#both are one-story buildings but there wasn't enough room so I just put the back part on the second floor
oceandiagonale · 2 years
making gene’s house in animal crossing is so interesting,,,, the front part where he has brunch with lys sometimes is decently tidy, a normal kitchen with an espresso machine and a toaster and a rice cooker, of course paperwork stacked neatly on the table, a world map and a bulletin board, a photo of him with the other Champions and one of him with his family,,,, there are two lamps and an air conditioner that I didn’t realize were there and I moved a hallway to make more sense. there are sticky notes all over his fridge because of course there are 🥲
what’s also interesting is that he has two cabinets with League papers and reference books, but also two with various tchotchkes -- where did he get them?? what kinds of things does he collect -- are they things that he just got as gifts or did they come with the house?
also, now that I’ve filled the yard and house with plants (for his grass-type starters), I considered giving him a little pond outside -- and then remembered that the ocean is literally his backyard. there is so much water there.
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familyvideostevie · 15 days
alright, hear me out. i looked through the prompts list and can we give roommate!steve a little airtime beCAUSE—
trying to not hit anything or each other, when there is a power outage and it’s way too dark
— is SO steve coded. i wanna see this man during a power outage. please and thank you. i love you.
hi baby. here you go. sorry it took so long. it is the first thing i have written in about 6 weeks so apologies for it's roughness. i adore you. thank you for helping me give steve Harrington his triumphant return. | fluff, 1.3k, roommates!au
Summer storms in the Midwest always take you by surprise. The never-ending expanse of blue sky becomes crowded with swirling grey clouds without warning and everything stills, like the very fabric of time is holding its breath. Until the dam bursts and rain pounds on your windows, the roof, the pavement with wild abandon. Deep, rumbling thunder follows bright flashes of lightning.
You find it relaxing. A steady, reliable chaos into which you settle without complaint.
Well, usually. Your roommate, Robin -- a talkative and whip-smart girl who makes you laugh-- enjoys storms just as much as you do. It's one of the only times she settles, so you often read side-by-side in companionable silence. Sometimes, if you're feeling bold, you'll both dance in the rain.
But Robin is on some six-month trip for brilliant people and she's left you with a subletter.
"My best friend Steve," she'd said. "Come on, I talk about him all the time. You basically know him."
It's true. Robin is full of stories and this Steve is in most of them. A funny, brave, well-intentioned guy who is a bit of an idiot and has a great head of hair.
And now he's living in the other bedroom. And he's hot. And he always does his dishes and remembers to put the seat down after you scolded him once for doing otherwise and you have a crush on him.
It's annoying. He's been here for like, three weeks and keeps asking you where the spoons are and you like him.
But Steve? You are learning that Steve does not like summer storms.
In the few you've had since he arrived you've noticed that he paces, or sits in the living room with the television turned up high, or something noisy. You've never asked him about it because honestly, he could be much worse as far as roommates go.
You can hear his radio through the wall and it's making it hard to focus on your book. You should really go to sleep but this chapter is really good and does he have to be so loud? Maybe you should get up and ask him to keep it down --
A flash of lightning makes it seem like daylight in your room for a brief moment and then everything is dark. Everything.
"Fuck," you say. The power must have gone out. A clap of thunder so loud it feels like your building shakes startles you. You hear a shout from the other side of the wall.
It's not as hard as you'd expect to feel your way to your bedroom door in the dark. You manage to do so without injury apart from bumping your hip on your dresser.
But when you open your door you smack into a solid wall of warmth. Your fingers grasp for purchase and find none -- only bare skin.
"Jesus Christ --" Steve says. He manages to prevent you both from falling over and holds you at arm's length in the dark. "What are you doing?" His voice is tight and he squeezes your shoulders once before releasing you.
"Uh," you say. You're certain that he's not wearing a shirt. You can feel that he's not wearing a shirt. "The power went out."
He huffs. "Wow, thank you. I had no idea."
You wish it wasn't dark so you could see his face. Three weeks hasn't been enough time to learn all of his expressions. "Were you sleeping?"
It feels like a dumb question considering how loud his music was.
"Yeah," he says. "Obviously I was sleeping. It's like, 1 am."
"Just go back to sleep. If you can, under the volume of your radio."
You imagine him wincing. "Sorry," he says. "I don't, uh. Sleep well during --"
Lighting illuminates the hall and you see him for one brilliant second, messy hair, bare chest rising and falling, boxers slung low. Boxers with...are those...bananas? Then: darkness, thunder. You sense his flinch.
"That," he says flatly.
A smile creeps its way onto your face and you allow it because he can't see. The fact that this guy, your temporary roommate, your sort-of crush, is afraid of thunderstorms fills your chest with warmth. It's endearing. It's adorable. It makes you like him so much more.
You ease past him and into the dark of the rest of the apartment.
"Woah, woah," Steve says. "Where are you going?" You hear him follow you and immediately run into something. He curses. You keep your hands out to avoid the same fate.
"You okay?" you call back.
"Why do we have so much furniture?" he grumbles. "Fuck, that hurt."
You don't correct him that we actually means you and Robin.
"Watch where you're going," you say lightly.
"Oh, ha, ha."
Careful steps take you closer to your destination. "Go look for candles in the kitchen," you tell him. "They're in the drawer by the trash."
"Uh, okay," Steve says. He bumps into things with quiet curses on his way as you look for the matches that should be in the closet. "Why? You could just go back to bed. I'm fine."
You chew on your lip. He's right. But you want to hang out with him. The dark makes you honest. "The thunder is loud," you say. "I won't be able to sleep. We might as well hang out."
He laughs, the first genuine one all night. "Oh, you want to hang out? In the dark? You know what this sounds like, right?"
Ah, the famous Harrington charm Robin has told you about. It makes your cheeks feel hot and you can't hide a smile. Steve ruins the moment by running into something again.
"Fuck! Jesus --"
"Steve, be careful."
"I can't see anything!"
You sigh and finally find the matches. Box in hand, you carefully make your way to the kitchen, your eyes adjusting just a little and making it easier.
Steve is looking in the wrong drawer. You should just tell him so, but instead you reach for him, fingers circling his wrist and dragging it to the right one. His skin is warm under yours, the back of his hand softer than you'd thought it would be. You open the drawer together and hear the candles roll around inside.
His face is a dark outline but you focus on the dark and think you see his eyes. You wish you could see him.
"Found them," he says. You're much closer than you realized, so close you feel his breath on your cheek. Steve leans in -- or maybe it's you, you have no idea, and your noses brush. He puts a hand on your hip, fingers sliding under the hem of your sleep shirt and burning you like a brand.
Your eyes slide close and you miss the flash but not the boom that follows, sending you both about a foot in the air and away from each other.
"Shit," you gasp. Steve laughs and you join in, giggling in the dark like teenagers.
Maybe this is a one-night thing, the darkness making you both a little lonelier and a little braver. But you've got months more of him and the idea of spending that time being something more than just roommates? It's appealing, to say the least.
You reach for Steve in the dark and he must have been doing the same because your fingers tangle without much effort.
"Come on," you say. "Let's light the candles and sit on the couch. I'm sure the power will come back on eventually."
He squeezes your hand and you squeeze back. "Okay," he says, a smile in his voice. "Don't let me run into anything."
You grin at him in the dark and hope that come morning he'll be familiar with it in the light, as well. "Don't worry, Steve," you tell him. "I've got you."
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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gimmeyourlovepls · 11 months
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paring: earth 42! miles morales x reader
warning: cheating, gaslighting, basically not a cute fic
summary: you find out miles is cheating on you, and with a heavy heart, decide to leave him, but he's not letting you go.
a/n: hey! sorry this is the first thing im contributing to this fandom, i have a really long story in my drafts that im still working onnnnn this piece of work is inspired by a fic i either saw on here or ao3, pls tell me if u find it so i can credit them ;-;
Cariño = Honey
¿Entiendo? = Got it?
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"Thanks for coming, have a nice day!" The cahier said as you walked out of a bakery with a box full of cupcakes, along with some chocolates and other snacks you bought earlier. You were basically bouncing with joy, a massive grin present on your face.
Today was you and Miles' 2 year anniversary, and although there had been a couple of bumps on the way, you were happy that both of you were still together. You looked at your phone to check the time and saw that Miles texted you back.
Mi amor <3
You: happy anniversary!
You: i have a surprise for you but its not ready yet
You: I'll text you when its done then you can come over <3
Mi amor <3: aight see you soon princessa
Giggling, you walked over to Miles' apartment building and walked through the hallway towards his room, already searching through your pocket for the extra key he gave you in your bag. As soon as you found it, you opened the door as quiet as you possible could, which was hard as hell with all the stuff you were holding.
You pushed the door open with your feet and walked slowly, and it seemed like Miles didn't hear, you, because you heard no footsteps coming for you. Putting your stuff down on a couch, you walked around trying to find him.
As you neared his room, you started to hear noises that sounded like Miles and something else, you couldn't really tell. You still wanted to surprise him through, so you slowly pulled open the door.
"Miles please..." A girl who had never seen before was on YOUR man's lap, pressing kisses on his face and slightly grinding against him. "Calm down, cariño, I'll take good care of you soon," he said as he held that girl's hips and grinded her hips down with a groan.
You didn't even realize you were crying until you brought your hands over your mouth. You slowly walked backwards and slammed his door, knowing he would be able to tell he got caught, grabbing all your stuff, leaving his extra key that he gave you on a table and running.
Your legs carried you all the way home, though it was a far distance. You couldn't even feel the burn with how sad you were. As soon as you got to your house, you locked all the windows and doors, knowing Miles would try and get in. You just wanted to lay in bed and cry, but you knew you had one more thing to do.
Mi amor <3
You: dont fucking text me anymore, be happy with that girl.
You: by the way, happy anniversary :)
Scrolling on your phone, feeling sorry for yourself, and eating the snacks meant for you and your now ex was not how you thought your night would go, but the occasional funny video made up for it. You changed out of your nice outfit and wore your most comfortable pajamas (apart from Miles' shirts), stuffing chips into your mouth when you heard banging on your window. Your mom was home and asleep, but she wasn't that heavy of a sleeper, so you went to your window and pulled back the curtains.
"Ugh," you groaned as you saw who was standing behind the glass-pane. "I'm gonna keep knocking if you don't let me in." His voice was muffled, but you understood enough to unlock and open the window for him.
"Hey look-" He started, but you were NOT listening to his BS. "No Miles, you look. I have dealt with you for the past TWO years. Every time you have stared, flirted, or even made out with another girl, I have ignored it and forgiven you. I have NEVER cheated on you, I have even ignored all my male friends for you because you get so jealous. I'm tired Miles, and I can't with you. Please leave."
"Cariño-" Miles pleaded with you. "Don't call me that. That's what you called that girl you were smooching earlier. Go back to her and never talk to me again." You started pushing him towards the window, desperate for him to leave before you either started crying or beating the crap out of him.
"No, we aren't doing this shit." He pushed you backward until your back was against the bedroom door. "Miles, don't-" Your insults dissolved into air as he started to kiss you, the way he did at the beginning of your relationship, when you thought he still loved you. "I ain't leaving you, and there is no way your leaving me, ¿entiendo?"
You wanted to say no, but your heart still longed for him desperately, so you melted into his touch. He noticed your response and pulled back to pull you into a passionate kiss.
It didn't matter what you did, you were trapped, and Miles certainy wasn't letting go.
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hey yall i was feeling silly and decided to writeeeeee hope u at least semi enjoyed it and that u have a good day/night :))))
(also if ur waiting for a part two, dont hold your breath, im literally having the worst writers block ever and can not. HOWEVER, if you have requests, please send them in so i can write thank youuuuuuuuu!)
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
“I know I have something clean in here!”
Eddie watched him, half amused and half exhausted. He leaned his head back against Steve’s bed, crossing his legs on the floor. He was dripping wet and freezing, impatiently waiting for Steve as he dug through his closet. He didn't know what he expected to find when ninety-nine percent of his clothes were on the floor of Eddie's room.
See, shit like this is why they always hang out at Eddie and Wayne's new place, instead of this certifiable mansion. Besides the fact that Steve liked to be as far from his house as possible, it took away some options for them to do dumb, impulsive shit. Like dragging each other into his pool, fully clothed at 2 am. 
In November. 
If it wasn't for the stupid fumigation at his apartment, they would be dry and asleep by now, or at least dry and giggling throughout the night. He also wouldn't be trying to think of an excuse to sleep in Steve’s bed, with all of these stupid guest rooms. It was so easy at his place, with its uncomfortable couch and shitty heater. It took almost nothing to convince Steve to sleep with him every night.
He sighed, shamelessly staring at Steve from behind and thanking the powers that be he decided to wear white tonight. He could make out all of the muscles in his back through the transparent fabric, cold water still dripping from his hair. He was too beautiful for his own good, or Eddie was just obsessed. 
Probably both. 
Maybe Eddie should use this as an opportunity to get used to being without him. This little game he was playing could only last so long after all.
He knew he was monopolizing Steve's time, like an ass, and he’d been doing it for months. Ever since he was out of the hospital, the two had been inseparable. No one even called Steve's house anymore, half the time when Eddie answered the phone it was Robin or one of the kids asking for Steve. 
There's yet to be a time when he wasn't there. 
Hell, even before that. The little saint had been there for every step of his recovery, bringing him books, music, and his own adorable self. His little crush on Steve had grown into a full-blown infatuation. He was all he could think about anymore. 
Steve was just so…him. Self-sacrificing, hilarious, disturbingly attractive, Eddie had been doomed from the start. Eddie became the one who picked Steve up from work and dropped him off, deciding that he deserved to be chauffeured around for a change. 
Steve became the one waiting for him at home from his dealings, cooking food for him and his uncle, always reassuring him that he wasn't a bad person and it was temporary, just until he had enough cash to leave this hellhole. He wasn't sure how he was ever going to leave without Steve, but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. Or he would just stay in a town that loathed him until Steve moved on with his life. 
Whatever came first. 
They just fell into each other, like they had been best friends all along. And maybe he was tricking himself, just building up a mountain of false hope, but from his view, Steve loved their time together just as much as Eddie did.
Steve had been the one to press himself against Eddie's chest on that first night, sleepily putting Eddie’s arm around him with a soft, "I'm cold."
Steve was the one who would spend hours laughing with Wayne on the couch, giggling at elementary school photos of Eddie and swapping stories, never shutting up about how cute he used to be. 
Steve was the one who wiped his tears away if he had night terrors, reliving almost dying over and over again in his dreams.
And Eddie couldn't help but push. 
It felt like he had to touch him all the time or he'd combust. Steve was touch-starved to hell and back, and Eddie took full advantage. An arm around his shoulders when they walked, a hand on his thigh when they drove, pinkies linked when they went to sleep. Steve leaned into it all, he never tried to push Eddie away, he'd only ever pull him closer. 
He rationalized it. If Steve ever told him no or to back off he would immediately but…he just hasn't. 
Besides, Eddie almost fucking died to save the world, he could indulge in some self-destructive behavior a little bit here and there, even if it would lead to the worst heartbreak of his life. 
Eddie shifted, trying to get comfortable but there was something digging in his back. He reached behind, pulling at whatever was poking him under the mattress. It was some wadded-up denim, shoved right under the edge of Steve's bed. A question was already on his lips as he unwrapped it, dying when he realized what it was. 
It was the vest from the Upside Down. Steve had told him it was unsalvageable months ago and Eddie had believed him, even if it made him a little sad. He had loved that thing.
But here it was, washed and only partially stained with the remnants of Steve’s blood and the general muck of the Upside Down.  Why did he still have this? Why did he lie?
Steve turned as Eddie stared at it, a yellow sweatshirt in hand and a pleased smile on his face. Eddie doesn't think he's ever seen Steve’s smile drop so quickly. He was kneeling in front of him in an instant, snatching the vest from Eddie’s hands with trembling fingers. He clutched it against his chest, looking absolutely mortified. 
“I can explain.” 
“You kept it?”
“I-I’m not a creep, really! It just helped me sleep when you were in the hospital and it became this stupid habit and I should have told you- ” 
Steve’s face was on fire and he was talking a mile a minute, his voice shaking. Eddie just looked at him, stupified as Steve desperately tried to explain why he was cuddling with a ratty piece of Eddie’s clothing.
“I was gonna give it back," Steve held it tighter against him, like the thought of parting with it physically hurt, "I swear! but you just wouldn't wake up at first and I needed something-" 
Eddie’s eyes traveled down, landing on his lips, his self-control evaporating with every stuttered word out of Steve’s mouth. 
“A-and I shouldn't have lied, I can give it back, really, I didn-” 
“Steve, I’m going to kiss you now.”
Eddie didn’t wait, couldn't wait, and Steve was so close, looking irresistibly embarrassed. Eddie grabbed behind his neck and pulled him down to his level, pressing their lips together before he could question himself. 
Steve was kissing him back before he could even think to regret it. He melted against him, letting the vest drop down in between them. Steve sighed against his lips, resting his hands on Eddie's shoulders to steady himself. Eddie pulled away first, half to double check that this was okay and half to try to will his erection away so Steve could sit in his lap.
Steve looked down at him with dazed eyes, his lips wet with Eddie’s spit. He watched with rapt attention when Steve licked at it, closing his eyes with a pleased hum, like he just loved the taste.
God, he was going to give him a heart attack. 
They grinned at each other like idiots, Steve finally breaking the comfortable silence with a shy smile, "Does this mean I get to keep it?"
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novasdarling · 1 year
since asks are open: maybe trying to escape from yan nobunaga? love all ur works btw <3 ur a rlly skilled writer
See, I picture him as a love sick yandere who is extremely delusional. He acts so tender yet will kill if someone looks at his darling wrong. So I can only imagine how hurt he'd be when you try to break his image he has of you two.
Also, thank you so much!
Just Try
TW: Kidnapping, Forced Relationship, a Chase, Mentions of Isolation.
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The wind was harsh against your face as you ran. Trying to put as much distance between you and that miserable jail cell he had the nerve to call home. Picking up your feet you made your way through the streets. Trying to avoid tripping on anything and slowing yourself down. This was the first time, and if he caught you, the last time he'd make a mistake in locking the doors. This was your only chance to run, to get away from that monster. There was no telling when he'd be home when he'd notice you were gone and you didn't want to be anywhere near when he found out. Nobunaga wasn't sane. You remembered the last few times you disobeyed him and broke his image of a loving couple. It still haunted your dreams.
The streets were barren, with only broken street lights and abandoned buildings. You weren't sure how far this place was from any help, or where the roads would lead. You could figure that out later, all you needed to do was put as much space between you and him until you came up with a plan.
You must have run for over 30 minutes straight before your body began to get tired. It didn't matter, it wasn't far enough. You tried to push yourself to go further, switching to walking now. Your legs would only carry you for another half an hour. Your body was begging you to stop, to take a break. Especially your legs and lungs. You needed to rest. Looking around you hoped there would be someplace you could hide while you caught your breath. There was a plethora of abandoned buildings, but which one would have the least chance of you falling through the floor? Taking a look, you decided on a four-story building down the street. It was the most intact building on the outside so hopefully, it would be too on the inside. Gathering some strength, you made your way to the building. The front door was mostly off its hinges. Just barely hanging on, allowing you easy access to the building.
You had guessed right. Luckily the inside of the building was also in better condition than probably most on the street. A few cracks along the walls and broken tiles were most of the damage. Step by step you went further inside. Trying to gauge how safe the floor really was while trying to find a place to catch your breath. The first floor was mainly open-concept with tons of windows. A poor place to hide. Looking to the stairs, deciding you would take your chance with them. Step by step you went up. Holding onto the railing with all your might. Both for support in case your legs gave out and in case you fell through the stairs.
The second floor was no better, only having a few rooms to it. Looking in them you saw they were once bathrooms. Now filled with black marks along the walls. You hoped they were just mold as you went on. Taking your luck with another set of stairs. Making your way to the third floor. It was much better. It had multiple rooms that didn't seem to be covered in mold. That looked like you could be in them without contracting something. There was a small room at the back of the floor plan. It was simple, with a closet and one window looking onto the side of the building and some of the street. Pushing open the cracked door, you made your way into the room. It didn't seem to be as dirty as the other rooms. Taking a seat by the window. You let yourself relax. Stretching your legs out. Trying to get them comfortable. Running your hands along your thighs and calves. Running had drained you, the adrenaline was leaving your body now. You could breathe now. You felt a bit more relaxed not being out in the open. If he got home and realized you were gone, surely he'd think you were still on the run. Not hiding in a building relatively nearby.
The minutes ticked by. Your body finally finding some peace and being able to relax. You hadn't realized your body was begging for some sleep. Some rest. It needed it. You had been locked away in some small room for months, barely moving even when he brought you around the "house". This was the most movement you've gotten in so long. Your body was screaming for a long-needed break. For sleep. You use to sleep when he was gone to pass the time or to get away from him. Before you knew it, your eyes closed. At first, you simply told yourself it was just to let them rest for a bit, but the rest lasted longer than you expected as you drifted off.
It must have been a few good hours before you began to wake up. Looking out the window you saw how the sky was now dark, the stars littering the night sky. The panic began to set in. Oh god, how long had you been out? Did Nobunaga already make it home? Did he realize you were gone? Panicking you began to get up, ready to start moving. Maybe the darkness would make it easier, you could hide a lot better. Using the shadows to hide in, moving behind the buildings instead of on the road. Though, so could he. You were prepared to begin your journey again before you heard it. It sounded like footsteps, faint, but you could still make them out. They were coming from outside. Freezing for a second you listened. Listened to them get closer and closer. There was no mistaking what that sound was. Footsteps, human footsteps. It couldn't be him, there had to be another reason. Perhaps some teen looking somewhere to graffiti or smoke. Or some lost tourist whose car broke down. The steps were too calm to be him, to be a man looking for his victim. There had to be a reason that didn't lead back to him.
Making your way to the window, you looked out. Trying to stay near the edge, stay hidden as you looked out. Some of the street lights still worked, but most were out. Keeping the street mainly dark, you could see a shadow getting closer on the street. Making its way to you. Standing there, you stared. Waiting and hoping it was just some random stranger and not him. Second, by second the shadow was getting closer, getting smaller under the light. Until the person was right by your building. You could see feet, but the body was mainly blocked by the neighbouring building. Craning your head further towards and out the window, trying to get a better look. From the bits of the body you could see, it defiantly was a man which didn't ease your worry. You waited for them to move, but they just stood there. Out of sight, playing with the shadows to hide them. Trying to ease your worry, you made up scenarios. Telling yourself it was just some teen or some random man with a broken-down car. Right? That seemed plausible. Even though your common sense told you otherwise. Nobunaga wouldn't pick a place to keep you that was high traffic. Sure you had made it pretty far, but you knew him. He wasn't an idiot. No one came around here. Meaning it had to be him.
"I know you're in there."
You were right. It was him. His voice was calm and relaxed like he always was. While you were the opposite. You were sweating, scared beyond belief. The most fear you've felt since the first day he took you.
"Come out, sweetie. It's late and" Nobunaga let out a tired laugh. "I'm exhausted. Work has been rough today. So please, please make this easy."
Like hell, you would. Running out of the room, you made your way to the stairs leading to the last floor. There had to be some kind of fire escape or something. After all, buildings were usually supposed to have more than one kind of exit. Running up the stairs, not giving a damn for safety this time around. You picked up your feet faster when you heard a loud smash from down below. It was him breaking down the front door. Not caring to dive under its opening like you had. He was in the building with you.
You searched frantically around the building. Hoping there was something, that you were right about a second exit. Tearing open every door, looking inside before moving in. Your search became more desperate as you heard his steps making his way up. Nobunaga was taking his time moving, letting the sounds echo throughout the place. He was on the second floor now.
"This is getting tiring, please let's just go home."
You moved to another room, but this time there was not even a window. Moving to a new room, seeing this time there was a huge window. Looking out it, you realized there seemed to be a ladder leading down. It was narrow and looked like it was one of those maintenance ones. Sliding further down when you got closer to the second floor. Nobunaga was moving again. Making his way up the stairs that led to the third floor.
"I'm tired and hungry. Let's just go home. I'm not in the mood to play this game anymore."
You could hear the change in his voice. The cheerfulness or indifference he held with you was gone. Rather, his voice was lower than normal. You could tell he was on the verge of freaking out. He was trying to keep his emotions in check. Something he was horrible with.
You tried to push the window open and get to the ladder, but the window wouldn't budge. You tried again and again. Silently begging for it to open. Pleading to any god out there to let you get away from him. Your panic skyrocketed when you heard him at the bottom of the stairs leading to the fourth floor.
"Get down here now."
The window was beginning to give in. Slowly opening with each push you gave it. It had rusted horribly and been painted shut.
"I'm not asking. Get down here now."
He was shouting now, not just so you could hear him. He was pissed. This was worse than the time you managed to land a hit on him the first few days he had you. He had freaked out, asking how you could hurt him when all he did was love you. He had shut you in a windowless room for what must have been days. Taking the comfort of a bed or entertainment away.
"I've been good."
He took a few steps up the stairs.
"I've been patient."
He was getting closer causing you to push the window more.
"I've tried so hard to love you properly."
You gave one last push for it to open so you could fit out.
"And this is how you thank me."
He was at the top of the stairs. Making his way to the room you had been in. You were trying to fit yourself out of the window.
"You ungrateful little-"
The door was slammed open. Knocking it off its hinges. There he stood, Nobunaga. His sword slung over his shoulder going down his back. He looked dishevelled. His hair was a mess, not neatly in a ponytail like usual. He looked at you with wide eyes. Taking in what he was seeing. You, halfway out a window, taking your chances with a shady-looking latter rather than being with him. You were breaking the little fantasy he had of you two. Of a picture-perfect couple in love. A couple who were simply just having a normal fight. Forcing him to see reality. An image he never wanted to see.
"Get over here now."
You didn't. You both just stared at each other. Nobunaga took a deep breath. Trying to steady himself. He wasn't acting like the normal man you knew. Like the man who would bathe you. Even as you screamed and kicked. He would still hold you down in the tub. Trying to be as gentle as possible. Apologizing over and over as he scrubbed your skin clean. Even then he showed compassion in his eyes. Even if there was hunger and greed mixing with it too. Now though, now there seemed only to be anger and hurt.
There was no time to react to him. Without any warning, he launched towards you. Yanking you out of the window and towards him. His hands gripped your arms. Holding you in place. Nobunaga was looking down at you. Wide eyes, searching your face. You weren't sure what for. All you do was cry though. Cry that your plan failed. That you lost your chance to get away. You could have been so much further if you hadn't rested if you hadn't slept. It was your own fault why you were back in his clutch. You knew him. He would figure out how you got out and make sure it never happened again.
"Oh, sweetheart." Nobunaga was now brushing your tears away instead of clutching your arms. "Did I scare you? Because you scared me."
A hand was placed at the back of your head. Pushing your face into his chest. One hand held your head in place while the other roamed your back. Like he was trying to soothe you.
"Shh, shh, I'm here now." He placed a kiss on the top of your head. "We can talk about your punishment when we get home." His words just made you cry harder. Soaking his top. "I know, I know, but you did leave the house. I told you it's not safe, That I was protecting you and look what you did."
Nobunaga grabbed you and carried you bridal style. Probably not wanting to take a chance of you running again, hurting his feelings even more. Pushing your face back into his chest. He always hated when you cried. Said it made him feel bad like he was the bad guy.
"If you're good on the way home" Nobunaga started his way down the stairs and out of the building. "and say you're sorry. I promise I'll be easy. I'll even give you options."
This was it. You were going back to that jail cell. Likely just to be locked back up in that room again. Spending days and days in there with little food or water. No real contact or conversation with him. Until you were begging for anything. Praying for any kind of affection, even from him. Nobunaga wanted you to play house, wanted a good little partner. One way or another, he was going to get you to play your role.
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vitzi9 · 11 months
Patience is the key to success (1)
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Masterlist if you want to read my others things. Part 2 here.
Well at first it was good, but I read it and reread it so many time that I have no notion of what's good anymore. and now i feel like Ethan is out of character. it was better in my head. This is hella longer that I thought it'd be??? (8 404 words)
it was supposed to be one really long story but I decided to split it up in 2 parts even tho I hate to do that. the second part will be long too and a direct continuation of this.
CW/TW: yandere-manipulative-obsessive-stalker-ethan, fem reader, smut, no p in v, reader is only called y/n once
he looks nice but don't be fool, he plays it stealth
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"Hello ?" you yell, voice filled with uncertainty while waving at your open window.
Was that someone down there ? The outline of the shape move, as if startled, seemingly surprised. Then, they look behind them, maybe to be sure you were talking to them, before eagerly waving back. Fuck, it is someone.
It was impossible to see their face, though. Whoever that was was wearing an all black outfit with a black hood as well. And they were standing in the shadow of the night.
The stranger puts his hands in his pockets and wait. So you watch him and wait, too.
Do I know them ? Why aren't they saying anything... Maybe they're just waiting for someone ? You shrug before closing your curtains. Weirdly enough, you could still see their shape outside. They hadn't moved nor turned their head.
They were definitely staring at you. But why? It was late in the night, many were coming out of parties. So you didn't think much of it. Plus, it was possible that the stranger wanted to buy drugs and this street was the best option they had. Is that even a thing in this street ? Buying drugs ? Here ? You didn't know.
But this scenario continued for six days after. In fact, it probably was happening for far much longer before you noticed. Every night from now on, the creep would come below your window and watch you.
Hopefully, you lived on the third floor. They couldn't escalate (yeah, you had to think of the worst cases scenario). You even asked your neighbour from below if he knew something but he told you he wasn't even aware of a person wandering outside. He said that his window giving to that alley was in a room in which he wasn't going to really often.
You were the only one aware of that creepy stalker. Well, the only one to be worried anyway. It's not like they were bothering other neighbors. It was you they were making fun of.
Tonight, they were here again. As usual. This time though, they had a sign in hand. The sign was directed towards the ground. Observing them from behind your curtain, you frown your brows when understanding they wouldn't show you what was on it.
They wanted to see you, after all.
So you begrudgingly came out from your hiding place and revealed yourself to them. Immediately, the stalker raise both his hands to show you their cardboard sign. On it, three simple words in capital letters.
"(y/n) marry me."
You feel you blood go cold. A shiver run down your spine and you quickly close your curtains again. What the hell ? You don't even know them! You still see them, their sign is kept up the air and they start to jump on place, as if to show you more of it. How the fuck do they know you name ? Whoever is this needs to be in fucking jail because there is no way this is funny.
They suddenly turn their sign. You can discern new words, different from the preceding ones. Though, you can't read them. So you slide your curtains open, not entirely, staying hidden behind the wall.
"Let me be with you."
And finally, you decided that that was it. It was the last time you'd see that creep. Fuck he knew your name ! Your damn name ! What the fuck ?
Twenty four day later, you're here. In your friend's building, panicking, sweating. You rushed to the stairs, praying that she was here, this time. Your friend, your best friend. You needed her but she wasn't answering. You called her, multiple times. Her boyfriend too but.. It's like she had ghosted you ! Her boyfriend wasn't even answering either and you were starting to freak out. Having going the week imagining the worst case scenario and each time you ended up calling her again after several nightmares.
You stumble on someone in your rush, the bag he had in hand falling on the ground in a rustling sound, all his groceries dropping in the process. You apologize briefly. You didn't even had time to know who was the poor stranger, too preoccupied. A neighbor, probably. With curly hairs. You had to remember him. You'll properly apologize later, when you're not in such a rush anymore. Fuck, you seemed so impolite !
You take out your phone for the umpteenth time this day and go straight into your contact. You call your friend once again, praying she would answer this time. Obvisously, it's not the case. You do he same for her boyfriend, in vain.
You stop abrutly before her door then ring. Nothing. No sound coming from inside. So you start pounding on it with your fist.
"Its me, open please ! I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm worried ! Please let me in!"
You only stopped yourself from destroying the door at the appearance of an angry neighbor, yelling at you to calm down. You asked them if they happen to know if your friend was in there, which they answer by sighing before saying that they didn't care about the neighborhood and slamming the door.
This time, you rush all the way down. Your phone still in hand, calling her on loop. Concierge's lodge was where you were going. He was supposed to own every key of each apartment here. You didn't need to go burst his door since you stumble on him in the hall. You briefly knew him, mostly at sight. You didn't know his name, but it wasn't necessary anyway. You greet him, breathless and probably disheveled. You explain the situation as much as you can, telling him the name of your friend, her floor and apartment's number.
Despite your panicked state, he doesn't pity you. In fact, he stayed jaded during your whole narrative.
"I'm sorry but I can't force open someone's house without a proper reason. He shrugs.
-But I'm worried and-and she hasn't answered any of my messages for days! Her family is worried sick too!
It was a lie. You didn't know her family that well, just by name. But he needed to understand !
-She is depressed and may have already hurt herself !
It was a lie, too.
-Listen uh, I can't do much. If what you're telling me is false I'm risking...
-And what if it's true ?
-Then I let you call an ambulance. Listen, I can lose my job for breaking in someone's house. I won't risk that for you. So good luck and have a nice day." and he slams the door in your face.
Ambulance ? You already called one ! Multiple times ! They never believe you ! They blacklisted your number, they aren't even answering anymore. Cop ? They're useless, everyone know it. And even more with women. These asshole are saying you're fucking paranoid.
The reason you were so desperate to join your friend ? The creep had finally attacked. After days of them stalking in silence. And you think your friend was on their watch list as well. They didn't attack you in a physical way, no, they took their sweet time to violate your property by intruding. They took money and probably other things you didn't bother to check. You packed your things and now sleep in a hotel.
But your friend, she saw him, too. You were sure she was next. And maybe she already got robbed. As to why she wouldn't answer you. She was mad at you for bringing that stalker on her. You remember how confused she was...
Not a day passed without you rethinking that conversation. It was a week ago, now. Not feeling safe in your house anymore, you had both agreed to go to a place you were used to where you could eat without coming across people you knew, or one you don't. The first thing you noticed was her tensed body. She wasn't laughing with her heart. But nor were you. How could you in a situation like this ?
The new young server arrived with your drinks in hand and smiled brightly at you. You responded weakly. He was doing a summer job here, he had curly hair. You thought you already saw him at school but were not sure. He was nice anyway, always giving you straws and tissues with your commands. Which he wasn't doing with your friend. He may be the only bright element in your dark life. He left quickly, going back to work.
"You know that guy you keep seeing at your window ? she asked.
Your whole attention was back on her. Your little daydreaming stopping abruptly and you remembered your shitty situation. You thought you were going to cry.
-What about him?
-I think I saw him.
And the world stopped. Your eyes were wide, tearing holes in her. You hoped she was lying, because if she did saw him, it was bad. It was dangerous. For the both of you. Nothing around you mattered anymore, only her.
-What? You what ? When ? Where ? Did-Did he try to do something ? you stuttered, panicking completely and drowning her in your questions.
And that also mean she hid things from you. You passed your hand on your forehead, sighing. What did you do to deserve this ?
-No, god no he didn't do anything, then she added in a whisper, yet.
It was paining you. When the stalker only targetted you, it was as if it wasn't clearly real. You were the only one to suffer of the situation so, even if the odds were low, you could have thought this was a hallucination, or a isolated case, unique.
-Well ? What happened ?
She frowned, as if fighting against herself. She looked guilty.
-You know, I didn't tell you everything. Because you're already so paranoid lately, you jump at the slightest noise and your stress is really fucking worrying.
You knew everything she was going to tell you was not going to comfort you in any way. In fact, it was probably going to worsen it. The worse was already on your mind.
-The night we were supposed to meet up at my house, remember ? you nodded. The reason I cancelled was because that creep was there. He had a sign in hand, too.
-What did it say ?
-It... It's not important. Just a creepy thing to scare me, like he did with you.
She was lying. Why ? What happened ? What was written on that stupid sign ?
-He did nothing, if that's what worries you. Kept staring at me like a bitch. But uh, my boyfriend came. So I was feeling safer.
-Has he been seen by the stalker ?
-I think ? Probably, he had to park near where he was. But when...
-Fuck, call him. I.. I need to know if he saw him or...
Her hand was put on yours to retain it from shaking.
-No, I asked him. He saw nothing.
-What if your boyfriend become a target, too ?
-I don't think so.
-Why are you so sure ?
-Maybe he only attacks women ? Men usually do that. They're scared of other men.
You weren't convinced. Nor was she. You two left each other later in the day; left with a bitterness stuck in you. The night following, you two spent the nighttime on a call together. You slept in your hotel, again. Even with locked doors, windows and a knife under your pillow; you couldn't close your eyes. She was telling you that nothing would happen to any of you, that everything would be fine. And you wanted to believe her, really. But you couldn't. Not when the stalker had already made its way that deep into your lives. When finally morning appeared and she had to hang up to get ready for her shift, you were left with nothing but fear and worry.
It was your last interaction.
With the 'loss' of your friend, your sanity was only decreasing. You were alone. She was your only friend. And you missed her. You knew you were going to explode one day. You needed help. You needed support.
You needed someone.
After the tantrum you gave the concierge, you went back to your motel. Maybe if you give her time ? Maybe if you sleep the hours away ? She'll forgive you faster. So that's what you did. Two days were wasted in your room before you had to go out buying groceries.
You hadn't see the light of day in these time. You needed to be quick, your stalker could already be out there. Because of this, you were permanantly switching store. As well as motel. The last thing you wanted was to give a seemingly habit to your stalker. If you were always moving, he couldn't be used to your routine. It was the first time in a while you were happy to be unemployed. Because you weren't stuck at a same spot. Even if the money was running out.
A big and crowded store. That's what you needed. And that's where you went. It could be your best and worst idea; best since you were feeling safe surrounded by everyone. You couldn't be attacked, this way. Worst, because your stalker could be in the said crowd and you wouldn't notice them. In both cases, you were wearing an all black outfite. You wanted to blend in.
You enter the store, earphone plugged in without any sound. You had to look normal. You had to act normal. It was hard but you didn't have a choice. A baby start crying beside you and you jump, bumping into someone. You excuse yourself, head lowered as to not look at whoever angry face that was. Fuck, you needed to concentrate.
Finally, you dirige yourself towards an alley far away from the people. Well, not that far but the constant chatting and screaming of the others weren't so loud anymore. Being here had one advantages and one disadvantage. Your back was facing a wall so no one could arrive behind you without you knowing it. The disadvantage was that you were alone.
Taking a big breath, you move in the alley to start and finally complete your groceries. You were too caught up in your fear to put anything into your bag. You needed already cooked dishes. Every motel you slept in had a microwave available in the common area. Pasta box, salad or instant noodle were your every day dishes.
You jump when something fall from its shelf behind you. Your whole body freeze. Fuck, why did someone come in this alley at the same time as you ? Are you followed ? Is it them ? You're stuck, you can't run away ! What do you do ? Slowly, you turn your head toward the sound. At first, no one is here. But when you look down, someone is crouching. Swearing a little, a man picks up the bottles he seemingly dropped, replacing the strap of his bag on his shoulder.
Curly hair ?
You crouch too and help him put everything back in its place. He gets up, grabbing his strap again and place it higher on his shoulder, trying to keep it in place.
"Thank you, I'm... I'm a little clumsy." He smiles sheepishly at you.
It's the guy from the coffee. The waiter ! What is he doing here ? Right behind you ? The further you look at him, the further your worry come back. You don't really know him, now that you think about it. There was absolutely no reason for him to be this close to you. The store is big, the same items he just stumbled upon are on the opposite shelf, too.
"Are you okay ?" He asks, frowned brows and a little pout on the face.
You come back into reality at his worry. Maybe you're stressed. Maybe you think too much. It's very likely, given your situation. He's nice. He always has been to you. Why are you so distant ? The coffee not so far drom here, he probably does his shopping on his way out of work. It's 10PM(22h), after all. It's late but it's rush hour. You thought you'd blend in much better when everyone is out and running everywhere.
"I'm... I'm Ethan the guy from the coffee." He smiles bashfully while looking at the ground. His cheeks a little red.
Reason comes back at you and you smile weakly. Suddenly really aware of how awkward this must have been for him to be stared into like you did.
"Oh, yeah, I... I recognize you, hi." you're allowed to take your breath, feeling all the tension leaving your body at a friendly familar face. "How are you?"
And it hit you, curly hair. School, coffee, but also the groceries.
-Fuck you're... I made you drop your bag last time I'm... I'm sorry I wasn't...
-It's okay, he giggles sweetly, you seemed panicked so I don't blame you. It seems I have to drop something each time I see you, huh ? But... Everything okay now ?
No, no it's not.
-Yeah, yeah don't worry. Was a bad day." But your weren't going to bother him with that.
An awkward silence envelops both of you. What are you supposed to say ? Are you even supposed to say something ?
"It's nice to see you I uh... I actually tried to talk to you multiples times... We're in the same econ class, do you remember ?
You hated him for a second when he mentionned your econ class out loud. You hoped your stalker wasn't here to listen.
-Yes, of course I do Landry. We've been in the same class for three years now. You laugh a little, almost hurt he would think you don't recognize him.
-Wait, you remember ?
-I'm not good with remembering people's face but when you give me time I manage, eventually.
He laughs at your poor attempt of a joke. For a moment, he made you forget you probably were being watched. You were happy to have found one damn normal person in this big city.
"You live around here ? The building in which we saw each other last time is pretty far, I know it because I live there. I'm surprised to find you here.
You still don't know him, careful.
-Really ? I've never saw you around, we're neighbors.
It was a lie. The stare he gave you was enough to make you question every fucking things in your existence. His eyes were cold, as if empty. His face lights up mere second after, smiling brightly. Giving you the bitter impression you're going crazy. The fuck was that ?
-I live on the fourth floor. And you on the third, right ?
-What make you think that ?
-Oh, I saw you knocking at a door, last time. I actually live at the same building as your boyfriend. I'm sorry if this is rude but did he finally let you in ?
He may not be as dangerous as you think if he's giving you every piece of his life. He really is stupid for talking out loud. Someone might be listening to him. It's obvious he never been stalked !
-No, I don't live in this building. We're neighbors but I'm from the one just opposite. And that was not my boyfriend, it's a good friend.
Another lie.
-Talking about her, do you see her sometimes ? She's a little upset at me at the moment. She usually goes to work around 8AM. Maybe you saw her going out of her apartment ? you almost whisper because this time, you were telling the truth.
He looks lost at your change of tone, looking around you two to understand why you were suddenly whispering. Ignoring it, you describe her physically to him, her hair color, the way she usually dress. Even her boyfriend.
-I'm sorry I didn't saw any of them, I start my shift at 10AM so I stay inside until then. You can try and ask the others neighbors if you want.
-I've actually tried. you sigh and raise your brows for a split second. Wasn't conclusive...
-Yeah, the people here are not so kin to talking but uh I'll ask my roomate, for you, if you want.
-That'd be lovely. Really. You're really nice Ethan. Thank you."
After this, him and you started talking. He found you on a social media since you were too scared to even think telling your number to someone. Ethan started talking to you, greeting you everyday, sending picture of the sun when it was pretty. It wasn't useful but it kept the conversation going. You weren't interested in a relationship for the moment but you needed support. And if your friend had disappeared, you had no support and you were feeling your breaking point approaching. In a sense, you were using him.
Ethan was nice, really nice. But he wanted more. And you weren't sure you wanted to give it to him. It just wasn't the right time. Plus, if the stalker saw you with a man, maybe he'd leave you alone. Your motives were selfish but that's what stalking does to someone, you guess.
In parallel, you started to slide letters under your friend's door. (Ethan's idea!) Since she wasn't answering to her phone, you thought that she at least would be obligated to see the letters since they were physical.
All of them were saying you were worried, that the situation has worsened. That you needed her and if she wanted something she could ask you. Of course, there were no response. You even thought for a moment that she was on vacations but her mailbox was emptied each time news letters were in it.
Ethan was quickly starting to take a bigger place in your heart. Sometimes, you'd mention him in the letters. Saying you had met a cute man helping you. One day of every week, each time a different one, you'd come back into your apartment for clothes. And each time there was a proof the stalker had enter. Otherwise, it was the only proof they were still stalking you. Since you were always moving. You were hoping he lost track of you.
Ethan knew about the stalker, well, he knew the most important. Not every detail. He knew about your friend. He told you to file a complaint, but how ? You didn't have any proof. Often, he'd accompany you to the nearest police station and help you in your quest for freedom and justice. You were never listened to but Ethan was so kind. He was always telling you that he'd protect you. And it was true. He was protecting you. You were feeling safer when he was around.
You were feeling better with time. Except you missed your friend. But this problem seemed to be out of the way too as one day, as soon as you slided the letter under the door, a piece of paper was pushed towards you. You stared at it for whole minutes before realising what it was. A letter, coming from your friend. She had answered ! Quickly, you jump on it. It was written on a computer and then printed. Each words were like honey. After all these days without her, you were finally getting an answer!
She was slowly forgiving you !
The letter was talking about what the stalker did to her and why she was angry at you. She said that the creep had broke in and threatened to hurt her and her boyfriend. Her money was stolen but the most painful was to watch a stranger know everything about you without being able to protect yourself. She gave you news of her boyfriend, told you she had quit her work and asked you on your life as well. You couldn't proceed the situation ! You were so happy ! Getting up from your uncomfortable position on the grounds, you put your eyes against the door peephole to know if someone was in, only to see an eye already watching you. Surprised, you move away from the door. Seconds later, you look again but no one is here. Damn, that gave you the creep for a moment. Fortunately, it was her ! After all, who apart from her and her boyfriend is inside ? Your first instinct was to run towards Ethan's flat to tell him everything.
It was thanks to him after all. He gave you the idea of the letters. He's the one who got you out of the hole you were digging for yourself. You owed him so much. You were finally getting your friend back !
As smiley as you've ever been for the first time in weeks, you ring multiples times the doorbell.
A shirtless man opened the door for you. His roomate. You had never seen him. Ethan usually invite you when he's not here. You don't know his name, Ethan never bothered to tell it to you, simply referencing to him as 'my roomate'. Now feeling really uncomfortable, you simply look at him.
"Hello ? he asks first.
-Hi, is Ethan there ?
-Sorry, he left a few minutes ago. You can wait for him inside if you want. He's gonna come back."
With a nod, he moves out of the way. He lets you in the livingroom to go in the kitchen where he eats a spoon full of cereals. He's eating breakfast ? What time is it ? Looking at the clock, you learn that it's only quarter to nine (8:45). Where is Ethan ?
"So you're Ethan's girlfriend, right ?
He asks while scrolling on his phone. Awkwardly, you stay put, standing in the middle of the room.
-Oh, no no we're just friends.
-Really good friends, right? he says like he knows something you don't. He talks a lot about you so I assumed you were together already." He laughed.
You would have been uncomfortable if not for the letter your friend had given you. Nothing could get you out of your clouds.
"Oh he tells you about me?
-Too much, I feel like I already know you."
He laughs and you follow even if a little embarassed. He asks you if you want something, a drink, a snack, but you refuse. Days before, you would have been mistrustful of him as you don't know him. But he's Ethan's friend. And you trust Ehan. So you trust his friends.
The front door open and your smile return.
You turn toward the person who enterered, the letter hold tightly in your hand. Ethan doesn't see you, too preoccuped in closing the door. Finally, he lift his eyes and see you. A bright smile immediatly appears. He looks in disbelief at his roomate before staring at you again. Looking like a lovesick idiot.
"What are you doing here ?" he asks surprised with a radiant smile. He throws the mail he visibly just collected on the console next to the entrance.
The shirtless man grabs his bowl and leave the kitchen to leave you both alone. Ethan is beautiful. You only see it now. How blind were you ? He's still in his casual clothes. A red and black vichy jogging pants with a grey faded shirt. You can still discern the outline of the Shining poster on it despite the lack of color, probably due to the numerous washing. And he's breathtaking.
"You won't believe what just happened to me !
-Well, tell me. he seemed as excited as you. That was so cute and one of the numerous things you absolutely loved about him. He was always happy for you.
-She responded ! And I think I even saw her !
As if it was possible, his smile lights up. He walks straight at you and open big his arms for you to engulf into. Which you oblige. He holds you tight and close to this chest. You plunge your head in his shoulder, breath big and laugh from hapiness. He smells good. His nose takes refuge above your ear, on your temple.
"See ? I told you she wasn't mad at you !"
His hands caress your back as your smiles were indelible. You were feeling so happy, so at ease. It was your place. Everything was finally better. He laughs a breathy laugh and tighten his hold on you.
"I leave for a few minutes and this happen ! If its like that, i won't leave the house anymore!
You both chuckle. You move away from him and put your hand on his cheek, he tilts his head a little against it. Silence is what is heard for minutes, both staring into each other's eyes. A small happy smile could be seen on your faces. You slide your hand on his shoulder then lift your face to prop it in his neck. Breathing against his pulse.
-Yes, become my cute househusband. you mutter in a laugh.
-I'd be happy to oblige."
Your cheeks were hurting from how hard you were smiling. Even your prettiest dreams didn't feel like this. For a moment, he rocks you back and forth. His hand sliding under your shirt to stay put on your lower back, propagating his heat. You muttered a small 'thank you' that only he could hear. You were thanking him for everything; his support, his advices, his patience, for being him. The warmth of his body was so comforting against yours. You never want to leave.
It's the sound of porcelain clanking near you which got you out of your daydream. The shirtless man, not so shirtless anymore, put the dirty bowl in the sink. Giving you an apologetic smile, sorry to have broken the spell put on both of you. You smile at him and let Ethan go, deciding that you weren't going to make the situation awkward for his roomate by showing too much affection. You simply grab his hand that Ethan takes happily, his thumbs making small back and forth on the back of it.
"You went grab the mail ? You have a shit ton of letters ! you nod towards the console.
-It's just publicity. Too much of it.
Too much ? There is at least the mail of two different houses on that furniture ! You move towards them to better observe them but that's without counting Ethan who pulls you towards him. His hands go on your hips while yours go on his forearms, you raise a brow.
-I can throw them for you when I leave if you want. you offer.
-Don't, I'll do it.
-Are you sure ? It doesn't bother me...
-Yeah but it bother me! How can I let you do the dirty work, hm ?"
Not convinced by his false gentlemanliness, you raise a brow, a sly smirk on the face.
-Why don't you want me to just watch what you got ? you laugh. I'm curious now. Are you a subscriber of, like, a dirty magazine ? Playboy or something like that ?
-What ? No I'm not !" his face was beet red. You liked to tease him. You have regained your strength and vigor.
You rise both your hands to his face to cup his cheeks. Laughing, he tries to move out of your hold, almost curling on himself, in vain. He was playing along, of course. Ethan was surprisingly strong, so strong he could probably lift you. Your eyes were full of stars. To know he was showing you his submissive, vulnerable side was the prettiest feeling in the world. His hands takes yours to move them out of the way, his face red, he raises the back of your hand to lay his lips on it.
Fuck, you were falling, and really hard for him.
"I just want to take a look... you plead.
-Why do you insist on looking ? he asks, a brow raised, after sliding the back of your hand to his cheek.
-Why do you insist I don't ?
-Because I'm hiding a terrible secret...
-I can see that ! But you love me so much you'll tell me, right ?
He hums and plunge his head in your neck, breathing your smell. Smiling mischievously, he rubs his hair on you and tickle you. Your palms grab at his waist while he tackle you to the back of the couch. Fuck, where did he become so confident ? Okay, maybe your relation does not match with the 'friend' label... Friend definitly don't kiss each other's hand, they don't look at each other lovingly like you do, either. Nor do they tackle each other to a couch while towering so prettily like that...
-I'm in reality a ruthless criminal who steals the mail of its victim.
-Oh no! Don't steal my bills, please...
-You're too pretty to be one of my victims..." he whispers lowly close to your ear.
Finally, after several minutes of teasing, he invites you to lie on the couch. He asks you if you wants to eat something which you answer that his friend already offered. He asks for details about your interaction with your friend sooner this morning and you happily oblige. Telling him everything, even the most futile points. He was smiling during every seconds of it. Seemingly enjoying seeing you content.
"I'm so happy Ethan you don't understand. you tell him at the end of your story, breathless.
Breathless but at the same time, breathing for the first time in weeks. Breathing fresh air. Breathing after being suffocated all this time. It was so good.
-No, I think I do understand. Seeing you happy makes me happy.
You think you're ready to give him the relation he wants with you. Because you want it too, now. And you don't understand why you made him wait that long. You don't feel the danger around you as much as before, you can finally relax. You can finally have your life back.
-I mean, who in their right mind would ghost you? I wouldn't for sure ! Of course she'd talk to you again ! he smiles, stopping his joking tone. I told you everything would be fine.
Ethan's roomate comes back with a bag in hand. Interrupting you, he smiles at your proximity. He approachs his friend and tap him on the shoulder with a bright proud smile.
"I left you something in my nightstand, man. Feel free to use it anytime.
-What ?" ask a confused Ethan.
Poor boy don't get an any answer. His roomate nods to you and smile before going to the door.
-I'm leaving, have a nice day you both !" He yells in the house before slamming the door shut.
After the loud slam of the door, the only thing heard in the room is a faint static noise. Ethan moves uncomfortably on the couch, his eyes stuck to the turned off TV before him. It was weird to know you were now alone together. With his roomate gone, you only had your growing relationship and newfounds feelings with the boy in head.
"What about... We watch a movie together? For you to relax ? And to congratulate you on finally getting an answer ? he offers bashfully, almost scared you'd say no.
-Congratulate me ? You smiled brightly. I did nothing you know, she's the one who sent me an answer.
-Still, you need to relax.
-Don't you have work today ?
-Not when you're here.
-What ? You can't just do that !
-Of course I can ! You're always so stressed, he says in a more worried tone, you barely come over. Can't I be happy my... You're here with me ?
You felt at the same time a electrical shock and a pang your heart. Was he going to put a possessive pronouns before your title ? Was he going to say girlfriend ? Why did he correct himself ? You may not be together yet, but still ! Your heart was beating at high speed. You had a feeling this day with him was going to conclude on something really good.
It was an evidence you'd accept the movie offer. Ethan was sorry he didn't have any popcorn but it was really soon in the day anyway so it didn't bother you. He had put a horror movie you never heard of and by the blurb he gave you, it seemed nice.
Ethan's phone buzzed, he took a look at it and, curious, you stare at him. He sees your reaction and smile, brushing it off.
"It's nothing, it's my roomate.
-He already sent you a message ? He sure is worried. you said referencing to the fact he had litteraly left fifteen minutes ago.
-No it's not like that... These are scheduled messages. It's not really him who sends them.
-And what does it tell you?
He sighs before clocking off his phone, starting the movie. He mutters a quiet 'to do the dishes' while making himself comfortable on the couch. You smile. His rommate seems nice. You wonder why he never wanted to introduce you to him before.
Your relationship with Ethan was fast and slow at the same time. He already broke your defenses and got into your heart, you were teasing each other much more than at your starts. But despite all of this, he was still on the opposite side of the couch. He could be incredibly shy and terribly clingy in the same day.
While the movie was going, Ethan would throw some anecdotes about the scene or the actors. His passion was scary movies. It wasn't yours but you didn't hate them either, in fact, you needed pretty hard stuff to be scared of a movie. Well, after what happened, you simply need a voyeur and a stalker and you're done for. But before that you were pretty indifferent to those movies. The killer appears on the screen and Ethan jumps on the occasion to tells you about how the costume was made. Smiling, you retort to get a reaction out of him once again.
"When we look at you, it's impossible to guess you have the same taste as a serial killer.
-W-what ? I'm not a serial killer...
Not wanting to make him feel bad about his hobbys, you cut him some slack by pampering him. The last thing you wanted was to grow the distance between you.
-Of course E, I know you. You wouldn't hurt a fly. Or maybe to protect me, yeah, I could picture you getting angry for me. What a romantic you are, E. you joked, not even imaginign him getting angry for you, he was just too kind for it. You simply wanted to rassure him.
Ethan had a fond smile.
-Sometimes it seems like you do it on purpose. he puffs.
-Do what ?" you ask.
And he never responded to that. To be honest, you were mostly worried you had vexed him. You were scared of losing him after month of litteraly living thanks to him, depending on him ! His presence was mean of safety. You weren't as much harassed as before with him. You needed him.
So you grabbed your phone on the table and scrolled in your gallery, you had saved pictures that reminded you of him, pictures you found funny or just memes. You knew he put his phone on vibrate, and that the said phone was on his thigh. So you start to spam him. At first, he doesn't budge. But after the fourth vibration, he frows his brows and look at his messages. Seeing your name on the screen, he smiles and look at you. You play it innocent, making it seem like you were watching the movie but he, of course, doesn't believe you. He simply smiles at your childishness.
Knowing he was watching you, you slowly put back your phone on the table. If you were in a cartoon, you'd be whistling right now. From the corner of your eye, you see him shake his head falsely exasperated. The movie wasn't even important anymore. Ethan decided to read all the messages you had sent him. You'd hear him chuckle or ask you 'Are you serious?' on the weirdest images.
Your phone buzz, the vibration echoing in the whole table. You look at Ethan with a raised brow, thinking he had sent you something in return.
"Don't look at me like that, It's not me."
You ignore it. You didn't care what that notification was. Ethan was here and that was it. That was all you needed to know. To hear. The message owner could go to hell for all you care.
"You won't look at it ? Ethan asks anyway.
-No, why would I ?
He shrugs. Not thinking much of it, you grab your phone a second time. Ready to tell him a stupid joke about how it was your secret lover or something but your smile disappeared in a microsecond at the sight on your phone. Were you dreaming ? Were you fucking dreaming ? Or was this really a text from your best friend ? That she just sent ? Just now ? Your eyes widen, you reach out your arm to him, not quite touching him.
"Ethan Ethan Ethan Ethan, my god, my fucking god.
-What ? What ? Is everything okay ?" you didn't look at his face but his voice was scared.
With shaky hands, you click on the notification to show the message in its entirety. It was asking if you were doing okay. Following, a picture of her in her car. Your breath was erratic. The picture, in reality, seemed a little old. Her hair were shorter. But on the moment, you didn't try to question it, in fact, you didn't even notice it.
Ethan sits next to you on the couch, his arm and thigh against yours. He quickly understand the situation.
"Ask her if she's okay."
You do as you're told, too shocked to proceed any information or think by yourself for the moment. You start to feel bad for not wanting to look at the message seconds priors when she doesn't answer nor show signs she's connected.
"She doesn't respond, she's not connected. Fuck, E ! She messaged me ! you recall, not quite proceeding the whole answer stuff. This morning and now this, fuck, E.
How you could kiss him right now !
-I think it's the best day of my life. you look at him, which face was suddenly really close to yours. Ethan I'm gonna ask you a really important question.
-Wow, okay, I'm not stressing at all.
-Have you already kissed someone ?
His face progressively gets more red as his mouth closes and opens like a fish.
-L-Like on the cheek ? Or...
-On the mouth, E. A kiss, a real one. you say exasperated.
-I haven't.
He had every star of the universe in the eyes. You could pay good money to be able to stare into them every day. So Ethan was a true virigin. Never fucked, never kissed, probably never hold hand. Damn, how happy you were to be the first to do all those things to him.
-Can I kiss you, E ? the adrenaline still coursing through your veins made you ask this.
-Hell yes..." he whispers, as if waiting for this moment all his life.
You lean in and lay your lips on his. Pressing against his face, you move your hand in his curls to push him against you. His face was soft like his lips. He wasn't experienced but nor were you. You had already kissed people, of course. But you can't describe yourself as good at kissing. But god it was good kissing him. Eager, you open your mouth to slide your tongue in his. He happily folows, your teeth clinking in the process but none of you bothered. Wet and drooly sounds could be heard from your tongue licking and sucking each others.
Ethan parts from you to take a big breath. Once done, he plunges once again in the heated kiss. Your phone long forgotten on the couch fall on the ground with Ethan's moves to get closer to you. Caging you between the couch and his tall body, he plants his hands on either sides of your waist.
How you never want to part away from him...
Your fingers lift up his shirt for you to caress his hips, you feel him shudder at your touch. Ethan whimpers in your mouth when you drag your fingers higher and that's all you need to hear for you to rise to your knees. Since you're now taller, Ethan have to back his head. He hold tightly your lower back which he keeps stuck to him.
With one hand, Ethan takes the remote and turn off the TV without turning his attention from you. He leans towards you, crushing you flat against the cushions. His pelvis now between your legs. You wrap him between your thighs. Your hands pull and grab at his curly hair and by his whines, you guess he seems to like it.
Something is poking at your thigh and you search the reason, quickly to find it was his goddamn dick. He was already painfully hard. The though of him so ready for you had heat pooling to your underwear. Your hand play with the elastic of his pant, making it slam lightly against his pelvis. Ethan whimpers and rubs suddenly his cock against your pants. You bite his lips from the sensation.
He was so desperate, you loved it.
The movie on TV suddenly let out a screeching so loud it made you both jump from each other. You look at the screen only to see that the killer made another victim. When did you put the volume so loud ? Damn. Ethan stands up and laugh nervously, his lips all red and swollen from your sucking. You're hurt by the rapidity he used to get off you.
"I'm... heading to the kitchen for, uh, glass of water. You want ?" he spits in an embarassed quickness., his voice cracking a little.
You nod and he instantly disappears into the kitchen to grab two glass of water. Lying down on the couch, you try to understand exactly what happened. You kissed him, no, you made out with him. You felt his dick against you ! He humped you !
You're finally going crazy, aren't you ? Man, what if the stalker killed you already and you're just imagining all that ? Nevertheless, the wet sensation in your underwear really was real. Maybe he's just getting shy again ? You know about his quickly embarrassed demeanor, you just didn't think he'd feel shame after grinding on and kissing you in, such a dirty way. It's kind of late to be ashamed.
Ethan comes back, walking weirdly. His legs not quite closing like usual to take a step. Oh, yeah. of course with his hard on bothering him. He just place the glass on the table and back from it as quickly as he came. You look at him, eyes full of questions. Is he disgusted ? Scared ? Is he really just shy ? You were scared he regretted kissing you.
Ethan stares at the tv, well, he was faking it. He was still standing after all, and side eyeing you. Looking for your reactions. Sipping on his glass of water as if it was fine wine. Shoulders almost hunched before.
"I love that movie.
-So we're not gonna talk about it at all?"
He stays silent. Fuck. You ruined everything, didn't you ? Ethan was standing awkwardly before you. He pulls at his pants to loosen it, the pression probably hurting his now bigger cock. He looks at the ground, neck and ear bright red. His other hand puts his curl back in place.
"Do you regret it ? you ask, pained.
He says no in a voice similar to a child who'd been scolded. Then, he looks at you for a mere second before lowering his gaze once again. Ethan smiles sadly.
"It's just..."
You nod, making him understand that you were listening.
"That was kind of awkward. Seeing you were hurt, he panicks. N-no! Not like that ! Not because of you or... Or like that or anything. Like. It kind of was my first kiss. And, you know. I'm not really good at it and all. And I kind of drooled on you and that wasn't as romantic as I thought it would be. And I made sounds I didn't even know I was capable of, you see? I was thinking we'd have a cute picnic or something and it would have been cute and... Now it was just messy and horny. Which was good, too but, uh, yeah...
You're speechless after such a letting go of emotions.
-Fuck, I always ruin everything, right ? he adds, laughing bitterly.
-Ethan... you sigh, getting up from the couch. You don't have to be embarrassed. I liked the kiss, I would have liked it as long as it was with you.
He nods shyly. Suddenly really aware of his low self esteem, which you were already knowing of, you feel sympathy for the boy. You put your glass on the table and walk to him, taking his own glass of water, you put it away and keep your attention on him. You wrap your arms around his neck and smile. Laying a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips. Flustrered, he tries to hide his face but fail.
"You're such a cutie." you tell him.
How happy you were to have such an angel as Ethan by your side. He had pratically saved your life. He truly was a gift from heaven. That's what you needed after all the terrifying things that happened, a cute nerdy but safe man who'd protect you.
Part 2
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milessluvr · 11 months
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—summary , Gwen Stacy and her long crush y/n went to stop a bank robbery when it went into a wonderful night.
—warnings , wlw gunshots robbery but just pure fluff
—note , my friend requested this on discord! if theirs anything wrong please message me I’ll try to fix it first ever short fluff story hope you enjoy!! ^^
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you laid in bed, lost in the mellow flowing through your headphones, when suddenly noticed Gwen Stacy gracefully climbing through the window of your room. Dressed in her white Spider suit, she beckoned you with a smile and amused look. She wasn't really feeling like swinging through the city alone, so she immediately thought about you.
"Come on, lazy." whispered Gwen, to not let anyone hear her, except you. "Get out of bed. We're going to kick some criminals' butts."
“whoa whoa wait up!” you said putting on your spider suit.
"Good, you're ready told you a while." replied Gwen. "Now come on, theirs a bank robbery downtown " The two of you snuck out through the window. You headed through the city until you encountered a bank robbery. Gwen quickly started to swing from building to building.
you swings with her whisperering “jeez Gwen you gotten faster?” you said her fixing her mask.
"It's been a while now, since I became Spider-girl." Gwen replied casually. "Of course I got faster. Now follow my lead." With that, Gwen swang into the bank, and you heard panicked screams and gunshots.
You followed Gwen as she kicked the bank robbers butts. Soon enough, all robbers were on the ground, and the situation was under control. The two of you watched a group of police officers approaching you. Gwen looked a little uncomfortable. "The cops..."Gwen whispered.
you grabs Gwen hand and web sling away from the building wrapping a arm around Gwen’s waist “you okay?” you said worried
"I'm fine..." Gwen said. "But that was a close one." She looked into your eyes, and you noticed a nervous look in hers. "Why would you want to hold my hand?" she asked, curious.
you looked anyway quickly before she even blushed “too get anyway of course!”
"Oh..." said Gwen, blushing herself. She took a deep breath. "You look so cute in your suit." she added, looking at you lovingly. She then touched your cheek, smiling. She wanted to tell you something important, but wasn't sure if she should.
you face heated in a blush quickly stuttering a “thank you..”
"Can I tell you something, y/n?" Gwen asked, still touching your cheek. Her breath increased, and you could see that she wanted to tell you something of great important thing.
you sat down close to Gwen saying “yeah go ahead”
“I love you y/n.” Gwen said looking into your eyes.
She leaned closely to your lips, about to kiss you. But she stopped herself, realizing, that it probably wasn't the best moment for it. She blushed and looked away, still breathing fast. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it..." Gwen whispered.
Y/n grabbed her cheeks pulled in and kissed Gwen with full confidence
Gwen was surprised, and she closed her eyes. She kissed you back deeply and then looked at you, still blushing.
"I've loved you for such a long time, y/n," she whispered. "I didn't dare to confess my feelings, because I was afraid that you might not feel the same way."
She took a moment to collect her thoughts. "But I don't care anymore. I want to be with you."
You smiled happily with a huge smile on your face
Gwen still smiled, her cheeks being all red.
"We should hurry, before the police officers start to search for us," Gwen said after a moment.
"You know what? I think it's okay if we stay here for a while."
"I just want to be with you, y/n," Gwen smiled.
"So..." Gwen asked you. "May I kiss you again?"
you smiled more saying “yeah.. go ahead”
Gwen took a step to you and kissed you again, but this time longer, more passionate. You felt her tongue slowly pushing against your lips, and you both kissed each other deeply.
"I love you, y/n," Gwen said smiling. "I always will."
She looked at you lovingly and caressed your cheek. Her eyes glowed in the moonlight.
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@buzzinn July 2023 ! please don’t copy or steal , likes nd reblogs r much appreciated ^^
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
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Media The Maze Runner
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader (Male)
Rating Smut
Concept Shower Compliments
Smut Nudity / Cum / 'big boy' / 'cutie' / jerking off / bj /
Requested Anonymous asked:
I've been reading your stories for a long time now, and I love them. I was just wondering if it would be possible to have a couple from the perspective of a male y/n? Either way, great content. Thank you!
I yawned a little as I pushed myself up from my hammock feeling my back crack and my neck immediately becoming sore from sleeping in the rough hammock all night. But I slipped on my shoes and headed out into the glades grass with a stretch, I know I'm up early as always only the runners and maybe a keeper or two is ever up this kinda time but I liked being up early gave me some alone time. I headed across the glade towards the deadheads to the small roughly built showers, they were mostly just wooden frames with the same twig built walls as most glade buildings but only enough to really cover you shoulder to knee as given were all boys wasn't much point to much more as they were communal anyway. Some hastily built contraption the builders came up with for water honestly I don't understand it but not like I need to at least it's better then the klunk buckets.
I headed over and began to kick off my stuff when I noticed a pair of feet it was strange for the showers to be occupied this time of morning, part of why I got up so early but I couldn't help but smile as I saw who it was, he had cleared been Washing his face and hair as a moment or so later his head threw back up revealing his messy blonde hair 
"Ohh hey y/n" he smiled
"Hey newt, there uhh room in there for a small one?"
"Yeah sure don't worry about it man" he chuckled
So I kicked off the last of my clothes and headed in putting a fair bit of space between us as I began my shower it of course being ice cold, I did feel kinda self conscious given I wasn't alone but I just kept my hand there to give myself a little bit of protection. As I washed and scrubbed I noticed newt our the corner of my eye I guess I never really looked at him that much, he was thin but with firm arms where he worked in the garden all day, his ankle badly bruised, his chest hairless except a tiny speckle of blonde hair on his stomach, he had a very prominent V given he was so thin and I was taken back immediately as my eyes met his… his… 
Holy shuck! 
I couldn't tell exactly how big from here but enough to surprise me, I never imagined newt to really be packing all that much then again I don't suppose I had really thought about it before. But… klunk! That's uhhh that's alot of cock for such a skinny boy.
It then became even more of a necessity to keep myself covered attempting to conceal the fact that this ice cold water and his vainy manhood had basically made me a rock. 
I knew his shower was almost finished and he'd be going soon at first I didn't want to say anything meerly keep this memory in my mind and go off to the deadheads tonight but I felt compelled to speak up
"Hey uhh newt?"
"Yeah?" He asks 
"Can I uhhh can I tell you something?'
"Sure go ahead y/n"
"This uhh this might sound kinda weird but… you have a great dick"
There was silence between us for a moment and he glanced over
"Thank you? I think?"
"Sorry kinda weird"
"No no it's cool, I mean we're both guys"
"Exactly, we both have dicks"
"Yeah, it should be cool to compliment"
"Yeah! Like you would someone's hair or their shirt"
"Thanks y/n." He smiled "if we're complementing, you have a great arse" 
"Thanks" I smiled back "maybe we should put them together sometime - that came out really wrong! I meant like -"
"Don't apologise. I think we both know what you meant y/n" he chuckled "see you around" he says heading out the showers 
"Yeah see ya" I nodded finishing my own and scampering off to work.
I felt so nervous all day that someone heard or that newt would tell someone about the showers. Even if I had to admit I was still stiff from just thinking about him all day I sat at dinner unable to stop shifting in my seat watching him across the way I couldn't help being reminded of his naked body. I'd had enough so I returned my bowl for dinner and headed into the deadheads stopping at a clearing undoing my pants and taking a grip of myself "uuhhh" I groaned 
"Y/n? That you?' I heard behind me so I quickly took my hand out and did my pants up turning to see newt had come after me
"Yeah, yeah it's me"
"You okay? You've been kinda off all day? Something up?"
"Yeah something is uhh definitely up."
"What is it?" 
"Sorry it's complicated"
"Come on, just tell me what's up?"
"Okay… I'm hard as shuck."
"Okay. Why?"
"I have been all day, after seeing you this morning"
"Ohh." He says "why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't wanna be weird"
"It's not weird, two boys… getting hard for each other after seeing each other so exposed" he smirked taking my hand softly playing with my fingers "totally normal. Just like one guy yawning because another guy does"
"Exactly. I just uhhh I really liked what I saw"
"Yeah? Me too." He smirked 
I couldn't wait any longer and grabbed his neck pulling him into a kiss immediately he kissed me back and wrapped his arms around me one hand grabbing my ass hard, we kissed intensely until my back hit a nearby tree And we pulled away 
"What do you want me to do?"
"Uhhh just make me cum please newt' 
"So long as you pay me back?'
"I will I promise. Just… please I've been hard all day" 
"Okay" he smirked nibbling and kissing my neck as he undid my pants and took a grip of my shaft "humm I see why you were hiding it in the shower, didn't wanna show off how hard you were" he smirked stroking my shaft playfully "maybe if you hadn't been hiding so much I could have complimented way more than your arse" he smirked taking a grip of my hilt and jerking at first slow but getting faster and more merciless often rubbing precum with his thumb as he kissed and left hikis on my neck all while I tried desperate to keep quiet so the guys wouldn't hear us 
"Uuughhh… uuuuuuuhhh… uuughhhh newt please… oh shuck- uuughhhh! Uuummmm I'm so close. I'm so close newt please" 
"Just tug my hair okay" he whispered
I was confused as his hand left me but he moved to his knees pressing kisses to my shaft before then taking me and sucking as he held onto my pants often glancing up at me which only got me closer I had to physically bite my lip to stop my screams of pleasure gripping his hoodie hard 
"Shuck-" he groans pulling back a moment to undo his own pants taking his own cock in hand to jerk himself as he returned to deep throat my cock 
"Uuhhh uuughhhh uuughhh newt… newt… please I'm… I'm gonna Cu- uuughhhh! Uuuuuuuhhh!" I groaned tugging his hair hard letting him move back just as I hit my peak sending my seed across the grass 
"That feel better cutie?" He whispered and I nodded 
"Ummm much better." I gasped "now it's your turn big boy." I smirked pushing him against the tree I tossed his hand away and replaced it with my own stroking at first but it quickly became jerking his slender cock 
"Uuummmm" he groans rolling his head against the tree "uhhhh more please" he whined 
"Okay, guide me how you like it" I smirked moving to my knees and happily taking him in my mouth it took a couple of tries for me to get use to him and not gag but we figured it out I took what I couldn't take in my hand jerking into my mouth letting him hold my hair to guide me where he needed me his other hand finding grips in the tree bark 
"Uuughhh not that your not doing a good job down there cutie. But I already jerked off today, not sure I can go again."
"Already?" I asked pulling back smirking as I licked and stroked him softly
"I couldn't help it. That arse looked so good this morning" he smirked 
"Anything that would get you there big boy?'
"Hummm… how about something a little more invasive?" He smirked 
"Really?" I smirked getting back to my feet pressing my body against his grinding on him hard 
"Alright, you wanna be top or bottom?'
'humm I think we both know the answer to that" he smirked "bend over" he demanded 
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bi-bard · 1 year
Segue - Dick Grayson Imagine [HBO's Titans]
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Title: Segue
Pairing: Dick Grayson X Reader
Based On: Segue
Word Count: 1,559 words
Warning(s): canon-typical violence
Summary: Dick never planned to fall for someone. However, when a new vigilante shows up in Gotham, he finds his attention torn from his work. And he can't find it in himself to feel upset about that.
Author's Note: The instrumental tracks are both the most fun stories to write and the most difficult.
Part Two of "May" [Release Date: 5/16/2023]
Part Three of "May" [Release Date: 5/18/2023]
Being Robin was somewhat second nature for Dick.
He wasn't sure when running around in a suit and mask began to feel normal. All he knew was that it did. Running and fighting and training and saving people all became more normal that the life that he had outside of the suit.
But with normal came predictable.
It wasn't that he didn't still get that rush of adrenaline. It was just that every event felt like it was following the same script. It was a rehearsed dance more than anything else.
He couldn't picture an interruption to that predictability.
Until one night.
He was in a building across the street from a very sketchy bar. It was after hours, last call had been done. The only people left were two men sitting across from each other, a group of guards covering the entrances, and the bartender that seemed terrified about the whole ordeal.
Dick was watching the scene through a camera placed in the room. Bruce had gotten wind of a pretty bad deal and sent Dick to go figure out what was going on.
Dick was growing admittedly bored of the conversation. It was all subtle. Code words shared over two drinks. Nothing certain. No sure answers.
His boredom came to a sudden halt when he saw a guard suddenly collapse.
"What the hell-"
Another guard fell. And a third. And on and on it went.
With no other sign of anything, the guards had all fallen. Dick almost ran inside, but Bruce told him to wait. They didn't have enough information to know that moving in wouldn't get Dick killed.
One of the men suddenly pulled a gun out from his jacket, aiming at something. His arm fell as he suddenly fell unconscious. He leaned forward, head landing on the top of the table.
Dick watched as someone in a mask and a makeshift suit walked into frame. They grabbed the front of the remaining man's shirt. There was some yelling about a weapons deal. A detail that Dick and Bruce didn't even know about yet.
"Stay put."
Dick grumbled to himself but listened. He watched the man with his head on the table start twitching just a bit once his head was touched. As if trying to wake up and fight something.
The vigilante threatened to do the same to the only man still awake.
Dick furrowed his eyebrows. What was it? Poison?
"I will leave you trapped in a nightmare for the rest of your life," they explained.
"What?" Dick replied out loud.
"You won't wake up, and you won't die. You will spend decades in your own personal hell," they threatened further. "Unless you tell me what I need to know."
The man rambled out details so fast that Dick almost missed them.
"Thank you," the vigilante said before knocking out the man. Not in the same way they had knocked out the other men. No, this time they just punched him. "Only a few hours instead of the days these men will spend unconscious. I'd call that fair."
He knew that Bruce was also watching the feed from the Batcave.
"Bruce, did you-"
"See that? Yeah, I did," Bruce cut him off.
"Any idea who that was?"
"Not at all," he replied.
"I could follow them. They haven't left yet."
"No, it's too dangerous," Bruce muttered. "Come back to the manor. We'll look over that video feed, see if we can figure out what exactly they did."
"Got it, see you soon."
Dick was about to pack up and leave when he saw the other vigilante make it to the roof of the bar. Dick wasn't sure if they had seen him or not. If they did, they gave him no sign of such.
That was (Y/n)'s plan.
If the guy across the street knew that they had seen him, then there would be even more problems than they were already dealing with.
Robin and this new vigilante kept finding themselves in the same place.
Investigations to fights, when one was there, so was the other. It was more shocking that when the news ran the story of a new vigilante, they didn't accuse (Y/n) of working with Batman and his little sidekick.
(Y/n) stopped pretending that they didn't see Dick. There were too many occasions of them being near each other for that trick to work forever.
There would be moments where they'd stand on opposite roofs, staring at each other. (Y/n) would smirk at the other vigilante before taking off again.
It didn't seem like Dick would ever be fast enough to catch them.
Until one night.
There had been an investigation.
(Y/n) dropped on a roof that they were convinced was empty. However, as their feet landed, another set seemed to land in the same spot.
They looked over to see Dick standing behind them. His eyes were just as wide as theirs. He didn't realize that anyone was there.
(Y/n) went to run off but didn't get far before their wrist was grabbed.
"Wait," Dick called. "Please."
(Y/n) went shove him off, only to have their other wrist grabbed.
"I'm not going to hurt you, just wait!"
They stopped for a moment, glaring at him with their jaw clenched.
"I just want to talk, please," he said.
"Two minutes," they warned.
"What's your name?"
"Why would I tell you that?"
"I... I meant your... vigilante title, not your real name."
"I... I don't have one."
"What," he asked.
"I was a little more focused on the work," they explained. "Also, the news wouldn't care about what name I picked. They're gonna pick a name for me without my input."
"Have they picked one?"
"Still on 'mysterious new figure' duty," they muttered. "What about you?"
"Like the little bird?"
"I didn't pick it."
"Well, Little Bird, can you please let go of my wrists now?"
"I have an offer for you."
(Y/n) rolled their eyes. "What?"
"Work with me and Batman," he suggested. (Y/n) scoffed, so he tried to explain before they could run away from him. "Imagine how much you could do with more resources and extra help."
"Last time I checked, I'm usually ahead of you and Batman."
"Then just consider us extra hands and eyes. Please."
(Y/n) scanned their eyes along Dick's face. "One try. I will give it one try. Screw that up, I will happily kick both of your asses."
"Now let go of me."
Dick nodded and let go of their wrists, now holding up his hands.
He grinned as (Y/n) ran off again.
Suddenly, a duo became a trio and a solo act was part of a group.
Dick and (Y/n) continued working together. It would be a lie to say that it wasn't nice to have someone with them to sit through the long patrol hours. Talking to another person instead of yourself can be riveting.
It was a few weeks into this arrangement of theirs that Dick decided to ask more personal questions. Not that it was difficult to get more personal; the pair only knew each other through their vigilante personas.
"What's your name," he asked one night after a night of patrol. He knew that it wasn't worth asking when the excuse of work could easily be used. "Your real name, I mean."
"Why should I tell you first," they countered, tilting their head at him.
He felt a grin tug at his lips. "My name's Dick."
(Y/n) paused for a second. "I can see why you were okay with Robin."
He chuckled. "Your turn."
Dick grinned to him. He couldn't explain it, but the name just... fit. Something about it sat right in his mind. Suddenly he was back outside that bar, watching with a shocked face as this one person took down an entire gang of people. He didn't realize just how much they had invaded his mind.
"No vigilante name yet," Dick asked.
"Nope," they shook their head. "I've upgraded to dark, mysterious new sidekick in the news."
"Truly a cause for celebration."
A little more laughter happened between them.
"I'll see you later, Little Bird-"
"Can I ask you another question?"
"Why not?"
"Why'd you start?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you become a vigilante," he asked. "Were you just sitting with all of that stuff you use and waiting for a signal?"
"Then... what happened?"
(Y/n) stared at him for a moment. Even after such a short amount of time, they knew that he wouldn't let this go.
They took a deep breath.
"I was visited by... something," (Y/n) explained.
"By what?"
"I can't tell you that."
(Y/n) took a deep breath. "If I do, what I have will be taken from me. I'm sorry, little bird, but you're not worth that risk."
Dick nodded. "I understood."
"Good," they replied before starting to walk away from him. "I'll see you around, little bird."
"Why can't you just call me Robin," Dick asked.
"Not as fun," they shrugged. "Bye, little bird."
"Bye... Sandie."
"Work on that one!"
"Planning on it!"
He heard a loud laugh follow (Y/n) as they ran off.
He smiled to himself.
This was a new normal that he could find himself enjoying far more than that old, rehearsed dance that he had known.
Navigation Guide
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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hisuianhellion · 2 months
The Truth of the Matter
There it was, right in front of Rose. Dragonspiral Tower. It stood high, higher than any manmade structure she had seen in the world of Pokemon. A veritable skyscraper of stone, marble and raw power, the hair along the back of her neck rose like hackles as the woman stared upwards. What would she find? How would Reshiram be able to come free from his imprisoned state? Would it happen naturally or... would there need to be a catalyst?
Would she even make it?... hah, probably. This was nothing! Nothing she couldn't handle in the least, a grin beginning to crack along her lips as she nodded, stepping forward.
She began her climb.
Rose sat down, the first large flight of stairs having led her to the fallen pillars of a once majestic square within the tower. Dragonspiral was in disarray in ways that matched some of the more distraught ruins she had seen in the Coronet Highlands. Speaking with Mutt and traveling there herself had given her a healthy dosage of the history that Volo sought to uncover. Stories of the Celestica people who once roamed the Hisuian hinterlands, far beyond Sinjoh. Upon one she sat, Lucien giving a gruff rumble as he looked about quietly with her.
History was within these walls. So much could've been done, could've been said from between these pillars and along these tiled floors. The rush of water just below them all gave her the notion that despite being multiple stories up, she was still rather early on in the climb. How long had it been since this world had seen this place in all of its splendor? How many Pokemon found their way here to seek some form of peace of their own? How many humans, for that matter? Hmm. It wasn't good to dwell. Her knee would get stiff, it was time to get going.
She climbed higher.
Barry peaked over the edge of the heightened landing they were upon. The water below trickled about, but where they were was high above that, the sound barely reaching their ears by this point. Spiral staircases circling about the central column of the tower, and they were a couple hundred feet above the bottom. This high up, the wind whipped through the holes in the stonework a bit more pointedly... and with winter not yet releasing its hold, it was still rather chilly. Rose lightly pet along the Sylveon's head before rubbing along her arms to make sure the jacket of her uniform stayed on firmly.
A gentle peer upwards as her legs took her towards the next floor, stairs coiling about, she was beginning to take note of the narrowing walkways. The crumbling wasn't just along the walls in a place like this, and if the pillars being on the ground was any indication, weathering could've taken many of the floor's foundations with it. Her hand came up to return both of the Pokemon walking about with her, and she picked the pace back up. Despite the pain flaring in her knee, there was progress to make. And she wasn't risking her family in the process of this.
Higher, climb higher, Rose. But pace yourself. There is... a feeling building within me... And I worry you aren't taking things slow enough.
The central pillar stood before her, holding up the peak of the tower. Her eyes peered upwards, and with a gentle tap of Abraham's wing as she brought him out as carefully as possible, she rubbed along it softly to check its state. A wince from the Braviary as he extended it made her shake her head. No. She wouldn't put him through any extra pain to make things easier for herself for a small moment. He was a new addition to her family, but that didn't mean he got less consideration. Back into his Pokeball for safety, she would be able to do this even with her knee screaming at her.
This room... scared her. A look down, and the half of a thousand feet above the ground was apparent. She grimaced, eyeing the rather precariously placed "path" upon her. The stonework was almost set up to be a test, rings of stone connected by blocks that she hoped held the weight of a normal human. But the cold wind billowed. The air had grown just a bit thinner, enough that her breathing was more ragged. Puffs of steam escaped her mouth as she glanced up, and she carefully dug her cane into the ground to keep herself steady as she hopped from ring to ring, back and forth. And as she came across the next set of stairs, her knee was howling. Pulsing with pain. Injuries did not simply leave one be, and her own one was dangerously close to preventing her from continuing. She took a step forward.
Rose. Rose, I can feel myself... brimming. The sensation grows. But you... you must be careful! Stop and rest if it is needed--!
Her knee buckled.
Right at the apex of the climb, it gave out. Her eyes went wide, and the blur of air as she shifted to the left made a curt curse fall into the open air. Along the edge of the stairs themselves. A fall that would ruin everything was coming. Her teeth grit. Her eyes closed. Her hands reached out to grab something. Anything. Anything at all!
A horn caught her side. A Samurott, her very own Nanami. Right there. Right behind her. Ready to make sure nothing happened to his family, just as she did for him.
But another had reached out. A hand, grasping onto her own outstretched cane. A strong grip. A firm tug. And with Nanami's help, the young man's voice grunted out as he got her up and onto the floor she was trying to reach this entire time. She fell onto the ground with Nanami nosing at her worriedly, a wheeze and a cough wracking her entire body as she panted for a few seconds.
She couldn't see straight. Doubt mixed with the adrenaline that the fear had caused, and her body quaked with tremors. She almost made it! She almost goddamn made it on her own! But... she almost just had much worse crop up for her. Had she not let her Pokemon be their own thinkers... and had this stranger not been here...
Her eyes finally turned up. And in the light of the sun, a young man stood. A black and white cap upon his head. Green locks settling down along his shoulders. A rather amused smile as he panted gently in response, leaning up with gray eyes glancing down kindly upon her. Faintly, he adjusted his white jacket and brushed the hair off of his shoulders, sighing. "That was, ah... quite the show. Second one I got to see from you."
Rose furrowed her brow, still panting gently. Before being dragged a bit more firmly onto the more flattened area of the pillar-laden peak she had climbed up to reach. Lucien had burst out around the same time, and only now did Rose look to her side to notice Barry was holding onto her arm, ribbons curled all the way up her forearm with the Sylveon vibrating from the stress. He was smiling outwardly. He was not smiling internally, and neither was Lucien, staring firmly at Rose with a look that bordered on judgmental for her trying to attempt to do this all on her own. As she began to shrink back a bit from the scrutiny her team were giving her, the young man laughed a bit. "Hey now, don't give her too much of an issue... you all know she was risking it for your sakes. Wasn't she?"
Back up went her eyes, and she nodded slowly. "... She was. You..." Her eyes took in what she was finally looking at. "You're N." His own eyes gave a blink at that, but he didn't lose the smile, letting it settle into a kinder state than before as he pulled one foot up onto its toes, pocketing his hands into his pants.
"Well, I was told to expect recognition, but that still catches me a little off-guard. Rose, right? You're supposed to be from some far-flung time and you know of me?"
"Considering you seem to know who I am, I'd be less surpriiiiiisssssaaaah..." Well. There went the adrenaline spike. Her knee. Her goddamn KNEE. Her lips pursed, and Barry tensed up even further, though Nanami was already digging into her bag. A little bit of a tug outwards, and a potion was now in his jaws, being held up to N. Please. Graciously, he accepted it and knelt on down to look her knee over.
"... Aggravated that pretty good, huh? I remember when I took this climb. I had every conviction in the world at my back, and even I found myself awestruck by it. Pokemon should never be made to suffer." A spritz, and Rose inhaled deeply before exhaling. the pain always flared a bit as a potion was applied... "But neither should humans. Or those inbetween."
Rose kept her breathing steady with a few moments of patience before she let her knee stretch out. Then back up. Let the potion work. About thirty seconds of gentle, back-and-forth motions, and the pain was finally beginning to truly subside. It was a dull roar by now.
"Rose, you really ought to be more careful."
That voice. Her ears perked up, and she looked back to the edge of the room. And quietly... he landed. Despite his size, despite his power... there was a grace to his movements that only sent up a few bits of dust and rubble, his claws settling upon the stonework of the peak with a click that even she'd struggle to make as gentle.
Reshiram. Standing proud, his wings gradually fluttering before he settled them down along his front, glancing down at Rose with those same blue eyes. The same ones that held a fire that matched her own convictions. But so much... kinder. So much softer than she knew of the one from her dreams. His gaze wasn't nearly as sharp, not nearly as directly challenging...
This wasn't the Reshiram she knew. And N approaching the massive dragon told her as such, the white, feathered beast leaning his head down to settle beside N's. And... nuzzle at him. Their smiles were practical mirrors of one another's, and as Rose's own family circled her... she had to realize that the Reshiram here was N's own family. The Dragon of Truth, having found someone he could call family... it was honestly...
I... is that... myself?
Rose's ear flicked. N glanced at Rose, as did his Reshiram. All three of them heard him speak. And as she pulled out the Light Stone, the freed Dragon's eyes flickered softly. "... and there I am... I had been waiting for this moment." He grinned softly, a bit more confidently, and that glint in his eyes began to look closer to the Reshiram she knew.
He leaned back. And with a curt roar into the air... the orb began to float upwards. A pulse of fire escaped from the Dragon, and while Rose flinched, N opened his arms to let it hit. And a warmth engulfed them both, far more gentle than she would've ever expected. It curled about, pulsing outwards once more. The pain in her knee began to fade faster than ever, and within a few moments, she began to stand upwards to watch the powerful roar come outwards once more. It should've been ear-piercing. It should've shook the tower.
But no. The serenity of the air was not being disturbed. His motions were so very careful. His power was perfectly controlled. And the Light Stone had been taking in the power pushed onto it inwards. It pulsed. It thrummed. And almost like a Pokeball was being opened...
A far more desperate roar outwards was heard. It shook the foundations with its depth. N kept his arms outstretched as Rose stood her ground, looking up. That was him. That was the Reshiram she knew! That was the power she expected from a deific being of righteous fire! And the pulse he gave out coincided with his wings outstretching. The fire blasted out, and the force of it shot upwards. A crackle of fire to burst the sky clear of any cloud. To extend the truth of the world to any corner it could reach, to speak the words of his Chosen to anyone that needed it! And with a prompt crash downwards, he breathed out, rumbling the tower's form with his landing.
He inhaled. Rose inhaled. She was almost compelled to do so.
His tail flared with power. Rose's eyes pulsed a brighter, cooler blue for a moment.
And with a slow, shared exhale... both turned to look at one another. They locked eyes. Rose lifted a hand. She pointed at Reshiram. And she finally spoke, face to face with him.
It would've been silent. A pindrop would've been audible after her absurd, pointed accusation and decree.
Had N's Dragon of Truth not began to very coyly try hiding his snickering. Rose's? He was busy staring at her with his gaze a bit lidded and a... not insignificant hesitancy to concede to her demand. He glanced at the other of his kind. And inbetween chuckles, which even N was a bit taken aback by, they motioned gracefully towards Rose, nodding.
... Surely this is not... mmgh. Fine.
He looked down at Rose for a few seconds. He knew it'd hurt. He knew her strength. He knew her convictions. But... he would abide. His Chosen was, in some fashion, correct for wanting justice... his head leaned down. She kept staring. His head got lower. She motioned firmly. He was finally right in front of her.
She wound her hand back... and as he watched her sternly, awaiting her wrath...
Plaff. A light plap of her palm right to his cheek. Followed by another to the other side. And she tugged him down with remarkable strength to hug onto him. "... it's very necessary, you big, harsh, selfless and caring jackass..."
N finally took a moment to compose himself as he saw this. And with Rose's other Pokemon all crowding around her Reshiram's newly freed form, he began looking amongst them with a steadily draining sharpness to his own gaze. It was still harsher than N's own Dragon of Truth... but... it was a start.
She had climbed enough. Now she had time to relish her achievement at the top with those she had brought with her. N and her? They had plenty to talk about besides...
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next-autopsy · 7 months
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A/N: Well, hi there! Chapter 6! Read! Enjoy! Or don't, I can't tell you what to do. This story is the slowest of slow burns and I'm trying to build up and develop Birdies friendships between the other ladies and Easy men before any romance is brought up, just so y'all know...
Based on the actors portrayal/hbo show and written with no disrespect to the real life veterans. Also all images found on Pinterest.
TW: Meal skipping, gossiping (but like nicely?)….. maybe that’s it?
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Made of Glass
Chapter six: Oh, The Guilt Gossip Brings.
Richard Winters was a respectable man and functioned well in the military. He didn't question ridiculous orders and never spoke out of turn, he put up with a lot.
But even he knew when enough was enough, unlike his commanding officer; Herbert Sobel.
The punishments he was giving Bernadette were testing the boundaries of enough. It was making Winters consider telling on his CO like a schoolboy ratting on a bully.
Richard didn't interfere when Sobel had pushed Bernadette to her physical limits on the obstacle course. He didn't say a thing to the man in charge when he assigned the girl a full night of guard duty, even though he wanted to. He knew this was her chance to prove her strength and determination to the men, so he let it happen. He didn't bat an eye as he watched Sobel bend over and draw a circle of chalk on the floor of the mess hall at breakfast. Winters observed quietly as she was made to stand inside it at lunch as well.
And now, the redheaded lieutenant was at his limit.
The specific targeting of the only woman in the company was becoming too much. She hadn't slept at all the previous night and was being denied a full days worth of food, so when Sobel approached her as she stood obediently inside the circle at dinner that evening, Dick was apprehensive. What else could he possibly pile on to her already hefty punishment?
Nixon sat across from him yet both men were peering at the woman and the officer, completely disinterested in their meal. They watched as Sobel sneered at her and she took it all in her stride, chin held high. They were far enough away that neither Winters nor Nixon could hear the words he was barking at her but they took note of her clenched fists held by her side and the displeased looks on several of the eavesdropping men's faces, so whatever it was, it wasn't good.
Swiftly and without explanation, Sobel swiveled on his heel and exited the mess hall.
Birdie visibly relaxed at his departure but stayed in her spot, just in case he returned or someone grassed on her. She attempted to start up a conversation with Toye and Guarnere, who never seemed to be far away from the girl anymore.
To anyone watching she was clearly trying to lighten the mood of her two new friends but they were holding the grudge closer to their hearts than she did.
“Maybe he's trying to starve her out.” Nixon turned away from the scene, pulling Richard's attention with him.
“Wait until she passes out, then discharge her for failing to complete orders.” Lewis rolled his eyes, he pitied the poor girl but she was holding up well enough that he'd felt confident to take a bet on her outlasting the cruel punishment. Something Dick had chastised him for.
The hall was filled with the usual amount of chatter and movement so no-one blinked an eye when Eugene Roe got up from his seat and shuffled towards the center table. He motioned for Toye to make room for him and sat in the vacated space. He didn't miss the curious look from Bill or Toye straightening up his shoulders when Eugene leaned closer to Bernadette.
“Here.” The medic held out his hand in Birdie's direction and laying in his palm was a Hershey's bar.
Upon catching sight of the chocolate treat, Birdie's head shot up and she hurriedly scanned the room before looking back at the kindhearted man in front of her and shaking her head vigorously.
“He's not here.” Roe kept his voice low, noticing her worry in her dinner plate sized eyes.
“It's not him I'm worried 'bout.” She whispered. She didn't think anyone would rat on her, but you couldn't be too sure of these kinds of things. It was safer not to disobey the pigheaded CO.
Roe sighed, “It's not going to do anyone any good if you pass out halfway up Currahee.” She gazed at the offered food longingly, the tips of her fingers tingled with anticipation. She had never in her life wanted anything more than to reach out and take the chocolate. Birdie had to physically shake her head to break the trance the bar had put her in.
“I can't. Thank you, but I can't.” Her words were final, she wouldn't take the bar.
Standing at attention with a full pack on as the sky dimmed was a nightmare for Bernadette.
She was beginning to feel delirious, the lack of sleep and food was one thing but adding the slowly darkening sky and gentle quiet lull of nature and she was done for. She wasn't sure if she was about to fall flat on her face and sleep or scream, cry and throw a tantrum but something was about to break.
Sobel paced the lines of Easy company, yelling about the conditions of the weekly nighttime march. Absolute silence, no water, typical stuff.
Honestly, Bernadette had stopped paying attention to the things Sobel screamed about. She just focused on the horizon and prayed her didn't call on her. Which he always did.
“Private Coldwell.” Right on time, as expected.
The looming officer stood in front of her, “You will identify the man who tried to sneak you food during dinner and you will identify him now.” It wasn't a question, someone had told him.
Birdie knew she couldn't give Eugene up. She was still gaining the trust of her fellow soldiers and tattling on one of them would do nothing for her. Besides, Roe was only trying to help her and she would felt guilty spitting in the face of his kind gesture.
“Uh.... Sir, no man snuck me food durin' dinner tonight.”
“Are you calling Sargent Evans a liar?” Sargent Evans. She should've known he's go running to Sobel and report every little thing she did.
“No, sir.”
“Then explain yourself, Private.”
“I-” How could she explain herself? “I asked one of the men for somethin' to eat, and thankfully he reminded me of the rules you laid out, so I didn't take it.” Would that work? She could only hope Sobel was dumb enough to buy it or she'd be branded a liar in his eyes.
“Identify the man, Private.” Sobel's voice was venom dipped. Bernadette looked dumbly at his face, how was she supposed to weasel her way out of this?
“It was me, sir.” Roe's Cajun accent was easily recognisable. Birdie held her breath, waiting for some sort of punishment or reprimand.
“Is she lying?” His words were directed at Eugene but he didn't turn his face away from the woman. She needed the medic to go along with her lie but couldn't send him an unspoked message while she was occupied in a staring competition with the angry commander.
“No, sir.” Thank God.
Sobel took the information in, mulling it over and finally moved away from the Easy company riflewoman.
“You have latrine duty tomorrow, don't you?” The CO asked Eugene.
“Yes, sir.”
“Not anymore. Private Coldwell has volunteered to cover your shift.” Well that sounded about right.
“Yes, sir.” Roe responded, his glare did not go unnoticed by Bernadette.
And their twelve mile Friday night march began.
Sleep came easy to Birdie that night.
The thin mattress and itchy blanket felt like resting on a fluffy cloud wrapped in silk. The gentle chatter that filled the women's barracks acted like soothing background noise settling her into some much needed sleep. The lights were still on but that didn't stop Bernadette from shutting her eyes and switching off her brain.
“Poor things really been through it.” Lucy, the dark haired Fox girl spoke, noticing Birdie's unconscious state. She sat at the end of her bed across from the sleeping figure while Blythe had made herself comfortable at the head of Lucy's bed.
“What do you mean?” Constance asked, she and Harriet had been sent to a medical seminar almost everyday that week and were yet to hear the rumours. Harriet heard the commotion and moved closer to the forming group, choosing to sit on the floor next to Lucy's bed.
“Her CO's totally got it out for her.” Blythe commented, flicking through a comic she'd found in Lucy's footlocker. Barbara rolled her eyes and ignored them, scribbling away in her journal, while Betty listened in but kept quiet in her corner of the room.
Connie sauntered over to the bed separating Lucy, Blythe and Harriet from Charlotte, who scrubbed her boots vigorously, and sat, curious to hear the stories about Easy company's woman.
“He's making her run the obstacle course ten times more than the guys and last night she had ALL five guard shifts. By herself.” Lucy explained to Connie and Harriet seeing as they missed the action. The girls widened their eyes, unbelieving of the harsh treatment by her own CO.
“Yeah, and apparently, he makes her stand in a circle in the middle of the mess hall so she can't eat.” Blythe added on to Lucy's statement.
“Nah, I think that one's made up, B.” Lucy told the redhead laying on her bed.
“I heard he's trying to force her to quit.” The Able woman uttered one bed away from the group. She was still polishing her boots and didn't look up from her work but the conversation had piqued her interest.
“Well, someone told me, he flirted with her and she turned him down so now he's punishing her.” Blythe announced, lazily tossing the comic to the end of the bed so Lucy could finish reading it. The duo of blonde medics gasped scandalously.
“No way. Some guy told me, that some guy in Easy told him-”
“Jesus. You ladies never stop yapping, do you?” Francesca exhaled a stream of smoke and tossed the end of her cigarette into the drum. She was leaning against the wall with her knee bent and foot propped up behind her, her usual scowl sat on her face.
She wasn't exactly best friends with the southern woman but she couldn't tolerate good people being gossiped about while they couldn't say anything to defend themselves. She had no time for rumours and hearsay.
Birdie was kind to her and always smiled at Francesca even when all she did in return was glare. Out of all the woman here, Francesca could endure Birdie's presence the longest. Her sunny disposition was ever so slowly growing on the broody woman, though she would rather die than admit it.
“Oh no, we didn't mean-” Harriet spoke up, defending the idle talk shared between growing friends.
“Mhm sure, but would you have said it if she was awake?”
The room fell silent allowing the sound of Francesca swinging open the door and exiting to echo through the women's ears.
A certain level of guilt crept over the room.
Charlotte continued working on her boots, Connie and Harriet found their way back to their respective cots and Blythe and Lucy resumed their senseless chatter about the comic book.
Constance toyed with the corner of her blanket, glancing at Birdie as she dozed peacefully in the bed next to hers. She admired the woman and hadn't meant to engage in the whispered tales but hearing what her comrade was going through impressed her, even if half of it wasn't true, she was still achieving more than the others combined.
Constance decided she would ask her friend about it when she woke up. Francesca was right, if she couldn't say something to her face why would she talk about it while Birdie slept, unaware to what was being said about her?
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A/N: Thoughts? Comments?
~ next-autopsy ~
Chapter seven
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
Okok so like, I have a big brain idea
So like, reader has an argument with Ethan and Karl (poly relationship pog) and storms out of the factory. Cue a time skip of about 5 hours, reader hasn’t come back, and they start to freak out. They search everywhere, and they’re no where to be found.
Turns out they’re talking to Donna and Angie. Why? Cause they need someone to vent to. And cause it also happened to be the day that they were supposed to go over for a tea party with Angie.
If you could make reader more on the masculine side that’d be very poggers
Thanks bestie I love you <3
Donna ended up getting a lot of focus here? That wasn't intentional, I just love her and Angie. I might write a second part to focus on the actual ship more.
Ethan Winters x Reader x Karl Heisenberg
Fandom: Resident Evil 8
Format: Oneshot
Warnings: Argument between the reader and their partners about boundaries about protectiveness. Brief mention of yelling at the reader.
Masc Reader, they/them pronouns used, only pet name used is babe
Character Masterlist Commission Info
“Despite what you seem to think, Karl, you aren’t the boss of me,” you snapped.
“I’m not trying to boss you around but you have to understand that it is dangerous out there, you’re gonna get killed if you keep running off without telling me.”
“Who’s gonna hurt me? The lycans? They know better. The other lords? I get along with them better than you do. And even if something happens, I can handle myself!”
“God, you’re so fucking headstrong, I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“And lock me up in your factory? As if. Fuck off, Karl.”
Tensions had slowly been rising in the factory over the last week, after your boyfriend had gotten annoyed over you coming home late. It felt like he was treating you like porcelain. You weren’t made of glass, you were thriving out here just as much as he and Ethan were. It was so frustrating to be treated like a child with a curfew.
Karl was regularly pushing the limits of his powers and energy, working late into the night. And Ethan had managed to lose multiple limbs in the space of you knowing him, even if he could reattach them with ease. So why were you the one getting lectured?
The tension had broken when you told Karl you were leaving for the day. Neither of you had meant for it to become an argument, but you were both too stubborn for your own good. Karl was pressing at his temples and you could tell he was keeping himself from starting to yell. Then Ethan walked in.
“Hey, you two good? What’s going on?”
“Tell them that they can’t keep running off whenever they like, they’re gonna get killed.”
“Tell him that he can’t order me around!” You protested immediately.
Ethan never enjoyed being in the middle of an argument. He could give as good as anything when he was arguing himself, but you could see him already trying to figure out how to least upset the both of you.
“Well, babe, it uh, is pretty dangerous out there-“
You were sick of this. You had plans today, you were going to be late and you had no patience left for the two of them acting like you couldn’t hold your own. You turned on your heel and stormed out of the room.
“Shit, fine, go cool off.”
You ignored their voices behind you, navigating easily through the factory. It wasn’t fighting against you at least. You’d seen Karl bend the building to his will, rearranging it as he pleased. If he put his mind to it, he could keep you from leaving.
You knew him well enough to trust he wouldn’t though. Even with the frustration still burning in your veins as you stepped out into the snow.
A break from the factory had been exactly what you’d needed.
Your plans for today had been to visit Donna’s manor. Coming out here for tea and gossip was always a good way to let go of stress. Especially since Donna was such a good listener. You hadn't wanted to spend the whole visit complaining at her so it took a few hours for her to pull the story out of you.
“I just feel like they’re being overbearing, you know? I don’t need their protection.”
Donna nodded thoughtfully as you spoke, a new doll in her lap and Angie sitting on the table.
“Kill them!” Speak of the devil, Angie always had her own, very violent, advice.
"I don't think that's the answer here, no," You said, smiling. Even if her advice was unhelpful, it broke the tension that had been set into your muscles since the argument. "They're being...a lot, right now, but I love them and I know they mean well I guess."
Predictably, Angie stuck out her tongue at the rejection of her idea.
"Angie, dear, go play," Donna said softly, setting her down on the ground. The doll ran off immediately, already distracted by something she'd spotted on the floor.
When Donna looked back up at you, despite the heavy veil she wore, you could perfectly imagine the gentle smile she had. Her soft nature had always been a blessing in this world of chaos and you wouldn't trade this friendship for the world.
"It is good that there is no malice on either side and that you know that. But why let it become so angry?" Donna asked.
"Because Karl won't listen to me! And Ethan keeps taking his side even though he's gotten into more trouble than I ever have! And I'm not trying to keep him confined to the factory!"
"Does any part of you want to?"
"What?" You stopped, confused.
"Your Ethan has a knack for finding danger, no? Wouldn't it be nice to know he was safe?"
"Well, yeah, it would," you trailed off, letting yourself reflect on the anxieties that always seemed to surround you when your partners were gone, even though you knew they could protect themselves.
"So, even though you disagree with them, you understand where they are coming from."
"Yeah, but I'm not being unreasonable to not want to be treated like a child by my partners."
"You are not being unreasonable, you do require respect and boundaries with them. But if you want my advice, talk to them about how it feels for you all. You need to feel respected, they need to feel more secure about your safety and perhaps you need that as well. Perhaps you could find a solution that suits you all?"
"I, I'll talk to them. Thank you, Donna"
She nodded at you, and you could tell that the speaking had drained her. Even with your regular visits, she preferred to stay quiet most of the time. Talking could take a lot out of her. You appreciated that she had offered her advice despite that.
You were offered a few minutes of silence before there was a sudden pounding at the door, shocking you both. Angie immediately jumped over into Donna's arm and you gestured for them both to stay put as you went for the door.
You were surprised to come face to face with your boyfriends when you opened the door. Before you could even speak, you were pulled into their arms and could feel their racing heartbeats.
"You were just at Donna's, okay, okay," Karl breathed out, still holding onto you when Ethan stepped back.
"We are so sorry. For the argument, for uh, nearly breaking down Donna's door, all of it." Ethan said, offering you an apologetic smile. "But then you disappeared to get some air and you didn't take your phone and it's been hours. We kind of panicked."
"I am sorry for being an ass, but I would appreciate it if you kept your phone on you." Karl's voice was muffled as he pressed his face into your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, time got away from me. I didn't mean to make you worry." You reached over to squeeze Ethan's hand as you rubbed circles onto Karl's back. "If you let me go, I'll say goodbye to Donna and we can head home?"
It took a moment for you to be released, but they both stepped back, Ethan asking you to apologize to Donna for their brusque entrance.
Donna was sitting calmly on the couch, clearly having relaxed once she recognized the voices. She waved at you as you said your goodbyes, Angie sitting on her lap.
"I still think you should try my idea," the doll said, "But either way, you're coming back for tea again soon, okay?"
"Of course, Angie, I wouldn't miss it for the world."
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
CW: Drugging, car wreck, abduction, creepy whumper, some noncon touching and implied fade to black noncon at the end, choking, beating
Death Valley National Park, 2003
Music blared in Finn Schneider's ears through his headphones as he frowned down at the map he'd unfolded, sitting in the ground so his car could shade him from the pounding heat of the sun.
Didn't do much - the ground, dry and dusty, was hot too. But it helped a little. He could feel his hat sticking to his forehead with sweat, but everything else was wicked up by the dry desert air faster than he could really begin to process it.
No sleep, no sleep til I'm done with finding the answer, the lead singer for the Rasmus croons in his ear, a plaintive note of uncertainty in his voice. Won't stop, won't stop before I find a cure for this cancer...
He'd found a few rocks, using them to lay the map out as flat as he could get it. On it, he'd drawn his route when he was in the motel room yesterday, and double-checked his printed out MapQuest directions three times.
It should have been an easy drive, but he must have done something wrong. The road looked right, but it shouldn't be taking so long to get out of the park... should it?
Maybe he just didn't think about how big the park is. Everything about America is that way - it takes twice as long to get anywhere as it seems like it should, and Finn spent more than a day just trying to drive through one single state when he went through Texas.
At least he had canisters of extra Benzin in the trunk, so he won't run out. The idea of running out of fuel in the middle of this place sent a shiver down his back. No, gasoline and bottles of water, he hasdmore of both than he thought he would need, which he hoped would just mean he had enough.
Maybe he should just get back in the car and drive.
Finn groaned, rubbing his hands up over his face, accidentally knocking his hat, a canvas bucket-shaped thing in a khaki green, to the ground. Wind ruffled his blond hair, almost platinum at the tops and a warmer honey at the roots. He picked up his mobile and flipped it open, but no, still no signal. Stubborn lack of bars, just like it had shown since he first got to the park at all.
"Scheiße," He muttered, flicking irritatedly at a rock as he snapped his mobile shut and stashed it in the lower pocket of his loose green pants. It was too hot to think, no wonder the visitor building had had stories about people going missing or dying in the heat.
They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe-
Finn yanked off his headphones and hit the pause button on his little round CD player, frowning as he looked down the road the way he had come.
Was that a dust cloud? Someone coming?
He reached down and shoved his hat back on his head, a smile breaking out across his tanned face. He raised his arms above his head and waved them back and forth.
The dust cloud became a truck, small and with blue and white stripes along the sides. The driver put his hazards on and Finn exhales in relief, watching him slow and then finally come to a stop alongside Finn's own parked car.
"Well, hello there," The man said, tipping his own baseball-style cap down. He looked vaguely familiar - Finn had seen him in the visitor's center, he thought, along with a couple of families and two young women Finn's own age, college students.
"Hallo!" Finn smiled, staying a safe distance back, hands open to show he wasn't trying to trick anyone. He'd scared a woman when he surprised her back in Missouri, early in his drive. He was more careful now. "I need to ask for some help, please?"
"Help?" The man looked over at Finn's car, as if analyzing it for signs of damage or defect. Then he looked back. "You break down, son?"
"Ah, no, no. Not breaking down. I have been driving so long, it feels like I should be out of the park, but somehow I still am here. Do you know how much longer to drive before I am leaving it?"
"Oh, you've got a ways still. Do you want to-" The man stopped, looking Finn over now, with the same thoughtful analyzing gaze. Something about it made Finn feel uneasy, and one hand slipped into his pocket, feeling for his phone, before he remembered - no signal.
"What if I draw you a map?" The man offered, and the odd look was gone. Maybe it was just a trick of the sun, or Finn was thinking too much.
"Well, I have the map, but..."
"But?" The man's eyebrows raised. He gestured with one hand out the window, as if to say go on.
Finn felt himself blush, hoping the shade from his hat hid the sudden heat in his face. This man was going to think he was an amateur, when he backpacked all over Europe last spring and was nearly two weeks into his American vacation now. "The places are so far apart," He said finally, reluctantly. "I am having trouble with telling how far I need to go."
"Oh, yeah. Makes sense." The man put his truck into park and opened the door, hopping down. He was lean and wiry, in a pale blue Tshirt and jeans, older and with hair starting to gray where it stuck out from under his cap. "Let me see your map, maybe I can put on there how long you need to go, so you don't have to just try and count the miles."
Finn smiled, exhaling in relieved gratitude. "That would be perfect, thank you. My map is down here."
"Well, we'll take a look. Do you have any water,? Gotta never stop with the water when you're out here, that dry heat sneaks up on you."
"Of course, yes." He had more than enough, he didn't mind opening the trunk. He pulled out a bottle and gave it to the man, who opened it and drank almost too quickly, water escaping the corners of his mouth to soak into the neck of his Tshirt.
"Great, thank you. By the way, name's Robert Weber." The man shook Finn's hand, his palm dry and scratchy, his grip a little too tight, holding on a little too long.
"Ah, Finn Schneider," Finn said, surreptitiously opening and closing his hand as he walked Weber around to the shadow side of the car. "Nice to meeting you, too. Meet you, I mean. Sorry."
"Don't worry about it, your English is great." Finn, who knew damn well his English was better than half the Americans he'd spoken to, tried not to bristle visibly. "You're German, right? You sound German."
"Yes." Finn's smile was almost shame-faced. Something about the man's interest, despite being friendly and harmless, had him on edge. Maybe the sense that he was being judged. "I am driving America, before university."
"Nice. That's a nice idea for a vacation. What brings you to Death Valley?"
"I saw a photo of a place here," He said, with a shrug. "It was beautiful. I wanted to see it in person."
"Yeah. Yeah, it definitely is. You were out at Fall Canyon earlier, right?"
Finn blinked. "What? How do you know?"
"Saw your car." Robert patted the side of it like a man patting a horse's flanks. "I have an eye for cars, I'm a mechanic by trade, have been since I was-... Well, your age."
"You were also at Fall Canyon?"
It clicked. He didn't remember the man from the visitor's center at all, but from his brief, aborted attempt to do the Fall Canyon hike, before the growing heat had sent him back to his car. Weber had been there, too, walking from the parking lot when Finn was leaving. He'd been behind a couple of women laughing. Finn had thought he was with them at the time.
He'd seen Finn leaving - and Finn had seen him.
"Sure was." Weber shrugged. "Didn't get far. Too hot for these old bones."
"You are not old."
"Older'n you, anyway. Come on, let's look over this map. Here, I'll get you some water, you're getting pretty red in the face. You just show me how far you're looking to get and I'll tell you how long it'll take."
Finn nodded, crouching by the map and picking up the sharpie marker he was using to draw out his route. "I want to get to here," He said as Weber returned, taking the bottle of water from him with a murmured thank you. He took a drink and tapped the unopened marker against a spot on the map.
"Mojave, huh?" Weber frowned, as if he didn't like that answer. "Figured a kid like you'd be camping here. Cheaper."
"Ah, no." Finn smiled, uneasily. "I only wanted to be here for today. I am more or the hike-and-go-shower type than camping."
"Hey, that's fair." The irritation was gone, but Finn had caught it, anyway. He needed to get to his car, and get some distance between he and this man. "So, you are right about here, more or less."
Weber pointed to a spot on the map. "You're on Scotty's Castle Road, but you knew that already. And you want to get to Mojave?"
"Yes, as soon as I can." Finn checked his watch, frowning as it briefly caught sunlight and sent a glare bouncing off the plastic into his eyes. When he turned back to Weber, there were white spots in his vision, slowly fading as he blinked. "Check in is very soon."
"All right, not a problem. You're about three and a half, four hours from there. Spot on the road closer to Ridgecrest is still rocky from the flash floods a couple weeks ago, you'll take it slow through... Hereabouts."
Weber took the marker and marked a spot along the route with a little star. Finn nodded, taking another drink. Weber's odd intensity seemed to fade, and he suggested a few other stops to Find for the California part of his American adventure. Finn privately resolved to visit none of them. And to call his mother from the hotel, once he got there. She hadn't wanted him to go to Death Valley to begin with - she still remembered the family that had never come home from their own American vacation, back in the 90's.
"I think that'll about do you," Weber finally said, getting to his feet and slapping his own thighs, as if in punctuation. "Safe driving, son. You ever end up going by Rancher's Rest, you let me know and I'll buy you lunch, hm?"
"Thank you, I will," said Finn.
Once he got back into his car, watching Robert Weber drive off ahead, he looked back at his map and scanned it until he found Rancher's Rest. Then he drew a heavy black X over it and wrote vermeiden, underlined twice.
He started up his car, double-checking that he had everything he needed, and pulled back out into the road himself. He took it slow, sipping water now and then, hoping Robert Weber would pull far, far ahead.
Maybe it was the terrain all around him, some blend of the heat and light and pale red and yellow-brown rocks and dirt, but when he blinked, his vision blurred a little, and resisted clearing. He had to shake his head and briefly open his eyes way too wide. He honestly just felt... tired, all of a sudden.
Too much sun. He'd been out in the sun all day, really, it makes sense he'd get tired as soon as he was safely in a car with air conditioning.
He shook himself a little, both hands on the wheel, and focused on at least making it to Darwin, the closest real town where he could get some fuel for his little rental car. The sun was moving across the sky, and Finn was glad he'd decided to come in spring, before the worst, most dangerous heat became commonplace.
As he drove, his eyes grew heavier, and he had to stifle a yawn.
Finally, his chin dropped. His eyes closed - just for one second. Just for a long blink.
Finn woke up off the road, his car's engine slowly ticking to idle, the smell of gasoline in the air. Everything was tinted gold and orange around him, the sun setting spectacularly.
How long had he been out?
Had he fallen asleep?
His head swung heavy, a weight he couldn't hold. His chest hurt, burned where his seatbelt was, and one of his legs throbbed, sending agony up into his hip and his side with every beat of his heart.
He had to blink, bleary and barely conscious, to realize he must have wrecked. His airbag had gone off, slowly deflating now, a white smear before his face. He groaned, shaking his head. "Was ist gerade passiert?"
His hand fumbled for the ignition, then he froze. Staring.
There were no car keys hanging there.
Finn unbuckled his seatbelt and tried to sit up, grunting with the pain as his ribs protested every attempt at a deep breath. He tried feeling around the dash, even looked at the passenger's seat, his CD book a heavy black brick. No keys.
"Wo ist es hin? Oh, Gott..."
The fumes from the fuel that must be leaking out somewhere were making him dizzy and nauseous, his head spinning. He managed to get the door open, but when he tried to stand he screamed as his leg simply buckled beneath him and sent him straight down to the dirt.
He had to crawl on his belly, pulling himself with his elbows and fingers, dragging dust up. He sneezed and then whimpered. It hurt to sneeze - was his nose injured, too?
Finn looked down and saw blood on the dirt. He raised one hand to touch the skin between nose and upper lip, and his fingers came away red.
"Might want to get that looked at," A familiar voice said, and Finn flinched in sheer surprise, rolling into his side and looking up and to his left with wide eyes.
Robert Weber was standing there - maybe had been there the whole time, silently watching Finn struggle, listening to his sounds of pain.
He was smiling.
Behind his head, stars began to wink into view as the light stopped blocking the sight of space.
"Was... What happened?" Finn could make it to his hands and knees, but he didn't dare try to stand again.
"Did no one ever tell you to pull over when you get real tired while driving?" Robert sighed, as if he were a parent disappointed in a child, and walked towards him, step by calm and casual step. "I've had to follow your tracks for more than two miles, you just drove off into Dreamland, did you?"
"What...?" Finn looked around.
There was no road. Only dirt and creosote and the skitter of some small creature fleeing nearby. He had gone so far off the road that he couldn't see any sign of it anymore.
"Doesn't matter." Weber walked over to him, and Finn could see now, through the blur of whatever was wrong with his eyes, that he had something in his hand. Finn's eye went wide as he saw metal glinting in the light, a loop of metal, and he tried to scramble backwards, but as soon as he tried to get up, limping and dragging his injured leg, the world spun once again and he lost his balance, crashing hard on one shoulder as he fell. His mobile fell out of his pants pocket and scraped the ground.
He grabbed for it, fumbling with sweaty fingers before he flipped it open, looking, looking-
No signal.
Zero bars.
He let out a cry as the mobile was yanked right out of his hand, Weber winding back and throwing it as hard as he could. Finn watched it disappear into the distance. He didn't even hear where it landed.
"You won't need that anymore," Weber said, cheerfully. He dropped the loop of metal around Finn's neck, choke-chain collar and leash, and yanked hard enough that the barbs dug into soft skin, the loop cut off his air. Finn gasped, hands clawing at the chain even as Weber yanked backwards, forcing him to move that direction. Spots danced along his vision, flashes of white pinpoints, his brain's dire warning that there wasn't enough air, just in case the burning of his lungs wasn't message enough.
"Nein-... N-nein, nein-" His voice was nothing more than a rasping whisper. Weber paused, letting him follow enough to get some slack, just a little air, feeling blood trickling ticklish down his neck, to take one wheezing breath-
And then he yanked on it again. They traveled that way, Finn stumbling and crawling and coughing and bleeding, Weber moving with solid, inevitable determination, dragging his captive with him. He could never get enough of a grip to yank the chain off, never had enough time to do more than manage one quick breath, then another. Everything came down to whether or not he could get one single good hit of air. The entire world narrowed to the panic when he didn't.
Then they came to a stop and Weber let the leash go slack. Finn groaned, curling over himself, tears making tracks on the dust and dirt now ground into his face. His hands went up, shaking, to finally loosen the chain and take it off.
"Hey!" He got a swat to the back of the head and then Weber grabbed one of his hands by the wrist, yanking it down and backwards until his shoulder screamed in protest and so did he. "Keep your hand off your collar or I'll cut off your fucking head!"
The nice friendly voice from earlier was gone, replaced by a blinding, vicious, single-minded rage. Finn's hands were moved quick and fast behind him, handcuffed together with metal cuffs that dug so sharply into Finn's skin he knew there was something different about them. Sharper edges. His wrists began to bleed, too.
"Nein-... No, do not do this-" Weber looked unmoved. Finn found himself babbling, terrified of the solid expression of malicious nothing on that square-jawed narrow face. "Do not, please, please what are you doing, please-"
"Come on." Weber yanked him to his feet - or foot, his leg was a shriek when he tried to put weight on it. He had to hop one-legged as Weber walked him around to the passenger side of his truck, shoving him inside.
He tried to kick out with his good leg, catching Weber under the chin.
His triumph was short lived - Weber punched him across the face in response. The world exploded in black and white. His body went limp.
He felt duct tape over his mouth, wound around and around his head. It was pressed with a palm against his lips, along the sides of his face. He grunted, muffled, shaking his head, the only protest he could manage now.
His ankles were tied together with scratchy, cheap nylon rope, knots pulled so tight they'd have to be cut off, not untied.
"I wanted those pretty girls," Weber said, conversational again. He patted Finn on the thigh, then left his hand there, heavy and hot. Weber shifted his hand down until it was along the inside, then slowly moved it upwards, tracing the inside seam. "But... you'll do. And I like your hair."
Finn whimpered, shaking his head frantically, but as Weber buckled him in with one hand and began fondling directly between his legs with the other, there was nowhere for him to go. Nothing he could do beyond squirming, and shivering at the lick of warmth and heat and disgust, the rush of nausea and loathing within him. Weber frowned, working him harder when he didn't get hard or react.
Then he pulled back and slapped his hand down hard. Finn's neck veins bulged as he screamed behind his gag, eyes wide.
"Well. You'll learn." Weber's voice was mild as he listened to Finn sobbing. "Anyway, time to go. You just wait patiently," Weber said, giving him one good squeeze right over his zipper - enough to pull another whimper out of him as pain throbbed there now, too. He even gave a vicious twist, listening to the higher-pitched cry with a grin. "Gotta clean up," He explained, like a patient teacher. "You just sit right here and wait for me. God, you're a good lookin' young man, aren't you? Well, don't worry, they'll find your car. People go missing in Death Valley every single year. They've a great system for it now, hunting down the assholes who go off-roading or just don't know what they're in for. Sad, though, that they won't find you."
Weber turned away, closing the door with a heavy, solid thunk that made Finn jump.
He watched Robert Weber grab a broom from the back of his truck, watched him sweep away his own footprints, until the dirt showed no sign of anything but Finn's desperate crawl.
Finn wondered why he bothered sweeping, when there would be tire tracks from his truck. But even that thought came slow and sluggish, working around exhaustion and the insistent ache of just about every part of his body.
Tears welled again, and he felt them run hot down his cheeks over the duct tape, and he leaned over, beginning to sob, even as his rib flared and protested with every shake of his shoulders, every shudder of panic.
Robert came back, tossing the broom back into the truck bed, following it up by packing away Finn's case of water bottles, his extra fuel canisters, even the suitcase full of his clothes, his return flight tickets, his passport... Every easy hint towards who the car was being driven by. Each thump behind him made Finn cry harder, until he could barely breathe even through his nose and his sounds from behind the duct tape had become a trapped animal's wails.
Somewhere, off in the distance, a coyote howled, a quick barking sound followed by the longer exhalation. Another answered it.
When Weber got back in the truck, he picked up the chain leash to his newest captive's new collar, then shifted into gear, easing his truck over the bumpy terrain back towards the road.
The last thing Robert Weber had taken from Finn Schneider's car was his map, neatly folded, a trophy to keep after his successful hunt.
He listened to Finn cry, smiling, as he turned the dial on his truck radio, searching for a station that carried the news.
As they drove down the highway, the desert sunset ahead and the night sky behind, Robert's hand found its way between Finn's legs again.
"Either you focus real hard and come in your pants for me," Robert Weber said, in a low voice, "Or when we get back I'll beat the ever-loving shit out of that broken leg."
Finn looked at him with wide eyes, shaking his head. He groaned when Robert started to roll his palm over his fly again, still shaking his head. Eventually, with a tug on the chain that briefly stole his breath again, he closed his eyes, breathed as deep as he could through his nose, and nodded.
His knees shifted just a little apart, tipping his hips back.
Robert Weber grinned.
He couldn't wait to welcome his newest guest home to take his place with all the others.
@astrobly @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @whumptywhumpdump @boxboysandotherwhump @whump-tr0pes @evermetnotforgotten @whumpiary @hackles-up @orchidscript
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peachjagiya · 17 days
Thank you for your concern but I'm not Jikooker. But that doesn't mean I have to downplay Jungkook's and Taehyung's other friendships and decisions that they made.
About the SDT and ROK-SWC thing. You have the part with English subtitles, which translated it correctly to special forces. Now switch those subtitles to Korean to get what Jungkook actually said. He said 나 특전사 하고 싶어. Now please do me a favour and google the word 특전사 which was translated to special forces in the English subtitles. And then please tell me what you find. Jungkook said he wanted to join ROK-SWC. This is not some lie the neighbours came up with, I'm sorry.
Jungkook not doing as well is proven because he simply wasn't awarded on stage during the ceremony where the best trainees get rewarded for their achievements during training. That doesn't mean Jungkook didn't do well, just not as well. The knee injury came from a post of someone that trained with Jimin and Jungkook. Now that's something you can believe or not. But as we believe stories we hear about other members as well without visual proof I don't see why I shouldn't believe that too. Because it does make sense. We all know Jungkook would've been one of the rewarded trainees under normal circumstances, so a knee injury making it impossible does make sense.
And they didn't just stay together for training, they joined the 5th Divisions artillery unit together afterwards. Source: https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/312/0000645530
About the interview, well, here you go: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=mnd9090&logNo=222993754117
You can use a translator. Doesn't give you a perfect translation but good enough to show you that Kim Dong-young served as a cook, while Lee Shinwoo served as a K6 gunner who both joined together through the buddy system. And they talked about how when they had a fight while being in the Army they made because they share a bed. Which clearly implies despite one being a cook and the other a K6 gunner they did share the same room, in the same dorm. They also say that when Dong-young became a cook they saw each other less which made Shinwoo felt betrayed to which Dong-young said that everything was fine. They both worked their jobs during the day and still went to bed in the same dorm and same room.
There are no romantic Jikook adventures in military. Anyone who romanticises a situation like this is honestly disgusting. But I'm also not going to pretend Jimin and Jungkook are separated or didn't choose that on their own. It changes nothing about what Taehyung and Jungkook have, that two friends, Jimin and Jungkook, didn't want to go through mandatory enlistment alone. The same way Taehyung wanted to do SDT. Both things are ok and don't mean much at all.
Sorry if I sounded snappy, this wasn't towards you, admin. But I hate being accused of something that I'm not and I hate lies. Especially when these lies fall back on a whole group and in the end also on Taehyung because he's the one who's getting dragged in the end.
Pointed but not snappy. 😊
I'm not trying to argue endlessly about it but I'm still confused by the translation. When I put 특전사 (special agent) into Google (it took me so long to realise you meant literally Google it), it comes back with ROK-SWC, yes no doubt.
But the whole thing translates to "I want to be a special agent"
Language varies so maybe I'm looking at this through an English lens but that's a general phrase not an organisation. Say I Google "Special Agent" in English, it brings back the FBI. But I actually want to be in MI5. It just means the FBI have the best SEO.
Consider the context too:
A: I'm going to be rapelling down buildings in the Awesome Squad where we do amazing activities!
B: *sadface* I want to join the amazing gang!
I don't think we're insane to assume he was using a generalised phrase relating to Tae's conversation? Especially as Tae then points at him and JK laughs in a self deprecating way.
I honestly truly see your point. But I also honestly think allowances can be made for human speech patterns and context that reframes the meaning. JK isn't Google.
Thanks anon. It's splitting hairs really, isn't it? Not much changes by trying to work out what JK actually meant. I actually did say I agreed they had chosen to go together.
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ninjadeathblade · 3 months
Control (A Hat In Time fanfic)
Summary: Empress has been confined to the metro for five years and she's growing sick of her lack of freedom. Small things slowly nudge her towards taking proper action and making the metro a better place, once and for all.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 7,878
Warnings (there are lots for this chapter oops): Blood, injury, self harm, implied murder, near death experience of a side character, manipulation, swearing, threats, self worth issues, depression, trauma
Author's notes: This ended up way longer than I expected it to be. Anyway, just in case Em didn't have enough trauma (this isn't even the worst thing just you guys wait for the next chapter). Title is the song "Control" by Halsey. Please god read the warnings. Anyway, haha, we're reaching the climax of this story next chapter. Hope you guys have been enjoying this.
Empress wasn't sure how long went by, down in the Metro.
Majesty didn't take any chances, only letting her go to the surface if she had an escort, and never letting her go near the border between the territory that separated the metro.
Most of the time she was stuck running odd jobs around the Angel bases or sorting through paperwork for Majesty.
Maybe it was months. Maybe years. A decade could've gone by, it felt so long.
Contact to the surface was prohibited too, her phone destroyed and every other member of the gang knowing not to allow her to use their devices.
So she waited.
And hoped that Badge and Claw didn't try to do something stupid.
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“Apprentice,” Majesty called.
Empress looked up from the book she was reading. “Yes sir?”
The tabby held up a small package. “Delivery to the main crèche. My mate is there, it’s for her.”
Her attention zoned in on him slightly as she put down her book. “You- you have a mate?”
“Yes, now hurry up or I'll take the wasted time from the fur off your back,” Majesty hissed.
Empress scrambled up and took the package, carrying the small box under one arm as she made her way towards the crèche she grew up in.
It was the only one still in use nowadays.
The white and grey cat padded soundlessly into the room, the skills from her training since she was forced to stay down there.
“You must be Majesty's protégé,” a cat called.
Empress spun her head to look at the far corner of the room, a black cat curled on her side and facing the entrance.
“And you must be his mate,” she returned, walking close, placing the package and then stepping back.
The black cat smiled weakly, one paw scooping the object closer. “Please, call me Shadow.”
Empress nodded politely, sitting down beside her. “How far along are you?”
Shadow moved a paw to rest over her swollen stomach. “Any day now.”
Silence passed between them as they both dipped into their thoughts.
Empress knew that these kittens would not have a good life, not growing up down here, despite the advances in more recent years.
“You're his favourite you know,” Shadow eventually said.
Empress fought to keep a scowl from springing onto her face. “I am afraid I have to leave now, ma'am. Good luck with the kittens.”
She paused on the way back to Majesty's office, looking down the paths around her.
Empress dipped down a side tunnel, moving quickly.
If she wanted to try and leave, it would have to be fast.
Two paws, wrenching a vent grate off the wall and then hoisting herself up and into the cramped passage.
She’d only get a few minutes to try and leave.
Not that it would properly work.
Empress ground her jaw as her shoulders and legs painfully scraped against the sides of the narrow vent, crawling as quickly as she could through to get to and exit.
Empress shoved open the grate on the outside of the building, wincing as it hit the floor with a loud clang.
The white and grey cat darted down the street she dropped onto, heading as far from the building as possible.
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Empress took a shaky breath in, looking around.
Where even was she?
It must've been some dead-end back path in the Metro.
It was practically empty except for-
A phonebooth.
Empress walked forwards, wondering if it would still work.
If it did, maybe she could talk to Badge! Scarlett! Cl-
Slowly she punched in Scarlett's phone number, breathing heavily as the phone line rang.
A connection chime. “Hello?”
“Scarlett?” Empress choked out.
“Holy fu-” Scarlett sputtered and another voice was faint in the background.
“Darlin’? Who is it?”
“Um, no one Conductor, it's just Trisha,” Scarlett shouted.
The sound of rapid footsteps as the owl moved to a different room.
“Emily? What the hell, where have you been?!”
Empress drew a deep breath. “That's not my name.”
“That name. It's not mine,” Empress growled down the line before composing herself. “Anyway, how're you? How's theatre club going?”
“What the fuck?! You can't just disappear for five years and- and then just call like nothing's happened!” Scarlett shrieked over the connection, voice wavering slightly. “Hell Em, we all thought you were dead! Five fucking years and not a word! I haven't seen Badge in years either, or Claw! Where did you all go?! You have no right to run off without a word Em, no right! I don't even do theatre club anymore!”
Tears slipped down Empress' cheeks. “Scarlett I- I wanted to be home, with you, I- I still do!” Empress argued. “Are you still at Matilda's?”
“My mum's…?” Scarlett breathed. “I moved out of there two years ago, Con wanted us to go back to where he grew up so we could raise our kid.”
“What the fuck, you have a kid?!”
“Correction, we have an egg,” Scarlett sniffed. “You would know you had a niece if you were still around!”
“I have a niece…”
Empress' mind worked a mile a minute, trying to process everything.
“Scarlett, I promise you I will-”
A gun firing.
The line ringing empty.
Blood pounding in her ears.
A painful whine as her ears adjusted to hearing again.
“Shit,” Empress swore, looking in the direction the bullet had come from.
Majesty held the smoking muzzle pointed towards her. “Don't make me do this, Empress. Don't make me shoot you.”
Empress' arms shook, her tail moving to curl around one leg. “Majesty, I swear, I wasn't going-”
“Yeah, you weren't going to leave, shut the fuck up,” Majesty cut her off. “We all know that's a lie. Now, you're going to come back to base. And you're not going to pull any more dumb stunts. Okay?”
Her eyes darted around, seeing if there was any other way out the back alley.
If she climbed the large bin over there, she could reach the fire escape stairs up the side of that building and then escape through the buildings.
But Majesty had a gun and she knew he wouldn't have any reservations about using it.
A gun that should have six shots, but down to five seeing as he had cut the line.
Five shots left.
“Empress. Don't be a stupid asshole.”
She dashed over to the bin, gunshots following her as she crouched behind it.
One shot as she left the booth, another when she was halfway between, a third as she ducked into cover.
Two shots left.
She stood up quickly, utilising the adrenaline pumping through her veins, ducking back down as a shot clanged onto the lid of the bin.
One shot.
The sound of another shot ringing out.
No shots.
Pain from the outer side of her right ear.
Red liquid clouding her vision on that side.
The sound of Majesty cursing and fumbling to reload the gun.
Empress heaved herself onto the top of the bin, jumping and reaching for the stairs.
Paws slipping, scrambling for purchase, for some kind of hold.
A wrenching jolt of pain down her left shoulder when she finally gripped onto a pole, her body's weight being suspended from the rusting object.
Empress hissed as she clawed the rest of the way up, dragging herself over the top of the rail of the stairs.
Another shot fired, a bullet hitting the metal beneath her, followed by two more shots.
Her gaze flicked to the side, looking at the window beside her.
A couple steps back, a short sprint forwards, a jump.
Glass shattered around her, spraying outwards and inwards.
Majesty swearing loudly outside as she dragged herself up, sprinting across the room and jumping through another window.
A bullet followed the shattered glass as she fell two stories into the alley.
Juddering pain striking through her leg as she dragged herself up, getting as close to a run as she could as she headed towards Demon territory.
If she could just make it over the border, she'd be safe.
At least for a little while.
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Empress panted and flattened herself against a wall, hoping she'd blend into the shadows as a patrol of Fallen Angels ran past.
She was almost there, she just had to cross the open patch in the middle of the Metro.
She could see the Chosen Demon defences from here, all she had to do was get across.
Get across and be safe for at least a little while.
The adrenaline was wearing off, making her movements more sluggish.
Empress reached a paw up to wipe more blood out of her vision, brushing it to the side, fighting to keep her eyes open.
The white and grey cat stuck her head out to look around, only spotting a couple food vendors who had set up in the open area since things were slowly advancing.
She quickly walked, the fastest she could get after landing awkwardly on her leg after jumping out the window and dragging herself across the Metro.
One paw, raised with as much strength as she could muster to bang against one of the doors on the buildings.
A small hatch opened, an eye narrowed suspiciously. “Who is it?”
“I need you to get Radiance,” Empress heaved, slumping against the wall slightly.
“Who's askin’?”
“Tell her that Emp- that Emily is asking for her,” Empress gritted out.
“Sorry, no can do, boss isn't seeing anyone,” the Demon replied.
Empress let out a throaty growl. “Fine. Does Claw still work here?”
“You want me to get him?”
Empress rolled her eyes. “Just fucking do it, I'm getting tired of your yapping.”
The hatch closed and Empress slid down to sit on the floor, chest rattling as she took in deep breaths.
So many things could go wrong in the time it took to get Claw.
A patrol could show up.
Majesty could show up.
She could be injured, killed, even passing out would be bad.
The door flung open beside her, a grey cat quickly moving to crouch in front of her. “Emily…?”
Empress blinked, trying to clear the tired haze at the edge of her vision.
The cat’s head swivelled, barking orders at whoever was standing in the doorway. “Why didn't you come get me?! If she asked for me, you get me! Don't ever turn her away again!”
“But she's an Angel ma'am-”
“And?! She's also the closest thing I have ever had to a child! Get me a medical pack, now!”
A pair of strong arms swept under her, hefting her up and leaning her weight against whoever it was.
“Don't worry kid, you're safe now. Majesty can't touch you here.”
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Empress lurched awake, panicking, flailing around blindly in the dark.
A paw clamped down on her shoulder and she lashed out, hissing, claws connecting with flesh.
If it was Majesty, she'd pay for it later.
If it was any of the Angels, she'd pay for it later.
Empress let out a worried whimper, drawing her paw back as quickly as she'd struck out with it.
“Hey, shhh, it's fine, you're safe now.”
Empress' ears pricked, the right one stinging painfully when she swivelled them towards the voice. “Who is that? Who's there?”
“It's Radiance,” came the reply, a light turning on.
Dim light filtered into the room, coming out of a lamp beside where she was.
Radiance was sat to her left, where she'd lashed out, a small dribble of blood leaking from claw marks across her cheek.
“You're safe now,” Radiance repeated, a frown tugging at the edges of her mouth.
Empress looked down at where there was a threadbare blanket pooled around her lap, bandages across her chest.
“I sewed up your old wounds. You hadn't taken care of them properly,” Radiance explained.
Empress swallowed around the thickness of her voice in her throat. “Majesty wanted them to scar over. Said it'd make me more respectable.”
Radiance sighed, reaching out with one paw. “Oh Emily…”
“That's not my name,” Empress responded, voice cracking. Her tail swept up to curl around her legs as she tucked them towards her chest. “That's not my name.”
Radiance opened her mouth to reply until there was a knock at the door.
The gang boss crossed over to the door, opening it a crack. “Yes?”
“Can I come in?” Someone asked.
“She's healing and resting, I don't think it would be good for her to accept visitors right now,” Radiance hesitantly said. “Especially not if what you told me about when you two last saw each other is true.”
Empress let out a long breath. “It's Claw, isn't it?”
Radiance looked between the doorway and her. “Yeah, it is.”
“I don't want to see him,” Empress responded, moving to get out of the bed.
Her leg twinged with pain again, lancing up towards her hip while her ribs ached painfully.
Empress wobbled as Radiance closed the door and dashed over to try and help her.
“Is there a bathroom?” Empress croaked out.
Radiance nodded, hovering at her side, waiting to catch her if she fell. “Yes, just over here.”
Slowly the two cats crossed the room to a door.
“Let me know if you need any help, alright?”
Empress nodded at Radiance, offering her a small smile. “Thank you. For taking me in.”
Radiance shrugged. “You're family.”
Empress turned and shuffled into the bathroom, hoping the gang boss hadn't seen her eyes well with tears.
One paw fumbled for the light switch, slapping it on.
The lights hummed overhead, illuminating the stalls and wall lined with mirrors.
Empress rested some of her weight on the row of sinks in front of the mirrors, staring at her reflection, wondering when she stopped being able to recognise herself.
Tired eyes stared back at her, dark bags formed underneath them.
There was a chunk missing from her ear where she'd been shot on the way here.
Her fur was matted and patchy, half from poor self-care and half from scarring.
She was wearing some loose black shorts, probably put on by Radiance, the only thing that hid any of the body that felt like it wasn't her's.
One paw slowly reached up to run over hollow cheeks, one claw slowly opening her mouth, surveying teeth who's standard had lowered but at least they were somewhat close to her old self.
She dropped her paw again, leaning her weight on the counter as sobs wracked her body, pain juddering through her with every shaking cry.
Slowly she sank to the floor, tail curling up and around her torso, trying to provide herself what little comfort she could when everything seemed so different.
A knock on the door. “Can I come in?”
“No,” Empress clawed the word out of her throat, trying to will herself to get back up.
Get up, get up, get up.
It wasn't that hard.
She'd had to do harder things.
She'd had to lie to Badge for years.
Break Claw's heart.
Push Scarlett away no matter how much she just wanted to hold her little sister.
Pick up everything after Matilda died and try to keep her family from falling apart.
Join the Fallen Angels in the first place.
One arm slowly gripped the edge of the counter, claws unsheathing and digging into the surface.
Dragged her weight upwards, stared defiantly at the mirror.
A sigh as reality hit fully. “This is who I am now.”
A fist reaching out and smashing the mirror beside her, pain lancing through her paw as the reflective glass fractured.
Cradling the stinging appendage near her chest as she opened the door.
“I'm going to nap,” Empress stated, low, definite, not accepting any challenge from Radiance.
Radiance's face crumpled at the sight of her injured paw, quickly bandaging it before leaving her alone in the room, plunged into the dark again.
Empress sniffed and buried her face in the pillow.
She missed her family.
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About a week passed before Empress left the room that Radiance had let her stay in.
The gang leader hadn't asked about the broken mirrors in the bathroom; how only one had been smashed to begin with but as the days passed all of them were ruined.
She got away with a few more days before running into people that she didn't want to talk to.
However, there was only so long that growling and glaring at anyone who tried to sit near her would work for.
“Hey Emily,” Claw said quietly, sitting down across from her.
She blanked him. She wasn't going to respond to that name anymore, wasn't meant to.
Majesty had made sure she wasn't allowed to.
“Please don't ignore me. I haven't seen you in years but-”
Empress lifted her eyes to his face, watching as he shuddered at the icy gaze that levelled with him.
“Don't talk to me.”
“Please, Em, don't shut me out.”
Empress sighed, setting down her fork. “What the fuck do you want, Claw?”
Claw bristled, fur standing on end. “What I want is for my friend to talk to me!”
“And what I want is to be left alone!” Empress hissed, voice rising.
“Yeah well you've had that for five years!” Claw shouted.
By now, other tables’ occupants were turning to look at them.
Empress' tail lashed behind her. “You think I was alone for that time? Well guess what, I wasn't. Not one minute. There were escorts and cameras and punishment if I did want to be alone. The only time I was alone the past five years was for maybe an hour or two before arriving here. That was it, Claw.”
Claw shrank back slightly.
“Don't you dare try and tell me what my life was like. Until you suffer the way I have, you aren't allowed to make comments on my life.”
The lights overhead flickered off, then on, before the power completely died out.
Red lights turned on, flashing bright and then dimming before growing brighter again.
“Raid! Everyone to battle stations!” Someone shouted.
Practically everyone flooded out the room, leaving only Claw and Empress.
Claw's eyes met her's as she looked back at him.
The white and grey cat shoved past him, shoulders bumping as she headed towards the armoury that everyone else had likely headed to.
“Emily! Emily, please, I'm sorry, I didn't know! Emily!”
She spun around, hackles raised, teeth bared. “That is not my name!”
Claw stood stock still, staring silently.
Tears pricked at the corners of Empress' eyes and she turned, ready to walk away from him.
A grip tightened around her wrist and she prepared to lash out again, covering her emotions with a tough exterior.
The coping method she'd apparently used for five years just to try and survive.
“That is your name. To me at least. It always will be.”
Empress swivelled her head to face Claw. “I'm not the same cat you knew five years ago.”
“Maybe not the person I'm talking to right now. But deep down, somewhere behind that rough shell you've made for yourself, there's the Emily that I remember. The Emily I fell in love with.”
Empress yanked back her paw, clutching it to her chest.
He still thought she loved him.
Or at the very least, he still loved her.
“Shit Claw, you really are dumb is you believe that,” Empress said, hoping that the poison of words she'd learnt to wield would be a good deterrent.
Claws face just softened and he smiled at her. “Yeah, I'll get to see you again someday, won't I?”
Empress spun on her heel, walking away quickly before he could say something else.
Unfortunately, he followed her, walking alongside her towards the armoury.
“Persistent fucker,” Empress muttered under her breath, picking up a tommy gun off the rack in the armoury.
Claw snickered, clearly having heard her as he picked up a knife and a pistol. “I didn't know you knew how to handle one of those.”
Empress shrugged. “It's been five years Claw and I'm the right hand cat of Majesty. Of course I had to learn how to use tons of different weapons.”
There was the sound of a brief spatter of gunfire outside, small bullet dents going into the wall beside them.
Empress gritted her teeth. “Let's get a move on.”
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Empress surveyed the negotiations between Majesty and Radiance, trying to keep herself from passing out.
She hadn't slept much despite finally being somewhere that could be deemed safe, and her wounds kept reopening.
“So, you gonna give me back my apprentice?”
“Your apprentice? You mean the cat who's barely an adult that you shot at, emotionally and mentally manipulated, and kept away from her family for five years?”
“C'mon, do we have to go into specifics?”
“Hey, at least you aren't murdering our little siblings anymore.”
Empress' blood ran cold.
What did that mean?
And had Radiance said… our?
“Look, Radiance, lemme put this politely. Either you give me Empress or I decimate this pathetic little place, seeing as I've found it now.”
Empress' blood ran cold.
Claw stiffened beside her. “Empress? Who's-” His eyes darted over to her.
Her ears flattened back against her head.
A bullet fired into still air, the gunshot ringing in the silence.
“You know the smart choice, Radiance.”
Empress stood up. “No, this is wrong.”
“I'm not- you guys shouldn't be caught up in my problems with Majesty.”
Empress stormed over to the door, pushing it open, ignoring Claw's protests behind her.
Majesty's gold eyes flicked over to her and dozens of guns spun to be trained on her as she burst out into the argument.
“Ah, there's my girl. Empress, come home,” Majesty said, words honeyed.
Radiance moved quickly over to Empress, blocking her path. “No! You can't! He won't change! You'll just end up beat up all over again!”
Empress handed the tommy gun off to the grey cat in front of her. “Thank you. I know. But this is my battle and I shouldn't drag you into it.”
Radiance’s breath quickened and she dropped the weapons she was holding, grabbing roughly onto Empress' shoulders instead. “You don't understand! What he's done so far - that isn't the end of it! He can do - has done - so much worse. Please, don't do this, I don't want to lose any more of my family.”
Empress flicked her gaze over to Majesty, taking in the tightness of his jaw, the way his finger was itching towards the trigger of the gun he was holding.
“I have to leave,” Empress whispered, slipping out of Radiance's grip and making her way over to Majesty. “I have terms.”
“Oh? Little Empress is making demands now?” Majesty scoffed.
Empress bit down on her tongue for a few seconds before replying. “One term. You can do whatever you want with me so long as you don't hurt my friends.”
“No! Emily!”
“No! Em! Don't do this, don't make a deal with that monster! He isn't good to his word!”
Empress looked back over her shoulder as a couple of Angels restrained Claw and Radiance, both fighting tooth and nail to try and reach her.
She looked back at Majesty.
“You're really that dumb, huh?” Majesty sighed. “Fine, I won't hurt those shitheads. But you're coming back to base right now.”
“Can I say goodbye first?”
“Fucking hell, one week away and you've become such a sap. Fine, hurry it up,” Majesty replied, motioning for the Angels to move away.
They dropped Claw and Radiance, with the leader rushing forwards and embracing her.
One paw cupped the back of her head, the other snaking around her waist. “No, no, you can't go with him, I'm not losing you again.”
Claw hesitantly stood off to one side, eyes glistening with tears. “You can't leave.”
Radiance's hold on her tightened. “I'll fight him. You don't have to go back.”
Something close to hope started to bloom in her chest.
Maybe she could stay.
But no, Majesty would never allow it.
“I'll come back someday,” Empress said, barely audible, just enough for Radiance to pick up on.
“Empress, get a move on!” Majesty snarled and she moved back to fall in step with her own gang’s leader.
She'd come back someday.
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Empress spent most of her recovery months in the nursery, raising Majesty's offspring in Shadow’s absence.
The three kittens were mostly healthy, although Empress didn't agree with the kittens’ given names.
Countess, a ginger female with a brown splodge over one eye, had been nicknamed Cookie and had a tendency to boss her siblings around.
Commander, nicknamed Cody, was an inquisitive little black kitten, with enough energy to stay awake far longer than their brother or sister.
Phantom was their brother - a pure white kitten who stared with piercing blue eyes and almost never responded when spoken to.
Empress realised quickly that the snow coloured kitten was deaf, and so established enough of a connection through signalling that maybe Majesty wouldn't realise.
It didn't matter that Phantom was Majesty's son when he had two other heirs who were perfectly healthy.
“Empress, when are we going to begin our training?” Cody asked, beaming up at Empress.
“Um, I'm not sure. That's not really for me to decide.”
Cookie wrinkled her nose. “But you're in charge, aren't you?”
Empress shifted slightly when Phantom trotted over and curled up against her side, chin plonking down on her leg. “No, I'm not in charge. Your father is the one who's in charge.”
“But you're his best friend, right?” Cookie chirped, pupils dilating as she began to bat at her sibling's tail.
Cody hissed and whacked the top of Cookie's head before commenting. “No, they're not best friends. Empress is terrified of father.”
“That's why she freezes up when he visits us,” Phantom croaked, a rare occurrence of input from him.
“I'm not- I'm not afraid of your father,” Empress spluttered.
Although there was a nagging in the back of her mind.
About how her wounds were healed over now and if the kittens were old enough to begin training then she wouldn't have an excuse anymore.
She would be subjected to Majesty's wrath again.
Unless she could do something about this dismal situation she had landed herself in.
“Alright, I think it's time for bed, don't you?” Empress stated with a stilted laugh.
Cody cocked their head to the side and narrowed their green eyes. “It's nowhere near-”
“Growing kits need their rest!” Empress protested, carefully shifting Phantom off her leg before standing. “Come on now, your father won't be pleased if you're all too tired for training!”
The trio of young ones shot her sceptical looks but settled down anyway.
Empress' ears stung as the speakers in the hallway whined with feedback.
“Empress. My office. Now.”
Empress tried to mask the fear on her face. “I'll be back tomorrow morning, okay?”
“What's morning?” Cookie asked.
Empress swore repetitively under her breath on the way to Majesty's office.
This was it, he knew she was feeling better, he was going to make her pay for leaving before, he was going to-
“Empress, just who I asked for!” Majesty purred as she walked into his office.
A trap, a trap, it had to be, it must be, he was never nice, he was never-
“We have a special guest today who I think you might remember! They've finally decided to come back and do their job properly!”
Empress gaze flicked to the figure in the chair in front of Majesty's desk.
Her heart stuttered.
No, no, no, no, no!
“Hey Em, long time no explanation as to abandoning your family,” Badge said through gritted teeth.
That explained it.
She wasn't going to be hurt.
Badge was.
She'd endure any punishment, just don't hurt Badge.
Empress turned her frantic gaze to Majesty, chest heaving in lungfuls of air while her mind raced a mile a minute.
Majesty smirked, clearly knowing exactly what she was thinking. “Well, I believe you two have some catching up to do. Empress, after you've escorted Badge to their quarters, please return here so we can discuss business.”
Empress dipped her gaze away from him, darting it around the room before eventually fixing it on the floor. “Yes sir.”
“Good. You're dismissed.”
Empress reached forward, tugging Badge out the seat and out the room, tugged them down hallways and winding paths, down steps, through doors that the other members didn't know existed, only stopping once there was a roar of water to cover their voices.
“Fuck Em, why'd you have to drag me to the sewers so we could-”
“What were you thinking; coming back here?!” Empress shouted, hysteria catching up to her. “You should never have come back! He'll hurt you, I can't let you get hurt!”
Badge took a tentative step forwards, one paw snapping at an old angle before returning to its rightful place. “Em…”
“Don't you understand?! He can kill you! But no, that'd be too easy, he'd lose that extra bit of leverage over me. No, he'd make it slow, painful, it'd be closer to torture than death-”
She paused as Badge's paws reached her shoulders, brushing the jacket she was wearing back and off her body.
Empress' fur pricked in the cold, standing on end.
Her ears flattened back against her head as Badge circled her.
“How many of these scars did he give you?” Badge whispered.
“It doesn't matter.”
“How many?” They repeated, tone low and deadly.
Empress winced, paws coming up to try and rub some warmth into her arms. “They're mostly my fault anyway, if I'd just done my job better then it wouldn't have happened.”
Badge let out a loud sigh, one paw grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at them. “I'm going to go back to Radiance. You're gonna make sure that meeting with Majesty is short then your ass is joining us in the Demon base.”
“I can't, I'm not allowed to leave the building,” Empress responded, trying to ignore the slight break in her voice.
“Take these sewer tunnels. They thread under the whole metro, it's how I got here. If there's anyone else you want to get out of that hellhole, do it then.”
Empress took in a shaky breath. “Badge, I can't. He'll kill me if I slip up anymore.”
Badge gently rested their forehead against her's, pulling her closer. “I'm not losing my sister again. You aren't getting rid of me again, Em.”
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Empress tried to mask her limp as she got back to the crèche from Majesty’s office, dragging open the door.
Three pairs of eyes turned to her, tapetum lucidum glowing in the faint light filtering in from the hallway.
“Empress?” Cookie yawned.
“What's going on?” Cody inquired, already up and walking towards her.
“I need you to come with me. Quietly though,” Empress whisper-shouted, signing so that Phantom would understand as well.
The three kittens teetered nervously after her, only just having mastered standing upright.
“Hurry, hurry,” Empress urged, nervously glancing down the hallway.
“Where's your jacket? Why do you have a gun?” Cookie inquired.
Empress moved as fast as she could, warily checking around corners before actually turning them.
It didn't matter how unlikely it was that anyone was awake, there was always a night patrol out somewhere but they ran on different schedules every day.
“Good questions. To be answered later.”
Empress eventually got back to the sewers where she'd taken Badge, ushering the kittens along the path that ran alongside surging water.
Empress scowled when the track ran out, connected to an opposite path by only a thin pole.
“One at a time, go, cross,” she instructed.
Phantom went first, bounding across and sending the thing shaking a bit.
Cody went next, pausing in the middle as water lapped up at their paws.
“Empress, I'm scared,” the black cat whimpered, ears flattening back against their head.
“Hey, it's fine, you're over halfway there, it's just a little further, you can do it,” Empress encouraged, watching as the kitten took another couple of tentative steps forwards.
A large wave surged up as Cody slipped, washing the kitten away.
Empress dropped her gun and scooped up Cookie, dashing across the pole and placing her with her brother before scanning the waters.
Murky green liquid sloshed but no fur.
Empress let out a curse and dived into the rapids, eyes stinging as she opened them under the surface to try and spot Cody.
Swum back up to the surface for another breath.
A ragged black lump bobbed just out of reach ahead of her.
Empress kicked herself forwards, scooping Cody's limp form closer.
Exhaustion fought against her muscles as she dragged herself back to the path at the side, depositing Cody's unmoving form on the stone before heaving her own body out of the harsh flow of liquid.
Empress coughed up a lungful of water, bent over and heaving when Phantom and Cookie raced up to her.
“What’s wrong with Cody?!” Cookie demanded.
Empress forced herself upright, gently picking up Cody.
The kitten’s head lolled in her hand and she quickly began stroking from their stomach up towards their throat, repeating the motion over and over.
Cody eventually stuttered a breath before heaving up fluids, splattering onto Empress' lap.
Cookie let out a relieved wail, Phantom licking his sister's cheek to try and provide some comfort.
Empress forced herself upright, trying to ignore the fatigue clinging to her bones as she carefully shifted how she was carrying Cody. “Come on. We're almost there.”
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Radiance had immediately taken the three of them to the room that Empress had stayed in last time she arrived there.
“Who's are they?” Radiance questioned once Cookie, Cody and Phantom had passed out from exhaustion.
“Majesty's,” Empress breathed. “And some cat I'm pretty sure he killed after these guys were born.”
Empress memory flitted back to the sewers. “One of them nearly died on the way here, Radiance. I could've gotten them killed. They could be dead because I couldn't save them, I could've killed them-”
“No, you did not kill a kitten, stop that right now. Don't you dare talk like that, you have saved these little ones,” Radiance argued.
“And I nearly got one of them killed in the process. I can't do this Radiance, they look up to me like a mother because they never had one and their father is a shit head. I'm the only family they got. Family is meant to protect one another and I couldn't even manage something that simple.”
Empress looked over at where the three of them were curled up, Cody sandwiched between their warmer siblings.
“Radiance, they might as well be my own with how much I care for them. If anything happened to them I'd never forgive myself.”
Radiance slipped a paw round the back of her neck, gently pulling her head closer for their foreheads to bump together.
“And you might as well be my kit,” the leader murmured. “But right now we need to prepare. If you and the three of them are missing, it gives Majesty the perfect excuse to start a proper war. So we need to get them somewhere safe.”
Empress swallowed around the lump that had formed in her throat. “Can I make a call? There's somewhere safe I might be able to get them to.”
Radiance slipped her phone out her jacket, handing it off before trotting over to the sleeping siblings.
Empress shakily tapped in the number, praying that her old friend would pick up.
“Who is this?”
“Scarlett, it's Emp- it's Emily,” she sighed.
“You hung up on me before! I hope you're going to apologise!” Scarlett accused.
Empress winced. “Actually my ex-boss decided to shoot through the telephone line. But anyway, I have a big favour to ask.”
“Em, I love but I- I'm so busy right now,” Scarlett responded.
“Please. I- I have some kids that aren't safe where I am,” Empress pleaded. “Just for a week or two I need you to take care of them.”
The silence that followed was deafening.
“You have kids…?”
Ah, yes, she could see why her words could be misinterpreted.
But fuck it, they were practically her family weren't they?
“Not by blood but yes. Please Scarlett, I- I can't have them getting hurt.”
Scarlett hesitated before replying. “Okay. But when you come and pick them up you bet your ass that you owe me.”
“I'll help plan your wedding,” Empress offered, chest warming at the easy banter they'd slipped back into.
“Deal. I'll call you back this evening to sort out the details, I'm out with Trisha at the moment. I love you, Em,” Scarlett replied.
Empress blinked away the tears in her eyes. “Love you too. Stay safe.”
Empress hung up before walking over to the bed where the kittens were still resting, Radiance just staring at them.
“I never thought I'd be an aunt,” Radiance said quietly, almost to herself. “Majesty killed almost all our other siblings and I haven't heard from my littlest brother in years.”
Empress silently sat down at the edge of the bed.
“I love them even though I haven't properly met them yet. But at the same time, I want to cry. They don't deserve this, to have been born here and to grow up like this.”
“None of them are standard, you know,” Empress interrupted.
Radiance shot her a questioning look.
“Cody is an insomniac, it's incredible they've been asleep since we got here. Cookie has anxiety even if she doesn't like to show it. Phantom is deaf. None of them would have pleased Majesty as his heir.”
Radiance let out a broken sob. “Why? Why does my brother continue to gain things he has no right to? No respect for?”
Empress gently patted her on the back and slowly she realised that she was crying as well.
Maybe it was stress, maybe it was exhaustion, perhaps pain, probably all three.
Her foggy mind extracted one thought before she drifted off into a state between sleeping and awake; she had to get them to safety.
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“You're all going to go stay with my friend for a little while,” Empress told them, signing along with her words so Phantom would understand. “It's only a week or so and then I'll come back and get you.”
“Why do we have to go?” Cody croaked, still breathing shakily after what had happened the day before.
“Because it'll be safer for you,” Empress answered, trying to smile reassuringly.
“You- you will come back for us, right?” Cookie asked, voice wavering.
“Of course I will. I’d never willingly leave any of you,” Empress replied. “Now I just need to go talk to another friend who's going to take you to the surface.”
Three sets of eyes blinked before chiming in chorus. “The surface?”
“Yeah.” She turned her head to where Radiance was flipping through papers and jotting things down. “Would you mind telling them about the surface while I go find Claw?”
Radiance immediately set down her things. “No problem. His room is in the north corridor, the twelfth door on the left.”
Empress looked down as something brushed against her leg.
Phantom stayed up at her. “I don't want you to go.”
Empress crouched, signing to him. I'll be back before you know it. And I need you to look after your siblings while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?
Phantom hesitated before nodding.
Thank you.
Empress ruffled the fur on top of his head before standing and heading through the Fallen Demon complex.
She paused outside Claw's room, thinking of what to say before knocking.
It took a minute before the door opened. “Mrrm…? Oh, Emily, hey.”
“Empress,” she growled. “Anyway, I need you to take my kids to stay with Scarlett. Also, have you seen Badge? I can't find them anywhere.”
Claw opened the door further and Empress' jaw dropped.
Badge was levitating in the middle of the room, eyes glowing while blue orbs circled them.
“Yeah, they asked me to stay up and keep an eye on them but I fell asleep,” Claw said.
Empress whacked him round the back of his head, hissing at him. “You idiot!”
Cautiously she tiptoed closer, reaching out to try and poke at one of the blue orbs.
It drifted away, closer to Badge before fading away to nothing.
The other orbs did the same.
Badge's eyes stopped glowing and they slowly lowered to the floor, blinking a few times.
Badge's eyes refocused and they looked between Empress and Claw.
“You dumbass, you fell asleep didn't you?! I told you I needed someone to watch me so I didn't go too far!” Badge shouted before sighing and looking at Empress. “Hey.”
“What was that?” Empress inquired.
Badge shook their head. “Just trying to chat with someone, no big deal. Anyway, Claw, please do take Em's kids to go stay with Scarlett. We need this, they'll be in danger otherwise.”
“How did you know about that?” Empress whispered.
“Let's just say that I'm intuitive,” Badge replied with a shrug. “So, that plan you've come up with. That you haven't yet told Radiance about it.”
Empress' brow knitted, worried about how much Badge seemed to know.
“Badge, I want you to go with Claw and the kids,” she said warily.
“Yeah, I know, we'll pick them up in an hour.”
Empress left the room, trotting down the empty corridors and halls back to her room.
Radiance was asleep, tail curled around Phantom, Cody and Cookie's bodies.
Cody let out a chirp as they spotted Empress, stirring the other three awake.
“Radiance can I- can I have a word?”
The gang leader immediately got up, walking hastily over to her and settling a paw on Empress' elbow. “What's wrong?”
“I- I know how to fix everything going on down here. But it means starting a war.”
Radiance scoffed. “Kiddo, you did that the second you decided to bring Majesty's offspring here. But what's the plan?”
“I need to be injured. Badly. Go back to him, claim a Demon patrol did it then we wait a short amount of time until he launches an attack,” Empress explained.
“No,” Radiance growled, grip tightening on her elbow. “No, I'm not going to hurt you. You've already suffered through too many injuries, I'm not making you go through more.”
Empress sighed, a twinge of guilt striking through her. “Okay.”
Radiance loosened her grip and Empress made her move.
Darted away and across the room, locking herself into the bathroom.
Fists banging against the door.
“No! Empress! Come out right now!”
Empress' chest heaved and pain blossomed under her feet, a shard of glass from where she had ruined the mirrors here before.
This was it.
The tipping point, the fork in the path, the decision that would change everything.
Cody, Phantom and Cookie's voices joined Radiance's pleas.
“Come out!”
Her breath stuttered.
That's right, she was the only mother they ever had.
Would they ever look at her the same way if they found out what she had done?
What she was planning to do?
Empress clenched her jaw and stalked over to the least destroyed mirror.
She raised a claw over her eye, looking at her jagged reflection.
Breaking her figure into so many pieces, fracturing her.
That's what had been happening all these years.
Empress paused with one claw hovering over her left eye, looking at her reflection.
She would never be able to go back after this.
This wound would start a turf war in the metro.
Did she really want to do this?
“Come out!” Radiance yelled from outside the room.
Empress flicked her gaze to the door before returning to her reflection.
Cookie, Cody, Phantom.
Hell, even Scarlett.
All of them would be so much safer if she did this.
She would get them out of here before the fighting started and then assume power in the chaos.
She plunged her claw down over her eye.
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Empress hissed, clamping a paw over her eye.
God why did she choose to do this in the bathroom, the blood was so brightly contrasting against the white tiles.
The cat shuddered and swallowed down nausea, carefully moving her paw away from her eye.
Her remaining right eye seemed fine but the other had a gash across it, blood pouring from the open wounds around it.
At least it had worked.
She moved her paw away from her face, right eye darting over her features.
A jagged cut went from her brow down to near her jaw, stark red, while blood spread to stain her fur.
Empress shoved her paw back to cover the offending eye, wary of the new dark spot in her vision.
There was still the right side but then the rest of it just faded to darkness, murky and unwelcoming. Unrelenting. Harsh.
Empress slowly walked back over to the door, one arm stretched in front of her to try and gauge her new depth perception.
“Radiance?” She called out, silencing the four cats on the other side of the door.
“I need you to get my kits out of the room and leave the medkit out on the table.”
There was the sound of a loud string of colourful curses and clattering, the door opening, weak protests before the door closed again.
Empress felt around with her right paw for the door lock, unwilling to turn her head to see something that she should be able to.
Muscle memory should be good enough, right?
Empress tried to brush last Radiance on the way out but was stopped by an iron grip on her shoulders, forcing her to face the gang boss.
“So, how do I look?” Empress tried.
Radiance let out a strangled sob, shaking as she held onto her.
Empress slowly prised herself from Radiance's grip, making her way over to the table and briefly removing her paw from her eye to snatch up the bandages, making quick work of wrapping up that side of her face.
The tremors in her paws didn't matter.
The blind spot didn't matter.
As long as she could keep those she loved safe, that was all that mattered.
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“Be good for Scarlett okay? She's my sister,” Empress said.
The three kittens didn't seem to listen, just staring in silent horror at the side of her head.
“Your face,” Phantom whispered.
“It's nothing, don't worry,” Empress replied breezily, masking her true feelings.
Masking the pain, the sense of helplessness, the new weakness she had that could be exploited.
“Just- just stay safe for me, alright?”
Three heads slowly nodded.
“I love you all. And I'll see you again soon.”
But only with one eye; a small voice in the back of her seemed to chime.
Never again the same way you have before.
Empress tried to shake it off.
She was fine.
Everything was- was fine.
It would all be fine.
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kassil · 10 months
Warrior of Light: Eidinwyss Sunnwilfwyn
So I know there's a FFXIV community of sorts here, and that there are people always eager to learn about other peoples' Warriors of Light. So - this is my streaming alt, Eidinwyss Sunnwilfwyn, Viera of many trades and daughter of Dalmascan refugees.
Eidinwyss is the daughter of a family of Dalmascan refugees; they fled when the Garleans conquered their nation, and ended up settling on a small island off the coast of Vylbrand; her family consisted of her father and her three mothers, and they all took on names in the local language to try to fit in, and named their daughter, born just a few months after their flight to safety, the same way. In the Roegadyn tongue, her name means Oathwise Sun-Wolf's-Daughter, a reminder of the importance to not make vows you can't keep.
She grew up with a mix of local stories and the stories her parents had carried from both Dalmasca and the jungles of Golmore; her favorite, perhaps, being her eldest mother's version of the Zodiac Brave Story, in which her favorite character was the Holy Sword Knight Agrias. Of course, finding someone to train her as a knight in a tiny fishing town wasn't so easy, and instead she ended up learning axework from the locals who protected the fishers and the town itself. Marauder, and then Warrior, was the first work she knew.
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Unknown to anyone, even her parents, Eidinwyss has suffered from nightmares her entire life; dreaming of a city on fire with buildings falling, of the world engulfed in fire and falling stars, of a frantic search for a way to protect people she knew but could never remember on waking. She wasn't even six when she first heard Hydaelyn's call, the Echo waking during her dreams. It was this that saw her able to understand the ruins of an ancient Allagan mining facility under the town, coaxing a few nodes back into functionality and using them to help the townsfolk find a slightly easier life.
In Lominsa, she discovered the Arcanist Guild, and discovered she had a knack for arcanistry - an extension of her limited grasp of aetherochemistry - with a quick grasp of the numbers and geometries involved; given her first career was as a Marauder and then a Warrior, it was only natural that she fell in with Alka Zolka, and awoke a fairy from a Nymian crystal.
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When Titan fell and the Waking Sands was found wrecked, she put aside her axe and took up the scholar's book in truth, wishing she had done it in time to at least try to save poor Noraxia. She also resumed her childhood study of magitek, and delved into the fallen ruins of Dalamud during this time, keeping company with adventurer friends and the twins, eventually asking her parents to send the contents of her rough-crafted workshop to her and beginning to assemble her own equipment from the remnants of Allag's magitek. The excursion into the Crystal Tower provided her even more materials and knowledge to work with, even as she helped tear apart the ancient defenses.
And then came the betrayal; as a Scholar, it was all she could do to try to shield her companions, and even then they kept insisting on staying behind, whittled away despite her best efforts. Her axe was inaccessible, hung on the wall of a room in the Rising Stones, and so she fled with the rest, losing them one by one, until at the last the same merchant who had welcomed her to Limsa helped her escape to Camp Dragonhead; for a time while she waited for passage to Ishgard, hidden there amid the snow, she trained with the lancers and eventually managed to make a friend of sorts in the Azure Dragoon.
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In Ishgard, she found a fallen soul crystal next to a corpse, and blacked out when she took it; she knew well enough that the person who woke her wasn't entirely real, but her grief over her lost comrades and fury over the betrayal kept her from recognizing what was going on, until eventually she and her manifested double came to terms with each other, recognizing that she would not - indeed, could not - give over control of herself to her anguish.
And so she went, until another friend died saving her, and another opening the way forward, and the eye of a dragon was shoved into her hands; she traded the grim fury and heavy weight of her sword for the lance, as she had trained for a time, and with it took the fight into the heart of an aetheric reactor, dethroning a would-be god-king.
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Any hope of rest was dashed when the Azure Dragoon was overwhelmed by the paired eyes of Nidhogg, the dragon's vegneful shade transforming him; she gave chase, but he was by far faster than she, and it wasn't until she - along with Ser Aymeric and Alphinaud - secured the aid of Nidhogg's sibling that she was able to defeat the wyrm's shade and free Estinien from his grasp, sending the eyes tumbling into the abyss.
Reunions came, to her relief; Y'shtola, rescued from the Lifestream as fiery as ever, even with her lost sight; Thancred, found amid a confrontation with strangers who seemed to have a grudge against her, his aether in disarray even worse than Y'shtola; Papalymo and Yda, working for the Ala Mhigan Resistance quietly. That last, with the revelation that the betrayer Ilberd was leading a doomed assault, was a reunion cut all too short as Papalymo gave his life to seal the primal Shinryu. And with his passing, the Scions needed someone to wield destructive magic - and so while the others worked to find a solution to Shinryu, Eidinwyss sought out the thaumaturges of Ul'dah, and stumbled into the deeper arts of black magic, apparently having been expected.
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Throughout the course of her excursion across Ala Mhigo, and then on into Doma, she trained as hard as she could; the revelation of Yda as Lyse, the seemingly unkillable Crown Prince of Garlemald facing off against her again and again - the first time an absolute defeat, the second at least causing him harm, and then at last burning him until he took to the captured dragon primal and was brought low in the skies far above Ala Mhigo, all of it merely fueling her need to become better at everything she did.
And then an invitation from a Garlean, of all things, took her to the home of her parents, and into the depths of history, myth, and story. Meeting the Zodiac Braves who had remained to keep an ancient evil from another star sealed away, and with the aid of others bringing that evil low, in the process finding her parents' home, remarkably untouched, and the chakrams kept there. Afterwards, returning to her parents, for a short while, while the Scions fell unconscious, and learning the dance of war from her two younger mothers before being begged to come to the front lines of war, the Ghimlyt Dark, where an impossibly resurrected Zenos nearly claimed her head.
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And then the beacon, a trinket which whisked her away to another world, one bathed in Light everlasting. Everything was fine, at first, if worrying; the Lightwardens no greater challenge than what she had faced before, the world on course to have night returned.
And then her soul began to crack, and she fell back on her oldest roots to hold herself together, fashioning an axe with the help of the Crystarium's finest artisans and the insight of a ghost who had wielded its near twin a century before. That iron will, that inner fury, carried her forward, step by painful step, into the depths - to a city she had dreamed of, had nightmares of, her entire life. Every road familiar, if oddly out of scale; figures she knew, even if she could not recall their names. And Hythlodaeus, shade of a shade, who knew her, and who she knew in that dim fashion.
There in the depths, she sent a grief-ravaged man to his rest, and became more of the person who she dreamed she had once been, her soul repaired and rejoined. For a short time, she was able to rest - until the body of yet another dead man began to walk, and in the name of justice, of the defense of the weak, she once more set aside the axe and took up the great blade of the Dark Knight to face him, until the one who puppeted the corpse was also sent to rest, after millennia of sorrow and grief.
And now, she faces the end of the world, sought by none other than the reborn Crown Prince himself, aided by a cackling clown from among the Ascian ranks. Here, too, she will stand, and know grief and sorrow and loss, but never will she allow despair to conquer her or resign herself to failure, no matter how deep the darkness becomes.
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For she fights in the memory of those who have been lost, to protect those that might yet be saved.
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