#burn nbc
suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
we were so robbed of Hannibal's trial scenes because I just know with all my heart that they asked:
Mr. Graham, please, describe the nature of your relationship with Hannibal Lecter.
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hyperfixation-s · 1 year
" hAnNiBaL iSn'T a CoMeDy " to YOU maybe, to me will and hannibal investigating and commenting on their own murders is the funniest shit thank you very much
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
not only is Hannibal a “would you love me if I was a worm” type of girl but he also says shit like “I just feel like you’re mad at me” when Will turns away after cuddling for a bit, but it’s because he got too hot and his back hurts from being folded like a lawn chair earlier
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tomatoart · 7 months
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art from last year i totally forgot abt
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honeygrahambitch · 1 month
There is nothing more painful than watching Franklin tap Hannibal's knee excitedly as he is talking to him about cheese. Nothing.
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you know you're doing something right when you, as the author, are shaking and crying and autistic hand-flapping when re-reading over the scene you just wrote
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moffeen · 4 months
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old man yaoi manga like "My cannibal psychiatrist cat can't be this cute"
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cystir · 8 months
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best friends who make out and hold hands and get heart eyes when the other is around pilled
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klazje · 1 month
i refuse to believe that NO ONE noticed the fact that hannibal was cooking HUMAN MEAT when he was throwing all those parties. all those fucking dinner parties with all those ppl and not one miscellaneous doctor was like “damn it smells like the OR in here? what are you cooking up dr lecter?”
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goblindickhead · 2 months
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This is my design:
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oh deer
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lemon-pepper-lobotomy · 5 months
The way Oliver pushed that bottle of poison into Felixs stomach was VERY similar to the way Hannibal stabs Will in Mizumono, the forcefullness of it, the betrayal, the revelation of true self, the homoeroticism, the fondness shown regardless of the situation, violence as a response to rejection, the stag vs the angel.
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honeygrahambitch · 4 months
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Best tags don't exis-
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sikkdog · 2 months
I decided that i should start reading paragon and i’m only on chapter 10 and i absolutely hate it. It’s possible i’m just overly picky with my fanfic but i honestly think it’s just genuinely bad. I bet(and hope) i don’t have the full story with how will got in prison in the beginning but having hannibal meet formally after will is accused does not feel natural at all. The pacing is something that makes me incredibly mad. On the first fucking chapter i felt like we just went through a season long arc. Hannibal should not be so blatantly in love with will in the beginning, and neither should will. Both of them should take a significant amount of time to accept these feelings in the first place. Will isn’t the only one to struggle with accepting himself. You know how jarring it must be for the goddamn chesapeake to form an attachment to a person he’s playing little mind games with and trying to frame. I also don’t believe hannibal would’ve gained that severe of an attachment if he didn’t manipulate will. Hannibal and will cannot exist without resistance. Will falling in love with hannibal is parallel to him discovering his unconscious. Wills tendencies towards violence are primal and so is his relationship with hannibal. For hannibal it is significantly easier to accept his attraction to him. The main issue with him is his tendencies and wills resistance to them. They both must resist eachother to be together. On the other hand they could just keep resisting eachother and trying to kill eachother and i would be much happier than whatever paragon has going on. Paragon pretty much takes away what makes hannigram so enticing and replaces it with smut.
This is definitely going to be a longer post because i have a lot of criticisms just for those 10 chapters. Pretty much every interaction feels out of character. The hannibal depicted in paragon is solely centered around his relationship with will. Though i don’t usually have an issue with portraying hannibal as obsessive i don’t think that really scrapes the surface of my issue here. Hannibal is a character who’s ego is constantly battling his id. In paragon he is not battling anything it’s like the solely will part of his id was only highlighted and it doesn’t feel as personal as it would if it didn’t completely ignore how he’s a killer. That is also something that pissed me off. We all know who we are talking about when we mention hannibal lecter. Therefore i think that making his killings a little secret that is only gone over in subtext is pointless. Hannibal is only a shell of himself when you completely separate him from violence. One can separate the monster from the man but not without either part being unaffected by the other.
With wills characterization is a whole other thing. Wills character makes me genuinely so frustrated because it is just straight up not will graham. That is not the traumatized man being pushed to the edge by the fbi(and also had encephalitis but it hasn’t been explain how it would affect him on the levels it did in the show.) Will had just spent so much time in prison(still don’t know why) for crimes he did not commit and this time having no one to blame and no evidence to back it up. If anything he should’ve stayed non verbal much much longer. It make’s absolutely zero sense for him to have a few angsty monologues about his experiences in prison and that be it.
Another thing abour will is that he does not act like will in the first place. He is strangely much more casual and talks in ways i can’t picture coming out of wills mouth. He also acts so much younger. It’s not just that, he is portrayed as much younger. He is written as a lot younger and innocent and sometimes it is difficult for me to picture the real will graham whilst reading. I saw something about will being 29 during paragon. First off, ew please stop aging him down to make him more innocent it’s fucking weird. Also it’s just not possible. There is no way a 29 year old was in wills line of work unless he was young sheldon or someone. Seeing will aged down or infantilized always makes me feel really icky and that is exactly how paragon made me feel.
Will and hannibal are nothing like their actual characters and all of their interactions feel so awkward. Honestly every characters interactions feel unnatural and weird in this fic. This is mostly just me criticizing the quality of paragon but in my opinion it’s not good quality at all. The pacing makes absolutely no sense. This causes the characters to have no build up whatsoever and the only meaningful moments they have are just venting about shit. A lot of the times it doesn’t even make sense for them to be explaining how they feel because it’s either way too soon or completely out of the blue. It feels as if the story is attempting to have content but is failing. It is just poorly done form with out of place content and it’s pretty disappointing.
I knew when i picked up this fic i wasn’t going to get something life changing but more of a haha hannibal sex kinky sex hannigram sex yaoi smut sex haha. I honestly think it would be much more enjoyable for me if it was. I know that a lot of people really enjoy this fic and i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I see the appeal as a “Oh this doesn’t have to be good it’s just for the silly.” Unfortunately it got on my nerves far too much to be that. One thing i have to say is why is this the bible. Can we pick a new bible like one thats actually good, just saying.
All i want to do with this post is share a perspective i don’t see very often when regarding paragon. I mostly see jokes and praise but i wanted to give some criticism. I don’t mean to do any harm with my opinions, I am simply just stating my truth.
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cf8wrk4u-us · 1 month
Transformers Prime X Grimm Crossover (RESCUE BOTS EDITION)
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To set the stage in this AU, it relates to my previous TFP X Grimm Crossover featuring Agent Fowler and Miko as Grimms and June, Jack, and Raf as Wesen (mythical creatures)
In this part of the AU, what makes Griffin Rock so special is that it's the only island community of its kind where Wesen and humans live together peacefully. The later being aware of the formers magical status for generation and agreeing to keepmit secret for the safety of the islands citizens. So you could day that's a benefit to the Bots, the people of Griffin Rock know how to keep a secret.
Along with that a special Rescue Team, run by a family of Lowens (lion Wesen) helps keep Griffin Rock safe.
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But their something particular about the Burns family, this pride of Lowens, that being the Grimm Curse.
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Back at the founding of the settlement that would become Griffin Rock, Horace Burns (a Lowen) fell in love with a mysterious woman named Bertha who washed ashore on the beach. She was a Grimm as he would later learn (and a pirate, a fact he never know) and despite his people misgivings over her kind he still chose to help her and nurse the female Grimm back to health.
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Bertha was a Grimm, a human with the ability to see past the glamour most Wesen wore and reveal them as the creatures they were. Most of Bertha encounters with Wesen had been less than pleasant and the fact no one believed what she saw made her a periah to society. Which led to her becoming a pirate, robbing and looting across the seas and killing any Wesen she came across.
She regarded them as monsters, but through Horace and his families kindness her whole video changed in an instant. She gave up her pirating ways to marry Horace, much to the shock of most of the townspeople. They didn't approve of a Grimm, an ancestor of their peoples killers, marrying one of their own. But given Horace status as both a Lowen and one of the founders there was little they could do to stop him.
So Horace and Bertha were married and created a family together. But later came what the future generation would regard as the Grimm Curse. That within the Burns family, once in a few generation of Lowens, a Grimm would be born.
Despite the change of times, the dark legacy of Grimms was still present in the Wesen community on Griffin Rock and especially in the Wesen tourist who visit the island expecting a safe refuge for their kind only to be met with the face of their centuries long enemy. It didn't inspire many guest to continue coming. So for the sake of tourism and maintaining Griffin Rocks status as a "Haven for Peaceful Wesen" members of the Burns family born with the Grimm Curse to peacefully leave the island.
So for generations, Burns who were born with the Grimm Curse were pressured to leave the island. Charlie Burns himself had to see how his brother was basically forced to leave their home when he was legally an adult, not that Woodrow minded so much. He had always been a free spirit and used this chance to finally explore the world.
Charlie Burns didn't think him and his children would suffer under the curse. But unfortunately the unfortunate fate of their family has fallen onto his youngest, Cody.
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Now Chief Burns has to decide between his loyalty to the community and the love he has for his child.
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