#both of them make me very sad actually why are they my comfort characters again
meltyjellyfwish · 9 months
doodles i made for my bronya doodles acc on twt today i think
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personally i think es and bronya siblingism is real please trust m- ( gets dragged away )
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zenxvii · 5 months
hi! I enjoyed reading the few imagines you have of kyungjun a lot. Could I request one where Kyungjun survives in ep 8 thanks to reader? comfort & fluff plss
Ofc!! Here it iss, with a plottwist😻
character: kyung-jun x fem!reader
kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶: comforting girlfriend
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y/n pov
I didn't want to go to the meeting about who we should vote. Both Kyung-Jun and Jin-ha are very important to me. I didn't know what to do anymore. I texted the group that I was going to see them both and then message me for the vote.
I walked thru the corridors and knocked on the door before entering. "Jin-ha." I breathed out sadly and watched his sad eyes. "You believe me don't you?" He asked me as he got closer. "Of course." I told him and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so sorry." I said and tried to keep myself together.
"I don't want to die." He told me as he gripped my shirt. "I know..I know." I tried to reassure him that everything would be okay. "I don't want to vote for you, but I don't want to vote for him either." I continued.
"I hate this game." "So do I."
We hang out there for 20 minutes, just talking and thinking about our friendship. We laughed and almost cried too, it was all a beautifull night. But the time had come, it was 11.15pm and we both knew there was a person who to visit too.
"I'm sorry." I said again as I stood up with Jin-ha. "It's okay.* He told me once again and hugged me. "I won't blame you for voting me, it's okay. I know you love him." Jin-ha told me and I felt my eyes watering. "You actually are the best friend I could ask for."
"Thank you." He said, we now making eye contact both almost crying. "If I don't make it, you better wait for me with Seung-Bin in the after life." I said jokingly with a light shove. "We will, Kyung-Jun would kill us if we let you wander there alone." He joked back and I let out a chuckle with few tears.
"I promise we'll see again." I told him before leaving the room with tears. I looked at my phone time now 11.20pm. I rushed towards another room knowing who would wait for me there. I ran and ran, I reached the room and just barged in without any warnings.
"Kyung-Jun." I called him and threw my arms around him. He pulled me closer and hugged me tight. "I missed you." He said and squeezed me slightly. "I know, I've missed you too. I visited Jin-Ha and now I'm here. Sorry I took so long to find you." "Don't worry about it." He said and we laid down on the bed just resting there. "This is a shitty night. I don't want to lose neither of you." I spoke up and held his hand. "I know. I wouldn't want to be in your position either."
And there time went on and on as we spoke and joked together. Then out of nowhere the door opened with Da-Bum opening the door. "Excuse me." He said and walked in. "I have Kyung-Juns phone. Now come with me." He told my boyfriend. Fishy.
Kyung-Jun and I hugged for th last time before they left. I sat on the bed. My phone vibrated and I took it out to see everyone had vothed for Jin-Ha. My heart shattered for my best friends, I knew Jin-Ha didn't do it. He couldn't have killed Seung-Bin.
I casted my vote for him with a small tear rolling down my cheek. "I'm sorry." I breathed out before getting up. I wandered all around the corridors not caring about night coming.
Until I heard a pang after another. Someone was violently banging something against a door? I questioned it so I walked closer to the sound and saw a dooe being blocked so the one inside couldn't get out. "Hello!" I called out waiting for a response. "y/n..?" A familiar voice said. Kyung-Jun!
I treid to get the chair away but a hand stopped me. "Stop." I was told by this one man. "Da-Bum..why is he here." I asked him, both of us knowing well what I meant. "Just walk away, we both know you wont stand a chance against me." He told me with a glare. I stayed quiet thinking he was right. I could hear Kyung-Jun calling for me with baning on the door. "Do it quick please." I pleaded him
"Of course ma'am," He chuckled and waited me to leave. I walked away with a sharp pain going thru my heart. I didn't want to leave Kyung-Jun, but still I did.
Jin Da-Bums pov
I watched y/n leave with a pained face. What a smart girl. I opened the door and saw Kyung-Jun sitting on the floor. "Let the fun begin."
back to y/n
The clock striked twelve. And I just sat on the ground with my head in my hands. "I hate his game.." I mumbled. Then something shining captured my attention. I saw the axe lying on the floor. I can't leave him!
I got the axe and started to run where I came from. I came just in time to see da-Bum ready to kill my boyfriend. "Get away from him!" I screamed and swung the axe at him. "I won't let you kill him!" I shouted again. I Already lost my best friend, I'm not losng my boyfriend too.
"You crazy bitch!" Da-Bum called out and tried to stab me with his knives. I dodged him and swung the axe again, not hitting him. "Let me do my job!" He yelled charging at me again. This time cutting my left hand a little. "Not with this man!" I dodged his other knife and kicked him in his stomach.
I threw the axe away and jumped on him pinning his arms on the ground. "I'm the boss now. I'm telling you to leave him be or you'll be the one out next." Threatening him, but he just laughed. "You can be just so hot when angry." He said and smirked. Ew. "And you can be a pain in my ass." "Oh, how I'd like to be."
"God you're disgusting." I Shook my head "We both know you guys woulnd't work. You're a mafia and he's a civilian." He said. I knew hw was right, but I loved Kyung-Jun too much. "I don't care, as long as he's safe." "Stupid girl." He said and tried to get me off of him, but I stood my ground and kept him pinned.
"Struggle again and I will keep ypu pinned till the morning." I said and took a look at Kyung-Jun. He was just laying there. So peaceful, like nothing could bother him at the moment. "He's a bad guy, why would you even be with him." Da-Bum called my atettion. "He's good to me, he saved my life once." I told him and we locked eyes now him looking hurt. "But when he hurts oter people you just look away. You're no better than him." He told me now looking at Kyung-Jun.
"I'm sorry that he has hurted you Da-Bum. I'm sorry I didn't do anything about it. I'm sorry you had to go all thru it alone. I'm sorry I really am, but I won't leave him to be killed by you." I spoke and got off of him. "Leave or kill both of us."
He got up as well. His eyes searching for anwsers, but then he just left. He took his tools with him leaving me and Kyung-Jun there all alone.
I closed the door and leaned against it holdin my left arm that now had a cut on it. I needed to hide it from others, knowing they'd propably figure out I'm a mafia. But now I just closed my eyes for a moment before drifting off.
"y/n! y/n!" My name was called and I saw Kyung-Jun there, he looked scared. Not knowing what he should do. "Kyun-Jun" I called his name with a soft voice. "I'm glad you're still alive." I gave him a smile and got up. "We should go now." I told him and grabbed the dooor handle. "Are you part of the mafia.." He said and I let out a sigh.
"I wish I wasnt."
"Did you kill Seung-Bin." "No. I couldn't, that's why I was here. I couldn't let you die. I didn't want you to die."
"Thank you. Maybe in another universe we could be together again, and live old together, have kids and be happy. Dance in the rain, bake the cookies you always wanted to do. Just be a happy couple." He told me with pain in his voice.
"Oh how I'd love that. I'd love to dp taht with you, anything in the world I'd do with you." I turned to him with teary eyes and he just pulled me to a gentle kiss.
Right person, wrong time.
in another universe they'd be happy.
🏷️: @istanstraykidss
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estrophore · 10 months
Signalis Post (barely coherent thought vomit)
So I finished signalis on Monday and i think ive just about recovered enough for me to make a gush post about it on tumblr dot com, which i think i have to do cause i dont think any other game has really hit me as hard as this one. Spoilers obvs.
Being pre-transion, with that associated depression and closing off from oneself, ive always found it difficult to get out my feelings, even in private with just myself, and yet signalis has filled me throughout with its beautiful romantic melancholy and left me genuinely sobbing for the gay robot and her space girlfriend (almost worried that if id played this game on estrogen it might actually have just killed me on the spot). the only other times i can think of where i really cried were playing We Know The Devil near the beginning of the year, which really fkin hit the part of me that struggles to accept myself, and that time i rewatched the last episode of she-ra after reading the ‘Word War Etheria’ fanfic, which brings the characters so much more to life i fell for them all over again.
Signalis is a game that calls back to a lot of classic horror like resident evil and silent hill, which i havent got round to playing any of yet, but i think nostalgia works both ways sometimes and i’ll be playing them sooner now. sometimes horror gets stereotyped as all death and violence, some games fill themselves with skulls and corpses, and big ugly monsters and basically shout ‘DEATH!’ in your face repeatedly and it all just comes off as a bit garish and ridiculous and not actually very scary really. Signalis sits at the other end of that scale (with some of my other fav horror games like soma, cry of fear) where its environs are most usually just… quiet. Still. Muffled. Sad. just as often as theres tension or creeping fear because of this i find theres a strange kind of comfort too. Maybe its just that in most other genres of games theres so much of music, UI elements, pickups and interactibles with vibrant design. Here, theres room for your mind to just occupy the space. A soft fog. A dimly lit room. An empty train. Snow out a window. Liminal spaces that dont expect anything from you.
Signalis is a game thats just simply, unapologetically gay, and i dont think i would have been quite so invested in Elster and Ariane’s relationship if they were a straight couple. Its why representation is important, if art’s way for us to explore our emotions then its important to have media that we can relate to. Even Adler’s role isnt typically masculine. Our replika characters are manufactured, designed for certain roles in the base. Notes from the tough Stars and Storchs in the shooting range, the dollish Eules with the fairy lights and music player in the dorm. I couldnt help but think of groups of Eules sat around chatting, together, and im yearning for that feeling of togetherness, of understanding a friend that closely. I somehow missed the couple in the mineshaft (next playthough, ill find you v_v ). Despite the harshness of life in the Eusan nation (especially for the gestalts) the characters in it are defined by their feelings of belonging and hope. With the obvious parallels to east germany, i think of posters of cosmonauts and space travel from the time. Propaganda, sure but also made with the genuine belief in something greater. When the events of the game take this away, well, we find the last Kolibri, whod rather lose herself than lose her [ah. Im not sure theres a word here to properly describe the relationship they embody]. Its a game defined by loneliness.
We dont lie up at night scared by some corrupted android. We arent stuck with horror at the flesh everywhere, not on its own. We lie awake thinking about Elster and Ariane’s love for each other, the horror of their decline, the futility of trying to hold on forever. Its existential horror done perfectly. It shows an ending postponed and stretched far beyond its limits, and so squarely reminds you that you do, in fact, have to die one day. You’ll break down. One day you’ll say your last words to the people you love and you wont even know you have. Ariane’s final few diaries arrive with the full force of the narrative behind it, like a spear through my heart. For the record, I got the promise ending. Im still sad. It's a game about raging desperately against an unfair ending. I might think about this game for the rest of my life. I would sincerely say its an artistic masterpiece, by the sure definition of video games as art.
I like that the story leaves a lot open and abstract. I think it makes the emotional themes takes centre stage more. And i havent had nearly enough time to sift through it and come up with my own takes, we’ll need a few more playthroughs for that. And theres so much more to say that cant go in just these few paragraphs! Signalis is a game about two girls who had to run away from everything to find someone they belonged with. The universe may be cold and bleak, but you have to try, you might just find something beautiful, even if it doesnt last forever. I think if anything, we should all have the chance to find love and happiness like that, and we shouldnt have abandon a world that doesnt work for us to do it.
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sevlawless · 1 year
okay so the n route has been bothering me ever since i played it and i needed to air my frustrations out as a way to cope i suppose
for reference my main detective who i use for n is felicity, but sometimes i also use arabella to test out some options i wouldn't normally pick and just to see how the romance works with a detective that isn't exactly that compatible with n. so when i first played, i used felicity and then later on when i was doing a deep dive into the romance and the plot, i was using arabella just to see if certain things held up yk! and lord how i wish it did LMFAO
just a little disclaimer that this is all just my opinion and i'm willing to listen to other points of view about this! and i do not mean any of what i say as a dig or to be hateful toward n, they are my favorite li in twc and the fact that i love their romance and their character so much is probably most if not all of the reason why their route in book 3 was so weird to me, and why i make the critiques that i do.
under the cut because this is a doozy and also book 3 spoilers
first of all the main thing in the demo chapters is that n gets mad if you try and fight the trappers bc they are so scared of losing you and like i GUESS i get it but this is literally our life now you're just gonna have to get used to it. and this wouldn't have even been an big issue for me if it was properly addressed! when i played using arabella i tried being mad, i tried staying mad, and it kept getting swept under the rug by the plot. like are we seriously not going to talk about this??? at all?????? and it seems very ooc for n NOT to say anything about it when you get a moment alone because why would they not address it, ESPECIALLY if your mc was still upset over it. AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE IN A RELATIONSHIP LIKE- these things need to be discussed in order to grow as a couple and there needs to be healthy communication or else this is not going to work. like you're telling me we were living with unit bravo for WEEKS and this shit just never got brought up again?
this also ties into my next gripe- n's backstory. so, if you snooped in the demo they won't tell you anything, which okay. mc shouldn't have done that, sure, but n doesn't even give a reason as to why they're upset by that. obviously you can be like "well i think anyone would be upset if you delved into their past without their knowledge or permission" but YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS PERSON WHY IS THERE NO COMMUNICATION OF FEELINGS. i would have appreciated that scene a hell of a lot more if n sat you down and was like "i'm upset that you did this, here's why," but all they do is get sad and then that's it. when i played as arabella i had her snoop AND get upset over the argument during the trapper fight, and n said something along the lines of "i know sometimes we regret doing things" as a reference to snooping AND the argument which??? just does NOT hold up at all and had me irritated as hell.
if you didn't snoop in the demo, n takes you to their room and shows you a picture of their family and talks about them and how his brother joined the navy and didn't come back (their brother was killed by vampires) and that's why they decided to join the navy, as a way to try and figure out what actually happened. this scene started off great, but it's cut short way too quickly because n drops the photo and the frame breaks. and then they basically just shoo you out. there's really not any option to comfort them, and the option that is there is not good enough. and it's not that n had to tell us EVERYTHING in that one scene, but it's more so the fact that it NEVER gets brought up again. your mc can't take a moment to bring it up and n sure as hell doesn't say anything else about it. which is so ?????? im sorry you supposedly love this person (im saying this for both mc and n) and yet neither of you address it again??? it makes no sense at all.
onto the research/combat scene… i've done the combat scene once so i can't really speak on that as much as the research one so. most of the research scene is fine aside from the fact if you're not in a relationship (which i did for one playthrough with felicity) n brings up bobby if you dated them which felt so bizarre but anyways. the option to realize you love n… i would love this IF the option where you tell n you love them actually mattered. LMFAO if you tell n you love them they literally just stare at you and then the sex scene pops up. like are you kidding me??? n would not just leave you hanging like that even if it was just to say that they don't feel that way yet. and the sex scene itself is… fine i suppose but it doesn't feel as intimate as it should be. there's little to no dialogue and it just feels so weird to read. like why would neither of you be saying anything?? not to mention the fact that you're literally OUTSIDE of the warehouse where any of ub could see you at any point it just feels wrong to have sex at that point at least in my opinion. and the talk after feels so short and weird i feel like both the detective and n would have more to say. and that moment is quickly brushed away by the plot.
i guess the next plot line is whether u told tina or verda or nobody about the supernatural. going into book 3 this was probably what i looked forward to the most and ofc it barely delivered. i liked seeing tina and n interact but that quickly turned sour for me, not because tina started rightfully bringing up how much mc has been through, but because n really does not do anything with that pov being voiced to them, which is so fucking ooc it pains me. when they go to talk to mc after their conversation there's no discussion just "i wanted to see you" okay but WHY did you? i would have taken a li pov of what tina relayed to them literally anything! and it's just another thing that gets swept under the rug because of the stupid ass plot.
another thing about the dinner that gets lost in the plot of book 3: tina/verda bringing up your li possibly drinking your blood and mc can react a number of different ways and i wish it had been talked about more than just in that moment 😭
the only scene that i genuinely enjoyed in all of n's route was after that building caves in on mc and you're back at the warehouse traumatized and bruised and defeated. n runs you a bath and if you pick that option helps you out of your clothes and then helps you settle into bed. i wish there had been more discussion of anything in that scene but mc was so out of it i was okay with no talking. and then redacted petname <3 the other thing i was most looking forward to! one thing i did dislike about this scene though was that we didn't really get a glimpse on how n was feeling yk usually mishka offers the li's pov on a scene and not having that made that moment not feel as rounded out.
the pool scene… first of all why did n get this one. like it would have made sense for m, hell even a! and again the scene felt so shallow and then the option to have sex. you're telling me your first time with n can be on a fucking pool table???? that is so not their vibe AT ALL and it feels so weird to even have that there. it was unnecessary as well as the other opportunity to have sex and i feel like mishka just put them in there as like fan service when who (in my opinion) genuinely wants this if they romance n and have them as their main route. i had hoped the first time n and mc have the opportunity to have sex it would be a more intimate setting because that's more fitting for them and my nate mc, felicity. but nope! and then the scene gets cut short because n has to go on patrol??? and again the sex scene itself … neither of them feel personable it's like a "one size fits all" type of approach and that just does not work if this is supposed to be interactive fiction where we create a personality for our mc's that cannot fit this specific mold mishka wants to put everyone in.
being invited to what might as well just be a fucking slave trade (i have many thoughts about this auction plotline as well but for now im discussing n's route) had me so confused because why would mishka even do that and then n's comment about the stationary? i need you to be fucking for real. the scene before you leave for the mission with n just felt so weird like we get it n is protective of mc but at this point it just felt like a hinderance which sucks because one of the things i love most about n is their deep care for mc and they just sounded like a broken record and it annoyed me so bad.
after all that, the scene when you come back and n is in tears confessing their love for mc i wanted to enjoy it i really did and i just could not upon replaying because it feels so unbelievably hollow. we have not discussed anything pertaining our relationship and when there are things that need to be discussed they are so underwhelming it's hard to even care. there are a handful of things n and mc both need to work on in order for this relationship to work and the fact that they're not being addressed makes it difficult for me to enjoy anything about this route. you can't even tell n you love them back for fuck's sake like hello.
a theme that i did not think was going to be as prominent as it was in this book but n contemplating mc turning into a vampire and AGAIN there wasn't ever really a discussion about this between mc and n and i feel like this will come to a head as the books progress but i don't think it fit into book 3 considering so many other things were being thrown at us.
all in all i truly desperately wanted to enjoy book 3 and enjoy being with n but i cannot when there are so many things ignored, sidelined, or just completely forgotten in order to push the plot forward.
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charlidos · 8 months
I feel you linger in the air ep 10
This episode was a bit of a roller coaster in terms of emotions. From a happy end for everyone, to Jom and Yai's biggest tragedy. On the whole, another gripping episode.
Last ep was all about building up the drama - and it was basically all resolved in the first 15 mins of this ep. It's the one thing that I didn't find entirely convincing; it was just a bit too neat. I liked the theatrical drama of the everything-is-revealed scene, but I also feel like the creators were a little too eager to do a certain kind of scene and thus made it a bit too long. And every problem solved in one go: all the bad men gone, the nice women freed, Yai free to be with Jom again. Which is all good, but it was a bit too much like the final scene of a murder mystery show.
I guess it was Jom who presented this since he's the only one who doesn't actually belong there. Maybe it was easier for him to say it all out loud (even if he didn't actually say much himself). But it's like Jom is the vehicle for change, the deciding factor making things happen. And it seems to me that by this resolve for all the characters in 1928, the story can now focus on the big time travel issue. The elephant in the room for Jom & Yai.
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The whole post-reveal scene between Jom & Yai is another extremely beautiful scene, with an amazing feeling of intimacy. I'm not sure I've ever seen such beautiful love scenes. I can feel it in my bones, my heart. There's such a natural intimacy between them which makes every part of it seem so completely believable. And most importantly, they never seem to be there just to please the audience, but always has something to say, relevant to the story. Even if it's just to show how much these two love each other. And again, all kudos to Bright and Nonkul for making Jom & Yai come alive this way.
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Yai describing how he only felt numb when being forced to be apart from is very moving. I love that the drama here is so quiet. Yai's silent tears, the comfort Jom supplies with his little caresses, the need to keep touching. I love that the most important part of this scene is played out here, after the love making. When they are both literally and figuratively naked and when they are as close as can be, lying together like they are one. Like Yai says: they are each other's heart and soul.
However, it's difficult to not remember that they have a much worse heartbreak coming: that Jom will return to his own time and be gone forever. All these things that Yai is describing, is that not how he will feel then too? Numb, alone, cold. It's so terribly sad!
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I struggled a bit to understand why Yai was so unreservedly happy with finally being allowed to go study abroad. He says so casually to Jom - right after explaining how he can't live without him - that he'll only be gone a few years. I thought for sure he would imagine Jom coming with him, but no. But thinking about it, I really like the idea that Yai is a person with all these dreams, of seeing the world, of changing it. And that his life is more than just his love for Jom. He's a young man, after all, and he's seen so little. In this perspective, I feel there's a good chance that Yai could live a fulfilling life, even after Jom is gone. That he'll be crushed and probably never really recover, but that he could instead spend his time travelling the world and being part of the developing future. (Even if living in this time is such a tragedy also since we know WWII is coming. 1929-1945 was not an easy time to live.)
This is also the first time we hear Jom talking with Yai about his other home.
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And this is the first time he's mentioned using his knowledge about the future. I wonder if it he started talking like this, and started disappearing, because his deed there was done in a way, after resolving this family's issues. That his connection to the place started waning. Because surely, it's not a coincidence that as he talked of the future, his body started losing it's precence in 1928. Maybe it's also his own awareness - one he seems to have put aside for a long time - of not belonging that makes this happen right there.
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We still have no idea what happens with Jom's body in 2023, if he's missing there or if he's in a coma, or if no time has passed there. We don't know if what happens in 1928 is like a loop, something that always happens. Jom could, in 2023, see it happen, after all. So I'm very curious to see what will happen when he returns. But it'll also be so infinitely heartbreaking to imagine how empty it'll be for Yai.
Really, it seems too little time to resolve this in just two eps! I've understood that there's supposed to be a "special episode" too, after ep 12. But I have no idea what it means. I just want a season 2! I'm not ready to leave Jom & Yai. They've gotten under my skin so completely.
And how will they have time to get back to explaining who this Yai is? He obviously needs a whole season of his own.
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maymeowmoo · 7 months
what are some of your favorite smg4 ships?
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Alright so! Imma write these in order of most Liked to Not for me :)
☆ Smg4 x Smg3 - Obviously one of my favs! I am a sucker for Enemies -> Friends -> Lovers. Being cosmically connected and sensing changes in the other via that link? SO GOOD! I also like hurt/comfort A LOT and these two are great for that. Idk I could continue on writing but I don't wanna make this too long.
☆ Melony x Axol - My other fav ship. I mean this one is quite obvious and issa canon! I am also a sucker for slow burns so them having a slower paced love story made me very happy. Makes the whole thing more impactful. Melony is also one of my fav characters so that is a bonus ;D
☆ Meggy x Tari - Meggy at this point is a pretty solid character and her with Tari make a great dynamic. [Note: I actually thought they lived together for a lil bit.] Tari is the sweet and friendly to Meggy's passionate and combativeness nature. It's hard to explain but it just works for me. Their characters both compliment each other and they canonaclly improve each other. I really like this ship :3 (Issa very close to being a fav ngl)
☆ Smg4 x Mario & Smg3 x Mario - [Note: Mario is probably strictly attracted to spaghetti ngl XuX] Why did I bundle em up together? Well I think the poly ship of 'Star Trio' is cool. Adding a total dumbass into Smg4 x Smg3 works in my opinion (now that I think abt it this poly ship is just 3 morons, BANGER if I say so myself). Individually: Mario and Smg4 would continue havin their lil adventures and being silly together. Mario with Smg3 on the other hand would be two mischievous queers reeking havoc (Smg4 would have to probably stop em heh). [Honestly I would have to analyze these deeper but I ain't here to make a whole essay rn so uhhhh... maybe another time idk]
☆ Tari x Saiko - Well idk what to say since I am neutral on this one. I know it exists and I think the fanart looks cute! I don't mind it at all, looks sweet :)
☆ Mario x Meggy & Smg3 x Melony - Personally I don't like these ships :/ I like to think of Mario and Meggy as strictly friends/kinda-siblings. With Smg3 x Melony basing on the YT Remote arc I see em more as only friends/ kinda family vibes. These days tho (with them not interacting as much as I would hope :( Big sad) they are probably friends.
Honorable mention:
Tari x Lugi - [Important note: This would only work if Luigi was a Bi with heavy male preference, idk what his attraction is but I personally think he is more likely to be 100% gay soooo yeah!] These two are an example of 'similar people attract'. I imagine Luigi would be gardening while Tari enjoys watching the ducks swim in a nearby lake :D They have similar personalities and I think it could be very cute! Them being close friends would also work for me :) OOOO maybe something like platonic soulmates? That could be neat >:D
Again thank you so much for the ask! I kinda used the opportunity to elaborate a lil on some ships so that was fun >:D Sorry if it's a bit long but I like being detailed! Hope this was a kinda good answer ^^'/
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asmallmoon333 · 5 months
Near for the ask game 👁️👁️ And also Lawlight ✨
Hi Grim!! :3
Near! :D
How I feel about this character: Like him, but tbh no real deep or passionate feelings. I haven't poked his brain enough to get interested. I will say I started liking him more in the A-Kira one-shot, and not only cause his long hair was awesome, but cause I wanted to know more about WHY he was like that, what he felt all those years later about the Kira Case, how his life had gone as the new 'L'.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mello in a childhood rival-turned-enemy-turned-lover way; Light a very messed-up 'mutual substitutes' way; and Minoru Tanaka cause I think they should have at least met and picked each others' brains!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Also Mello actually, sometimes I just want them to understand each other and come to like...not a moment of peace, so much as a moment of actually talking about what their childhood at Wammys did to them and their relationship as a consequence of it.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Anime Near really was boring and I had no interest in watching him. Manga Near is more interesting, but they still needed to make him more goofy. (I saw two alternate panel translations of 'Serious Near' vs 'Goofy Near' and I loved the second one.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Near meeting Minoru Tanaka!!! What a freaking loss of opportunity. Also, I'm a fan of the "Near wrote Mikami's Name" theory and I'd like that confirmed or denied in canon.
My OTP: I don't have one, I don't know him well enough tbh, even the ones I do ship, it's kinda with ambivalent feelings.
My cross over ship: Dont have one, sorry :3
A headcanon fact: He didn't grow his hair out cause he's too lazy to cut it or too depressed to bother, he just genuinely likes the way it looks and feels.
Lawlight! :D
When I started shipping it if I did: In December 2022 when I started writing for them! Altho tbh I'm not sure if I so much as shipped them, or if I just really liked the challenge of writing about them getting and being together.
My thoughts: Love them when they're just eternally messed with and messing with each other. I like them both individually as characters so having them together is really fun.
What makes me happy about them: Their symmetry. They just GET each other. And I love picking at their brains and poking them with a stick, and putting them in Situations together. I think their reactions are really fun.
What makes me sad about them: That in canon they were (or maybe mostly just Light, cause we never got to pick L's brain about it) too dumb to see what they'd be bored as hell without the other. That they never got the chance to actually be honest with each other before it was too late. (Altho in the anime L did try.)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: For L, my pet peeve is the idea that his whole personality was an 'act.' I've never heard a good argument for why he'd bother. From a character standpoint, this would mean we never knew anything about him, which makes me sad. As for Light, when someone gives him too many "good" or too many "bad" traits, for whatever reason. It no longer feels like Light at some point.
Things I look for in fanfic: Mind Games :3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don't think they're capable of it lol, sometimes I don't even think they're capable of ending up with each other. But for the sake of it, I wanted to see more of Light and Kiyomi. and as for L, Matsuda could take care of him.
My happily ever after for them: Mind Games, but forever! :D
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Light is usually the little spoon cause L clings like an octopus, and Light needs to breathe so he faces the other way. L becomes the little spoon if Light wakes up in the middle of the night and L's asleep but not clinging to him.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Dang, I can't say Mind Games again. Or arguing. Or discussing a book cause it would be to one-up each other. So I think--sharing a meal. Just the two of them quietly enjoying their food together, and even giving little bits off their plates that they think (hope) the other might enjoy. A small sign that they want the other to live, and be happy.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x11, part 2, RJK edition.
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oh my god, just make out already, you two. Jamie is so fucking sad, who fucking hurt him, I wanna hurt them back.
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Jamie is on the verge of tears, can't Roy fucking see it??? LOOK INTO HIS EYES AND SEE IT.
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That is probably the most mature and concerned reaction I've ever seen from Roy towards Jamie. Like when he hugged him in s2, it was great. But here he's actually trying to TALK about it. He's genuinely concerned and interested in what's going on.
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EMMY WINNER PHIL DUNSTER WHEN?????? Jfc. Just hug the boy, Roy.
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;_____; Sharing trauma aka I've been thrown into Sunflowers and Amsterdam again. BEST FRIENDS.
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Ok. This is ok. I'm okay. There was a glimpse where the kiss could've happened and Jamie could've continued wailing and it would WORK. Roy wouldn't even say a thing bc Jamie is a mess and it might now mean anything, and if it did, they can talk about it later.
Anyway. Jamie going in for a hug FIRST bc he trust Roy and he feels safe around him and he feels okay about physical intimacy and being vulnerable with him now. I wanted my hug & I guess this is the closest I can get to that one in 2x06. And with Jamie crying again. Ohhh my god.
The poor boy needs a vacation with both Roy and Keeley (and a lot of sex and love from them). I'd say RoyJamie only, but it's more likely at this point that ot3 happens instead of otp.
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Well, it's close to Will walking in on Roy and Jamie kissing. Almost.
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I'm fucking staying here. I don't need anyone else. I'm staying here and going down with this ship. Jamie full on can do whatever he wants at this moment & Roy would probably allow him. The hands interlinked on Roy's back, Jamie's head going from Roy's shoulder into the crook of Roy's neck. They really are best friends. Jamie feels so comfortable and safe with him. Putty in his hands, huh?
And I can't fucking keep quiet about Phil pulling this off. Like... MY GOODNESS, GIVE HIM ALL THE FUCKING AWARDS. It makes me sad but at the same time I can't stop laughing, and I'm sure this was the intention. Bc this dramatic wailing is truly something.
At the same time, "I can't sleep, and I can't eat" is a serious sign of depression or at least a serious burnout. Get Jamie a therapist and some quality time break from all the stress.
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"Jamie is a mess & I gotta help him."
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Keeley is so excited she gets to help Roy with Jamie. This is very ot3 of you. I gotta say though, Roy has to learn how to talk and communicate. It's all fun and all, the idea of when there's a miscommunication or Roy unable to go to emotional depths, but it's really important. In the previous ep he watched Jamie and came up with the right words for Keeley. In here he went to Keeley so she could help him with Jamie. I see a pattern, but I'd love Roy to act on it. Saw Keeley maybe, came up with the right words, knew how to act with Jamie, went back to help.
But then I expect both of them to go back to Jamie and help, so also very ot3 of them.
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Jamie and his rings. Jamie being so many fans fav player. Jesus, I love this kid so. fucking. much. Get him into therapy again, please.
"How's he doing?" "Fucking hell." "I'll talk to him."
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For a show that gives so many queer references, it would be weird if they were queerbaiting us tbh. It's possible, but it's still weird, especially with so many queer characters.
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For the reference.
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IF NOT OT3, THEN WHY THIS. They're gonna drive me insane.
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flowerandblood · 21 days
My thoughts on the trailer: I'm happy to see everyone is suffering. The links between Rhaenyra and Aegon are very interesting to watch. I'm glad we'll get to see Aegon from a slightly different perspective, and I'm quietly hoping for some sort of scene of him with Helaena where it's just the two of them.
To be honest, I don't understand the complaints about Rheanyra and Alicent's characters, about both of them wanting to avoid war. I know that in the books Alicent is diffirent, but adding her more depth for me is something that makes me understand her more.
They do not forget that they were united by person of Viserys and that kinslayers are not something the realm enjoys. Dragons destroy everything in their path, remember? The kingdom of ashes sounds magical indeed.
"Why don't they protect their own family?" And Rheanyra and Aegon are not siblings? Dividing by faction we forget a little that they are all of House Targaryen – they're not the Lannisters and the Starks from Game of Thrones.
Contrary to the opinions of others, the replacement of Nettles with Rhaena's character doesn't bother me. They made Daemon dirty in season one anyway. I'd rather Baela and Rhaena had more time in the series than the introduce new character and I don't suffer at the thought.
The scene in the brothel with Aemond surprised me, but I don't share the opinion that it is out of character for him, nor do I think it confirms or denies the fact that at the age of 13 as boy, even when uncomfortable with a woman touching him, he would ever admit he didn't want it as a grown man. Of course he would turn it into a joke. How could a man not want/be unable to fuck a woman?
Did he want it or not actually doesn't matter, because as we see, as a grown man he comes back to this kind of relief anyway of his own accord. Does he just like it or he just comes back to his trauma again and again – that's in my opinion for the fanon to choose.
I don't think that his betrothal are in force after what he has done (kinslayer, shalalalala), so he is still a free man. He is not in love with any woman at this point, nor obsessed with any, so his choice for “not being lonely” is quite understandable and logical.
His facial expression, to me, shows that he is seeking comfort – he needs a moment of vulnerability after what he has done and what it means to his family. Who is it actually don't matter to me – for me it seems that it's woman in the brothel. Is it Mysaria? I have no fucking idea, that would be weird. But who knows?
I'm curious about introduction of Alys. I hope they will make her wise, sneaky woman who knows what she wants and needs to survive. I want her to be manipulative for her own good, without taking sides. I want to see woman who decides about her own fate, proud, mocking and cold, pretending if nessesary to gets what she wants. This is how I always imagined her.
Anyway, everything looks better this season and I wait for many scenes. I see many people complaining (I should predicted it being in this fandom for a year now 😆) but I'm actually happy with what I saw!
And ah, yes, Cregan Stark. He looks like a little sad puppy. I hope he will come out more like a cool guy from the North during the next season. 😂
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rollercoasterwords · 2 months
genuinely thank you so much for writing thtf. it's my favourite thing to read in the whole world for so many reasons. like other than where it's obviously devastating (in SUCH a good way), idk it just makes me so happy
I think it's the first wip i followed from start to finish and I have to say that part of 2022 was not the greatest but yk, every few days there'd be a new chapter. and it was great.
I fucking love Dorcas talking about "a butterfly in the palm of your hand" it's changed the way I think so much. like you would not expect this from a fanfic lmao but it's pretty much exactly what I needed to hear at the time. living just to live, even if it's complete shit, not caring about what they're leaving behind. ch 42 (i think) where all they're doing is just washing the dishes but it's so special and they're listening to dawn storm is so important to me I love it SO much. fucking amazing.
ngl I don't really think there's anything I don't like. every character feels so right - regulus in particular sticks out to me, like there's such a good balance between him doing pretty bad things because he's not a particularly "good person" but also not being a complete dick. also I would die for marlene mckinnon and the way you write her is just so fucking good. the way she is just so alive to make up for her shorter life is so beautiful to me. I could ramble on for a very long time about everything in this fic but I dont want this to get too long lol
the music you put on the chapters is also really good like I'm pretty sure the first time I read it I didn't listen the music and then I reread it with the music and it was like a whole different experience
yeah i would've sent this earlier (like maybe a year ago) but looks like I put it off for a really long time lol
also - really love where atwmd is going rn I'm so excited for more chapters, i love Sirius Black etc etc
ahh thank u this is so sweet! i love hearing that thtf resonated w people it definitely feels like the fic kinda took on its own life & became a little philosophical journey that i was not entirely expecting lol. i think writing a story where i knew my main characters were going 2 die the whole time really made me contemplate like. ok what do i actually want 2 say abt death, and by way of that what do i wanna say abt life? bc like. as someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife i didn't wanna write a story that says "well it's ok bc they can be happy in the afterlife" <3 bc like. that does not comfort me lol. & i also didn't wanna write a story that was like "it's ok bc there's gonna be a good future 4 others after them," bc i think life means something and matters even outside of futurity. i didn't wanna play into this narrative that u have 2 Do Something 2 make ur life meaningful by making sure u have an impact on the future, etc; i wanted 2 write abt life as meaningful outside of that. & i also specifically wanted 2 write abt life as something beautiful & meaningful even with the bad stuff mixed in, and even if death is abrupt and scary and painful and unwanted. like i purposely made both their deaths pretty brutal bc i personally find the idea of a "bad death" really scary! the idea of dying before ur ready, dying scared or alone or in pain or all three, etc...and i think part of why that's so scary is bc we place this big emphasis, again, on a linear timeline of life, where death is The End, and if The End is bad, then the story's a sad one. but death is just one moment in the sum total of billions of moments throughout your life; why should that bad cancel out all the good? why should a story be sad, just because the last page of it is sad? you can open the book to any page and find happiness, and love, and warmth, etc. & that's what i'm trying 2 say w "a story is not its end."
anyway. this got much longer than expected lol i love 2 ramble abt thtf but! again ty 4 the kind words glad u enjoyed the fic glad u enjoyed the music as well!! i love the playlist 4 that fic <3
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kiwibongos · 1 month
im back thinking again. regarding my last post with how i interpreted ibuki and fuyuhiko's friendship im heavily thinking abt him and hiyoko. hiyoko more specifically tbh. its hiyoko appreciation time. will contain spoilers
imo she should have lived. also tbh kazuichi shouldve died, not her. thats a whole other sauce tho (again) but like. i feel like hiyoko deserved to survive way more, in general. her potential was really there man
i used to hate hiyoko, i still kind of dislike her in a certain way but its because all of that points blame to the writers of sdr2, for the god awful pacing they thought was good, and how they just didn't really bother to show a lot of growth from her before her time was wrapped up? i enjoy how she was the mean character bc there's always gotta be That One Bitch, but i really would've loved for her to survive, for her to heal and live on for mahiru and even to grow close with fuyuhiko, ibuki, hajime and sonia, and she would perhaps even express sadness towards ibuki and mikan's deaths
its like everything that had happened in the game, and all the time they spent focused on hiyoko and what she was going through just went to waste, and they spent the rest on weaker material or scenes. hiyoko should have been given the same character arc fuyuhiko lived to see. and both of them have so much in common already, they'd make a pretty good duo. e.g., they both lost someone they loved (mahiru & peko), they're both mean, stubborn, and quippy but secretly soft around the right people, also hello they literally look related anyway ... the blonde hair and the rosy cheeks . come on. someone on spike chunsoft saw them. but it didnt work out. anyway i feel like they would bond amazingly, albeit very slowly, but they're definitely the duo to just gossip all the time about other people LOL, and fuyuhiko would try to comfort her as well, because he's lost two people
hiyoko wouldn't just easily forgive him of course, i dont think she ever could, hence why i emphasized they'd slowly bond because the tension would be agonizing. she was furious, and still mourning mahiru when she had just died, but she would at least understand him and grow to accept his company and genuine kindness overtime (and she had almost seemed to near the very end??). if she lived to see his genuine growth and saw that he actually cared and that he would do anything to make it up to her, she'd be way less cautious of him. and she'd realize that the fact that they're both stuck on an island in a killing game, and fuyuhiko genuinely seems to be the only one who seems to bother, and the only one who actually sees her. so if not him, who else does she really have, you know. at least, at that moment
afterwards, hiyoko would just calm down and be more cooperative and helpful overtime, she's not dumb at all and she knows what to say, though she might butt her head in at the worst times, she also doesn't put up with bullshit, the same way sonia doesn't, they both act thoroughly bc they're smart. she'd also be really helpful in the trials tbh, i think she'd be the kind to spot out little details
later on she'd have sonia and hajime to support her too! someone has to help her with her kimono.... fuck it they'd all collectively just tolerate her but also encourage her. compared to fuyuhiko she hadn't really done anything bad, she was just hurt. she just needs someone, now that her own someone was gone
of course id love if she stayed hotheaded but just not call everyone a skank or a pig every two seconds, keep her mean side i love a bad bitch, she just wouldn't have kept that mask up, and she'd learn like, "Oh Shit, these people are all i have, and i need them". if she stuck around, hiyoko wouldve been such a good help as a survivor. and just generally more interesting to see, she woulda stuck out to me more in general. wouldve LOVED to see her shine in chapter three, or the final two chapters
hiyoko fans please rise with me. i love her and her dumb pigtails. tldr im MAD she didn't get her redemption like she deserved she was so cool despite also being nasty but she had a CHANCE dude the potential was shining bright in front of our eyes
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caspersickfanfics · 2 months
*busts door open* IM BACK
I’m not gonna be too weird about this but- ironically- today was a day of much crying, and from that I was re-reminded of few things that got me thinking about the other nights rants so I have just a few more considerations~
again- not necessarily a fit for the current fic situation BUT. Types of crying. I feel like Cyno really doesn’t cry much at all. And maybe this was a given lol but I wanna talk about it anyways 😭
He’s just that kind of person and I feel like that tracks with canon. Even if he isn’t bottling up emotions, like if he’s sad and he’s letting himself feel sad, even then he may not cry that much. but if he is crying- or sobbing due to fever-addled hysteria- it’s him doing everything he can to keep it quite. Like muffled sobs, or just tears spilling uncontrollably, and so much, sniffing. That kind of crying you get when you just can’t stop crying even if you really want too. Maybe because it’s so stifled it lands in his body, so he’s stiff, or hunched or shaking a little. And! I feel like it’s so much easier to slip into hyper ventilation when you’re not breathing cuz you’re trying to hold back tears.
I think under Tighnaris care and comfort he’d be a bit more vocal? Maybe? Or!! Or when it gets really bad and he can no longer help it that’s when his sobs sound like, well, sobs. And that’s new territory for nari and cyno both. I think Tighnari would need some serious comfort after all this himself because it’s scary seeing your partner in so much distress even if you know they are okay and kinda just out of it.
I think cyno would try really really hard to communicate well, but he’s struggling cuz he’s sick enough and emotional enough that he’s not quite making the most sense? He’s stumbling over his words and he’s not quite sure how to explain what hurts and in what way- But he knows that he’s worrying nari and so he’ll try his damndest to make sense, and at the very least be honest. Maybe not at first but once they settle into his recovery I think he’d try 🥺
I also was thinking about more comical things Cyno would get upset over? Idk if it’s the vibe at all lol, but if his fever is high enough or if say the meds he’s on add to the loopy ness, I can picture him being very very distraught over just how *pretty* nari is. Maybe not full on crying but I can see him just starting and pouting cuz his partner is just…too perfect??? And if anything happened to him what would he do??? His EARS!! They are so soft- and he falls apart
idk these aren’t as fun as the ones from the other day but oh well lol 😑
WELCOME BACK AHH!!! I'm sorry you had a crying day and I'm sorry to post this so late when you sent it ages ago!!!!!!!! I hope you're feeling better now and if not, I'm sending you all the hugs!!!
This ask has me in a chokehold because I do think about characters crying a lot and I agree with you I don't think Cyno cries much at all. Even though I want to make him cry all the time LOL. Honestly though him and Tighnari both, especially in the canon world, I really have trouble picturing them crying.
100% agree that Cyno would be pretty quiet. My instinct was that he cries without realizing it and that's why he's quiet but I am now obsessed with your (paraphrased) "he is quiet on purpose which can lead to hyperventilating" like. Yes. And that progression to sobbing is really intriguing, definitely seems like something I'd like to explore if I can work it in somewhere!!!
I also headcanon Cyno as being very honest with Tighnari! I could see him downplaying stuff unintentionally - like, he's always a little banged up, so he brushes off discomfort without a second thought sometimes. And he might initially resist Tighnari urging him to look a bit more closely at that, but he'll cave eventually.
I also could definitely see Tighnari having a hard time with Cyno really crying, depending on the situation............ and at the same time I could see him actually being reassured by it. Like, finally, Cyno's letting himself being completely open. Finally he's letting himself be honest and feel things fully. But also Tighnari is going to frequently check his temperature to make sure it's not gotten to a dangerous place to be causing this. And freaking!! Absolutely to Cyno crying over how pretty Nari is and how much he loves his ears/tail/claws/etc. Maybe apologizing for "springing Collei on him" all those years ago and Tighnari is laughing because, like, he adores Collei and is so glad Cyno brought her to him.
I've also been thinking about Tighnari and crying. I picture him as a nonchalant but infrequent crier. Maybe some anxious/frustrated crying in extreme situations, but generally if things aren't going well, he compartmentalizes to figure out a solution. If something is upsetting to him and it's really shocking, maybe he'll shed a few tears without realizing, but then he'll wipe them away and do what needs to be done. If he's in a lot of pain, he'll cry but be really reassuring ("It just hurts a little, don't worry. Could you possibly help wrap this? My hands are a bit unsteady" tears running down his face) to anyone who's around the whole time, while treating his injury if he can. And... I think if he finds out someone he really cares about had something bad happen to them, he'd respond with rage. Even, like, Collei with her Eleazar - if anything worse had happened to her, I don't think his initial response would've been to cry. It would've been "I'm going to fucking murder who or what ever caused this disease." And then when things calm down he'd go to his hut, hide under the covers, curl up into a ball and sob.
Hm. I dunno if you've picked up on this by how much I wrote but. Personally..... I think this was just as fun as your previous asks sdjkfsdjksfj thank you so much for sending ittttt ily <333
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signedmio · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a romantic Hazbin Match up!
Just call me Olivia.
Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight
Style: My style ranges depending on my mood but it consistantly falls into three categories of dresses (Usually knee length with a fit and flare waist), comfy (Sweaters and comforters), and sexy (Think corsets and bustiers.). I like wearing make-up and styling my hair into cute styles (Sadly I suck at braiding.) Shoes… honestly I think I like all shoes except crocks. I love Nail art too!
Hobbies/Interest: Drawing, singing, gaming, reading and shopping. I like trying out new things from activities and foods. Favorite subjects are history, mythology, and computer science, and I like building furniture when I have a guide.
Book genres: Romance, Fantasy, Historical, and Mystery
I'm called a social butterfly by everyone I know. I've also been told I have a tendency to adopt introverts into my circle and care for them. No joke, I've been invited to place because I'm willing to talk to strangers and not shy away from conversation. I've been told that I'm very entertaining to be around because I'm very bubbly and animated in my interactions because I like making people happy.
Jokes on everyone because internally I'm very shy and a nervous wreck, I just know how to hide it well. I definitely can suffer from feeling inadequet and have imposter syndrome XD Honestly to quote my favorite character: I'm an insecure, neurotic control freak… on crack. I can also be materialistic and pouty.
I'm very protective over my loved ones, think "Hurt them, I hurt you and no one will find the body." I tend to hover over loved ones if they are sick or sad and help take care of them.
I also can definitely be a bitch but usually the other person deserves my ire. I also will hold grudges if people backstab me or my loved ones. They can say they are sorry but I will not trust them again nor will I let them near my circle of people.
Fav Foods: I love spicy foods, baked goods, and love trying to make new dishes or eating them.
Love Languages: Physical Touch: I love to cuddle, hug and everything else under the sun. If I'm kissed on the forehead, I will swoon.
Emotional: This is a must because if there's no emotional connection why is there a relationship to begin with. I want to be able to talk to my partner and them to me no matter the situation. Both the good and the bad.
Gift giving: I don't care what kind of gift, for me it's the thought that counts that I was on his mind.
My type: I'm very specific in my type so I'mma choose two good and one bad: I want someone loving and caring, and not a jackass. Otherwise I will be the one punching them.
Lord… I sound like a mess XD I feel bad for this but I'm really curious so good luck!
hello olivia!! this was one i wasn’t so sure on who i was gonna do, but i decided on…
Sir Pentious !!
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Pentious definitely fits your type imo because he’s actually so genuine and sweet like I would not understand anyone who thinks he’s a jackass lmao
He’s very big on physical touch, but he’s scared shitless to initiate like anything ever, so the fact that he doesn’t have to worry too much calms him down a lot haha
Pen is a bit shy and a tad bit of a wreck haha so the fact that you’re social enough to draw him out of his shell a little AND aren’t too crazy for him is something that matches well with the row of you <3
He also feels very flattered if you ever get protective over him, it kinda makes him all warm inside, like you care about him so much to be protective? Like bro, he’s swooning
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What the hell is Ben thinking in NLMG? Part 2 (post outing to Ben’s confession)
Continued from part 1, here. 
Ben’s second arc is beautiful in its simplicity - he realizes how he feels (has felt!) about Chopper and (after a few attempts) works up the nerve to express that to him. 
(Quick note that his next two character arcs are ongoing at this same time in the narrative, and while I won’t talk about it here, I will reference some key moments that help build-up to the peak of that) Jumping in at episode 7: everything else about the Ben-gets-bullied scene fades in comparison to Chopper rescuing him but these two lines are key – bully kid is telling us how Ben feels about himself:
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Ben takes enormous pride in being class president. He places a lot of value in how he is perceived by others. Being told he is not actually a good guy is one of the worst possible things someone could say to him. And in this case it’s partially true – he knows he did something wrong; he’s already told us this via his conversation with Chopper over lunch. This is why he immediately lashes out afterwards and gets his ass kicked in return. 
Because this is an essay about Ben, I am not going to go on incessantly about how perfect Chopper is in this scene — how he gets rid of both bullies with ruthless efficiency that necessitates the least amount of violence; how he looks beautiful fighting, especially when his shirt rucks up to reveal bare skin…
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Oops how did that get in there? But more seriously, the important thing that happens in this scene is this clasping of their hands. Having seen Chopper once again stick up for him, Ben finally reaches back. The show makes a big deal of this, has it drag out intentionally for longer than necessary, to make sure you understand that they are now officially in this together as a united pair. This is the first time we’ve seen that Ben allows himself to reciprocate one of Chopper’s touches.
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Then, during the rooftop scene (don’t even get me started on rooftops in BL!!) immediately following, Ben is the most honest, pure version of himself we’ve seen to date:
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He admits: “I was selfish. I was a coward. I was afraid my dad would scold me”
I also like how he talks about Nueng. It’s not overly romantic, he just feels guilty and wants to apologize. From the moment in the office onwards, Chopper – not Ben – is the only one who talks about the two of them getting back together; Ben only talks about forgiveness. 
Chopper once again uses physical touch to comfort Ben, placing a hand on his shoulder and repeatedly stroking along his collarbone:
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We get another one of these vulnerable, searching looks from Ben in return: 
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Then, Ben gives another line that I really didn’t understand on first watch. “To tell you the truth, I confessed my feelings to him . . .
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Initially I kept wondering ‘why is this necessary?’ Considering that it comes immediately following his reaction to Chopper’s hand on his shoulder though, I now think this is Ben probing. This is him (in a very confusing way) trying to push Chopper (“How do you feel? Did you encourage me to be with Nueng because you’ve moved on?”) And Chopper goes into a gutting monologue in response: “I just understand how it feels to have a crush on someone. How tormenting it feels to be unable to tell your feelings. It’s a terrible feeling.” Go back and watch Ben’s face when Chopper talks about not being able to tell his feelings. It crumples –
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Something really, really important is happening here: similar to with bully kid, Chopper is verbalizing to Ben his own feelings. This is Ben, in real time, realizing how he felt in tenth grade! Ben gets so sad here both because what Chopper is describing aloud is what Ben did to himself and because he aches at the idea that he might have ever led Chopper to feel that way. He can’t possibly miss the longing coming through in Chopper’s voice. And he has to be thinking, (when Chopper confessed to me we stopped speaking for two years). 
And do you know what makes Ben finally smile after all this? When Chopper tells him “I wanted you to have a happy ending”. Because that gives him hope that Chopper still cares about him. 
Okay, again, not a Chopper essay, but please allow a moment of gushing about him – to quote (@thirstkanaphan):
It's also such a generous thing for Chopper to say - after all the heartbreak! We the viewers know that Chopper is going through the ringer with his father and Chopper fears becoming the kind of man his father is, the kind who ruthlessly abuses those weaker than himself. He fears the kind of violence he might one day be forced to enact. Chopper does not think that happy endings are for people like him. It's gutting that he's talking about Ben getting a happy ending with Nueng, of all people - the golden child, the cousin who will never have to get his hands dirty with the darker side of the family business. And yet Chopper doesn't resent Nueng either! He wishes they were closer! 
Chopper doesn't know that Ben's feelings for Nueng have changed. Chopper believes that Ben and Nueng can still get their happy ending - and what agony for Chopper, to endorse a future where his beloved cousin gets to live happily with the boy Chopper loves, seeing them both shine in the sun while he is resigned to the shadows. GOD CHOPPER!!!
Excuse me for a minute while I cry about this!!!
But, fortunately, no matter what Chopper thinks, Ben has made his peace at this point with the fact nothing is ever happening with Nueng again. He seems to genuinely just want to say he’s sorry. Instead, here, Ben is realizing, right in front of our eyes, that the person he’s always really wanted is the one putting a gentle hand on his shoulder and telling him they want him to be happy. He tries to probe and see if Chopper still has feelings for him:
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Chopper gives a very stock answer: “I just wanted to see my cousin and my old friend together.” He’s very good at telling some of the truth but not all of the truth. This happens in the poolside scene as well. 
Look at Ben’s face as Chopper walks away to go back to class – he’s a really interesting mix of sad, introspective, and I think a little bit excited. I think he’s starting to hear some of what Chopper isn’t saying:
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All of this sets up beautifully for Episode 8 — glorious episode 8. SO much happens here for them in very quick succession. First, they team up to catch who exposed Ben and Nuengdiao (yet another moment of Chopper being firmly on Ben’s side) 
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This is a very common BL trope, but I’m convinced this is also Ben’s “oh” moment. Where he truly realizes — HIM; he’s the one I’ve wanted all along. Chopper is so close to him, his hand is warm on Ben’s mouth, and Ben is painfully aware of exactly how many inches would separate their mouths if there wasn’t that barrier between them. As Chopper touches him, Ben is helpless to do anything but stare into Chopper’s pretty eyes. It’s a lot. 
And then we get a really critical Ben line that will come up later in later parts of this meta series
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Ben here means publicly. He had admitted it to himself, and he was ready to explore it with a second, trusted person, but he definitely wasn’t ready for the whole school to know. The depths of his hurt are clear – he’s upset enough about this that Chopper has to stop him from throwing a punch.
This all culminates in an amazing sequence of scenes. After all the touching, and long-held looks, and sincere encouragement from Chopper, Ben clearly decides he can’t take it any more. Because the universe is a cruel mistress, when he goes to talk to Chopper, he gets subjected to this siren of a man:
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You can tell Ben is starting to ask himself (“How did I ever convince myself that he isn’t attractive?”). Especially watching Chopper get ready in his fancy clothes with his ‘hydrating serum’ – I’m pretending, shhh. 
Just LOOK at that affectionate, disbelieving smile!!
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In fact, I’m obsessed with the face he makes when Chopper says he isn’t Ben’s type. That raised eyebrow!
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And the way he openly gives into his attraction by the end of it and smiles adoringly:
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By the end of this scene, Ben has no doubts how he feels about Chopper.  Then props to Ben, I think he finds a way to be so brave in the scene that follows. As they sit by the pool together, Chopper – who continues to try and BE SUPPORTIVE – says, “(Nuengdiao) will come back and date you again”. I don’t know how to gif but if you watch, in reaction to that line Ben takes a deep breath in, bracing himself. He then for the first time asks outright how Chopper feels:
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Chopper deflects. Ben tries again.
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Chopper doubles down on the deflection (“I’m FiNe now.”) . And Ben tries a THIRD time. He asks in the clearest possible way. He’s vulnerable to encourage Chopper to be vulnerable. He scoots closer, looks Chopper directly in the face. It’s so . . . *devolves to ugly sobbing*:
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I think at this point Ben has grown confident. He’s realizing he can see through Chopper’s protests and knows what his answer is going to be. They’ve been spending more time together, and he’s coming to understand that Chopper is the same boy he used to know so well. Also, he must have noticed by now that since their first conversation at Ben’s locker, Chopper has never once done anything except be completely and utterly devoted to him. 
We were deprived of Chopper’s response to this question, but I’m 90% sure he became a huge sap, admitted he hasn’t once stopped liking Ben since 10th grade, and they came to some kind of agreement to start seeing each other more (as embodied by the date at Chopper’s house to be discussed next part!).
But, to foreshadow parts three, four, and five. just because Ben has finally admitted his feelings to Chopper doesn’t mean everything is suddenly roses. Ben is dealing simultaneously with a lifetime of homophobic scrutiny, the trauma of a forced outing, and his own guilt and shame at his actions, which unmistakably hurt someone else. These will all come into play as he (starts to) learn how to be with Chopper. 
Continue to part three.
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thefandomenchantress · 5 months
what's ur favorite aspect of xanvid, acevid, xanace(? if that's their ship name), and the three of them together?
(Warning: TW For discussion of EDs, as well as the fact this is at least a little self-indulgent)
This is such a fun question heh heh heh! I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this one. (Thanks for asking me, by the way).
I know this isn’t too deep or anything, but making ‘Xander is a huge simp for David’ jokes is one of my favorite pastimes while writing these two. I think it’s very funny.
I’ll be completely honest, at first I only shipped Xanvid because I knew most of the fandom did. Mostly because I somehow forgot this scene happened:
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And that scene is the one that probably adds the most substance to their relationship, so forgetting about it took away what is probably one of the most important aspects. That being that Xander actually tries to treat David like a person, not a product or a celebrity.
I think Xander and David would probably be good at hyping each other up when they’re down, or providing each other comfort when they’re sad. Seeing as Xander has experience with grief I don’t think he’d push too hard for David to be happy all the time, which is pretty vital.
The more silly aspect I like is the banter. Ace is always great for fun banter because he never shuts up and doesn’t hesitate to state his opinions, at least most of the time. So most characters can have an entertaining back-and-forth with him.
But post-personality-reveal David in particular is fun for me to write, since he acts like such a smug little bastard. His above-average way with words can pretty much make Ace do what ever he wants (or at least in the beginning, when Ace can’t detect his trickery), and usually what he wants is to fluster Ace as much as possible.
But I guess a more serious one would be why I started shipping them in the first place. Both David and Ace’s careers have merged with the rest of their life in one way or another, and in very unpleasant ways. Both are the only two to show distain for their talents in some capacity, (excluding Teruko and sort of Rose, who doesn’t exactly hate her talent as much as she hates that she got caught and is in debt).
Whit says he didn’t share David’s secret because he doesn’t want to ruin David’s career, and when he phrases it like that it seems stupid, but considering the fact David basically built a whole new personality he’s been crafting for years and is the only thing he lets people see, you slowly realize that ruining his career essentially destroys his life. His image has been his primary concern for so long and now it’s forever tarnished. Which does make his sudden move to get everyone killed make a bit more sense, since perhaps David believes his life is essentially over anyway. Without his image and by extension his career, what is he left with?
And something similar could be said for Ace. Being a jockey is dangerous enough as it is, but with the brittle bones that come with an eating disorder like anorexia (which is what I assume Ace has, though I may be wrong), this risk of injury or even death only increases. In fact the mortality rate of anorexia alone is higher than most mental illnesses. So it’s fair to say that despite his fear of death and things that could hurt him in general, Ace is putting himself in a lot of danger to preserve his career as a jockey. His constant trips to the gym seem to indicate his works out a lot to maintain his weight as well. Despite the fact he hates horse-riding, he is risking his life to keep competing. And since he just got outed for having an eating disorder by Veronika, presumably on (inter?)national television, I’d say there’s a very high chance that he won’t be allowed to race again. So not only has his career been thrown away, but what he has dedicated his life to.
This rant is all to say I think that they could relate to each other in this way, and thus understand what the other is going through. They could help each other figure out where to go from here, and that kind of thing.
(This one ended up being really long, whoops…)
I’ve never written anything of just the two of them before, but I still like them as a pairing. Probably because rivals to lovers is one of my favorite things ever (Hence my love of Teruvid).
My favorite silly aspect is probably that the height difference is very funny to me. Xander’s 6’0 and Ace is 5’5 and I can just imagine them doing this thing:
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Where the taller person easily holds back the shorter one, who is trying and failing to attack them (Hope you like my stick figure art haha).
Honestly part of the reason why I’ve never written something with just them is because I’m still trying to figure out why they work together. Xander doesn’t have much patience for Ace’s antics, so having them get along would most likely require Ace to tone it down long enough for them to have a heartfelt moment.
I think once they managed to have a bit of an understanding of each other, however, it’d be fun to see Ace of all people have to talk Xander out of getting in fights. Ace may threaten to fight people, but he won’t. Xander, however, has no qualms about being in a fight if he thinks it necessary. And seeing Ace, who has the habit of saying ‘you wanna fight!?’ to people he barely knows, having to stop him would be funny. Because even if Ace won’t admit it he cares about Xander’s well-being and in a fight he’s bound to get hurt.
Hmm…I guess I just feel like they kinda balance each other out, y’know? Xander and Ace’s more hotheaded and reckless tendencies can be balanced out by David’s more generally calm demeanor. Ace and David’s pessimism can be balanced out by Xander’s more cheery yet realistic outlook. David and Xander’s lovey-dovey approach is balanced out by Ace being a grumpy tsundere. I’m not great at putting it into words, they just kinda work. To me, at least.
Yaaaay I finished! Sorry this took me so long, I had trouble putting into words exactly what I liked about these ships. But thanks for asking I really love talking about stuff like this!!! <3
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nimuetheseawitch · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @marley-manson!
No pressure tags: @hero-in-waiting, @spurious, @sparrowsarus, @dedkake, @logicgunn, @colonelshepparrrrd and anyone else who wants to do this :)
Everything is under the cut because this is going to be long.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
36, although one of those is a playlist for the SGA Songfest.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I have written for Good Omens, MASH, Stargate (SGA and SG-1), Person of Interest, and now Top Gun: Maverick.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
walking alone at 3am (TGM), The McMurdo Chess Club (SGA), Autopilot (SGA), I would never dare (Good Omens), and Class A's (MASH)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I very much try to. I love responding to comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angst-wise, I think it's Dear John (SGA), although it almost doesn't count because I wrote a follow up sequel that fixes the angst. There's no one I would rather be lying beside (SGA/SG-1) is definitely the saddest though.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh man, most of them have pretty happy endings. I think maybe my favorite happy ending is You Can't Go Home Again (MASH).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't. People seem to be pretty friendly.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Some of the smut is just incidental to the plot, but I also do a few that are just smut. I guess I tend to write mostly m/m (although I have some f/f and want to write more of that) with a little bit of kink, usually some d/s dynamics and light bondage. I'm trying to get more comfortable with it in general. I keep on meaning to do some kinkmeme fills as practice.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Technically, my SGA/SG-1 fics are crossovers, but I don't think that really counts, since it's very much the same universe. Which makes I've bit my tongue too long to hide the blood I'm covered in (SGA/POI) my only true crossover. And definitely the craziest. Very niche fic that absolutely no one asked for, but I love it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh, that's so hard to answer. I feel like I have different answers for this depending on the day and the context. But it might be John/Vala (SGA/SG-1).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My SGA fic where John dies while Rodney is back on earth with Jennifer and Rodney comes back and slowly starts to lose it, seeing John everywhere. I have so many SGA fics that will take priority over it, and it's just sad, which is harder for me to feel motivated. It was also shaping up to be long, which I struggle with. I also haven't come back to SGA yet - I'm still thoroughly ensared by Top Gun at the moment.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Recently, I've discovered I may actually be good at fluff. Either that, or the TGM fandom is just really, really nice (or both). On the more nuts and bolts of things, I usually only write something when I feel I have a good handle on the character voice, and my grammar is generally really good (although when I'm tired I fuck up tenses and have had to go back and fix that too many times to count). I also think I do a pretty good job with making romance sweet but not over the top.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Comedy. I occasionally write some funny lines, but it's very hard for me to write jokes if I'm intending to do so. Also, as previously mentioned, I will sometimes switch between past and present tense without noticing and have to go back and fix that. And I really struggle with writing long fics (I just run out of steam). Which is why I've mostly moved to writing series of shorter fics instead of multi-chaptered fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends. Usually, I'm not going to bother. I just put some Hebrew in a fic because a character was celebrating a Jewish holiday, but it wasn't a whole passage, just a phrase that I think can be worked out from context (although I'm going to put in an end note to help give some additional context for anyone who isn't familiar with that particular Jewish holiday). But I'm not going to ever do anything more than that - I think it makes things a little harder to read, and generally, I think that you can say things like 'Radek muttered in Czech' if you want to bring in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I posted in was Good Omens, but I recently realized that I should count the comic my friend and I made in 6th grade, where we essentially put all of us and our friends into the Sammy Keyes universe (and also, wow, my character went by a man's name and dressed like a guy but still used she/her pronouns but didn't mind he/him and was essentially aromantic, and hindsight is 20/20)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Again with the hard choices - I love so many of my fics. But right this moment, I think Autopilot (SGA) is my favorite. It's the only one I wrote longhand, and I wrote it because the SGA server was doing a challenge to write a 15-sentence fic. It was super fun to write, and I think it turned out really well.
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