#boom bam bop
foolsocracy · 8 months
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its because i thought if you knew, you wouldnt love me the same
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whatareuevensaying · 2 years
All my muses favorite foods/snacks
@tess-eract - 80% cocoa dark chocolate for tess, and marshmallows for pixxi.
@zimisbetterthanallofyou dib dark chocolate.
@elite-red blue slushies.
@tallesttenn anything sour.
@tazlene the blood of her enemies.
@taz-membrane the blood of tazlenes enemies. (Skittles for tak.)
@tallest-membrane doughnuts.
@irken-gaz sugary cereal or hot chips.
@empressmiyuki anything green apple flavored.
@unstabletak any kind of chocolate.
@thetakroom would have to be a whole other post-
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translaytonblr · 2 years
is suspiria (1977) laytonesque? y/n
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mistmarauder · 12 days
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Ratchet's daughter with opposite personality (Lithia) taking Synth-En
SFW, Platonic, Mention of injuries, Slight angst, Cybertronain reader
Lithia, like Ratchet feels guilty of not doing anymore for her team than being a medic. Angry on some occasions when the battering and denting’s were much more pronounced.
She is incredibly invested in the search for the Synth-En; especially with the recent Cons attacks.
Arcee limping a bit into the base.
Lithia looks at her.
She quickly goes to the two-wheeler and carefully guides her to the med berth.
“I’m fine kid.”--Arcee
Lithia was already looking over her wounds with a little flashlight.
“I’ll be the judge of that… Who’s the sorry Con who got the end of this? Starscream?”--Lithia
Lithia gets the tools ready.
Lithia pauses a bit before going back to work.
“I’m sorry…”--Lithia
“It not your fault, it’s no one’s fault but hers.”--Arcee
Arcee winces a bit when Lithia starts the patch work.
Lithia looks away a second before venting and getting back to work.
Normally she is much more levelheaded and chooses the facts over hope.
… but after overhearing how low their energon rations where at an all-time low, it shocks her a bit.
She was already rationing her rations even more than usual, even more than her father knew.
Maybe this new Synth-En really was the team’s only chance in getting an upper hand in the war. But there was no way she was going to makes the team become guinea pigs to this experiment.
Herself on the other hand, had no problem.
So, when Lithia saw the chance of trying the experimental energon, she didn’t think twice before injecting it into her arm.
Lithia groans and backs into the med slab leaning half of her frame on it.
Her digits digging on the helm feeling the helmache of a lifetime happening.
One servo clenches the side of the med slab catching Raf’s attention.
Lithia groans in response.
“Lithia are you okay? I can go get—”--Raf
“Don’t—don’t get him… huh?”--Lithia
Lithia now blinks her now green optics and stands upright.
Raf walks to the med slab holding one of her digits worriedly as he sees the green.
“Lithia? Lithia—Woah!”--Raf
Lithia playfully holds Raf and puts him back on the balcony.
“This… feels… Amazing!”--Lithia
She looks at all of her scans and notices the increase in all levels of her frame.
And it feels good.
Really good.
Ratchet comes back and notices the green in her optics.
Before he can put two and two together, Arcee’s signal goes off.
Lithia is off into that groundbrigde with her med kit.
Ratchet stays still for a couple seconds before realizing what just happened and scurries to the groundbrigde.
Lithia appears from above and lets out a fierce battle cry as she demolishes the Vechicons around her and Arcee.
She was taking them all out as if she spent her entire time taking out Con’s.
Once all of them are gone Ratchet comes through and checks on Arcee and Lithia.
Lithia pumps her servos up in the air in triumph.
“Beep? boop bop bep (Lithy? What was—)"--Bumblebee
Lithia picks Bee up and spins him around in excitement.
Bee whirls in confusion by the sudden action.
“That felt amazing! So—Oh Primus Arcee! Did you see that!?”--Lithia
Lithia races over helping Arcee up smiling and slightly jumpy.
“Yeah… Primus where did you learn that?”--Arcee
Lithia stands straighter in a bit of a cockier fashion.
“Learned from the best.”--Lithia
She winks at Bee.
Bee shyly rubs the back of his helm as the others come closer.
“…We are heading back to base right now.”--Ratchet
At the base…
“And then I went BAM! BOOM! PEDE IN THE TAILPIPE!”--Lithia
Lithia begins to mimic some of the actions in emphasis.
The kids watch in curiosity with the bots.
Ratchet has his servo crossed.
“You know what you did was foolish Lithia. You could have gotten killed and you put in an experimental—”--Ratchet
“Not entirely experimental now, is it? This thing can be the key to finishing the war! Dad this can be it!”--Lithia
Ratchet shakes his helm.
“You and I both know that it needed more testing Lithia. How could you—are you rolling your optics at me?”--Ratchet
Lithia does it again and beings to walk off.
“I’m not finished talking!”--Ratchet
Lithia stops for a second to take a glance at him.
“I am. Bee with me.”--Lithia
She grabs the back of his spoiler and beings to drag him with her to the training room.
Bumblebee just walks with her not really sure what to do.
Everyone looks stunned by what just happened.
“Did she just…”--Arcee
“Primus this is like Bumblebee all over again.”--Bulkhead
A few seconds later there is a crashing sound.
Arcee and Bulkhead go to check on what the noise was and find Bee in the hallway groaning with a rather hyperactive Lithia in the training room egging him to continue the fight.
She even goes to Bulkhead to fight.
Arcee tries to get everything in order.
“Hey, remember when I got back from Arachnid?”--Arcee
Lithia grows quiet.
“I got a bit too cocky and that’s why I got those extra dents.”--Arcee
Lithia looks down with her servos clenched to her sides.
Bulkhead puts a servo on her shoulder.
“Don’t be like me and get all cocky with those ideas, okay? The last thing we need is you getting hurt.”--Arcee
Lithia vents a bit and leaves to the opposite side of the hall.
Bee goes to follow her, but Arcee stops him.
“She needs some space. Let her be.”--Arcee
Bee whirrs worriedly but leaves with the others.
They don’t realize that she took a sharp turn into the weapons room.
Lithia had secretly stashed a bit of the Synth-En left in the canister she had injected into herself earlier.
She put the rest of it into her system.
She was going to need it for what she was about to do.
The young medic hides any evidence in her subspace as well as her new blasters and knives.
Lithia walks back into the room with so much confidence the kids don’t really believe it was their shy sweet friend.
“Wow… it almost like looking at another bot. Kind of like this new Lithia.”--Miko
Lithia smirks at Miko.
“You better believe it. How about a quick spar in that Apex Armor?”--Lithia
Miko looks like she is about to agree when Bulkhead moves in.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”--Bulkhead
Lithia puts her servos on her hips.
“You don’t get to decide for her Bulkhead. That’s Miko’s decision.”--Lithia
“As her guardian—”--Bulkhead
“aS hEr GuArDiAn—She doesn’t need you to answer for her.”--Lithia
Bulkhead looks a bit miffed by this.
“Lithia! What has gotten into you—”--Ratchet
Lithia scoffs.
“Lithia do this! Lithia do that! Tell me a sentence that doesn’t start with those words or imply them.”--Lithia
Ratchet’s optics widen.
Optimus decides to intervene.
“Lithia, I believe it is best if you let Ratchet take a look at your frame. I fear the effects of the Synth-En may have taken a toll on you psychic.”--Optimus
Lithia gives the older Prime a look.
“Yeah, no. This stuff gives me a better role on the team than being your ‘favorite naïve little medic.’ And what goes on in my mind in MY business.”--Lithia
“Though your prowess in battle was impressive, that does not mean that it is the best for the team—”--Optimus
“For the team?! Arcee would have been kidnapped or worse if I hadn’t interfered Optimus. Me having this is one of the best things this team has right now. And I don’t think you really know most of the time what is best for the team. Explain the—”--Lithia
“THAT’S ENOUGH!”--Ratchet
Lithia looks at him a bit surprised before glaring.
“Look at that you finally decided to talk. How nice.”—Lithia
“You have gone too far Lithia. Apologize.”--Ratchet
She sends him another glare taking a step forward.
Lithia glares at him quietly before shoulder shoving him and heading straight to her room.
“I take it back I want the old Lithia back.”--Miko
What the team didn’t know was that she managed to slip a tracking data pad into her sub space.
Her plan was coming together.
She waited until everyone was asleep when she finally got the signal of the one she was looking for.
Lithia carefully leaves her habsuite and places a data slug in the back of the monitor. The slug would hide any evidence of her travels until she came back. Once the coordinates were in, she leaped in.
No one woke up to the sound of the groundbrigde being used.
She walks into a dark and foggy forest where she spotted her enemy.
Lithia gaze hardens as she slips her blades catching the Cons attention.
“Hello Arachnid. Funny seeing you here.”--Lithia
Arachnid angrily looks at the bot who interrupted her previous plan.
“Well, isn’t it the little medic. Where’s your—”--Arachnid
Arachnid pulls back and looks at her bleeding servo.
“I hope you have all your arrangements settled Arachnid. You meet your end today.”--Lithia
Arachnid hisses.
Lithia dodges the lunge and proceeds to perform the high kick Cliffjumper once taught her.
 “AND FOR ARCEE!”--Lithia
Lithia defiantly gets cuts and dents, but Arachnid was getting the worse brunt of it having severely underestimated her opponent.
The clashes of green and purple bio lights were seen throughout the woods.
Lithia finally has Arachnid pinned and reading the final blow when something pierces her armor sending harsh electrical waves through her system.
Screaming, she falls down shriveling in pain as she sees a red paintjob and blue on before going to black.
Lithia wakes up feeling drained completely and dangling from someone’s shoulder.
She looks quickly at her levels and sees them back to the same levels before the synth-en.
Yep, she did not want to take that thing again.
She is gently put on the ground and groggily lifts her helm.
Her vision is a bit blurry but does recognize the figures as Breakdown and Knockout.
Lithia tries to move but Knockout stops her.
“Don’t move Autobot. It’ll make the patch work quicker.”--Knockout
“Patch work?”--Lithia
“Well, it is the least I can do for the ‘friendly fire’ and the extra dents on that finish of yours. Have you considered waxing it every now and then?”--Knockout
Lithia looks at him with half closed optics strangely looking for answers.
Breakdown kneels in front of her.
“Arachnid was going to ambush me tonight. And she would have if you hadn’t distracted her.”--Breakdown
Lithia blinks a bit suddenly remembering the fight.
“And when Knockout came, he tried to pierce Arachnid with the electro spear, but it kind of hit you instead.”--Breakdown
“And Arachnid?”--Lithia
Lithia looks over a bit seeing a strangely familiar frame on the ground.
Breakdown moves in front of her blocking her view.
“We took care of it kid. You don’t have to worry about her anymore.”--Breakdown
Knockout finishes his work.
“Not my finest but it’ll due until your team shows up. We’ll call this an even Autobot.”--Knockout
Knockout begins to walk to their groundbridge.
Breakdown slings the limp frame over his shoulder and gives her a friendly wave.
Both Cons look back curiously.
“Thank you.”--Lithia
They smile a bit before disappearing into the portal.
A few minutes later another groundbrigde opens not too far where she was.
She shakingly slides out her knives just in case.
To her relief a familiar blue and pink paint job and a yellow and black paint job came out.
Lithia retracts her knives and winces a bit at the transformation.
“Cee! Bee!”--Lithia
Bumblebee hears her and runs to her.
“BEEP! (LITHIA!)”--Bumblebee
Arcee follows behind.
Bee slides his arm around Lithia helping her stand.
She smiles weakly at the two of them.
“What were you thinking kid!”—Arcee
Lithia winces a bit at the loud sound.
“I kind of wasn’t… do you mind not screaming too loud? It feels like Bulkhead’s wrecking ball is pounding my helm.”--Lithia
Arcee looks at the wounds and dents and decides that the scolding would have to wait till later.
“Bulkhead. Groundbrigde now.”--Arcee
Lithia slowly opens her optics seeing Ratchet looking over the patch work.
“You were lucky to find her in time… but that doesn’t explain the patch work. In this state she wouldn’t have been able to—”--Ratchet
“That was Knockout and Breakdown.”--Lithia
Ratchet looks over at her gently taking his servo in hers.
She looks at him with so much regret and sadness.
“I-I’m so sorry—”--Lithia
“Shhhh… It was the Synth-En talking I know.”--Ratchet
She starts shaking as the tears start falling faster.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”--Lithia
Ratchet reaches over and gives a half hug trying not to aggravate any of the wounds.
She looks over at the team gives a small smile.
Lithia would tell them later, for now, she just wanted to bury her helm into her dad’s shoulder.
Safe and sound…
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what if instead of MCR announcing MCR5 normally they go on the show masked singer... like omg take off the masks bam bop boom My Chemical Romance
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shitpostingperidot · 6 months
anatomy of a Lessons in Chemistry episode
the most heartbreaking sequence you have ever seen in your life
Wham! Re Bop! Boom! Bam!
awwwww, I love autistic people
elizabeth this man deserves a pencil to the abdomen
good boy six-thirty!!!
the only things more complicated than chemistry jargon is racism and patriarchy amirite
wow i love Women in Plaid
it may be undeniably impressively crafted, but this food is still a 1950s culinary monstrosity
why will the world not let these beautiful people catch a break!!!!!
Executive Producer: Brie Larson
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scary-ivy · 7 months
You don't like Grease? Rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong? Shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom? Chang chang changitty chang sha-bop? Dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo? Boogedy boogedy boogedy boogedyShoo-be doo-wop she-bop? Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na yippity dip de doom? Rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong? Shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom? Chang chang changitty chang sha-bop? Dip da-dip da-dip doo-wop da doo-bee doo? Boogedy boogedy boogedy boogedy Shoo-be doo-wop she-bop? Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na yippity dip de doom? Wop ba-ba lu-mop and wop bam boom????
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
Next To Me Pt. 12 (Shuri x Black!Fem!Reader)
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Shuri x Black!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 9.3k
Content: a bit of profanity, Okoye likes to kick your ass in training, a few things change and evolve, but change can’t happen without vulnerability :(
Next To Me Masterlist
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
Babyboiboyega’s Masterlist of Masterlists
A/N: boom bam bop, that’s all I gotta say
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A loud thud reached your ears as your staff clattered to the padded floor for the umpteenth time in only an hour. A second thud sounded out as you followed, landing on your back and quickly rolling away from Okoye's staff. It had been on its way to positively smacking you in the chest only to smack into the ground mere inches away from your shoulder.
"Good! If you lose your weapon, focus on getting away from your opponent's."
While her words praised your actions, her efforts of trying to catch you slipping in some way never let up. In fact, they only seemed to increase. You almost considered telling her that you had only rolled on instinct and not as some cool-ass, dodging technique. Almost, being the key word, as you were sure that the confession would only result in her finding another, increasingly aggressive way to teach you.
A grunt left your mouth as you sprang to your feet once more, remembering to throw your weight into the roll the way Okoye had taught you to. Your vision spiraled momentarily before you righted yourself, but it stopped the second you were on your feet.
"You move like a sloth! I could've knocked you over just then-"
The staff was swung just inches away from your abdomen, forcing you to quickly step back the moment you had regained your balance. She didn't stop there, instead choosing to continue forcing you backward until your back hit the hall. Your staff lay discarded on the floor behind her, a mocking reminder that you were positively failing today's lesson (if the multiple sore and aching parts of your body didn't already remind you).
You didn't think that she'd willingly hit you with your back against the wall, but you weren't willing to find out. The second she positioned herself for the next swing, you took the chance to dart under her raised arms, pushing off of the wall to give you an extra boost. You didn't bother looking behind you as you dove for your staff, knowing that Okoye wasn't far behind with her own. It was only because of adrenaline and a strong desire to not get whacked that you were able to grab it and roll onto your back while holding it up, just in time to stop Okoye's.
The sound of the staff making contact echoed through the room, a loud and sharp 'thwack' ringing in your ears. You didn't exactly have time to appreciate the fact that it hadn't made contact with your skin; you were too busy using all of your limited strength to push back against Okoye's staff.
With shaky arms and gritted teeth, you tried your hardest to keep her at bay, but after training for the last two hours, your muscles practically screamed at you to relax. The only thing keeping you from letting them do so and hoping she wouldn't whack you in the face was your hard-headedness and strong will. After all, you had asked for this: for Okoye to not hold back when training you. And she had warned you of how challenging and taxing it would be, but she had also told you that it was nowhere near the intensity of the Dora Milaje's training. The knowledge only motivated you more to get through the training without complaining.
Complaining out loud, at least.
"You are pinned down and your weapon is the only thing between you and death- what do you do, Y/N?"
Cuss and hope my opponent doesn't kill me.
With every passing second, your staff grew closer to your face, and the closer it got, the more your arms threatened to give out. You gritted your teeth, holding your breath as you tried to push against her staff, but you were no match for Okoye's strength.
But then you saw it: a small flicker of disappointment that appeared in her eyes as she started to let up, a sigh escaping her mouth. It evoked something in you- something you could only liken to an almost dangerous and overly-confident sense of determination.
She agreed to train me during a time of conflict in her own country. The least I can do is get off of my back. Come on, Y/N.
Taking her lack of pressure for granted, you pushed against her staff with your own, forcing it away from your face. Praying that you remembered her instructions correctly, you let your limbs move in the way she had taught you, relying more on muscle memory than anything.
You lifted your hips off of the mat, your legs bending and securing themselves around one of her legs. Tensing your thighs to create a cage came next, and with a grunt, you twisted your hips in an attempt to knock her off balance.
But it was Okoye…and you had just learned the move a few hours prior to this moment.
Instead of losing her balance or anything close to it, she simply reciprocated your actions, twisting her hips just as you did. Only her actions actually had their desired effect, which was twisting your legs in such a weird and painful way that you had no choice but to flip over onto your stomach to avoid having them absolutely broken.
Something hard pressed into the center of your back, and you didn't need to see it to know that it was the edge of Okoye's staff; you had certainly felt it enough times to recognize the blunt feeling of it against your skin.
"You locked your legs correctly…but what did you do wrong?"
Heavy and labored breaths left your mouth as you lay on the mat. You worked on collecting the bits of pride you had lost while trying to think of an answer to her question.
You had done the move just fine earlier, but you hadn't been actively avoiding Okoye's strikes earlier. All of the words and instructions she had given you to successfully complete the maneuver had flown out the window as soon as she had started swinging. Instead of relying on the logical and effective movements she had taught you, you had quickly fallen back on your instinct; something she had spoken to you about.
"Uh…maybe I didn't twist right?" You tried to use your arms to lift yourself up only to be forced back down to the mat with a groan.
"No. Try again."
"Shit- I mean, shoot. What did I do- was it my hips?"
The pressure against your back disappeared, and then Okoye's face was appearing in front of yours only a second later. The disappointment had faded slightly, making way for a slightly scolding look that you'd rather her have than the former. It meant that she was just slightly annoyed at your inability to get the move, and not that she was regretting agreeing to train you.
"Your hips were fine, and so was your twisting maneuver. Your foot was placed randomly and not where it should have been. It left you open, giving your opponent the first chance to do what I just did."
Annoyance shot through you at her words- but not because she pointed out your error; because it was such a careless error to make in the first place. She had emphasized the importance of every foot, leg, and hip position when completing the move, and you had still forgotten it.
"My foot, got it. Let's go again. I'll get it this time."
Okoye could hear the chagrin at yourself lacing your words, yet she only stepped back and watched as you rose to your feet once more. Her eyes followed as you retrieved your staff, giving it a few experimental swings and trying not to grimace at the feeling of your sore limbs stretching.
She could acknowledge your determination, as it stayed true even in the face of the training's intensity and her own relentless instructions. She even granted you the benefit of the doubt; you had just started, after all.
But even then, despite your determination, she could see that you were reaching your limit for the time being. It was evident in the way you tried to subtly shake the heaviness out of your legs while settling into the defensive position she had taught you.
"We'll stop here for now." Her words held no room for argument as she walked to place her staff in its place. "Shuri and Eza should be on their way back from the reformatory, and we should be ready to meet them. And you should have enough time to freshen up."
You swallowed your words of protest at hearing the finality in her tone, instead choosing to focus on what her words meant with furrowed eyebrows. Letting your arms drop to your sides,
"Freshen up? You tryna say I stink?"
There was a joking lilt in your voice, even as you dipped your head to the collar of your shirt to see if her insinuation was true. You only smelled sweat and faint traces of the soap you had used earlier, most of its scent having disappeared during your morning training with Aneka; but the mere feeling of sweat sticking to your skin made a shower sound almost heavenly.
"I'm not 'trying to say' anything. I'm only pointing out that you have time to freshen up if you wish to. We don't know how long today may be, and you may not be able to retire to your room until later on. It is merely a suggestion."
Okoye raised her eyebrows and held her hands up in a placating manner, but you had already made up your mind to heed her suggestion. The sigh that left your mouth helped release the tension in your shoulders as you nodded, copying her actions and placing your staff beside hers. Your hand lingered on it momentarily as you debated taking it with you to your room just to take a shower, but then Okoye's words from earlier flitted through your mind.
When she had first placed the staff in your hands, she had made sure to look you square in your eyes while speaking slowly and clearly, emphasizing the importance of what she had been telling you.
"This is your weapon. It is used as an extension of yourself, therefore, you must keep it on your being at all times."
"…So I basically have to 'keep that thang on me' at all times?"
An unamused look had appeared on her face at your attempt at a joke, and the memory of it prompted you to tighten your grip around the staff.
Twisting one end of the staff caused it to shrink until it took the form of a baton. It was roughly the size of your forearm, making it easier to carry and easier to conceal. The staff was made out of vibranium, a rather easy conclusion to come to, and it seemed to weigh perfectly in your hands. Okoye had focused on making sure you could hold it after first handing it to you, and it had surprised you, the way it had melded so perfectly into your hand. Despite never holding a weapon like it before, or a weapon in general, it felt almost natural in your hand.
Of course, that had been before you tried to use it as an actual weapon; then it had seemed like the most unfamiliar concept you had ever applied to yourself. Even then, the knowledge that that sense of unfamiliarity would soon break way to comfortability with the help of Okoye made the metaphorical 'growing stages' worth it.
"Where exactly are we meeting when they get here?"
Admittedly, you were anticipating their arrival- simply because whatever information they had gathered from Nondri's uncle would determine your next steps.
"We agreed to meet in a conference room a few floors below us. Rather easy to find once you're done freshening up."
Your motions paused as you looked at Okoye, trying to discern whether her words were serious or slightly joking. The realization that she was completely serious made your eyebrows raise in disbelief.
"Okoye, I couldn't even find my way from The Hall of Doras back to the lab…and they're both on the same floor. You expect me to find my way to another floor and then make my way through this maze of a palace-"
She smacked her teeth, the familiar sound prompting your eyes to widen ever so slightly as you turned to her. Her eyes rolled slightly, and the informality of her actions almost made you laugh; especially after going through 2 hours of training with General Okoye.
"Ah, I think you are being dramatic. But even so, I'll have someone come and get you. I'll also give them a printed map of the palace to give to you."
Her sarcasm was so evident that it actually did make you laugh. Knowing that she most likely had more smart-ass quips under her sleeve, you turned, staff in hand, and walked towards the door of the weapon's room. But you couldn't leave without having the last word.
"This place is too big for a map. Need a damn GPS to get through these halls."
Instead of waiting to hear her response, you quickly opened and stepped through the door, letting it swing shut behind you. You kept an ear open to hear whether or not Okoye had followed, a grin on your face. Your steps took you down the winding hallway that lead to the weapon's room, and it was only after you reached a divided hallway did you realize your mistake.
You didn't know where the hell you were.
The two different paths seemed to look the exact same, down to the damn lights lining both sides of each hallway. The only difference had to be that one hallway had a mural while the other didn't. You couldn't remember walking past a mural on your way to the weapon's room, so with a sigh and a quick prayer for good luck, you turned down the opposite hallway. You didn't get far before a voice was calling out to you and making you pause.
"Wrong way."
The smile could be heard in her voice, but you didn't bother looking as you turned completely around, heading past her and down the right hallway with quick steps. Your steps grew hesitant the further you walked from the person who actually knew the layout of the palace until they stopped altogether. And before you could even pretend like you knew the right way, another set of steps was joining you.
The chuckle that slipped past Okoye's lips reached your ears as she stopped beside you before pointing ahead.
"The next left takes you to the elevator. Take it down to the 10th floor, and your room is two halls over…and you're welcome."
You repeated her directions in your mind as you quickly followed them, once again ignoring the sound of her laughter behind you.
The cloud of steam you stepped out of smelled like vanilla and cedarwood, a pairing that had quickly grown to be your favorite while staying in Wakanda. The soap, scrub, and body butter set had been waiting for you when Shuri had shown you the room for the first time, and you had been eager to use it- especially after waking up from a two-day sleep induced by poison.
It was perfectly subtle, and it didn't completely dissipate 10 minutes after using it which only added to the reasons why you loved it. The other reasons behind your fondness involved the association between the scent and how it had become one of the things Shuri enjoyed about you; something she had made known the very first time you had used it.
The memory pushed its way to the forefront of your mind, even as you tried your hardest to keep it at bay.
You shook your head as if the motion could dispel it from your thoughts while turning your attention to your clothes. The sage green utility suit and white crew neck tank suddenly looked oh-so-interesting in the face of memories that could potentially make your chest ache. Though the harder you tried keeping them back, the harder they tried to resurface- to the point where you considered reliving them just so that they could disappear for the rest of the day.
Letting them through the barrier you had built around the logical parts of your brain would mean feeling that same vulnerability and contentment that you had come to associate with Shuri; and doing that would only result in you missing the times with her when those two emotions ruled over your being.
Doing that would only result in you confronting the fact that you missed her. Or, rather, the Shuri that you thought you had known.
Your movements quickened as you rushed to put the rest of your clothes on, wanting nothing more than to meet with the others in the conference room so that you could think of something else.
Except Shuri would be there, and somehow, someway, your thoughts would always stray back to her.
An irritated huff left your mouth as you bent down to yank your sneakers on, willing yourself to just get out of the door. But no sooner than you had straightened, a knock was echoing through the room. You hoped your voice sounded normal as you called out to them.
You made sure to do a quick inventory as you walked to the door, looking over yourself to make sure you were decent and that you had everything you needed. Both hands quickly gathered your shoulder-length locs into a ponytail that you secured with a tie, and then you were opening the door.
You briefly wondered if this was the universe's retaliation for the memories you had refused to relive earlier. Or maybe in your efforts to not think about her, you had somehow put out energy that had only led her to you- whatever it was, Shuri's presence on the other side of the door had you looking quite dumbfounded.
Your expressions undoubtedly mirrored each other: eyes unblinking and waiting, lips slightly parted, and limbs tensed as the both of you waited for the other to say something. While the uncertainty still resided on her face, you could only watch in stunned silence as her eyes took on another look while taking their time raking down the length of your body.
The body butter you had generously applied still glistened, warming your brown skin and making it look moisturized. The arms of the utility suit were tied around your waist, leaving the white, crew-neck tank top visible, and leaving just a sliver of skin visible at the bottom of your abdomen.
Your locs were pulled back, allowing her a full view of your eyes that threatened to draw her in until she could feel nothing but the desire to kneel and ask for forgiveness; of the slope of your nose that was the epitome of perfect to her; of your lips that were in a small pout as you watched her take in every aspect of your being in silence.
Your scent may have been subtle to you and to anyone with regular senses, but it was magnified to Shuri's senses. She theorized that it was partly because of the Heart-Shaped Herb, and partly because she was always tuned in to any and everything that had to do with you. You looked and smelled good, and it didn't matter what had transpired between you two- that was a fact that Shuri couldn't deny. It threatened to overwhelm her in the best way as she continued to get lost in the emotions your presence brought, completely unaware that you were getting lost in your own.
Sometime between your last meeting and now, she had changed into clothing that screamed more of Queen Shuri than just Shuri. Her casual outfit consisting of a solid, dark grey shirt with mesh sleeves and matching grey track pants had been replaced with more of a formal look. What she wore now was a black suit that could be described as business-casual. The suit's top seemed to be made of two layered pieces that, when put together, emphasized the gentle curve of Shuri's waist. The pants were of the same black color, seeming to copy the layered pattern of the top while also flaring out toward the bottom of her legs.
Her accessories, even as simple as they were, still complimented the outfit and her skin. The gold of her royal necklace caught the lights of the hallway as she shifted, and you caught a glimpse of the gold rings that adorned her fidgeting fingers. The top of the suit allowed a portion of her skin to be visible, and your eyes roamed over her dipping collarbones without your permission, only to snap back up to meet her eyes…which were still unabashedly roaming over your figure.
You quickly spoke up in an attempt to keep her from hearing the way your heart increased.
"Uh, hey. How'd it go?"
"Well! It went well- or, as well as it could've gone. I was, uh, sent to come and get you for the meeting. I was also told to give this to you."
There was professionalism in both of your voices- a tone that sounded and felt so…forced when being used between the two of you. It admittedly lightened in the slightest as she handed a rolled-up piece of paper to you, only for you to unroll it and let out a quick laugh once realizing what it was.
On the paper was a crudely drawn layout of the palace, except it only depicted one pathway that you could recognize, and that was the one that you had taken when leaving the weapon's room and Okoye.
"Apparently, you've been having problems finding your way through the palace?"
"In my defense, I've only been here for a week and a half, and this place is huge."
You didn't have to look to know that she wore the tiniest smile as you rolled the paper back up, sticking it into one of the pockets. The teasing lilt of her voice was familiar, and it made your chest tighten with both the familiarity and the ache to hear it more.
With that ache came the memory of the words which made it hard to appreciate the lightheartedness in its entirety. You cleared your throat, raising your eyes once again to meet hers and hoping they didn't betray the real thoughts behind them.
"But, thank you. I'm sure it'll help…as long as I only go between the weapon's room and here."
The small attempt at a joke didn't go unnoticed by her, and as much was evident in the way her eyebrows raised slightly in what looked like surprise. The tiny and almost knowing quirk of her lips captured your attention, making your eyebrows furrow slightly in question.
She proceeded to reach into her pocket, pulling out a black box that roughly covered the span of your hand. She held it out to you, eyebrows raised slightly and in expectation.
You didn't immediately reach for it; instead, you looked between it and her, the questioning look on your face only deepening at her gesture.
"…What is it?"
Shuri let out a sigh, her head shaking slightly as she pushed it closer to you. There was a soft, teasing look in her eyes as she regarded you, her lips parting to speak to you.
"Stop being so skeptical. It's something that can help with your horrible sense of direction."
Instead of addressing her dig at you, you took the box from her with the smallest of scowls. Opening it with steady hands, you theorized about the different objects that could be in the box, from some type of new technology to something simple like…a small GPS, or something. You simply couldn't land on an object that Shuri would feel the need to give you at this point in time, but then again, maybe it wasn't a need; maybe it was just something that she wanted to give to you.
If that were the case, then you were sure your confusion would grow. The confusion came to a screeching halt, though, once you finally saw the contents of the box.
Nestled into the soft fabric was a bracelet that you quickly recognized as the same one Shuri, Okoye, and almost every single person you had interacted with wear. The only difference that you could see between the one in your hands and the one adorning Shuri's wrist was that the symbols gracing each bead of her bracelet were absent from yours. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that you may not have had as many symbols, but you still had a few.
You didn't know which symbols meant what, but that didn't stop the surprise and fondness from racing through your body at the sentiment that came from receiving the kimoyo bracelet.
It held some weight as you carefully lifted it out of the box, raising it closer to your face so that you could inspect it further. You had seen a few of the functions it could complete firsthand: projections/holograms, communication, and vitals, amongst many others. You knew that it could complete several other tasks, but holding your own set in your hands just made your wonder grow.
"You have access to Griot, who can direct you through the palace, and it allows you to communicate with any of us, should you need to."
The hesitation that crept into her voice is what pulled your attention back to her, your eyes raising as you slipped the bracelet onto your wrist. You could feel it immediately meld to the shape of your wrist, resting perfectly with no room to move, while still being comfortable. You found your voice after taking a breath.
"Thank you. I honestly thought you had to be Wakandan to get one of these." As you spoke, your hand deftly ran over the beads, getting used to the feeling of them.
"Well, you don't have to be, but they are given to each person here in Wakanda. You just have to know someone who's willing to program them for you."
The insinuation behind her words hit you immediately, and it prompted you to turn away in the slightest. Under the guise of setting the box on the table right inside your room, you allowed your face to twist slightly with confusion and exasperation. The lingering questions that still floated around your mind- that no longer centered on the kimoyo beads, battled each other to be spoken first.
"And I assume you were the one to program these?"
She paused, the air around her stilling. Her eyes flitted around for a few seconds, though they never seemed to leave you. Almost as if she were trying to gauge your reaction to what she had already said and what she had still yet to say.
"I did. I wanted to make it a little easier, your stay here. It hasn't been-"
Her jaw tightened while her shoulders pulled back, tensing slightly before dropping once more. Something passed over her face, showcasing just a bit of her internal conflict, before disappearing.
Her voice had lost its lightheartedness, becoming heavy with emotion she was hesitant to show but showed nonetheless.
"I don't think I've been making your stay easier. Not recently, at least. I wanted to try and fix that."
You blinked, your head tilting slightly as you processed her words. After replaying them a few times, you were finally able to label the emotion welling up in your chest. It spread until your face and neck prickled with it. It caused a sharp, yet quiet laugh to escape your lips as you gazed at her, your eyes narrowed slightly.
"What you said can't be fixed with kimoyo beads, Shuri."
"I know that, and I didn't mean it like that. I just…I needed something to get me here, in front of you. And now that I'm here, I want to apologize."
The corners of her lips were downturned while one of her hands twisted the rings on the other hand. She was quick to bite at her bottom lip, another indication of her nervousness that she didn't bother to hide.
The passion in her voice battled with the spite flooding your veins. There was a part of you that had still refused to accept the words Shuri had thrown at you, yet that part was slowly becoming overshadowed by the hurt that still radiated from her words.
"Nah, you don't gotta apologize. You said what you said, and you meant what you said- besides, we gotta get to the meeting. They're probably waiting."
You reached behind you, grabbing the door and closing it as you stepped around her. Her hand raised towards your own, though it quickly dropped as you continued past her. Her steps were near silent as she effortlessly caught up to you.
"I didn't mean any of it. I shouldn't have said any of it, either."
"Yeah, well, you did. And that shit hurt, Shuri."
You internally cursed the slight break that appeared in your voice, knowing that she had heard it from how she quickly looked at you. Her gaze was hot where it rested on the side of your face, prompting you to keep your own facing forward as you both continued to walk through the halls.
"I am…Bast, I am so sorry. You didn't deserve any of it- I was just frustrated about everything going on, and I…unfairly and cruelly took it out on you."
Instead of answering, you simply let out a breath; mostly because…well, what were you to say to that? That you forgave her? She hadn't just snapped at you; she had insinuated that you had nothing that could be of value to help the conflict that had affected you as well. She had pushed you away without an explanation as to why, despite your constant reassurances that you would be there for her. 
...But you had constantly reassured her that you would be there for her during the tough times..and that included when she was talking out the side of her neck out of frustration and misdirected anger. 
The fact that she was holding herself accountable struck a chord within you, and it was a factor that you considered as you thought of your response. It was only after the two of you stepped into an elevator, the doors closing behind you, did you find the appropriate words. 
Raising your arms and crossing them across your chest, you turned to her, barely registering the imperceptible pull of the elevator as it lowered. 
"You're right, you did. When I was only trying to help you."
While your words were quiet, they still held a hardness to them that didn't escape Shuri's notice. She tried not to let it show how hearing it in your voice, especially when directed at her, made her anxious. Not just because it was directed at her, but because it meant that she had done something to cause it in the first place. 
Shuri kept still, her eyes unrelenting and patient as they gazed at you, but you could still see the concern in them. She didn't make a single move to interrupt you, though; it was something you could appreciate, even as you once again struggled to find words as the doors opened. 
The conference room sat straight ahead of the elevator, yet when you two stepped out, neither of you made a move toward it. 
"You were right. I don't understand the first thing that comes with being the Queen of an entire country, but...Shuri, you spoke to me as if I did something wrong. It didn't seem like you were just frustrated, and I honestly just wanna know what I did or said that brought that out of you."
Where Shuri had been patient and silent as you spoke, she now quickly interjected, your eyes slightly wide and panicked. She shook her head quickly, taking a step towards you while speaking passionately. Her words were quick, making her accent thicker. 
"Absolutely nothing- you did nothing. This falls solely on me and my inability to..." her hands raised, motioning slightly as she worked on finding the words. It took a minute or two, but she finally let out a heavy sigh that made her shoulders drop in what looked like defeat. There was the slightest bit of hesitation in her voice as she spoke...as if she were holding something back.
"My inability to accept help when I need it."
Silence fell around the two of you as you regarded her, taking in her words to fully process them. It didn't take an expert profiler to hear the truth lacing her words, even when they hid behind the words she was so obviously hiding. 
Her eyes were more open and vulnerable than they had been at the moment of your argument, but they still held a level of hesitancy that made you shake your head, a small puff of air leaving your nose. It prompted her to continue quickly, knowing your exact process and wanting to stop it before it could gain traction.
"I'm truly sorry, Y/N. I want you…I need you to know that."
You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek as you came to the conclusion that you believed her. Hell, maybe you even forgave her. But there was still something stretching between the two of you, stopping you from resuming that close friendship...that close bond you two had. You couldn't fix it alone, she had to meet you halfway; but as of right now, it seemed as if she were still hesitant to do that for some, undisclosed reason. 
"I hear you...and I accept your apology. I just hope that one day, you're able to truly open up to the people who care about you, because we just want to help you, Shuri."
You may have said that you accepted her apology, but Shuri could hear in your voice and see in your eyes how her words were still affecting you, even if they weren't the words from earlier. Despite this realization, she found herself thanking Bast that you had still accepted her apology. She hadn't let herself think about the possibility of you not accepting it- she couldn't. If you hadn't, the guilt would have surely eaten her alive, and she would have spent forever trying to get back in your good graces.  
She was still willing to spend forever trying to get back in your good graces. She was aware of how difficult it would be, especially considering the fact that you were completely right: she wasn't completely opening up to you. There was an emotion that ran through her at the mere thought and mention of you, and she couldn't quite put that emotion into words. 
It had been easy for her to come to the conclusion that she loved you; the bond between you two had completely and unequivocally pulled her in until almost every thought of hers somehow found its way back to you. She had known there was something about you in the early days of you two knowing each other, and she had at first reasoned that it was because of how...normally you treated her. She had never felt like Queen Shuri in your presence- it was always just Shuri. A consistent study date and friend... whose presence made her see the joy in everything around her. 
Then you had been poisoned, and the panic and dread that had struck her at that moment had only cemented her love for you. 
It was a love that both frightened and strengthened her, and as she watched you walk into the conference room, your shoulders set back and head held high, ready to encounter the next step of your plan- by her side, nonetheless- she found that that love was more than enough to keep her going until she could finally express it to you.
It was a challenge trying to pay complete attention to the meeting, as your brain kept replaying every word that had been spoken between you and Shuri leading up to it. It was a challenge, but you had managed to get through it, even while feeling Shuri's eyes on your skin multiple times throughout the meeting. There had been a few times when your eyes connected, and each time, the small look of hope in her eyes had made something stir in your chest before you looked away.
Regardless of all of the distractions vying for your attention, you were still able to participate and gauge what the next step was from the information Nondri had and the information Eza and Shuri had acquired from the reformatory. 
The first step had been discussing what Nondri’s uncle had said about her…and it had been less than pleasant. According to the S.O.D advocate, Nondri was seen as nothing short of a disappointment in her family because of her refusal to support the cause. Not only did she refuse to support the group, but she had also openly discredited them, effectively alienating her from a good portion of her family. And yet, she continued to fight for their safety. 
Her uncle’s words had confirmed what you all had been thinking: that Nondri couldn’t have been working for S.O.D, and that she was truly a victim in this conflict. 
The young woman had been approached in person- cornered, really- and had been threatened, along with the lives of her family. She had been given your picture and had been told to find you at the festival with the intent to do something that would strike fear into not only you but Shuri as well. And that was exactly what she had done, but you all had been more focused on how she had gotten to that point.
It didn't take much questioning to learn that Nondri didn't know a single thing about the man who had approached and threatened her. The man had known enough about her family to effectively threaten them, and he had given her the date, location, and task that she was to complete. The last thing she could recall was him giving her a method of communication for when she had completed said task: a specific kimoyo bead on her bracelet that, when activated, would tell them where she was.
After learning that Nondri knew as little as you all did, the next step had been to come up with a plan that could potentially result in the capture of this mystery man. His capture and questioning could lead to the group who had instructed Nondri to approach you and who had started everything in the first place.
It was a rather quick process, coming up with the plan, and a very straightforward one too. After all, you had been the first one to bring it up earlier. 
Then you all had to make sure you had everything that was needed- or rather, ready everything they would need for the operation, as you would be staying in the palace, and for good reason.
The plan was, put quite simply, a sting operation.
A few hours was all it took for everything to be set in place, including the positions of Nondri, Shuri, Okoye, and the few Doras that had accompanied them.
You had been asked to stay at the palace by Okoye with the promise that you and Eza would have a first-hand view of everything happening through a lens device that Nondri would wear. You hadn't hesitated to agree, knowing that being out in the field during such an operation would only give them one more person to worry about. Sure, you had been training, with the best of the best at that, but you were in no position to accompany them on a 'mission' of sorts that could potentially end in an altercation. You'd offer your support from the safety of the conference room.
Besides, not having to worry about getting ambushed gave you more time to think about the moment that had taken place right before they had left.
"If we do this correctly, we could have one of the perpetrators detained tonight, with answers tomorrow."
Okoye's words made the rest of you glance around, the anticipation bouncing off of each of you and growing with every lap around the room. But along with that feeling of anticipation came a feeling of nervousness and extreme caution. It radiated mostly from Nondri, for obvious reasons, but you admittedly harbored a good bit of it as well.
The man you all were after could be dangerous, unhinged, even- yet, they were leaving with the intention of deceiving him long enough to capture him. You knew that the Dora Milaje could handle themselves, as well as Shuri; but a good bit of your nervousness was also directed towards Nondri and her safety.
Yes, she had approached and attacked you; but she had been put in a position where she had had to choose between her family's lives and a random stranger's sense of safety. You didn't have to think hard about what you would've done.
That exact thought was why you found yourself slowly making your way over to her while Shuri, Okoye, and Eza discussed the more technical aspects of the operation.
She had looked up in alarm as you sat across from her, her movements pausing and her eyes widening slightly as they landed on you. It had quickly crossed your mind that this was her first time seeing you since attacking you at the festival, and that lead to you understanding the apprehension in her gaze.
"I don't think we've met properly." Even after you had given your name to her, that look remained in her eyes; like she was just waiting for you to blow up on her. She certainly expected it, at least. Your next words, however, broke through that apprehension in just the slightest.
"Look, I know why you did what you did, and I honestly don't blame you. I'd do anything for the ones I love. We're gonna try to help you as much as we can…and when I say 'we', I really mean them because these crazy ass people are after me too."
You had attempted to lighten the atmosphere in just the slightest, and you considered it a win when a small, amused chuckle left the woman's mouth. Her eyes flickered between you and the other three women before she was speaking quietly.
"I never thought I would get this chance, but I would like to apologize-"
You had already started shaking your head at your words, one hand waving slightly.
"Nah, it's good. Like I said, I understand. Now, if you weren't being taken advantage of, we would've had some problems." One of your eyebrows had raised in a faux threatening manner, and you hoped that she saw it as a joke. She had if her small smile was anything to go by. That smile only disappeared as the two of you were approached by Shuri, Okoye, and Eza as they alerted Nondri that it was time.
You had only been able to offer a reassuring smile as you both stood, Nondri being escorted out by Okoye not too long afterward. She had given you one last look full of nerves and panic, and you had nodded in encouragement; that had been the last thing she saw before disappearing around the corner.
"Are you two becoming friends?"
Shuri's voice was curious as she approached you, but it still held that tell-tale sound of amusement and teasing to it. Even if it was slightly subdued due to the slightly murky tension between the two of you, you still heard it.
"Maybe. Just wanted to reassure her a little."
It surprised both of you to hear you return just a little bit of that teasing energy, though it had quickly dissipated after remembering what she was about to walk into. You swallowed hard, taking a split second to connect your gaze with hers.
"Be careful. We don't know anything about this guy or what he's willing to do to not be captured."
She had nodded in agreement, the corner of her mouth quirking up slightly as she backed towards the entrance of the room.
"As always. We'll come back." It had seemed like a simple statement, but you had taken it as a promise; one that you planned on holding her to. The look in her eye before she turned the corner seemed as if she were holding herself to that same promise.
You had tried to get comfortable after they left, sitting in one of the seats provided, but you had only ended up fidgeting and switching postures until you gave up completely, deciding to stand instead.
There was a faint sound coming from the video feed that had been connected to Nondri's lens and Shuri's panther helmet (something you regretted not seeing in person). Every so often, a voice would speak in the background, and a few times, you had even heard Shuri going over the plan with Nondri, but other than those few times, the conference room was silent.
You both hated and loved it. Hated it because it only resulted in your mind coming up with alternative endings to tonight- all of them ending in not-so-pleasant ways; loved it because it would make it easier to focus on what was happening on the other side of the screen.
You were on your 3rd alternative ending when Eza's voice broke the silence, admittedly making you jump slightly no matter how gentle her voice was.
"Do you have family that you miss back home?"
The question made you pause, your eyebrows furrowing slightly as you turned to look at her. The question was unexpected, but the emotions it sent through you weren't.
"Uh…not really."
Your short answer had the older woman's eyebrows raising in surprise and curiosity, but you didn't immediately elaborate. Instead, you took a second to think about how this topic could affect you after the conversation was over; and after telling yourself that you'd just use the operation as a distraction, you took a deep breath, and continued.
"I do have family back in America, but we're…estranged."
Another deep breath was needed as you leaned against the table, your arms crossing and acting almost like a defense mechanism from the words you were about to say. You had discussed this topic countless times, and while each time it grew a little easier, that didn't make it more enjoyable.
"To put it simply and quickly, my dad was in the military when I was younger, but he was killed in action. It really…messed with my mom, but she didn't turn to alcohol or anything. No, she turned to her work. She considered her work more of a child than me, her actual child."
A quick glance at Eza showed that her eyebrows were furrowed, and her eyes focused intently on you as you spoke. You briefly wondered if she was taking your words into consideration for a profile she was creating.
"She gave me the necessities: a roof over my head, clothing, food, but that…mother-daughter connection wasn't there. I guess she was grieving in her own way, throwing herself into her work, but it caused her to just…miss out on what makes a parent a trusted guardian, you know? I dealt with barely being addressed from 10 years old to 17, when I graduated and went off to college. Everything pretty much stayed the same; she sends me money every month, maybe sends a text here or there, but I haven't seen her since leaving home 4 years ago."
The room felt heavier after you finished speaking, and it only worsened when Eza refrained from replying immediately. You cleared your throat in an attempt to break the silence, willing something to happen to break it further, but you didn't have to wait too long.
“You don’t speak of her, do you?” 
Eza used the ‘therapist voice’: the gentle tone that therapists used when approaching a sensitive subject with their client; a tone that people always used when you mentioned your circumstances growing up.
“Not really. Only when I’m asked.” Your words were clipped and your smile was tight around the edges as you looked at her. You hoped she was aware that your aversion was directed at your childhood and not at her for asking about it…though you could’ve gone the night without speaking of it.
“I apologize. I only wanted to learn more about you, Y/N.”
“Oh, no, I completely get it. But I can tell you now that I’ll be more than willing to speak about anything else besides my mom.”
The sight of her eyes narrowing slightly and her lips curling knowingly should’ve been warning enough, but her next question still caught you off guard.
“Is that so? In that case, maybe we can talk about you and the Queen, and the obvious bond you two have.”
Had you been eating or drinking, you would have surely choked at the boldness of her question. Given that you were doing neither, you could only sputter out a few nervous words. Eza didn’t bother hiding her amusement at your reaction, her eyebrows raised as if she had just unlocked one of your deepest secrets. 
You prayed to anyone who listened for a distraction from this conversation, and you admittedly jumped eagerly as soon as one showed itself. 
Too caught up in trying to put together a coherent sentence, you hadn't realized that Nondri and Shuri's cameras showed that they were all in position. Once you did realize, you quickly moved closer to the screen, your eyes wide and ready to take in whatever was shown. Your mind quickly pushed the topic of your mother and Eza’s question out of your mind before focusing on the task at hand, right in time to hear a deep, unfamiliar voice come through the speakers.
"We thought that we'd have to take a visit to the Northern Border Tribe. Where have you been, Miss. Thizondu?"
"There's no need for that- I did as you asked. Now leave my family alone."
Anyone could hear the shakiness in Nondri's voice, but you had to give props to her; it was still strong and unrelenting as she angrily questioned the man. He didn't feel the same, as the light and mocking tone of his voice quickly changed to one that was harsh and threatening. It made your heartbreak quicken for her as you watched.
"You are in no position to make demands, Miss. Thizondu." He said her name with derisiveness, and as he approached Nondri, you could see that the scowl on his face matched.
Despite the darkness of the evening, the technology being used gave you a clear view of the man. He had a crude scar going down the right side of his face, twisting the already insensitive grin he gave her. He had no hair; instead, on his shaven head was a myriad of swirls and patterns that looked like abstract tattoos.
"What else do you want from me- what else do they want? I have done everything they have asked of me. Why won't you all leave me and my family alone-"
Her voice gradually lost its shakiness, increasing in volume and intensity as she spoke, only to break off into a yelp of fear as the man suddenly lunged forward. The video's angle spiraled with Nondri’s grunt of pain adding to the chaos, and then there was shouting. 
Shuri's camera had a perfect view as she and the accompanying Doras darted out from where they had been waiting, approaching the man right as he raised his hand to strike out at Nondri. Your eyes flickered almost painfully between the two camera feeds, trying to see every angle while also using them to reassure yourself that the sting was going according to plan so far. You could hear Shuri and Okoye's voices yelling at the man to kneel, which he did after realizing the forces he was up against.
As Shuri approached him, his eyes widened in realization and what eerily looked like glee. His grin grew, showing his teeth that looked almost abnormally white against his dark skin.
"Queen Shuri…it is an honor to be in your presence. I wish we could've met under better circumstances-"
Surprisingly, the man heeded Okoye's demand, his mouth closing. The grin stayed on his face while his eyes remained on Shuri, even when he was forced to his feet with cuffs around his wrists. The camera showed him being escorted to a separate aircraft from the one Shuri, Okoye, and Nondri had presumably arrived in. 
The deep breath that wracked your body made your shoulders drop as you watched him disappear into the aircraft. Shuri's voice, quick with adrenaline and gratification, reached your ears not long after. 
"We've got him. We'll be on our way back shortly."
The sudden need to communicate with them- with her- surprised you as you stepped closer to the screen. You were sure that it contained a feature that would let you communicate back, but you had no idea how to work it. Your hand reached towards the screen, ready to press anything to find the correct function only to stop mid-air as your eyes fell on your newly acquired kimoyo bracelet. 
"Uh, Griot?"
"Yes, Miss. Y/L/N?"
It was slightly weird hearing the AI's voice so close to you and while addressing you directly. Nonetheless, you quickly answered, grateful that you could just ask it to do something instead of going through trial and error trying to learn the functions of your bracelet. 
"Could you call Shuri?"
"Connecting you to the Queen."
The bracelet emitted a pleasant chirp while you waited, the chirps almost sounding in tandem with your pulse. It was still elevated from all of the action on the other side of the screen, and you were sure that it'd continue to be so until they all walked into the palace once more. 
The call was answered, and the sudden projection of Shuri's face that appeared made you jump slightly. 
"Y/N? Is everything alright?"
You nodded quickly at Shuri's question, hurrying to continue in order to alleviate some of the worry that had crept into her tone.
"Yeah, everything's okay. I was actually calling to ask you the same thing."
 The quality of the projection shouldn't have surprised you as much as it did, but you couldn't help but marvel at the details that you could still see, even through this method of high-tech communication. 
You could see everything from the small smile that curled her lips to the raised patterns on her Black Panther suit. What was even more surprising was the sudden but subtle desire to run a hand over said patterns of her suit.
"Yes, everything went fine! We're on our way back right now."
The relief in her voice transferred straight through the connection and to you, calming your pulse almost immediately. You internally cursed at how easily her voice and reassuring words affected you, your head shaking slightly. 
"Okay, well...be safe. And we'll see you when you get back."  
Her grin grew as she nodded in response, her voice softening enough to tighten your chest in a pleasant way.
"As always, Y/N."
Thula : shut up
A/N: I hope yall enjoyed this! Yes, Shuri apologized, but she’s still hiding her true feelings from you; but she knows that you two won’t be the same until she fully embraces that vulnerability and tells you what those true feelings are. She just gotta work up the courage, but until then, she’s still going to try her best to rebuild that connection.
She better hurry up though, because if not, Eza AND Okoye may get on her ass lmao
Every like, reblog, and comment is greatly appreciated and enjoyed <3
Y’all stay safe! 
Tag list:   @shinsousliya , @honey-teaaaaaaaa , @tchhairbandhere , @jessiap , @zane2408 , @bananasplits-world , @yellowjacketmurder , @barkbarkbo , @butterflyybabe , @bananafishok , @zestgodtj , @mitsuya-takashi , @chaoticevilbakugo , @cedeni-beanie , @shuri-my-love , @kingstormpostsshit , @sailorsolar12 , @justariellove , @angelsmist , @eriksjournal , @mermaidchansons , @nil-eena , @paisholotus , @thesecretwriterblog , @brain-of-nekoma , @7tearsofatlantic , @simp4iwaizumi , @bumlyn , @jackdrawsjunk , @http-twyla , @cedeni-beanie , @taleiakirby , @brain-of-nekoma , @borderlineacademia , @honey-teaaaaaaaa , @ventingfanfics , @awolfcsworld​ , @bumlyn​ , @adharaoaklyn , @gfskwan​ , @sailorsolar12​ , @mermaidchansons​ , @nil-eena​ , @thesecretwriterblog​ , @ghostlyboiii​  
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Can I request Mk x Female s/o who can best be descibed as 'soft bunny' the small, quiet, sweet and soft type. And by complete accident when visiting his gf he meets her father for the first time and, unlike his daughter, he is Terrifying, stoic and stone faced, build like sandy, and looks like he eats grizzly bears and metal bars for breakfast. Bonus for extra funnies, he doesn't even dislike Mk, he's a protective sure, but he's mostly curious but his aura makes his questions sound threatening.
Bam boom bop!
"Power Move" (798 w.c)
MK x Fem!Reader
Funny Romantic Oneshot
Pronouns: she her
CW: None, comment if there is
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“MK! Good, you made it!” Y/n waved from her home’s front porch as she saw MK’s delivery vehicle pull into her driveway. He waved too, jingling the keys in his hands as he walked up to his girlfriend and gave her a kiss.
“Just so you know, I can’t leave just yet so we can get to the park. My dad’s working on fixing my sink,” she led MK inside, pointing over at the kitchen. “We can head out after he’s done.”
“Your dad? Have I met him?” MK peeked in, really only seeing a pair of legs sticking out from under the sink. 
“No, I don’t think you have! Here,” she went into the room and poked one of the ankles with her foot. There was a surprised grumble, before a man who was built like a truck appeared. MK could feel his soul leaving his body. How could someone so sweet come from…this utterly terrifying man?? 
“Dad! This is my boyfriend, MK! You know, the Monkey Kid!” She introduced MK, tugging on his arm to bring him closer. “MK, this is my dad!”
“Very nice to meet you, Mr. l/n!” MK stammered. The towering figure reached out a hand. When MK took it, he thanked Buddha he had mystic monkey strength to handle the pure strength of his grip. 
“You too, kid,” Mr. l/n seemed to glare down at him, but then when he looked at his daughter, he seemed ever so slightly softer. “Why is he here?”
“We’re going to go meet up with Mei and Redson at the park in a little while! Kinda like a double date!” She smiled. He grunted in response before turning back to the sink and turning the faucet to see if it worked. Unfortunately, the pipe underneath started dripping water. 
“Mind if I have a look at it, sir?” MK cautiously stepped forward. Gods, it was like when he first met Sandy. Except there was no way this guy had ever met a therapy cat.
“You can try.” He scoffed. MK rolled up the sleeves of his jacket and went under the sink. He found a wrench and tried to adjust things, however it kind of exploded when he thought he’d fixed it. 
“Dad, you need to turn off the sink first.” Y/n commented. The water stopped. MK sighed, but then a lightbulb turned on in his brain. 
“I can shrink myself down to see what’s wrong in the pipes!” He suggested.
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Mr. l/n said. However, y/n gave a thumbs up. 
“Hey, there ya go! I’ll shine a light down there, and give you some string to hold onto!” She left the room for a moment, leaving MK alone with her dad.
“How long have you been seeing my daughter?” The sound of his voice was much more intimidating now that it was just them.
“Uh, a little while now actually!” MK responded. 
“If you hurt her, I’ll squash you like a bug. Capiche?”
“Yup. Hear ya loud and clear.” MK was shaking in his boots, but then y/n came back into the room, flashlight and string in hand. 
“Alright, think tiny!” She said, and MK transformed into a much smaller version of himself. She caught him in her hand and set him on the counter, where she tied a bit of string around him.
“I’m ready, send me down!” He called. She dangled him over the drain and slowly lowered him. 
It was dark, but not for long as she got the light on. He could see a large blockage of something just up ahead. He saw how some of the water that had been going earlier was pooling around it, so that it couldn’t go through. MK tugged on the string and was helped out of the drain, where he made himself big again after untying the string. 
“There’s a chunk of something in there. If you get it out, it should be fine!” 
Mr. L/n got back under the sink, putting on some gloves and detaching the pipes from each other. The blockage was removed and then the thing was rebuilt. Running the water again, it went smoothly. 
“Oh good! Thanks, guys.” Y/n thanked the boys. Her dad stood up again and actually smiled a little.
“Thanks, kid.” The man spoke firmly, but his tone was different in a positive way. 
“With that all sorted out, let’s get going! We don’t wanna keep the others waiting too long!” Y/n said, giving her dad a quick hug and heading toward the door with MK in tow. He waved at her dad and then they piled into the deliver vehicle to got see the others. 
Well that went well.
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doggirlpaws · 2 months
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list of posts i got these silly gamers from Boom Bam Bop Badabop boom POW
Lavender = BITING YOU
Ow! My blood!
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midchelle · 9 months
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Chapter Seven: Little Richard, Tutti Frutti (Specialty, 1955) | Written by Little Richard and Dorothy LaBostrie
A-WOP-BOP-A-LOO-BOP-A-WOP-BAM-BOOM. Little Richard was speaking in tongues across the airwaves long before anybody knew what was happening. He took speaking in tongues right out of the sweaty canvas tent and put it on the mainstream radio, even screamed like a holy preacher-- which is what he was. Little Richard is the master of the double entendre. "Tutti Frutti" is a good example. A fruit, a male homosexual, and "tutti frutti" is "all fruit." It's also a sugary ice cream. A gal named Sue and a gal named Daisy and they're both transvestites. Did you ever see Elvis singing "Tutti Fruitt" on Ed Sullivan? Does he know what he's singing about? Do you think Ed Sullivan knows? Do you think they both know? Of all the people who sang "Tutti Frutti," Pat Boone was probably the only one who knew what he was singing about. And Pat knows about speaking in tongues as well.
There's a lot of people in Little Richard's songs. All the stereotypes. Uncle John, Long Tall Sally, Mary and Jenny, Daisy, Sue, and Melinda. They are all slipping by in the shady world of sex and dreams and giving you a run for your money.
Little Richard was anything but little. He's saying that something is happening. The world's gonna fall apart. He's a preacher. "Tutti Frutti" is sounding the alarm.
Bob Dylan, The Philosophy of Modern Song (2022)
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Charles Kaiser on Bob Dylan.
‘Life is about creating yourself’: on Bob Dylan: Mixing Up the Medicine
[The Dylan Center in Tulsa offers a read as endlessly fascinating, as vital to the American story, as its subject himself]
Charles Kaiser
Ten years before he became Bob Dylan, 10-year-old Bobby Zimmerman had his first mystical experience. Wandering through the house his father had bought in Hibbing, Minnesota, he discovered a guitar in one room, and then “a great big mahogany radio” with “a 78 turntable when you opened up the top” in another.
Sitting on the platter was a country record called Drifting Too Far from Shore. The record with a prophetic title “made me feel like I was somebody else”, Dylan remembered. “That I was maybe not even born to the right parents or something.”
A couple of years later, the young radio addict began to imagine the person he was supposed to be when Little Richard’s cleaned-up version of Tutti Frutti seized the airwaves with its unforgettable “a-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-alop-bam-boom” refrain and became the founding song of rock’n’roll. (Bobby’s high school yearbook would announce his ambition: “To join Little Richard.” His girlfriend then was Echo Helstrom, who might be the subject of Girl from the North Country.)
When Buddy Holly released That’ll Be the Day, Bobby got his next inspiration. The gangling, goofy-looking six-footer with horn-rimmed glasses and the irresistible aw-shucks charm of Lubbock, Texas, made two appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show. For the boy from Hibbing it was love at first sight. From the moment he heard him, Bobby felt “akin, like he was an older brother. I even thought I resembled him. Buddy played the music that I loved – the music I grew up on: country western, rock’n’roll, and rhythm and blues. Three separate strands of music that he intertwined and infused into one genre. One brand. And Buddy wrote songs that had beautiful melodies and imaginative verses. And he sang great – sang in more than a few voices.”
A songwriter who fused multiple registers, and delivered them in multiple voices: the perfect model for a nice Jewish boy obsessed with music who was only a couple of years past his barmitzvah.
A year after Buddy’s second TV appearance, Bobby drove to Duluth (his birthplace) to see his hero in the flesh. The 17-year-old fan was thunderstruck.
“That was a few days before he was gone,” Dylan remembered. “I had to travel a hundred miles … I wasn’t disappointed. He was powerful and electrifying and had a commanding presence. I was only 6ft away. He was mesmerizing. I watched his face, his hands, the way he tapped his foot, his big black glasses, the eyes behind the glasses, the way he held his narrative, the way he stood, his neat suit. Everything about him. He looked older than 22. Something about him seemed permanent, and he filled me with conviction.
“Then, out of the blue, the most uncanny thing happened. He looked me right straight dead in the eye, and he transmitted something … and it gave me the chills.”
Three days later, the V-tailed single-engine Beechcraft aircraft Holly had chartered to avoid another freezing eight-hour bus ride crashed in an Iowa cornfield, killing him, Ritchie Valens, JP Richardson and the 21-year-old pilot. But the transference to his apostle was real.
So far, it has managed to keep Dylan performing for seven decades.
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beandaqueen · 8 months
boom bam bop we're caught up! now to work on today :]
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jacobwren · 3 months
“Everything was going along fine, until one day I went into the office and Ernie was doing a union contract for an album by a new artist named Prince. There was nothing strange about doing a contract for a band that we did not actually play with. We did a lot of work documenting and legalizing projects for bands that did their own producing, arranging, and recording and paid themselves however they saw fit. But even self-contained bands had to file union contracts to properly document the project and make it legal. The odd thing about this particular contract was that all the instruments were played by the same person: Prince. We kind of chuckled at the time, not knowing that this particular contract marked the beginning of the end of the recording business as we knew it. Every instrument that was not a synthesizer was also played by Prince. Synthesized horns, synthesized strings, and percussion. The real bad thing about the album was that it was very funky and sounded very good. I went from making a comfortable living doing horn and string arrangements and other odd assignments to scuffling, trying to make it on just the odd assignments. Horns and strings became obsolete in less than one year. Everyone who ever thought that they could do music was piecing together decent albums by using synthesized sounds for almost all the instruments. Not only strings and horns, but drums, bass, and a plethora of keyboard sounds. Guitar players were the only real musicians who still got calls to do sessions. And there was a marked decrease in guitar calls, because many of the producers were themselves guitar players and jumped at the chance to do their own drums, bass, keyboards, horns and strings. Like Prince, most of the new producers were also singers. Music that would formerly have required a large studio, a competent engineer, a small army of great musicians, and lots of money was now being produced in people’s bedrooms by would-be musicians who worked at the post office during the day. That was the real hurting part of the whole situation: most of these new producers didn’t really have a musical background. What they had was a love for music and the ability to read and understand the manual. As the price of synthesizers and sequencers went down, more and more people with less and less real musical knowledge or talent became geniuses in the music business. The situation left us real musicians floundering around, trying to convince record-company executives and ourselves that this was just a passing fad and that the public would demand real music again soon. Deep down in our old-school hearts, we knew that this was it. I personally remember when my father used to tell me that bebop was just a passing fad, that big band was the perennial jazz music, and that swing would last forever. I remember when my peers and I thought that rock and roll was just a little crazy thing that would fade out with Little Richard’s make-up. I had no idea that forty years later I would still be hearing “wop bop a loo bop ba lop bam boom.” History has dictated that trends move forward, never backward, although present-day music, with its sampled and rare grooves and ‘70s and ‘80s nostalgia, would somewhat dispute that theory.” – Fred Wesley Jr., Hit Me, Fred: Recollections of a Sideman  
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fipindustries · 25 days
You know the Flying Purple People Eater song?
not really, was never able to hear it in full, all i know is that it was a crazy ditty with a swinging tune, where he sings a bop bap aboopa lappa loom bam boom
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