squidsploitation · 4 months
about the character ask meme - *thousand terrible ideas race through my mind, but i get a hold of myself in favour of something civil*
i give you a choice of either harry kim from star trek or fujita from drhdr :3c
omg :D thank you for the ask i would like to talk about our mutual friend fujita for now ))
First impression: my 1st impression of main drhdr characters comes from my failed attempt to read in in the year of our lord 2013, so it might be a little hazy, but actually (lore drop) at that time i was inspired to read dorohe by seeing a fanart of fujita on zerochan and liking his design — a mix of 00s skater boy aesthetic with outright fairytale accessories.. idk. i thought he looked neat :) and he was giving me the shounen protag vibe from the get go…
Impression now: him being the satellite of my all time fave dorohe girl, i do find him endearing.. i think we’ve discussed this previously but i think by manga finale he’s fully cemented himself as one of the most promising future players for the sorcerer world.. to me at least..
Favorite moment: oh i love a lot when he’s breaking Ens rules re: black powder and guns.. his invisible arc glowup was great to see, as well as his interactions with tetsujo..
Idea for a story: i don’t have a story oriented mind sadly (unless it’s ‘guards! put that man in a time loop’), so i would humbly suggest Shenanigans.. nikaido should teach him how to skate fr!
Unpopular opinion: idk how much sorcerer society adheres to tumblrina notions of romantic cannibalism, so it might sound a bit blasphemous but i think he would benefit so so much from funerary cannibalising what’s left of matsumura…
Favorite relationship: all platonic atm! i begrudgingly like his friendship with ebisu.. which i bet he still isn’t fully on board with himself hehe :) and i’m looking with my 👁️👁️ at his hero worship life goals etcetera of en..
Favorite headcanon: his hair colour was a botched magical dye job and It’s Going To Be Like This Forever
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fictionalred · 4 months
playlist theme: The North
Thank you!! 💙
Idk if I should've gone "cozy warm evenings and orange snow" vibes, but I went with "cold angst" instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Northern Rd. - Intergalactic Lovers
Í Tokuni - Eivør Pálsdóttir
Kalt - Kælan Mikla
Northern Star - Hole
Город устал - Ploho
Sunrise - Studio X & Simon Carter
[send me a theme and I'll make a playlist of at least three songs for it!]
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offensiveagentpie · 2 years
trope: roadtrip story!
A I love a good road trip story! Heck, I even wrote one once!
There aren't nearly enough of them in my opinion.
Send me a trope and I'll give it a rating!
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ajcrowlor · 2 months
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@bravinto nya!
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jadeoxfordrose · 8 months
Snowflake - what is your favourite season?
We’re in it, baybeeeeee lol. Autumn hits the sweet spot temperature wise for me, i love the colours the leaves turn and how people get so hype for Halloween. Get to bust out the knitted beanies and indulge in hot chocolate and take a deep breath, enjoy *being* before things start getting really cold and dark.
Dove - 3 habits you have?
The line between habits and routines/stims for my autistic ass are hard to differentiate between each other but for the sake of giving an answers, lets say:
- my morning catch-up; checking discord, tumblr, twitter, any interesting emails. Its how I like to start my day
- I am an energy drink fiend, a terrible habit especially when caffeine does basically nothing for me lol. But yeah, more cans a day than I probably should.
- Saluting magpies. Just a casual little thing, touching a finger to my temple then pointing it towards said magpie sort of thing but it is what it is lol.
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shazzaofdoom · 4 months
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@bravinto bruh that’s the best thing someone has said about me in ages 💜
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ctimenefic · 2 months
I was tagged by the lovely @adi-who-is-also-mou to share five songs I've been listening to lately:
Strawberry Blond - Mitski (the ultimate Galex song imo)
labour - Paris Paloma (sometimes I rage)
Silver Springs - Fleetwood Mac (peerless. Also brocedes, merthur, mattfoggy, every ship if you try hard enough)
Vienna - Billy Joel (literally never leaves my rotation)
30/90 - Andrew Garfield, tick, tick... BOOM! (I'm 31 and I feel FINE about that)
tagging beloved mutuals @latecomersprivilege + @madmaudlingoes + @bravinto + @strawberry-daiquiris + @intoxicatingimmediacy + @pomegranate-belle + @asofterhibou & anyone else who wants to play!
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quokkafoxtrot · 1 year
rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people
Tagged by @starryeyedjanai \o/
Dumb Inc. - Moloko
Hurricane - Faker
Sly - The Cat Empire
Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
One Robot - Rocket Science
Date With The Night - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Into The Galaxy (Architecture in Helsinki Remix) - Midnight Juggernauts
Are You The One? - The Presets
A.I.M. Fire! - Art vs Science
Myth Takes - !!!
Tagging @antheia @shazzaofdoom @patster223 @bravinto @irishsparkleparty
Not going to tag the full ten. Feel free to do it or not do it or (my favourite) open it in a new tab fully intending to do it and the forgetting about it until 3 months later when it’s far too late to do it. \o/
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squadrah · 2 years
Send me two characters and I will tell you what my ideal ship dynamic is for these characters!
I want to start by saying that Bravinto opened my eyes to this one and have converted me so deeply that to me this is now a textbook case of a messy bitch who lives for the drama and the scientist who wants to study him. Illuso literally cannot keep his mouth shut when he should, he is always instigating something because he has too many issues and agendas to know better or ever truly learn from his mishaps, and Melone took one look at this otherwise gorgeous human specimen constantly falling into his own traps and gleefully grabbed his Hello Kitty notepad. He is not exactly enabling Illuso from the sidelines, but he certainly isn’t trying to rein him in either: where he’s not involved, Melone merely observes in amusement because this is the sort of guilt-free trainwreck where the casualties are few but the entertainment value is quite high. This also works out beautifully because on the one hand, I see Illuso as the type of person who might annoy everyone around him, but would more or less spare his partner (he may be a shitcake, but he is your shitcake), and on the other hand, Melone has studied human nature enough that he would be mostly immune to Illuso’s bullshit and even able to throw him curve balls or some light on the issue.
However, I don’t want this to be all Illuso has going for him in the relationship; to my mind, he and Melone have certain tastes in common and would enjoy discussing their more obscure interests. Illuso is the AITA subreddit to Melone’s kin drama tumblr: there is always something going on that will interest the other, and they live for the juicy details and the unexpected turns. Like, this is the perfect couple to watch foreign soap operas together at 2 am because they lost control of their lives, and while Melone loves to dissect the psychological underpinnings, Illuso is keeping track of the more worldly motives and unapologetically rooting for the homewreckers. They then fool around among Illuso’s five blankets and sixteen bed pillows and look fantastic doing it because they both bring an insane amount of genderfluid flair to the party, and with some help from each other, they could get some really great couple aesthetics going. All in all, I want this to be messy but enriching for both.
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good-omens-classic · 1 year
If you reblogged the previous post from @bravinto from me, please delete it! it has been deleted from this blog upon request from OP
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rem-ir · 3 years
you give me a b3x vibe!
That WAS me in my undergrad days. Spookily accurate read.
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squidsploitation · 8 months
i wanna say, the bad guy from jessica jones, but it's probably something more niche, knowing you 😹
disappointingly, it WAS that purple bitch from jessica jones …. editor spam the pensive emoji until you run out of page….
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fictionalred · 2 years
oh man i always wondered, what happens if you die in dnd?????
Haven't done it yet but dying is kinda hard (if you go down you have three saving throws and unless you throw badly AND have no companions to help you then you die) (other people can help you survive so they normally do) (also the combats are levelled so normally it's okay plus the DM can always decide to make it easier, like our DM did last combat session) But yeah, if you do die, you create a new character to join the quest somehow.
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onebillionzine · 5 years
We are so excited to announce our amazing linup of authors and artists contributing to our Okyuasu fanzine - One Billion!! ✨💲✨
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You will find many of our contributors here on tumblr :
@bravinto @hikikyun @sugartz @xaiens @scythling @hed-wige @trainerakemi @mirellasnape @tsuintsuki @hellosomebody-somewhere @frejann-uwu @laveerie @offensiveagentpie @debirubiru
And you can also find all twitter profiles on our post here:
[One Billion zine's twitter]
Here are also some important links below :
Prayerさん Pixiv
Laveerie's instagram
Thank you so much for your attention! We will be posting about zine preorders very soon, follow our profiles to not miss any news! 💲✨
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ari-arrivederci · 5 years
please describe 3 things la squadra love doing together?
【La Squdra】
The first would be eating. Most of the time, they order take out due to being lazy, and most of them being inept when it comes to cooking. However, Sorbet and Gelato are the culinary geniuses of the group, and have hosted dinner parties for the squad a few times. They usually ends with Formaggio and Illuso being incredibly drunk, but everyone has a nice time regardless, laughing and joking the night away. Everyone that can stays to help clean before leaving. When they order take out, the group get into a big argument and become pretty split. Illuso and Prosciutto usually want to order Indian; Formaggio, Melone and Ghiaccio want Chinese; Sorbet and Gelato insist they just cook up something quick; Risotto and Pesci just want to eat. They usually compromise and order pizza, not before arguing about the toppings, and which one is the best.
The second would be gaming. They get bored when they have no jobs, so cracking open a board game really does pass the time. They usually play D&D, with Prosciutto being the dungeon master. They also play Cluedo, and lie to themselves about how great of an idea it is to play monopoly. Spoiler alert, it’s not. They also play their fair share of video games too. Formaggio usually likes to play Mario Party, convincing everyone to take shots when they lose a mini game. Melone has a preference for Mario Kart, but no one really wants to play with Ghiaccio. Being in a real car with him is hellish enough on its own - never mind a virtual one.
The third is watching movies. Nothing passes the time better than watching a movie with take out they argued over. Each member has a preferred genre, all very different form one another. Risotto loves his horror and thriller movies; Prosciutto likes his old black and white movies, along with Disney classics - he has a soft spot for Bambi; Formaggio loves his comedy movies; Illuso likes drama; Melone lives for romance movies; and the rest of the group are content with whatever, though Pesci would rather not watch horror movies.
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dokidoki-tae · 5 years
ughhhh somehow i fell violently ill overnight D: Shae, could you do a lil something with Risotto getting sick and his team taking good care of him?
OH NO! I hope you feel better soon, my dear. Here you go! Get some rest!
Risotto didn’t expect for things to turn out this way, watching with his team fuss over him through is half-opened eyes. Somehow, he had fallen ill during the night, waking up with a stuffed nose and sore muscles. He thought he could push through the morning meeting but his uneasy stomach made it difficult to finish his sentences. At some point in the meeting, he had the misfortune of emptying what little he had in his stomach into a nearby trashcan. He was a bit embarrassed to say the least. 
“My apologies,” Risotto began, “I believe I fell unexpectedly ill last night. I will try not to get any of you sick.” The team gave each other a concerned look when Prosciutto got up from his seat and walked over to him, placing on Risotto’s sweaty forehead.
“You have a fever,” Prosciutto stated and turned to the others, “Ghiaccio, Melone. Go to the store and get some flu and nausea medication. Pesci, go to the store and buy fresh ingredients for soup. Illuso, go and change Risotto’s bedsheets with clean ones. Formaggio, help Risotto to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. We need to let him sit in the steam for a while.” 
Prosciutto took complete control, and Risotto found it difficult to interject and oppose his rule. He didn’t have the energy to argue, his fever causing his mind to fog up. Risotto heard as they got up to do what was asked of them, sounding like they were off in the distance. Just his luck, his ears were ringing now too.
“Okay, big guy. Let’s get you to the bathroom,” Formaggio tucked himself under Risotto’s arm, struggling to lift him from his chair. “Shit, boss. Can you lay off the weight for a while, you’re heavy as fuck,” Formaggio joked. Risotto reduced some of the burden from Formaggio by finding the strength to carrying himself to the bathroom. He didn’t realize just how sick he was.
Before being ordered to bed, Risotto sat in the hot steamy bathroom for about 15 minutes before deciding to hop in the shower. The hot water against his skin felt great, washing away the sweat that was covering his body. He heard the bathroom door open followed by Prosciutto’s voice. 
“Tch. You just had to get in, didn’t you?” Prosciutto complained but his tone softened. “Are you okay with dressing yourself?”
Risotto turned off the water, pulling the curtains back and stepping out to get a towel. “Yes. I may feel unwell but I am not a child. Unless you want to help me,” Risotto teased as he dried himself and watched as Prosciutto’s cheeks turned pink both from the steam and Risotto’s comment.
“J-Just get in bed!”
By the time he got comfortable under the covers, Ghiaccio and Melone had gotten back with the medicine. Melone insisted he spoon feed Risotto his medicine with Ghiaccio fighting him on it, not wanting Melone to indulge on his perverted fantasy in taking care of boss. As they argued with each other, Prosciutto marched over and whacked them over the head. 
“STOP ARGUING AND SHUT UP! Ghiaccio, give Risotto his medicine. Melone, you can feed Risotto his soup. Go help Pesci finish it!” Ghiaccio contorted his face in disgust, and Melone skipped out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to assist Pesci.
“I can do it myself,” Risotto said as he watched Ghiaccio open and pour some of the liquid into a medicine spoon. Ghiaccio pulled it back when he saw Risotto reach for it. It became obvious to him that his team was enjoying this.
“I’ll do it!” Ghiaccio insisted, his cheeks quickly reddening. 
Not much time passed when Melone, Pesci, and Prosciutto came in with the soup. Melone happily sat next to Risotto, cozying up next to him as Pesci stood next to him, looking annoyed.
“Why do you get to feed him,” Pesci mumbled prompted Prosciutto to yell at him to shut up and be grateful he let him make the soup at all. Melone couldn’t help himself as he fed Risotto’s the soup, making airplane noises before Prosciutto told him to shut the hell up.
Most of the team stood around as Risotto obediently consumed the soup, helping his stomach settle. During this, Formaggio and Illuso came out of Risotto’s mirror, Illuso carrying what appeared to be a humidifier.
“Look what we got for you, big guy! Helped with your sinuses or some shit,” Formaggio stated, somewhat ensure.
“It helps with moisturize nasal, throat, and lung passages, making it easier for air to pass through, you buffon!” Illuso snapped and Formaggio shrugged.
“Yeah, whatever.” Formaggio took it from Illuso’s hands and began to set it up. “You’re gonna feel as good as new by tomorrow, Ris!”
He watched as his team continued to fuss over him, asking him if his stomach was feeling better and if he was feeling too hot or cold. As the leader of an elite assassin team, he never expected himself to be in such a position, to be in such a vulnerable position. He didn’t expect a group of grown men, much less ruthless assassins, to care or even look after him the way they were doing. Part of him felt the need to address this familial compassion they were exhibiting, feelings unfit for men in their profession. But the other part of him wouldn’t allow himself that. Even assassin deserved to show their humility, right? They all deserved it too, didn’t they? His team never got the recognition they deserved and they always maintained an appearance even with each other. Risotto was a man of few words, but he couldn’t stop himself. They needed to know.
“Everyone,” They all turned to Risotto, “You have my gratitude. Thank you,” Risotto spoke softly and proceeded to lay down and allowing the medicine to take its effects, sending him off into a peaceful sleep. 
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