occupation: Moralist/Inventor  Relationships: Helen King (sister-in-law), Maria King (niece), Charles Calvert (annoyance), Irene Cooper (bodyguard), Sarah Wilson (interest), Adam Ellis (best friend)
the nicest asshole you will ever meet
hUGE EGO!!!!
“The Greatest Inventor of Our Time” ~ Cecil King
Inventor of the steam engine and gas lighting 
he will gladly tell you all of the ways that he is better than you in alphabetical order
acts like he only looks out for himself but ... that’s just not true
is currently allowing for his niece, maria king, to temporarily stay with him since she was living on her own in an unsafe part of town
has told her many times that this is only temporary and that he wants her gone as soon as she finds more suitable lodgings 
truth be told he is getting used to having her around
may or may not be starting to act like a Dad towards her
is currently working on something that will help identify those with abilities 
while this is supposed to eventually help howard calvert and those like him to track down and murder sorcerers, he means to use it to find and protect them!!! 
afraid that someone will stumble across his work and find out what he’s really trying to do
also afraid that his work will get into the wrongs hands!
he’s recently hired irene cooper as his bodygaurd
didn’t realize she was a woman until she arrived in his service???
did nOT believe she was qualified at first but now he’s a little scared of her tbh 
they fight a lot b/c cecil doesn’t know how to have someone else in charge 
HELEN KING - OPEN Age: 43 Portrayal: Kate Beckinsale  Alliance/Occupation: Neutral/Governess  Relationships: Cecil King (brother-in-law) Maria King (daughter), Clarence Calvert (target), Rose Calvert (pupil), Edward Lowry (interest), + 1
passive aggressive af
has had two husbands die on her and honestly is looking out for husband #3
husband #1 she married super young for his $$$$$ but he gambled it all away on a bad investment and then killed himself once he left them with nothing
husband #2 was more recent and super old but he died b/f he could write helen into his will and everything went to his kids
and now helen has found herself … looking! for! employment!
helen: gross
has recently secured a job working for clarence calvert looking after his daughter, rose
she’s supposed to help her be more ladylike
isn’t going as well as she hoped tbh, rose is pretty set in her ways at this point
is still pretty determined that she’ll turn her around!!! and, in so doing, earn clarence’s respect, gratitude and his hand in marriage
hopes to be mrs. calvert in less than a year’s time 
maria is her daughter from her first marriage
cares about her and wants her to do well in life ... 
but nOT better in life than she is doing!!!!! 
has definitely sabotaged at least 1 potential marriage that maria had b/c it would elevate her own daughter above her in rank
MARIA KING - OPEN Age: 23 Portrayal: Nina Dobrev Alliance/Occupation: Neutral/Actress  Relationships: Cecil King (uncle) Helen King (mother), Charles Calvert (annoyance), William Seymour, Lucy Allen, Mary Moreland (best friends), Henry Craven (target), Oscar Allen (interest) 
detERMINDed NOT to end up like her mom
means to marry rich and marry well (and not to some old guy that will just die on her) 
has always been super competitive towards her mom 
they are the qUEEns of saying passive aggressive shit to each other
currently working as an actress and has had a lot of success but she knows that one day her beauty will fade (and then so will her career)
plus she has exTREMELY expensive taste that her job does not provide for
had been living in a rather shady part of town when her uncle insisted that she temporarily move in with him until she found something more suitable
maria has no intention of leaving anytime soon b/c her uncle’s place is super comfortable
still looking out for a man of her own 
charles calvert has made it v clear that he would marry her in a heartbeat, but maria has no intention of marrying a second son 
looking towards henry calvert as a potential husband as he’s one of the richest men around 
a little hesitant b/c he likes to spend it so quickly but she is also up for the challenge of managing his affairs once they are married 
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thevalerianwars · 6 years
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CECIL KING - OPEN Age: 44 Portrayal: Robert Downey Jr. Alliance/Occupation: Moralist/Inventor Relationships: Helen King (sister-in-law), Maria King (niece), Charles Calvert (annoyance), Irene Cooper (bodyguard), Sarah Wilson (interest), Adam Ellis (best friend), Howard Calvert (employer), Arthur Allen (best friend), Oliver Wright, George Martin (childhood best friends) 
the nicest asshole you will ever meet
hUGE EGO!!!!
“The Greatest Inventor of Our Time” ~ Cecil King
Inventor of the steam engine and gas lighting
he will gladly tell you all of the ways that he is better than you in alphabetical order
acts like he only looks out for himself but … that’s just not true
is currently allowing for his niece, maria king, to temporarily stay with him since she was living on her own in an unsafe part of town
has told her many times that this is only temporary and that he wants her gone as soon as she finds more suitable lodgings
truth be told he is getting used to having her around
may or may not be starting to act like a Dad towards her
is currently working on something that will help identify those with abilities
while this is supposed to eventually help howard calvert and those like him to track down and murder sorcerers, he means to use it to find and protect them!!!
afraid that someone will stumble across his work and find out what he’s really trying to do
also afraid that his work will get into the wrongs hands!
he’s recently hired irene cooper as his bodygaurd
didn’t realize she was a woman until she arrived in his service???
did nOT believe she was qualified at first but now he’s a little scared of her tbh
they fight a lot b/c cecil doesn’t know how to have someone else in charge
wants to ask sarah wilson to marry him 1 day 
but doesn’t want to until he knows he isn’t in danger
has nO idea that she is secretly engaged to his best friend
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ellies-little-thing · 5 months
Who is ready for Ellie to be your bodygaurd? 👉👈
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October 2023 Recap
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Hannibal Tess Servopoulos Predator
Ellie Williams
Where We Meet @s-4pphics Summary: Monsters form your past come back. Warnings: Angst, Death, Visions, Animal Death Specials Tags: Demon AU, Dark Smut: Yes
Tag! you’re it @bambiesfics Summary: You…need…to…run. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Predator, Pray, Dirty Smut: Yes
Fucking Milfs @bambiesfics Summary: Ellie likes Milfs and your the biggest milf in town. Warnings: Age Gap Specials Tags: Muilt Chapter Smut: Yes (?)
GOD, FORGIVE ME @baptismbaby Summary: Ellie likes to be mean to you. Warnings: Bullying, Pier Presser, Religion Specials Tags: Muilt Chapter Smut: Yes
Abby Anderson
Stains On Her Hoodie Sleeves @sapphicsentbycyberlife Summary: Abby didn't know her roommate was a camgirl. But once she finds out, it becomes something of an obsession. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Cam Girl AU, Dirty Smut: Yes
Secret @ownedbyfictionalwomen Summary: When you're stressed out of your mind and turning into a little bit of a brat, your girlfriend puts you back in your place... Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Smut: Yes
Surprise Visit @atomicami Summary: After your first encounter with Abby, she’s all that’s on your mind Warnings: None Specials Tags: Muilti Chapter Smut: Yes
46-58 @ourautumn86 Summary: Abby loses her match, and when her frustration takes the best of her, she takes it out on you. Warnings: Rough Sex Specials Tags: Sports AU Smut: Yes
Crystal champagne glasses @elsweetheart Summary: When reader, the millionaires daughter can’t help but misbehave — Abby the no nonsense bodyguard is hired to live in the mansion. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Bodygaurd AU, Dirty Smut: Yes
Din Djarin
Pearl Rosary @sweetercalypso Summary: Priest of Mandalore listens to your sins during confession Warnings: None Specials Tags: Priest AU Smut: Yes
Eddie Munson
Scent @hellfire--cult Summary: Priest of Mandalore listens to your sins during confession Warnings: Angst, Depression Specials Tags: Omeagverse. Smut: Yes
You get me closer to god @carolmunson Summary: A monster takes an interests in you. Warnings: Kidnaing, Dub Con Specials Tags: Vampire AU, Breeding Smut: Yes
Joel Miller
Truth or Dare @joelscruff Summary: harmless game of truth or dare ends with you tied up in a certain mysterious neighbor's garage. Warnings: Age gap Specials Tags: Bondage, Dirty Smut: Yes
Ft Tess Servopoulos
Mare Nostrum Mediterranean Grill @punkassfrance Summary: Your first job would have been stressful enough if you didn't have to deal with mind games from Joel and Tess. But god, you couldn't bring yourself to complain. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Poly, Voyeurism Smut: Yes
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ellies-little-thing · 5 months
next fic
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