littlegirlovhazz · 10 months
Bad Boy? ❤️‍🔥
Oioi gostosinhas!
Muito obrigada por todo o amor que vocês deram a My property 🩵
Eu recebi esse plot nas asks e foi pedido que tivesse muito lactation e breeding kink, então aqui está, eu adaptei algumas coisa pro meu estilo. Temos Louis guitarrista com piercings e Harry professora delicadinha.
Avisos: Breeding kink (muito), lactation kink, spanking, ProfessoraxAluno, hinter, leve diferença de idade, desuso de camisinha, sexo dentro da faculdade.
Hazz: 26
Lou: 21
Louis estava um pouco cansado, ele era um cara muito popular, extrovertido e fazia parte de uma fraternidade, eles eram uns mauricinhos, pegavam todas as líderes de torcida e as patricinhas da faculdade. Louis meio que odiava tudo isso, mas seu pai queria que ele entrasse, seu pai era um cara muito bom e ele lhe dava trabalho o suficente sendo totalmente diferente do que aquele homem que o criou, as tatuagens que cobriam seu corpo, os piercings em sua cara. Então ele fazia o papel de representar a fraternidade apenas causando confusão na faculdade, ele não entendia pq as pessoas ainda pareciam estar na escola, com toda rivalidade idiota e a perseguição pela popularidade e status.
Foda-se o que esse bando de gente achava dele, exceto por ela.
A nova professora estava na faculdade a menos de um mês, ela era novinha, com 26 anos e recém formada, era provavelmente a mulher mais gostosa que Louis já conheceu. A duas semanas atrás ele e os colegas planejaram uma pegadinha para dar boas vindas a nova professora, ele se arrependia amargamente, mas não podia voltar atras, não quando mesmo cheia de chantilly ela parecia tão apetitosa, com os olhos verdes em fúria, os peitos grandes lotado pelo doce. Louis queria que fosse sua porra.
A mulher de cabelos cacheados o abominava, apesar de ser um delinquente, o de olhos azuis era extremamente inteligente, com notas excelentes, e provavelmente era por isso que não tinha sido expulso, talvez seu pai ser parte do conselho também fosse um grande motivo. Desde o primeiro dia a professora tentou fazê-lo errar, na expectativa de uma detenção. Mas não conseguiu, apesar de saber que ele havia planejado a pegadinha do chantilly, ela não poderia afirmar, então ela o infernizava. Se ela soubesse o quanto seu pau ficava duro toda vez que ela o olhava com raiva, como se fosse bater em sua cara toda vez que ele dava uma resposta certa da matéria.
Mas Louis era um bom garoto e se ela o queria tanto na detenção, talvez ele devesse dar isso a ela.
Harry o odiava, odiava com todo seu coração, mas seu corpo idiota não estava conversando com sua mente. Sua xotinha só faltava pingar quando via aqueles olhos azuis, o piercing na sobrancelha ou o no canto da boca que ele vivia prendendo entre os dentes ou as tatuagens nos braços definidos. Isso a deixava ainda mais puta, pq ela queria estapear sua cara tanto quanto queria se acabar em seu pau. Ela tinha se vestido um pouco diferente hoje, a saia curta era rodadinha e de couro marrom, sua blusa era branca de botões, como tecido era grosso não tinha um sutiã por baixo, seus peitos empinados estava livres, uma meia calça fio quinze cobria suas pernas e escarpins brancos estavam seus pés, era uma sexta, ela queria se sentir bonita. Seus cachos estavam bem definidos e acabavam um pouco abaixo de seus ombros, ela usava pouca maquiagem, apenas bastante rímel para que seus olhos ficassem destacados e os óculos com armação fininha e delicada, ela estava tendo um bom dia, até entrar em sua sala e se deparar com aquele inferno de garoto.
Louis usava uma tank top preta e jeans do mesmo tom, a tigelinha bagunçada e os olhos, a porra de seus olhos azuis elétricos a comiam com o olhar e a sobrancelha com o piercing arqueada em desafio, mas o maior problema era a guitarra, que ele tocava em pé em cima de sua mesa, era um rock muito pesado, mas os alunos pareciam se divertir. Após o episódio em que levou um balde de chantilly em sua cabeça e viu aquele sorriso debochado no rosto bonito, Harry sabia que ele seria problema, o tentou mandar diversas vezes para detenção, pq ela queria ensinar algumas coisas que seriam bem úteis para que o idiota usasse o cérebro, mas Louis a surpreendeu novamente, ele também era inteligente e falava com propriedade, isso fazia seu corpo se arrepiar ainda mais.
Os dedos do aluno tocavam rápido nas cordas, seus braços definidos eram destacados enquanto ele segurava a guitarra preta, o cabelo estava caído em seus olhos azuis que a devoravam com o olhar e ele tinha um sorriso com aquele maldito piercing que era leve e debochado, como se desafiasse Harry. Suas pernas estavam marcadas pela skinny apertada com uma corrente pendurada e coturnos pesados em cima da sua mesa, ele era a personificação de bad boy dos livros, chegava a ser ridículo. Ela deu passos tranquilos até a mesa e quando chegou perto, apenas levantou a mão em um sinal para ele parar, os outros alunos agora tinham se acovardado, mas claro que Louis não, ele apenas diminuiu a música para os acordes de stairway to heaven, essa era coincidentemente uma das músicas favoritas da professora de olhos verdes e parecia mesmo que o garoto poderia ser a escada pro paraíso, ou a barra para o inferno.
- Senhor Tomlinson, você pode descer? - Louis parou a guitarra e pulou para o chão, já que ele não era maluco de desobedecer alguém tão gostosa, então a mulher apenas lhe entregou o papel da detenção.
Harry não gritava e isso surpreendeu Louis, ele achava que a professora ficaria revoltada, mas esse não era seu jeito, a menos que estivesse sendo fodida, ela era calma e falava devagar. O garoto pegou o papel, o instrumento e se dirigiu para fora da sala, essa ao menos era sua aula, ele só precisava ver os olhos verdes cheios de ódio mas como ele era um idiota não calculou o fato de que ficaria o restante do dia de pau duro.
Louis estava sentado na última cadeira do canto, existiam mais 6 pessoas na sala de detenção. Harry entrou vestindo aquela maldita saia, a meia calça delineava as pernas compridas e os sapatos de salto as deixavam ainda mais longas, ela era gostosa pra cacete, a camisa branca delineava os peitos gostosos, eles eras tão grandes e ele queria cobrir eles com o seu leite. Ela não colocou seus livros em cima da mesa e um outro professor entrou.
- Senhor Tomlinson, pode me acompanhar? - Ela disse com um tom doce e os pelos da nuca de Louis se arrepiaram, levantou de imediato pegando a mochila. - Como você é o único que eu coloquei na detenção, vai cumprir na minha sala.
Ele concordou rapidamente e Harry saiu rebolando na frente dele, o garoto a seguia como um cachorro pelo campus, babando por aquela bunda. A sala dela era uma graça, toda delicado, exatamente igual a ela, tinha uma mesa cheia de papéis e um sofá verde escuro no canto e um espelho a sua frente. Ela se debruçou exageradamente na mesa para poder colocar seus livros em cima e Louis teve a visão da polpa da sua bunda, ele não conseguiu segurar o riso, ela era tão oferecida.
- Acha algo engraçado, Senhor Tomlinson? - Ela disse se virando para olhar em seus olhos e apoiando a mão na mesa.
- Acho engraçado como você é oferecida, me deu uma detenção para se exibir pra mim? - As bochechas dela ficaram vermelhas mas ela não perdeu a postura, retirou os óculos e os pousou sobre a mesa. Louis estava bem perto dela agora e o tapa foi certeiro na bochecha dele, ela segurou o rosto do garoto surpreso com as unhas compridas pintadas de branco.
- Sabe Louis, acho que você precisa aprender uma lição, não sabia que garotos dessa idade eram tão mimados a ponto de necessitarem que sua professora os corrijam. - O sorriso no rosto do de olhos azuis era gingantesco, ela pagaria por aquele tapa, mas ele a deixaria sentir que estava no comando, ele ia destruí-la. - Queria saber o que se passa nessa cabecinha.
- Qual delas? - A covinha no rosto da professora era debochada. - Ambas só pensam em você e na sua bocetinha.
Louis olhou pra baixo e viu os biquinhos apontando no tecido grosso e a blusa estava manchada pelo leite que saia deles. A boca dele se encheu de saliva grossa, ele precisava mamar. Harry percebeu que os olhos azuis brilhavam para o leite manchando sua blusa, sempre que ela ficava muito excitada isso acontecia, a diferença era que ninguém tinha olhado para isso com vontade, geralmente o sentimento era de nojo.
- Você vai ficar quieto se eu te colocar pra mamar garotinho? - Ele voltou o olhar para o verde tão penetrante, seu pau pulsava na calça.
- Por favor gatinha.. - Louis implorou, ele não implorava, por nada, nunca.
Harry o puxou para o sofá e abriu os botões da camisa, liberando os peitinhos grandes, tão gostosos, a brisa fez com que seus biquinhos endurecessem mais e o aluno não pensou duas vez ao se sentar ao lado da professora e beijar seu pescoço, ela sentia o piercing gelado contrastar com o calor de sua boca, ele passou a mão pela barriga dela e chegou bem perto de seu ouvido.
- Você não tem um bebê, então por que seus peitinhos estão cheios de leite, me fala Hazz? - Ela choramingou quando o garoto pegou o biquinho direito entre os dedos e apertou, fazendo una gotinha de leite surgir na ponta.
- Eu.. eu fico assim quando estou excitada, eu vazo, por todos os lugares. - Ele lambeu uma faixa atrás de sua orelha.
- Uma vadia tão boa, o pacote completo. - Ele beijou o pescoço e distribuiu beijos até abocanhar o bico esquerdo, Harry gritou e foi a primeira vez que Louis escutou seu tom de voz alto, ele sugou com força, mamando forte até o gostinho doce invadir seu paladar, era a refeição mais gostosa que ele já havia provado, ele se esbaldou sugando cada gota, sentindo o leite escorrer até mesmo pra fora de seus lábios.
Sem parar de mamar, ele desceu a mão até a coxa coberta pela meia calça e acariciou até chegar no meio das pernas dela, onde a meia se encontrava encharcada então Louis sentiu o quão ela estava excitada, por que essa puta não usava o caralho de uma calcinha, bêbado do cheiro de pêssegos que ela emanava e pelo leite doce, ele rasgou a meia com apenas uma mão, para encontrar a boceta encharcada, ela estava tão molhada que o líquido escorreu em seus dedos quando ele a tocou.
- Você é uma vagabunda tão oferecida Harry, sem calcinha e dando aula pros seus alunos? - Ele disse parando de mamar e estimulando a xotinha dela, amassando seu clítoris entre os dedos. O tapa que ele deu no rosto dela foi tão forte que ficaria a marca de todos os dedos, ele segurou em seu queixo. - Abre a boca, Vadia.
Ela obedeceu, era como se um chave tivesse sido virada no momento que Louis tocou aquela boceta, a professora se tornava uma submissa, seu corpo estava mole e ela só queria obedecer. O Aluno cuspiu grosso dentro da sua boca e desferiu mais um tapa, sorrindo sádico e sentiu seus dedos molharem ainda mais quando ela gritou gozando.
- Agora sim Harry, uma professora boazinha. - Ele se levantou e Harry o olhou confusa, mas ele logo abriu o cinto e o zíper da calça, tirando seu pau pra fora, ela estava hipnotizada, era enorme, grosso, a cabeça arroxeada e as bolas pesadas, diversas veias cobriam seu pau e ele visivelmente pulsava. - Mama como uma boa vadia e eu vou te foder enquanto acabo com cada gota de leite desses peitos gostosos.
Harry tirou a blusa e a saia, se ajoelhando, ainda com a meia calça rasgada e os escarpins nos pés, ela estava de costas para o espelho, dando a porra de uma visão para o garoto, porra Louis achava cada pedaço do seu corpo uma perdição do caralho, ele estava com tanto tesão que seu corpo inteiro estava tenso, ele segurou os cabelos cacheados em uma mão só e deixou ela descer sozinha as primeiras vezes, ela babou em todo aquele pau, mamando devagar a cabecinha, sentindo o gosto de pré-gozo, até que ele passou a arrematar contra sua boca, era tão bom. O garoto era bruto, seu couro cabeludo estava ardendo, a garganta sendo massacrada pela cabeça macia e ele dava tapas em seu rosto, as lágrimas desciam por seus olhos sem permissão e isso parecia só incentivar seu aluno, sua xota pulsava e pingava no chão, seu leite escorria de seus biquinhos para toda sua barriga, ela estava uma bagunça do caralho.
- Caralho Harry, se eu soubesse que você era uma puta tão boa, eu teria pedido pela detenção, eu tinha colocado fogo na universidade pra poder foder essa boquinha. - Ele investiu mais 3 vezes antes de tirar seu pau, olhando para o rímel todo borrado e os olhos ainda mais verdes pelas lágrimas, ele cuspiu em sua boca e a viu engolir, batendo em seu rosto. - Boa garota.
Ele a levantou pelo pescoço, a jogando no sofá e nem perguntou, apenas alinhou seu pau na boceta molhada e meteu até o final.
- Louis! Porra, porra… Louissss. - Ela gritou e gemeu tão forte e delicioso, que o de olhos azuis sentiu seu pau pulsar, a boceta era tão apertada. - Fode, fode forte por favor.
- Oh baby, você é tão quente, meu pau encaixa tão bem em você. - Ele investiu tão forte, sentindo as paredes dela o apertando com tanta força, ele abocanhou novamente seu biquinho, mamando gostoso, fodendo ela sem parar. - Você vai gozar e eu vou te encher de porra e nem assim eu vou parar Harry, eu só vou parar quando eu tiver vontade, vou te encher de novo e de novo, olha pro espelho pra ver o quão gostosa você fica comigo te fodendo até o talo.
- Louis! Eu vou fazer xixi, para… por favor. - A boca sugando seu leite, os mamilos já sensíveis de tanto que aquela boca tomava, o leite escorria pela boca dele, o pau ia fundo na xota, era tão grande que ela sentia bater em seu útero, quando ela olhou pra baixo e viu a boca sair do bico e o leite escorre pelo queixo com a barba rala, o piercing reluzindo e os olhos azuis que a desafiavam, tudo explodiu.
Harry esguichou tão forte e gritou tão alto que provavelmente todos na faculdade ouviram que ela estava sendo comida por Louis, foi tão forte que expulsou o cacete de dentro, molhando o garoto e o sofá e nem assim ele parou, voltando a meter, sentindo seu baixo ventre esquentar ele acelerou até que a encheu de porra, gozando naquela boceta quente. Ele não perdeu tempo em chupar a xotinha, sentindo a mistura de sua porra e o gozo dela, sugando bem antes de beijar sua boca, cuspindo lá dentro e entrelaçando suas línguas, era sujo, obsceno e gostoso pra caralho.
- Louis.. amor.. goza mais, eu preciso de mais porra sua na minha bocetinha. - Harry implorou, ela amava isso, se sentir cheia de porra do seu macho.
Ele a levantou, a apoiando no espelho que havia enfrente ao sofá, em pé, a meia calça estava em pedaços, as coxas gostosas tremiam, mas o pau de Louis se recusava a amolecer, ele tinha tanto leite para encher ela ainda. Ele se esfregou na sua fenda, vendo o cuzinho piscar, mas ele deixaria pra foder ele com bastante tempo, gozar dentro e colocar um plug e fazer Harry dar aulas para os alunos babarem em cima dela enquanto era a sua porra presa naquele cuzinho. Isso fez uma chama de ciúmes subir no peito de Louis, como se lembrasse que essa era sua professora e provavelmente ela já havia fodido com alunos que não eram ele, com esse pensamento ele meteu dentro da boceta novamente.
- Com quantos você já fodeu, Harry? Quantos comeram o que agora é meu? - Ele segurava no cabelos cacheados e arrematava tão fortemente que o espelho tremia, segurou em seu peito com a mao enquanto beijava sua nuca.
- Ohh.. n-n-nenhum Lou, Caralho! Você foi o primeiro, e-eu não quero outro, só você me fode assim. - Isso encheu o ego de Louis e ele largou o cabelo dela para segurar nos dois peitinhos, maltratando com seus dedos enquando a segurava, o contraste das tatuagens e da pele branca, Harry em cima dos saltos e as pernas tremendo o deixam insano, falando que só ele a fodia assim.
- Você não vai foder com mais ninguém, nunca? - Ela concordou com a cabeça e ele deu um tapa em seu clítoris, o estimulando. - Grita Harry, grita o nome do teu dono! Você é minha puta particular.
- Louis! Você ta me fodendo tão forte… me enche de porra, me da todo o seu leite, eu quero sentir escorrendo. - Ela sentia o quão molhada estava e queria esquichar de novo, por que ele era tão bom, ele tocava cada cm do seu corpo, beijava sua nuca e falava em seu ouvido que ele era seu dono, como sua boceta era quente, gostosa e apertada.
- Ninguém levou meu pau tão bem, você foi moldada pro meu cacete. - Ele bateu forte em sua bunda, sentindo seu pau jorrar leite e ele continuou fodendo. - Olha o quão cheia você está Harry, to sentindo minha porra escorrer pelo meu pau de tão lotada de gozo que você está.
Isso mexeu com a cabeça de Harry, essa era coisa que ela mais amava quando fodida, estar cheia, sentir o leite quente em si, ela gozou tão forte, molhando suas pernas, Louis, o chão, o espelho. O Garoto a segurou pela cintura enquanto ela perdia a força, não parando de esguichar, seus olhos reviraram, seus peitos vazam leite, ela babava e o orgasmo atravessava seu corpo, parecia que eram 100 de uma vez só, ela ainda tremia quando Louis a deitou no sofá. Ela ainda se sentia em êxtase, quando desmaiou.
Harry acordou quando Louis estava terminando de limpar seu corpo com uma camiseta que tinha na mochila, ela se sentia exausta, extremamente mole, sua bocetinha doía e seu corpo também.
- Ei princesinha, você esta bem? - Ele era tão bonito, tinha um rosto perfeito, ela amava seus piercings, ele colocou a mão quente em sua bochecha e acariciou, também fazendo carinho em seus cachos. - Você foi tão boa princesa, tão boa pra mim. Posso te levar pra casa?
Harry o puxou para um beijo, entrelaçando suas línguas, sentindo o gosto delicioso da boca de Louis, ele estava a tratando tão bem. Ela choramingou com o quão boa era sua boca.
- Lou, mama mais um pouquinho? Eles ainda estão tão cheios. - Ele sorriu e não perdeu tempo, deitando espremido com ela no sofá e abocanhando o biquinho, sugando todo o leite docinho de leve, sentindo o sabor em suas papilas gustativas. - Oh, tão bom.
- Você é minha Harry, só eu posso ter isso entendeu? - Ela concordou com a cabeça. - Só eu posso mamar, só eu posso te foder e se for preciso vou foder sua xota e seu cuzinho, mamar nesses peitos no meio da sala de aula para todos saberem que você me pertence, entendeu?
Ela estava hipnotizada com os olhos azuis elétricos e com a boca dele suja do seu leite, só sabia concordar e quando ele voltou a mamar permaneceu até que eles adormecessem apertados no sofá.
Quem quer parte 2 deles fodendo na frente de todos na sala de aula?
Me deixem saber e espero que tenham gostado 💚
All the love,
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5eraphim · 7 months
could you write something about Scout with a breeding kink please?? i don't usually see a lot of fics like that when involving him, also maybe some angst too and slight yandere aspects?? only if you're comfortable ofc!! my friend recommended your blog to me :3 ((if they're reading this, i want them to know that i think they're smelly.))
it's spooky season so i'm answering this for werewolf!scout from the monster mash au. (this is a little drabble i wrote about werewolf scout's backstory, you don't really need to read all of it, but for context- scout and reader were childhood friends, but after reader moved away scout seizes the opportunity to get back with "the one that got away") now he's forced reader to live as his mate. not much difference from human scout tbh, it's just spiced with a bit of tetro and full-moon-intensified-horniness, the emotional core/angst of the story is more about his issues regarding family/loyalty/responsibility. i hope that's all good with you, thank you so much for the request!
Title: Puppy Eyes
Character: Scout 🐇 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: dubcon, breeding kink, yandere, tetro (mild), full moon horniness, mating press, AFAB reader, exophilia, fingering, dirty talk, abandonment issues/daddy issues scout, scout drinks reader's sweat? if that's anything?
Word Count: 3.5k
"I never wanted to kill. I am not naturally evil.
Such things I do, just to make myself attractive to you.
Have I failed?" Morrisey, The Last of the Famous International Playboys
(post 2/31 of my version of kinktober where i write whatever i want for every day of october <3)
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"I-I know it's a lot- but fuck! C'mon, stay with me, just a lil more!" How many times had you heard that line tonight? You already lost count. It was so late out, the summer night sky crystal-clear as the full moon and starlight pooled through the open windows bright enough to illuminate the entire room. But you didn't want to see; all you wanted to do was bury your head under the pillows and sleep, despite knowing there was a significant chance you wouldn't get more than a wink of sleep tonight. 
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! I-I'm almost there! Keep goin'!" Scout continued to try and push you on. His voice had gone hoarse and sounded winded, but he was close. You could feel his knot building, a sensation even now after so many rounds you couldn't determine to be sickening or erotic. Even if you tried to tell yourself it was gross, you'd already come twice feeling Scout grinding it against you, forcing you to lay on your belly under him with your knees bent while he humped you with his briefs still on. He was excited and wanted nothing more than to get right to pounding you into the floor, but even he couldn't entirely ignore his anxiety. It was your first night with him as a wolf, and if he messed up tonight, he knew it would take ages to make it up to you.
It was the first full moon the two of you spent under the same roof, and you knew it would be a rough night, but you had no idea Scout could be so insatiable. Scout was a braggart and a liar. When he told you about all the dirty things he fantasized about doing to you under the full moon, you thought he was trying to get a rise out of you. Needless to say, the countless hickies spotting your neck, shoulders, and tits, the bruises on your thighs and hips, and the ungodly overstimulation going on between your legs were more than enough to convince you Scout was being dead serious. Even before that, usually, Scout liked to dirty talk while he undressed you, liked to watch you get embarrassed and turned on, completely unable to hide it. But not tonight. As soon as Scout locked the door behind himself coming home, he practically jumped you, dragging you to the heaping pile of pillows and blankets in the middle of the bedroom floor you called a bed.
You'd be lying if you said it wasn't more than a little erotic to see someone so animalistic and primally lustful towards you. And though you weren't about to admit it, Scout didn't look half-bad in his wolf form. Even as a wolf, he was pretty lean, with a shaggy, deceptively soft blonde pelt and, of course, his big blue puppy eyes. Bright, excited eyes that lit up when you praised him, gave him attention, wound your fingers through his hair, anything- he couldn't get enough!
On the other hand, you were starting to fade fast and needed a break. Not only to replenish your energy, but you desperately needed to grab a towel and clean up a little. It was the full moon, and there was nothing on Scout's mind other than coming inside you, but given how many loads he was shooting off, you were physically incapable of keeping all of them inside. Resulting in sticky smears coating your back, thighs, and arms.
"Hang on, just- Jesus, Scout, will you let me get up? I just wanna wipe off a little sweat."You turned your back on Scout, about to head from the "bed" to the bathroom to grab a towel, when two clawed hands grabbed your arms from behind, keeping you in place, "I can help!" 
Before you could even ask what he meant by that, you felt the long flat of his tongue dragged over the back of your neck, collecting the wetness in his mouth before lapping his tongue out again to catch more. The feeling was terrible, but accompanied by the sound of "dog slorping" directly by your ear, made you cower forward to avoid another lick. "Scout, that's disgusting!"
"What? You taste amazing!" Completely uninhibited by your visible repulsion, he tried to lean forward for more while you struggled. 
You shouted, "Stop it!" Louder than you intended, and with a heavy sigh, he loosened his grip on your arms, allowing you to slip away, pulling away from the bed in the process, trying to ignore the light scent of dog breath clinging to your back. Scout sat back on the bed, pouting and fidgeting restlessly, visibly unhappy to see you resisting his advances. "Not tryna gross ya out-, y'know I can't help it!"
He was right, and it was tough to stay mad at him when he gave you puppy eyes, but you were too physically exhausted to let him pull you back right back into bed. 
A voice in the back of your head scolded you for having any kind of sympathy for the monster who held you captive and insisted the two of you were meant to be mates. This wasn't close to a healthy relationship, but Scout wasn't human. How could you expect him to know how to treat you like one? 
Hugging your arms around your naked body, you stepped back, "Let's just take 10, alright? Just let me get some fresh air, maybe something to drink?" 
And in the blink of an eye, Scout's ears perked up again, his tail swishing against the blankets on the floor, "You wanna snack break?" 
Nodding, you smiled a little, "Yeah, I'm just gonna take a step outside, alright? I'll meet up with you right after." 
He nodded, standing until he was towing over you. As he passed by to leave the bedroom, he put a paw-like hand on your shoulder, "Don't make me come getcha, alight?"
Swallowing a lump in your throat, you made a noise of affirmation, watching him head over to the kitchen while you pulled a loose blanket around your naked body before stepping outside to the fire escape and sitting to look up at the sky.
It felt nice to step away from the dank and musky-scented apartment, even if it was just for a few minutes. Everything leading up to tonight felt so overwhelming and confusing. You knew the first full moon you spent with Scout would be rough. And by God was it ever. You could already tell your poor, overstimulated body would be incredibly sore by morning, assuming you could get any sleep tonight, that was.
For about a month now, you were living like this, but counting the days as they passed while in captivity was difficult. The only measure of time you had at your disposal was the phases of the moon and its effect on Scout. Though it wasn't all awful, there were always those rare evenings he would offer to spend out with you. Sitting outside alone, you thought back to one specific evening out with Scout. The night he took you out to meet his mother.
Honestly, you never thought you'd hold much sympathy for the mother of the man who was planning on keeping you as his "mate." Forcing you into captivity with the final intention to make you into a monster like himself. You only agreed to meet up with him at his Ma's place for dinner because you wanted any excuse to get out of Scout's apartment. You'd bargained with him, agreeing to meet him at his mother's place for a few hours of freedom before dinner.
You never thought he'd grant you independence like this, but something about promising to willingly go with him to meet his Ma made his entire face light up with excitement. 
During those few precious moments away from Scout, you didn't even think to try and run away. It was impossible to try and escape a master predator who could track you down in a matter of minutes, and even if you could get away, what was to stop him from hurting your loved ones to get back at you for the betrayal? Instead, you simply enjoyed some fresh air, went for a long walk, and mentally psyched yourself for dinner. 
The walk to Ma's house felt nostalgic in a melancholic way. You could remember racing over to Scout's house as kids, how his Ma said the door was always open for you. She was beautiful, always kind, and made you feel at home. You couldn't understand why you never saw her husband around. But you knew better than to bring something like that up, especially whenever Scout was around.
When you showed up, you expected to see Scout open the door to greet you. But when you knocked on the front door, you heard someone from inside calling out, "It's open!" 
Timidly, you creaked the door open, still unable to shake the feeling you were dreaming of childhood and would wake up any moment. Tiptoeing your way inside, you heard an old black and white television set playing some old British thriller, the sound just as muffled by static as you remembered. The flat was less cluttered than you remembered but maintained the warmth and coziness you never forgot. 
When your eyes met Scout's Ma, you momentarily forgot the resentment you expected to feel for her, overcome by the joy of seeing an old family friend after so long. She smiled at you, her face and figure softened by years, but she was just as stunning and distinguished as you remembered, nothing less than radiant. You watched her walk from the kitchen to greet you with a warm hug, welcoming you with parental affection as though you were one of her own. For just a moment, you held onto her, suddenly choked up, realizing you could now meet her at eye level.
She pulled away gently, "Good to see ya again."
Taking a slight step back, you cleared your throat, "I apologize; I must be a bit early. I thought Scout would be here by now." You felt a touch awkward, trying to figure out what to do in the absence of Scout.
She turned to walk back to the kitchen, talking to you from over her shoulder. "He was. I sent him out for an errand run. I didn't want the boy smothering ya as soon as I walked in. Can ya come help me set the table?" 
You followed her through the kitchen, "You sent him out?" 
Scout's Ma chuckled, making you freeze up a little, taken aback by how eerily similar Scout sounded when he laughed, "He's been talkin' my ear off all damn day. I just wanted a lil peace and quiet. Can ya blame me?" 
Walking into the kitchen, you could see the small but delicious-smelling meal she prepared for the three of you to share already laid out on the table. You tried to force yourself not to stare and focus on helping her finish setting up. Still, Ma could notice you were distracted, staring off into space, caught up in your own memories. She grinned, "My boy cleaned up the place before you got in. Bless his heart, I ain't ever seen him so determined to clean all his life."
You bit down on your lower lip, unsure how to respond, keeping your gaze fixed on your hands as you laid the silverware down. Did she know about Scout keeping you like a prisoner for nearly a month now? Did she have any idea how dangerous her son really was? You had no idea. "I never thought he'd bother with that sort of thing."
You could see Scout's Ma looking up at you from your peripheral vision, but you didn't have the resolve to meet her eye. "He cares about ya. He's always cared more than he wanted anyone to know."
"So she does know?" You wondered, somewhat confident she knew much more than she was letting on. Looking at her cautiously, you took a seat. "I'm not sure I believe that. Scout's never been the "caring" type… No offense."
She had an odd, far-off look on her face as she nodded, taking a seat by you. "I understand why you'd think that. But he's been through so much; it's not easy for him to love. Not without fear."
Your brow creased, "I don't think I understand." 
She sighed through her nose, looking past you, out the window to the street beyond. "When Scout was a little boy- Every day I told him I loved him. Every day, I patched up that boy's scrapes and made sure he made it home safe every night. And he'll always be my little boy... But I can only do so much for him, y'know?"
Trying your best not to sound nosy, you responded, "What do you mean by that?"
Ma's jaw tightened slightly, her piercing eyes finally meeting yours, "I couldn't make his father stay, for one thing… And I sure as hell couldn't stop him from getting into trouble." 
"So she does know…" You thought, though, for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to hate her as you thought you would. Scout's Ma couldn't control the guy any more than you could. You tried to lighten the mood a little, offering a weak smile, "Scout's a grown man now. He can handle himself just fine."
She folded her hands across her lap, sitting back in her seat a little, as though deep in thought, and trying to choose her words as carefully as possible. "Scout's a man now, but when his father left- I don't think he ever came back from that."
Leaning forward a little, you rest your hands on the table, "I thought he never knew his father?"
She nodded, "That's what he always said. I think it was the easiest way for him to cope with the disappearance." 
You were about to express your condolences, feeling quite overwhelmed with the new information, but she continued, "I can still remember how he would pretend to go to sleep, waiting to see his father again… I never had the heart to tell Scout his father was never coming back… And to be honest, without you, I think he would still be waiting."
Stiffening slightly, you asked, "What do you mean?"
Finally, she was able to look you in the eye again, appearing much less lost in her own thoughts, "I don't know how to put this, but I think the day he stopped waiting, that was when he made up his mind to become the father he never had." 
You seriously hated how much sense that made. 
Scout's Ma reached across the table, squeezing your hand with hers in a gesture of sympathy. "And there was something about the look on his face when he told me you were back in town… I think he always wanted it to be you."
You nodded. As much as you were terrified by Scout's obsession with you, the idea he'd felt this way since childhood never even occurred to you. She continued, "Believe me, I've seen him chase plenty of girls- but it was nothin' more than foolin' around, you know? Like he was waitin' for you to come back. It's like he always believed you two were meant to be."
Ever since that night, you could not get that one phrase out of your head, "As though it were meant to be…" Even now, the mere thought of it pulled at your heartstrings, doubting you had any chance to escape your destiny. Slipping back inside, you let the blanket fall from your shoulders as you sat back on the little blanket pile by Scout while he shotgunned Bonk with one hand, holding a protein bar in the other. 
Scout allowed you to settle by his side before wrapping an arm around you to pull you closer. Eating seemed to mellow him somewhat, and he wasn't nearly as grabby with you as you nestled into his soft pelt. 
The wholesomeness of the moment didn't last long. As soon as Scout finished his drink, he tossed the can aside, nuzzling closer, looking at you with expectant eyes, "So you wanna…"
You met his eye, "I think I can do one more round…"
That incentive was all he needed before he was back on top, smearing your neck and chest with messy, open-mouthed kisses while he fumbled for a moment, trying to re-find his position against your body. With a bit more force than he intended, Scout pushed you back down on your back, lifting your legs with his arms. Scout got properly situated between your legs, practically shivering with excitement. "Alrighty then! One more round- gotta make it count!"
Feeling that all too familiar swelling at the base of his cock, you winced as he sunk his claws into where he was holding you up by your thighs.
For a moment, he was distracted, groping the soft skin of your thighs with his fingers, making you moan, trying to recapture his attention, "Scout- c'mon please-" A little breathy plea and sleepy bedroom eyes were all it took before Scout could feel his blood rushing straight to his cock, making it throb while his mouth began to salivate.
"God, you look hot as fuck like that!" He was already aligned to penetrate, and you felt your oversensitive nerves forced against his overheated body. "I will never get sick of seein' ya like this- Ya drive me fuckin crazy, y'know that?"
"Scout, just a little more; I can take it!" You tried to keep urging him on, but as soon as he began pushing inside, you felt your head rolling back as you forced yourself to stay nice and pliable for him. A task easier said than done. But even horny out of his mind, Scout could see you were trying your best to hang on for him and make the last round count. 
You were so good to him like that. Scout was so proud to finally call you his girl that he could hardly take it. "I'm gonna make you real proud, I promise! I'm gonna give ya a baby, a-and more! Fuck, we'll have our own pack goin' in no time!"
It was harder to follow along with what he was saying as he picked up speed, his words getting muffled by his growling and wild panting. While you felt your body being used like a toy in his crushing grip. His feral lust and size made your head spin, and as he continued to grind himself against your clit you felt another intense pressure building at the base of your spine. A pleasure which you tried desperately to ride out but hardly could on account of being unable to move against the monster above, but even without being able to stimulate yourself, once you felt his knot building up deep inside, making you come just a few intense thrusts before Scout. Forcing the two of you to remain connected until the swelling went down entirely, Scout took this opportunity to lap apologetically at some of the more intense bitemarks and bruising left on your neck.
You thought you could finally relax when you felt him finally pull out, only to be caught off guard by the feeling of his clumsy fingers trying to force the comeback inside of you without accidentally tearing you apart with his claws. Though, given the night you just endured, you doubted a few more lacerations would mean anything at this point. 
By now, your mind and body felt like two entirely different entities. You could feel a kind of queasiness of being overly filled by Scout, feeling so full you felt paralyzed from the navel down. You wouldn't be surprised if your body was rubbed bright red after hours of overstimulation, though you took immense comfort knowing the long night of passion was coming to a close. Now that Scout agreed to concede for the night, you weren't too scared to snuggle up closer to share body heat for fear of getting roped into "just one more round." 
Scout was too tuckered out to think of asking for any more, and he felt more spent than ever before, the sensation as exhausting as it was euphoric. He watched your limp body latch onto his chest, grinning like an idiot, feeling your fingers getting lost in the dense fur of his pelt. Better than making love under a full moon after dreaming of this his entire life, being able to hold you close made his heart swell. Scout felt so protective to keep you close like this. Cradling you, his baby, while you held a baby of your own, or so he liked to think.
Even though he knew you were probably already asleep by this point, Scout pressed his forehead to the top of your head, whispering, "Ma loves ya, and she's been on my back asking' about grandkids… I'm not tryna pressure you or nothin', but- I mean, I just wanna say- you're gonna fit in perfect with the rest of the family. I know it."
Even if you couldn't hear him say it, to say all that out loud while holding you close felt like a dream come true, and he knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to protect this dream.
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wulvercazz · 7 months
Ichigo’s got a breeder kink. I have no proof but also no doubts. And no, i don’t take criticism 💅🏼
He’s careful af in relationships bc he’s responsible. He knows how much of a responsibility children actually are; he’s not crazy enough to go about his life getting people pregnant left and right…
Doesn’t stop him from fantasizing about it though 🤭 I just think him drooling about the idea of getting Grimm pregnant, no matter if the arrancar actually is physically capable to or not, is just 🥵😩😍🫣💕
makes me squeal and twirl my hair 👉🏼👈🏼
…and lets not even talk about how baD actually-pregnant-Grimm gets me 😩💕💕💕💕
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pimosworld · 10 months
I don’t want children but a breeding kink will get me every time 🫠
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puppy1nk · 6 months
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Patiently waiting to get knotted 🥰
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braveclementine · 10 days
October 2: Breeding Kink (Steve Rogers)💙
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, Breeding Kink, pet names
Copyright: I do not own Steve Rogers or any other Marvel Characters. I do not condone this being copied.
"Truth or Dare Steve?" Nat asked, lounging back on the plush sofa. 
Tony had thrown a Christmas party, which had settled down now to just a couple of you Avengers. 
Steve was there of course, and you were sitting with your legs across his lap. His thumb rubbed soothing circles on the inside of your knee, a bit ticklish because of the panty hose you had worn under your dress. 
Tony sat on the chair facing you guys, his legs stretched out on the coffee table, messing with some gadget while he played the game with you guys. Bruce sat more timidly on the edge of his chair next to Tony. 
Wanda and Vision were sitting on the floor next to each other, their backs against the couch that Nat, Clint, and Sam were occupying. Stephen was sitting on another chair, a glass of bourbon in his hand while his cape drifted around aimlessly behind him. 
Loki and Thor were sitting on the same couch, though on opposite ends so that another person could have easily sat between them. Bucky however, had opted to sit on the floor as well instead of taking that spot. Just in case the other two started fighting with each other. 
Several different bottles of alcohol and drinking glasses littered the coffee table. 
"Um, Truth." Steve said hesitantly. 
"Does Y/N have any kinks in bed?" 
Steve and you blushed while the others roared with laughter. Bucky chuckled, nudging Steve's glass. "I already know you aren't answering that one pal, drink up." 
Steve downed the glass and then said, "Clint, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare, do I look like a pussy?" Clint asked. He had had a bit much to drink. 
"Ah! Watch your language." Tony drawled, swirling his alcohol in his hand. 
You snickered quietly as Steve rolled his eyes. 
"I dare you to text Fury and tell him that you bought him a kitten for Christmas, which is waiting under his bed." Steve said with a bit of a smirk on his face. 
"Oh shit you're dead Clint." Sam laughed. 
Clint scoffed, "Fury doesn't scare me." He pulled out his phone and Nat made sure he spelled everything properly so that Fury didn't know Clint was just drunk. 
"F.RI.D.A.Y., you know what to do." 
Immediately, a camera was pulled up above the coffee table and everyone around the table could see Fury sitting up in a bed in an unfamiliar bedroom, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a thick book. 
"You have cameras in Fury's bedroom Tony?" You squealed, both appalled, fascinated, and happy that they would come in use so you could see his reaction.
"I'm pretty sure that's against some sort of privacy law." Bucky said uncaring. 
"Jesus Tony." Steve muttered under his breath. 
You all watched as Fury reached over to the bedside table, picking up his phone. In a second, he'd thrown his coffee cup and book, leaping off the bed and he was gone from the room. 
"Sam's right, you're dead." Nat commented slightly. 
"Alright Y/N." Clint said grinning, completely ignoring Nat and Sam. "Truth or Dare?" 
You had long learned your lesson of taking dares from Clint. Most of them resulted in him daring you to kiss someone in the room, which just served to piss Steve off immensely- especially if the person was Bucky or Tony. 
"Truth." You said and Steve gave your knee a comforting squeeze. 
"Does Steve have any kinks in bed?" Clint asked with a shit-eating grin. 
You grinned back, "Well-" 
"Are you upset?" You asked softly as you and Steve came back to your room. 
He didn't look mad exactly. He looked thoughtful, but slightly upset. Frown lines were across his forehead like he was deep in thought, but about something upsetting. 
"Hmm?" He asked slightly, looking over at you. He slipped the dress jacket that he'd worn to the formal party off as you sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping the red heels off. "No, not really. Not about anything you did anyways if that's what you're worried about." 
A slight weight seemed to come off your shoulders. "I just thought you might've been upset that I told them you were a dom and had a huge breeding kink." 
A flicker of a smile went over Steve's lips as he slid the closet door open, hanging up the suit jacket, before slowly unbuttoning the white shirt underneath. 
"No. I don't care if they know that baby. It was more. . . well I was wondering what. . . what a er- breeding kink even was." Steve's cheeks flushed red and he turned slightly so that his back was to you as he slid the white shirt off, leaving him bare from the waist up. 
You smiled lovingly. "Oh don't be embarrassed Steve." You said, getting up and padding silently over to him to wrap your arms around your waist. It's okay if you don't know what a certain kink is." 
"Well, it's just that both you and Bucky have now said I have one. And even at the party, Nat and Tony both said they weren't surprised so. . ." 
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, if you're worried about that." You said. "It just means that you love the idea of having kids. Of breeding me to have kids per se. And not necessarily me in general, just any woman that you might be in love with." 
"I'm not 'might' in love with you Y/N." Steve said softly. "I am in love with you." 
You blushed before Steve pecked you on the lips. 
"Although," He said softly now, frowning. "I thought a kink. . . well I thought that was just. . . you know bed play only. Like with your um. . . the. . ." 
He wracked his brain, making hand motions until you helped him out and suggested, "Bondage/BDSM kink?" 
"Yes that." Steve said, relieved, "I mean, it's just a sex thing. Otherwise you hate being restrained. But for me. . . I always want kids Y/N, whether we're having sex or not. . ." 
"That's not a bad thing." You said softly. "You're a family man Steve. Everyone whose ever known you would guess you have a breeding kink. It doesn't mean that's driving you the entire time, it just comes out more forcefully in the bed. But wanting children even outside of the bed doesn't mean one way or another its' bad." 
"I guess I just haven't gotten my head completely wrapped around all of these new terms." Steve said with a slight smile. "Things weren't as wild back in my time." 
You grinned, sitting back down on the edge of the bed so you could roll the panty hose off. "I bet you were a sure vanilla guy." 
Steve flushed red as he laid the dress pants out neatly across the dirty clothes hamper. He picked the dress shoes up off the floor, putting them in a cubby hole with the rest of the shoes. He turned to you, nibbling at his bottom lip as he saw you. "I was a virgin until I met you cookie." 
"Well you're one hell of a dom for a virgin." You praised, standing up and putting the panty hose in the bottom drawer. 
"Is that right?" Steve asked, suddenly behind you, his clothed bulge pressed up against your ass. He wrapped his arms around your waist. "How about you get out of this beautiful dress then and we'll have a good time tonight?" 
"Yes." You breathed out. 
Steve unzipped the back of your dress, slowly letting it trail off your shoulders, before you stepped out of it. 
The both of you left it pooled on the floor as he swept you up into his arms, carrying you over to the bed, putting you down ontop of the covers. 
Steve stood back from the bed for a moment, taking off his dress shirt and pants, draping them over the wooden chair behind the desk where he drew his art. Once he was left in only his boxers, he clambered up onto the bed next to you. 
He kissed your cheek sweetly, his hands wandering up and down your body, gently massaging you everywhere he touched. His grip was firm, but comforting and you started to relax in his hold. 
"I love you cookie." He whispered, kissing your lips sweetly. You could taste the slight tang of alcohol on his lips. He wasn't a huge drinker, but as he couldn't get drunk anyways, it didn't matter what he drank or how much of it. 
"I love you too dreamboat." You said with a slight grin on your face. You had researched old slang for handsome men and it was worth it to see the delight of his old terms being used with him in bed. 
After he was slowly finishing making you feel relaxed and loved, his right hand slipped lower and he started to massage your folds now. 
He lowered himself further on the bed, settling on his stomach so that he could suck on your clit, two fingers pumping in and out of your cunt as he did so. 
Your panting grew heavier as you tossed your head back, hands gripping the blue sheets underneath your hands. "S-S-Steve please." 
"That's it cookie." He murmured, using his thumb to press deep erotic circles into your nub. His other arm came up to hold your hips down as he brought you to the brink of your orgasm. "Give me everything, gonna get you nice and ready." 
You and Steve weren't necessarily trying for kids. You'd only been married for sixth months at this point, but you knew Steve wanted them. Hell, who were you kidding? You wanted them too. Not as many as Steve, granted, but at least two, even three. Five or six seemed a bit much though. But honestly, if six was the amount Steve wanted, you would give them to him. He deserved the world that man. 
Your man. 
You crashed over his fingers and he coaxed you through the entire thing, before he slowly and gently pulled his fingers from your warmth. He licked your essence away as you reached out, gripping his hard length firmly in your hand and started to pump him. 
"Fuck." He groaned as you took his length deep down your throat. His hands flew to your hair, gripping the strands tightly before he could find the willpower to relax and let go, rearranging his hold to become both dominant, yet gentle. 
He didn't let you suck him for long, pulling you off before he could burst. 
He laid you back down on the bed firmly, pulling you forwards a little, lifting your hips off the bed slightly which gave him better access to slide into you. 
"Oh." You moaned out, arms flying upwards to grab him around the neck and pull him close. 
"Oh  cookie." He groaned, bottoming out inside of you before he started to lightly thrust. And then he started to move much faster. 
It didn't take long for the sure signs of his breeding kink to pop out. 
"Please Steve, please go faster, I'm so close." I begged as his hips started to snap forward with precision and strength, pleasure traveling from the tips of my toes to my head. 
Steve groaned lowly. "God yes. Yes, I'm gonna fuck a baby into you Y/N. I'm gonna fill you up till you're round and large. You're gonna have a little baby bump right here." 
He kissed your stomach, right above your belly button. You could read his eyes, filled with love and adoration and desperation. 
"Yes." You whispered, bucking against him. "Please fill me up Steve. I want to have your baby." 
"You want my baby?" Steve asked and the desperation was gone, filled only now with love, adoration, and joy. It was a look that you wished you could put on Steve's face twenty-four seven, especially after long, stressful missions. 
"God yes Steve." You whimpered as he hammered into you. He pressed one leg to the side, hitting you at another, pleasurable angle. 
Your fingers ran down his back. 
"I'm so close baby." He murmured. "Gonna filled you with my seed. Gonna let it take root, gonna give you a baby. Gonna make us a proper family now." 
"Please Steve, fill me up." You begged, hugging him in a death grip. 
You came again just as he spilled into you, and you could feel the ropes traveling deep inside of you. 
Steve panted heavily, his forehead covered with a light sheen of sweat as he worked through light thrusts, making sure the both of you were completely rid of your orgasms. 
He pulled out slowly, rolling over and unsteadily making his way to the bathroom. You could hear the water running and very soon after, he came back with a large purple towel and two small blue washcloths. 
He sank back down onto the bed, wiping down your entire body- the cold water feeling well after the hot session. He cleaned up your pussy last, before placing a kiss on your stomach again. 
"Please." He whispered against your skin, before he pulled back, grabbing the large dry towel to dry you off. He got rid of the towels, cleaning himself off in the bathroom. 
He came back, grabbing himself a new pair of boxers and grabbing you one of his T-shirts and a pair of comfortable silk knickers. 
"I love you Y/N." He whispered, pulling you into him from behind. "I really do." 
"I love you too Stevie." you whispered back, rolling over so that you could snuggle into him like a giant teddy bear.
Five months later you discovered you were having twins. 
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ruinedlover · 2 years
I don’t care what anyone says, Eren has a breeding kink and no one can tell me different. Before he became all emo and got long hair, Eren wanted a family.
Like imagine him holding you down in a mating press, so pussy drunk he doesn’t know how many times he’s came already. All he knows is he wants you absolutely filled to the brim with his seed, to the point it begins to coat his dick white. You’re all fucked stupid, just taking it, making him happy like a good bitch. “I’m gonna fill you up so good, you’re gonna be my pregnant slut- fuck you take me so good.”
He’d suddenly realizes how much his balls ache, how he’s completely drained himself inside you. Yet he can’t stop, he won’t, not until you’re pregnant. “I love you. I love you. I love you- fuck cumming, I’m cumming baby!” He just can’t wait till you’re showing with his baby inside you, he loves you so much, that even after you have a baby he’d fuck another into you.
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sockthepup · 10 months
Is it bad I want someone to give me sleeping pills and a viagra and just ride me while I doze off? Like just absolutely using me in every way they can while I can't keep my eyes open and I just wake up later covered in cum and bite marks
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10ofwater · 3 months
For my future relationships, I'm not going to tell my Dom that I have an IUD. I'm just going to let him unload in me during our breeding sessions. Of course I'm going to beg him not to use a condom this time because I want to feel him cock pulse inside me. I want him to battle with the desire to impregnate me verses the fear of an unplanned pregnancy. After he fills me up, I want to see him spiral with manic anxiety. Our lives intwined when his seed takes root in me, potentially
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roundncontent · 1 year
I’m ovulating and having pregnancy dreams. Someone needs to breed me now
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a-bad-lil-bunny · 6 months
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