#btw he snuck into my room while I was sleeping and I didn't notice a thing lmao isn't he cool???'
vaguely-concerned · 2 months
the way garak looks at bashir as he puts all the clues together at the end of cardassians. the sheer 'look at that little twink go (affectionate, sexual overtones)' energy he manages to convey in the background there as bashir passionately does the presentation of their group project that garak did 80% of the actual work on. immaculate
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callsignuncle · 2 years
Okay guys bear with me on this... I'm going to warn that the words I use may seem odd but it seems right to me. So please don't criticize, it's going to be weird fair warning!!
I stayed up WAY too late AGAIN haha. Terrible habit for someone recovering after sepsis and an infection that tried to kill me. My wounds are healed fully and no infection signs btw. My sleep habits haven't changed though lmao.
Anyway besides staying up too late to the point I knew I wouldn't sleep at all! I got woken up several times by my cats and dogs. I'm assuming that played into the weird dream I'm about to share with y'all... Please keep in mind I do not have romantic or sexual feelings for one Jake Seresin, yes Jake Seresin from Top Gun Maverick, one H_ngm_n. For some reason I dreamt about him...?? (I know a lot of you have those feelings for Jake which is why I feel comfortable sharing this.)
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In my dream I was shopping? I think? I was holding a potted plant and something else. My arms were very full and I was walking home (I think?) A car stopped to pick me up. Inside the car was (my former) friend's, one of their mom's was driving, and Jake Seresin was in the backseat (I'm laughing right now).
I was sat between one of my friend's and Jake. My items were set at my feet or in my lap. My friend's mom had asked me if I wanted to be dropped at home? I said sure, but immediately regretted it because I didn't want Jake to know where I lived. (Why? I honestly don't know.) I looked at Jake and said, "Don't follow me home after this!" Jake just laughed at me, (like why would I do that?) I looked at Jake as seriously and as sarcastically as I could while I laughed saying, "I'm serious! I know how you are! You're Jake Seresin remember?" (😂)
I got dropped off at home my friend's handed me my things from the car. (I assume I climbed over someone's lap to get out of the car.) Jake snuck his way out of the car and I didn't notice until the car left. (Classic movie move right? Lol) I noticed Jake and I almost dropped my things with a heavy sigh like, (seriously I fucking knew he'd do this 🤣) Jake smiled his classic smirk if you will, knowing he's a shithead (affectionately). Jake offered to help me carry my things inside. I took his offer because I was lazy.
Surprisingly Jake asked if I wanted to hangout with him? Apparently his mom lived just down the road from me (which is obviously a dream. My nearest neighbors were always miles away! Haha) I shrugged and said, "why not." (I did find it odd he was going to his mom's instead of his own place. But I live at home at 30 so no judgement honestly. He loves his mom and I appreciate that.)
It honestly felt like Jake and I were old friends. We talked shit about each other, pushed each other while we laughed, and we walked all the way to his mom's place. (I might've held his hand but I don't recall for sure?)
When we walked into Jake's mom's house his mom greeted me. She was sat at the kitchen table on her phone, she hugged me and asked how I was. Jake had other guys there that were loud and obnoxious. (I don't recall looking at anyone's face) I walked past someone that was shirtless (I'm pretty sure it was coyote) he teased me about something that made me laugh. Jake had me follow him to his room because he had something for me and he needed to change (again classic movie move right? Lord 🤦‍♀️😂) I followed because Jake and I felt like "bros" (I'm a female, identifying as a female, and I said bros hahaha! Not guy and girl friendship, bro friendship! Haha) so I didn't think anything of following him to his room and watching him change.
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Uh unfortunately my mom came home and woke me up. So that's all I have to share.
Hopefully y'all find some humor or hell if you want some kind of inspiration off of my weird ass brain haha! I can't explain anything. I wish I had more to share 🤷‍♀️
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But don't be like me guys seriously 🤣
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I love and appreciate all of you. Thanks for still being here with me!!
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bestjeanistmonster · 4 years
Featuring class 1a
Plus teacher chaperones
(Aizawa, All Might, Present Mic and Midnight)
Cause let’s be real these kids need more than two chaperones at this point
(Class 1b are in America for their roadtrip btw)
Just lots of shenanigans
Mina, Kami and Tsu going coin fishing in a fountain
Finding out who can draw on Bakugou the longest without waking him up
Todoroki taking selfies that are always just him doing a peace sign while chaos goes on behind him
Iida trying his best to keep the peace
The coach running out fuel so they all have to help push it to the nearest gas station
Tokoyami buying a bag full of apples at the gas station while rest of them go nuts buying junk food
Deku filming all of the hijinks, but everyone keeps on stealing the camera at random times
staying at a motel, and there’s a red stain on the carpet of Jirou and Toru’s room
so they could be sleeping in a place murder happened
lets be real they won’t be sleeping that night
Momo buying snow globes at landmark they happen to pass by
She has soo many fucking snow globes now
The teachers taking turns driving
and them playing their own tunes on the aux cord
Mic just Rick Rolled everyone on that bus
Aizawa put on a podcast
Midnight put on 90’s rnb
All Might put on some calming music (he says it’s relaxing he just wants these kids to fucking sleep)
The kids chanting for McDonald’s
Aizawa orders a coffee
at one point he considers dropping them all of on the highway and driving away
but he can’t because paperwork (he’s become too attached)
Bakugou dropping Kirishima’s crocs down a cliff
it needed to be done
but bold of me to assume Kiri has only one pair of crocs
Koda’s hat blowing away and Sero helping him catch it
At one point the leave for the road and like 30 minutes later they notice one of the kids isn't there. They come back and the kid was stuck inside a bathroom and decided to just fall asleep on the floor
That kid would be Todoroki
Who didn't even try to fight his way out
Then Aizawa appears on Izuku's film saying that thing from Spider-Man: Homecoming
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iida trying to take photos of the scenery but someone always photobombs by doing weird poses
hes just given up
everyone singing random songs together on the bus
it all started will little eintstiens
at one point they lose Aizawa's sleeping bag
he threatens to expel them all if they don't find it
turns out it was under his seat the entire time
they eventually get lost and the teachers leave the bus to ask for directions
while in the bus, everything is peaceful until Aoyama spots a big ass spider on Ojiro's tail
After that... well you can guess what happened
bakugou tried to drown kaminari when they stopped at the beach
he also tried to fight the sun when he refused to put on sunscreen
seagulls kept on trying to steal shoji's sandwich
shinso(who is also there) may or may not have snuck a stray cat onto the bus
at one point when they stopped at city hotel, the teachers had a night out and they may have gone a little overboard at that bar cause their all drunk
all except all might, who has to find a way to navigate his intoxicated friends all the way back to the hotel without the kids seeing
their dignity will not stay intact if the students see them drunk
Hagakure sees them getting in and spills the tea in the groupchat
she also sends a blurry pic of All Migjt fighting to get Mic inside the elevator
the next morning they're all sworn to secrecy
Surprisingly Tsuyu is the only little shit that dares give Aizawa a wine cup as a gift from their next stop and the group tries to contain their laughter
Aizawa lets her off with a warning that shes on thin fucking ice cause it has a cat pattern on it
Kaminari drew a dick on Bakugou's face with permanent ink while he was sleeping and no one dares to mention it once he wakes up
He finds finds out eventually tho
Kirishima just barely managed to stop him from skinning kami and using his intestines as a scarf
sato just randomly eating banana budding out of a mayonnaise jar just to freak ppl out
they attempt to leave mineta behind everytime they stop
road work ahead?? y e a h i sure hope it does
someone in the bus farted big time, and no one can find out who it was so they're all dying in there
It was mic
Jirou keeps getting the aux chord somehow and accidentally ends up playing Barbie Girl on loop
Midnight as it turns out, has road rage
she's basically shouting at the car in front of her for being *being so fucking slow* while the rest of them look at her with fear
Cept mic and Aizawa
They would eventually find that cat that Shinsou stole
By that time all the students would’ve banded together to hide it from their teachers
they failed
Aizawa takes the cat and it’s his now
Aizawa: Srry Hitoshi but the cat has chosen a worthier candidate
Iida: excuse my potty mouth
Iida(turns towards his rowdy classmates): S H U T T H E F U C K U P
I can not count the amount of times they’ve tried to leave mineta behind at pit stops
Believe me even the teachers want to, but the can’t leave a student behind because they’re heroes and also paperwork is a thing that exists
All mights just glad that their all bonding
Aizawa just sleeps most of time(surprising absolutely no one)
Present Mic’s trying to kill the entire bus w/ his book of terrible jokes
Midnight just wants to eat her chicken nuggets in piece
At some point they all end up camping under the stars✨. They’re all singing songs, telling jokes and telling stories. They’re eating hotdogs and s’mores while mic and midnight try to get Aizawa to sing a cheesy song he wrote about a cats. The students are all laughing and playing around like the kids they are.
It’s a nice way of forgetting all their problems.
It’s a nice break from having to save the world.
(Yall can add on more if you want to!!!)
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