#bruno weiss
darknessisafriend · 9 months
I was wondering if you could write one with Joaquin's characters about how would they react to getting neck smooches from their S/O I hope you are well in these crazy times 💓
It's finally here! I finally got time to write! I hope you will enjoy anon, @galos-writing helped me a bit with Abbe ;)
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Commodus is always a man on his guard. So, naturally his neck wouldn’t be an easy part to reach, even for his lover. 
The truth is also that his neck is very sensitive. Commodus is secretly very ticklish, and his sister and mother used to tickle his neck as they played together before bed. No one had been touching his neck in years. 
The first time you tried to, you joined Commodus in his study. He was working late at night as usual, but you missed him dearly lately. You wrapped your arms around him, kissing his cheek first. “My love…it is getting late...” you whispered, hoping it was obvious you needed him to warm your bed up and cool your body down. 
“I have important work to do, Y/N. I have to stay a little longer.” He replied, his eyes focused on whatever he was scribbling. As always, he would work so hard, from early in the morning to late at night, more than anyone else. Thankfully you were there to make sure he would take a break and not kill himself at the service of his People. 
You pouted at first at his answer and then grinned, leaning closer to his ear “His Highness won’t regret it...” you purred in his ear, nibbling his ear lobe, kissing his jaw and then daring a plant a kiss in his neck, right on his calmly pulsing jugular.
He froze at first, not expecting a kiss there, used to a feeling of coldness due to his armor. Your lips felt soft and warm, the opposite of a cold and hard blade he could have expected.
His skin had goosebumps and he looked down, pondering how to react, if he should let down his defense like he did so many times with you before. He made his quill lightly roll between his thumb and index as he thought. The kiss had been surprising, and yet it felt nice but too quick. “Y/N, can you do that again?” he quietly asked. 
You smiled in relief, you had been holding your breath the whole time, fearing it might have triggered him badly. Surprisingly it didn’t, probably because he had a lot more trust in you than he would think. 
This time, you would place your kiss slowly, your lips tracing kisses along his jugular where you felt his pulse had increased frantically, his skin warm and soft, with a strong scent of cinnamon myrrh, his favorite and prestigious perfume. It was intoxicating, just like the rest of his being. 
This time you would feel him relax under your kisses, his eyes almost closing entirely, his quill escaping his fingers that had become weak. His posture would remain high and yet his neck tilted to give you more space as one of your hands caressed his strong chest. “If my Emperor is willing to join our bed…I shall give him plenty of those...” 
“How dare you try to imp….” But Commodus wouldn’t manage to finish his sentence that a moan escaped his lips as you sucked his skin on a particularly sensitive spot. “Run…if I catch you before you get in bed, I will be the one ravaging your body.” He said, making you giggle, he knew you were fast, and he wouldn’t manage to catch you. What he wouldn’t do to make it seem like he had control while he entirely gave it up willingly the moment he fell for you.
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Arthur adores your neck smooches, he is ticklish too but loves it anyway, probably due to his childish spirit.
You had first tried during a tickle battle actually, both of you laughing as you threw pillows at each other and tickled each other. You ended up straddling Arthur beneath you (or rather he loved to let you win). You blocked his arms and placed your lips in his neck to tickle him, something your mom used to do. 
Arthur would let out a squeal, a loud and boyish noise before laughing heartily, a happy laugh. He was fully relaxed, and he had discovered something new about himself. You would lift your head and smile at him, giving him a tender kiss on the lips. 
“Can I try?” he would ask eagerly, his eyes shining with fondness, his fingers delicately caressing your fingers. “Of course. But on one condition…I won’t go easy on you.” You teased him, challenging him to another play of pillow. And slowly a grin would form on his face, a confident one, that you knew from Joker “Don’t complain what comes afterwards darling.” He would purr. 
One thing you had noticed is that Joker had much more raw strength than Arthur, the madness sometimes gave inhuman strength. And you would be able to resist for long, Joker would be quick, naughty and sly; managing to win rapidly. You would gasp as he sent a last pillow hit that was a little too strong, making you lose your balance to fall off the bed.
But thankfully he would catch you in his arms, throwing his body first so he would take the hit and not you. He would laugh with a big smile, not reacting at all under the pain. “Told you I’d win.” He would say, already filling your neck in kisses, making you squirm as you started to giggle. 
His hand would instantly start to roam your body, Joker was more sexual than Arthur and winning you over a battle was even more exciting to his eyes. Even as he would make love to you afterwards, he would keep on filling your neck in kisses, making you laugh in that moment of intimacy. Arthur was still in there after all.
Bruno Weiss:
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Bruno is a grumpy man and he doesn’t like to show himself vulnerable, only when drunk or very tired he does truly reveal himself.
His attitude does change after a while, once the trust builds up.
The first time you did it, was to tease him. He was annoyed by paperwork, keeping on muttering to himself while smoking his cigarette. “Is paying taxes such a headache?” you would ask in a chuckle, making him crush his cigarette in the ashtray. “I’m not working hard to have our money taken away from us.” he would mutter.
“Y/N” he would protest as you sat on his lap. The thing was that he was very weak for you and when you were so close to him, he wouldn’t be able to focus, and he would hate his inability to do so. 
You would grin, you just had to do one thing for him to snap. “You just have to pay darling, or should I do it?” you retorted and quickly smooched his neck before running off, chased by an angry Bruno who would soon calm down under your sweet caresses. 
After this episode, a kiss on the neck would become a soothing gesture for Bruno, one more reminder that he didn’t have to keep his defenses in front of you, that he could be vulnerable. It would be a reminder you would always be there, that you wouldn’t abandon him like everyone else did.
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The first time you kissed Charlie in the neck, it didn’t go well, he had the worst reaction you could have expected from him.
You were sitting by the fire with a few companions and his brother. In a moment  of tenderness you would have sat behind him to hug him, placing a kiss on his cheek then neck. However, would quickly tense up, ignoring the soft smile of his brother at the scene. “What the fuck are you doing!?” Charlie would exclaim, instantly leaving your embrace “I’m not some kind of fag!” he would storm angrily to smoke a cigarette. Everyone would turn their eyes away from you in embarrassment except Ellie, patting your shoulder reassuringly “You know he didn’t mean it.”
And indeed, despite hurting, you knew Charlie was keeping a rough mask in front of everybody and you had brushed it off without thinking.
You would leave him alone for some time to process his gesture. He would be silent, feeling awkward after his outburst, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
“I’m sorry Charlie. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” you would apologize sincerely. You knew he had a rough past and he was the little brother always acting tough to protect the ones he loved, it had cost him half of his sanity. 
“I don’t trust everyone here. I don’t want them to think…” he sighed, throwing his cigarette on the ground and crushing it with the heel of his boot.
You would approach him, wanting to hug him from behind but as you reached out your hand you wouldn’t dare to touch him.
I know. You don’t have to explain yourself. I won’t do it again.” you would offer softly, doing your best to accommodate your struggling lover.
“What are they doing? Are they looking?” he would ask after a moment of silence. You would look back “No, they went to sleep. Ellie is kissing his…scarf.” you replied, an intimate gesture his brother didn’t fear to show.
“Can you do it again?” he would ask in a mutter, you would hear his voice on the edge like a great effort he would make to let down his barriers and he would not repeat himself, fearing.
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The neck would be a triggering part for Joe, always has been as a soldier. This was part he would have to protect often during the war. But you wouldn’t be aware of this specific trigger point. 
One day, as he would be reading, you wouldn’t pay attention and would come to hug him from behind, you were light footed so he tensed up at first. But when it instantly followed with a kiss on the neck, something cool applying to his skin, triggered a past trauma. 
He would gasp and under the flash push you away strongly, making you fall heavily on the ground, pretty much hitting your head at the same time. “Joe what…” you would manage to say, blinking a few times the stars in your eyes. You would find him curled up in a corner, his arms wrapped around his head and neck as an attempt to protect himself.
Your eyes would widen at the sight, understanding he had been severely triggered. In fact, you now remembered reading some articles about it, how strangling and throat slitting was attempted on some factions of soldiers by the enemy and it was surely what had triggered him.
“Joe it’s me. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to scare you.” you would apologize on the verge of tears from the state he was in.
After that it would take a while for him to calm down, he would be closed into silence, feeling guilty of his own reactions to a simple kiss. But you would work things out as always, taking baby steps in trying to eliminate that trigger, his service dog helping as well, nuzzling his truffle in his neck while cuddling.
You would make sure to eliminate the effect of surprise during that gesture, coming to stand in front of him, caressing his chest and slowly tying your arms around his neck, asking for permission to kiss his neck. And it would work out well after many months of trial. You wouldn’t do it much tho cause you didn’t want to push this too fast, besides you loved kissing his lips, chest and arms much better.
With time Joe would grow to like it as well, it was much nicer to open his neck to a loving kiss rather than a cold blade. 
Max California:
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- Max California loves neck kisses. He is a very physical lover so when he is with you he is rather clingly, and especially loves PDA, he is a possessive lover but not in a toxic way, he would simply be very proud of you. 
-  Very early in your relationship you would have gone onto neck kisses, at the shop as you assisted you would often lean against him hugging you from behind, placing lazy kisses from time to time as you both await clients to pick their next dirty products. Your neck was constantly filled with hickeys so the clients wouldn’t bother you. 
- However, Max himself was often subject to passion from clients and strangers, men and women desiring the dark punk boy working in a sex shop wearing a crop top. That would make you terribly annoyed and you knew an efficient way to mark your territory. Just do the same!
-  As you had gone to refill a shelf of porn magazines, you would decide to surprise him. Instead of going to insert yourself between his arms, you would hug him from behind as he chatted with a female client, filling his neck in small smooches, looking at the client in the eyes. Without surprise she would understand the message and leave promptly.
- Max would grin and turn his head to meet your eyes “Do you think she had any chance with me?” he would ask, making you blush and bite his neck in protest, making him chuckle. “But keep going, I like it.” He would add, his hand coming to caress your cheek before focusing on work again. 
-You would retain a happy squeal, muffling it against his skin before kissing it. Max wouldn’t be too sensitive on the neck so at first, he wouldn’t get aroused. He would simply be very happy of your attention, that you took the lead. He was a feminist after all so he would encourage such things in public and also loved to be under your control. 
-One day, after a weekend apart Max would even surprise you with a tattoo, red lips modeled on the lipstick you often left in his neck. He would wear a proud grin on his face. “What’d you think?” he asked, very pleased with himself and to show he was a marked territory already.
- “I think I still need to add a little bit more purple to it, you know, to make it livelier.” You grinned back, opening your arms and wrapping them around his neck as you would passionately make out.
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As the composed and religious man of God he is, the Abbé has never experienced an intimate touch from no one. 
This has given him incredible awkwardness when he started feeling carnal desires for you besides romantic feelings, his religious trauma and brainwash made him believe he was a sinner and regret his own nature of man. Your love for him made you feel bad for his condition, so of course you tried to help him.
You already knew he would go crazy in the worst way possible if you had taken the lead without psychologically telling him, so you planned to slowly introduce him to physical affection. So you invited him for tea to ‘innocently chitchat’.
During the talk, he seemed still pretty nervous about the topic, but less than usual. It felt like a good sign for you, but you didn’t expect his next request.
The Abbé was actively avoiding your gaze as he parted his lips to speak, his cheeks turned a bright red. “Might I… dare to kiss you?” He asked in almost a whisper, making you blush and then scoff; his excessive politeness was adorable to you. You nodded, and approached, ready for a quick peck. You didn’t expect him to grab your shoulders and capture your lips for a goofy yet extremely heated kiss. 
You could hear him let out little noises already despite you weren’t touching him either. So, when the kiss was over, you smirked, licking your lips, delighted by that kiss, and leaned closer, brushing your lips against his neck. You could hear a gasp escape his lips, which lowkey turned you on. 
So you started by giving his neck a first soft kiss, noticing his chest moving up and down faster and his heartbeat louder. He swallowed down, trying to reluctantly pull back, it was obvious he was loving those kisses yet he thought it was wrong. “Y/N…”, he whimpered, letting out soft moans for every kiss you gave him. Every moan of his was one more shiver of excitement running through your spine. 
You suddenly felt your clothes being grabbed by his fists, his noises became a bit louder and his hips were starting to slightly jerk forward. Unfortunately that thick pitch black cassock was leaving no room for imagination, but you knew underneath he was fighting against a massive boner.
Suddenly, after you gently nibbled a spot on his throat, he let out a high pitched whimper, obviously choking other noises in his throat and trembling a bit, his mouth was agape. You stepped back, thinking you hurt him, but after some seconds, he was heavily painting and squeezing his legs together: he came just with your neck kisses. 
You would have lied if you said you weren’t proud of yourself. Especially after he looked at you dead in the eye and said: “There’s no turning back after this, right…?”. He seemed defeated, yet somehow relieved when you shook your head, hopeful to get further with him. Finally.
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Merill is a lover of PDA and of neck kisses as well. Which means that naturally he would give them to you.
He is a protective man and possessive. In public he would especially love to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist to place a tender kiss on your neck.
Naturally you would return the favor. Merill wouldn't be surprised or taken aback, he would let you do and even lean into your touch.
For Merill, neck smooches would represent letting himself get vulnerable willingly for the one he loves.
It was something he was proud of. Merill was known across town for his strong character, his stubbornness, and impulsivity. And many thought that he wasn’t an easy man to handle, that despite attracting many girls with his look, when they got to know him they would run away. 
It wasn’t the truth actually, ladies loved how he knew what he wanted and his passion, his love for his family. And you were the lucky one, the only one he ever allowed neck kisses from, encouraging you to mark him with hickeys, show who he belonged to. 
You would especially enjoy tickling him with your lips during a baseball match, distracting him when he was getting too agitated by the bad talent of some. It would work wonderfully, to the point he would melt in your touch, his attention drifting away more and more from the match to focus on you. During the final match you would end up making out and more in the lockers room where no one would come to find you.
Tag list: @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @charlie-sisters @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @niniitah-ah @morrisonmercurryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix @galos-writing @sparklygardenerlove
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hiddentrails7 · 6 months
I've decided if there's a black/white pairing in media I'll immediately love them
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justrandom9 · 2 years
jaune:(ren play guitar, wingman: One, two, one, two, three) Aw, yeah, yeah(2x)
Never had much faith in love or miracles, Never wanna put my heart on the line But swimming in your water's something spiritual
'Cause your eyes takes me to paradise Yeah, your eyes takes me to paradise And it shows!
'Cause you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Yeah, you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven
You bring me to my knees, you make me testify You can make a sinner change his ways Open up your gates 'cause I can't wait to see the light And right there is where I wanna stay
Can I just stay here? Spend the rest of my days here?
Pyrrha:(Blushing) Jaune! I didn’t knew you felt tha--(cinder sucker punched pyrrha)
Cinder:(Quickly compose herself) Wow! that was really cheesy!- but since you went that far.. I’ll think abo-(Pyrrha; rear naked choke hold cinder)
Pyrrha:(Bloody murder in her eyes) You wished BITCH!!!
jaune(awkwardly move away of the two women fighting, points his attention to the one he actually confess to): So?
Weiss(still focused on the two women fighting on the floor, confused what happened): Whu?, Oh, right!.. That was sweet jaune(cringe to his confession), but like I said before “No”! i’m sorry jaune, but it’s not going to happen!
jaune: Oh! I see(weiss pats his shoulders for a moment of comfort, then leaves)
jaune(moping over another rejection from weiss. ren; arm over jaune shoulder, being a good friend): She’s right, who am I kidding, what girl would want to date a dork like me!?
Ren(stoic face on; looked at Jaune, then looked at the two girls still fighting over jaune, then back to Jaune)sarcastic tone: Yes! what kind of girl’s would want to date you.
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2t2r · 6 years
Monolicious II – de nouvelles photos d’architecture par Sebastian Weiss
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/monolicious-ii-de-nouvelles-photos-darchitecture-par-sebastian-weiss/
Monolicious II – de nouvelles photos d’architecture par Sebastian Weiss
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five-miles-over · 7 months
Joaquin Phoenix Characters Masterlist
updated 08 November 2023
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Multiple Character Headcanons and Listicles
�� Joaquin Phoenix Characters as University Students
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Cupcakes
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters - Sleepover Headcanons
• If Joaquin Phoenix Characters Went on Dates
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Comfort Foods
• Holiday Gift Ideas for Joaquin Phoenix Characters
• Commodus, Abbé, and Joe as Parents 
Abbé de Coulmier from Quills
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• The World’s a Broken Bone: The Abbé comforts the reader - a nurse at Charenton - when they have a severe migraine.
• Let Me Save You: A crossover with Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak
• The Ballad of Mona Lisa: The reader confesses to the Abbé about fantasies that they have been experiencing lately. (Smut)
• Abbé de Coulmier x Light Academia (aesthetic board)
Arthur Fleck from Joker
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• Yandere Arthur Fleck Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck and Joker Jealousy Headcanons
• NSFW Headcanons
• Yandere!Arthur and Yandere!Joker Dealing With Rejection in Public
• Joker and Cruella de Ville Crossover Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck x 50s Retrocore
Bruno Weiss from The Immigrant
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• Bruno Weiss x Roaring 20s (Aesthetic Board)
Clay Bidwell from Clay Pigeons
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• Misery Loves Company: Clay meets the reader at a bar and the two of them have a much-needed break from their troubles.
• Hey Good Lookin’: Clay loves it when his girlfriend sits on his lap and asks him for a kiss (fluff)
Emperor Commodus from Gladiator
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• Imagine Teaching Commodus to Slow Dance
• The Courtesan: The reader is a dancer that catches the eye of Emperor Commodus at a party
• ‘Till I Hear You Sing: A song-based fic based on “Til I Hear You Sing” from Love Never Dies
• What I Did For Love: Continuation from ‘Til I Hear You Sing’. A song-fic based on “What I Did for Love” from A Chorus Line
• New Girl: A high school AU of the movie Gladiator. The reader has recently moved to Rome and is now a new student at the Roman Educational Institute
• Paparazzi (Hollywood!Commodus x Reader): Another Gladiator AU in which the reader has a chance encounter in Rome with Commodus, a world-famous actor hounded by paparazzi.
• All Love Can Be: Prince Commodus meets the reader through their fathers working together, and eventually decides to ask for her hand.
• Handsome: The reader gets a little drunk while spending time with Commodus, and turns a bit childish and dorky.
• The Festivals of Saturn: Commodus’s first Saturnalia as a young sixteen-year-old co-emperor.
• Lay All Your Love on Me: Commodus falls unconditionally and irrevocably in love with a confident young woman along the seashores of Lanuvium
• Lose Me In the Sight of You: All you wished for was the blessing of Lady Juno that you would find a good husband, yet little did you know that a certain Emperor has grown passionately and hopelessly obsessed with you. (TW: Yandere)
• Emperor Commodus x Vampire Aesthetic
• Commodus’s Outfits as Chocolates
• Similarities Between Chuck Bass from “Gossip Girl” and Commodus from “Gladiator”
The young prince (and soon to be Emperor of Rome) Commodus falls in love with you, the daughter of a nobleman, and nothing will stand in the way of his obsession.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A sequel to the events of the film Gladiator, in which Emperor Commodus survives the duel with Maximus
• Chapter 1: The Impossible Dream
• Chapter 2: Proud of Your Boy
• Chapter 3: The Point of No Return
• Chapter 4: Look Down
• Chapter 5: Beneath a Moonless Sky
• Chapter 6: These Palace Walls
• Chapter 7: Wait For It
• Chapter 8: Something There
• Chapter 9: Be Prepared
• Chapter 10: Twisted Every Way
• Chapter 11: All I Ask of You 
• Chapter 12: History Has Its Eyes on You
Max California from 8 MM
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• Max California x Dark Academia
• Max California Proposing to You (Headcanons)
Ray Elwood from Buffalo Soldiers
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• Ray Elwood Taking You Out on a Date Would Include...
Willie Gutierrez from The Yards
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• Blackout: The reader is Willie Gutierrez’s new neighbor, and the two of them accidentally meet during a power outage
• The Light Blinking at the End of the Tunnel: The reader offers some much-needed comfort to Willie after finding out about his dark past.
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enibas22 · 3 months
You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzLtaF6dYMI&t=101s
14th March 2024
DIE ERMITTLUNG - Plakat und Trailer
Regisseur RP Kahl hat das Theaterstück "Die Ermittlung" von Peter Weiss mit 60 Schauspieler:innen für die Kinoleinwand inszeniert. Der heute veröffentlichte Trailer gibt einen ersten Einblick in das künstlerisch radikale Projekt, das Kino, Theater und neueste Broadcast-Techniken verbindet, um einen eindringlichen und zeitgemäßen Beitrag zur Erinnerungskultur zu leisten.
Im Zentrum des Films stehen ein Richter, ein Verteidiger und ein Ankläger, die im Rahmen der Verhandlung auf 28 Zeug:innen treffen, die von ihren Erlebnissen und Beobachtungen in Auschwitz berichten. Weitere 11 Zeug:innen der ehemaligen Lagerverwaltung sagen vor Gericht aus. Die 18 Angeklagten werden im Prozess mit Beschreibungen der Zeug:innen konfrontiert und sollen Stellung beziehen.
Das Theaterstück wurde 1965 uraufgeführt und hat bis heute nichts von seinem Schrecken verloren: Es basiert auf persönlichen Aufzeichnungen, Zeitungsartikeln und Protokollen des ersten Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozesses (1963 bis 1965). In unmissverständlich klarer Sprache von Peter Weiss zu einem lyrischen Klagegesang verdichtet und montiert, konfrontiert das Stück Täter und Opfer und lässt das Grauen in Auschwitz spürbar werden.
Nach einer intensiven, vierwöchigen Probenzeit haben 60 Schauspieler:innen den Text von Peter Weiss für die Kinoleinwand zum Leben erweckt. An insgesamt fünf Drehtagen wurden die einzelnen Gesänge im Studio Berlin Adlershof mit einem ausgefeilten visuellen Konzept in nur einer Einstellung gedreht - eingefangen von insgesamt acht Kameras.
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In den Hauptrollen sind Rainer Bock als Richter, Clemens Schick als Ankläger und Bernhard Schütz als Verteidiger zu sehen. Hochkarätig besetzt sind auch alle anderen Rollen, so werden die Zeug:innen von Andreas Anke, Filipp Avdeev, Elisabeth Duda, Marc Fischer, Arno Frisch, Attila Georg Borlan, Dorka Gryllus, Marek Harloff, André Hennicke, Marcel Hensema, Rony Herman, Marco Hofschneider, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Rene Ifrah, Eva Maria Jost, Christian Kaiser, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Andreas Lechner, Peter Lohmeyer, Jiri Madl, Karl Markovics, Thomas Meinhardt, Robert Mika, Axel Moustache, Dirk Ossig, Axel Pape, Christiane Paul, Barbara Philipp, Andreas Pietschmann, Ralph Schicha, Peter Schneider, Andreas Schröders, Axel Sichrovsky, André Szymanski, Sabine Timoteo, Tom Wlaschiha, Mark Zak und Matthias Zera verkörpert. In der Rolle der Angeklagten standen Thomas Dehler, Nico Ehrenteit, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Christian Hockenbrink, Timo Jacobs, Ronald Kukulies, Lasse Myhr, Christian Pfeil, Torsten Ranft, Michael Rotschopf, Frank Röth, Matthias Salamon, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Tristan Seith, Michael Schenk, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Adam Venhaus, Till Wonka vor den Kameras.
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psyga315 · 10 months
RWBY's character arcs summed up in a paragraph
Ruby Rose: A Bruno Mars song resolved what should have been the biggest moment of her arc.
Weiss Schnee: Her entire family had more of a character arc than she did. And more to do with overthrowing Jacques. Even Jacques.
Blake Belladonna: All it took to resolve her quest was to burn down her house and blame it on her whole race, then boil racism down to a lifetime story before being reduced to a cat girl waifu for...
Yang Xiao Long: By far the most hypocritical of all the members since her arc revolves around distrusting people for secrets and lies (even bitching out her own sister for her poor leadership as it involves lying to an ally) yet she herself willingly partakes in lying and secret keeping, even covering for her child murdering, village burning mother who literally worked with Satan's cult to murder them just moments ago (and nearly killed Weiss). Now she's reduced to the hook for phishing bee shippers.
Let me know which other character arcs I should boil down to a summary.
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somerabbitholes · 1 year
Hey, could you recommend some books/essays/articles on the potential Chinese hegemony-a deep dive into Chinese politics? Thanks a bunch, and have a great day <3
hi! i don't know where you're writing from, so i must warn you that a lot of these involve implications for india.
Fateful Triangle by Tanvi Madan: a history of how US-India relations were shaped by the relationship of either with China during the Cold War; looks into the motivations of all countries involved
Belt and Road by Bruno Macaes: about the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), its economic, strategic, and soft power dimensions and how China sees the project
The Long Game by Vijay Gokhale: specifically about how China negotiates with India; especially insightful because he used to be the ambassador to China. Also see his After Tiananmen, which is about the directions that China took after 1989
China After Mao by Frank Dikotter: charts the reform in China starting in the 1970s; looks into the validity of the idea of "opening up"; looks at how the market works within the society and within the bounds of the Party
The Great Game in the Buddhist Himalayas by Phunchok Stobdan: studies China's and India's operations for strategic dominance in the Himalayas; looks at how the region became such a contentious one
Also just some articles/essays/papers:
China's Expanding Influence in the UN System by Gateway House
Chinese Investments in South Asia by Amit Bhandari
The China Trap by Jessica Chen Weiss
China's Hidden Tech Revolution by Dan Wang
China's Latin American Power Play by Julio Armando Guzman
South Korea's Slow Pivot to China by Amlan Dutta
Hope that helps!
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tsunami-subastas · 3 months
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OLA SOLIDARIA/ Más de 30 lazos de amor 
Más de 30 lazos de amor, es un proyecto que toma a la figura del amor como basamento catártico, formulado a partir de procedimientos de trabajo colectivo donde me propongo mirar y pensar la forma de vincularnos, utilizando y sugiriendo que la técnica que acompañe la propuesta sea el bordado.
El suceso que originó este proyecto data de 2015, cuando motivada por una profunda y dolorosa ruptura amorosa, di comienzo a la reconstrucción metafórica de mi propio desamor, encontrando en el bordado la herramienta que “arreglaba” eso que sentía destrozado. Esta búsqueda dio lugar a otras: los vínculos amorosos con el resto de las personas de mi vida y la forma que tenemos de demostrarlo, hicieron de mi corazón un gran tejido. Así es que se expandió y me animé a invitar a otros a trabajar. La propuesta fue sencilla: elegir una tela estampada, por gusto, por su textura, por su cuerpo, por lo que quisieran y comenzar a pensar el vínculo que cada uno tiene con el amor; el propio, el ajeno. El amor en todos sus sentidos, sin límites. La idea fue bordar, cortar, romper, descoser, agujerear, hacer lo que cada uno sintiera.
La propuesta es un ritual donde finalmente me reconstruyo en los trabajos de los demás salvándome, por ahora.
¿Dónde van los fondos recaudados?
Hace unos años conocí a Caro Soriano, mujer, fotógrafa, mamá, luchadora; la conocí haciendo fotos en el taller de Gabi Muzzio. Caro a parte de tantas cosas lindas y de que se le hacen agujeritos en los cachetes cuando se ríe, es la Presidenta de la *Fundación FAME Argentina (Familias con Atrofia Muscular Espinal). La misma se encarga de agrupar familias y pacientes afectados con Atrofia Muscular Espinal, que es una enfermedad genética neuronal, caracterizada por la pérdida de músculo esquelético causada por la progresiva degeneración de las células del asta anterior de la médula espinal.
Ella me mostró lo que significa lidiar con una discapacidad desde lo corporal así como también desde lo social. Me mostró la cantidad de cuerpo que hay que poner en una lucha pero sobe todas las cosas me enseñó que sin el amor, que es lo que la sostiene, no podría continuar. Caro es mi más enorme lazo de amor.
Por eso el fin de este proceso de producción, amorosa y catártica es recaudar fondos para que FAME siga luchando y todas estas personas consigan pronto la aplicación de la Spinraza que es la droga que cambiará sus vidas!
Sigamos construyendo lazos de amor, gracias por colaborar!
Agradecimiento especial a todos los bordadores que participaron:
Alicia Salvañá/Angie Strappa/Arturo Geminell/Belén Rimini/Betina Barandalla/Bruno Gloriani/Camila Gómez/Camila Sauan/Carolina Soriano/Cecilia Ann/Cristina Rosenberg/Delfina Forno/Florencia Giacobe/Florencia Llarrull/Florencia Luciani/Forencia Toba/Gabriel González Suárez/Gabriela Muzzio/Guadalupe Rúas/Inés Beninca/Joaquín Gómez Hernandez/Josefina Estevez/Josué Gómez/Julia Trecu/Larisa Luciani/Laura Pizzorno/Lucía Anghilante/Luciano Rondano/Magalí Drivet/Mailin Weiss/María Belén Gómez/María Cristina Pérez/María Gracia Paoletti/María Laura Carrascal/Mariana Pissano/Marina Ciuffoli/Marisa Betucci/Mariu Fondato/Martín Leonard/Martín Moreno/Natalia Trejo/Norma Rojas/Pamela Bavutti/Romina De Luca/Rosario Telleria/Silvana Scuisatto/Sofía Estevez/Sofía Meier/Valeria Bezos/Victoria Cenóz/Victoria Estevez/Victoria Gomez Hernandez/Violeta Martin/Susana Marcozzi/Adolescentes participantes del taller: “Maquinando Relatos” Centro de Convivencia Barrial Barrio Santa Lucía. Coordinado por Sofía Meier y Natalia Trejo/Alumnos del taller:  Pintura 2, año 2016. Escuela de Bellas Artes (UNR). Docente Titular: María Cristina Pérez – Norma Rojas.
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ask-luciavampire · 2 years
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An early Halloween post what there wearing for Halloween for the party/ trick-or treating 
first pic
(Lucia is loona from helluva boss )
(twilight is roxy from 5 night at freddy scaredy breach)
second pic
(nyx is bruno from encanto)
(shadow walker is star from star vs the forces of evil)
(gina heart is eda from owl house)
(sapphira is kissy missy from poppy playtime)
(violet is weiss from rwby)
(alice is among us)
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shinkai14 · 1 year
Pokémon AU family List
(will give more info if needed)
Red Miyagawa and Blue Oak (Married)
Akane, Willow, Ichiro, Kaede & Samuel "Sammy" Miyagawa-Oak
Ash Ketchum and Misty (Married)
 Kyla, Caspian & Marilla Ketchum
Brock Harrison and Lucy (Separated)
Thomas, Wade" and Terra" Harrison
Brock and Rebecca (Fling)
Amethyst "Amy" Harrison
Brock and Liliana (Married)
Maria'’’, Sophia’’’ & Macy’’’ Harrison
Leaf Greene and Kris (Married)
Jade", Ivy" & Lin Greene
Trace Herrings and Chase (Married)
Kyrie, Allen & Angelina Herring
Janine Hayashi and Elaine (Married)
Haru, Kenji, Makoto" & Haruna" Hayashi
Goh Yamashita and Horace (Married)
Fumiko, Azumi, Daichi", Jiro" and Hiro Yamashita
Chloe Cerise (Single)
Lucy Cerise
Gary Oak and Domino (Fling)
Juniper Oak
Gary Oak and Zinnia (Not together anymore)
Ivy Oak
Gary Oak and Edric Ross (Married)
Samantha, Darron and Kathrine Oak
Ritchie Berry and Damian (Not together anymore)
Lexie Berry
Ritchie Berry and Derick (Married)
Alex and Daniel
Lt. Adam Surge and Violet
Nixie, Gale and Bolt Surge
Erika Kayano and Darcy (Divorced)
Fiona Kayano
Sabrina And Will Tanaka (Married)
Emiko Tanaka
Lorelei Landa And Winona (Married)
Breena, Maya, Zephyr, Neil & Claire Landa
Bruno Grayson (Single)
Casey and Mason Grayson
James De Rossi and Jessie (Married)
Jamie, Julia, Jackie and Jasper De Rossi
Butch and Daisy Oak (Married)
Rosie and Paisley Oak
Tracey Sketchit and Daisy (Married)
Heather, Holly and Wyatt Sketchit
Ethan Asahi and Sliver (Married)
Scarlett, Riku, Sumire, Haruki, Ryuki, Sierra, Ember, Talia and Gale Asahi
Elio Sunna and Lyra (Married)
Lyre, Leilani, Oliver & Kai Sunna
Lance Blackthorn and Hanako (Married, Hanako is dead)
Luna Blackthorn
Morty Ellis and Falkner (Married)
Raven, Robin and Elliot Ellis
Bugsy Withers and Whitney (Married)
Beckett Withers
Jasmine Tachibana and Solidad (Married)
Rosianna and Ross Kernel
Clair Blackthorn (Single)
Ryu Blackthorn
Karen Lee (Single)
Connie Lee
Cyrus Caddel and Saturn (Not together anymore)
Portia Caddel
Archer Lawrence and Saturn (Married)
Aries, Polaris and Rhea Lawrence
Archer Lawrence and Proton Richter (Not together anymore)
Artemis Richter
Proton Richter and Domino (Not together anymore)
Juno Richter
Professor Elm and his wife (Married)
Cedar Elm
Eusine Smith (Single)
Serenity Smith
Khoury Matthews and Casey (Divorced)
Alice Matthews
Liza Rose and Zinnia (Separated)
Maeve Rose
Brad van darn and Fantina Albret (Married)
Elizabeth Albret
Pierce Elrod and Wendy (Affair)
Freya Elrod
Attila Sharp and Hun (Married)
Demeter, Calypso and Helios Sharp
Brendan Birch and May (Married)
Madison and Henry Birch
Max and Tory Lund (Married)
Alice and Aiden Lund
Wally Harrell and Lisia (Married)
Hayden and Maybelle Harrell
Drew Campbell and Brianna (Married)
Autumn and Summer Campbell
Harley Gray and Nando (Separated)
Marianna Gray
Harley Gray and Juan Richelieu (One night stand)
Francis and Mary Richelieu
Paris Mercia And Solidad (Divorced)
Dena and Jackson Mercia
Wallace and Steven Stone (Married)
Elaine and Petra Stone
Brawly Rush and Roxanne (Married)
Mia and Alexander Rush
Sidney Parker and Flannery (Married)
Flare Parker
Korrina Derand and Phoebe (Married)
Jenna, Gracie & Erwin Derand
Looker Spade and Anabel (Married)
Layla, Helena and Edward Spade
Nando and Tucker Conners (Affair)
Grace Conners
Maxie Embers and Archie (Together)
Kyna, Hector and Darren Embers
Glacia And Ervin Sawyer (Divorced)
Elsa Sawyer
Shelly Waller and Courtney (Married)
Mira Waller
Dana Desmond and Zinnia (One night stand)
Lydia Desmond
Barry Tsumura and Lucas (Married)
Tsutsuji and Hiroko Tsumura
Dawn Berlitz and Zoey
Aurora, Weiss, Gwendolyn and Ronan Berlitz
Paul Norwood and Ursula Lovett (Divorced)
Meaghan and Sasha Norwood
Paul Norwood and Miette (Married)
Anthony and Briar Norwood
Cynthia Reiss and Diantha (Married)
Genevieve and Mariane Reiss
Roark Blair and Riley (Married)
Thea, Rhea, Noah and Lapis Blair
Gardenia Fujimura and Cheryl (Married)
Ayaka Fujimura
Maylene Olsen and Candice (Married)
Noelle & Hayley Olsen
Flint Russel and Volkner (Married)
Dustin and Sophia Russel
Lucian Garnier and Aaron (Married)
Rachael Garnier
Thorton Rhodes and Marley (Married)
Lelia and Luis Rhodes
Hunter J and Mars Seymour (Together, Hunter J is dead)
Pluto Seymour
Buck Russel and Mira (Married)
Blake Russel
Reggie Norwood and Zero (Not together anymore)
Dina Norwood
Reggie Norwood and Lena (Married)
Ezra and Stella Norwood
Kenny Hudson and Leona (Married)
Carmen Hudson
Sho Jonas and Autumn (Married)
Weiss, Lily and Mint Jonas
Tonio Hvam and Alice
Anisa and Dale Hvam
Baron Alberto and Queen Ilene (Fling)
Amaris De Rota
Baron Alberto and Lilith (Married)
Mercia. Jewel and Josephine De Alamos
Grimsley Millard and Zero (Not together anymore)
Crispian and Demi Millard
Lysandre Allard and Zero (TBD)
Vesper & Zeke Allard
Zero and Baraz Laurier (One night stand)
Arleth Laurier
Kevin Mythos and Sheena (Married)
Kyra and Roland Mythos
Sorrel Hart and Verity (Married)
Luna Hart
Verity and Cross West (Separated)
Austin West
Hilbert and Natural Harmonia Gropius (Married)
Aria, Mercy and Euphemia Harmonia (Euphemia is adopted)
Chili Gardener and Hilda (Married)
Cassandra Gardener
Chili Gardener and Burgundy (Divorced)
Millicent “Millie” Gardener
Cilan Gardener and Clemont Alarie (Married)
Adrien and Audrey Gardener
Cilan Gardener and Alain Sycamore (Married)
Cecilia Gardener
Clemont Alarie and Alain Sycamore (Married)
Ciel Alarie
Cress Gardener and Calem Xavier (Married)
Lyne and Nathan Xavier-Gardener
Lenora Abrams and Hawes (Married)
Verdona and Vincent Abrams
Serena Castillon and Shauna (Married)
Elodie Castillon
Lysandre Allard and Malva Aubert (Not together anymore)
Alexis and Bastion Aubert
Wikstrom and Siebold Blanchet (Separated)
Lucienne Blanchet
Lysandre Allard and Bellatrix (Divorced)
Cédric Allard
Lysandre Allard and Alain Sycamore (Not together)
Irene Sycamore
Lysandre Allard and Baraz Laurier (Not together)
Ausra Laurier
Lysandre Allard and Professor Augustine Sycamore (Not together anymore)
Sylvie Sycamore
Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius x Colress Keene (Not together anymore)
Euphemia Harmonia (Adopted by Hilbert and N)
Butch Cathcart x Cassidy
Mitch and Mera Cathcart
Todd Snap x Julie (Married)
James, Jamie & Madison Snap
Lysandre Allard x Concordia Harmonia
Moira Harmonia
Hugh Maes x Nate 
Violet & Blake Maes
Rosa Weiss x Roxie 
Patricia “ Patty “, Eliza’’ & Edric’’ Weiss
Iris x Benga Eales
Iona & Rex Eales 
Cheren Griffith x Bianca
April, Cornelia, Corwin, Darrell & Luna Griffith
Rudy Gate x Trip
 Davena & Bruno Gate 
Stephan Tayler x Heidi
Max, Sophie & Kelly Tayler
Georgia Morgan
Gregory Morgan 
Elesa Melbourne x Skyla
Skyler, Taran, Audra & Vetra
Brycen x Burgh Kersey
Lorraine, Colleen, Terrence, Travis Kersey
Marlon Raine x Kelly
Ariel and Clyde Raine 
Caitlin Everett x Shauntal
Emaline’’, Emilio’’, Farrell & Atlas Everett
Newton Graceland 
Lawton and Martha Graceland
Lysandre Allard x Celosia ( TBD)
Sarah Allard
Rei Eto x Yui (Married)
Akiko Eto
Akari Berlitz x Junko (Married)
Yuri and Yumi Berlitz
Volo Reiss
Verna Reiss
Adaman Hishikawa x Hayami (Married)
Akemi, Haru and Honoka Hishikawa
Mai Okumura x Jiro (Married)
Fujitsu and Kenzo Okumura
Arezu Akamine x Kimiko (Married)
Ezume Akamine
Iscan x Palina Magnolia (Married)
Rosianna Magnolia
Irida x Fredrick Castillon (Married)
Akane Castillon
Professor Laventon x his wife (Married)
Maria Laventon
Cyllene Caddel x Daichi (Married, Daichi is dead)
Cora Caddel
Melli x Ingo Collett
Tokiko’’, Tomiko’’, Kenji’’, Kentaro’’ & Etsuko Collett
Tucker x Avery Hackney
Arthur Hackney
Shielbert x Avery Hackney
Cordelia Hackney
Giovanni Forte x Rena 
Giana Forte
Lily Lynde x Hannah 
Tulip & Roland Lynde
Lara Laramie
Michael Laramie
Regina Mills x Jeremy
Garrett, Kaylie & James Mills
Valerie Bristol x Evelyn Desmond
Daphnis, Alette, Elros & Aine Bristol
Florian Villatoro x Kieran
Valeria Villatoro
Luna Blackthorn x Yellow
Tea Blackthorn
Aria Daviau
Daphné Daviau
Professor Samuel Oak x Elisa
Willow Oak
Celio x Lanette Bailey Lindsey, Booker & Ashton Bailey
Forrest Harrison x Maizie Oscar & Carl Harrison
Quillon Mittelman x Petrel Amber Mittelman
Quillon Mittelman x Danika Allegra & Marcus Mittelman
Morgan Desmond x Bridgette Bailey Marsha Desmond
Sordward x Sonia Emily, Mary, Lawrence, Annabelle and Garrett Magnolia
Lizabeth Blair x Christie
Marina & Danny Blair
(Will update more later)
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ruthlessreaders · 2 years
Characters from the Theodora Taylor story-verse That I’d Love to See Get Their Own Book
Faizan from Rashid: Her Ruthless Boss – He was Rashid's personal assistant. I thought the budding romance between him and Jasmine was cute, but, of course, her happily ever after was with Han. I'd like to see him get some happiness.
Sierra from Waylon: Angel and the Ruthless Reaper – She was Amira's friend and former co-worker. I wanna see if she'll ever settle down with just one biker or keep switching them out like underwear. Plus it'd be nice to revisit Angel Pond, if she's still there.
Sasha and Kasha from Ruthless King (formerly titled Zahir: Her Ruthless Sheikh) – They're the twin sisters of Prin Jones. I wanna see them find love and because I'm ridiculous I want them to fall in love with twin brothers (just like Layla and Roxxy from Her Ruthless Tycoon and Her Ruthless Cowboy but with maybe a pinch less drama)
Antonio from Waylon: Angel and the Ruthless Reaper – He's Amira's foster brother. His street gang upgraded to an entire cartel, so now I think it's time for him to find the right woman to upgrade the rest of his life. And, come to think of it, I wouldn't be mad if that woman was Sierra.
Melinka Hale from Hades: Stephanie and the Ruthless Mogul – Stephanie had a meeting with her because she ran the charitable wing of Weiss Fox Beer. I'm kinda hoping that she's the woman who Lukas Brandt bailed on his wedding for.
Emilio Alvarez from Her Russian Billionaire – He was Alexei's friend and assistant before Alexei promoted him to run the New York headquarters of Rustanov Enterprises. Eva described him as “tall, lean and exceeding handsome”. I was intrigued and ready to read more about him, but we never saw him again. How's Emilio doing in NY?!
Bruno Monceaux from Her Wild and Sexy Nights (Dim the Lights, An Anthology) – He was a midfielder for the Paris L’élite football club. He mentioned a romance he had with an American woman he met while doing charity work in Cameroon, and I need to know what happened. And for their story to have a happy end.
Which TT character(s) do you hope get their own book(s)?
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zamgoods · 4 months
Shakira & J. Lo's FULL Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show 
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January 30, 2024 335 days left in the year. 1.30  30.1   Illumination: 81% The moon is 19 days old, 10 days remaining.
So now we know. The Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Fransisco 49ers @ Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas Nevada on 36 degree latitude, home stadium to Raiders who is originaly from Oakland San Fran bay area, home of Black Panther Party and Bruce Lee’s school for Self Defense on Feb 11th.  
The uniforms both are a reddish and yellowish/goldish colored team.  There is even a player named Gould.  Indian Chiefs with arrow and Gold Digging Miners come to steal the Indian’s gold in 1849 (before civil war) Gold rush.  And THis year is our year of 24K gold.  The χρυσός Chrysos...The Chrysening year Bruno Mars, 24k Magic.  goddess of Gold is Theia Euryphaessa  Divine Wide Light.
The 2.11 Info line and 12th anniversary of Whitney Houston’s drowning in a Tub in 2012. The Voice of music.  Elvis’s Viva Las Vegas.  LVIII the LV sounds like start of EL Vis
February 11 New Moon Birth of a new something, something. Waxing Crescent Illumination: 4%
The Stadium is branded after an Airline formed in 1997.  “Airplanes”  Allegiant meaning Loyal follower of a cult.  The stadium’s nick name is THe DEATH STAR.  more like the dead stars...Aaliyah, Whitney, Elvis oh my.  Whitney found dead in a bath tub in the bathroom, Elvis on the toilet in his Bathroom both with drugs in the mix.  Aaliyah was found to have been drugged before being carried on board a tiny airplane with a heavy payload of 700 pounds more than it could bear.  Crashing to the left, one minute after lift off/ Take Off.  
Aaliyah in Romeo Must Die was set in Oakland and was about a new stadium being built for the Raiders.  Must Die is Akbar aka Han, his brother Po and Trishes brother Colin “run with the show, Green MJ” already murdered by hanging and thrown from a tower (911 and Tarot references).
Star Wars plot at the Death Star... Must be blown up.  It’s a moon with a crater where Death rays destroy planets.   “Constructed by the autocratic Galactic Empire, the Death Star is capable of annihilating entire planets into rubble, and serves to enforce the Empire's reign of terror. The central plot point Death Star and setting for the movie, and is destroyed in an assault by the Rebel Alliance in the climax of the film...  A larger second Death Star is constructed in the events of the 1983 film Return of the Jedi. “  
Our videos about how Romeo Must Die and Star Wars connections are undeniable and now this Superball is really makes that point.  
Spongebob hosting the SB LVIII on Nickelodeon.  
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this woman produces tv and printed content for young people, Idiocracy, 2003.  Much like Josie and the PussyCats writers.   Alloy Entertainment (formerly Daniel Weiss Associates and 17th Street Productions) is a book packaging and television production unit of Warner Bros. Television Studios. It produces books, television series, and feature films.
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circusfans-italia · 5 months
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15° FESTIVAL DEL CIRCO DI BUDAPEST Dal 10 al 15 gennaio 2024, Budapest con la sua 15° edizione del Festival tornerà al centro dell'interesse mondiale per le arti circensi.
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L'arte del circo si è mantenuta viva per secoli, grazie a coloro che credevano che la performance umana non avesse limiti, e sono riusciti a mantenere questa concezione per generazioni. Venticinque anni fa un gruppo di professionisti guidati da István Kristóf creò il Festival Internazionale del Circo di Budapest. Grandi artisti da numerose parti del mondo giungeranno in Ungheria per una competizione di altissimo livello e di grande prestigio. Portacolori per il nostro paese saranno Selyna Bogino con il suo numero di antipodismo, Elisa Cussadie e i suoi splendidi pappagalli e Alex Giona con i suoi cavalli in libertà. All'interno del Festival verranno presentati quattro show differenti, show RED e GREEN, show WHITE (Circus Lyrical late night show) e RED-WHITE-GREEN (Show Hungarian supertalents) SHOW RED
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15° FESTIVAL DEL CIRCO DI BUDAPEST Visita le nostre sezioni ARCHIVIO  TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi socials utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto Read the full article
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enibas22 · 9 months
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IG filmundmischwaren
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IG lassemyhr - August 2023
Regie: RP Kahl
nach dem Theaterstück „Die Ermittlung. Oratorium in 11 Gesängen“ von Peter Weiss Produzent: Alexander van Dülmen Eine Produktion von Film&Mischwaren in Co-Produktion mit ARTE, BR und WDR sowie in Co-Operation mit A Company Film Licensing Kinostart: 25. Januar 2024 im Verleih von LEONINE Studios
In den Hauptrollen sind Rainer Bock als Richter, Clemens Schick als Ankläger und Bernhard Schütz als Verteidiger zu sehen. Hochkarätig besetzt sind auch alle anderen Rollen, so werden die Zeugen von Andreas Anke, Filipp Avdeev, Elisabeth Duda, Marc Fischer, Arno Frisch, Attila Georg Borlan, Dorka Gryllus, Marek Harloff, Andre Hennicke, Marcel Hensema, Rony Herman, Marco Hofschneider, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Rene Ifrah, Eva Maria Jost, Christian Kaiser, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Andreas Lechner, Peter Lohmeyer, Jiri Madl, Karl Markovics, Thomas Meinhardt, Robert Mika, Axel Moustache, Dirk Ossig, Axel Pape, Christiane Paul, Barbara Philipp, Andreas Pietschmann, Ralph Schicha, Peter Schneider, Andreas Schröders, Axel Sichrovsky, Andre Szymanski, Sabine Timoteo, Tom Wlaschiha, Mark Zak und Matthias Zera verkörpert. In der Rolle der Angeklagten werden Thomas Dehler, Nico Ehrenteit, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Christian Hockenbrink, Timo Jacobs, Ronald Kukulies, Lasse Myhr, Christian Pfeil, Torsten Ranft, Michael Rotschopf, Frank Röth, Matthias Salamon, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Tristan Seith, Michael Schenk, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Adam Venhaus, Till Wonka vor den Kameras stehen.
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federicodonati · 6 months
The Problem with Jon Stewart from Elastic on Vimeo.
Post Production Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Benjamin Woodlock Design: Arik Weiss Additional Design: Sky Bird, Oscar Mar, Laura Reedy, Ben Brown Animation: Bruno Ferrari, Lucy Kim, Ekin Akalin Editor: Jessica Ledoux Producer: HJ Kim Deputy Head of Production: Zach Wakefield Executive Producer: Luke Colson Executive Producer / Head of Production: Kate Berry Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall
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