bronwiebear-brad · 2 years
Somebody to you - 2.
Warnings: this fictional story will include mature content, language, and themes including but not limited to violence and nsfw content. Storie line before covid. The male lead bears no likeness to the real Brad Simpson apart from PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. Please if you’re not confortable with this type of content, do NOT read. You were advised. A/N: First I hope everyone is well. I just wanted to say thanks for the support and apologise myself for taking ages to write. Here’s part two, hope you enjoy.
"Your hair is diferent." You jumped in your spot at his words, cursing under your breath and gripping the tea pot with both hands to prevent it from falling.
The morning started quietly, getting out of bed, putting on a warm jumper and slowly passing by the couch, carefully not to wake him. Getting into the kitchen to make a tea to somehow easy the pounding sensation inside your head from not having enough sleep. In the process you managed to forget that he was still here. With you.
"Good morning." You said turning around. "Tea?" You asked, tea pot still in your hands. You decided to ignore his sentence.
"Sounds lovely." He smiled. He pounched himself mentally about the hair sentence. Too soon. He tought. 
You returned to your previous task. Incredible how his mood changed after a night sleep. Sure his ribs hurted like fuck, he couldn’t feel his face because it was swollen and his hands were wounded, but he somehow had the energy to put on a smile.
"Here, I'll grab the mugs." He said walking in and going to the upper cabin where he remembered the mugs were. He placed them carefully on the counter.
He huffed humorously watching you do your thing around the kitchen. It was all too familiar for him. That face. That kitchen. Oh that kitchen...
"Bradley, no! Stop you're going to ruin it!" You were battling agaisnt chocolate covered fingers and their frenetic need to touch your face. It was too late for your shirt tho, it was a mess of flour and chocolate powder.
"I shouldn't let you bake with my t-shirt on." He took a step back and leaned on the counter. Licking his fingers and gazing at the way his white fabric only covered a little below your tights. So small that when you lifted your arms the shirt went up and rested on top of your bottom, revealing a pretty soft lace covering your skin.
"That was my favorite white t-shirt you know?" His voice changed to humurous.
"You were the one who started, love." You smiled lifting your head in his direction.
There was something about the way he was seeing you from that perspective, the sun peaking from the curtains while a few hairs flew of your ponytail and into your face. You looked heavenly.
"You're right." He said. His eyes traveling up and stopping at your face. You hummed in agreement too focused on making round shape cookies into the trail. "I should finish what I started."
"Uh-" You were about to protest when he already took place behind you. His hands roaming at your legs while his lips attacked your uncovered neck. Your head fell forwards like an instinct. The cooking utensils still in your hands...
"What about the cookies?" You asked. Your mischeaveous smile proved that you didn't gave a damn about the cookies. But it didn't hurt to ask since he came into you with the idea of baking together. 
"Let them, darling." He moved his mouth to your ear, leaving a soft peck after talking. "They aren’t going anywhere..."
At this point your head was already backwards, resting on his shoulder as his hands travelled down. You had to grab yourself on the counter as he glued his body into yours. His mouth kissing that perfect spot righ below your jaw. Your tights pressing into one another as his hand tickled the skin between them. His fingers soft on your skin leaving a burning sensation. You craved more and more by letting out small moans of pleasure. Until his hand was inside your lacy fabric..
"Bradley..." Your trembling voice made him smile into your skin. Always so desperate to relieve. Always so ready for him. "Brad.." Your calls were music to his ears. He loved to see you so relaxed.
"Brad? " Your voice sounded more real and loud. Suddenly he was pull back into reality and the scenario was quite diferent. He was no longer touching you. You were no longer wearing his clothes. He was no longer the reason you smiled.
"Do you want milk on your tea?"
"No, thanks." He said.
You placed his mug in front of him and he smiled at you. You grabbed yours and decided to stay by the counter, leaning agaisnt it.
Silence took place in the kitchen. His eyes darting to his tea like suddenly the liquid was very interesting. You took your opportunity to look at his face properly. It was swollen and he had a couple of purple marks in his left eye and nose.
"You should really check that." You said making him raise his eyes from the cup. His heart warmed up more than the tea thinking about how could she still cared.
"It's nothing." He said. He was still the same stubborn boy.
"I'll take you to the hospital if you want-" You kindly offered but were interrupted.
"You know I can't go to the hospital like this. They'll ask to much questions." He took a sip on his tea carefully.
"I know, but my aunt..she works at ER and-" You tried to help somehow but got interrupted again.
"(Y/N), seriously leave it. " He changed his tone. 
The you from before would insist until he got mad and screamed at you. Now you just stood quiet, thinking it was better not to know much. 
And silence fell between you two again
“Look...” He started, your atention again on him as he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to sound so harsh to you. Not after you just helped me last night, seriously i’m very gratefull. But i’m telling you that i’m fine.”
"You're not going to tell me what the hell happened last night, right?"
His body tensed, caused him to hiss from pain, you could tell by the way his face frowned. His eyes weren’t on your face again.
"I think I have the right to know!" You coldly said placing your mug on the counter annoyed. "I swear if you tell me to forget it again, this is definitely the last time we see each other." 
He was surprised by your sudden reaction. He could decide if he liked you better this way or not. One thing he knew was that you were different. He made you diferent. And after a long sigh he talked.
"Do you remember Cole?" He asked making you lift your eyebrow.
"The everything-you-need-guy." You still remember him talking about some Cole in a conversation some time ago. He laugh about the way you always managed to found nicknames for everyone.
Walking into the pub felt twice painful as he felt last month. He was getting dry and needed some fun. Staying at home staring at the same four walls was driving him insane. He knew that the new neighbourhood wasn't enought, no matter where he went your face always followed him around like a ghost. Damn, he felt haunted for six months straight. No matter what he did, the amount of liquor he drank, he just couldn't forget you. He couldn't forget the way he hurted you. He couldn’t forget the way things ended. Tonight was another attempt to blurry the pass. All the guys were there and he could really use some company for a change.
"Yo B-dog" Tris hugged him sideways after giving him a handshake. Everyone in the group cheered him. "I thought you were dead or something." 
"I'm alive, I'm alive" He said letting out a light giggle.
"Our boy got love-trapped but it's free now" Connor said and Brad gave him a dead glare.
"Hey Connor, chill man, the night jus starting bro" Tristan rolled his eyes and looked at Brad. "I heard Gemma was looking for you by the bar" Tris humorously said.
"Dude, she heard you got single. Wants some fun..." James laughed as the rest of the group. Brad laughed too thinking about how desperate she was. She really liked the way he treat her. More important she loved the way he fucked her. Agressively. Emotionless. It always lasted a few minutes. Being with Gemma was always fun.
Brad smiled at his friends words. The girl was a hook up from a long time ago. He met her when he ended highschool and started going out every single week. She was the same age at (y/n) but she was nothing like her. Gemma skin was cold and hard, her fingers were not delicate and her nails were always so big that used to leave marks all over his back every single time. Her hair smelled like cigarette smoke and her lipstick stained multiple of his shirts. A while back it was enough for him, but now he had tasted better.
"I saw her back there" James gave Brad a cup and he drank the liquid with no questions asked. 
“No man, I’m good.” He explained to his friend, smile still in his face.
“Oh come on, I gave her yo number, you’ve been dry man” James mocked him and he playfully hit his friend arm. 
“I’m telling you. I’m fine.” He took another sip into his cup. He was repeating this to himself, convincing himself that he was indeed fine. But if his walls could talk they would tell otherwise. 
“When you see her....” James dramatically paused. “I’m just telling you this” He was gesturing with his hands sugesting how good she looked after all this time. 
“Okay okay, man” 
Brad decided to omit this Gemma part while telling (y/n) the previous event who left him in that state. She had this blank expression on her face that Brad couldn’t quite read. Until now he just went out, party with his friends.
“I’m going to the bar, getting another one” Brad told Tris, almost shouting into his ear. Tristan couldn’t care less, a blonde hair cutie had kept his attention, dancing around him and smiling to him. After a few shots he had shutted down his reflexive movements.  
Brad rolled his eyes and started his journey to the bar thru the sea of people. All of his mates got hook ups while the night continued. He had a few girls hiting on him. He was the kind of guy who atracked girls attention and he knew how to take advantage of that in the past. But now he wasn’t feeling. Even the one who  fell at his foot previously on his way to the bathroom, he politely helped her get up but soon refused her invitation for a dance.
The bar was crowded and only had two bartenders trying to give atention to everyone. He knew that if he had a clevage he was served quickly. That tought made him sick. Just in his luck, while he waited for his drink a sharp finger poked his shoulder making him look back. 
“I can’t believe, Brad fucking Simpson” She said loudly. Enough for him to cringe while she hugged him tigh, moving her hands way to low in his waist. 
“Gemma.” He gave her a small smile when she pulled back. Her hands didn’t left his body. He was too drunk to take them from him.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” She said frowning.
Liar. He tought. Remembering Connor’s words. 
She kept rumbling things, explaining to her friend how he met him and some of the adventures they use to have. He tried to understand but honestly he just wanted a fucking drink to blurry out.
“This guy took me to london eye just to make me kneel-”
“Hey hey.. easy Gemma.” Brad prevent the girl to continue telling her story.
“Oh you’re ashamed now?” She laughed. “I don’t remember you being ashamed at the old couple on the cabin above us seeing everything.” She rolled her eyes. “She made you fucking soft. You couldn’t even get a drink anymore.” She smiled.
Brad sarcastically laughed. A part of him, the drunk one, believed everything she was saying. Indeed he got soft. This night had prove him.
“Does she also made you stop using it?” She showed him her pocket. A little pink pill was carefully hidden inside her hand. Brad didn’t answer her. She broke the small circumference in three parts. 
“See, I said it. You turned fucking soft.” She came close to his face. Her hands supporting her weight on his tights. “I bet you couldn’t take a night like the old times.” Her breath hit his face and he closed his eyes. “I bet you couldn’t take me” She moved to his ear and he looked at her face. She handed to her friend a piece of the pink substance and put the another two parts  in her tongue. She moved forward and touched his lips. He openned his mouth and let her move one peace of the pill into his mouth.She smirked leaning in to kiss him. With a change of music they were heading to the bathroom, her hand guiding him through the crowd towards the bathroom...
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hiyabradley · 5 years
Hi guys, I’m starting to post my Instagram series and Love and Realisation series over on my Wattpad so if you want to read them again over on Wattpad please feel free to do so :) x
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Guys, I have a new account on instagram!
Feel free to follow! @vampshopes
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reclusive-pessimist · 2 years
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Bradley Will Simpson and Thomas Stanley Holland are the same guy in two different fonts. try and change my mind.
it's not even embarrassing how much i love them. like- look at them, how can you not?
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I think I’m falling for him . Part 3 . (Brad Simpson Story .)
We arrived at the Simpson Bar . Brad parked his car and we got out of the car . He lead me to the bar ,being a gentleman and letting me step inside first . It was breath taking . So cosy and sweet. My mom owns a small business as well but not that big and cosy . Some people were looking at us for a second and turned back to their conversations . We walked up to the bar and were greeted by a waiter.
"Hey Brad! Your parents aren't here at the moment but do you need a table or some drinks?"
"Yeah we would like to get a table for two." he said pushing me gently in front of him.
"Oh i didn't see that you had company." the waiter said smiling softly .
"It's okay.She's a bit shy."
"No i'm not . I was just looking around."
"I was just kidding." Brad said smiling.
"Great, well let's get you a table in the back so others can't disturb you." the waiter said leading us to the very back of the bar. We sat down and got comfortable in our seats .
"Can i get you guys some drinks?" the waiter asked.
"I'm gonna take a coffee . Do you want something?" Brad asked me.
"No i'm okay."
"Please take something , i would drink some cocktail but i'm driving."
"Fine , i'll take some rum." i said looking at the waiter . He nodded and wrote down our drinks and left .
"So , why here?" i asked .
"I thought you maybe wanted to take some time off and my parents are hosting a party here today . "
"Okay ." i said .
"Here are your drinks." the waiter said handing us our drinks and left again.
"He's fast." i said.
"Yeah . So tell me . How do you manage to be in so many places at the same time?"
"Well , we planned everything to get me some free time and some days between travelling countries . At first it was tiring but now i'm used to it." i said and sipped my drink.
"I think it's cool to have so many projects . And Avengers , wow."
"Yeah , i was so happy when they reached out to me."
"I believe." Brad said smiling again . God his smile i can't.
After chatting for a while Brad's parents came to the bar and he introduced me to them . They're such lovely persons like he is . Now i know why he's such a gentleman with such ease .
"It's nice to meet you Elisabeth!" Anne said .
"The pleasure is mine." i said .
The whole night we drank and danced a little bit . Not like in clubs but in pairs like grown ups do. Brad decided to have some drinks as well because he got someone to pick me up later and get me home . We were a little bit tipsy already and had so much fun . Brad leaded me outside to talk about something. We sat down in the outside area. He put a blanket around me because it was a bit chilli outside.
"So , what did you want to talk to me about?" i  asked .
"Eeerm , i've had so much fun tonight."
"Yeah me too ." i said smiling.
"Well i was thinking that maybe you want to stay with us tonight and do something fun tomorrow."
"You don't have to but i thought that you like it here so much and we can go see the town tomorrow and.."
"I would love that Brad." i said interrupting his rant.
"You will?" he asked with a surprise on his face.
"Yeah that would be great. I've always wanted to see Birmingham and i have a couple of days off as well." i said smiling.
"Great! I will call my friend that he can stay at home. You can stay at our house , my mom would be happy." Brad said .
"Okay." i said . Brad got up and excused himself for a minute to call his friend and inform his parents . What have i done to deserve such happiness i thought. Everything in my life has been bad when it comes to boys , but Brad is different .
"Hey! We can get going, my sister is going to take us home and tomorrow we can come after my car." Brad said coming back .
"Okay." i said and stood up . I handed him the blanket i was holding around me and he put it on the couch inside the bar . We then met his sister , who is also so lovely . The whole car ride i was thinking how lucky i am to meet such beautiful people.
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whynotbrad-blog · 7 years
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
Masterlist 🌸
You can find here everything I write, enjoy!
* = contains smut || » = angst
Bradley Simpson
blurbs / requested imagines
wedding vibes
morning views
 another cliche scene
one heck of a family
a few days off in the countryside
trowing a show in the backstage
bubbly times
golf lessons
rainy sunday night
I’ll end the hunger, princess * 
laughing into the kiss
Tastes like heartbreaks and mistakes but I can’t wait *
Monday mornings *
 That bloody tea
Still loving you >
italian cottage 
stay *
nice, slow and deep*
aphrodisiac potion *
road trips
fooling around
quarentine with Brad
protective 2.0
vocal *
hot baths 
good morning sir *
meeting his family
birthday special 
somebody to you: 1 2 3 4 5
Live long the prince: prologue; 1 2
Harry Holland
Where it all started
Jealous Haz
I'll love you right
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
Giggling sex is so underrated and it's actually so cute! I was wondering if you could write something based on that? The friends n benefits blurb was the beeeest 💛 hope your well babe!
Yes, that's actually so true. Giggling sex is the cutest haha. I usually don't do smut stuff but I hope this is okay and doesn't feel weird  💛
Warnings: smut (I tried to write it as much smoothly as possible but if you feel uncomfortable about these stuff or if ure under 18, please don't read).
Monday morning was a lil foggy in Birmingham. The light coming between the curtains badly illuminated the room and when you rolled on your back, you bumped into a slightly awake Bradley, making your lips curve into a lil sleepy smile.
Your sight of him, even in the dark, was pure bliss. Especially in the mornings. His nose was scrunched as he tried to open his eyes. His hair was wild and lots of wild curls covered his forehead. His cheeks were slightly blushed from the duvet's heat. His arms still hugged your waist tightly and his legs were tangled with yours. Your gaze focused on his lashes that blinked a few times embracing the light slowly and when you came into his view, he smiled and pulled you closer to his warm chest.
"Morning, pretty brown eyes". Your voice was weak and he growled when your hand travelled to his hair and brushed it back.
"Morning, love". He answer and straight his legs and arms making the duvet reveal his naked chest. "Bloody shit, we woke up before the alarm." He was facing you, frowning and closed his eyes angrily to try get back to sleep again. You laughed and kissed his cheek as his hands pressed your back into his front. Chests touching and you could almost feel his heart beating soflty.
"That's not a bad thing, babe". You said touching his pouted lips and moved your leg up to hug his waist. Your other hand grabbed his arm softly touching and running circles on the skin.
"Innit?" his eyes remained closed and his lips tried to kiss your fingers but you moved them fast enough. Leaving him sighing. "Tell me more..".
"We just earned ourselves some extra time.. ". You whispered in his ear and he pressed his hips into yours. "Just us two, babe". You could feel him already thru the clothes fabric. Maybe it was because of the lack of affection during the night or maybe it was your raspy voice and warm breath against his ear and neck. He was moving slowly and that made you whimper and giggle at his needy actions. When you started to move your waist in circles very very slowly and making the much needed friction between you two, he opened his eyes lazily and grabbed your hips firmly.
You started to making out lazily. Your lips swollen and your breaths fast. The desire was growing and after a few minutes exchanging touches and lovely sounds, you both pulled back for air, with you foreheads pressed. There wasn't literally any space between your bodies and that made you blush, since you both were only wearing underwear.
"Please, Bradley.." You let out as he worked magic on your neck, leaving a wet trail of kisses and love bites. He loved the way his name left your pretty little mouth. How easily and beautifully his name rolled out of your tongue and that was enough to get him completely whipped for you.
"Asking so nicely, princess". He looked right into your eyes. Those piercing brown eyes studying your face grow in pleasure as his hands pulled his shorts down. "You want me to make you feel good, angel?" his hands touched you where you need him the most and you gasp closing your eyes. "Yeah, you do. Look at you so needy and ready for Bradley, eh". That's when he ended the teasing and got into action.
You two moved slowly as the world was brought back to life. A few cars passing by and even the neighbors steps at the apartment above could be heard. Inside, the moans and the bed cracking, revealing the increase of pace that your bodies were moving. This was certainly new, having him from the side lazily, both panting and cursing, as your bodies rushed to follow your high.
The big sleepy grinn's on your blushed faces as the moment reached its end and after the hoarse loud moans that escaped your mouths. You didn't move and you could still feel the pulsing sensation between your legs coming from him.
The room went silent again but only for a few seconds, since a frenetic alarm went off making you two jump, laugh and giggle.
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
some fluff content to lighten my mood????? pleaseeeeeee love, ily
I think we all need this. Also I hope you’re doing well and staying safe.
Warnings: nothing but pure cuteness.
Your hands on his as you guided him thru the steps into the front door. His voice sounded funnier and curious as he complained about having his eyes covered with a red bandana and his blanked vision.
"Oh, oh, I smell fresh paint!!!" He sniffed and scrunch his nose, almost falling because you forgot to tell him about the last step into the hall. "BABE!! Weren’t you supposed to guide me?" He grabbed your hands firmly as you helping him into the house and closed the door behind you two.
"I am guiding you. If you stop making a lot of questions and interrupt my instructions..." You rolled your eyes and smiled, leading him along the empty hall.
Taking a quick look at his figure your heart melted at the cuteness. He looked extremely handsome with some jeans dungarees and a black sweater under it. Hair a mess and some facial hair that he purposefully forgot to shave that morning. It was sunday and the days were getting darker and colder. You laughed remembering how old that red bandana was, that you found in the back of his car, and the way he use to wear it in his hair every single day, a few years back.
"I need you to dress up really quick and give me your car keys". You said stepping into his house after giving him a small peck on his cheek and making your way into the living room. Him following you with a curious expression. "Oh hi, Ms. Simpson." You smiled widely, noticing his mom on the other side of the room.
"Hmm- first of all how about hello love of my life, i've missed you dearly? Secondly, there's no way i'm letting you drive my precious car". He laughed and fall on the couch, grabbing the tv remoter.
"Hi love, its so nice to see you!" Anne smiled and left the atention on her laptop to look at you. "Good luck on draggin that slug out of my couch, darling." Her sentence made all three laught and after what felt like hours convincing him, you were driving, proudly of course, to the house you and Brad choose to move in together. Your first house.
"Don't roll your eyes at me". He whined and pouted bringing you from your own thoughts.
"How do you know if I rolled my eyes?" You laughed and asked curious.
"I heard it." He tried to controll his laugh and you lightly tapped on his shoulder. "Hey!! Don't hit the blind man!!" He pouted again and you caught his lips with a sweet peck, taking him off guard. “I hope this isn’t some halloween scary shit babe, I know how much you insanely love this spooky season”. He giggled.
"Oh can you just shut up already?". Your hands grabbed the fabric covering his eyes and gently pull the fabric backwards, pushing his hair back in the process.  "There you go." You smiled.
He was looking at you before recognising the space. You were both in the middle of the empty living room. He was about to talk again with his brows furrowing but you grabbed his cheeks and move his face to the side gently, making him look at the other corner of the room. His eyes widen as he recognised the big wooden object placed by the window. He was speachless as he walked in its direction. The object was his old piano, the one he learned how to play when he was younger, in his grandparents house.
"I’ve wasked your father to help me move it". You said as you followed his figure around the room. The light coming from the window gave him a beautiful glow and you swore that his eyes were sparkling. "I think it will look great with the rest of the forniture. We could just leave it here, if you want".
"This was my first piano." He sat on the bench and opened the board covering the keys. "I--" He looked at you with a grin. "Thank you, m’love." You winked and aproach him. You hugged him from behind and placed your chin on his shoulder. “I loved it, (y/n). I love you.” His head moved to the side and kissed your cheek.
"I can't wait to waste all sundays listening you playing for me." You whispered into his ear and he sighed. His hands already moving along the white keys and filling the empty house and your ears with soft calm music. This would certainly be the beginning of many moments together.
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
a concept i’ve been thinking about a lot lately: boxer!brad
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
for the fluff concept: brad seeing the reader playing with kids and totally being dazzled whatching the scene with heart eyes and smiling like a dork. Thank you <3
“Okay little rascals, time to go wash your teeth”. You said, receiving disappointed whimpers from the 5 and 3 year old children siting on the couch with their onesies, totally focused on an episode of bob the builder. “Charlie, Olivia, come on I let you stay another 30 minutes. We don't want to upset aunt Gigi when she arrives, right?” And after another whimper, your two cousins got up and went to the bathroom. 
You were taking care of your two little cousins, since your aunt and uncle had to leave due to a family problem and would be out all night. With no other option, you kindly offered to look after Charlie and Olivia. The condition was to stay at their house during the night so that the children would not be out of their environment and they even let your boyfriend come to help and keep you company. Since they knew Brad already and also the kids.
It goes without saying that dinner time was a tremendous animation. After a few tantrums about the food and after Brad arrived, the children went crazy filling the house with infectious laughter and giggles.
“Doggo?” Olivia pouted and made grabby hands towards Brad.
“No, Liv. Her name is Jesse and she’s a golden retriever” Her oldest brother corrected the little girl filling his mouth with food proudly. You chuckled at his boldness. He was certainly a child with a strong personality.
“Oh no, sweetie. Brad didn’t bring jesse today.” You could already see the tears forming in the child's little eyes and her disappointing expression. “Next time, alright?”. Besides your promise she started crying.
“Nowww.” Olivia almost screamed.
“You know, love, I can't take her too far from her house.” Brad said to the little girl and you looked at him in surprise, not expecting what he was going to do. After having the attention of the entire table on him and especially Olivia's, he continued. ���Because then she would miss her toys and be really sad. Wouldn't you miss your toys too?” He spoke to her in such a loving and understanding way that after a few seconds the girl's face lit up and it looked like everything was fine. 
Now you were in the bedroom with they in their beds and ready to go to sleep.
"Then the prince kissed the princess". Charlie's face contorted with disgust and Olivia carefully followed the story you were reading. Brad was leaning in the doorframe with his arms crossed and silently enjoying the scene. "And they lived happily ever after." You closed the book and smiled. "End."
"Finally." Charlie said rolling his eyes. "The prince should have kissed the dragon". You laugh and snuggled him.   
“That’s another story.” You said hugging him. “Maybe tomorrow, silly.”
“Cousin, (y/n)?” A soft voice spoke making you smile. 
“Yes, love?” You sat on Olivia’s bed and stroked her hair.
“Is cousin Bwa-dley a prince and you the pwincess?” Her innocent question made you smile even more and look back at the door. Brad was smiling softly and you could have sworn that if the room wasn't dark, you could see that he was blushing. 
“We no royals, love”. You said to her and her eyes were about to close. “But we do want to live happily ever after.” You whispered and made the little girl giggle and cover her eyes with her tiny hands.
“That was very lame and cliche”. Brad whispered into your neck after you closed the bedroom door. You playfully hit his chest and tried to push him away from you. “I love it.” He kissed the top of your head. “I love you, ma’lady”. 
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
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He always goes silent for a while but then he cames back and daaaamn our boy is fine and then I wanna cry because he looks so smol and cute, and I really really wanna hug him. Bye xx
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bronwiebear-brad · 5 years
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Sleepy Brad, you know the deal: reblog your kink
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
hey, can you write an imagine where brad and y/n are some kind of frenemies and there's a LOT of sexual tension between their two. also, b gets all cocky and teasing around her (like getting really close and whispering close to her lips and looking at them like he was dying to kiss her)?
“No fucking way, look who came to a bloody party!!” His voice made you automatically roll your eyes and even tho your back was facing the kitchen door, you knew exactly who had talked. 
“Your daddy knows you’re here or did you sneak out from the window, darling?” He laugh and leaned against the door.
“Fuck off, Simpson” You turned around grabbing your drink from the counter.
As soon as your eyes land on his, your brain gave electric waves over your entire body, no exceptions. You could also notice that you two were the only ones in that room and that gave you goosebumps. 
“Feisty. Did you run out of books to read on your shelf?” He talked again maliciously smiling and examining your entire body, from head to toe.
“Didn’t you have to go scream into a mic or something?”  You decided to challenge him. In fact all you did to each other, since high school was challenge and tease each other.
Secretly you both liked it, but were too proud to admit it. 
“Is that bad uh?” He smiled and ran a hand through his hair.
That action made you notice that his hair was bigger and also his arms. He noticed your curious eyes and decided to approach you by the fridge.
 “But that doesn’t stop you from hear it!” He grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on the counter next to you. 
The music was so loud that prevent you from thinking deeper about the situation you were in. People were drinking and dancing around the rooms and for a couple of minutes a couple entered the kitchen kissing and touching in a frenetic manner until they noticed you both and sooner left embarrassed. Leaving you and Brad laughing like two dorks. 
“So..Where’s that prick you call boyfriend? Didn’t saw him anywhere!l” He asked taking a sip in his beer and looking straight at you. Before you could answer your face expression changed, anger and hate took place in your eyes and by the way you frowned, he immediately noticed what had happened.
 You thought about many answers to his question, but in order not to seem desperate for something that you already had solved mentally, you decided to play with the situation.
 “On top of some frat friend, I guess” You took a long sip trying not to care about the sentence and he laugh. 
“He is a prick indeed, then.” Brad laugh again and jumped out of the counter, positioning himself between your swinging legs. His moves got your brain alert but your heart melted. 
“I told you, darlie’” He looked at your face with a cute smile and a proud expression. That nickname almost made you lean forward and kiss him but somehow you managed to be still, pushing away your thoughts. 
“Yeah, you must know. You’re practically one.” You said and leaned against your arms, leaning back slightly. He took the opportunity to come closer and put both arms on either side of your body, preventing you from escaping. 
“You’ve always liked the pricks, m’love.” He decided to close the space between you two even more and now you could feel the heat that his body radiated. His perfume doing things to you, leaving you too weak to even move.
 “It’s your thing..what can you do sweetie?” He spoke again, this time whispering inches from your face and you closed your eyes felling his hot breath against your lips.
 “It’s not your fault..”  Again, his breath hit your face and that made you cough and wet your lips with your tongue very slowly. He watched you carefully and made a huge effort to not end up with the teasing and kiss you right there. Like he wanted to do all this years.
“I left you wanting..” He moved to your neck and gave a little wet peck on the skin, making you sigh.
 “I shouldn’t left” He left a trail of pecks until your jaw and your hands went to his hair pulling him closer.
 “I left us craving, babe” He was calling you all this nicknames making you travel a few years back and fell into his touch.
 “I'll end the hunger, princess. I fucking promise”  He whisper against your lips and kissing you ferociously.
His hands were now in your hips, desperate to close the small gap between you two, and your legs were around his waist. 
You two so desperate for some remain feeling. So desperate to taste the old flavor..
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
guess i’m in the mood to write today. should I make a quarentine w/brad? 
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bronwiebear-brad · 4 years
I think about mob!brad a lot .... 
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